Agenda 08/12/2010 Sjoit ' ' Valle K y Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. August 12, 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: STUDY SESSION, CTA-06-10, CODE AMENDMENTS, SENIOR PLANNER, LORI BARLOW X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF JOHN G.CARROLL,CHAIR KATHY MCCLUNG,CD DIRECTOR CRAIG EGGLESTON GREG MCCORMICK,PLANNING MGR,AICP RUSTIN HALL SCOTT KUHTA, SENIOR PLANNER,AICP JOE MANN MIKE BASINGER,SENIOR PLANNER,AICP MARCIA SANDS,VICE CHAIR CARY DRISKELL,DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY ART SHARPE DEANNA GRIFFITH,ADMIN ARNE WOODARD WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Review Meeting Date: August 12, 2010 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ® information ❑ admin. Report ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA 06-10 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session —Amendments to the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan (SARP) as follows: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Chapter 2.0.1 (Applicability). Add language that exempts accessory structures from meeting frontage coverage requirements, height requirements, or maximum setbacks, but requires the accessory structure to meet architectural standards on existing developed sites. Chapter 2.1.5 Gateway Commercial Avenue Zone. Modify the table to allow restricted office uses, that includes accounting, insurance, legal services, etc. (Table section 2.2.2. Building Use); eliminate the maximum front street setback along Sprague Avenue. (Table section 2.2.7 Front Street Setback); and eliminate the minimum percentage coverage requirement (Table section 2.2.12 Frontage Coverage). Chapter 2.1.6 Gateway Commercial Center Zone. Modify the table to allow restricted office uses, that includes accounting, insurance, legal services, etc. (Table section 2.2.2. Building Use). Section 2.2.2(f) Gateway Commercial Center Retail (Building Use). Add language that exempts vehicle sales uses from front street setback and frontage coverage requirements, and clarify that gas stations are exempt from those same requirements. Section 2.6.1(2)(7) Standards (Signage Regulations). Modify the language to increase the area allowed for Wall Signs from 15% up to 25% of the wall area. Section 2.6.2(3) Standards (Wall Signs). Modify the language to allow wall signs to be placed above the 1st floor. Section 2.6.2(6) Standards (Freestanding Signs). Modify the language to allow freestanding signs on sites other than those along Sprague Avenue, and allow dual frontage lots to have a maximum of one free-standing sign per street frontage. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.106; SVMC 17.80.150 and 19.30.040 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: June 15, 2010 Council passed a motion directing the Planning Commission to consider text amendments to Book II, Development Regulations of the Subarea Plan as a result of input from a community meeting on the Gateway Commercial Center and Gateway Commercial Avenue Zones. BACKGROUND: The Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan was adopted on June 16th, 2009 and became effective on October 151h, 2009. Earlier this year council requested that staff initiate a zone by zone review of the Subarea Plan to determine if changes are necessary to better serve the public interests. The review process for each zoning district included a study session with the council, a public meeting with the property owners and a follow-up meeting with council to determine which text amendment changes, if any, staff should proceed with. The first zoning districts to be reviewed were the Gateway Commercial Avenue and Gateway Commercial Center Zones. Since both zones were designed to support the auto sales and service industry, and contained similar regulations, they were reviewed together. Council review was conducted on May 18th, 2010, and a public meeting was conducted on May 20th, 2010. The meeting was attended by approximately 35 — 40 people. As a result of the comments at the meeting, the changes outlined above were forwarded to the Council on June 8th where Council directed staff to proceed with the formal code text amendment process. A motion formalizing the direction was passed on June 15, 2010. The minutes of the Community Meeting are attached for your review. A staff report and analysis will be provided in conjunction with the public hearing packet. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action recommended at this time. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing and consider the proposed amendments on August 26, 2010. STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow, AICP, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: SARP Chapter 2.0.1 (Applicability) SARP Chapter 2.1.5 Gateway Commercial Avenue Zone SARP Chapter 2.1.6 Gateway Commercial Center Zone SARP Section 2.2.2(f) Gateway Commercial Center Retail (Building Use) SARP Section 2.6.1(2)(7) Standards (Signage Regulations) SARP Section 2.6.2(3) Standards (Wall Signs) SARP Section 2.6.2(6) Standards (Freestanding Signs) May 20th Gateway Commercial Avenue and Gateway Commercial Center Public Meeting Transcript Spol.vnc\ 604111/ Department of Community Development jVal ley _ Planning Division Planning Commission Study Session August 12th, 2010 CTA-06-10 Text Amendments to the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Department of Community Development Spiil:anc j�alle� Planning Division Background inforrncliion April 2010 — Council Directed Staff to review the Subarea plan Zone by Zone Council Report Refer to Review by Property Owner Issues and Planning Council Public Meeting Concerns Commission for Summary Recommendation First Zones Reviewed: Gateway Commercial Avenue and Gateway 1:ommercial Centers 1 Spiil:an . Department of Community Development __. SSt�al1K Planning Division sr issues identified by Review Process Replacing Non-conforming Structures/Use Maximum Front Setbacks Minimum building frontage requirement Pole Sign Limits on Double Frontage Lots Accessory Structures — What regulations apply? Reduction in Uses Trees versus Signage Development Regulations on Double Frontage Lots Wall Signage Related to Brand Requirements Department of Community Development : • Spokane Planning Division Maximum Setback Requirements �,,� Modify Regulations to run eliminate maximum 1=, , .; � . ..., .�.� � i setback requirement in I the Gateway Commercial Avenue Issue — Property owners „C&w,Q.K. i• concerned that car dealers did not have adequate area to FnON r SIRII r Si.]R..(:h& display cars time S rxt:e r S rr,:�ch 2 Spiikane Department of Community Development jVatky Planning Division aktOiregil ! C.vireVlk Regula I ]ens 2.1.5. Gateway Commercial Avenue 2.1.6. Gateway Commercial District Zone Center District Zone Street/Street Category Sprague Appleway Other Street/Street Category Sprague Appleway Other Ave. Blvd. StreetsAve. Blvd. Streets 2.2.7.FronEE et Setback 2.2.7.Front Street Setback mum 00/300�la /no 100/no minim�� s um/maximum On/10f15Oot Setback minimum lmaximum 100/no 100/no 100/no — max max max 2.2.9.Side Yard Setback minimum mi living space n indoor 10 0 10 0 10 minimum m/out living space windows 50 50 50 2.2.10.Rear Yard Setback minimum setback 100 I 100 I 100 2.2.11.Alley Setback minimum setback 5 0 I 5 ft I 51t 2.2.12.Frontage Coverage minimum percentage covered 30% I no min. I no min. 2.2.13.B u i ld-to-Comer required or not required rot required loot requircdhot required 2.2.14.Maximum Building Length maximum building length N/A I 1800 I N/A Department of Community Development Siaikane j�'alle Planning Division . , Proposed Amendment -....._..: 2.1.5. Gateway Commercial 2.1.6. Gateway Commercial Avenue District Zone Center District Zone .2.Site Development Standards Street/Street Category Sprague Appleway Other Street/Street Category Sprague Appleway Other Ave. Blvd. StreetsAve. Blvd. Streets 2.2.7.Front Street Setback 2.2.7.Front Street Setback minimum/maximum On/no I /no 100/no mmrmum/maximam 0 ft/10ft ft 50Io max 00/no max max 00/no max max x max 2.2.8.Side Street Setback minimum/maximum 100/no 100/no 100/no max max max 2.2.9.Side Yard Setback minimum w/living space windows 10 0 10 fl 10 0 minimum m'/out living space windows 5 0 511 511 2.2.10.Rear Yard Setback minimum setback 100 I 1011 I 100 2.2.11.AIley Setback minimum setback 5 0 I 5 0 I 5 0 2.2.12.Frontage Coverage - - minimumpercentagecovered 30% I no min. I no min. 2.2.13.Build-to-Comer - required or not required rot required not rcquiredhot required 2.2.14.Maximum Building Length - - maximumbuildinglength N/A I 18011 I N/A • • 3 Spukutm�. Department of Community Development i 1 jVa►ley„ r Planning Division Minimum building frontage requirement GCC requires building Requirement designed to frontage to be => achieve a specific form @ 50% of the lot width street (denser); Pedestrian vs. auto GCA requires building oriented frontage to be => Issue: Property Owners 30% of the IQt wid h concerned about replacing �j ` destroyed structures on / / 1 existing lots and the car lot �. '/ display needs /� Department of Community Development ,�- Spukanc . VaIIey - Planning Division ,.,'' Cu.rrevkt Regu atIon 2.1.5.Gateway Commercial Avenue Modify Regulations to District Zone r31 ' Sprague Appleway other eliminate minimum Street l Street Category Streets 2.2.-12.FrontageCoverage frontage coverage minimum percentage emceedcstelaste...51vd. 30% min. I no mm. requirement in the / Gateway Commercial ® Avenue 4 Department of Community Development : ,...0 Va.I.. .mom iw., Planning Division ---------- ProposRed egulation . i •.1.5.Gatewa •• • -r". , •• • .i-• u.• ••- 2.2.Site Development StandardsGCC intended to be r:=Miligii Appleway Other Blvd. Streets MIEHMIZEMEMr=minarommummirimm IELMWIDIMIIMII more pedestrian maTEmrarmm W oriented — no change ...---- -- -^..,... `1 . -. .. ..._ . , Spokane...."\—. Department of Community Development ....3Vall.i.a........„ Planning Division Building Uses .., • Car Sales allowed in GCA and GCC zoning districts Changes proposed to GCA not GCC zoning district 2.1.5.Gateway Commercial Avenue 2.1.6.Gateway Commercial Center District Zone •.2.Site Development Standards •2.Site Development Standards Sprague Appleway Other Sprague Appleway Other Street/Street Category Street/Street Category Ave. Blvd. Streets Ave. Blvd. Streets 2.2.2.Building Use 2.2.2.Buildng Use 1)Retail — — — 0 Retail — — — a)City Center Retail — — — a)City Center Retail — — _ b)Neighborhood Center Retail — — — in Neighborhood Center Retail — — — c)Mt led-Use Avenue Retail — _ — e)Mixed-Use Avenue Retail — — — d)Corner Store Retail — _ — st)Comer Store Retail — — — el Gateway Commercial e)Gateway Commercial permitted permitted permittedpermitted permitted permitted Avenue Retail Avenue Retail I)Gateway Commercial Center Retail — — — 0 Gateway Commercial Center Retail permitted permitted permined 2)Civic,Quasi-Civic.&Cultural p„.)„,,,,d.• r,„,,,,,,,,.• „min,.• 0 Clstr,guarl-Ch Is.&Cultural minimal-• permitted-• pavane.,-• 3)Office 3)Omen 4)Light Industrial Pensive] pamittal nautical 0 Ugh.ludustriai — — — Ni Lodging lee/common cern-) — — — 5)Lodging(wkommon entry) patniunl permitted puminni S)Live-Work — — — S)Us•-wo& _ _ _ 7)Residential 7/Residential 5 Sj»ikane�' Department of Community Development jVaoosimeorrlc Planning Division Curreint Gateway Commercial Ave. Retail i)Permitted Uses: (1)Vehicle Sales and Services,including automobiles,recreational vehicles,boats,motor sports vehicles,etc (2)Vehicle repair,body and glass shops. (3)Vehicle parts and accessories. (4)Gas stations.(Gas station may be exempt from 2.2.3.Minimum Building Height Regulations and 2.2.12. Frontage Coverage Regulations.) (5)Drive-in/Drive-up Fast Food Restaurants (6)"Medium Box"Commercial Sales&Services including the following: (a)Establishments selling or servicing Large Scale Goods such as party goods,art supplies,sporting goods, electronics or appliances,outdoor accessories,furniture,home furnishings,hardware,and home improvements stores. (b)Commercial services such as miscellaneous Repair Service uses with no outdoor storage,including plumbing services,laundry services,cleaning and janitorial service and supplies,vacuum cleaning and sewing repair and rental shops,etc. (c)Print and Graphics Supply and Service,including typesetting,lithography,graphics and art services,etc. (d)Big Box and Medium Box Warehouse retail,restaurant supply retail,and warehouse-scale buying club retail. ii)Prohibited Uses: (1)Full service restaurants Spokane Department of Community Development Planning Division Proposed Gateway Commercial Ave. Retail i)Permitted Uses: (1)Vehicle Sales and Services,including automobiles,recreational vehicles,boats,motor sports vehicles,etc .(Vehicle Sales are exempt from 2.2.7 Front Street Setback Regulations and 2.2.12 Frontage Coverage Regulations.) (2)Vehicle repair,body and glass shops. (3)Vehicle parts and accessories. (4)Gas stations.(Gas station may be are exempt from 2.2.3.Minimum Building Height Regulations and 2.2.12.Frontage Coverage Regulations.) (5)Drive-in/Drive-up Fast Food Restaurants (6)"Medium Box"Commercial Sales&Services including the following: (a)Establishments selling or servicing Large Scale Goods such as party goods,art supplies,sporting goods, electronics or appliances,outdoor accessories,furniture,home furnishings,hardware,and home improvements stores. (b)Commercial services such as miscellaneous Repair Service uses with no outdoor storage,including plumbing services,laundry services,cleaning and janitorial service and supplies,vacuum cleaning and sewing repair and rental shops,etc. (c)Print and Graphics Supply.and Service,including typesetting,lithography,graphics and art services,etc. (d)Big Box and Medium Box Warehouse retail,restaurant supply retail,and warehouse-scale buying club retail. ii)Prohibited Uses: (1)Full service restaurants 6 • SpokaneDepartment of Community Development _ jl�allwr Planning Division 7 Reduction i Uses :� t _'. Uses allowed include GCA Retail Plan based on finding -too much and GCC Retail, Lodging, Light commercial property is available Industrial,and Civic/Institutional Main Concern Clustering similar and complementary uses Property owners concerned that creates an environment supportive of those reducing the number of uses business' allowed reduces the value of Limiting the location where certain uses are their property allowed makes property more likely to Office uses that are develop since the number of properties complementary to automobile dealerships should be allowed available is reduced i.e.accounting,insurance,legal Comprehensive Plan Policies dictate that only offices uses considered complementary to auto sales be allowed win autorow area. Some office uses are complementary to auto sales and services Cu rt%st Legend: Not Permitted _ G:Ground Floor Required:These are Required elements of all new development Only as indicated. Permitted:These elements arc allowed by right unless otherwise specified .:Community centers,senior centers,turn centers.childcare facilities,and educational facilities arc not permitsed. Section 2.2.2.Building Use Limited:These frontages may only be applied to access lobbies for upper Floor uses that are different from the ground floor use 2.1.5.Gatewa Commercial Avenue District Zone r.2.Site Development r.3.Street andSprague Applew Other tandards r pen Space Standards Ave. ay Blvd.Streets Street/Street Category Sprague Applewa Other 2.3.1.Street Standards Ave. y Blvd. Streets 2.2.2.Building Use 3)Maximum Block Size 5 acres 5 acres 5 acres 1)Retail — — — 4)Street Configuration required required required a)City Center Retail — — — 5)Street Type b)Neighborhood Center Retail — — — a)Core Street — — — r)Mined-Use Avenue Retail — — — b)City Street — — permitted d)Corner Store Retail — — — c)Neighborhood Street — — — e)Gateway Commercial d)Neighborhood Green _ Avenue Retail permitted permitted permitted _ _ Street 0 Gateway Commercial — — — e)Service Street — — permitted Center Retail permitted 2)Civic,Quasi-Civic,& permitted-permitted-permitted U Alley — — — Cultural ` 3) Office g)Passage — — — 4) Light Industrial permittedpermittedpermitted2.3.2.Open Space Standards 5)Lodging(w/common entry) — — — see section 2.3.3 6)Live-work — — — 7)Residential 2.4.Parking Standards Sprague Applew Other Ave, ay Blvd.Streets a)Multi-Family w/Common — — — '.4.1.Parking Types Entry b)Attached Single-Family w/ Surface Parking Individual Entry c)Detached Single-Family 7 Proposed Legend: —:Not Permitted - G:Ground Floor Required:These arc Required elements of all new development Only as indicated. Permitted:These elements are allowed by right unless otherwise specified .:Community ctlrz r•••4-•rcnterc teen centers,childcare " fa edes not Section 2.2.2.Building Use ": Limiteducational to officefacilitiusesare that are supportive of auto sales and services Limited:These frontages mayonly be applied to access lobbi for upper which include: accounting,insurance, loor uses that are different from the ground floor use legal services,and other auto sales support office uses as determined by the lirector. 2.1.5.Gatewa CommercialAvenue District Zone +.2.Site Development •.3.Street and Sprague Applew Other -tandards •pen Space Standards Ave. ay Blvd.Streets Street/Street Category Sprague Applewa Other 2,3.1.Street Standards Ave. y Blvd. Streets 2.2.2.Building Use 3)Maximum Block Size 5 acres 5 acres 5 acres I)Retail — — — 4)Street Configuration required required required a)City Center Retail — — — 5)Street Type b)Neighborhood Center Retail — — — a)Core Street — — — c)Mixed-Use Avenue Retail — — — b)City Street — — permitted d)Corner Store Retail — — — c)Neighborhood Street — — — e)Gateway Commercial pennitt�d pcnnitted permitted d)Neighborhood Green — — — Avenue Retail Street Gateway Commercial Center — — — e)Service Street — — permitted Retail 2)Civic,Quasi-Civic,& pemrttr'�^�itia'permitted 0 Alley — — — Cultural ` • 3) restricted restricted restricted Office g)Passage — — — 4)Light Industrial ed 2.3.2.Open Space Standards 5)Lodging(w/common entry) — — — see section 2.3.3 6)Live-Work — — — 7,D.,;Ann,:nr ` WIMI • . siiiie� Department of Community Development jVal ley} Planning Division ' ? . Accessory SJ'ruc uses • • Regulations applicable to Frontage coverage and primary structure on site front setbacks met by (setback,frontage coverage) primary structure Main Concerns: Rear and side setbacks Structure placed near the apply; architectural street? standards may be applicable Min. frontage coverage req't E. Not an issue — should be -- clarified in code I �— i iLLI L1, 8 Currevk 2.0.1.APPLICABILITY 1)City Center District Zone.These regulations shall apply to: a)New constniction. b)Additions greater than 20%of the building floor area. c)Exterior Improvements("facelifts")costing more than 20%of the assessed or appraised value of the building and land.Such exterior regulations shall conform to the architectural regulations contained in Section 2.5. 2)All Other District Zones.These regulations shall apply to: a)New construction. b)Exterior Improvements("facelifts")costing more than 20%of the assessed or appraised value of the building and land.Such exterior improvements shall conform to the architectural regulations contained in Section 2.5. 3)New Construction.New construction is defined as an entirely new structure or the reconstruction,remodel, rehabilitation or expansion of a building costing more than 50%of the assessed or appraised value of the existing structure and land. 4)Existing Buildings and Completed Applications.Nothing contained in this section shall require any change to an existing building or structure for which a building permit has been previously issued or applied for in the Community Development Department,and the application is deemed complete prior to the effective date of this Subarea Plan. 5)Ownership/Tenant Changes.Changes in property ownership or tenants of existing uses shall likewise require no change in any existing building or structure. 6)Limitations on Required Improvements.Where improvements and additions are made to existing buildings, requirements for renovation or enlargements apply only to net new floor area.Improvements and additions to existing buildings that increase non-conformities are not permitted.If regulations to be applied to net new floor area are not specified in this Subarea Plan,then the Community Development Director/Designee shall determine which regulations shall apply. 7)Non-conforming uses shall be regulated by Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)Title 19.20.060,with the exception that the lawful use of land at the time of passage of this code may be continued unless the use is discontinued or abandoned for a period of 24 consecutive months. 8)Development regulations established in this Plan are specified as either Standards or Guidelines..... Proposed 2.0.1.APPLICABILITY I)City Center District Zone.These regulations shall apply to. a)New construction. b)Additions greater than 20%of the building floor area. c)Exterior Improvements("facelifts")costing more than 20%of the assessed or appraised value of the building and land.Such exterior regulations shall conform to the architectural regulations contained in Section 2.5. 2)All Other District Zones.These regulations shall apply to: a)New construction. b)Exterior Improvements("facelifts")costing more than 20%of the assessed or appraised value of the building and land.Such exterior improvements shall conform to the architectural regulations contained in Section 2.5. 3)New Construction.New constriction is defined as an entirely new structure or the reconstruction,remodel, rehabilitation or expansion of a building costing more than 50%of the assessed or appraised value of the existing stricture and land. 4)Existing Buildings and Completed Applications.Nothing contained in this section shall require any change to an existing building or structure for which a building permit has been previously issued or applied for in the Community Development Department,and the application is deemed complete prior to the effective date of this Subarea Plan. 5)Ownership/Tenant Changes.Changes in property ownership or tenants of existing uses shall likewise require no change in any existing building or structure. 6)Limitations on Required Improvements.Where improvements and additions are made to existing buildings,requirements for renovation or enlargements apply only to net new floor area.Improvements and additions to existing buildings that increase non- conformities are not permitted.If regulations to be applied to net new floor area are not specified in this Subarea Plan,then the Community Development Director/Designee shall determine which regulations shall apply. Accessory structures proposed on developed sites shall not be required to meet frontage coverage requirements,height requirements,or maximum setbacks. Accessory structures shall meet all applicable architectural standards in section 2.5.2 Height Massing and Composition. 7)Non-conforming uses shall be regulated by Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)Title 19.20.060,with the exception that the lawful use of land at the time of passage of this code may be continued unless the use is discontinued or abandoned • 9 Department of Community Development jVal Planning Division Freestanding Sign Limits SUB Area Plan allows 1 pole Intent of sign regulations is to sign per property if the minimize sign clutter along the property has Sprague corridor Frontage Properties have other sign Main Concerns: types available to them in Properties with double addition to the pole sign, i.e. frontage want to advertise on monument signs, wall signs, both fronts i.e car dealerships etc. with frontage on Sprague and SVMC regulations allow 1 Appleway pole sign per arterial street Reduces the ability to frontage advertise the business 6)Freestanding Signs Freestanding Signs are permanently mounted signs not attached to a building,in which signs are constructed on or are affixed to the ground by columns,poles,or similar structural components. a)Standards i) Freestanding Signs shall only be permitted along Sprague Avenue for non- residential uses with a dedicated ground floor entrance,within permitted District Zones indicated on the Signage Regulation Chart 2.6. ii) The maximum number of Freestanding Signs per parcel is one(1). iii) The maximum height of a Freestanding Sign for permitted District Zones shall be as follows: (1) Mixed Use Avenue:20 feet. (2) Gateway Commercial Avenue:30 feet(single business)or 40 feet(multi-business complex). (3) Gateway Commercial Center:30 feet(single business)or 40 feet(multibusiness complex)or 50 feet(parcels abutting I-90). iv) The maximum area of a Freestanding Sign for permitted District Zones shall be as follows: (1) Mixed Use Avenue: 100 square feet. (2) Gateway Commercial Avenue: 100 square feet. (3) Gateway Commercial Center:100 square feet(single business)or 250 square feet(multi-business complex,or parcels abutting 1-90).Where three(3)or more businesses agree to share a single sign structure,an additional 20 percent of sign area shall be allowed up to a maximum of 250 square feet. v) Sign location:Freestanding Signs with structural supports less than two(2)feet in width,with copy area placed at a height of seven(7)feet or more above grade,may be located at the property line,outside of the clear view triangle(SVMC 22.70). Freestanding signs with structural supports of more than two(2)feet shall be set back not less than ten(10)feet from the front property line or border easement. vii) Signs shall be landscaped per SVMC 22.70. viii) A single unomamented pole support design topped by a can sign typical of a commercial strip shall not be used. 10 Proposed 6)Freestanding Signs Freestanding Signs are permanently mounted signs not attached to a building,in which signs are constructed on or are affixed to the ground by columns,poles,or similar structural components. a)Standards i) Freestanding Signs shall only be permitted along Sprague "venue for non- residential uses with a dedicated ground floor entrance,within permitted District Zones indicated on the Signage Regulation Chart 2.6. ii) The maximum number of Freestanding Signs per parcel is one(1)per street frontage. iii) The maximum height of a Freestanding Sign for permitted District Zones shall be as follows: (I) Mixed Use Avenue:20 feet. (2) Gateway Commercial Avenue:30 feet(single business)or 40 feet(multi-business complex). (3) Gateway Commercial Center:30 feet(single business)or 40 feet(multibusiness complex)or 50 feet(parcels abutting I-90). iv) The maximum area of a Freestanding Sign for permitted District Zones shall be as follows: (I) Mixed Use Avenue: 100 square feet. (2) Gateway Commercial Avenue: 100 square feet. (3) Gateway Commercial Center: 100 square feet(single business)or 250 square feet(multi-business complex,or parcels abutting 1-90).Where three(3)or more businesses agree to share a single sign structure,an additional 20 percent of sign area shall be allowed up to a maximum of 250 square feet. v) Sign location:Freestanding Signs with structural supports less than two(2)feet in width,with copy area placed at a height of seven(7)feet or more above grade,may be located at the property line,outside of the clear view triangle(SVMC 22.70). Freestanding signs with structural supports of more than two(2)feet shall be set back not less than ten(10)feet from the front property line or border easement. vii) Signs shall be landscaped per SVMC 22.70. viii) A single unornamented pole support design topped by a can sign typical of a commercial strip shall not be used. . . /� Department of Community Development Spokane jl Planning Division Wall Sign ksue Subarea Plan wall sign area maximum is 15% of wall area No specific Wall mounted below the 2nd information provided to floor warrant an increase in Main Concerns: sign area Car Dealership Brand Requirements may be greater SVMC code allows up to than 15%of wall area, 25% of wall area — no especially if more than one brand is sold limits on wall location Reduces the ability to 1st Floor Wall location advertise the business supports the pedestrian scale environment 11 kanC Department of Community Development jMII PlanningDivision Cu.rrelnk Subarea Regu]a ions 2)STANDARDS I) Sign types shall be permitted according to District Zone,as indicated in the Signage Regulations Chart-Figure 2.6. 2) 7) Sign Area Maximum—Building Mounted Signs: (a) The total square footage of building mounted signs permitted in any Subarea Plan zone district shall not exceed 15% of the wall area.Tenant spaces shall be calculated individually. Building mounted signs to be calculated include,Wall Signs,Roof Signs,Awning Valance Signs,Above Awning Signs,Above Canopy Signs,Canopy Fascia Signs,Recessed Entry Signs and Window Signs.See Section 2.6.2 for maximum size standards for individual signs. 8) 3)Wall Signs Wall Signs are signs which are located on,and parallel to,a building wall. a) Standards i) Wall Signs shall only be permitted for non-residential uses with a dedicated ground floor entrance. ii) Wall Signs shall only be mounted on a wall area below the second floor level. Exception: Wall Signs may be mounted above the second floor level on an architectural tower configured to display wall signs. iii) No Wall Sign shall exceed 150 square feet in size.Individual businesses are allowed a minimum 32 square foot sign. Department of Community Development Spiikane jl�allc}y�„ Planning Division Proposed 0,eguicitlon 2)STANDARDS 1) Sign types shall be permitted according to District Zone,as indicated in the Signage Regulations Chart- Figure 2.6. 2) 7) Sign Area Maximum—Building Mounted Signs: (a) The total square footage of building mounted signs permitted in any Subarea Plan zone district shall not exceed 250 0 -1-5%of the wall area.Tenant spaces shall be calculated individually.Building mounted signs to be calculated include,Wall Signs,Roof Signs,Awning Valance Signs,Above Awning Signs,Above Canopy Signs, Canopy Fascia Signs,Recessed Entry Signs and Window Signs.See Section 2.6.2 for maximum size standards for individual signs. 8) 3)Wall Signs Wall Signs are signs which are located on,and parallel to,a building wall. a) Standards i) Wall Signs shall only be permitted for non-residential uses with a dedicated ground floor entrance. ii) Wall Signs shall only be mounted on a wall arca below the second floor level. Exception: Wall Signs may be mounted above the second floor level on an iii) No Wall Sign shall exceed 150 square feet in size.Individual businesses are allowed a minimum 32 square foot sign. 12 Department of Community Development Spokane ��.�►���,��. Planning Division Questions? 13 Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Adopted August 2009 Book II—2.2 Site Development Regulations Page 13 o123 2.0.1. APPLICABILITY 1)City Center District Zone. These regulations shall apply to: a)New construction. b)Additions greater than 20%of the building floor area. c)Exterior Improvements("facelifts")costing more than 20%of the assessed or appraised value of the building and land. Such exterior regulations shall conform to the architectural regulations contained in Section 2.5. 2)All Other District Zones.These regulations shall apply to: a)New construction. b)Exterior Improvements("facelifts")costing more than 20%of the assessed or appraised value of the building and land. Such exterior improvements shall conform to the architectural regulations contained in Section 2.5. 3)New Construction.New construction is defined as an entirely new structure or the reconstruction,remodel, rehabilitation or expansion of a building costing more than 50%of the assessed or appraised value of the existing structure and land. 4)Existing Buildings and Completed Applications.Nothing contained in this section shall require any change to an existing building or structure for which a building permit has been previously issued or applied for in the Community Development Department,and the application is deemed complete prior to the effective date of this Subarea Plan. 5)Ownership/Tenant Changes. Changes in property ownership or tenants of existing uses shall likewise require no change in any existing building or structure. 6)Limitations on Required Improvements. Where improvements and additions are made to existing buildings, requirements for renovation or enlargements apply only to net new floor area. Improvements and additions to existing buildings that increase non-conformities are not permitted. If regulations to be applied to net new floor area are not specified in this Subarea Plan,then the Community Development Director/Designee shall determine which regulations shall apply. Accessory structures proposed on developed sites shall not be required to meet frontage coverage requirements,height requirements. or maximum setbacks. Accessory structures shall meet all applicable architectural standards in section 2.5.2 Height Massing and Composition. 7)Non-conforming uses shall be regulated by Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)Title 19.20.060,with the exception that the lawful use of land at the time of passage of this code may be continued unless the use is discontinued or abandoned for a period of 24 consecutive months. 8)Development regulations established in this Plan are specified as either Standards or Guidelines. Standards address those aspects of development that are essential to achieve the goals of the Subarea Plan.They include specifications for site development and building design, such as permitted land uses,building height and setbacks.Conformance with standards is mandatory.Such provisions are indicated by use of the words"shall", "must",or"is/is not permitted." Guidelines provide guidance for new development in terms of aesthetics and other considerations such as district character or design details.They're intended to direct building and site design in a way that results in the continuity of the valued character of the City of Spokane Valley. Whereas conformance with the Standards is mandatory, conformance with the Guidelines is recommended. Provisions that fall into this category are indicated by the use of words"should,""may"or"are encouraged to."In various cases,the Guidelines provide a choice of treatments that will achieve the desired effect. Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Adopted August 2009 Book II—2.2 Development Regulations Page 29 of 123 e) Gateway Commercial Avenue Retail i)Permitted Uses: (1)Vehicle Sales and Services,including automobiles,recreational vehicles,boats,motor sports vehicles,etc. (Vehicle Sales are exempt from 2.2.7 Front Street Setback Regulations and 2.2.12 Frontage Coverage Regulations.) (2)Vehicle repair,body and glass shops. (3)Vehicle parts and accessories. (4)Gas stations.(Gas station - are exempt from 2.2.3. Minimum Building Height Regulations and 2.2.12. Frontage Coverage Regulations.) (5)Drive-in/Drive-up Fast Food Restaurants (6)"Medium Box"Commercial Sales&Services including the following: (a)Establishments selling or servicing Large Scale Goods such as party goods,art supplies,sporting goods, electronics or appliances,outdoor accessories,furniture,home furnishings,hardware,and home improvements stores. (b)Commercial services such as miscellaneous Repair Service uses with no outdoor storage, including plumbing services, laundry services,cleaning and janitorial service and supplies,vacuum cleaning and sewing repair and rental shops,etc. (c)Print and Graphics Supply and Service,including typesetting,lithography,graphics and art services,etc. (d)Big Box and Medium Box Warehouse retail,restaurant supply retail,and warehouse-scale buying club retail. ii)Prohibited Uses: (1)Full service restaurants Book II,Section 2.1.5 Development Regulations,page 24 of 123 Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Adopted August 2009 Legend: --:Not Permitted G:Ground Floor Only Required:These are Required elements of all new development as indicated. Permitted:These elements are allowed by right unless otherwise specified in •:Community centers,senior centers,teen centers,childcare facilities,and educational Limited:These frontages may only be applied to access lobbies for upper floor uses that are different from the ground floor use 7 1 5 Gateway Cnmmerrial Avert P Distrirt t r_ 2.2.Site Development Standards 2.3.Street and Sprague Appleway Other Open Space Standards Ave. Blvd. Streets Street/Street Category Sprague Appleway Other 2.3.1.Street Standards Ave. Blvd. Streets 2.2.1.Bullding Orientation to Streets and I)Street Provision required required required Public Open Spaces required or not required required I required I required 2)Pre-Located Street required required required 2.22.Bullding Use 3)Maximum Block Size 5 acres 5 acres 5 acres 1)Retail — — — 4)Street Configuration required required required a)City Center Retail • — — -- 5)Street Type b)Neighborhood Center Retail -- — — a)Core Street -- -- -- c)Mixed-Use Avenue Retail — -- — b)City Street -- -- permitted d)Corner Store Retail -- — — c)Neighborhood Street -- -- — e)Gateway Commercial Avenue Retail permitted permitted permitted d)Neighborhood Green Street — — — f)Gateway Commercial Center Retail -- -- — e)Service Street — — permitted 2)Civic,Quasi-Civic,&Cultural permitted-• permitted-• permitted-• f)Alley -- — — 3)Office g)Passage -- — — 4) Light Industrial permitted permitted permitted 2.3.2.Open Space Standards 5)Lodging(w/common entry) -- — -- see section 2.3.3 6)Live-Work -- — -- 7) Residential 2.4.Parking Standards ' Sprague Appleway'l Other Ave. Blvd, Streets a)Multi-Family w/Common Entry -- -- -- 2.4.1.Perking Types h)Attached Single-Family w/Individual — -- -- I)Surface Parking e)Detached Single-Family Housing — -- — a)Front lot -- permitted permitted 2.23.Bullding Height b)Side lot permitted permitted permitted minimum height 1 floor/20 ft 1 floor/20 ft I floor/20 0 c)Rear lot permitted permitted permitted maximum height 3 floors/42 ft 3 floors/42 ft 3 floors/42 ft 2)Parking Structure 2.2.4.Reletlon to Single Family Homes a)Exposed permitted permitted permitted required or not applicable N/A I N/A I N/A b)Wrapped-Ground Level permitted permitted permitted 2.2.5.Publlc Frontage Improvements c)Wrapped-All Levels permitted permitted permitted required or not required required I required I not required d)Partially Submerged Podium permitted permitted permitted 2.2.6.Private Frontage e)Underground Parking permitted permitted permitted I)Shopfront permitted permitted permitted 2.4.2.Parking Standards 2)Corner Entry permitted permitted permitted see section 2.4.2. 3)Arcade — -- — Sprague 'Appleway j Other 4)Grand Portico -- — -- 2.5.Architectural Standards Ave. Blvd. Streets 5)Forecourt — -- -- F #:F1¢]117, 11Si;'[ r u•r:itrril 11111. 1111. 6)Grand Entry permitted permitted permitted rlin MrrEEM M=11.123Eti. 7)Common Lobby Entry — -- -- MZEMZEII ME=0 8)Stoop — -- -- 2.5.3.Length Massing&Composition 111. 11 9)Porch — -- — 111=IMMITI ®' :o 10)Front Door — -- — Sidewall&Rearwall Increment ®=ZEMII=Itg= II)Parking Structure Entry permitted permitted permitted 12)Vehicle Display:Option I permitted permitted — 2.6.Signage Standards Sprague Appleway Other Ave. Blvd, Streets 13)Vehicle Display:Option 2 permitted — — 2.62.Signage Types 14)Edge Treatment:Fenced — permitted permitted 13)Edge Treatment:Terraced permitted permitted permitted 14)Edge Treatment:Flush permitted permitted permitted 2.2.7.Front Street Setback minimum/maximum 00/3g4i.no 15f/no max 10f/no mar max Street Setback minimum/maximum 100/no max I 10f/no max I 10f/no max 2.2.9.Side Yard Setback minimum w/living space windows 10 ft I1° ft 10 o minimum w/out living space windows 511 5 0 511 2.2.10.Rear Yard Setback minimum setback 100 I loft lo ft 2.2.11Alley Setback minimum setback 5 0 I 5 0 I 5 n 2.2.12.Frontage Coverage minimum percentage covered 40;4 no minI no min. I no min. 2.2.13.B u I I d-to-Come r required or not required not required I not required I not required 2.2.14.Maximum Building Length Page 44 of 201 Book II,Section 2.1.6 Development Regulations,page 25 of 123 Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Adopted August 2009 Legend: --:Not Permitted G:Ground Floor Only Required:These are Required elements of all new development as indicated. Permitted:These elements are allowed by right unless otherwise specified in Section 2.22.Building Use Limited:These frontages may only be applied to access lobbies for upper floor uses that are different from the ":Community centers,senior centers,teen centers,childcare facilities,and ground floor use educational facilities are not permitted. 2.1.6.Gateway Commercial Center District Zone 2.2.Site Development Standards 2.3.Street and Sprague Appleway Other Open Space Standards Ave. Blvd. Streets Street/Street Category Sprague Appleway Other 2.3.1.Street Standards Ave. Blvd. Streets 2.2.1.Building Orientation to Streets and 1)Street Provision required required required Public Coen Soeces required or not required required I required I required 2)Pre-Located Street required required required 2.2.2.Building Use 3)Maximum Block Size 5 acres 5 acres 5 acres I)Retail -- --- -- 4)Street Configuration required required required a)City Center Retail -- -- -- 5)Street Type b)Neighborhood Center Retail -- --- -- a)Core Street -- -- --- c)Mixed-Use Avenue Retail -- -- -- b)City Street -- -- permitted d)Corner Store Retail -- -- -- c)Neighborhood Street -- -- -- e)Gateway Commercial Avenue Retail permitted permitted permitted d)Neighborhood Green Street --- -- -- 0 Gateway Commercial Center Retail permitted permitted permitted e)Service Street -- permitted 2)Civic.Quasi-Civic.&Cultural permitted-' permitted-' permitted-* I)Alley — -- -- 3)Office g)Passage -- -- -- 4) Light Industrial -- -- -- 2.3.2.Open Space Standards 5)Lodging(w/common entry) _ pemtittcd permitted permitted see section 2.33 6)Live-Work --- --- -- 7)Residential Sprague Appleway Other 2.4.Parking Standards Ave. Blvd. Streets a)Multi-Family w/Common Entry -- --- -- 2.4.1.Parking Types b)Attached Single-Family w/Individual -- -- -- I)Surface Parking c)Detached Single-Family Housing -- -- -- a)Front lot -- permitted permitted 2.2.3.Building Height b)Side lot permitted permitted permitted minimum height I floor/20 ft 1 floor/20 fl I floor/20 6 c)Rear lot permitted permitted permitted maximum height 3 floors/42 0 3 floors/42 fl 3 floors/42 ft 2)Parking Structure 2.2.4.Relation to Single Family Homes a)Exposed permitted permitted permitted required or not applicable N/A I N/A I N/A b)Wrapped-Ground Level permitted permined permitted 2.2.5.Public Frontage Improvements c)Wrapped-All Levels permitted permitted permitted required or not required required I required I not required d)Partially Submerged Podium permitted permitted permitted 2.2.6.Private Frontage e)Underground Parking permitted permitted permitted I)Shopfront permitted permitted permitted 2.4.2.Parking Standards 2)Corner Entry permitted permitted pemtittcd see section 2.4.2. 3)Arcade -- -- --- 4)Grand Portico -- ___ __ 2.5.Architectural Sprague Appleway Other Standards Ave. Blvd. Streets 5)Forecourt -- --- -- . .`e g t`ass ng• ompos on 6)Grand Entry permitted pemtittcd pemritted Top I required required required 7)Common Lobby Entry -- -- -- Base required required required 8)Stoop -- -- --- 2.5.3.Length Massing&Composition 9)Porch -- -- --- Streetvall Increment I 1006 8011 1006 10)Front Door -- -- --- Sidewall&Rearvall Increment N/A N/A N/A I1)Parking Structure Entry permitted permitted permitted 12)Vehicle Display:Option 1 --- -- -- 2.6.Signage Standards Sprague Appleway Other Ave. Blvd. Streets 13)Vehicle Display:Option 2 --- -- --- 2.6.2.Slgnage Types 14)Edge Treatment:Fenced -- permitted permitted see section 2.6 13)Edge Treatment:Terraced permitted permitted permitted 14)Edge Treatment:Flush permitted permitted permitted 2.2.7.Front Street Setback minimum/maximum Oft/100 I 50/nomas I 00/nomax 2.2.8.Side Street Setback minimum/maximum Of/200 I 00/no mac I Oft/nomax 2.2.9.Side Yard Setback minimum w/living space windows 10 0 IU 0 10 ft minimum w/out living space windows 5 f 5 Fl 5 fl 2.2.10.Rear Yard Setback minimum setback 10 ft I 10 0 I 10 ft 2.2.11AIley Setback minimum setback 5 fl I 5 ft I 5 ft 2.2.12.Frontage Coverage minimum percentage covered a I no min. I no min. 2.2.13.Build-to-Corner required or not required required I not required I not required 2.2.14.Maximum Building Length Page 45 of 201 Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Adopted August 2009 Book II—2.6 Signage Regulations Page 67 of 123 2)STANDARDS 1) Sign types shall be permitted according to District Zone,as indicated in the Signage Regulations Chart- Figure 2.6. 2) In the event that a sign falls under more than one sign definition found within this Section,the more restrictive sign regulations shall apply. 3) Temporary Signs not listed in this section shall be permitted in the Plan Area per the requirements of the SVMC Title 22.110.050. 4) "Prohibited Signs,"noted in the SVMC Title 22.110.020 are not permitted,unless expressly indicated for specific sign types and district zones indicated in this section. 5) "Permit Required"noted in the SVMC Title 22.110.030 indicates requirements for sign permits.Unless otherwise noted,a sign permit is required for all types listed in this section. 6) Sign Area Calculation: unless otherwise noted,sign areas for single and multiple-sided signs shall be calculated as described in the SVMC Sign Regulations Section 22.110.100,items 2,3 and 4. 7) Sign Area Maximum—Building Mounted Signs: (a) The total square footage of building mounted signs permitted in------Subarea Plan zone district shall not exceed 25-=%of the wall area.Tenant spaces shall be calculated individually.Building mounted signs to be calculated include,Wall Signs, Roof Signs,Awning Valance Signs,Above Awning Signs,Above Canopy Signs,Canopy Fascia Signs, Recessed Entry Signs and Window Signs. See Section 2.6.2 for maximum size standards for individual signs. 8) Signs shall not display animation unless otherwise noted,except standard barber poles and time and temperature signs. 9) Animated signs are permitted as follows: (a) In the Gateway Commercial Center and Gateway Commercial Avenue Zones. (b) Anywhere along Sprague Avenue EXCEPT in City Center District Zone(animated signs are prohibited in the City Center District Zone). 10) Non-animated electronic signs are permitted in all district zones, including scrolling"alpha-numeric"signs, time and temperature signs. 11) Commercial messages which identify,advertise, or attract attention to a business,product,service,or event or activity sold,existing, or offered elsewhere than upon the same property where the sign is displayed are expressly prohibited. 12) All issues not specifically addressed herein shall be addressed pursuant to the SVMC Title 22.110 Sign Regulations. 13) In the event of a conflict between this Section and any other City code,the provisions of this Section shall apply. 14) Monument and freestanding signs shall not obscure any fire fighting appliance, including but not limited to fire hydrants,fire connections,etc. 15) Signs shall not obstruct the clear view triangle or points of ingress/egress. 16) Billboards shall be regulated by Section 22.110.130 SVMC,EXCEPT that relocated billboards are prohibited within the City Center District Zone. Further, in all other zones within the Subarea Plan billboards may be constructed only on Sprague Avenue. Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Adopted August 2009 Book II—2.6 Signage Regulations Page 73 of 123 3) Wall Signs Wall Signs are signs which are located on,and parallel to,a building wall. a) Standards i) Wall Signs shall only be permitted for non-residential uses with a dedicated ground floor entrance. SEcns ma\ be in.: -_4 above the scco;l:'. IL c! on an c.,chiccun•al tov,. -- iii) No Wall Sign shall exceed 150 square feetin size. Individual businesses are allowed a minimum 32 square foot sign. iv) Only the following types of establishments are permitted to use animated Wall Signs,and only below the second floor level: night clubs,movie theaters, and live performance theaters-capacity of greater than 200 persons. When used,animation shall consist of flashing or chase lights only; light sources shall be of incandescent,neon,or LED type only. Flashing xenon strobe lights and rotating lights shall not be permitted. v) Wall Signs shall project no more than 15 inches from the façade of the building. vi) Menu or Menu Case Wall Signs: discrete wall-mounted signs or sign cases containing restaurant menus: (1) Shall be mounted at the ground floor facade of a restaurant or café with indoor or outdoor seating. (2) Shall be limited to the size of two(2)pages of the menu utilized by the restaurant plus the frame. (3)Shall not protrude more than three(3)inches from the façade. Lettering shall not exceed one(1) inch in height. (4)Shall not exceed one sign or sign case per façade. (5)Shall not count towards the total sign area permitted based on the Linear Frontage Ratio. (6)Shall be illuminated by indirect illumination only. vii) Barber poles: (1) Any barber shop shall be entitled to display one(1)barber pole in addition to other permitted signs. (2) Barber poles may be internally illuminated and may be mechanically rotated. (3) Shall not count towards the total sign area permitted based on the Linear Frontage Ratio. Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Adopted August 2009 Book II—2.6 Signage Regulations Page 75 of 123 6) Freestanding Signs Freestanding Signs are permanently mounted signs not attached to a building, in which signs are constructed on or are affixed to the ground by columns,poles,or similar structural components. a)Standards i) Freestanding Signs shall only be permitted-- — for non-residential uses with a dedicated ground floor entrance,within permitted District Zones indicated on the Signage Regulation Chart 2.6. ii) The maximum number of Freestanding Signs per parcel is one(1).per street frontage.-. iii) The maximum height of a Freestanding Sign for permitted District Zones shall be as follows: (1) Mixed Use Avenue:20 feet. (2) Gateway Commercial Avenue: 30 feet(single business)or 40 feet(multi-business complex). (3) Gateway Commercial Center: 30 feet(single business)or 40 feet(multibusiness complex)or 50 feet(parcels abutting I-90). iv) The maximum area of a Freestanding Sign for permitted District Zones shall be as follows: (1) Mixed Use Avenue: 100 square feet. (2) Gateway Commercial Avenue: 100 square feet. (3) Gateway Commercial Center: 100 square feet(single business)or 250 square feet(multi- business complex,or parcels abutting I-90). Where three(3)or more businesses agree to share a single sign structure,an additional 20 percent of sign area shall be allowed up to a maximum of 250 square feet. v) Sign location: Freestanding Signs with structural supports less than two(2)feet in width,with copy area placed at a height of seven(7)feet or more above grade,may be located at the property line, outside of the clear view triangle(SVMC 22.70). Freestanding signs with structural supports of more than two(2)feet shall be set back not less than ten(10)feet from the front property line or border easement. vii) Signs shall be landscaped per SVMC 22.70. viii) A single unornamented pole support design topped by a can sign typical of a commercial strip shall not be used. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION Siii STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE 4. . Valley PLANNING COMMISSION CTA-06-10 STAFF REPORT DATE:AUGUST 19,2010 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: August 26, 2010, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Zoning code text amendments to the following sections of the Sprague Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan: 1)Chapter 2.0.1 (Applicability)Identify what regulations pertain to Accessory Structures; 2)Chapter 2.1.5 Gateway Commercial Avenue District Zone) Update table (Building Use)to allow limited office uses,eliminate the maximum front street setback, and eliminate the minimum frontage coverage percentage;3)Table 2.1.6(Gateway Commercial Center District Zone)Update table(Building Use)to allow limited office uses;4)Chapter 2.2.2(e)(Gateway commercial Avenue)to exempt vehicle sales from front street setback and frontage coverage requirements;and 5)Chapter 2.6(Signage Regulations)increase wall mounted signage area allowed up to 25%of the wall area,allow wall signs to be placed above the 1st floor of the building,and allow 1 freestanding sign per street frontage. This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. PROPOSAL LOCATION: The proposal affects all properties located within the area regulated by the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan. APPLICANT: City of Spokane Valley APPROVAL CRITERIA: Title 17(General Provisions)and Title 21 (Environmental Controls)of the SVMC. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: No specific recommendation is provided. The Planning Division recommended approval of the SARP and therefore is not providing a recommendation to approve or deny the city initiated proposed text amendments. Instead the Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission consider the outcome of each code text amendment to determine if the desired result will be achieved through code implementation. However, in the case of clarifying the regulations applicable to Accessory Structures, since it was not contemplated in the code, staff recommends approval. STAFF PLANNER: LORI BARLOW, AICP,Associate Planner, Community Development Department ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Draft Amendments Exhibit 2: SEPA Determination Exhibit 3: Comments received from the Community Meeting conducted on May 20,2010 BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. BACKGROUND INFO The Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan was adopted on June 16th, 2009 and became effective on October 15th, 2009. Earlier this year council directed staff to conduct a zone by zone review of the Subarea Plan to determine if changes are necessary to better serve the public interests. The review process for each zoning district included a study session with the council, a public meeting with the property owners, and a follow-up meeting with council to determine Staff Report to Planning Commission CTA-06-10 Page 1 of 9 which changes staff should proceed with. The proposed changes will be processed in one of two ways. If the amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan (PLAN) it will be sent to the Planning Commission as a code text amendment. If the proposed change conflicts with the Comprehensive Plan, then the issue will be held until the city processes all the proposed changes to the Plan during the annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment process. The Plan may not be changed more than once a year pursuant to state law. The first zoning districts reviewed were the Gateway Commercial Avenue and Gateway Commercial Center Zones. Since both zones were designed to support the auto sales and service industry, and contained similar regulations, they were reviewed together. Council review was conducted on May 18`h, 2010, and a public meeting was conducted on May 20th, 2010. The meeting was attended by approximately 35 people. Comments received at the meeting were forwarded to the Council on June 8th where Council directed staff to proceed with the formal code text amendment process. A motion formalizing the direction was passed on June 15, 2010. The code text amendments under consideration are a result of this process. B. APPLICATION PROCESSING Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Procedures in the SVMC. The following summarizes key application procedures for the proposal. Date of Published Notice of Public Hearing: August 6,2010 Issuance of a Determination of Non-Significance(DNS): August 6,2010 End of Appeal Period for DNS: August 20,2010 C. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO SEPA Findings: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC), the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2) (c). The Planning Division issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) on August 6, 2010, for the proposal. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Conclusion(s): The procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and Title 21 of the SVMC have been fulfilled by the submittal of the required SEPA Checklist, and the issuance of the City's threshold determination consisting of a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). No appeals have been received at the time of this report. The appeal period will close August 20,2010. D. INTENT OF THE SPRAGUE AND APPLEWAY CORRIDORS SUBAREA PLAN(SARP) Book I: Community Intent Book I sets forth what the community aspires to achieve and describes the physical outcomes that the SARP is intended to orchestrate as new investment creates change. Book I is essentially the comprehensive plan policy basis for the SARP and is considered a part of the PLAN. Book II: Development Regulations Book II is the implementation of the policy direction established in Book I and contains the Development Regulations that govern all future public and private development actions in the area covered by the SARP. Book III: City Actions Book III outlines the City's role in the redevelopment of the Sprague and Appleway corridor by identifying strategic public investments within the SARP area that will implement policy direction from Book I of the SARP Staff Report to Planning Commission CTA-06-10 Page 2 of 9 Prior to the adoption of SARP, a market analysis was conducted that concluded that the Sprague/Appleway corridor had a surplus of commercial property. The SARP was developed with the intention to transform the corridor from the linear commercial strip that has fallen out of favor with market trends to a pattern of centers, boulevard and avenue segments consistent with contemporary consumer and investor preferences. The Centers and Segments have a distinct market and focus. The City Center offers commercial goods and services that cater to the entire city in a pedestrian oriented city center. Neighborhood Centers cater to neighborhood retail and services servicing areas only within a short drive. Both centers are characterized by clusters of shops, activity, mix, and intensity. The segments portion would be distinguished by cohesive building types, frontage landscaping and dominant uses. The Gateway Commercial Segment is intended to continue to "enhance its position" as a regional Auto Row, and the Mixed Use Avenue would focus on a mix of workplace, commercial and high density residential uses. The majority of the code amendments in this report are proposed within the Gateway Commercial Avenue (GCA) and Gateway Commercial Center(GCC)zone. The amendments regarding signage and accessory structures are SARP wide. The intent of the Gateway Commercial Zones is to enhance and support auto sales and services. The GCA district allows for vehicle display space between the building and sidewalk while keeping the buildings within 30' of the back of sidewalk. Building Uses are limited to uses considered to be compatible with auto sales and services, and the car oriented design of the streetscape such as medium box stores, and commercial sales and services. The GCC zone supports and complements the Avenue district by fostering a pedestrian oriented environment for restaurants, entertainment, and recreational uses. Physically the zone differs from the Avenue district in that the buildings are situated closer to the sidewalks with a greater presence at the street due to a greater frontage coverage requirement. Vehicle display is not allowed between the building and the sidewalk. The building form is established by the use of minimum and maximum values. Maximum front setbacks and minimum frontage coverage requirements ensure that buildings frame the Sprague street frontage. Office uses are not included in the Gateway Commercial Districts. Office uses are generally considered compatible with high density residential development and are routinely used as buffers between commercial uses and low density residential development. A broad range of office uses are allowed within all other SARP zones. The proposed amendment would eliminate the maximum front setback and minimum building frontage coverage requirement in the GCA District Zone along Sprague Avenue, exempt the car sales uses from the minimum frontage coverage requirements and maximum front setback requirements within the GCC Zone, and allow office uses that are complementary to auto sales and services within both zoning districts. The amendment would not allow front parking lots along Sprague Avenue. Accessory structures were not specifically called out in the subarea plan, as it assumed that new development would meet all requirements and that regulations applicable to existing development would be determined by the applicability section of the code. The proposed amendment clarifies that accessory structures proposed on existing developed sites are only required to meet applicable architectural codes. The signage regulations in the SARP strengthened architectural standards and attempted to reduce visual clutter by reducing the number of pole signs, monument signs, and wall signage areas allowed. The proposed amendment would increase the number of pole signs, and the wall sign area, to be consistent with the current Spokane Valley Municipal Code. Comments from the public meeting indicated that car dealers utilize the area for display purposes and that the maximum setback and minimum building frontage coverage requirements should be eliminated in any district where car sales were allowed. Comments also indicated that signage limits may be an issue for car dealers when the dealers are required to meet franchise requirements. E. STAFF FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE CODE TEXT AMENDMENT 1. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 17(GENERAL PROVISIONS)OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Staff Report to Planning Commission CTA-06-l0 Page 3 of 9 Findings: Section 17.80.150(F) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) provides approval criteria that must be considered when the City amends the SVMC or the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan. The criteria are listed below followed by staff comments. 1. The proposed text amendments are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and Book I: Community Intent of the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan. Staff Response: The City of Spokane Valley has adopted goals and policies consistent with the GMA and the City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed text amendments are consistent with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan and Book I: Community Intent of the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan. However, the outcome of each code text amendment should be considered to ensure that the code text amendment is consistent with expectations. A brief discussion of the outcomes is provided below following the identification of goals and policies. The applicable goals and policies are listed: SARP Goals and Policies 6)Protect and enhance Auto Row a) Land Use and Development Use land use and development policy to promote further clustering of new auto sales and restricting used car sales to limit the dilution of the specialized Auto Row segment with non auto-sales related uses. Support the development of complementary destination uses that enhance the convenience and experience of shopping for automobiles within Auto Row. Use transportation improvements to unlock the potential of the northern frontage. Emphasize district gateways and introduce shared parking lots to make way-finding and business access easier for visitors. b) Visibility and Identity Strengthen architectural and signage standards to reduce visual clutter and promote a coherent Auto Row identity. As resources allow, work with dealerships and other Auto Row stakeholders to finance street improvements that enhance the visibility, visual quality and convenience of Auto Row. 7)Employ"form-based"development regulations. Establish development regulations that are composed to achieve the envisioned physical form—the pattern of Centers and Segments described in earlier sections— for the Corridors. Rather than using policy to separate land uses,focus development regulations on physical specifications that permit a more harmonious mixture of uses on neighboring properties and that foster the creation of a more attractive public realm and city identity. COSV Comprehensive Plan a. Goal LUG-5: Identify appropriate locations for the Auto Row Overlay designation. a. LUP-5.1 Identify other appropriate automobile related uses within the Auto Row Overlay designation that are complementary to automobile dealerships b. LUP-5.2 Develop appropriate development standards for permitted uses within the Auto Row Overlay designated area. b. Goal LUG-3: Transform various commercial business areas into vital, attractive, easily accessible mixed use areas that appeal to investors, consumers and residents and enhance the community image and economic vitality. The amendment to eliminate the maximum front setback, minimum frontage coverage requirements within site development standards for the Gateway Commercial Avenue Zone, and except Car Sales from meeting those requirements in the Building Use Section, which will also eliminate the requirements from the Gateway Commercial Center Zone District, is consistent with policy LUP-5.2 which indicates that development standards for permitted uses Staff Report to Planning Commission CTA-06-10 Page 4 of 9 should be appropriate. Auto inventory is generally displayed where it is visible to passing traffic in an open sales lot. Display needs are an inherent component of the auto sales industry and therefore may reasonably be addressed by the regulations. The amendment to allow office uses that are related to automobile sales is consistent with LUP-5.1 and SARP Policy 6)a since it limits office uses to those that are supportive or complementary to auto sales. Office uses are contemplated in the SARP plan as a broad category of uses ranging from professional offices, indoor veterinary clinics, and large scale medical clinics and hospitals. Office uses are allowed in all other subarea districts. Limiting the office uses to accounting, insurance, and other office uses determined to be complementary to automobile related uses creates an auto sales support environment. The amendment to clarify what regulations apply to accessory structures is consistent with SARP Goal 7, to employ form based codes, since it doesn't change the regulations. The subarea plan did not call out specific structures within the regulations, but contemplated what regulations would apply through the applicability section of the code. New development must meet the code; existing sites are only required to meet the code requirements if certain criteria were met. If the development were new, than the primary building is required to meet all applicable setbacks and frontage coverage requirements; the placement of the accessory structure is dictated by the available remaining locations and side and rear yard setbacks. If the site is developed and the accessory structure is an expansion, than regulations are triggered if the value threshold is exceeded. Architectural regulations may apply depending on the location of the structure. The amendments to the sign regulations that increase the number of pole signs allowed, allows pole signs on all lots,not just those with Sprague frontage, increases the wall sign area allowed, and allows walls signs to be placed above the ls` floor of a building is consistent with SARP Policy 6)b in that signage enhances the visibility of the business. Architectural signage standards remain that ensure visual quality is achieved. The code amendment implements the changes to all zones that allow pole signs and wall signs; Free standing pole signs are allowed in the Gateway Zones and the Mixed Use Avenue. At this time a code text amendment is under consideration to allow auto sales within the Mixed Use Avenue zoning district. Auto sales advertise to passing traffic and thus a district that allows auto sales should benefit equally to the Gateway zoning districts. Lots that have more than one frontage are generally large and may not realize the full benefit from advertising on a single frontage. Wall signs are allowed in all zoning districts within the subarea plan. Increasing the allowed wall signage area from 15% to 25% and removing the location limits would make the regulations consistent with the City of Spokane Valley wall sign regulations. Since the regulations represent the historical limits it will not lead to an increase in visual clutter, but rather maintain the existing conditions. Outcome Consideration: Accessory Structures: Excepting Accessory Structures added to existing developed sites from meeting maximum setbacks, height regulations, and minimum frontage coverage requirements increases the assessed value of the property and structures and makes it less likely that future expansions will exceed the applicability threshold of 50% of the assessed values,which in turn makes change along the corridor less likely to occur. Existing conditions along the corridor will likely be maintained. Maximum Setbacks and Minimum Frontage Coverage Requirements: Eliminating the maximum front setback and the minimum frontage coverage requirement within the Gateway Commercial Avenue Zone, and for Auto Sales, will allow the developer to size the building as desired and place the building on the lot at will. However, removing the requirements does not change the regulation that precludes front parking lots along Sprague Avenue. While the area between the building and the back of sidewalk may be used for vehicle display, it may not be used for customer parking. Redevelopment of the site becomes problematic for uses other than car sales. Additionally, allowing buildings in the Gateway Commercial Avenue zone to be setback further from the street allows existing conditions to be perpetuated within the Zone. Office Uses in the Gateway Commercial Zones: Adding limited office uses as an allowed use within the Gateway Zones may inadvertently allow additional office uses within the zoning districts. Current policy on non- conforming office structures is that general office uses, which include the broad range of office uses,will be allowed to Staff Report to Planning Commission CTA-06-10 Page 5 of 9 cycle in and out of the building. If an insurance office building were to be constructed as new development within the zoning district, than additional office uses would likely be allowed should that insurance use be discontinued. Restricting the reuse of vacant structure designed for insurance uses or accounting uses may not be practical and in effect may lead to the development of a non-conforming use if the SARP remains. Pole Signs and Wall Signs: Returning the provisions to be consistent with the current City of Spokane Valley Sign Code will not result in a decrease of signage within the corridor, but will allow existing conditions to remain within the Mixed Use Avenue,and Gateway Commercial Zones. 2. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; Staff Response: The amendments bear substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The proposed amendments will expand the uses within the Gateway Commercial Avenue and Gateway Commercial Center Zone, allow business' more opportunity to advertise, and gives greater flexibility to Auto sales uses to utilize their lot for vehicle display within the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan. Conclusion(s): The proposed text amendments to the SVMC and the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan are consistent with the approval criteria contained in the SVMC. F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the amendment to clarify what regulations apply to accessory structures. No further staff recommendation is provided. The Planning Division recommended approval of the SARP and therefore is not providing a recommendation to approve or deny the city initiated proposed text amendments. Instead the Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission consider the outcome of each code text amendment to determine if the desired result will be achieved through code implementation. G. PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS The Planning Commission is required to adopt findings of fact(Sections 17.80.140& 17.80.150)when recommending changes to the SVMC and the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan. At the conclusion of the hearing for the text amendments to the SVMC and the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan,the Planning Commission,by separate motion, should adopt findings of fact. Background: A. The Uniform Development Code was adopted in September 2007 and became effective on October 28, 2007. B. The Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan was adopted on June 16th,2009 and became effective on October 15th,2009. C. Chapter 19.30.040 SVMC allows code text amendments to be submitted at any time. D. Following the adoption of the code a number of items were found to be either incorrect, impractical,or omitted. E. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 26th,2010. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the following amendments to the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan: 1. Chapter 2.0.1 (Applicability). Add language that exempts accessory structures from meeting frontage coverage requirements, height requirements, or maximum setbacks, but requires the accessory structure to meet architectural standards on existing developed sites. Staff Report to Planning Commission CTA-06-10 Page 6 of 9 2. Chapter 2.1.5 Gateway Commercial Avenue Zone. Modify the table to allow restricted office uses, that includes accounting, insurance, legal services, etc. (Table section 2.2.2. Building Use); eliminate the maximum front street setback along Sprague Avenue. (Table section 2.2.7 Front Street Setback); and eliminate the minimum percentage coverage requirement (Table section 2.2.12 Frontage Coverage). 3. Chapter 2.1.6 Gateway Commercial Center Zone. Modify the table to allow restricted office uses, that includes accounting, insurance, legal services, etc. (Table section 2.2.2. Building Use). 4. Section 2.2.2(f) Gateway Commercial Center Retail (Building Use). Add language that exempts vehicle sales uses from front street setback and frontage coverage requirements, and clarify that gas stations are exempt from those same requirements. 5. Section 2.6.1(2)(7) Standards (Signage Regulations). Modify the language to increase the area allowed for Wall Signs from 15%up to 25%of the wall area. 6. Section 2.6.2(3) Standards (Wall Signs). Modify the language to allow wall signs to be placed above the 1st floor. 7. Section 2.6.2(6) Standards (Freestanding Signs). Modify the language to allow freestanding signs on sites other than those along Sprague Avenue, and allow dual frontage lots to have a maximum of one free-standing sign per street frontage. Findings: Staff has prepared the following findings for the Planning Commission in the event that the Commission recommends approval. 1. The Planning Commission finds the proposed text amendments to be consistent with the applicable provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Book I: Community Intent of the Sprague and Appleway Corridor Subarea Plan: SARP Goals and Policies 6) Protect and enhance Auto Row c) Land Use and Development Use land use and development policy to promote further clustering of new auto sales and restricting used car sales to limit the dilution of the specialized Auto Row segment with non auto-sales related uses. Support the development of complementary destination uses that enhance the convenience and experience of shopping for automobiles within Auto Row. Use transportation improvements to unlock the potential of the northern frontage. Emphasize district gateways and introduce shared parking lots to make way-finding and business access easier for visitors. d) Visibility and Identity Strengthen architectural and signage standards to reduce visual clutter and promote a coherent Auto Row identity. As resources allow, work with dealerships and other Auto Row stakeholders to finance street improvements that enhance the visibility, visual quality and convenience of Auto Row. 7) Employ"form-based"development regulations. Establish development regulations that are composed to achieve the envisioned physical form—the pattern of Centers and Segments described in earlier sections— for the Corridors. Rather than using policy to separate land uses,focus development regulations on physical specifications that permit a more harmonious mixture of uses on neighboring properties and that foster the creation of a more attractive public realm and city identity. Staff Report to Planning Commission CTA-06-10 Page 7 of 9 COSV Comprehensive Plan c. Goal LUG-5: Identify appropriate locations for the Auto Row Overlay designation. a. LUP-5.1 Identify other appropriate automobile related uses within the Auto Row Overlay designation that are complementary to automobile dealerships b. LUP-5.2 Develop appropriate development standards for permitted uses within the Auto Row Overlay designated area. d. Goal LUG-3: Transform various commercial business areas into vital, attractive, easily accessible mixed use areas that appeal to investors, consumers and residents and enhance the community image and economic vitality. (B) The Planning Commission finds the proposed text amendments benefits public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment: Supporting Statements 1. The amendments bear substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The proposed amendments will expand the uses within the Gateway Commercial Avenue and Gateway Commercial Center Zone, allow business' more opportunity to advertise, and provide greater flexibility to auto sales uses to utilize their lot for vehicle display within the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan while still maintaining the intent of the Subarea Plan. Proposed Motion: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission adopts the findings in the staff report and recommends approval to City Council for the following code text amendments to the Sprague and Appleway Corridor Subarea Plan: Amendment 1: Chapter 2.0.1 (Applicability). Add language that exempts accessory structures from meeting frontage coverage requirements, height requirements, or maximum setbacks, but requires the accessory structure to meet architectural standards on existing developed sites. Amendment 2: Chapter 2.1.5 Gateway Commercial Avenue Zone. Modify the table to allow restricted office uses, that includes accounting, insurance, legal services, etc. (Table section 2.2.2. Building Use); eliminate the maximum front street setback along Sprague Avenue. (Table section 2.2.7 Front Street Setback); and eliminate the minimum percentage coverage requirement(Table section 2.2.12 Frontage Coverage). Amendment 3: Chapter 2.1.6 Gateway Commercial Center Zone. Modify the table to allow restricted office uses, that includes accounting, insurance, legal services, etc. (Table section 2.2.2. Building Use). Amendment 4: Section 2.2.2(f) Gateway Commercial Center Retail (Building Use). Add language that exempts vehicle sales uses from front street setback and frontage coverage requirements, and clarify that gas stations are exempt from those same requirements. Amendment 5: Section 2.6.1(2)(7) Standards (Signage Regulations). Modify the language to increase the area allowed for Wall Signs from 15% up to 25% of the wall area. Amendment 6: Section 2.6.2(3) Standards (Wall Signs). Modify the language to allow wall signs to be placed above the 1st floor. Staff Report to Planning Commission CTA-06-10 Page 8 of 9 Amendment 7: Section 2.6.2(6) Standards (Freestanding Signs). Modify the language to allow freestanding signs on sites other than those along Sprague Avenue, and allow dual frontage lots to have a maximum of one free-standing sign per street frontage. Staff Report to Planning Commission CTA-06-10 Page 9 of 9 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Spokane PLANNING DIVISION �,,,.f Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106;Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax:509.921.1008 • citvhall(a,spokanevallev.org DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) FILE NUMBER: CTA-06-10 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Zoning code text amendments to the following sections of the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan: 1) Chapter 2.0.1 (Applicability) Identify what regulations pertain to Accessory Structures; 2) Chapter 2.1.5 Gateway Commercial Avenue District Zone) Update table (Building Use) to allow limited office uses, and eliminate the maximum front street setback and the minimum frontage coverage percentage; 3) Chapter 2.1.6 (Gateway Commercial Center District Zone) Update table (Building Use) to allow limited office uses; 4) Chapter 2.2.2(e) (Gateway Commercial Avenue) to exempt vehicle sales from front street setback and frontage coverage requirements; and 5) Chapter 2.6 ( Signage Regulations) increase wall mounted signage area allowed up to 25% of the wall area, allow wall signs to be placed above the 1St floor of the building, and allow 1 freestanding sign per street frontage. APPLICANT: City of Spokane Valley LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: City of Spokane Valley, Washington LEAD AGENCY: City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department, Planning Division DETERMINATION: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code, the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. This DNS is issued pursuant to WAC 197-11-340(2). There is no comment period for this DNS. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: STAFF CONTACT: Kathy McClung, Community Development Director Lori Barlow,Associate Planner Community Development Department Community Development Department City of Spokane Valley City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 PH: (509) 720-5300/FX: (509) 921-1008 PH: (509) 720-5335 /FX: (509) 921-1008 kmcclung(spokaneval1ev.orQ lbarlow@spokanevalley.org DATE ISSUED: August 6, 2010 SIGNATURE: APPEAL: An appeal of this determination must be submitted to the Community Development Department within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date issued. This appeal must be written and make specific factual objections to the City's threshold determination. Appeals shall be conducted in conformance with Section 11.10.170 (Appeals) of the City's Environmental Ordinance, and the required fees pursuant to the City's adopted Fee Schedule shall be paid at time of appeal submittal. Pursuant to Section of the City's Interim Environmental Ordinance, appeals shall be limited to a review of a final threshold determination. Determination of Non-Significance CTA-06-10 Aug 6,2010 Copies of the DNS were provided to the following agencies and/or persons: Central Valley School District No. 356 City of Liberty Lake,Community Development City of Spokane, Planning Services City of Spokane School District No. 81 East Valley School District No. 361 Spokane County,Boundary Review Board Spokane County, Building and Planning Spokane County, Division of Utilities-Information Services Spokane County, Clean Air Agency Spokane County, Fire District No. 1 Spokane County, Fire District No. 8 Spokane County, Fire District No. 9 Spokane County, Regional Health District Spokane Transit Authority(STA) Spokane Regional Transportation Council(SRTC) Town of Millwood, Planning and Building Washington State Department of Ecology(Olympia) Washington State Department of Ecology(Spokane) West Valley School District No. 363 Page 2 of 2