Agenda 02/26/2009 skim cn Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda jpu anI Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. .00.0`Valley February 26, 2009 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: STUDY SESSION: BATCH CODE AMENDMENTS STUDY SESSION: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF IAN ROBERTSON, CHAIR KATHY MCCLUNG, CD DIRECTOR JOHN G. CARROLL ,VICE-CHAIR GREG MCCORMICK, PLANNING MGR, AICP CRAIG EGGLESTON SCOTT KUHTA, LONG RANGE PLANNER, AICP JOE MANN MIKE BASINGER, SENIOR PLANNER, AICP MARCIA SANDS CARY DRISKELL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY ART SHARPE DEANNA GRIFFITH, ADMIN TOM TOWEY WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: February 26, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ® information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code as follows: Chapter 17.50.010-Adding a requirement that all requests for Administrative Interpretations be submitted in writing. Chapter 17.80.150- Correct the Distribution of Notice requirements to include the applicant, newspaper, city hall, and the main branch of the library Table 17.80-1- Alphabetize table and add Alterations and Planned Residential Developments. Table 17.80-2-Update the table to make pre-application meetings Optional for Type II applications with the exception of Short Subdivision and Binding Site Plans and refer to Chapter 21.20.070(B)(2) for SEPA noticing requirements. Chapter 19.70.010-Add a requirement that all parking, maneuvering and outdoor storage areas shall be paved. Chapter 19.70.020-Add a requirement that all parking, maneuvering and outdoor storage areas shall be paved. Appendix 19-A-Allow Warehousing in areas zoned Community Commercial with conditions. Chapter 22.50.020-Add a requirement that all parking, maneuvering and loading areas shall be paved and a stipulation that parking not provided on the same site as the use or structure shall not be separated from the use or building by a street designated as an arterial. Table 22.50-7-Remove Hotel/Motel from table Chapter 22.110.030-Change directional sign size requirements to be consistent with Table 22.110-1. Chapter 22.110.030, and remove copy area requirements for directional signs and name plates. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220 PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The Uniform Development Code was adopted in September of 2007 and was effective October 28th, 2007. Following the adoption of the code, a number of items were discovered which were incorrect, impractical, or omitted. These amendments are corrections of some of these items. ANALYSIS: Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 17.80.150(6) provides approval criteria that amendments of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code must meet. Those criteria include: 1. The proposed amendment(s) are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: Staff constantly reviews and takes in comments regarding its Code provisions in an effort to fix things that are incorrect, don't work as intended, were omitted in error, and to remove those provisions that our experience shows us are unnecessary. We have been accumulating a number of potential changes as they relate to code compliance-related provisions, which are provided in the attachment. SVMC 17.80.150(F) states that the City may approve amendments to the UDC if it finds that: (1) the proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; and (2) the proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. NEG-10 endeavors to protect groundwater quality from adverse development standards. Requiring paving of all parking, maneuvering, loading areas, and outdoor storage areas allows the discharge of groundwater to be controlled and filtered prior to entering the aquifer. EDG-1 encourages diverse and mutually supportive business development and the expansion and retention of existing businesses within the City for the purpose of emphasizing vitality, stability, and sustainability. Allowing warehouses to locate in Community Commercial areas, where adaptive reuse is employed, allows for a wider range and flexibly of uses for already existing buildings. EDG-7 works to maintain a regulatory environment that offers flexibility, consistency, predictability and clear direction. Removing Hotel/Motel from the "Loading Spaces Required" table allows these businesses to provide loading spaces only when they are needed. LUG-14 Improve the appearance and function of the built environment & TUG-5 Extend the functional life of the existing transportation system and increase its safe and efficient operation through the application of TSM strategies. Preventing parking facilities from being separated from uses by arterials improves safety and functionality. Lastly, the remaining amendments are being proposed strictly to correct errors or inconsistencies as follows: Requiring all requests for Administrative Interpretations to be submitted in writing, correcting the Distribution of Notice requirements, alphabetize and add alterations and PRD's to the Permit Type table, make pre-application meetings Optional for Type II applications except Short Subdivisions and Binding Site Plans and refer to Chapter 21.20.070(B)(2) for SEPA noticing requirements, update directional sign and name plate requirements to be consistent throughout the code. The proposed amendments to the zone meet the above outlined goals, and are thus consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: The proposed amendments meet the above noted criteria and therefore the staff recommend that the Planning Commission hold a Public Hearing for these proposed amendments. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Christina Janssen-Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: (1) Amended Text 17.50.010 Interpretation of development code. Any person may request a formal interpretation of a provision of the development code, zoning map, arterial road map,prior conditions of approval, or prior administrative I interpretations. All requests for formal interpretations shall be made in writing. The interpretation shall be made by the community development director(hereafter referred to as "the director"). The community development department(hereafter referred to as "the department") shall maintain a file of all written interpretations. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.110.040 Number, general regulations for permitted permanent signs. A. Permitted permanent signs shall comply with the requirements of Table 22.110-1. No more than the maximum numbers of either freestanding pole signs or monument sign structures are allowed per parcel. Table 22.110-1 — Location, Height and Copy Area Requirements Maximum Side Zoning Copy Copy Yard Permit Additional Land Use Number Copy Area Area District per Height Area (ft2)/Lot (ft2) /Lot Setback Required Provisions Parcel (ft') (ft2) Frontage Frontage (ft.) < 100 ft. > 100 ft. Attached Wall Signs Institutional Residential * * * n/a n/a n/a Y *25% of Zones wall area Single Business Residential 1 n/a 60 n/a n/a n/a Y Zones All Mixed Use *25% of Nonresidential and * n/a * n/a n/a n/a Y `Nall area Nonresidential per Zones building Freestanding Signs Subdivision/Area Name/Multifamily All Zones 1* 10 32 n/a n/a n/a Y Complex/Institutional Single Business Neighborhood 1 20 100 n/a n/a 5 Y *Per Multi-business Business arterial Complex (NC) Zones 1* 20 n/a 100 n/a 5 Y street Single Business Mixed Use 1* 30 n/a 100 200 5 Y frontage and Multi-business Nonresidential Complex Zones (except 1* 40 250 n/a n/a 5 Y NC) Nonresidential Nonresidential l 1 50 250 n/a n/a 5 Y *Adjacent Freeway* Zones to 1-90 only Monument Signs Subdivision/Area Name/Multifamily All Zones 1 10 32 n/a n/a n/a y *Per Complex/Institutional arterial street Single Business Neighborhood 1* 7 75 n/a n/a 5 Y frontage Business usiness 2* 7 90 n/a n/a 5 Y Complex (NC) Zones - Single Business All Mixed Use 2* 7 90 n/a n/a 5 Y and *Per street Multi-business Nonresidential 2* 7 150 n/a n/a 5 Y frontage Complex Zones Other Signs Directional All Zones n/a n/a 44 a n/a5 n/a n/a N • Name Plates All Zones 1 n/a 4 n/a5 n/a n/a 17.80.150 Type IV applications—Text amendments to the uniform development code. A. Initiation. Text amendments to this code may be initiated by any of the following: 1. Property owner(s) or their representatives; 2. Any citizen, agency, neighborhood association, or other party; or 3. The department,planning commission, or city council. B. Applications. Applications shall be made on forms provided by the City. C. Application Submittal. 1. After submittal of an applicant-initiated application,the application shall be subject to a pre-application conference, counter-complete, and fully complete determination pursuant to SVMC 17.80.080, 17.80.090, and 17.80.100. 2. After submittal, the application shall be placed on the next available planning commission agenda. D. Notice of Public Hearing. Amendments to this code require a public hearing before the planning commission. 1. Contents of Notice. A notice of public hearing shall including the following: a. The citation, if any, of the provision that would be changed by the proposal along with a brief description of that provision; b. A statement of how the proposal would change the affected provision; c. The date, time, and place of the public hearing; d. A statement of the availability of the official file; and e. A statement of the right of any person to submit written comments to the planning commission and to appear at the public hearing of the planning commission to give oral comments on the proposal. 2. Distribution of Notice. The department shall distribute the notice to the applicant, newspaper, city hall and the main branch of the library.pursuant to SVMC 17.80.120(B). E. Planning Commission Recommendation—Procedure. Following the public hearing, the planning commission shall consider the proposal and shall prepare and forward a recommendation to the city council. The planning commission shall take one of the following actions: 1. If the planning commission determines that the proposal should be adopted, it may, by a majority vote, recommend that the city council adopt the proposal. The planning commission may make modifications to any proposal prior to recommending the proposal to city council for adoption. If the modification is substantial,the planning commission must conduct a public hearing on the modified proposal; 2. If the planning commission determines that the proposal should not be adopted, it may, by a majority vote, recommend that the city council not adopt the proposal; or 3. If the planning commission is unable to take either of the actions specified in subsections (E)(l) or(2) of this section,the proposal will be sent to city council with the notation that the planning commission makes no recommendation. F. Approval Criteria. The City may approve amendments to this code if it finds that: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; and 2. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. G. City Council Action. Within 60 days of receipt of the planning commission's findings and recommendations,the city council shall consider the findings and recommendations of the commission concerning the application and may hold a public hearing pursuant to council rules. The department shall distribute notice of the council's public hearing pursuant to SVMC 17.80.120(B). By a majority vote, the city council shall: 1. Approve the application; 2. Disapprove the application; 3. Modify the application. If modification is substantial,the council must either conduct a public hearing on the modified proposal; or 4. Refer the proposal back to the planning commission for further consideration. H. Transmittal to the State of Washington. At least 60 days prior to final action being taken by the city council, the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) shall be provided with a copy of the amendments in order to initiate the 60-day comment period. No later than 10 days after adoption of the proposal, a copy of the final decision shall be forwarded to CTED. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 19.70.010 I-1, Light Industrial district. A. The Light Industrial designation is a planned industrial area with special emphasis and attention given to aesthetics, landscaping and internal and community compatibility. Typical uses would include technology and other low-impact industries. Light industrial areas may also include office and commercial uses as ancillary uses within an overall plan for industrial development. B. Supplemental Regulations. 1. The outdoor storage provisions contained in SVMC 19.60.060(B) shall apply to the I-1 district. 2. Mobile food vendors shall be located on/within designated areas which do not interfere with parking or internal circulation with permission of the property owner, health certificate and permit. 3. Setbacks. a. Front and flanking street yard setbacks shall be 20 feet; and b. Side and rear yard setbacks of 35 feet are required only adjacent to residential zoning districts. 4. The following structures may be erected above the height limits of this code provided: (A)the structure is accessory to or part of a building which is a permitted use in the zone; (B) the structure complies with the height limits in the Airport Overlay zone; and (C) no residential use of the structure shall occur above the height limits prescribed in the zone. a. Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways,tanks, ventilating fans, or similar equipment to operate and maintain a building. b. Fire or parapet walls, skylights, flagpoles, chimneys, church steeples, belfries, wireless masts, and similar structures. c. Structures such as silos, feed mills, batch plants, and fixed cranes which are used in a manufacturing process which utilizes vertical processing and storage of materials. d. Water stand pipes and tanks. (Ord. 08-017 § 1, 2008; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 5. All parking. maneuvering and outdoor storage areas shall be paved. 19.70.020 I-2,Heavy Industrial district. A. Heavy Industrial designated property is characterized by intense industrial activities which include manufacturing, processing, fabrication, assembly, freight handling and similar operations. Heavy industry may have significant noise, odor or aesthetic impacts. B. Supplemental Regulations. 1. I-2 allows any use permitted in the I-1 zoning district, except as specifically provided in Appendix 19-A. 2. Mobile food vendors shall be located on/within designated areas which do not interfere with parking or internal circulation with permission of the property owner, health certificate and permit. 3. The following structures may be erected above the height limits of this code provided: (A) the structure is accessory to or part of a building which is a permitted use in the zone; (B) the structure complies with the height limits in the Airport Overlay zone; and (C) no residential use of the structure shall occur above the height limits prescribed in the zone. a. Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways,tanks, ventilating fans, or similar equipment to operate and maintain a building. b. Fire or parapet walls, skylights, flagpoles, chimneys, church steeples, belfries, wireless masts, and similar structures. c. Structures such as silos, feed mills, batch plants, and fixed cranes which are used in a manufacturing process which utilizes vertical processing and storage of materials. d. Water stand pipes and tanks. (Ord. 08-017 § 1, 2008; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 4. All parking. maneuvering and outdoor storage areas shall be paved. 22.50.020 Vehicle parking. A. Rules for Computing Number of Parking Spaces—Shown in Table 22.50-2. The number of required off-street parking spaces shall be based on the following: 1. "Floor area" shall mean the gross square feet of the specific use. 2. Where fractional spaces result,the parking spaces required shall be constructed to the nearest whole number. 3. Uses not specified in Table 22.50-2 shall provide parking based on a use of similar nature; 4. New Construction. Prior to occupancy of a new structure within any zoning district, off-street vehicle parking shall be provided in accordance with Table 22.50-2. 5. Expansion of Existing Use. Prior to occupancy of an expanded (enlarged) floor area, off-street vehicle parking shall be provided in accordance with Table 22.50-2 based on the expanded square footage. 6. Change of Use. If the minimum number of vehicle parking spaces required for the change of use added to the existing on-site parking supply falls short of the minimum number of vehicle parking spaces required for the project as a whole,the applicant shall provide additional spaces to bring the total supply up to the minimum required. 7. In the case of multiple-use occupancies, other than shopping centers, in a building or on a lot,the total requirement for off-street parking shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately. 8. Tandem spaces shall not count as required parking. 9. All parking. maneuvering and loading areas shall be paved. B. Location of parking spaces, except as follows: 1. For nonresidential uses, required off-street parking shall be located in the same zone or in a zone which allows the use for which the parking is required. 2. All parking spaces required herein shall be located on the same parcel with the building or use served unless: a. The parking is located on a contiguous parcel or parcels under the same ownership and title notice is filed identifying the parking serving the other building or use; or b. If the required parking for a building or use is located on a parcel(s) other than described in subsection(B)(1) of this section, the owner of the parcel upon which the proposed parking is located executes a joint parking agreement in a form acceptable to the city attorney, stating that the parcel is devoted in whole or in part to required parking for the use of a parcel or parcels under separate ownership. The agreement shall be binding on both properties and shall be recorded with the Spokane County auditor's office and filed with the Spokane Valley department of community development; c. Where shared parking is proposed,the minimum number of parking spaces for all shared uses shown on Table 22.50-2 shall be calculated. When these totals are applied to the percentages shown on Table 22.50-1, the minimum number of parking spaces required is the largest sum of the individual totals for each time period. d. Parkins. not provided on the same site as the use or structure shall not be separated from the use or building by a street designated as an arterial. Table 17.80-2 — Permit Type and Land Use Application Pre- Counter- Fully Notice of Notice of Final Application application complete complete application public decision Type conference determination determination 17.80.110 hearing and 17.80.090 17.80.100 17.80.120 notice 17.80.080enc 17.80.130 0 X X N/A N/A X *11 **O X X X N/A X III X X X X X X X Required 0 Optional N/A Not Applicable *Does not apply to SEPA threshold determinations. Refer to section 21.20.070(B)(2) for noticing requirements. **Except for Short Subdivisions and Binding Site Plans which require a Pre-Application meeting (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Table 17.80-1 —Permit Type and Land Use Application Type Land Use and Development Application SVMC Cross Reference Accessory dwelling units 19.40.100 Administrative determinations by community development director, Multiple public works director, or building official Administrative exception 19.140 Administrative interpretation 17.50.010 Boundary line adjustments and eliminations 20.80 Building permits not subject to SEPAIlome occupation permit 21.20.04019.40.140 Floodplain development 21.30 Grading permits 24.50 T e I 1-tome occupation permit 19.40.140 Yp Record of Survey to Establish Lots within a Binding Site Plan 20.60.040 Right-of-way permits 22.130.060 Shoreline permit exemption (dock permit) 21.50 Site plan review 19.130 Temporary use permit • 19.160 Time extensions for preliminary subdivision, short subdivision or 20.30.060 binding site plan Floodplain development 21.30 Building permits not subject to SEPA 21.20.040 Grading permits 2'1.50 Alterations-Preliminary and final subdivisions, short subdivisions. 22.5020.50 binding site plansBinding site plan Preliminary and final Binding site plan —Preliminary and finalBinding site plan Change 20.5020.50 of conditions Binding site plan—Change of conditionsWireless communication 20.5022.120 Type facilities II SEPA threshold determination 21.20.060 Shoreline substantial development permitSubdivision Final 21.5020.40 Short subdivision-Preliminary and finaISEPA threshold 22.30. determination 22.4021.20.060 Preliminary short subdivision. binding site plan-Chance of conditions 22.30 Wireless communication facilities 22.120 Conditional use permits 19.150 Planned Residential DevelopmentsSubdivisions Preliminary 19.5020.30 Plat Vacation 20.70.020 Type Preliminary subdivision —Chanue of conditionsVariance 20.5019.170 III Preliminary subdivision Change of conditionaSubdivisions- 20.5020.30 Preliminary Variance _ - •- - - - - 2 . 19.17019.30.030 Zoning map amendments (site-specific rezones) 19.30.030 Annual Comprehensive Plan amendments (text and/or map) 17.80.140 Type IV Area-wide zoning map amendments 17.80.140 Development code text amendments 17.80.150 Chapter 19.120 PERMITTED AND ACCESSORY USES Sections: 19.120.010 General. 19.120.010 General. Uses are classified using the 2002 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) published by the U.S. Census Bureau based on category and subcategory. Subcategories include all uses not identified separately by specific number. Uses may be permitted, be subject to conditions, or require conditional or temporary use permits as shown in Appendix 19-A, the schedule of permitted and accessory uses. Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 1-2 Reference F- F- CS NAIL Permitted Uses Use Mixe Cen en Offi hood nity I nity Lig Hea Condition - - - - S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter a ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind s ter Use 71 711 Adult entertainment S S Chapter establishment 19.80 SVMC 45 453 Adult retail use S S Chapter establishment 19.80 SVMC 31 311 Agricultural P P processing plant, warehouse 33 3364 Aircraft manufacturing P 11 48 4812 Airstrip, private P P 19 62 6219 Ambulance service P P P P P P P P 1 54 5419 Animal P S P P P SVMC 4 clinic/veterinary 19.60.040( B)(1) 31 3116 Animal processing P 13 facility Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 1-2 Reference NAIC Permitted Uses en Offi hood nity 1 Lig Hea F- F- CS Use Mixe Cen nity Condition S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter a ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind ter Use SSSS S S 11 112 Animal raising and/or S S Excluding keeping NAICS 1122, Swine. SVMC 19.40.150. 81 8129 Animal shelter P P 1 31 3116 Animal slaughtering P 1 and processing 45 4539 Antique store P P P P P P 2 44 448 Apparel/tailor shop P P P PP P P P 44 4431 Appliance P P P P A A Only if 11 sales/service manufactur ed/ assembled on premises. 33 3352 Appliances P P 2 manufacturing 45 4539 Art gallery/studio P P PPP P P P 2 32 3241 Asphalt P 2 plant/manufacturing 33 333 Assembly—heavy P 33 334 Assembly—light P P P P P P P P P 62 6233 Assisted living facility P P P P 12 45 4533 Auction house P P P 45 4533 Auction yard P P (excluding livestock) 11 1152 Auction yard, P livestock Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regions Commu I-1 1-2 Reference F- F- CS NAIL Permitted Uses Use Mixe Cen en Offi hood nity I pity Lig Hea Condition S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter e ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind s ter Use 33 3361 Automobile assembly P plant 92 922 Automobile impound P P yard 44 441 Automobile/light truck P P P P sales and service 48 4853 Automobile/taxi rental P P P P P P P P 81 8111 Automobile/truck/RV/ S P P P Enclosed 21 motorcycle painting, structure repair, body and only. fender works SVMC 19.60.050( B)(3). 44 4413 Automotive parts, P P P P P P accessories and tires 31 3118 Bakery products P P 1 manufacturing 44 4452 Bakery, retail P P P SS P P P A A Floor area 91 limited to 10% of GLFA not to exceed 1,000 sf. 52 5221 Bank, savings/loan P P P PP P P P P P 1 and other financial institutions 81 8121 Barber/beauty shop P P P AP P P P P 33 3359 Battery P P 1 rebuilding/manufacturi ng P PPP P P 72 7211 Bed and breakfast P P P 91 11 1129 Beekeeping, P 1 commercial Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 1-2 Reference NAIC Permitted Uses en Offi hood nity 1 Lig Hea F- F- CS Use Mixe Cen nity Condition S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter e ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind s ter Use S S S 11 1129 Beekeeping, hobby SVMC 1 19.40.150( C) 45 4511 Bicycle sales/service P P P P P P P P P 33 3366 Boat building, repair P P 11 and maintenance 44 4412 Boat sales/service P P 22 45 4512 Book/stationery store P P P P P P P P 31 3121 Bottling plant P P 71 7139 Bowling alley P P P P P 5 72 722 Brewery, micro P P PPP P P P P 31 3121 Brewery, winery P P P P P P P and/or distillery 33 3399 Broom manufacturing P P 94 44 4441 Building supply and P P P home improvement 44 4452 Candy and P P P P P P P P 92 confectionery 71 7139 Carnival, circus T T T T T T T T 9 32 3219 Carpenter shop P P P P 56 5617 Carpet and rug P P 40 cleaning plants 81 8111 Carwash P P S P P P P SVMC 92 19.60.040( B) 71 7132 Casino P P P P P 45 4541 Catalog and mail P P P P P 13 order houses Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 I-2 Reference F- F- CS NAIC Permitted Uses Use Mixe Cen en Offi hood nity I nity Lig Hea Condition - - - - S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter e ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind s ter Use P P 72 7223 Catering services P P P P P P P 2 P PPP 81 8122 Cemetery and P crematories 45 4511 Ceramics shop P P P P P P P 12 32 325 Chemical P manufacturing P PPP P P 81 813 Church, temple, P P P P P P P P mosque, synagogue and parsonage 44 4481 Clothes, retail sales P P P P P 49 4931 Cold storage/food P P 2 locker 61 6113 College or university P P P PP P P P 51 517 Communication P P P P P P P P service/sales 33 3342 Communications P P P P equipment manufacturing P PPP P P 92 921 — Community facilities P P P P P P P P P P P 922 P P P 81 8134 Community hall, club, P P P P P P P P lodge or recreational facility P P P 62 6232 Community P residential facility(6 or less residents) P P P 62 6232 Community P residential facility (greater than 6 residents, no more than 25) Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 1-2 Reference F- F- CS NAIC Permitted Uses Use Mixe Cen en Offi hood nity I pity Lig Hea Condition - - - - S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter e ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind s ter Use 56 5617 Composting P 3 storage/processing, commercial 54 5415 Computer services P P P P P P P P P P 1 23 2373 Contractor's yard P P —238 P P P 62 623 Convalescent home, P P nursing home 44 4451 Convenience store P P A A P P P P P 2 33 339 Cosmetic and P P miscellaneous manufacturing P PPP P P 62 6233 Day care, adult P P P A P P P A A A CCCC P P 62 6244 Day care, child (13 P P A A P A A A 10 children or more) P P P P P P 62 6244 Day care, child (12 P P P A A P P P A A A 10 children or fewer) 45 4521 Department/variety P P P P P store 44 4461 Drug store P P PAP P P P A P 1 81 8123 Dry cleaners P P PAP P P P 81 8123 Dry cleaning, laundry, P P 32 linen supply plant, commercial 32 3211 Dry kiln P 114 S S S 81 814 Dwelling, accessory SVMC apartments 19.40.100 81 814 Dwelling, caretaker's S S S SVMC residence 19.60.060( B)(1) Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 1-2 Reference F- F- CS NAIC Permitted Uses Use Mixe Cen en Offi hood nity 1 nity Lig Hea- - - - Condition S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter e ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind s ter Use P P 72 7213 Dwelling, congregate P P P P P P P P P 81 814 Dwelling, duplex P P P 81 814 Dwelling, multifamily P P P S S SVMC 19.60.020( B) P P P P P P 81 814 Dwelling, single- S S SVMC family 19.60.020( B) P P P 81 814 Dwelling, townhouse P P P P 33 334— Electrical/electronic/c P P P P P P P 335 omputer component and system 1 manufacturing/assem bly I 32 3222 Emery cloth and P P 26 sandpaper manufacturing 71 713 Entertainment/recreati P P P P P on facilities, indoor 9 71 7139 Entertainment/recreati P P P P P P on facilities, outdoor i53 5323 Equipment rental P P P P P shop 81 8113 Equipment sales, P P P P P 0 repair, and r maintenance 72 7222 Espresso/latte retail P P P P P P P P P P P service F. R R R R R R 92 92 Essential public R R R R R R R Chapter Ifacilities 19.90 SVMC A A 71 7139 Exercise P P P A A P P P P A A 4 facility/gym/athletic club j B Mix Corri R R R R M NI NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regions Commu 1-1 1-2 Reference NAIC Permitted Uses en Offi hood nity 1 Lig Hea i - - - F- F- CS S S Use Mixe Cen nity Condition Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Cen d ter Facility s Appendix 19-A ter Use e ial rcial rcial Ind Ind 32 3259 Explosive P 2 manufacturing 49 4931 Explosive storage P P E 90 P P P P P P 81 814 Family home, adult P P P P P P P P P P P 81 814 Family home, child P P P P 44 4412 Farm machinery sales P P P 22 and repair 11 1121 Feed lot P 12 31 3112 Feed/cereal/flour mill P P 11 32 3253 Fertilizer P manufacturing 1 81 8129 Film developing P P P A A P P P 2 44 4431 Film/camera P P P A A P P P 3 sales/service 45 4531 Florist shop P P P A A P P P P 31 311 Food product P manufacturing/storag e 44 4452 Food sales, P P P S P P SVMC 1 specialty/butcher 19.60.040( 1' shop/meat B)(3) market/specialty foods 48 484 Freight forwarding P P 44 447 Fueling station P P P A P P P P 81 8122 Funeral home P P P 1 33 337 Furniture P P manufacturing Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regions Commu 1-1 1-2 Reference F- F- CS NAIL Permitted Uses Use Mixe Cen en Offi hood nity 1 nity Lig Hea Condition S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter e ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind s ter Use 31 315 Garment P P manufacturing 45 453 Gift shop P P P A A P P P A P P P P P P 71 7139 Golf course P P P P 1 t.` CCCC C C 71 7139 Golf driving P C P P P ;, 1 range/training center III. 49 4931 Grain elevator P P 3 44 4442 Greenhouse, nursery, P P P P P P 2 garden center, retail 11 1114 Greenhouse, nursery, S S P P SVMC commercial 19.60.050( B)(3) 44 4451 Grocery store P P P S P P SVMC 1.1 B)(3).040( t` 44 4441 Hardware store P P P S P P SVMC 3 19.60.040( F,!:' B)(3) 56 5622 Hazardous waste S S SVMC f, 11 treatment and storage 21.40.060 11i 48 4812 Heliport P P ' 48 4812 Helistop C C C C C P 45 4511 Hobby shop P P P A P P P 2 44 442 Home furnishings, P P P P retail sale 62 6221 Hospital P P P P P P • R R R R R R 62 6222 Hospital, psychiatric R R R R R R R R R 10 and substance abuse is F 62 6223 Hospital, specialty P P P P P P P A A 10 72 7211 Hotel/motel P P P P P P P P 1 i Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 I-2 Reference ?:iNAIL Permitted Uses en Offi hood nity I Lig Hea - - - F- F- CS Use Mixe Cen nity Condition S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter e ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind s 1 ter Use ' 31 3121 Ice plant P P 13 , 32 3259 Ink manufacturing P . 1 45 4532 Jewelry, clock, P P P A P P P P P 2 musical instrument assembly, sales/service ' 81 8129 Kennel, indoor S S S S P P See zoning 1 kennel, doggie day districts for A . care facility conditions. 54 5413 Laboratories (Bio P P P i 8 Safety Level 2) '- ° 54 5413 Laboratories(Bio P P P '"' 8 Safety Level 3) 54 5413 Laboratories (Bio P P g 8 Safety Level 4) 62 6215 Laboratories, medical P P P P P P 1 and diagnostic K. ,j 44 4441 Landscape materials P P P P 9 sales A A A 81 8123 Laundromat P P A P P P P 10 44 4453 Liquor store P P P A A P P _' 56 5616 Locksmith P P P A A P P P 22 32 3211 Lumbermill, sawmill, P shingle mill, plywood ' mill 33 3327 Machine shop P P P 1 33 333 Machine/machinery P P `t manufacturing Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regions Commu 1-1 1-2 Reference F- F- CS NAIL Permitted Uses Use Mixe Cen en Offi hood nity 1 nity Lig Hea Condition - - - - S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter a ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind ter Use 23 2361 Manufactured home P P 15 fabrication SSS S S 81 814 Manufactured home SVMC park 19.40.130 45 4539 Manufactured home P P P 3 sales 32 327 Manufacturing, P P nonmetallic metal products 45 4539 Market, outdoor T T T T T T 98 62 6214 Massage therapy P P PPP P P P 98 31 3116 Meat/fish canning, P P — cutting, curing and 3117 smoking 33 3391 Medical and P P P laboratory instrument/apparatus manufacturing 42 4234 Medical, dental, and P P P A P 5 hospital equipment supply/sales 62 6214 Medical/dental clinic P P P PP P P P P 62 621 Medical/dental office P P P PP P P P P 33 332 Metal fabrication P P 33 332 Metal plating P 33 332 Metal processes, hot P `; ._ } Mineral product P manufacturing, nonmetallic a'",; 21 212 Mining P ; Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regions Commu 1-1 1-2 Reference NAIC Permitted Uses en Offi hood nity I Lig Hea F- F- CS S S Use Mixe Cen Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme nity ht vy Condition 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter e ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind s ter Use 72 7223 Mobile food vendors S S S S S S S S S See zoning 30 districts for conditions. TTTT T T 23 2361 Model home units 15 71 7121 Museum P P PPP P P P 1 45 4511 Music store P P P A P P P 4 A A 56 561 Office P P PPP P P P P P P 45 4532 Office and computer P P P A P P P P 1 supplies 99 999 Off-road recreational P P vehicle use 11 1113 Orchard, tree farming, P P commercial 32 3221 Paper/pulp mills P 1 48 4859 Park-and-ride facility P P P P P P P P P 45 5222 Pawnshop P P P P 98 81 812 Personal service P P PPP P P P 45 4539 Pet shop P P P A P P P 1 32 3241 Petroleum and coal P 1 products manufacturing 54 5419 Photographic studio P P P A A P P P 2 32 3251 Plastic and rubber P 1 products manufacturing 32 3261 Plastic injection P 99 molding, thermoset Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 1-2 Reference NAIC Permitted Uses en Offi hood nity 1 Lig Hea F- F- CSS S Use Mixe Cen Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme nity Condition ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter a ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind ter Use 32 3261 Plastic injection P P P P P P 99 molding, thermoplastic 32 3261 Plastic injection P 99 solvent molding 49 491 Post office, postal P P PPP P P P P P P center 22 221 Power plant P (excluding public utility facilities) 56 5614 Print shop P P PAP P P P P 3 32 323 Printing, P P reprographics, bookbinding services, commercial 48 4884 Public pay parking P P P P P P 9 garage/lot PPPP P P 22 221 Public utility P P PPP P P P P P P distribution facility SSSS S S 23 237 Public utility S S SSS S S S S S S SVMC transmission facility 19.40.030 71 7139 Racecourse P P P P 9 71 7112 Racetrack P P 12 51 5151 Radio/TV P P P P P P broadcasting studio 48 4821 Railroad yard, repair P shop and roundhouse 72 7212 Recreational vehicle C S SVMC park/campground 19.60.060 44 4412 Recreational vehicle P P 1 sales and service Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 1-2 Reference NAIC Permitted Uses en Offi hood nity I Lig Hea - F- F- CS Use Mixe Cen nity Condition S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter e ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind s ter Use P P P P P P 51 5151 Repeater facility P P P P P P P 1 72 7222 Restaurant, drive-in P P P P P P 72 7222 Restaurant, drive- P P A C P P P P through 72 722 Restaurant, full P P P A P P P P P P service 45 452— Retail sales P P P A P P P A A Limited to 453 items manufactur ed on the premises. 71 7139 Riding stable P P 9 33 3312 Rolling mill P 2 31 3149 Rope manufacturing P P 91 32 3252 Rubber reclamation, P 12 manufacturing/fabrica tion P P P P P P 61 6111 Schools, public and P P P P P P P private, K through 12 P 61 6114 Schools, professional, P P P P P P P P P P vocational and trade schools Showroom P P P P P P 45 4533 Secondhand store, P P P P P P consignment sales 33 3399 Sign P P 5 manufacturing/repair 33 3399 Sign painting shop P P P P P 5 Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 1-2 Reference F- F- CS NAIL Permitted Uses Use Mixe Cen en Offi hood nity 1 nity Lig Hea Condition S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter e ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind S ter Use 32 3256 Soap and cleaning P 1 compound manufacturing 56 5629 Solid waste S S S SVMC 2 recycling/transfer site 19.60.060( B) 61 6116 Specialized P P P P S P P P Adaptive training/learning reuse of schools or studios existing structures only. No expansion allowed. P P 49 4931 Storage, self-service P P P P 9 facility 49 493 Storage, general— S S S S P See zoning outdoors districts for conditions. Tank storage, LPG S S S S S S S S S SVMC above ground 21.40.060 21 2131 Tank storage, critical S S SVMC 12 material above 21.40.060 ground 21 2131 Tank storage, critical S S S S SVMC 12 material below ground 21.40.060 31 3161 Tanning, curing of P hides and skins 72 7224 Tavern P P P P P P Taxidermy P P S S S S S S 51 5172 Telecommunication S S S C S S S C S S Chapter wireless antenna 22.120 array SVMC CCCC C C 51 5172 Telecommunication S S S C S S S C S S Chapter wireless support 22.120 tower SVMC Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 1-2 Reference F- F- CS NAIC Permitted Uses Use Mixe Cen en Offi hood nity I nity Lig Hea- - - - Condition S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter a ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind ter Use 31 3141 Textile manufacturing P P 1 71 711 Theater, indoor P P P P P P P 71 711 Theater, outdoor P P P 56 5629 Tire, recap and P 2 retread manufacturing SSSS S S 51 5179 Tower, ham operator S S S C S S C S S SVMC 19.40.110( A) 22 2211 Tower, wind turbine C S S S C S S SVMC 19 support 19.40.110( B) 48 4851 Transit center P P P P P P P P P C 72 7213 Transitional housing 44 4412 Truck sales, rental, P P 22 repair and maintenance 44 445— Truck stop P P 447 81 8114 Upholstery shop P P P P P 2 49 4931 Warehousing A S S A P P Adaptive 1 reuse of existing structures. No expansion allowed. 32 321 Wood product P P manufacturing 56 5629 Wrecking, recycling, C S SVMC 2 junk and salvage 19.60.060( yards B) P Permitted Use A Accessory Only Mix Corri R R R R M M NAI Schedule of ed dor City Gard Neighbor Commu Regiona Commu I-1 1-2 Reference NAIL Permitted Uses en Offi hood nity I Lig Hea F- F- CS Use Mixe Cen nity Condition S S Offic ce Commerc Comme Comme ht vy 1 2 3 4 1 2 # Appendix 19-A Cen d ter e ial rcial rcial Facility Ind Ind s ter Use R Regional Siting T Temporary Permit S Conditions Apply C Conditional Use Permit (Ord. 08-026 § 1, 2008; Ord. 08-002 § 1, 2008; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Review Meeting Date: February 26, 2009 Item: Check all that apply: ❑consent ❑old business ❑ new business ❑public hearing ® information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments— Review Session PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan includes an annual amendment cycle that runs from November 2nd to November 1st of the following year. Applications received prior to November 1st are considered by the Planning Commission in late winter/early spring of the following year, with a decision by City Council in late spring/early summer. We anticipate that the Planning Commission will review the following Comprehensive Plan amendments and make a recommendation to City Council by the end of March. City Council may choose to adopt the individual amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission, disapprove the amendments, or modify and adopt the proposal. If the Council chooses to modify a proposal, they must either conduct a public hearing or refer the proposal back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. All parts of the Comprehensive Plan can be amended during the annual cycle. The Community Development Department received one (1) request for a site-specific Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 2009. The City initiated three (3) site-specific Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Sites approved for a Comprehensive Plan amendment will automatically receive a zoning designation consistent with the new land use designation. As part of the 2009 Comprehensive Plan amendment process, the City of Spokane Valley is analyzing the Public/Quasi Public land use designation on an area-wide basis and determining appropriate land use designations. This analysis will focus on policies and goals set forth in the land use chapter, adjacent zoning designations, and Title 19.120 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The 2009 Comprehensive Plan text amendments include amendments to four Comprehensive Plan Elements: Chapter 2 - Land Use, Chapter 3—Transportation, Chapter 4— Capital Facilities, and Chapter 8 — Natural Environment. The amendments may also entail minor changes to other elements referencing the proposed amendments. NOTICE: Notice for the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on February 20, 2009 and each site was posted with a "Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a description of the 1 of 2 proposal. Individual notice of the proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each amendment. SEPA REVIEW Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA — RCW 43.21C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan amendment. Under SEPA, amendments to the comprehensive plan are considered "non-project actions" defined as actions involving decisions on policies, plans, or programs that contain standards controlling use or modification of the environment. Additional environmental review may be required for the physical development of the subject properties. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each proposed comprehensive plan amendment. Determinations of Non-significance (DNS) were issued for the proposed amendments on December 19, 2009 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSALS: To assist the Commission's review, staff has provided a table outlining the 2009 Comprehensive Plan amendments, and an overview map identifying the site-specific Comprehensive Plan map amendment(s). STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket Exhibit 2: Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments Overview Map Exhibit 3: Copy of Power Point Presentation 2 of 2 ?"� P \Wl;uh� V I - Pnui` I _ _'23 _ _ i _.-_-�.,,i I I + - I �J� T v r rll' - ,---24 lurefor \'cllcslcv _\ _ - /�-'_. G v I 1\ Ik..leo. . I II up _ '� 1 ; - I II r ,. III ,, - Ilcnno I[y� I i' ` Upriver ' �.. r III Fi h m\III ,H ' \ \�.', J: c I - �` � .V\290 \\\\\ y� 'r l P - E ' --I i u,,-''�+n5o 51 a fl; - I i1-1� I Il;l : _I 2 r—�u 1 U'(; 115 EI c 0 I - In Iu nlld l'aIk li ; v \ur r `A 11 mngn .\_ ott,K, / h,:mr r� �7 i_:.�r Le • (I ` ncrx n 1L,; _ - Lldu h tl l',vkl 1. Ati,-7.:2,1,,,,I = -.' _ - -1 - 1 -r d _K r �I l�Tr I) A Ui I It. c t t \-. 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Vallev -�� w Planning Division m r v n i 2009Co e e s e Pan Amendments Session February 26, 2 February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 carr .n_;r:••;,,,r• `� Spokane Department of Community Development ,r,jValle Planning Division f Comprehensive Planning The Spokane VCom .rehensive Plan (SVCP) lays out a vis-lon for the ft of Spokane Vduring a 20-ye- 211- ige7f,oct ani responds to the requirements of she Growth Management Act ( 1 February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 Department of Community Development _ Spokane .: .. .=Valle Planning Division • , «. Comprehensive Plan Amendments • Comprehensive Plan amended annually • November 1St 2008 cut o-ffor applications • Planning Commission conducts Public Hearing (3/ 1. 2/09) El Public Hearing Continued (3/26/09) • PC recommendation to City Council (laie March) • Council may accept PC recommendation or conduct their own Public Hearing • Council makes final decision (end of April) • Appeals to Growth Management Hearings Board • Zone Change with Comp Plan Amendment February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 p • Department of Community Development ' _ • Spokane _ .. �,. Valle Planning Division 7L' a 4 Site-Specific MapAmendments 0 00 Private y Ini iate0 - CPA C -09 • 3 City Iritiated - CPA-02-09 - CPA=03 =09 - CPA-O4 9 February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 Sp®k Department of Community Development v. ti `laliey Planning Division Vicinity & 2007 Aerial lea -- 1-7 SF ut. --- _..1.. .._�. Srni�la -- -. L 4 1. J ... titin ue' • ,r I!i -'� ^--�' i 1 ; 'Jr,., _ - p " — ' r l__--. - .211d ` tq€ I— ><o .' I^ NI r 'r F • NOM t . 1;: ,__L,' ; , ..,.„:, r r n .,..__,_,•; ; • Illt - .d.�a' idandi�.! • r• II . 1 `A 1 d"� r 'nd. .. - 1licc land i * � j I - CPA-�1-�9 C 7 A f' IMM 'i �� 1 ; — te, 4111 C J I"J n I ( J� 40. -k-,,•-• 4,0.1. /7:it;orer ' i .-,- i ., ,..',-,-, .,.-.,.,,.i ki r � %� 'i U�117I�RgiL.,J �f��J � � i`" "� r t�^ �' 'r • y.. I IlriliE il I mi ■ /��%//Cls 1=�;a/�>NA 4 9• t_..._�E � �_ . gi4r4 — - --- q4'' -,„.., - • Tii., PION . , _A -1111111111111111v7 ' xtlr - - Central � 1, - .' •1.1 Ill_ S alio- \\ /Fy 0 .ii 00. I f < f ' Senior High 4`.'^ ■, y ,1 444entlu =hi- CPA-01-09 � �.; \N‘'CC ill /-if .' NM I -____7 ..Y ! — .t, . wt. � 3x M 1 f C _.— _. - IIIb _ _ t. -.- 1 � = I J • :. , -I ti ,,. t*#4, ._. _ • E - fz. .-. : 1 1 i Top ' � - s ' MG I. Igo 1 g ,. valley.... 1 _ _ r ` � _ = Senior ^"1l February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 -' TY"°" :5p°; Department of Community Development ` ' r �pok�m. • >L Maley Planning Division �r' Comprehensive Plan _____ , li 1st I ,e .<� _ ' , - Pitli$c/Quasi Public Puhlic.Qu tsi-Public [1fI { , :_ td - 7nJ LI I k R-iccl Incl-Ricelantl Wiliam-Density- `, ; l 'rid - CPA-01-09 = _I� I 7_ Residential— � :.� f3irrh �� Hilt Denstt� Residential - Of�i - M spruce T -4th-- `. 4th —I tlt _4thJ-- J 4th 1dI— uotJ,D�.ii it}`Resid iiifia 1 \elgbbrhood--- - V, A ' I ( \• �" J 1 g— �Sth—_�bth .� �, /,. �7 Imo_ on '.• /w,,,,,,,r /' s f „` ,/, , ti� S�� � —Sdi 4th- � F§- g - . - _- _ __6th + +40 6th 6th � , Bad, , . i• � `,<Public(QuasiY �� ` Public o �� ' , , ..,.. 0 ojoi \ ____, , 2„,\i--=.55.. Off d Yth -I J _ -5th- Central ` ,rLShelley otkL ;allePublic;Quasi-Public , = ,� 11111 . NIi-mIiI ,.C.A.. eniot High . ., 1 4... ae9111 RPw-1 • 14,_, i. ,a , inch ) . 2 a, T) w II February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 ,�.. .v--.` -._ Department of CommunityDevelopment -~=_ Spokane P p 40,.0Valleidighw, Phhmmng ThvfisIlon Zoin : Plan - ,. , Ifs - - - - -_ _...„....,:::......... .,i, :. ,. , . •.,• 1 .-..-. . - 1 _,.:. ,...., ,_ _ .... . cF CF 1 I Lic l ':.- I Riceland" Riccla1nd 2rrd CPA-01-09 �( 'J -Ii , F-- — v^ I3rr�11 J q Tr. i I c 3rd ' _,: 1 7; Z �� — tihrucc -'J ii ill W . J ill cn.4th 4th — 4th 4th — 4th ,' T z % [Nc, / / 5.th— 5.th �o`� n,0\., \\`,s3 ` R-3 / ( ��o $\\'-'.fie .� .,, 1,c o 'ri of sJ,_411000011111111.6".111111 a 5th 5th ._ o� , IF 1l l • i I Pr* T S 4 007. O R_3 �_ c, �o. , ' y ,... p _, / Cth.--- :,, NIF-2 16th 6th =-1 tr(-,)„, li Z I4 + ' 0 , , / L. tfl Q, Alp ilir 1-,,,, R-3 Illk _ / )*__X\g- El-:::::-:-:-. 7.-:-.::.-:-.§ 5' ; n r'i R � :_ *41' tl1_ eiraIIIIII*;c * 40, = 1 Valley Senior HiQICF14,4 c' t#A. - 1-- February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 :'T"":'; 'sPsv(: Department of Community Development Sfibkane Valley Planning Division Vicinity & 2007 Aerial Map , . ..., __ , .., .. - , , ,,, , , ,., .,.. , .7„, , E .-______; ,,--_!----:,-; _ I ' = --- :t.-- -II: ----T----"-.7.- -- 1'1 ' - _ Mi inac c tip;.mu, Sprague r — j i,— .. _ L 4ri_ ijari l'' 2lld 1-... `til fi res _t!,1_, I �[t--�� s rte. �?' ' ; !i; - s _ �`_ Ill 16� end K+ r. 41.* �:�q?/l - r ' _ .. I " � •, J P OZ r, " _L _�arll L I --- CPA-0_-09dili.W �. �- - - •._ ;„I —, I VI, __lir... J - 4_, A. f____ ila, „,„,,,,— .: . ` _,_ = 1— , •,�”+'ii:.4 ` 41.11 — _ . ..sly r,-_k ..i' I r ` _ • ti fi I \ ..h\\'- �`• ^St11 5 rel lrj 7._ ,a. ilk r igima.• -I' r_. .I h jli/ .I ., k,irtel .i." ...., _ tr, ..„. February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 . t:'tr"' ,:P.-:•:A.',1., Department of Community Development �, Spokane _ . �3Valle Planning Division N . Comprehensive Plan ,. -:,. :,.,. ..,• -._ „, .. , . , . .. .. . : Couu' 1 f !- .. .......... Cic 4. ; Li 1 I 2:::,.' , 1 1 f. 1 1— - 1 Pulllic:' uasi-Public Public:'Quasi-Public — Q L 1 ,1l _ -------2nd— , r--_. -� Ill (1. CP-\-02-0 Nt'1`SltlJt ii'l1U(I \Iiedium = JL / Cuu tnc'rcia r. Density I j/.-.2. •• Resiilentiai r ;ld / j ow IIi li Density, e,iilc' utial ,..i, Utftce• 4th-- = 4th Ss• _-Ith - 4th - -- i 't�`•ii --- : � r- --- — - Nci;lilioilioud ( i1iiiuin i ial 2 5th 5th— I5 e \ I 5th' `5th— �0 g I' — f — ,j ' Low Density Residential g I.r L bth—.-� \ t 6th / N J I } -- --, I .\\��''‘1.6`. :.:) `. :. PuhlieiQuaci- C. -___Th t�• ..- Public �r \ g � i--4��Y February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 Department of Community Development '�" " Spokane � " 4,,,f Valle , Planning Division '� .. ' 4.4i Zoning Plan __ . .._ ... _ _____ _ _ . ,---, , . , . 1 II , , , .,. 1 , , ., , , , . , .. , . . . ?lu ue Spr 1_ue Sprague ^ i �• A i I r } ' C'N II [ .. ,J s. U.. _ CF (F ,I1 _ I I 2nd ; i ilIF-, r— r — v \ — d ,i `.) / ZH -) CPA-02-09 L41, _U I j 3rd - F- __ 1 , ,. ____T ,.....,_ . -1_ . . -' I✓ ITh — — 4th - _1Lt-- J Lel NC L I $ _S � ' R-3 - f^ - IL I • silt 5th— R ; 0 -SIF -- r-- - t& i IIM 4.2 6th - - 6th- _ __ ` A �� L .. R-4_1(''-=‘. �\ \_-:� February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 4000 CITYH�.IIi:::dPOY,A''t`� Department of Community Development "- . ttl,� ne _Ka .0...Sale Planning Division , ,�L `w Vicinity & 2007 Aerial Map 1 Indaua_ t \ .-- - - it.- II I I 1 l `_--__ ,� ya a . te�o�l..�� s .ms i S.jil. r., 1— 7' '. `�.�� c ww"lc / 1`K' _--- — _ - , - -1--L..1 NIL�___I - ;1 ri-- --2----, .1 \ 1 l 1A11�� �r� _a a .•. li Hi-ig---------------- _..-- ---_ S. I '',- -_ N. I- - • :,. •-.41 ii, ... _ --- % II ■ _ _ +, ire<< , r sVi'' Pyr. ..• a> t I r \a. ' s gi . r.' • , ‘ ribs& "; ' kr__, ■t t■ �.- 1 ffi sj " _`. L CPA-03-09 _ ,. _ • I �� I_ � +�_ l ! � - i __ j ICPA 03-09! L % . 7 if+ I2W1L 7 Sint li gil Li :: mili r„.„. iiia _ _ :/1l - ,__I IMP LILA% .04/ A 1 Mr 0 MP"! . •./".,,,;/ KIM '` e f ' • ii r ----r- _ — — T i f '//� Ili.. ®tilt re� ( ', 'Ltd — _ c�'yls._ — _ 1 1_ _ - , IN ■ [ 1 , Athur H.Ness F]ementa .� sip y - i_il..' -1-1,-..1 C ■ — -- - .7,- • Yr. - �� Lir Iii FIJ 1 II I 'e :f tF' n � ►' f - ■ : i i — - II r ,� w r.,esp .41 a �' hI 'mullet!! t ��� r.:_ _'. I �. LI I . ‘NE 111 11111111 pm= iet6r4-. Aim '11111111111/111L-0 1L i_ '`, i February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 • ' > a11e e Department of Community Development v �,. Planning Division �,. ; p m Corehensive Plan _ _ __ . , . __,... . - -;, , ___ . K I'c•0• - ---••-• �' Cotntntmih•Commercial- , .. .40011. "1TJ:,PI! 4/1 ee 1. l - — riijiiii _. I I ll II.IJAau r I .t - Maxwell CPA-03-09 , 1111 III II lal 11.111111 <77-1 .. — .: ::, // % •% NW srarp iIihNIP!111 _ , / i p - Low-Density-Res-dential �; �•� #IIIIIIr1 • 'IUesmet ,IIM - N r%�ii 07� / ■ February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 Spoka\``- . , , Department of Community Development * . . .. b... , . . ..,,sValle` Planning Division Zoning Plan . ' _ . . /� aim .-. ( ............................. :::............. ..................... I. _. .......... , : .:,.................................: ,, , , :: ___ - --.- f , . _. ._ _,j frj% r �,� 11 i CPA-03-09 j/�� ice'fre"'",,./.." ../:..Z V.,.....-,;3 { rr,.......-9007 ./ - '_ :/'''_4 s Boone CF 0 �jO , . 0''L:-. February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 CITYH4_I Ii SIMKANN Iokane Department of Community Development .•5 Planning Division 4. , ti.. .r Vicinity & 2007 Aerial Map_ ,,, • • _ r� alk. r - 1 1 It __ 1..--. ',. M1�/_ MEMO ' r atIii.1 — T , �- - _ - - poi r i CPA-04-09 _j CPA-04-09 .- , , ti _� — I 1 __. , - —1 - / /�/ I Sprague — -�- _ - ? j _!I`._ L 6-1 1 7 - -1 , _ i, . a-",716'1_1_ . . 1 F.-- - iiiiii...E__---11 _______ __ i. _. ...-..._. .... ... ._ 1st-__ —T r \-I 1_,dd Ln� co1 17, --- i Ir-\ — d2 _ U J _ _. 4th lr , .. MEM M I _ I 1 .-,...r iro.oai@Bi: :. - February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 0 = .,' `:'T�`i., '„r •,” Department of Community Development - Plannin Division ` Comprehensive Plan _________,____ _ _ _ ! , 111 Loc Density Residential , p CPA-04-09 . iiii r , ii, !. _, ,, - A - ., i.,.. .: �� Ad . y C+omrauuih Commercial I %. N._N s NN NN.'',, , ::: !. .. `orrulor.\hied tow • ` February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 . -a- ±.'Ty"'"`'S""V''' Department of Community Development ,. Spokane • % _ . _ �,,,.�Valle�1 Planning Division m Zoning Plan , _ __ _____, I , , MF-1 F Go is (fr - (P4-0409 _ : R-4 �' t'.- ` .... o cn �` February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 T`" °°' `` Department of Community Development T Spokane - _. . . 40,00Valle ' _ Planning Division y City Initiated Amendments , ____ CPA-05 -09 (Cha — North Pines Middle School ■ Roo 1 Ij Eire.it,■ 1 I; 2 - Lane ase ; ' - ME; - - Up daf-e Land � ,'.� •,'�i�� _ . Ipp-.1,-_. . ,._ -- -- ___ _ _ ... „ . _ �.. „ - ,,, ,„. . , . , ,__. ,4 t- .. =.,---- .: — -- -. Cancity Analysis j --7.7-7.° � � . 11111111111.111 7- 111 (Table 2 . 1 ) r 1 ■ . II LL. - Add annexa tiongoals �_.._ 1 • - Ih. - vly�,r�y mr-•-•70I-AkAPPiri--FT-1- 111 Vis.' I. and poces - - - , 2544 , 1 ■ ■! - -- ,_.gill EA I — ,ar d Use MaD P IN F - �■ _ _ �C �E2 t�.= Jilil (IlViap - ) ..,„ ,.. , ., ., ,. ,,, Cs tv.I arr• 7- E 1' t.. - �. u vl _t February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 Spokane Department of Community Development if. T ...,' . .00.0Ualle Planning Division 4` awk Cty IAmendments • CPAC6O9 (Chante: 3 — T:ansportatior ) — Add text for new bike classification — Add newly developed bike facili lies (Map 3 .2) C?AM7O9 (CLapter — CFP Public Services) — Update 6=yr TIP — Update Water Districts & Wellheads (Map 4. 1 ) — Update Parr (s and Recreation (Map 4.3) — Update 6-y sewer (Map 4.5) CPA-08- 09 (Ciapter 8 — Natural 1HAv_ro_i metit) — Update Wetlands (Map 8 . -4 — Update Fish _ Wildlife Habitat (Map 8.3) February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 "Y`iAII ISI'clr:AsJ`' Department of Community Development ���0.anc Planning Division Questions ? February 26, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009