1977, 11-29 Permit: M4252 GarageSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Land Use or Structure Permit J"1 Type V Zone Res. Mobile Home Group Owner Ryan Pendergrass RESIDENTIAL NUMBER M 1, 25 2 Property Address JACKSON DRIVE, EAST 18810 Permit for garage, private, dets ...-req-__ -.......__ menial use allowed in this zone Address $mss.--,�_ - ?hone 922-2332. Architect Address k \... Phone Contractor � Address ''--,-) Location: Parcel Number 08552.09-11.. Lat..1Q,r..Mock g, [ars 0-. 'fie,- Orchards, 927 Phone Sam Road--Ht�Ad .--lst d. �ftn-Imum.--Zon- set-backs__.frll ..al_l.-.pr_operty...Unes, .Front..yard.-.of -at -least 28 -. slda...yard- of -at---least- E 10' for 2 st+ary..bu.ilding, .15' denting.-streets--Je.-J.qu1r d,---or'--aosr11e..--tf --r guj-r-ed--by--zo tlfig-- V . Bui1-ding..aM/or.--Eire__Codas. Bldg. Zone 1.. Fire Zone 3. Size of Lot 7!X127' Sewage a.Isti, nst 1-B!e#.al m Stories..1..__..Dimensions 24.x30' Total Sq. Ft 720 Valuation $365OO (—) .._ .....- I Rmi..... .-..Baths/RR Basement Foundation eopCp�-.Chimney Fireplace Htg. System E Type of Roofing_COW.Ext. Finish. frame. Int. Wall Finish Bdrms Certificate of Occupancy Issued for see -above.. -EACH -STAGE-OF---CONSTRUCTION MUST HAVE_.INSPECTIONS..CA Lf[ Remarks..FOR...AS_.REQUIRED BY. CODE.... -MUST CONFORM --TO AL -L-- COUNTI -CODE. i EQU REMENTS.---FINA[:--111- SPECTIOICREQUIRED._ CALL 4564675-, .prior-to---10400--a-m-. -for all inspections. THIS PERMIT Is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane. regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings In Spokane County. and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the positions o1 said ordinances, or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the Issuance al the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within year from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorize y iLddd gAfficial BUILDING CODE DEPARTIWEIff. Permit Expires November 29. 1978 Fee Paid $24.00 mug Date Issued..-__ 11/29/77 Building By �,G%!✓!'r, INSPECTOR -awl% .s,--, • 311'• l'r; • fignAlla-4 - '1' /7. 7 Jag. ...snorici t sant !it "slat „to - setattl-lef-brA 7•7 iwilitii1NAct30 4L10.1 OieliG-11U8 YTVIU03 314ANOcl2 IOSCE noisnirliEW ,sna4oq2 ,nozisftst .11 118 eiut)witZ 10 saU bnsi tzoksrlox. v &To- ..quoiD toott6A -fan biA — .... 141a. ,aestrbA. .iotardno3 ,b1b11-4.4 mow %WWI -114 41.0041 mtg.-Sat , isdmuoi :noilsoo.1 lalitilarre79**M114—.11-111 MO% *ova . ant aitsat4wit It Alois le bintiopes-wei-seamtsintiaset 'S ..gatbfted vela_ 1.wit. - . - . - .ambe3_ iiAbse_fiatlittuil fatiritilit,y'.4rIlottatie - -... - 586w5a - --- !iliakit IOJ lo sv It. .. 9f0S 9.91 r snoS bI8 .. _ ilmillwitoodsulsV. . 71511—.34-72-404 . ... . . .. 'OCK°03 . 2f1012 remit] ._f_ as horz .stfi ... 1)elgeii3... ... AsnmirlD eargegiss ....noticbm.gfi. . in9meas8 _88)21.11E8 .. .1mci .. . 2m6e FRt r -if ..,LS ,,,,...,;______Jiainiallw :n 1 ...rek . rizini7i 1x3. quest . _gottooR lo s T JLM3 1 1141111411 11 -FM T111.101 yorousninea o ItINIAT1 WAS. swede set .101 691221 ans U3D0 t i 1 CII - 41 Jottc:karnummtwas ion YillUe3---.1JA a meow) sae .3aa vs. 6114110. iSi i. Aile,s.,13‘.` 41:513 1 HEATI.,,G -*111110.30411ar Trrlinn as 00401, ,at ntig. JViltmellk -LIA3 .4111I1031.1101Ta41 _ . . -- - - 1011Iplisil lie 10 drsunsoltas SeJ It ire Is GM Masi •Itqa bits tools& Tst37TRA930 3003 ay.ailuakbiOjajj1-3111oriluA .biov Ow limIsq skit *mit rlakiw letts Istab aid! molt net vadwievoli zeitqx3 91 ilsostei II* r, renta,i,ts !isrs bet1.4ai,2,1m164 qrq 1I1 4. eau bqsiq sO, ,•rltno, qd, noqu b. 17610.19 Pil4T I 01011•140. ser noqu s,1 '1111beIlory rqr Difa •4,1 onalropt ,Nnirthod ,)r41»4 hits ott, Eli,0",q03 .41 Vital Uafri .101u11042 •.PotriAl ton bi :vow cd , b,o,164 41 411119 t4 'WO* tbor,orte now ervt bisa 011 roqiq Iraq. PlIgia .1! lot lionpo 441 10 11:10!...IRR$ ts qql,sq0b1sqqs r - .1001onal l 1041111 r, 110 noitskimez skins exit bile Arttnbrn x rtivitiw Mow o inimeanernmoo lot 'kw boos sd I$1* limisq gOT30.011 rift/ tiff .. Inn Wei • .90At eel