Agenda 04/09/2009 ci't'y Or _ Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda tae Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Valley J April 9, 2009 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No minutes to approve VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS: STUDY SESSION STREET STANDARDS, UDC AMENDMENTS FOR STREET STANDARDS NEW BUSINESS: No NEW BUSINESS X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF IAN ROBERTSON, CHAIR KATHY MCCLUNG, CD DIRECTOR JOHN G. CARROLL , VICE-CHAIR GREG MCCORMICK, PLANNING MGR,AICP CRAIG EGGLESTON SCOTT KUHTA, LONG RANGE PLANNER,AICP JOE MANN MIKE BASINGER, SENIOR PLANNER,AICP MARCIA SANDS CARY DRISKELL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY ART SHARPE DEANNA GRIFFITH,ADMIN TOM TOWEY WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG P:\Community Development\Planning Commission\2009 Meetings-Planning Commission\04-09-09 PC meeting\PC Agenda 04-09-09.doc "S John Hohman, Development Services Senior Engineer Gloria Mentz, Development Engineer Henry Allen, Development Engineer Why Change UDC? To incorporate all engineering requirements in the Street Standards To clarify Development Services Senior Engineer authority To change authority of Public Works Director due to Community Development & Public Works re-organization To adopt the Street Standards To clarify applicability sections of Grading Ordinance and remove confusing information. 1 Proposed UDC Changes Title 17.80.030 — Changed a section reference Title 18.50 —Added a section for Development Services Senior Engineer and modified Public Works Director section Title 22.20.080 — Deleted portions of this section and incorporated in Chapter 3 of the street Standards Proposed UDC Changes Title 22.130 - — Organized title similarly to 22.150—added a section for conditions of approval and appeals — Clarified purpose, regulated activities, review process, and authority to impose development requirements — Adopted Street Standards by reference — Deleted Regional Pavement Cut Policy. This policy is adopted by reference in the Street Standards. A copy of the most recent policy is attached for referenced in package. — Made small changes to Future Acquisition areas and Right- of-way permit 2 Proposed UDC Changes Title 22.50 — Deleted 22.50.030 and portions of 22.50.040. This information is included in Section 7.8.6 Street Standards Title 22.150 — Deleted portions of 22.150.070—this information was revised and is included in Chapter 1 of Street Standards — Deleted 22.150.80 —this information is included in Section 9.9.5 of the Street Standards Proposed UDC Changes Title 24.50. This title was completely re- written, changes include: — Included engineering requirements in Chapter 5 of the Street Standards and Chapter 9 of the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual — Added applicability/exemption sections to clarify when a permit for land disturbing activities is required — Deleted 22.150.80 —this information is included in Section 9.9.5 of the Street Standards 3 ''171- ](0J 1(-3--- ‘,. • • 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: March , 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ®old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Adoption of the City of Spokane Valley Street Standards (Street Standards) and changes to UDC Chapters 17.80, 18.50, 22.20, 22.50, 22.130, 22.150, and 24.50. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: A study session was held with Planning Commission on March 26. 2009. Staff provided Planning Commission with a presentation that outlines the proposed changes to the Street Standards. Ordinance 03-033 adopted the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction by reference. Since that time, all development and capital projects have complied with the County's standards. This provided consistency during the initial years of incorporation. However, the County standards are focused more on rural developments and have been difficult to work with on our predominately infill development. In late 2006, City Council authorized the amendment of the Street Master Plan contract with JUB Engineers to include the development of the City's first street standards. The street standards have been finalized. The following are proposed changes to the current street standards: • Establishing thresholds that trigger requirements for commercial permits • Requiring that all land divisions improve fronting streets to the applicable standards • Allowing modifications to local access streets when existing conditions make full construction unfeasible for projects that meet infill criteria • Allowing private streets for projects with less than 10 lots and when a public streets is not needed or possible • Changing the requirements for private driveways and streets to address Fire Code requirements; • Requiring connectivity • Modifying street intersection and approach spacing to improve access management • Adding traffic calming requirements • Increasing the minimum pavement section for local access streets, private streets and driveways • Moving all technical requirements currently in UDC to the Street Standards Staff is proposing changes to UDC title 17, 18, 22, and 24. Changes are necessary because portions of these sections have engineering technical requirements. These engineering requirements will be moved to the Street Standards. Additionally, changes are necessary to address minor inconsistencies, adopt the proposed Street Standards, and add language to clarify changes in authority due to the re-organization of Community Development and Public Works. • Chapter 17.80.030. Changing the reference to the Right-of-way permit in the Table • Chapter 18.50. Adding a section for the Development Services Senior Engineer, clarifying the authority of the Development Services Senior Engineer and Public Works Director. Change is necessary because of the re-organization of Public Works and Community Development. • Chapter 22.20. Deleting portion of Chapter 22.20.080, this information is incorporated in the Street Standards. Minor changes to language throughout. • Chapter 22.50. Removing the entire Chapter 22.50.030 and portions of 22.50.040. This requirement has been moved to the Street Standards. • Chapter 22.130. Adding language to clarify purpose of chapter, regulated activities, adopting Street Standards, review process, and authority to impose development requirements. Clarifying language for reminder of chapter. Removing section for Regional Pavement Cut Policy, the Street Standards adopt by reference the most current version of Regional Pavement Cut Policy, a copy of which is attached for reference. • Chapter 22.150. Removing sections 22.150.070 and 22.150.080. These sections are incorporated in the Street Standards. • Chapter 24.50. The proposal is a complete re-write of the current grading ordinance to remove confusing information and clarify applicability and requirements for different land disturbing activities. OPTIONS: Discussion only RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion only. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman, Development Services Senior Engineer Gloria Mantz, Development Engineer ATTACHMENTS: (1) Regional Pavement Cut Policy