Agenda 09/24/2009 Cr�i�z o Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda ►�- puriva Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Valle k y Sept 24, 2009 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS: No OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: PUBLIC HEARING, CODE AMENDMENTS—TAVIS SCHMIDT PUBLIC HEARING, CODE AMENDMENT -CHRISTINA JANSSEN PUBLIC HEARING, STREET STANDARDS—JOHN HOHMAN X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF JOHN G. CARROLL, CHAIR KATHY MCCLUNG, CD DIRECTOR CRAIG EGGLESTON GREG MCCORMICK, PLANNING MGR, AICP JOE MANN SCOTT KUHTA, SR. LONG RANGE PLANNER, AICP MARCIA SANDS, VICE CHAIR MIKE BASINGER, SENIOR PLANNER, AICP ART SHARPE CARY DRISKELL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY TOM TOWEY DEANNA GRIFFITH,ADMIN WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: September 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent Cl old business ❑ new business /1 public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code as follows: Addition of requirements related to the placement of outdoor lighting in residential areas. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220 PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The Uniform Development Code was adopted in September of 2007 and was effective October 28th, 2007. Following the adoption of the code, a number of items were discovered which were either incorrect, impractical, or omitted. This amendment is being proposed to correct one of these items. ANALYSIS: Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 17.80.150(6) provides approval criteria that amendments of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code must meet. Those criteria include: 1. The proposed amendment(s) are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: Staff constantly reviews and takes in comments regarding its Code provisions in an effort to fix things that are incorrect, don't work as intended, were omitted in error, and to remove those provisions that our experience shows us are unnecessary. We have been accumulating a number of potential changes as they relate to code compliance-related provisions, which are provided in the attachment. SVMC 17.80.150(F) states that the City may approve amendments to the UDC if it finds that: (1) the proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; and (2) the proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. LUG-1 requires code provisions that "preserve and protect the character of Spokane Valley's residential neighborhoods. The outdoor lighting standard limits the amount of light and glare in residential areas. The proposed amendments to the zone meet the above outlined goals, and are thus consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. OPTIONS: Review and recommend approval or non-approval as drafted or amended. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff's opinion is that the proposed amendments meets the above noted criteria and recommend that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation to amend the Municipal Code as stated above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Christina Janssen-Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: (1) Amended Text CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: September 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ® information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code as follows: It was staff's intent to have this meeting on September 24, 2009 as a study session, however, due to the inadvertent noticing of this as a Public Hearing, staff recommends opening up the public hearing and immediately continuing the Public Hearing to the next Planning Commission meeting on October 8th, 2009. Chapter 19.40.010 — State that cargo shipping containers and similar enclosures are not a permitted accessory structure in any residential zone. Chapter 19.20.06 - State that additions to nonconforming structures must meet current zoning setbacks. Chapter 19.40.100 — Remove language to clarify the size limits of Accessory Dwelling Units; add that a manufactured home cannot be an Accessory Dwelling Unit. Chapter 19.40.140 - State that a Home Occupation permit is required for any business person or entity engaging in a for-profit enterprise in a residence. Add and clarify examples of not allowed businesses including adding "small engine repair" to the list of definitions. Chapter 19.50— .050(G)2 Add the requirement that buildings must meet applicable building code requirements; .060(C)3 Active recreation areas are Community Development Director determined. Chapter 19.120 -Add Self Storage/mini storage to permitted uses in both the I-1 and 1-2 zones. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220 PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The Uniform Development Code was adopted in September of 2007 and was effective October 28th, 2007. Following the adoption of the code, a number of items were discovered which were incorrect, impractical, or omitted. These amendments are corrections of some of these items. ANALYSIS: Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 17.80.150(6) provides approval criteria that amendments of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code must meet. Those criteria include: 1. The proposed amendment(s) are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: Staff constantly reviews and takes in comments regarding its Code provisions in an effort to fix things that are incorrect, don't work as intended, were omitted in error, and to remove those provisions that our experience shows us are unnecessary. We have been accumulating a number of potential changes as they relate to code compliance-related provisions, which are provided in the attachment. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff's opinion is that the proposed amendments meets the above noted criteria and recommend that the Planning Commission hold a Public Hearing for these proposed amendments. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Tavis Schmidt, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: (1) Amended Text Street Standards { • John Hohman,Senior Engineer Gloria Mantz, Development Engineer What are the Street Standards? The Street Standards is a technical manual that: Addresses goals and policies of the adopted CSV Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) related to Transportation Establishes street-related improvement requirements for land actions and building permits Establishes technical requirements for Street Design Materials Construction techniques Inspection and certification of public and private improvements Maintenance of public and private improvements Aims to improve emergency access Provides conformity between existing and future streets Establishes criteria for the use of private streets vs public streets To be used with Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual to regulate development projects 1 Why Adopt Street Standards? To meet the goals and policies contained in the CSV Comp Plan. To make changes to the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction (County Standards)which the City adopted upon incorporation. County Standards: — Lack specific information regarding street improvement requirements for building permits — Work better for rural areas and not for in-fill development — Do not provide guidance for whether residential streets should be publicly owned or privately owned — Are not specific in many areas of street layout and design — Are not organized well To incorporate technical requirements in SVMC Titles 17, 18, 20, 22, and 24. All street related engineering technical requirements will be in the Street Standards. Comp Plan Goals and Policies Transportation goals and policies in the Comp Plan require the establishment of design standards for transportation facilities(TG-1) These standards should: — Provide for connectivity(TP-1.1) — Manage access to streets(TP-1.2) — Discourage private roads(TP-2.2) — Require private roads designed/constructed to public street standards(TP- 2.2) — Improve emergency access(TG-3) — Bring unimproved or rural streets up to standard(TP-3.1) — Extend functional life of existing streets(TG-5) — Improve street safety(TG-5) — Provide infrastructure to support development(TP-8.1) — Meet Level of Service(LOS)standards for intersection operations(CFP-2.1) 2 Comparison of Existing and Proposed Standards Changes are proposed in the following areas: — Improvement requirements for short plats and building permits — Clearing and grading requirements — Private streets — Pavement width for collector arterials — Turn around requirements — Use of dead-end streets — Sight distance — Intersection spacing and driveway separation — Traffic calming measures — Minimum pavement section for local access streets and some material specifications — Inspection requirements Comparison of Existing and Proposed Standards No changes are proposed in the following areas: — Traffic analysis requirements — Plan submittal requirements — Utilities — Typical cross-sections for most public streets — Minimum paving requirements for arterials — Most testing, inspection, and certification procedures — Maintenance requirements 3 Public involvement Milestone Date Public Draft Mid December to Mid March Developers Forum November 30, 2007 January 23, 2009 Subcommittee group meetings 2 meetings held in February & March 2009 Presentation for Spokane Home February 12, 2009 Builders Association Adoption Schedule Milestone Date Public Review Period March 17—April 23rd SEPA Checklist Mid-December CTED Review Mid-December Planning Commission Study Session March & April 2009 Planning Commission Public Hearing September 24, 2009 City Council Study Session October 27, 2009 First Reading with City Council November 17, 2009 Second Reading with City Council December 8, 2009 4 Street Standards Organization Chapter 1 — Introduction Chapter 2 — Development Engineering Requirements Chapter 3 —Traffic Analysis Chapter 4 — Requirements for Plan Submittal Chapter 5 — Land Disturbing Activities Chapter 6 — Utilities Chapter 7 — Street Elements Chapter 8 — Pavement Design Chapter 9 — Inspection & Certification Chapter 10 — Maintenance Chapter 11 — Standard Plans Chapter 1 - Introduction This chapter includes objectives of street standards, authorities, process for amendments and revisions to Street Standards, contact information, references, definitions. Proposed changes include: — Added language in Section 1.2 — Clarified street standards authority (Section 1.4) of development services senior engineer, senior traffic engineer and senior capital projects engineer. — Moved applicability and Applicant's responsibilities sections to Chapter 2. — Minor language clarifications. 5 Chapter 2 — Development Engineering Requirements This chapter presents specific requirements of the Development Engineering Division for development projects. Proposed changes include: — Minor language clarifications. — Moved applicability and Applicant's responsibilities section to Chapter 2 from Chapter 1. Chapter 3 — Traffic Analysis This chapter presents requirements for trip generation and distribution letter and traffic impact analysis submittals. Proposed changes to this chapter only include minor language clarifications. 6 Chapter 4 - Requirements for Plan Submittal This chapter presents the minimum plan elements for complete plan submittal.Addresses plan contents, formatting, etc. Proposed changes include: — Minor language clarification — Added requirement that street improvements and onsite improvement plan sheet have existing and proposed contours or spot elevations. This requirements was left out by mistake. — Added requirement that plans show existing or proposed traffic elements . — Added development engineering requirements for site plan of record Chapter 5 - Land Disturbing Activities Specifies requirements for clearing and grading, erosion and sediment control, and geotechnical evaluations. Incorporates technical information currently provided in the grading ordinance (SVMC 24.50) Proposed changes to this chapter only include minor language clarifications. 7 Chapter 6 - Utilities This chapter specifies design requirements for utilities. Proposed changes included: — Minor language clarification — Clarified that utilities shall be underground in all new public right-of- way of land actions. Chapter 7 — Street Elements This chapter specifies requirements and criteria for street design of public and private streets and includes requirements for: — Street sections such as pavement width, curb & gutter, sidewalks, swales, right-of-way, and border easements — Geometric design such as horizontal alignment and vertical layout — Emergency features such as turnarounds, signage, gate requirements, etc. — Access management such as intersection spacing, corner clearances, approach separation. — Traffic calming, sight distance, etc 8 Chapter 7 — Street Elements Proposed changes include: — Clarified private driveway requirement for lengths less than 150 feet (Section 7.3.4) — Modified Table 7.1 to provide horizontal curve radius for crown sections with 2 and 3% cross-slopes. — Table 7.1 - Design speed of collector arterials was changed to 35 mph, design criteria was changed for the new design speed. — Table 7.2—outside lane requirement was changed to be consistent with Comprehensive plan. — Table 7.3—tangent length was reduced for local access streets. — Table 7.3 -shows the range of minimum pavement widths. Chapter 7 — Street Elements Proposed changes include: — Section 7.6.5 Sight Distance - Removed Case C-. Already covered in Case A. — Language clarification throughout chapter. Added language suggested by WSDOT to Section 7.5.1. — "Any revision to a geometric element or traffic control on a State Highway requires WSDOT approval." 9 Chapter 8 — Pavement Design Provides minimum requirements for the design of pavement sections for travelways within the City. Proposed changes include: Changes to the crushed rock specification(Section 8.6.2). — New Requirement is:"The crushed aggregate shall have at least 90 percent by weight of particles with at least one fractured face. The area of each face shall be equal to at least 75 percent of the smallest mid-section area of the piece." — Previously,the requirement was at least 90 percent for two fracture faces and 100 percent for one face. This requirement was changed because compliance with this requirement would require a separate crushed aggregate pile for the City of Spokane Valley and importing quarried rock. Section 8.6.5—In Place Mainline Asphalt compaction test requirements—At the request of Public Works Department,deleted requirement for 7 random cores. This requirement only applied to capital projects. Section 8.6.6 and 8.6.7—Cold joint&longitudinal/transverse joint requirements. Changed these specifications to be based on amended WSDOT standard specifications. The previous specifications were found to be impracticable. Section 8.6.9-Change requirement to cover asphalt loads only when the ambient temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or less. Section 8.6.10-Breakdown Rolling Maximum temperature loss—clarified that temperature loss is from the point of laydown. Section 8.6.11 -Windrow approach requirement was deleted due to the nature of jobs in the City. Requirement can only be implemented for large projects. Deleted Appendix 8A—the JUB report is available online for any interested parties. Chapter 9 - Inspection & Certification Presents inspection and certification requirements for development projects. Incorporates existing processes and technical requirements from SVMC such as: required notifications, pre-construction meetings, inspection of swales, paving dates, etc. Proposed changes includes — Minor language clarifications — Change to minimum material testing and frequencies to be consistent with Spokane County requirements. • 10 Chapter 11 - Standard Plans This chapter has standard plans for drafting standards, streets, utilities, stormwater, and traffic. Proposed changes include: — Added 6 drafting standard plans (D100- D105) consistent with public works standards — Added Standard Plan R-150—Gated Access Requirements per Fire Department Request — Added Standard Plans R-115 Driveway Approach for Private Streets and Driveways and R-119 Typical Street Section — Half Street. — Minor drawing clarifications and changes — Re-numbered stormwater standard plans Spokane Valley Municipal Code Staff is proposing changes to SVMC titles: — Table 17.80-1 — 18.30 — 18.50 — 22.20 — 22.50 — 22.130 — 24.50 11 Spokane Valley Municipal Code Table 17.80-1. Changing the reference to the Right-of- way permit in the Table Chapters 18.30 and 18.50 Clarifying the authority of the Community Development Department and Public Works Department. Changes are necessary because of the re- organization of Public Works and Community Development. Chapter 22.20. — Deleting portion of Chapter 22.20.080, this information is incorporated in the Street Standards. — Minor changes to language throughout. — Incorporated suggested changes from legal department Spokane Valley Municipal Code Chapter 22.130 Changes to the following sections: regulated activities, Street Standards, review process, Future Acquisition areas, Right-of-way permits. Added the following sections: Authority to develop and administer standards, Development Project and Permit Review Process Removed Regional Pavement Cut Policy Section. The Street Standards adopt by reference the most current version of Regional Pavement Cut Policy. Re-organized chapter Incorporated suggestions from Legal Department. 12 Spokane Valley Municipal Code Chapter 22.50. Removing the entire Chapter 22.50.030 and portions of 22.50.040. This requirement has been moved to the Street Standards. Chapter 24.50. The proposal is a complete re- write of the current grading ordinance to remove confusing information and clarify applicability and requirements for different land disturbing activities. 13 CIP\ Chapter 22.130 _ I IYII_ __ f \b d Y u.9.rs I S-J9 Sr 4 d-a4 4 4a4 ' .4 V Y a�ie�.L�'ti✓ J l:wd i• • V . TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS Sections: 22.130.010 Purpose end intent. 22.130.020 App.iioetion of ro;'.:iromontsRequlated Activities. 22.130.030 Ro^w'irsd improv✓monto end dodiootionAuthority to Develop and Administer Standards. 22.130.040 Street Standards. 22.130.050 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 22.130.060 Development Project and Permit Review Process. 22.130.070 Required Improvements. 22.130.035 22.130.080 Future ooquisition Acquisition orcesAreas. ".130.037 22.130.090 C;ntorim conditional use Use porm,tPermit. 22 '1 30 030 Perming In+ travrel !ono non nen.ions to odjecnn+ porking I ots zn nn r",rfnr n..A A r nna-4r n.., `I. 22.130.050 Reigionel pevcmont v�, nvlin,f 22.130.050 22.130.100 Right-of-way pormi: Permit and use Use rcquirom✓ntsRequirements. 99.130.070 Mon— on Uniform i rntiio Control I1rJ,riin.. 22.130.080 Modifive.ion of s.enderdo. 22.130.090 22.130.110 Liability. 22.130.010 Purpose end incn . =sure tho pronnr function of otroots, ortorisis end The purpose of this chapter is to �..,...�.� .. ., prof= .,�.��„ �� ���� ��� end the network The Citi/ n_�r Spokon^_ VeI!oy a brie! otrn_et pen n_dnpted ,n tho (smmnr.,hnnci‘ro �Ir,n 'rnvirinc fnr fi'411Irn l nwnnrisinn ,nf+hn S+ron+ n'n.+1ninA 'I hn in Vr �, this chepter ir' to mn.,�ntnin tho f„not on enrl cefoty or tho street infrastruoturn as 1 S'ch--,-;tri- r rr' ',,, , n.n..,+ A r,.,, . ..n,.,... In ...'.+'n,, street A i. 4',.. I n ,i I .an+ A. Maintain the proper function of street infrastructure; B. Maintain and limprove roadv.re-y-the street safety; BC. Provide for =oh:;ay future street expansion; C. Estehr,sh now road‘,,–ys; and D. Identify requirements that may be imposed upon development projects and permits defined in 22.130.020. Clarify tho e,uthority of tho deve!opmont scrvioos sonic:- ongincer i1 regord to the future !co-,tion end width of rnndwoys end rights of l -y. (Ord. 07 015 § /I, 2007). 22.130.020 r.pp'ication of roqui:cn cntoRequlated Activities. All new development approvals and permits as set in SVMC 17.80, unless exempt pursuant to SVMC 17.80.040 shall comply with this chapter. 22.130.030 Authority to Develop and Administer Standards Staff Recommended Draft September 24 2009 Pagel The development services senior engineer, under the authority of the community development director, shall develop and administer the Spokane Valley Street Standards (SVMC 22.130.040) and -- -- - - - ' require development projects to provide transportation improvements, dedicate right-of-way and border easements, and future acquisition areas. These improvements will be required to achieve the purpose of this Chapter and goals of the currently adopted comprehensive plan. ;nc!'uding :cut not limit,-.-1 +n dig .r.'�.'is.. of inn 1 vnnr-I...nn...I '.... ..... nnssn a dminist n+i e p-rmi+n cite -velopm-n+ piens Und Normi+o for ncw structures or ..T- improvements c•hN11 comp) r with this r'hnn+ r. Any chance to . h„i!dinn or any °hangs in ..so of o hr,i!ding ror cit-- to such -n n� not that o per it or cer-,ifiv e, of occupancy it ... ., , .�.....,.�.� .., ...... .. ...,tt.,.. . a. �.. .m.. .,. �,. .. fit... �,...,.�.�...j ,.., n-n h nom.I r r+I •L nr vi n+` ns In or..in 1I n m' nr occupancy r oilhiccuod pions demonstrating compliance v , h this chapter have 5, '+n r. r + Q 4. ri I . In in. in r n pd not in conflict with +hp.urpoc t+hi ch r+ n color r ar : 1 _ 2nn 22.130.040 Street Standards. Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020 and 35A.12.140, the City adopts, by reference, the City of Spokane Valley Street Standards (Street Standards), and as it may be amended from time to time. The city clerk shall maintain a copy on file. 22.130.050 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The Washington Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), and as it may be amended from time to time, is hereby adopted by reference. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.130.030 060 Development Project and Permit Review Processi°cq.:!r::r !rnprovo.r ones and d^r'.;cotica. Following submittal of a completed application pursuant to SVMC 17.80, the project shall be reviewed to determine compliance with all applicable regulations and standards. Additional material and/or analysis may be required to demonstrate compliance. 22.130.070 Required Improvements. A. Prior to the issuance of any approvals for development projects or permits subject to the provisions of this chapter, the development services senior engineer shall determine the extent and type of roodwaystreet-improvements, right-of-way/border easements dedication or designation of future acquisition areas required, to the extent allowed by the law, and pursuant to the following as part of the development propos!. Thr, of o opment npnrioo senior eng n rohn!! +ho fol o' ring in otormi inn +ho r..c...ope of the improvements. r' A1. The Comprohonsivo comprehensive Plonplan; B2. The arterial street map; G3. The street construction standards (SVMC 22.130.040); 4. The manual on uniform traffic control devices identified in SVMC 22.130.050; Staff Recommended Draft September 24 2009 Page2 5. The local street plan; 6. Information submitted by the applicant including any preliminary site plans, engineering reports, or other relevant data; and, g7. A determination of the :1:4o functione,4, safety, efficiency and coordinated future expansion needs of the roadway system to serve the traveling public and emergency vehicles. and, 8. Portions of the uniform development code, SVMC Title 17-25 that specifically identify required future roadways, streets, or other right-of-ways, including but not limited to the Spokane Valley-Sprague Corridors Subarea plan pursuant to SVMC 19.110.020. B. Requirements may include but are not limited to: 1. The extent and type of required street improvements pursuant to SVMC 22.130.040; 2. The extent of additional and/or new right-of-way and /or border easement needed to support the required improvements pursuant to SVMC 22.130.040; 3. Designation of future acquisition areas pursuant to SVMC 22.130.080; 4. Participation in capital improvement projects as included on the adopted six year street improvement plan. 1 he develemm"nt r•enricos cnnior onnineer Shall d-torminn e n-xT^nt of �lellt�nn�l rinktc of rY�rreneerlerl +n (.' r, rt theca imr ,\r'rnr' ' i n rn r+oCc of rlr�rlin7tinn fhr, renr rirvrl lend rno or rl.etnrminif f::1,'' 7nr.� cTrnn o moo Whet lie-1 hie rl er•innn4e,rl n.rrc nnt n. S\rnnr• ' ' 1qn n'zti `h re,rnh ')'J 1'2n 0'40 Thn rlr� relnnment gonrin�c cenier nnninnor �hr,ll aloe de...n..rmine it fS-p development proposal con pat ipate in any City capital improvement project es incluudod,on the adopted ..ix car etr^^t imp i mm^_ p,!en. In the development propose! vrill be conditioned to provide n proporticnato c^ntrihi ition fn th^ ^mini—ted projvnt (Ord 09 010 § 1 ')nfQ• vrra n7 915 § A ')nm\ 22.130.0-3-5-080 Future acquisition areas. A. When a future acquisition area is designated, a title notice shall be completed and recorded with the county auditor. by the planning department or other appropriate _ a department appropriate agency/department.-The notice shall run with the land and shall not be removed or amended prior to approval_ by the ostoblishing agcncyldopar mont os indicated on the n-ti-ee-The notice shall be recorded as soon as possible and, in all cases, prior to the issuance of a building permit. The notice shall: 1. Include the tax parcel number and the full legal description; 2. Make reference to any related approval file number or permit numbers; 3. Include an exhibit showing street names, future acquisition areas, right-of- ways, and their dimensionstho nam of the street(s) or rced(s) and!or map if ppronriate; '! Include the dimension of the future acquisition erce(s); F. Indica.. n., } e building .cetbuf<s from the futurn., acquisition r.n.da..ryr(io.s.,); €4. Identify any limitations for improvements or features within the acquisition boundary(ies); Staff Recommended Draft September 24 2009 Page3 5. Indicate that the future acquisition area is private property; (Z6. Identify the responsibility for relocation or loss of interim features or improvements within the future acquisition areas; and 9. Be mailed to the property owner's and taxpayer's address as shown in the current Spokane County assessor's/treasurer's records, if a complete mailing address is indicated. The establishing agency may approve the amendment and removal of the -title notice oho!! hc, 1m^nrlvra cr \\I!Th on form v./4=1:-..--Pr-if the arterial 7 Va'-' street plan, the local street to of !o!c! rood map or other conditions change and the recorded title notice is no longer "c!!dnecessary. If the City initiates the amendment or removal of the title notice, the!property owners shc!! will be notified of the change. B. Building Setback. The required setback of buildings as specified in the underlying zone classification shall be measured from the future acquisition area boundary. !f no rooconob!o alto doo!gn so!ution oompIy ng with th^ s^tbaok feosib!o, aExceptions to the full setback may be administratively granted if: 1. An existing parcel or lot equals or is up to five percent larger than the minimum lot area required in the underlying zone; or 2. An existing parcel or lot has an existing building proposed for expansion,; cr 3. The sponsor of now dovo!oomont or rodovo!opmontapplicant adequately .,rte,�„ ,., , demonstrates a site design or use limitation for the existing property. Such exceptions may be granted; provided, that: ai. The property is not part of a zone reclassification and/or subdivision application; and, til. The property has no reasonable alternative site design solution feasible; and, em. A title notice is recorded pursuant to this section that further identifies likely impacts (such as noise, crowding, loss or relocation of improvements) to the site when the r000lvro--street is widened in the future; and div. The building is located at the greatest setback possible, but in any case shall be no closer than one-quarter of the required setback from the future acquisition area boundary and shall not be located within the future acquisition area. C. Landscaping cnd Parking 1. ondsoopin-g. _Significant landscape features, such as trees, shall be located in such a manner that when the roadway street is widened in the future a significant portion of such landscaping features, such as matured trees, will not need to be destroyed or relocated. A majority of the trees required in the current landscaping areas shall be planted eight feet from the future acquisition area boundary within the future planting strip and shall be spaced no less than 60 feet from one another. 2D. Parking. All on-site parking required by the underlying zone classification shall be located outside the future acquisition area. If no reasonable site design solution complying with parking location requirements is feasible, exceptions to these requirements may be administratively granted if: al. An existing parcel or lot equals or is up to five percent larger than the minimum lot area of the underlying zone; b2. An existing parcel or lot has an existing building proposed for expansion; or Staff Recommended Draft September 24 2009 Page4 G3. The sponsor of ad o!op ent or rsd^ve!^ome applicant adequately :,,.,..,,....,. .., now �.. ..,ter.., ., .. ,,, demonstrates a site design or use limitation for the existing property. Such exceptions may be granted; provided, that: i. The property is not part of a zone reclassification and/or subdivision I application; and, ii. The property has no reasonable alternative site design solution feasible; and, iii. A title notice is recorded pursuant to this section that further identifies likely impacts to the site when the ro 'or street is widened in the future; and iv. The fewest number of parking stalls is located in the future acquisition area as possible and, in any case, shall contain no more than one-quarter of the required parking stalls for the site. DE , tion of ovti,Nirod S to Drainage Facl!!tioslmprovements. All required 205 r- ops-drainage facilities and structures for the site shall be located outside the future acquisition area. If tho sponsor of a now dov'o!opmont or rodovo!opm"nt N r, ,. ^doc :to! r demonstratos a. oto deci^n ^r i ss !im'toti^r for !000tinn of f^ofl!tl.s of tho oxist!ng property, aA portion of the drainage facility improvement may be temporarily allowed within the future acquisition area if an into;irn conditional use permit is issued pursuant to the provisions of SVMC 22.130.03722.130.090. The i-n4orrn permit shall provide for the relocation of the drainage facility to an alternative site by the property owner when the rood.''s' street is widened. The permit shall identify the alternate location and the means of relocating the facility. E.F. Physical Structures, Improvements and Utilities. Physical structures (such as signs, fencing, and architectural features) and improvements (such as site drainage, 208 drainage swales, landscaping, and parking) shall not be located within the future ntorirn acquisition area unless an i�,�:..,,,,, conditional use permit has been issued pursuant to SVMC 22.130.03722.130.090. If permitted, they shall be considered "interim" and shall be relocated or removed if the right-of-way is widened in the future, subject to the conditions of the intorim conditional use permit. All developers, agencies and purveyors installing utilities in, adjacent to or across rights-of-way shall show the future acquisition area and boundarr(boundary (ies) on construction plans or drawings. Impacts from the future roadway street widening and other relocation cost shall be considered when designing and siting utilities and improvements. (Ord. 08-006 § 1, 2008). 22.130.090 !nto ]rn oConditional use permit. A. The dev'eiopme-nt-see se-s-sc-n-isr er 1n€erCity may temporarily allow, as an interim conditional use, site features or improvements located within or adjacent to the future acquisition area that are in conflict with the provisions of this chapter; provided, that a hardship can be demonstrated and the use can be reasonably conditioned and restricted to ultimately accomplish the intent of this chapter. Examples of site features or improvements include driveways, travol !anon surface-drainage facilities and structures, 208 swslos, parking stalls, utilities and signs. B. Permit Required. !ntor!m oConditional use permits shall be issued administratively at or before the time development approvals and permits are granted. !^grim Conditional use permits shall, at a minimum, specify the temporary or interim use Staff Recommended Draft September 24 2009 Pages allowed, the conditions of the permit, the provisions for and timing of removal, relocation or installation and the responsibility for the cost of relocation, removal or installation. C. Appeals. Any appeal of the administrative decision T -an :n:ori ^ Is shall be heard pursuant to Chapter 17.90 SVMC, Appeals. All in±orim conditional use permits shall be referenced by a title notice pursuant to SVMC 22.130.03522.130.080. (Ord. 08- 006 § 1, 2008). 2') a a n si. ti., '1.]:10 lois. Tr I nn . i} In n m rn• I rl I i, trig r•1 tr Inn n h I L or -rn.r ri for future nonnooLio. n of o dctinr' or future .^...�I�nvr:. porkallots of Sal industrial Jovolnp�niont Multiple family rdovolnpmonts shall provide similar connections ta ... �. .11 vlr.... fw.. i .r n rr Ivnmv.. . 1 r.. eel Ian. o h�,.I Inn dosi and to cello v future vv-, in -f 4 — r .., r n r rI,in a Int it I I t•nn n n I inn tit nri . , y u . , ,. .... requiring Jn icl-e„ oun ocs the readway ontor the adjac-nt parking lot. Commercial cr industrial p rk g lot tr {-Fin should net pass through rncir'lonti_al parking lots. Site dovelopmant design which pro Ades for minimum travel lane ccnncctions may reduce rI,'n a1 tit r Iris a II r til_ r r I nn t•na /tn maximum of four statiln) If the spons-r of a nn..r de rolnnrriont or ror"lovolopmeent arinnl latol r t,.......,1...,.c:.,�, d�.omti-Stzttic a site co-ign far in.t. II .ti h it . .. �I., .. tr I n t, a'/•nli g n rnn..r.r n./n. 4./nn to 4 a1•r len nma r nrlmin;ctr.+,r1I.r gra tn.-l' nrn.rirlorl that• tu..,,,., .,. .. .f y,�n�. ,., r . .., . . , .,.aa. Th., nrnnnr.., �s not na.= of a `n n reclncsifinatinn aHyl/or c. I1^.r11kric1nn annlica.irnn• R T h_o property has roar able oltornative cite docign solution feasible• . .. r...... no i ......�n......r.v a..i. . ,..... L ... ... ,J,. J.......v„ .....v,....,v, C. Tho dovelopmont cervicac seamy engineer finds that the travel lona and ccnnc��icr location or an interim lack of connection wi11 not ncga iv_'j impart the. nrvcont or fi it,r n fl'notn and nfot.r of the n.rl nn Int ,-. n', lalinn ing nn Ingrocn th. r., .. .,.r�v.rl r.......r�. n. ...r� ...1.... s.... j ... ..,r., r....,...-r.y ..r. .....v...IL,c.....,, ...y r..,J`J,.. , Liiii, c.,.. future road"va\ or roadway not vork• D. An interim permit is ics-uod under the previsions of SVMC-22.130.037 for any j Y...I lir. rI in t I 4- t r fn h r m .rte In h f in nnrl I n l•r n ad;acont travr3,1 lone connoctions; and nr= c. 4 (.,4• 1• ..n r - r 'r - /1v a a =f Ir-',� r •rl�a.. Iil impacimpacts (such toss rolocation imprnvomoritn Iva tl e Crparts- ts \J coGV 1 J or , IJt�cn aa.. of LJ.l7 �. ...�, , arms f.' - i. , ..Ition is made in the future. (Ord. 08 006 § 1, 2008). 22,1-3-04-40 Sth da'r =rer-if--''"-c—^. - "-s0""01' canatruction. Pursuant to RC\^13;5 .11.920 and 351\.12.110, tr"o City adopts, by rofcronco, the Spokano County Standard-s fcr Road and Sower Construction. Unless the context othorwisc, rnftran CCs to Spokane County bo.. to mean the City of Sparc., JII r r fc, ns.„ - 1 .. r 1 ..";Vr anarnr or d-osignoe. The. city of-"r: maintain copy en (0-rd. 07 015 § A., 2007). 22.130.050 Rog-tonal pava:nont cut policy. Tho regional pa'{'Cmont out policy, as it may br\.. aamondod from time to time is hereby adoptod by r and i i n udo I\n n ix 2the n d of istitle. In a.pi...d r�.ence c .n.,l uJd as , .r.polru4,. �2 B at .,ice,. ahs.. .n addition: A. A right of any permit is required of any person or company cutting pavomont within existing Staff Recommended Draft September 24 2009 Page6 .0 iter rinl'l'}n or ,nro�r nr nn, (moity r\.�rn r�rl i ft-^�C'F rt ir.�t tro ..y y, .,. y .,l.y vrrlly �l -F ^e• _rCv n,.-^:1ii.",nn In _ sv..... ^^ V.vi Qv..vl.,l . C. novoment out moratoria tm is. in offoot for thrno ysore from the d.�...o. of povoment or reoonctruc`:on`of na��ri,mnnt for .111arte ic!s,vcollectors and loon! coce'�s stroct4 D. For nn_vnmont nuts olccurring in roadweys constructed .orvreconstruci:ed beyond `he morotorium nr,riorl the rega liroments oro oa ammnri`erl nn 1-hie, 22130 1: 22 e130 .icl Cut DM,.orr,Yfa �YiVI ..e, "l"1 els.r ot, 'ieof co.v 5 ycoro 11.2I �.. or n !nV CNII Dvl1Vy r_aun Dol;cyII tnVd;f,Vd �SI.Cy i,",!noir C, o ill rd;, ,, nnorrf,vrlI�nvrl fv�l Dnlit•+ .., , y .y Cu �l nighhnrhnorl ('cll�r,tcr ll Dnlin�� ��nrl ifio.rl D !icy ronoh Only ivi�..0 v...v u Vv V,V , , VI,V Ilv.n..� u i C y Local ^,ccsso Irdustriel/Ccm. o cI !"ndifior'1 Dolic" �11.orr1tfa-d Policy T r-nn'n (!rely Ccr,ir-Imo..}i�.l Alfnrlifir,rl policy 1 e4fiorl Policy I rench Only Ca all Ovli Ccnr.,, all Ion v,r;r44-1. l ..A...c,a DVI! • -•.,l .c ^V. !ccs ...... .l.!u.,I. V{ cJ: : 'c;1Vh pcI!cy: NVII JV;;;../ ... ,Y!:VVI C D•,�romcnt ni ats •1.1 , on roarl�q'eys '1 0 ycorc olr-I VIV or less �•�rill evo e .,r.,rrn t period of five F. Constra an}inn enrl raf-,'in control nInne• for IV VI .on e! IS enr1 roadways .:•ith pvcinrl 1 I limit- of n-.-r- the.. `20 m les 1 nr hour CZa!! be su'bm ttod a., rear of the normit opplioatior (Ord 07 015 § n 2007). 22.130.10,60 Right-of-way permit and use requirements. Dinint of Jnr ,y per it end a ash regi lirVII emI I on o carr, cVI V ot forth in i ponr�liv 22 (Tho text 0; this eppendii -,nnco s below.) NN � �^NN ,�Linit'onr. For the urn ses this sectio thn following t rm nhroso_ and A. G: 1.i.,i{.,.,...,. ��.No.,.,., of .l.1., c�.l..,rl, La 1„ ..,.,.,..l..y ..., a.1S, N•.,<..a.,c �,iu words sholl !iatrc tho following meonings: the 1. "Applicant" moans any porson, firm or cntify making v.'ritton application to the director for .n.. right of way norr,-;it. �V.Va 1 ..� y N... 7 "City" moans tho City of Spoken.; Valley.alley. 3. "Construction work" means tho excavation n or N o o ground construction work permitted a inrdor this ooh}inn "Director" moans tho, city manogcr or designee. 5. I Easement" means o of a acs hnnofiting t�,,n City oar_ the proporty �....... ii\+.., 1....Gal.. right ..,.... ..... l.,,!.Illy .i1v vl.y •�r uav N...�.,..y of another. 6. lalmnro"emnntii means any publico private.' improvement, including the .,ilr.l �.1, uiv.+uv any public p,l .V ..,lp, oil 1 ., including a utilities. proportyof public i er . 7. "Right 1t ofi way permit" mnnns the, authorization granted the to perfe'm . ,, la .. i the, ...,. � , y. by City r ,. work or conduct activity i ooof way�,oll, ,,. anti y ,r, a sp ificd right or easement. 8. "Permit-lion" moons any person who has boon gg.ro 4ed and has in full fo.rce and vet yr av I a I, ra a- Staff Recommended Draft September 24 2009 Pagel "Pe can: any peroon firm, corporation or oorvioa providor. 10. "T-1 in. Gc.. - -.,...rvnnnnCS.H.y (..yn. . . n.,n..n , p v.fv.mG... (� r ren t L v ',r r nr' r +_ nr 'n t I i+N r niliti_. . nlw i n +r .+ tido."ialkc storm drain-g^ strop+lir,' tc c nitonr coi wore nd/or wotor linos ond• n^n^ c ny n urr no..,rm^S, irul.ntifi dwithin City stand rd..c„ . 1 1 "Right- w-,y” or"public q^1r" rnnnn all proporFy in which tho City h^c ^raw . �. , .ly,,. ,��y �.,ti.... '.ley T.,......, �,,. N..,r,..,.y ,,. �,.,ti.. City .w�... .., .l Fn rm n nwn h'a r i+l inn rIi +n Irl ;,,r 1. rn a c r „}ili+fir n.,rnnnnc ^g rdlvcc nFwh^th^r r n+ ani ry d�pvtonr r utility n�ric+p taro= or....,u.y ry....r•...vv , ...y.... ..v ... v......... . .'�. �.+. c.:r.� w �r ...y �i. utility.1 .a�...... a G. w. v. nrh +1, i i . n rl i .n "-or nr re. r , hlic n 1'7 "Roadway" =ono +ice^ povnd im nrovad or proper driving portion of n street within tho City docignnd or ordinarily .,,ser" for vohinul^r trnv.1 -BA. Right-of-Way Permit RoquiirodApplicability. Unless exempt from permit requirements, a right-of-way permit is required of any person or company who performs construction work or otherwise engages in activity within existing City rights-of-way, or on City-owned infrastructure. Right-of-way permit authorizes a permittee to perform work or conduct activity in a right-of-way or easement. Permits shall not be required for the following: 1. Work done by or for the City within its right-of-way. 2. Work that is two hours or less in duration, as long as that work does not require the closure of more than 50 percent of a non:arterial roadaystreet, does not close any lanes on an arterial roauwastreet, does not involve excavation within the right-of-way, or does not involve cutting or placement of pavement, sidewalks, curbs or gutters. Exemption from the permit requirements of the SVMC shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of the SVMC or any other laws, ordinances or standards of this jurisdiction. In tho car•^ of—an omorgonoy, 7 private or public utility may commence work prior.,. ,,.. „ o.. .,, ,. ,,.., .y..,,.,,j, N.,v....G r,u�.�.. ..�,...f ;�..,y commence 15�.,C N,.CrtJ obtaining a pormit, providod tho porson company obtains `-construction permit within obtaining�..�..J �.. providod...-. porson or company obtains construction a�,v.. r. ..within /I8 hours o-ft^r work is nommnnnorl or on tho sire+ (sity hucin^ss day following said clonood /18 hour period. B. Expiration. Right-of-way permits issued between April 1 and September 30 are valid for 30 days after the date of issuance, with a one-time 30 day extension available. Right-of-way Permits issued between October 1 and March 31 shall be valid until the following April 30. C. Emergency Repairs. In the case of an emergency repair, a private or public utility may commence work prior to obtaining a permit, provided the person responsible for the work obtains a construction permit within 48-hours after work is commenced or on the first City business day following said elapsed 48-hour period. GD. Right-of-Way Permit—Application. No right-of-way permit shall be issued unless a written application is submitted and approved by the diroctcrCity. The application shall, at a minimum, contain the following: 1. Construction plans or drawings approved by the €14—Fe--City, if required; 2. A traffic control plant if the work closes more than 50 percent of the non: arterial roa llwa3 street, or closes any lanes on an arterial road r'laystreet; 3. The period of time during which the right-of-way will be obstructed; and Staff Recommended Draft September 24 2009 Page8 4. Proof of the contractor's and all subcontractors' state licensing, insurance and requirements. Depending upon the nature and extent of the construction activity or work, the c! rector City may require engineering, restoration and drainage plans prepared by a Washington-licensed engineer at the applicant's sole cost and expense. At the discretion of the dirocto-City, a multiple-use permit may be available for licensed and bonded businesses and public utilities. The multiple-use permit fee will be established by resolution in the master fee schedule. The multiple-use permit shall expire at the end of the City fiscal year. The administrative regulations governing the multiple-use permit shall be written and approved by the direotorCity. Failure to comply with the administrative regulations shall be a violation of this code. DE. Right-of-Way Permit Fees. Right of ':,ay permit fool sho!! "o adopted "y rosc!ut!on of tho city council. Permit fees shall be assessed in accordance with the currently adopted Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule. F. Notice Required. The applicant shall give to the d!rootor City notice not less than 48 hours before any work or activity is commenced and shall notify the c!;rsc:or City upon completion of the same. If a traffic control plan is required to be submitted with the I application, the applicant shall give the director City not less than 72 hours' notice. In the event of an unexpected repair or emergency, work may be commenced as required under the circumstances. Unexpected repairs and emergency work shall comply with all other requirements of this section. G. Construction Standards. All work within the City right-of-way shall be in accordance with adopted City standards in effect at the time of the application for the permit. These include but are not limited to current versions of the Spokane Valley Street Standards, the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual, S pok2,no County Food d r r'on t ' '-to ; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD); Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction; and applicable standards of the American Public Works Association (APWA). GH. Maintaining Access. In the event it is necessary for the permittee to excavate the entire width of the rood.va3 street, no more than half of the r oodwa\ street shall be opened for construction and closed to traffic at one time. Such portion of the work shall be backfilled and completed before the remaining portion of the road.'ioy street may be excavated. If it is impossible, infeasible or unsafe to permit the work while maintaining an open lane for traffic, the dirootor City may, with the concurrence of the chief of police and fire chief, permit the roadvialy street to be blocked for a short period of time where suitable detours can be provided and the public will not be unnecessarily inconvenienced. The permittee shall furnish facilities, such as bridges or other suitable means, or clearly identify appropriate detours, to allow the flow of traffic without unnecessary congestion. MI. Traffic Control. Any person or company that performs construction work or otherwise engages in activity within the existing City rights-of-way, or on City-owned infrastructure, is responsible for all traffic control and assumes the responsibility to maintain appropriate signage, signals and barricades that protect the public safety, in Staff Recommended Draft September 24 2009 Page9 accordance with the MUTCD. The person or company shall provide for the safe operation of all equipment, vehicles and persons within the right-of-way. -IJ. Damage to Existing .mpro ontslnfrastructure. All damage to existing public or private improvomonts infrastructure and/or property during the progress of the construction work or activity shall be repaired by the permittee. Methods and materials for such repair shall conform ,;hto adopted City standards. If the permittee fails to furnish the necessary labor and materials for such repairs, the diroctor City shall have the authority to cause said necessary labor and materials to be furnished by the City and the cost shall be charged against the permittee. Such charge shall be immediately paid by the permittee and shall, if not paid on demand, be deemed a valid claim on the bond filed with the City. K4. City's Right to Restore Right-of-Way and Easements. If the permittee fails to restore any City right-of-way or easement to its original and proper condition upon the expiration of the time fixed by such permit or shall otherwise fail to complete the right-of- way construction work covered by such permit or if the work of the permittee is defective and the defect is discovered within one year from the completion of the right-of-way I construction work, the director City or designee shall have the right to do all work and things necessary to restore the right-of-way and/or easement and to complete the right- of-way construction work. The permittee shall be liable for all costs and expenses of restoration or completion. The City shall have a cause of action for all fees, expenses and amounts paid for such work. Following demand, the City may enforce its rights pursuant to this section. No additional permits shall be granted until the invoice for City-performed work has been paid. C2ond Cor the, L.rpoco of nr virling for tho ^ me, otion of the work or otherwise K. ........r.,. .ri ..r...r p�..N...,., p., o�.u..zJ ..�. .�... �...�✓. i..... �.... r,v... ... ^.IIv.l,.Jv re, + r ng the, right of way to City standards, the, applicant shall posta orfrmance bond with the city olork. 1. T ^ bond shopbe -i lsc ivr-I by n c�� r. ir linnnsod to do !c•—inc— in tho stotn of Woshingtnn• and b. !n on •mo:;nt o;ual to 100 percent of the ^stimoted cost of tho work (or cthor reasonoble rcf..asire, of v-o..luo) sololy dr .mined by the diroctor. 2. !f tho improvoments h-ave not been timoly or satisfactorily completed, the director shall give none,. of the comp to the pormittoc. Thi- notice shop! state: a. The work to bo dono; b. The time: to comploto tho work which shall not oxceod 30 days; and c. Thot if the, grorlk i not common-ad and comp!otod within tho time allotted. . ire.. .. �.v�.. J � v.. v.�.. ... ... i ... allotted, ..., the City n it cou the Ynrnrk to bo comp!etod and t the, bond pr 000d to y the C.�3 .J..I �, s.. ..r... ,.,... �., ...N..., u a ,.. .. ., .. ��^.,......s L., pay for same. A!! costs in cxoesc of the bond procoeds may be rocs Jored throLigh oppropriato !eg•,1 action by the city attornoy. art rl ,r tin r enran f s If i ns r rirlarl T Air n nr I c th i-ed to reduce, the -gym u rot lino bond ' n n good co son t �,a.r.^r,��.. .., d... �.,.^�,.� of i. .. �rn.,r.. �^ .. �.�..� x,s,s. L. Insurance — Evidence. Permittee, prior to the commencement of construction hereunder, shall furnish the director City satisfactory evidence in writing that the permittee has in force during the performance of the construction work or activity, commercial general liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and Staff Recommended Draft September 24 2009 Page 10 $2,000,000 general aggregate duly issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in this state. in addition, the policy shall name the City as an additional named insured. The dircctcr City may reduce the insurance limits if good cause exists. M. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. The permittee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including attorney fees, arising out of the permit issued under this section except as may be caused by the negligence or willful conduct on the part of the City. N. Rules and Policy. To implement the right-of-way permit and provide for the public I health and safety, the di.rectorCity, under the supervision of the city manager, may develop and adopt rules, policies and forms consistent with this section. All adopted rules, policies and forms shall be filed with the city clerk. O. Violations - Penalties. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to all enforcement actions and penalties as found in SVMC deemed to bo:° COm tted e Gloc civil infra-tion.n Foron. � inln-inn of 2 contin 'inn oturp ...:,"1I��.,.. ..,.,S I civil ,.y 1.....,U.,,. � ..��,1L.. .� ;1�.� ,.., G.,.,.. ..� ,. viclntion shod he vnncid real a coparotn nffnncn. Cnfcrccmnnt of this motion cl-Inll be J.vl.n V. I.U. w V..v..w� ... . v v v . ..u. :..—ction. �. ...+.. p rsuont tr, Choptor 17.100 SVMC. (Ord. 07 015 § 1, 2007). 22.130.070 NI:1: .:c on Uniform T:.offic Cont o'. I \A nhi nin A nl I I 't rrn -rr.L=in r'nntrnl fl rinn f'\ (' .... .t . ' nrlprl rrnm }imn to t m is hvrnh r nrinntnrl h r rn�vrnnr c /(Thrrl (\7 1-1'1 F C Ll 'Dnn7\ ".130.030 :Vlo-i!fc :!or. of z.:'..::'1nids. 1 h^ th" ^tonrl.-,rrlc fcr rn-rl cnrl V-vr,r nnnctr-r.?inn onri modify nn[-I from t!mro :o im cc nZ.n..ccory. (Ordl 07 015 § !1 2007). 22.130. 110 Liability. The express intent of the City of Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This chapter and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Staff Recommended Draft September 24 2009 Page 11 Title 22.50.030 &22/50.040 A. nri.ve..,,Je\/ n`onlrinn Ienn+h for ir�rai..irai`iol `icor ,n :l-'n. .rl..,v:enoe h�+t.r!�n_n the n+rnn+ ri',h+ of ttfM„ Ilnn r,n/l +hn,�ro�on cel �,n= The-, m,inim„m Enn �h v= rlrvl lt�tn�nr,-•,w, v+n nhinn fnr niri``r,, +hr.. \,linrlo.4.n nholl ho ocJ fn'In\nICA• a.n v,.,,. IVI VI III v 1.1.1V ..,.,•.wv1/��.+,.g�..., w!ry •... ,v,,..J..v. =,,..„1.) t." %orl;n^.:J Cr!... n+vrl +ncr 11 (ATM) r;oohino1 Crive .nppo;o.ana,o, Ynn^ r .TGTJ ivGJ vrivo thru rootauror a E^nro oo otorids .F' Controllordl1rin“vn+rj dr,.::'pct I n"rk r Q I-lri.wtt,n�r otcok nn Iann+h fnr Im,.lti the rlic+nnoe het'. oon the etreet right of .n.o.. ling end +h� nvn gide of+inn first in+nrcr�n+inn ;n+ r; ,�inln er perk inn stceIn ort-ler to nn_vnnt stocking wi`hin the n..�_nlin_ n_+ron_+ the_ tot:J ,,..tuber of Cl rit,Q'��,ot.n eonoc jrinn e rvt•hlio otrnot icy rlMded htt the +Q+QI Pn..n'l E"tnr of nnrl inyn nr,nrGn onhlinhinyn tho mi.-1imm Ivny+h n+,]n;ir7n as V'-',L„I ''t . •••••-•••••-1),11,0111•6 . ., „ Li ,. ,, o= d' follo,.tic., t cn5 �^.!,•r 1 —.fp � asl M•44 11.W I\•�.`imhor of Sno^ooe nn tn:n-.. ..lri•^fl ...+i vr. .� T11”. ..:....iii (per Drivot.,.oytA cigih F^ot) Leso than 50 18 �n to 200 pnoro than 200 ?� C. I he v:lt� o �no.IL.a..;•;.n.. \„/.^..Iley r'I v.v G'Qr�I i�+ e�i�.ryjl Ie..,..nn r•Ivn Nrt” + ! y vN y y } ete kin end queuing requirements for ry .`iir� u r r Q study to determine the .�.0 Q,..,I� u., ..I..., ..,.,,y . ..1.. ,.. y,� .., ouch uses that innl,v'IL but ore no. Iimlted o sorvioe .�+o iQrin, ��itve Thr" rost^Liron+c drive in banking to. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 2009 Page 1 Title 22.50.030 & 22/50.040 " vn i; rff-c TIL-- ; 't,_)-z,,,' - _ - r_vy - -'tiL p 1-4al:-- 51i LI -17 IT,.r. -,..-14:. -/---'ab.L ) 1„ +v_.P _` .iP" > it Qlt 14 )- ; __ C.): i 1 Li } r.i _=..ti .. i=4.:".. J 4t 4- :r ) J(' . �- J ,IF ti_, .� i 1 I I f . T - p� � es (Ord n, 015 § ll '")007). 22.50.x` -030 Off-street loading. A. Every building or part thereof erected or occupied for retail business, service, manufacturing, storage, warehousing, hotel/motel, industrial or any other use similarly involving the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise shall provide and maintain on the same premises loading space in accordance with the following requirements: 1. Off-street loading spaces shall measure as follows: a. When one space is required, it shall measure 12 feet wide, 30 feet long and 15 feet high (if a dock). b. When two or more spaces are required, they shall measure 12 feet wide, 60 feet long and 15 feet high (if a dock). 2. Loading facilities located on the side of a building but not facing a street shall be set back,from the front property line a minimum distance of 60 feet.et. 3. DrIowoyc eisand mal^uvorng er .s she!! ba dnsig nrto acon^lmn etn th, larycnt v2hl^' n that,rvo,_ ra nor ..II ' . . ,vr ., u ,n u - + h -. . ptoulnr drivo eye els! end manrouvering ernos. The ti.rning rndi-n shell he o rnlnimum of 30 foot and the drivnwny nis!os shell be e minimi Tr, of r2/I fo,t /1 '/kihonvvnr nnnvibin the cite nhn,ulri 110 r-ln ignnd for c..a,ntnrcl^e1,,wlso cire,,Ictivn of !ergo triunl{c es left turns end left herd honking mnnnuvnrs are -n i... �nA �fv .n. env Lhv rlri r..r' vi+ nn iv nn +k Ivrf k n� n `4-,l I v Nrn nl..V VI , u 3-5. All parking, loading and maneuvering of trucks shall be conducted on private property. 611. Required passenger vehicle parking shall not be allowed within the truck dock apron space. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 2009 Page 2 Title 22.50.030 & 22/50.040 ?5. The minimum number of off-street loading spaces shown on the following table are required: Table 22.60-7-6 — Loading Spaces Required Us,/Gross Square Feet Required Loading Spaces Industrial, manufacturing wholesale, warehouse, similar uses 10,000 —40,000 square feet 1 space 40,001 —60,000 square feet 2 spaces 60,001 — 100,000 square feet 3 spaces Over 100,000 square feet 1 space for each 50,000 square feet or part thereof Hotel/motel, restaurants 20,000— 60,000 square feet 1 space 60,001 — 100,000 square feet 2 spaces Over 100,000 square feet 1 space for each 50,000 square feet or part thereof Hospitals, convalescent/nursing homes and similar institutions 10,000 —40,000 square feet 1 space 40,000 — 100,000 square feet 2 spaces Over 100,000 square feet 1 space for each 50,000 square feet or part thereof Department stores, retail and other commercial uses 10,000—20,000 square feet 1 space 20,001 —50,000 square feet 2 spaces 50,001 — 100,000 square feet 3 spaces Over 100,000 square feet 1 space for each 50,000 square feet or part thereof B. Screening of Off-Street Loading Areas. 1. Off-street loading spaces and apron space shall not be located on the street side of any building in commercial or residential zones. In those instances where three or more sides of the building face dedicated streets, loading spaces and apron space shall be located at the rear or side of the building and screened from view of the abutting streets for a minimum of 35 feet in accordance with the provisions of SVMC 22.70.030(1). In the industrial zones, off-street loading spaces and apron space may be located on the street side of buildings providing that they are screened from view of the abutting streets for a minimum of 35 feet in accordance with the provisions of SVMC 22.70.030(1); 2. No loading dock or service bay doors shall be constructed on any portion of a front wall or on a side or rear wall within 60 feet of any front property line or adjacent to the street. (Ord. 08-007 § 1, 2008; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.50. 0 040 Bicycle parking. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 2009 Page 3 Title 22.50.030 &22/50.040 Bicycle spaces are individual units within ribbon racks, inverted "U" racks, locking wheel racks, lockers, or other similar permanent structures accommodating five or more bicycles. A. Bicycle racks and/or storage shall be provided when 25 or more parking spaces are required, at a ratio of one rack for every 25 parking spaces. B. Required bicycle parking must be located within 50 feet of an entrance to the building or use. C. If bicycle parking is not visible from the street, a sign must be posted indicating the location of the bicycle parking spaces. D. All bicycle parking must be separated from motor vehicle traffic by a barrier, curb, post, bollard or other similar device. E. The property owner of a site shall have a continuing obligation to properly maintain any bicycle parking facilities on their property. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.50.0S-0-050 Landscaping in parking areas. See SVMC 22.70.030, Screening and buffering. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 2009 Page 4 Chapter 22.130 r" P-LA,RE DEVELOPMENT TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS Sections: - 22.130.010 Purpose and intent. 22.130.020 ,/\pplination of rnn,,iremontsRegulated Activities. 22.130.030 Requirvrd iv mpromonts andrli dooafionAuthority to Develop and Administer` `7Standards. 22.130.040 Street Standards. 22.130.050 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 22.130.060 Development Project and Permit Review Process. 22.130.070 Required Improvements. 22.130.035 22.130.080 Future acquisition Acquisition arcaoAreas. 22.130.037 22.130.090 Cintorim conditional 61.s-r-Use por:;;itPermit. 2 n D rking IT fern ral Inn n nn in nrliinr In1c 99.1 nn0 StaT,'-Inrdss for marl and nrn Or nionaI na Gra�" ,,„4.: r niin 22.130.030 22.130.100 Right-of-way pormit Permit and 'uco Use r c;'ui,rcmontoRequirements. nn 130 0 70 Man„ad on I Iniform T a is Control ovines 99.1')9.090 Modificaton o standards. 22.130.090 22.130.110 Liability. 22.130.010 Purpose and i;.tcnt. The purpose of this chapter is to assure the proper function of streets arterials and the- road vay notwork. I he City of Sp kane "aldol( arterial -tro-t plan adr iapton rvmthe Coprahc�nsivo Dl.yn nro��,dr�cs far f,,fN,ra tnvpansinn of fho st o -t n1ofivorli Tho intent of this chapfr r is to n aintai fho function and safety of fho sfreof infrastruoturo as ordditionad trafic is genoratod from now devn!opmenf support ,-, ,n fro land ,use reiemont �'.. �... �.. i i.. Dd..,. .. a' �avr .a.-.t 'a , e. A. Maintain the proper function of street infrastructure; B. Maintain and (improve roadway the street safety; BC. Provide for roadway future street expansion; C Ccfahlish now roadweys; and D. Identify requirements that may be imposed upon development projects and permits defined in 22.130.020. Clarify the. authority of the development so_rvioa's soynior cnginnnr in regard to tho fufurn Iona ,nn and v,idth of r adw ::� ays and rights of ay. (Ord ,07.015. v, § n 2007). 22.130.020 n -'f a on'.zRegulated Activities. All new development approvals and permits as set in SVMC 17.80, unless exempt pursuant to SVMC 17.80.040 shall comply with this chapter. 22.130.030 Authority to Develop and Administer Standards Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 The development services senior engineer shall develop and administer the Spokane Valley Street Standards (SViviC 22.130.040) and has the authority to require development projects to provide transportation improvements, dedicate right-of-way and border easements, and future acquisition areas. These improvements will be required to achieve the purpose of this Chapter and goals of the currently adopted comprehensive plan. including, but not limited to, zone reo!assi icetione, di,isions o` I�nrl condi+!Vne! .Ives verience e lm n c+re+i.yrn permits nit- de""o!opmnnt plonc end nermi+ nir s for nkc+rt t"4-i trns nr ,I4n trnnrs�Vmnn+c s4ie1l nmm�I r inn+h ns +his cken+nr /\ . ...i ... ......... ... . I.. .J......L..j stat . ., I....;_# -.. ..j change +n M kttilr-lin I yr error channof e bttilrlinrt nr -lt- +n st to tent thnl n rmi+ nr n r+'fi + of nn, n nnnr ' it n-r. r I-% II n I5r nil nrn'ri inn + in. k..r-'n In n rmi+ nr n .=rif n t o non In I S ta I +I I I In a me., r inn mmnli nn Inti+ +Ini n n r k r n c i+ a nr a I+ improvements dotorminorl to be minor to chereotor and not ;in conflict with the purpose f+kir. r sr k rl m..rl .si + s + ar In m + riga I r i (Ord0' 015 § /' 200 ). 22.130.040 Street Standards. Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020 and 35A.12.140, the City adopts, by reference, the City of Spokane Valley Street Standards (Street Standards), as amended. The city clerk shall maintain a copy on file. 22.130.050 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The Washington Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), as it may be amended from time to time, is hereby adopted by reference. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.130. 060 Development Project and Permit Review ProcessRoq:±cd p ove;;ants end ded!enti-an, Following submittal of a completed application pursuant to SVMC 17.80, the project shall be reviewed to determine compliance with all applicable regulations and standards. Additional material and/or analysis may be required to demonstrate compliance. 22.130.070 Required Improvements. A. Prior to the issuance of any approvals for development projects or permits subject to the provisions of this chapter, the development services senior engineer shall determine the extent and type of road'a;eystreet-improvements, right-of-way/border easements dedication or designation of future acquisition areas required, to the extent allowed by the law, and pursuant to the following es pert of the development proposal!. The rinvvlepment VertiVes coninr engin.n}or she tt+ili-sn the following. !n determining the scope of t IC' improvements: Al. The Comprehensive comprehensive P!enplan; B2. The arterial street map; C3. The street construction standards (SVMC 22.130.040); 4. The manual on uniform traffic control devices identified in SVMC 22.130.050; Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 5. The local street plan; 6. Information submitted by the applicant including any preliminary site plans, engineering reports, or other relevant data; and, D7. A determination of the s function-a-1, safety, efficiency and coordinated future expansion needs of the roadway system to serve the traveling public and emergency vehicles. S. Requirements may include but are not limited to: 1. The extent and type of required street improvements pursuant to SVMC 22.130.040; 2. The extent of additional and/or new right-of-way and /or border easement needed to support the required improvements pursuant to SVMC 22.130.040: 3. Designation of future acquisition areas pursuant to SVMC 22.130.080; 4. Participation in capital improvement projects as included on the adopted six year street improvement plan. The development s-orvic c o_nior engineer "hall d,4cr mind rho tient of n rl rl i+ionnl rinhiv f n �nrr�\r nnnrl nrl +n t„Jnr+ 'e^ imnro\r ,m nn}e. and +hn L. ...n .i"..lni 1.�. ♦ " rr.nJ I.li".w".w L" .J ".. "..J" .. �/. J"...". ." ..-. .1." rvf r•I r,r-lin. +inn +hv rnri• rsr try Mnn..ici+ en ern" cho,,Id bo rloci naated n.rrnrrnn+ to S'JMrs 90.130.025 through 22 1301 039 Thr\ ,-1.-, nlnnmr�n+ cr.nrivnn coninr r�nninr^�r k I r•Inn rl + rm�n r-f+hr^ 1 volonrnen+ proposal pan r\r^teip-te lin nn5r City can;+.tel imnrnvr\rnen+ project innli.rlr^,rl nn +hn nrinn+nrl \rr.nr r+rr�r++ mnrovnmr�n+ nInn In +rnncn nlnnc ...... .................. .... ..... ........r.... "... y".... .......... ....�.....r�...."�. r..... ... ......... , +ham rlr rnlr nmr n+ nronncnl ‘.frill by nonrlitinnnrl to fnrn�ri�e Nroknr inns+r, //'''i.nn+r h.r+inn to +hprnir-n+ (frrJ 02 nor. g 'I °COS• (lrrl 07 915 § n 'nn-7\ 22.130.0080 Future acquisition areas. A. When a future acquisition area is designated, a title notice shall be completed and recorded with the county auditor. b +ho planning dopartmerteother annronrU+o cgency!dnnnrtm nt L.y..,,,,j,..."N...�,..o.,.. The notice shall run with the land and shall not be removed or amended prior to approval, by the establishing agency/elcpU spent as indicated on the notice. The notice shall be recorded as soon as possible and, in all cases, prior to the issuance of a building permit. The notice shall: 1. Include the tax parcel number and the full legal description; 2. Make reference to any related approval file number or permit numbers; 3. Include an exhibit showing street names, future acquisition areas, right-of- ways, and their dimensionstho name of the strep+(s) or recd(s) end/or mop if nrenr.at • /1 Include the dimension of the fu.-re coquisitien erGo( L. Inrliootc the l-.wilding oetrbeokc from the future arorruisitien hounder\(ips); 64. Identify any limitations for improvements or features within the acquisition boundary(ies); 5. Indicate that the future acquisition area is private property; g6. Identify the responsibility for relocation or loss of interim features or improvements within the future acquisition areas; and Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 9. Be mailed to the property owner's and taxpayer's address as shown in the current Spokane County assessor's/treasurer's records, if a complete mailing address is indicated. The establishing agency may approve the amendment and removal of the-title notice oho!! bo amenrdod nr ro.r:cvcd w!h on form who„ if the arterial rood street plan, the local street tho offic! ! road map or other conditions change and the recorded title notice is no longer vo!Idnecessary. If the City initiates the amendment or removal of the title notice, the"property owners oho!! will be notified of the change. B. Building Setback. The required setback of buildings as specified in the underlying zone classification shall be measured from the future acquisition area boundary. rn000nob4e oto des n onmp!y ng w!th tho ft_:!! cn+book .s fogs b!o ' Exceptions to the full setback may be administratively granted if: 1. An existing parcel or lot equals or is up to five percent larger than the minimum lot area required in the underlying zone; or, 2. An existing parcel or lot has an existing building proposed for expansion_; 3. The eponoor of new devo!opment or rodc'ro!opmontapplicant adequately demonstrates a site design or use limitation for the existing property. Such exceptions may be granted; provided, that: ai. The property is not part of a zone reclassification and/or subdivision application; and, The property has no reasonable alternative site design solution feasible; and, Gill. A title notice is recorded pursuant to this section that further identifies likely impacts (such as noise, crowding, loss or relocation of improvements) to the site when the roadway street is widened in the future; and div. The building is located at the greatest setback possible, but in any case shall be no closer than one-quarter of the required setback from the future acquisition area boundary and shall not be located within the future acquisition area. C. Landscaping and Park!ng. 1. Landscap!ng. _Significant landscape features, such as trees, shall be located in such a manner that when the roadway street is widened in the future a significant portion of such landscaping features, such as matured trees, will not need to be destroyed or relocated. A majority of the trees required in the current landscaping areas shall be planted eight feet from the future acquisition area boundary within the future planting strip and shall be spaced no less than 60 feet from one another. 2D. Parking. All on-site parking required by the underlying zone classification shall be located outside the future acquisition area. If no reasonable site design solution complying with parking location requirements is feasible, exceptions to these requirements may be administratively granted if: al. An existing parcel or lot equals or is up to five percent larger than the minimum lot area of the underlying zone; b2. An existing parcel or lot has an existing building proposed for expansion; or G3. The sponsor of o now dove!opmen+ or redevo!opmon+applicant adequately demonstrates a site design or use limitation for the existing property. Such exceptions may be granted; provided, that: Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 i. The property is not part of a zone reclassification and/or subdivision I application; and. ii. The property has no reasonable alternative site design solution I feasible; and, iii. A title notice is recorded pursuant to this section that further identifies I likely impacts to the site when the rocdvvcy street is widened in the future; and iv. The fewest number of parking stalls is located in the future acquisition area as possible and, in any case, shall contain no more than one-quarter of the required parking stalls for the site. DE I ocation o_ Psqu r ,i Site Drainage F2cilitioolmprovements. All required � •v�u�1 riu �.+i�v ond!or surface drainage facilities and structures for the site shall be located outside the future acquisition area. !f the sponsor of o nc'.v .iovo!opmont or redcvolopmont adoq istnl�. d^monstrotos .o it? dn.sinn or `sc limit2t on for !onot on r.f ouch fcnilit oo on .1�, ...� ..�.. � .., c . ., �... tho oxisting propsrty, sA portion of the drainage facility improvement may be temporarily allowed within the future acquisition area if an interim conditional use permit is issued pursuant to the provisions of SVMC 22.130.03722.130.090. The intorirn permit shall provide for the relocation of the drainage facility to an alternative site by the property owner when the roadway street is widened. The permit shall identify the alternate location and the means of relocating the facility. -EF. Physical Structures, Improvements and Utilities. Physical structures (such as signs, fencing, and architectural features) and improvements (such as site drainage, 208 drainage swales, landscaping, and parking) shall not be located within the future acquisition area unless an interim conditional use permit has been issued pursuant to SVMC 22.130.03722.130.090. If permitted, they shall be considered "interim" and shall be relocated or removed if the right-of-way is widened in the future, subject to the conditions of the conditional use permit. All developers, agencies and purveyors installing utilities in, adjacent to or across rights-of-way shall show the future acquisition area and boundcry(boundary (ies) on construction plans or drawings. Impacts from the future roadway street widening and other relocation cost shall be considered when designing and siting utilities and improvements. (Ord. 08-006 § 1, 2008). 22.730.03790 !ntcrim cConditional use permit. A. The development sorvicos senior nginecrCity may temporarily allow, as an interim conditional use, site features or improvements located within or adjacent to the future acquisition area that are in conflict with the provisions of this chapter; provided, that a hardship can be demonstrated and the use can be reasonably conditioned and restricted to ultimately accomplish the intent of this chapter. Examples of site features or improvements include driveways, trc'.'s! !cries, surf000-drainage facilities and structures, 208 s'.°rc!ss, parking stalls, utilities and signs. B. Permit Required. !ntcrim °Conditional use permits shall be issued administratively at or before the time development approvals and permits are granted. interim Conditional use permits shall, at a minimum, specify the temporary or interim use allowed, the conditions of the permit, the provisions for and timing of removal, relocation or installation and the responsibility for the cost of relocation, removal or installation. C. Appeals. Any appeal of the administrative decision respecting an into:irn use shall be heard pursuant to Chapter 17.90 SVMC, Appeals. All interim conditional use permits Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 I shall be referenced by a title notice pursuant to SVMC 22.130.0)3522.130.080. (Ord. 08- 006 § 1, 2008). Pt�'.arldrig lot a1avYtnino ",one-...•-. vvir. - b A.r.. Tratrol lanes tants-.in vommr.orc; and inr•Ir rntr l lIn4rnivpmnn:c shall vv�innr'trntrid.• lie ., Y1, 4111 .I.+ .4..4.4...1 vI1 -, ... I VI r:I.. I.... for f++t ,re oonnan+'nn of vis+inn ar f 1+,,re arliannnt parl`i n lots of n m cera; 1 or 1� 1 .,,,� �{.,. .,�,ll. ..,Iy .n .l.R..r 1...i..vv., rVI11 ny ..�., .,1 .,Q.1.rf'IV I VIS ;adl.,n+rink rdntrn,lnmi\,1 aan+ .rl+rola ;elf-nil,' rlv1 trnlnmmanc+ nknll nrntririn similar nnnnnn#inn ' .. .4. ... ., 141 vv VIvr111v . ,. . . c IVII.Sr . , 1i U 144..r1./VI 1.•-• ,111..11 /VI v,1.vv v 4111...1 vel a lvvuvl Iv to arliaoon+ m.,dtipin family ,-I(,tralnnman T avrel lands shall be rI c+r+nnrd to nl1lnt�nr f++t+,re 1.v ...itw vvlR II,v4.l r,v ,.4111 1� 4.41..,1 vIvr111 1.t. It,•/-vi 4.4. v v.4..14 w.V l••VVI I1v.1 iv Ln.1v i4 a..11.... nrnnncinn of+I roarlAtrat and ro+din n rl ince In+ air I,la+ion hntt.trann n Alen, Inter.+halt+ A.;.r..11..,v.1 v1 •.1v 1vUw.Vd..� IV•V111 r.IVII1V111 .v, Vii VV1.w., ,. ✓v..fv...,1 LT?•. .,.y .v .14V.16 r I ira Al.. nl 4 nn +I. r Ar t 4 .nl. I i n ns h' a I.+ Csnmmnrninl .....111 .I 1. VI.I.,1.... 1.. VIV., V UIV V t•V ..11...1 61 a...., ViV••...1.. ..414..,., . . ..1lava or industrial n rliinn of traffic shout pan- through re idlential park ing lots Site rv1 ,14vu....rir.11....Y11r�rd.I.cr11y i..i1I,^,� ...14... :1114 .,, �not r.c1.•.�...m. Li 1,..+...�1, r....�.tT,..... r.....r4n1,4�cy� ,.�...... dovolnp,.cont docign which providos for ani ,l1T1u+m travel dance nvnnection-s may roduns vv I v . . which providos r. 1., 7 u.... . ....v v ..l rvvu 1v....1vC ri i a r. .n+ . r ..In a rl in + I .r .an + atr I I nen. +in I n r..,I, y Iv VII 1.. r I1.. 1.^1, .. VVI .I .,, I.. V.1..I . .. maximum of fair s+-pa) If the cpnrivor of a nate rdo.relvpmen+ or rardvtrnlnpmont , + I , .am rV+. ni I 'n n imi+n+i far in + 1 i h ..ir ...1 .. .. ••••11.1V1.1.-/V .. .4 •••••11•V .. . .1y, .,1 .. II 14.... 1 1v1 I I.. ..1I v1. 11 VI V 1111., I...4 Arave lanes an tho xisting nrn" r vena t' n tothe travel lane rnrluirnmonts may bo ,1..l ...mac.. 1 ., �, .S.1I.y r,,.. �r[j1, .�.,�.10,1S i, travel 1..118 .,,�..I,.. 11144 .I .. odminict a+itrehr r+rantnd• nrotrirlprl +rat• t....1,.1..1.,.f.....,.r.� y...111...1., r..>,1Iu , . A. I he nropvrty iV not �ar- of a -zann rvnlasssifination and tar subrlitrision application• rI i�J 11v V1 v I .v,. V. .v v,. ..itdr,Iv1.4..VII, R Thv nr r h r a n ahl I . n +' r i+. el n'nn 1,1+' f. i a• .. . 11v r...r.. .. 1...•....1..1-, ti .4. . vI1.., ... , 1111. , I al n+ a p in . inr . !1•1,........,r fin/-1 +ha+ t al I a acrd nnnnen+inn lunation nr an interim Inn', of oannev+ion Antill nn+ nonce+it rah! impact +ha VVI 114vv.1v1I 4vv....Iv.I v1 II II,.v, 11I .v1. -, ata 1v 4. ,.u1 .1v. IIv,...... .j .1.1r.4v, u. nr.nr.en+ ar f+u+++rn f,,nn+ina anrd n + r 1.4+I-en narlriaa In+ nirn,+la*inn inarvvv •••• •••••••••-•••• •••••••••-/V,a/aarncc +hv r•vvvl,l v. 1 .....v ,...,1v uv.I .4,$v v .7 .J. .1 Iv r...-....-...,IJ .v1. v•..'..,.4.1v,., ..4,.,.1 l , v, u. fl+t.Irn race Atarax r nr rn rht rat, .4,n,orki• 1.4. .. u1v IvIVIIII...j .....1 Iva........., .lv.+.v.,., I.1 !\n in+prim permit in inn!earl ,-,nrdnrth-o provisions of \/\lir-• 22 1 ■ n f anti - ! .,I II 1.vI 4114 r . i I. 1v 1,1,1.1 ..4 1,. vv1 , r, 1vly.Iv ,1 . I . .vv. . 1114 .n I r,nr,I+irerl pn 1 ing ct lls that re + bo ovnd in tho future and tho porrhi.t raal,iros ell 1111.G... 1✓....r1�..4y .>?I.v .,I , .4... 1.a 1 ri•.v .. .,. tho 1...1....1...., 1114 1111 , rv. ,. ,v..lv,.v adjacent tratfol Ia-nn mannan+;ens• and v 1 ,. v Iv v .III ,,..,111,1, C +'+I r n rr•l at I, + a I 'Y) '2 +I a#fI rlh. r i .n+'fi '1, I., ., r'- .. I . . - .•-•.-•• I . ... 1 11.1 I IV,/ 111.,.. III I i • a r..,r• n , Cr r I im• r .. a rA.1 , VIII I . +I 1111 v1... V VV I vv .I v . .VI v . II � v $ .I I. . 1 1,11 1aa. .,1 ,1. v • ti , 141. vI ,1� . a. v .•1v, . Iv nits ., hen that airel lana oonnooti n i marls tho future (Ord. 98 005 1 2009\ 1111.. .f. v1, .1 .., rh 1111 ....,1v .. ..I 1111 v�1 Q1, 1nJ 4.1.....1.... in . .. 11.1...1.. `1114. ✓v , ..11+41 22.130.040 Standards •nor road and sower construction. o_r , + D- 00 3..A.11.020 and 35A.12.110, tho City adopts, by roforence, the n ha^ n ,+ + r am d D rl d Sower Construction. dothe ox Sr,Qr, r`r. County ctU,.�Qr S for . mal and 1, r ,1141 Ct! . . Un SS contoxt n thorwisa rofraronaec Spokane County shall be construed moan tho City f ..1., Eo Oi .. 1.. ..,1 .. toSpokane r.1 .. ..I 1.,/ 1.,141 1 u.... to .. 1,,.j .f .1 . I rr.f r..n r a r f.r I. u ,_, er v ,1.41 .. 1..,...11 .. .• -. 1 , .4 . I I 1 I . i .. '+tr ,-I II a t nn fid. r 7 G I . ,. ... ..1.1 VIVI . I . 111., 1 , . 22.130.050 Rcg onal pas omcnt cut ;oils;;. ThTh- r nine pat omnnt nut n li t it may bo amnndod from to time, ish rebs 4ey11,I al N,, ,111,..11. t../ ii /, as tie . .11,1,4.... „Q. 1 time lmv, „� . �� I 4 .r r f r an i a , . a div • 4 +b. a. of i i+ r 1.. 1 1 I I 11 I, _ 1. 1. .1. .. . ., 1 I I addition. rir+h+ v�NA a r a r 1a1 .I. I r.-„irII.._ t 1111 I v1r at-) r anmav 1Ar Ilii n av a v11 v1 I• :r+ II • . 1 . vi,-ting City rights of way Qtr on City ownod infrastructure. �.`w, .4. v t....n.,ly Iv:4 .I .1 v .1.....I a V Ivtr n av r Cvv tea, Vr�.11 • A 4. ..• VI 1. VIV. II.v1... v4 VIII Ln. 1I v .V.v+ .vI I .vv v...1 V Ir•r'. +.v a a _r . i 11 vr., or reconstruction of pavarnornt for all artorials, coll3ctors and local access streots. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 D. For pavement n..tc nnn.lrrinn in roadways nonctrl Intnrl nr rnnnnstr.Inted hn`rnnd the t-r+nr-4,-., I . nyrin,1 `'*,, rnrt,lir"mrin4c on T rikin 9').1 1n '1 :.^y -c 22.1301---2,7.0,„," " f'u} P v orne 6 PO!: q gar r rl'• ' X12 goo- s Dr n;n^I CIM Dvlin,r CI Dvn l; ,r r/lnrlif;'_.rl Policy. V..1 . I.vy I . . 1 ,.,y €\p.ry 01111 Dol;n,r .4•Vv,ilolr1 Dnliv,, 11/Iorlic;n,rl DnIi,.,r . . , .. . .,y RahC. DvI;n,t �An�ifi. 1 Dnl;n,r Tr nnh (ln6r../.,1.,.,.,V . VirCeV..,, I . 1.I. ..IVV . . IIVy . 1C...., SV1 InrJlir+r; VVI ;nl !Vi, Iifinrl Policy I�/In�lifiv.-1 Dnl;n,r I rGnnln fnI,r �iv...7.�....vu...r1 VIVI IJ V.n l..v.n 1 VUVy ... ,. .1 1 V.V./ I . 1Iv.I .61.7 fes^ l .�l;nl 11A rlif. ra nnlin,. �Anrlified Dvin, TrVi ench Only CI 111 D,-.I .. D'.nn,rn - 111 I^nom ,tr;rlth I VI/ Patch tv riot toss than ..IIVVIV Trv.-,nh D.,I;r.' n .r} C D'„rmm�nt r-..4c nn rnnrllgrM�p '1n �vorc nlrl nr lncc i•-••-•••• rV ,4rill h�,ro .n.. >,+r�rr'�n4,; Mnrinrl of ., r'� II Jv ..tiI1 v..V.. year,.. Cnnrl tr.o=rin nnnbrnl nlnnc •Fvr r}. ri',I ,Nrnrl; �nrl rnnrl,nr^�rn ,.,i+k nnc4r•rl r.�l I. . ...I. ...,IV .11 cnnnrl Emil^ ofmorn +kGn 'ln .n milon nnr ho .r nh�ll ho c.rl mi"nrl . n1r of fhn nGrmif ,�r,nlin'�=inn /(lrrl n7 n'1!-. �' A -)0n7\ \-155. v. 22.130.106'0 Right-of-way permit and use requirements. Dinh4 of ,.r6',JI nnrmit nnrl ,Ice-. rory..irmm�n4c '�ry ..} fCrh in Qnnnnrli�, r)() L /Tho I \...1. VI .. J r'...l.. .n...n u..V . .......VI al.,. V. 1 .. 11. I .r(.IV ..n.. .�.�. , • this GnnvnriJ -.rnyvarv below.) rlvfinitionC Cnr thr1 purpo nc f th;^ c�ntinn thv fnlln++r.nn tL.-,rrnvc nhr�von and • VI .(I Svv Oi ul�.� vV vu Vli, V 1 1,1.V♦rl,ly C1 I. , r.0 vV ul� re.,./..1C ch�11 hn,rot o fnllnv,r;-,( rmvnr,;nnc. IV.If .Ily I.I .,.aV "^nnlin--.#" mnonc VI nvrnnn fir nr ont;41r rnnl`;nn ,�+rr;tion n,,I;nn+inn to #k • • •rr•••• ,•• .I.v.+,IV 1., r .Vv.1, 11.11. v, v11 .y i..u. u..J. .i. v.i ,Ivti.,v11 . dirnn}or for rinht of way nrmit .vV.V. Ivl 11y.II. v. r�vi I I Ili. .) 11✓i}%r" thC;},r n� Cnnl�nnn _aS Vrs-ot \w/a "Construction work" moans the excavation or above ground construction work permitter' under this section. /1 " iroct r" moans s the city manager or locin n "Easement" m--1, a right of I Ion 1Nnnnfitinn the V 4. over the property of anathor. 6Illmnrovement11 moons an,r nlin nr Nri`rnto i.�1,-,1 V romnnt including property of public utiulities ('+ ,..� '7 "Dinht of ,+rn_,r norm i411 moans `hn nl lthnri`ation granted hj 4he Cit f to pn iorrlm work or conduct activity in a spocifiod1 right of `I�r2,.. or na.scmrent .. , . IIDGr..I Iittec, " moons any n rvnn who 1-Inc been graantnrl gnu has In fI i'I i.n.�ce ar,r{ mv i y l iv .nv vvv ...v �, ,• •n • •..r ff 1 n rrn;4 i II rl �nrl�r Vv ...9. " ors " v ,I ry v firm, corporation service provirin D r nn mnnn j nII'�y person, v 1.... 1 1 orserVice („i..•1..,.+". 10. "Public infrastructure" means any necessa y construction, n rformed Incll1r—'ir City V. "Public ..11, V.I...v..ily III IIV I Ile !I �11V1 vv r ith the rich} of .+r'i�r yr on �rivat� properi� to install l';txt fcac III. VIs, including streets Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 cid.; rrtljs r?arm rlrnin,na ctrao+lin'n+s c-nit-r“ caanrnry rinri/oranr7+er in c or(' n vnvc carer oppur?onannvs ;o irlontifi"c1 within city n+anrlrarrly 1 "Right f �n,.�,ii ,r "nr r'olio %v-ay" r-n npnr• nII pro:Dor?�r in an rhinh +hn City h`c any . ..j.. s`i J! y r„. u ' .JGJ ... . r.,...,.,.,..y ... !l....,a. . ..I1.y .. „ y Tn rm r kin r+i+I innlr r in m•-.n+ a hi 'n i h I f n. k i r rlaer ar or r r+ility nr rrnoseo ronard ;s of wh-th r or not any ry.,rla. cy or r r?ilit r avis?s +hnroon or ....� .y r....r.....G.., ...y.... . .. .�. !l.. l..� .... not . .....,y ... ......�.� G.u...... ir.... .i V. v;hothor i? is-us-c l imnrnar`nrl or maintained pr r'olio r rsn l..V . 1• i v, ....r.v J ... r...+..i..n1..G.. for I.J....v..v I'D "IDnrtdway" moans the paved improvor l yr prone driving nnr=inn yr r strn..t "Roodway" moans r-- . ..r. J....., pro ........; ...."-" . u within the r'ity r{Vc+iyn._.f.i or .-^A for v-'nic,lor-raaral BA. Right-of-Way Permit Pc;urirodApplicability. Unless exempt from permit requirements, a right-of-way permit is required of any person or company who performs construction work or otherwise engages in activity within existing City rights-of-way, or on City-owned infrastructure. Right-of-way permit authorizes a permittee to perform work or conduct activity in a right-of-way or easement. Permits shall not be required for the following: 1. Work done by or for the City within its right-of-way. 2. Work that is two hours or less in duration, as long as that work does not require the closure of more than 50 percent of a non_arterial rccdhcystreet, does not close any lanes on an arterial .dv::: street, does not involve excavation within the right-of-way, or does not involve cutting or placement of pavement, sidewalks, curbs or gutters. Exemption from the permit requirements of the SVMC shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of the SVMC or any other laws, ordinances or standards of this jurisdiction. in tic co-- nT 2n nm-,rrr near n nriva+a or public rr?ili?a, rrn flat nom rn nnoo work prior to ... u, .. .r ....r...y.....,y, r'i J+....... �. �.A..J..V ...a .y ..I._.y v... .I......v J 5.l•.. r..... .. vhteini n n`rrni+ +hra mann nr nomnun , o'n+ninr. n vnnvtrrrn+lvn nnrrnita>,rithin Iihours cftor work is commenced or nn the first City lir rr in ��c dear following cold .� .... ... o.w. work .. �vj v...r...J�...G�.. ..� v.i .. .J ....Ji..G.... u...y following.J .,.... col-pcodi /18 hour p'�rind. B. Expiration. Right-of-way permits issued between April 1 and September 30 are valid for 30 days after the date of issuance, with a one-time 30 day extension available. Right-of-way Permits issued between October 1 and March 31 shall be valid until the following April 30. C. Emergency Repairs. In the case of an emergency repair, a private or public utility may commence work prior to obtaining a permit, provided the person responsible for the work obtains a.cot struction permit within 48-hours after work is commenced or on the first City business day following said elapsed 48-hour period. D. Right-of-Way Permit-Application. No right-of-way permit shall be issued unless a written application is submitted and approved by the droctorCity. The application shall, at a minimum, contain the following: 1. Construction plans or drawings approved by the diroctor City, if required; 2. A traffic control plan,. if the work closes more than 50 percent of the non: arterial rocdvic street, or closes any lanes on an arterial rc:dweystreet; 3. The period of time during which the right-of-way will be obstructed; and 4. Proof of the contractor's and all subcontractors' state licensing, insurance and requirements. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Depending upon the nature and extent of the construction activity or work, the dirsotor City may require engineering, restoration and drainage plans prepared by a Washington-licensed engineer at the applicant's sole cost and expense. At the discretion of the dirootorCity, a multiple-use permit may be available for licensed and bonded businesses and public utilities. The multiple-use permit fee will be established by resolution in the master fee schedule. The multiple-use permit shall expire at the end of the City fiscal year. The administrative regulations governing the multiple-use permit shall be written and approved by the diroctorCity. Failure to comply with the administrative regulations shall be a violation of this code. DE. Right-of-Way Permit Fees. Right of way pc---;t feos she!! bo adoptod by r000!utlor; of thocity ooL m c !. Permit fees shall be assessed in accordance with the currently adopted Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule. EF. Notice Required. The applicant shall give to the diroctor City notice not less than 48 hours before any work or activity is commenced and shall notify the dirootor City upon completion of the same. If a traffic control plan is required to be submitted with the I application, the applicant shall give the dirootor City not less than 72 hours' notice. In the event of an unexpected repair or emergency, work may be commenced as required under the circumstances. Unexpected repairs and emergency work shall comply with all other requirements of this section. F-G. Construction Standards. All work within the City right-of-way shall be in accordance with adopted City standards in effect at the time of the application for the permit. These include but are not limited to current versions of the Spokane Valley Street Standards, the Spokane Regional Storrnwater Manual, S;okar;c Co:.'rty Stondords for Rood and So;^nor Corstr:;ot!cn; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD); Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction; and applicable standards of the American Public Works Association (APWA). GH. Maintaining Access. In the event it is necessary for the permittee to excavate the entire width of the r ood',."aystreet, no more than half of the roodway street shall be opened for construction and closed to traffic at one time. Such portion of the work shall be backfilled and completed before the remaining portion of the roadway street may be excavated. If it is impossible, infeasible or unsafe to permit the work while maintaining an open lane for traffic, the dlrootor City may, with the concurrence of the chief of police and fire chief, permit the roadway street to be blocked for a short period of time where suitable detours can be provided and the public will not be unnecessarily inconvenienced. The permittee shall furnish facilities, such as bridges or other suitable means, or clearly identify appropriate detours, to allow the flow of traffic without unnecessary congestion. HI. Traffic Control. Any person or company that performs construction work or otherwise engages in activity within the existing City rights-of-way, or on City-owned infrastructure, is responsible for all traffic control and assumes the responsibility to maintain appropriate signage, signals and barricades that protect the public safety, in accordance with the MUTCD. The person or company shall provide for the safe operation of all equipment, vehicles and persons within the right-of-way. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 J. Damage to Existing imp rovomentelnfrastructure. All damage to existing public or private improvements infrastructure and/or property during the progress of the construction work or activity shall be repaired by the permittee. Methods and materials for such repair shall conform °.r; ' to adopted City standards. If the permittee fails to furnish the necessary labor and materials for such repairs, the director City shall have the authority to cause said necessary labor and materials to be furnished by the City and the cost shall be charged against the permittee. Such charge shall be immediately paid by the permittee and shall, if not paid on demand, be deemed a valid claim on the bond filed with the City. KJ. City's Right to Restore Right-of-Way and Easements. If the permittee fails to restore any City right-of-way or easement to its original and proper condition upon the expiration of the time fixed by such permit or shall otherwise fail to complete the right-of- way construction work covered by such permit or if the work of the permittee is defective and the defect is discovered within one year from the completion of the right-of-way I construction work, the d=cctor City or designee shall have the right to do all work and things necessary to restore the right-of-way and/or easement and to complete the right- of-way construction work. The permittee shall be liable for all costs and expenses of restoration or completion. The City shall have a cause of action for all fees, expenses and amounts paid for such work. Following demand, the City may enforce its rights pursuant to this section. No additional permits shall be granted until the invoice for City-performed work has been paid. K. Bond Err+h- n'.rnnvn of nrr,virlinn fnr th- r.ervmnle.inn of+hn work cr othervii``e rr`v1vrinn +hr. right of w-y+- r`i+\r n-nnrinrrls +hn applicant -hr•II en+ n n-rermnnc- hnnrl with, the city clerk. 1. Th^ bond shell be: a Issue ' by 2 surety liconsnrl to do .business in the ototo of eshington; end b. In an omo.int equal to 1i 00 percent of the estimated cost of the. work (or other rosoo r,hln rens .rv`nf\rel �n c !o\r deter ined b r the director .....,.,.,n...�.., r;;L.,��..- .,. �. L..,) .,c...i,� �.m.,,..0 by �.... .... .�.. 9 Ifth" improv-, .... + nn h., n +'u. „r sem' f n+ ril Ivf director shell give notice of the some to fhn porm!tteo. The notice state. a The "./nvrk to bn dorm. b. The time to complete the rn ins v. ... I , endyS' c. That if the work is not commenced end completed within the time allotted, .r.nri 1 n w rl + a nl +•r n i .. + rl nr n as f r+� nn rnp II nr1 mtvnar.r t In In in 1rrl -n r r rl +hr .ink nnrn ri .. a I .. .. . . .. .J ..... . a.. m... .... v....... ..'_..� . ....1... .. .� ...� action by the city cacrncy. A bond mrdd y by woivvwhore_ prooff of self insurance is providad. The director is 1 +� ra I +h ti mn..n' f+ a rl inch nnnrl nit vir+V L. Insurance— Evidence. Permittee, prior to the commencement of construction I hereunder, shall furnish the director City satisfactory evidence in writing that the permittee has in force during the performance of the construction work or activity, commercial general liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate duly issued by an insurance company authorized to do Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 business in this state. In addition, the policy shall name the City as an additional named insured. The director City may reduce the insurance limits if good cause exists. M. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. The permittee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including attorney fees, arising out of the permit issued under this section except as may be caused by the negligence or willful conduct on the part of the City. N. Rules and Policy. To implement the right-of-way permit and provide for the public I health and safety, the dir ectorCity, under the supervision of the city manager, may develop and adopt rules, policies and forms consistent with this section. All adopted rules, policies and forms shall be filed with the city clerk. O. Violations - Penalties. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to all enforcement actions and penalties as found in SVIVIC doom od to have •t For any i Iat on of a ccntinr ring nal.rrn --oh day's �..Jmr�^li'rnrl 1 (`loco I nrvil infra-ti-n. G..� �..n�.+.�.... v . �r......y ......,.�.. .J......... sha!! be ooncidornd a scpareto of-ns-. Cnforoemnnt of this ch-!! 'esp rrsrJcnt to Chactar 17.100 SVMS. -(nrd 07 015 § n 2007). 2').130.070 —n:�al on l'ni orm T:affic {'onto! Davicco. Th- 1VV ashington M:n:uo! on Uniform Traffic Control Dovicos (1`,11Tion),OD) as it may bo rn nd rl f nm tim to f mr, ;c hor h�• rn_=crpnn /n r1 n i nig Ste' A 2nn7\ Tho r n nnil nh:!! r - riodic:!! r roviovr the, t t n 7- rds for ood ‘an/'Iand 5�:�^r nnnstn n io rli= an-' and the nom- from time to tin- as necass-ins (Ord n7 015 § /1 2007) 22.130.0-9-0-110 Liability. The express intent of the City of Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall rest with the permit applicant and. their agents. This chapter and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Chapter 24.50 Chapter 24.50 Land Disturbing Activities 24.50.010 GENERAL A. General Applicability. This subtitle applies to all land disturbing activities, whether or not a permit is required. All land disturbing activities shall comply with this subtitle and the requirements set forth by SVMC Title 21 Environmental Controls and 22.130.040 Street Standards. B. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate all land disturbing activities to protect and safeguard the general health, safety, and welfare of the public residing within the City of Spokane Valley by: 1. Establishing procedures for issuance of permits, plan approval, and inspection of grading construction; and, 2. Controlling erosion and preventing sediment and other pollutants from leaving the project site during construction by implementing best management practices; and, 3. Reducing stormwater runoff rates and volumes, soil erosion and nonpoint source pollution, wherever possible, through stormwater management controls and to ensure that these management controls are properly maintained and pose no threat to public safety; and, 4. Protecting downstream properties and public infrastructure. C. Definitions. 1. Applicant is the private party or parties desiring to construct a public or private improvement within City right-of-way, easements, or private property, securing all required approvals and permits from the City, and assuming full and complete responsibility for the project. The Applicant may be the owner or the individual designated by the Owner to act on his behalf. 2. .Clearing and grubbing includes, but it is not limited to, removing trees, stumps, roots, brush, structures, abandoned utilities, trash, debris, and all other material found on or near the surface of the ground in the construction area. 3. Grading is the physical manipulation of the earth's surface and/or surface drainage pattern which includes surcharging, preloading, contouring, cutting, and/or filling. Grading activities fall into two general categories: engineered grading and regular grading. 4. Land disturbing activity result in a change in existing soil cover(vegetative or non- vegetative)or site topography. Land disturbing activities include, but are not limited to, demolition, construction, clearing and grubbing, grading and logging. 5. Site includes all the parcels included in the project. D. Permit Required.A separate permit shall be obtained for each site. No land disturbing activity, unless specifically exempted, shall be performed without first having obtained a permit. The following are the types of permit: 1. Engineered grading. Refer to SVMC 24.50.020 for general exemptions. Refer to SVMC 24.50.030 for applicability, additional exemptions, and permit requirements. All engineered grading shall comply with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act. 2. Regular grading. Regular grading is grading work that is not required to be engineered. Refer to SVMC 24.50.020 for general exemptions. Refer to SVMC 24.50.040 for applicability, additional exemptions, and permit requirements. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 1 Chapter 24.50 3. Clearing and grubbing permit. Refer to SVMC 24.50.050 for applicability, exemptions, and permit requirements. E. Fees. Permit fees, including plan review, shall be assessed in accordance with the currently adopted Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule. F. Surety. The Applicant shall post a surety in an amount determined by the Development Services Senior Engineer. Acceptable surety instruments are cash savings assignments and letters of credit issued by a duly chartered financial institution. G. Inspection. All land disturbing activities shall be subject to inspection by the Development Services Senior Engineer. For all engineered grading permits, special inspection of grading operations and special testing shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of SVMC 22.130.40 Street Standards. If during an inspection, site conditions and/or construction of permanent items are found not be as shown in the permit application or approved plans, the permit may be deemed invalid. No land disturbing activity shall be undertaken, or continued, until revised plans have been submitted and approved. The Development Services Senior Engineer shall be notified when work authorized by a permit issued subject to this chapter is ready for final inspection. Final approval shall not be granted until all work has been completed in accordance with the approved grading plans and any required reports have been submitted. H. Hazards. If the Development Services Senior Engineer determines that any land disturbing activity has or may become a hazard to life and limb, endanger property, cause erosion, or adversely affect drainage, the safety, use, stability of a public way or drainage channel, the owner shall be notified in writing. The owner is responsible to mitigate the hazard within the time specified by the Development Services Senior Engineer. If not corrected, the land disturbing activity shall be deemed to be a violation pursuant to SVMC 24.050.10 I. I. Violations. Unless exempt, any land disturbing activity performed without a permit shall be considered hazardous and a public nuisance, subject to all enforcement actions and penalties as found in SVMC Title 17. An investigation fee may be assessed pursuant to International Building Code Section 108.4. The fee is payable prior to the issuance of a permit. Payment of the investigation fee does not vest the illegal work with any legitimacy, nor does it establish any right to any permit for continued development of the project. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to fines a's provided in Title 17 of this code. J. Construction Stormwater Permit. The Applicant shall contact Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) to determine if a Construction Stormwater Permit is required. K. Changes in the Field. Revised plans may be required when changes are made to the approved grading plans. Land disturbing activities affected by such changes shall not continue until the revised plans are reviewed and approved by the Development Services Senior Engineer. 24.50.020 GRADING PERMIT—GENERAL EXEMPTIONS • A grading permit, either engineered grading or regular grading, is not required for the following land disturbing activities: 1. Excavations which, meets all of the following: o Are less than 3 feet in height; and, o Have slopes flatter than 2:1 (H:V), and, Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 2 Chapter 24.50 o Do not exceed 50 cubic yards on any one lot. 2. Fills which, meets all of the following: o Are less than 2 feet in height; and, o Have slopes flatter than 2:1 (H:V), and, o Are not intended to support structures; and, o Do not obstruct a drainage course; and, o Do not exceed 50 cubic yards on any one lot. 3. An excavation below finished grade for basements and footings of a building, retaining wall, or other structure authorized by a valid building permit. This shall not exempt any fill made with the material from such excavation nor exempt any excavation having an unsupported height greater than 4 feet after the completion of such structure; 4. Cemetery graves; 5. Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regulations; 6. Excavations to facilitate the septic tank elimination program; 7. Mining, quarrying, excavating, processing, stockpiling of rock, sand, gravel, aggregate, or clay where established and provided for by law such operations do not affect the lateral support or increase the stresses in or pressure upon any adjacent or contiguous property; 8. Exploratory excavations under the direction of a geotechnical engineer or engineering geologists; 24.50.030 ENGINEERED GRADING PERMITS A. Applicability. An engineered grading permit is required for the following land disturbing activities: 1. Grading in excess of 500 cubic yards; and, 2. Excavations with cut slopes equal to or steeper than 2:1 (H:V) and heights greater than 2- 1/2 feet; and, 3. Excavations with cut slopes equal to or steeper than 10:1 (H:V) and heights greater than 4 feet; and, 4. Fill slopes equal to or steeper than 2:1 (H:V) heights greater than 2- 1/2 feet; and, 5. Fill slopes equal to or steeper than 10:1 (H:V) heights greater than 4 feet; and, 6. Grading in the floodplain; and, 7. Grading in Critical Areas identified in the SVMC Title 21; 8. Grading in a drainage channel; and, 9. Grading to support a building or structure of a permanent nature; and, 10. Grading associated with subdivisions pursuant to SVMC Title 20; and, 11. Grading for engineered driveways, regardless of the amount of excavation or fill required for construction; and, 12. Grading for all ponds, water features, and man-made lakes greater than 500 sq.ft. in surface area; and, 13. Major use permits and/or any other project likely to cause major land disturbances as determined by the City; and, Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 3 Chapter 24.50 14. Grading to support other engineering works such as, but not limited to, tanks, towers, machinery, retaining waii, and paving; and, 15. Projects deemed to be a potential hazard. B. Exemptions. An engineered grading permit is not required for the following land disturbing activities: 1. Grading work already included in a building permit or land action application; 2. Grading work exempted per SVMC 24.50.020; and grading work not meeting the requirements of SVMC 24.50.030 A. In this latter case, the grading would be considered regular grading. C. Engineered Grading Permit Submittal Requirements. The minimum documents required for permit application are as follows: 1. Completed permit application; and, 2. Two sets of all required plans stamped by a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington, 3. Two sets of all required reports, specifications, and supporting information prepared and stamped by a civil engineer or geologist licensed in the State of Washington, 4. Plans shall demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this Title, SVMC 22.130.40 Street Standards and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations;' 5. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) plan. The TESC plan shall include all of the minimum elements specified in SVMC 24.150 Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual Chapter 9 and Plan elements required in Chapter 4 of SVMC Title 22.130.040 Street Standards, as applicable. The TESC plan may also be prepared by a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Technician. All erosion prevention and sediment control measures shall be maintained, including replacement and repair as needed. These minimum guidelines are not intended to resolve all project soil erosion conditions. The applicant is responsible for confining all soil on the project site and implementing •additional measures as necessary to accommodate changing or unexpected site and weather conditions; 6. When required by the SVMC 22.130.040 Street Standards Chapter 5 and/or the Development Services Senior Engineer, a geotechnical evaluation demonstrating compliance with SVMC 22.130.040 Street Standards Chapter 5; 7. Drainage report demonstrating compliance with SVMC 24.150 Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual Chapter 3; 8. When required by the Development Services Senior Engineer, an engineering geology report including an adequate description of the geology of the site; 9. SEPA checklist D. Engineered Grading Permit Final Acceptance. The following items are required prior to final acceptance: 1. Inspection by a qualified professional hired by the Applicant; and, 2. As-graded grading plans; and, 3. A letter from the inspector that certifies that grading was conducted in accordance with the grading plan. Certification requirements shall be in compliance with SVMC 22.130.040 Street Standards. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 4 Chapter 24.50 24.50.040 REGULAR GRADING PERMIT A. Applicability. A grading permit is required for all grading operations unless exempted below.All grading shall comply with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act and SVMC 22.130.40 Street Standards. An engineered grading permit shall be required if the project meets the criteria specified in SVMC 24.50.030. B. Exemptions. A regular grading permit is not required for the following land disturbing activities: 1. Grading work already included in a building permit; 2. Work exempt under SVMC section 24.50.020 or already included in an engineered grading permit; C. Regular Grading Permit Submittal Requirements. The minimum documents required for permit application are as follows: 1. Completed permit application; and, 2. Plans demonstrating compliance with Chapter 4 and 5 SVMC 22.130.40 Street Standards and all other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. The name of the owner and the name of the person who prepared the plan shall be included in all submitted plans and documents; and, 3. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) plan. The TESC plan shall include all of the minimum elements specified in SVMC 24.150 Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual Chapter 9 and Plan elements required in Chapter 4 of SVMC Title 22.130.040 Street Standards, as applicable. The TESC plan may also be prepared by a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Technician. All erosion prevention and sediment control measures shall be maintained, including replacement and repair as needed. These minimum guidelines are not intended to resolve all project soil erosion conditions. The applicant is responsible for confining all soil on the project site and implementing additional measures as necessary to accommodate changing or unexpected site and weather conditions. 24.60.050 GRUBBING AND CLEARING PERMIT A. Applicability. A grubbing and clearing permit is required for the following land disturbing activities: 1. All grubbing and clearing activities disturbing 5,000 square feet or more of area; and, 2. Any clearing on slopes, wetlands, erodible soils, critical areas, etc; and, 3. Any removal of trees and vegetation that does not trigger the grading permit requirements. B. Exemptions. The following land disturbing activities are not required to obtain a clearing and grubbing permit: 1. Commercial agriculture as regulated under RCW Chapter 84.34.020. Clearing associated with agricultural uses, excluding timber cutting not otherwise exempted; 2. Forest practices regulated under WAC Title 222, except for Class IV General Forest Practices that are conversions from timberland to other uses; 3. Clearing and grubbing already included in a grading or building permit; 4. The removal of six(6)trees or less per acre per parcel; 5. The removal of trees and ground cover by utility companies in emergency situations; or, 6. Routine landscape maintenance and minor repair. C. Permit Submittal Requirements. The minimum documents required for permit application are as follows: Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 5 Chapter 24.50 1. Completed permit application; and, 2. Plans demonstrating compliance with Chapter 4 and 5 SVMC 22.130.40 Street Standards and all other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations; and, 3. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) plan. The TESC plan shall include all of the minimum elements specified in SVMC 24.150 Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual Chapter 9 and Plan elements required in Chapter 4 of SVMC Title 22.130.040 Street Standards, as applicable. The TESC plan may also be prepared by a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Technician. All erosion prevention and sediment control measures shall be maintained, including replacement and repair as needed. These minimum guidelines are not intended to resolve all project soil erosion conditions. The applicant is responsible for confining all soil on the project site and implementing additional measures as necessary to accommodate changing or unexpected site and weather conditions. 24.50.060 SEVE-ABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is determined invalid for any reason in whole or in part by court, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinances. Choptor 91.50 CX sAVA !ON CILI AND CDn,n!N n1n D.rrnr.srl gn non rpri,rirrmtI 91. 0.0" Cx- +orl work. T-r•}inn 21.50.050 HN_ordc. 21.50.050 Dnrrn!t rvrtir riroments. 21 5n 07 n E o-vation and rill 21.50.0°0 A Rn r nr nrl + rr nin 21.50.100 cro-i^n oontr^I 21.50.110 Feoc. 21.50.120 inspooti^ns ani! fin-1 roport. . r 21.50130 Enforcern nt. 24.50.010 !moi:poso. This nhan+sr +hn nrrhlin h^-1+h sraftliir nnrl v:-!far- hnr rnrr ; +inn gr--inn and exorinrrritinn innl.rrlinn fills and omhnnkmonts nn p..k!k.: r,nrl pr!.'-to nrnnory Ivicetod within the nns+ohlishns prnnn_rlrMaroc for tho isSrrCnOOoprvnrnits; approve! of pie`^n nrl in-p--tion of gr-ding n (nrrl07 010 § ' Dnn7) `)4..50.0`)0, r r,i. i;+ r nr.uir..r7 C ir+�n+ 1s snnnifinrl in SVMC 7/1 50 030 II e' o-v-t on ill grading r�nrl inv-ling of land � ..�..�..�.... .�. ..r... � ....... ...., �... G w...�.... .., a .y�.....� y .... .. ... .. ... ..... roar rir 1n S'nnl' nn \/r llr.r nrurli,'r norm i+ �il nrnrlinr+ .nrithir. +I•n C;+\/ ,hall ccwtrll-tnri+h thn Washington Stat., Cnniiromm-nt-! Dcliny Act (Or'-'. 07 010 § 1, 2007) Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 6 Chapter 24.50 /1 11 ., - ,.4, • A. A Arr/^linn nn.mi: vl- X11 not b rlr^/-i fnr th.e fnl,owinry• 1J.1 .ly r.v ....nal .I r v 11...‘1,414 VIV v1 1•..v 1.�V. 1,11 ly. �1 1 r71nr in Mn iv c/=IT ver �lnvry PrP ^ if+ ^rQ iC Y1n /lrinn,nr+n nri\Jr. v r1r nl Ihlin ..NII.y .I I •• .., vv 11 �. .v... .1 v . v yv. .v .l r+, w grog^ \ nro\/irl,.rl hn,�((..rn�//or +k.-1 r.rnrinr+ in nn r .-JrY+ r•' l ren flnorinlrnin nr flnvrl\gr,�n� r..'' ''-, i1VT.vT ., .I ...1 ....•J yl L...II.y I. L.. f V...I...JL.. G. ..., 1-.v vi•JI...III v. .IV ...JI... c_hn_II nn+ {�.yr� m�}ly,from ri r,�rliny Nyrmi+, 0, Work Inri L1 in a I��r7l7icetn�-i public 1111. right of orgy! 3. I nnrinnnnn nn rlnr rt +cr f,.. 4!' � `h rlv nn` veno^ Fflfl nr 111r,, .--- /^+nr Irfr.vv �...I 1.\1.1.1..✓.. .....�a•-••-• v. ....., ....I.,s . ... L. .I..• .VL.c...,.., v...• ....�...... I..IV. .....�1., n r threr_t fent in do +h onrl are -F1 d n' lined nnrith nn approved sy mIVY...,otic pond liner c..rva e.. �... I:..G. 11. ......�. 11.1..... JJ. 11 1 I'"' V I� .I... I... /1 Excavation holo flnishnrl g-rod-c for hnoomrtnts and footings of bl Iilrlingr r vtaininy Excavation.. ....1.. 11 vN ... 1 ........\. Ili...1� ...1�... .vim.Err. ... a ..I..n 11 . �... . II nr n+h.. 4r 1 + or., I cc + f I fn t i rlr. t. nr Ir.. ri-, A nr trclir1 hl,Hrli ..NI. vI v.1.. I . ..1.4••/1/411V . 1 I. . .. I.,... V... ..1 r.I 1 1 ...I 1.,. y Vi ..II .,v �nrmi} Thi- chr 1{ n�+ nvnmp+ 2n�fill mr-Id ‘J:,ri}h +k rna+erinl from cl'oh evn�‘rr7+inn or I ll� . ,\ �� f.. .�� II ...vv ..1 ul from v...oil -x"--,‘„J.nu V.l rZv_nm n} nnnrI . v"nn\rn+isI I .IN o k. rine VI 1 N .. n IIncllr2nor;Ct rl height +k L .....,..Ir,. .....� J Icy S..r,r.L l V.-IV.. •l...y. 1 11•••••••41•••,1 41.-411 .r., IVV1. k I,.._ I .1111 cftnr the nori-Inlet+ion of such -trust'lro. ..� .. .. �......... 1 .+ -trust' 5. Genn:tory y'nra`roo. Refluse rlicpnso• sites cnrltroiivcd by n+hor rogV.11-••••1V11,1• lntlons. . \ vv iii v N. i. I . , vole yN.N. .1 oxo v to 1 r/. , a`Jra:ic�v fnP Ivirn..11s, IU .1 Ivle nr I I}ili:ivv. 1"1i invl 1 VV \r r•"I rlinn tool llrll/l fvY . •v. .11 v I I I .. nrn linY'�'l T Q+,tnlnn nn+ incll1.-lin rngrlc +hili+n+inn ythe o\/nn\r tion This olrn innlllrins c .r tin^... vlu...I11J v, 1. ul.y V i .wL. G.. 1111V .VI. rvvcal o`inn Iv /ort, done to fanilitato the sontin tool. vlimin`+lsrl r.ronrom. .\.. �.,.. ..I I. ........ w .. .I. ... .�,...... ...� I\ II I.. . r'I y1.,..1 Q Minin ,,,,,,„;,r, "etinn n ocessing or nnhYt ilinn tool. cnnrl r rn\r l L. J II -..wv Gully, Nr..vGv•na•ly I Vi•V vl\,J..•I Iy 1..v1., ...n.1.,, 1•..41/vy nnnrnnn+o L yy, yorlhe t4-lihl nnrl nr rn\rido fnr by I," rvil d nh n VIoIy 4-711o, oo,>,...�.I. I.vv � . —N Ir tin V V V do nn n Do: ,hv In+n rel vl Inner nr inr•ro,^c^ +he c+rvvsnc in 111" nrnrr.Jn1 ins I Inn, antr ., .. I ...r' ' ' .,. I ...,<.... 1 ...1 .. V. r.... ....1 ...1 I.� erlinoen+ nr r.nnntous nr nnr\r C. nler,l+nn/ nen \rr�tinnn I I,rinr• +he% rli n+ir,n n= nrnf.+cc i,�,.�l.nnnir+.�..r yr nrvf.A,.cinn,1l "\ ,I...i..w ......^�.“IVII• VI IV VIA.,v ..... ...I... ..v.• ... r.'v....,.. .....i .ly. I...., r.l IG....7.. gy^civgi.st . 1n. ^.n vxcovratinn th-t. / L. v a Is lass than two ren} in r1"."41l• nr b. Dc� llo.: ^rn `.tv N cIIt In rlr.. tett INn f•nry f v+ i, h in + nrl o}v nor+.Nn nn^ Init y. . . .y, . . .1 VI V 11 . "rain l and n'no and on- hag units horiznntol (66 i ercent siono�`�� and ..I..., ur. vl ... hag .,1.i.v .I I �...I � . � .v ... h'.,/. 11 A rill loss }hofen. n do- th d p' od on rivtrterrin ‘,',/;44-1 clnryfivtters •-•11V . pensouoaIII 4•41•11 . . e than ono unit vertical in Hvo units hori7ontN! (20 p.rcent olopv) 17 Cil! IoJo th�a�n throe foo}• in depth that. a-is not intendL.... +- rNn -r + 1 Intl ire • b. Dooc not oxcood 50 cubic yards on any one lot; cr c. n .. t h., r`c - dr .n' —Al \. m n I. 1111 1 nrl her c1" o is crectod greater than one unit . ., ,I.. .r,. ..v v .Iv I J lv. I 1 V1 Vortical in ono and half units horizontal (65.t poroont slope); is not morn `hon five .., and N ono .,. I horizontal. ., slope); I ..I ... feethc•inht• rnn+os n I ngor} rvotn r I c nr or r• and is othv vice 1N� in i..,.y.I., C..,.... v .l� E.�IIy... .� r`3,1 L.\., s✓, public r..iJr�..lt�, and .., ... i1.JIJ.. permit}nrl B. m lion v thb n rmit I nI Iiromonts of thin ci'tr� ter shall not bo rlo_emod grant i_vvll.��l.J.. �r 7.1 .. v rl�v.Il liC i�...1.n.l I.iYty ir]lly 1^.(tl�i]l.ort V .n rl..v1 .Iv. w. Iic v/'�.w to .�I 1l�� cutho izotion fnr stn\/ work to bo dont in any mann_ in violation of the provisions of this IIT. I v1 yr ,'.rlx, I 1N .ry yr nrrin Non n f` Ill". .I ria-'lit.-. Iv j..,..v nf' .I... hit t nr N,. .. . VI N..I I.. NI 1, I, y. thai United Ctat-s of r'lmerioc. /Ord, 07 ni § 1, 9007% 24-.50.010 ;'boring. Th^ stonrlords rl hni6v aro fnr the nl Irnosoi of this node rno nni-znrl otvnrlarrlc• III., V .,11L....I VV a.,.v.n ..1v J I V, v. a NN.rA vI u 1iv V, .., ..�� . V I.0 I ... Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 7 Chapter 24.50 A. !,C ' An n 1• C.G7' Tec} AAC+knr-I Fr,- I ninny.)}n ('mm�ontinr, ('hMr-ir++.�rin:ivv nr Cvrl lwinr� 4444 .. vv, 4444..• , ..... ... .. w .....� .,• .. ...�. 4444 �......_.� .., .,.J !`!!od;flod Effort. Q nC T An n -1g Fr'• Tns+ Ann+hnri - n. r. * ..-11n,1 I Ini+ \AI-_"n'n` Cr +'nn Qnrl ✓. . . , .,e....,...., .vI ._..,....i.j 4_411.. V .,5 . Jv, � , vv. ... , .,v VV.,5.i 4-sone method C'. •nCTA1n n ')1G 7 Anytk s-I fnr nvncitj Nnrl I In;+ 1AIG;s-h4 of Q.'nil in DlonC h3 +.in D.Ihhv 5. .1.5 , . .,. . 5 �2e11nnn Ann}hnrl Co;l in Dlon n neTAn n O��7 Tn�+ Anz}nnrl ;nr nvn�? ._,. . ... . . ✓ � .. 4444.. 1., 4114... .. �. 1444 ,j ,. ^-y Ann+'nes, C n QTR n n ')0'D') T,m 4 ilnn+kndc fnr n.�nn!t„ n+ C,!! nnrl Cs-i ny Jr��^`G /C/44./14./ • .. I I.. ✓ . . .,,. ... ,., y v. NI.,nloor AnC.}n..nr5lc (Chelln�wr rlr.n+h\ VI .t, ,. 54 . I ✓Vr......p C /\CTM n `1(1'17 T nci Mothnrl fnr AAln`nr �'nn+nn` yr Cn!I and Rook !n D!.�ne by Nunlc2 ... , .. , 5... I 4 444... ..I V V , V I, . v.. .I 5.... Anv+:orlc /Ch011o\wr nos-I \+l l\Q711/1 ( 9Q nnnci+wr Dnln}ions.. of Qrilc ons Cnil Annrngo+y• n�I,�turvs. 1 .. 4444 ✓ . . , .v,........ •u .J ... .. U AC T An n 9A QC? Dre n}incl fnr rlosnrin+inn onrl Irl.fi n}if no}Inn of SLilc (Vis a! . .. 1 .V . .•. ✓ , , , ,.._v.1vG .v, v.J.... .uv�I .�..lu ,vv.. Ill v\....vi. VI . v I 4._ Drnnnrl.,rn\ ..(. I /\STM n 7�1Q7 I •-••-•1• .+1,-,..11•••,..• s+ nnv}nnrl fnr ('11 ci{in +in of Cn Ic r r Cnn nnnrmn D ,rnncnc .. . . , , ✓ L .v . .1 .11..... ,v. ....,s...,,..�avrl v. ..I,., i.7� •-..y I,,S....�ai , L.Ii (I In;fiod Cril r'IC c;f;n +i n Svcfiom\ (Orr! 07 n10 § 2nn7\ 4441., ", S..,,,..a IC., y5.5.•..,(. �.., . 1• 3 ., (. '�/I �f1 (1' rr•w) tin-r-Mrl- • n \AIhr nnnrnr .,,, , Weis}inn n5inowr };nn omhenLmr nt nr fill or n„'nlin nri r }n nrnnnrT r „y ..,�L..,.,� 5.,..,s_..c.5,...., I.11 ..I ., hoc hnnmm� n ho-7errl +n nn rsnne nr nrnnnr+ nr l'rnrcnkr +kv I " v�.c r•�fn+� , c' I-11"1444......,,,... II.......,.. 4.4-/. r,5. ... r..vr......f' .5' Cr ..,.55.55, "� 5. 5I, 5. 5.. , .,5... ... -o'nili}nr of o n1Ord;, ww, , nr rirn;nonn n'nonnol tky n +rr+nr n..rnvr'v . nnn` nr ,+knr �nrcnn �:......,,.� 4../1444.1" s.v 545553 .. .......I..._ . y . ...,.... 44411 •.. 5. .....�, v. ,. 5..x..55 v 444.••/ .., in non+rnl of+i-+n nrnnnr+wr shell rn.-�n;r r r slim i,'fn:n. +11v n.iv`n.�1,-41,, nr nmn�n�m,sr*+ ,+''n;n VS 144./ , .� . r VIII, .. ., .., , VI ,. 15, V/164 Jai I +ho period of+;v-nn cpnnif;nrlnn +'nn .nrr;• t+nn rIr�tinn. P I lnlncc nvmm�l%IIv,r-o nwn•n rtn:,,r. Jr.�rnn yr fill wrrrnrmnrl .ri+l-+r�`i: •� na•rm,+ cknil vter' . 4444,I.vvv ..,.v''Sr. 5_„ v.. v5w .i ..n.....a I 111 .,v•,,,v... .1451, , r. Ilas vI , �.nncirinrnrl {-+.��Nrrin,Ic rtnrl r+,�1-.lin n"icnnnr� c_.,hinn+ +n nii nntnrn.\m•�n+ nn+;nnn nnri v.lv 5..v v.. ..v 5.wv..v .w..v I...._I✓ v I. .v.... vv, 4.. Jvv. 551 .nl, vi, v,v....I,v,5. ..../11...,v 1_11... nnnol}ins ns 4:,11 lrl in ('hon+r r '17 "Inn S\(\�C' (Orru o7 n1 n f. 1 ')nn7\ V'-, 16.44.... ,,. ✓. p.5... ...5, \\ .. ,, ._5:..I (. . ...4444. ..I • ......... . A. (G`ror1inrl Permit DnonuirCiiio. tc.. 1 /\ c% nnroto nr rrni+ heli 1.� oh+Diner! fnr nrtr+h si+n and mow/ novo( both ovoolro}ionc+ ,I. it ..•-+1..4 ...... 1441 G5.4..1 5...5.., IILI II. J 4444 5., V. , .�. I.S. ,. . ....r.... 55. r,5.,, . 1144,, on�l fills 7 0-rdinn� --rrl In Iilhn,f+first n }oiningJ J �n pnrnitfrn +•I vCity, unlesso . 0 ,.1V •-• “A.i II o oAd. VI .VI pursuant to SVMC 2'.50 030, is subjeot to all penaltros desoribod in Chapter 17.100 tiny! , ; n +a` y _ m v t -N n ;.I..yfi o +;141 /4,1 I y f. yr+.desoribod 5. , . ... rnrli • onnmm1.1l;ohnru wnrthnfu+ no1.1,•1.1+ nlrrciinn++o In}nrnniannul Rilild;ng Code Section 10Q.A \SAI rl; nom1''r'',onni n nfn n nnrrni} icci I.jnnn boson on +ho ^roll Io of}ho \w,rork o.. Vil,.,ly n� !✓ ..rte 4111, 144.4./ 11 VV uv vi . o r+r,nm nl;sh Vr1 illr\n o!I�' Tho nn ic_ newrnlnlc. nr;or 4o } n onnnn+Donn of o nr.�dinn rlvrm i+ U..1.SJ,.It/15,J1 .4 ..lvy.w If. . ,Iv .v.. . r+....f '4411 r..� , lv is t.4Vv°r'...n..Vv v, 5.1 I,y rI 111. Doymont of the inwr stinotive foe rlons not vest tho il!ugel work with any lnn;+in^Ionwr nor tunes i+ oy+�l-\l,is 6\ onw) right`r. an�r porm;} nr nnn},.„�� r_I"NI v loom Vn+ n_• f . ,v Cvn"•wr }�w nr '; I ,nrn rlv'+h +J I I ' in I fv r.,5v ri Vr ",f yr cv n r;vV �f 11 ..}n I .11 ..I I. SI.... 1..I...,I..v .1I'.y I I �., 5, 5 ../ wl�ro rl; orrlor shill 1-nn doe rnor'l hozordouc ,4444., ,..,....... 4441.. 1 The nrnwrisinns oT Seotion Inn 1 1 information none+run+inn documnn}s Doth.J( +n . . ,� ,•.•�• • ,, I.; III. SIv, on v ..v 1. v5 v.I V5..f 11 v... , inr+r..y 5V nnn!;nation for o nror'linn nnrmi+ (\nn non+ ohell nn+n +hc, ncfii.7+o}rG,.-1 �I Ionfiities of 5_5411. r v,,.115 .r.r.liv5nl. IL./I .SJ... 4.1 IV vvu 14-A 5 ..4,...uv ,....t.�..r1 I 1 I . 5 vn 5I 5. o! . Ilvw r Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 8 Chapter 24.50 /1 �rorlinn in�.nl.r;nn gni-) n„ ;n .rnrrlV vh�II hn ,- in .^`_rl "rnr't„Inr nrnrl;nr, ....,.,4.,,y ..... ., ., y , ,nlncr' +hn nnrmi++nn "'sots "n nglnnore rl nrnrl;nn " or thn n,thr'n�;++nd nlnnr` nrn nrcr�nr � 1.., ..a .., . "'rot- ris , y, ..,y, „, ,. .., r., r ,. her ra /nchinn+on I�nencnrl d]Vinr� nrofnccinnnl or+he I-iu d-ng nf*in;1l dntnrm;nos +hot nnnn;el nnnrli+inns nr r on.!s,unl hnn`nrnin nv;c+ in erh;nh nn - g 'n nhnll nnnforrn `. + _ VVIV1 ..V,...,.,...,,.. ... u.,... , ..,��.. ..�,...., ,., .1111., . .-. �., �.y ,1V11 ...J, 1'6,111. ., rc,n..irmm�n+c for vnninvnrq I n�Grl;nn Q C nn;nenrnrl Grnrlinn (2rnfill ni;nn nr ovnn,,-+inn in f.lvnnnn of Fon nt.1'1;n ‘rnrrlc . or . ,. . .,..y. J.....,., , saga V. ,,, R .. • Cl. +;o`n.l ^inns nr flnorinlninn rpn,.irp __nc+rr,n+inn .Z ,nnlcn^vrr vo:innn pr -rnrl v . .,. v.. , i ... v...v v ,v ... +,.n,."'I . ..�.." v v'-'..v.,v r• ...r..,vr+v ,v . r.. r. I r nrnfncc;nnnl nnn;non, I;nonnnrl +o nrnn+;nn ;n +hn n+n+n of 1/ilnchinn+nn nnrl c,n11 k, rJ,vu .vvV,v., ni . ,, , v ,.5V iv r,i......,vv ta SI I V ..n..,.i.. .•,.., olcc,nnntnrl nn "nnn;nn,/rnr'1 grerlinn\AV V1110 IV1 1 /�nnl;nr,+inn for n nrnrlinin norm1+ vhn11 nv mini's nn n fn nrnn rnr1 htr +l-,n (-`;+�r nnr� -,. . .r.r,.,.,.,.,..,, ..,, . y r .,. VI 1,411 .. ., , r ., r . . .-.y • ••a•-• .d ..,. nn in In-,,+ Al t f n nil nn.nifinn4 nnn , n ';nn rl + 11VV y I••• . , ,V VI IV r.....,,,.' 9.1.,1,6.,, . ..r.r,,,,.,,.y C,uInr nri +;nn ln+ ;nnl .rlvc ;c I;r-i+nrl +n, tnnrl/or Lal. 5- 5.1.. .., . . ,. . .. .,. n1 .�.. , 1. VII. . nn 1 VI n r; n r1 I r nr� r..r•I ;a rl ,-1 I �-1 k ,Wnr.hinn+nn I,nnncnrl „yvv...,y y y . r ., r ,, ,.,u, _.y1..,.. .., ., wy 1,. ...., IIVVIIVVV nYefe,ssionnlc. I hn} inrli�r;rl r �1 chnll hn nnnc;dn nd 'the r n;stom r ' n rinninnrnfv^cinnM-ir reSp5ns;hl� �hnr�e v. Pi.�..ns ohnll ho drown +o ccco.:i.�.. sufficient to illuotreto. . the nature end extent of th.e rnrl IS1nrli ninnrsrl unrl nnnlnrl h� +hn rInc;n in nrnf/r`�Csior-irc'�I nnrl nhNll incl,,rin }l-» N.vrnnnwnIV v . „v.+ . v 45.55 N� ,.v vviy,. r.01 v.,.v...-i anti,. .t rolln.�'Srinn• y. Cn.. \v (i oin +lr mgrs of the Winn used fn Drerlor r limits flinch c nn,uro`n non+ni rri of e—Tjr nn nisi,nr{ nnrl rin+o;lc of+nrrn;n usrl ..,, .. .. .. . . �.y �,v c:.rna c. l imi`ing rlirner.sionc Glevotionn nr finish contours `o be ochinvec h r the nrnrlinn nnrl �., ...� ... ,,....., 111,1,, ... gags .., ..,.,a.� 1111 ., .. ,.,.. .n..r...,.,,c.. .,j . ... y,c.. y, ...,,.., rnror�ocnrl dr.iinnnn n ons^IS 1 `nil r.�ln�+nil nonr+in rn+;nn ff 1111.. ., .. ,.., 111 .,, ... .. ... V... ..,. d. Deto;lod Wiese of e l s„rfono end cirlsvrrr-'n n� rlr�in)nn 1-1,M%VI VII r;vnc_ resile' VI h;ng, rinmc endend thor nrotenti�rn dreviccs to ho conntrunterl with, nc _ port of +ho proposed '."ork 1111 .7 i, .., r......,., v., ............. .v ..,.. v.,..+...,......... or 1111. - r'",. i, . r....�,..... work, together showing thr., n11c11tlmoto..d runoffothe orno ...�., served N -n- drains. �.,. Dien;nnntod 100 \ eer loodp Wins. ..�...,.�,,1111.. �..... r., , f. Reoom r�nnrl otinnn included ,n the oo;lc engineering mnnr+ end the nnnrinn 1111. , .,� ., .,.. ... 1111..... ,... ..a,.. .yi ,.,.., „y ..,r•v,, i. .,... ,y. 1111.,. y geology report shoal be innorporoted in the grra�diry Inns or spncificot;ons When J' report.. 1111, 1111. fr ,c..c..... c.. grading r..a} v, (',.. .,. 1111,., ... When cpproiror') b the bot;Id;rg off;ciel specific roco_mrrin_ndcn.,troris�,cori+tined ;n the ns;le hn;a vri r`1, n '�1 r7 + ..'n'n ;v..nrinr, nnoInn\r rnnn ls, :/junk ars. .n..rn.'nlac iII'm to r ,. ,1. y y y . ,. yy .. , r al. r !ocotion of an„ h,undings or structures on the property `,"there the work is proposed • IV 11d end the locotlon of rangy) h,.lilrl;nyc or v+ri,,n-'r ,ren on lend of ave l owners the+ ore within UI „v . .n V, 1 J .✓ . VII i V•I1-4,1.6.41 vv ... �C.. „ .,v,v 1111 v v ,.1��, 15 feet of the pro(perty or +h n+ me b offe otod 1-or the proposed �redin� epnrot;ons. h. A SCD" o'nool`tc+ shell`I-Io`submitted 1elong with o`I other nlnn to ocmpbte en " r .. ..� .a i.0 u.. i. .,, .,,.....y �,,.�. , vu r.,... J .. , ,,11,11... 1111, ennlinnr;^n. rr✓ • rl + of+' 1 a r nil nnrdninnri , r In i ronnn+c +ngn+h or�„Ith t}'E .., 4..1...11 . ., , . .....,,.y 1.0 . .y. ray �'J,. ��J .. . ...yv., r, nnrn rl r n p n„mh r of tha fir or ; rJ; r' I ,rh r r lha 5555 ., , r• .. 1141' 1 VIV 111 1,../ . . u .0-.51 r . . .,,. reports and their professionol stomp e ndlor seal. C. Dvs;rlvntinl s„hrlivivion gr-,ding "!ens shell Wise 111%, othe folln��rinn• Grading ncseoiotcd with residentie� ihrli rlc,nr de.�eloprri.e,•rt shah hn engineered .. .. . .......,, .,. ,. ., ..,.y. 1111.., grading) Dlgno for rn Cldent;nl s!..bdiv sion grading nhaa!I cont-in the iolloUring detnlls in .. 1111. ... ... .. ,.,. , � ... . ...,., ...y ,., ... addition to the gen-erel information required under s, bsect nn B of this section. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 9 Chapter 24.50 . flv_nilc of v,tNra i.rin inn nnnctr,tnlivn in mi+inn+o tho .Z-rfoots ^i v:^rrn t+er.1}r�r onrl irr;nn+inn . ✓ •... ,v v �..•.1• IV.� Vv.lvu...v♦ „ v .,uuy... v , .� v...4,S v v .Ln.v. title .... w ,v rt,Hoff for n11 Iotc nnra nrn.nn of :ho c'thrli.arlcinn Sr,nnifin silo nortvtrtto}inn r^n,tirnmon+e :o mi+inn+n nnllnnlinn of.nro+r,r in nrn.vlcnnnns„, nnrl 4vocomnn+c droll h� nrn.�ri rinrl VL,..., , .1r .11 .,...,a,l.. _.., ...,, .,,.. ... .,......, ,✓., r.� ,..,...� .,,,.,y... 1 v...�... `� +i nn I If nniln rrn nlnnnrl on ht oil rlinn In+n 7 rinnl lono}inn of`11 nrn,r�.1 nnnc'}n tn, nn J ..�.c. 11 c,✓.��..� .+1 h.......... v ...,1�„+y ....., +hn nt tr-sone nkryrht t rinn i r +nncnI r-.nr4 on“ tin.-I .I'rinn cnil.� nn} nnn-yrmtn }� f�p .,u,,.,, •. ,ti�f v.,, ..,., ..,� .....,.. ...Iif 1_I 1 .I If„Iy . . ,� 1..,. ..v., .,.,..y L rninnl rnnttiromnn+t. of+h r� IoLc v.r;nll hn rmm�.r7rl r rivr }n +hn nlnnmm�nl of Nn.r n+hrnr r , �. . ..,..1..... N. . ., r . ,. ..1 nomnrinnrl n_f fill mn+nrinln morn +Inn” }.sr- foolHomo_n+nr7 fi11 IfIo+n ,. .,., ...., .,,r.....,..,,.. ,1.1 mn+^rin,In hnlnrr 4-,Fes fn.-4 in r•Irmn+h from fininhnri nrl rno n hn11 n.ary .+ minim,irk �Ilo..rnhly al.v.v,,.n.v vv.v as L..V .vv. ,,. ..,v ..1 .,v... ... uv v...n. 1..+ a a ..u11u111 n J..n✓, L.nnrinn vnnoni+.r of '1 grin no,tn`lo nnr cn,torn iv^:. In nrirli`inn =}tnm fnt tnrlM}inn to nInnnrl al .6 .I ' 1 ...., .v rv, v..luvly . tivu ,.�,., I ..lv IVu..v IVI SiI .nvvv Ctn. fill ,..Mv„ Annir ' nrnnnrnrly linn,n -. A Ater-hint-1+n,, t..11o...., . , . .., r .....,. , v ... . V, Sia .,.y... Cnninnnr nhnll ho rnn'tirryrl }n l-.v vtthmi}}yrI Vnri}r nntr cttl•�Vnnttnn} �nnlrnnn V-Ilny ht tilrlinn norm;+ onnlinn+ on ti uau.y 1...ry ..11116 ....1 1 nvv. 3. 1\nn,\imum and minimum olovnuonn for all hn_ov.m-rt and oro.r,rlcnnnn_ rl n_nrs. Ma\,mum .. +. .... ,...,. ,. ,,, r +In + ....r foi tnrin+inn nrr)llc�na/InvlYn turn nln.rn}inn for ,..,,., 1-4. minimum sings}inns fo. Lho .o,n.. o. " s. ..,.r ... .... ............,.. ... .....,..11 1„' t'll An 4aa h ,.y es. /I Dnnt tirnmen+s for nr rlroLinnnn rInvfi'vnn to rnonoyn c+nrmlr,n+vr 22nd vulandscapes . Lv.l Ln 11 V...v. . , V vV . . 11. ..y . .. .. . vv . I I lvte ... v,... .. Iv .. Irrlrtvltn.-. r.......✓. RIA I' Ail non`Ir. tflrrn+r.r =.n...n...:.irr'...n.. n nr11 r n.n.."nrna�.n.. lal;� nrn..:nr :non C.nn ont torn.. f'.n. ;r1 r ., .... y. .1. ra t s=oon nrnn nh^_II hn nnninn.nrnrl r,rn . linn Dlnnn .n.nrl cnnnifinouonn inr ...+...,..... w..... ..i l".. .. ..i ly.,, ...,v.+ ,I-••••••111. . , , ..1 IV ,. ..�......,.... ,v .., ▪ n}t trnn .�nrl m^mm�rin Inline rirnn?'nr thr.n Pcnt, rn fv .� in VV.trfo nn_ _�tnll vvit hn .nl +hn`fnllnt.M _.(_l(1 nn ^+nilc�in orlrlilion .o . tnformnl nn rr�nv r�rl t tnrinr'ct thnn'n+inns A nnr-1 of L.,v .v,.v a,,,ly v.._.,.v II .n.A 1.1 V.. Iv L ,V.. • v,.V .r v. 41^1.1C._ n}tnn• .. 1 Dlnl nlnn vho.nrinn 4k.-. nn of .II nrnnnnnrl nn .A none}r,to}inn rnlr}i.�o ..,. r....,, ,. .. r .. � N. ,1. . I. .,w..,. ,. ..... 1 , lin^ t,+;i;+.r o_c_rGvmnnl+ nn�tin I •rr nr ron lonm� mnt ornn for vnntin crm . c+on 11Iv, ....1/1111,1 v,.. ., v � .. ,.. 7 Details of pond none}rtto}inn innl,rrlinn cnnlinn .yriows sail mn}nrtnlc lining mn} rind �. vM c nnninl innn�nlinn/nhcnr�ar^Linn program 2nrl spoilC '"1n,1os-^.!. Orr,/14-1,-• proposGrul f',riw} ..rn+pr cttt-Fonn nlavr +ion Ta....v. vv.....vG v+v•VL,vi 1. L. Details_ of an.r.w.rr�}r+r rotes+ivn r1 n_.Ann nr dam n_inny .nrith nrn_vic_ionc for v.+rn_'-=1n_t.a. Ll Wri++nn onnro.rnl of,a• ,gator nottrnn rant, rnrl +nlmnin`ain the nnnrl rl, monstrn+vrl hj . .,,..v1, .�.,�.✓Iv VC... ..., yr v, vv v,vv ,v...l ul vu .V .,.-.11 11 .IIv �V....1 1.,11 Iva 1 .v V w .nrrn+J,r rinh+c .moll normil or n+rlor rinnt tmnn+n+inn nrovr1Af crd h.r }hc.' c+atn ol� oc n + .�, v1i 1..J 11111♦ n v, vLl v, vvvv..ly. .....,v., 1..,.J.Y; vu j 7 ••••,• ••••••••••••,• ••••••••••••,• •••••••• VI �J.nvhi.,� /�lV1( ~• + f Cnnlnn.r /DOC\ Inriinn+n nlncsi ica+inn nnul c+o+tic n.•�ri+h recnov, +r0 DOE rlvn ur}mon o a-...,IV y l ..•._/. 1.....,.......v v...,.. ... .,V,. ...1 ... ...... I," . vN.. . darn safety,rogulo..Lionc (Chantor 173 175 WAC) if c xompt, justification of exempt status ' �, y � �✓ ' is requirod. Proofnotification pr poc d constr otion s thmittod to tho U.S. Army Corp of 5. of of theproposed�t' e.. ,...,�. i �.... `nninnnrn 1 ly iGGI 6. If fish aro nrnnnsorl to kr' stonlrr.rl tho pond, proof of Washington Fish and Came , fish . 1...,vtVv vv • wv VV,lvv in u1 L..vl. . , r .. ,y.v., .v, v.,. approval is�roquirod. E. Private r1ri.nnanrrn�is iri nen nc of 12(1 foot in lnnn+h mvoc`irnr'1 from tho intIcrsvn+i(�n of Private , v .• v.Lvvvv v , ✓ .vv, a IV. 1. .,v ..ILV. ✓.IVI. th_n nirhlin .�flrn\(t^ +hn {-.tillrlinn +h n_ rlri rn_.nro.rr..... v,1.,1. v nnn...,•••••V. v.,`. ....V.r1. grnrl'iny're Jorllrilnsc of+kr4aamot tn+ of n.roNtio nr •II r..qt r�M fnr nvnv+rt n+inn ``JJ'' vel.. V/ v ,v . •, v C onifino+inns fn.r +hnsn nr4ro+n drive Jolts cva hill vonto,.in tho following ole+nils. in addition to +kr, tt information ror+tuired t tnrinr st thce.ntionc n n_r]rl B of this son+ton: rj 1 .Jir'nnsionn l 'no4 struts+r�rl width 7(l in-t nn 1 an nvhc+rt tv+nrl h1Nnh: of 3 f"-+ ci r lnnhos. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 10 Chapter 24.50 The cNrf^nn +f nri�ra;n rlri�r�.nr. r ni X11 ba rlv inn�,rl 2nd ronin}ainnr7 `•o .r.• . .,. v .nVV V, i.I,IJ v V,1 s..• j V u .1y1,.,. ,lu 11,.61,,,. ,1,..01 support a 75 non pound fico truck The road hall Inn surface,-4 so an', to provide 0111- rlrlarinrt r•nnik;1;+;cC Iir D ii -„rr, rr•rrli' of r)Q f + irpl, rn I 'r rl 0111 r r rli; r h , if , .4 .....,, ., . 11.11 ,..1 I . .1. ,.. .. ,11 11.6.6, I..... , 1.,"� .. V...1 - nn i- I lh itto + ,nr'll r.11n, r 7F non nn„nrl fir r, nl t rl ri r e,r r th c„rk r VVVII . ,. V646,1,,,...0 . . II ., ., r 1I III•60. I.,.,. , .1,, . NI VI I. ..1 . ., road c"clu!dcr. A 71 trn'rnuIrrl Crag r-,risrr}v dri:r•- Ittnys a"tr�r 41 Fo .n loon}h _ 'I')fl nn? h^,rn.-n..rn ort ri , . ,.. . „ .,,Iy.,I, 111. Pr) foo.. ,TV" rat- QCZ -Coni rlir,rhntcr cul ri. sum is rnr-1,.;rarl I. . .1 u ,.. ..� .. . .. 1. .,..I F (Grande Dr,ro}c ririvn vast sIna!! Ido pa,rnri „ri}h n h^^rrl nn rlin ,.ra?pr rennllapt Cllrface V. v u.. , ,IJ.1.. VI JV�r.1� .Ir,I r.1T..1 Y.,. . H ,1 T,.a, -,tnhM. 1 c r•cnhnl} a-sr Qnr+11nr1 nr� , ,. mnn? rs t-, }n (fir nnr`n,?ct r.rl,nc.4�1 fli n'"I",r 1-�InnlrL. yr ...a ., ...1. vs , .,. . I.. .da-. I I.V3 .., ,,c....... a6.,6016 r./6.• 6/1 ..J1..,.., ethor yr equivalent hard surface material. 11., , ,.I 1.6.61 .6.6.6+.6 ., 1.. . � F. The, soils engineering report shall invl,Irl-_ data regarding the nature distribution and -}rn ngtl-I r.f ev i cti nn v,n i, '(' nl '•�n,,s nd -�ern rnn ti r r rli r,r „r,. ....sl .I ..,.1„y ... . —.�} I,. I .. ...,,I1IIN,I .6.4611.6.461 ..,, y1..,w1 .y ,..., and design criteria for nnrrn tive Im-e`en,Irn�^ including bi.tuns`. �I!� when non�cn�r urs rl .. .� .. .... v vu .�. .......,. , ,11.1... nsy ... u.,.. , .r.. ni a i. d g, nc r+ • +- and I f -i} rust n r }h ora „I II .aI..,..I•.i .I . ,. 111.V11 .. ..,.V .1... . . .. 1 i .'f I1 r1 r grading as affncterl by .sols englnevring factors, inc! 'ding .he stability of slopes+ shall hry ino!u lyded 1.x.1,.. G. Thczenrylne^ring gn,nloq,r rpnnrF shall include `n arIr' ,ilr,+o dasnrip}inn r tarso rinn nrly I. 1 1.. 1,.y .,.y� 1.r.,. I.,.. 1.,. ......,...I., . ...G.a it.!6.8 V. .. ., y .y! of the concluslens and renemrr endation-s regarding the oiloct l ',f r eologi . .6.6 .61 ..,1.611 ,.1 .6.6.61,� .,.. �„I r ..... .1 ,.y.. 1y .. .., y... y, L-,nnditivno nn thr, ,,r,peenrl de�rnlenmapt and n_n_ininn nn the .dvgl,nn,r for the intandcgl ,Ice n, vif(-lc, n Inn rlv,�nln_raar'1 ky }h a_ r\rnnnrnrl In 4.1 My a-'-,tnV}n r1 Inst 1,1,11,; fan}nrc ....,� v .. ., ... u ... .,, .Lr....,. y,.1 .y, . ..... ..� ..,. , ...V.V VDng,Iinr r rarlinn Dor,,iremo,n}s Canh 01pplin ?inn for gr ding nrmi} .y .,,. 1.,.y a ...y,1,,.It1.,,... �. .,. 1rr.1.. ., .. ,.• y.....1 s,y anonY/ paniv,rl h r pian sufficient nlnri? to Intl-inertto the nature and-ev?nnt }env „rnrl! 1✓� a in .,..,i, .,.... .v ..I.v . .�..,w,. L..,,v v,,.v.,. of The plans sb-a!! gi,r�r }he lova ion of}np ,�rnrlr }hi-, name o the o„rr}rner and the name t , 1, r..1. . . . y. .11. I.. .4. I VI ci'1. . -1., c,... .1 ,1,. �i the person who prepare`1 thle n an Tie nla.. -hal innli,dn the fnlln4+rine information; 1 IVr.,. r iI. r,.r... . . I,.J . . r, VII . . V,....1. . ,Ju.i81 it I„ . ,i...,.,V11 1• en re! vicinity of}8.he pr posed ci}n 7 I imi?!err L.imnnnionn �nd depth c; c,It nnrl/or fill 'i n}aI ,roll IWe of `n.I,t nr fill L. LJI ,. .,y ,I,V1. ..IIV 11u ...r. , .4. .011 I..1.. III.. . ...1i JVIVe . V u. ., ,881. 3. Location of any building or ctr1ln}I,rv- J'n am VO V work t -be p-erforrY}orl and `Inn to ation of any Inllilrlinynsr otr,Inturessv,'ith!n '1 F factlof the pro osed grading ((lyd 07 Ca.l.,I .,�,.... , .6.6 .61.,. ..., ,.I I., ,., ... �, . r .,� .,. y,�.1,1 Iy. ��1.611.6 010 § 1, 2007;. 2i.t0.07^ E cnvation and ;ill. ,A. All exca rn ion Vr f ll w, in plpe .'h azarrl wren irdentifi u n V Al 4� 11n n4 Cr 4 r�''�['� \, .<.�L ai�.,., ,!, �1tf111 t.,,r.l{;1C , u�...,_ Ur,�.,�5 vi l.l[l,lc section.!IIS I�,C 1�. I 1 ., 0 . • meet the standards( and notificatiion requirements of that section. B. Unless oth-er�iliso recommended .n tho-apprcvod soils engineering er nginccnny a.. . r p rt a -, f v .rt I . a I .v a r ,. .,..{. r., .•.A.. . , . . . . .1.. . v .. ,. ....r intended us.e., and -.ha!l be no steeper than one unit vertical in two units horizontal (50 percent clop"). (mut slopes steeper than 50 percent shall require an engineered grading .1.,., .,, f.r�. v.,. ..r.., J..,.L,., . 1.,, r.,.r.,,l. ., ... , ,. ,. ,, ., .7 permit. i Ci I n Ana 1 t can + nt a nn +lir I In n- n} .r+1a n nn ,I it vv ri n I • .. . • .,.. 1, .r...,.T. /.gyp. . ,. VIII I .. . t,+vo units (50heri`optol' percent &^p). The gr/',IJnd --face face s.ndi! be pre'pared to receive.. fill by removing vegetation noncomplying fill, topsoil and ether ui suitable materials anrd- . removing y .y ..,. 11, noncomplying,.Ir 1�, .y . r. 1 til .., .c, .� n .,, ,11..... .,,tiws„1., ,. scarifying to provide a bond with the new fill ' !here s!cpes are steeper than one unit vertical in five „nits herr-on:al percent slope) and the height is greater five fee} , ... .. ,.I (20r ,. . r.� ,. . .,� than .., un enyineernd gradin shall be required. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 11 Chapter 24.50 Il Do rimy:+'++al amol lntc of erg r+nir+ rn^4.a rinl e�hr111 nn+ hn normlttndl in fill Guinan+ as �. .....n. ��.. ..� .vas v,INA. ,1.,. r 1.......,.n 1111.. ....,r• nr=rmi4-r'4 by thehl lilrliny+ nfTinial nv rnoli nr similar irrnrll lnihln l m +vriynl aq 1 o r-��•�ir,��Irr, P'...,.,,..v.. ...j S.. ✓........1,1� .,.,..,1 ., .. ...v,. v V1111II 1 CO .....,,...i... 1111.. I,...1 .i. ., I II...,1,.I..n, . _+ r tl', 1'7 inol� shall hn I�I Iriod rel laced in fill dim vn jinn grnn`n1 ` aY• , Is ^v v,1...n ., ... . r�lvvv.n ... .u.. C1 er +n issuonva of+ho grayling n mil pot 7,,..tin" rli soca) areas sn�Il be �. . I, , .v .uv vu... v VI 1,IV .�.Uv, ..� rv.,1�.., ...�..... .Vl,!♦ ..,,.7 i✓ v v.-4v . 1111 delinnatnrl nn th^ gra 5,4 elan Ovnli v `nc nrnatnr+ban 1 7 tool vv In m^aiiml tri•) v.,.,v..n v.. v.I .1.v y,.wvl,.y rl.n . . vIl ^ vv .j,v.. ...1 . n 1..+1. . .,.v .I .I.0 I (1r+ lim r•inn II b - + nr mnrr. h In Rr r m I rl sin Ile (NI, I-, by ., w.. '.,. 1 I,.v.....N1v.n ...I.,. .y. . piano I cn c +n noCl lra filling of n11 .raids +. AA/CM nrn.lv,yl nail C ^II =ills ehall Ion cnmnnc+prl +n a inimllr,•a of on r�rwn+ of mn`Imllm rlr�nvi`� ((lrri F. Ail �.,.. ...1111.. ... ....,.,u..,1111.... ... ... 1111,.,........ .. .. ,. .. I,v. 1.u,II ...v., v o7 n1� 1 ,.?nn-7\ .T5n OQn Sethac'.' T. lv A T hn 1on of n11+ clnnnc shall not ha marl._ noarnr+n v.ci+ce bNI oundary lino than oniv 11611 o fifth cf+hn afn,Sincl haigh+ of cut with u minim:" ^f+,Rrn fv;+ ... ...1111 . .. .y.ia , v..a .n„ ...,,1111. .. .Iry R I hn �r^ of ill -lop-, shall hn made no+ nnnrnr to the ni+v Ion ."da lion than non I1olf U. , .. t^ vl fill vlv -hal! v I1. uv .. . n-,o v, . v •nl,.n... ...Iv ..,r. . v1,./ ...,� tho hn_irrht of the slope with a minimum of two faot with no Ilir►rl ..^.i�....1 fro �v .y1 ivv with r^.I ..vu .� boundary greater than 7n foot. Where a fill slope is to be Innstnrl nnnr the site bour,olo y 1111,.. .y y, .,. .., ._v fill .. 1111,an..,.n .,1111.. 1111 ., NA +he nrliylnnn+ yr cite nronnr.\r iC r1 ,4,-On,--sr-1 nnoolnl nrvnal 4;44,--,c• c4-' H I-\n i_n1 I.J u.v .. II v,.v rI vr'I.y Iv u ,air ti, vrvv v. r. ...n... u .v 1..+ , v moor + in the early v.v tint-, building nffinial r vmc nvnecsanr to nrn+ ns the nvr�a...^d ... .. ., , . ..I...,,..J .J...v, , II.v ., v ., ,y ''l rlinin inr-i . nronor-ht fIv rom rlamagr1 ac a rocs lit of cllob gra rimy Thnc•a nr^na Li giro nc Indude t.viv,,,,,.y r1 Vr ..J, v,i. V••••11.4.... .."V••••11.4.... .." v ..-. vv... . . VNNI a.. .111 . I ..vv h1: . ,. nut li • mit^d t^. 1 /Adlrii+i al sothookc r) Ore,rvinn for rn_+Mininy nr jlnliyh nvl11.^vm..u111i.' r•vosicv al, v•.+ va,rnvlly. +r, -Itm..ent of the, vy1.n1o^ `y. ....111:rn i:e nrosivn /1 Orn_\�IC_in_nc_ for the control of cI Ir'-cc �-. �nnnl Il+a+inn a�rith a nrnfrrjcinnal nny;nenr / • V ....�..,1111......,1. . , r.(v v v.v...,.I .,, .vol C. I h^ kI lilrlinn of41nie1 r,l^\r nnnrrI fo ol`v.rnr,+n +honks Thr hl r lilrl7nn of inial my„ ani I. V.. v1 1 --rr1v . I,INN./ v.,✓.n�Il''. 1 Iv v•.+, .. .iy v.l.•J,•..1 11H� .v•.'... en in,restirar�tion anr1 rpnCmmnnrlr,+innn11alificr1 prnfnccinnal nnrainr yr ......w 1 111..1v,iv u..v., vy ti ..I l..•.•1 1. v 1VI vvl..A.,v./ v..y, 11./V1 nrnfnccional r to dem nnctra+n that the •,tont of this so^tion hon boon,..."./1•.• 1•N• catidied. ((" n7 0l n § 1 9007). 24.5n e90 D ainaga :arracinn ....+ ., r 1111�.. and .......... ,.�. . A. I Inlncc v+hnry se ndicn+nrl on +he nr.r.rrr,,,ed C'r, lQ vlr-ayinvvriny ivynrl �rvinoyp r 1. .I. u.v, IS s'S ' ulvanl.,.n or, ...v .-. , v 1 , this . ., facilitios ranr1 torracing shall conform to tf-ao pro"isions of thsootion for out or fill slopos v lily ..0 conform,. li, l+ . v r''1 vl , � stoopor than one unit vortical in throe units horizontal (36.3 percont slope). `v I nrY n tll� + Irl'' v +11 n-'{R,I(Y+ In I b_ hl1 �'v� t nut m r +.' _a f t vorticalin.ervals on`all cut fillllslonoc +o controlvsurface drain-g- r'1c,hris ��n�hnro ... IVG. ,. . . 1 . L a or it J.l,rv., av v1.., 1 UI G , ..1ua,.'v ..,Iv. .,., . v,v only on1'�o tnrrao c roquirorl shall he at mid height. Cut nr fill cion c greater than 60 >,l,Ily vlly .vl.....v .v 1v..1ul u, it v.,v. wlv •...i mid . .J� U. v. v v�,Ivv yI .vl v font height shall be designed b,r nrvfncjinrinl nanirivvr and shall hn oonsidnreed 1111 in ...�... .,. .�,I .. �,I.,.. wy r1 I..., .,, u1 .. �, ., ., ., ,u.,. engin^^r^d 0ra'-1iny. C. C,valos or ditches nn terraces shall have a minimum yradivnt of fi,�rn pornnnl and ,v . ill.vv V,1 1 shall., 1,.w . I. v must Sn saved e.arith rninforcod concrete nr gi lnitn not less than three in-hos in thickness v r.nvGv r1.1! Ivu., 1 v V. . v, J...,.1.v ..vl Cran annro\'nr'I nryi ly�i Na\tiny T h_ey c1',all have a minimum depth,at the rd-eeopoot point of , .,. 1 ...rr,v G .,..I ... .n Th-y .,...n. 1111 .., .1 1111 . ., point cnnminimum foot and a paved width of five fent. iv A single run of seal^ or ditch -h-ll not colloot run-ft from n tributa^y' ar'n,r' exceodiny y 11 r'� t }�,, � ,rg i t v a do '�r n drain.• •.• •,• •.• vn sq Ir]ry fvet (r'rojec. ed) �a it io it disch.a..,ging in r Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 12 Chapter 24.50 D. f',,4 nnri fill nlnnnn nknid k nrnv;r'vr-1 nnri+h c.fhs•Ir rir'rnn".' nr�r.n nor rnr v . �1. .i.L,I 1, y I I• J S+,hili+1,r C D 1,r in+ r ,ler rl r..in 'n + Ile.-I Innrr +' +nn 1,r II rrl Innen rl-r r + +rib,rnr rlr-� r-1-�r.n erne nhnnrr�J ` one,-, +,0141,-d +he n.�+ nnr' h`Lws e r'rainnnn n+h nrnn+er L. ��.,.�........1 wl..... ...`.Jv v .Nw,r ,...vv .v 1,17...1 I.. CO .....>. .:.,.... I u.1...1,L..yv �.,... �.......... +hnn /In fat r1, hnri:nn+ Ilnr I + rnnn r'r in I b ,nnr I nri+h mi imrrm of s . . .,.v wr„v... .v ,_ ...n . . v.vvly.v, ...,....AI .n.vu ..... ... ,. 1111111 III vl three innhes of rernfnrnnrl cvnee `y ow r ry..nite or-en nnrnnrer' nnu.f rnln} rlroins+ chnll Inn,'., n inimri,-n 111,1,+n of fir) innbnn 4-,1,-1 minim..m n nrl lgrirl+k of �n i,nhnn mnnn,.rnr� .,.. I...IwwI_I I.11.1,1,....11 re.w .1...1, ,w , u i-�ei rimyme111,1 ,,rnnn +hnn e.lr-±in The nlnnv, of,-'rein nhnll by nnnrnxinel h r +hv b•r;l,-linn .,, VI VIA,. .. NI u , u SI Gff;oiel. C All rlrninnr+n ;nni11+inn chnll b1, rincinnnr' }n nnr r qnn 1,r i.nr n+ . + .o. ,h� nvMrwv` . . . .n ........0 lr. v ....,v.iluwv ........1 V.. G... .C..Ivw ... .....,. ...... ,...V, v , . . S..v,... nrnn+innhly r-Irnine.-, �.tirnr 1,r 1-,41,Thr e.lfnnhernr,� 1,1,1,4 nnnrn,,rnrl hnr +h1, h.dl�inn of=11,171 .. .. ...,.... I �. ..� .... 1 .. �..J ..wI,. ... .r.... V.w j 61 IV "1 ,1.� w..,...,..., Erosion of grn..nr1 in the nree 1,t r licnhnrrvn shell 1ue von+rnllnrl by ins}nlin}inn of down y . .,. .gI ...w N. N.i ,yw w l w v.I..wlrGw II ... ,. . . .rl drains or eth1,.r d^":n.en. f, �..rfave r-Ireinege shell kn. diverted +.J i storm en,rn/er nonnrn ranoo 1,r oti-ler' rin1,ronrnrl sr vitas yV. V, . v ....r,.. VJVV pointof nollestion sro 1,v to not nrnn}n e l-ne�arrl.-_l 1,`e vheil l-rc `rodded en 1,c to rlrnwin ,i v( Vvl v i ., r. Lv 1 VI VS-44.V .. .--... ... v✓ v , Ny ,..+ v ...v . VI .11 scurf 1,v 'Nat 1, a}rnr rinnrpnr from for Tldat'n vallc Ttnn grad, nn nrnn from f/''n..nrintion %veils 1,h 11 .. ,1�., r� .wl twr. , .....,, ..,url�,u.l..n�;,tw,lw. I<,.w yrau.. ...,r.,,,� ,1�m IV.nl,w..+�1w. ..C....J Nl,al, all minimum of viv 1 she n ri46.hi 14k fir Cl " + IV" I AI U Cvnnn+iCn \f\lhvre 11,+ linr•c tifnllc nln,nc 1,r n+h r ,hnr al hnrrinrn nrnhil-n i+ si.r inn VI,. of fell within 10 foot drains 1,r s�eralns shell be provided to vnsurn drainage nn 101,1 aff el V,I1 thv .-4r..n+,rr ,, 11,11' n7 1,1 n § -1 onn7\ .w..... \ . ,. I.J I, . I /. -)4.50.100 E_on:V n control. A. ThofNrt rine.' fill slonnn shell b1, nrr.r n vr' nnr' meintninvrl }n 411,' wrnninn ... VGA VI Vv ...,.r. i„ .J,...+w.. v., .. �.I.VL. ... v..l, 11 VI VVIV I I T h1, ,r,-+ren+inn for+hrm nlnnnn r•hnll h1, inntnllvr' r n nnnn nn ern `innhle earl ,rine.+n . IsV, ., .v VU V1, ,V. Iv w,V..vv vl.....0 Nv .,......... ... ..... vv II ... r, V N.v i..1, `tolling for final annrnnral An erosion control nlnn shall Ike s.f rnf+FvCi for nnnrsninl in y Ivl ..,...i t..'..tvJ.wl .. i , �v �v...... v,. .. v l.1,. V. Lw r..I..1 .... conjunction with the gra-..ling permit. Mk r n n. ,nnr 1,h 1,l, r1n •nink "nr'n nr' n 11 �v. Iv nNv �mnln� nrl to son+sol ^rosier, and nrV.rirye cele}1 C. Seerlinr nerd 1,11,1,+inn of vrnninn eon+rel 1,rnnn+ntinn mere. IAV rlvl Lr 11n+i1 +hv NA' v www�I.y Na . .,,y vI .... .. .. ,,.I In ting s un,• pr ri.-1 rl h1,t n Nn r - r' t1,/ is oar �tnr1 o 1,rthe City planting Jw... _1 , r .. .,.. , . , . s.-„s ., ...; w,��.�..ww it f.,�.,, of ,ty to i ss:.'I V peng r 11,.111:.1,..111,v. r D. Thr City m1, r require nrvfensiorn el inche(ns+inn nnr-' r, }i n hyo soil engineer \I\Ihen r v vl.f 111.. G...1...,, CJI VVIVIl , .11VI..GV iw.. 11,.lu tvS.,ny J� .... Jvi wily, tool + 1. -the bufleiJng hGv p to believe that geologic factors may h1, involved, the gr dins will by roq rir e.1 to conform to engineered grading rte q'ui-reemants. (Ord. 07 010 y \..I1 i ``7INII GL § 1, 2007). 2 .50.110 Foe:. In.. CC_oscluding plan re iew, shell be nnnessed in Mvnnrdonne nrod 11. n.i+h the41 II • ei Spol`anrl Valley Master Coe Cdhodule. B. When N_ plan or v+her r-Ing+e is r.1,.� 'ir.�.rll t.1,+ Nn submitted e plan review lav ,hell be paid 1,t the time of s.r�� fitting nlnnc �n snnnifioetin n for rnnn er r f' Ln♦ .�.w 1 w.n,J,.I,.l,,,.� I..Iu,l.. Grl� Y- " En- . . 1VYly i�. C. For eexcevo}inn enrd fill the same site the fee vrill he based nn the volume of uw�1 ..... en I.w .., I w ..,.G u.w IGw vii!! Nw N.+..w ..+.i .�1w tui vnnvoti n or fill, whichever is greeter. D. Cenara+e nrmi+n nnri fens shall nnnhr}e ry+eininn 1,1,11,''1, yr mninr '.•er 1,r c+re. rstur-1, vl...lw.I...lw p LV I_I,.w ,vv Loi .w r..+�.-.Ir .w 1......�. ...I.w .I ...JS.I ..lI . ....�v w. SA . Iwo �s otl-,endwise r rr..ir�rd. I ,w w .. 1 I N:, nn n IM.w 1,h r f r ..,1 �...r� terrace drains? V L ivl. .Vv . ..I.uly . vv�... v . 1yv . _ . , •J N,• si ilnr feed'}ins (Ord07 n n 20 and wl r,. , 1� 11i . \O. .. V V § 1, _.07 Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 13 Chapter 24.50 nit mri '✓• /� Drofoscinnnl ekcnnrn+inn nn.-1 +nc'+innI +n �nl^rminn nynfnrm�nvv gni.+n nrr�i.�nx nl�nc l .. i I v.vvv•'1i..41 ,1.vv ✓�..�..�, I.0 .vV.l,Iy ..v.v.,I„l i . a: lv v V1 1 ..11 .11 r,v)vv. �nrl cnnnifino}inns of grading npnrn+ions cn`II nbn nr_nxrirl r-1 her `h r+ �rnfr.^_'inn I vnninvvr .� ,.,�......,.....a..,,.. ... v ..1...�. •" "11 rlc Ink rind 71-,n+,inrli.rirl„� chnll enrllvr tho nrnfv,,•4441 nnnlVris+ re nlno� +n ,rnl✓1.,.. v.I.1. Ve.'\ .ovc`. . I1545 ,s..nl.,u... b tho rog!oty rnrl dvc..nn nrofvvslvi Io! In re C ponsl5!e vl t.^..rna-e. Q Th- vrnr^cninnnlnnnl.-.-.- nhnll nrnAririn nrnfr�ncinnnl nl-�r•nnrn`inn +•"`"+;,,r, +r rel p+nrmin� nn nformnnnv ��ri+h ere-.; Winn, non,' nnnvirinn+inns M1+ ;+ , kin nl lel, nnnr �^ r l + r' s. .. s. N1..).... N,...,IV I ,IV " " II,v.4avl lis., ,I.,. I, ......I VII...., .f ern^ nt+nrstnninnl cneninl+.r lglninn cnr]II innlil,ln nrnrv,Ciynnl vhnnnrl`inn ''rd +vim+ir+y nt 5nr v.4 Vi .v Iuuv.nv ..4v . , vN vl.nl. , .Il ,. '•111 I.II ..,v N'VI v , t•-•• w1vv. .n IVI• VII 11.4II, v the herlrnnh nvnn\rn}inn to Win+nrmino if nnnr{i+inc nnnol,nternr{ ere in nonfvrmnn .Arri+h .,1v ✓v..,✓v.♦ v1..1....n .v11 V ti . ..I II,Iv , vvlas.-441.1....1”.... vI VVIVI .v.v.. VI „1 Vv , 1.-414,,C, +; +i +- +' _ f +h the nnnrnvnrl rr_ZnVr: DS_\rlvo_S ra_nn.-.II IVII dnaniI c_ iGl�.l1� a:: ..r .rnnc L„I...... ... i! Q nnnrn r'.r7 • nninny rrmner+ ,hull ho cluhmit lV +k n_ veils Innninnory ' ..NI....r.. ..,,y.115.... I.,y y51 .51y f ..,N' 5511. 15515 V 1„ .. 5111 C. -Finn nrn•cn ninnnl nn ;nor nl1n11 nrnr�,,-ln ern=nnnrvnvJ n4lcnn, +inn rinrl +nn}inn +v 1 11NI V, VI ,15.11 v, 1....•-•1 V , VI v ...v rI V1vvv , Vw.v VI v11 H,lu .v V.il.y v nr n ne .Ari} r loot nl nc and cnecifin ions '. thin soh nnninnr'c ale. mine ccnf ,m 4n. ✓ 1.11 n n v u,1. ..1. Z VI 41111..."...1 ren of nmnntnnno nm nh she!! innllN rin vhcrl r.Jv:iv.1 end rn\JI v��Ar �vrrinn proper^+inn (✓r VI VV.111.,......., u„ „IV1, ., +ono nn+,,ral nrninrl site nr-Cr..liFin nlannvrnnn+ of I +os+inn nr nem ^+IV1 y.n .nr�ll nS s.a I .n..,1 . 111./..411-1.4, . J � r� VV., v, vl ,, v ,11-.J. �� v 1 it -.. n v VII esteb1ichmon+ of lin' nrarin nnrl VI rI�^in� o of+VI 1.11V nrJnAVv.��lnmm�n+ nrnn I_+. ,I \Arerl; .Arillrl,it=.�r fro m +hr rnr��rn_rl ninny' nrl rI_nnnrs'V ^4"�vl rn_\rc_vrl r-Onnc_ nry r--1lirori drring tl'+n_,n_nlurc_o_'o_f`the-work they-h^!! _ho nr_nnro_rl unrlor }I�v 1-1 ren_+ v���vnr c_r�n Vf the y-Ar^fn,c`innnl nnninnrlrlInrl .lkmit+.lrl +n +hv 11r',ilrlinn rinn'nr1mnn4 f,sr n.rin.M1. .lnrl nnr�rn\r^ll SIvvv.V.Ir.i S..I. .Ivvi .1..I ...w,..I 11 ..... v .., ...Ilvuly ..,..N'5551.I,...1s v✓,G.. 1.554 1-1 I � nrinr+n nn.r rn,ricnrl rnrh nnmmnnninn 4.,y Ivvlvv.w ,ia1I. Vv.a11..v.ls-a/A y. fl Thvrmi ,nnn chnll hn 1-n^nnnl.l kin for�Arnrh +n kn nor-'vrmnrl In nnnnrrlvnnn �nri+k +k VVv ✓. III 1-51'1..1, v v1...n., vv ION ,15.1'Iv v ,v v vv LJv11 ..,,...., nI .4vVv,.4 .lvc ✓.ISI .,1 nnnrn 1-i plan enrl nnr�vifivo+inns nrl nnnfnrrnnnno 'AJi`h +hv nrn.✓risions of+hiJ z..,�.NIui... f'IV"a.n. ...... ,,. .n.,.., u, I.. 5555, .1 I. VI ...1..,IV �1 -.nontnr 441-1 +k . nrmitte- s4Ao-,II r`lnn I v.nvul S+ . r'�r,'..vrl -n nrn.,•.4- nrofncgrnnal r ., I.y.y. ,1 I.. �. .,, 1-I . N•'-' ;none^+inns on n timn_I,r V1nci^ I ho t'Znrmittso nhrall nn} nc C nnnrrlinr�tnr kn+\1M1rnnn tho 1551, .4 5511 .y w...,�51. ,....,.,. S,I,..... ..., �.nncul�Metc the nen+ranter Nnrl tko k•Iilrlinn rinnn #n-'c..n+. , v, C DnAric•nrl -l-n.- if ,r-,,, nhnll {-.n c„nmi++vrl i Vr n Jrmrr'JHI nrinr +o �n� nn�r�yr�v. v.... 1-1 I l 11 ti-. N' 1-1,. I .. 1 hn hr ilrlinn n1-^.1-.4.41 V1-+{-Ini 1-1.. r,nnn nk.11l incrVvn++kn nrvinn; �nrl/nr ...IV incnme}rvr. „v w.I,. 11Iy , .,, 4, . ,r . Iy,.5 . SI1.+,1 I, of . .I.v r' )v. 1,.. 51, II N : dr,r, nn+n n+ k: \15 ,II,c n+n+nc of,Win 1-L rnnl,irinn nnnrn.rel +n 1-l^+nrmrnn +L + +kn nrninn+ v v.nI.IGi,SV. 5.55 SI I ..,Iv.Iv J...,.vv v1.. I S1..l wa I I.J. 1..V NI u✓..1 w ..,vf.i,.,.Iv Cs u 1 1-i u�v vi is ,Ari+hie +{-1C rVq tirelnm n+s Cf this nhn_n+n_1- C. Thi norm++nn ohall rew„net final in,rev+ion I,-nn nmmnlcl+lnn Gf+hn rninn+ N .., . .. II .. I1 1. 51 1 N ), ., allowing instnllnti n of !! n proven rlrninnn facilities ties vn n1-'A nir1 n control m^ u ne r + ((11 qq �j ��jj/'+ rd / ..aS.If.1 I V,.v 5511 ly in-tall-tion U..✓ V. G1, [.w��.li ✓vV .ai Uu..nye ,G.11liGv 1 fv .Lvi.1i, Vv,I.,}v 11�,.j U If in th course rultllling their respective duties under this chapter„ the design I 1. . , in l , 1- course of I ,Iu 1 their respective. v v 1 1 v • v nrefnvslnnnl in responsible chernn find, +het+he AJ.nirl: '.n? net ii I ^onfermancn ,iith this 1 ,v I'''.Ns.,as, lye III Iuv .a .ni u G i I v •I In + r+n aro'-s r inn aInnn +nv 1-1•1 ^ . _. n. vv vI. I v r. r ni • a as +..k1 r v., v., N y r N ,!n I IV vrri+inn to the rmi+ton enol to tho building .n..if'Iticinl. 1 �..I.,.Iy ... , G pt. r 5555.. „ . 5. .... .y ,.,I I 14:+k- rnrIi,+nrerl rin irgn nrnfvvinnr,l in rn_c_nnnni45In nh.ryn in nknnyn1 IV VI 4,41 _rl rnl„rinr +hn execution of+{^in Spok .nn /UIln.r nrnvls-a 'inn 1permii the ;AJork she!! Iun c+opr�nrl until`+ho rnnlncement I'�nv b en nn -d and boon nnnroJerl b1� th^ building officio! Further, the+ ..,N .... 1, �I ., .1 I .., ........1, NN1 ... ,.1..1 1 rnnlacemnn+ chnll agree in writing +e Gnne�: recr\vns{luili+\.r wi+Win the ornn vi I. N. u 1 r. I. . 51. 1 1 III,1 1 + rmit+nn + ne+if,r +ho h„ilrlinr, cffiv,nl in lenhninu! oomp^tenc..e. It she!! ho the d„ y n_f the r1,r5.1.11i..v51 .r. n . I� .,..1 building ,I. Iti writing c,,441 change prier to the rennmmvncemont of such ., .y of .,...,1. v 1 y r. . .,5555 ! 5551,1 ,1 .. grading. J. I Innn completion of+krG1 rG.i,rrh nrorlinn \Arork enrl at the final vvrnrllo+inn of the:Ar.orl vN „ u .,11 .vaVl I I ..yl y..4.,.IIIy ivI VII IV . .IIs ,..,.I Iv..vl, .., .1 , the design nrofo..v.Sien in recnenvi4elo cherno_ for nnninvoroel nrodinn yr M1AwI-II •ren prefnscinn� observation enrl }stinrt fn rinGtnrminn cnforman n withproject pIlens and 11, .I 5551+ .I ,y ... ... ..,.11 ., ..1 Iu1�.. �. f .I Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 14 Chapter 24.50 npni=inn+inns nnr�nrmnrl rar,.inr, nrnriinn nn r�nniinnkln .nail nr,''r'l�. rnvnrr-1 nlnnn .....r.,...+5,v.,.. , r..,......I..... ,.., .., .,.... ,.,....r,,.J, _,.. ..rr,,.... .., ., r."...., 4 �innl rC> TTI-Inca .-I' - nnrl r.�nnric ch'll inrlin' 4'-' ...1.... 1,/,...n...11.• ., r....'.' ... I vf,ava 5..'VII evivv“....• I All nrnrlinn +�rnrl� +tirnn Anon, in vnnfnr +nri4h +hn .�.-+prn+rn-rl r�INnc J.........J r..... 0000. ... v. ..�. '1.n.2 ....,� .,... f .r... r) All r-linnr.�.-+� lr+ vnnn..n+nrnra �nri}h +hC Nnnrn+r rl nl^n� •-••-••-1 rncnl�+innv vs-. r ..r uwv...r ......... ..........�.......... 01.11 .... ..,..,..u...... r..-... . I0000 ,..., .. yr '2 All nlnnc nnrl rnnnr.c cknll hnnr 4hn c+^ ^r cn.l n=+hn linnncnri .-, ,. ninnnl ., r,�.... .-.,... ...r ..... V....111rd .... . VI ..,. ...,....,..,'' r, nrnnnrinn +/-I{, r^nnr+ r.Vr.,,,,.J 1. .. ...r.., I/ Tl-+n nCrmi++nn n!-.all nn+i=+r +hn h+rilrlinn nr=ini�l. 01..v., 51.+nrn-+nn +h r, nrnrlinn nnnrn+inns nr^, rnor-I+t .. r �.,. 10 00 .,.y w ,..,.,y "V, J. J ter. , ..... . .. �.y -=nr=innl incnnn+ivnr-innl nnnrn+rnl shall nn+ kr, niNrnn n+il .-ll +h ii ++rnrh innl..rlinn ...� Ill Iva u.v,✓v.... ,,. . 14 1V1 .nr r,v • v.. 5.111511 1511. 1d 0000..., u,v,........J inc+nlln}irJn n=n11 rfrninn nn rnnili+inn nnrl }'noir nrn+nn+i', . rin+ri n._.. r�nrl r,ll r;rn inn nnn+rvl .,...5...,,.,.., .. 5.. 0000, 0 1..,....J.. ...,......�.... ., .. 100.. r.....,..5.u.. .. �......., .,.,,�. 0000, ..,..s,..,. ......51 rrInncr,rnc hn+ry lnnnn nmmnln}nrl ir� nnrrinnnn +eri+h +hn 'Finn! nn .r,. ",rl rrrn rli, c nlnn . .nv.,.vv •..l ....vv.. vv•..r.v5v •-•••-•,....,-+1,...,1111,0,, 441511 .1,v ..i.v. �rr,vvvv ,.,.U�..J r,5.,., nrl }hn rvnt rirnrl Tinnl rnnnr+n hnNrn l'lnnn nr rS1mi"nrl +n +.k. r';+ r ((�rri (1 0'1 n �' '1 on n. q .(� �.... . 111.11 0..x..,5.. ti... . .0 ,.,. . . .v 1411 ",.). .. ., ). 245 . 30 30 Enf.7•^vnmon:. \Alnrh �lnnn in Irl vl�.rnn nr any v{+inn nrvirrv'yr o:�r this nh`n+nr is rinrl�rn rl +� hn nr r'n.lin ni risen nrn and srNhin-n} `n vntornnyrnn,n+ r�i rrr,inn}•`v Chanter 17.1 nn C\/lar /nrrl n7 n10 ..�.. ... .. I. 1000... , ..11 .. v...,.,..0001 ,.... v u.....J . ... v I ')nn7\ • �. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 15 Table 17.80-1 o Permit Type and Land Use Application Type Land Use and Development ApplicatiSVMC Crosson Reference Accessory dwelling units 19.40.100 Administrative determinations by community development director, Multiple public works director, or building official Administrative exception 19.140 Administrative interpretation 17.50.010 Boundary line adjustments and eliminations 20.80 Home occupation permit 19.40.140 Type I Right-of-way permits 22.130.1060 Shoreline permit exemption (dock permit) 21.50 Site plan review 19.130 Temporary use permit 19.160 Time extensions for preliminary subdivision, short subdivision or 20.30.060 binding site plan Floodplain development 21.30 Building permits not subject to SEPA 21.20.040 Grading permits 24.50 Binding site plan — Preliminary and final 20.50 Binding site plan —Change of conditions 20.50 Wireless communication facilities 22.120 Subdivision —Final 20.40 Type II Plat alterations— Final 20.60 SEPA threshold determination 21.20.060 Preliminary short subdivision, binding site plan —Change of 20.30 conditions Shoreline substantial development permit 21.50 Short subdivision — Preliminary and final 20.30, 20.40 Conditional use permits 19.150 Subdivisions — Preliminary 20.30 Type Ill Variance 19.170 Preliminary subdivision — Change of conditions 20.50 Zoning map amendments (site-specific rezones) 19.30.030 Type IV Annual Comprehensive Plan amendments (text and/or map) 17.80.140 Area-wide zoning map amendments 17.80.140 Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Development code text amendments 17.80.150 Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 1303® COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Sections: 18.30.010 Responsibilities The community development department shall have the following responsibilities: A. To review all development permits including street and drainage construction plans to ensure conformance with the appropriate provisions of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) and those additional standards adopted by the code. D. To inspect the construction of all development improvements to ensure conformance with the appropriate provisions of the SVMC and those additional standards adopted by the code. C. To regularly update the comprehensive plan. D. To regularly update the street standards with the concurrence of the public works department. E. To regularly recommend updates to the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual with the concurrence of the public works department. F. To make recommendations concerning proposed changes and amendments to zoning regulations. G. To issue all right of way permits pursuant to SVMC 22.130.100. H. To ensure compliance with SVMC 21.30 Floodplain Regulations I. To coordinate the review of development projects for transportation currency as defined by SVMC 22.20. J. To administer the provisions of the building codes adopted by the city council. K. To make recommendations concerning amendments to the adopted building codes. L. To enforce the provisions of SVMC Title 24. M. To enforce the provisions of the nuisance ordinances in conformance with the requirements of SVMC Chapter 7.05. N. To advise the planning commission and city council where appropriate concerning matters relating to any of the above. } i of r hrill hn rn tho TClln� rinn rosponnihjlitinc• Thrs nnmmllnitr r-1C�rnlnnrr�nn r•� rcC c ,l..al .. ,. ... :ri ... vl....,... ,...... IA.. T.. C , v'Th_ p nnir,g nnmmir_Sin_n Ind `kn_ Citi, r', r.r+il nnnnvr my m-tiers rnlr,+c.11 to nlnnninn r~r��nrl thrn nr'mirjstrCtinn n' �'��\ll( Ti`ICc '17 +hrnvin�n ')5 fI In`ifnrrr} , . an lv v s..,i�i�l.y G1,4 U.v i_SI_I� .liu a uvi. v V . ,V . v , a V�1J„ rV ` ,InV� nnrnlnmm�nt (`r,rle (UDC)); Q Ti-. imp,!:mm-nt the pr, -ficinnc nt thv I Ing in nnnfnrmCnnn t,hn rair.lnii�wJ yr+h- ni+ r nnCnl-ii an,' the UnC; f`...I n�rnn11ls ly i inrintn thn Cmm�rr.hr.nc.Ivn P!-T. Cnd _on r,rl n1 rl ✓. T- mak" oonnrlrn.ing prnpncnd v V an, v anis, cmnndmnn c to rni g reg rlti nc Cnd thc, n rninl - n n.-t m1n• ^ni-I L .1 .. a,,. t. w C „ny .Gy", ull. n'+ a nr nnnlnr nn. nrih f. r •r.m xv ‘,-F+4, r {Ord. 07 015 § r, 2007). Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 18.50 PUrLUC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sections 18.50.010 The public works department shall have the following responsibilities: A. To review all street and drainage construction plans for city capital improvement projects to ensure conformance with the applicable provisions of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) and those additional standards adopted by the code. B. To inspect the construction of improvement projects to ensure conformance with the applicable provisions of the SVMC and those additional standards adopted by the code. C. To oversee the planning, design and construction of the city capital improvement projects and public infrastructure for conformance with the civil engineering provisions of the SVMC. D. To review and approve projects for transportation concurrency as defined by SMC 22.20. and all other tasks set forth in the Model Traffic Code. E. To oversee the storm and surface water utility as defined in SVMC 3.80 and to regularly update to the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual. F. To review, recommend and concur on changes to the Street Standards. G. To review and make recommendation as needed for all project permits as set forth in SVMC 17.80. H. To advise the planning commission and city council where appropriate concerning matters relating to any of the above. Th^ n.rhlir orlrc diroot^r -hall have the follc'ving rosponC abilities: ATo reviews II treet end dr rnn e cn tru ti n plans for n fcr ance with . r v..,al �„ S.,..... ..,., �.,�„�.�., .,.,r1S �UC.,e r,�..,.... . �cn..,,;rGrr.... ������ th^ I inC pari +n "-'mini-tnr tk^ n nr,_ i rn+i_. n v .'1^ttz• k , the city council' B. To ad\ran nl ni m i nr1 by ni`" "cunni vnnorning matters r I . in; i Li n n + i it .i ri r r . • i^n r a I n • -- C. To re gLlorly Updao +'ne... s reo.+ N ndu � design standards and the regiona4 stormwatcr design stenderds; D. T^ r-vi^w Si+v IUnn fnr n nr r "nn ri+ +hV ni '11 ^ngin^^ri n r-q riromont- of the I nr`• end C To "verse" +he construction ^f public infrastructure for on orm^nno with the ril engino^ring provisions of the UnC. (Ord. 07 015 C /1 2007). Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Title 22.20.010 Chapter 22.20 CONCURRENCY Sections: 22.20.010 Concurrency determination. 22.20.020 Concurrency review. 22.20.030 Pre-application determinations. 22.20.040 Application procedures. 22.20.050 Relation to other requirements. 22.20.060 Phased development. 22.20.070 Conflicts between provisions. 22.20.080 Transportation concurrency —Additional considerations. 22.20.090 Water and sewer concurrency —Additional considerations. 22.20.010 Concurrency determination. A. The following facilities and services must be evaluated for concurrency: 1. Transportation; 2. Public water; 3. Public sewer. B. The City may also consider concurrency issues for the following facilities and services: 1. Parks and recreation; 2. Libraries; 3. Solid waste disposal; 4. Fire protection; 5. Police protection; 6. Schools. C. The review authority shall be the director or the director's designee. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.20.020 Concurrency review. A. All project permits/project applications except for those exempt as set forth in subsection C of this section shall be subject to concurrency review at the time an application is submitted. Concurrency shall be determined by evaluating the anticipated impact of the application against the level of service (LOS) set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. A certificate of concurrency issued by the reviewing authority shall be required prior to approval of any nonexempt application. B. A finding of concurrency requires that adequate facilities are available when the service demands of development occur, or in the case of transportation "concurrent with development" shall mean that improvements or strategies are in place at the time of development, or that a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six years. The cumulative impact of development should be considered when making this determination. C. The following shall be exempt from concurrency review: 1. Project permits that were issued, or project applications that were determined to be complete (see Chapter 36.70B RCW) prior to the effective date of these concurrency regulations. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 1 Title 22.20.010 2. The first renewal of a previously issued, unexpired project permit; provided, that substantial progress has been made as determined by the appropriate review authority. 3. Any project permit that will have transportation impacts of less than 10 peak hour vehicular trips, and that will not change the traffic volumes and flow patterns in the afternoon peak travel period, as determined by the €v„ ; oorv!,c senior traffic engineer. 4. The following project permit actions: a. Boundary line adjustments; b. Final subdivisions/final PRDs/final short plats/final binding site plans; c. Temporary use permit; d. Variances. 5. Proposed project permits/project applications that do not create additional impacts on transportation facilities. Such projects may include but are not limited to: a. Any addition or accessory structure to a residence with no change or increase in the number of dwelling units over four units; b. Interior renovations with no change in use or increase in number of dwelling units over four units; c. Any addition, remodel, or interior completion of a structure for use(s) with the same or less intensity as the existing use or previously approved use. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.20.030 Pre-application determinations. Any person may inquire about the availability of capacity prior to project permit applications but responses to such inquiries are advisory only and available capacity can only be reserved by obtaining a concurrency certificate as set forth in this title. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.20.040 Application procedures. A. Applications for concurrency review shall be submitted to en forms providod -"LV the City. 1. Concurrency review shall be performed for the specific property, uses, densities and intensities, and traffic distribution information provided by the applicant/property owner and shall include any project phasing proposed by the applicant. 2. The City may request additional information in order to make a determination. 3. All applications shall be circulated for comment to the appropriate departments or agencies. 4. The project permit may be conditioned to assure adequate facilities are available to meet the demand generated by the project. If the project is approved, a concurrency certificate shall be issued to the property owner, his heirs and assigns. 5. If adequate facilities cannot be made available to maintain adopted level of service (LOS), the project application shall be denied. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 2 Title 22.20.010 6. The concurrency certificate shall automatically be voided if the project permit has been withdrawn, expires, or is otherwise cancelled. B. Concurrency Certificate. 1. Shall apply only to the specific land uses, densities, intensities and project described in the application and project permit; 2. Is not transferable to other property, but may be transferred to new owners of the same property; 3. Shall remain valid so long as the accompanying project permit has not expired or been revoked; 4. Is valid for any modification of the permits for which the certificate was issued so long as such modification does not require the applicant to obtain a new project permit; and 5. Shall only be issued upon payment of any_ raffic review fee due. C. Any capacity that is not used because the full extent of the development is not built shall be considered available capacity for a period not to exceed 6 years. D. Concurrency Certificate Fees. Fees for issuing concurrency certificates shall be based on the currently adopted Spokane Valley Master fee schedule. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.20.050 Relation to other requirements. Compliance with or exemption from the requirements of these regulations shall not exempt a project from compliance with all other county, state, and federal regulations. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.20.060 Phased development. When a project is proposed in phases or construction is expected to extend over some period of time, the applicant/property owner may offer a schedule of occupancy that will be used to determine the schedule of improvements that must be completed, or financially guaranteed, prior to occupancy of each phase. However, the required improvements shall be determined by analyzing the impacts estimated to be generated by the fully completed project. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.20.070 Conflicts between provisions. This chapter shall apply as an overlay and in addition to other adopted plans, ordinances and regulations affecting lands in the City. In the event of any conflict between this code and other plans, ordinances and regulations, the provisions of this code shall prevail. In the event of any conflict between this code and any development agreement which has been executed under RCW 36.70B.170, prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title, the development agreement or provisions therein shall govern and prevail during the term of the agreement. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.20.080 Transportation concurrency— Additional considerations. Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 3 Title 22.20.010 A. Transportation concurrency shall be in accordance with Chapter 3 SVMC Title 22.130.040 Street Standards. High,vay Capacity Mc^::o1 methods °elected by tho City nhal! by `coal to an-ly-e nroloot im pa-t to irn torsootionc B. ! o yrnl ns'ssanrioo information in thnn�op ta! fr,niliii n.0 plan nh`aII bo "sed es-a starting rnfnrnnon Lo pr-j"-t rnp o+c C. ! evel of onrioo infor -iron shoe o `.in lntnd .gyp n!>nnc�c• t 1 1.r. �... .,� s .� u,..G i„�.... n....�.., ..,....,I �:. �✓C....G ... ., ��� .v uCCC�..;r i.for rnffin I yr!c rr l+inn from +hn fnlln vinr '1 Tr' - r. frn ry nn n,l r none+r..n=nr! nrnino+c ') Project fpr nn thioh trafrin panic ha e ',nem, nlyr r.ln_.Znrnrl• and 3. Drojnntc for',Mich G nonni rrronoy oortifine+o has boon awarded and A. Non nrnl-ct ! rl I ava! of sary v infnrmo}ion chnll also byr i datorl as nr r nccnry as a r^—rlt of nn r Cli000n+inuod conorurrnnoy r nrtifino`ns funder, or sort/ oo o^olycis. E. Each in} rso t•Cn affected her rnnncnr! projects ^h^ll hr, roviowo ! and onaly: r! for conourr ,noy The applicantipropeFty owner may be rod,.aired to n rorirlo frrl'Fr'in Im nnr++ ^n�lrc is if nric`inrY infCrm iCn ranee nnT nrnri..-Iv r•l nrri irLv inform-tion fpr}re Ce "...rr ; +.r+'.-4;;'""‘ nnnl.rsiv vbnl! ino!-udo any in+r.r vn}inn �nrhnrn }{-�n proposal nentri!-ni +nv morn than ')fl nnnlr ho,it+rine F. Q'pnnifio Drovi-i-..nc Cnl..tura in nCrrir•ICr Qtrrdy Cocer`rGr! f(lrrl (:_,17 (WIC. S2 /1 ')(1(17\ 22.20.090 Water and sewer concurrency—Additional considerations. A. Local water purveyors must certify to the availability of water capacity and pressure to serve new development, subject to such security as the individual purveyor may require. B. Spokane County must certify to the availability of adequate sewer collection and treatment capacity: 1. At the time of completion/occupancy; or 2. Be located within the Spokane County six-year sewer capital improvement program, as adopted. C. New development located within a six-year sewer capital improvement program area may install septic systems on an interim basis until such time as sewer service is available. All new development shall install dry line sewers and double plumbing if the new development will rely on an interim septic tank/drain field system rather than being connected to a live sewer. Once sewer service is available, the development shall be required to immediately connect to the county's sewer system. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Planning Commission Hearing Draft September 24 2009 Page 4 STAFF RECOMMENDED DRAFT-CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS TABLE 8.6-PERFORMANCE GRADE STREET CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE GRADE Local Access,private streets, and alleys 64-28 Collectors and arterials 70-28 Aggregate for use in hot mix asphalt shall be Class 1/2-inch in accordance with Section 9-03.8(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. The asphalt mix design shall be prepared and/or approved by a certified testing lab or WSDOT. 8.6.5 IN-PLACE MAINLINE ASPHALT COMPACTION TEST REQUIREMENTS All in-place tests shall meet the range of 92 to 96 percent compaction, as determined by WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T166 and T209. A lot consists of 5 random individual tests. Minimum density testing requirements are 1 lot per 400 tons of HMA or 1 lot per day,whichever is greater. Each individual test(all 5 tests in the lot) shall have a compaction of at least 92 percent. Averaging of the compaction test in a lot will not be accepted. For capital projects, :t berequired t obtain aui.imiof^ -i-arzlomly located moi. v:i ti:: +: a .. > j'...,i v .. .....,i.,j per Wi:STC TM. 3 shall be aorle at the core locations to dete=ire the' density correction f ctOrs fa-the nuclei:gauge i:-^d for this project. Additional testing requirements shall be per Appendix 9-A. 8.6.6 COLD JOINT REQUIREMENTS Section 5-04.3(10)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road. Bridge. and Municipal Construction. 2008 edition is supplemented with the following_ Extreme care shall be exercised in the construction of cold joints to insure that the 'oint is aro•erl tacked with a uniform and heavy coating of an as•roved tackin' agent. that the placement of HMA adjacent to the cold joint is properly raked and that the adjacent hot mix is rolled and compacted in such a manner so as to completely seal the joint. The formation of all joints shall be made in such a manner as to ensure a continuous bond between the courses and obtain the required density. All joints shall be the same texture as other sections of the course and meet the requirements for smoothness and grade. If in the opinion of the City. the cold joint has not been properly constructed the joint shall be sealed with a joint compound sealant as per AASHTO M 324, at the Contractor's own expense.Thc joint density requirements on asphalt paving joints ,hall meet the range of 9'' to 95 percent compaction as determined by WSDOT. FOP for I':SIITO T165 --id -1-'09. All placetestsshall all meet the range of 9'_' to 96 vi vcm, uir ae l:1, " ..wiiii ivu J 1 A September 2009 Chapter 8 Pavement Design 8-7 STAFF RECOMMENDED DRAFT-CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS portion of the street. Provisions shall be made to allow for extension of the storm drainage system to the undeveloped portion of the street for future construction. Transition tapers are required when the new edges of pavement do not match the existing edge of pavement. Tapers are required to conform to Chapter 6 of MUTCD, latest edition. All proposed utilities located within the half-street shall be installed during construction. The unfinished side of the half-street shall be finished with a gravel shoulder, grassed ditch and/or side slope to assure proper drainage,bank stability, and pedestrian and traffic safety (see Standard Plan R-119). When half-streets connect to an intersection, the intersection shall be designed and constructed for the full build-out of the street. The intersection design and construction shall extend for at least 75 feet from the street intersection(SI). 7.5 STREET GEOMETRY Factors contributing to the geometric conditions of a street are discussed in the following sections. All public streets in a subdivision, including half-streets, shall be fully constructed to the plat boundaries. Pavement, gutter, curb and sidewalk shall be extended to allow future connections to occur. 7.5.1 DESIGN CRITERIA Minimum and maximum geometric design elements are provided in Tables 7.1 through 7.3. Any revision to a geometric element or traffic control on a State Highway requires WSDOT approval. For in-depth design information on the following criteria,refer to AASHTO Green Book, latest adopted edition. September 2009 Chapter 7—Street Elements 7-4