1977, 04-26 Permit: M0766 Residencedr PIES18[81111a Ait . NUMBER DISE- SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT . 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Pir"roperly 1111.dt.L._111411114)::1„18321-,ttPtil------------------------ Land Use or Structure Permit roup I Type V zone....1.191.a.fani.ly._Res. PErrni- triesidence... garage_ in_baseite. Own eraohe_11..._.Rickey Address `2,111.9us. Deitidi.,..pone, A • ._Pli Architect '''-•_-___Addres:s._ \ ' \I—'as Plibielsm c Contractor John. Ws..Rickey , _ _pcida7%_locitooloo_.111iiiiiitagtot, 9_9208 Phone .534.?.31.15 ocation: Parcel Number 25.532410Z.... tot...2_,...filock isialltriftet4111111..Acid.._ _.litnirma_.2outro_ set - acts from all property...lines. .Front_yard_ofitt. leart.25%-_stcielyanherf.mtligiii!taill for. g -- st4ry .b.uthling.,15' flanki_ng...stmets_onstarirear_yarls..aro_retpdrod+._citate._.1f..regoires -------------------- - soparati.opiroguirsx1...betmeen___residance_tatiounolii. '2 i Bldg. Zone Are Zone 3. Size oi Lot __ 100!..c131' - -TIC_Seniage Septic Const -Ira", - Stories. --- I__ Dimensions 26`x52` Totall-S0-117-1139, ihratii446;000°._00 ,, Rms 6 Baths/RR 2 Basement:Nil_ Foundation. Caricietel __Clinner_br Fireplace _2_11t. Systein_ elec ' Type of Roofing comp Ext. Finish let ) Int Wall -Finish Sheet reatel-IligliBenis. 3_ = Certificate of Occupancy Issued for --- lee ebeVe ._*----unbliargArd_b_eatirg_p_ernIts_airt._revireft. _ ._ EACH, _STAGE. _. Re_mkr_sk OF CONSTRUCTION MUST HAVE INSPECTIONS CIOLLEDIONi _AS_RECOUREO SY CODE. _MitSLCONEDIK Ta(81.1. COUNTY CODE REVIRENENTS,..FINALINSPICTION_ILISTICIALLEIEFOR;7112_011.10tEtlatAND_ PRIOWTO OCCUPANCY OF"RESIDENCE, CA41, R$8-36750_ prior to 20:00 asp. nmaaq4 f 1,14122 , • THIS PERMIT m granted upon the -express condition that the building -of lind Ise S, VaSSIS lot rennin is issaml MIS! canicrn in an reports to all the velum.; of the County al Spokane. regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane. Cosnly. and mot he, renoteR itt amr_Iitiet ‘uioree Pam ninlition of any csi ilierrntistdrset sail oidioances, oto, failure of plans as approved. to comply with said ordinances In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the granter mos place Me call signs -awe dincol toy Camay (Alicial s and sir -11 sprint the said sign at the eipiration of the permit -unless regularly renewed, I year This permit will be good only for commencement of work within sig meTralks., and the entire completion thereof within "Tkutteritel by Builliii.Offilli BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expires/4' 111 26, 1978 , . 501.00MMC r 4/26/77 1Wildlog INSPECTOP Fee Paid $ Date Issued - from this date; after which time this permit will be void. 91/Irtvi , , raga vcsmitsis ,sruloc2 ,rcrelleL 11 118 t ,. tUUNUAlliA1-. (i 7,--4.,"3. / - 7? .A tionsci valuta 10 szU basJ 2. .srfraiall-Rt Iliffirie „seonottso4 -1; ' . snit # Me Alai 1 _ _glos ._ _ V _ 1 q ac>JN. 11013NTS PIC 30 3000 Olt 0-I U YTki UO3 3VIA1110 3, FRAMIP • int14C. 4*1 vat ' -1 -% _ 5. HNAL.--1.1V ft C.-. (4 1 ••••1401.111. ) / 7" - " - • toirITA ti.t4411g; „I 3Thilt co) rn NOV f ..i_giej Eit...2 ICI ...Et Ir! _ lw(un =169 nottoo bumf .116..Irsaitlase . tor ft gismo Mt liet1. ' ==::..str l 0,411tifis.I'leriStrrie=0 ... ..ssinse bm asasPare easiled . kyr! 101101111104 ' =WOW . loJ t BZii.• 1 9 Of 1 VI , eras .1p8 nsi2rtrio'Ci. 1 alga ..msiiyi 'e." i f,Jfiltislii Id yorirr;10_ Si nottSli-13 not, WU tE 1 _51 2r1s8 4 _ .611i tfilb 8 FLREPLAMet-tallia.---421(411—thia. 'n I _ . - *t4_i i?. r P JiE?. __ NM gtirr,Fi to sqyi 1 CAI .borihspon ens Ohms *Woad MN Vshkedid_!.- rovida .1111 1 ii itt,t,o rp,& ,1 tc. swims) M tilOtT'nWlsm.:1 ',.1202123,211IJAil al1,110t0,10 0000 YAW JAR wl 3. HEATING .aa COOat OS 40t/I! .1%14-410.41X .$303411901 10 Imalus,1141 abfliq SYSTEM CO AV Mt f lo. , I II! , Ally t cti IP, • t- t! - .. s. 10 11, MSG : :..._:_...L.L.......:..............'— .---....— . . , . vita brre (1.111k0.1 owske! 141 !it mAtm tomwoili Inicourt 1.stta brut sial*VW: Ititliln fi, blI,N0111:. MOO "IBA bi" /4! •=1,4 faUm 6*. ,V31 SO t• 2:- 14 oz,1,4i1 I" 4 '.6' `'s ", '4 . +, . , . • a 411,-1- 114, UM( IF •,... I. 'OA 41% 4,14 ', - ...,..- . — tilettiw tosiimit riotteigmaz axone ,rt bna .aritnbm xis nifitila ilea, to msarsarstnrsa3 sat Ono boosi eel IRV 7113MTAA930 3003 31110JIU8 Isbiro ao,d,uR o is••.rtorituta bo mid Lim Ihertsq mitt ?Ink 1/11, ow wits lc at milt moo • 10113,1atti entisf 'mato amiZici3 iirr199 MINI sts4 • tis4 SR