Agenda 04/17/2008 SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS-CITY HALL 11707 E.SPRAGUE AVENUE APRIL 17, 2008 6:00 TO 9:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS- NONE OLD BUSINESS-DELIBERATIONS OF THE SPRAGUE APPLEWAY CORRIDORS SUBAREA PLAN X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF IAN ROBERTSON, CHAIR KATHY MCCLUNG, CD DIRECTOR FRED BEAULAC, VICE-CHAIR GREG MCCORMICK, PLANNING MGR, AICP JOHN G. CARROLL SCOTT KUHTA, LONG RANGE PLANNER,AICP CRAIG EGGLESTON MIKE BASINGER, SENIOR PLANNER, AICP GAIL KOGLE CARY DRISKELL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY MARCIA SANDS DEANNA GRIFFITH, ADMIN ART SHARPE WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Date: April 17, 2008 Re: Sprague/Appleway Corridor Subarea Plan Deliberation Materials The Planning Commission continues deliberations on the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan. The following topics will be discussed tonight: 1. Applicability Section (page 13) 2. How District Zones apply to Parcels (page 16) a. Split Parcel discussion 3. City Center District (pages 18-20) a. District Zone boundary b. Pre-located Core Street Regulations (page 18, 19) c. District Zone Regulatory Chart (Page 20) d. Building Use Regulations (page 28) Attached to this memorandum are documents and maps to assist the Planning Commission's review, including: - Proposed Applicability Section - Table prepared by Lori Barlow summarizing review of other jurisdiction's applicability standards. - City Center District zone map, Public Hearing Draft and Proposed Revisions - City Center Aerial Planning Staff's Proposed Changes IAC-1 April 3, 2008 2O1 Applicability a) Non-Conforming provisions in Section 19. 20.060 SVMC shall apply to all property within the area regulated by this code, except as follows: b) The regulations contained within this section shall apply only to new construction and significant additions greater than 15 % of the building's area. The regulations shall also apply to proposed exterior improvements costing more than 15% of the assessed value of the building. c) Changes from one non-nonconforming use to a different non- conforming use are not allowed. d) Exterior improvements ("facelifts") that meet the 15% threshold shall be required to conform only to the architectural regulations contained in this Book. Interior "tenant" improvements shall not be required to conform to the requirements of this code. Use changes in existing buildings shall conform to applicable sections of the code, including zoning, parking and signage standards. b4e) Nothing contained in this section shall require any change to an existing building or structure for which a building permit has been previously issued or applied for in the Community Development Department, and the application is deemed complete, -prior to the effective date of this Subarea Plan. e)f) Changes in property ownership or tenants of existing uses shall likewise require no change in any existing building or structure. dog) This section shall not apply to changes in use when no alterations or renovations to an existing building or structure are proposed. e}h) Non --• _ ••'-e e, e .• _• - --_ '_- R. 9.11_! - - - -ee e e et-. . ••- •- - - -e - - -_ e •' f4i) Where improvements and additions are made to existing buildings, requirements for renovation or enlargements apply only to net new floor area. Improvements and additions to existing buildings that increase non-conformities are not permitted. €-)j) Development regulations established in this Plan are specified as either Standards or Guidelines. 1) Standards address those aspects of development that are essential to achieve the goals of the Subarea Plan. They include specifications for site development and building design, such as permitted land uses, building height and setbacks. Conformance with standards is mandatory. Such provisions are indicated by use of the words "shall", "must", or "is/is not permitted." 2) Guidelines provide guidance for new development in terms of aesthetics and other considerations such as district character or design details. They are intended to direct building and site design in a way that results in the continuity of the valued character of the City of Spokane Valley. Whereas conformance with the Standards its mandatory, conformance with the Guidelines is preferred and/or recommended. Provisions that fall into this category are indicated by the use of words "should," "may" or "are encouraged to." In various cases, the Guidelines provide a choice of treatments that will achieve the desired effect. Although direct conformance with the Guidelines is the surest route to swift approval, developers are permitted to propose alternative design details if they are able to show that such details implement the overall Plan objectives as outlined throughout the document. Applicability Standards of Adopted Downtown or Corridor Revitalization Plans by Jurisdiction Jurisdiction and New Standards Applicability Comments Plan Description City of Redwood - Final New construction, significant additions (proposing an Planner noted that the actual implementation of the and Approved addition of more than 10% to a building's area), design standards were evaluated on a case by case Downtown Precise Plan renovations to existing structures and/or new land basis, since existing conditions could preclude 2007 uses proposed for existing facilities. structure from strict compliance with the code. In those cases, the project was brought into conformance with the intent as closely as possible. City of Everett - New development only Existing development under the new zoning did not Riverfront have as much value as potential redevelopment. All Redevelopment Plan development under the plan has been new. City of Whittier, CA- New Development Only No guidance included in the plan for transitional Whittier Boulevard development. Planner believes it should have been. Specific Plan New development slow to exact change along the corridor. City of SeaTac- SeaTac All new construction and Additions or alterations to a The regulations have not been successful in causing City Center Project and building or site, excluding interior-only any change in existing structures, with the exception of Airport Station Area improvements, which total fifty percent (50%) or one building. A hotel that expanded from 60 rooms up Action Plan more of the gross square footage of the existing to 220. building(s) or site. Only the portions of the building or site being altered or added are required to integrate new standards into the design. Departures from these special standards may be permitted if approved by the Director if the strict application of these standards would be inconsistent with related provisions of the Zoning Code or contrary to the overall purpose or intent of City goals and objectives for the City Center or Comprehensive Plan; or if it can be shown that the overall project design and feasibility can be improved. Jurisdictional Survey Page 1 4/17/2008 Applicability Standards of Adopted Downtown or Corridor Revitalization Plans by Jurisdiction Jurisdiction and New Standards Applicability Comments Plan Description City of Bothell - New construction, significant additions (proposing an The Plan is in Draft Form. The current Downtown Revitalization addition of more than 10% to a building's area), recommendation from the consultant is at 10%. The Plan renovations to existing structures and/or new land plan will go through the public review process with this uses proposed for existing facilities. threshold. City of San Fernando - All new development and significant redevelopment The revitalization strategy is based on the rationale Maclay, San Fernando must comply with the new standards which were that the properties are underutilized. Once rezoned and Truman Corridors adopted as part of the zoning code. consistent with the highest and best use, then the Specific Plan property will redevelop. The plan has been successful on the larger parcels, where high density residential development and mixed use has been constructed. Existing structures must comply when additions and alterations are determined significant. A design/technical review team determines the extent of the compliance. Note: The planner was concerned that the small parcels would not be likely to redevelop, unless they could be combined with other parcels to make redevelopment financially feasible. City of Spokane Valley - The regulations apply only to new construction and Sprague and Appleway significant additions greater than 15% of the Corridors Sub Area Plan building's floor area and to proposed exterior improvements costing more than 15% of the assessed value of the building. Where additions are made to existing building, requirements for renovations or enlargement apply only to net new floor area. Improvements that increase the non-conformity are not allowed. Jurisdictional Survey Page 2 4/17/2008 Public Hearing Draft 1.- J 1 11 L.�. } p; i ►► s ■ 1 1 Vin_ _ it 1 R:,' I £ umama 171 5 is 11 i II . 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