Agenda 10/09/2008 SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS-CITY HAI 1 11707 P. SPRAGUE AVENUE OCT 9,2008 6:00 TO 9:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: STUDY SESSION: AMENDMENT CTA-04-08 SECTION 19.110.030 AIRPORT HAZARD OVERLAY, X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF IAN ROBERTSON, CHAIR KATHY MCCLUNG, CD DIRECTOR FRED BEAULAC, VICE-CHAIR GREG MCCORMICK, PLANNING MGR, AICP JOHN G. CARROLL SCOTT KUHTA, LONG RANGE PLANNER, AICP CRAIG EGGLESTON MIKE BASINGER, SENIOR PLANNER, AICP GAIL KOGLE CARY DRISKELL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY MARCIA SANDS DEANNA GRIFFITH, ADMIN ART SHARPE WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: October 9, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing (I information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session to discuss amending the density limitations of Section 19.110.030 (Airport Hazard Overlay) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). Reference file number CTA-04-08. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70, 14 CFR 77 and SVMC 19.110.030 PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Felts Field is approximately ten (10) acres located northeast of the City's limits within the City of Spokane. Upon incorporation the City adopted the Spokane County airport overlay regulations on an interim basis. The City adopted their own airport hazard overlay regulations to protect Felts Field by Ordinance 06-002 on February 28, 2006. The regulations were carried forward in Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Section 19.110.030 with the adoption of the new zoning regulations (uniform development code) adopted in September of 2007 and was effective October 28tH 2007. Concerns have been voiced by citizens and agencies regarding the density limitations of Zone 6 within the airport hazard overlay zone which the City Council has had several discussions. Staff was directed by the City Council to review this issue and propose possible alternatives to change the density limitation. The Airport Hazard Overlay land use regulations adopted by the City of Spokane Valley parallel the guidelines prepared by Washington State Department of Transportation Aviation Division that are based on federal aviation accident data from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). Zone 6 establishes the compatible land uses within 6,000 feet of Felts Field runway. Specifically residential density in Zone 6 is limited to one (1) dwelling unit per two and one half(2%) acres. Analysis was prepared for the City Council on February 26, 2008 indicating a potential of 388 new residential dwelling units could be developed if the City removed the density limitation of Zone 6 and allowed current zoning density. See attached analysis in exhibit 2. ANALYSIS: Four (4) options have been formulated for proposed amendment. Each option is being reviewed below to determine if the approval criteria established in Section 17.80.150(F) of the SVMC can be met. 1. Option 1: No change to current density limitation in table 19.110-1 October 9,2008 Request for Planning Commission Action on CTA-04-08 a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: The current regulations are in direct conformance with Goal TG-13 and policies TP-13.1 and TP-13.2 of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The current regulations provide the highest level of protection from incompatible and inconsistent densities in relation to Felts Field. 2. Option 2: Allow density of current zoning within Zone 6 of the airport hazard overlay. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP-13.2 within the Comprehensive Plan states "discourage...density adjacent to the airport" within the airport hazard overlay. There are a handful of parcels that are at least double in size that could be developed under the R-2 zone that are directly adjacent to the designated airport boundary and runway that would be in direct conflict with policy TP-13.2. The majority of the land area within Zone 6 is fully built out with residential uses. The number of potential parcels that could be developed between the R-2 and R-4 zones is 388 parcels located throughout the 6,000 foot radius of Zone 6. This option conflicts by allowing density within an area that should be protected from encroachments that may create safety hazards, however the majority of potential new lots would be located more than 3,000 feet from the runway. There are approximately 1,154 existing parcels in the R-2 zone and potentially 250 new parcels that could be developed. The 250 new parcels in the analysis shall subtract the six (6) parcels located in Zone 2 (prohibiting residential use) and fourteen (14) parcels located in Zone 3 with a density of one (1) dwelling unit per five (5) acres. The R-4 zone has a potential of an additional 138 parcels. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growth and provide more options for locations of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacity exists to provide services to additional residences however this concern is not significantly detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare and environmental protection. The increase in density does not bear a substantial relation to the protection of Felts Field with the creation of man-made hazards and encroachments that could pose a safety hazard for aircraft. Page 2 of 4 October 9,2008 Request for Planning Commission Action on CTA-04-08 3. Option 3: Allow density to be limited to the R-2 zoning regulations within Zone 6. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP-13.2 within the Comprehensive Plan states "discourage...density adjacent to the airport" within the airport hazard overlay. This option conflicts by allowing density within an area that should be protected from encroachments that may create safety hazards, however the majority of potential new lots is located more than 3,000 feet from the runway. There are approximately 1,061 parcels in the R-2 and R-4 zones currently developed with residential uses within Zone 6 of the airport hazard overlay zone. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growth and provide more options for locations of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacity exists to provide services to additional residences however this concern is not significantly detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare and environmental protection. 4. Option 4: Allow density of underlying zone within Zone 6, however development must comply with a minimum of one (1) of the following exceptions; (1) The site had water and sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; (2) Consistent with adjacent (not across public rights of way) property sizes for proposed development; and (3) More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP-13.2 within the Comprehensive Plan states "discourage...density adjacent to the airport" within the airport hazard overlay. The proposed option of allowing development with exceptions would provide those properties that have had the intent of further land division to proceed. This option conflicts by allowing density within an area that should be protected.from encroachments that may create safety hazards, however the majority of potential new lots is located more than 3,000 feet from the runway. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Page 3 of 4 October 9,2008 Request for Planning Commission Action on CTA-04-08 Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growth and provide more options for locations of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacity exists to provide services to additional residences however this concern is not significantly detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare and environmental protection. OPTIONS: 1. No change to current density limitation in table 19.110-1 2. Allow density of current zoning within Zone 6 of the airport hazard overlay. 3. Allow density to be limited to the R-2 zoning regulations within Zone 6. 4. Allow development within Zone 6 with exception to density and number of parcels; a. The site had water and sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial Airport Hazard Overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; b. Consistent with adjacent (not across public rights of way) property sizes for proposed development. c. More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: The Planning Commission conduct a public hearing on October 23, 2008 and forward a recommendation to the City Council. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: (1)Vicinity map of Zone 6 within City of Spokane Valley limits (2)Analysis prepared on February 26, 2008 regarding density within R-2 and R-4 zones (3) Public comments received from review of the SEPA Checklist Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT 1 Vicinity Map CTA-04-08 . .. .. .$ '// -//////XIV /7 ..„,,-/ : /./ /. „, ,t, , _ /• •, // / .,,, ‘,./ ,,/// .1/2,,,,• • ./.. ,-/ ,..• „, •,.. .. . „ ../, ,, ,, • • , Ifi,,‹ 44 : / ////, /7/1///72 / . , ;,,:.- . ::.1004-4 k. „,.w'.,/./7,. ! 1111 O'10'1W ��//////),„algafrAtr 117 ,' • a� Millwood I r --lea.-4.0 ,..-A //////.,< , //..'„,:7 -,//-1--/ Ilemigr_limullinalilla%Poir SVFalgergr-AztffiraIrop,Mistogrart. fl- • A lirmi-'111111'. 111....A.11111111119alipp.)111°11.6 40 / fi' 11111111191111W .4 ���� �j� f////// ���� r„ � C.111 a2 i rg !A!,�'•.;//' ,.., 7 ^4..1' mall Ci of A` ;/i'� ,,, �/ ri 1111111 `� -,--; Spokane rs Ex �-- ,/ ' y,.- t. �� ��r� i_s . ; � , ortre1/4202 City of Spokane Valley , , A - 11---,--,::, 6,, ,-,-A..,40,7-Arje ill gak .rse•- 1111..01•1=4211 ild 'MI OK .1%Ils �r Zone 6 within City of MEIA�` � = � ,- Spokane Valley� 4 . ;: ^ .. 11111 A/506. y��/Ail ii `• Airport Overlay Zone EXHIBIT 2 01004"sta„, Spokane .000Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 0 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 0 Fax;509.921.1008 0 cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of City Council From: Mike Basinger,AICP,Senior Planner CC: Kathy McClung,Community Development Director Greg McCormick,AICP,Planning Manager Mike Connelly,City Attorney Date: February 26,2008 Re: Airport Safety Zone Analysis Please find the attached analysis for airport land use compatibility zone six(6). Airport land use compatibility zone six(6)restricts density to one (1) dwelling unit per two and half (21/2) acres. This effectively prohibits any subdivision of land smaller than five (5) acres. If the airport land use compatibility zone were lifted,there would be the potential for 388 additional lots in the underlying zoning designations. The table below identifies total parcels,parcels with the potential to be subdivided (at least double the minimum lot size), and potential lots within the underlying zoning designations. The Corridor Mixed Use(CMU) zoning designation allows for high density residential and subsequently is effected by this density restriction. Due to the complexities associated with calculating residential capacity in CMU, analysis has not be done for this zoning designation. Light Industrial (I-1),Heavy Industrial(I-2),and Regional Commercial (RC) preclude residential development. Zoning classification Total parcels Parcels at least double Potential lots the min. lot size R-2 1,154 172 250 R-4 155 76 138 \(7t Total 1,309 248 388 ,)^ Attachments: 12L'� x' Exhibit 1:Airport Safety Zone Analysis for R-2 \f- 1.C' Exhibit 2:Airport Safety Zone Analysis for R-4 \� _ , 1 Exhibit 3:Airport Safety Zones Map for R-2 Exhibit 4:Airport Safety Zones Map for R-4 `l ....,,._, 3 4 , Airport Safety Zones, , n‘sIf' r p orr::, „1 R-2 >= 20K (172 Parcels) ,1 1013 B ._ E,' caPorril III :1 1 1 ii ci ( --1 =1 . 7 1 I° .... ilo 1 c3 1 oll Go•'Go 5 • no _ _ o — 1 ,I= __– \ ...91,10 D •—"AmE......11, ‘,..• . - - 1 1 • _ _ C7- = . ' f--0 - 1 1 ..,.. 1 _ Legend ; , I I • ....- e 2 E 1 „ _ __ .)) -2 , ...- ...... ,.._ I, ..”. I— R 1 1 • . R-3 f= , •4° ••-• - "-' ,--- • " . R., 2 / , , - i 11- - i 104 ' -- '... . -.„.... 4 1 I II li 1----A ' "-,-__. I ....1 ..... GO 1 -IL W41 3 1- 1 1 1 s , ....1 .• _ * -.., , 1 PI 1 E.-7D 0 -.- 1 " -- , tr --' - - muc Nc I r — ' ...--—' \i-.0 1 ? . fll E---1 c 6 I __IL= __...-:--,,'„ill l ' 5 ! j r---li --.. , —J E-1 L- 7 — ••• 1--h-i--LL' , ___ ..,_ Lf i' = Re •--- ..- , ' , , 1 , ,:1,7-1D „ „,-,---- 1, J E._ii-i „... ........ _____J •Ii=1 ,'- ._.:--- .2 , _,-___ s r, ,, L-7I--_i I / ---.'! El-1r-17 ._4_,..— ---1 1— I=1 R-2.20K . /*Z 1( - ..1,--'3 'I'LL----_---.'----1,, 1 Ird,,,, [..._ ,_ . .... • __. 1.----/ _____--.7r-inzawam. -1-144. 4iimerniii, mOs ,_... — ,,-----:-L------ 2- i( —' 'LL.N , 1.___ _________.-=F--------- 1{ --il 0:2-._•;:.-, +044 L 3' d.8 ,----T---t------4----41-------fit-----qr-,--, EXHIBIT 1:AIRPORT SAFETY ZONE ANALYSIS (R-2) PARCELS ADDRESS COMP PH1 CLASS ZONING AREA LOTS ADJ. LOTS 45063.2139 7603E SOUTH RIVER WAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,135 2.0 1.0 45063.2140 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,555 2.1 1.0 45063.2606 3704 N ELY RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,387 2.2 1.0 45063.2802 8010 E SOUTH RIVER WAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,142 2.0 1.0 45063.2123 7507E SOUTH RIVER WAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 27,368 2.7 1.0 45063.2121 7519 E SOUTH RIVER WAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,254 2.0 1.0 45063.2117 7623 E SOUTH RIVER WAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 35,942 3.6 2.0 45063.2116 7703 E SOUTH RIVER WAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,037 2.1 1.0 45063.2133 8001 E SOUTH RIVER WAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 33,379 3.3 2.0 45063.2210 3807 N EDGERTON RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 28,226 2.8 1.0 45063.2109 7901 E SOUTH RIVER WAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,573 2.1 1.0 45063.2218 7719 E KIERNAN AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,891 2.2 1.0 45063.2142 7917 E SOUTH RIVER WAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,406 2.6 1.0 45063.2102 8103 E SOUTH RIVER WAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 29,572 3.0 1.0 45063.2101 8109 E SOUTH RIVER WAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 31,357 3.1 2.0 45063.2512 7706 E KIERNAN AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,145 2.2 1.0 45063.2406 3714 N EDGERTON RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,193 2.2 1.0 45063.4605 8104 E SOUTH RIVERWAY LDR UR-3.5 R-2 25,690 2.6 1.0 45063.2607 3620 N ELY RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,419 2.2 1.0 45063.2505 3626 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,387 2.2 1.0 45063.4301 7620 E LIBERTY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,256 2.1 1.0 35014.0201 7408 E LIBERTY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,900 2.1 1.0 45063.2509 3615 N ELY RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,604 2.4 1.0 45063.2506 7703 E GLASS AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,387 2.2 1.0 45063.3004 8122E GLASS AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,942 2.4 1.0 45063.3026 8120 E GLASS AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 29,528 3.0 1.0 45063.3110 8004E GLASS AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 35,587 3.6 2.0 45063.3202 7904 E GLASS AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 35,872 3.6 2.0 45063.3014 8115 E LIBERTY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 30,479 3.0 2.0 45063.3017 8209 E LIBERTY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,226 2.2 1.0 45063.3016 8203 E LIBERTY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 29,847 3.0 1.0 45063.3015 8123E LIBERTY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,590 2.2 1,0 45063.3107 3419 N DICK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,561 2.1 1.0 45063.3207 7915 E LIBERTY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,297 2.3 1.0 45063.3031 8101 E LIBERTY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 30,373 3.0 2.0 45063.3206 7901 E LIBERTY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,829 2.4 1.0 2/26/2008 EXHIBIT 1:AIRPORT SAFETY ZONE ANALYSIS (R-2) 35014.0102 3423 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 39,475 3.9 2.0 45063.3313 7815 E LIBERTY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,210 2.2 1.0 45063.3421 7717E LIBERTY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,809 2.2 1.0 45063.4022 3303 N ELTON RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 27,800 2.8 1.0 45063.4206 3308 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,779 2.2 1.0 45063.3718 3223 N VISTA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,634 2.1 1.0 45072.1705 2518 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,494 2.1 1.0 35121.6404 3015 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 30,300 3.0 2.0 45063.4313 7605 E EUCLID AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,318 2.3 1.0 45063.4011 7915 E EUCLID AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 25,278 2.5 1.0 45063.4111 7805 E EUCLID AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,604 2.4 1.0 45063.4415 7521 E EUCLID AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,226 2.0 1.0 35014.0172 7407 E EUCLID AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 25,092 2.5 1.0 35014.0158 7119 E EUCLID AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 27,018 2.7 1.0 45072.0101 7922E EUCLID AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,827 2.4 1.0 45072.1904 8206 E UTAH AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,591 2.4 1.0 35121.6402 3105 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 30,252 3.0 2.0 35121.6401 3109 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 29,967 3.0 1.0 35121.0902 3108 N DORA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 29,592 3.0 1.0 45072.2702 8224 E FREDERICK AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,659 2.4 1.0 35121.6403 3021 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 30,675 3.1 2.0 35121.1703 7119E FAIRVIEW AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 25,079 2.5 1.0 35121.1503 7009 E FAIRVIEW AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,625 2.1 1.0 45072.3402 8102 E FAIRVIEW AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,073 2.0 1.0 35121.6901 0 VACANT LAND LDR UR-3.5 R-2 167,111 16.7 15.0 45072.3604 2903 N VISTA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,628 27 1.0 35121.2305 7121 E RUTTER AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 27,066 2.7 1.0 45072.3703 2906 N DICK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,291 2.2 1.0 35121.2402 7117E RUTTER AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 25,207 2.5 1.0 35121.2404 7101 E RUTTER AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,842 2.1 1.0 35121.9013 2831 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 29,018 2.9 1.0 35121.6602 7302 E UTAH AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,837 2.4 1.0 35121.6601 7218 E UTAH AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,406 2.1 1.0 35125.2905 7009 E MANSFIELD AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,958 2.7 1.0 35121.9004 7202E UTAH AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,841 2.2 1.0 35121.9057 2724 N COLEMAN RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,227 2.1 1.0 35121.3302 7011 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 44,985 4.5 3.0 2/26/2008 EXHIBIT 1:AIRPORT SAFETY ZONE ANALYSIS (R-2) 35121.4104 2724 N BOWMAN RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,733 2.1 1.0 35121.3901 7303 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 39,087 3.9 2.0 35121.3802 7223 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,476 2.0 1.0 35121.3701 7209 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 29,318 2.9 1.0 35121.3602 7207E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 30,251 3.0 2.0 35121.3206 6911 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 34,122 3.4 2.0 35121.4901 2617 N BRADLEY RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 41,049 4.1 3.0 45072.1112 2708 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,595 2.1 1.0 35121.4105 7323 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 30,008 3.0 2.0 35121.3404 7101 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,724 2.1 1.0 45072.5704 8112 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,908 2.3 1.0 45072.5702 2618 N DICK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,276 2.2 1.0 45072.1213 2624 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 27,224 2.7 1.0 35121.6314 7312E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,178 2.0 1.0 35121.6310 7224E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,081 2.6 1.0 35121.6322 7208E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 27,816 2.8 1.0 35121.6323 7202E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 30,867 3.1 2.0 35121.9056 6924E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 59,632 6.0 4.0 45072.6804 7918 E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,790 2.4 1.0 45072.1608 2417 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,962 2.1 1.0 45072.1207 2613 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,117 2.1 1.0 35121.5101 6724E UTAH AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 68,859 6.9 5.0 45072.1206 2604 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 45,843 4.6 3.0 45072.1208 2605 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,926 2.7 1.0 35121.4608 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN LDR UR-3.5 R-2 41,755 4.2 3.0 35121.5001 2606 N ELIZABETH RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,777 2.7 1.0 45072.1209 2526 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,898 2.2 1.0 45072.6401 8204E JACKSON AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,619 2.7 1.0 45072.1720 2525 N ELLA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 43,549 4.4 3.0 45072.6608 2519 N DICK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,175 2.6 1.0 45072.1210 2525 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,756 2.2 1.0 35121.6210 7219 E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,344 2.2 1.0 35121.6211 7211 E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 39,102 3.9 2.0 45072.1503 2520 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 43,541 4.4 3.0 35121.9015 7007E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,699 2.1 1.0 35121.9047 6925E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 39,543 4.0 2.0 45072.1702 2517 N ELLA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,883 2.1 1.0 2/26/2008 EXHIBIT 1:AIRPORT SAFETY ZONE ANALYSIS (R-2) 35121.9046 6915 E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,815 2.2 1.0 35121.5201 2527 N ELIZABETH RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 40,895 4.1 3.0 45072.1725 2424 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 42,069 4.2 3.0 45072.1709 2507 N ELLA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,944 2.4 1.0 45072.1506 2512 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 24,696 2.5 1.0 35121.6255 7117 E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,452 2.0 1.0 45072.1710 2503 N ELLA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,958 2.1 1.0 35121.5501 2513 N ELIZABETH RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 25,444 2.5 1.0 45072.1505 2505 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,936 2.7 1.0 45072.1712 2415 N ELLA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,577 2.7 1.0 45072.1507 2504 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 24,695 2.5 1.0 45072.1711 2425 N ELLA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 28,599 2.9 1.0 45072.6801 7924 E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,163 2.2 1.0 45072.6802 2426 N ELLA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,951 2.3 1.0 45072.1607 2423 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,955 2.4 1.0 45072.1602 2426 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,352 2.3 1.0 35121.5601 2503 N ELIZABETH RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,086 2.0 1.0 45072.1714 2418 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 32,064 3.2 2.0 35121.6238 7320E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,394 2.3 1.0 35121.6232 7224E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,159 2.0 1.0 45072.1603 2405 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 32,944 3.3 2.0 45072.1718 2403 N ELLA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,902 2.2 1.0 45072.1716 2402 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,996 2.1 1.0 35121.6223 7118 E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 37,994 3.8 2.0 45072.1601 2420 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,354 2.3 1.0 35121.5602 2425 N ELIZABETH RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,805 2.1 1.0 35121.9021 6906 E CARLISLE AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,202 2.3 1.0 35121.6242 2411 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 32,759 3.3 2.0 45072.6803 2406 N ELLA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 22,930 2.3 1.0 45072.1727 2412 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 28,507 2.9 1.0 45072.1717 2409 N ELLA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,879 2.2 1.0 45072.1606 2409 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,963 2.1 1.0 35121.5901 2415 N ELIZABETH RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 40,888 4.1 3.0 45073.0110 8117E KNOX AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,054 2.0 1.0 45072.1605 2402 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,651 2.1 1.0 35121.6001 2403 N ELIZABETH RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 40,886 4.1 3.0 35121.6101 6807 E MONTGOMERY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,459 2.1 1.0 2/26/2008 EXHIBIT 1:AIRPORT SAFETY ZONE ANALYSIS (R-2) 45073.1903 2320 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 29,987 3.0 1.0 45073.2001 2325 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 24,140 2.4 1.0 45074.9085 2322 N VISTA RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 60,638 6.1 5.0 35124.0113 2318 N BOWMAN RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 33,506 3.4 2.0 45073.2109 2314 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,973 2.4 1.0 45073.2002 2317 N CENTER RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 25,178 2.5 1.0 35124.0801 6812E MONTGOMERY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,780 2.2 1.0 35124.0802 6806 E MONTGOMERY AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,780 2.2 1.0 45073.2108 2310 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 25,472 2.5 1.0 35124.3203 2215 N COLEMAN RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,455 2.3 1.0 45073.9066 7801 E INDIANA AVE LDR UR-3.5 R-2 70,978 7.1 6.0 35124.0116 2301 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,972 2.4 1.0 45073.2112 2300 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 28,294 2.8 1.0 35124.3101 2306 N COLEMAN RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 21,256 2.1 1.0 35124.3201 2305 N COLEMAN RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,005 2.3 1.0 35124.0815 2123 N BRADLEY RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 49,557 5.0 3.0 35124.3202 2223 N COLEMAN RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,313 2.3 1.0 35124.2705 2220 N GIRARD RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 20,009 2.0 1.0 35124.0807 2209 N BRADLEY RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,521 2.7 1.0 35124.3204 2205 N COLEMAN RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,429 2.3 1.0 35124.0808 2205 N BRADLEY RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 26,544 2.7 1.0 35124.3205 2125 N COLEMAN RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,403 2.3 1.0 35124.0813 2117 N BRADLEY RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 43,453 4.3 3.0 35124.3206 2117 N COLEMAN RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 23,377 2.3 1.0 45073.0302 1822 N PARK RD LDR UR-3.5 R-2 37,087 3.7 2.0 TOTAL 250.0 Adjusted lots are calculated by rounding down to a whole number then subtracting the existing lots 2/26/2008 Jr_ I l(� Z Airport Safety Zones ,13 :; I_. h, 11;,��_L,', l.f-1- ( R-1. >= 12K (7'6 Parcels) _ i ���i� I,;[ f� .� e ! e 1 W. 7::: • ---�' 5 a ® / r ■....- 1 1 1 L ..... 7/ o���° 5/ tllivi �i�a ,1 ..._ a� • in•.• E a � _-......-- tt.i.i.,. .a .,,, ____-1 ; . : ,r, 4. ,1„., , , i 1 ... .... .....„." . ____. ii . . ,.„.„...4.. ,,,s; \ \ , ••••••••• , ...•,• - •-•1 M 1 1. .. I d I aq: 1.... 1— i 1_1 __ Legend z • ....� 1.... 3 1�1 R•z .. 3' :j-i 1___J MF-2 4 1 ia .9 . , ,MUG 1IIIIII l I 0 t� RC `• CT] . r✓� Lae":�I., tom. I 1 ' ��. 1 , '' I *IR-4 a:12K � ,,-„qt./,'„, —i LL ui1{ LL }!.7.-::::::::().:2-_;.,;,--,....0,:4:-} - . .:t,r= 13s1J. 7; , 1.-JI{E?.t„! �w..�.r:.- L �:- l CS _ -' J — ._.l t F. 0,$ ;L___. l _ y _ . _ .r,.... -- EXHIBIT 2:AIRPORT SAFETY ZONE ANALYSIS (R-4) PARCELS ADDRESS CODE PHICLASS AREA ZONING LOTS ADJ. LOTS 45072.0804 3011 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 23,013 R-4 3.8 2.0 45072.2201 8020 E UTAH AVE LDR UR-7 17,328 R-4 2.9 1.0 45072.2204 8010 E UTAH AVE LDR UR-7 18,974 R-4 3.2 2.0 35121.0217 7324 E EUCLID AVE LDR UR-7* 12,625 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.2203 8006 E UTAH AVE LDR UR-7 18,141 R-4 3.0 2.0 45072.2506 8002 E UTAH AVE LDR UR-7 19,261 R-4 3.2 2.0 45072.2304 7920 E UTAH AVE LDR UR-7 22,639 R-4 3.8 2.0 35121.0218 7328 E EUCLID AVE LDR UR-7* 12,624 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.0801 3023 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 19,195 R-4 3.2 2.0 35121.0219 7332E EUCLID AVE LDR UR-7* 12,623 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.2501 3019 N DICK RD LDR UR-7 20,599 R-4 3.4 2.0 45072.2401 3024 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 15,511 R-4 2.6 1.0 45072.0802 3013 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 21,721 R-4 3.6 2.0 45072.2402 3018 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 15,539 R-4 2.6 1.0 45072.3301 8018 E FAIRVIEW AVE LDR UR-7 14,787 R-4 2.5 1.0 45072.3105 7923 E FAIRVIEW AVE LDR UR-7 16,468 R-4 2.7 1.0 45072.7303 7720 E UTAH AVE LDR UR-7 12,117 R-4 2.0 1.0 45072.3003 8001 E FAIRVIEW AVE LDR UR-7 22,975 R-4 3.8 2.0 45072.3106 7919 E FAIRVIEW AVE LDR UR-7 13,900 R-4 2.3 1.0 45072.7302 0 VACANT LAND LDR UR-7 13,652 R-4 2.3 1.0 45072.0805 3003 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 25,554 R-4 4.3 3.0 45072.7304 0 VACANT LAND LDR UR-7 12,059 R-4 2.0 1.0 45072.7301 3004 N CENTER RD LDR UR-7 13,976 R-4 2.3 1.0 45072.0803 2917 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 51,247 R-4 8.5 7.0 45072.3306 8002 E FAIRVIEW AVE LDR UR-7 14,156 R-4 2.4 1.0 45072.3205 7924E FAIRVIEW AVE LDR UR-7 16,745 R-4 2.8 1.0 45072.3203 2922 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 12,380 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.0702 2906 N CENTER RD LDR UR-7 41,395 R-4 6.9 5.0 45072.0806 2915 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 25,658 R-4 4.3 3.0 45072.3802 8021 E GRACE AVE LDR UR-7 16,376 R-4 2.7 1.0 45072.3801 8011 E GRACE AVE LDR UR-7 14,787 R-4 2.5 1.0 45072.3803 8003 E GRACE AVE LDR UR-7 14,787 R-4 2.5 1.0 45072.0704 2820 N CENTER RD LDR UR-7 36,141 R-4 6.0 5.0 45072.0807 2903 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 29,485 R-4 4.9 3.0 45072.4703 7915 E BUCKEYE AVE LDR UR-7 15,526 R-4 2.6 1.0 45072.0901 2821 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 31,268 R-4 5.2 4.0 2/26/2008 EXHIBIT 2:AIRPORT SAFETY ZONE ANALYSIS (R-4) 45072.4106 8010 E GRACE AVE LDR UR-7 12,772 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.0904 2820 N CENTER RD LDR UR-7 32,458 R-4 5.4 4.0 45072.4004 7910 E GRACE AVE LDR UR-7 12,625 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.0912 2812 N CENTER RD LDR UR-7 33,070 R-4 5.5 4.0 45072.0907 7727 E BUCKEYE AVE LDR UR-7 21,608 R-4 3.6 2.0 45072.5403 8005 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-7 22,976 R-4 3.8 2.0 45072.4603 8021 E BUCKEYE AVE LDR UR-7 22,975 R-4 3.8 2.0 45072.4602 8005 E BUCKEYE AVE LDR UR-7 13,216 R-4 2.2 1.0 45072.0911 2806 N CENTER RD LDR UR-7 26,825 R-4 4.5 3.0 45072.4904 8008 E BUCKEYE AVE LDR UR-7 13,364 R-4 2.2 1.0 45072.4901 8022 E BUCKEYE AVE LDR UR-7 12,625 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.4803 7918 E BUCKEYE AVE LDR UR-7 14,787 R-4 2.5 1.0 45072.4802 7914 E BUCKEYE AVE LDR UR-7 17,745 R-4 3.0 1.0 45072.1007 7720 E BUCKEYE AVE LDR UR-7 12,399 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.1008 2722 N CENTER RD LDR UR-7 16,887 R-4 2.8 1.0 45072.1019 2709 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 17,997 R-4 3.0 1.0 45072.4809 2714 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 12,477 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.1009 2716 N CENTER RD LDR UR-7 13,908 R-4 2.3 1.0 45072.1012 7717E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-7 12,399 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.1011 7715 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-7 15,499 R-4 2.6 1.0 45072.1010 7703 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-7 15,298 R-4 2.5 1.0 45072.5801 8010 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-7 12,569 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.5902 7910E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-7 12,680 R-4 2.1 1.0 45072.1310 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN LDR UR-7 17,324 R-4 2.9 1.0 45072.1302 7704 E MARIETTA AVE LDR UR-7 14,148 R-4 2.4 1.0 45072.6103 8005 E JACKSON AVE LDR UR-7 22,030 R-4 3.7 2.0 45072.6001 7925 E JACKSON AVE LDR UR-7 16,266 R-4 2.7 1.0 45072.6002 7911 E JACKSON AVE LDR UR-7 14,905 R-4 2.5 1.0 45072.6003 2604 N ELLA RD LDR UR-7 14,787 R-4 2.5 1.0 45072.1311 2605 N ELLA ST LDR UR-7 43,568 R-4 7.3 6.0 45072.1312 2604 N CENTER ST LDR UR-7 43,535 R-4 7.3 6.0 45072.6102 2603 N DICK RD LDR UR-7 12,365 R-4 2.1 1.0 45074.2307 8409 E MANSFIELD CT LDR UR-7 15,021 R-4 2.5 1.0 45074.2302 8404 E MANSFIELD AVE LDR UR-7 15,975 R-4 2,7 1.0 45073.2113 2224 N PARK RD LDR UR-22 18,310 R-4 3.1 2.0 35124.0105 2219 N PARK RD LDR UR-22 15,773 R-4 2.6 1.0 45073.0312 7521 E NORA AVE LDR UR-7' 49,520 R-4 8.3 7.0 2126/2.008 EXHIBIT 2:AIRPORT SAFETY ZONE ANALYSIS (R-4) 35124.3207 2109 N COLEMAN RD LDR UR-22 23,346 R-4 3.9 2.0 45073.0227 2015 N EDGERTON RD LDR UR-22 12,883 R-4 2.1 1.0 45073.0228 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN LDR UR-22 12,880 R-4 2.1 1.0 TOTAL 138.0 Adjusted lots are calculated by rounding down to a whole number then subtracting the existing lots 2/26/2008 EXHIBIT 3 904 N.Columbus Spokane,WA 99202 Qwe Sts Spirit of Service' RECEIVED SEP 2 2 2008 September 18, 2008 SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Spokane Valley Department of Building and Planning 11707 E. Sprague Ave. , Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Attn: Karen Kendall Re: Airport Overlay Zone Dear Karen: Qwest has no comment regarding the above mentioned zoning code text amendment. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me on (509) 455-2713 . Sincerely, z Tyrone Taitch G/ Sr. Design Engineer -,.-Ir.,:l\c7i7:1) :1 \- %!ir:,,' .., IL...:-' I pkey 1 PARCELS 1 Stubs 1 45063.2139 i 1; sEP 17 21JW ,• cc.irei ._, _ 2 45063.2140 7 _ ii __ orv.„ 0,4-uutlll - 3'45063.2606 11 _ A PM e11146; 4'45063.2802 11 D,), ,cy\ 0- COMMUNIr(DEVELOPMEW 614 53 5,4063.212 -IcIt __ 5063.2121 .11 745063.2117 11 L..._. 8145063.2116 1 9145063.2133 1 10145063.22102' .._...___ 11145063.2109 1 - 12145063.2218 2 13!45063.2142 1 , 14145063.2102 21 .._. 15145063.2101 21 16;45063.2512 -?-1 17145063.2406 3 18145063.4605 2 19,45063.2607 II 20.45063.25051 2 21.45063.4301 1 22 35014.0201 1 ... 2345063.2509 I 3 24;45063.2506 2 25145063.3004 1 26145063.30261 27145063.3110 - 4 28145063.3202 2 2a45063.3014 2 3045063.3017 2 .._......_____ .. ..._ 31 45063.3016 2 _ . 32 45063.3015 2 33 45063.3107 2] 3445063.3207 _ 2; 35;45063.3031 2i , 3645063.3206 2 r, 37135014 0102 2 I 1 , • 38;45063.3313 21 - 39145063.3421 21 - 4-0;45063.4022 11 41145063.4206 11 ' 42145063.371801 -4-314507-2-.-1705 1 44135121.6404 21 45145063.4313 21 __ _ 46145063.4011 _21 _ 47;45063.4111 _ ___ __II 48145063.4415 _ _ 21 .'. ....,-._ 49 35014.0172 L. ...._._.__..__... 1 50 35014.0158 1' 51 45072.0101 1I 52 45072 1904 2 5335121 6402 _ 2 54 35121.6401 irw 2 55 35121.0902 1 56,45072.2702 1 57 35121.6403 2 58 35121.1703 2J 59 35121.1503 2 60 45072.3402 1 2 61 35121.6901 I 1' 62:45072.3604 ____i_.___.___. 1; 63 35121.2305 I 1 64 45072.3703 I 1 65 35121.2402 1 66.35121.2404 _ 11 67 35121.9013 I 1 68.35121.66-02 ► 2 69.35121.6601 2 70'35125.2905 2 71 35121.9004 I 2 72 35121.9057 .__I_.__..-_.__._.__.-_-__.1 73.35121.3302 I 1 74 35121.4104 1 75 35121.3901 21 Y 76 35121.3802 -- 11 77 35121.3701 ' .11 78 35121.3602 I 2 79 35121.3206 2 0 35121.4901 2 81'45072.1112 1 82 35121.4105 1 2 35121.3404 ( 2 45072.5704 2 _--.__._ 85'45072.5702i 1 86,45072.1213 �' 2 87 35121.6314 1 88x35121.6310 __.�__._-.._. 1 89135121.6322 . 90135121.6323 I 1 91135121.9056 1_ 2� 92;45072.6804 1 - F______.. 93,45072.1608 - _I _ 1 9445072.1207 1 95155121_5101_._.-_._ __t_. 2 96145072.1206 I 1 97;45072.1208 1 98 35121.4608 99 35121.5001 1 21 100 45072.1209 1 101.45072.6401 i 21 rr 102'45072.1720 4 1 i._..__...-._._.__ 103;45072.6608 ! 2 104145072.1210 i 1 1005121.6210 1 106 35121.6211 } _ 1 I 107;45072.1503 (� i. 108;35121.9015 }_.. 1( 109;35121.9047 11 110'45072.1702 1; 111 35121.9046 1 112.35121.5201 21 113;45072.1725 2 114'45072.1709 , 11 115'45072.1506 1 116.35121.6255 117,45072.11710 1 _.__.. 118;35121.5501 1' 119145072.1505 11 120'45072.1712 1 '. -- - 121 45072.1507-- � 11I 122'45072.1711 ( 1 123'45072.6801 i_...__.. . _.__._........._2 124;45072.6802 ..--- 2 125:45072.1607 i 1 126;45072.1602 ( 1 127135121.5601 ( 1 12845072.1714 ( 1 12935121 6238 ; 1 130;35121 6232 ( 2 ___131145072.1603 1 ------,._ X132!45072.1718 ( 1 4507___.._ ____ ______--444__' - 133 45072.1716 ( 4444 1 � . _._...__.__ 134135121.6223 - _.__,...� 1 ____._-___ _--_._.__.__.__..__ _ ___._.__ _._ 13545072.1601 _ (_-__ ____ ___1 -- -- - 13635121.5602 j_... ______.___1 137135121.9021 -_1 1 __-- ----------- 138135121.6242 ( 2 -----5544._ 139;45072.6803 _� _ �- 31 140!45072.172711 (~ f______..___...._....__. 141;45072.1717 ___L__________._1 �--4454.----•------- ..� - - 14245072.1606 1_ -_1 .._..._..._._._----_.......444 --- 143 35121.5901 _ 1 ---- µ 14_4_145073.0110 - �, 1 _ 14545072.1605 _� 2 - -� 4555_ - 146{35121.6001 ( ._. 11 14735121.6101 1 ! 148 45073.1903 1 2 t_.-..-....__...____.-- 149 45073.2001 2 k....._.___.. . -._... 150 45074.9085 i 2 ( 151 35124.0113 F 2. 15245073.2109 ( 1 153 45073.2002 ( 1 154 35124.0801 1 155 35124.0802 ! 1 156,45073.2108 ( 1, 157:35124.3203 ( 1 158;45073.9066 !_ 1 159135124.0116 [ 2 160;45073.2112 I 1; 161135124.3101 ( 1 162135124.3201 1 163135124.0815 164135124.3202 1 165'35124.2705 { 1 166 35124.0807 ( 1:: 167 35124.3204 ! 1 168 35124.0808 ( 1; 169 35124.3205 ( 1 170 35124.0813 - 1 17135124.3206 ( 1 45073.0302 { 1' 173 ( 45072.0804 � 1: 174;45072.2201 ( 2' 175 45072.2204 I 1 176 35121.0217 ( 1. 177,45072.2203 1 178'45072.2506 11 179 45072.2304 -- - 1 180;35121.0218 ( 1 181;45072.0801 .._.----__.._- _._--1 182;35121.0219 ( 1 183145072.2501 ( 1 ' 184;45072.2401 ( 1 185145072.0802 1 186145072.2402 _.w 1 187145072.3301 _ 18845072.3105 ; 1 169145072.7303 (._._-- _ _..:1 1.90145072.3003 ( __ 1 - 191145072.3106 ( _. 1 192145072.7302 __ 1 193 45072.0805 _ _ 1 195145072.7301 L 1 i f.__.._..- 196 45072.0803 i 2i 197 45072.3306 _._... 198 45072.3205 __i 1.1 199 45072.3203 1 200 45072.0702_._...__.._�.,.._ � -- 201;45072.0806 21 202;45072.3802 I 1 F - 203;45072.3801 ! 11 204'45072.3803 205 45072.0704 1 206 45072.0807 1 20745072.4703 1 1 208`45072.0901 1 1 209:45072.4106 1 210;45072.0904__ , 11 1' 21_2j45072.0912 211145072.4004 i _ 212j45072.0912 2. 213;45072.0907 I 2. 214145072.5403 2 215145072.4603 2 2161,45072.4602 1 217'4-8072.0911 3 218;45072.4904 L 1 219:45072.4901 1 1 i 220'45072.4803x..._._......_.__._._.__.11 221'45072.4802 { 2! 222 45072.1007 11 223145072.1008 11 224'45072.1019 i 2 225 45072.4809 1 1 226,45072.1009 I 1 227'45072.1012 22645072.1011 e 229'45072.1010 1 230;45072`5801 _..-.__...____. �..__...1 231145072.5902 232;45072.1310 2331450721302 i 1 234145072.6103 ! 1 ------- -------------- j-_- 235145072.6001 I 1.1 • 236145072.6002 _ 1� 237;45072.6003 __u _- 1� 238145072.1311 _�___ --.2 23945072.1312 � 2 , 240145072.6102 241145074.2307 1 -- ` 1 242145074.2302 f 1 _W - 243145073.2113 2! 244(35124.0105 1 RECEIVED 8101 E.Buckeye Ave Spokane WA99212 1 n PH: 926-4563 FAX: 922-8170 SEP 1 2008 SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT September 9,2008 Attn Karen Kendall City of Spokane Valley City Hall Spokane Valley WA 99206 Dear Karen Kendall, Here is the information you requested. We added a list of parcels that would have been stubbed for future service. The District did not have the funds at the time of sewer construction or the parcels would have been stubbed. The new zoning ordinance will stop all future service activities. As you can see by the list,there are only 5 parcels left with 2.5 acres or more. This has a tremendous impact on the District's Comprehensive Water Plan,future planning,plant investment fees and assessment income. It will also put more of a burden on patrons of the District to totally fund operations in the future. Thank you for your request for information. If we can answer further questions that would alleviate this burden please don't hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, ORCHARD AVE IRRIGATION DISTRICT NO. 6 Mike K. Klein, Sr. Manager RECEIVED SEP 1 1 2008 NA 8101 E.Buckeye/tore-SpokaneWA99212 SPOKANE=VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF `X; i '. PH: 9264563 FAX: 922-8170 COMM)!.1-.,^" ��N fes.cL--:: July 31, 2007 Mayor- Council City of Spokane Valley Spokane WA 99206 SUBJECT: City of Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 06-002 Airport Overlay Zone To Whom It May Concern: The Board of Directors of Orchard Avenue Irrigation recently learned of the City of Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 06-002 having to do with an Airport Overlay Zone. The concern of the Board revolves around the control the Ordinance has over the District's projected internal growth and the substantial impact on loss of revenue. Growth and revenue are specificallyy addressed in the District's ten and six-year Comprehensive Water Plan. The existing patrons will be forced to carry the financial burden of future planned development. In the best interest of the District and the patrons of the District, the Board requests that you consider rescinding the Ordinance and leave the zoning for the area at 3.5 per acre, in line with the surrounding political entities. The Board would have responded in this same manner at an earlier opportunity if the City of the Valley had given the Board its intentions of the zoning change prior to passing the Ordinance. Sincerely, , Orchard Avenue Irrigation District 0 • Jack Bennett President RECEIVED ORCHARD AVENUE IRRIGATION SEP 1 120QB PARCELS STUBBED FOR SERVICE Address Parcel Number Multiple Address cosQnP;E=jo.nP KTHRvyTosvF1V-r1L-Ill .P ocaf r WceN umber 2600 Blk of N Elizabeth 35121.4901 2 2117 N BRADLEY 35124.0813 7915 E GLASS AVE 45063.2715 2 2223 N BRADLEY 35124.0815 7500 BIk of E. Marietta Ave 45072.1113 6714 E MONTGOMERY 35124.0908 7500 Blk of E. S. Riverway 45063.2139 7321 E TRENT 35124.2708 7500 BIk of E. S. Riverway 45063.2140 2321 N COLEMAN RD 35124.2903 7500 BIk of E Kiernan Ave 45063.2210 7821 E S RIVERWAY 45063.2129 on Ella Rd at 7909 E Glass Ave 45063.2707 2 3907 N EDGERTON 45063.2233 on Glass Ave at 8004 E Glass Avi 45063.3110 7904 E GLASS 45063.3202 on Elton Rd at 8004 E Glass Ave 45063.3110 2 3313 N ELLA RD 45063.4104 2906 N CENTER RD 45072.0702 8304 E BUCKEYE 45071.2409 2800 BIk of N Center Rd 45072.0704 3023 N ELLA RD 45072.0801 7600 Blk of E Marietta Ave 45072.1306 2418 N CENTER 45072.1714 7600 Blk of E Marietta Ave 45072.1310 2810 N PARK RD 45072.1804 7700 Blk of E Marietta Ave 45072.4811 3005 N VISTA/FAIRVIEW 45072.2801 8100 Blk of E Marietta Ave 45072.5704 7911 E GRACE 45072.3903 7500 Blk of E Buckeye Ave 45072.1104 East end of S Riverway-2" Unknown 7917 E GRACE 45072.3908 W end of S Riverway-8" Main Ext x 4" Unknown Coleman & Euclid Ave-8" Unknown 8200 BIk of E Buckeye 45072.5101 Stub: Irrigation Service 2705 N VISTA 45072.5203 3423 N PARK RD 35014.0102 7915 E TRENT 45073.1706 7402 E BRIDGPORT 35014.0182 7809 E TRENT 45073.1802 7307 E CARLISLE 35121.6262 7703 E TRENT 45073.1904 2521 N PARK RD 35121.6319 6903 E CARLISLE 35121.9020 6924 E CARLISLE 35121.9056 7103 E TRENT 35124.0601 7103 E TRENT 35124.0602 pe: f i (1e .( -(:� - 5-it iW1)10 <J PRE PARCEL# ACREAGE PRE PARCEL# ACREAGE 45073 .1704 .50 45072 .1602 .54 35124 .0108 .50 RECEIVED 45072 .6103 .54 45063 .2121 .50 45072 .1904 .54 45063 .4415 .50 SEP 1 1 2003 45072 .2702 .54 45063 .3015 .50 SPOKANE VALLEY 35124 .3203 .54 45063 .3421 .50 DEPARTMENT OF 35124 .3204 .54 45063 .4206 .50 COMM I JN!TY DEVE LOPMEPfi 35124 .3205 .54 45072 .1209 .50 35124 .3206 .54 45072 .1210 .50 35121 .6210 .54 45072 .1717 .50 35121 .6238 .54 45072 .1718 .50 45063 .3206 .55 45072 .0802 .50 45063 .3004 .55 35124 .3101 .50 45063 .2241 .55 35124 .0802 .50 35014 .0172 .55 35124 .0801 .50 45073 .2109 .55 35121 .9046 .50 45072 .1607 .55 45063 .3017 .51 45073 .2001 .55 45063 .3313 .51 45072 .1709 .55 45063 .2506 .51 45072 .6801 .55 45063 .2512 .51 45073 .1901 .57 45063 .2606 .51 45072 .1507 .57 45063 .2607 .51 45072 .1506 .57 45063 .2505 .51 45073 .2005 .57 45063 .2406 .51 45072 .0911 .57 45072 .1601 .51 35124 .0808 .57 45072 .6804 .51 35124 .0807 .57 45072 .3703 .51 45072 .7006 .58 45072 .2304 .51 45063 .4011 .58 45072 .0907 .51 35121 .1703 .58 45064 .1913 .52 35121 .2402 .58 45063 .2218 .52 45073 .2108 .58 45072 .5702 .52 45073 .2002 .58 35121 .4104 .52 35121 .6323 .58 45063 .3207 .53 35121 .5501 .58 45072 .6803 .53 45063 .4605 .59 45072 .6802 .53 45072 .0805 .59 45072 .5403 .53 45072 .0806 .59 45072 .0804 .53 45063 .3108 .60 45072 .3003 .53 45063 .4022 .60 45072 .4603 .53 45072 .0807 .60 35121 .6602 .53 35121 .6310 .60 35124 .3201 .53 35121 .5001 .60 35124 .3202 .53 45063 .2142 .61 35124 .3207 .53 45072 .1712 .61 35121 .9021 .53 45072 .6401 .61 45063 .4313 .54 45072 .6608 .61 45063 .4111 .54 45072 .3604 .61 45063 .2509 .54 35014 .0158 .62 PRE PARCEL# ACREAGE PRE PARCEL# ACREAGE 45072 .1213 .62 35121 .6001 .94 45072 .1208 .62 45072 .0702 .95 45072 .1505 .62 45073 .1801 .96 35125 .2905 .62 45072 .1725 .96 45073 .1902 .64 35121 .6507 .99 35121 .2305 .65 45072 .1503 1.00 45072 .1727 .65 45072 .1311 1.00 45073 .2008 .66 45072 .1720 1.00 45072 .1711 .66 35121 .9047 1.00 45072 .0101 .67 45072 .1312 1.00 35121 .3701 .67 35124 .0310 1.01 45063 .3016 .68 35124 .0813 1.01 45063 .3026 .68 45073 .1802 1.04 35121 .6402 .68 35124 .0815 1.05 35121 .6401 .68 45072 .1206 1.06 35121 .0902 .68 45071 .2408 1.11 35121 .9013 .68 45072 .6902 1.14 35121 .6404 .69 45072 .0803 1.17 45073 .1903 .69 35121 .5101 1.58 35121 .4105 .69 35121 .1002 1.78 35121 .3602 .69 45071 .0037 2.03 45073 .1904 .70 45071 .0038 2.51 45072 .1804 .70 35121 .2803 3.22 45063 .2102 .70 35121 .6319 3.23 45063 .2101 .70 35124 .0907 3.24 45063 .3014 .70 35124 .0812 3.50 35121 .6403 .70 45072 .0912 .70 45063 .2133 .72 35011 .0101 .72 45072 .0901 .73 45073 .2112 .75 35121 .6242 .75 45072 .1603 .76 45072 .7007 .77 45063 .3031 .77 35124 .0113 .77 35124 .0410 .78 35121 .6322 .78 35124 .2808 .88 35121 .3901 .90 35121 .3302 .90 35121 .6223 .90 35121 .6211 .90 45063 .2117 .92 45063 .2123 .92 35121 .5201 .94 35121 .5901 .94 (;RVHhI.,,'Pf7KAs7FV. •�-. Department of Community Development . Spokane � .. Valley Planning Division 010 ng ` Iii I L � r' I � i �r- I ^� October 9, 200 • • • • • • T I w ,...µ.ms or Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code SCCtiOfl1$.UO43O Air ort Hazard Overlay) Stiokane ..„,svoil;Vailey C ITYHai ..,,PrlcAslrl Department of Community Development Planning Division ,.... •„-„,1,-.„\i„ .t.,•• „,„,,•,....t , . :-. .. .., . ... ..„.. • . . - -' - .„... , • . .87, c.— :•--. ''.. ^'--,TF"..... -"-' .4- - . I Pr. ; ...,,04. .-c , -, ,,.. ;..P.,'4-'- •C,_:.;r .,- , .--.,:-..i;.t. .., • - ' I. l ..or -•-. 41,:.-,r,,'"-Y, .6 _A , .1 ,gz`b.:t,i, .... , .-•'.., ,:,, - '--•'''. - --L.:--.4,!-'•711a•111091V/Ierl • oli•-"7,,..` ..:1:•rk• ' , •• • . ... . .- - ., -- ' -' - • Pr .'-;14.1-:',40".P../"W....:..., ... 4044t..AM • ..."1444444 4.. • - a' '4". • •I 1 41 • . 'e.....'.6, 1d7;I:.•'''',.7„-Iii I. a•,..4 .. 4 ' • : ..•'F• '...-.4 .. : 4 ... 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Y{> { yJ47. 14HN .. r a 'a far, s '4� b y` a 4 i x`fit J,.�PJ�'r r�d"t'�"�,�+���4�Y.<Cdi������*Ayr dl yLl�fi`k�h ir, � '�r�{�Y'�.�. ' :. „.....,,,,-,„„4,.. : PRY,A•;,, lirr 4,;f44-....t.t.,.."''t1:1„.e44,1ft I: Wiratif: ' 74 a• I/'ip.16;4 ,'A=-,qlw?...43401; &V'' U !!gi�nn•-� ricv,•••iptv4V,I.:::0AA.4 1es A 200 L r Primary Surface Ci7VHaI� ,`•n0<h`1F: p,� <\*". Department of Community Development �.:'^�.. , Spokane k . , , ....*Valley . , Planning Division ;- Section 19.110.030 (Airport Hazard Overlay) Table 19-110-1 Airport Land Use Compatibility Prohibited Uses Airport Land Use Compatibility Zones Prohibited Uses 1 2 3 4 5 6 Single-family `\ Residential • • O O • oti , 1\1 I n/ n/ 1du/ 5 1 du/ Idu/ 2.5 Maximum Density ** a a acres 2.5 acre n/a K acre • Prohibited Uses ** Density limited �r,,.� 0."\.� Department of Community Development ,_r`.,.., : ,.:; , ..�s Spokane f -�• . . .;,, r i �. ��Valley Planning Division " '` Vicinity Map 77-7///',r,%�j///// ''//,`/-//'/;22;//////' ,! -- /, ;%//;'''� /7 /_,/ // 4e 7 '/:://: / ///// / '///////44;49 : 9 daf" )1 41111611110111141- 11.18*;=-4 ' 4WA;141/1144121L")111 : ITYHr. :P... HpY •�.v Department of Community Development ....... ValleyPlanning Division . `• . � t .�S > ] - , r t,J ,� •:vi. , .r 7•.�r '-r : Ott, :...4 ,Yl,} T•• -'i. ' . • y .;. 'r„ - rt- ne• 7 - ,NS.atr � .• • ,•-• `• ► i ' ',9f� �►,. , +i.�}i? . " ie+�M} r Y'cr .-ti- �' — �--.. "� ''''''''',"'''''',"'"'"".1 tm tither .-rn.....,. ' —_ .. �•.,c _ may, • . tis : - �• II o -'-'-; ange to curie -density i i -�� r ,i � tats n. n table r .,..t. �F.- ti .` a '':V/ Y om ; ± .. J},j •ice ��y�. -�+•�} fi +�+Off' t! �' - - ._ ®0''� T'"°' ''`r"`TVF' Department of CommunityDevelopment P Spokane � r ., � �... . .� :.:; �.0 Valley. .__ Planning Division ' Option 2: Allow density :01i,__-, --i, ren . ion ng` i ` :n Zone 6 of the airport t M. 11001114113140Y4 • . f : • x. .. i' ,� . • T. 7 1 siz- i 61 i.e\'''' c if"'' " "F‘ Department of Community Development -11,11,11111111111111"111r., • " .0100Va11e Planning Division , - ......---, i 3 3 2 45, Legend Option 2 6 .. ...., . si I - ----1 L__—_, I CO _L...__ — 1 ........ 'FPALT 'PA m tsc,05 "-%" :-,' ,.,-•• r, P .. I— ri WILE fal ':"..\''\\., GO -,. t•-,..6 ._ .ao i MI L_:6„.. 1 ,1 .., ..-..• ,....---2 ,,,,Nre:: - ___, _ ,r,•,.,‘•Nx ...% ......,- ;..1: E I L-v, 91124111Elll ., .. - • ......9' .4•F".--• 9`..Z.,43r,m -- ..n i i ,=,,..... .„,-.4-,.:.„..i t-,..- - .......• ...., - ,........-- rr. , Ye NA A a 0 WA9 •,..m. 1.1 M N I NO ... c _ ........... , i A .----- ,___ g ..a.• '''. A A. "-2 Amum... I I Ai C.: z , - '-'- . A 77-• --- -- ... •-o•,,,,0,0 .-..-.,.. .g....._________./7 c.,- -4.••••,- '.•.•-•• Silokane ITYH.,1,,V.P1)(6, Nalfti ( WI Department of Community Development .1111111.11 ..000Valley , Planning Division • Option 3 : - Allow density to be limited to the R-2 zoning regulations within Zone 6. f lTYHAI 'er((''Jry p Department of Community Development ~"' ' S okane _ - -_y. Valle Planning Division ,--aka Option 3 / . r Ni `k. . _ riii \ tY , IzEi - ii \ED t ! ‘.5. o's. ,f . i \ . ---..7.--,C —— ) .- ---'17-rJ Cl I rrl a i_T_1• I If EL n -�mz n .rev `�. `.1:.�-n,-. 0 --1 Pu AJlowe 3-1 .... r I c ...., ,jam. i x - PL... WV F —_tai.. 4....F�..Y#� rt ......1Z �ase ` ` - --i .. . _...____ ;. yr - l Parcels highlighted in pink are 20k or greater in the R-2 zone. •/�-. "TY"" "'` Department of Community Development Spokane Valle Planning Division .5 3 \ , 2 4 ` Option 3 \ 1ma air t _ a /rte cP +•cs` 5 a `i 11 fi ,,, ii �l' It n •./ °. ,N: _ a ,.K, .��... ;J . . : r Tl4� • • - �s \ 1 FY L_1 J I -,, :3 I i J- "" 4 , t\' 1 i r•'''' Y ` �T{ Mount..- _I �.�.. '. _ l- � S i, . r :a .. W4 i s . I _ 1. r� 1\i 4 Parcels highlighted in pink are 20k or greater in the R-4 zone. "TY"A,..,,rn.,e4kif` Department of Community Development 111W.11111.171. Spokane ~ .1 Vall• Planning Division .. Option 4: Allow density of underlying zone within Zone 6, however development must comply with a minimum of one (1) of the following criteria; a. The site had water and sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; b. Contiguous parcel with a minimum lot size less than or greater to underlying zone. c. More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. 0.0"......4, CITYHAI 1....10C;<AYR i` spokane ... Department of Community Development .,,-;:-...,..-,:, ., :: . .,,,,,,„,„ ,. , ....,, .. ..,,..,„ : . t,.,... .,. \ . • ' ' - ''. -- -- 4,000Vallev .. . 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"TY" �,P Department of Community Development ,'""l" Spokane "� .. �_ . . ._._ . . ��Valle r Planning Division .y : . Code Amendment Analysis • The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; and • The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. t,T,„ t :,.fFv t. ane Department of Community Development y' Spok Valley Planning Division - rrs. '' k4 ` 1 4 I •Y ; t, I; 1 1 1-',r,''• • 1.-I. rt Questions ?