Agenda 02/22/2007 SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Avenue February 22, 2007 6:00 to 9:00 pm I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS Old Business — New Business — Public Hearing —Title 24, Building Codes Public Hearing —Title 19, UDC Zoning Public Hearing —Title 22, Design Standards X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Xl. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF Gail Kogle, Chair Marina Sukup, AICP Robert Blum, Vice-Chair Greg McCormick, AICP Fred Beaulac Scott Kuhta, AICP John G. Carroll Mike Basinger, AICP David Crosby Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Ian Robertson Deanna Griffith Marcia Sands www.spokanevalley.orq Uniform Development Code Title 24 2003 goof framing hbntzing 141111111111 Ceiling joists •The city's building code is currently located in a section of Title 10 of the floor * framing Spokane Valley Municipal Code • New format locates the Building Code in its own Title— Title 24 Load-bearing Foundation "baring' walls � and footing Why Adopt the State Building Code Again ? The State Building Code Council reviewed , amended , and adopted the 2006 International Building Codes which becomes effective July 1 , 2007 Format Changes ❑All code adoptions now found in section 24 .40 . 020 and identified as State adopted codes , where appropriate ❑ Located all local amendments in section 24 .40 . 030 : mostly administrative : fees, permit expiration , local design criteria , process details ❑ Grading code located in section 24 .50 Summary of Changes ➢ No substantive changes—reformatted current municipal code language—no new local requirements ➢ Eliminated language already contained in the statute or the body of the State Codes ➢ Replaced the 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings ( UCADB ) ____ UCADB was outdated and no longer maintained by the model code organization ➢ Adoption of the International Existing Building and Property Maintenance Codes with local amendments effectively replaced the UCADB International Property Maintenance Code ( IPMC) ➢ Added local definitions for "blight" and "drug" properties to IPMC ➢ Eliminated "appearance" related regulations from the IPMC Works in conjunction with the International Lim.Existing Building Code to provide a coordinated approach to code compliance issues ----Lrl- Any Questions ? r- Department of Community Development Spokane ��Valle Planning Division , _. Title 19 - Zoning Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING February 22, 2007 CITYHALL.SPOKANFY 't` S . •ate. Department of Community Development ,:, t Spokane " ,� Ualla _ Planning Division Major Components • Establishes zoning districts •:* R-1 — Single-family Residential Estate •: R-2 — Single-family Suburban ❖ R-3 — Single-family Urban ❖ MF-1 — Multi-family Medium Density + MF-2 — Multi-family High Density •: MUC — Mixed Use Center •: CMU — Corridor Mixed Use + CC — City Center + GO — Garden Office •: O — Office •: NC — Neighborhood Commercial •: C — Community Commercial •:® RC — Regional Commercial ❖ I-1 — Light Industrial •:* 1-2 — Heavy Industrial •: CF — Community Facilities CITYHALLrS P(3KA NFY r. Sp�kan ``` Department of Community Development _ _,:,. Planning Division Major Components xcon3t) ❖ Non-conforming provisions ❖ Supplemental residential zoning district regulations ❖Accessory residential structures ❖ Manufactured Homes and Manufactured Home Parks ❖ Home Occupations ❖Animal raising and keeping ❖ Planned Residential Development (PRD) ❖ Supplemental non-residential zoning district regulations ❖ Essential Public Facilities (EPF's) C ITYHA L L@ S POKA N FY SO6kan' `"`` Department of Community Development _ ,:, t7L,, r. • ,� Ualla _ Planning Division Major Components (con 't) ❖ Special Overlay Zones Medical Office (reserved) Auto Row (reserved) ❖ Airport Hazard ••• Pipeline Hazard 4, Permitted and Accessory Uses ❖ Site Plan Review ❖ Administrative Exception ❖ Conditional Use Permits ❖ Temporary Use Permits ❖ Variances . • CITYHALLpSP(3KANFDepartment of Community Development S�7ol��.IiC Vail: 40000 - , Planning Division Nonconforming Uses ❖ Policy Issues — Allow expansion on site Allow expansion on adjacent property Rebuild provision ❖ Discontinued use for more than 12 months ❖ Replace with another nonconforming use s'pokane Department of Community Development .�� Planning Division Supplemental Residential Regulations ❖ Accessory structures ❖ Limit of 10% of lot size — no minimum + Manufactured Homes ❖ New standards include set on foundation, pitched roofs, etc. + Home Occupations ❖ Eliminates the Home Industry provision ❖ Allows Home Occupations to occupy accessory structures ❖ Typical development standards _. Department of Community Development _ Spokaneeveer . ., Planning Division Supplemental Residential Regulations (con't) ❖Animal raising & keeping ❖Minimum lot size — 40,000 sq. ft. ❖Limit on animals — 3 large animals per acre or 6 smaller animals per acre ❖ Small animals/fowl — 1 per 3 ,000 sq. ft. gross lot ❖Additional structure setbacks ( 10') for structures housing animals or poultry Department of Community Development � Planning Division Planned Residential Development (PRD) ❖Purpose — allows flexibility in design, preserve critical areas, variety of housing types ❖Permitted Uses — Underlying zoning district. Larger PRD 's ( 10 acres) Neighborhood Commercial uses allowed. ❖Development standards. ❖ Open space requirements (30%) Spokane Department of Community Development ��Valle. Planning Division ❖ Essential Public Facilities — regional process ••• Special Overlay Zones ❖ Medical Office (reserved) ❖ Auto Row (reserved) ❖ Airport Hazard — no changes ❖ Pipeline Hazard — delineation of areas, notification requirements ❖ Permitted/Accessory Use Charts ❖ No changes since last discussion ❖ Land Use Permits ❖ Site Plan Review ❖ Administrative Exception ❖ Conditional Use Permits ❖ Temporary Use Permits ❖ Variances . Department of Community Development ��Valle Planning Division , _. Questions? 0•0*N.4. S1ö1ne Ill-,Mi Title 22 - Design & Development Standards Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING Community Development Department February 22, 2007 Background The City adopted the Spokane County Development Regulations as interim measures (Ord . No. 03-052) Development Regulations should be finalized by March 31 , 2007 to meet the four year statutory requirement Planning Commission has held hearings on Titles 17, 18, 19 and 21 Development Regulations are intended to implement the Plan and cannot be inconsistent with the Plan Title 22 was sent to CTED on January 27, 2007. Comments on the SEPA Determination of Non- Significance were to be submitted by February 16, 2007. Contents Concurrency • Performance Standards & Incentives (Reserved) • Dimensional Standards • Evacuation & Emergency Response Incentives (Reserved) • Off-street Parking & Loading • Outdoor Lighting • Fencing, Screening & Landscaping • Sign Regulation • Wireless Communication Facilities • Streets, Sidewalks & Public Places Street Vacations Stormwater Management Concurrency Required for water, wastewater & transportation Concurrency for other services is optional Dimensional Standards Density no longer a criterion for zoning Open space required for multi-family development Open space requirements may be reduced up to 50% for improvements Minimum lot sizes reduced New Names — Familiar Zones • New names for old zoning districts R-1 Residential Estate (was UR-1 ) R-2 Residential Suburban (was UR 3.5) R-3 Residential Urban (was UR7*) MF-1 Medium Density Residential (was UR 12) MF-2 High Density Residential (was UR 22) NC Neighborhood Commercial (was B-1 ) C Commercial (was B-2) RC Regional Commercial (was B-3) 11 Light Industrial (was 12) 12 Heavy Industrial (was 13) New Zoning Districts GO Garden Office and 0 Office (formerly included only as UR 12 and UR 22) MUC Mixed Use Corridor CMU Corridor Mixed Use CC City Center Office Commercial Mixed Use Industrial GO 0 NC C RC CC CMU MUC I1 I2 Maximum Building 45 80 35 35 80 80 50 60 40 65 Height (in feet) 22. 40. 010- 1 Residential Zone Dimensional Standards (in feet) R-1 R-2 R-3 M 2 MF-22 PRD Lot Area/Dwelling Unit 25,000 7,500 6,000 3,600 2,000 Underlying zone Lot Width 80 80 65 50 20 30 Lot Depth 100 90 80 80 80 50 E Front & Flanking Street Yard .E Setback(2) 35 15 15 15 15 15 Garage Setback (2) 35 20 20 20 20 20 Rear Yard Setback(1) 20 20 20 10 10 15 Side Yard Setback (1) 5 5 5 5 5 5 Open Space 10% gross area E Lot Coverage 30.0% 50.0% 55.0% 60.0% 65.0% 60.0% E g Building Height (in feet) 35 35 35 40 50 Underlying Zone (1) No accessory structure shall be located in the front or flanking street yard, and shall be setback not less than five feet (5'-0") from any side or rear yard. (2) Attached garages, where the garage door does not face the street, may have the same setback as the principal structure. Changes in Off-Street Parking & Loading Allowance for "shared use" Provisions specific to compact cars, Car/Van pool and accessible parking Stacking & Queuing re: parking lot design Loading spaces for some uses Bicycle parking Outdoor Lighting • Incorporates relevant provisions of Washington Energy Code Requires shielding or cut-down fixtures Regulates walkway lighting poles to 12'-0" Allows parking lot lighting to vary based on the location of the pole from adjacent property Fencing , Screening & Landscaping Clearview triangles pursuant to AASHTO Electric Fences? Landscaping based on a point system Full screen 24 points w/mixture deciduous & evergreen Visual buffer 18 points w/mixture deciduous & evergreen Size of Developed Number of Points Required Area 0-500 sq. ft. Site points = 10 500-2,500 sq ft. Site points = 25 2,500 - 5,000 sq. ft. Site Points = 50 More than 5,000 sq. Site Points = One (1 ) point for each 200 sq. ft. of area over ft. 5,000 sq. .ft. Parking lots Two (2) points per required parking space and one (1 ) point for each proposed additional parking space I'TREE G11AIN A5 NEEDED 1/ ' s 1 rr�4r— IIARDW04'D 527A5 Mg�' a-8 STAKE 2"X 2 I DRIVEN R1rMIN. 155 FIRMLY INTO SUES GRA7` INSPECT d AiJ.:.:.T 05 NEEDED r WALK,ALP11ALT,PAVERS tTC. CURB•WALK,AP:1,„{1'Y.F`C.---1i1 .. 11P i , ki ' 'T? ' I ' 31 '4—1- it HAEKOWN SRAND OR.”`: ROOT 6ARRJER U5C IN NARROW 112CE F'J••`. :;G AJPAS AC?JA.CNT TO HAROSCAPP5 PREVENTS r1ARD.CAPE 17.a.EAGE 5Y ROOT L'PLIFfING Additional 10% points required for aesthetic corridors 25% of points claimed within street ROW 25% for evergreen plantings and 25% for grass outside ROW 60% of points used in front and side yards Root barriers for street trees Parking lot landscaping required 50% of Common areas to be irrigated Landscaping Loading docks to be screened Landscaping for free-standing signs 20% reduction in overall points for xeriscaping Landscape architect must provide design and certify installation Credit for tree preservation Planting details and recommended species Sign Regulations Definitions clarified (See Appendix) Decorative emblems or standards Pennants & banners without copy allowed Incentive 3 or more businesses sharing a structure Spacing limitation deleted Temporary Signs Special events allowed with a single permit (4/year) Pennants & Banners with copy require temporary permit (30days + 30 day extension) Alteration, construction, sale or lease of real property Aesthetic Corridors — monument signs only "Cap and replace" policy in place for billboards Wireless Communications Continues existing regulations Streets , Sidewalks & Public Places • Retains current standards for street & sewer construction , AASHTO and MUTCD � Adopts Regional Pavement Cut Policy with clarification Street Vacations Retains current provisions Stormwater Management Retains adopted provisions