1992, 07-29 Permit: 92005863 Garage, Sun PorchSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BRO4.DWAY.AVENUE "'-' SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF ‘......0) OWNER OR AGENT seAcmil PROJECT NUMBER= 92005063 APPLICATION DATE ISSUED PERMIT ,. 3f 3e 3e 3r ie �li..p}:�f..}r;.}i.:}r;.):;:;c.)f'Nr)i)iii'dp aitif de ii��)i'd4 :n} PERMIT 1'u -1 q;r't Fr! .1. SITE:: STREET= 2017 N LAURA RD ADDRESS- SPOKANE WA 77212 PERMIT !.JSE= GARAGE (EXISTING SLAB) i& SUN F'{_Ji'.:f:;'"J '( E..::: ]_ 'STING DECK) 7-079-90? TE= 07/:29/7 PAGE= 01 45074 __ 0322 PL.rtiT4n 002374 [IAT f4,' ME.= WE_F i '\/ AREA= 00011000 iF /}:)= ,. rtl.. Si+L_IJC�S''�= i :g: .(>In!E::L..i....LN�_.,..__ OWNER= DILLS, WILLIAM r"i STREET= RF::E'.T= .:2l'/Ii N LAURA RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99212 CONTACT NAME= WILLIAM A DILLS BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= I::::•;:I:;.'.' 'EFT. IEr.:i:S RIG-1 !:r.E;; i?i.(:IE,::: I.;;;i WI t';'t i I )ISI = FtEi(JNE= Iiii.7E pJIfI"1.1:;1'1:!: d4 34 3 P. N'3i i4-J—)f )( 3(* 3( )r, 3 )4 3' h P) )t V) )4' 34 )i )4 343:34' 3 r 3P i:B (.! ]: L...1) i‘J. I N RACTOPv DIL.i...S c;ONSTRLJiCTI N INC" STREET:::. 201; t,; LAURA RE) Ai,l;i?I::::'S::. SPOKANE WA ',-':-.'.'i.. NEW= F:Ei:i ;.1t E1 DWELL UNITS= BLDG W X 1) .-. X 1 REO PARKING= 0HANDICAP DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE GARAGE (i , VN ,SLIN PORCH R""3 VN ]:TEM DESCRIPTION TION RESIDENTIAL.. VALUATION STATE SURCHARGE RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE ITY 3134$4 'd- 4ie n)) H :li.:li.il' )( •R'j4')f'.b}.)f: lt' )e 34 )4 )i.: ..)4' P. * )t )t )\' )t )4' )4 )l' Pf ii N r)7 CHANGE G, S MW.:1 t VALUATION 2240, 00 10'56.00 FEE AMOUNT tt :34 43i.3A34 e444434*3A)93e443A34)4 34'36.)& 343 i. 34' 3c 3f .}r:4':: PAYMENT T:i-ii•)FtiS RY * 3s 3434 dh i'.. .. u' k343434* 3(1HH43434x 3434)436 is ii PAYMENT .DATE REi:CEIFT1 07/29/9? j•? '': 4: 1OTA1,, DUE:: PERMIT TYPE EEE: AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID BUILDING PERMIT 78:.84 78,8.4 76,84 76,04 PAYMENT AMOUNT (Ci. C1 9 TOTAL PAID= 7S,E AMOUNT OWING PROCESSED l;('i : JULIE SI-ift T TO PRINTED ruf' JULIE SHAFT() ..... )f 34 )i: l4 '3}4.3t 3i: 34' j6 )OHI: 3': )4 3t' 3. )4 )k')4 )r'Ii; )t )4' Il' 14' 3) )6 3)'1C f E"I4j {V P. '( 1,J: J 3i }i_ 36 fi) Pi Y: 34 $. )i 4 3' 3i' P} :u} de {r} :➢: 3e 3) 3i: 3( 3i' If )t 3t' )( *X**