1991, 11-01 Permit: 91006648 SewerSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER== 91006648 _SSUEI) PERMIT 3i pi3i dii) .... 3i�3i�.yi. di�3i dt 3i di�TJ �ii�3e 3i�3i�3t 3ER3r erre.yE.H..H..yd _'::.I DATE= 11/01/91 PAGE= i'7i 4T INFORMATION i)e idddidtr: r es 3 h r 33a.e -. 13, LN PARCEI...:g:_::22541-1503 ,S I: TC_ STREET= .�� S LEATHA ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 PERMIT USE= SEINER CONNECTION -- IJLIIi 903 3i.## SEE NOTE 3t33r PLATA'- 001436 B1.00It= AEREf. OF BI..DGS-:: OWNER=:: STREET= ADDRESS= PLAT NAME= I.'/A=: DWI: LLINGS MASON, RICHARD 319 S LEATHA LN SPOKANE WA 9921 LEATHA LANE ADD 3 ZONE= AI.vSUf WIDTH= 1 WATER DIST PHONE= CONTACT NAME= LEONARD PHONE BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= NA LEFT= NA RIG iT-= N1-1 1*.7i..7i.3i..P. *.ii..ii..yi..ii..Ji..* 3i..yi..h..* *.h: R. T. 3R..3..N..yi..yi..yi..yi..yi..yi. SEWER 3i'38R3* PERMIT CONTRACTOR=:: H S CONSTRUCTION STREET= 11817 E:: VAL_LE:YUA'T` AVE. ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 3i ii d4 3i 3i -7t ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PROCESSING FEE Y SEWER CONNECTION .1 3+:3i3&3i..ft..ii.3i.7i..k..ii..yi..yi..LiR.3i..k..h.R.R..7E.y{..ii..Ji.3E i'AY1`i E:NT ;•IJM'lf=1RY ai'**3i'3*3* D11711. - DEPTH= .11711.::: DEPTH= NUMBER== 509 926 8964 PEAR= NA 3i 38 34 3,' 'n: 3t ,.', * i;..yi 3* it 3i 34 **.i:***** PHONE= 509 2.6 Q964 FEE AMOUNT f 10,00 40,00 #3F3i:: ii.*R3t3*3@34 h' R 32Ar W3 di* PAYMENT DATE 11/01/91 TOTAL DUE:::: PERMIT TYPE:: SEWER PERMIT PR(3 SED Er,NTE:D RECEIPT 8264 .00 TOTAL PAYMENT AMOUNT 50400 ------------ PAID= 50.00 FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID? 50.00 50..00 50400 50,00400 AMOUNT OWING 400 BY: JULIE. SHATTO BY: JULIE SHATTO SEWER STUB AS—BUILT INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT UTILITIES DEPARTMENT .;456-3604) CONTRAC'T'OR OR APPLICANT IS TO FIELD LOCATE ELEVATION AND POSITION OF SEWER STUB PRIOR EXCAVATION TO LOCATE I..r2LL.. 13LEI3 SE:wER HA' 1 * *****i 3i:R3i3i3i.*** * Ti3*.i.:p:3i :a.*3* BURIED? C::AliL_E THE C'.OI.JNTY AND CONFIRM RM 'T'HE TO ANY C1'1-I..IIER , GAS PIPING; WATER LI E YOU Dli_. %',r.-8000) ARE TO DE CHECKED PRIOR TO GONNr ARE CLEAR AND UNOBSTRUCTED TO 711E CALL [lit.' INSPECTION .l.1ji' P_ RI TO COVER , :(!3 HOUR NOTICE I':'I {:,4).l. ��. 1:.✓ 456-3604 3Edi..7E.7iit: 3 R#R36*3**3tt*3e*M.:ni*3 TI -TANK YOU 3i..Ji.3i..n.,i..7r ECT. _IN -f0 INSURE IzJER MAIN ............. t..�t..r, .n..a..x..n. 3*3*j *** 7t'NR't**h.* i53*3*3*3i ii k3rR iF rW dE 3r