03-051.00 Spokane County Harrington Sewer ProjectMemorandum of Understanding Between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County Regarding Pavement Replacement Coat Sharing in the Harrington Sower Project WHEREAS the City of Spokane Valley (the CITY) has incorporated and is planning to enter into an interlocal agreement with Spokane County (theCOUNTY) to facilitate the continued design and construction of the OUN'TYs Sewer Program within the ITY's oorporete limits. WHEREAS the CITY desires that the roads impacted by the construction cf sewers in the Harrington Sewer Project be reconstructed to the full preconstruction width, or widened, for ars improved roadway surface. WHEREAS the CITY also desires that pavement replacement work be extended in some areas beyond the limits of sewer construction - WHEREAS the cost of such full width, additional width, and additional length of road reconstruction is not funded by the COLINTY's Sewer Program, and said cost will need to be paid by the CITY. THEREFORE, the CITY and the C 0UNTY do hereby agree as follows: 1. The peroentges shown below shalt provide the basis for cost sharing on the crushed surfacing and pavement bid items included in the Harrington Sewer Project, based upon the road reconstruction limits reflected in the table attached hereto as Exhibit A. coess Roads: Crushed Surfacing Asphalt Concrete Paving Arterial Roads: Crushed Surfacing Asphalt Concrete Paving COUNTY SHARE CITY SHARE 54.1% 45-9% 81.1% 18-9% 85.0% 15,0% 92.8% 7,2% - The IT's share and the COUNTY's share of the cost shall be determined using the actual contract prices that result from the competitive bid for the Harrington Sewer Project- The amount of the ITY's total share based Capon preliminary estimates is $258,920 as indicated on Exhibit A- The CITY and the COUNTY recognize that this estimate is for planning purposes, and that the actual amount will be based upon final quantities and actual contract prices. 3. In the event that the CITY decides to make additions to the scope of the work indicated on Exhibit A, a corresponding adjustment shall be made to the CITY's share of the cost based upon the resulting increase in pay quantities and the associated contract bid prices. 4. During the construction of the Harrington Sewer Project, the COUNTY will provide monthly invoices to the CITY for the CITY'S share of the completed roadway replacement. Upon receipt of the invoices, the CITY shall provide payment to the COUNTY within 30 calendar days. SPOKANE COUNTY: By:9Date: County Utilities Director CITY • •By:a ''.c./ Gi/� D- v. Public• �� • Memorandum of Understanding Exhibit A Harrtnatan pavnRntA,xn Flanlr<11.5".ACP and c-MrIpy in irons whcro 1750 V $227_50 Sewer Pro(,ect dggs not remove a:.p�pnj513.00LL1y� 0 Deas not include 8roarAv [Vista irner•..ecticn V 0 1 D Velbyway Av Vista Rd Marguerce Ro -Rd 2,2W.0 20 4,444 511 _ 2.0 _ i< 4 72 495.56 55.06 II S4 G88,G_ $9.151.32 Valle a Av f4er elite Pigonne Rd 450.0 16 --4D- 1100 x50 510,404 22 200.00 2222 V 51 391.< $2,132 _3 Vista Rd Hnrrin s, Avc Smadwa• Av 5,895.0 8,089 1 SO 40 0.00 0.06 50.00 $0.O3 a VI&1a Rd ErwdAay Cw4tldoAv 675,0 20 D 1,500 $D 24 3OD.00 33.33 S2.837.23 53,02202 AO,i Av Vista Rd A me Rd 2.637.0 18 4,56D 700_58,620 584.x4 64,93 II 55527,35 $9,812.2 Bnssia Rd Harrington Av Mein Av 53.0 0_ _ 0 SD `20 20 i 17,78 13,09 V St 113. 5197.74_ 5 Bess;a Rd Main AV a=dwn Av _ ;,8810.0 18 ii 3,220 540 ! 270 1 $5,107 20 417.78 :O.OD 5395;.11 $7,014.0 Bessto Rd E=*xa• Av C6rraldOAv 625.0 20 U 1.339 $0 20 _20 20 40 _ 0,00_ 335.56 040 0.00 0.00 37.28 0,00 0.06SO.M 50.00 1) $3,173,60 V $0.00 $2,331,81 Cataldo Av _ Yrs Rd Sergent Rd 1510.0 16 !i 3,02D _ $D- 55.633.6 54,159.9. 51,044.8° _ Cataldo Av 14(r West at Ar o me Rd 1.115.0 _ 2D 2,x76 0 0 SO 350 0 80 $3,303 Cataldo Av 140' WW cnra Rd Ar9cme Rd ;4A.0 40 267 = Hartington Av Ves1a Rd Hurcnlnscn Ra 2.380,0 I9 V 4,440 320 11 160 $3,026 20 528.89 56.76 55,00;. $9,879,5 G Hutchinson Rd Rivefside Av Valleyy.�ayA.v 11,113D. i6 2260 V 50 26 251.11 27.90 J $2,374,87 $4,215.91 Main Av Harrington Av crre Rd --- 2,3.$16.0 16 4,x20 _ 170 i 90 $1,608 20 511,11 56.78 V S4 333.8 _ 53,564.2 Mar9mrlto Rd Harrir ton Av Man Av 264.0 14 i SO 14 0.00 O.OD 50.00 ^ $0.03 7 Marguerite Rd Main Av CdlaldoAv 2,530,0 I9 1 4,400 1 50 27_ 562.22 8248 55,317,1 $8,331,0_ 8 Rivenlde Av HutcWnson Rd _ .k9ame_ _ _ _ 316.8 16 _ _ S0 18 0.00 1 0,00 V $0.00 $0.00 9 Sargent Rd Harrir ton AV Valle •e Av 810.0 18 1,2,00 so 20 $80.00 1 20.00 51,702.34 52,417.6' 10 Sargent Rd Vall .i Av C.italCo Av 1,870.0 20 2,911 12G7 I 560 I $15.980 Za 0.00 O.OD 506.00 $7,014. Harrtnatan pavnRntA,xn