2015, 10-13 Regular Meeting AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT MEETING Tuesday, October 13,2015 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Avenue Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION: Pastor Isaac Hebden, The Intersection Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT PROCLAMATION: n/a PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except those on this agenda as action items. (Action items include public hearings, and those items under NEW BUSINESS. Public Comments will be taken on those items at the time those items are discussed.) When you come to the podium,please state your name and city residence for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 1.PUBLIC HEARING: 2015 Budget Amendment—Chelsie Taylor 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of vouchers on October 13,2015 Request for Council Action Form Totaling $ b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending September 30,2015: $457,394.44 c. Approval of September 15,2015 Study Session Format Council Meeting Minutes d.Approval of September 22,2015 Formal Format Council Meeting Minutes e.Approval of September 29,2015 Study Session Format Council Meeting Minutes NEW BUSINESS 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-016 Property Tax—Chelsie Taylor [public comment] 4.First Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-018 Amending 2015 Budget—Chelsie Taylor[public comment] 5.First Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-019 Adopting 2016 Budget—Chelsie Taylor [public comment] 6.Motion Consideration: Stormwater Construction Grants—Eric Guth [public comment] 7.Motion Consideration: Sullivan Road W. Bridge Changes are 'de minimis"—Steve Worley [public comment] Council Agenda 10-13-15 Formal Format Meeting Page 1 of 2 PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except those on this agenda as action items. (Action items include public hearings, and those items under NEW BUSINESS. Public Comments will be taken on those items at the time those items are discussed.) When you come to the podium,please state your name and city residence for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 8. Community Development Block Grant,2016 Program Project List—Mike Basinger 9.Advance Agenda—Mayor Grafos INFORMATION ONLY: n/a CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT General Meetinj'Schedule(meeting schedule is always subject to change) Regular Council meetings are generally held every Tuesday beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Formal meeting formats are generally held the 2'and 4th Tuesdays. Formal meeting have time allocated for general public comments as well as comments after each action item. The Study Session formats(the less formal meeting)are generally held the 1st 3rd and 5th Tuesdays. Study Session formats DO NOT have time allocated for general public comments;but if action items are included, comments are permitted after those specific action items. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing,or other impairments,please contact the City Clerk at(509)921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Council Agenda 10-13-15 Formal Format Meeting Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 13, 2015 Department Director Approval: QX Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business new businessX_ public hearing 111 information ❑admin. report 111 pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing on the proposed 2015 Budget Amendment. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: In order for the City to amend an adopted budget, State law requires the Council to approve an ordinance that appropriates additional funds. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council last took formal action on the 2015 Budget when it was adopted on November 17, 2014. On September 22, 2015 an Administrative Report was delivered to Council regarding the need for a budget amendment. BACKGROUND: Since the initial adoption of the 2015 Budget on November 17, 2014, a number of events have transpired in the normal course of operations that necessitate a 2015 Budget amendment. They include: #001 - General Fund Provide additional appropriations (expenditures) of$1,278,712 comprised of: • $15,575 reduction in recurring Parks and Recreation professional services and increase in transfers to Fund #309 for preliminary design costs related to the Mission Trailhead Landscaping and Pocket Dog Park capital projects. • $31,000 reduction in recurring expenditures for PEG capital items which are being moved to new PEG Fund #107. • $267,300 transferred to new PEG Fund #107 to move the restricted cash balance. • $25,000 reduction in nonrecurring expenditures for PEG capital items which are being moved to new PEG Fund #107. • $145,000 reduction in professional services related to the Comprehensive Plan Update due to a revised timeline for the project. • $639,300 reduction in the cost estimate for the Police CAD / RMS. • $4,300 for replacement of the Precinct gate motor. • $4,600 for a radar recorder for the Police Department. • $36,000 for repairs to the roof at CenterPlace. • $23,300 for minor renovations that were completed in early 2015 to City Hall to bring the Permit Center into the main building and move Finance to the old Wells Fargo space. • $1,783,512 transferred to Capital Reserve Fund #312 which represents the 2013 yearend fund balance in excess of 50%. Decrease revenues by $140,775 comprised of: • $89,200 reduction in gambling tax revenues due to reducing the gambling tax rate on card games to 6% effective July 1, 2015. • $92,000 reduction to move the Comcast PEG contribution to new PEG Fund #107. • An increase of $40,425 transferred from the Solid Waste Fund #106 to repay the General Fund for solid waste program costs in 2013 and 2014. This repayment will occur over five years beginning in 2015 at $40,425 per year. 1 #104 — Hotel/Motel Tax—Tourism Facilities Fund Increase revenues by $178,700 reflecting projected hotel/motel tax revenues in 2015 from the 1.3% tax that was effective as of July 1, 2015. This fund was created in 2015 via Ordinance #15-008 on April 14, 2015. #105 - Hotel / Motel Tax Fund The expenditures did not change in total; however, there was a line item change that moved $68,000 from the Tourism Promotion expense account to a transfer to Fund #309, which represents the lodging tax award that was made to the Parks and Recreation Department for the Browns Park volleyball court project. The revenue estimate has been revised upward by $40,000 from $510,000 to $550,000. #106 — Solid Waste Fund Revenues and expenditures each increase by $26,800 reflecting grant proceeds and related grant program expenditures. Also, the expenditures include a transfer $40,425 to the General Fund to repay the General Fund for solid waste program costs in 2013 and 2014. This repayment will occur over five years beginning in 2015 at $40,425 per year. Educational and administrative expenditures were reduced by $13,625 in order to accommodate the transfer out. #107 — PEG Fund This is proposed as a new fund in 2015. Expenditures are increased by $80,400 comprised of: • $68,400 in PEG capital expenditures that were previously included in the General Fund. • $12,000 in PEG reimbursements to Community Minded Television for PEG capital expenditures made as the City's public access channel manager. Revenues are increased $359,300 comprised of: • $92,000 in Comcast PEG contributions that were previously included in the General Fund. • $267,300 transferred from the General Fund to move the PEG restricted cash balance to new PEG Fund #107. #301 — REET 1 Capital Projects Fund Expenditures are increased by $347,433 reflecting a transfer to Street Capital Projects Fund #303 for additional 2015 projects due to revised project schedules. Revenues are increased by $175,000 due to revised projected collections for REET funds. #302 — REET 2 Capital Proiects Fund Expenditures are increased by $47,981 reflecting a transfer to Street Capital Projects Fund #303 for additional 2015 projects due to revised project schedules. Revenues are increased by $175,000 due to revised projected collections for REET funds. #303 — Street Capital Projects Fund This fund is being amended to reflect estimated actual progress on a number of projects as well as updates to estimated project costs. Expenditures and revenues are increased by $652,161, which includes a reduction of the $900,000 to bring the contingency from $1,000,000 to $100,000. As the Fund #303 budget is developed in July prior to the budget year, the City has historically included a $1,000,000 appropriation contingency to absorb changes in project timelines and costs that occur subsequent to the initial budget development process. This $1,000,000 appropriation contingency is then offset by a combination of assumed grant revenues and REET revenues transferred from Funds #301 and #302. 2 #309 — Park Capital Projects Fund This fund is being amended to reflect estimated actual progress on a number of projects. The increases seen in this fund are primarily a result of project bids received exceeding estimated costs. Changes include increases to expenditures/appropriations of $688,725 and increases to revenues of$728,225. Expenditure changes include: • Adding $68,000 to sand volleyball courts to the Browns Park volleyball court project from the 2015 lodging tax grant award. • Adding $23,975 to the Pocket Dog Park project for $8,975 in design costs out of the Parks and Recreation professional services budget in the General Fund #001 and additional construction costs of$15,000 due to bids for construction costs exceeding estimates. • Adding $22,100 to the Mission Trailhead Landscaping project, including design costs of $6,600 out of the Parks and Recreation professional services budget in the General Fund #001 and $15,500 due to bids for construction costs exceeding estimates. • Moving $70,000 initially appropriated for the City entry sign out of 2015 (and into the 2016 Budget through a separate Council action). • Adding a $540,600 appropriation for the Appleway Trail — University to Pines project. • Adding a $104,050 for the Appleway Trail — Pines to Evergreen project. Revenues increases include: • Grant proceeds of$90,000 for the Appleway Trail — Pines to Evergreen project. • A transfer of $15,575 from General Fund #001 for the Old Mission Trailhead Landscaping and Pocket Dog Park projects design costs. • A transfer of $68,000 from Hotel/Motel Tax Fund #105 for the Browns Park volleyball court project. • A transfer of $540,600 from Capital Reserve Fund #312 for the Appleway Trail — University to Pines project. • A transfer of $14,050 from Capital Reserve Fund #312 for the Appleway Trail — Pines to Evergreen project. #310 — Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund • Expenditures increase by $1,140,300 for land acquisition and related professional services costs for the new City Hall site. • Revenues increase by $58,324 reflecting transfers in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312 for land acquisition and related professional services costs for the new City Hall site. #312 — Capital Reserve Fund This fund is being amended to reflect estimated actual progress on a number of projects as well as to include a transfer in from the General Fund #001 and transfers out for the City Hall project. • Expenditures/appropriations of$4,155,738 comprised of: o A reduction of $1,620,000 in transfers from Capital Reserve Fund #312 for the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project. The reduction is the result of the City using grant funds before applying City cash balances to the construction costs. This expenditure has been moved to the 2016 Budget. o An increase of $540,600 reflecting a transfer to Capital Projects Fund #309 for the Appleway Trail — University to Pines project. o An increase of $14,050 reflecting a transfer to Capital Projects Fund #309 for the Appleway Trail — Pines to Evergreen project. o An increase of$58,324 reflecting a transfer to Civic Bldgs Capital Projects Fund #310 for land acquisition and related professional services costs for the new City Hall site. o An increase of $5,162,764 reflecting a transfer to the new City Hall Construction Fund #313 for City Hall architectural and construction costs. 3 • Revenues include a transfer of $1,783,512 from General Fund #001 which represents the 2013 yearend fund balance in excess of 50%. #313 — City Hall Construction Fund This is proposed as a new fund in 2015. Expenditures are increased by $702,400 for architectural services for the new City Hall building. Revenues are increased $5,162,764 reflecting a transfer in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312 for City Hall architectural and construction costs. #402 — Stormwater Management Fund • Expenditures/appropriations increase by $275,340 due to revised schedules on various capital projects. • Revenues increase by $509,674 reflecting the receipt of capital grants for various projects in the amount of $389,674 and an operating transfer from the Aquifer Protection Area Fund #403 of$120,000. #403 —Aquifer Protection Area Fund Expenditures/appropriations did not change in total; however, there is a line item adjustment that reduces the estimated capital expenditures by $120,000 and increases an operating transfer to the Stormwater Fund #402 by $120,000. This budget amendment will create two new funds: • Fund #107— PEG • Fund #313— City Hall Construction The 2015 Budget amendment reflects the changes noted above and will affect 14 funds resulting in total appropriation/expenditure increases of $9,395,990 and revenue increases of $9,708,685. Revenue Expenditure Fund Fund Increase Increase No. Name (Decrease) (Decrease) 001 General Fund (140,775) 1,278,712 104 Hotel / Motel Tax -Tourism Facilities Fund 178,700 0 105 Hotel / Motel Tax Fund 40,000 0 106 Solid Waste Fund 26,800 26,800 107 PEG Fund 359,300 80,400 301 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund 175,000 347,433 302 REET2 Capital Projects Fund 175,000 47,981 303 Street Capital Projects Fund 652,161 652,161 309 Park Capital Projects Fund 728,225 688,725 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund 58,324 1,140,300 312 Capital Reserve Fund 1,783,512 4,155,738 313 City Hall Construction Fund 5,162,764 702,400 402 Stormwater Management Fund 509,674 275,340 403 Aquifer Protection Area Fund 0 0 9,708,685 9,395,990 4 OPTIONS: Future options are to accept the proposed amendments in whole or in-part. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: The purpose of this evening's public hearing is to consider input from the public on the proposed budget amendment and no action is required of Council at this time. Anticipated future action by the Council includes: • October 13, 2015— First reading of Ordinance #15-018 amending the 2015 Budget. • October 27, 2015— Second reading of Ordinance #15-018 amending the 2015 Budget. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This action amends the estimated revenues and appropriations for the 2015 Budget that was adopted on November 17, 2014. There are adequate funds available to pay for these amendments. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: • Fund level line-item detail of revenues and expenditures. 5 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #001 -General Fund Recurring Revenues Card Games - Reduction in gambling tax rate for card games 446,000 (89,200) 356,800 Comcast PEG Contribu - Move PEG to new Fund #107 92,000 (92,000) 0 Total recurring revenues (181,200) Recurring Expenditures Professional Services - Transfer to Fund#309 for Mission Trailhead and Pocket Dog Park 20,000 (15,575) 4,425 PEG COSV Broadcast- - Move PEG to new Fund #107 31,000 (31,000) 0 Total recurring expenditures (46,575) Nonrecurring Revenues Transfers in -#106 - Repayment of 2013 &2014 solid waste costs paid out of the General Fund 0 40,425 40,425 Total nonrecurring revenues 40,425 Nonrecurring Expenditures Transfers out-#107 - Move PEG cash to new Fund#107 0 267,300 267,300 Transfers out-#309 - Transfer to Fund#309 for Mission Trailhead and Pocket Dog Park 100,000 15,575 115,575 Computer Harware -C• - Move PEG to new Fund #107 191,500 (25,000) 166,500 Professional Services - Revised project timeline 395,000 (145,000) 250,000 CAD/RMS - Change in cost est. for CAD/RMS 949,000 (639,300) 309,700 Equipment repair and n001.016.099.521.20.48.00 - Precinct gate motor replacement 25,000 4,300 29,300 Small Tools and Minor - Radar recorder 0 4,600 4,600 Equipment repair and n - CenterPlace roof repairs 0 36,000 36,000 Equipment repair and n - City Hall remodel - Permit Cntr to main bldg 0 23,300 23,300 Transfer out-#312 - 2013#001 fund bal > 50% 0 1,783,512 1,783,512 Total nonrecurring expenditures 1,325,287 Total of all General Fund revenues (140,775) Total of all General Fund expenditures 1,278,712 Page 1 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #104 - Hotel/Motel Tax-Tourism Facilities Fund Revenues Hotel/ Motel Tax - New 1.3% hotel/motel tax effective 7/1/15 0 178,700 178,700 Total revenues 178,700 #105 - Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Expenditures Tourism Promotion - Transfer for volleyball lodging tax award 570,000 (68,000) 502,000 Transfers out-#309 - Transfer for volleyball lodging tax award 0 68,000 68,000 Total expenditures 0 Revenues Hotel/ Motel Tax - revised estimate 510,000 40,000 550,000 Total revenues 40,000 #106 -Solid Waste Fund Expenditures Education/Contract Adr - Adjust for grant and transfer out 125,000 (13,625) 111,375 - Repayment of 2013 &2014 solid waste costs Transfers out-#001 paid out of the General Fund 0 40,425 40,425 Total expenditures 26,800 Revenues Grant Proceeds - Dept. of Ecology grant received 0 26,800 26,800 Total revenues 26,800 Page 2 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #107 - PEG Fund Expenditures PEG Reimburse - CMT - Move PEG to new Fund #107 0 12,000 12,000 PEG COSV Broadcast - Move PEG to new Fund #107 0 68,400 68,400 Total expenditures 80,400 Revenues Comcast PEG Contribu - Move PEG to new Fund #107 0 92,000 92,000 Transfers in -#001 - Move PEG cash to new Fund#107 0 267,300 267,300 Total revenues 359,300 #301 - REET 1 Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Transfers out-#303 301.000.000.597.30.00.30 - Revised project schedules 221,980 347,433 569,413 Total expenditures 347,433 Revenues REET 1 - 1st Quarter P 301.301.000.318.34.00 - Revised estimate based on projections 625,000 175,000 800,000 Total revenues 175,000 #302 - REET 2 Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Transfers out-#303 302.000.000.597.30.00.30 - Revised project schedules 365,290 47,981 413,271 Total expenditures 47,981 Revenues REET 1 - 1st Quarter P 301.301.000.318.34.00 - Revised estimate based on projections 625,000 175,000 800,000 Total revenues 175,000 Page 3 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #303 -Street Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Capital outlay 303.303.060.595.xx.xx.xx - Argonne Rd Corridor Upgrade SRTC 602,196 612,633 1,214,829 Capital outlay 303.303.123.595.xx.xx.xx - Mission Ave. - Flora to Barker 355,376 (102,806) 252,570 Capital outlay 303.303.141.595.xx.xx.xx - Sullivan & Euclid PCC (PE & RW) 35,052 (25,052) 10,000 Capital outlay 303.303.142.595.xx.xx.xx - Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan PCC int,(PE/RW) 0 120,494 120,494 Capital outlay 303.303.149.595.xx.xx.xx - Sidewalk Infill 0 93,190 93,190 Capital outlay 303.303.155.595.xx.xx.xx - Sullivan Rd W Bridge Replacement 7,201,779 645,152 7,846,931 Capital outlay 303.303.156.595.xx.xx.xx - Mansfield Ave. Connection 570,480 602,236 1,172,716 Engineering &Architecl303.303.159.544.xx.xx.xx - University Rd / 1-90 Overpass Study 0 40,852 40,852 Capital outlay 303.303.166.595.xx.xx.xx - Pines Rd (SR27) &Grace Ave. Intersect Safety 556,137 (455,027) 101,110 Capital outlay 303.303.167.595.xx.xx.xx - Citywide Safety Improvements (bike/ped) 320,560 (59,984) 260,576 Engineering &Architecl303.000.177.544.xx.xx.xx - Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study 0 55,556 55,556 Capital outlay 303.000.191.595.xx.xx.xx - Vista Rd BNSF Xing Safety Improvements 0 300 300 Capital outlay 303.000.196.595.xx.xx.xx - 8th Avenue - McKinnon to Fancher 0 400 400 Capital outlay 303.000.201.595.xx.xx.xx - ITS Infill Project Phase 1 301,357 (245,301) 56,056 Capital outlay 303.000.205.595.xx.xx.xx - Sprage/Barker Intersection Improvement 0 51,428 51,428 Capital outlay 303.000.206.595.xx.xx.xx - CDBG Sidewalk Project 246,231 111,483 357,714 Capital outlay 303.000.207.595.xx.xx.xx - Indiana & Evergreen Transit Access Improve. 70,014 14,986 85,000 Capital outlay 303.000.211.595.xx.xx.xx - Trent Lighting Replacement 151,576 (55,041) 96,535 Capital outlay 303.000.220.595.xx.xx.xx - Houk-Sinto-Maxwell St Preservation 0 18,473 18,473 Capital outlay 303.000.221.595.xx.xx.xx - McDonald Rd Diet (16th to Mission) 0 56,800 56,800 Capital outlay 303.000.222.595.xx.xx.xx - Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates 0 4,500 4,500 Capital outlay 303.000.223.595.xx.xx.xx - Pines Rd Underpass @ BNSF &Trent 0 10,000 10,000 Capital outlay 303.000.224.595.xx.xx.xx - Mullan Rd Street Preservation Project 0 162,375 162,375 Capital outlay 303.000.xxx.595.xx.xx.xx - N. Sullivan Corridor ITS Project (PE start 2017) 105,486 (105,486) 0 Capital outlay 303.000.xxx.595.xx.xx.xx - Contingency 1,000,000 (900,000) 100,000 Total expenditures 652,161 Page 4 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #303 -Street Capital Projects Fund - continued Revenues Grant Proceeds 303.000.xxx.330.00.00 - Revised project schedules 8,714,114 1,607,229 10,321,343 Developer Fees 303.000.xxx.367.12.01 - Revised project schedules 94,860 269,518 364,378 Transfers in -#301 303.000.xxx.397.30.10 - Revised project schedules 221,980 347,433 569,413 Transfers in -#302 303.000.xxx.397.30.20 - Revised project schedules 365,290 47,981 413,271 Transfers in -#312 303.303.155.397.31.20 - Sullivan Rd. W. Bridge Replacement 2,120,000 (1,620,000) 500,000 Total revenues 652,161 #309 - Park Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Capital outlay 309.000.203.594.xx.xx.xx - Browns Park Volleyball Courts 176,200 68,000 244,200 Capital outlay 309.000.225.594.xx.xx.xx - Pocket Dog Park- phase 1 75,000 23,975 98,975 Capital outlay 309.000.xxx.594.xx.xx.xx - Mission Trailhead Landscaping 25,000 22,100 47,100 Capital outlay 309.000.xxx.594.xx.xx.xx - City Entry Sign 70,000 (70,000) 0 Capital outlay 309.000.176.595.xx.xx.xx - Appleway Trail - University to Pines 0 540,600 540,600 Capital outlay 309.000.xxx.595.xx.xx.xx - Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen 0 104,050 104,050 Total expenditures 688,725 Revenues Grant Proceeds 309.000.xxx.330.00.00 - Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen 0 90,000 90,000 Transfer in -#001 309.000.xxx.397.00.10 - Old Mission Trailhead & Pocket Dog Park 100,000 15,575 115,575 Transfer in -#105 309.000.203.397.10.50 - Browns Park Volleyball Courts 0 68,000 68,000 Transfer in -#312 309.000.176.397.31.20 - Appleway Trail - University to Pines 0 540,600 540,600 Transfer in -#312 309.000.xxx.397.31.20 - Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen 0 14,050 14,050 Total revenues 728,225 Page 5 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #310 -Civic Bldgs Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Professional services 310.000.215.594.xx.41.00 - Professional services City Hall land acquisition 0 12,100 12,100 Capital outlay 310.000.215.594.xx.61.00 - City Hall land acquisition 0 1,128,200 1,128,200 Total expenditures 1,140,300 Revenues Transfers in -#312 310.000.215.397.31.20 - City Hall land acquisition 0 58,324 58,324 Total revenues 58,324 #312 -Capital Reserve Fund Expenditures Transfer to -#303 312.000.000.597.30.00.30 - Sullivan Rd. W. Bridge Replacement 2,120,000 (1,620,000) 500,000 Transfer to -#309 312.000.000.597.30.00.90 - Appleway Trail - University to Pines 0 540,600 540,600 Transfer to -#309 312.000.000.597.30.00.90 - Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen 0 14,050 14,050 Transfer to -#310 312.000.000.597.31.00.00 - City Hall land acquisition 0 58,324 58,324 Transfer to -#313 312.000.000.597.31.00.30 - City Hall construction 0 5,162,764 5,162,764 Total expenditures 4,155,738 Revenues Transfer in -#001 312.000.000.397.00.10 - 2013#001 fund bal > 50% 0 1,783,512 1,783,512 Total revenues 1,783,512 #313 -City Hall Construction Fund Expenditures Professional services 313.000.215.594.xx.41.00 - City Hall professional services 0 702,400 702,400 Total expenditures 702,400 Revenues Transfers in -#312 313.000.215.397.31.20 - City Hall construction 0 5,162,764 5,162,764 Total revenues 5,162,764 Page 6 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #402 -Stormwater Management Fund Expenditures Capital outlay 402.000.000.595.xx.xx.xx - Revised project schedules 600,000 275,340 875,340 Total expenditures 275,340 Revenues Grant Proceeds 402.000.000.330.00.00 - Capital grants for stormwater projects 0 389,674 389,674 Transfers in -#403 402.000.000.397.40.30 - Operating transfer 0 120,000 120,000 Total revenues 509,674 #403 -Acquifer Protection Area Fund Expenditures Broadway SD retrofit 403.000.197.595.xx.xx.xx - revised estimate 1,200,000 (120,000) 1,080,000 Transfers out-#402 403.000.000.597.40.00.20 Operating transfer 0 120,000 120,000 Total expenditures 0 Totals Across all Funds Total revenues 9,708,685 Total expenditures 9,395,990 Page 7 of 7 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action meeting Date: October 15, 2015 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent ❑old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER NUMBERS TOTAL AMOUNT 09/17/2015 36366-3 63 95 $209,699.34 09/18/2015 36390-36484 $224;116.68 09/23/2015 36485-36506 $1,205,47 09/21/2015 6415-6433 $1,281.00 09/25/2015 36507-36524 $145,333.07 09/25/2015 36525-36577; 923150107 $1,272,448.08 09/3012015 36576-36569 (-36582); 930150030 $1,725,666.75 10/01/2015 36590-36595 $6,027.08 10/01/2015 6434-6456 $2,383,00 10/06/2015 5263, 5294-5297; 5307: 36596-36597 $298,700.75 10/07/2015 3830646 $27,043.19 GRAND TOTAL: $3,886,911.22 Explanation of Fund Numbers found en Voucher Lists #001 -General Fund Other Funds 001,011,000.511. City Council 101 —Street Fund City Manager 103 —Paths&Trails Legal 105—1-latel/Motel Tax 001.016.000. Public Safety 106—Solid Waste Deputy City Manager 1.20 - CenterPlace Operating,Reserve Finance 121—Service Level Stabilization Reserve Human Resources 122—Winter Weather Reserve 001.032.000. Public Works 123 Civil Facilities Replacement CED -Administration 2.04—Debt Service CE —tcerrornic Development 301 —REf T l Capital Projects CED—Development Services-Engineering 302- REEF 2 Capital Projects CED—Development Services-Planning 303—Street Capital Projects CEO—Building 309—Parks Capital Grants Parks &Rec—Administration 310—Civic Bldg Capital Projects 00 1.076300.576. Parks & Ree-Maintenance 311 —Pavement Preservation 001.076301.571. Parks& Ree-Reereation 312—Capital Reserve 001.076.302.576. Parks & Rec-Aquatics 402— Stormwater Management 001.076.304.575. Parks& Rec- Senior Center 403 --Aquifer Protection Area 00 1,076305.571. Parks& Rec-CenterPlace 501 — Equipment Rental & Replacement General Gov't- Council related 502—Risk Management 001.090,000.514. General Gov't-Finance related 001.090.000517. General Gov't-Employee supply General Gov't-Centralized Services General Gov't-Other Services 001.090,000.540. General Gov't-Transportation 001.090.000,550. General Gov't-Natural & Economic General Govt-Social Services General Gov't-Capital Outlay General Gov't-Pavement Preservation RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve attached list of claim vouchers_ [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 09/1712015 1:15:41PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36366 9/17/2015 004046 AMERICAN ONSITE SERVICES A-158179 001.076.300.576 PORTABLE RESTROOMS AT PARK: 130.00 Total : 130.00 36367 9/17/2015 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL LLC INV012405 JANITORIAL SVCS:AUG 2015 2,501.87 Total : 2,501.87 36368 9/17/2015 000030 AVISTA Setpember 2015 UTILITIES: PW MASTER AVISTA 25,861.93 Total : 25,861.93 36369 9/17/2015 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 9675649 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY ATC 38.86 9677687 001.076,305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY ATC 228.97 S0116545 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 27.03 S0116578 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 52.25 S0117070 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 54.28 50117163 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 298.04 50117165 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY ATC 26.02 Total : 725.45 36370 9117/2015 003172 BROADCAST MUSIC INC 8927549 001.076.300.576 BASE LICENSE FEE:CENTERPLAC 804.00 Total : 804.00 36371 9/1712015 001169 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Sept 2015 001.032,000.543 PETTY CASH: 13079,80,82,83,84,85 27.99 Total : 27.99 36372 9/17/2015 000795 EARTHWORKS RECYCLING INC. 23953 001.076.305.575 RECYCLING COLLECTION CP 35.00 Total : 35.00 36373 9/1712015 002308 FINKE, MELISSA Sept 2015 001.076.301.571 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 135.75 Total : 135.75 36374 9/17/2015 000321 GREATER SPOKANE INC Aug 2015 2015 ECO DEV GRANT REIMBURSI 11,643.00 Total : 11,643.00 36375 9/17/2015 000070 INLAND POWER&LIGHT CO 2301 UTILITIES:AUG PW 410.17 Total : 410.17 36376 9117/2015 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST.#6 Aug 2015 UTILITIES: PW 151.00 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 09/17/2015 1:15:41 PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36376 9/17/2015 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST.#6 (Continued) August 2015 001.076.300.576 UTILITIES: PARKS 195.94 Total : 346.94 36377 9/17/2015 001635 155 FACILITY EVENT SERVICES 925433 001.076.305.575 EVENT SVCS AT CENTERPLACE 221.24 926922 001.076.305.575 EVENT SVCS AT CENTERPLACE 52.68 930950 001,076.305,575 EVENT SVCS AT CENTERPLACE 42.14 930951 001.076.305.575 EVENT SVCS AT CENTERPLACE 47.41 930967 001.076.305.575 EVENT SVCS AT CENTERPLACE 10.54 930968 001.076.305.575 EVENT SVCS AT CENTERPLACE 31.61 930980 001.076.305.575 EVENT SVCS AT CENTERPLACE 52.68 931014 001.076.305.575 MONTHLY CLEANING AT CENTERP 7,136.00 Total : 7,594.30 36378 9/17/2015 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO Aug 2015 UTILITIES: AUG 2015 PW 8,301.89 Total : 8,301.89 36379 9/17/2015 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC 9-15-2015 001,090.099.518 FINANCE/PERMIT CNTR RENOVAT 12,841.56 Total : 12,841.56 36380 9/17/2015 002475 POST FALLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 6079 001.076.305.575 ENTREPRENEUR ANNUAL MEMER 270.00 Total : 270.00 36381 9/17/2015 002592 PURE FILTRATION PRODUCTS 25893 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE 167.31 Total : 167.31 36382 9/17/2015 000709 SENSKE LAWN &TREE CARE INC. 6227828 CONTRACT MAINT: PARKS AUG 20 58,934.26 6845228 MONTHLY SERVICES AT PRECINC" 389.04 Total : 59,323.30 36383 9/17/2015 003480 SNAP Aug 2015 2015 SOC SER GRANT REIMBURSI 4,411.00 Total : 4,411.00 36384 9/17/2015 000323 SPOKANE CO UTILITIES Sept 2015 001 076.302.576 SPOKANE CO SEWER CHRGS: SER 1,598.65 Total : 1,598.65 36385 9/17/2015 000710 SPOKANE COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION 24087 DUES 2015-2016 C. DRISKELL 105.00 40557 DUES 2015-2016 E. LAMB 105.00 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 09/17/2015 1:15:41MM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36385 9/17/2015 000710 000710 SPOKANE COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATI (Continued) Total : 210.00 36386 9/17/2015 000404 SPOKANE VALLEY HERITAGE MUSEUM August 2015 2015 LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMI 416.00 Total ; 416.00 36387 9/17/2015 000405 SPOKANE VALLEY PARTNERS August 2015 2015 SOC SER GRANT REIMBURSI 18,121.91 Total : 18,121.91 36388 9/17/2015 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CONTROLS 53497 AUGUST 2015 MONTHLY MAINT: PI 605.46 Total : 605,46 36389 9/17/2015 001832 SWISHER 1066208 001.076.305.575 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CP 805.52 Total : 805.52 36390 9/17/2015 000295 VALLEYFEST Aug 2015 001.090,000,550 2015 ECO DEV GRANT REIMBURSI 2,139.45 Aug 2015 001.090.000,550 2015 ECO DEV GRANT REIMBURSI 416.00 Total : 2,555.45 36391 9/17/2015 000167 VERA WATER& POWER Aug 2015 UTILITIES:AUGUST 2015 3,909.69 Sept 2015 UTILITIES: SEPT 2015 3,699.98 Total : 7,609.67 36392 9/17/2015 003175 VISIT SPOKANE 6135 2015 LODGING TAX GRANT REIMS 19,166.67 6143 2015 LODGING TAX REIMBURSE1411 19,166.67 Total : 38,333.34 36393 9/17/2015 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0062225-1518-8 402.402.000.531 WASTE MGMT: PW 558.86 0144534-2681-0 402.402.000.531 WASTE MGMT: MAINT SHOP 172.94 0144535-2681-7 001.076.305.575 WASTE MGMT: CENTERPLACE 738.81 0144536-2681-5 WASTE MGMT: PRECINCT 282.62 Total : 1,753.23 36394 9/17/2015 000066 WCP SOLUTIONS 9168160 SUPPLIES FOR PRECINCT 320.12 Total : 320.12 36395 9117/2015 003128 YWCA OF SPOKANE August 2015 001,090.000.560 2015 SOC SERV GRANT REIMBUR: 1,304.57 September 2015 2015 SOC SERVICES GRANT REIM 533.96 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 09117/2015 1:15:41 PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36395 9/17/2015 003128 003128 YWCA OF SPOKANE (Continued) Total : 1,838.53 30 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total : 209,699.34 30 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 209,699.34 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify sad claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: 4 67.....01----- vchlist Voucher List Page. 09/18/2015 9:25:23AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36396 9/18/2015 000958 AAA SWEEPING LLC 54352 402.402.000.531 STORM DRAIN CLEANING 27,800.54 54353 402.402.000.531 STREET SWEEPING SERVICES 29,447.40 Total : 57,247.94 36397 9/18/2015 002931 ALL WESTERN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 101097 SUPPLIES: PW 131.24 Total : 131.24 36398 9/18/2015 004592 ALLEN, LONNIE AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:ALLEN 17.50 Total : 17.50 36399 9118/2015 003076 AMSDEN,ERICA EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 21.88 EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 23.61 EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 20.13 Total : 65.62 36400 9/18/2015 004683 ANDREWS, MAUNTA AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:ANDREWS 17.50 Total : 17.50 36401 9/18/2015 003337 ARROW CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY INC 161224 SUPPLIES:PW 226.25 Total : 226.25 36402 9/1812015 004231 BELSBY ENGINEERING 15294 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,872.50 Total : 1,872.50 36403 9/18/2015 004439 BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS INC 19207751 001.076.305.575 PHONE SERVICE AT CENTERPLAC 208.72 Total : 208.72 36404 9/18/2015 004684 BORJESSAN, MARY AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:BORJESSAN 17.50 Total : 17.50 36405 9/18/2015 000673 BUDGET ARBOR&LOGGING LLC 11-2628 TREE REMOVAL 1,956.60 Total : 1,956.60 36406 9/18/2015 004638 BURKHART,STEPHANIE AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: BURKHART 17.50 Total : 17.50 36407 9/18/2015 002562 CDA METALS 947192 SUPPLIES FOR MAINT SHOP 84.13 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 09/18/2015 9:25:23AM Spokane Valley `r" Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36407 9/18/2015 002562 002562 CD'A METALS (Continued) Total : 84.13 36408 9/18/2015 000101 CDW-G XT56261 IT SUPPLIES 167.83 Total : 167.83 36409 9/18/2015 004648 CHEN,YINGZHI AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: CHEN 17.50 Total : 17.50 36410 9/18/2015 002572 CINTAS CORPORATION 606141616 SUPPLIES 02356 MAINT SHOP 107.18 606142631 SERVICES PW ACCT 02356 255.95 606142810 SUPPLIES 02356 MAINT SHOP 107.18 606144013 SUPPLIES 02356 MAINT SHOP 120.61 606145038 SERVICES PW ACCOUNT 02356 219.84 606145221 SUPPLIES 02356 MAINT SHOP 107.18 Total : 917.94 36411 9/18/2015 004685 CLINESMITH,JACOB AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: CLINESMITH 17.50 Total : 17.50 36412 9/18/2015 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION#19 AUGUST 2015 UTILITIES: PW 4.00 Total : 4.00 36413 9/18/2015 004680 COSGROVE, MICHELLE AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:COSGROVE 17.50 Total : 17.50 36414 9/18/2015 004635 COURSEY, DAN AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: COURSEY 35.00 Total : 35.00 36415 9/18/2015 003255 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS 572324 TOWER RENTAL 206.07 Total : 206.07 36416 9/18/2015 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 78115695 COMPUTER LEASE 001-8922117-0t 1,006.63 78116606 COMPUTER LEASE 001-8922117-0E 115.29 Total : 1,121.92 36417 9/18/2015 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB50818065 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT 8,776.33 RE-313-ATB50818118 303.303.155.595 SULLIVAN RD W BRIDGE REPLACE 133.52 Page: ..2F- vchlist Voucher List Page: ? 0911812015 9;25:23AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36417 9/18/2015 000734 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION (Continued) Total : 8,909.85 36418 9/18/2015 004645 DILLEY, PAMELA AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: DILLEY 17.50 Total : 17.50 36419 9/18/2015 003256 DISCOVERY BENEFITS INC, HRA PLAN 0000570726-IN AUGUST HRA SERVICE FEE 427.50 Total : 427.50 36420 9/18/2015 004637 DORNON,BELINDA AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: DORNON 17.50 Total : 17.50 36421 9/18/2015 003697 ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE LLC 13266351 SCRAPS INTERNET SERVICE 89.83 Total : 89.83 36422 9/18/2015 004640 ERWIN,JENNIFER AQUATICS REFUND 001.075.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: ERWIN 17.50 Total : 17.50 36423 9/18/2015 001232 FASTENAL CO 1DLEW106628 SUPPLIES: PW 82.57 IDLEW106729 SUPPLIES: PW 1.29 Total : 83.86 36424 9/18/2015 002507 FASTENERS INC S4371490.001 SUPPLIES: PW 143.26 Total : 143.26 36425 9/18/2015 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 44329 LEGAL PUBLICATION 80.00 44330 LEGAL PUBLICATION 94.35 44331 LEGAL PUBLICATION 90.10 Total : 264.45 36426 9/18/2015 000609 GENDRONS CO 6129 SUPPLIES: PW 157.51 Total : 157.51 36427 9/18/2015 004691 GOTHMANN,LINDSAY AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: GOTHMANN 17.50 Total : 17.50 36428 9/18/2015 000007 GRAINGER 9829913053 SUPPLIES: PW 37.44 9834846371 SUPPLIES: PW 243.76 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 0�-� 09118/2015 9:25:23AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36428 9/18/2015 000007 000007 GRAINGER (Continued) Total : 281.20 36429 9/1812015 003177 GUTH, ERIC Expenses EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 54.49 Total : 54.49 36430 9/1812015 000002 H& H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 299565 COPIER COSTS 12.25 299566 COPIER COSTS 3.28 3000046 COPIER COSTS 280.08 300047 COPIER COSTS 34.07 300054 COPIER COSTS 202.86 300055 COPIER COSTS 12.13 300065 COPIER COSTS 159.12 300066 COPIER COSTS 22.33 300071 COPIER COSTS 82.53 300072 COPIER COSTS 13.45 300174 COPIER COSTS 405.35 300175 COPIER COSTS 18.62 300205 COPIER COSTS 12.10 Total : 1,258.17 36431 9/18/2015 004654 HARDENBROOK,TAYA AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: HARDENBRO, 35.00 Total : 35.00 36432 9/18/2015 004651 HEINEMANN, DARAH AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:HEINEMANN 17.50 Total : 17.50 36433 9/18/2015 004634 HOSKINSON,GINAFER AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: HOSKINSON 87.50 Total : 87.50 36434 9/18/2015 004653 HOYT, AIMEE AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: HOYT 17.50 Total : 17.50 36435 9/18/2015 001728 HP FINANCIAL SERVICES CO 600464388 SCHEDULE 572E3651 9/11-10110116 830.28 600466549 SCHEDULE 572DD016 8111-9/10115 745,84 600466638 SCHEDULE 572DA494 839.80 Total : 2,415.92 36436 9/18/2015 000313 INLAND ASPHALT COMPANY 1NC. PAY APP 3 402.000.000.595 2014 SMALL WORKS PACKAGE 2- 67,689.32 - Page: ,-5-''' vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 09118/2015 9:25:23AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36436 9//1812015 000313 000313 INLAND ASPHALT COMPANY INC. (Continued) Total : 67,689.32 36437 911812015 001987 JENKINS,ART EXPENSES 402.402.000.531 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 10.94 Total : 10.94 36438 9118/2015 004643 JOHNSON, SHERI AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: JOHNSON 35.00 Total : 35.00 36439 9/18/2015 004693 KALEBESSA,OLANA AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:KALEBESSA 35.00 Total : 35.00 36440 9/1812015 002466 KENWORTH SALES COMPANY SPOBS1476800 SUPPLIES FOR PW 271.97 SP01N1501818 SUPPLIES:PW 444.52 SPO1N1512387 SUPPLIES: PW 22.59 Total : 739.08 36441 9/18/2015 004692 KUBAS,JENNIFER AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:KUBAS 17.50 Total : 17.50 36442 9!1812015 001944 LANCER LTD 0454648 BUSINESS CARDS 94.31 Total : 94.31 36443 9/18/2015 000910 MANTZ, GLORIA EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 242.67 Total : 242.67 36444 9/18/2015 004652 MARCHESE, CHRIS AQUATICS REFUND 001.076 302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: MARCHESE 17.50 Total : 17.50 36445 9/18/2015 004639 MCCLELLAND,JENNIFER AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: MCCLELLANE 17.50 Total : 17.50 36446 9118/2015 004636 MCGEE,MORGAN AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: MCGEE 35.00 Total : 35.00 36447 9118/2015 002259 MENKE JACKSON BEYER LLP 492 PROFESSIONAL SVCS 8,476.94 Total : 8,476.94 36448 9/18/2015 004647 MILES,MARK AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: MILES 17.50 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: /O 09/18/2015 9:25:23AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36448 9/18/2015 004647 004647 MILES, MARK (Continued) Total : 17.50 36449 9/18/2015 004682 MIRANDA, CHRISTY AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND; MIRANDA 35.00 Total : 35.00 36450 9/18/2015 004644 MURPHY, NATALIE AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: MURPHY 52.50 Total : 52.50 36451 9/18/2015 000662 NATL BARRICADE&SIGN CO 88678 SUPPLIES:PW 660.90 88693 SUPPLIES:PW 489.15 88720 402.402.000.531 SUPPLIES: PW 74.35 88853 SUPPLIES; PW 41.63 Total : 1,266.03 36452 9/18/2015 003090 NORTH 40 OUTFITTERS 64720/3 SUPPLIES: PW 19.56 Total : 19.56 36453 9/18/2015 002364 NORTHENU TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC 1031591 SUPPLIES: PW 221.56 Total : 221.56 36454 9/18/2015 004687 NUSTAD,ELIZABETH AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: NUSTAD 17.50 Total : 17.50 36455 9/18/2015 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 786051379001 SUPPLIES PW 78.80 786897117001 001.032.000,543 SUPPLIES:PW 47.41 787066661001 OFFICE SUPPLIES;PW 178.78 788033954001 SUPPLIES: PW 28.70 790340527001 SUPPLIES: PW 11.40 791310004001 SUPPLIES: PW 171.68 Total : 516_77 36456 9/18/2015 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER AUGUST 2015 STATE REMITTANCE 45,880.78 Total : 45,880.78 36457 9/18/2015 004649 OLSON,CONNI AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: OLSON 17.50 Total : 17.50 36458 9/18/2015 000881 OXARC INC R363357 CYLINDER RENTAL 106.06 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: a >i 09/18/2015 9:25:23AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36458 9/18/2015 000881 000881 OXARC INC (Continued) Total : 106.06 36459 9/18/2015 003653 PARTSMASTER 20932253 SUPPLIES:PW 219.73 Total : 219.73 36460 9/18/2015 004650 PETERSEN,AMANDA AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: PETERSEN 52.50 Total : 52.50 36461 9/18/2015 000019 PURFECT LOGOS LLC 42273 402.402.000.531 EMBROIDERED JACKET 8.70 42331 402.402.000.531 SIGNS STORMWATER 78.26 Total : 86.96 36462 9/18/2015 004681 REYNOLDS,CODY AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:REYNOLDS 35.00 Total : 35.00 36463 9/18/2015 004646 ROSENBLIT, MELISSA AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: ROSENBLIT 17.50 Total : 17.50 36464 9/18/2015 000031 ROYAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS IN31494 AUGUST 2015 COPIER COSTS 1,438.35 Total : 1,438.35 36465 9/18/2015 002520 RWC GROUP 13211N SUPPLIES:PW 69.63 13213N SUPPLIES:MA1NT SHOP 130.24 14055N SUPPLIES;PW 15.52 14170N SUPPLIES: PW 32.33 Total : 247,72 36466 9118/2015 004690 SCOTT, MISHAEL AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:SMITH 35.00 Total : 35.00 36467 9/18/2015 000709 SENSKE LAWN&TREE CARE INC. 6276903 ON-CALL EMERGENCY TRAFFIC C 530.46 Total : 530.46 36468 9/18/2015 004686 SIMINAK,TANYA AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:SIMINAK 17.50 Total : 17.50 36469 9/18/2015 004642 SINGER, CLAIRE AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:SINGER 52.50 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: rZ--- 09/1812015 9:25:23AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36469 9/18/2015 004642 004642 SINGER,CLAIRE (Continued) Total : 52.50 36470 9/18/2015 002531 SIX ROBBLEES INC 5-745502 101.000.000,542 SUPPLIES:PW 23.09 Total : 23.09 36471 9118/2015 000779 SOUTHARD, BRAD August 2015 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL 1.495.00 Total : 1,495.00 36472 9/1812015 000230 SPOKANE CO AUDITORS OFFICE August 2015 RECORDING FEES 846.00 Total : 846.00 36473 9/18/2015 000308 SPOKANE CO PROSECUTING ATTY August 2015 Crime Victims Compensation Remitt670.38 Total : 670.38 36474 9/18/2015 004131 SPOKANE CO SOLID WASTE MGMT 20150903-5491-32163 TRANSFER STATION CHARGES: P\ 6.58 Total : 6.58 36475 9/18/2015 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 40100756 309.000.176.595 SPOKANE COUNTY 0&M 767.58 51502836 SPOKANE COUNTY SERVICES 6,627.39 Total : 7,394.97 36476 9118/2015 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE INC 496109 402.402.000.531 2015 ROADSIDE WEEDSPRAYING 2,771.43 Total : 2,771.43 36477 9/18/2015 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 3276362814 OFFICE SUPPLIES: 193.33 3276362820 OFFICE SUPPLIES: 24.00 3276362821 OFFICE SUPPLIES: 15.30 Total : 232.63 36478 9/18/2015 001969 SUNSHINE DISPOSAL 913326 TRANSFER STATION 102.42 Total : 102.42 36479 9/18/2015 004688 TAINIO,AMANDA AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:TAINIO 17.50 Total : 17.50 36480 9/18/2015 000335 TIRE-RAMA 8080037620 SERVICE:536670 940.86 8080037880 402.402.000.531 SERVICE:536970 55.39 8088037840 SERVICE:584010 52.12 8 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 9 09118/2015 9:25:23AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36480 9/1812015 000335 000335 TIRE-RAMA (Continued) Total : 1,048.37 36481 9/1812015 004633 TWELVES, KARIN AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:TWELVES 17.50 Total : 17.50 36482 9/18/2015 000087 VERIZON WIRELESS 9750858328 AUGUST 2015 VERIZON CELL PHO 1,298.32 9750983885 AUGUST 2015 WIRELESS DATA CA 358.80 Total : 1,657.12 36483 9!1812015 004689 WHITING,SARAH ANN AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:WHITING 35.00 Total : 35.00 36484 9/18/2015 001885 ZAYO GROUP LLC SEPTEMBER 2015 DARK FIBER LEASE 253.01 SEPTEMBER 2015 INTERNET SERVICES 569.14 Total : 822.15 89 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total : 224,116.68 89 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 224,116.68 Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: ' ( 09123/2015 9:41:10AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36485 9/23/2015 000271 BAINBRIDGE, CHRISTINE Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 48.37 Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 43.88 Total : 92.25 36486 9/23/2015 004710 BERG,CHRIS Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 41.53 Total : 41.53 36487 9/23/2015 004718 BONDURANT, MICHAEL Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 22.61 Total : 22.61 36488 9/23/2015 004706 BRODWATER, RYAN Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 237.60 Total : 237.60 36489 9/23/2015 004707 DANIEL, RYAN Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 23.10 Total : 23.10 36490 9/23/2015 004704 DAVIS,JENNIFER Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 4.96 Total : 4.96 36491 9/23/2015 004711 DEBOISE, BR1TTANI Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 2.65 Total: 2.65 36492 9/23/2015 000278 DRISKELL,CARY Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 69.10 Total : 69.10 36493 9/23/2015 000078 HARNOIS, MICKI Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 41.28 Total : 41.28 36494 9/23/2015 004717 HESTER,JON Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 41.19 Total : 41.19 36495 9/23/2015 004719 KERSTEN, NEIL Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 20.83 Total : 20.83 36496 9/23/2015 004720 KONKRIGHT,KELLY Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 115.07 Total : 115.07 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: '`" 09/23/2015 9:41:10AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36497 9/23/2015 001051 KOUDELKA, MORGAN Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 47.04 Total : 47.04 36498 9/23/2015 004712 KUHTA,SCOTT Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 91.83 Total : 91.83 36499 9/23/2015 004713 MAY,MARY Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 78.63 Total : 78.63 36500 9/23/2015 004708 MORRIS, HEATHER Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 40.50 Total : 40.50 36501 9/23/2015 004716 NOTE, INGA Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 47.00 Total : 47.00 36502 9/23/2015 004705 PEGRAM, RODNEY Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 22.54 Total : 22.54 36503 9/23/2015 004709 RASMUSSEN, MICHELLE Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 19.18 Total : 19.18 36504 9/23/2015 004715 SKINFILL,LINDSEY Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 41.58 Total : 41.58 36505 9/23/2015 004714 TURBAK, MICHAEL Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 42.50 Total : 42.50 36506 9/23/2015 000347 WORLEY,STEVE Refund DRS CASH OUT CONTRIBUTION RI 62.50 Total : 62.50 22 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total : 1,205.47 22 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,205.47 Page: 2 r vchlist !loather List Page: ri,..-- 09/2312015 11:36:45AM Spokane Valley Bank code : pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 6415 9/23/2015 004703 CARLSTROM, AMANDA PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND GREAT ROOM 310.00 Total : 310.00 6416 9/23/2015 004678 CARR,JANESSA PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU SPR 52.00 Total : 52.00 6417 9/23/2015 004723 CHURKIN, ELI PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU SPR 52.00 Total : 52.00 6418 9/23/2015 004004 DAVIS, GEORGE PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU MEF 52.00 Total : 52.00 6419 9/23/2015 004724 DAVIS,MARGENE PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND TERRACE VIEV, 52.00 Total : 52.00 6420 9/23/2015 003518 IRONWORKERS LOCAL#14 PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND VALLEY MISSIO 52.00 Total : 52.00 6421 9/23/2015 004727 JC PENNEY PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU MEF 52.00 Total : 52.00 6422 9/23/2015 004728 JOHNSON, CORY PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU MEF 52.00 Total : 52.00 6423 9/23/2015 004722 KIMM, RANDY PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND TERRACE VIEV> 52.00 Total : 52.00 6424 9/23/2015 004700 LINDAAS, IVY PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND DISCOVERY PL 52.00 Total : 52.00 6425 9/23/2015 004699 LONG, DAVID PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU MEF 52.00 Total : 52.00 6426 9/23/2055 004696 MARSHALL, CARLEE PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND DISCOVERY PL 52.00 Total : 52.00 6427 9/23/2015 004698 MENDEZ, MARINA PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND DISCOVERY PL. 87.00 Page: .. y __..., vchllst Voucher ListPage: f — 2 09123/2015 11:36:45AM Spokane Valley Bank code : pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 6427 9/23/2015 004698 004698 MENDEZ, MARINA (Continued) Total : 87.00 6428 9/23/2015 004725 RENNAKER, KAREN PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND GREENACRES 1 52.00 Total : 52.00 6429 9/23/2015 004697 SCHNEIBLE,TIM PARKS REFUND 001237.10.99 DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU MEF 52.00 Total : 52,00 6430 9123/2015 004726 SEARS 9480 PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND DISCOVERY PL 52.00 Total : 52.00 6431 9/23/2015 004702 SOULE,FAITH PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU MEF 52.00 Total : 52.00 6432 9/23120/5 003312 TAYLOR,CHELSIE PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND GREENACRES I 52.00 Total : 52.00 6433 9123/2015 004701 VINNIKOV,LARION PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND VALLEY MISSIO 52.00 Total : 52.00 19 Vouchers for bank code: pk-ref Bank total : 1,281,00 19 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,281.00 Page: ---2 C7 7 vchllst Voucher List Page: 1 09/25/2015 1:20:12PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36507 9/25/2015 000150 ALLIED FIRE&SECURITY IVC1033744 LOCKSET FOR PRECINCT 201.10 Total : 201.10 36508 9/2512015 001081 ALSCO LSP01656847 FLOOR MAT SERVICE AT PRECINC 20.39 LSPO1662450 FLOOR MAT SERVICE AT PRECINC 20.39 LSPO1668180 FLOOR MAT SERVICE AT PRECINC 21.00 Total : 61.78 36509 9125/2015 004046 AMERICAN ONSITE SERVICES A-157560 001.076.300.576 PORTABLE RESTROOMS AT PARK: 65.00 Total : 65.00 36510 9/25/2015 000030 AVISTA August 2015 001.076.300.576 UTILITIES: PARKS MASTER AVISTA 19,986.26 Total : 19,986.26 36511 9/25/2015 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 9679822 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 233.37 50117192 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY FOR 87.32 Total : 320.69 36512 9/25/2015 001169 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY September 2015 001.076.305.575 PETTY CASH PARKS:8991,8992. 8 42.05 Total : 42.05 36513 9/25/2015 003624 DEHN, SHELLY Expenses EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 7.78 Total : 7.78 36514 9/25/2015 000007 GRAINGER 9832527569 SUPPLIES: PRECINCT 243.01 Total : 243.01 36515 9/25/2015 000252 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT September 2015 001.076.301.571 OPERATING SUPPLIES: RECREATI 504.06 Total : 504.06 36516 9/25/2015 001684 MARKETING SOLUTIONS NW CP M-9-14-15 001.076.305.575 MEDIA AND PURCHASES EXPENSI 3,931.86 Total : 3,9 31.86 36517 9/25/2015 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO August 2015 001.076.302.576 UTILITIES: PARKS 4,347.63 Total : 4,347.63 36518 9/25/2015 000019 PURFECT LOGOS LLC 42383 001.076.305.575 EMBROIDERED POLO SHIRT/JACK 101.09 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 09125/2015 1:20:12PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36518 9/25/2015 000019 000019 PURFECT LOGOS LLC (Continued) Total : 101.09 36519 9/2512015 004029 ROSS PRINTING COMPANY 093241 001.076.305.575 PRINTING FOR CENTERPLACE 2,127.04 Total : 2,127.04 36520 9125/2015 000709 SENSKE LAWN&TREE CARE INC. 6691907 001.076.300.576 BROWNS PARK HILLSIDE REPAIR 4,276.26 Total : 4,276.26 36521 9/25/2015 000854 SPW LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 1510.05 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 150.00 Total : 150.00 36522 9/2512015 001472 TESTAMERICA LABORATORIES 59101637 001.076.300.576 J1864-1 MONTHLY DRINKING WATT 27.00 Total : 27.00 36523 9/25/2015 001444 UNITED LABORATORIES INV131486 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE 104.27 Total : 104.27 36524 9125/2015 000487 YMCA OF THE INLAND NW August 2015 001.076.302.576 OPERATING EXPENSES AND MAN, 108,886.19 Total : 108,886.19 18 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total : 145,383.07 18 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 145,383.07 Page: u vch I ist Voucher List Page: 09125/2015 1:49:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36525 9/25/2015 004734 9ROUND CSV REFUND REIMBURSE CSV ENDORSEMENT 13.00 Total : '13.00 36526 9/25/2015 001107 ADVANCEDTRAFFIC PRODUCTS 0000013045 Sprague/Progress Matrix Sensor and 6,851.37 Total : 6,851.37 36527 9/25/2015 002931 ALL WESTERN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 101251 SUPPLIES: PW 394.84 Total : 394.84 36528 9/25/2015 003076 AMSDEN, ERICA EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 26.45 Total : 26.45 36529 9/25/2015 004641 ANDERSON, CHRISTIE AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:ANDERSON 35.00 Total : 35.00 36530 9/25/2015 004278 ARCHITECTS WEST INC 8190 310.000,215.594 0215-CITY HALL DESIGN&CN ADti 20,690.40 Total : 20,690.40 36531 9/25/2015 002326 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS 248-106398-01 SUPPLIES GENERAL 10.57 Total : 10.57 36532 9/25/2015 002517 BROWN BEARING CO INC 6723717 SUPPLIES: PW 188.92 6723718 SUPPLIES: PW 27.94 Total : 216.86 36533 9/25/2015 000101 CDW-G XT57783 IT SUPPLIES 467.69 XT58687 IT SUPPLIES 214.33 Total : 682.02 36534 9/25/2015 004735 CITIES DIGITAL INC 36596 001,090.000.518 LASERFICHE ANNUAL SUPPORT& 10,793.91 Total : 10,793,91 36535 9/25/2015 000235 DB SECURE SHRED 2721091415 DOCUMENT SHREDDING SERVICE 156.30 Total : 156.30 36536 9/25/2015 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 78130749 COMPUTER LEASE 001-8922117-0( 2,098.56 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: )1 09(2512015 1:49:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36536 9/25/2015 002604 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC (Continued) Total : 2,098.56 36537 9/25/2015 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB50818037 311.000.211.595 SULLIVAN TRENT TO WELLESLEY 117,865.96 RE-313-ATB50914029 311.000.211.595 SULLIVAN TRENT TO WELLESLEY 199,559.35 Total : 317,425.31 36538 9/25/2015 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-31C-GCB1862ADV 311.000.211.595 SULLIVAN TRENT TO WELLESLEY 75,035.00 Total : 75,035.00 36539 9/25/2015 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST SEPTEMBER 2015 001.076.304.575 ADVERTISING FOR CENTER PLAC 33.58 Total : 33.58 36540 9/25/2015 002920 DIRECTV INC 26637546895 CABLE SERVICE MAINT SHOP 55.99 Total : 55.99 36541 9/25/2015 004731 EMERSON, BRITTA AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: EMERSON 17.50 Total : 17.50 36542 9/25/2015 001232 FASTENAL CO IDLEW 105396 SUPPLIES: PW 13.63 IDLEW 106397 SUPPLIES: PW 149.22 IDLEW 106412 SUPPLIES: PW 15.17 Total : 178.02 36543 9/25/2015 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 44353 LEGAL PUBLICATION 68.15 44359 LEGAL PUBLICATION 97.75 44360 LEGAL PUBLICATION 113.05 44361 LEGAL PUBLICATION 95.20 Total : 374.15 36544 9/25/2015 000007 GRAINGER 9837086645 SUPPLIES: PW 22.77 9837086652 001.032,000.543 SUPPLIES: PW 36.56 9838480151 SUPPLIES: PW 5.84 Total : 65.17 36545 9/25/2015 000002 H &H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 296853 ST COPIER COSTS 29.92 Total : 29.92 36546 9/25/2015 004733 HAYNES,AMY AQUATIC REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATIC REFUND: HAYNES 17.50 Page: i' -'3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 09125/2015 1:49:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36546 9/25/2015 004733 004733 HAYNES,AMY (Continued) Total : 17.50 36547 9/2512015 003297 HIGGINS, LEWIS ROD EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 32.20 Total : 32.20 36546 9/25/2015 000313 INLAND ASPHALT COMPANY INC. PAY APP 3 311.000.168.595 0188-SULLIVAN ST PRES CN CON] 6,330.59 Total : 6,330.59 36549 9125/2015 002810 INLAND NW PARTNERS ASSOC 2015 CONFERENCE FALL 2015 CONFERENCE 80.00 Total : 80.00 36550 9/25/2015 002518 INLAND PACIFIC HOSE&FITJNGS 532049 SUPPLIES: PW 22.83 532210 101,000.000.542 SUPPLIES: PW 302.69 Total : 325,52 36551 9/25/2015 000265 JACKSON,MIKE October 2015 AUTO ALLOWANCE 300.00 Total : 300.00 36552 9/25/2015 004273 KITSAP COUNTY KC-093-15-2 402.402.000.531 REMOTE QUANTUM SPATIAL LIDAI 6,444.42 Total : 6,444.42 36553 9/2512015 004730 KUSLER,ANNE AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: KUSLER 35.00 Total : 35.00 36554 9/25/2015 004632 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 08164399 001.076.305.575 TELECOM SERVICES 1,113.00 Total : 1,113.00 36555 9/2512015 003959 MAX J KUNEY CO PAY APP 12 303.303.155.595 0155-SULLIVAN RD WEST BRIDGI 742,525.60 Total : 742,525.60 36556 9/25/2015 001104 MCCAIN INC. INV0195502 SUPPLIES: PW 130.44 Total : 130.44 36557 9/25/2015 002203 NAPAAUTO PARTS 065441 SUPPLIES:PW ACCOUNT 1640259 112.35 669666 SUPPLIES:PW ACCOUNT 1640259 34.18 Total : 146.53 36558 9/25/2015 000662 NAT'L BARRICADE&SIGN CO 88504 SUPPLIES:PW 205.23 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 2- 4 09/2512415 1:49:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36558 9/25/2015 000662 NAT'L BARRICADE&SIGN CO (Continued) 88527 311.000.218.595 SUPPLIES: PW 86.33 88633 311.000.224.595 SUPPLIES: PW 258.99 88637 CREDIT MEMO -176.09 Total : 374.46 36559 9125/2015 004732 NGUYEN, NAOMI AQUATICS REFUND 001,076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:NGUYEN 35.00 Total : 35.00 36560 9/25/2015 001844 NIMRI, RABA EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 434.71 Total : 434.71 36561 9/2512015 004739 NW REGIONAL RW CONFERENCE OCT 2015 CONFERENCE OCT 2015 RIGHT OF WAY CONFER 350.00 Total : 350.00 36562 9/2512015 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 792060301001 001,076.305.575 SUPPLIES: PARKS& REC 4.34 792060616001 SUPPLIES: PARKS& REC 12.87 792060617001 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES: PARKS& REC 5.46 792060618001 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES: PARKS& REC 98.60 792376857001 001.018,016.518 SUPPLIES: HR 27.12 792766132001 SUPPLIES: PW 133.39 792769422001 SUPPLIES: PW 54.45 794282695001 SUPPLIES: FINANCE 91.34 795201590001 SUPPLIES: IT 19.73 Total : 447.30 36563 9125/2015 001604 PACIFIC NW PAPER 163368 PAPER FOR GENERAL USE 1,459.84 Total : 1,459.84 36564 9/25/2015 004738 REYNOLDS,CODY EXPENSE 402.402.000.531 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 10.00 Total : 10.00 36565 9/25/2015 003407 RIGHT! SYSTEMS INC 136303 ENGR INST 2,391.40 136369 ENGR-CISCO 217.40 137916 CREDIT MEMO RE 136303 -191.40 137917 CREDIT MEMO RE 136369 -17.40 Total : 2,400.00 Page: 4 vehlist Voucher ListPage: 0912512015 1:49:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36566 9/25/2015 002835 SCS DELIVERY INC 6995 001.0111.000.511 PACKAGE DELIVERY FOR COUNCI 125.00 7577 PACKAGE DELIVERY FOR COUNCI 25.00 7600 PACKAGE DELIVERY FOR COUNCI 50.00 Total : 200.00 36567 9/25/2015 000090 SPOKANE CO INFO SYSTEMS 50313068 402.402.000.531 COUNTY IT SUPPORT JULY 2015 12,246.25 Total : 12,246.25 36568 9/25/2015 002540 SPOKANE HOUSE OF HOSE INC. 477697 SUPPLIES: PW 134.78 Total : 134.78 36569 9/25/2015 000257 STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE L110408 SAO AUDIT OF 2014 40,635.35 Total : 40,635.35 36570 9/25/2015 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUP 75691 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 258.50 Total : 258.50 36571 9/25/2015 002092 THOMPSON, CHRIS EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 12.79 Total : 12.79 36572 9/25/2015 004740 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST 832479265 SUBSCRIPTION CHARGES 766.02 Total : 766.02 36573 9/25/2015 003206 VAN NESS FELDMAN LLP 121975 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 825.22 121976 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 13,712.11 Total : 14,537,33 36574 9/25/2015 003728 WEDA 6689 2016 MEMBERSHIP COSV 650.00 Total : 650.00 36575 9/25/2015 002501 WHITE BLOCK COMPANY 0220037-IN 402.402.000.531 SUPPLIES: PW 379.61 0220243-IN 402.402.000.531 SUPPLIES: PW 367.22 Total : 746.83 36576 9/25/2015 004729 WINTER,CANDACE AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:WINTER 35.00 Total : 35.00 36577 9/25/2015 004736 WRIGHT,RAYMOND EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 116.00 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 09/25/2015 1:49:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36577 9/25/2015 004736 004736 WRIGHT, RAYMOND (Continued) Total : 116.00 923150107 9/24/2015 002244 AOT PUBLIC SAFETY CORPORATION SPKVLY-69 CRY WOLF CHARGES 3,933.20 Total : 3,933.20 54 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total : 1,272,448.08 54 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,272,448.08 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just.due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley.and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: `6 .7 ( vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 09130/2015 3:13:29PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36578 9/30/2015 004695 ABRASIVES SPOKANE LLC 8-28-15 SUPPLIES FOR MAINT SHOP 2,604.34 Total : 2,604.34 36579 9130/2015 000101 CDW-G XT01019 001,090.000.518 1T SUPPLIES 1,245.15 Total : 1,245.15 36580 9/30/2015 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB50914048 MAINTAIN TRAFFIC SIGNAL 3,928.69 RE-313-ATB50914055 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT 6,783.94 Total : 10,712.63 36581 9/30/2015 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST September 2015 001.076.304.575 ADVERTISING FOR SENIOR CENTE 40.00 Total : 40.00 '36582 ' 'i . i i • .a• , - - ' fE PO/d k 6 X16^- 001.913.015..;15 MILEAGE- E4 MBIJRSEMBNT (2 10,) Total : 12.10 36583 9/30/2015 004751 HUBBARD,ANGELA AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302 347 AQUATICS REFUND: HUBBARD 52.50 Total : 52.50 36584 9/30/2015 004752 MARSHALL, CARMEN AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: MARSHALL 17.50 Total : 17.50 36585 9130/2015 004759 POSO,HEIDI AQUATICS REFUND 001.076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND: POSO 105.00 Total : 105.00 36586 9/30/2015 000019 PURFECT LOGOS LLC 42418 VALLEYFEST BOOTH-PARADE SHE] 147.83 Total : 147.83 36587 9/30/2015 000031 ROYAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS IN32549 SEPTEMBER 2015 COPIER COSTS 1,584.85 Total : 1,584.85 36588 9/30/2015 004686 SIMINAK,TANYA AQUATICS REFUND 001,076.302.347 AQUATICS REFUND:SIMINAK 17.50 Total : 17.50 36589 9/30/2015 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 51502827 AUGUST 2015 HOUSING INVOICE 117,234.00 51502865 101.042,000.542 SPOKANE COUNTY SERVICES 5,824.45 Page: Y7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 09/30/2095 3:13:29PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36589 9/30/2015 000001 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER (Continued) Total : 123,058.45 930150030 9/30120/5 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 9290200798 LE CONTRACT BILLING SEPTEMBE 1,586,081.00 Total : 1,586,081.00 16 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total : 1,725,678.85 (13 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : —1,12.-V11_85 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein vv‘ r and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director f Date Council m rn rfeviewed: At:/;"5„./1/),j-1 Mayor ;f:e,i Date Council Member Date' Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 10/0112015 10:58:51AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36590 10/1/2015 001606 BANNER BANK 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301.571 BUMPERS FAMILY FUN CENTER 905.47 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301.571 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIS- 180.00 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.305.575 AMAZON-RETURN -114.42 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301.571 HOBBY LOBBY 85.64 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.305.575 AM LEONARD 179.98 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301.571 HOBBY LOBBY 65.20 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.305.575 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY 41.98 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301.571 STADIUM SPORTS 171.80 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301,571 WALMART 78.13 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.305.575 SUNTOYA 182.29 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301.571 LITTLE CAESARS 74.96 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.305.575 HOME DEPOT 78.67 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301,571 VALUE VILLAGE 61.83 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301.571 TRENTON MILLS 86.03 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301.571 GRAINGER 23.88 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301.571 ACE HARDWARE 32.00 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.305.575 DOLLARTREE 26.09 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301.571HOBBY LOBBY 28.94 8599 Sept 2015 001.076.301.571 HOBBY LOBBY 22.77 Total : 2,211.24 36591 10/112015 001606 BANNER BANK 8573 Sept 2015 402.402.000.531 AMS, INC 345.70 8573 Sept 2015 402.402.000.531 COS MAGNUSON BLDG 75.00 8573 Sept 2015 402.402.000,531 CCS MAGNUSON BLDG 75.00 8573 Sept 2015 402.402.000.531 COS MAGNUSON BLDG 75.00 8573 Sept 2015 AMAZON.COM 50.00 8573 Sept 2015 GIBSON'S NURSERY 59.89 8573 Sept 2015 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 400,00 8573 Sept 2015 AMAZON.COM 19.49 Total : 1,100.08 36592 1011/2015 001606BANNER BANK 8581 Sept 2015 BROWN PAPER TICKETS 64.08 8581 Sept 2015 BROWN PAPER TICKETS 32.04 8581 Sept 2015 001.058,057.558 UL1NE SHIP SUPPLIES 373.48 8581 Sept 2015 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STAMP 219.03 8581 Sept 2015 GOOD TO GO INTERNET 7.00 Page: 1 19 vchiist Voucher ListPage: -2----- 10101/2015 10:58:51AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 36592 10/1/2015 001606 BANNER BANK (Continued) 8581 Sept 2015 PLANNING ASSOC OF WA 275.00 8581 Sept 2015 GUS JOHNSON FORD 329.97 8581 Sept 2015 WABO 60.00 Total : 1,360.60 36593 10/1/2015 001606 BANNER BANK 8565 Sept 2015 APPLE ONLINE STORE 107.61 8565 Sept 2015 DOLLAR TREE STORES 8.13 8565 Sept 2015 001,018.016.518 ROSAUERS 14.24 8565 Sept 2015 JAMECO 14.72 8565 Sept 2015 t7ROPBOX INC 244.58 Total : 389.28 36594 1011/2015 001606 BANNER BANK 5214 Sept 2015 THE GOVERNOR 136.20 5214 Sept 2015 001.032.000,543 ALASKA Al RLINES 186.20 5214 Sept 2015 ALASKA AIRLINES 170.20 5214 Sept 2015 402.402.000.531 SPOKANE RIVER FORUM 15.00 5214 Sept 2015 402.402.000.531 SPOKANE RIVER FORUM 15.00 5214 Sept 2015 EVENTBRITE 150.00 5214 Sept 2015 ALASKA AIRLINES 159.20 5214 Sept 2015 CREDIT ON THE GOVERNOR -136.20 Total : 695.60 36595 10!1/2015 001606 BANNER BANK 8557 Sept 2015 WAPRO 165.00 8557 Sept 2015 PANERA 34.52 8557 Sept 2015 BROWN PAPER TICKETS 32.04 8557 Sept 2015 CASH &CARRY 8.89 8557 Sept 2015 ROSAUERS 29.83 Total : 270.28 6 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 6,027.08 6 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 6,027.08 Page: `2 -76 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 10/01/2015 2:57:26PM Spokane Valley Bank code : pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 6434 10/1/2015 004764 BARTA,ANGELA PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU MEF 52.00 Total : 52.00 6435 10/1/2015 001149 BEREAN BIBLE CHURCH PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND TERRACE VIEVA 52.00 Total : 52.00 6436 10/1/2015 004010 CROHNS/COLITIS FOUNDATION,OF AMI PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU MEF 257.00 Total : 257.00 6437 10/1/2015 004765 DISOTELL, SHEILA PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MISSION PARK 52.00 Total : 52.00 6438 10/1/2015 004767 DOBBLER,TYLER PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND VALLEY M1SS1O 52.00 Total : 52.00 6439 1011/2015 004762 FEAGAN,TASHA PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MISSION PARK 52.00 Total : 52.00 6440 10/1/2015 001552 HASSLE CLUB PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU MEF 257.00 Total : 257.00 6441 10/1/2015 000979 IRS ENVIRONMENTAL OF WA INC PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND ROOM 216 52.00 Total : 52.00 6442 10/1/2015 004298 JENNINGS, HANNAH PARKS REFUND 001,237.10.99 DAY CAMP REFUND 58.50 Total : 58.50 6443 10/1/2015 004743 KANALLY,TIFFANY PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND ROOM 205 52.00 Total : 52.00 6444 10/1/2015 004749 KIRKLAND,SUSAN PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND FIRESIDE LOUD 210.00 Total : 210.00 6445 10/1/2015 004760 LEESTMA,ADELE PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND TERRACE VIEV1 52.00 Total : 52.00 6446 10/1/2015 002478 LITTLE LEARNER CHILD, DEVELOPMEN PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MISSION PARK 52.00 Page: " 1 vchlist Voucher ListPage: 2 10/01/2015 2:57:26PM Spokane Valley Bank code: pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 6446 10/1/2015 002478 002478 LITTLE LEARNER CHILD, DEVELOPI (Continued) Total : 52.00 6447 10/1/2015 004761 LYON,SHARI PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND GREENACRES i 52.00 Total : 52.00 6448 10/1/2015 004744 OLSON,JIM PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND ROOM 109 52.00 Total : 52.00 6449 10/1/2015 004745 PETHERS,JACQUELINE PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND FIRESIDE LOUh 210,00 Total : 210.00 6450 10/1/2015 004750 RAINEY,SHELLEY PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND FIRESIDE LOU' 210.00 Total : 210.00 6451 10/1/2015 004748 RUDNITSKIY,LANA PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND GREAT ROOM 210.00 Total : 210.00 6452 10/1/2015 004746 RYSER,YVONNE PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND ROOM 109 52.00 Total : 52.00 6453 10/1/2015 004763 SAFECO INSURANCE PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MISSION PARK 52.00 Total : 52.00 6454 10/1/2015 004742 SCALLAN,ANNALISA PARKS REFUND SUMMER DAY CAMP REFUND 214.00 Total : 214.00 6455 10/1/2015 004766 SCHULTZ, MICHELLE PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MIRABEAU MEP 52.00 Total : 52.00 6456 10/1/2015 004747 VASYUKHNEVIC,GALINA PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND GREAT ROOM 28.50 Total : 28.50 23 Vouchers for hank code: pk-ref Bank total : 2,383.00 23 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 2,383.00 - Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 10/06/2015 4:58:04PMUl Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 5283 10/512015 000165 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Ben63460 PERS:PAYMENT 94,315.78 Total: 94,315.78 5294 10/512015 000048 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS,401A PLAN Ben63462 001,231.14.00 401A: PAYMENT 32,304.30 Total: 32,304.30 5295 10/5/2015 000682 EFTPS Ben63464 001 231.11 00 FEDERAL TAXES:PAYMENT 36,104.82 Total: 36,104.82 5296 /01512015 000145 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS,457 PL/ Ben63466 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION:PAYI 6,020.36 Total: 6,020.36 5297 10/512015 000162 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS,401A EXEC PL Ben63468 401 EXEC PLAN:PAYMENT 1,441.96 Total: 1,441.96 5307 1015/2015 000682 EFTPS Ben63474 FEDERAL TAXES:PAYMENT 1,231.66 Total: 1,231.66 36596 10/5/2015 000120 AWC Ben63456 HEALTH PLANS:PAYMENT 114,038.87 Ben63472 HEALTH PLANS(COUNCIL):PAYMENT 10,757.68 Total: 124,796.55 36597 10/5/2015 000699 WA COUNCIL CO/CITY EMPLOYEES Ben63458 001.231,21.00 UNION DUES:PAYMENT 2,485.32 Total: 2,485.32 8 Vouchers for hank code: apbank Bank total: 298,700.75 8 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 298,700.75 Page: 'i vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 10/0712015 7:29:19AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 3820646 10/29/2015 000164 LABOR&INDUSTRIES Ben63470 LABOR&INDUSTRIES:PAYMENT 27,043.19 Total: 27,043.19 1 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total: 27,043.19 1 Vouchers In this report Total vouchers: 27,043.19 I,the undersigned,do certify under penally of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor pertormed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that i am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 13, 2015 Department Director Approval : Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Period Ending September 30, 2015 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Budget/Financial impacts: Employees Council Total Gross: $ 282,157.96 $ 6,225.00 $288,382.96 Benefits: $ 157,617.07 $ 11,394.41 $169,011.48 Total payroll $ 439,775.03 $ 17,619.41 $457,394.44 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to Approve above payroll. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri DRAFT MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington September 15,2015 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Dean Grafos, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Ed Pace, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Sean Messner,Traffic Engineer Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Pro Tem John Hohman, Community Development Dir. Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director Gloria Mantz, Development Engineer Jenny Nickerson, Senior Plans Examiner Gabe Gallinger, Senior Development Engineer Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. 1. Historic Preservation—Gloria Mantz To continue previous discussions concerning the possibility of pursuing an historic preservation program, Ms. Mantz explained that the first step would be the City becoming a Certified Local Government(CLG), followed by initiating and adopting two ordinances: one to explain the program, and a second ordinance to establish the Historic Preservation Commission. As contained in the draft ordinances and shown on the PowerPoint slides, Ms. Mantz explained the process for beginning such a program, what it would include, how one's property could be included or removed from the register, the difference between the historic inventory and the historic register, incentives, and commission membership. Ms. Mantz clarified that the historic inventory would simply be a listing of historic properties and would not include any attached regulations, while properties on the historic register would have regulations attached based on the type of property and historic contribution. There was some discussion about Council's authority over the commission,appeal process if needed,and any penalty for removal from the register. Councilmember Pace said he was excited about this topic at first but is bothered that the State of Washington has to be involved; that he doesn't like the penalty for removing one's property from the register, said he doesn't see the benefits, that the whole thing seems complex; thinks "mission" creep would happen and he doesn't think this should be moved further forward. Ms. Mantz explained that the only way to offer the tax incentive is by our City becoming a CLG which must be approved by the State. Deputy Mayor Woodard also voiced his opposition to the ordinances and said he doesn't see any advantage to the average taxpayer;that the City of Spokane started their process thirty years ago and it is now a quagmire;that even a property included in the historic inventory would become something more later, and that is just the way government works. Councilmember Higgins agreed this would become something else over time and that a commission with good intentions changes with commission creep and ends up being restrictive to property rights and business development. Council Study Session: 09-15-2015 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT Councilmember Wick said the City of Spokane is doing things such as offering economic incentives to encourage development, that we don't have a lot of older buildings like Spokane does, but that promotes even more the thought of how do we provide an option for those who want to preserve those buildings; said it is an option for the property owner and could help someone with an older historic building;that he feels this should continue moving forward; said the penalty helps protects others who don't have historic buildings or property and the tax break gives incentive for those who want to remain on the list; and that overall not having this makes us less competitive in the region. Mayor Grafos said he would also like to move this forward and sees this as an economic advantage;that the program is voluntary and the property owner has the option of coming forward to take advantage of the tax benefits, and if the owner takes advantage of the benefits,just like a bank loan, couldn't just take the money and then decide that is not something they want to do; that those funds are all the taxpayer's funds. Councilmember Hafner said he would also like to continue examining this topic and he too would like to preserve what we have. Councilmember Gothmann said he appreciates that there are many historic places all across the country that have been preserved. There was further discussion about whether to move this forward or not,and Mr. Jackson said staff can make some changes and bring this back for future discussion, and at that time schedule it for a motion to move forward for a first reading or not.To determine consensus,a show of hands resulted in Mayor Grafos and Councilmembers Wick, Gothmann and Hafner in favor of moving this forward; and Deputy Mayor Woodard and Councilmembers Wick and Pace opposed to moving this forward; so this item will move forward. 2. Mansfield Speed Limit— Sean Messner Mr.Messner gave the background of the proposal to change the existing speed limits on Mansfield Avenue between Pines Road and Mirabeau Parkway, from 25 mph to 35 mph, as noted on his Request for Council Action Form. Council concurred to bring this back next week for a motion to approve a resolution changing the speed limit as noted. 3. Solid Waste Update—Eric Guth Public Works Director Guth gave an update of the City's solid waste program,which he said began last fall with a signed agreement with Sunshine Disposal, and opening of our transfer station operations November 17, 2014; he went over the transition process and of the ways we advertised to the public of what we were doing;said we have received fewer than one hundred calls from citizens on the transition(July 2014 through December 2014);and only ten citizen contacts/comments from January 2015 through September 2015; said the transfer station is operational and open seven days a week, accepts waste, recyclables, clean green and household hazardous waste. Mr. Guth also noted that there have been no complaints on wait times at the transfer station. Deputy Mayor Woodard remarked that possibly we need more directional signs as he heard from a citizen who was frustrated about not being able to find the station. Mr. Guth said he does not have a current plan for more signage but could research that topic. Mayor Grafos called for a recess at 7:05 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:16 p.m. 4. City Hall Design—John Hohman Mr. Hohman explained that tonight is an opportunity to give Council an update on the City Hall design process and get feedback from Council on likes and dislikes; said tonight represents the first opportunity to see the options; said a large amount of work went into these designs in order to bring this to Council in as well thought out format as possible. Mr. Hohman said staff seeks Council's feedback on the two options, and he suggested Council take as much time as they desire in tonight's review. Mr. Hohman introduced Mr. Steve Roth, Project Manager with Architects West,who then introduced his team. Mr. Roth said City staff spent a lot of time to get to this point, which included working daily and meeting every Wednesday since the project started several months ago. Mr.Hohman said the design committee feels option 1 is a very safe option, and option 2 stretches it a little; said both options are roughly equivalent in cost and fit within the budget provided we stay with the smaller basement, which he said meets the program needs. Mr. Council Study Session: 09-15-2015 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT Hohman also noted that after the PowerPoint presentation, staff would show a revolving model of the building.In response to a question about the schedule,Mr.Hohman said assuming the designs are favorable, the idea is to finalize the designs quickly and aim for advertisement in January with a bid award early February; said this is the favorable timeframe in order to get this started in spring as soon as possible. After seeing the PowerPoint presentation,and the revolving model,Mr.Hohman invited questions and comments. There was some discussion about the affect this would have on Sprague traffic and Mr. Hohman said the only portion of that segment is the conceptual design; said an optional task would be for a more detailed design but that would be a separate project from City Hall and would be outside the $14.4 million budget; said due to the uncertainty of what might occur across the street,the idea is to perhaps do that at the time of a future park construction; said we want to be cognizant of travelling public and not create too much traffic slow-down; said the road elevation would not change and the median would be installed to try to provide some shelter as pedestrians cross,plus there would be an activated signal;and said that would come later. A question about art displays also came up and Mr. Hohman said he met with Dr. Harken and talked about different areas within the building for possible areas to display art. Councilmember Gothmann suggested having the citizens select which option. Deputy Mayor Woodard said he likes option two and said he would like to see the other two basement options bid out as alternate bids. Councilmember Wick said he also likes option two as it lends a lot of light and makes the entrance stand out more; said he thought the Mayor and Councilmembers' area is a little too small and maybe not the best configuration having the Mayor having to walk through the area to get to his office. Councilmember Hafner stated that he too likes option two; thinks we should plan for the future for ten to fifteen years from now and consider a full basement. Councilmember Pace and Higgins stated they also like option two. Mayor Grafos said he likes option one, but is evidently outvoted; but that he feels option one is the more traditional looking building;but said that either design is fine; said the two main drivers of this City are community development and public works, and since they would be on the first floor,thinks the City Manager should be on the first floor as well to drive those two departments. Mr. Jackson said that as Councilmember Gothmann mentioned public input,he suggests if the idea meets Council's approval,to put this information on our website, and when we come back to Council and ask Council for a motion to proceed with the general design, that the public would be made aware of the upcoming motion so they would have an opportunity then to comment; and Council concurred. 5. Advance Agenda—Mayor Grafos Mayor Grafos said the opening of Mansfield presents an economic opportunity for us and the railroad;that maybe we could look at the area and talk to the property owner who owns the right-of-way,to realign that main line of UP Railroad and get enough right-of-way space to bridge that main line, and do an underpass at Pines; and asked if the engineers could look at that. Mayor Grafos also asked why we don't allow performance bonds; said he spoke with some engineers on some projects and was informed that we don't allow performance bonds that it has to be a line of credit. Mr. Jackson said he will research that. Mayor Grafos asked Council if they had any objection to cancelling the November 3 meeting and there was no objection; so it was noted that the November 3 meeting is cancelled. 6. Information Only: Analysis of Growth This item was for information only and was not reported or discussed. 7. Council Comments—Major Grafos There were no additional Council comments. 8. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson Council Study Session: 09-15-2015 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT Concerning the upcoming 2015 budget amendment,Mr.Jackson suggested the 2015 budget amendment be separated from the adoption of the 2016 budget, since the 2016 budget is based on the 2015 amendment; and suggested changing the final budget reading to November 10. Council concurred. Mr. Jackson said he received a request from Spokane County concerning the interlocal agreement to conduct a feasibility study for Plantes Ferry and potential development of a sportsplex next to the HUB; said he met with Doug Chase about this issue and the County's October 8 deadline,and suggests we wait until we see how that turns out and how we like the work of the consultant, and Mr. Jackson said Mr. Chase agreed with that suggestion. Mr. Jackson said our contribution to this study would be $12,000. Mr. Jackson said he supplied copies to Council of a September 8,2015 letter from Doug Chase about the County's ballot measure for funding park improvements and whether we want to contribute projects to that list; he said Mr. Chase clarified that the Board of County Commissioners has not decided if that$55 million in projects would include the sportsplex and that they might reduce the amount of any additional county-wide park projects to reach that amount if not included; and he asked if Council would like to suggest projects. Councilmember Hafner said he feels this is a premature and ridiculous request.In response to Council questions,Mr.Jackson confirmed it would be a nine-year levy lift. Councilmember Gothmann said he prefers staying away from the levy lift; Councilmember Pace said he is not in favor of this, Deputy Mayor Woodard said he prefers to wait to see if they come back on the 9t'of November, and Mayor Grafos said if we come up with projects for the City, we would be basically approving the levy lift, and he is not in favor of that either. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m. ATTEST: Dean Grafos, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session: 09-15-2015 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: City Staff Dean Grafos, Mayor Mike Jackson City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks &Recreation Director Ed Pace, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Pro Tem John Hohman, Community Development Dir. Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Gary Weber of Valley Fourth Memorial Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, Staff, and audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Hafner: reported that he attended the STA(Spokane Transit Authority)Operations meeting where they discussed the organization and how it is run and that he heard a suggestion about an advisory committee for the STA Central City Line; said that committee has not yet been approved,and said he spoke against the suggestion;attended the Health District workshop;went to the Council of Governments meeting at the Fairgrounds; attended the Auditor's Exit Interview and said our city received a good report; he also attended a meeting with the Health Board, and attended a SCOPE Board meeting. Concerning the STA meeting, Councilmember Hafner explained that it was determined that the advisory committee would be added; said if the feds give them $72 million and not enough board members vote against it,that will mean that they will have funds to build a central city line but no funds to operate it, which means,he explained, they'll have to find additional sales tax; said as part of the City of Spokane Council Meeting, it appeared that several Spokane City Council Members feel this is a "done deal" and that they really want it as they feel it will contribute to their economic development, however, Councilmember Hafner said, it would not contribute to our City's economic development. Councilmember Pace: said he attended the Greater Valley Support network where they heard about the good work SNAP does for the community; attended the Chamber's Big 5 meeting; went to the Council of Governments meeting at the fair; said he was unable to attend the STA board meeting but agrees with Councilmember Hafner that the central city line is a city of Spokane thing; went to the Inland Northwest Partners economic development forum in Hayden, Idaho and that it appear if we want businesses to come here we will have to have a legislative agenda,have our state as a right-to-work state, eliminate prevailing wage, and reduce L&I. Councilmember Higgins: said he attended the Inland Northwest Partners meeting and that the general misconception is that employment is driven by large corporations, but in communities like ours, we have an 80/20 split with 80%small employers, and 20%large box stores. Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 09-22-2015 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT Councilmember Gothmann: reported that he attended Norma Ventris' funeral and gave some background on Ms.Ventris' participation in our community; said he also attended the Council of Governments meeting where our Deputy City Attorney Lamb gave an excellent summary of the marijuana legislation; said he participated in SpokeFest and rode the 21-miles; attended our City's Audit Exit Interview and he extended congratulations to Mr. Jackson and his staff. Councilmember Wick: said he attended the Chamber's Big 5 leadership meeting where they worked to narrow down the top 5 priorities;went to the Interstate Fair's ribbon-cutting;attended the Port District study meeting about what a port district could do; concerning the SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) and funding for Bigelow Gulch, said he was one of the dissenting votes on the return of funds to the County; he explained that when the County received funds for Bigelow years ago, there were errors with their right-of-way acquisitions and they were made to return the funds and close down the project;he said the County had to let their entire right-of-way department go;but now they are back in compliance and the feds said they are now eligible,but since so much time has elapsed,the funding pools were reallocated to different projects; the County asked for the return of the funds and to be bumped ahead without going through the new process and to just give them the money;he said the majority of the Board decided to give the funds back,but that he voted against that;said his was not a vote against the project but more the process as he voted to follow the established process. Deputy Mayor Woodard: as part of the HCDAC (Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee) which deals with grants such as CDBG (Community Development Block Grants), that they had their first meeting for this year and as part of our City's guaranteed set-aside funds, we will retain approximately$251,000 for projects this year;said he attended the Council of Governments meeting, as well as the Inland Northwest Foundation meeting. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Grafos reported that he attended the Spokane County fair opening ceremony, followed by the Council of Governments meeting; that he met with the Spokesman Review reporter to talk about the new city hall; attended the annual meeting and reception with the Contractors group at Arbor Crest where they spoke with state representatives and members of the construction and development community;he mentioned the Valleyfest Magazine and expressed thanks to Petty Doering for her work with Valleyfest,which occurs this weekend. PROCLAMATION: n/a PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited public comment. Peggy Doering: said she is the Executive Director of Valleyfest which is occurring this week, and she invited all the citizens in the region to come participate;said the signs will go up tomorrow about the closure of Sprague for the parade,which starts at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Jenny Willardson, Spokane Valley: extended compliments to the City for having a wonderful parks department, especially the pools with the water slide and lazy river; extended thanks for having the water exercise program at Terrace View; also said she is enjoying the stormwater work as that means no water and ice on the road this winter. Nina Fluegal: started to speak about the Mansfield Speed Limit,but was asked to wait until Council got to that item for comments. Marcia Sands: City Clerk Bainbridge noted she received e-mail comments (which were previously distributed to Councilmembers) from Marcia Sands expressing concern about and opposition to the proposed development at the former Painted Hills Golf Course. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2016 Budget— Chelsie Taylor Mayor Grafos opened the public hearing at 6:37 p.m. After Ms. Taylor gave an overview of the budget, including changes as noted in blue on the Request for Council Action form, as well as on slide #2 of the PowerPoint,Mayor Grafos invited public comment;no comments were offered. Councilmember Pace said he wants to see growth in the general fund be less than 1% instead of 2.7%. Deputy Mayor Woodard said he agreed with that statement; that a portion of the growth is an additional Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 09-22-2015 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT snow plow and he wants that taken out of the budget until we figure out if there are contractors who would do it; said he doesn't understand why we are trying to build a fleet of snow plows when there are "slews of them in the area" and before we buy new trucks, to make sure there's no one that could do that. Deputy Mayor Woodard said he wants to keep growth in the budget that we set for the city and that there are plenty of ways we can do that; that Council asked staff to stay at 1%, that he knows personnel costs go up and accelerate but that we have surpluses; and questioned why we should keep expanding to create a new base when there are no real extenuating circumstances to exceed the 1%budget this year; said he won't vote for the budget the way it is now. Councilmember Pace said areas where we could make reductions include the NLC(National League of Cities),and City Council travel;said he doesn't want to micromanage but Council sets the goal of 1%and staff has to decide how to meet that goal; said it is just the general principle. Mayor Grafos said the target was 1% and we have held to that, especially when you pull out the wages, said health costs have gone up; that this is the time as the economy improves and we change our focus to economic development, and that if we want to pull those items out, that he thinks it is the wrong timing. Councilmember Pace said he doesn't want to pull out economic development line items, as that's up to the City Manager and staff. Deputy Mayor Woodard said that we are a contract city and he wonders why we have a fleet of nine; that there are other companies that would be willing to be on a moment's notice call for the winter season; or to at least stay the same for this year and find out what the contract community would like to do,then decide if that's the only option; said for every new three trucks, you have three new employees,which includes mechanics and drivers. Councilmember Hafner said he thinks things are going extremely well and he will vote for this budget; that he thinks we are providing the best services with the amount of money and not to correct or reduce that. Councilmember Wick added that the 1% was a goal, but that several different projects were added, such as the Appleway Trail and maintenance for a city hall; said they are not really expenses yet,that this is a budget and not actuals;that we have a history of rolling over numerous dollars as we underspend in the budget; said this is a planning and guidance tool and that staff will only spend what is needed to be spent. Mayor Grafos asked Mr. Jackson if he is planning to hire three or four snowplow drivers. Mr. Jackson said we would use part-time drivers;that we would advertise for drivers who are willing to drive in the winter,licensed CDL drivers and only pay them during the snow plow months; said if we have a bad storm we contract for graders; said we found when we started our own program that plows are not available; that it would be difficult going back and forth from one process to the other;that this current process gives us the control over the service and it is a good service;again stating that it would be difficult to change in the process; said moving forward staff could examine if plows are available,but if they are,we haven't heard; and said it is not the intent to hire additional full time staff and such does not exist in this budget. Mayor Grafos added that it is difficult to get people to plow snow in the middle of the winter or to ask someone to set aside their equipment and be on call for our city; said that won't happen; that he doesn't want to see kids walking to school with four to five inches of snow on the street; and that the plow is a good capital investment for our city. Mr. Jackson said Council can amend the budget moving forward, and that he will bring information about how to reduce the budget if Council chooses to make that amendment;and that he will be prepared to do so if the majority of Council asked him to do so. There was no further discussion and Mayor Grafos closed the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of vouchers on Sept 22, 2015 Request for Council Action Form Totaling $4,016,801.17 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending September 15,2015: $335,885.68 c. Approval of September 8, 2015 Formal Format Council Meeting Minutes d. Approval of September 11, 2015 Special Meeting Minutes, Regional Council of Governments It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 09-22-2015 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT NEW BUSINESS 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-016 Property Tax—Chelsie Taylor After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title,it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to advance Ordinance #15-016 levying regular property taxes for 2106 to a second reading. Interim Finance Director Taylor explained that this ordinance does not include the 1%tax increase which is allowed by law; she noted that Council can expect some revised numbers from the County Assessor's office for the levy estimate, and said all figures are based on estimates. Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Councilmember Pace said he talked to a lot of citizens who told him their property taxes are going up and that this is too high; and he moved to amend the ordinance by lowering the property tax 1%for a reduction of$112,791.52. Deputy Mayor Woodard seconded the motion, and added that he would like to eventually eliminate the property tax. Ms. Taylor said if we cut the property tax 1%, that represents$113,000 which would exceed our budget by$77,000 and would result in a deficit in the general fund. Councilmember Hafner explained that there are a lot of other agencies that affect the property tax and not just Spokane Valley, and that he feels our services are adequate. Councilmember Wick said we have "held the line" for six years now. Mr. Jackson said the only increased property tax revenue is new construction,and said the goal is to grow the economy. Councilmember Gothmann said that the actual taxes on a home are also determined by assessed value, and that his taxes went down last year, and that the property tax is for commercial and residential. Councilmember Higgins said that this assumes the economy is improving,but what if it is not. Councilmember Pace said we don't control the assessed value of houses, but we do control the tax rate, and if the tax is not taken,there would be more money in the economy. Vote to amend the motion to decrease the property tax by 1%for a reduction of$112,791.52:In Favor:Deputy Mayor Woodard and Councilmembers Higgins and Pace. Opposed:Mayor Grafos, and Councilmembers Hafner, Wick and Gothmann. Motion to amend failed. Vote on the original motion to advance ordinance #15-016 levying regular property for 2016 to a second reading: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 4. Proposed Resolution 15-008 Changing Mansfield Speed Limit— Sean Messner It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Resolution 15-008 amending the Master Speed Limit Schedule as proposed. Public Works Director Guth, standing in for Engineer Messner, explained the existing 25 mph is because of pre-construction configuration in which Mansfield turned ninety-degrees,but the project completion changes the number of travel lanes,the configuration of bicycle lanes, will now be mostly straight, and includes the installation of median islands. Mr. Guth said staff recommends changing the speed limit to 35 mph based on prevailing travel speeds and changes to the road. Mayor Grafos invited public comment. Nina Fluegal expressed concern with changing the speed limit and said people should obey the speed limits,not change them based on what speed most people are travelling. There were no further public comments. Council discussion favored the change. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. Mayor Grafos called for a recess at 7:21 p.m.; he reconvened the meeting at 7:33 p.m. 5. Motion Consideration: Outside Agency Grant Allocations—Chelsie Taylor It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to award 2016 Outside Agency funding as follows: (1) Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce$26,704; (2)Spokane Valley Arts Council$18,953; (3) Spokane Valley Heritage Museum $1,571; (4) Valleyfest$13,000; (5) Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels $7,429; (6) Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Council $5,429; (7) Hearth Homes $12,057; (8) Spokane Valley Partners $19,286; and(9) YWCA $2,571. After Ms. Taylor reviewed the background and formula for allocating funds, Mayor Grafos invited public comment.No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None.Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 09-22-2015 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 6. Budget Amendment for 2015 — Chelsie Taylor After Interim Finance Director Taylor briefed Council on the various proposed amendments, all as noted on the five-page Request for Council Action form, Council concurred to move this forward. 7. Advance Agenda—Mayor Grafos Councilmember Pace suggested including the topic of the Painted Hills development project on an upcoming agenda as citizens don't seem to know that the City of Spokane Valley doesn't have anything to do with that, and to brief Council on the issue as well. City Manager Jackson agreed that there seems to be an information deficit on this, and said that community development is working to get the information on our website to help citizens better understand this project;and suggested that an information item might be a good way to start. Council agreed. Councilmember Wick brought up the topic of wayfinding signs; said the regional proposal wasn't well received by Council, but he thinks there is some merit to the idea as it affects tourism and is a potential idea for applying for LTAC funds (Lodging Tax Advisory Committee); said he would like more discussion about perhaps applying for a lodging tax grant for a small piece of wayfinding and not for approval of the whole study; said applications are due October 2. Several Councilmembers voiced agreement with the idea, and Mr. Jackson said it could take a few weeks to start discussion, and he will schedule this as a future item. INFORMATION ONLY: Agenda Item(8)Stormwater Construction Grants;and(9)Department Reports were for information only and were not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Mr. Jackson stated that information is on the City's website and has been placed in both newspapers concerning the design of the new city hall and he is hopeful people will come out and comment at next week's meeting, at which time staff will seek a motion to move the project forward on the general concept by the architect. Councilmember Gothmann mentioned he was asked to attend a forum concerning information about the proposed city hall, and Mr. Jackson agreed Councilmember Gothmann should get together with Director Hohman prior to that forum. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m. ATTEST: Dean Grafos, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 09-22-2015 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington September 29,2015 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Dean Grafos, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Ed Pace, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Ben Wick, Councilmember John Hohman, Community Development Dir. Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Pro Tem Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director Mike Stone, Parks &Recreation Director Jenny Nickerson, Senior Plans Examiner Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. 1. City Hall Design—John Hohman It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve the conceptual design of City Hall as presented. Director Hohman explained that this important project represents a celebration of our potential while establishing a sense of place and identity and act as much needed economic impetus for the corridor; he explained that no expensive certifications like LEEDS (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) are being proposed, but we will look into all opportunities to make sure the building is designed with the most energy efficient materials possible. After introducing members of his team, Architects West Project Manager Steve Roth went through the PowerPoint explaining the process for the design of the new city hall. After the PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Hohman explained that the next steps include receiving Council and public feedback, with a hopeful bid in February or March of 2016, and construction beginning April with an anticipated opening date of late spring or early spring 2016. Mr. Hohman also noted that he will bring Council periodic updates as the project progresses. In response to a question from Councilmember Gothmann about the design of the Council Chambers,Mr.Hohman stated that we received some concerns from the police chief about security and that the orientation of that room will not have the Council up against glass,but rather will be against a solid wall,but windows will be there to provide light and views across the park,adding that there are many design and material details to finalize. Councilmember Hafner stated that he feels it would be more efficient to have a full basement and perhaps that could be an option or part of the initial bid; and to let the traffic professionals design where the walk in traffic should be,then put in sidewalks. Mayor Grafos invited public comments. 1. Mr. Lynn Plaggemeier: said he has been watching the design process and that he read the 2008 and 2013 documents; said the architects started with a big disadvantage and he asked if this design includes men's and women's locker rooms; mentioned the city would be responsible for a larger segment of sidewalk; asked about runoff from the building and drainage, how the trash would be taken out of the building, and Council Study Session: 09-29-2015 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT how would we take deliveries; asked if the power comes from the spaces above or the floor, and said all those issues need to be looked at and that every supervisor should sign off on the space required. 2. Mr. Chuck Simpson: asked what is the actual cost difference between option 1 and 2; said there were no pictures of the interior of option 1;that he knows it's too late now,but he liked the Horizon Building which was sold in 2009 for$6 million,and liked the design of the American West building at Brown and Sprague; said he is glad there will not be a LEEDS certification; asked about the trees along Sprague eventually obstructing the view; said administrative offices and Council offices needs to be on the main floor and that the Chamber should be enclosed with no glass, with the Council offices off the chamber. Said he doesn't like the trail so close and envisions someone exiting the building and being run down by a bicycle; and said he feels we need a full basement. 3. Ms.Nina Fluegal: said she has seen a lot of carports collapse due to snow and she asked about the weight of snow as one walks into the building; asked if solar would be involved as she thinks we could harness a lot of that. 4. Ms. Susan Scott: said she would have preferred option 1 as she thinks it is more classic that suits the essence of the Valley; said she is disappointed we are not going with a LEEDS certification as we could use the saved money to finance a full basement; expressed concern about exterior wood as well as so many corners on the building; and said we could probably cut a few and save money again to help finance the basement; said the round smooth river rock should be used somewhere. 5. Mr. Ron Schmidt: said based on the building the Fire Department recently had built, you can't have enough storage and that we would be surprised how quickly the storage area fills up; suggested we check to make sure there is enough wiring to do everything; an efficient heating system is needed also; and he welcomed everyone to come look at the Fire Department's new building. 6. Ms. Heather Graham: said she likes the overall design and feels it represents many structural features of our city; that she feels that even though she realizes they are not full time, putting the Mayor and Council on the third floor isn't a welcoming message. There were no further public comments. Councilmember Pace said that he meets with a lot of people but never meets at City Hall;that Council serves the public and needs to be out there with them. Deputy Mayor Woodard said he realizes details have not been worked out yet and he did not except to hear those details tonight; that he agrees the Chambers and Council offices should be accessible on the first floor, but also mentioned the idea of having a room off the main reception desk where Council could meet with the public as needed; said he agrees with the idea of using river rock;that he received a suggestion to go to the owner of the Old Plantation and negotiate getting that landmark moved to our site,along with an interpretive sign. Councilmember Hafner said Council is part time and is very seldom at City Hall,even for part of a day;but when people call to meet,he agreed with the need for a conference room; said the cubicles for Council are adequate and the first floor should be the permitting area, which is a most important area. Mayor Grafos agreed with having the public space/meeting room on the first floor; said he doesn't have a problem with the design and maybe we could do a tradeoff to have a half basement and said Council needs to look at the different options as those designs for heating, HVAC, etc. come in. Councilmember Pace said it is his desire to keep the project on schedule and within budget. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Grafos There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. 3. Council Comments—Mayor Grafos There were no additional Council comments. Council Study Session: 09-29-2015 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT 4. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson Mr. Jackson said that he spoke with members of the City's Finance Committee regarding the solid waste transfer station contract with Sunshine,whereby an administrative fee was built into the contract based on $2.75 per ton with an expectation of 45,500 tons of waste;said they have exceeded that and as a result there is about$40,000 more generated in 2015 than needed to fulfill the contract of$125,000; said the Sunshine contract has a CPI (Consumer Price Index) increase of.9% each year; that he proposes, and the Finance Committee supports using that $40,000 to level out the rate for 2016 with maybe a small increase, but leaning toward no increase in the second year of the contract,which he said is all within the City Manager's authority; which means that the total gate fee would remain the same or nearly the same for our citizens and others who use the facility. Councilmember Gothmann mentioned that we are not competitive on our clean green fee and that he would like to see that lowered or change the minimum poundage,and suggested changing the fee from$10.00 to$5.00. Mr.Jackson said he heard that the County will be doing a rate study perhaps later this year; said we are contracting with a private vendor and he is reluctant to artificially subsidize the clean green rate as it would be increasing solid waste fees to make that change; also said that the County chose to tax all citizens to pay for their transfer station so everyone can use the County's transfer station as we are all paying for it through property taxes. Mr. Jackson said that it costs as much to process clean green as it does to process solid waste. Council agreed with Mr. Jackson suggestion and liked the idea of keeping the rates flat or nearly flat. Mr. Jackson mentioned our new permit advertisements, and the two different ads were shown on the television screens. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m. ATTEST: Dean Grafos, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session: 09-29-2015 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 13, 2015 Department Director Approval: QX Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business QX new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second reading of Ordinance #15-016 levying 2016 regular property taxes and authorizing Spokane County to collect the tax on behalf of Spokane Valley. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Through the 2016 Budget development process there have been a number of discussions regarding the 2016 property tax levy, including: • An administrative report on August 11th • A public hearing that was held on August 25th • An administrative report on September 1st • The first reading of Ordinance #15-016 on September 22nd BACKGROUND: New Information: This section presents information that has not been included in previously property tax discussions. The information in this section is also included in italics in the rest of the document in order to provide additional explanation in those sections. The potential increase in the property tax levy is limited by State law to the lesser of the increase in the Implicit Price Deflator (IPD), which is the specific measure of inflation used by the State for property tax increases, or 1%. The increase in the IPD for the 2016 tax year was just issued on September 25, 2015, and it is 0.251%. As such, the increase in the property tax levy or the increase in the City's banked capacity is limited to 0.251%. However, the City could bank capacity of up to 1% for 2016 by passing a second property tax ordinance demonstrating substantial need for the increased limit. The second ordinance would require passage by a majority plus one of Councilmembers. As the IPD is less than 1% for the 2016 tax year, the calculation of the Highest Lawful Levy made by the Spokane County Assessor's Office was also only increased by 0.251%. This impacted the City's estimated banked capacity for 2016, which is included in the table under the Banked Capacity section. The City Manager discussed with the Finance Committee, that the passage of a second property tax ordinance would be necessary in order for the City to bank excess capacity at a 1% increase. The recommendation of the Finance Committee was to not pass a second ordinance demonstrating substantial need, and for the City to bank excess capacity at the 0.251% increase in I PD. 2016 Levy and Estimated Rate per $1,000 of Assessed Value • State law requires that the City pass an ordinance that establishes a property tax levy, and per our 2016 Budget calendar we are scheduled to adopt this legislation on October 13, 2015. • State law limits the increase in the property tax levy to the lesser of the increase in the IPD, which is the specific measure of inflation used by the State for property tax increases, or 1%. The IPD rate for the 2016 tax year was just issued on September 25, 2015, and it is 0.251%. • Our proposed 2016 property tax levy does not include the 0.251% increase allowed by State law. 1 • The levy will include property taxes on new construction. • With the passage of this ordinance we estimate the City will collect between $11,442,929 (based upon the most recent Spokane County estimate) and $11,479,152 (based upon the City estimate). These estimates are computed as follows: Spokane County Update as of City Estimate 9/22/2015 Difference 2015 Actual Levy 11,279,152.00 11,279,152.00 0.00 + 0% Increase 0.00 0.00 0.00 2016 Levy after increase 11,279,152.00 11,279,152.00 0.00 + Estimated new construction 200,000.00 163,777.08 36,222.92 Total estimated 2016 Levy 11,479,152.00 11,442,929.08 36,222.92 • The $36,223 difference between the two revenue figures is a result of differences in the estimated new construction. • Because Spokane County figures are still preliminary and don't include administrative refunds and other adjustments, I recommend we stay with the City of Spokane Valley estimate. • This levy is based upon a September 22nd update to the preliminary estimate of assessed property values provided to the City by the Spokane County Assessor of$7,715,979,541. • Total property tax revenue of $11,479,152 on preliminary assessed values of $7,715,979,541 will produce a levy of approximately $1.487710 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2016 ($11,479,152 / ($7,715,979,541/1,000) = $1.487710). • The 2016 estimated levy rate of$1.487710 per $1,000 is $.0377 less than the 2015 levy rate of $1.525452. • It is important to note that this estimate is based upon the Assessor's latest preliminary projections of assessed value as of September 22, 2015. A change in any of the elements including assessed value, new construction estimate and/or a change in the amount of our proposed levy will change the levy rate per $1,000. Banked Capacity Banked capacity is the difference between what the City could levy (the Highest Lawful Levy) and what it actually does. In any case, the City of Spokane Valley's maximum levy rate is $1.60 per $1,000 of assessed value. Any amount levied that is less than Highest Lawful Levy represents "banked capacity." Included in the analysis below is history of Spokane Valley levies including seven years of actual figures (2009 through 2015) and a preliminary estimate for 2016: A B C D E F G H I Highest Maximum Banked Levy Taxable Lawful Actual Total Levy Rate Levy Rate Levy Rate Banked Year Value Levy Levy Refund Levy per$1,000 per$1,000 per$1,000 Capacity (=C+D) (=E/(A/1,000)) (=B/(A/1,000)) (=1/(A/1,000) (=B-C) 2015 assessment for 2016 $7,715,989,541 $11,933,920 $11,479,152 ??? $11,479,152 $1.487710 $1.55 $0.058938 $454,768 2014 assessment for 2015 $7,393,971,582 $11,740,674 $11,230,806 $48,346 $11,279,152 $1.525452 $1.59 $0.068957 $509,868 2013 assessment for 2014 $7,168,991,028 $11,472,290 $11,049,400 $27,744 $11,077,144 $1.545147 $1.60 $0.058989 $422,890 2012 assessment for 2013 $6,921,825,295 $11,074,920 $10,899,437 $20,495 $10,919,932 $1.577609 $1.60 $0.025352 $175,483 2011 assessment for 2012 $7,087,523,395 $11,340,034 $10,808,900 $9,817 $10,818,717 $1.526445 $1.60 $0.074939 $531,134 2010 assessment for 2011 $7,140,947,644 $11,138,355 $10,700,000 $32,863 $10,732,863 $1.503003 $1.56 $0.061386 $438,355 2009 assessment for 2010 $7,169,492,602 $10,902,644 $10,799,500 $27,208 $10,826,708 $1.510108 $1.52 $0.014387 $103,144 2008 assessment for 2009 $7,019,508,327 $10,600,725 $10,500,000 $28,505 $10,528,505 $1.499892 $1.51 $0.014349 $100,725 Note: Figures reflected for the 2016 levy are preliminary and subject to change. At this point the only known figure for 2016 is the Highest Lawful Levy. The Highest Lawful Levy is calculated by the County Assessor's Office with a 0.251%increase in IPD. 2 • Generally speaking, you'll note there is a direct relationship between the Taxable Value listed in column A, and the Banked Capacity in columns H and I. In other words, as the Taxable Value increases the Banked Capacity also increases. This did not hold true in the estimate for 2016 due to the IPD being less than 1%, which held the Highest Lawful Levy to a lower dollar value. • Alternatively though, there is an inverse relationship between the direction of the Taxable Value in column A and the Levy Rate per $1,000 in column F. In other words, as the Taxable Value increases (as is the case in 2015 and 2016) the Levy Rate per $1,000 decreases. Essentially what occurs in this case is that even though the Levy Rate per $1,000 may decrease, the actual amount paid by a property owner may not change significantly because the value of the property has increased. By the same token, as the economy declines and Taxable Values decrease, the Levy Rate per $1,000 will likely increase. • It is also noteworthy that in the years the City does not levy the allowed increase in property tax revenue that is allowed by State law (the lesser of the increase in the IPD or 1%), that potential increase is "banked" for potential future use. In 2016, the banked amount is limited by the 0.251% increase in the IPD; however, the City could bank capacity up to 1% for 2016 by passing a second property tax ordinance demonstrating substantial need. The second ordinance would require passage by a majority plus one of Councilmembers. • The banked capacity can be accessed by the City through the annual property tax levy ordinance adopted by the Council. However, the City may only take the banked capacity up to a level where the levy rate per $1,000 of assessed value does not exceed $1.60. • Accessing the banked capacity does not mean we can go back in time and collect the property taxes we've left behind. It simply means we can reset the base upon which the calculation is made. OPTIONS: Passage of this ordinance is required by law in order to levy 2016 property taxes. The Council could modify the ordinance to establish a different levy amount. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance #15-016 levying regular property taxes for 2016. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This ordinance levies property taxes for the City's 2016 Budget where we anticipate property tax revenues to be approximately $11,479,200 or 29.11% of total General Fund recurring revenues of$39,438,428. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 15-016 Levying 2016 Regular Property Taxes 3 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 15-016 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LEVYING THE REGULAR PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2016, TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR CITY SERVICES AS SET FORTH IN THE CITY BUDGET,AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley has met and considered its budget for the calendar year 2016; and WHEREAS,the City's actual levy amount from the previous year was $11,279,152; and WHEREAS,the population of the City is more than 10,000. NOW,THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley,do ordain as follows: Section 1. Property Tax Levy - An increase in the regular property tax levy is hereby authorized for the levy to be collected in the 2016 tax year. The dollar amount of the increase over the actual levy amount from the previous year shall be $0.00 which is a percentage increase of 0.0% from the previous year. This increase is exclusive of additional revenue resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines, any increase in the value of state assessed property, any annexations that have occurred, and refunds made. Section 2. Transmittal of Budget. A complete copy of the budget as adopted, together with a copy of this Ordinance, shall be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor, and to the Association of Washington Cities. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. PASSED by the City Council this 13th day of October,2015. Dean Grafos,Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved As To Form: Date of Publication: Office of the City Attorney Effective Date: Ordinance 15-016 levying 2016 property tax Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 13, 2015 Department Director Approval: QX Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business QX new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First reading of proposed Ordinance #15-018 which amends the 2015 Budget. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: In order for the City to amend an adopted budget, State law requires the Council to approve an ordinance that appropriates additional funds. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council last took formal action on the 2015 Budget when it was adopted on November 17, 2014. On September 22, 2015, an Administrative Report was delivered to Council regarding the need for a budget amendment. Finally, earlier this evening a public hearing was held on this topic. BACKGROUND: Since the initial adoption of the 2015 Budget on November 17, 2015, a number of events have transpired in the normal course of operations that necessitate a 2015 Budget amendment. They include: #001 - General Fund Provide additional appropriations (expenditures) of$1,278,712 comprised of: • $15,575 reduction in recurring Parks and Recreation professional services and increase in transfers to Fund #309 for preliminary design costs related to the Mission Trailhead Landscaping and Pocket Dog Park capital projects. • $31,000 reduction in recurring expenditures for PEG capital items which are being moved to new PEG Fund #107. • $267,300 transferred to new PEG Fund #107 to move the restricted cash balance. • $25,000 reduction in nonrecurring expenditures for PEG capital items which are being moved to new PEG Fund #107. • $145,000 reduction in professional services related to the Comprehensive Plan Update due to a revised timeline for the project. • $639,300 reduction in the cost estimate for the Police CAD / RMS. • $4,300 for replacement of the Precinct gate motor. • $4,600 for a radar recorder for the Police Department. • $36,000 for repairs to the roof at CenterPlace. • $23,300 for minor renovations that were completed in early 2015 to City Hall to bring the Permit Center into the main building and move Finance to the old Wells Fargo space. • $1,783,512 transferred to Capital Reserve Fund #312 which represents the 2013 yearend fund balance in excess of 50%. Decrease revenues by $140,775 comprised of: • $89,200 reduction in gambling tax revenues due to reducing the gambling tax rate on card games to 6% effective July 1, 2015. • $92,000 reduction to move the Comcast PEG contribution to new PEG Fund #107. • An increase of $40,425 transferred from the Solid Waste Fund #106 to repay the General Fund for solid waste program costs in 2013 and 2014. This repayment will occur over five years beginning in 2015 at $40,425 per year. 1 #104 — Hotel/Motel Tax—Tourism Facilities Fund Increase revenues by $178,700 reflecting projected hotel/motel tax revenues in 2015 from the 1.3% tax that was effective as of July 1, 2015. This fund was created in 2015 via Ordinance #15-008 on April 14, 2015. #105 - Hotel/Motel Tax Fund The expenditures did not change in total; however, there was a line item change that moved $68,000 from the Tourism Promotion expense account to a transfer to Fund #309, which represents the lodging tax award that was made to the Parks and Recreation Department for the Browns Park volleyball court project. The revenue estimate has been revised upward by $40,000 from $510,000 to $550,000. #106 — Solid Waste Fund Revenues and expenditures each increase by $26,800 reflecting grant proceeds and related grant program expenditures. Also, the expenditures include a transfer $40,425 to the General Fund to repay the General Fund for solid waste program costs in 2013 and 2014. This repayment will occur over five years beginning in 2015 at $40,425 per year. Educational and administrative expenditures were reduced by $13,625 in order to accommodate the transfer out. #107 — PEG Fund This is proposed as a new fund in 2015. Expenditures are increased by $80,400 comprised of: • $68,400 in PEG capital expenditures that were previously included in the General Fund. • $12,000 in PEG reimbursements to Community Minded Television for PEG capital expenditures made as the City's public access channel manager. Revenues are increased $359,300 comprised of: • $92,000 in Comcast PEG contributions that were previously included in the General Fund. • $267,300 transferred from the General Fund to move the PEG restricted cash balance to new PEG Fund #107. #301 — REET 1 Capital Projects Fund Expenditures are increased by $347,433 reflecting a transfer to Street Capital Projects Fund #303 for additional 2015 projects due to revised project schedules. Revenues are increased by $175,000 due to revised projected collections for REET funds. #302 — REET 2 Capital Proiects Fund Expenditures are increased by $47,981 reflecting a transfer to Street Capital Projects Fund #303 for additional 2015 projects due to revised project schedules. Revenues are increased by $175,000 due to revised projected collections for REET funds. #303 — Street Capital Projects Fund This fund is being amended to reflect estimated actual progress on a number of projects as well as updates to estimated project costs. Expenditures and revenues are increased by $652,161, which includes a reduction of the $900,000 to bring the contingency from $1,000,000 to $100,000. As the Fund #303 budget is developed in July prior to the budget year, the City has historically included a $1,000,000 appropriation contingency to absorb changes in project timelines and costs that occur subsequent to the initial budget development process. This $1,000,000 appropriation contingency is then offset by a combination of assumed grant revenues and REET revenues transferred from Funds #301 and #302. 2 #309 — Park Capital Projects Fund This fund is being amended to reflect estimated actual progress on a number of projects. The increases seen in this fund are primarily a result of project bids received exceeding estimated costs. Changes include increases to expenditures/appropriations of $688,725 and increases to revenues of$728,225. Expenditure changes include: • Adding $68,000 to sand volleyball courts to the Browns Park volleyball court project from the 2015 lodging tax grant award. • Adding $23,975 to the Pocket Dog Park project for $8,975 in design costs out of the Parks and Recreation professional services budget in the General Fund #001 and additional construction costs of$15,000 due to bids for construction costs exceeding estimates. • Adding $22,100 to the Mission Trailhead Landscaping project, including design costs of $6,600 out of the Parks and Recreation professional services budget in the General Fund #001 and $15,500 due to bids for construction costs exceeding estimates. • Moving $70,000 initially appropriated for the City entry sign out of 2015 (and into the 2016 Budget through a separate Council action). • Adding a $540,600 appropriation for the Appleway Trail — University to Pines project. • Adding a $104,050 for the Appleway Trail — Pines to Evergreen project. Revenues increases include: • Grant proceeds of$90,000 for the Appleway Trail — Pines to Evergreen project. • A transfer of $15,575 from General Fund #001 for the Old Mission Trailhead Landscaping and Pocket Dog Park projects design costs. • A transfer of $68,000 from Hotel/Motel Tax Fund #105 for the Browns Park volleyball court project. • A transfer of $540,600 from Capital Reserve Fund #312 for the Appleway Trail — University to Pines project. • A transfer of $14,050 from Capital Reserve Fund #312 for the Appleway Trail — Pines to Evergreen project. #310 — Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund • Expenditures increase by $1,140,300 for land acquisition and related professional services costs for the new City Hall site. • Revenues increase by $58,324 reflecting transfers in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312 for land acquisition and related professional services costs for the new City Hall site. #312 — Capital Reserve Fund This fund is being amended to reflect estimated actual progress on a number of projects as well as to include a transfer in from the General Fund #001 and transfers out for the City Hall project. • Expenditures/appropriations of$4,155,738 comprised of: o A reduction of $1,620,000 in transfers from Capital Reserve Fund #312 for the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project. The reduction is the result of the City using grant funds before applying City cash balances to the construction costs. This expenditure has been moved to the 2016 Budget. o An increase of $540,600 reflecting a transfer to Capital Projects Fund #309 for the Appleway Trail — University to Pines project. o An increase of $14,050 reflecting a transfer to Capital Projects Fund #309 for the Appleway Trail — Pines to Evergreen project. o An increase of$58,324 reflecting a transfer to Civic Bldgs Capital Projects Fund #310 for land acquisition and related professional services costs for the new City Hall site. 3 o An increase of $5,162,764 reflecting a transfer to the new City Hall Construction Fund #313 for City Hall architectural and construction costs. • Revenues include a transfer of $1,783,512 from General Fund #001 which represents the 2013 yearend fund balance in excess of 50%. #313 — City Hall Construction Fund This is proposed as a new fund in 2015. Expenditures are increased by $702,400 for architectural services for the new City Hall building. Revenues are increased $5,162,764 reflecting a transfer in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312 for City Hall architectural and construction costs. #402 — Stormwater Management Fund • Expenditures/appropriations increase by $275,340 due to revised schedules on various capital projects. • Revenues increase by $509,674 reflecting the receipt of capital grants for various projects in the amount of $389,674 and an operating transfer from the Aquifer Protection Area Fund #403 of$120,000. #403 —Aquifer Protection Area Fund Expenditures/appropriations did not change in total; however, there is a line item adjustment that reduces the estimated capital expenditures by $120,000 and increases an operating transfer to the Stormwater Fund #402 by $120,000. This budget amendment will create two new funds: • Fund #107— PEG • Fund #313— City Hall Construction The 2015 Budget amendment reflects the changes noted above and will affect 14 funds resulting in total appropriation/expenditure increases of $9,395,990 and revenue increases of $9,708,685. Revenue Expenditure Fund Fund Increase Increase No. Name (Decrease) (Decrease) 001 General Fund (140,775) 1,278,712 104 Hotel / Motel Tax -Tourism Facilities Fund 178,700 0 105 Hotel / Motel Tax Fund 40,000 0 106 Solid Waste Fund 26,800 26,800 107 PEG Fund 359,300 80,400 301 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund 175,000 347,433 302 REET 2 Capital Projects Fund 175,000 47,981 303 Street Capital Projects Fund 652,161 652,161 309 Park Capital Projects Fund 728,225 688,725 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund 58,324 1,140,300 312 Capital Reserve Fund 1,783,512 4,155,738 313 City Hall Construction Fund 5,162,764 702,400 402 Stormwater Management Fund 509,674 275,340 403 Aquifer Protection Area Fund 0 0 9,708,685 9,395,990 4 OPTIONS: Options are to accept the proposed amendments in whole or in-part. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance Ordinance #15-018 amending the 2015 Budget to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This action amends the estimated revenues and appropriations for the 2015 Budget that was adopted on November 17, 2014. There are adequate funds available to pay for these amendments. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: • Ordinance #15-018 • Fund level line-item detail of revenues and expenditures. 5 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 15-018 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON,AMENDING ORDINANCE 14-015,WHICH ADOPTED A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2015 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2015; CREATING NEW FUNDS (107) PEG FUND AND (313) CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION FUND; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council passed Ordinance 14-015 on November 17, 2014, which adopted the 2015 annual budget; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the November 17, 2014 adoption of the 2015 annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, appropriations, amendments, and transferring funds in order to properly perform City functions, services and activities; and WHEREAS, due to the restricted nature of capital contributions received for Public, Education, and Governmental (PEG) uses under the City's cable code, it is necessary to create Fund 107 PEG Fund, which will be used to account for activities related to the PEG capital contributions received; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to create Fund 313 City Hall Construction Fund, which will be used to account for activities related to the construction of a City Hall building; and WHEREAS, the budget changes set forth in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or known when the 2015 annual budget was passed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the best interests of the City are served by amending the 2015 budget to reflect unanticipated revenue, expenditures, transfers, and appropriating the same as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. Amended Revenues and Appropriations. Ordinance No. 14-015 adopted a budget for the twelve months beginning January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2015. Each item, revenue, appropriation, and fund contained in Section 1 of Ordinance 14-015 is hereby amended as set forth in Attachment A to this Ordinance,which is incorporated herein. Section 2. Creating Fund 107. There is hereby created Fund 107 PEG Fund which will be used to account for activities related to the PEG capital contributions received. Section 3. Creating Fund 313. There is hereby created Fund 313 City Hall Construction Fund which will be used to account for activities related to the construction of a City Hall building. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Ordinance 15-018 amending the 2015 budget Page 1 of 3 DRAFT Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this day of October 2015. ATTEST: Dean Grafos,Mayor Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 15-018 amending the 2015 budget Page 2 of 3 DRAFT ATTACHMENT A Sources Uses Revenues Appropriations Estimated Beginning Ending Fund Fund Adopted via Amended via Total Total Adopted via Amended via Total Fund No. Annual Appropriation Funds Balance Ord.14-015 Ord.15-018 Revenues Sources Ord.14-015 Ord.15-018 Appropriations Balance 001 General 24,573,898 38,442,200 (140,775) 38,301,425 62,875,323 39,981,282 1,278,712 41,259994 21,615,329 101 Street O&M 1,705,244 4,438,000 0 4,438,000 6,143,244 4,491,000 0 4,491,000 1,652,244 103 Paths&Trails 29,828 7,800 0 7,800 37,628 0 0 0 37,628 104 Hotel/Motel Tax-Tourism Facilities 0 0 178.700 178,700 178,700 0 0 0 178,700 105 Hotel/Motel Tax 209,949 510,300 40,000 550,300 760,249 600,000 0 600,000 160,249 106 Solid Waste 7,339 125,000 26,800 151,800 159,139 125,000 26,800 151,800 7,339 107 PEG 0 0 359,300 359,300 359,300 0 80,400 80,400 278,900 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 300,000 0 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 300,000 121 Service Level Stabilization 5,453,199 8,200 0 8,200 5,461,399 0 0 0 5,461,399 122Winter Weather Reserve 504,020 800 0 800 504,820 500,000 0 500,000 4,820 123 City Facilities Repair&Replacement. 1,174,070 1,300 0 1,300 1,175,370 616,284 0 616,284 559,086 204 Debt Service LTGO 03 4,049 538,100 0 538,100 542,149 538,100 0 538,100 4,049 301 Capital Projects 1,426,957 626,000 175,000 801,000 2,227,957 555,179 347,433 902,612 1,325,345 302 Special Capital Projects 1,325,144 626,000 175,000 801,000 2,126,144 698,489 47,981 746,470 1,379,674 303 Street Capital Projects 72,930 11,516,244 652,161 12,168,405 12,241,335 11,516,244 652,161 12,168,405 72,930 309 Parks Capital Projects 451,720 100,500 728,225 828,725 1,280,445 490,650 688,725 1,179,375 101,070 310 Civic Facilities Capital Projects 1,919,550 340,500 58,324 398,824 2,318,374 0 1,140,300 1,140,300 1,178,074 311 Pavement Preservation 1,922,013 3,216,032 0 3,216,032 5,138,045 2,615,050 0 2,615,050 2,522,995 312 Capital Reserve 8,581,715 0 1,783,512 1,783,512 10,365,227 2,120,000 4,155,738 6,275,738 4,089,489 313 City Hall Construction 0 0 5,162,764 5,162,764 5,162,764 0 702,400 702,400 4,460,364 49,661,625 60,496,976 9,199,011 69,695,987 119,357,612 64,847,278 9,120,650 73,967,928 45,389,684 Sources Uses Revenues Appropriations Estimated Beginning Ending Fund Working Adopted via Amended via Total Total Adopted via Amended via Total Working No. Working Capital Funds Capital Ord.14-015 Ord.15-018 Revenues Sources Ord.14-015 Ord.15-018 Appropriations Capital 402 Stormwater Management 1,933,564 1,881,500 509,674 2,391,174 4,324,738 2,257,869 275,340 2,533,209 1,791,529 403 Aquifer Protection Area 1,773 1,760,000 0 1,760,000 1,761,773 1,200,000 0 1,200,000 561,773 501 Equipment Rental&Replacement 1,235,794 36,544 0 36,544 1,272,338 30,000 0 30,000 1,242,338 502 Risk Management 168,209 325,000 0 325,000 493,209 325,000 0 325,000 168,209 3,339,340 4,003,044 509.674 4,512,718 7,852,058 3,812,869 275,340 4,088,209 3,763,849 Total of all Funds 53.000.965 64,500,020 9.708.685 74,208,705 127209,670 68.660.147 9.395.990 78.056.137 49,153,533 Ordinance 15-018 amending the 2015 budget Page 3 of 3 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #001 -General Fund Recurring Revenues Card Games - Reduction in gambling tax rate for card games 446,000 (89,200) 356,800 Comcast PEG Contribu - Move PEG to new Fund #107 92,000 (92,000) 0 Total recurring revenues (181,200) Recurring Expenditures Professional Services - Transfer to Fund#309 for Mission Trailhead and Pocket Dog Park 20,000 (15,575) 4,425 PEG COSV Broadcast- - Move PEG to new Fund #107 31,000 (31,000) 0 Total recurring expenditures (46,575) Nonrecurring Revenues Transfers in -#106 - Repayment of 2013 &2014 solid waste costs paid out of the General Fund 0 40,425 40,425 Total nonrecurring revenues 40,425 Nonrecurring Expenditures Transfers out-#107 - Move PEG cash to new Fund#107 0 267,300 267,300 Transfers out-#309 - Transfer to Fund#309 for Mission Trailhead and Pocket Dog Park 100,000 15,575 115,575 Computer Harware -C• - Move PEG to new Fund #107 191,500 (25,000) 166,500 Professional Services - Revised project timeline 395,000 (145,000) 250,000 CAD/RMS - Change in cost est. for CAD/RMS 949,000 (639,300) 309,700 Equipment repair and n001.016.099.521.20.48.00 - Precinct gate motor replacement 25,000 4,300 29,300 Small Tools and Minor - Radar recorder 0 4,600 4,600 Equipment repair and n - CenterPlace roof repairs 0 36,000 36,000 Equipment repair and n - City Hall remodel - Permit Cntr to main bldg 0 23,300 23,300 Transfer out-#312 - 2013#001 fund bal > 50% 0 1,783,512 1,783,512 Total nonrecurring expenditures 1,325,287 Total of all General Fund revenues (140,775) Total of all General Fund expenditures 1,278,712 Page 1 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #104 - Hotel/Motel Tax-Tourism Facilities Fund Revenues Hotel/ Motel Tax - New 1.3% hotel/motel tax effective 7/1/15 0 178,700 178,700 Total revenues 178,700 #105 - Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Expenditures Tourism Promotion - Transfer for volleyball lodging tax award 570,000 (68,000) 502,000 Transfers out-#309 - Transfer for volleyball lodging tax award 0 68,000 68,000 Total expenditures 0 Revenues Hotel/ Motel Tax - revised estimate 510,000 40,000 550,000 Total revenues 40,000 #106 -Solid Waste Fund Expenditures Education/Contract Adr - Adjust for grant and transfer out 125,000 (13,625) 111,375 - Repayment of 2013 &2014 solid waste costs Transfers out-#001 paid out of the General Fund 0 40,425 40,425 Total expenditures 26,800 Revenues Grant Proceeds - Dept. of Ecology grant received 0 26,800 26,800 Total revenues 26,800 Page 2 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #107 - PEG Fund Expenditures PEG Reimburse - CMT - Move PEG to new Fund #107 0 12,000 12,000 PEG COSV Broadcast - Move PEG to new Fund #107 0 68,400 68,400 Total expenditures 80,400 Revenues Comcast PEG Contribu - Move PEG to new Fund #107 0 92,000 92,000 Transfers in -#001 - Move PEG cash to new Fund#107 0 267,300 267,300 Total revenues 359,300 #301 - REET 1 Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Transfers out-#303 301.000.000.597.30.00.30 - Revised project schedules 221,980 347,433 569,413 Total expenditures 347,433 Revenues REET 1 - 1st Quarter P 301.301.000.318.34.00 - Revised estimate based on projections 625,000 175,000 800,000 Total revenues 175,000 #302 - REET 2 Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Transfers out-#303 302.000.000.597.30.00.30 - Revised project schedules 365,290 47,981 413,271 Total expenditures 47,981 Revenues REET 1 - 1st Quarter P 301.301.000.318.34.00 - Revised estimate based on projections 625,000 175,000 800,000 Total revenues 175,000 Page 3 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #303 -Street Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Capital outlay 303.303.060.595.xx.xx.xx - Argonne Rd Corridor Upgrade SRTC 602,196 612,633 1,214,829 Capital outlay 303.303.123.595.xx.xx.xx - Mission Ave. - Flora to Barker 355,376 (102,806) 252,570 Capital outlay 303.303.141.595.xx.xx.xx - Sullivan & Euclid PCC (PE & RW) 35,052 (25,052) 10,000 Capital outlay 303.303.142.595.xx.xx.xx - Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan PCC int,(PE/RW) 0 120,494 120,494 Capital outlay 303.303.149.595.xx.xx.xx - Sidewalk Infill 0 93,190 93,190 Capital outlay 303.303.155.595.xx.xx.xx - Sullivan Rd W Bridge Replacement 7,201,779 645,152 7,846,931 Capital outlay 303.303.156.595.xx.xx.xx - Mansfield Ave. Connection 570,480 602,236 1,172,716 Engineering &Architecl303.303.159.544.xx.xx.xx - University Rd / 1-90 Overpass Study 0 40,852 40,852 Capital outlay 303.303.166.595.xx.xx.xx - Pines Rd (SR27) &Grace Ave. Intersect Safety 556,137 (455,027) 101,110 Capital outlay 303.303.167.595.xx.xx.xx - Citywide Safety Improvements (bike/ped) 320,560 (59,984) 260,576 Engineering &Architecl303.000.177.544.xx.xx.xx - Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study 0 55,556 55,556 Capital outlay 303.000.191.595.xx.xx.xx - Vista Rd BNSF Xing Safety Improvements 0 300 300 Capital outlay 303.000.196.595.xx.xx.xx - 8th Avenue - McKinnon to Fancher 0 400 400 Capital outlay 303.000.201.595.xx.xx.xx - ITS Infill Project Phase 1 301,357 (245,301) 56,056 Capital outlay 303.000.205.595.xx.xx.xx - Sprage/Barker Intersection Improvement 0 51,428 51,428 Capital outlay 303.000.206.595.xx.xx.xx - CDBG Sidewalk Project 246,231 111,483 357,714 Capital outlay 303.000.207.595.xx.xx.xx - Indiana & Evergreen Transit Access Improve. 70,014 14,986 85,000 Capital outlay 303.000.211.595.xx.xx.xx - Trent Lighting Replacement 151,576 (55,041) 96,535 Capital outlay 303.000.220.595.xx.xx.xx - Houk-Sinto-Maxwell St Preservation 0 18,473 18,473 Capital outlay 303.000.221.595.xx.xx.xx - McDonald Rd Diet (16th to Mission) 0 56,800 56,800 Capital outlay 303.000.222.595.xx.xx.xx - Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates 0 4,500 4,500 Capital outlay 303.000.223.595.xx.xx.xx - Pines Rd Underpass @ BNSF &Trent 0 10,000 10,000 Capital outlay 303.000.224.595.xx.xx.xx - Mullan Rd Street Preservation Project 0 162,375 162,375 Capital outlay 303.000.xxx.595.xx.xx.xx - N. Sullivan Corridor ITS Project (PE start 2017) 105,486 (105,486) 0 Capital outlay 303.000.xxx.595.xx.xx.xx - Contingency 1,000,000 (900,000) 100,000 Total expenditures 652,161 Page 4 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #303 -Street Capital Projects Fund - continued Revenues Grant Proceeds 303.000.xxx.330.00.00 - Revised project schedules 8,714,114 1,607,229 10,321,343 Developer Fees 303.000.xxx.367.12.01 - Revised project schedules 94,860 269,518 364,378 Transfers in -#301 303.000.xxx.397.30.10 - Revised project schedules 221,980 347,433 569,413 Transfers in -#302 303.000.xxx.397.30.20 - Revised project schedules 365,290 47,981 413,271 Transfers in -#312 303.303.155.397.31.20 - Sullivan Rd. W. Bridge Replacement 2,120,000 (1,620,000) 500,000 Total revenues 652,161 #309 - Park Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Capital outlay 309.000.203.594.xx.xx.xx - Browns Park Volleyball Courts 176,200 68,000 244,200 Capital outlay 309.000.225.594.xx.xx.xx - Pocket Dog Park- phase 1 75,000 23,975 98,975 Capital outlay 309.000.xxx.594.xx.xx.xx - Mission Trailhead Landscaping 25,000 22,100 47,100 Capital outlay 309.000.xxx.594.xx.xx.xx - City Entry Sign 70,000 (70,000) 0 Capital outlay 309.000.176.595.xx.xx.xx - Appleway Trail - University to Pines 0 540,600 540,600 Capital outlay 309.000.xxx.595.xx.xx.xx - Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen 0 104,050 104,050 Total expenditures 688,725 Revenues Grant Proceeds 309.000.xxx.330.00.00 - Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen 0 90,000 90,000 Transfer in -#001 309.000.xxx.397.00.10 - Old Mission Trailhead & Pocket Dog Park 100,000 15,575 115,575 Transfer in -#105 309.000.203.397.10.50 - Browns Park Volleyball Courts 0 68,000 68,000 Transfer in -#312 309.000.176.397.31.20 - Appleway Trail - University to Pines 0 540,600 540,600 Transfer in -#312 309.000.xxx.397.31.20 - Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen 0 14,050 14,050 Total revenues 728,225 Page 5 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #310 -Civic Bldgs Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Professional services 310.000.215.594.xx.41.00 - Professional services City Hall land acquisition 0 12,100 12,100 Capital outlay 310.000.215.594.xx.61.00 - City Hall land acquisition 0 1,128,200 1,128,200 Total expenditures 1,140,300 Revenues Transfers in -#312 310.000.215.397.31.20 - City Hall land acquisition 0 58,324 58,324 Total revenues 58,324 #312 -Capital Reserve Fund Expenditures Transfer to -#303 312.000.000.597.30.00.30 - Sullivan Rd. W. Bridge Replacement 2,120,000 (1,620,000) 500,000 Transfer to -#309 312.000.000.597.30.00.90 - Appleway Trail - University to Pines 0 540,600 540,600 Transfer to -#309 312.000.000.597.30.00.90 - Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen 0 14,050 14,050 Transfer to -#310 312.000.000.597.31.00.00 - City Hall land acquisition 0 58,324 58,324 Transfer to -#313 312.000.000.597.31.00.30 - City Hall construction 0 5,162,764 5,162,764 Total expenditures 4,155,738 Revenues Transfer in -#001 312.000.000.397.00.10 - 2013#001 fund bal > 50% 0 1,783,512 1,783,512 Total revenues 1,783,512 #313 -City Hall Construction Fund Expenditures Professional services 313.000.215.594.xx.41.00 - City Hall professional services 0 702,400 702,400 Total expenditures 702,400 Revenues Transfers in -#312 313.000.215.397.31.20 - City Hall construction 0 5,162,764 5,162,764 Total revenues 5,162,764 Page 6 of 7 H:\Budget\2015\Amendment\2015 10 13 First Reading of Ordinance\amendment no 1 detail.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 10/13/2015 2015 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description /Justification Budget Amendment Budget #402 -Stormwater Management Fund Expenditures Capital outlay 402.000.000.595.xx.xx.xx - Revised project schedules 600,000 275,340 875,340 Total expenditures 275,340 Revenues Grant Proceeds 402.000.000.330.00.00 - Capital grants for stormwater projects 0 389,674 389,674 Transfers in -#403 402.000.000.397.40.30 - Operating transfer 0 120,000 120,000 Total revenues 509,674 #403 -Acquifer Protection Area Fund Expenditures Broadway SD retrofit 403.000.197.595.xx.xx.xx - revised estimate 1,200,000 (120,000) 1,080,000 Transfers out-#402 403.000.000.597.40.00.20 Operating transfer 0 120,000 120,000 Total expenditures 0 Totals Across all Funds Total revenues 9,708,685 Total expenditures 9,395,990 Page 7 of 7 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 13, 2015 Department Director Approval: 0 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading of Proposed Ordinance #15-019 Adopting the 2016 Budget. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: To date the Council has heard presentations on the 2016 Budget on five previous occasions including two public hearings. Thus far no formal Council action has been taken. BACKGROUND: This marks the sixth occasion where the Council will discuss the 2016 Budget including two public hearings to gather input from citizens. The seventh and final presentation will occur on November 10th when the Council is scheduled to adopt the budget with the second reading of Ordinance #15-019: • June 16 Council Budget Retreat • August 11 Admin report: Estimated 2016 revenues and expenditures • August 25 Public hearing #1 on 2016 revenues and expenditures • September 8 City Manager's presentation of preliminary 2016 Budget • September 22 Public hearing #2 on 2016 Budget • October 13 First reading on ordinance adopting the 2016 Budget • November 10 Second reading on ordinance adopting the 2016 Budget 2016 Budget Overview: • The 2016 Budget currently includes appropriations of $70,683,872 including $18,444,741 in capital expenditures, comprised in-part of: o $11,767,791 in Fund #303 Street Capital Projects o $352,050 in Fund #309 Park Capital Projects o $3,050,000 in pavement preservation including $943,800 financed by the General Fund o $294,400 related to the new City Hall building in Fund #313 City Hall Construction o $2,505,000 in Stormwater Management Fund #402 and APA Fund #403 projects o $330,000 in Fund #501 Equipment Rental and Replacement for the acquisition of one small SUV for the Community and Economic Development Department, one car and one small truck for the Parks and Recreation Department, one truck split half-time between the Street Fund and the Stormwater Management Fund, and one tandem snow plow. • To partially offset the $18,444,741 in capital costs, we anticipate $10,440,763 in grant revenues which results in 56.6% of capital expenditures being covered with State and Federal money. • Budgets will be adopted across 24 separate funds. • The full time equivalent employee (FTE) count will be 87.4 employees compared to 87.25 in the prior year as a result of one part-time position being increased from 0.5 to 0.65. 1 Pertaining Specifically to the General Fund: • The 2016 recurring revenue estimate of $39,438,428 is $1,177,428 or 3.08% greater than the proposed 2015 amended budget of$38,261,000 . • The 2016 recurring expenditure proposal of $39,361,199 is $1,068,892 or 2.79% greater than the proposed 2015 amended appropriation of$38,292,307 . • Excluding the addition of some supplemental requests discussed at the June 16th Budget Workshop, increases in recurring expenditures for nonpayroll related expenditure classifications have been held to 1% with few exceptions. • Recurring revenues currently exceed recurring expenditures by $77,229 or 0.20% of recurring revenues. • Nonrecurring expenditures total $613,281 and include: o $108,000 for Information Technology expenditures including: ■ $20,000 for Barracuda backup server for CenterPlace ■ $36,000 to replace a Cisco 4510 switch that is 10-years old ■ $34,000 for Storage Area Network (SAN) at CenterPlace ■ $5,000 for a Network Attached Storage (NAS) Box ■ $13,000 for the Laserfiche Eden extension o $350,000 for professional services necessary to assist Community Development in the comprehensive plan update. o $15,000 to upgrade the dial-up modems and point of sale system at the 3 swimming pools o $140,281 for the Police Department CAD/RMS (pending agreement with Spokane County) • The total of 2016 recurring and nonrecurring expenditures exceeds total revenues by $495,627—and this is entirely a result of the one-time/nonrecurring expenditures. • The projected ending fund balance of the General Fund at the end of 2016 is currently $21,119,702 or 53.66% of recurring revenues. 2 Other Funds: 2016 Budget appropriations (expenditures) in the other funds total $30,709,392 as follows: Fund Fund 2016 Number Name Appropriation 101 Street Fund 4,382,900 103 Paths and Trails Fund 0 104 Hotel / Motel Tax -Tourism Facilities Fund 0 105 Hotel / Motel Tax Fund 590,000 106 Solid Waste Fund 178,500 107 PEG Fund 24,500 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund 0 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund 0 122 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 500,000 123 Civic Facilities Replacement Fund 559,786 204 Debt Service Fund 547,100 301 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund 671,189 302 REET2 Capital Projects Fund 1,371,502 303 Street Capital Projects Fund 11,767,791 309 Parks Capital Projects Fund 352,050 310 Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund 0 311 Pavement Preservation Fund 3,050,000 312 Capital Reserve Fund 1,524,559 313 City Hall Construction Fund 294,400 402 Stormwater Management Fund 2,240,115 403 Aquifer Protection Area Fund 2,000,000 501 Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund 330,000 502 Risk Management Fund 325,000 30,709,392 Primary sources of revenues in these other funds include: • Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax revenue that is collected by the State and remitted to the Street Fund is anticipated to be $2,004,900. • Telephone Tax revenues remitted to the City that supports Street Fund operations and maintenance are anticipated to be $2,340,000. • Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenues that are in large part used to match grant financed street projects are anticipated to total $1,600,000. • Hotel/Motel Tax revenues that are dedicated to the promotion of visitors and tourism are anticipated to be $907,500 ($550,000 in Fund #105 and $357,500 in Fund #104). • Stormwater Management Fees are estimated at $1,870,000. • Aquifer Protection Area Fees are estimated at $500,000. • Grant Revenues offsetting capital project costs are estimated at $10,440,763 o Fund #106— Solid Waste - $53,500 o Fund #303— Street Capital Projects - $8,797,263 o Fund #309— Park Capital Projects - $90,000 o Fund #403—Aquifer Protection Area projects - $1,500,000 3 The City's 2016 Budget is adopted at a fund level as follows: Estimated Estimated Beginning Ending Fund Fund Total Fund Annual Appropriation Funds No. Balance Revenues Sources Appropriations Balance General Fund 001 21,615,329 39,478,853 61,094,182 39,974,480 21,119,702 Street Fund 101 1,652,244 4,357,900 6,010,144 4,382,900 1,627,244 Paths&Trails Fund 103 37,628 8,500 46,128 0 46,128 Hotel/Motel Tax-Tourism Facilities Fund 104 178,700 357,500 536,200 0 536,200 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 105 160,248 550,300 710,548 590,000 120,548 Solid Waste 106 7,340 178,500 185,840 178,500 7,340 PEG Fund 107 278,900 90,000 368,900 24,500 344,400 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund 120 300,000 0 300,000 0 300,000 Service Level Stabilization Fund 121 5,461,399 6,500 5,467,899 0 5,467,899 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 122 504,820 600 505,420 500,000 5,420 City Facilities Repair&Replacement 123 559,086 700 559,786 559,786 0 LTGO Bond Debt Service Fund 204 4,049 547,100 551,149 547,100 4,049 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund 301 1,325,345 801,000 2,126,345 671,189 1,455,156 REET 2 Capital Projects Fund 302 1,379,674 801,000 2,180,674 1,371,502 809,172 Street Capital Projects 303 72,930 11,767,791 11,840,721 11,767,791 72,930 Park Capital Projects Fund 309 101,070 264,550 365,620 352,050 13,570 Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund 310 1,178,074 345,400 1,523,474 0 1,523,474 Pavement Preservation Fund 311 2,522,995 2,301,500 4,824,495 3,050,000 1,774,495 Capital Reserve Fund 312 4,089,489 0 4,089,489 1,524,559 2,564,930 City Hall Construction Fund 313 4,460,364 0 4,460,364 294,400 4,165,964 45,889,684 61,857,694 107,747,378 65,788,757 41,958,621 Estimated Estimated Beginning Ending Fund Working Total Working Working Capital Funds No. Capital Revenues Sources Appropriations Capital Stormwater Management Fund 402 1,791,529 1,871,500 3,663,029 2,240,115 1,422,914 Aquifer Protection Area Fund 403 561,773 2,000,000 2,561,773 2,000,000 561,773 Equipment Rental&Replacement Fund 501 1,242,338 102,333 1,344,671 330,000 1,014,671 Risk Management Fund 502 168,209 325,000 493,209 325,000 168,209 3,763,849 4,298,833 8,062,682 4,895,115 3,167,567 Total of all Funds 49,653,533 66,156,527 115,810,060 70,683,872 45,126,188 OPTIONS: State law requires the City to adopt a budget prior to December 31. Council may adopt the budget as presented or alter it as they deem necessary. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance Ordinance #15-019 adopting the 2016 Budget to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Adoption of Ordinance #15-019 concludes the 2016 Budget development process and establishes the final budget including estimated revenues and appropriations. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: • Ordinance #15-019 • 2016 Budget 4 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 15-019 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2016 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2016; APPROPRIATING FUNDS; ESTABLISHING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR ESTABLISHED POSITIONS; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, State law requires the City Manager to prepare a preliminary budget for the City of Spokane Valley at least 60 days before the beginning of the City fiscal year beginning January 1, 2016 and ending December 31,2016; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, in consultation with the Finance Director and department heads, has prepared and placed on file with the City Clerk a preliminary budget, together with an estimate of the amount of money necessary to meet the expenses of the City including payment of outstanding obligations; and WHEREAS, notice was posted and published for public hearings held on August 25 and September 22, 2015. The City Council met and invited public comment in the City Council Chambers during each public hearing; and WHEREAS, proper notice was given and the preliminary budget was filed with the City Clerk September 8,2015; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt the 2016 budget, including all allowances, and an appropriation for each fund; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley property tax levy in 2015 for collection in 2016, will be $11,279,151.61, which represents a 0% increase in the 2016 levy. This levy is exclusive of additional revenue resulting from new construction, improvements to property, any increase in the value of State assessed property, any annexations that have occurred, and refunds made. NOW,THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Adoption of 2016 Budget. The budget for the City of Spokane Valley for the year 2016 is adopted at the fund level. The final budget for 2016 is attached hereto, and by this reference is incorporated herein pursuant to RCW 35A.33.075. For summary purposes, the total estimated appropriations for each separate fund,plus the aggregate total for all such funds,is set forth as follows: Ordinance 15-019 Adopting 2016 Budget Page 1 of 3 DRAFT Estimated Estimated Beginning Ending Fund Fund Total Fund Annual Appropriation Funds No. Balance Revenues Sources Appropriations Balance General Fund 001 21,615,329 39,478,853 61,094,182 39,974,480 21,119,702 Street Fund 101 1,652,244 4,357,900 6,010,144 4,382,900 1,627,244 Paths&Trails Fund 103 37,628 8,500 46,128 0 46,128 Hotel/Motel Tax-Tourism Facilities Fund 104 178,700 357,500 536,200 0 536,200 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 105 160,248 550,300 710,548 590,000 120,548 Solid Waste 106 7,340 178,500 185,840 178,500 7,340 PEG Fund 107 278,900 90,000 368,900 24,500 344,400 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund 120 300,000 0 300,000 0 300,000 Service Level Stabilization Fund 121 5,461,399 6,500 5,467,899 0 5,467,899 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 122 504,820 600 505,420 500,000 5,420 City Facilities Repair&Replacement 123 559,086 700 559,786 559,786 0 LTGO Bond Debt Service Fund 204 4,049 547,100 551,149 547,100 4,049 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund 301 1,325,345 801,000 2,126,345 671,189 1,455,156 REET 2 Capital Projects Fund 302 1,379,674 801,000 2,180,674 1,371,502 809,172 Street Capital Projects 303 72,930 11,767,791 11,840,721 11,767,791 72,930 Park Capital Projects Fund 309 101,070 264,550 365,620 352,050 13,570 Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund 310 1,178,074 345,400 1,523,474 0 1,523,474 Pavement Preservation Fund 311 2,522,995 2,301,500 4,824,495 3,050,000 1,774,495 Capital Reserve Fund 312 4,089,489 0 4,089,489 1,524,559 2,564,930 City Hall Construction Fund 313 4,460,364 0 4,460,364 294,400 4,165,964 45,889,684 61,857,694 107,747,378 65,788,757 41,958,621 Estimated Estimated Beginning Ending Fund Working Total Working Working Capital Funds No. Capital Revenues Sources Appropriations Capital Stormwater Management Fund 402 1,791,529 1,871,500 3,663,029 2,240,115 1,422,914 Aquifer Protection Area Fund 403 561,773 2,000,000 2,561,773 2,000,000 561,773 Equipment Rental&Replacement Fund 501 1,242,338 102,333 1,344,671 330,000 1,014,671 Risk Management Fund 502 168,209 325,000 493,209 325,000 168,209 3,763,849 4,298,833 8,062,682 4,895,115 3,167,567 Total of all Funds 49,653,533 66,156,527 115,810,060 70,683,872 45,126,188 The total balance of all funds appropriated for 2016 is $70,683,872. Section 2. Transmittal of Budget. A complete copy of the budget as adopted, together with a copy of this Ordinance, shall be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. Ordinance 15-019 Adopting 2016 Budget Page 2 of 3 DRAFT PASSED by the City Council this day of November,2015. Dean Grafos,Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 15-019 Adopting 2016 Budget Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2016 ANNUAL BUDGET • # ' ! • i • • + • • • . City of Spokane Valley, Washington • • Annual Budget • • • • + • For the Fiscal Year • • • • January 1 through December 31, 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • City Hall • • last Sprague Avenue • • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 # + Website: w w.spokanevalley.org • • Phone: (509)921-1000 • + • • • • • • • • • "A community of opportunity where individuals and families eon grow and play,and businesses • will flourish and prosper." • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Table of Contents City of Spokane Valley, WA Spokane County January 1, 2016 through December 31,2016 Summary of Councilmembers Ill City Manager's Budget Message 1 Finance Director's Message-About the 2015 Budget and Budget Development Process 7 Budget Summary 21-35 Revenues by Fund and Type 36-42 Expenditures by Fund and Department 43-46 General Fund Department Changes from 2015 to 2016 47-49 #001-General Fund-Expenditures by Department by Type City Council 50 City Manager 52 Public Safety 53 Deputy City Manager 56 Finance 57 Human Resources 58 Public Works 59 Community &Economic Development 60 Parks &Recreation 64 General Government Special Revenue Funds 4101 -Street Fund 72 0103 -Trails&PEfillS Fund 73 #104-Hotel /Motel Tax—Tourism Facilities Fund 74 #105-Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 74 0106-Solid Waste 75 4107-PEG Fund 76 #120-CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund 77 #121 -Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund 122-Winter Weather Reserve Fund 78 #123 -Civic-Facility Replacement Fund 78 Debt Service Funds #204- Limited Tax General Obligation(LTCO)Fund........................ ..................... ........ 79 City of S71. okane Valley 201&Budget Capital Projects Funds #301 -REET I Capital Projects Fund. , 80 #302 REET 2 Capital Projects Fund 81 11303 - Street Capital Projects Fund 82 #309 - Parks Capital Projects Fund 83 4310 -Civic Faciiities Capital Projects Fund .. .. ........ ............ . .... 84 #311 - Pavement Preservation Fund 85 4312 -Capital Reserve Fund 88 4313 -City Hall Construction Fund 89 Enterprise Funds 4402-Stormwater Management Fund 90 #403 -Aquifer Protection Area Fund 92 Internal Service Funds 4.501 -Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund 93 #502-Risk Management Fund 95 Total of Capital Expenditures for 2016 96 FTE Count by Year 2010 through 2016 .97 Work Force Comparison .98 Appendix A, Employee Position Classification and Salary Schedule 99 Glossary of Budget Terms 100 Ordinance#15-019 Adopting the 2016 Budget 103 ••••••+•.•••••••••••••!t# °••••*•*•*4-i#•••**•••••••••44•••••••4• • + • * • • • • • 4 • • • E t• 1 44 * - • 4 • 1 , • • iriPri 14 • • ,. 4 • " • Kw, • `' • • • • • 4 • • City CouncilMembers • • 4 • • • Dean •Grafos, Mayor� • • Position#2 • • Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor • • Position#3 • • 4, • • • Rod Higgins Ed Pace ♦ Position 41 Position#4 • • • • + Chuck Hafner Ben Wick • Position #S Position #6 * • • • * • Bill Bates Bill Guthman •• • Position#7 Position#7,Pro- Tem • • • Staff • * • * Mike Jackson, City Manager • •• 4 • Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager 4 • • • Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director i • • * • John Rehman, Community & Economic Development Director • • • • * • Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director • • • • 4 •• Eric Guth, Public Works Director 4 • 4 • • • Cary Driskell, City Attorney • • • • 4 • Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk • • 4 • • • 4 • • • • ♦••••••4•••••+••••••••••*+4•••••••4••••••••••444+*••••••4.4#4 In ••••••••+....i.##•+••• R••••••*•#i•••••111 #+.411.#•i4►•#..... .4#0 • • • • • • • + • * • + • • • a • • • • • • • * • * a * • • • • a • * • • • a • * • * • • • • a a • * • • * * * • • a • • + • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • + * • • • • a * * • + • • • •• • •• • • 1 his page int t U 'eft i n . • • • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •* • •• • •* • •* • •• • •* • •* • •* * * • •• • • • •• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••....••••••••••••••••• IA Siokane .. •017aValley . City Manager's Budget Message 2016 Annual Budget Dear Citizens, Mayor and City Council of Spokane Valley: Sound Financial Position It is with great pleasure that l present the attached 2016 proposed budget for the City of Spokane Valley. The City of Spokane Valley remains financially strong and continues to benefit from a history of prudent financial decisions since onr?003 incorporation. Responsible budgeting and restrained spending has helped us achieve key Fiscal Policies and maintain an.ending General Fund Balance equivalent to six-months of general fund operations. The City of Spokane Valley is unique in many of its financial policies and a great example of how a City provides key services to the community while holding dawn taxes, fees and other charges. Our per capita employee count and personnel expenses are among the lowest (if not the lowest) of comparable size cities in the state and around the U.S. The City's top two budget priorities are law enforcement and road maintenance, in that order. To ensure continued financial stability, it is imperative the City's recurring annual expenses remain in-check. We must continue to limit recurring expenditures at levels less than or equal to our annual revenues. Beyond recurring operating activity however, due to our excellent financial condition,we are afforded the opportunity to use the portion of the General Fund balance that exceeds 50°% for nonrecurring expenditures in pursuit of programs important to the City Council and community. Recent examples include General Fund contributions to the Appleway Trail (University to Pines Rd.), Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project,the Appleway road landscaping and a cash"down payment"for construction of a new City Hail, 1 Pavement Preservation Beginning in 2012, the City initiated spending of general fund, special revenue fund and capital project fund revenues and reserves for the purpose of aiding street preservation. In 2016, our citizens will again see an aggressive program of repaving our roadways. Some may question paving roads that"don't look so bad!' The truth is the best time to repave is before a road deteriorates to the point that full reconstruction is necessary. Full reconstruction can cost substantially more than pavement preservation such as crack sealing or grinding and repaving. This is why the City of Spokane Valley has committed critical financial resources to preservation of our transportation infrastructure. We hope you are as proud of our fine road system as we argil Fiscal Policies The Fiscal Policies adopted by the City Council are important for the long-range fiscal strength of Spokane Valley. These policies appropriately dictate if the economic conditions deteriorate, future budget reductions may be triggered. Financial Management—The City proposes to: I. Maintain basic service levels with minimal resources to achieve success. 2. Minimize personnel costs/overhead by continuing to contract for many services. 3. Continue the six-year Business Plan process. 4. Leverage City funds with grant opportunities. 5. Minimize City debt with a pay as you go philosophy. o The State of Washington sets the maximum level of allowable debt For cities based on assessed value of property. The City of Spokane Valley currently utilizes only 1.20%of its total debt capacity, and more importantly, only 6.02% of non-voted bond capacity. This is extremely low debt. 6. Strive to prioritize spending in the annual budget process and minimize mid-year addition of projects and appropriations_ Financial Objectives-The City's financial objectives are: 1. Maintain a minimum General Fund Ending Balance of 50%of recurring expenditures, which is the equivalent of six months of general fund operations. 2. If necessary, utilize the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund ($5.5 million) to maintain ending fund balance minimum. 3. Commitment to the strategy the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund will not reduce below $3.27 million (60%of$5.5 million). 4. Maintain the 20i 6 property tax assessment the same as 2015 with theexception of new construction. As in the previous six years,the City will forego the potential annual increase to property tax allowable by RCW 84.52.050. We anticipate this will result in a levy of$11,279,200 plus estimated new construction of$200,000 for a total levy of$11A79,200. The allowable potential increase will be banked for future 2 use as provided by law, This effectively makes the 7ffi year in a row that we have not increased our City property tax assessment 5. Grow our economy so the existing tax base can support basic programs. Commitment—By committing to these policies and the checks and balances they afford,the City will ensure financial sustainability well into the future, 2016 Budget Highlights The 2016 Budget recognizes the economic realities of our times and the necessity to continue to operate within our financial means. City Hail Project: In 2015, the City made the decision to construct a new City Hall at a cost currently projected at$14. 1 million. Having rented a city hall since incorporation, the fund balance had grown such that a cash `down payment"in the amount of$6.3 million is available for land purchase,design cost and a portion of construction cost. The balance will be financed with a bond sale of approximately $8.1 million with 98.2%of annual payments being funded through the existing lease payment for the rented city hall. The remaining portion of the payment, along with the operation and maintenance cost of owning our own city hall, will be a recurring cost of the City's general fund, Pavement Preservation Fund: In the 2012 Budget, Council established the Pavement Preservation Fund 4311. For 2016, projected expenditures for preservation are $3,000,000. There are not any grant funds anticipated for pavement preservation for 2016, Funding sources for pavement preservation consist of$943,800 that will be transferred from the General Fund, $67,342 from the Street Fund, $559,786 from the Civic Facilities Replacement Fund, $365,286 from REET I Capital Projects Fund and $365,286 from REET 2 Special Projects Fund. Most of these transfers are projected to be sustainable for the foreseeable future. However, the transfer from the Civic Facilities Replacement fund is not sustainable and is depleted at year end 2016. The total revenues for street preservation are $2,301,500, which is $748,500 less than projected expenditures with the remainder coming from Street Preservation fund balance in an effort to be more aggressive with the preservation program. Because of this, we are currently able to continue the funding of street preservation through at least 2020. This will require us to adhere to the budget and continue to utilize grant funds to bolster our own city transfers. Moderate Growth in Current Operational Expenses/Budget Increase: Investing in the essential core services identified by the Council and community establishes baseline costs. Similar to the trend in most jurisdictions,costs and demands for service are growing while lax revenues are decreasing. Quality service delivery requires ongoing investment in basic capacity to yield efficient operations. Moderate as it may be, recurring operational expenses have increased as reflected in the General Fund increase of 2.79% for 2016. However, excluding additions to recurring expenditures for new services added since 2012, the General Fund recurring expenditure budget has had an average annual increase of 1.41% from 2011 to 2016. 3 Staffing Levels: Staffing levels for 2016 will increase slightly to 87.40 employees as compared to 87.25 in 2015, Taking into consideration we contract for police services and are served by Fire Districts and a Library District, for a major city we are operating substantially below the normal employee count at a significantly reduced cost. Spokane Valley personnel costs are approximately 20% of the total General Fund recurring expenditures. Comparable cities and counties typically fund personnel costs at about 40% of their General Fund Budget(after adjusting far police,fire and library personnel, of which the City of Spokane Valley contracts as noted previously). Spokane Valley staff levels average about one employee for every 1,068 citizens. Comparable cities' averages are from one employee for every 160 citizens, to one employee for every 412 citizens. While the survey is not scientific,the low comparable personnel costs coupled with the low employee per citizen ratio indicates the City of Spokane Valley is operating at a low, yet effective staffing level. Since incorporation,the City has taken a conservative approach to adding new staff. Spokane Valley continues to have the lowest employee count of any Washington city with a population of 50,000 or greater. By all comparisons,the City of Spokane Valley is a lean, productive City government. Public Safety Costs: In 2016,the Police, Court and Jail related services proposed budget is$24,703,749 —an amount equal to 215% of anticipated property tax collections ($11,479,200) for the entire year. Council has made a commitment not to reduce public safety service levels and associated costs in 2016. Challenges: Railroad Grade Separation & Quiet Zone Projects: The City has been pursuing funding for rail grade separation projects far the past several years. The wait for trains is a safety and quality of life issue and impacts our local economy. Currently the City is pursuing a federal TIGER VII grant for the Barker and Trent Road Overpass. Other projects identified include Pines Road Underpass, Park Road Overpass and Sullivan Road Overpass improvements, The total estimated cost of all four projects is over $$3 million– well beyond the scope of City financing but feasible over the long-term. Pavement Preservation: Street Preservation needs must be balanced with other needs. The 2016 Budget achieves this balance. Grants and Declining Matching Funds: City staff actively pursues funding commitments from other sources to help pay the cost of needed capital improvements— roads,bridges, stormwater and parks that benefit the community. In 2016, a total of 18,444,741 is budgeted for a range of capital projects of which $10,440,763 (56.6%) is coming from outside grant sources. 4 When the City applies for state and federal grants, the City must provide its share (match) for these projects. In the past, Real Estate Excise Tax(REET) was used for most of the City match. In addition to capital construction, the City funds a portion of Pavement Preservation from REET funds also. During the past nine years, annual revenue from the REET tax declined from a high of $2.5 million in 2007, to $960,000 during the worst of the recession, to an estimated $1.6 million in 2016. Depending on availability of Federal, State and Local grants, which have been declining, the City may reach a point where we have to prioritize preservation versus capital projects. Local Street Maintenance Combination of Funding: This fund derives its revenues from an allocation of the State Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax distributed to cities and towns, and a 6%city utility tax on telephone usage estimated in 2016 at$2,Q04,900 and $2,340,000 respectively. The combination of Fuel Tax and Telephone Utility Tax enables us to meet the ongoing need for these funds to pay for critical street maintenance activities such as snow plowing, pot hole repair, crack sealing, sweeping, weed control, street lighting, traffic signals and a variety of other repairs/improvements. In 2016, $67,342 will transfer to Pavement Preservation for more substantial repaving projects. The Budget for 2016 Strong but Guarded. One of the most important tests of fiscal management is the ability of a municipal enterprise to maintain basic services during an economic downturn.The creation and maintenance of financial reserves since incorporation has served its intended purpose of providing opportunity for Spokane Valley to sustain critical public services during turbulent economic conditions that began in 2008, and from which we may or may not be emerging.The 2016 budget reflects a prudent and guarded increase in continuation of service delivery capabilities. These increases are carefully considered and well within the means of the City. Service delivery cannot grow faster than the economic development of the City. Balanced Budget: Means exactly what it says - expenses have been balanced with known or reasonably predictable revenues with no increase in property tax or in sales tax rates for the City (lodging tax rates are generally not paid by residents). The budget is designed to maintain the healthy,positive fund balance at year-end providing the City's cash flow needs without costly borrowing. In pursuit of fiscal responsibility, special attention is given to limiting the growth in new programs and financial commitments. This approach allows available resources to be put toward sustaining services consistent with the City Council's priorities for 2016 and beyond. 6 Future Concepts: The budget process is not static and Council. the citizens, and staff must remain vigilant to watch for economic trends that impact current forecasts. Even as the 2016 budget is adopted,we must remain mindful of the Future economic opportunities and threats that may impact our multi-year forecast. Examples of potential impacts and adaptive future concepts are as follows: Retail Strategy. The City is actively engaged in growing our economy. In 2016 we will execute a retail strategy to support existing retail and encourage new retail to retain local dollars and attract spending from outside our city limits. Tourism. The City is engaged with the tourist industry in Spokane Valley including lodging, dining and shopping sectors. We arc planning for the future to attract visitors and enhance our local tourism economy. Acknowledgments: [ would like to acknowledge the citizens, City Council and staff for a long history of conservative spending and prudent fiscal planning. By saving and conserving the taxpayers' money, and by adopting prudent long-term fiscal policies,the City can provide essential services and balance its budget for many years to come. The City Council has set a path to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the City. The management staff and employees have worked together to develop Business Plans and 2016 budget recommendations to achieve the Council's goal of sustainability. The Citizens of Spokane Valley should be proud of the strong financial condition of their City. We invite your examination and questions regarding the 2016 Budget. Respectfully, Mike Jackson City Manager 6 SIVk 11707E Sprague Ave Suite 106 * Spokane Walley WA 99206 po n 509.921.1000 Fax: 509,921.100H •cityhatlaispokan elley.org Valley _- TO: City Manager and Members of the City Council FROM: Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director SUBJECT: About the 2t)lb Budget and Budget Development Process The budget includes the financial planning and legal authority to obligate public funds. Additionally, the budget provides significant policy direction by the City Council to the staff and community. As a result, the City Council,staff and public are involved in establishing the budget for the City of Spokane Valley. The budget serves four functions: 1, ft is a Policy Document The budget functions as a policy document in that the decisions made within the budget will reflect the general principles or plans that guide the actions taken for the future. As a policy document, the budget makes specific attempts to link desired goals and policy direction to the actual day-to-day activities of the City staff. 2. It is an Dperatti©nal Guide The budget of the City reflects its operation. Activities of each City function and organization have been planned, debated, formalized_ and described in the following sections. This process will help to maintain an understanding of the various operations of the City and how they relate to each other and to the attainment of the policy issues and goals of the City Council. 3. It is a Link with the General.Public The budget provides a unique opportunity to allow and encourage public review of City operations. The budget describes the activities of the City,the reason or cause for those €ctivities, future implications, and the direct relationship to the citizenry. 4, It is a Legally Required Financial Planning Tonl The budget is a financial planning tool, which has been its most traditional use. In this light, preparing and adopting a budget is a State law requirement of all cities as stated in Title 35A of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). The budget must be adopted as a balanced hudget and must be in place prior to the beginning of the City's fiscal year. The budget is the legal authority to expend public moneys and controls those expenditures by limiting the amount cf theappropriation at the fund level. The revenues of the City are estimated, along with available cash carry-forward, to indicate funds available. The budget takes into account unforeseen contingencies and provides for the need for periodic adjustments. 7 2016 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Historically the City has utilized a budgeting approach that assumed for most functions cf government that the current year's budget was indicative of the base required for the following year. However, with the recent downturn in the economy and resultant reduction in revenues (most notably the decline in sales taxes), the 2012 through 2016 Budget development processes were amended to consciously review service levels in each department and determine the appropriate level of funding that meets Council goals relative to available resources. The 2016 Budget development process began at the February 17,2015, Council workshop where among other topics, Council and Staff discussed the budget in genera[ terms. In mid-April 2015 the Finance Department ratified City Departments that their 2016 revenue and expenditure estimates were due by mid-May_ Through the balance of May and early June, the City Manager's office and Finance Department worked to prepare budget worksheets that were communicated to the City Council at a Budget workshop held June 16, 2015. Following the workshop, the Finance Department continued work on the budget including refinements of revenue and expenditure estimates and through July and August, the Finance Department and City Manager reviewed updated budget projections. By the time the 2016 Budget is scheduled to be adopted on November 10, 2015, the Council will have had an opportunity to discuss it on seven separate occasions, including two public hearings to gather input from citizens: June 16 Council budget workshop August 11 Admin report: Estimated 20/6 revenues and expenditures August 25 Public hearing on 2016 revenues and expenditures September 8 City Manager's presentation of preliminary 2016 Budget September 22 Public hearing#2 on 2016 Budget October 13 First reading on ordinance adapting the 2016 Budget November 10 Second reading on ordinance adopting the 2016 Budget Once adopted, the final operating budget is published,distributed, and made available to the public. After the budget is adopted, the City enters a budget implementation and monitoring stage. Throughout the year, expenditures are monitored by the Finance Department and department directors to ensure that actual expenditures are in compliance with the approved budget. The Finance Department provides the City Manager and City Council with monthly reports to keep them abreast of the City's financial condition and individual department compliance with approved appropriation levels. Any budget amendments made during the year are adopted by City Council ordinance. The City Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts within a fund, however,any revisions that alter the total expenditures of a fund, or that affect the number of authorized employee positions, salary ranges or other conditions of employment must be approved by the City Council. When the City Council determines that it is in the best interest of the City to increase or decrease the appropriation for a particular fund, it may do so by ordinance adopted by Council after holding one public hearing, a BUDGET PRINCIPLES • Department directors have primary responsibility for formulating budget proposals in line with City Council and City Manager priority direction,and for implementing them once they are approved. • The Finance Department is responsible for coordinating the overall preparation and administration of the City's budget. This function is fulfilled in compliance with applicable State of Washington statutes governing local government budgeting practices. • The Finance Department assists department staff in identifying budget problems, formulating solutions and alternatives, and implementing any necessary corrective actions. • lnterfund charges will be based on recovery of costs associated with providing those services. • Budget amendments requiring City Council approval will occur through the ordinance process at the fund level prior to fiscal year end. • The City's budget presentation will be directed at displaying the City's services plan in a Council/constituent friendly format, • No long term debt will be incurred without identification of a revenue source to repay the debt. Lang term debt will be incurred for capital purposes only. • The City will strive to maintain equipment replacement funds in an amount necessary to replace the equipment at the end of its useful life. Life cycle assumptions and required contributions will be reviewed annually as part of the budget process. New operations in difficult economic times may make it difficult to fund this principle in some years. • The City will pursue an ending general fund balance at a level of no less than 50% of recurring expenditures. This figure is based upon an evaluation of both cash flow and operating needs. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING AND BUDGETING Accounting Accounting records for the City are maintained in accordance with methods prescribed by the State Auditor under the authority of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), Chapter 43.09.20, and in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles as set forth by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Basis of Presentation- Fund Accounting The accounts of the City of Spokane Valley are organized on the basis of funds,each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. Each fund is accounted for with a separate set of double-entry accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. The City's resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds depending on their intended purpose. The following are the fund types used by the City of Spokane Valley: Governmental Fund Types Governmental funds are used to account for activities typically associated with state and local government operations. All governmental fund types are accounted for on a spending or "financial flows' measurement focus, which means that typically only current assets and current liabilities are included on related balance sheets. The operating statements of governmental funds measure changes in financial position,rather than net income. They present increases(revenues and other financing sources)and decreases(expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. There are four governmental fund types used by the City of Spokane Valley: 1. General Fund This fund is the primary fund of the City of Spokane Valley. It accounts for all financial resources except those required or elected to he accounted for in another fund. 2. Special Revenue Funds These funds account for revenues that are legally restricted or designated to finance particular activities of the City of Spokane Valley. Special Revenue funds include: • 4101 - Street Fund • #103 - Paths& Trails Fund • 4104- Hotel f Motel Tax-Tourism Facilities Fund • l:€l05 -Hotel /Motel Tax Fund • #106-Solid Waste Fund • #107-PEG Fund • #120-CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund • #121 -Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund • #122-Winter Weather Reserve Fund • #123 -Civic Facilities Replacement Fund 3_ Debt Service Funds These funds account for financial resources which are designated for the retirement of debt. Debt Service Funds are comprised of the#204-LTGO Debt Service Fund. 4. C ital Prtt`ect Funds These funds account for financial resources, which are designated for the acquisition or construction of general government capital projects. Capital Project Funds include: • #301 -REET I Capita' Project Fund • 4302-REET 2 Capital Projects Fund • #303 - Streets Capital Projects Fund • #309- Parks Capital Projects Fund • #310-Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund • 4311 -Pavement Preservation Fund • #312--Capital Reserve Fund • #313 City Hall Construction Fund iD Proprietary Fund Types A fifth type of fund classification are the Proprietary Funds that are used to account for activities similar to those found in the private sector where the intent of the governing body is to finance the full cost of providing services based on the commercial model which uses a flow of economic resources approach. Under this approach, the operating statements for the proprietary funds focus on a measurement of net income (revenues and expenses) and both current and non-current assets and liabilities are reported on related balance sheets. Their reported fund equity (total net assets) is segregated into restricted, unrestricted and invested in capital assets classifications. As described below,there are two generic fund types in this category: I. Enterprise Funds These funds account for operations that provide goods or services to the genera! public and are supported primarily by user charges. Included in this type of fund is: • #402—Stormwater Management Fund • t03 Aquifer Protection Area Fund 2. internal Service Funds These funds account for operations that provide goods or services to other departments or funds of the City. Included in this type of fund is: + #501 -Equipment Renta] and Replacement Fund • #502 r-Risk Management Fund Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognized, recorded in the accounting system and ultimately reported in the financial statements. • Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting is used for all governmental funds. Modified accrual recognizes revenues when they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current period. • Accrual Basis of Accounting is used for enterprise and internal service funds. Under this system revenues and expenses are recognized in the period incurred rather than when cash is either received or disbursed. Budgets and Budgetary Accounting Annual appropriation budgets are adopted for all funds with Governmental Funds utilizing a modified cash basis of accounting for budget purposes, and Proprietary Funds utilizing a working capital approach. Budgets are adopted at the fund level that constitutes the legal authority for expenditures and annual appropriations for all funds lapse at the end of the fiscal period. EXPLANATION OF MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES General Fund#0O1 • Property Tax Property taxes play an essential role in the frnanees of the municipal budget. State law limits the City to a $3.60 levy per $l,0 0 assessed valuation, deducting from there the levy of$,1.50 by the Spokane County Fire Districts #1 and #S, along with deducting $0.50 for the Library District, which leaves the City with the authority to levy up to $].60 for its own purposes, The levy amount must be established by ordinance by November 30th prior to the levy year. 11 • Retail Sales and Use Tax. The sales tax rate for retail sales transacted within the boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley is 8,7%.. The tax that is paid by a purchaser at the point of sale is remitted by the vendor to the Washington Department of Revenue who then remits the taxes back to the various agencies that have imposed the tax. The allocation of the 5.761 tax rate to the agencies is as follows: State°I-Washington 6.50% _ City of Spokane Valley 0.85% Spokane County 0.1.5% Criminal Justice 0.10% Spokane Public Facilities District 0.10% Public Safety 0.10% * 2.24)%local tax Juven[le Jail 0.10% r Mental Health 0.10% Law En forcement Cowman leatiaos 0,10% Spokane Transit Authority 0.60% 8.70% .Indicates voter approved sales taxes_ • Criminal Justice Sales Tax Local Sales Tax for Criminal Justice funding is to be used solely for criminal justice purposes,such as the City's law enforcement contract. This tax is authorized at 1/10 of 1% of retail sales transacted in the County. Of the total amount collected, the State distributes 10% of the receipts to Spokane County,with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the County and cities within the County. • Public Safety Sales Tax Beginning in 2005, an additional 0.1% voter approved increase in sales tax was devoted to public safety purposes. This 0A% was approved by the voters again in August 2009. Of the total amount collected, the State distributes 60% of the receipts to Spokane County, with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the cities within the County. • Garnbline Tax Gambling tax revenues must be spent primarily on law enforcement purposes pertaining to gambling. Funds remaining after necessary expenditures for such enforcement purposes may be used for any general government purpose, Gambling taxes are to be paid quarterly to the City, no later than the last day of January, April, July and October. The City imposes a tax on the following forms of gambling at the following rates: Bingo (5% ,gross, less prizes); Raffles (5% gross, less prizes); Purichboards and Puiltabs (5% gross, less prizes); Amusement Games(2%gross, less prizes); Card playing(6% gross).. • Leasehold Excise Tax Taxes on property owned by state or local governments and leased to private parties(City's share). • Franchise Fees Cable TV is the only franchise fee levied in the City at a rate of 5%of gross revenues, This is a fee levied on private utilities for the right to use city streets,alleys,and other public properties. 12 • State-Shared Revenues State-shared revenues are received from liquor sales, and motor vehicle excise taxes. These taxes are collected by the State of Washington and shared with local governments based on population State- shared revenues are distributed on either a monthly or quarterly basis, although not all quarterly revenues are distributed in the same month of the quarter. The 2015 population figure used in the 2016. Budget is 93,340 as reported by the Office of Financial Management for Washington State on April 1, 2015. This figure is important when determining distribution of State shared revenues on a per capita basis. • Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety Fines and penalties are collected as a result of Municipal Court rulings and other miscellaneous rule infractions. All court fines and penalties are shared with the State, with the City, on average, retaining less than 50%of the amount collected. • Conmunity Development Community Development rever4ues are largely composed of fees for building permits, plan reviews, false alarms and right of way permits. • Recreation Program Fees The Parks and Recreation Department charges fees for selected recreation programs. These fees offset direct costs related to providing the program. • CenterPlaee Pees The Parks and Recreation Department charges fees for use of CenterPtace_ Uses include regional meetings, weddings, receptions and banquets. Rental rooms include classrooms, the great room and dining rooms. • Investment Interest The City earns investment interest on sales tax money held by the State of Washington prior to the distribution ofthe taxes to the City,as well as on City initiated investments. Street Fund #101 • Motor Vehicle Fuel Excise Tax faas tax) The State of Washington collects a $0.4450 per gallon motor vehicle fuel tax at the pump, which will increase to$0.4940 per gallon effective July 1, 2016. Of this amount, the State remits a portion of the tax back to cities on a per capita basis.. For 2016 the Municipal Research and Services Center estimates the distribution back to cities will be $21.57 per person. Based upon a City or Spokane Valley population of 93,340 (per the Washington State Office of Financial Management on April 1, 2015) we anticipate the City will collect $2,013,400 in 2016. RCW 4'7.30.050 specifies that .42% of this tax must be expended for paths and trails activities and based upon the 2016 revenue estimate this computes to $$500. The balance or$2,004,900 will be credited to Fund#101 for Street maintenance and operations. • Telephone Utility Tax The City of Spokane Valley levied a 6% telephone utility tax via Ordinance #08-0l4 with collections beginning in 2009_ Telephone companies providing this service pay the tax to the City monthly. Telephone tax has been estimated at$2.31 million for 2015. 13 Paths &Trails Fnnd#103 Cities are required to spend .42% of the motor vehicle fuel tax receipts on paths and trails (please see the explanation far Street Fund 4101) which we anticipate will be $8,500 in 2016. Because the amount collected in any given year is relatively small, it is typical to accumulate State distributions for several years Until adequate dollars are available for a project. Hotel 1 Motel Tax—Tourism Facilities Fund #104 The City imposes a 1.3% tax under RCW 67.28.181 on all charges made for the furnishing of lodging at hotels, motels, and similar establishments (including bed and breakfasts and RV parks) for a continuous period of less than one month. The revenues generated by this tax may only be used for capital expenditures for acquiring, constructing, tnakirg improvements to or other related capital expenditures for large sporting venues, or venues for tourism-related facilities.This tax is estimated to generate$357,500 in 2016. Motel f Motel Tax Fund #105 The City imposes a 2%tax under RCW 67.28,180 on all charges made for the furnishing of lodging at hotels, motels, and similar establishments (including bed and breakfasts and RV parks) for a continuous period of less than one month. The tax is taken as a credit against the 65 percent state sales tax, so that the total tax that a patron pays in retail sales tax and hotel/motel tax combined is equal to the retail sales tax in the jurisdiction. The revenues generated by this tax may be used solely for paying for tourism promotion and for the acquisition and/or operation of tourism-related facilities. This tax is estimated to generate $550,000 2016. PEG PEG Fund#107 Under the City's cable franchise,the franchise grantee remits to the City as a capital contribution in support of Public Education Government (PEG)capital requirements an amount equal to$0.35 per subscriber per month to be paid to the City on a quarterly basis for the life of the franchise. Capital contributions collected under this agreement are allocated to PEG capital uses exclusively. PEG capital uses include, in part, the set-up of equipment in the City Council Chambers that allows Spokane Valley to broadcast Council meetings both live and through subsequent reviews via digital recordings available on the City's website. LTGO Debt Service Fund#204 In 2003 the City issued $c,430,000 in Limited tax general obligation (LTGO) bonds the proceeds of which were used to finance both the construction of CenterPlace and road and street improvements surrounding the facility. In 2014 the City refunded the LTGO bonds in order to take advantage of lower interest rates which resulted in a reduction in subsequent annual bond repayment (much like refinancing a home mortgage). At the completion of the bond refunding there remained$7,035,000 of LTGO bonds. Of this total: • $5,650,000 remains on the original debt used towards the construction of Center.Place. These bonds will be paid off in annual installments aver the 210-year period ending December 1, 2033. Annual debt service payments on these bonds are provided by the Spokane Public Facilities District. At January 1, 2016, the outstanding balance on this portion of the bond issue will be$5,250,000. • $1,385,000 remains on the original debt used towards the road and street improvements. These bonds will be paid off in annual installments over the 10-year period ending December 1, 2023. Annual debt service payments on these bonds are provided by equal distributions from the 1g`and 211d quarter percent real estate excise tax At January 1, 2016, the outstanding balance on this portion of the bond issue will be$1,125,001. REST 1 Capital Projects Fund 03/11 Under Washington State Law, RCW 82.46.010, the City is allowed to impose an excise tax on each sale of real property at the rate of one-quarter of one percent of the selling price. The revenue generated is used for financing capital projects as specified in the capital facilities plan under the Growth Management Act. 14 REPT 2 Capital Projects Fund#302 Under Washington State Lair, RCW 132.46.010, the City is allowed to impose an additional excise tax on each sale of real property at the rate of one-quarter of one percent of the selling price. The revenue generated is used for financing public works capital projects as specified in the capital facilities plan under the Growth Management Act. Stormwater Management Fund 4402 A starmwater fee is imposed upon every developed parcel within the City, which is an annual charge of$21 for each single family unit and $21 per 3,160 square feet of impervious surface for all other properties. These charges are uniform for the same class of customers and service facilities. These fees are estimated to generate$1,$70,000 in DI 6. Aquifer Protection Arca (APA) Fund#403 These are voter approved fees, the proceeds of which are applied to aquifer protection related capital construction projects. Fees are collected by Spokane County and remitted to the City twice each year. Fees include: • An annual fee of$15 per household for the withdrawal of water from properties within the APA. • An annual fee of$15 per household for on-site sewage disposal by properties within the APA. • For commercial properties an annual fee ranging from $15 to $96L}depending upon water meter size. These fees are estimated to generate$500,000 in 2016 interfund Transfers Many funds receive a portion of their revenues from other funds in the form of an interfund transfer. These transfers typically represent payments for either services rendered by one fund for another or a concentration of revenues for a specific project or purpose. The following interfund transfers are planned for 2016: • Out UDI f wi I 14s lcX, j i23 l 301 I 302 I 31 I 442Tatalln 00 C. 0 3#,704 AMU 43,425 0 0 0 0 13,400 123,525 .204 0 0 0 0 0 83,400 81440 0 0 146,F340 3Q3 0 0 0 0 0 `+x.303 02,816 1}10,59 0 71,655,KS In: 309 660,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,050 0 174,050 310 344.Z00 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 344,200 311 943.8o3 67,142 D 0 559.786 30.2E6 31S5.2286 a 0 2,301,500 503 335,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 325,000 6,090,001 Toel in Total Out 1 773 000 107,042 30.009 40.425 3500.7515 671.189 1,371,50? 1.5/4 559 13,400 4,090,903 Toial but 0 #001-Genera! Fund is budgeted to transfer out$1,773,000 including: • $160,000 to Fund #309-Park Capital Projects Fund for park related projects. • $344,200 to Fund #310 — Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund which is being done for the purpose of building into the General Fund Budget the anticipated additional cost the City wilt annually incur when we eventually construct a City Hall structure rather than renting space. • $943,800 to Fund#311 —Pavement Preservation Fund for pavement preservation projects. • $325,000 to the 4502-Risk Management Fund for the 2016 property and liability insurance premium. 15 #101-Street Fundis budneted to transfer out$107,042 ineludina: • $39,710 to Fund#001-General Fund to cover administrative costs. • $67,342 to Fund 4311-Pavement Preservation Fund for pavement preservation projects. 4105-HoteI I Motel Tax Fund is budgeted to transfer$30,000 to Fund #001-General Fund for the purpose of financing advertising at CenterPlace. #106—Solid Waste Fund is budgeted to transfer$40,425 to Fund #001 under a 5-year plan to reimburse the General Fund for expenditures made during 2013 and 2014 for the solid waste program. 4123-Civic Facilities Replacement Fund is budgeted to transfer $559,7$6 to Fund #311-Pavement Preservation Fund for pavement preservation projects. #30 l-RFET 1 :•ital Pro ects Fund is bud•eted to transfer out $671 189 includin_: • $53,400 to Fund #204-LTGO Debt Service Fund to pay a portion of the annual payment on the 2014 LTGO hoods. • $222,503 to Fund#303-Street Capital Projects Fund that will be applied towards grant matches for street construction projects. • $365,286 to Fund#311-Pavement Preservation Fund for pavement preservation Projects. #302-REST 2 Capiitell Prniects Fund is budgeted to transfer out$1.371.502 including: • $$3,400 to Fund #2O4-LTGO Debt Service Fund to pay a portion of the annual payment on the 2014 LTGO bonds. • $922,816 to Fund #303-Street Capital Projects Fund that will be applied towards grant matches for street construction projects. • $365,286 to Fund#3 11-Pavement Preservation Fund for pavement preservation projects. #4312.- Capital Reserve Fund is budgeted to transfer $1,510,509 to Fund #303-Street Capital Projects Fund that will be applied towards the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project and land acquisition for the Pines Road Underpass and 514,050 to Fund 4309-Parks Capital Projects Fund for the Pines to Evergreen segment of the Appleway trail. #4402-Stormwater Fund is budgeted to transfer $13,400 to Fund #001-General Fund to cover administrative costs. SIGNIFICANT ASSUMPTIONS IN THE 2016 BUDGET Budget Summary for MI Funds • Based upon funding levels anticipated in the 2016 budget, City staff will strive to maintain adequate levels of service. • Appropriations for all City Funds will total $70.7 million including$18.4 million in capital expenditures, comprised in-part of o $11.8 million in Fund#303 Street Capital Projects. o $352,050 in Fund#309 Park Capital Projects. o $3.1 million in Fund 4311 Pavement Preservation Fund projects. o $294,400 in Fund#313 Civic Facilities Capital Projects. o $505,000 in Fund 4402 Stormt,+ater Management projects. o $2 million in Fund#403 Aquifer Protection Area projects. o $330,000 in Fund 4501 Equipment Rental and Replacement for the acquisition of one small Shy for the Community and Economic Development Department, one car and one small truck for the Parks 16 and Recreation Department, one truck split half-time between the Street Fund and the Starmwater Management Fund,and cue tandem snow plow. • To partially offset the $18.4 million in capital costs, we anticipate$10.4 million in grant revenues which results in 56.61%of capital expenditures being covered with State and Federal money. • Budgets will be adopted across 24 separate funds. ■ The full time equivalent employee (FTE) count will be 87.4 employees compared to 87.25 in the prior year as a result of one pail-time position being increased from 0-5 to 0.65. • The 2016 Budget reflects the fourth consecutive year the City will set aside City monies in an amount equivalent to 6%of General Fund recurring expenditures for pavement preservation in Fund#311 — Pavement Preservation_ This 6%equals 52,301,500. • Positions and salary ranges are based on the City's compensation and classification plan. • Payroll tax and benefit amounts are based on staff benefit plans. • Contract costs for public safety, park maintenance..aquatics and street maintenance are based on estimates by City staff. • The City is setting money aside in Fund 4501 Equipment Rental and Replacement for the eventual replacement of its vehicles. 2016 General Fund Revenues • Total recurring 2016 revenues are estimated at 539,438,428 as compared to$38,26I,000 in 2015_ This is an increase of$1,177,428 or 108%. • The two largest sources of revenue continue to be Sales Tax and Property Tax which are collectively estimated to account for 81.4°fin of 2016 General Fund revenues. ▪ The 2016 general sales tax estimate(excluding criminal justice and public safety sales taxes) is reflective of 2015 receipts to date and are currently estimated at $18.2 million which reflects an increase of $582,100 or 3.30% over the 2015 estimate. • The Property Tax levy does not include the potential annual increase allowed by Initiative 4747 which was approved by the voters in November 2001 through their approval of'Initiative#747 and the subsequent action by the State Legislature in November 2007. o The 2016 levy is estimated at $11,479,200 o The levy assumes we start with the 2015 levy of$11,279,152,forgo the potential annual increase allowed by State law, and finally add taxes related to new construction which we estimate to be $200,040, • Franchise fees and business registrations are primarily based on projected receipts in 2015, • State shared revenues are based upon a combination of historical collections including 2015 collections through July,and per capita distribution figures reported by the Municipal Research and Services Center. • Fines and forfeitures are estimated by Spokane Valley and based on historical collections. • Building permit and land use fees are estimated by Spokane.Valley and based on historic collections. 2016 General Fund Expenditures • Total 2016 recurring expenditures arebudgeted at$39,361,199 as compared to$38,292,307 in 2015. This is an increase of$1,068.892 or 2..79%, ■ The City commitment of 6% of recurring General Fund expenditures to pavement preservation equals $2,301,500 and is computed by multiplying total recurring expenditures prior to adding the pavement preservation element($2,301,500/$38,417,399 =6%). The$2,301,500 that is transferred to Pavement Preservation Fund#311 is comprised of the following: o $943,800 from General Fund#001 o $67,342 from Street.Fund#101 4 $559,786 from Civic Facilities Replacement Fund#123 o $365,286 from REET 1 Capital Projects Fund#301 o $365,286 from REET 2 Capital Projects Fund#302 17 • 2016 Nonrecurring expenditures total $613,281 and include: a $108,000 for Information Technology expenditures including: ■ $20D,000 for Barracuda backup server for CenterPiece • $.36,000 to replace a Cisco 4.510 switch that is 10-years old I. $34,000 for a Storage Area Network(SAN)at CenterPlace • $5,000 for a Network Attached Storage(NAS) Box • $13,040 forthe Laserfrche Eden extension o $350,000 for professional services necessary to assist Community Development in the comprehensive plan update o $15,000 to upgrade the dial-up modems and point of sale systems at the 3 swimming pools o $140,251 that represents the anticipated City Police Department share of a CAD/RMS system that will be acquired by the County Sheriff in 2016 (rending agreement with Spokane Counry) General Fund Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures and Fund Balance • 2016 recurring revenues are anticipated to exceed recurring expenditures by$77,229 • Total 2016 expenditures are anticipated to exceed total revenues by$495,627 . o This is entirely due to the nonrecurring expenditures previously discussed which equal $613,281 and is not a result of ongoing operating costs overwhelming revenues. In fact it is because of the City's strong financial position that we're able to make these acquisitions. ▪ The total unrestricted General Fund ending fund balance is anticipated to be$21,119,702 at the end of 2016 which is 53.66%of total recurring expenditures of$39,361,199. Our goal is to maintain an ending fund balance of at least 50.0%. i=Ti hltghts afOther Funds Revenues • Motor vehicle fuel tax(MVFT) revenue that is collected by the State and remitted to the City is estimated to be$2,013,400 according to per capita estimates provided by the Municipal Research and Services Center. Of this amount,$2,004,900 will be credited to the Street O&M Fund and 0.42%or $8,504 to the Paths and Trails Fund. • Telephone taxes that are remitted to the City and support Street Fund operations and maintenance are anticipated at$2,340,000 . • Real estate excise tax(ItEET) revenue is computed by the City and is primarily used to match grant funded street projects as well as pay a portion of the annual payment on the 2014 general obligation bonds. In 2016 we estimate these revenues to be$800,000 per each 'A%for a total of$1,6,10,000. • Hotel/Motel tax revenues are computed by the City and are dedicated to the promotion of visitors and tourism. In 2016 we estimate the tax will generate$907,500,which includes$550,000 in Fund 4105 Hotel I Motel Tax Fund from the 2%tax and $357,g0 in Fund 4104 Hotel /Motel Tax—Tourism Facilities Fund from the 1.3%tax that was effective as of July 1,2015. • The Storrnwater Management Fee is based on an equivalent residential unit(ERU) that is equal to 3,160 square feet of impervious surface that is billed at a rate of$21 per single family residence and S2 per ERU for commercial properties(an ERU for a commercial property is computed as total square feet of impervious surface divided by 3,160). In 2016 we estimate this will fee will generate$1,870,000 . • The Aquifer Protection Area Fund is expected to generate$500,000 in fees that are collected an the City's behalf by Spokane County and remitted in two installments during the year. • Grant revenues that will be applied to a variety of construction projects are estimated at$10,440,763 in 2016. By fund we anticipate grant revenues as follows: o Fund #106—Solid Waste Fund -$53,500 o Fund#303 Street Capital Projects-$$,797,263 o Fund#309—Parks Capital Projects-$90,000 113 c Fund 4403 Aquifer Protection Area-S1,500.000 Expenditures • Fund#101 -Street Fund appropriations include: o a$67,342 transfer to Pavement Preservation Fund #311 for pavement preservation projects o $5,000 for the acquisition of a storage unit at the maintenance facility, which is split with the 5t ormwater Management Fund o $20,000 for upgrades to signal detection equipment • Fund#301 -REET 1 Capital Profits Fund includes a S671,189 appropriation to cover: o a$83,400 transfer to LTGO Bond Debt Service Fund 4204 to pay one-half of the City's annual repayment of the 2014 LTGO Bonds. o a$222,503 transfer to Street Capital Projects Fund 003 to partially offset the cost of street construction/reconstruction projects. a A $365,286 transfer to Pavement Preservation Fund #311 for pavement preservation projects • Fund 4302 -REET 2 Capital Projects Fund includes a$1,371,502 appropriation to cover: o a$83,400 transfer to LTGO Bond Debt Service Fund 4204 to pay one-half of the City's annual repayment of the 2014 LTGO Bonds, o a$922,816 transfer to Street Capital Projects Fund#303 to partially offset the cost of street construction 1 reeonstruction projects, o a$365,286 transfer to Pavement Preservation Fund 4311 for pavement preservation projects • Fund 4303 —Street Capital Projects Fund includes an appropriation of$11,767,791 for a variety of street construction projects. Included in the projects is the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement for which we are appropriating$5,237,650 in 2016. We anticipate the project will cost approximately $15.3 million between 2014 and 2016 and will be financed through a combination of$13.0 million in grants and$2,3 million in City matching funds with the source being a$2.3 million transfer from Fund#312—Capital Reserves. • Fund#309—Parks Capital Proiccts includes a$352,050 appropriation to cover a variety of City park improvements that will be financed through a combination of a 5160,000 transfer from the General Fund #001 with the balance of$192,050 being paid from Fund#309 reserves, • Fund#311 —Pavement Preservation includes$3,050,000 of pavement preservation projects that will he financed through transfers from other City funds as outlined above under the heading of General Fund Recurring Expenditures, • Fund 4312 —Capital Reserve includes $1,510,509 in transfers to Fund#303—Street Capital Projects that will be applied towards the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project in the amount of$1,010.509 and towards the acquisition of land for the Pines Road Underpass in the amount of$500,000 . It also includes$14,050 in transfers to Fund#309—Parks Capital Projects that will be applied toward the Pines to Evergreen segment of the Appleway trail. • Fund 03l3 x.Civic Facilities Capital Projects includes a$294,400 appropriation to cover professional service fees related to the construction of the new City Hall building. • Fund #402 -Storm water Fund includes$505,000 for capital expenditures including: a $500,000 for various projects, 19 a $5,OOI for the acquisition of storage unit at the maintenance facility,which is split with the Street Fund • Fund_#403 -Aquifer Protection Area Fund includes a$2,0p0,0U0 appropriation for the Sprague—Park to University Low impact Development project. • Find#501 - Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund includes$330,000 for the addition of five vehicles, including one tandem snow plow. 20 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2016 Oudget Summary Estimated Estimated Beginning Ending ' Fund Fund Tntat Fund Annual Appropriation Funds No. Balance Revenues Sources Appropriations Balance General Fund 001 21,815,329 39,473,653 61,094,182 39,974.480 21,119,702 Street Fund 101 1,652,244 4,357,903 6,010,144 4,382,900 1,527.244 Paths&Trails Fund 103 37,626 3,600 46,128 0 45,128 H atelfMctel Tarr-tourism Facilities Fund 104 178,700 357,500 536, 10 0 536,200 H otel/Motel TeX Fend 105 150,249 550,340 710,549 590,400 120,549 Solid Waste 106 7,339 1723,540 155,639 178,500 7,339 PEG'Fund 107 278.940 90,000 368,900 24.590 344,400 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund 120 300,000 d 300,000 0 300,000 Service Level Statikza:ion Fund 121 3,451.3199 6,500 5.4$7,899 0 5,457,899 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 122 504,620 500 505,420 500,000 5,424 City Factitiea Repair&Replaterrrend 123 559.03E 700 559,796 559,766 0 LTGO,y ,� Samna 5ond Debt Sede Fund 204 4,049 547,100 551.149 .x-47,100 4,049 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund 301 1,325.345 501,000 2,125,345 871,169 1,455.155 REET 2 CapitalPrajects Fund 302 1,379,674 801,000 2,180674 1,371,502 809,172 Street Capital Projects 303 72,930 11,757,791 11,840,721 11,767,791 72.930 Perk Capital Projects Fund 905 101,070 204,550 365,620 352,050 13,570 Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund 310 1,178074 345.,400 7,523,474 0 1,523,474 Pavement Prese railer Fund 311 2,522,995 2,301,500 4.924,495 3.050,000 1,774.495 Capital Reserve Fund 312 4,099,489 4 4,089,489 1.524,559 2,584.930 City Hall Construction Fund 313 4,460,354 0 4,460,364 294,400 4,161,854 45,899,634 61,857,694 107,747,37 55.785,757 41,958.621 Estimated Estimated Beginning Ending Fund Wartcing Total Working Working Capital funds No. Capital Revenues Sourced Appropriations Capital Stormeater Management Fund 402 1.791,52.9 1,871,500 3,653.029 2,240.115 1,422,914 Aquifer Protection Area Fund 403 561,773 2,000.000 2,581,773 2,000,000 561,773 Equipment Rental S Replacement Fund 501 1,242,338 102,333 1,344,671 330,000 1014,571 Risk Management Fund 502 156,209 325,000 493,209 326,000 168,209 3 753 649 4 299 533 8,052 682 4 895 115 3.167 567 Total of all Funds 49,853 533 55,155,527 115 610460 70 563 572 4546 126 188 21 CITY Or $POFC.&NE VALLEY,WA 1 10113/2015 2016 Budget 2015 2016 Difference Between M As Proposed 2015 and 2010 AdoptodAmendment Amended Budget u 5 I % 1#401 -GENERAL FUND I ` 1RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax 11,277,100 0 11,271,100 11.479,200 202,100 1.79% Soles Tax 17,528,400 0 17,625,400 18.210.500 582,100 3.30% Sales Tax-Public Safety 820,100 0 820,100 867,400 47,300 5.77% Gales Tax-Criminal Justice 1,458,700 0 1.458,700 1.556,400 87,700 5.97% Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax 535,100 ($0,200) 445,900 333,700 {112,200) (25.16%) Franchise Fees/Bus[nessReg etraiian 1,235,000 (92,000) 1,145.000 1,154,000 8,000 010% State Shared Revenues 1,755.900 0 1,758,900 2,024,528 255,628 14.45% Fines and ForfeituresWublicSafety 1,507.100 0 1,507,100 1,443,500 (63,600) (4.22%) CornmunityDevelopment 1,325.100 0 1,325,100 1,491,500 166,400 12.56% Recreation Program Revenues 563.500 0 563-500 595,200 31,700 5.63% Miscella'ecus Deparlrrlent Revenue 95,900 0 95,900 95,900 0 0.00% Miscellaneous&]nveslment Interest 131,200 0 131,200 103,500 (27,700) (21.11%) Transfers in-#101 (OIraeraarrii'n) 39,700 0 39.700 39,700 0 0,00% Transfers in-#105(gym tax-CPaaverbsiog] 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 0,015% Transfers in-4402(storm admin) 13,400 0 13.400 13,400 0 0,010% Total Recurring Revenues 35,442,200 (151,200) 30,2E+1,090 39,438,428 1,1 77.428 3.08+5 Expenditures City Council 513,114 0 513,114 505.859 (6,245) (1.22%) City Manager 688,363 0 688,363 717,303 28,940 4.20% Legal 461,839 0 461,539 479,951 18,112 3,92% Public Safety 24.153,492 0 24,153,482 24,703,749 550,257 2,28% Deputy City Manager 691,303 0 691,303 737,002 45,599 6.61% Finance r IT 1.203.679 0 1.203,879 1,253,060 49,201 4.09% Human Resources 243,3,7 0 243,317 255,884 12,377 5.09% Public Werks 921,914 0 921,914 956,570 44,956 4_58% Community&EconernirDvlpmni-Admin 261,094 0 261,094 272,147 11,013 4.22% C4mmunity&Economic D 1pmnt-Fenn Dev 298,276 0 298.270 545,157 245,881 82.77% Comrnunity&EConermio Dviprmnt-Dev Svc 1,424,944 0 1,424,944 1,486,037 51,693 4.33% Community&Economic DeIprnnt-Building 1,380,902 0 1,380.902 1.344,165 136,737) (2,56%) Parks&Rec-Adminislrahon 286,947 (15,575) 271,372 281.871 10,499 3.87% Parks&Ret-Maintenance 844,642 0 844,642 838,343 (5,299) (0.70%) Parks&Rec-Recreation 226,174 0 226,174 228,197 2,023 0.89% Parks&Reu-Aqualice 496,200 0 495,200 481,200 (35,00'7) (7.05%) Parks&Rec-Senior Center 91.985 0 91,985 95,781 3,795 4.13% Parks&Ree-CenterPlace 824,997 0 824,997 $82,223 57,225 6.94% Pavement PreservetiOn 020,000 0 920,000 943,8.00 23,603 2.59% General Government 1,741,200 (31,000) 1,710,200 1.532,000 (178,200] (10.42% Transfers out-#502 ;trrsvrar+ce premium) 325,000 0 325,000 325,000 0 0-00% Transfers out #309(park coil&pro,+ecls). 0 0 0 160,009 160,000 O,a0% Transfers out-#310*Ind pmYP3434.6kMaga writ) 67,500 0 67,600 72,550 4,900 7.25% Transfers out-#310;ciryhaN&m costs] 211,700 0 271,700 271,700 0 0.00% Total Recurring Expendilures aa,33$,S82 ,46,575j 35,292,307 39,361,199 1,068,802 2.79% Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures 103,318 (134,6251, (31,3121 77,229 22 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 10/1 1121015 201E Budget 2015 2019 Difference Between As As Pruppsud 2015 and 2.0t6 Adopted _.Amendment Amended Budget S I % _ [001-GENERAL FUND-continued j RNRECO RING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfers in•#105 (sec waste repayment) 0 40,12b. 40.425 40,425 0 0.00% iota! Nonrecurring Revenues C 40,425 40.425 _ 40,425 0 0.00% Expenditures Transfers out-#107'ri4aUFwi') a 257,300 267,300 0 j267.300) (100,0010) Transfers oul-#309(park ezpitalpnyectsj 100,000 15,575 115,575 0 (115,575) (100330%) General Government-IT capital replacements 145,000 (25.000) 120.000 108,000 (12,000) (10.00%) city Manager(2.scanners) 3,000 0 3,000 0 (3,000) (100.00%) Public Safety Ream'af+ces fsr unit sviperviscrsj 25,000 0 25.000 0 (25,0061) (160.[10%) Community&Econ Dev(camp Or update) 305,000 (145,000) 250.000 350,000 100,000 40.00% Partes&Ret(upgrade dief•up modem at pools) 10,000 0 10,000 15,000 5,000 50.00% Paris$&Ree,freplaca CF'l unge awes carpel) 8,000 0 5,000 0 {8,000) (100.00%) 'Perks 8.Rec(CeaferFlace10yranniversary) 7,400 0 7,400 0 ti7,400) (100,00%) Police Department-CAD l RMS 949,000 (639,300) 309.700 140,281 (169,419) (154.70%) Public Safety(precirrctgale rrrratar retulaco) 0 4,300 4,3010 0 {4,300) 0.00% Public Safety(radar recorder) 0 4,500 4,600 0 ;4,600} 0.00% Parks&Recreatfen(CP runerepar'rs) 0 36,000 35,000 0 [38,400) 0-00% City Hall(+err del-Permit Cntr to main bldg 0 23,300 23,300 0 (23,300) 0 00% Transfers rant-#312('f3 fund fiaf r SatiQ 0 1,783,512 1,783.512 0 (1,783,512) (100.00%) Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 1,642.400 1,325,287 2,987,687 613,281 (2,354,408) (79.33%) Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures _1,_642.400) (1,284.062) (2,927262) (572,856) Excess(Deficit)4f Total Revenues Over(Under)Total Expenditures (1.539,082) (1,419,457) (2,958,569) (495,627) - Beginning urlreSticted fund balance 24,573,898 24,573.898 21.615.329 Ending unrestricted fund balance -.23,034,816 21,515,329 21.119,702 Fund balance as a percent of recurring euperrditures, 60.010% 56.45% 53,88% Genera!Fund Scrams Total revenues 38,442,200 (140,775) .38.301,425 39,478,853 TotalexpertgrtUres 39,981,282 1,275,712 41.259,994 39,974,480 Excess(Deficit}of Torsi Revenues Overt elder)Total t=xpendlrures (1.534,082) (1,419,467) (2958,589) (495,627) Beginning um-estedted fund balance 24,573,8558 24.573 898 21.815,329 Ending unrestricted fund bafance 23,034,875 21.615.329 21.119,702 23 CITY OF 5E DK NE VALLEY,WA 1011312015 2016 Budget 2015 2016 Differanco Between As As Proposed 2015 and 2018 Adopted Amendment Amended Bud.at $ I % SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #101-STREET FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY I Revenues Utility Tax 2,6$5.1Q0 0 2,565 1010 2,340,000 (225,100) (5.76%) Motor Vehicle Fuel(Gas)Tax 1,659.900 0 1,852 900 2,004,900 145,000 7.80% Investment Interest 3,400 0 3,0010 a,00a 0 i7.00°h Miscoilaneons 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 0.00% rata)Recurring Revenues 4,438,000 0 4,438,000 4,357,$00 (60,100) _(1.80%) Expenditure Wages I Benefits 1 Payroll Taxes 677,207 0 677.297 734,604 57.307 5,469 Supplies 111,500 0 111,500 111,500 0 0.00% Service&Charges 2.122,608 0 2,122,808 2,132,754 9,945 0.47% Snow Operations 520,000 0 520,000 430,000 (90,000) (17.3196) Inlergovemreenle]Payments 748,000 0 748,000 771,000 23,000 3.07% Vehicle rentals-#501 (non-pf'w vehicle renii) 12,077 0 12,077 31,000 15,923 156.60% Vehicle rentals-#501 (prow repreice.) 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 0.00% Transfers out-dQ01 39,700 0 39,700 39,700 0 0.00% Transfers out-#311 (pavemanr preservatirr1) 206,518 0 206,615 67,342 039,276) (67,41%) Total Recurring Expenditures - ,41428,000 0 4,A38000 4,357.000 (86, 10) (1.84196) Recurring Revenues Over(Under') Recurring Expenditures 0 0 4 0 INONRECURRiNG ACTIVITY Revenues Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0.091°,6 Mlscellanaous 0 0 0 0 0 0,00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0.00% gcpend i tures Pavement marking grinder 8,000 0 5,000 0 (8,000) (100.00%) Capital 45,000 0 45,000 0 (45,00D) (100.00%) Maintenance fecitty storage unit 0 0 0 5,000 5.000 0 00% Signal detection equipment upgrades 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 0.00% Total Norirecirrirrg Expenditures 53,000 0 53,0 0 25,000 (28.000 (52.83% Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures 153,000) 0 (55,000 (25,000) Excess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Over(Under)Tula!Expenditures 453,000) 0 453,000) (25,000) Beginning fund balance 1,705,244 1,705.244 1,652,244 Ending fund balance 1,852,244 1,652.244 1,627.244 Street Funef Surnmary J Totalrevenues 4,438,000 0 4.438.000 4,357,900 Total experrdi#Ur:s 4,441,000 C 4,496.000 4.382.900 Excess( Fcit) of Total J Severrues Over(Ueder)Total Expenditures (53,000) 0 (53,000) (25.000) Elegirrnirr7 unrestricted fond balance 1.705,244 1.705.244 1,652.249 Etithrrg unrestricted fond bafence 1,552,244 1,65Z299 1.627,249 24 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 1011312015 2016 Budget 2015 ,, 2.016 Difference Between As 1 As Proposed 2015 and 2016 Adopted Amendment Amended Budget 5 1 % [SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS-continued 4103-PATHS&TRAILS FUND Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel(Gee)Ter 7,800 0 7,800 8,500 700 6.97% InieStment Irytere$t 0 0 0 0 0 0.011% Total revenues 7,801 0 7,800 8,500 700 8.97°,5 P.2500.0dtlures Capital Outlay 0 0 4 0 0 0.00% Transfers out 0 0 0 0 0 0:00% Total expenditures _ 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over(wider]expenditures 7,800 7,800 8,500 Beginning fund balance 29,826 70,828 37,628 Ending fund balance 37.628 37,628 48.126 #11}4-HOTEL 1 0 EL TAX-TOURISM FACILITIES FUND Revenues HoteliMMtotel Tax 0 178,700 178,700 357,500 178,800 100,06°ra InvestmenlInterest 0 0 0 0 0 D.DD",b Total revenues 0 178,700 178,700 357,500 178,800 100.06% ExpendHuree, Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Tata)expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 178,700 357,500 Beginning Lund balance 0 0 178,100 Ending Lund balance 0 - 178.700 _536,200 #105-HOTEL)MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax 510,000 40,000 550,000 550.009 0 0.00% Investment Interest 300 0 300 300 0 0.00% Total revenues 510,300 .40,000 850,300 550,300 0 0-00% Expenditures Transfers out-#001 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 0.00% Tourism Promotion 570.000 (68,000) 502,000 560,000 58,000 11.55% Transfers out•#300 rya ey0r rrcDurt®tivard,J 0 68.000 68,000 0 (68,000) (100.00%) Total expenditures 800,Obd 0 600.000 590,400 (10,000) (1.57%) Revenues avec(under)expenifitures (89,700) (40,700) (39,700) Beginning fund batance 206,949 209,048 _ 160,249 Ending fund balance 120,249 160,248 120,549 25 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 1©/13i'20'.5 201 Budget 2015 2016 0ifferenve Between A$ As Proposed 2015 and 2016 Adopted Amendment" Amended Budget I $ t % 'SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS-continued I Pt 06-SOLID WASTE FUND Revenues Sunshine edminisirathm fee 125;444 0 125,009 125,000 0 D.00% Road maintenance fee 0 9 0 0 0 0'_00% Investrnenllnterest 0 9 a 0 0 0.00° Grant Proceeds I) 26,900 26,800 53,500 26,700 99..63% Total revenues 125,000 26,800 157,800 178,500 26,700 17.59% E:nendilurns Education&Centrad Admtistralien 125,000 (13,625) 111,575 135,075 26,700 23.97% Transfers out-6041 0 40,425 40,426 40,425 0 0.00% Total expenditures 125.000 25.500 151,300 175,500 26,700 17.59% Revenues ever(under)expenditures 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 7,339 7,339 7,339 Ending fund balance _ 7.339D 7.339 7.339 #107-PEG FUND Revenues Cannes#PEG contribution 0 92,900 92.000 90,000 (2,000) (2.37%) Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Transfers ire-#001 0 267,300 267,300 0 (287,300) (100.70%) Total revenues 0 359,304 35G,300 94.049 (269,300) 04.95%) Expenditures PEG Reimbursement-CM1V 0 12,000 1.2,000 12,000 0 0.00% Capital Outlay 4 68,400 68,400 12,500 (55,90+0) (81.73%) Total expenditures 0 80,400 60,400 24,500 (:5,607) (59.63%) Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 270,900 65,500 Beginning fund bstance a 0 278,900 Ending fund balance 0 216.900 344,400 26 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 1 011 31201 5 2016 Budget 2015 2016 Difference Between As As Proposed 2015 and 2016 Adopted 1Amendrnent Amended Budget $ } ° FSPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS•c4ntlhued #k120-CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest C 0 6 0 0 D.00% Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0.100% Total avenues 0 0 0 0 0 0.00°x4 Expenditure] Operations 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0.01Th Revenues over.(under)expenditures 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 300,400 300,000 300,000 Ending fund balance 300.0D0 300,000 3i #121 -SERVICE LEVEL STABILIZATION RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 8,200 0 8,200 5,500 ;1,700) (20.73%) Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 C 0.0C% Total revenues 6200 0 8,200 8,500 ;1,700) (20.73%) Expenditures Operations 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expendltures 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures 8,200 8,200 6,500 Beginning fund balance 5.453,199 5,453:199 5.481,309 Ending fund balance 5,461,300 5,461.399 5,467,800 #122-WINTER WEATUER,RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 800 0 600 000 (200) (25.00%) Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 4 0,0016 Subtotal revenues 800 0 800 500 (204) (25.00%) E.xpeRd;tume Snow removal expenses 500.000 0 500,000 500,000 0 0-0046 Total expenditures - 5400.060 0 500.000 500,000 0 0.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures (490,200) {499,200) (499,400) Beginning fund balance 504,020 504,020 504.820 Ending Fund oalance 4820 _ 4,820 5.420 #123-CIVIC FACILITIES REPLACEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest 1,300 0 1,300 700 (800) (46.15%) Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0.001'® Total revenues 1.300 0 1,300 700 (601)) (461.15%) Expenditures Transfers out-#S11 (patrerirelrtpreservation) 618,284 0 810,284 559,786 (56,406). (9.17%) Total expenditures 816,284 0 616,254 559.780 (56,490} (9.17%) Revenues over(under)expenditures (614,084) (614,964) (559,(]86) Beginning fund balance 1,'74,070 1,174,070 .559,085 Ending fund balance 559,006 550,086 0 27 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,V'A 10113/'2015 2010 Budget 2015 2p1e, Difference Between As As Proposed 2015 and 2016 Adopted Amendment Amended Budget $ I % 1DEBT SERVICE FUNDS #204-LTGO BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenue Sp¢kene Public Facilities District 373,300 0 373,800 380,304 6,500 1.74% Transfersin-#301 52,150 0 62,150 83,440 1.250 1.52% Transfers in-#302 82,150 0 32,150 83,4017 1,250 1.52% Total revenues 538,100 0 538.100 547.140 9,000 - 1.67% gxoenditu res Debt Servir.e Payments CenterPlace 373,000 0 373,800 380,300 6,500 1.74 Debi Service Payments-Reads 184,300 0 184,300 166,806 2,500 1.52% Total cxpendilures 538.100 0 538,100 547,100 9,000 1.67% Revenues Over(under)expenditures 0 LI 0 Beg.nning fund balance 4,040 4.049 4,049 End ng fund balance 4.049 4,049 1,040 28 CITY CF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 110,013.2015 2016 Budget Nils 2018 Difference Between As As Proposed 2015 and 2016 ' Adopted Amendment Amended Budget 4 5 I a _ (CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS I 0301 -REE7 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues PEET 1 -Taxes 625,000 175,000 800.000 800,000 0 0.00% Investment Interest 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Tot a1 revenues 626,000 175,000 801,000 801,000 0 0.00% Expenditures Transfers out-4204 82,150 0 82,150 83,400 1,250 1.52% Transfers eut-#303 221,984 347,433 569,413 222,503 045,910) (00.92) Transfers nut-#311 (pa vementpreservatipn) 251,049 0 251,049 365,286 1114,237 45.50% %lel expenditures 555,179 347,433 902.612 _ 671,189 {231,423} (25.64% Revenues over(under)expenditures 70,821 (101,612) 129,811 Beginning fund balance 1,420,967 1A26.957 1,325,345 Ending fund balance 1,497,778 _ x325,345 1.455.156 #302-REET 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 2-Taxes 625.000 175,000 600,000 800,000 0 0.00% Investment Nernst 1,000 0 1.000 1,000 0 0 00% Total revenues 626.000 175,000 801,000 801,000 0 6.00% Expenditures Transfers but-#204 82,150 0 82,150 83,400 1250 1,52% Transfers out-18203 365,290 47,981 413,271 922415 508545 123,30% Transfers out-#311 (pavement"prese'v.Ufara) 251,049 0 251,049 355,266 114237 45,50% Total expenditures 098,409 47,981 740,470 1,371,502 625,032 83,739 Revenues over(under)expenditures (72,489) 54530 {576,502) Eegfnning fund balance 1,325,144 1,325,144 1,379,674 Ending fund balance 1,252,855 1_379,674 809,172 29 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 1011312015 2016 Budget 20'15 I 2016 I Difference Between , As As Proposed ` 2015 and.2016 AdoPtoad Amendment Amended Budget I $ I+ % CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS-continued #343-STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS-FUND Revriues Grant Proceeds 8,714,114 1,607.229 10,321343 8.797,263 (1,524080) (14.77%) Developer 13400 269,518 364,378 314,700 (49.678) (13.63%) Transfers in-#301 221,980 347,433 569,413 222.503 (346310) (60.929) Transfers in-#302 365,290 47,981 413,271 922,816 509545 123.30% Transfers in-#312-Pines Underpassf'fraerradt 0 0 0 500,000 500,000 0,00% Transfers in-#312-Sullivan Rd W Bridge 2,120,000 11,620,000) 500,000 1,010,509 510,509 102,10% Total revenues 11516,244 652,161 12,100,405 11,757,791 (400,614) (3.29% Expend'tures 060 Argonne Rd Corridor Upgrade SRTC 602196 612.033 1 214,829 0 (1214,9291 00010%) 123 Mission Ave.-Flora to Barker 355,376 (102.&6) 252,574 332,558 79,996 31.07% 141 Sullivan&Euclid PCC(PE&FIV ) 35,052 (25,052) 10,000 1,981,080 1,971,D6b 19710.60% 142 Broadway©Argonne)Mullan PCC int,(PE RW) 0 120.494 120.494 0 (120,494} (100.0016) 140 Sidewalk Infill 0 93,190 93,190 5,000 (88,190) (94.63%) 155 Sullivan Rd'NBridge Replacement 7,201,779 645.152 7,846.931 5,237,850 (2,609,281) (33.25%) 155 Mansfield Ave.Connection 570,450 502,235 1,172.716 5,000 (1,167.719) (99e37%) 159 University Rd 11-90 Overpass Study 0 413,852 40.052 0 (40,852) (100.00%) 166 Pines Rd(SR271&Grace Ave. Intersect Safety 556,137 (455,027) 101,110 491.331 390,221 385.94% 167 Citywide Safety Irnprovertients(t}lketped) 320,560 (59,984) 260,578 226.127 (32.449) (12.450 177 Sullivan Rd CorridorTraffic Study d 55,555 55,556 0 (55,556) (100,00%) 191 Vista Rd NSF Xing Safety Improvements 0 300 300 0 (300) (100.00%) 195 8th Avenue-McKinnon to Fancher 0 400 400 0 (400) (104,00%) 201 ITS Inpill Protect Phase 1 (PE START 2014) 301,357 (245.301) 56,056 271,357 215,301 384.09$'5 205 Sprage.iRarkerIntersection Improvement 0 51,428 51,428 0 (51,429) (100.00%) 206 2015 CDG Sidewalk Project 246.231 111.453 357,714 5,000 (352.714) (98.80%) 207 Indiana&Evergreen Transit Access Improve_ 70,014 14.986 85,000 0 (55,000) (100.00%) 211 Trent Lighting Replacement 151,576 (55.041) 96,535 0 (96535) (100.00%) 220 Houk-Sinto•Maxweil St Preservation 0 18,473 18.473 0 (18,473) (100-00%) 221 McDonald Rd Diet(161.11 to Mission) 0 58,800 55500 559.200 502,400 884.51% 222 Citywide Reflective Signal Backplaies 0 4,500 4,600 40,500 30,000 000.00% 223 Fines Rd Underpass©BNSF&Trent 0 10,000 10.000 500.000 490,000 4900.00% 224 Mullan Rd Street Preservation Project 0 162,375 1E2,375 0 (152,3751 (100.00%) )cC N.Sullivan Corridor ITS Project(PE start 2015) 105,466 (105,4155) 0 0 0 0.00% Beth Woodward Rem Sidewalk Improvement 0 0 0 361,000 361,000 {100.00%) cc< Meribeau Pkwey&Pines(SR-27)Traffic Signal 0 0 0 350,000 350,000 (100.00%) xacc Bowdlsh Sidewalk 8th to 12th 0 0 0 400,000 400,000 (100.00%) Contingency 1,000,000 (900.000) 100,000 1,000,000 900,000 900.00% Total expenditures 11,516,244 852.161 12,168,405 11,767,791 (400,5114) (3.29%) Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 72.930 72,930 72,030 Ending fund balance 72.930 72,930, 72,930 Nese: w,uilf perfumed par,u mere,orerserveiian prolacts out Of tha Drees Capi61 Pijects Field is far hams such as srdewatk upgrades that wvare hid with tha pavementpmssrva5on work 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 1113/2015 2016 Budget 2015 2016Difference Between As As Prupused 2015 and 2016 Adaptod Amendment Amended Budget $ I a CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS-continued #309-PARK CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revgnues Grant Proceeds 0 90.000 90.000 90,000 C 0.0C% Tranafetsin-0001 100.000 15.575 115,575 100,00 44,425 313-0440 Transfers in-#105 0 88,000 68,000 0 (68,000) (100.00%) Tfansfeis in-#312-Appreway(Vcold.-Foes) 0 540,600 540.60C 0 (540,6000 (400.00%) Transfers in-#312-,Ardpieway(PiReszvengeek 0 14.050 14,050 7050 9 0.00% Investment Interest 500 0 800 500 4 0.00"r(r Total revenues 100,500 728,225 825,725 254,550 (564,175) (68.08%) Expenditures 176 Appleway Trail(Univ -pines) 0 540,600 540,600 0 (540,600) (140.00%) 203 5 Sand volleyball caurlS at Downs Park 176,200 88,000 244,200 0 (244,200) (100.00%) 217 Edgedliff pi4lio shelter 106,450 0 106,450 0 (106,450) (100-004% 225 Pocket dog park-phase 1 75,000 23,9T8 98,975 0 (95,075) (100.00%) Mission Trailhead landscaping 25.000 22,100 47,100 0 (47,100) (100.00%) Shade structure at Discovery Playground 38,000 0 38,000 0 (38,000; (100-00%) City entry sign 70,000 ;70,000} 0 70,000 70,000 0,00% Park signs(3) 0 0 0 20,500 20,500 0,00% Browns Park Splash Pad 0 0 0 82,500 82500 0.00% Pocket dog park-phase 2 0 0 0 70,000 75,000 0.00% Appleway Trail(P les-Evergreen} 0 104,050 104,050 104,050 0 0-00% Total expenditures 490,650 688,725 1,179375 352.054 (027,325) (70.15'16) Revenues over(under)expenditures (390,150) (350,650} (87,500) Beginning fund balance 451,720 451,720 101,070 Ending fund balance 51,570 101,070 13.570 #310-CIVIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND vr• Investment Interest 1.200 0 1,200 1,200 0 0.00% Transfers in-#001 Faure CM.bond prra 3434.6k Pease pot 67,600 0 57,600 72,500 4,900 7.25%10 F!!#urr C.H.ors 271.700 0 271,700 271,700 0 0,00% Trar1Bfefs in-#312 0 58,324 56,324 0 (58.324) (100.00%) Total revenues 040,500 58,324 399,824 345.400 (55,424) (13.40%) Exeditures Professional services 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Capital Outlay-CityHall 0 1,"40,300 1,140,300 0 (1,140,300) 0 Total expenditures 0 1,140,300 1,1407,300 0 (1,140,300) (100.00%) Revenues over(under)expenditures 340.500 (4'.476) 345,400 Beginning fund balance 1,919,550 1,919,550 1 1 7 8,074 Ending fund balance 2,260,050 1,175.074 1,523,474 ,M11ate: The hard balance in i.370 irtcludes.SE39.,les isrigid by the Library District for 2.82 acres at Ma 8aff0ur Perk site. If the District does not succeed in getting a voted hoed approved by October 2017 Then the Cily may repurchase!his land at the originef sate price or 3-13.39.205-/o, 31 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 10113/2015 2016 Budget - 2015 2016 Difference Between As As Proposed 2015 ani 2010 Adapted Amendment Amended Bum 1 -I % (CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS-continued #311-PAVEMENT PRESERVATION Revenues Transfers in-#001 920,000 0 920,000 943,800 23.800 2.59% Transfers in-#101 208,63 4 2©6,618 67,342 (139,276) (67,41%) Transfers in-#123 016,254 0 6113,254 559,780 (56,4915) (0.17%) Transfers iri-#801 251,049 0 251,049 365,285 114,237 45,50% Transfers in-#302 251,049 0 251,049 365,295 114,237 45.50% Grants 971,032 0 97'.032 0 {971,032) (16D.00%) Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 3.216.032 0 3,216,032 2,301,500 (914,532) (29:445) Exaendittlres Paverneni preservation 2,565.050 0 2,565,050 3,400,000 434,950 16.96% Pre roieei GeoTech 50.000 0 50,000 50.000 0 0.00% Total expenditures 2,615.050 0 2,615,050 3;050.000 434,950 16.63% Revenues suer(under)esrpenditures 600082 500,962 [746,500) Beginn4n0 Puna halanrae 1122,013 1,922,013 2,522,595 Ending fund balanco 2,522,995 2,522,995 1.774 405 #312-CAPITAL RESERVE.FUHP Revenues Transfers in-#001 0 1,783,512 1,793,512 0 (1,783,512) (100.1),0 o-} Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 0 1,783,512 1,783.512 0 0.783,512) (100,m) Excerdilure$ Transfers 0410#505(sad varr Rd W9,'fdgee 2,120,000 (1,820.000) 500,000 1,010,509 510,509 102.10% Transfers out#303(Ries Rd lindevpess) 0 0 0 500.000 500,400 0,00% Transfers out#309(Applewey TrAii-U '.Pines) 0 540,600 540,600 0 (540,600) (100.00%) Transfers out#309(.4pp►ervey Mai(-fines-Eregre 0 14,050 14,050 14,050 0 0,00% Transfers out#310(Cfly KO) 0 55,324 56,324 0 (58,324) (14[1.40%) Transfers.out#313(Cly Ha* 0 5,152,764 5,162,764 0 (5,152,1764) (100,00%) Total expenditures 2,120,000 4,155,735 6,275,738 1.524.559 (4,751,179 (75.71%) Revenues over(under)expenditures (2,120,000} (4,462.226) (1 524,559) Beginning fund balanm 8.58i.715 8,581,710 4,069,489 Ending fund balance 6,461,7715 4,089,459 2,564.930 #813-CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues Transfers in-#312 0 5,162.764 5,102,764 0 (5,162,764) (100.00%) Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0.6D% Total revenues 0 5,162 764 5,162,764 0 (5,162,764) (100.00%) ExaenditLre$ Capital Outlay City Hall 0 702,400 702,400 294,400 (408,000) (58.40%) Total expenditures 0 702,400 702,400 294,400 (405,00 (58.09%) Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 4,460,364 (294,400) Beginning fund balance 0 0 4,460,364 EndFng fund balance 0 4,450,364 4,165,064 32 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,INA 10113•2015 2016 Budget 2015 201e _ difference Between As As Proposed 2015 and 2016 Adopted Amendment Amended _ _ Budget $ I % ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402-STCRMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY i Revenuss Stormwater Management Fees 1,830,000 II 1,880.000 1,570,000 (101,400) (0.536) Investment Interest 1,500 U 1,500 1,500 0 0.00% Total Retuning Revenues 1,881,500 0 11.881,540 1,871.500 (10,0ff0 (0.53%) Expenditures Wages i Benefits t Payroll Taxes 4139,101 0 488,101 514,132 28,031 5.33% Supplies 15.900 0 15,900 15,900 0 0.00% Services&Charges 1,076.301 0 1.075,301 1,113,683 39,382 3.28% Intergovernmental Payments 42,000 0 42,000 67,000 25,000 59.52% Vehicle rentals-#501 4,167 0 4,167 11,000 5,633 163.98% Transfers Out-#001 13,400 0 13,400 13,400 0 0.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 1.641,860 0 1.541,869 1,735,115 93.246 5.66% Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures 239,031 0 230,631 188.385 !NONRECURRINGACTIVITY ---I Revenues Grant Pro Beds 0 389,874 389,574 0 (389,574) (100.00%) Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Transfers in-#003 0 120,000 120.000 0 (120,000) (100.00%) Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 509.674 509.674 0 ' (509.674) 0 Expert !tures Capital uariaus projects 500,009 275,340 575,340 500,000 (375,340) (42.83%) VMS Trailer 15.009 0 16,000 0 (16.00.0) (100.00%) Maintenance facility storage unit 9 0 0 5,000 5,000 0,00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 615,000 275,340 891,340 _ 505,000 (305,340) (43.34% Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonnec Jrring Expenditures (516,000) 234,334 (381,55€) (505,000) Excess(Dehelt)of Toler Revenues Over(Under)Total Expenditures (375,365) 234,334 (142,035) (358,615) Beginnirig working capital 1,933,5641,933,564 1.791,520 Ending working°appal 1,557,195 1,791,529 1,422,914 Storm wafer Fund Sumrnary 1 Total revcnrres 1,881,000 509,674 2,391.174 1,871,500 Total expenc'ilures 2,257,869 275.340 2.533.209 2,240,115 Excess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Chlor(Under) ToteiExpendrtures (378,369)2.34,334 (142.035) (388,815) 8egrrrrtngunrestrrcredfund beforme 1,333,564 1.233,564 1,791,529 Ending re std cte d find bafan Ce! 1,557,195 1%791,529 1,422,914 33 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 10/13/201Si 2010 Budget 2015 2016 Difference Between As As Proposed 2015 and 2016 Adopted Amendment Amended Budget $ J % [ENTERPRISE FUNDS-continued 1 #+303-AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County 500.000 0 500,400 500,000 C 0,00% Grant DOE-Broadway SD Retrofit 1,280,0LX 0 1,260,000 0 (1,260.000) (100.00%] Grant DOE-Sprague Park to University LID 0 0 0 1,504,004 1.500.000 0.00% Total revenues 1,710,000 0 1,700,000 2,000,000 240,000 13.640 gxivrrditures 197 Broadway Storm Drain Retrort 1,200,000 (120,004) 1.080,000 0 (1.00,000] 4100.00%? 158 Sprague Park lo Unirrersily LIR 0 0 0 2.000,000 2,000.000 0.00% Transfers out-#402 0 120,000 120.000 0 (120.000) [140.00% Total expendiEures 1,200,000 0 1.200.000 2,000,000 BC0,000 66_67°k Revenues over(under)expenditures 550,000 560,090 0 Beginning working capital 1.773 1,773 561.773 Ending working capital 561.773 561,773 561,773 34 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 1C'i1312015 2018 Budget 2015 ^ 2016 Difference Between As As Proposed 2015 and 2316 ill Adopted ,Amendment Amended Budget , $ I °1n INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS I 11501 -EMIR FUND Revenues Vehicle rentals-#001 19.300 0 19,300 23.500 4,200 21.76% Vehicle rentals-#101 12,077 0 12,077 31,000 18,923 156.69% Vehicle rentals•11101 fpibvv replace.) 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 0.00% Vehicle rentals-#402 4,167 0 4,167 6,633 2,666 63.98% Investment Interest 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Total revenues 311544 0 36,544 102,233 - 65,789 1B(].03% Expenditures Vehicle Replacement 30,000 0 30,000 105,000 75,000 250.00% Snow Plow Replacement 0 0 0 225,000 225,000 Ono no 00;A) Total expenditures 30,000 0 30:000 330,000 - 300,000 1000 00% Revenues over(cinder)expenditures 6,544 6,544 (227,667) Beginning working Papl1al 1,235,794 1,235.794 1,242,336 Ending working capital 1,242,338 1,242,338 1,014,671 4502-RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Revenues Investment interest 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Transfers in-7001 325,000 0 325,000 325,000 0 0.00% Ta1aI revenues 325.000 0 325,000 325,000 0 0.005b Expenditures Auto&Property Irieuranee 325,000 0 325,000 325,000 0 0.00% Unemployment.Claims 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 325,040 0 325,000 325.000 0 0,00% Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 D 0 Beginning fund balance _ 168,209 168.209 168.209 Ending fund balance 166,209 168,209 168,209 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS } Total of Revenues for all Funds 64,500,020 9,706,685 74.208,706 66,156,527 Total Bt Expenditures for all Funds 63,880,147 0,395,990 78,056,137 70,683,872 Total grant revenues(Included k total revenues) 10,945,146 2,113,703 13,058,649 14,440,763 Total Capital expenditures(included in total expenditures) 16,665,944 3,362,326 20,045,270 16,444,741 35 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2018 Budget Revenues by Fund General Fund Property Tax 11,479,200 Sales Tax 18,210,500 Sales Tax- Public Safety 867,400 Sales Tax- Criminal Justice 1,556,400 Gambling and Leasehold Excise Tax 333,700 Franchise Fees/Business Registration 1,154,000 State Shared Revenues 2,02.4,528 Service Revenues 1,557,400 Fines aid Forfeitures 1,443,500 Recreation Program Fees 595,200 Miscellaneous. Investment Int., Transfers 227,025 Total General Fund 39,418,853 Other Funds 101 Street Fund 4,357,900 103 Paths &Trails Fund 8,500 104 Hotel Motel Tax Tourism Facilities Fund 357,500 105 Hotel Motel Tax Fund 550,300 106 Solid Waste 178,500 107 PEG Fund 90,000 120 CenterPlece Operating Reserve Fund 0 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund 0,500 122 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 600 123 Civic Facilities Replacement Fund 700 204 LTG()Bond Debt Service Fund 547,100 301 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund 801,000 302 REET 2 Capital Projects Fund 801,040 303 Street Capitial Projects Fund 11,767,791 309 Parks Capital Projects Fund 264,560 310 Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund 345,400 311 Pavement Preservation Fund 2,301,500 312 Capital Reserve Fund 0 313 City Hall Construction Fund to 402 Stormwater Management Fund 1,871,500 403 Aquifer Protection Area 2,0013,000 501 Equipment Rental& Replacement Fund 102,333 502 Risk Management Fund _ 325,000 Total Other Funds 25,677,674 Total Alt Funds 66,156,527 36 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2016 General Fund Revenues $39,478,853 E Recreation Program Fees 1% Miscellaneous Fines&Forfeitures 1% 4 Property Tax 111 i _ .,. /� 2996 Service Revenues _ 1 496 ,,_ State Shared Revenues 5 Franchise Fees/Business Registrations 3% Gambling Taxi - 1% I Public Safety Sales Tax 2% Criminal Justice Sales Tax '', i 4% ., • a Sales Tax 1 46% 37 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2016 City Wide Revenues $ 66,156,527 Debt Service Fund 1% Capita] Projects Funds Other Special Revenue Funds 24% 2% Street Fund Stormwater Management Fund X90 \ • 396 __ APA Fund 3 \\_,Internal.Service Funds 1% • Genera] Fund 60% 38 Cr1?DF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 211141 Sue gii-General Fund Deifl11 Revenue*by Type �7D12 2943 2414 2a 13 2418 rlael AeWgl _ Atari, Huapet laud P mart•Te e PreperlY Tax 10,7041,123 16,341,559 11.526,377 11;17,104 11,479,290 Properly Tax-t5rInquenm 6 6 4 U 6 10799123 10341359 11.1213.377 _ 11,277,1/1 11.470.240 Bela emo G ama Tex 15.427.377 1444E7A 17 17+444 401 17.526403 10.319,560 Selo i Tie-Fr16I4eSaraly T24,15? ?MAIMS 812200 021E 100 1157490 Selo s Tax•Crimkwl:431 ea 1,289,302 1,'56 950 1455 312 1,4041744 1,0'50.4 17.437,731 18.766A61 , 19707 DM 19ti7a 12D,554.34Ca riarnbil no and I eisahad erdsr.Tar AmuaafiMt Gwrra S. 1%125 10 X799 11,001 10,904 11,640 Card Genera 541.525 3142,651 42943141 353,e6 344.404 1?irta55R411e4 1662 638 1,211 1.204 1,244 P unt Bawds 3 Pull T1113 01,771 134,394 ft.9 AO 71,590 115,000 Leasahold .hoar Tax 11.411 9.134 3.332 13150 5,944 1easeholdMid ieTex[Sl71le7 770 170 774 763 700 534695 515,347 _7,12{459 996.6173 333,7011 Lic roes R o.rm1is G eneral Buslrara Lica^ens 9057 97,084 165,741 07A93 1011„000 Carrlcaal PEG 04,11,18.1h:0 81,614 42642 99,171 0 r1 Fresmchlie Fee a 1.a24;350 1,044,0'03 1.403,960_ 1,649.063 1+154,006 1212.042 1.235,335 1,$4,9,212 _ f_146,480 1,454,61.10 Stale SHerd RE-damn r 5lrmmlan&linlKan 90Seim Tim 557,413 571,005 575,368 530,612 528,007 %Anvil in LliA.,aff Tan%-4141P1 0,098 0 0,979 mon 4,4417 CJ.IA811 Crime 146.565 18.505 0 0 0 MVP'Millnal J lic .P5FJi6lorl 29.549 32,262 23.057 23.600 20.13.5 CJ Contacted SerrolDet 134,119 142,199 152,133 141.90'0 156-00e CJ Spada!Pro s ne 77.114 12659 96150 MACS 96,546 4 L•I-Vern 15.0.18 16,684 18273 10666 15.306 Liquor Board ExcseTao 225.791 121.297 15T,659 174.044 913,980 Liquor Beard PheBrU 0252 4613,952 1112.122 4/07,244 066,057 2,06,657,680 1,920,317 t.354,496 1,708,2C6 2412452E Sargiod 114aar36i0e Array#ryhlsPia,Ron Rar 1D475 471 6 5L11 9 Bolding Fermis 344,696 9251,021 919234 793,034 533,0 05, C orrr:400n P,m1l 3,w6 3335 4 039 3 9611 lone Wilding a i'lar.nilp Fees 95.103 103Bas 761 268 1661LS 126.4417 E11.FIalmorn1 1541140 12.609 101335 15123 15500 111,0-5 Gr'.Un 'Ferree 8,4-44 3.551 4 00 ew.206 3,806 H ao Peale islen F9x 5,5595 1,512 1105 3,1791 3,ILO Mechanical Perrdis 84.645 80,921 106.753 51.0017 34.030 M .Pwmila d.Fess 11.117 5.207 3115 5.104 7,1U Pumping rim.eel 051,009,145 63' 332.776 497,267 143.216 255,354 330,141 Plumbing Pamela 54.620 40,511 93,667' 99.000 410,430 A igit er Way Pem•LLe 82.782 119.265 94512 93.6017 91.4=0 Gad l=n brwr l 3,46G (13,423} 6,189 5.600 4,454 Tr ropneary Se E Vernal ream 471 342 471 100 62=0 1.245.0a7 1.773.7&4 1,055315 1,421,000 1507,100, rola and Feffautes PAM:::441373=raise Alarm 5ayse1 130,232 153,632 a 100.006 545.000 Pallit^aa'ra1yCi1ts 01,255 65.5+6 57.251 46000 55,666 Flre9 a'Tortola•Treflo 565690 551370 1151.179 606,460 9001000 OlherC-mtind.N5HTra1h1 FIRM 03310.11 608,261 53§,020 003,788 632 mu 1.501,156 1,495,410 1,400,283 "•.907.104 1,443.506 Rrcrszlion Rowan.Chorea& � AcIlsrtr Pens[Ta nee a recreel_onsafacilityl 430,225 412, 112 421,020 279,040 462.3416 Program Froa 1Tcpalgpe1,4 n d preplan} 150,200 70.053 19X.482 183.786 104.641 090,470 57.6,080 569,401 603,620 595.211' MIB4111a91I 176 IerasImen2In!sow 33000 01,230 41.510 10,024 45,065 5alas Taal latae ml 6,005 3.126 L977 5,UDD 9,000 SCRAPS reara-ihrce,ghilloewoorreip 4 1 91.259 0 1,1111 1mm:tea Oirrang Tax 2,730 1.999 256 3,686 2,6113 61epl.o6,awlop6w Iaranl 51,040 02,101 6.290 a 0 0EG9G Grant 72,'-.$3 a 0 0 2 RoSca Precinct p an13810411. 41,63-6 51,523 41315 51,509 40525 Mi.:41116a baU3120uewa 3 Crams 5511 12,2€1 1,3x3 2-4141 2,860 215,SeC 192159 103.494 13aran 103.500 aranekaa Trnnsieran-4101[mime]ednln1 59,002 31100 39.756 23.706 34.7[0 Trenifarqn-111120 4 97,717 6 0 ni Trans eadn,8164 Wm lax-CP adveroai,P) 50600 34.005 30539 30,1701 30.0E0 Transfer-In•111146(olid y,asla repo/man) 0 0 6 40.425 47'7.425 Tran319rdn-111C24slen"adrnlnl 1.3,050 maw 13.966 13,446 13.9L9.. 54,602, 133997 13,106 12 .535 125.515 T11151 02115451 Fund Revor cr 3S 911,072 37 205.1371 38,395,725 33,401425 39478653 39 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2016 Budget-Other Funds Detail Revenues by Type 2312 2013 2014 2016 2015 Actual Actual Actual 13udgat Midget 101 Street Fund Investment Interest 4,356 I} 2,037 3,004 3,0170 Grants Revenues 173,155 172,530 0 0 0 Motor Fuel(Gas)Tax 1,€46,996 1,858,055 1,878,476 1.859,900 2.004,904 Other Misr-elloneous Revenues&Grants 64,415 9,545 24,567 1(1.000 10,000 Transfers in-#302 7,614 27,375 0 0 0 Street Maintenance&Repair 0:ha;gcs 0 7,774 0 0 0 IJtllit;es tax 2,735,484 2,552,722 2,461)0t#0 2,565,100 2,340.000 4,331,743 4,548,303 4,366.160 4,439,000 4,357,900 103 Paths A Trails Fund Investment interval 67 51 0 0 0 Motor Fuel(Gas)Tax 7,700 7,879 7,967 7,800 6.500 7.857 7,930 7.957 7___ 8,500 104 Hr telMatel Tax-Tourism Facilities Fund H tel1Metel Tax 0 0 0 17$,700 357,500 investment interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 178,700 357.500 105 Hotel/Motel Tax Fun d htotelIMotel Tax 490,004 516,072 549,267 550,000 850,000 Investment Interest 592 387 299 300 300 {19,596 _ 5199.059 649,566 550 300 550,340 106 Solid Waste, Sunshine administrative lee 0 0 0 125,000 125,040 Grant Proceeds 0 0 0 26.800 53,500 Transfers in-000' (market nceedi catlan' 0 0 60,000 Cr 0 0 U 60,000 151,800 174.500 107 PECK Fund Comcast PEG contribution 9 a 0 92,000 90,000 Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers in-0001 0 0 0 257,340 0 0 0 0 359,300 _ 90,0010 1 20 CerterPlace Oser.atinn 79es9rvea Fund Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 121 Service Leve-]Stabilization Deserve Fund - Transfer to 0 0 0 0 0 Investmenllrlte;rest _ 5.143 6 971 4.697 .8,200 8,500 5.163 6,971 4,697 8,2.001 122 WinterWea•her Reserve Fund Investment Interest Dad 676 455 300 snip 983 676 455 _ 840 B00 123 City Facilities Renoir&Replacement Fund Investment[merest 2,094 1,007 1,083 1,300 700 Transfers it 397,000 0 - 0 0 0 394,099 1,507 1.083 1.300 700 204 _Debt Service-LTGO 03 Fund 2014 LTGO Bored Issue proceeds 0 0 7.660,604 0 0 Forilities District Revenue 432,320 437,120 423,844 373,800 990.309 Transfers in-#301 92,651 92,951 89,559 82,150 53,400 Transfers in-#3192 92,551 92,952 89,550 02,150 _ 83,400 017,523 623,423 8,253,656 535,100 547,100 40 CITY CF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2016 Budget-Other Funds Detail Revenges 4y Type 2212 2013 2014 2015 _ ' 2016 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 301 REET 1 Capital Prviects F4nb Investment Interest 1.204 1,138 7903 '.000 1,990 REET 1 -2nd Percent 654.254 707,104 790,761 800,000 800,000 Misc.Revenues 9,601 0 0 0 0 655.090 708,242 791.574 93",000 801,440 302 REET2 Capital Prole=Fund Investment Interest 1,762 1,349 909 1,000 1,000 REE'2-2nd_25 Percent 531,42 614,929 715.648 800,000 500,000 Transfers in-Capital Grants fund 8.477 0 0 0 0 539.651 519,278 777,557 80'1,4017 301,040, 303 Street Capital Protects Fund Deuploper Cenrrib.rtions 760,765 0 541 364,378 314,700 Grant Proceeds 3,852,253 3,475.351 1.825,974 10,321,343 5,797,263 Transfers in-#001 64,750 0 0 0 0 Transfers in-#101 479,659 138 5.038 0 0 Transfers in-#102 207,447 0 0 0 0 Transfers in-#301 Capital Projects 253,.129 539,534 58,607 569,413 222.503 Transfers in=#302 Special Capital Projects 1,"01,2'.4 153,243 601.736 413,271 971.916 Transfers in-#310 '40,139 0 0 0 0 Transfers to-#311 299,027 77,720 0 0 0 Transfers In-#312 AppleWay Landscaping 0 6,346 253,645 0 0 Transfers in-1€312 Sullivan Rd W BrtdGe 0 0 443,656 504,000 1,010,509 Transfers in•0312 Pines Underpass Plnecrofl 0 Cl Cr 0 500,000 Trarsrers,in-4402 113.414 0 0 0 0 Misoetlaneous 1.651 77 21 0 0 7.270 451 4,304,412 3,099.249 12,169,405 11.767,791 Igs_rapjiLQapItts Fund Investment Interest 645 590 444 500 500 Cbntrlbutbas and Donations 0 25,000 7,850 0 0 Transfers in-#001 106,250 50.000 242,29$ 115,575 150,000 Transfers in-#103 0 8 50,000 0 0 Transfers in-#105 0 0 0 65.000 0 Transfers in-#312 9 0 911,433 540.600 0 Transfers in-#3.12-Appleway(Fines-Evervgree 0 0 Cl 14.050 14,050 Grant Proceeds 0 0 0 90,000 90,000 107,098 75,660 1,212.93.5 629,725 264,550 310 Civic Facilites Capital Projects Fund -Investment interest 5,349 '.771 1.193 1,200 1,200 Sale of rarrd 0 C 839,285 0 0 Transfers in-1001 7,577 0 0 0 0 row*CM brie svnrx•s4 .a#r!vase p7at 0 0 0 67,600 72.5010 awe G.1-tadmcmts 0 0 0 271,700 271,700 Transfers in-#312 C 0 0 50,324 _ U 12,926 1,771 640,479 398,524 345,400 311 PavementPrrserwation Fund Grants 0 35,995 2,042,715 911,032 0 investment Interest 0 2,751 1,553 0 0 Transfers in--#001 2.045,593 0 886,523 920,000 943,800 Transfers in-#181 0 292,000 292,000 205,518 57,342 Transfers in-0123 0 516,284 316,284 615,284 559,786 Transfers in-001 0 150,000 184,472 251,049 355.286 Transfers in-#302 0 180,000 184,472 251.049 355,285 ,045,543 1237,830 4.2.00,510 3,215,032 2,301,500 312 Capital Reserve Fund Developer Cwttrfbutian5 0 3,180 4.575 0 0 'Transfers ina-#001 0 7,826,207 2443,507 1,783,512 0 0 7,829,357 2,448.162 1,783,612 0 313 City Hall Construction warp Investment interest 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers in-#312 0 0 0 5,152,764 0 0 0 0 5,162,76.4 0 41 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY.WA 2015 Budget-Other Funds Detail Revenues by Type 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 1 Actual Actual Ikctual Bud at Budget 442 Stormwater Manaal:menl Fund Grant Proceeds 84.535 233,165 78.097 389,674 C Transfer in-#403 4 0 0 120,000 C Developer Contributions 0 0 51,4g2 o a Miscsllanevus Revenue 4 4,143 1.500 0 C Investment Interest 2,555 1,992 1,342 1,500 1,50C Stennwater Management Fee 1.834,740 1,361081 1,265.413 1,6!110,000 1,570,00C 1,902,236 2,108,351 1, 95,844 2.391.174 1,1371,50C. 403 Aquifer Protection Area Fund Spokane County 519,936 484,343 451,829 SfC,000 500,000 Grant IDOL-Broadway SD Retrofit 4 ES9,310 699,913 1,26C,C00 0 Grart 630E-Sprague Park to University LID 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers in-#402{DOEf4r Decant Pro]} 0 0 50125 0 0 Gran-Sprague Swales 95,291 0 0 0 1,500,000 Irwesbrnent Interest 0 0 0 a 0 607227 1,343,653 1,211.&56 1.764,044 2,000,000 501 C uiprnen1 Rental&Replacement Fund IrlveshmentInterest 1,458 1,176 792 1,000 1,009 Interfund Equip$Vehicle Lease 119,344 177.744 102.744 35,544 101,333 Transfers in 10101 0 0 25,849 0 0 Transferain- #402 C 0 25,843 0 0 120.842 176,92C 155225 36,544 102,333 502 Risk tutan gement Fund Tra-nsfers in-#0011 319.00._1 319,000 325,000 325,000 375,090 Investment Interest 9 I 3 4 0 919.009 319.407 325,005 325,000 325,440 Total of"Other Fund'Revenues 119,946,944 24,530,311 90,301,203 35,907,28C 26,677.674 General FuirJ Revenues 35,911,072 37,208,871 38,396,726 35,301,425 39.470,8553 Total Revenues . 55,555,060 01,739,1$2 ._60,697,928 74,209.705 ` 56,'.56,527 42 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2016 Budget Expenditures by Fund and Department Gener . Fund Council 506,569 City Manager 1,197254 Public Safety 24,844,030 Operations&Administrative Deputy City Manager 737,002 Finance 1,253,080 Rumen Resources 255,694 Pubic Works 956,870 Community&Economic Development Admin istration 622,107 Economic Development 545,157 Development Services 1,4$6,637 Building 1.344,166 Parks&Recreation Administration 296,671 Mairtenanee 838,343 Recrea t i an 228,197 Aquatics 461,200 Senior Center 95.751 Cen le rPtace 882223 General Government 3,413,009 Total General Fund 39.974,464 Other Funds Street Fund 4.3132,900 Paths&Trails Fund 0 Hotet+Molel Tax-Tourism Facilities Fund 0 Hotel/Motal Tax Fund 590,000 Solid Waslc 173,500 PEG Fund 24,500 CenterPiece Operating Reserve Fund 0 Service Level Stabilization Fund 0 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 503,000 Civic Facility Replacement Fund 559.766 LTGO Bond Debt Service Fund 547.100 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund 671,189 REET 2 Capital Projects Fund 1,371.502 Street Capital Projects Fund 11,767,791 Parks Capital Projects Fund 352,050 Crvic Facilities Capital Projects Fund 0 Pavement Preservation 3,10,000 Capital Reserve Fund 1,524,559 City Hall Construction Fund 2944400 StormvralerManagenient Fund 2,240,115 Aquifer Protection Area 2,000,070 Equipment Rental&Replacement(ER&R) 330,000 Risk Management Fund 325,000 Total Other Funds 33.709,302 Total All Funds 70,603.0572 43 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2016 General Fund Expenditures $ 39,974,480 Public Safety 62% Community&Economic Development -- 10% Public Works 2% 1000100., Operation&Administrative 6% Council& Executive Parks&Recreations 4% 7% General Government 9% 44 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2016 City Wide Expenditures $ 70,683,872 Capital Projects Funds 27% General Government 5% Risk Management Tourism Promotion 0% 1% Debt Service #. a 1% Street Fund '` 6% -_sStormwater&APA Funds 6% qJ - v � .Other Activities - 2% Parks&Recreation - - 4% Community&Economic Development 6% Council/Executive/Ops& Admin _ 7% Public Safety 35% 45 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2096 Budget General Fund Expenditures by Department and Type Wages,Benefits _ Services& Capital - &Payroll Taxes Supplies Charges clntergovernmental Interfund Expenditures Total City Council 220,634 4,550 281.685 0 0 0 506.869 City Manager and City Attorney 1,048,669 5,360 143,225 0 0 0 1,197,254 Public Safety 6,500 27,500 394,750 24,415,280 0 0 24,844.030 Operations&Administrative Deputy City Manager 660,102 2,500 74,400 0 0 0 737,002 Finance 1,222,580 6,000 24,500 0 0 0 1,253,080 Human Resources 230,598 700 24,296 0 0 0 255,694 Public Works 876,364 18,000 72,506 0 0 0 966,870 Planning&Community Development Admin 250,407 3,100 368,600 0 0 0 622,107 Economic Development 317.257 1.100 226,800 0 0 0 545,157 Development Services 1,173,837 21,050 271,750 20,000 0 0 1,486,637 Building 1,256,565 28,200 59,400 0 0 0 1,344,165 Parks&Recreation Administration 246,821 5,900 44,150 0 0 0 296,871 Maintenance 0 5,500 832,843 0 0 0 838,343 Recreation 161,397 7,600 59,200 0 0 0 228.197 Aquatics 0 14,000 447,200 0 0 0 461,200 Senior Center 88,481 1,600 5,700 0 0 0 95,781 CenterPlace 475,925 78,024 330,274 0 0 0 882.223 General Government 0 87,600 1,099,900 301,500 829,200 1,094,800 3,413,000 Total $ 8,236,237 $ 316,284 $ 4,761,179 5 24,736,760 5 829,200 $ 1,094,800 $ 39,974,480 46 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 201 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2015 to 2016 Difference Between 2015 and 2016 , 2015 2016 Increase(Decrease) Budget Budget F % City Cauncii Wages, Payroll Taxes&Benefits 214,379 220.634 6,255 2.92% Supplies 4,560 4,550 0 0.00% Services& Charges 294.185 281.535 (12,500) (4.257°) Total 513,114 506.1569 (6,245) (1.22%) City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes&Benefits 623,173 651.453 28,290 4.54% Supplies 3,350 3350 0 0.00% Services& Charges 61,840 62.,490 650 1.05% Total 688,363 717.353 28,940 4.20% Leoal Wages, Payroll Taxes&Benefits 379,917 397,206 17,289 4-55% Supplies 2,540 2,010 (530) (2067%) Services& Charges 79.382 80,735 1353 1.70% Total 461,839 479,951 18,112 3.92% Public Safety Nan-Departmental (Fines& Forfeits) 733,500 649,500 (84,00}) (11,45%) WageslPayroll Taxes/Benetits 3,800 6,500 2.700 71.05% Supplies 28,000 27,500 (500) (1.79%) Other Services and Charges 492650 394,750 (97,900) (19.87%) Intergovernmental Services 22.895,542 23.625,499 729,957 3.19% Total 24.163,492 24,103,749 550,257 2.26% Deputy City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes &Penefits 627,478 660.102 32,624 5.20% Supplies 2,500 2,500 0 0.00% Services&Charges 01,325 74,400 13,075 21.32% Total 691,303 737.002 45,699 6.61% Finance/IT Wages, Payroll Taxes& Benefits 1,172,483 1.222,580 50,097 4.27% Supplies 0,000 6,000 0 0,00% Services&Charges 25,396 24,500 (896) (3.53%) Total 1,203,879 1,253,080 49,201 4.094 Human Resources Wages, Payroll Taxes&Benefits 218,109 230,698 12,589 5.77% Supplies 700 700 0 0,00% Services& Charges 24,508 24,296 (212) _ (0,87%) Total 243,317 255,094 12,377 5.09% Continued to next sale 47 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2016 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2015 to 2016 Difference Between 2015 and 2016 2015 2016 Increase 'Decrease) Budget Budget S 'o (Continued from previous page) Public Works Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 834,363 876,364 42,001 5.03% Supplies 19.000 18,000 (1.000) (5.26%) Services&Charges 68.551 72,506 3,955 5.779`5 Total 921,914 966,870 44,956 4.88% Community Dev,-Admin Wages, Payroll Taxes &Benefits 237,394 250,407 13,013 5.48% Supplies 3,100 3,100 0 0.00% Serves&Charges 20.600 18,600 (2,000) (9,71%) Total 261094 272,107 11,013 422% Community Dev.-Economic Development Wages, Payroll Taxes& Benefits 274776 317.257 42,481 15.46% Supplies 1.000 1.100 100 10.00% Services&Charges 22,500 226.,900 _ 204,300 908.00% Total 298,276 545,157 246,881 82.77% Community Dev.-Dev. Sery Wages. Payroll Taxes&Benefits 1,122,844 1,173,837 51.193 4.56% Supplies 21,050 21,050 0 0.00% Services&Charges 281,2.50 271,750 (9,500) (3.38%) Intergovernmental Services 0 20,C(+i 20.000 0 Total 1,424,944 1486,637 61,893 4.33% Community Dev.-Budding Wages, Payroll Taxes&Benefits 1,285,902 1,256,565 (32.357) (2.51%) Supplies 28,200 28,200 0 0.00% Services& Charges 63,800 59,400 (4,400) (6.9096) Total 1,380,902 1,344,165 (36,737) (2.6596) Parks&Ren-Admin Wages, Payroll Taxes&Benefits 228,697 246,821 18,124 7.92% Supplies 8,450 5,900 (2,550) (30,18%) Services& Charges 34.225 29,150 (5,D75) (14.83%) Total 271,372 281,871 10,499 3.87% Parks& Rec-Maintenance Wages, Payroll Taxes&Benefits 0 0 0 0.00% Supplies 20,000 5,500 (14,500) (72.50%) Services& Charges 824,642 832,843 8,201 0.99% Total 844,642 838,343 (6,299) (0.75%1 Parks&Rees Recreation Wages, Payroll Taxes& Benefits 153,924 161.397 7,473 4.85% Supplies 7.750 7,600 (150) (9,94%) Services&Charges 64,500 59.200 (5,300) (5.22%) Total 226.174 228.197 2,023 0,89% j (Continued lo next pa9e)I 46 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2015 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2015 to 2016 Difference Between 2015 and 2016 2015 2016 Increase (Decrease) Budget Budget $ _I I 9{o- (Continued from previous page) Parks&Rec-Aquatics Wages, Payroll Taxes& Benefits 0 0 0 0 Supplies 7,200 14,000 6,800 94.44% Services.f Charges 480,000 447,200 (41,800) (B.55%) Total 496,200 461,200 (35,000) (7.05%) Parks& Rec-Senior Center Wages, Payroll Taxes&Benefits 84,285 88,481 4,196 4,98% Supplies 2,600 1.600 (900) (36,00%) Services& Charges 5,200 5.700 500 9.62% Total 91,985 95,781 3,796 4.13% Parks& Rec-CenterPIa, e Wages. Payroll Taxes& Benefits 435,609 475.925 40,316 9.26% Supplies 66,963 75,024 9.051 13.53% Services, Charges 322,425 330,274 7.849 2.43% Total 824,997 882,223 57,226 6.94% Pavement Preservation Council Designation 920,000 943.800 23,800 2.59% Total 920,000 943.800 23,800 2.59% General Government Wages, Payroll Taxes&Benefits 0 0 0 0 Supplies 70,650 87,600 16.950 23.00% Services 8 Charges 1,292,550 1,099,900 (192.650) (14.90%) Intergovernmental Services 300,500 301.500 1,000 0.33% Capital outlays 46,500 43,000 (3,500) (7.53%) Total 1,710200 1,532,000 (178,200) (10.42%) Transfers out-#309 park capital pro) 0 160,000 160.000 0 Transfers out-#310 bond pmt 67,600 72,500 4,900 7.25% Transfers out-#310 city ball o&m costs 271,700 271,700 0 0.00% Transfers nut-#502 325,000 325,000 0 0,00% Total recurring expenditures 38,292.307 39,351,199 1,08$,892 2.79% —- 1Summary by Category Wages, Payroll Taxes&Benefits 7,599,933 8.236237 336.304 4,26% Supplies 303,503 316,284 12,781 4.21% Services&Charges 4,528.529 4.396.179 (132,350) (2.92%) Pavement Preservation 920,000 943,80 9 23,800 2,59% Transfers out-#309 parks capital proj 0 160,0100 100,000 0.00% Transfers out-#310 bond pmt 67,500 72,500 4,900 7.25% Transfers out-#310 city hall o841 cost 271,700 271,700 0 0.00% Transfers out-#502 325,000 325,000 0 0.00% Non-Departmental (fines&forfeits) 733,500 549,500 (84,000) (11.45%) Intergovernmental Svc(public safely) 22,805,542 23,525,499 729,957 3.19% Intergovernmental Svc 300.500 321,500 21,000 6.99% Capttal outlay 46,500 43,000 (3,500) (7.53%) 38,292,307 39.361,199 1,068,892 2.79% 45 Fund:001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 011 Legislative Branch 2016 Budget This department zoom els far the east of pravireng effective elected re prasertatien of the citizenry to tie governing body. The CouunQI makes policy decisbns for the City end is accountable to Spoke ne Valley tiltxeis by making decisions regarding how resources are atlaoa1ed,the appropriate levels of service,and establishing goats and policies for the organization. AC ornoIIshmen s for 2n15 •Pursued a legislative capital budget request for The Appleway Trail ProJed,parkland acquisition and,the Barker Road grade separation. Appleway Trail.Based on Council approval❑i the use af City funds,nonstructioe on the portia?i of the trail leetween University and Pines Road was completed.This ircduded a plaza at University Road,trees,irrigation Imes aid trail lighting.At the legislative level,the City VMS awanded 51.9 million ran future consuuctian of the trail project, Barker Road Overpass:The City was successful at including the Berke-Road overpass in the draft version 01 the Transportation package,but unfdltenelcle it was rot InrAilpd in the final version adapted bl'the Legislature Staff worked to prepare and submit a e211,1 TIGER VII grant application for the Barker Road Grade Separation. •Continued to expend where ppesible,an economic development plan,including review and evaluation of Spokane Valtey'9 development regulations and how thee compare with other tUrisdlatOns;and completed plans fora new city halt. Staff Cn:rnpleted the review and ewalualon of yevelbpmenl legutallans and brought forth multiple code amendments far Council approval.Land was purchased and American'Nest Actin tecta were hired to begin ptares for the new city hall. Staff also developed a budget and provided options for the funding of a new city hal_ •Focus on sustainabtity of Sheet frreservalbn prpgrarn beyond 2016 The Street Preservanon pmpram is sustainable through 2020.Over the peel year.staff has been looking at ways to further sustain financially the current pavement pre ervetion prim.6larf hes applied for and received grant funds equating to approximately St.2M per the years 2017-2019 through the Surface Transportation Program grants. a rvatuale law enforcement needs based an calls for service.crime'ates,business and papulation grlrn^li and other supporting data. A staffing analysis was oomplefed that resulted in the addition of two patrol officers,A Peeer Shit teas created as well so staging levels could be matched to peak calque times or day.Supported funding for the new CADlRiulS system Inch ding the support ata Crime ilnatyst Position.This positlan will serve to pull crime Information from the CAL]/RMS system and various report srx,rces to inrorm officers and paint out trends to better utilise resourts. .Worked toward completion of the Ccnepreheneiwe Plan Review_ Goals for 2016 •Continue to work with state and federal legislators for pr nslhln finenclat assistance for The Barker Road Bridge•Grade Sep ra[ion. .leuelop a strategic plan fcr funding and completion of all grade separation projects. ■Continue and expend.where posy rite.ecxzrwmic developrneru efforts,Including construction of the new City Hair(Complete retail and tourism studiodevelop end implement stralegiee •Pursue a sustalneellllly plan in connedi0ft With true City's Street Preeeruatbn program,to Include BLr3tai Red funding In the City's Street Fund 011 to address concerns beyond the year 2624. •Feiese rc and discuss increasing costs to public safely.Including late erforcernent Seek longterm solutions to keeping oasts in died while beiler saving the c a erkinity. •Work toward completion of the Comprehensive Plan update. 50 Fund:01 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept 011 Legislative Branch 201$Budget I3ud31sS$051rnarr 2012 ' 2013 2014 2415 2016 Ordeal ALtgal Actual Budget Budget Personnel-FTE Equivalents Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Cuur li 6,0 6,0 6,0 33.0 $,4 Total FTEs 7.0 7,0 T_0 7.0 7.0 Budget[]stall Wages,Payroll Taxes 4 Ben eills S 1$5571 3 174,391 $ 167,858 $ 214,970 $ 220,634 Supplies 3,605 3,57 2,379 4,550 4,550 Berens B Charges 171.619 161,333 211 573 204,185 261,6135 Total Leglslaliue branch S 344,095 $ 30a7 $ 405,806 $ 513 114 3 503,5619 51 Fund:001 Genara,1Fund Spokane Valley Oopt:011 FsLarartivo Branch 2016 Budget 013.City Manager TMs department Is accourltahie to Che City Cannell far the operations results Df the organIzal ion.endive support of elected officials In achieving their goals;fullllmant of the statutory requtra-rants of Iht City Manager,Inlphem entatian or City Council policies.and provlPIrrs ore communirafion linkage bo1weon alkuons,the CI ly Coun41l,Glty dnpadrnnnis• and ether geuemmenL agencies. Ile porno lishm anis for 2015 ✓ In addition to supperling the 2015 Council Goals as reverenced under lha LegieiaUro entgen • Mdeling5 Wee held with Federal and Stale Represenledyes on behalf id The interests of our City. The Council.CI ry Manager&CIIy McVay perbcipat¢d in over 15 meetings with stale end Federal fapresar1Lehves Ir lire firsl 6-monlhs of 2015.These meetings wore halo Itrcally-in Olympia acrd 1•04 separate!rips to WA L1.0 were made eir lee City b.Ranaper 8 oat Council Member.Leg islature raining to the Barker Road eeerpuenf underpass;meriluena oan:ump1inn Al public.places:liven authority;and liquor revenues were topics of discussion- • Continued fudher eftorls in prorna[ion of the City,Inc:Winp Ilte canted devalopnt rint for lavrlom pramgllan, a straleglc eco.rroni c development pine and the recrtritrnanL Of an Economic Devesopment Eeecia69l In our City. • Presented Caunu l with a balanced 2016 EILdgaL. • Protriaed leadership support l«seengl hailing and erumutirva Spokane Valleyk core values end iso.eI pal Icicle. Geon I a ter 2316 In addition sa the support of the 2018 Cotndl Goals es relater-toed undertha Legislative Budget_ • prasare Council with a dalarced 2057 Budges. • Y4ork with Federal and Slate Lotbylats on brims-or lheimera31a of aur oiry. • prepare LegielallveAgenda foe Couiril considereean. • Shang Iran eccnoswc deveicpnrenL 015-Lagar Accomplishments for 2010 • Worked with Gaunt and sluff on sealong passage ot changes Io slate law an cede ca mpltance lion author*and marijuana regulatory reform Irctudlirg Ira re rig to Olympia to tastlfv before rho Sonata. • Provided leg al support In idarrllfyirlg:0 ng-term land use priadlies and Tions for framing policy de ueiev15,advising CcLricil on local aid pretedural iesucs mimed to adaplicn re 2015 Comprehensive Filen Update. • Provided advice renardirg distribution of 2014 lodging er allot. i i5 earned and worked with sluff,LTAC and City Council in drafting and passage of t?rdlnnnt.e i5-U06Irnposing additional 1.3%ledging lea. • Dr-ailed QrdtnanCe 15-012 reducing gambling lex do 5n si CHrd preying_ • sslsled wldr adaption of iodic/era defense Oa-Oates la comply with slate Ia.es_ ■ Participated with Council and outside comsat for preparation and pan sage of miring maraloriwn to preserve the taus qua while the Clgr dneves polity decisions far Coaling mining ape roL onswithin the City, • Panleipallon en the Spokane Regional Law 8 Jlntidl Cotrnstl and the SiralegIc Planning Cor mitlee. Goat for 2i7115 • Advise Coon-A and staff in furtherance of peel to develop and e&ipl inn amp rehcnsive Plan Update. • Have a fully-pper'atianal circa That proacllvaly assists+n program deaesrrprfient advises all depadrnenIs on legal issues in a IPmely manner arid manages all palerAlel and eldatlnpl Ii9gerlen. • Work wllh Carrlmuni ty and Economic DeVBWprrlerl and Finance in rd erlfyIng and implementing economic deiaeropm®nl options. • Diet othertmepanmenta in analyzing and mapping eau nfing psuc saes to determine compliance with laws and whether higher Levels of customer Benicia can be achleved. gudgit Sum MIN 2012 2513 r 2414 2016 9016 I Actual Missal I Actual Bud•et Budget Paraennel•FIE Equlualenits Ciy filing er 1,0 1.0 1.0 1,0 1-0 Car Anomer 1.0 i-B 1.0 1.0 1.6 Cig Cleric 1,0 t.0 1.0 1-0 1.0 OtpulyCllymums, 1,0 151 117 1.0 1.0 Deputy CityGiort 1.0 1-6 1.0 1-a 1.e Adminie iralive AsatsLant-Le•3i 1,0 1.0 1,0 1-0 1.0 Adrnlnialral.ire A#maIant ICC/ 1,00 1.0 1.0 1.0 1-5 Ececobe A1nIo1aruI cChl 1.0 1-o 1.0 1.0 1.0 Tula!FTE7 9.d 8.0 8.0 t#.0 $.0 Irl.. Interne 3,5 2.0 ?,.8 2A 2A Bodged 0 stall WaDes,paw Tiles sfseals $ 847,360 S 322,074 S 853,434 $ 1,463.094 5 1,048,1369 Suppler tool 1r$tl 2,787 3,560 5,360 5rmeua8 Chandra 174,453 159.747 120,171 141,222 t43,225 Nonreeu:nng espencea 0 0 0 3,060 0 Tdtm Exau lin•5 Leplaeltae S0.nCart $ 1,C25,234 S 069,532 S 1,0$2,392 5 1.153,202 5 1;197.254 52 Fund; 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 016 Public Safety 2016 Budget The Public Safety department budget provides funds for the protection of persons and property in the city. The City contracts with Spokane County for law enforcement, district court, prosecutor services, public defender services, probation services,jail and animal control services, See following page for detail information on each budgeted section, Judicial System The Spokane County District Court is contracted $ 2,225,352 to provide municipal court services. The contract provides for the services of judge and court commissioner with related support staff, Budgeted amount also includes jury management fees, Law nfcroement- The Spokane County Sheriff's Office is $ 20212,709 responsible for maintaining law and order and providing police services to the community under the direction of the Police Chief, The office provides for the preservation of life, protection of property,and reduction of crime. Jail System- Spokane County provides jail and probation S 1,301,055 services for persons sentenced by any City of Spokane Valley Municipal Court Judge for violating laws of the city or stele_ Animal Control-Spokane County will provide inirnal control $ 205,133 services to include licensing, care and treatment of lost or stray animals,and response to potentially dangerous animal confrontations. Non-Departmental Fines and forfeitures to the State of Washington + 646,500 Grant expenditures 20,000 Construct offices for unit supervisors-Nonrecurring 0 Capital outlay- CAD f Rt 1S- Nonrecurring 140,281 Total $ 24,844,030 53 City of Spokane Valley 2018 Budget 016-Public Safety 2012 2013 2014 2015 2046 Actual Actual Aral Burl:t Budget Judicial System: District Court Contract B 792,455 $ 6613,651 $ 820,626 $ 002,201 $ 822.076 Pubtii Defender Contract 769,255 617,999 540,831 813,554 632.182 Prosecutor Contract 421,067 446»975 410,195 420,151 446,722 Pretrial Service Contract 102,304 108 565 117,048 117,738 122,372 $ubtetal,tudiaial System 2,085,137 2,002,390 1,997,703 2 253,644 2,225,352 Law Enforcement System: Sheriff Contract 16,853,+600 17,701,607 17,731,187 18,8.98508 19,713,401 Emergency Management Contract 90,877 80,420 82,237 64,992 90.656 Wages,Payroll Taxes 8 smelts 2,359 3,6+42 6,506 3,500 6,5500 Oparaling Supplies 6,497 3.980 3,365 5,000 4,000 Repel r e.Mainterance_Supplies 693 2,343 3,343 3,000 3,500 Jan torial Supplies 1,062 0 0 0 0 ElectflciLyfGas 21,643 21.665 20,657 25,000 22,000 Wager 1.365 1,210 1,497 1,500 1,500 Sewer 649 851 960 900 970 Waste Disposal 3,504 3.450 3,452 3,500 3,500 Law Eni.Bldg Maintenance Contract 59.194 80,283 55.331 55,000 60,000 Taxes and Assessments 358 715 715 750 750 Miscellaneous Srvs1Cantingenr 0 0 250 350,000 254,300 Grywalf Charges&Fees 45,568 44.412 46,348 50,000 50,600 Stoning Rank Fees 3,057 5,111 5,726 5,500 6.409 Crywotf Refunds 0 _ 0 0 500 0 Subtotal Law Enforcement System: 17,082.535 17,949.907 17966,727 19,485,850 _ 20,212_748 Jail System: Jail Contact 976,681 713,282 995,557 1,306,475 1,301,055 Work Release(t Eiger) 429,420 508.704 151,156 0 0 Subtotal Jail System; 1 406 101 1,221,996_ 1,147,715 _ 1.368,475 1301055 Other. Capital Outlays/Communirations 206,445 0 0 0 0 Fines&t=orfa[turee State Remittance 662,0'4 664,691 637.014 733,500 549,540 Animal Control Contract 284,926 295,556 257.061 2$1,923 295,133 Non-Capital Equipment for JAG Grant 16,253 3,272 0 20,000 20.000 Non-Capital Equip for ARRA JAG Grant 25,088 203 0 0 0 Settle&Adjust 0 110,273 0 0 0 Nan-Capital Equipment for 2011„AG Grant 0 9,297 8,010 0 0 Non-Capita]Equipment for 2012 JAG Grant 0 23,978 0 0 0 Non-Capital Equipment for 2013 JAG Grant 0 Lr 20,495 0 0 Non-Capital Equipment for WASPC Grant 0 4,771 6,020 0 0 ARRAJAG-'NitrelessCards 488 0 0 0 0 2009 JAG-Wireless Cards 6,335 0 0 0 0 JAG-Wireless Cards 3,213 10,119 3,979 0 0 SVPD Wreiess Cards 0 0 434 0 0 Building Replacement Costs 50,000 0 0 0 0 fiighttime Seatbelt Patron Overtime 1,783 1.511 1.647 0 0 Maintenance a 0 7,468 25.007 0 Drive I-tammered-Get Flailed Grant 5,875 10.911 19,802 0 0 Building Repair&Maintenance 0 0 7.679 0 0 Office Furniture&Equipment 0 0 14,490 0 0 Stickman Knows 3.992 0 0 0 0 Capital ouUay-CAC tRMS _ 0 0 0 349,700 , 140,281 Subtotal Otrier 1,317.4251142,572 1,414 1091,380 123 1,104,814 Total Public Safety I 21.891.299 $22,316.855 ii 22,126,254 $24,408,192 $ 24,844,030 54 City of Spokane Valley 2016 Budgeted Contract Expenditures $25,000,000 - $20,000,000 19,713,401 $15,000,000 - $10,000,000 $5,000,000 - .1 301,x!55, $822,076 832,1E1 I 448,722 90,55$ 60,000295,133 $_ sI I District Court Public Defender Prosecutor Sheriff Contract Emergency Law Enf. Bldg Jail Contract Animal Contrai Contract Contract Contract Management Maintenance Contract Contract Contract 55 Feed:Doi General Fund Spoken aValley Dept: 010 Operation S.Administrative Services 2016 Budget,. The Operations S Administrative Services Decatur enc.is composed of three eiiwislnns,the Deputy City Manager Division, the Finance Division,and the Human Resntaoes Division. 013-Deputy Cllr Manager Division The Deputy City Manager(DCM)supervises the Operations E.Administraiiue Services Dopanmont.assists the City Manager in organizing arid directing the other operations of the City,and assumes the duties of City Manager in hisiher absence. P OOnjMI$hmenta for 2015 •Following the 2014 addition or two online ntf cors to the;Spokane Valley pollee department and the 2015 irnpternentalion er the Power Shirt we have begun to evaluate -Response times for specific pori).calls compared in days with the power shift i mplemnnted In non-power shift days -Percentage of deputy initiated incidents irroluding the development or Irendllne cow arison9 between power shin and non-power shift areas, -Percentage of property crime cases solved compered to unincorporated areas where changes have not token place. •Continued development and implementation 01 comprehensive Solid Waste public info rmation outreach efforts thst#informed and familiarized citioens with new system,and that mel pubic inrormalion goals in 1h Solid'vast&Management flan. ■Confirmed pritalic informalirn support that Informed and Involved the community far SUI'ir an Road Bridge prowl and Appleway Trail project •Launched limited social media ouheanh for Snowlnfo and Traffic Ale*. •Refined the plan to finance the design and oanslnrion of a new Cly Hall bulldi ngl which will include a coirt;iration of cash or hand and the 2[}16 issuance of limped tax general obligation bonds_ Goalsfor 2016. •Continue to identify,implement and evaluate perfcrnanoe measure t4 assess the electiveness of ctrarrges]riven by a law enforcement siaifing analysts which resulted in the addition of two police officers in 2014 and the implementation of thn paver shirt. •Enhance community interest and involverttent in City government. ■Formalize public accountability in City operations through incorporating the Buelness Plan into decision making and establishing a tool box for a na luating 1 he City's comet services, ■In canjunctio i with the City's Finance and Legal departments,woks with a financial advisor and bond undeRvnter towards the ear i 2016 issuance of limited tali general oblfgatfoi(LTGO).bonds.the proceeds of which will be used towards the censlruotion of a new City Hall bui ding. •Coordinate the efforts al the City Hall construction Leant. Budget Sum Ittary _ 2012 2013 2014 20015 2016 Actual Actual Actual Bud! Stodgier - Personnel-F LEgeIvalents Dieutyy City Manner 1,0 1.0 1,0 1.0 1.0 eon or Adml+lxrrailue Anelyal 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Pub Ic tnforrrlauon 0 Me er 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Administrative Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 AdminIslraltveAssistant 2,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mks Assistant II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0tt1ce Assistant I 1,0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total FTEs 8,0, - ����-0 �•Q rnlem1.0 1.0 1-4 1.0 Budget Detail h'lagea,Payroll Taxes&®occult 3 404,6115 $ 402,012 $ 496,2711 $ 627,470 I 460.102 Supplies. 1,728 1,153 2,519 2,500 2,500 Services&Cha gce 23,G54 5$,162 36,853 Bi.2 71.400 Total Deputy CIlyMan tiger Miuinon $ 430,01:34 $ 469.327 S 535,450 I 091,303 $ 737,002 Fund;901 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 018 Operation d•AdrninaItrAtiHe Se14icea 20115-Budget 014.FInattce Pr i$taf. The Finance❑IVISion provides financial.managementseBrvices for al.Citta depertraients. R:ogrems include accounting and financial reporting,payroll.atilt rte payable,purchasing,hucooting and financial planning,treasury,information lachnofagy and Investments The division is also responsible for generating and analyzing Tuan6 al dela related to the City's operations. The depalflmeni prepares Finance ActivIV Reports for reuiew by the City Manager arci City Council ss knell as the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)that is subject 10 an annual audit c,enductcd by lila Washington Stag Audi44 S Orice- A1rcotnpli;hn ants for 2015 ■ le m e n to d State Nailer recarrrrendatlorrs. ■ Improved financial statement preparation process and aCotlracyl. a Comp/Bled 11a 2914 CAFR lay+May 90,2015. ■Acquired 1-Ford Escape for use by the Community Development Deportment that reglaoas a 2003 bevy S19 pimp, •Continced the process of wittu413[1g servr9rs, •Replaced eppror imalely 311 cesktop computers that were at the enc.of their life cycle_ ■Replaced copiers for the Finance and Rubin 1Nc kS Departments that Wore at the end of their Iire Cycle. •Completed phases 1 and 2 of a net■York Mtn,rap lat bent project. Goals for 2016 •Implement 2014 audit reoo rariendations •Work tGWdrd3 CantIntled Improvernenf and accuracy in the nonchl statement preparation process. ■Complete the 2015 CAFR by May 30,201€9,and receive a"deer audit opinion' ■Maintall Censfstunt Ieveis of service In payroll,accounts payable,budgetdevetuprnerrt,paricdlc financial report preparation and information technology servICes, •Continue with the praoess ofvlltua,:tfr+g servers using V7Jiware •Conbillie with the ongoing process of relining the replan-merit prdgant finr IT hardware resources. •Complete Ole Wire and final phase of a network switch replacement project, ■In conjundion with the Ciitye Dep.ity City Manager ar.d Legal depertmer:ts,work with a Financial advisor and band undone rite r Iowa rds the issuance of limited tape®curial obEgation(LTGC)ponds,the proceeds of which will be used towards the construction of a new City Hall bulling_ Budget Summery 2012 1 2013 2014 2018 2016 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Personnel-FTE Equivalents Ffnerce predo,' 1.00 '.00 1.00 1.00 1.001 Accounting Maim°ur 1.06 'x,00 1.00 1,00 1.00 Accountentillu54etAro hp, 306 3.75 8,75 5.75 3.75 AcwunlIne Technician 2,06 2.00 2,00 2.00 2,00 IT Specialise 3.00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2-00 G1S/0atahase.drnfrlairaier 1.00 104 1.00 1.00 1.00 Help Desk Techrerlen 0,00 0.04 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 Tenial FTEs 11.00 1079 11.75 11.75 11.75 - Intern 1.0 43.0 0.0 0.0 0.0.0 Budget Detail Wages_Payroll Taxes&Benefits $ 096,125 $ 1.006,210 $ 1,057,271 $ 1,172,483 S 1,222,580 Supplies 7,028 2,791 4,946 9,000 6,000 Senkes&ClrarOes 18.664 21,210 36.520 25,3915 24,500 Total Finance d 1 5 9.032,227 e 1.098737 $ 1,203,870 51253,050 57 Funri:001 Genural Fund Spokane Valley Dept; 015 Operation&Administrativp Services 2016 Budget 016.-Human Resources Division Human Resources(HR)is adr mister 1 through the City Manager. The FIR operation provides services in compensation, benefits,training and organizational development,Staffing,empire relations.andcornmunicelions.The Human Resources Office alga provides Risk Management services as tiwcll as Website and Mobile App design and maintenance econnuIts hrriente for 2015 • Bargained a suocesSOF Iawwr relaliins r nrrlract with represented employee of the City. •Achievement of the 2014 WellCity Award presented by the Association of Washington Cities. • Supported the economic development goals of the City through website and mobile app management. Deployed a redesigned City Websita that supports tie strategic goals of the City, oats for 2019 • Implement changes consistent wilts the successor labor agreement. ▪ Continue to.hultd the foundation For a lasting Wellness Program throw management support arid employee involti'emerr. • Redesign the City's Mobile App to he consistent with the Cit}'s website. • hAeet Me required Hazardous Materials idenfication consistent with the Globalized Harmonized-System, • Continue to provide g:lirtance to City officials through the implementation of Ile Affordable Gare Act, BudaLit Sumrrarft 2212 2013 2014 2015 2016 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Personnel-FTE Equivalents Human Rasoerce Menager 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.0 Human Resources Technician 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.0 Total FTEs 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2 C1 Budget Detail Wages,Payroll Taxes&Renefile $ 15T,339 5 197. 22 $ 208,053 $ 218.105 $ 230,999 Supplies 401 640 679 700 700 Services&Chartres 24,27a 13.$46 20,941 24.509 24,295 Tom]Human Resources G vision $ 212,07a 212 07 $ 225,683 S 243.317 $ 25.5,694 5B Fund;601 General Fund Spokane Valiey Dept 032 Public Works 2016 Budget The Public Warks Deportment oversees 1he City'a transportation systam,which includes construct+on and maintenance of streets and stonowater systems,operations and maintenance of traffic signs and signals and transportation planning. Accomplishments far 2015 • Worked on the design phase of ninteen projects and the construction phase of eleven projects. • Developed the 2016-2021 Six Year"ice nsportationImprovementProgram. l • Submitted twelve grant applications for various espial projects;received 53.5 million es of July 2015. • Completed the biannual update to the Pavement Management Plan. • Completed six Street Preservation Projects as a cost of 52.6 million, Goals for 2016 • Impternsnt approved capital projects. • Provide planning for development cf the updated Trensperke Inn Imprnvemeni plan. • Prepare and submit grant applicafians for capital projects, • Qormptete 2015 Pavement Preservation Projects as approved. Bridget Snmrnary 2012 21513 - 2014 2015 2416 I Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget ` Personnel-FIE Equivalents Public Works Director 1-0 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 Administrative Assistant 2.13 2,0 2.0 2.0 2.0 AssistantEngineer(CIP) 1.0 1.0 1,0 1.0 1.0 i11 Engineering Technician I 1..0 2.0 2.0 2,0 2.0 el) Engineering Tethnicion ll 2.0 1.0 1.0 1-0 1.0 (11 Lirn'ted Term Cnslrcai Inspector-Bridge 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0,5 (2) Malit_tConstruciior.Inspector(ROA 1.0 0.0 0,0 4.0 0.0 Senior Engineer 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Senior Engineer-No)&tint 1.0 1.0 2.0 210 2.0 01 ' Pranning.rants I ngineer 0.0 0.0 0.375 59.375 0.375 r3) Tod Fits 11.0 10,5 10.675 104175 10.$75 Sludget Detail Wages,Payroi Taxes&eanerilz $ 515.757 5 557,7D8 $ 847.097 $ 834,363 $ 875,364 Supplies 15.882 12,975 10.481 19,004 13,000 Son/ices&Charges 104,612 85,304 51,768 68,551 72,506 Capital Outlay 69.344 0 0 0 0 tdvnrecurring expenses0 _ 0 0,540 0 0 Total Public Aarks S 708,555 $ 658,587 $ 71$,889 $ 921.913 $ 965.870 (7J Only 56%+s budgeted Iv Lhe public works department Trp Ihg Genesi Fund utttt ftl a balance e j .ited as a pari of caprYar prpOots finds. (2). Thls positron is budgeted 50%as a parlor capffalprtdeCls fWlds and50%*eel fund. (3) This position is budgeted 37:x&to pt u r�wks,97,55S to s beet fund.and 2 lc slownwager fund 59 Fund:4761 faerteral Fund Spokane Valley Community&Economic Development Dept:050 AtfRIirlstrativa Divlkicn 2416 Budget The Administrative I]iuision provides averal management and oversight of the Community Development Deparlmerd Mcluding the permitting operation,Inng.ra1ge panning,development engineering,and r de camplianee and provides staff supportthror.gh administration of the department's budget.provides administradve support end department training. AccomnlIsohments For 201,5 . Assisted with the City's economic development plan ■ Continued to implement adoc:rmentcbrltral system for documents and'forms. . Assisted In City's Marketing Plan. . Assisted in Cily Hall project. Goals for 2016 ■ Continue to assist with the City's a onemiC development pran. ■ Continue to implement a document control system tor dooutnents and forms . Assist in City's Marketing Nan ■ +assist in City HMI.project Budget Summary 2012 2913 2014 2015 2016 Actual Actual AtLJitr Budget Bud gat Personnel•F7E Equivalents Cumin urity6evPI pfrenlplreaad 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1_0 pdrninis:ralive Assistant 1 0 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 Office Assistant I 4.13 0.0 0.0 0.4 0,0 Total rtE_s 3.D 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Budget UetaiI Wages,Payton Tuxes a Benefits $ 868.22$ $ 215,537 5 227,397 S 237 394 1f 2E0.407 Supolles 3,$54 2,39B 3,682 3100 3,100 SeriAces 8 Charges 34,934 6,64E 12,022 2D 600 19,600 Intergovernmental Payments 0 0 0 0 0 hlonrectirrin9 Professional Services 0 f} 32,410 395.004 49,004 TSI Administrative Division $ 30,/01$ $ 224 555 S 275,410 S 555.094 S 523,107 60 Fund;4P1 General Fund Spokane Valley pmrnunit}r S Economic Development Dept:051 Economic Devetopment Division 2016 Budget The Eccnomic Development Division will work closely with the City Manager to pursue econam[c development strstepies which attract and retain businesses within the City. Staff deve[op collaborative relationships with and ECOrterniCdeveoprnentpartners.use technology to support ED programs,building marketing plans,pursue infrastructure impravBmerits and prorncte the City to basinesaes and visitors. Accomplishments far 2015 • Continued toonliabaratewith ec r,omisdevelopmentpartners, • Analyzed the fiscal and economic impacts of recruiting. • Facilitated a workshop with brokers and property+cwr7ers to develop understanding of the City's retail rrmarket. • Analy2ed'Incentives in WA State anddeveiaped a drag economic development tool box • Analyzed targeted infrastructure investments to support higher level of development intensities. • Analyzed the economic benefits of the Appteuway Trail. • Collaborated on a rrlarket rg plan, • Researched!analyzed the benefits 9f a rrewa GIS system. Goats for 2010 • Develop an economic development strategic plan_ • Develop a retell recruitment strategy: • Continue to rnllaberate with economic development partners. • Develop GIS system to promote economic development applications. • Deveksp tools and prcgrams 4a support small business retention and eXparrsIr r • Pursue infrastructure improvements to Faster economic development • Develop a RFQ to titre a consultant to develop marketing plan. • Research Community Development Block Grant(CORGI program opportunities. • Develop historic preservation program. Rudget Somali 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1 Actual Actual Actual Idudgel Budget Personnel-FTE Equivalents Engineer D,0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.65 SeniorPlanner-CO 0.0 0.0 0 to D ProjectSpecialisl 0-C 0.0 0 t1 1 0 1.0 Tara!FTEs D.0 C.0 C.d — 2 5 2,85 Budget Detail Wages,Payroll Taxee&Dermas 5 0 S D $ 0 g 274.776 $ 317,257 supplies 0 D a 11.00D 1,100 sorvices5 Charges 0 D D 22.500 225,900 Ingeranivornmentnl Payments 0 Q D Q_ 0 mini Administrative Division 0 $ Q $ D $ 295,276 ,445 157 61 Fund:001 General Fund Spokane Valley Community&Economic Development Dept.055i056 Development Servtoas Division 2 iG Budget The Oeyeaa rnent Services Division is new to the City as of 2015 and reflects the consolidation of the:Eigfneerirlg and Ptanninrg Divisions of the Community and Economic Development Departmerl:. The Development;Services Division Is responsible for providing professional policy guidance to the City Courtoll and Planning Commission on such issues as land use,access management,shoreline tr7anagernentAct.annexation,growth targets,crater quality, utllC works issues and , and more. Staff isresrcnsllaletor preceSsi-ng land use and home business permits.reviewing environmentally sensitive areas.for the review and inspection of stanswi ater management In private development. reviewing access management and ether public works,improvements in private development epplioalions, administering the State Env ronmental Protection Mt 4cccm plrhme nts for 2015 • Completed the Shoreline Master Program Update. • Continued work on Flfxplain Revisions • Flan state required uptake of Comprehensive Plan. • Continued work or.permit process and customer service improvement plan. • CDBG projects, • Processed 2015 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments • Developed a historic preservation prooras. Gals far 2016 ir Ccntinue waked on Regional Low Impact Development Standards. • Work an Floodplain F euiMions. • Audt development reg lations to implement Uie updated Comprehensive Plan. • Continuo work tin+,lrr3 City's Certified Sites Program. • Complete required update of Comprehensive Pian. • Continue work on permit process and customer service imorovernent plan. • Developers Forums. • 2015 Annual Comprehensive Plan amendments. • CFIDG-Identify Sidewalk projects. • Review of INunicpel Code fur updates Budget Summary 2912 r 2013 2014 2015 2016 Actual 9 Actual Actual Budget Budget Personnel-FIE Equivaieras Devetopmeni Services MenaSer 0.0 0.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 Engineer 1.5 1-S 1.5 2.0 2.0 Assistant Engineer 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Senior Planner $,01 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Planner CO. 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 Mein/Cori!ruction Inspector 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Code Enforcement tomver 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 ROW Inspector 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Office Assisiait I 1.0 1,0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Senior Engineer 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 Engineering Technician 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 Total FTEs 3.5 6,50 5_80 11.00 11.00 Budget Detail Wages,Payroll Tares&6enef+ts 11,265,079 $ 1,484.269 S 1,278,597 $ 1,122,644 $ 1,173,a37 Supplies 7,139 15,330 7,562 21,050 21,050 Se-vices eCharges 256,321 246,181 257.051 281,280 271,750 Intergavammeetal Pigments 7764 $,2$70 2{1,0 ❑ 00 Telal Engineering Civilian I. 1 S 1.756,557 '$ 1.544 31n S 1,424,944 $ 1,486,637 62 Fund:Dui General Fund Spoken*Malley Community&£toriniMiC Development Dept 057 Building Division 2016 Budget The Building Division in pternnenls the Washington rate Building code. This Division is responsible kir ensuring that loci/dings and struCturescomply with adopted building codes through technical plan reviawand hspecllon servfpes. The Permil Center rerrelve8 applications end caardina1e the review and processing of permits- Code compliance staff enforce zoning and building regulations on a.complaint-driven basis. R0W inspecilion program provides inspection services to assure the compliance with the RPCP and the durability and safety of work done in the public ROW. Accomplishments far 2016 • Impternended residential building review at the Permit Center Counter. • Canlinued work on permit process and Customer service improvement plan • Compteted Regional Hazard Mitig Aim Plan. • Maintained partnering efforts with Spokane and Spokane Gc&lnty. • Completed web-access reports for the permit system. Goats fray 2015 • Canllnue work on perrnft process and customer service improvement plan_ • Impleniert performance measures. • Coordinate on central repotting function in SMJARTGav, • Continue work on improving residential build ng review al the Permit Center Counter. • Develop technical bulletins and handouts for publio assialance. • Maintain partnering efforts kuilh Spokane and Spokane County. • Continue to expand on-line permit System!. • Continue coordinate on Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. • Continue to develop reports for web access permitting system. BudgetSumnaary 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget J Personnel-FTE Equivalents BuildIng Official 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Buidinglnspector II 3.0 3.D 311 3.0 3.0 Planner 0,0 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Devetopnrent Service Coordinator 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.131 1.0 Engineering Tech 0 I 0.0 1.0 1-0 1.11 Office Assistant 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 Perrnht FacIlltalar 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Plans Examiner D.75 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 senior Plana Examiner 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 1.0 Assistant Planner 0.0 2.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 Code Enforcement Cffioar BP 2.0 0.n 0.0 0.0 0.0 construction inspector 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 hinirConsi Inspector(RO1Nt 1.0 0.0 0,0 0,0 0.0 Senior Permit Specialist 1.0 0.0 - 0.0 0,0 0,0 Total FTE6i 12.75 � -- 12.50 14,00 14-1)0 Budget Detail Waip®s,Payroll Taxes&Benefits $ 1,021,199 S 0032.062 S 1,096,561 $ 1.286,902 $ 1,256,565 8upplias 21,646 20,135 14,146 28,200 213,200 Se-dices 6 Charges 141,885 55,009 65,450 63,50D 59,400 lnlergrnremrnentaI Payrr`er3te 0 0 11 0 0 Capital Outlays 35,6153 0 0 0 0 Inter;inn Charges 3.65$ 0 0 0 0 Total5uilding Division 3 1,224,040 $ 1,005.PD S 1,178,215 �5 1,380,902 $ 1,344.165 83 Fund:001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept:076 Parks&Recreation 2018 Budget The Parks and Racarsaaon Oepalmant is composed of six divisions including Administration.Maintenance, Recreation.Aquatics,Senium Center,and CenteTPlatae. The overall goal of 1he department is to provide quality recreation programs and acquisition, renovation,develepmenl,operation and maintenance of parkSand maintenance of parks and reGrealion facilities. 090-Pa.rks Administration Division The Administration Divisign provides direction and leadership for the Parks and Recreation Department in implementing the goals and Objectives Of the City Council and facililates the general upkeep of parks and public areas of the City. Accomplishments for 2015 + Constructed seven new sand volleyball ceurls et nrowns Park. + Installed three new park signs a Installed new?loopiest basketball court at Browns Park working with an Eagle Scout, + Completed Phase 1 of Pocket Dog Park at Valley Mission Park. ▪ Completed ronslrrre1Jon of a new picnic sheller al Edgecliff Park. a Assumed maintenance responsibility forAppiewey Trail troll University to Pines. Goals fur 2018 • Construct new splashpad at Browns Park. • Completeeonstruction of Phase 2 of the Pocket Dog Park at Valley Mission Park. . Install new park signs, e Pursue land acquisiti cis for priority facilities such as disc golf,skeletoard park.ele- Budget Summary 2012 2013 2014 2015 2616 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Personnel-FTE Equivalents - - -� - Parks&Recreation Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Administrative Assistant 1.0 1.4 1.6 1.0 1.0 Total FTEs 2.0 2.0 2.{1 2.0 2.0 Budget Detail Wages.Peyrcll Tans&Benefits $ 204,362 $ 212,1767 $ 224,275 $ 228,697 5 24 E.,821 Supplies 17,641 33,927 2,403 8,450 5,900 Services&Charges 775,139 652,675 26.388 23,225 44,150 intergovernmental services 12,550 0 0 11,090 Irlterfurld Transfer 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlays 8,545 0 0 0 Nonrecurring Expenses 0 0 11.192 0 4 Total-artc5pdrrlinistration $ 1.016,237 S 1.496,869 $ 256,320 5 271.372 3 290,871 64 Fund:001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept 0T$ Parks&Recreation 2016 audget 34U- rttenance Division The Parks iNaintenen a Division is responsible for the can tracted reainlenarrce and upkeep at our parks and public areas including the Centennial Tail. Budget Summery 2012 2014 2014 2E115 21116 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail S4ppiivs $ 12,133 $ 275�[t $ 2.903 5 20,000 5 5.596 Services 8,Charges 739.636 761,500 791.345 _ '24,$42 832.813 Total Park Maintenance $ 750.769 S 755.000 $ 794.251 a t'.44,642 5 838,343 65 Fund:001 Genera[f=und Spokane Valley Dept.476 Parks&Recreation 2016 Budget 3Di-Recreation t7lvlslidrl The Recreation division coordinates and facilitates the delivery of recreation programs and ser'iee throughout the Clty anr~the City's Park system Accomplishments For 2015 • Secured two Summer Outdoor Movie Sponsorships for$1,000 each, ▪ Partnered with Spokane Valley Ratan/for Breakfast with Sain10&Liberty Lake Kwanis For Father Daughter Dance. These successful community partnerships have resulted in rnunitiary donations for programs and scholarships. • Provided a Winter Break Day Camp at CenterPlaoe. • Produced an Aquatics Brochure and Ads/Flyers for Rec eafion Activities and events using Adobe Creative Suite: Goals for 2016 • Continue to provide queliiy recreation programs for tthE Spokane Valley Community. • Design Recreation Prnr,hure in hnuse uti Ping Adobe Creative Suite software. • Activety look for sporrsorship opportunities within the Comm.'n+ty in regards to the Summer Outdoor Movies. • Continue to baler relationships with community palm rs. Budget Summary 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Actual Actual Actual Bridget Budget Personnel-FTE Equivalents Recreation Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Budget Detail 1A rages,Pavra1 Taxes 8 Benefits $ 131.218 $ 151.084 S 142,074 $ "53.924 5 161,397 Supplies 4.220 5.760 6,740 7.750 7,600 Semeas&Charges 72,578 54,381 50,354 64.500 59,240 IntertundChanges r1 0 0 0 0 Total Recreation Division 2 205,010 $ 21/225 S 199,104 5 226,174 $ 225,497 06 rend:001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept:076 Parks& Recreation 20'16 Budged 302-Aquatics Division The City e Spokane Valley owns theme pools: Park Road Pool.Terrace View Pool,and Valley Mission Pool. Services Include open swim,swim Iess4ns,swim team and fatality rentals. In addition, the City leases a portion of Valley Mission Park to Splashdown Inc.fora water park. The City currently Is€oniractirud with the YMCA lot all aquatic aclivilies within the City. The YMCA provides the iifsguerds and maintains the pools during the season_ Ilshrnents for 2015 • Completed the paln1Ing of the Valley Mission Pool Lank and replaced Pie swimming grates. • Held a FREE Open Swim event on the first day poets were open to increase awareness&promote the pools. • Extended the Noon Water Exercise program at Terrace View Fool to Monday-Friday- • Extended the swim season at Park Road Pool to allow for more open svan1 and swim leSSort revenue. Gnats for 2016 • Maintain full summer swimming prop ra rn- • Research and re-evaluate our pool rental pricing structure_ • Install peel stairs at Valley Mission Pool, • Research marketing opportunities to more effectively promote the outdoor pools. • Update cash registee Systems mall three pools. B u dget Summary 2012 2013 2014 2015 2018 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Supplies . 5,053 5 5,081 $ 424 3 7,200 $ 14,000 Services&Charges 434,242 469,755 416,604 489,000 447.200 Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 Total Aquelice Division $ 439,295 $478,846 $ 431,028 $ 498.200 $ 4611200' E7 Funcl:001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept:075 Parks C;Recreation 2015 Budget 304-Senior Center Division Tho City of Spokane Valley Parks and Recreation Department assumed operational control of the Valley Senior Center in 2003.. Accomplishments for 2015 • Updated and added to ist of resources aid referrals for senior services in the community. • Worked wiih the Senior Assacielicn Board of Directors fu ensure all acliaities have adequate insurance coverage. • Hosted Senior Resource Fair with 40 vEnars and over 350 attendees. • Provided free shingle shots for people 60+working with Walgreens nn a state grant. Goals for 201 fi • Offer more Tuesday evening classes in the Senior'JVing of CenlvrPlaee. • Continue relationship w th YMCA to offer reduced caily rales for senior center members. • Develop and foster relat•dnship with Walgreens to bring phamacyl students to counsel seniors an medk lirsns.provide blood pressure oheck5 arrd offering flu shots, • Research and develop class for seniors reading help with IT issues. • Work closely with the Par4s&Recreatior Director on programs being offered ti seniors. Budget Sumrltarlt 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Actual Actual Actual Guth 9t Budget Personnel-FTE Equivalents Senior Censer SpeCiallkl 1.0 1 D _ 1.0 1.0 1.0 TvfelFits 1.0 1.0 1,0 _ 1.0 rntern 1.0 1.0 i 0 0.0 0.0 Budget Detail wages,Payroll Taxes 8 Swears 3 78,209 3 77,018 $ 79,872 $ 84,285 b 88.481 Supplies 2,655 2,157 1,450 2,500 1.600 Services&Charges 5,133 1,097 2,514 7001 5 700 Capital CAW}, Total Senior GerrteraiMOM $ 68,107 $ 81,072 $ 33,846 S 91,985 $ 95,701 Fund:001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept;076 Parks&Recreation 20111 Budget 30,5-CerrterPlace Division Construction of Mirebeau Point Center?lace began in late 2003,and was completed mid-year 200..The project represented the culmination of eight years of planning and fundraising by Mlrabeau Paint Inc.and the joint involvement of the City and Spokane County. 1'ha approximately 54,009 square foot facility houses the City of Spokane Valley Senior Center.a great room/banquet facility,numerous meeting rooms,multi-purpose roomy and high tech lecture hall. The facility combines with Mirabeeu Meadows Parks arod Mirabeau Springs to form a regional Focal point for narlheasl Washington and Northern Idaho. Acc$mLlishrnents for 2915 • New flooring and carpet instated in the Lounge. • Updated memorandums of understanding with Meals on Wheels and the Senior Association. • Repaired the roof leaks. • Hosted 10th Annlue'sery CelehraiJon avers! • Partnered with Wait Spokane on rnro marketing opportunilles, noals for 2016 • knprove sound in small dining room. • Ensure a long-lean oalerinq oonitatt, • Increase events by 1O%over 2015. Budget Summon', 2012 2013 2014 2416 2016 Actual Actual Actual Budget Bridget Personnel-FTSE Equivalents Customer Relation slFacillt es Coerd'.nator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1-0 Administrative Assistant 2.0 1,0 1.0 1.0 1A Offee Assistant I 0.0 1,0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Nlai 1enerlteWorker 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Total Fits 5,0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Budget Detail Wages,Payroll Taxes R@nefrs $ 3139,541 $ 393,2$3 $ 402,329 $ 435.609 $ 475,925 Supplies 57,236 50,094 B3,334 66,563 75,424 Services&Charges 316,954 311,503 335,273 322,425 330,274 Capital Outlays 017,000 0 0 0 f1 TctalCenterPlace Division S I.0B0,737 $ 784.780 a 801,435 $ .2� p S 892.223 69 Fund:441 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept:090 General Government 2016 Budget The General Government Department nt aco,unts for those acttvit'es that are not specific to the functions of any particular General Fund Department or operation Expenditures retarded here are composed of City Hall rent arrd related Militias; information teerndogy equipment and Berri€yes;Gera la costs that benefit more then one department;support of agencies external to the City that provide social service programs and-ECcar10n1 o development serelces;anU transfers to other Oily funds for prrapertyfcasualty Insurance premiums(Nat 11502),park capital projects(Fund#349)and the pavement preservalicn program(Fund#311), 9adyet Summary 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Actual Actual AcrueI Budget _ud t Surrulias PEG CCSV Smell lads 8 Mlncr Equip 3 326 3 338 $ 0 $ 600 3 3.700 Business Registrations 1.28.8 293 0 1,500 500 Employee Remgniiiort-CpareFrg Supplies 0 13 2.667 '3,00a 3.000 Employee FReoogrlitlarr&Safely Program 347 1.9.25 0 0 0 Office 8.OpQreting Supplies 156 937 0 0 0 Small Tools&li9ncrEquiprrient 8081 4,114 3.735 2;600 4.000 Non Capital Orrice Fur More&Ecvipmerri 528 0 0 0 0 Cp0lpuUerHardware•Hon Capital 0 35,165 39,571 27,260 2£,990 Computer Seftwwre-hon Capital 0 6,519 32,631 20.600 34,500 Non CnpilaI Computer 9oflwarefl•tardware 22,568 7 3 0 0 Fuel 0 9 104 0 0 Office.Dperatinp Supplies 7,096 10,313 8,415 15.040 15,000 40.793 59,015 79,229 70.650 67,600. Ot118r Send pps a Cha rasa Professional Services-t7liscMelee 0 57,229 117,149 150,090 150,000 Accounting 6Audittng 69,161 70,116 60,114 54,000 50,000 Uncoils otitis Accounts Expense 2,289 0 0 0 0 Postage 3,903 1.166 515 1,500 1,000 Telephone Service 29,196 9,096 9,790 17.000 9,000 Cell Prones 0 1,661 1,335 1,500 1,600 Internet Service 0 13,994 10,404 12;500 11,000 City Wide Records Management 3,619 0 5,610 10,000 10,000 City HallRenl 4]1},324 425.246 409,979 430.000 439.000 Facility Repairs&Maintenance 563 1,439 1,318 5.000 5,030 Equip Repair 8 M1an1-1-lardware Support 23,063 25,4W 51,017 35.00 42.009 IT Support 75,225 71,221 13.32.0 33,500 26,3412 Software Licensee 5,Mainienan0e 70,737 90,502 66.369 76.650 73.103 Merchant Charges(Cansccard Fowl 1,402 1,347 1,755 2,000 2.003 Equip Rental 0 3,300 3,300 3,300 3.300 Inlerhund Valilr]e Lease 0 0 0 0 5011 PEGReirnburae-COAT/ 12,305 0 0 0 0 Frilling 6 S'iildlrg 343 432 4 0 3 Miscellaraeaua$e,vicee 7,045 5.938 2,393 10,090 10,600 EE CEO Utitlies Partnering Program 20,383 0 0 0 0 Vehicle Rental 7,000 1,559 0 2,000 1.500 General Operating Leaases:Computer 52.842 41,039 49,645 42,030 51,000 Economic Development-Site Setauiar 9.197 8,013 9,130 10,000 10,000 Professional Services-EcUnamtc Dowel, 100..340 89.041 67,405 70.400 0 City Economic Deuetopment 22,230 202,4310 198,677 200,000 0 Outside Agencies-Social Svc s Econ.rev. 0 0 C 0 1C7,000 Contracted eoorrlsnicdee. 0 0 0 0 436170 Professional Services-Social Services 49,095 55,800 01,723 70,600 0 Alcohol,Tre3lmert:Liquor Excise Tax 4,516 1,213 3,439 0 4 Alcohol Trearmerrt:Liquor Prefrt5 '7,977 16,279 16,255 20,000 20,000 Friar Pence Adjirlstment 41'•9,334 0 0 0 0 9 1,007,631 5 1.222,215 $ 1.1E12.960 5 1292,550 5 1.095,000 70 Fund:001 General Fund SOOkane Valley Dept:090 General Government 2016 Budget• Budget Summary c4rlt. 2012 2013 2414 2015 2{076 Actual Actual ACtu#1 Budget _ Binet In!craoYarnmenta l Serviette Election Cv;1ls $ C $ 85,3W $ 0 5 86,040 5 57,000 Voter Regis'rahon 0,132 47,0364 84764 90,000 90,000 Taxes and asscsssnerrs 8.00 7,2.78 6,999 7.500 7,500 Spokane County Air Pdlvtien A u1 he rIly 115,569 115.720 115,915 117,000 117,608 207,707 288,26.8 207,508 300,500 301,500 Capital Owtlave PEG C17SV Bre adrasl•CMee Furn. 9 2,131 0 0 0 PFQ CSV Rrmaderisl•Sofsverelhardware 24232 24136 30,556 9 0 CapyMoehi9e 21423 0 0 a 3,500 Cline Fumilurn d Equipment 9 0 0 0 0 Computer Softw,arelHardware 3.083 9 0 0 39,500 CoenpuerHerdw.re-Capital 0 18,035 88.954 48,SCi0 0 Transfer©ul-#311(pmal presan'vnon) 2.045243 0 868.333 920,400 943,990 Cons1111eion-PavemenlPresenralon 0 _ 1155,957 0 0 0 2,094.021 1190,959 988,375 965,500 985.890 Debt Service:FrOnchalll Inleree'and Otherl]ah1 Service Costs 444 301 435 0 11 Inter-fund Fayrnents for Service Tsansferoul-11145(saadwau*wrue 1 0 0 00,900 0 0 TrEmsfer oil-0303(NFe4f MAI"pe.V 0 0 0 287,300 0 Transfer our-R309Comas capOrelpro)) 105,250 50.040 242,250 115,075 150,400 Transfergull-#310(4vns'pet 543d.0laasa.) 0 0 0 67,000 72,500 Trans'edoul-#310(64hallo&rncostrj 9 0 0 271,700 271,700 Transfer Dui-#312(mete?te4 rverenal 0 7,426.207 2A43,907 0 0 1renefereril-#r$t'12(nor menggemgrq 319.090 319,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 425,259 8,195.207 3,070,805 1,047,175 829,200 M1l.cellneov6 SCRAPS pairs!trough 0 0 6510 4 1,149 5uppeee-1001 Ail0ivereer'y 0 3,1518 0 0 0 AdvarlisIng-1111hAnniversary 257 12,030 0 0 0 257 15,848 56,568 0 1.100 Ngn recut-ring-Capital IT Cap!al Replacements 0 0 _ 200,789 120,000 105.000 Total Governmental division 3 3.7775103 $ 10487,514 $ 5,605,740 3 3,797,375 5 3.415 ulna 71 Find:101 Street Fund Spokane Valley 7.01E Budget The Street Fund was established ie account for ilia activities assacraled With 1he provision of elft ent and safe movement at oath motorized and ronr•notonaed vehicles,as well as pedestrians wihin 1 he limits of the City,and coordinate convenient coordinate convement inteMOrtrieC110 the regional transpartatton systan. Mainlenece work includes snow ar.duse=MMr t, street pavement repairs.I ragc signals and signs,landscaping and vegetation control and many other street maintenance and repair activilre5. Accomplishments for 2615 •Optimized Argonne Road corridor from 1-00 to Trent. •M4dlled signal timing on Spragie from Sullivan In Evergreen. •Modified Signal liming at University aid Appl y, •Assisted with TAPICMAACI and TIB grant applications. •Renewed.nantracts Rif street maintenance services •Polymer deck overlay on the Sands Road Bridge. •Crack sealed 55 lane miles or arterial ane residential streets. •Increased the efficle nceyr of snow aniline operations by iniproviflg route planning. Qeols For 2016 •Optimize traffic signals on Sele;Aed corridors. •Apply for grants and v.'ork with varies schools to Install flashing beacons at crosswalks, •Renew Contracts with private contractors nor street mainte nari. services. •Continue to define and Implement a Heel rsinlenanes program. Budqut Summar( 2012 2013 2014 2415 2.-6-11 Acura! Actuel Actual Budget Budget Personnel-FTE Equivalents - - Senior Engineer.-Traffic 1.0 1.0 1,0 1.0 '.17 Public Works Superintendent 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 MainlenencE1'Construclian Inspector 2.4 2,0 2.0 225 2.35 ' Assistant Engineer•TraftlePlartning 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 r, Planning Grants Engineer 0.0 t}.0 0.375 0,375 0.375 Total FTEs 5.0 5.05,375 6.725 5.725 interns 1.17 1.0 _ 2.0 2.0 ' For 0,5 FTC of the 2 FM,arxry 54%is udy0104 ke line„Tie pd Fend wJfh the eararmce+9d5eiae es Pan ar ifr9 caoilsd prvjed funds Revenues Utility Tax 3 2,735,469 5 2,562,722 S 2.,565,100 4 2,555,100 $ 2.340,000 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax 1.846,990 1,388,055 1,859,901) 1.859.900 2.004,900 Investment Interest 4.056 2,020 5,000 5,000 a,vaa Gravis 203.185 172,530 0 0 0 Transfers in 7,514 27,375 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 34.420 14.701 10,006 10.000 _ 10,000 Toted revenues 4,548,303 4,430.000 4,438,000 4,438.000 4867000 Expenditures Wages,Payroll Taxes IS Uenef1e 572,340 552,0-3 681,538 077,297 734,504 Supplies 141,776 505,110 119.742 111,500 111,500 Services&Charges 2.361,014 2,152,294 2,1)30,250 2,922,806 2,132,754 Snow Operation 591,390 455,717 508.353 520,000 436,000 Intergovernmental Payments 723,305 797.275 676,268 740,DQ0 771,400 Transfers out-#061 34,600 30,704 35,700 39,700 39,700 Transfers otrt-#311 (pw rripres) 0 292 000 282,000 248,618 57,342 Transfers nt-#531 (o ri-plenv) 10,777 10,717 10,777 12,077 31,000 Transfers out-#501 fpfuw replace) 100,000 150,000 75,000 0 40,000 Capital oonelrUclion and egtipment 552,829 205,521 100,722 53,000 25,900• Total expenditures 5,090.046 4,913,507 4.724,150 4.401 0004,362,900 Revenues over(under)expenditures 1444,757) (375,507) [286,150) (53,000) (25.0+00) Beginning find balance 2.484.735 044.936 1.850.451 1,705244 1.552,244 finding Fund balance 5 2..044.095 S 1,669.431 9 1.599,340 6 1,892,244 $ 1.627.244 72 Fund: 103 Paths 8.Trails Fund -Spokane Valley 2016 Budget The State of Washington Wile a$¢-445 per gallon motor vehicle fuel tax et the pump,which will increase to $0.494 per gallon effective July 1,2016.Of this amount,the State remits a portion of the lax hack to cities on a per capita basis. For 2016 the MuniopaI Research end ServIcos Center estimates the distribution bask to cities will be$21.27 per person. Based upon a City df Spokane Valley pupula1ion ii 93,344(per the Washington State Office of Financial Management on April 1,2015)we ant cipete the City will collect$2,2013,40D in 2015, RC W 47430.050 specifies prat.42%of this lax must be expended for the eanstruction of paths and trails and based upon the 2016 revenue estimate. This computes to 58,50D. The balance or$2,404,904 will be credited to Fund#101 for Street maintenance and operations. The portion of the motor vehicle lax allocated to the Paths and Trails fund Is by State Lew restricted for the construction ariddor improvement of paths and tris s withing Ike City. Because ttie cost of such projects is typically much greater than the funds generated in a single year we typically Leave the fund balance untouched until an adequate fund balance is available. In 2014 the City trarsferred$50,000 to Park Capital Protects Fund 111309 to he applied twvards the Phase 2 Appleway Trac Project hem University to Fines. Budget Summary 2012 2013 21014 24715 2016 Actual Actual Actual Bud'ggt Budget Revenues + Malar Vehide Duel 1Ges)Tax $ 7,790 S 7.679 $ 7,923 S 7,500 5 Ii,500 Inueslmentlnteresl 57 51 34 0 _ C Tctat revenues 7,657 7,930 7,957 7,&00 5,5OC Expenditures CapitalOuday 0 d 0 0 0 Transfers out-#3043 0 0 50,000 0 0 Total expenditures 0 _ _ 0 50,400 0 4 13evenue5 over(Doer}expmnd+tLres 7,857 7,930 4+1 ,0431 7,500 esoo Beg Riling fund balance 56,064 63.941 31,4371 29,628 37,626 Ending fund balance 5 43 9i 41 . .$ 71,571 5 25.52E S 37:628_ 5 48.128 73 Form±;104 Hotelfhtotel Tax•Tourism Facilities Fond Spokane Valley 2016 Budget The Hotel/Motel Tax -Tourism Facilities Fund accounts for the receipt and expenditure of,a$peciar excise tax of 1.3 percent on the sale or charge made for the furnishing QF lodging under RCW 82.49, These funds will be used solely for capital expenditures for acquiring,constructing,making improvements to orother related capital expenditures For large sporting venues,crr venues for tourism-related faclitie ,which facilities generate overnight guests at ' lodging facilities subject to the taxes imposed. Budget Summary 2012 2013 2014 2015 2410 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget R2 venues Hotellfr or.el Tea S 0 $ 0 5 9 $ 17i,70D S 357,500 Inuestrnent'merest 0 0 a .5 0 Tel r oues 0 0 0 178.705 _ 357,500 Expenditures Capital cJutlay 0 0 0 5 0 Tata!expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Revenues DVEIF(under',expenditures 0 0 0 17$,700 357.500 Beginning fund balance 0 0 0 0 170 700 End n9 fund balance $ 0 $ 0 5 D $ 175,700 5 530 204 Fund 105 Fla tefrMlatelTax Fund Spokane Valley 2015 Budget Tile Hotel Motel Fund accounts for the receipt and expenditure of a spt eI excise tax of two percent on the sale or charge made for the furnishing of lodging under F CW 62.05_ These funds will be used solely fur the purpose of pay ng all or any park of the cost of tourist promotion.acquisition or operation of tourism-related facilities,and marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract touristsi pu pet Sum mary 2012 2013 r 2014 2015 T 2016 Actual Actual Actual 1 UPIgnt Budget Revenues ItotoUMlotel Tax $ 49Q.004 $ 518,572 $ 549,267 $ 550,000 $ 56D.000 lnvestrrrart Interest 592 387 299 3010 300 Total revenues 490,556 519.059 549,557 550,300 560.340 Expenditures Teu•ernarern41i r1 511,7666 458.904 546.545 502,000 584,400 Transfers out. x100 30,000 30,004 30.000 30,000 30,000 Transfers out. 10309 4 0 0 6$,oca 0 Total expenditures 541,756 488,904 57$,545 604AG0 590.000 Keueruesover(under)expenditures (51,16D1 30,155 (26 78) (49,700} (38,700) Beginning fund balarlr- 257,932 206.772 235,927 209.949 160 249 Ending fund balance g 205,772 $ 236,927 $ 239,949 $ 1610,249 S 120,549 74 Fuld: 106 Solid Waste S pu ka ne Val ray 2016 Budget In 2003,the City of Spokane Valley entered into an intera)looal apreementwith the City of Spokane and Spokane County to join the existing Spokane Regional Solid Waste NlanageruentSyStew fora period of eight years. In 2[711,that agreement was extended through November 16.2014. Committed to ensuring Spokane Valley citizens are provided with solid waste services hist are eIfprdebte,sustainable, and environmentally responsible,In June 21J14 The City of Spokane Valley opted to contract For solid waste transfer, transport and disposal st:rviues will)Sunshine Recyclars, Inc,Services provided under the contract are of ctive November 17,2014,and continue for a period of ten years w]Ih options for two three-year extensions_ Terms of the contract require Sunshine to pay the City an annual adminstrelive fee oi$125,000 that will be used by the City to offset contract administrative costs and solid waste management wilhu1 the city,including solid waste public educational efforts. The contract also provides that a road maintenance fee will be paid by Sunshine at the rate of Si per ton for catch ton In excess o145,500 tons in a single Contract year. Payments will be made to the City by March 31 of the year following the calendar year being measured. Assuming the total tonnage in 2015 exceeds 45,500 we would expect aur first payment from Sunshine by March 31.2015. The contract With Sunshine Recyclers does not Include curbside pickup which remains optional for citizens and is available by subscription through Waste Management and Sunshine Disposal, Inc. Curing the years of 2013 and 2014,the General Fund 1)001 Funded various studies and fees related Io the solid waste prograrn and transferred 560,000 to the 5c5d Waste Fund 0410$for the purpose of providing information materials and marketing necessary to Inform,residents and businesses of the change in the solid waste transfer,Transport and disposal.The total amount paid cut of the General Fund icr these expenditures was$202,121.Beginning in 2015 the Solid Waste Fund will reimburse the General Fund fpr these casts over a 5-year period,which equates to a payn1ent of annually of$40,425 in the years 2015 through 2f119 Budget Summary 21)1 2 2013 2014 2015 2016 Actual Antuat Actual Budget I Budget Revenues Sunshine ademIstratve fee S 0 5 0 S 0 $ 125,0pa S 125,000 Reed maintenance fee a t] 0 0 a IrwestmsN interest 0 (] 0 4 0 Grant 14aceeils 0 0 4 26,800 53,500 Transfer in-Vetr'i 0 t7 50,000 0 Q Tata:revenues 0 a 60,000 151,800 176.500 Expenditures Education&C+ntractAdrrfilstrallan 0 0 52,661 111,375 138,075 Transfers out-trd01 trermLx,rsmnenr7 0 4 4 40,425 40,425 Total expenditures 0 52,661 151,800 178,500 Rnuanuesover{urealexpenditures 0 0 7,339 0 0 Beginning fund balance 0 0 0 7,339 7,339 Ending fund balance $ 0 $ 0 S 7.339 $ 7,339 5 7.339 75 Fund:107 PEG Fund Spole,ine valley 2016 Budget Under he City's cable franchise,the franchise grantee remits bathe City as a capital contribution in supPert of Public Edtxatian Government(PEG)capital requirements an aim will equal le 34.35 per subscriber per month to be paid to the City on a quarterly basis For the life of the franchise,Capital contributions collected under this agreement are allocated tri PEG capital uses exclusively. PEG capital uses include,in part the set up Of equipment in the City C4ulcil Chambers that allows Spokane Valley to broadcast Gauncit meetings both live and through subsequent reviews via digital recordings available on the City's website. Budget Summary 2012 2b1 a — 2014 20116 2016 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenues Comcast PEG aontnhut=an $ 0 $ 0 5 0 5 92,000 $ 90,000 Investreent interest 0 0 0 0 0 Transfer in From fund#001 0 0 0 2+67,300 0 Tata revenues 0 0 0 358.300 00,000 Expenditures PEG Reimbursement-CMTV 0 0 4 12,000 12,000 Cavite!Uuttay _ 0 0 0 6$,400 12.500 Total expenditures 0 0 a 80.400 24.500 RiNenves arrer(Lindy-)expendilares 0 0 0 27$.800 55.500 Beginning fund batancs 0 0 0 0 276,900 Frieling field bate not! $ a �s a S 0 5 27$.5p0 $ 344,400 Dx. 76 Fund! 120 Center Piece Operating Reserve Fund Spokane Valley 2016 Budget The CenterPlece Operating Reserve Fund was established as a result of covenant related to the issuance of limited tax general obligat In bonds Initially Issued in 2003 and refunded in 2014. The bonds were issued for the purpose of canstructIng the CenterPler 9 facility_ Asa part of the bond issuance the City agreed to estebllsh a$300,0LIC operating reserve account that could be used to make debt service payments on the bonds and/or pay for operating expenses of Center Place. If at any time the City wer2 to draw on these reserves it would have to prepare and follow a plan for reinstatement of those Fut!ds drawn. This reserve is required to he in place for the lite of the bonds which run through December 1.2033 Elude et Summary 2012 2013 - r 2014 2016 2016 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenues Inaeslment Interest li 0 S 0 5 0 $ 0 $ 0 Transfers-1n 0 0 0 0 0 Tmei revenues 0 0 0 0 •C expendltures operations 0 50,7870 0 0 Tota expenditures 0 60,7$7 0 0 0 Revenuesover(under)expenditures 0 (60,787) 0 0 0 Be DIndlno fund balance 250.787 359,7$7 310,000 30(1,611[ 3130,060 Ending fund balance $ 354,787 $ 300,000 $ 330..000 S 300.000 s 300,000 Rind:121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund Spokane Valley 2016 Budget The City has committed to maintaining a General Fund fund balance of et least 50%of recurring expenditures which is equivalent io 0-months of operations, The$orrice Level Stabilization Reserve Fund serves as an emergency source or temporary financing to the General Fund in the event a downturn in the local economy resulMed In a redeclian of revenues trial would otherwise compromise either the General Funds minimum 505 reserve balance or historical levels of service, If an event such as a downturn in the economy resulted in the General Fund balance dropping below 50%of recurring xpenditures,then The Bervlce Level Stabilization Reserve Fund could be drawn against to maintain the fund balance minimum. In no event would the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund be reduced to Tess than 60%of the current $5.5 million balance or$327 minion. This represents a Fiscal Policy of the City that is also staled in the City Manager's 2018 Budget Message located near the front of!his budget docurnenL Budget Summary 2012 1 2013 2014 2016 2016 Actual I Actual Actual latidgei Budget Revenues Investment.Interes: $ 9,103 S 6.971 $ 4.597 $ 8,204 $ 0,500 Transfer-in 0 0 0 0 0 Tout revenues $,103 6,971 _ 4,697 8,210 6,500 Expenditures Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Tont expend"stures 0 0 0 0 0 Rey enuesever(under)expenditures 9.103 6,$71 4697 8,200 6,500 0eginneigfund balance 5.432.428 5,441,6.37 .5 4411,502 5,463,10g 5,461,399 Fndinpfund balance $ 5.441,531 $ 5.448,502 $ 5,452.19g $ 5,461,3o0 �$ 5,467,899 77 Fund:122 tinter Weather Reserve Fund Spokane Valley 2016 Budget The Winter Weather Reserve Fund was established to provide art emergency reserve for useduring unusually harsh erinters weere the Street Fund 4%01 budget and fund balance are inadequate to accommodate the amount of snow plowing that may be necessary. In the event t ie Citydrew5 ageinst this fund In ally given winter we will strive to replenish ;he balance back to approximately$500,000 through subsequent years transfersfrarn 7und#101. Due to the uncertainty of when this fund might ha drawn upon we actually budget the same 550%009 in both 2014 and 2015 even though we recognize there exists only 6504.0[101e address this issue if it should arise. Buduel Summary 2012 2018 2014 2016 2015 Actual Actual I Actual _ Budget Budget Revenues Investment Interest $ B83 $ 677 $ 456 $ B00 $ 600 Transfer-in d 0 0 0 _ b Toter revenues 683 1377 456 800 600 Expenditures Snow remove, 0 _ 0 0 500,1300 5014110 Total expenditures 0 0 0 500.090 509,000 Revenues over(under)expenditures 883 677 455 (4H.290) (499,400} Beginning rundtalance 502.005 592,888 5D3,566 504.020 594,$21) Ending fund balance $ 502,888 $ 503,555 $ 504,020 $ 4,820 $ 5,420 Fund:123 CMD Facility lToplecernent Fund Spokane Valley 2016 Budget This fund was initially created to set aside money for the eventual replacement of CenlerPtace and the pollee predict building located on on east Sprague Avenue and the source of funds had in pdaryears been an annual transfer from the General Fund. Beginning In 2013 however the CRy made the decision to no Longer set money aside In this fund for future building replacements and instead decided to commit the entire fund balance 4f Fund#173 to a pavement program that Is operated through Pavement Preservation Fund#311. This is in reccgnitien of the fact that addressirg deteriorating s reefs in a timely manner Is a much higher pdnritlr in the present than selling money aside for buildings Ihat wilt need replaced in the distant fultar,a. It was the Cltys cancluslon that to both set money aside for the replacement of CenterPlace now while Mille same time repaying the 2014 LTGO honds(sea Fund#204 discussion)that were issued to finance the construction of CenlerPlace is essentially asking the same generation of taxpayers/citizens to pay for the same structure'twice-the Initial construction end the replacement. The$2A million fund balance that existed at the end of 2012 will he rnmpletely depleted due le transfers lorpevement preservation In 2016. Budget Summary 2012 2013 2014 J 2015 2018 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenues Investment Interest S 2,099 $ 1,508 $ 1,083 $ 1,300 $ 700 Transfers in.*del 397.044 0 U 0 C Total revenues 399.099 1,608 1,083 1,300 700 Expenditures Transfers cut-#31l _ 0 618.264 610,204 616,284 559,786 Tdtal exOtne1tllrse 0 616.284 616,264 616.284 559,786 Rove-was over{under}expenditures 399.999 (614.576) (615.201) `014,984;1 (559,096) Beginning fund balance 2,1104.0'+46 2A03.947 1,789.271_ 1.174,070 559.086 Ending fund valance ._$_.2603,9:47 S 1.789.271 $ 1,174070 _ $ 5559,086 $ 0 78 Fund;2]04 omitted flax General Obligation fl-TC0),Bond-Debt Service..Fund Spukana Valley 2016 Budget This fund is used to account for the accumulation a'resources for,and the payment of limited lax general obligation(LTGO] bonds also referred to as counailmanla cr nanvoted bonds. When LTGO bonds are issued the City ilvevecably pledges the full faith,credit and resources necessary to ruake timely payments of principal and interest;i thin cba&itetional and slatutary limitations pertaining to non-voted general obligations. In 2403 the City issued$5,4310,040 In L"GO bands,the pnodoeds of which ware used to finance both the can :ructian of nterPlarc and road and street irtprauernents surrounding the facility, In 2014 the City refunded Ih1e LTGO bonds in order to take advantage of it interest rates which resulted in a reduction in subsequent annual bard payments(rnuoh like retinancinD a home mortgage;- At the carmpletion of the bond refunding Chore remained$1,035,000 of LTGO bonds- Of this total: a- $5,650,000 remains on the original debt used towards the construction of Center:lace. These bonds will he paid off in annual installments over the 20-year period ending December 1,2033. An oat debt service payments on',base bonds are provided by the Spokane Public Facilities oisinct. At January 1,2016,the outstanding balance an this portion of the bond issue will be 55,250,4,x1. i. $1,385,000 rerm®iris an the original debt used towards the road and street improvements. These berde wall be rid off in annual installments over the 10-year penal ending December 1, 2023. Annual debt service payments on[hese bonds are provided by equal distributions born the t si and 2nd quarter percent real estate excise lax(Funds 501 and 302). At January 1,2016,the cutstanding balance on this pardon of the bond issue MI he$1,125,000 Budget Summar}, 2052 2013 2014 7 2015 2D16 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenues Spokane Public FacIlilles District $ 4-32,320 $ 437,120 $ 441,620 $ 373,890 5 364,300 26'4 LTGO Bond issue tkeeeed$ 0 0 7,661,000 0 0 Transfeiein-4001 92,651 82,951 93,152 92,150 55,400 Transfers in-4302 92,652 92,952 93,151 82,150 83,400 Tolel revenues 617,623 623,023 8,289,523 539,100 547,104 Expenditures Debt service Payment-GenlerPlece 432,531 437,120 +741,520 573,80b 380,300 Debt Service Payment-Roads 155.492 165,943 185,343 164,100 155,807 2003 LTGO(Band reilremenl 0 0 7,540,000 4 0 2014 LTGO Band issue costo 0 0 112.000 0 0 Taisl expeoditu es 6117.623 62.3,023 6,288.823 536,100 547,100 Revenues ever(under)e■.pendituFes 0 0 0 0 0 Beginning fund balanse 4,049 4,049 4.045 4,049 4,049 Ending fund beIane $ 4,049 S 4,1)49 $ 4.049 $ 4,C49 5 4.049 79 Fund:301 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund Spokane Valley 2010 Budget This fund is used to account far the collection and expenditures of the Ars;❑ne-quarter of one-percent real estate excise to r (PEET 1)hat is authorized through RCVV 62.46. This quarter percent must be expended for purposes Identified In the capita Facilities plan element of our comprehensive plan. RCW 62.46,0100},idefines"capital projects'as; those public works projects of s local government for planning,eegr.rislfian,construction,reconstraction.rear, replacement,rehabilitation.or imp/moment of streets;roads;highways;sidewalks;street and road lig1it ng systec 1s; traffic signals;bridges.;domestic water systems,stun¶and sanitary sewer systems;parks;recreational facilities; law enforcemen t facilities;fire protection Facilities;trails;libraries;administrative and judicial facilities. Revenues recorded in this fund are typicaly used as a matching fund fur street related construction projects that are acoaunted for in Street Capital Projects Fund N303, Pavement Preservation Fund#311.and%)pay fora portion of the annual bond payment on the City's 2014 LTGO bonds that are accounted for in Fund#x204 a LTGO Debt Service Fund_ ;budget Summary 2012 - 2013 2014 ( 2016 2016 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenues REET1 •Taxes $ 5554,264 5 7177,10. $ 790,761 $ 800,1140 $ 500,00] Investment Iruerest 1,284 1,138 793 1,000 1,003 Mtscellareous Revenues 9,500 t1 0 _ a 0 Tom revenues o"65,068 709,242 791,574 901,000 801.000 Expenditures Transfers out-riza4 92,651 92,95` 39,559 52,150 63,400 1 Transfers out-4303 253,429 589,534 55,567 569,414 222.503 Transfers oat-#311 (pavementpreserve:'ori, 0 150,000 154,472 251,049 366,285 Intedund Transfers 0,203) 4 51 0 a Total expenditures 344,187'7 , 832,485 332,5$ 902,613 671.184 Revenues over(under)expendRises 320,191 {124,243) 456,$37 (141,513) 124,811 Beginning Fund balance P2,0'3 '[0'92,764 868,021 1.4 2S,956 1,325,345 Ending fund baCanre $ 1.092,284 $ 948,021 5 1,426,958 3 1,325.345 $ 1,455,156 80 Fund:342 REET 2 Capital Projects Fund Spokane Valley 2918 Budget This fund is used to account kr the onllecliorr and expenditures of the second oris-ouarter of dng.perr,4nt real estate excise tax.(REET 2)that is authorized through ROW 82.48. This quarter percent may be only be levied by cities that are planning under the Growth Manage Act and may only be expended for purposes rdentihed in the cagiilal facilities plan element et their comprehensive plan IRCW 8245_03S(5}defines'capital projects'as: public midis prajectsofa local rnmer tfor planning,acgi isetion,construction,racnfstnhctian,repair, replacement, rehabilitation,cr improvement of streets,roads,highways,sidewalks,street and road lightirg systems,traffic signals. bridges,domestic water systems,stasru and sanitary sewer systems,and planning,construction,reconstruction, repair, rehabilitation,or Impmvernent of parks. tiloteworthy here is that acquisition of land for parks is nota permitted use of REST 2 receipts.although It[so permitted use for street,water and sewer projects. Revenues recorded in this fund are typically used as a matching tnel for street related construct on projects that are accounted for in Street Capital Projects Fund#303,Pavement Preservation Fund#311,and to pay for a portion of the annual band payment on the City's 2.0',4 LTGO bonds That are accounted for it Func#204-LTCCI Qebt Service Fund. Budget 3 urn me ry 2012 20192014 2015 2018 Actual actual I Actual Budget: Budget, Revenues RCET 2-Taxes $ 531,442 3 614,929 $ 776,548 $ 800,000 5 906,404 Investrnenr Interest 1,7E2 1,349 909 1,000 1,000 Transfers In-11307 6,477 0 0 0 0 Total revenues 539,691 61527$ 777,557 301 WO 001 OCD Expend itu res Transfers Crrt-#141 7,615 27.375 23 0 0 Transfers vut-H2?44 92,859 $2.951 89,559 82,1510 83,400 Transfers cut-#303 1,112,5518 133243 601,736 413,272 922,315 Transfers out-#3D7 {173,470 0 0 0 0 Transfers out-#311(pavement preserdaric, 1:1 150.000 184,472 251,049 365,2E5 339,314 423570 775,790 74+5,471 1,371,502 Revenues over{under}expend+tieres {499,633} 192,708 1,757 54,529 (570,502) aeignning kind balance 1,330,303 1,1304670 1,323.3 78 1,92 ,145 1,379,574 ErinEratng fund balance 3 1130.670 $ 1,323.378 5 1,325.145 $ 1,379,674 $, 809,172 31 Fuld-303 Streak Cap1101 Rroloets Fund Spokane Valley 2416 Budges I ha Sired Guo 111 Pentads Fthtl ate3•J1 Id lxneenlea used IQ(I ria a a0011 cureesirl=on and readdelluclIon prajaals ddgptad In Int 01I5'e 5.year Tnenenclallon Innaraen 01W Plan('IPi, ReWenued ll nnantle lin minis cnIAes r,dm a eun5innlion DI Ski and Foam)Grarriks'hhlCPl*leap :arae amain al Dina lar Prairies cDM.€x14 the Cil?maldl pan on comp Kon'lrunillp ie 4644,Ih4 BEET 1 Capita Pr:fosls Fund MI.REET 2 .0101''Pmjecla F..rld 53D2 and eemalmer Siarmwlle r Mgrcageer+dnlr Flail tldir! 54440_2 Mimi r 2212 2011 7 MiRcItu1 Retail 13o10 ti 1 I Rtldgel Ewa Yah Grids Prim add- $ 9:126,042 $ 2,870.536 S 1,825,974 S 10321,343 S 8,712 251 Otreauar0vnd4muO4n 760,768 0 541 264,578 314.700 Idlecillarndus 1,954 70 21 a a w500T-Salo Roans 25.213 974,811 0 0 0 Trahllel4 ld•0351 64.750 0 4 0 U Traedore W-4441 465.454 1. 5,039 4 0 Traneferl id-5662 207,447 0 0 a 0 T14nefen In-4[31A 253 424 539.635 29.547 663,411 227,513 7rmerer1 Pi•4467 1.112 513 153.243 690555 413,271 922,815 Traearare In-*315 140.130 0 a 0 0 TralirulIn-4511 298,927 77.720 0 0 0 Traneferr Jn-11912Fyaplae,'aY La ndscnph9 ci 8,348 253,545 0 0 Trimaran In-#U12SuIRw+n Rd d.'8.61v, 0 0 443.555 500.000 1,41417.509 TrMl4rela In-9312 Arai Underpin P151oc, 113,014 6 0 a 544,000 Tata'mvanuaa 7,270.431 4.821.412 2,039,249 12 108.40•6 11,757.764 KXPePdISWic .555 Piens'\lanseeld.MilLor Rd.Io Pined 42,725 225216 0 0 0 1743 44yonno Rd Damao,Up1rj44 SRT[16.31 155.945 33,585 208,i85 1,214,8 9 0 761 Pints 1511271 rte Imparvannil*STC 943. 106.343 1,000,462 57 0 0 254 9400141,olrti+Fnrrd SnMIYPAPIp;I Pines-Ps' 1,747 6 ❑ a El 5115 Saimaa-4u41vam52C nleraanilai {7,240) 0 0 0 0 5.95 Pa esRwd-524Pa0nlyl.8read..iyltIrd 1,715 0 0 a a 117 Indiana Au!_Pala-mine•55561 53,701 3.577 4 0 0 112 Indiana rgdtvain(rlirird6cl un P 1,436 96,315 113 0 0 ilei SPrOdu Av.!Resufseing-Ere,rain le5i3 21626,259 11.759 0 0 0 1127 0assnAae-Flo LaIrBarlow 1C® .617 40.012 7 ,67¢ 332588 141 SuI1-anAEuelidPCC 8,720 0 40556 10,600 1,481,090 142 OrcerewelAgsnrrW'LA1111e 1.255 T5,792 3,584 124,444 a 745 Sps9 s?ullay�Mli ensd Teal 034 1.29 1,024 0 0 1444 2441,.a Sidawe k-Adams le Sui.4in 45.091 279,882 a 0 0 148 fare4r litres Teal-1711 pr. 2-810 0 0 0 0 145 in.hau4al7eoFn-Sidewalk 111 529.156 183,145 6618,344 03,180 5.000 154 'a1d4WnIhGTPnztSloe kresei5Illy 233,939 4.991 ,53E 0 0 153 *Whom RC V+PiEJga Raplacepenl 949.300 319.702 925,431 7,046,931 5[37,040 156 Malarnddawo.C+,rdi 5idr. 2'.,995 137,575 569,533 1,172,716 LOCO 157 SWIi55411 P<d W 84Wg4 TSfrP Reeled 192,14'39 a 0 0 4 150 unigraltyRai 14g0Q„erpilts004y 5,334 170.805 37.716 40,052 El 129* 6oi.tyeeh•10111111 32nd rocas 01-4i4dl 1,577,773 1.056 C 0 47 156 Pines Rd 1$41:27114S Game awe.1r4emei sIl 9 28,093 40,51E 151,110 491,3.1"1 157 :ttywkle gltaylrspleuemancs Belt 1,722 1213 250,5713 225,127 151 WSIIIs1ly Aug d Alarms 01Iltlevreik 27,137 638,773 3,318 0 U 1011 Aram nSJMutmterlidetsafely•Indl61nat3I 4 53,403 568 n 9 1111 Aroan neRd-Errprei1Knox 0 118,840 C 0 0 171 Spas ua vie ADA.add I iivdri miens piaa 12.4212 100.316 0 0 0 ITS 6111,44 UP Tndks Le{SEI Resurfacing 0 175,056 0 0 0 1711 Apclewad"nl Cosfgn 0 103,153 0 0 U 177 9u Ma Road Cerrtldr Tea4f,65Iid 4 38,139 7{51,945 59.555 0 101 Ca aisa Taiga Slpn upAr1ds 0 100,956 95,561 0 0 lel ARptwlaiL1nelsraei,y.MINI 1 0 5.348 259,6125 0 0 191 Vela Fad 511Sr slang Wen 9 4.920 x,501 340 R 195 AP A6nua-Mt Selena Io-Faiehir 0 0 204,439 460 0 571 RS Infill FudJedl Paee9 1 iISE START 35141 a 0 140 55098 271,357 20.5 BprdouNB army Irsene5*nftirr preonmanl 0 0 191 51,425 0 25e gpFSI 'Lang Srdeareli.PriJad 0 0 7.613 357.753 5,0011 257 Inc Wa tir.serIeodn TteniRllteas5lmprdv 0 0 P 95,600 0 210 AY kW Meatier}R5L4fWWe las 0 0 7.502 0 0 711 sualulaTnnl Lrx11.'ella:nY 0 D 5,495 35,335 a 210 641119uelT1yrr4444444441441:n 0 0 6.035 0 C 225 lenujr$iufn.Maar4J1StPrecervallon 0 0 5 18,474 0 721 McDonald Rd DIM C101118 1496dlan} 5 0 0 56,500 660,200 222 Cas'Alde Fmfedl.ae 51591129957111.11 0 C 0 4,500 44,17410 523 pine Rd L1ndidpit4C2 9W$F d:Tell 0 C 9 10,000 600.400 724 Malian Rd 8116141 Mee erva:ln Prcjaci 0 C 0 152.275 0 rex II..54 001 Corridor ITS PIoJ(PE 11/12515 0 C 0 0 0 lex Seth IVdddxard Elam SIderval5 Imemr".rrla 0 0 la 0 $61-000 las Ma9tldauMoro aKrim 4t3li-2T1Tr4ffcSidi 0 C 0 0 350.000 11u Dowd 0.51de1a4k-a1hm12111 0 0 0 0 400.000 0cnlln1erlrry 0 0 0 1{6,040 1,060,050 STEP ProJoclai15e,124.1sw1S1.1s1,152} 331,793 236 0 a 0 Mine.Rdid[96J1L35 a 814. 0 a 0 T5i11 aqa01911ure4 771, 06,179 4.620,503 3,038.117 12160,405 01,767,791. [lawman mer lireerl acen ciliate 104-272 (116,0911 11,10E 0 0 Beginning llnd 6/151655 73646 171.910 61527 72,530 72,5311 End ng19n4Moe. S 177.819. ,n 959 w5 72,932 B2 Fund.909 Park Capital Projects Ftrnd Spokane Valley 2015 Budget The Parks Capital Fraxects Fund was Created to account far park relined Capital improvements. Source of financing typlrally consists of an annual transfer turn the General Fund 0001,however in Sense years the City wil utilize money sat aside for capital projects in other funds. This occurred in 2014 when$50,000 was transferred frerri the Paths and Trails Fund#113 and Capital Reserve Fund#312 which was applied towards the Appleway Tail-l-lnlvessIty to Pines project $ucleet Summary 2012 2013 2014 2015 2410 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenues Grant Proceeds $ 0 S 0 $ 0 $ 90,000 $ 90,0017 Transfers in-#001 (General Fund) 106.250 50,COD 242298 115.576 160,000 Transfers in-#103 Tams a Tra's) 0 15 50,00( 0 0 Transfers in-#145 0 0 0 68.000 0 Transfers in-#312(capls'a!Reserve) 4 0 011,433 540,600 0 Transfers in-#312 rCaroral Reserve) C 0 C 14.050 14,050 Inveslmenl interest 848 680 444 540 500 Contributions and Donations 0 25,000 7.850 0 0 Total revenues 107,058 75,860 1.242.025 628,725 264,550 Expenditures 078 Greenacres Park 10,529 0 0 0 0 165 Terrace View Park Play Equipment 166,932 0 0 0 0 172 CenterPlace S,Landscape development 38,965 9 131 0 0 0 178 A ppleway Trari-Phase i (Univ.to Pines) 0 0 861,482 540.600 0 195 Discovery Playground equipment 0 16.172 51,280 0 0 203 5 Sand volleyball courts at Browns Park 0 0 14,390 244200 0 208 Old Mission Trailhead 0 0 49,795 0 0 209 Park signs(7) 0 0 19,319 0 0 216 Edgecliffsewer conne0tiof 0 0 9,518 0 Q 217 Edgetliff picnic shelter 0 0 7,297 106,450 0 225 Pocket tteg park phase 1 0 0 0 00,975 0 Mission Trarlhead landscaping 0 0 0 47,100 0 shade structure at Discovery Playgrsurrd 0 0 0 36,000 0 Appleway Trail(Pines-Evergreen 0 0 0 104,450 104,050 @rov.ns Park Splash Pad 0 0 0 0 82.500 Packet dog pa c•phase 2 0 0 0 0 75.000 City entry sign 0 0 0 0 70,000 Park signs(3) 0 0 0 0 20,500 Total expenditures 215,826 _ 25,31)3 1,113,084 1,179.875 352,050 Re5renves over(under)expenditures (109,728) 50,357 88,941 (350,950) 1,817,500) Beginning fund'balance 411.157 302,422 352,779 451,720 101,070 Ending fund balance 6 302,422 5 302.779 5 451,720 $ 101,070 $ 13,570 03 Fund:313 Civic Facility Capital Prajeots Fund Spokane Valley 2016 Budget The Civic Building Capital projects Fund was initially set-up to accumulate resources to ultimately acquire or canatrucl a City Hall building. The initial sources of revenue to set-up the fund reserves were transfers from the General Fund during 2005thrcugn 2007,and as recently as December 31,2009,this fund had a fund balance of 55,828,640. During 2010 and 2011 the City determined that street repairs and reconstruction represented a more immediate Clty need and opted to expend nearly$2,000,000 of the fund balance for these projects_ The projects themselves were part of a septic tank eiirnination program(STEP)initiated by Spokane County that resulted in the installation of sewer lines down many City City streets. At that time the City decided to completely reconstruct the effected streets rather than patch them. In 2012 the City used this fund to finance a variety street related capital proje:ls as well a5 the$2.5 million acquisition of an 0.4 acre parcel of land on Sprague Avenue thet is adjacent to Balfour Park, Partially offsetting the cost of the land acquislteet was the subsequent sale of 2.52 sores of this parcel to the Spokane County Library District who plans to construct a library building consisting of no less than 30000 square feel. In order for the Library District to actually construct a new betiding on this site they must Mel have a successful voted band issue to provide tee necessary financing. In the event the Library District is urrabie to pass a bond by October_2E117,they rimy sell the 2.82 acres parcel tack to the Gee for the erfgrnalpurcl'raase price 0f$839,285. In 2010 the General Fund began to rnalia two annual transfers to lh s fund that ere each related to the eventual construction of a new City Hall facility.These transfers continued in 2010. • The first transfer in the amount of$72,500,when added to the GdVS$434,fa00 annual lease payment for space in its current spate totals 5507,100 which is the amount we currently anticipate cur annual bond repayment would be if we were to issue sopraxima`ely 55,000.000 of limited lax general obligation bands with a 2516 issue cost over 313-years at 4.50%. • The second transfer is our current estimate of the annual operating coals of a City Hall facility including utititiiee, janitorial,grounds maintenance and snow removal and operating and maintenance supplies. Thepurpose behind making these transfers beginning in 2015 a to"create'this appropriation capacity wilhln the General Fund. 13udgetSumrnaw 2012 2013 2018 2015 2015 Actual Actual Actual _ Budget Budget t Revenues - Investment Interest $ 5.349 $ 1,77' $ 1,193 $ 1,200 5 4,200 Sale of Land 0 0 839,2$5 0 0 Miscellaneous 7,577 0 0 0 0 Transfers in-#001: -Fri ere C.Vi.bond prat 5$43a_6tr lease p 0 0 0 67.000 72.5170 -Future C.H.eta?costs I7 0 0 271700 271.700 Tran stem in-#312 0 0 0 58.324 0 Total revcn,res 12.926 1171 840,476 398,924 345,403 Expenditures West Gateway at Thierrnan $8,559 9,942 0 0 a STEP-0 reenhaver` 137,737 0 0 0 0 STEP-48th.&Sundown 72,402 0 0 0 0 Acquisition of Sprague Property 2,501,668 0 0 0 0 Sprague Property Acquisition costs 29,109 0 0 0 I) Professional services 0 0 22,$31 0 0 Capital Outlay-City Hail 0 0 a 1,1401,300 0 Total expenditures 2,759,475 9,942 22,831 1.140 300 0 Revenues over(under)expenditures (2,746,549} (8,1711 517,647 (741,476) 345,400 Beginning fund balance 3,855.023 1,110,074 1,101,903 1.919,550 1.178,074 Ending fund balance $ 1,110,074 $ 1,101,903 $ 1.919.55Q_ $ 1.178,074 $ 1.523,474 84 Fund:311 Pavement Presereation Fund Spokane Valley 2016 gadget This fund was created during the 2011 Budget development process`or tile purpose of setting money aside for yet to be determined street capital;rnprovement projects. During the 2011 Budget the City Council opted tot ▪ Make an initial transfer of$5[10,0(10 from the Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund#310,and additionally transfer an amount equivalent to 40%of the General Fund's audited fund balance that exceeded$26,000.300 as of December 31,2010.. The 2010 ending fund balance was$27,4$1,703 which resulted in an additional 2011 transfer of X4,681((=327,461,703-526,1704,000}x 41a%)bringing the total transfers to 51,084,661_ there were no pavement preservation expenditures from this fund in 2011 • In the 2012 Budget the City Council opted to transfer 100%of the General Fund unreserved fund balance in excel- of $26,000,000 to Fund*311 which computed out to$2,045,203(e$28,045,203-$26.000,030). Pavement preservation expenditures in 2012 totalled$2,181,451. • In the 2013 Budget developrien1 process the Citymr'eitted to finance pavement preservation at a levetequivalent to 6%of 2013 General Fun recurring expenditures which computed out to$2,054,141 (_$34,235,577 x 6%). This was funded with an eppropriatfpn of$855,857 directly From the General Fund plus an additional appropriation of $1.198,284 in Fund#311. Sources of financing for the fund#211 eppropriatior.included transfers-in from Fund#f101 of$262,000;#123 of 3616,2B4;#301 or$150,300 and#302 of E150,000. With an additional$35,845 in grant revenue this brought total 2013 pavement presereation revenues In 32;092,886,which financed 52,243,010 in projects in 2013(=5955,857 in Furd#031 and$1,387,153 in Fund#311). • In the 2914 Budget development process the City again committed to finance pavement preservation at a level equL Alen•to s%of General Fund recurring expenditures which computed out to$2.156,051 10$35,934,167 x 6%). This was financed with transfers from a number of City funds including$619,823 from the General Fund#001; 5282.400 from Fund#101;5616,264 from Fund#123;$184,472 Bonn Fund#301 and$164,472fr'om Furld#302. With an additional$2,042,655 in grant revenue this brought total 2014 pavement preservation revenues to 54200.619,which helped finance$3.077,215 of projects in 2014. • in the 2015 Budget development process the City again committed to finance pavement preservation ate level equivalent to 6%.of General Fund recurring expenditures which computed vol 1a 52245.133(=$37,4180662 x 65'0. This was financed with transfers from a number of City Funds including$924,1704 from the General Fund#001; 3205,618 From Fund#101;$016,284 from Fund#123;$251,040 from Fund#301 and$251,046 from Fund#302. With an additional$1,083,709 of grant revenue this brings anticipated 2015 pavement preservation revenues to 33,331,705,which are anticipated to finance$2,662,986 of projects in 2015. • The 2016 Budget is again being developed to set aside City funds equivalent to 6%Cf General Fund recurring expenditures which computes out to$2,301,500(=$30.357,999 x 5%)_ This is being financed with transfers from a number of City funds including$943.800 from the General Fund 4001:$67,342 from Fund#101; 5559,786 from Fund#123;3365,286 from Fund#301 and 3365,286 from Fund#302. This brings anticipated 2016 pavement preservation revenues to 52,301,500.The 2016 Budget is anticipated to finance 32,156,051 of projects in 2016. The fund balance of Fund#123 will be exhausted with the 2016 transfer of 5559,786.In order to maintain the City's practice of setting aside Funds for pavement preservation in an amount equivalent to 6%of General Fund recurring expenditures, the City will have tc rely more heavily on the REET funds going forward_We have determined that the 2016 funding level of 32.301,500 is sustainable through 2020 assuming a General Fund cantrrrutton of$943,800,a Street Fund contribution of 367,342,and a collective contrIbutton of$1,293,356 from the MET 1 Capital Project§ Fund#301 and the REET 2 Capital Projects Fund#302-The City will take advantage of grant programs directed at pavement preservation as they become available. Because this is a Capital Project Fund whose sots purpose is to provide for Pavement Preservation projects,any niuney net expended in a given year will remain in the Turd and will he available for reepprapriation in subsequent years. (cerb'rxred to nes t page; s5 Fund: 311 Pavement Preservation Fund Spokane Valley 2016 Budget Please see the following page Fora list of proposed 1 potential projects in 2015. 9u#stet Surnrnery 2012 2013 2014 I 2015 2016 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenues Transfers in-##001 $ 2,045203 $ 0 $ 989,823 $ 920,000 S 513.800 Transfers in-#101 0 282,000 292,000 200,818 67,342 Transfers in-#123 0 616,284 515.284 510,284 659.786 Transfers in-0301 0 150,000 184,472 201,049 365.265 Transfers in-#302 0 150,000 184,472 2E1,049 355,256 Investment Interest 0 2.754 1.1353 0 0 Grants 0 35,945 2,042,715 971,032 0 Miscellaneous 300 50 0 0 0 Total revenues 2,045,503 1,237,029 4,200,519 9,216,032 2,301,500 Expenditures Pavement preservation 1,882.424 1,387.153 3,021,922 2,505,050 3,000,000 Pre-project GeoTech 0 0 55,293 50.0013 50.000 Transfers out-#303-Srinivary 9.-dg RP r 192,039 0 0 0 0 Transfers out-#303-Evergreen 16-32 79.945 0 0 0 0 Transfers out-0303-Srdewa#Fr JnFi3 27,1143 0 0 0 0 Total expenditures 2,181,451 1,387,153 3,077,215 2,615.050 3.050040 Revenues over(under)expenditures (135,448) (1550,124) 1,123,404 600,952 (748,500) Beginning fund balance 1,084,0$1 848.,733 798,604 1,922,013 2.522,995 Ending fund balance S 948,733 $ 790,04° 5 1,922,013 1 2,522.995 $ 1,774,495 (=tinned to next page) Fund;311 Pavement Preservation Fund Spokane Valley 2096 Budget Based upon recoommendations in the Pavement Management Plan Update along with field verification by Public Works staff we ere recommenoir, the following preliminary projevt list of pavement preservation projects in 2016; ARTERIAL STREETS FROM TO Broadway Ave Sullivan Road Moore Road 32nd Ave Dshrnan Mica Road Bowdish Road 32nd Ave Bowdish Road Pines Road Sullivan food Spokane River Bridge Flora Pit Road RESIDENTIAL STREETS FROM _ TO Oaltese Road Houtz Road McDonald Read Saltese Road McDonald Road 24th Ave Contingency Prolect,List ARTERIAL STREETS FROM TO McDonald Road at rive Mission Ave Broadway Ave Herald Road University Road 32nd Ave Pines Road SR 27 Broadway Ave University Road Bavudish Road S+ra+ue Ave Barker Road Hod.es Road RESIDENTIAL STREETS FROM TO Blake Road 16th Ave 121h Ave Pierce Road 37th Ave 32nd Ave Dyer Road Broadway Ave Sharp Road Pierce Road 32nd Ave 24th Ave Main Ave Ma hew Road Evergreen Road Drumma'd Street Montgomery Drive Jackson Drive IatAve. Union Road Pines Road Calvin Road Wellesley Ave Olympic Ave Vercier Road Mission Ave Besone Ave Please note:Further investigation,testing and evaluation will be necessary to finalize these lists. 87 Fund:312 Capital Reserve Fund Spokane Valley 2015 Midget This fund was created in 2013 to be used to account for the arwurnulalion of resources for yet la be determined capital prvjocts_ The Initial source of funds was a 2013 General Fund transfer of 57,826,207 and this was followed with a 2014 General Fund transfer of 52,443,507 and 2015 General Fund transfer of Si,783,512_ Projects pprevned by City Council from this funded emus far have included: • $21,139 forbusiiess route signage in 2013 • $57,601 for Balfour Petit J Library site development • $261,993 for Appleway Landscaping • 52.320,004 for the City's share of the 515.3 mirllvn Sullivan Road Wes!Bridge Replacement • 51,452,100 for Applewaiy Traif construction from University to fines Commitments to future projects indude: • $1,166,723 towards construction of future sections of the Appleway Trail • $5,22•:,088 towards construction of a City Hall building • $700,000 towards a darker Roam/St+ISF Grade Separation prajecl Future projeC15 are yet to be determined. Budget S4kmni Pry 2012 2013 20111 2015 2015 Actual _ Actual Actual Sudget Budget Revenues J Transfers in 0001 5 0 S 7,826,207 $ 2,443,507 $ 1,783.512 $ 0 Developer Ccntrlbution 0 3,180 L,675 0 0 Investment Iriferest 0 0 0 0 0 Total revenues 0 7.829,387 2,448 182 1,783,512 , 0 Expenditures Lousiness Fooute Sinnage 0 21,139 D 0 0 Balfour Park Library site development 0 67,S01 0 0 0 Transfel-s out CM-,4pprewsy Landscapr 0 9,348 253,645 0 0 Transfers cut h3fX -Pines Rd Underpass 0 4 0 0 500,000 Transfers out JR303-&Ar air Rd W Bridge 0 0 443,698 500,006 1,010,509 Trans-Ws out S 309-rlpprew.w Trait-U.*, 0 0 01',433 540,600 0 Transte s cut#309-Apprev,4}Tta+f-Pial 0 0 0 14,050 14,050 Transfers out#914-Ciy Hall 0 0 0 58,324 0 Transfe cut#313-Clip Hag 0 0 0 5,162,764 0 Total experlditurm 0 87.088 1,608,766 6,275,738 1,524,555 Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 7.742,290 899,415 {4,492,228) (1,524,559) Beginning fund taalance 0 _ 0 7.742,299 9,501,745 4,099,489 Ending fund balance 5 0 s 7142,299 $ 8.581,715 $ 1,059.4$9 $ 21534,934 Fuud 313 city Hall Construction Fund Spokane Valluy 2016 Budget This fund vas created to account for the arc•rrileotural arid rrnirurllm casts fora City Hall building.The build ng is anticipated to be cornpieted in 207_Funding for the construction viol I coma from a combination of an interfund transfer from the Oapiiai Reserve Furd 11312 in the amount of$5,152,764 and bond proceeds in the annual of approximalbly S8.1 mon Land for the building site was acquired Fri 2+715 throw a purchase in the Civic Facilities Fund#310_ Budget Summary 2012 2010 2014 2015 2076 Actual Actuar Actual L Budget Budget Kavanuas Transfers in#312 S 0 S 0 $ 0 S 5,162,761 6 0 I nvestmc at Interest 0 0 0 0 0 Total revenues 0 0 0 5,162,764 0 expenditures Capital Oullay-City Hall 0 0 0 702,400 2P4,400 Total expenditures 0 0 0 702,404 2G4,4C0 Revenues over(under)expendItunes 0 0 0 4,460,264 (24,400) 8eginninq fund balance 0 0 0 - 4,46 ,364. Ening fund balance $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 4 4601364 5 4,165.664 69 Fund:402 Sturm Management Fund Spokane Valley 2O1'6 Budget The purpose of the Starrnwater Managernnt Fundis to axaurr far the turds related tv ire mahtenanre,Improvement and expansion of the Gilys storm sewer system. The revenue for this fund originates from astormwater tea cOlected on behalf of the City by Bpnlranc County. Tie annual fee is$21 for each single family unit and$21 per each 3,160 square Feel of impermvious surfa_e kr ad other properties. Each Incr m nt or 3,160 square feet is knew as an equivalent esederitial unit{EFWU}. Accomplishments ler 2095 u Completed the Broadway,Havana to Fen:her CO Project. ▪Completed small w'orlts prrljeOs and funded maintenance repair and replacement projects at 16 locations.. i C antral ed support of s1a'rnwaler improve mews wilt the City's Pavement Presentation Program, .Led/completed lst phase of the EN Effectiveness Study project with 23 other to skcounties to meet permit req'& ■Brought the Spokane Valey Regloral Decant Facility online and started transfer operations for storm drain debris_ •Continued meeting requerements under the nue rmuntclpel slertnwalcr permit effective August 1,241i1. •apalzs for 2016 ▪CrlmpfRie small works projects pr lie Skarn-water CCP. •Complete des gn and construction of sto rmweler capital protecte In the current CIP. •Evaluate current Slarmwater Management Program Plan and propose updates 10 meet new permit requirements. .work with State agencies to provide canopy for Spokane Val ey Regional Decent Faakty t❑ryear round operations. •Continue leadf rt ovate wf eastern Washington cities and counties to meet etfeetivness study requirements, .Coordinate public education and outreach far storrnwaterquarily awareness with ether area agencies. •Mortar the Spokane River Taxies Task Face and the Idaho Washington Aquifer Collaborative for storriwaler impacts. Budget Summer►+ 2012 2013 2014 2015 20116 Actual gctusI Actual Budget Budget Personnel-FTE Equivalents Engineer 1_0 1.0 1_0 1.4 1.0 Engineering Technician II 1.0 1.0 Lo 1.0 1.0 Assistant Engineer 1.0 1.0 I.0 1.0 1,0 Maintenanne+Constructlen Inspector 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.15 115 Planning Grants Engineer 0.0 0.0 0-25 d.25 0,25 4,56 -0.6D 4.75 4.40 4.40 [mews 2.D 2.0 2,0 2.4 2.4 90 Fund!402 Storm Management Fund Spokane Valtey 2016 Budget Recurrlrtg Activity I I 2012 [ 2013 1 I 2014 I [ 2016 I 254& Revunuss !I Aetuai Actual I Actual Budget Il Budget Suarrrlwaaer Management Tees 5 1 834,140 S 1,559,001 3 1,916404 S 1.530.000 s 1 874,409 Invesimert Interest 2,801 1,992 1,342 1,500 1,500 Miscellaneous 57 4,144 r] 0 0 I 537,398 1.875 217 1,91$,746 1,561,504 1,871,5 60 Expenditures Wages,Pgyroll Taxes&benefits 373„924 429,853 347,503 480,101 514,132 SupalieS 12,163 10,954 6,368 15,900 16.900 Services&Charges 1 014,618 1,159,158 985,446 1,097,468 1,124.653 Intergnvemrnental Services 24,610 25,726 204,256 27,000 67,000 Transfers cut-#041 15,000 13,400 13,400 13,400 13.430 Transfers out-fi 901 1,557 0 0 0 0 1 441,977 1,549,101 1.558 993 1,041,869 1,739.116 Recurring revenues ever itar'r} Re .prlrlg Expenditures 395,421 228,116 880 753 239,631 139 365 Nonrecurring Activity __I Revenues Grant proceeds 64,338 233,165 79,097 389,674 0 Mis ellannous 0 0 Q 0 0 Transfers ii =4403 0 0 0 120,000 0 64.838 233,155 79,097 509,674 0 Expenditures Capital-Various Projects 32,571 934,941 10'3,307 591,340 505,030 Transfers out-p 353 113,014 423 a Q 0 Transfers out-#403{ppK tprascary Prc 0 0 60,125 0 D Transfers out-#403 0 0 140.004 0 0 Transfers out-#501{noopickr ,) 0 a 25943 00 '146,585 935.364 299.275 891,340 503,040 Nonrecurring revenues over(under) Narrenurring Flrpendli1ure., I8C.747} (642.1941) 1225,178} (381,866) (505,000) acess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Over(Under)Total Expendittres 3 514.874 _ [37941037 $ 137,575 (142,035) {358,615} 9eginrIny working capital 1,933,504 1,791,529 Ending working Capirrll 5 1.791.® s 1,L22.314., 91 Fund:403 Aquifer Protection Aran Fund Spokane Val ley 2018 Budget In 1985 voters of Spokane County approtied a ballot.proposition to create the Spokane Aquifer Protection Area IA?A) a$well as corresponding aquifer protection area fees with path sunsetting December 11,2005. Boundanos of the APA included portions of unincorporated areas(including what is now Spokane Valley)and the cities of Liberty Lake, Millwood and Spokane. in 2004 the City of Spokane Veiiey approved a resolution authorizing the inclusion of its municipal boundaries within the APA. The APA program was subsequently reauthorized through 2025 with voter approval. All lees arc cotlec1ed by Spokane County and include: is An annual fee 4f S15 per household for the wilhdrawl of water from properties within the APA.. • An annual feeof$15 per household for on-site sewage disposal within the APA. • Forcornmercial properties an annual fee ranging tom 515 to$960 depending upon water meter size. Ir 2004 the City ofSpolane Valley(City).entered iu1to an irtedocal agreement with Spokane County(County)that authorized the County to collect and retain APA tees through 2010 fora variety of projects including: • up to 5100,000 annually through 2010 t4 Ole Spokane Regional I-lealtfi 6istdct le provide for data base management rotated to monitorEing of septic tanks and their potential impact on water quality in the Spokane Valley Ralhdrum Praire Aquifer. . a septic tank elimination itogram(STET'}designed to replace septic tanks with sanitary sewer systems. In the 2004 interlocal agreement the C ty and County also agreed tnat Far the years 2011 through 2025 the APA fees remaining after the payment of•eaenable administration and bitting Fees incurred by the County would be distributed annually between the County,City and City of Spokane on a proportional basis relative to The amount generatec in unIncorporaled areas,the City and City of Spokane. Tho fees collected no the CItyrs beha f by Spokane County are expanded entirely on stomtvrater related pro(ects the: designed to protect the aquifer: These fees plce grant monies received from a number of granting agencies finance a variety of capital projects. Bu_deet Sunoreary 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Actual . Actual Actual r Budget Budget Revenuers SpokaneCounty $ 510,934 $ 484,343 S 461,826 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Grant DOE-Decant Facility 0 203,609 550,710 0 0 Gant DOT-Decant Facility 0 85,221 100.000 0 0 Grant DOE-Broadway Retrofits 0 0 49,203 1,290,00D 0 Grant DOE-Sprague UIC Elimination 96,2$1 570,331 [F 13 1,540,040 Miscetlan$QUS 2 150 0 0 0 Transfers in-#402 FSfo+mwaiory _ 4 0 170,125 0 l} Total Revenues 607,227 1,343,654 1.331,865 1.760.000 2,000,000 Expenditures Broadway Retrofit 0 0 41,114 1,080,000 0 Construction-Decant Facility 0 299 319 893,514 0 0 SE Yardley Rehnafits 0 7 109 729,565 0 0 Sprague park to Jnlversity LID 0 0 0 0 2,0t10,o00 Sprague Swages 0 0 510 0 0 Transfers out-#402 0 0 0 120,000 Cl Total Esypendilu+ers 0 30ta.42B 1,663,703 - 1,200,000 2.000,000 Revenues over(under;expenditures $ 647,277 9 1.037.22E ..$ 1331.937) 560,904 0 Beginning working capital 1,773 551,773 Ending working capital $ 561,773 $ 561,773 ' 92 Fund:5D1 Equipment Renter>3,fteprer:ernent Fund Spokane Valley 21316 Budget The Equipment Rental&Replacement Fund(ERAS)is en Internal Service Fund that is designed 10 provide the funds necessary to purchase new vehicles and equipment at predetermined life cycles. This Fund operates by charging each City department a monthly rental rate for the vehicles they use, The feels based upon the estimated useful life of the vehicle and its replacement east The theory behind this program is that it allows City deparlment5 tc budget vehicle replacement masts as a reacurrir,expense over an extended period of time rather than as en interrnittant capital expense that may be difficult to afford k3 any single year. In the event a City department requires an additional veh`cie that actually adds to the fleet rather than simply replaces an existing vehicle,then that department must budget iur the initlal purchase price and transfer the necessery funds to the ER&R Fund to make the acxivisitien- In slkb55quent years the cepa tale It will then begin paying a replacement lea spread out over the estimated useful life of the neva vehicle. The 2016 Budget includes an appropriation of 5330,000 to replace one small peckup in the Ccfllmuriri and Ecorlcmic Development department with ars small SUV,one car and one small truck for the Parks and Recreation Department, one truck split hat-bmne between the Str'cret Fund and the Stornevaler Menagcrnenl Fund,and une tandem snow plow, Source of financing for the vettirees eel be Fund 0501 fund balance veiich exists as a result o`previous years payments by General Fund for this purpose, Snow Plow Repellent ant Ptuurem The snowplow fleet currently consists of eine plow trucks.Six ter the trucks are equipped with sanders end three of the trucks are equipped with 1,000-gall-en tanks Far pacement of liquid dei ter.Over the past eve'years the City has continued to improve the mom removal operations and has updated the sneer plan accordingly.These improvements in snow operations have dictated that operating nine plows is a very efficient way to remove snow tram tile arterial and reliside roadw-ays.Operating nine plows allows the porfanmance of a full city arterial and designated hillsides plow In approximately 12 hours. to the future neva ploys will be purchased re replace the aging Cleat as noted betcw and alder plows ver serve as backups and eventually be retired from the fleet beolnnieg in 2022.The recommended snow plow iteet consists of e'e+ven plows with NA}serving as is cicup plows.The two beclkup paws ensure that arterial roacways and hillside priority roed,uay s can be cleared of snow•per the snow pen. Having backup plows provides the City with ad ditienel plows that can be deptceed in case of a mechanical breakdown or an accident during a winter storm evert The 2016 Budget includes the purchase of a tandem axle plow truck virith a sander.A tandem axle pinw is citical For plowing the hil nide areas as tee lead truck.This purchase will cornple a fie need for a second tandem axle plow for efficient and effective hillside pluming.This truek urrxlld also be ecuipped With a dump box so if could he utitiend to haul material and trailer the backnoe during the spring,summer and fall months.The Sr19wp:ce Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund balance is currently 2325.001.A new tandem axle p law with a dump box and sander will wet apprardmabely$225,90D.Future replacements evil be single axle plows with an estimated cask of 32C0,000 per Plow. Snow Plow Fleet Trio Lk ill Model Tear YR Acquired Aga Ai Rotir.niane raepeeem meet Yr Hem- 211B 1996 2009 28 2022 20' ie97 2000 28 2825 204 1995 2044 en 2025 303 1935 2009 86 2031 204 1 a19 7a 2034 Bastin.;F1u9k (so Smw Plvxs 204 1997 2009 40 2027 2119 1905 2011 42 2010 211 21100 2012 43 2043 210 2u10 2011 79 70413 __ 212 I 2016 201e 33 21249 Truck 246bsccrres a baCkoij 213 2019 2019 33 2052 Truck 207 aocareS A RUNUP 214 2022 2022 33 2059 Truck 241 teP4wnes a backup I 206 retired 715 2025 2025 3 2055 Ted les 6ecomece a backup)20719 r-atk'ed 219 2Q2e ]nee 33 21361 Thick 205 i ocomes a Wimp/204 la reared 217 2081 2031 51 2864 Truph 2innecomes a backup r 20319 retired 215 2014 2084 28 2067 Truck 2 09 becomaa a backlW I ase 19 retired 219 2057 2037 33 2070 Truck 211 becom 9a a bsickc p 1203 Ie rotrad 220 2040 2010 as 2072- Tru— becomes a toc1up 1 209 19 retiree 221 2043 2045 33 2076 Truck 212 becomes a ba Augi 1211 10 memo 93 Fund:501 Equipment Rental&Replacement Fund Spokane Valley 2015Budget Budget Sum rnary 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Actual Actual AictUel Budget 'Bad Revenues Interfund Equip&Vehicle Lease $ 0 $ 177,744 S 102,744 5 35,544 $ 101,333 Transfers in-#101 (replacements) 119,344 0 25.849 0 0 Transfers in-1g4n2(edit'pickup) 0 0 25.843 0 0 Investment Interest 1,498 1,176 792 1,000 1:000 Total Revenues 120,$42 178 020 155,226 36,544 io . 33 Expenditures Cernputcrreplacer ant lease 0 Q 0 0 0 SoflwrareIHardware replacement Q 0 Q 0 0 Snow p',ow replacement 0 0 0 0 225,003 Vehicle Replacement 0 48.750 9,709 30.000 1034000 Total Expendr9aures 0 48.750 9.799 30.000 330,VLX Revenues over(sunder}exp ndilLres $ 124,542 .S 1.30,170 145420 6,544 (227,£67; Beginning working capital 1.090.385 1,235,794 1.242,333 EndingEnding vontkingcapital S 1,235,794 1,2}2,936 5 1,014,871 94 Fund;502 RiskManagement Furcal SpQhaneValtey 2016 Budget The City of Spokane Valley Is excused 10 risks of loss related to a rumber of sources including tort;theft of,damage le, and destruction❑f assets errors and ommissions;inj.ries t4 employees;natural disasters;and unemployment claims filed by farmer employees through the State ofWashington. The Risk Management Find was established to account for all such related revenues and menses. Revenues for this fund are comprised almost entirely from an annual transfer of money from the General Fund and the angle largest expense is typically the insurance premium the City pays to cur Insurance provider,the Washington Cities Insurance Authority{WCIA). Budget Summary 2012 2013 2014 2815 2016 Actual Actual Actual 13wdget Budget Revenues - Transfers in-#001 S 319.900 $ 319,000 $ 325.000 $ 325.000 9 325,000 Investment Interest 9 7 5 0 _ 0 Total Revenues 319.009 319,007 325,005 325.000 325,000 Expenditures Auto&Properly insurance 255,105 263,922 272,435 325,000 325,000 Unemployment Caims 10,340 14,126 ®,532 0 0 Miscellaneous 852 0 0 0 0 Total Exoenditures 269,387 278,048 2:30,967 325 000 32:,000 Revenues over(under)a pm1dihires 52,622 40,959 44,438 0 0 Beginning workins capital 30 594 83,212 124,171 168,200 f 58,21D9 Ending working capital $ 83.212 $ 124,171 $ 168.209 5 165,209 S 155,209 95 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Capital Expenditures for 2016 SOURCE OF FUNDS IR001 4101 8507 6301 0302 8.306 4311 /012 6313 #402 #400 N501 2016 REET1 REE72 Park City Aquifer Equipment re ExpendituCapital Capital- Capital Pavement Capital Hall Stumiwater PrcleclEon Rental& Developer Capital Outlay Description Budget General Street PEG Projects Projects Projects Preservatior Reserve Constructi anagenten{ Area Replacement Grants Contributions 6001 General Fund •IT ca pilaf replacements 106.009 108,000 Subtotal 106.000 708.1Oa I o I I. 0 I _0 1 0 1 0 I 0 I 01 0 I 01 01 0 0 8101 Street Fund -Maintenance faulty storage unit 5.000 5,000 -Signal deteedce equipment upgrades 20.000 20,000 Subtotal 25,00 . _ 601 25,000 1 I 0 I 01 0 1 0 1 a[ _ 01 0 1 0 I 01 0 0 4107 1.-so Fund -PEI3 Capital pulley 12,500 12.500 Subtotal 12,500 01 9 1 t2.0so! 01 0 1 61 01 01 a 1 01 0 I 01 0 0 8.303 Street Capital Prefects Fund 0129 Mission Ave-Flora to barker 302,566 444-96 267,670 0141 Sullivan RdfEuc36 FCC(PE RA') 1,991,060 390,943 1,590.117 0149 Sidexaat 11811 5,000 975 4.325 0155 Sullivan Rd WEddge Reoriacemeat 5.207,650 1,010.599 3,812,441 314.700 9156 Matsbefd Ave Cwa+sechcn 5.000 975 4.325 0166 Pines Rd(SR27)8 Grace Ave Intersection Safety 491,331 191.331 0197 Citywide Safely Improvements 228.127 39,027 197,500 0204 ITS Infill Project Phase 1 271,357 38,633 234,724 0206 2015CDEGSidewalk Prnect 5,006 5,000 0221 McDonald Rd Uiet[1SRa to Anson) 559,200 1,420 557,760 0222 Citywide Reflective SignaIEackp4ales 40,500 450 40.050 0223 Panes Rd Underpass @ B1ISF&Trent 500,000 .500.110.0 Sevn Woodyard Dem Sidewalk Improvement 381,000; 30.000 331,000 +.lrabeau Plrvey&Pines 4SR-27)Traffic Signal 350,000, 350.630 Emedish Sidewalk-8th to 12th 400.000 54,000 346.000 Contingency' 1,000.000 100.000 100,600 800.000 Subtotal 11,767,791 , 0 0 0 222,503 922.616 0 4 1.514.500 0 0 0 0 6797,263 314.700 N305 Parks Capital Pre-nets Fund -C4y entry saga 70,000 70,0010 -Park signs(3) 20,500 20500 -Brows Park splash pad 82,500 92,500 •Pocket dog park-phase 2 75,000 75,000 -Appleway Trai-Pines to Evergreen 104,050 14,050 90.000 Subtotal .352,060 01 01 01 01 01 245,000 1 0I 14.0501 01 01 01 01 90,000 0 6311 Pavement Preservation Fund •Pavement presereatien 3,050,000 3.050,000 Subtotal 3.050.040 6[ _ 61 01 9 i a I 9 13.0so,,000 I 01 _ 0 I 01 0I_ 0 I 0 a •0313 City Hail Construction Fund -City Hat 294.400 294,400 294--400 41 rf, 01 0 1 6 I 4] 01 0 1 294,400 1 a; 0 I 01 0 0 4402 Stormwater Mananement Fund -Caprlal-venous projects 500,000 500,000 -Maintenance facial,/storage unit 5,000 5.000 Subtotal 505,900 0 0 0 I 0 I a I 0 I a 1.. a I o I 509,000 1 01 9 1 0 0 N103 Aquifer Proteclion Area Fund -Sprague-Park to Llniverisity Low Impact Develop. 2.000,000 500.000 1,509,000 Subtotal 2-000.000 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 1,500,400 0 #501 Ectulomenl Rental and Replacement Fund •Four vehicles 105,000 165,600 •Ono tandem sown plow 225,000 225000 Subtotal 339,600 0I 0I 91 01 0I 0I 0I 41 4I 91 0I .330,0001 0 0 Total Capital Expenditures and Related Financlrrt 18,444,741 106,000 25,000 72.500 222,503 922.816 246,660 3,050,000 1,524,559 294,400 505.000 500,000 330,000 18,367,263 314,700 1 Contingency amount is to cover untorseen overruns-costs related to projects blot were eapecterl to complete in 2016 and Me cases of pro lens owl have re4 yet had funding sources identified -Dollar figura&in Hollefred Bold font are paid heart a combination Of existon9 fund balanue and fund revenue that 1s r91 ataninowe to a sr+gie meet 96 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Full Time Equivalent Employees - Difference from Adopted Proposed 2015 to 2016 2010 ! 2011 2012 I 2013 1 2014 2015 2018 4-__(:), #001 -General Fund City Manager I City Clerk 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0.000 Legal 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0.000 Deputy City Manager 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 0.900 Finance 12 11 11 10.75 11.75 11.75 11.76 0.000 Human Resources 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.000 Public Works 7-5 7.6 7 7 7.375 7.375 7.375 0.0170 CED-Administration 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 0.000 CCD-Economic Development 0 0 0 0 0 2.5 2.65 0.'50 CO CFD-Development Servi s 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 0.000 CEO-Engineering 8 6 6 6 7 0 0 0.000 CEO-Planning 9 8.5 8.5 8 8 0 0 0.000 CEO-puilding 14.75 12.75 12.7E 11.5 12.5 14 14 0.000 Parks&Rec-Admin 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.000 Parks&Ree-Recreation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.000 Parks&Rec-Senior Cntr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,000 Perks&'len-CenterPlacs + 5 5 5 5 5 5 0.000 Total General Fund 83.25 74.75 74.25 72,25 73.625 73.625 73.775 0.150 #101 -Street Fund 5 4,5 5 5 5.375 5.725 6.725 0.0Dt} #303-Street Capital Pr*ct Fund 3-5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 0.000 #402-Storm Water Fund 4 4.5 4,5 4.5 4.75 4.4 4.4 0.000 Total FTEs 95.75 87.25 87.25 85.25 67.25 87.25 87.400 0-150 (1) R9 ecrs i`rrcr se of time by tho part-iime ernpdoyree in Ecanom c DOVSiopmerrt from 0.5 to Cr.85. 97 2015 Work Force Comparison The 31 Washington Communities with a Population of 30,000 to 100,000 CITY POPULATION FULL-TIME PART-TIME Bellinharn 83,580 741 47 Yakima 93,220 681 18 Renton 98,470 634 13 Redmond 59,180 600 18 Olympia 51,020 540 18 Kirkland 83,460 537 32 Richland 53,080 452 31 Auburn 75,545 418 1 Kennewick 78,290 352 4 Lynnwood 36A20 326 6 Pasco 68,240 317 1 Bremerton 39,410 301 17, Federal Way 90,760 296 10' Longview 37,130 289 8 Bothell 42,640 283 7 Puyallup 38,950 266 4 Lacey 46,020 254 4 Walla Wella 33,391 253 14 Marysville 64,140 249 9 Issaquah 33,330 235 - - B Lakewood 58,400 208 5 Edmonds 40,490 198 12 Pullman 32,110 5 33 Mount Vernon 33,530 191 27 Wenatchee 33,230 166 4 Shoreline 54,500 127 11 Des Moines 30,100 117 10 Spokane Valley 93,340 86 2 Sammamish 49,980 77 5 Burien 48,810 56 7 Universit Place 31 ,720 45 5 AVERAGE 306 13 Source: Assoceation of Washington Cities Survey. 2015 Participant Data- Cities and Towns 7!16015 98 EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE Salary Schedule Effective January 1,2015 Labor negotiations with the Washington Slate GCtinCii of County and City Eirrpiayees,LoCar 270-V, AFSC4tE are underway fora new labor mitred Oral wif go into effect January 1,2018. The Figures Currently presented on this page reflect salaries kir carencrer year 20 f 5 Position Title , Grade 2015 Range Cite fvlanager Unclassified Cievuty City Manager 21-22 9,886.39 - 13,835.11 City At1Crne2 21 9,886.39 - 12.451-71 Community oevel ment Director 21 8,688.39 - 12.451.71 Finance Director 21 8,088.39 - 12.451.71 Public Wcrks Director 21 8,588.39 - 12,451-71 Parks and Recreation Director 19 7.199.37 - 10,06613 Human Resources Manager 18 6,480.26 - 9,077.61 Planning Manager 18 5,480.26 - 9,077.61 Building Official 18 6;480,26 - 9,077.61 Ca•itelIm,rCvernen1sPic.ram Mans.er 18 6,480.26 - 9077.61 Development Services Manager 18 6,480,26 - 9077.61 1 e,ut Cil Morrie 18 6,480,25 - 9 077-51 Senior Engineer-Traffic and CIP 17 5,$31,91 - 8.169.51 Accounting Manager 17 6,831.91 - 8,169.51 City Clerk _ 16 5,248.20 - 7,352.09 ginner _ 16 5,248.20 - 7 352,09 Senior Plans Examiner 16 5,248.20 - 7,352,09 Public Works Superintendent 16 5,248.20 - 7.352,09 Senior Administrative Analyst 16 5248.23 - 7.352.09 Senior Planner --I 16 5,248.20 - 7.352.09 Development Services Coordinator 16 5,24820 7.352.09 Associate Planner 16 4,724.02 - 6,517.33 Assistant Engineer 15 4.724.02 T 6,5517.33 IT Specialist Ml= 4.724 C12 - 6,617.33 Engineering Technician II 15 4.724.02 - 6,517.33 GIS/Oatabase Admielstrator 15 4.724.62 - 6,6117.33 Economic Development Project Specialist 15 4.724,62 - 0,6117-33 Human Resource Arialyrst 14 4.251 88 - 5,9515-C6 Accaunlanlfaudgel Analyst 14 4,251.68 - 8,955-C.6 AdminrstraliveAnays1 14 4,251.88 - 5,95606 CenterPiace Coordinator 14 _ 4.251,88 - 5,956.06 Planner 14 4,251.88 - 5,956.05 Building Inspector 11 - 14 4,251.88 - 5,956.06 Plans Examiner 14 4,251.88 • 5,95E 06 Futile Information Dfficer 14 4 251.88 - 5.956.06 Engineering Technician I 14 4251.88 - 5,956.06 Senior Permit Specialist 14 4,251.88 - 5.656.06 Cede Enforcement CIficer _ _ _ 14 4,251.58 - 5,956.46 Mai ntenance&Conslrucdon Infector 13-14 3,826.38 - 5.956.06 Recreation Coordinator 13-14 3,826.38 - 5,956.06 i Customer Rel ationslFacilities Coordinator 13 3,826.38 = 5,360.23 Building inspector I 13 3,826.38 = 5,360.23 Eicecutive Assistant 13 3,826.35 _ X5.360.23 Plannirr2_Technician 13 3,826.36 - 5,360.23 Deputy City Clerk _ 12-13 3,445.00 - 5.360.23 Senior Center Sae nialist 12-13 3,445.00 - 5,360.23 Human Resources Technician 12-13 3,445.00 -. 5,360.23 Permit Facilitator 12 3445110 - 4,824.10 Help Desk Technician 12 3,445.00 - 4,824.10 Administrative Assistant 11-12 3,039.55 - 4,824.10 Permit Specia]ist 11-12 3,099.55 - 4,824.10 Accounllri. Technician 11-12 3,099.55 - 4,824.15 Maintenance Worker 11-12 3,099.55 - 4,,824-10 Office Assistant II 10-11 2,789.41 - 4,341.99 Custodian 10 2,789.41 - 3,906.51 Office Assistant t 9.10 2,610.78 - 3.906.81 Note- Slight rounding differences may exist between the 0tgures reflected on this page a,'ad the ac War palrroir rates computed by the Eden Payroll System 99 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Glossary of Budget Terms Accrual Basis — A basis of accounting Capital Improvement — Expenditures in which revenues and expenditures are related to acquisition, expansion or recorded at the time they occur as rehabilitation of an element of the opposed to when cash is actually government's physieal plant; sometimes received or spent. referred to as infrastructure. Appropriation A legal authorization Capital Outlay Fixed assets that have granted by the City Council to make general value of $5,000 or more and expenditures and to incur obligations for have a useful economic lifetime of more a specific purpose. than one year. Assessed Valuation —The valuation set Capital Project — Major construction, upon real estate and certain persona] acquisition, or renovation activities property by the County Assessor as a which add value to government's basis for levying property taxes. physical assets or significantly increase their useful life, also called capital Authorized Positions — Employee improvements. positions, which are authorized in the adopted budget, to be fil]ed during the Capital Projects Fund — A fund created year. to account for all resources and expenditures used for the acquisition of Bond — A long-term promise to repay a fixed assets except those financed by specified amount (the face amount of the enterprise funds; bond) on a particular date (the maturity date). The most common types of bonds Contingency A budgetary reserve set are general obligation revenue bonds. aside for emergencies or unforeseen Bonds are primarily used to finance expenditures not otherwise budgeted, capital projects. Contractual Services Services Budget—A plan of financial activity for rendered to a government by private a specified period of time (fiscal year or firms, individuals, or other governmental biennium) indicating all planned agencies. revenues and expenses for the budget period. Debt Service — Payment of interest and principal on borrowed money according Budget Message — The opening section to a predetermined payment schedule. of the budget that provides the City Council and the public with a general Department — The basic unit of service summary of the most important aspects responsibility, encompassing a broad of the budget, changes from the current mandate of related service and previous years, and the views and responsibilities. recommendations of the Mayor. Division -- Can be a subunit of a that define accepted accounting department which encompasses a principles. substantial portion of the duties assigned to a department (e.g. Building Division GASB — The Governmental Accounting in the planning and Community Standards Board, established in 1985. is Development Department). the current standard-setting board for governmental GAAP. Encumbrance — The commitment of appropriated funds to purchase an item General Fund —The principal operating or service. To encumber funds means to fund of the City used for general set aside or commit funds for a specified governmental operations. Taxes and future expenditure. fees that generally have no restriction on their use support it. Expense Charges incurred (whether paid immediately or unpaid) for General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds — operations, maintenance, interest or This type of bond is backed by the full other charges. faith, credit and taxing power of the government issuing it. Face Value — The amount of principal that must be paid at maturity for a bond Indirect Cost--A cost necessary for the issue. functioning of the organization as a whole, but which cannot be identified Fiscal Year — A twelve-month period with a specific product, function or designated as the operating year for activity. accounting and budgeting purposes in an organization. Infrastructure — The physical assets of a government (e.g. streets, water, sewer, Full-time Equivalent Position (FTE) — public buildings, and parks). A full-time or part-time position converted to the decimal equivalent of a Inter.fund Transfers — The movement full-time position based on 2,080 hours of monies between funds of the same per year. For example, a part-time governmental entity. person working 20 hours per week would be equivalent of 0.5 of a full-time Levy — To impose taxes for the support position. of the governmental activities. Fund A fiscal entity with revenues and Long-term Debt -- Debt with a maturity expenses that are segregated for the of more than one year after the date of purpose of carrying out a specific issuance. purpose or activity. Mission Statement— A broad statement GAAP Generally Accepted of the intended accomplishment or basic Accounting Principles. Uniform purpose of a program. minimum standards for financial accounting and recording, encompassing Modified Accrual Accounting — A the conventions, rules, and procedures basis of accounting in which tot expenditures are accrued but revenues Revenue — Sources of income financing are accounted for when they become the operations of government. measurable and available_ Since this type of accounting basis is a Taxes--Compulsory charges levied by a conservative financial approach, it is government for the purpose of financing recommended as the standard for most services performed for the common governmental funds. benefit. This term does not include specific charges made against particular Operating Budget— The portion of the persons or property for current or budget that pertains to daily operations permanent benefits such as special that provide basic governmental assessments. Neither does the term services. include charges for services rendered only to those who pay, for example, Ordinance — A formal legislative sewer service charges. enactment by the City Council. If it is riot in conflict with any higher form of Unreserved Fund Balance — The law, such as a statute or constitutional portion of a fund's balance that is not provision. it has the frill force and effect restricted for a specific purpose and is of law within the boundaries of the available for general appropriation. municipality to which it applies. User Charges — The payment of a fee Program — The smallest organization for direct receipt of a public service by that delivers a specific set of services. A the party who benefits from the service. program may be an entire department; or if a department encompasses Vision Statement A short statement significantly diverse responsibilities or that conveys the big picture of the large work forces, a single department organization. It is general in scope, not may be divided into two or more restricting. It answers the question programs. ,Lv hyr Reserve— An account used to either set aside budgeted revenues that are not required for expenditure in the current budget year or to earmark revenues for a specific future purpose. Resolution — A special or temporary order of a legislative body—an order of a legislative body requiring less legal formality than an ordinance or statute. Resources —Total amounts available for appropriation including estimated revenues, fund transfers, and beginning balances. 1132 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 13, 2015 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Ecology FY17 Stormwater Water Quality Financial Assistance Grant Funding Programs GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Federal Clean Water Act of 1987-Section 319, Title 33 U.S.C. 1251-1376, RCW 70.146, 90.46 & 90.50A, WAC 173-95A, 173-98, & 173-240, and Storm and Surface Water Utility: SVMC 3.80. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of 2016-2021 Stormwater CIP, June 9, 2015. Administrative report, October 6, 2015. BACKGROUND: On August 17, 2015, Ecology announced the opening of the combined financial assistance funding program. Each year, Ecology awards grants and loans on a competitive basis to implement high priority water quality projects throughout Washington State. Proposed projects address point and nonpoint source water pollution control issues. Public Works staff has evaluated Ecology's Fiscal Year 2017 grant criteria and are recommending two projects that are in the City's six-year Stormwater CIP. If approved by Council, staff will submit the Ponderosa Drive Stormwater Diversions and the Havana Storm water Diversions at 8th & 14th projects. These projects would be submitted under the Stormwater Financial Assistance Program (SFAP). Design work for each of these projects is at the 30% design level and if awarded would be under construction in 2017. Application deadline for these grant programs is October 16, 2015. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager to apply for FY2016 Ecology grants for projects "Ponderosa Drive Stormwater Diversions" and "Havana Stormwater Diversions at 8th and 14th as recommended by staff. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: All grants have matching requirements. Projects funded through SFAP grants require a 25% local match. Fund 403 has sufficient funding for the required match funds. STAFF CONTACT: Eric P. Guth, PE— Public Works Director Art Jenkins, PE —Stormwater Engineer CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 13, 2015 Department Director Approval: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Sullivan Road W Bridge Replacement Project — REVISED "De Minimis" Determination on Impacts to the Centennial Trail GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approved Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) Applications on May 25, 2010; Admin Report on March 8, 2011; Admin Report on August 23, 2011; Admin Report on Temporary Repairs on September 20, 2011; Info Memo on TIGER III Grant Application on September 27, 2011; Approval of surveying and topographic mapping contract with CH2M HILL on November 1, 2011; Info Memo on TIGER IV Grant Application on February 14, 2012; Authorized execution of Supplemental Agreement Number 1 with CH2M HILL for Preliminary Design services; Info RCA regarding the Final Design Scope of Work on July 24, 2012; Approved Final Design Phase Contract with CH2M HILL on July 31, 2012; Info RCA on November 6, 2012; Motion to Approve on November 13, 2012 regarding the De Minimis Determination on Impacts to Sullivan Park and Centennial Trail; Approval of award of Sullivan Park Improvements project, Phase 1-Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement on August 27, 2013; Info RCA on February 25, 2014; Approval of award of Phase 2 construction contract on July 22, 2014; and Info RCA on October 7, 2014 and Motion to Approve on October 14, 2014 for a CH2M HILL Supplemental Agreement for Construction Services; Admin report on revised De Minimis determination on impact to the Centennial Trail on October 6, 2015. BACKGROUND: In November 2012, Council approved the De Minimis findings related to the impacts to Sullivan Park and the Centennial Trail from the Sullivan Road W. Bridge Replacement project. Based on that approval (and several others), the project received National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) certification in May 2013. This allowed the project to move into the right-of-way phase and eventually into the bid and construction phases. Currently the old bridge has been completely demolished and the pier shafts for the new bridge are being constructed. It was recently discovered that the vertical clearance between the surface of the Centennial Trail and the bottom of the new Sullivan Road Bridge won't meet minimum standards. As a result, the vertical and horizontal alignments of the Centennial Trail need to be revised. Staff has been working with the design consultant, CH2M, to design the realigned and lowered trail. The team has also been working with WSDOT (Washington State Department of Transportation) and FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) staff on this issue. Because this trail realignment work was not included in the original permitting and construction plans, the environmental and right-of-way processes need to be recertified. These recertifications are required only for this additional trail work. Because the contractor is currently scheduled to place the new bridge girders in December 2015, and the local asphalt plants typically close for winter around Thanksgiving, the project team is fast-tracking the design, permitting, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of this work. If the trail cannot be relocated by the time the asphalt plants close, the trail will need to be closed and detoured until next spring. This is not the preferred option. To receive NEPA recertification, a public meeting on the De Minimis determination is required. A City Council meeting that allows public comment will satisfy this requirement. If the Centennial Trail impacts and proposed mitigation (detour route along Indiana Avenue) are considered insignificant, meaning the project will not adversely affect the features, attributes, or activities/use of the trail, then the impact meets the "de minimis" criteria, and environmental permitting can be abbreviated and recertified. A "de minimis" determination will save the City substantial environmental permitting time and cost. The project team met with Mike Stone, City Parks & Recreation Director, and Paul Neddo, State Parks Riverside Ranger, to review the proposed Centennial Trail impacts. Both parties are in agreement with the proposed realignment and lowering of the trail to meet standard clearance requirements; and because the Centennial Trail Detour Route is already in place (and has been used several times this past year), all parties agree to the De Minimis determination of the trail impacts. CH2M prepared the "Section 4(f) De Minimis Impact Determination" document required for this work (see attached). This document describes why we believe the impacts related to the realignment and lowering of the Centennial Trail are within the "de minimis" criteria. This is a draft document subject to change as we continue to meet with affected stakeholders. Based on the attached information, staffs recommendation is to concur with the "De minimus" determination. This recommendation is based on the following reasons: 1) The Centennial Trail Detour Route, which is already in place, directs trail users to cross Sullivan Road at the north side of the Indiana/Sullivan intersection and proceed to the Old Mission Road trailhead. This detour route will be open to the public while the trail realignment is being constructed. 2) The temporary enclosure along each side and over the trail within the bridge construction work zone is already in place as required by the project plans. This temporary enclosure will be relocated and in place after the realigned trail work is complete. 3) Both the City Parks and Recreation Director and the State Parks and Centennial Trail Park Ranger concur with the "De Minimis" determination. OPTIONS: Council discretion. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move that the temporary and permanent impacts to the Centennial Trail resulting from the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project are "de minimis." BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The planning level cost estimate for this additional trail realignment work is still being determined. This work is eligible for grant reimbursement. STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Worley, P.E. - Senior Capital Projects Engineer Eric Guth, P.E. — Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft Section 4(f) De Minimis Impact Determination; State Parks Support Letter; Trail Realignment Plans Section 4(f) De Minimis Impact Determination (per 23 CFR 774) October 6,2015 Date: Federal Highways Administration Lead Agency: BRM-4103(007) Project Number: Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project Project: Replace the Sullivan Road West Bridge,which includes re-locating the Centennial Trail that Project passes underneath the existing and proposed bridge. Description: Section 4(f) Centennial Trail Resource 17 Public Park or Recreational Area Type of 4(f) Resource r National Register-Eligible Historic Site Publicly-owned Wildlife or Waterfowl Sanctuary Size of the de minimis use of Temporary use: 5,028 sq.ft. (see red area in Figure 1) the 4(f) Resource Permanent use: 1,303 sq.ft. (see blue area in Figure 1) in acres Official With Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission (State Parks) Jurisdiction De minimis Documentation Describe the Section 4(f) property and the attributes and features that qualify it for Section 4(f) protection, attach a map with shows the boundary of the resource,the locations of key features(e.g. ball fields,structures) and shows the area to be used; The Centennial Trail (Trail) runs through the project area along the southern bank of the Spokane River.The public trail is owned by State Parks and used for a variety of recreational purposes(e.g., bicycling, hiking,walking,skateboarding).The approximate 12-foot wide asphalt trail passes beneath the two existing Sullivan Road bridge structures between the south abutments and the river.There is an existing stairway from the Sullivan Road sidewalk that provides access to the Trail located beneath the bridge.At the base of the stairway is a kiosk where trail or other information is posted for trail users. See Figure 1,Centennial Trail Revisions Plan,which shows the existing Trail and the portion of the Trail that will be relocated). Describe the impacts to the Section 4(f) property,and any avoidance, minimization and mitigation or enhancement measures,and why they are considered de minimis as defined in 23 CFR 774.17; PAGE 1 The temporary impacts are due to the need to re-locate the Centennial Trail from its existing alignment to provide a 10-foot vertical clearance between the surface of the Trail and the bottom of the westernmost girder of the new bridge. Presently there is only about 6-feet of clearance.This requires relocating the Centennial Trail riverward to avoid excavation of a fiber optic line and a sewer line that lie at a shallow depth beneath the existing Trail.The Trail's new location will be above the ordinary high water mark,and the 100 and 500 year floodplain elevations.The Trail could not be located landward because of the steep slope of the riverbank.The relocation will require a retaining wall on the riverward side of the trail to support the trail because of the steep side-slope.This wall will be a combination of a soldier pile underneath the bridge with rock wall sections on either end to make the wall more aesthetically pleasing.A 4-foot high fence will be erected along the top of the wall to provide fall protection.The existing retaining wall along the original trail alignment does not have the fall protection safety feature. The proposed permanent impacts are due to the relocated Trail being closer to the river and farther from the existing stairway that connects Sullivan Road to the Trail.The upper stairway in the original project design is within existing City street right-of-way.The City will acquire a permanent easement from State Parks for the extended stairway.The temporary and permanent impacts to this Section 4(f) property are deminimus because the Trail will be designed to 12-feet wide as before,will continue the same access beneath the Sullivan Road bridges for public use and will provide the same recreational uses as before Trail relocation.While the realignment is under construction for approximately 3-4 weeks,the public will be routed through an established project detour route on the surface streets so that the temporary impacts from construction does not interfere with the activities or purpose of the Centennial Trail on either a temporary or permanent basis. Due to the minor amount of publicly owned recreational land temporarily impacted,and the added benefit of a safety fence through most of this new Trail section on the riverward side of the trail,the proposed 4(f) use is beneficial in nature and will not adversely affect the features,attributes or activities qualifying the Centennial Trail for protection under Section 4(f). For parks, recreational facilities,and wildlife and waterfowl sanctuaries: The relocated Trail alignment and the reasons for re-alignment will be presented to the Spokane Valley City Council to provide an opportunity for public comment and for the Council to confirm that the relocation impacts are de minimis. The City Council public meeting will be held on October 13,2015. See Attachments for written concurrence by Chris Guidotti of State Parks,the official with jurisdiction over the Centennial Trail who must agree with the de minimis determination. See Attachments for the October 6,2015 State Parks letter that documents agreement with the proposed impacts and de minimis determination. For historic resources,attach Section 106 Documentation (Include SHPO concurrence in project-level findings (DOEs and or FOEs)and Programmatic Agreement Memos for archaeological resources). Not applicable. Request for Approval Based upon this analysis we request FHWA approval that the use of the Section 4(f) resource described above is de minimis as defined in 23 CFR 774.17. Melanie Vance, Environmental Engineer Date WSDOT Local Programs PAGE 2 FHWA Approval Roy Siegel, P.E.,Area Engineer Date FHWA Washington Division PAGE 3 s;. I!, Pp Don Hoch !kW'r } Director STATE OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON STATE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 1111 Israel Road S.W. •P.O. Box 42650•Olympia,WA 98504-2650•(360)902-8500 TDD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf:800-833-6388 www.parks.wa.gov October 6, 2015 Jim Dingfield City of Spokane Valley City Hall 11707 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Subject: Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project—Centennial Trail The City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works (City) is proposing to replace the existing Sullivan Road West Bridge (southbound bridge).This project will impact the Centennial Trail with approximately 1,303 sq.ft. of permanent impact and 5,028 sq. ft.of temporary impact. The temporary impacts are due to the need to relocate the Centennial Trail from its existing alignment to provide a 10-foot vertical clearance between the surface of the Trail and the bottom of the westernmost girder of the new bridge, Presently there is only about 6-feet of clearance.This requires relocating the Centennial Trail riverward to avoid excavation of a fiber optic line and a sewer line that lie at a shallow depth beneath the existing Trail.The Trail's new location will be above the ordinary high water mark, and the 100 and 500 year floodplain elevations. The Trail could not be located landward because of the steep slope of the riverbank.The relocation will require a retaining wall on the riverward side of the trail to support the trail because of the steep side-slope.This wall will be a combination of a soldier pile underneath the bridge with rock wall sections on either end to make the wall more aesthetically pleasing. A 4-foot high fence will be erected along the top of the wall to provide fall protection.The existing retaining wall along the original trail alignment does not have the fall protection safety feature. Due to the minor amount of publicly-owned recreational land temporarily impacted, and the added benefit of a safety fence through most of this new Trail section on the riverward side of the trail, the proposed 4(f) use is beneficial in nature and will not adversely affect the features, attributes or activities qualifying the Centennial Trait for protection under Section 4(f). The proposed permanent impacts are due to the relocated Trail being closer to the river and farther from the existing stairway that connects Sullivan Road to the Trail.The upper stairway in the original project design is within existing City street right-of-way.The City will acquire a permanent easement from State Parks for the extended stairway.The impacts to this Section 4(f) property are de minimis because the stairway will continue to connect the Trail to the sidewalk on Sullivan Road to maintain public access to the Trail.We understand the trail alignment construction will take approximately 3 to 4 weeks to complete. Because the Centennial Trail will be detoured during this construction and remain available for public use, the temporary impacts will not interfere with the activities or purpose of the Centennial Trail on either a temporary or permanent basis. The proposed mitigation (relocated Centennial Trail with safety fence on the riverward side of the trail, and expanded stairway connecting the Sullivan Road sidewalk to the Trail) is a non-transportation use of the Centennial Trail.The mitigation is consistent with the function of the Trail and is considered a trail enhancement in this area. In conclusion,the proposed Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project will have no adverse effect to activities,features, or attributes to the Centennial Trail,and thus will have a de minimis impact to this Section 4(f) resource. Sincerely, di 110110111111" Chris Guidotti Riverside Area Manager 9711 W Charles Road Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 (509)465-5064 Concurrence letter: Chris Guidotti/Washington State Parks Steve Worley/City of Spokane Valley Mark Brower/CH2M Marlena Guhlke/CH2M Keith Martin/WSCDQT Melanie Vance/WSDOT \ \ -� -��� A _TEMPORARY ��� - A - \\V�/'`�'Z--,--,, _i -1:711111 � Revised Centennial Trail -CONSTRUCTION �VA V -EASEMENT _ _ A V -."r`. ,l �19&�' _� 9II /�A� _ -�- A g90. / �� �� Number Radius Length Line/Chord Direction Start East 09 Start Northing \ �� � _ �� v \ h L1 75.36 862°17'24.97"E 2536069.6352 266489.4040 STA 1+20 ! �_ _ ORDINARY HIGH \ -� ��V/ �i'i L2 41.59 S62°17'24.97"E 2536136.3544 266454.3612 BEGIN TRAIL �� i _� -100YEAR WATER _ _ \ Z - - -ELEV 1955.00 - \_ - � �� �- If C1 200.00 56.22 S70°20'33.77"E REALIGNMENT VAS �� \ _ -FLOOD -A - �_ - - - - i� MATCH EXISTING �� -7� _500 YEAR > \� - �� _ - - L3 6.75 S78°23'42.57"E 2536225.9381 266416.1749 _ A� - -ELEV 1959.70 --- -_V A - - , _ �- FLOOD _ - _ �� 4 NORTH -- ELEV 1962.86 �� ������ \ _ S II C2 450.00 173.97 ss7°1s'11.47"E \ RETAINING WALL - - _ •'� FESENCER --� L4 4.43 S56°14'40.37"E 2536392.0706 266348.1533 1. SEE RW-08aiiirolik STA 4+00 ��� _ END TRAIL _-/ C3 200.00 42.57 862°20'34.17"E __ _ _ 4AlliEND RETAINING REALIGNMENT --� ,� - = S - WALL - L5 50.67 S68°26'27.97"E 2536433.3953 266325.9650 r'llt - - - MATCH EXISTING __ �_ = a= 111 SEE RW-08 -_E- i__:\___ lial3+00 -�/� L1 2+00 , a �\ L2 _ _ �� ��e LS _ 4 1+00 - faliMilli N. . \ _ _______ ___ �_ -_ =__ - -_=`� © CONCRETE \ _EXISTI EXISTING ------=--_----_____-__ --- _ - - - _ RETAINING FIBER10 TIC N SEWER _ �� _ ,a,. WALL \ 4 ! � _=___-____-_______F-___ __ _ RELOCATE_,.___ _ --- �� save"vi, SOUTH O 0 - �_ TRAIL = _- _ _ �� _� - TRAIL �2 Ak Z-- �� �- KIOSKE LOW RETAINING ------ STAIRS -%? 5 -A', _ - - / a----- • WALL _ 9 ,t 85, \ - -__ - ,c5 _ ��� - - ' _ _KIGNT CF v'i,51� „ ,\,,, ,‘C ' ',,,,--,--%---N -Q \ -__-,: y_ Q\ , --___„ - ___ _\ „_ "„ -� i� — — ,-- "" -- " rE1,a�oP,u.PrCONCTFIJC CA __ �- .4=4 -- -- _ ---- OASCMLN? „ -, - _ - -- ------ - FND 1/00 lti:.4i.L lA�-r30±. _ _ _ �'-4. ” ,__TF�ivORARY C01^F=TPUCTION ------ - - -- -- -"„3 f r Ll Fk^M F,iCE OF l^✓tJl TD _ _ - _ _ - _ g 4 - _ - , -�,r --E„GEMENT - ---- - C ' NI AF NE -- - -- z -- _ --- - - --- — - - .EN7�N AL TK,SiL CE EPiJ --- _ - _ ;�;<ti ---- ���--- , �- _ -___„_ „__ ,-_ `_ ----------------- --- _�� ,_ �_ ��_ - -'. ' - --� - '^, --------- --- - ---- _ - ---- _ -- _ ___,-7-- ---- --sir‘;,,,,, L--_,_,�' ` \ _ '"_,`. ;r -- __ -- ------- _ - - - ENG 50LDiE�PiLF WALL 57A�3+Cti±. ,--' -ter- '--_ - 'yE'�1N TP.S111^✓ALL STA 1+40 ------------ -- - - -- -- _--- - _ - ^ 4 - - _ 7 .5 FT LT Cr NI ENNLAL I PAIL ---- --- --- _- ___ _ -�-- - ___'_ '�,_-ate=_ _-= --_ --- _ ELATE CNTEYLINF ---- • _ e,�- ^8 r FKGM I �t � ----'T _,CEKTEPLINE - -- -- ------ --- - -� � DEC�INIROC�.. TRAIL C^ �'� --,- , �� K WALL ���\ \_, — _ - --- ■ - _ _ -- ♦- " _1a' ENDI^A�ST,h.3+90+,- ._,. �, ■ ■ � ■ ■ ------- --------- _-__- '--_„ - ----- , ------ ----------- "------- ----------F Er LT CENTENNIAL -: X00 _ - - }0 , __ 2+OQ p xa�L CEn�T� a vE ___ _, ,esti' II` --- - _-__ - '-- ---- --- ----- _,��� Pl-Rrv1A NFNT EASEMENT °�^ �^ \r —_ —_��, ��-^ �� ■ r11= ��� -- �� _-_- __ ` ,` - ' -__ a, MI _A__ ___ _ ____ ___ _ - 4+00 _ _ ___ _1 T . . „, ‘ , ,_ , , . __ ____ _ __ ___ ---,,,_,,‘„‘ , , ..\ , , _ ____ _____ _____ , ____ _______ __ , , \ A,i_____ _________„-_-- ___ \__\;_ ,__ ____ ____ ____, ---,,-ii , , „, , , ____ __i__ _ __ _,,=_ ,,,_,_„___________t____ , \_T __AAA__ _ ______ _ , A : 1 _ _____ __________ _______ ___ _______ _______------ _________---- - _,_ __„______ _,_ , A AAA: , ,‘ , „, ____ A‘‘ ______ _ _ __ __________________A___ ______ ________________ ___ ____ _ _____ ,. , ___ ___ „__, „ ,A ____:„-______________ _ _ ______ ,,_ , ,_, „„,,--_____ _____\ _ ---________-,_-_\i_,,,,_____-_-_ -__:______-_-_-_ ______ ,, ____ ______ ___ ___ __ ______ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ A 0,000. _ _______ _ _ __ _ „, __ _________ A_____„_A ______ _ __ _____ _ SOLE ,\-,\A_„_„,,,,--„,-„_„__ 11 ”""-""___" _ ___ _ _ - "__ """ ______, , „,, 1 —LPN9/" NITS __ _ \, NOPTH PETAINING WALL PLAN 1990 — 1990 90'-0' 35'0" 25'-0' 1980 ROCK WALL SOLDIER FILE WALL POCK WALL 1980 SEE SECTION A SEE SECTION 8 SEE SECTION A F TOP OF BENCH EXISTING GRADE AT FRONT OF wnLL Sr 1.11.0011.0 TOT'OF PLATES.3 RIMMED �0� OOOC3/O--III-- --- - To roIIO�N LEAVE o O O ---- �� . ai�� I A � SII — I o� 1970 ��� mom. ii dl php IIago--onsite- ? �� 11 11I II I I �� I� 1 II IIS 1_ 11 X � --IIS I L Y 4_ I I II � I E _ 1'_ /i �� 1960 5OTTOM OF ROCK WALL 1960 .12 c SOLDIER PILE,Tl P F 0 50 7 i OM OF 5FEEL LAGO,NG FLA FES 1950 1950 1+150 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 WALL ELEVATION PPAFT-FOP PEVIEW ONLY Oi 1'-10'-0" HOR1Z:2 vE 4/4/14 iR DRAM, 1a10 City of Spokane Valley PeaFcrrnF mEARIRPrecvensENr BRIDGE `-_,i CH2MH ILL. Department of Public Works :-�''- ` . SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ;HET �E<,�,E��� «„ p RW OS z �� 717 W Sprague Avenue,Suite 800 11707 East Sprague Avenue,Suite 106 Spokane SHEET TITLE CENTENNIAL TRAIL NORTH RETAINING WALL L, Spokane,WA 99201 THEA-A-T " SPOKANE VALLEY,WA.99206 Valley. PLAN AND ELEVATION OF LL 509-747-2000 REVISIONS A'PROVED.MKJ 10-15 (509)921-1000 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 -48 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED SAFETY RAIL,SIMILAR TO WSDO1 TYPE 6 CHAIN LINK ROCK WALL,MAX EXPOSED FENCE;4'FABRIC HE'GHT ABOVE C"GAP AT BOTTOM FACT 24'HIGH.MINIMUM 2:1 SLOPE SAFETY RAIL,SIMILAR TO WSDOT TYPE 6 CHAIN LAX OF FENCE,PLACE FABRIC ON`RAIL SIDE OF COSTS. EMBEDMENT 6" FENCE;4'FABRC HEIGHT AROVE 6"GAT AT BOTTOM 1980 ALL FENCE ELEMEIvTGGO 0-S ACK!�NY!C>�D_ 1980 OF FENCE,PACE FAGRIC ON TRAIL SIDE OF POSTS. EMBED FORTS MIN.16'IN GROUND,ENCASED IN _ 3'-0" 1N-0" VARIES,SEE ELAN ALL FENCE ELEMENTS TO SE CLACK VINYL COATED. EMFEE TS CONCRETE PER WSDOT STD DETAIL. PROFILE GRADE > — GRANULAR BAC FILL CONCRETE PER MIN. IN DOT 5 E SATA"IN 7,ENCASED IN 6 2:1 SLOFE _-- - 3"CSTC FIBER 01 TIC 3"CS TC �� ROCK WALL AT 1:4 FATTER ROCKal PROFILE GRADE it q MO ITS PER WSDOT.SECTION 9.13.70) b FIBER OPT,C ITS CONTRACTORFRSTO RE-ES 2:1 a CONDUITS SLOT E FIRST THEN DETERMINE 3' �� ;'" RENCH LOCATION,WALL VERTICAL tr,fSTEEL SHEET o LvGGING d DIMENSION,THEN EXCAVATE. 6 MN COMPACTED DEPTH s 1970 LaEOTEXTII_E TC ON COMFAC 970 ,3'.-0'H ® SUBGRACE 2"IAN DEPTH CONTRACTOR TO RE-ESTABLISH al ,BENCH SANITARY SEWER 01 GRANULAR SLOPE FIRST,THEN DE`ERMNE 3 BACKFILL 2"COMPACTED DEPTH BENCH LOCATION,WALL VERTICAL ▪ �COMPAGTED z N-0" 6"MIN COMPACTED AI �– HMP,OVER 4"COMPACTED D�MENRION,THEN EXCAVATE. BACKFILL o �� BENCH-- DEPTH CSTC ON DEPTH CSTC ON COMPACTED SUBGRADE ,."j" COMPACTED SL'BGRAOF 6"DRAIN PIPE �� A ,_ 2'COMPACTED DEPTH HMA OVER 4"COMPACTED DEPTH CST C ON COMPACTED SUBGRADE 1960 1960 - W12 OR W14 SOLDIER FILES AT 9,-0"SPACING. O EXTEND 15'3ELOW BENCH rig STATION 2+20 SHOWN TYPICAL POCK WALL SECTION AL \ 1/4"=K-0" RI -08 GN0 1958.55 2'-6'DIA.SHAFT AT MH EASTERLY PER ELAN FOE SOLDIER PILE 7 7- \ / \ / 1 / \ / \ / \ / 1 / 1 / STATION 2+90 SHOWN K L:i v / TYPICAL SOLDIER PILE WALL SECTION 8 o \ I 1/4"=1'-0" CV REINFORCED I 1 RI N 08 O CONCRETE CAF V Ic / > - p TOE FIFE 1966.77 FEE PLAN ,T eX'ST ,,L, I 18"PVC > I 0 � < 1D 17.6"f < OD 18.7"± c FELL OD 2a5"±- o ie 1,965.26 PER PLAID PLAID REINFORCED DRAFT-FOP REVIEW ONLY CONCRETE CAP DETAIL 1 2"._1'-O" RW DS N DRAA14.DRh 10-1 Cit ofS Spokane Valle PROJFCTTriF. TwECF/tIPRCVEMENT BRIDGE m CH2MH I LL® De artment of Public Works SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ;„E� 5 HipDESGNERMKJ W-13 p RW-07 �� 717 W Sprague Avenue,Suite 800 11707 East Sprague Avenue,Suite 106 SHEET TRAIL WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS z Spokane,WA 99201 „k„,„„ ,„- ' r, C„ECYED_KJ 10-15 SPOKANE VALLEY,WA.99206 j r N 509-747-2000 •``��".7 OF LL REVISIONS A.PROt ED.MKJ m-15 (509)921-1000 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 -48 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED RIGHT OF WAY,PROPERTY LINES,1 Y'.SEE LEGEND AND N�\N� A DESCRIPTION ON 51 IFET 0-03 B C w n P C "-° ' WALL \V` RW-07 SOUTH OVERLOOK, \" _ NEW AS/S-IA T rf , S.:E DWG.7W-04 ! / E PAVEMENT /) EL 1963.61 EL 19?6.90 � --+------ ------- ----- --- ---- .—: _� - .p — EL.1972.90 FL '9861 ;Ate" J 0' z ` __-- DESTRAN 41} 2 PE ®A RAILING,51M O \ Q SECTION D '- - --" o -- ---. ..„,.. ,r sI mo . W-02 I A . is rr o EDGE OF OVERL00/ \u EXIST STAIRS - ------- - PCC SLAB (TO ----- --... l BE REMOVED) - - EDGE OF FOOTING I PEDESTRIAN WAILING PLAN BELOIh) \ A7 STARIN',5Y --"\,,,...3 le_P_0» pPDV�DE PIGMENTED SEALER SINGLE RAIL / RAILING AT / / SEE OrN ALL EXP052D SURFACES TO STAIRWAY BACK OF - - 1'INN.BELOW FINISHED GRADE / ,PAVEMENT SEAT ///// 1 O -02INNE -� �\ FLAN • ` w0 a �z ® s o O CURD SEE / 3 16"-1'-O" 16 11„1 __ I-- 0 -° Ill PEDESTRIAN RATING AT SINGLE PAIL 2"CLW. 0ETAiKWAY FAILING AT 7YP. 45 0 12"CONTINUOUS L I I /57 AIRWAY AROUND WALL CORNERS 3"DEA.DRAIN 6' o 06 La.12' ) ik CDRB,SEE ABOVE FINISH GRADE #6)6' 6„L_ 3'0" GRAVEL BACKF'LL FOE''VALES / 1'-0"SOUTH r�ti —III III GRAVEL BACKFTL FOW DRAINS _ //��� r OVERLOOK WALL �� #5 C�12' o ' =' - Z'GER. #5(a 12"E.F. 1-1 \ I I— P:p PFDESTE EN RATING - fYP. A7 SOUTH OVEPLOO 5" 4° BrKTEL GUTTER .1: 4,-.—:—,0 �i ELEV.1980.00 1-1 #5 Ca 72"E.F. Ye'THICK BUTYL RUBBER SHEETING, SINGLE K✓1L 12"TOP RAILING 0051 BOND 11/11H ADHESIVE,6"EACH 5102 &BOT. _Ili ,,. ,,,,. %z"Cl IAMFFR 3#4 CONT. 6"1�NDERDRAIN,"IPF,CONNECT TO CURTAIN Iti'ALL I BELOW)[------- i_ -:-- : FED'2 tiN RAILING FOLLOW SLOPE JNDEKDKAIN F'FEAT PIER 7 OF f3KIDGE SECTION B #6 n 6" 0° ,��\ #5La 12" IV AT 1 ov O '• PEDE57RIANPANG AT STAIRWAY SECTION A III-III- I2,=1'0" ' - - SACK OF FA/EMEET SEAT 3"INSIDE DIA.x 8'LONG PVC FILL:SLEEVE IV TH NON:SHRINK w N OFF SLEEVE AT FAILING GROUT COLON 10 INSERT NG 3 z /--- POST;CAP 1507 7OM FA,I INN/POST o" Q c. / it i PLAN WALL,© r 1 \� t SEE _ ,� 2"HMA 4"C57C DETAIL AI CUI DETAIL OVER coMK;Screv SUBGRADE 1"= IV 11/2"=1'-0° NOTE:CONCRETF FOR STAIRWAY AND SECTION ga o WAi L SHAEL BE CONE..CLASS 4000. iRI IMF Dea acRh 01-'4 CIC ofSpokane Valle PROJECT 2)2 E"OFrtirPPovenrERE BRIDGE SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT RW 01 w CH2MH I LL® Departmentof Public Works Er 717 W S ra ue Avenue,Suite 800 °ECGNEH"� 01' SHEET TITLE z P 9 11707 East Sprague Avenue,Suite 106 �� i SOUTH OVERLOOK WALL W Spokane,WA 99201 ,,, , ,„ r, CHECYED-KJ m-' SPOKANE VALLEY,WA.99206 .00,0)/alley. PLAN AND SECTIONS 117 OF 132 LL 509-747-2000 REVISIONS A"PROVED.MKJ 0]-^a (509)921-1000 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 -48 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 13, 2015 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Community Development Block Grant Program — Potential CDBG Projects GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley is a member of the Spokane County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consortium. Each year the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development provides CDBG entitlement funding to Spokane County, with last year's funding totaling approximately $1.3 million. The City receives a 20% set-aside of Spokane County's annual federal appropriation for infrastructure projects. Spokane Valley's 2015 share will be approximately $270,000 for eligible projects. In discussions with Spokane County they concurred that it is acceptable to exceed the estimated 20% set aside for proposed CDBG sidewalk projects. The projects are scalable in the event that we are not awarded the entire project costs. Although the City has a guaranteed set aside, we must participate in the same application process as all other agencies requesting CDBG funding. To be eligible for CDBG funding, projects must be located in residential, low to moderate income target areas. Proposed projects must also be ranked as a "high priority" in Spokane County's Consolidated Plan, the guiding document for Spokane County's CDBG program. High priority infrastructure projects include water, sewer and street improvements. The CDBG application deadline is November 10, 2015. A public hearing on the proposed projects is scheduled for October 27, 2015. The methodology for selecting projects in the City is to identify sidewalk gaps that make needed pedestrian connections in the CDGB target areas. Proposed projects are consistent with the adopted Bike and Pedestrian Master Program (BPMP). The following project has been identified based on an evaluation of sidewalk needs in CDBG target areas. We are requesting Council to consider this project for Spokane County's CDBG grant program. Proposed CDBG Sidewalk Project Approximate Costs Blake Road, east side (8th Avenue to Appleway Trail) $335,000 OPTIONS: Discussion. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus on the selection of proposed CDBG sidewalk project to present at the scheduled public hearing on October 27, 2015. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City's share of the CDGB grant is expected to cover the total cost of the proposed project. This project is estimated to cost $335,000. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, Economic Development Coordinator Steve Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Presentation and 2016 CDBG Sidewalk Project Map [ I• I Legend iii i i r i1 11; 1_ '" I i d r ffire '11ik ' 1 ` .r 11 L � : nt '1> . , -,- 's • '1111°111111 2016 CDBG Side: ect lk Projects �� •— °ID �c 40 r. . Proposed Project ..,, ,, , `. BPMP Recommended Sidewalks Projects - II BPMP Safe Routes to School re- "~' .. Appleway Trail com Y Existing Sidewalks ! _� y - �L , - J I Existing Driveways t L 1 LMI Target Area --" WI •, '�`` • r ��:_ School ' 0 250 500 Feet Fu:rig m , :., ; 3rd _' ,< - IIIII • MUM O H. 1 i — a Si awl-a- • 3 F 5th11163 1 I 4 MINI a sari:: all 6th _.AAP. • •�, , riu3 , dab— is.,/, Mill E co 1 'M' yi!"� t i 4'S- '' ;P �: ai• .i w11 -- 71 ,il 1 6. r i '-. L 4 .n y _ \ 1 m ", , • ?' -a, L4e' g. 14441" i Kit -1,.*. 9th_ r_ ___ 4 _A 1116 a * . -:-C "'AIL 21 i.g. a 9til r - kti-- 1,4 r I i O - s 9th m _ �� 9-1 th „, 1E-1 10h 'ail ;, ' "I ' L MECISIEa 111"grigrt6 ‘7111".. COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Community Block ( CDBG ) Mike Basinger, Economic Development Coordinator �� COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CDBG Funding Progression • Housing and Urban Development ( HUD) • Spokane County CDBG Consortium • City's guaranteed set-aside is 20% �� COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -' '' Application Process • Low to Moderate Target Areas • Project must have High Priority Ranking • High Priority Infrastructure Projects — Water — Sewer — Street Improvements wirvpirw �� COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 11r06 . �����' '' Project Selection Methodology • Identify Sidewalk Gaps : — CDBG Target Areas — Close to Schools — Consistent with adopted BPMP (Bike and Pedestrian Master Program) �� COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - - Proposed Sidewalk Project • Consistent with BPMP — Recommended Pedestrian Network map • Located in CDBG LMI ( low to moderate income )Target Areas • Fully utilized the City's share of the grant �� COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ' Project Description • Sidewalk on the east side of Blake Road • From 8th Avenue to Appleway Trail • Approximate cost $335,000 sokanc COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - n .- ' , Y . ,6' ' ' _:1- - I I 1 [ II I I I 1 ' j "` -4 - Legend ®�S ,--ti t1 ismer, r i i. - 0 k 2alfacf)BGSidewalk f'rojects _ [ 1� i '- ii _� ' �. c� I Proposed CDBG Sidewalk Project i` l m im 11 - PMP Recommended Sidewalks Projects BP MP Safe Routes to School ri I •,* -ApplewayTrail �r• EF+ 4k .I -Esesting sidewalks -- • a Y1 'I „_ -Existing Driveways i En f . . I 't 1 Air _ =— 11 LM Target Area rs�.p- --- ' ' WI ._�r _ _ --- rrrr .i ... �1 ___ } 1 School 0 250 500 Feet 1 L J I 3rd ``A I I I I I. j I ,_I ., ,+ f fid _ T M � II Ado H._ 5! _' '. •1 ,_L.,-I� _ -I—�..� , _ 11��,_ 6th ab ® " 6th 1 -1 agaigla School - I� VI R',i ma 4 o igo _ ® II . L� r — 1_I" AMP - ;0 -. 7� Gti7� IIr .t-tc ;f 'f i a ,��9th, — f . • . - F • � � arm- o f re _I r �&' , : I .r`:k. ..s IS - .w =10 AvowOm .' r-11111oth , ,6 A.-vi — _,'IA g Ly71 1♦y};.. 11E _ 7 SI14%Hey COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - - Project Schedule • City Council consensus on proposed project • Hearing on October 27, 2015 • Application deadline November 10, 2015 • Sidewalk construction 2016 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of October 8,2015; 8:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council& Staff From: City Clerk,by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings October 20,2015, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Oct 12] 1. Library Services Update— Sheree West (15 minutes) 2.Washington State Prevailing Wage— Cary Driskell (20 minutes) 3. Proposed Contracting and Purchasing Code Amendments—Cary Driskell, Erik Lamb (20 minutes) 4.New Website—John Whitehead (30 minutes) 5. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 90 minutes] October 27,2015,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Oct 19] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CDBG Program—Mike Basinger (15 minutes) 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Marijuana Moratorium—Erik Lamb (25 minutes) 3. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 4. Second Reading Ordinance 15-018 Amending 2015 Budget— Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 5. Motion Consideration: CDBG Program Project Lists—Mike Basinger (10 minutes) 6. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 7. Info Only: Dept. Monthly Reports [*estimated meeting: 70 minutes] November 3, 2015 -Meeting Cancelled November 10, 2015,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Nov 2] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance 15-019 Adopting 2016 Budget—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting Marijuana Findings of Fact—Erik Lamb (30 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Lodging Tax Adv.Cmte (LTAC) Recommended Allocations—Mark Calhoun (25 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Fee Resolution for 2016—Chelsie Taylor (20 minutes) 6. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 95 minutes] November 17,2015, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Nov 9] ACTION ITEM: 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting Marijuana Findings of Fact—Erik Lamb (20 minutes) NON-ACTION ITEM: 2. Shoreline Adoption Ordinance—Lori Barlow, John Hohman (30 minutes) 3. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 55 minutes] November 24,2015—no meeting (Thanksgiving week) Draft Advance Agenda 10/8/2015 3:29:29 PM Page 1 of 2 December 1,2015, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Nov 23] 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) December 8,2015,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Nov 30] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Proposed Fee Resolution for 2106— Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 3. Motion Consideration: LTAC Allocations—Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) 4. Motion Consideration: Councilmember Gothmann to Participate via Telephone Jan 5 mtg (5 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 45 minutes] December 15 2015, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Dec 7] December 22,2015—no meeting December 29,2015, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Dec 21] January 5,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Dec 28] 1. Council Officer Elections for Mayor and Deputy Mayor—Chris Bainbridge (15 minutes) *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Apptments (12/29 or 01/12)—3 Planning Comm. Historic Preservation Apptments (12/29 or 01/12) -2 LTAC Legislative Agenda Appts: Various Committees (12/29 or 01/12) Sidewalks and Development Avista Electrical Franchise (2nd read Ord 15-011) Sports Facilities Interlocal Agreement Bike Helmets SRTMC Interlocal Agreement(prior to end of year) Coal/Oil Train Environmental Impact Statement Used Oil Signage Ordinance False Alarm Program Weed Control Hauling Uncovered Loads Draft Advance Agenda 10/8/2015 3:29:29 PM Page 2 of 2