Agenda 09/27/2007 SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS -CITY HALL 11707 E. SPRAGUE AVENUE SEPTEMBER 27, 2007 66:00 TO 9:DO PM I. CALL TO ORDER 11. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS-PUBLIC HEARING: STV-04-07, VACATING STRIP OF EVERGREEN, NORTH OF SPRAGUE. OLD. BUSINESS- SW-03-07 RECOMMENDATION OF FINDINGS CF FACT STUDY SESSION: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XL ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF GAIL KOGLE, CHAIR KATHY MCCLUNG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIR. ROBERT BLUM, VICE-CHAIR GREG MCCORMICK, PLANNING MANAGER, AICP FRED 3EAULAC SCOT!KUHTA, LONG RANGE PLANNER, AICP JOHN G. CARROLL MIKE BASINGER, ASSOCIATE PLANNER, AICP DAVID CROSBY GARY BRISKELL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY IAN ROBERTSON DEANNA GRIFFITH MA.RCIA SANDS MOM.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: September 27,2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item. Cheek all that apply: El consent ❑ old business 12 new business ►A public hearing 0 information El admin, report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing, Street Vacation Request (STV-04-07) to vacate right-of way 9 feet by 109 linear feet along Evergreen Avenue abutting parcel 45143.927 (parent parcel of Lot 3 of BSP-01-46). PREVIOUS ACTION TAI EN: City Council adopted Resolution No. 07-015 on August 28, 2007 setting the date for a public hearing. ti - y - . � . � . _ C8pmicmeimtl7 e Portion of Evergreen Road requested to be vacated, ri BACKGROUND: The applicant Bill Brooks of E& .5 Development, LLC owner of parcel 451 43.9278 requests a vacation fora portion of Evergreen Avenue approximately 9 feet by 109 linear feet. The abutting parcel is newly created Let 3 of BSP-01-06 recorded en March 27, 2007 with the Spokane County Auditor's Office. k N)[ GS; The Planning Commission must mike findings on the following as part of their recommendation to City Coi.mc i1; 1. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public; 2. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access; 3. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public; 4. Whether conditions may change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and 5. Objections to the proposed vacation made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners)abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public_ OPTION: Recommend approval, approve with conditions,or recommend denial. RECOM IVIENDATION: Approval subject to the recromniended conditions of approval herein. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall,Assistant Planner ATTACIEV ENTS: Exhibit 1: Staff Report Exhibit 2; Findings and Recommendations to the CSV Planning Commission Exhibit 3: Street Vacation Application with Written Narrative Exhibit 4: Comments from Staff and Agencies EXHIBIT 1 or lane STAFF REPORT 411110111°�""' PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF EVERGREEN EN ROAD Prepared by: Karen Kendall,Assistant Planner,Department of Community Development Date: September 20,2007 Findings: 1. Abutting Properties-Applicant's property abuts the right-of-way on the east(Assessor Parcel 45143.9275 Lot 3 of BSP-01-46 recorded on March 27,2007), No objection from abutting property owners was received. 2, Utilities—The applicant submitted comments from Spokane County Division of Utilities, Comcast, Qwest and Vera Irrigation District. Spokane County Division of Utilities commented there may be side sewer stubs located in the 9 foot by 109 foot area,however is responsibility of the property owner, No easements of record have been disclosed as being located within the proposed vacation area. 3. Access—The location proposed vacation abuts Evergreen Road to the east and will not prohibit nor change access to the property or Evergreen Road. 4. Zoning-Zoning surrounding the proposed vacation to the north,south, east and west is Regional Business(B-3). 5. Transportation—Will not interfere with current access. 6. Condition-The proposed area is located behind the existing sidewalk and currently undeveloped 7. Assignment of vacated portions of right-of-way—Absent objections from abutting properties owners,right-of-way should be assigned to the petitioners, inasmuch research indicates that the area to be vacated was part of the parent tract. Abutting property owners have received notice of the proposed vacation. Conclusions; 1. The vacation of the street/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. The Public Works Department submitted comments which analyzed the portions of Evergreen Road for need and future use and responded by specifying no objection to the proposed sfreet vacation. 3. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists. 4, No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing anchor routing to staff and agencies. EXHIBIT 2 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION September 27,2007 The following findings have been prepared by Staff for the Planning Commission in the event there is concurrence with the recommended conditions of approval. Findings: 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 27,2007 to receive testimony concerning the vacation of a portion right-of way 9 feet by 109 linear feet along Evergreen Avenue abutting parcel 451419278 (parent parcel of Lot 3 of BSP-01-06). The date of the hearing was set by City Council on August 28,2007 by Spokane Valley Resolution No. 07-015, Notice of the hearing was published on September 7,2007 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting propertyowners,and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on September 7, 2007. 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department in detail. 3. The vacation of the street/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance, 4. The Public Works Department submitted comments which analyzed the portions of Evergreen Road for need and future use and responded by specifying no objection to the proposed street vacation. 5. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists. 6. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to staff and agencies. Recommendations: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council the portion of right-of-way 9 feet by 109 linear feet along Evergreen Avenue abutting parcel 45143. 27E (parent parcel of Lot 3 of BSP-01-06) be vacated to the petitioners subject to: 1. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley;a record of survey of the area to be vacated,prepared by a registered surveyor in.the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction,repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. The record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation. 2. The surveyor shall locate at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction, 3. All necessary easements shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation frorn all utility companies is required to be submitted to the Community Development Director, or designee verifying all easements have been indicated. 4. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges,copying fees,and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 5. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation,and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 6. A certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk in the office of the Spokane County auditor. 7. All conditions of city council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Approved this 27b day of September,2007 Gail Nagle, Chairman ATTEST Deanna Griffith,Administrative Assistant EXHIBIT 3 /"'� CITY OF SPOKANE ! e Community DevefnnmentVALLEYpartment (For Staff Use Only) Current Planning sicn DATE SveMarr 1;'13101-1- RECEIVED BY: t1`ii 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99205 FILE {Vo.f NAME: } Tel: (509) 921-1000 o 07. Fax: (509) 921-1008 planning fthsookaneva!lev.org CURRENT PLANNING FEE: ICSOO ENGINEERING FEE: 4 STREET VACATION APPLICATION PART 1-APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION: Name of Public Street Proposed for Vacation: A poet-1m Ym D-F Iv Eve V -t 'l RO-A OIL . _ Section I Township{Range of Public Street Proposed for Vacation: 5 /Z Sf d 11764140 r5'^ VtInier Area(Square Feet) of Public Street to be Vacated: Dimensions of Public Street to he Vacated:_ /047., /LP wide q ' deep Street Address f Tax Parcel No of Abutting Property#1: A r C I C, `4 5143 . i N. 1 1 a7. RECEIVED Street.address/ Parcel No of Abutting Property#2: c— Zoning Designation of Abutting Property#t: 4 3 3ral(A14E VALL:( DEPARTMEW OF Zoning Designation of Abutting Property.#2: _ t-r 14 cOMMUHITY 7_'dELDMIC:ti'.T Previous Lead Use Action,If Applicable(state Project File No. &Name: j'5'- a - `tTtr& Noffcl +F95042-cOO , APPLICANT/OWNER IPiFOR, ATION*: Please notes -Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required applicant/owner information specified below if there are more than two (2)applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Applicants must be the same as property owners specified on the current Spokane County Assessor's Office parcel records. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER NO.1: APPLICANT NAME: L 1f 1✓ E'1 k'lL {` ,(7 I I' �. MAILING ADDRESS: D S # 5 CITY: S.-07,11 C7li V-e—, STATE: WA ZIP 6YeflOi PHONE:(ibM. o t : 11,9Z 45 I Z (FAX) LL ' - { 7-11 (CELL) Please Circle *PLEASE NOTE: Per RCW 35.79.040(Title to Vacated Street or Alley)the property within a public street or alley vacated by the City Council shall belong to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. Therefore,if there is more than one property owner abutting the public street or alley proposed for vacation,each property owner shall be required to sign the street vacation application. Revised 7/26/2005 FART II- LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE Please note:-Submit on a separate sheet of paper The required legal owner signature specified below if there are more than two(2)property owners submitting for the Street Vacation. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER No. 1: •�B12-4:01,--51 1 ill ` • a 10 " 1a r►4e,.441 LLc (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTPRIFULLY AND TO THE FEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON I-TS/1-1FR BEHALF. ADDRESS: 10 I M 't tt .5 PHONE: I( a. 9'b 12- to r-•�€ C,ti k ZIP: 9..9 2a 1 City) (State) Win 1Vt9 (Signature) f (Date) NOTARY (For Part II above) STATE OF WASHINGTON NGTi ON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWOKN to before me this 30 t-1 _day of Mt , 2O D NOTARY SEALall yL Notary MlleNOTARY SIGNATURE State of Washington JOANN R K1EWERT Notary Public in and for the State of Washington ICYCOMM 4SSIONEXPIRES l esidingat: cS OZ L . April 09,2011 My appointment expires: q' 1/ Revised 7/26/2O03 1. How does a change of use or vacation of the street/alley improve service to the public? The vacation of this 9' of Evergreen will line up the property lines north and south allowing the parking drive aisles and parking Melds to line up for easier access between the parcels for the public. 2, Is the street or alley no longer requiredfor public use or public access? This portion of Evergreen was dedicated to the County, prior to the widening of Evergreen, to accommodate the widening. The County was unable to obtain the necessary ROW to the south so the alignment of the road was adjusted to the west, and this 9' was not used in the widening and is now unnecessary for public use. 3. Would substitution of a new and/or different public right-of-way better serve the public? N/A 4. How will the use or need for this right-of-way be affected by future conditions? Neil Kersten checked the multi year road plan for me and bund no additional modifications to Evergreen in that plan. 5. Will easements be retained for all underground and overhead utilities? Existing utilities, yes, future utilities moved west to line up with easements north and south of the vacated property. 6. Petitioners contacted the following utilitiesVagencies with this proposal for their concurrence. None 7. Does the right-of-way include storm water drainage facilities? No • • • HIE J 774 FoaGE 34 TITLE NOTICE :�€I;3 (} 3T: FILED IAr ^rraE Spokane County Division of Building and Planning ,yMT+xiSM- iWesL Broadway Avezue " i,¢purr Spokane,WA 997_60 13f79) 4.56-2:2C5 • SPOKANE COUNTY HAS TAKEN THE FOLLOWING LAND USE REGULATION ACTION • • 11+1POSINO A VARIETY OF SPECIALDE' OPME T CONIIIT'1ONS ON APRIL 29,1993. FILE NO.SP-717-4L IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION IN THE SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING REGARDING TILL BELOW DESCRIBED • PROPERTY: LEGAL DEscaaDTION: Tow A or Shot Qlat 5P-717.91,as recorded in Short Plats Book 11. Page 2$-29_ Situa9e in the SW 114 of Section 14,Township 25 North,Range 44 E.W.M., Spokane County,Washington NDT]CL IS GIVEN TO ALL PARTIES WITH MEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY: • 9 Building and Planning Division Re No,:SP-717-9L for additional resulaliom our than those • slated below. AUTHORITY: Spokane County Shan Plst Ordin lee 1. A ke.4 5 feet u1'reanivell Rio re acquisition area for road right of way Lind wtlil s,in addition to the existing andfer newly dedlea red.right of way along Evergreen Read. • 2. Future hui!drug and other sellxtcks 7r Raked by the Spokane County Zoning Cade shall he measured Isnot the edge of the future acquisition area. 3. No required luudseapirag,parking."208'areas,draieel cl or allowed sig[9s shall be within the future acquisition arra for road right-of-way and otGities. If any cram above iroPmerne1115 are mad=within Mie urea.they shall be relocated at tie appl[cam's expense When ro dwuy imprnvemcrttz:are node. 4, The future acquisition area,until acquired,shall be private�.^rufxny and may be tinted allowed in he zone exult any,mprnverpeaiu(such as'raidsxuping,perking,surface drainage.drainiteLds•signs or others)shall be eon sideral Intern-oias. • S- The priopsrty ow=rshall be[eYpcutsihle for relticat'zig,welt•'irihirint'iruprovrmente at the • lime Spokane County makes roadway horopter is after;teqairing time futene acquisition area. • I TJIE TERMS C7FTHIS Nunez SHALL RUN W17p3THE LrL•NIDAND APPLY TO THE APPLICANT,OWNERS,HEIRS,ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. • RELEASE tIiYT1E i • AtrrHoRRJTY OF THE SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANKING OR '• SI.'CCC5SOR BY RECORDING OF A'TITLE ITP E NOTICE EXTINCITISL11441 NT"BASED UPON A FIND NIG THAT RELEASE SHOULD OCCUR. BY SPC*.ANE COLLNrf DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PL.3i NCNtj N-me, I.'PALI 'inlet Manner El . • Signatut y O r- X • • 1. - a • • Narrative This vacation application is for 9' x 109'af ROW adjoining 20 N. Evergreen, Lot 3 BSP O106. The property does not front on any other parcels. The reason for this vacation request is to return the property to the tax rolls and allow for better public access and traffic flow with the parcels to the north and/or south by aligning the parking and drive aisles. This 9' of Evergreen was acquired by Spokane County in about 15 years ago (in a rezone action I think) for the widening of Evergreen Road. The original plan by Spokane County called for acquiring additional right of way south of this 9' to the intersection of Sprague and Evergreen. However, the County was unable to acquire the additional property to the south and the alignment of Evergreen was adjusted to the west. The widening of Evergreen is now complete and this 9' x 109' is no longer necessary for future road expansion. In fact, when the property to the north was recently the subject of a BSP there was no request by the City of Spokane Valley to dedicate land to match this 9'. RECEIVED JUL 05 200/ comittru v4np • 0810712007 14:15 50949E 4 REAL ESTATE PAGE 02102 ▪ } '� „"+ 'gr.q!..t tV.L"3� ^r� .in t a 7 4 4 x � if, .v.'.. 3 ���i. T ms`s 7 q, vqF t it'a71.",i S ° 3 h l"!-, Ley r. r a,i f' .r,,,1L3 a- i ,, �`xr L 5iY ..-,- Y Ili sY1hax kgL .*' +.,..41, sem, ",dti� a S s t4-4 Y r j ✓ ._ Yae �k 'd s es ft ' 5 r �f Utilities n T'A89 -i t { 'FSS ,).* 0•k 'sY, 'A��' it kv 1 L. 8, s .+1'• ■ � $ r � ' t i' w,q04,?.,55-,... y6 ' ' P� • �$'i�c�"y5sS1Q r�I5�}�4W 67�tl�4 ,L W.1,7*.t,?g,A.*: .�e� efl,,n levy !` x .„...i.:t .Fi , r , r .. -. eloprnent LLC ;;, k ;24.(„3.,` Y'ashi gton #5°c' ,€ ' 4 a ee, WA, 99201 41.140.66fAa' �r,� "Re; Vacation of East 9 feet ofRoad, ROW for a Pot ou ofEvergreen Lying Adjacent to Y , Y5 -�4 Y•• e'ei•Vc; 20 N. Evergreen ti � 4,x N ' f3I have reviewed your request to vacate the above captioned portion of the existing but not " currently used road right of way for Evergreen Rod, A preliminary review has suggested that Avista Utilities would have no concerns with the vacation of this strip ofland. Until a formal request frava the City of Spokane Valley is. completedwe reserve the right to revise this answer, hi summary as of August 6, 2007 we have no concerns with the vacation of this portion of right of way. Please phone me with any conee us or c_uez.tiou at 495-4441 or 220-2491. Y• s Truly, ' 114P- Ir I Arn, 4 eja Maude Saler Real Estate Representative Avista Utilities E. 1411 Mission Avenue, F. 0.Box 3727 Spokane, WA. 99203 Page 1 of 2 Karen Kendall From: Zapf, Ryan F(Ryan_Zapficable.corncast.corn] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:36 AM To: Bill Brooks Subject: RE: Spokane Va]:.ey Street Vacation Bill, All of our facilities are on the west side of Evergreen. Vacation approved, Ryan Zapf Construction Supervisor Corncast--Spokane From: Bill Brooks Emailtc:bbrooks®sdsrealty.cam] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:06 AM To: Zapf, Ryan F Subject: RE: Spokane Valley Street Vacation Ryan, we're in our third week of trying to get a hold of Ryan. I understand he was out of the office last week but we could not get a return call from him the week before either hence my email to you last week. Is he back today? Any idea when I might expect to hear from him, this has come to the point that Comcast is Holding up progress. Thanks. Bill Brooks SDS Realty Office: 509-462-93I 2 Fax: 509-624-17 I Email: bbrooks©sdsrealty,.com From: Zapf, Ryan F [mailto:Ryan_Zapf a, cahle.comcast.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 9:55 AM To: Barnes, Richard l_- WA Cc: Bill Brooks Subject: FW: Spokane Valley Street Vacation Rich, Please advise Bill on requested street vacation. Thanks From: Bill Brooks [mailto:bbraoks@sdsrealty.com] 8/8/2i1O7 Page 2 of 2 Sent: Friday, August Dar 2007 3:15 P To: Zapf, Ryan F Subject: FVV: Spokane Valley Street Vacation See below. Bill Brooks SDS Realty Office: 5C9-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbro.oksasdsrealtyacom From: Bill Brooks Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 3:07 PPS To: 'richard_barnesicable.camcast.corn' Co: Sheldon Jackson Subject: Spokane Valley Street Vacation Rich, I understand you are the one to talk to regarding street vacations. Attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 91 strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please tall me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbrooks@sdsrealty.com 8/812007 MessEge Page 1 of 2 Karen Kendall From: Sheldon Jackson [Sheldonesdsrealty,com] Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 1:08 PM To: Bill Brooks - Subject: FW. Vacation of 9' on Evergreen I dawn 2 to go on my end, Sheldon Jackson 1CI3 N Washington Suite 500 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (5178)462-9303 FAX (509)624-1711 From: Clark, David [mailto:David.Clark2gwest.corn] Sent; Thursday,July 26, 2007 4:07 PM To: Sheldon Jackson Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Hi Sheldon, Looks pretty straight forward. When we relocated our cables and pedestals along N Evergreen a few years ago, we would have maintained a consistent alignment along the east side of Evergreen to the north and south of the property in question. Therefore, Fm pretty confident Qwest doesn't have anything in that 91x100'strip Pm having a letter sent to the City of Spokane Valley that explains that Qwest doesn't have any concerns with the proposed vacation. Thanks, Dave Clark Original Message — From: Sheldon Jackson [rnaiito:Sheldon sdsrealty,com] Sent: Thursday,July 26, 2007 11:53 AM To: Clark, David Subject: FW: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Thanks David_ When we provided property for the widening of Evergreen the County did not utilize all of the property. We are trying to develop this parcel and would like to straighten out the property lines for parking, landscaping etc. 8/8/2007 . Message Page 2 of 2 Sheldon Jackson 708 N Washington Suite 800 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (509)462-9303 FAX (509)624-1711 From: Bill Brooks Sent; Tuesday,July 24, 2007 10:35 Al To: Iaude.kaler©a avistacorp.com; freierr2@lspekanevalleyfire.com;yed@SpokareCounty.org Subject: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avista Rick Freier, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbroaks.cts.dsrealty.com This communication is the property of Qwest and may contain confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized use of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this comma tcation in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. 81812007 • Page 1of2 Karen Kendall From: Red, Jim lJRed@spokaneccunty.org] Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9 0 AM To: Bill Brooks Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen County utilities does riot have en issue with the vacation, There are side sewer stubs, but those ere the responsibility of the property owner. From: Bill Brooks tmailto:bbrccl@sdsrealty.carn] Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 11:59 AM To: claude,kaler@avistecorp.cam; freierr2 spckanevalleyfire.cora; Reds Jim Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Gentlemen, attached is a map from the county the shows the 9' very well. Thanks Bill Brooks 5k5 Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-171I Email: bbrookssdsrealty.com From: Bill Brooks Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:35 AM To: 'claude.kaler@iavistacorp.com'; 'freierr2@spokanevalleyfire.corn1; 'jred( Spokane unty.org' Subject: Vacation of 9` on Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avista Rick Freier, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SDS Realty Office: 509-462-93 12 Fax: 509-624-171I R1812007 Page 2 of 2 Ernaif: bbr_o_ol(s@sds realty-corn 8/8/2007 Page lof1 Karen Kendall From: Freier, Rick [FreierR2©SpakaneValleyFire.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 24. 2007 1:29 PM To: Bill Brooks Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Mr. Brooks, I have reviewed the information that you provided on the vacation of 9 feet of unused right-of-way on the east side of Evergreen. The Spokane Valley Fire Department has no objection to the request to vacate this portion of the right-of-way Rick Freier Fire Inspector SVFD 509-8924128 From: Bill Brooks [mailtc:bbroaks@sdsrealty.corn] Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:35 To: claude,kaler a vistacorp.corn; Freier, Rick; jred@SpokeneCounty.org Subject: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Claude Kal a r, }'vista Rick Freier, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip, Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SDS Realty Office: SO9-462-9312 Fax: 509.624-171 I Email: bhroakssdsrealty.com 8/8/2007 Page 1of2 Karen Kendall From: Sheldon Jackson [Sheldon@sdsrealty.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:44 AM To: Bill Brooks Subject: 1W::Vacation of Von Evergreen Attachments: ROW Abandonment at 114 N. Evergreen.pdf Sheldon Jackson 108 N Washington Suite 500 Spokane,WA 99201 Phone 009)462-9303 FAX (5509)624-1711 From: Brian Dilts Lmailta brian1@verawaterandpower,corn] Sent: Thursday,August 02, 2007 9:LO AM To: Sheldon Jackson Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Attn: Sheldon Vera Water and Power does not have any utilities located in the 9' strip of Road RIW considered for abandonment with the exception of an existing water service that crosses the 9' strip perpendicularly. The water service can be used for irrigation. Brian K. Dilts District Engineer Vera Water and Power P.O. Box 630 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Phone 509-924-3800 Fax: 509-922-3929 cell phone: 509-476-5130 email: briangverawaterandpoweracom From: Sheldon Jackson [mailto:Sheldcn@sdsrealty.com] Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 12:31 PM To: Brian@verawaterandpovu'er.com 8/8/2007 Page 2 of 2 Subject: FW: Vacation of 9' an Evergreen Brian thank you for taking the time to look at this for us. Just trying to clean up a property the City no longer requires. Sheldon Jackson 103 N Washington Suite 500 Spokane,WA 99201 Phone(609)462-9303 FAX 009)624.1 T11 From: Bill Brooks Sent: Tuesday, July 24r 2007 10:35 AFI To: claude.kaler©evistacorp.com;freierr2 spokanevalleyfire.com;jred©aSpokaneCounty.org Subject: Vacation of 9' an Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avista Rick Freier, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that i may complete our application. Please call me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbr_o.oks@sdsrealty.com 8/8/2007 'III111111111111111101111 hRl I I I 1 I I I}476: 4 6 E € S LLC SLA #1.00 P84137664If :2/28104 55P J L 20' NUM 5 36"E NSEra VOCE 18.55 X9.77 160.C10 29,1'7 N]O'Do'00't #1.45 ROOM ;f _ 150.CO 160.00 r If . 9 rj 19, 0 • 02. c4: , 0 LIJ 271 rn N 94'00`99"E 178.5 o r 4 6 z LJ le4 as e.1 a — 490'00.00`E C.-- N90-00'00-E N90'00.00% ti _ip.P.-- 15' 270.09 100,00 l SP 717-91 - In � V TRACTTRACT'' I N000'00"E1 m 140.00 0 ae 3 + o ti a W Z f ' e in €3 is p . ap 4 O N 0 N90'00'00"E $ i 130.±30 i 0 m • F 0 'PRAGUE A VENUE # i 9 at N Fmurd„, 194E EXISTING SITE PLAN libi •/Tyson, Engvneers, Mc, 7 FOR : DILL BROOKS 5C1 100 200 CIVIL ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS i N. 909 ARGJNNE ROAD, SPOKANE WA, 99212-2789 ® PHEINC (509) 926-132a FAX 15O$ 926-1923 1 T4s,•�. i r s z ''' , 4 'q�• r A ' .z ..,.i , Mill ..,... 1 , g. if , ,.. , , 1 ... ... . ,,,a .. . ._ . ..1 _ , . _.__ ._. _. ...._.,_ .„ ... • 1, -- !1.445. 7-- - ' • r� �4 f* l� jTf �F�lk pF f1 I 'I' . " �R P .i A - } AI -—7 p IL, ` �Lq N y .9 ' 1171114111161 ' k1 r3' I I' •-,ii r 1 II` r h f!a - li :I �! - s l' I r fj 'y '> r } • Ilin Y . AAA .r.l ' r k _ - ,.. ', In al 84 a I I [ 1 i rfr ., ,sr y �.` .r 5. csytt Sp•olonaValley �f 04 1 IA . � t rmo �_• r .1 r L,... -1F. _ Vii-_ gt' '-� r = m 4d ry Ilf�lIrlIr:; r• � {� '� -4 .l L s IMIIMplifl 1 ' I 1111 Ce t I 4c. -, .sMT_•' !' L •Gi t tx-I'l M._jj .__. .c.6: _ .- i a j _.u.. ,c ,yfILLrCI 1I11 1MT�r ,.� -._ " .i fix tr l e. - le L T "l ' ,t _ lrFa fry �l,r I 4. , , 11 � • • r �4, r _.. 1. : . . . .-. -.oil, .._,,iir i " r r LEF. ,..1 ri .i� r.�15)fr -, i .jr.S1AB., J ,- _ ,:iii F1 ' " ':,� �, ~ — Scale 1:1,735 'C F,' 351 _ , i -ii' . .:' _, i, .._ -ally.;,. Al i r• - ,,-4,.._ ' - .. `,� EXHIBIT 4 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INTEROFFICE MEMO DATE: September 17, 2007 TO: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner,City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development FROM: Donald Copley-EI-ISII, SEED SUBJECT: STV-4-07 (E& S Development) The health District has no comment on this street vacation. Page 1 of Karen Kendall From: Anderson, Patti [PAnderson spokanecounty.erg] Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 0:59 AM To: Karen Kendall Subject: STV-4-07(E & S Development) Attachments: STV-4-07(E &S Development).dec Qi1R/7m7 do-0°N%, Sarl 'kane po Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 * Spokane Valley WA 99246 509.921.1000 * Fax: 5D9.421.1008 f cityhall@spak4rtieval[ey.ir0 _. _. .. ._,.__. Memorandum To: Karen Kendall -Assistant Planner i7 ‘oe*"------- From: Henry M. Allen— Development Engineer Date: September 7, 2007 Re; STV-04-07 A portion of NJ Evergreen Rd - Street Vacation Comments Development Engineering has reviewed the application to vacate a portion of Evergreen Road right-of-way on the east side of the street just north of Sprague. Development Engineering has no objections to the vacation. I RECEIVED SEP 1 2 201 J)4 N.Columbus Spokane,WIk 992}2 SPOKANE VALLEY ❑EI AMTMENT OF ._ "A COMMUNITY OFVEL Qwe IT t. S, Jr/f of Service° September 7 , 2007 City of Spokane Valley Department of Building and Planning 11707 E . Sprague Ave . , Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 Attn: Karen Kendall Re: STV-04-07 Dear Karen; Qwest has no objection to the above referenced vacation. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me on (509) 455-2580 . Sincerely, ''''444;t A ,J,le,e7;1 � f,i Dave Clark Sr. Design Eng_neer 09/1112407 TUE 12:20 FAX oQ1/041 .,, .,. o °SNE \A(L ' r —FIRE DEPARTMENT 14319.EA5 SPRAGUE AVE.a SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 9924x3627•(549)92047G4•.FAXj•eag)492-4125 www.spokanevalleyiirC.corr Mike Thompson - Chief September 11, 2007 Karen Kendall City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 9 266 RE: STV-04-07 20 N. Evergreen Dear Ms. Kendall: The Spokane Valley Fire Department has no objections for STV-04-07. Sincerely, Rick Freier Fire Inspector RF/pla srn 11 2007 11:35 PEGE.91 M4 N.Calurnbus • Spckane,WA 99202 --''j9 eQ/LiD Qwest. v, 0 S,piii o Service C0440sp AN /200? � 'I,161 ur July 27 , 20D7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Building and Planning 11707 E. Sprague Ave. , Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re; Proposed Vacation of 9 ' of Evergreen Road Dear Sir: Qwest has no interest in the proposed vacation. If you have any questions or =corns, please call me on (509) 455-2580 . Sincerely, fidizien_ LAvAtoi ADave Clark Sr. Design Engineer To: Karen Kendall (City of Spokane Valley- Community Development) CC: From: Jim Red (Spokane County - Division of Utilities) Date: Tuesday, September TB, 2007 Subject: STV-0044-07 Stage: Preliminary Phase: SV 20 N Evergreen Ave SSOIA This proposal has no irnpact an sewer facilities and; therefore, there are no recommendations. 2006/2007 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS FILE NO. PARCEL NO. LOCATION COMP PLAN CHANGE ZONING CHANGE APPLICANT CPA-01-07 45261.0407 Sullivan and 16th Ave LDR to NC R-2 to NC NW Renovators CPA-02-07 45151.9010 Broadway and McDonald PCWP to MDR CF to MF-1 City of Spokane Valley 45151.9012 CPA-03-07 45284.2030 Pines and 32nd Ave NC to HDR NC lo MF-2 City of Spokane Valley 452842013 CPA-04-07 45103.0261 Pines and Mansfield Road HDR to 0 MF-2 to 0 City of Spokane Valley 45103.0262 45103.0263 45102.9057 45102.9074 CPA-05-07 55083.6401 Barker and Mission LDR toNC .. SIMIgane CPA-08-07 45154.1717 Sprague and McDonald . CMU Cit of Spokane Valle CPA-07-07 45184.0116 Broadway and Argonne • to HDR GO to MF-2 City of Spokane Valley 45184.0101 CPA-08-07 Cataldo and Argonne • to HDR GO to MF-2 City of Spokane Valley CPA-09-07 Pines and Olive 0 to HDR 0 to MF-2 City of Spokane Valley CPA-10-07 Barker/l-90 Interchange To RC To RC City of Spokane Valley CPA-11-07 35124.2504 Nora and Park PQP . LI CF to LI City of Spokane Valley 35124.2606 CPA-12-07 - • Ella HDR tIGI i MF-2 to 0 City of Spokane Valley CPA-13-07 4r - .ft and Pines POP to MU CF to MUG City of Spokane Valley 45033.9042 CPA-14-07 45 • r ` • hilission near Union • CF to GO City of Spokane Valley CPA-15-07 . _ . and 12th Ave POP to HDR CF to MF-2 City of Spokane Valley CPA-16-07 55182.0103Lone Road and Mission POP to LDR CF to R-3 City of Spokane Valley CPA-17-07 4,5214_2531 Pines and 10th Ave. LDR to CMU R-2 to CMU Ci of Spokane Valle , I - tl D3.1r, 000 y,��T 1,� It of Spokane Valley c1�mt61� ° ; WI ,' ' ! Comprehensive Plan 4.5' 4 1 ° E—iir Amendments - - _- _ 7 ,yglh-CIty of a.1 , Spokane ;, 0 _Ams Legend IC gRy11t -1.-u=1"' e91-0 CN..n CCmilt$111 ss— . -i .� - Low Density Residential 1M��i} r- -- J 4 ^ Medium Density Residential 6. .. ' e>� *s -tip s 1 a �'_� High Density Residential Er t 5 V 7 .�+ •..'!C— fl' � ��• ,._cfri1' `.y";.-k��thla + Mixed Use C"..rr AQ 4 L F --,1 '"' 1 .1yF,+,* • di� :, Corridor Mixed Use e, r- ti t T'f• '�-w.�..a ic_a -./TO Office l�Y}�. t .I - A[ 4114A 4 . `01.--'12:e._. : 4 ,� City Center(tar be deterrrt ned) ' CPA 07-07 Public/ nasi-Pti lie MI g-I.A.,, i' all%Md_iIAD MIrueighlrrip4d CQrnmercial Ysll g_ I 14,-10-0- Community Commercial s Regional Commercial • 4n: ell x i M -"FA t�a1 Light ridustrial k Alb �,_' Krn :'[H IBS I I - n�}l 1 Heavy hidusti& ., I 117 5 I', Y.` �".fir Pr`Y7�{1r�pen Space OK- !`111III 1 .e I'el 11111 vet '' r 7-4.-----..-,„,,,Q__,„... Other Municipalities dLlirs . , ; _TEa + "V City of Spokane Valley I ;` 4.-It - -"4." 1 1 Urban Growth Area tai`• X151 '- - - Water Bodies r - a .Nth tAuk i °y44 Map Location y I Irmiz 1. 31u rr' Ihd vS !f P. pp�� r . '' ni 17 rsl 1 Date;g .tl. d� 4l^ 14[ .,..,.1,..i. ..- 1 ii ry Oki 1,1'ri. iiP . aA - 4000 Wier 4 4f- ir, �r �. ....,.n. +tra - C. I 0 d..5 1i�ft7ECS. a .Y I 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 l , aa+ ° Nonce: The rn{ormQfrdn sliotiwtl on ihn.map is ewspikdA rn ti drrditS -.1---,,:. Sources and is srtiijecr lo corsstant rei wren. The City makes no clams ' - `, ' 1 11 girermmrers abr ar the accuracy or crrrrefcy of this neap and ,w-- I\ expressly dr`scfairns E bility for errors and ondssiems in 113 e11rt4Anr5 To coiiflrin accuracy contact t ae City of Spokane Valley,Cor11ttmio rt}' Developrnere Department,Division of!Na ming, (509)921-100a -.=-. � I Pm:F=1.dOmCityofSpokane-Valley,Cmnam llevelapmenl[7rpnrI1 rtI ' � cme COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ValleY PLANNING DIISION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS Date: September 27,2007 To: Planning Commission From: Mike Basinger, AICP,Associate Planner SUBJECT: 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments—Study Session BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan provides for an annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. The Community Development Department received 1 amendment proposal by the December 29, 2006 submittal deadline. The City of Spokane Valley has initiated 16 map amendments for a total of 17 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments. PROCEDURES! Application Period. Applications are due by November 1g of each year to be considered during the next calendar year amendment cycle. The Spokane Valley City Council extended the application deadline to December 29, 2006 for the 2007 amendment cycle. Submittals received after the deadline will be considered during the next annual amendment cycle. Staff Review and Report. Spokane Valley Planning Staff will review all applications and will prepare a report and recommendation to the Spokane Valley Planning Commission. The report will analyze how each proposed addresses amendment criteria established by Spokane Valley City Council in Ordinance 06-020. All application documents and staff reports will be available for public review. Planning Commission Public Rearing(October 25,2007). The Spokane Valley Planning Commission will conduct a formal public hearing on all proposed amendments. The Commission will consider amendments individually and will examine the cumulative impacts of all amendments collectively. The Commission will prepare one recommendation to the Spokane Valley City Council, including findings on each individual proposed amendment. City Council Review and Decision (December) Within 60-days of receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendation, City Council may choose to adopt the individual amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission, disapprove the amendments, or modify and adopt the proposal. If the Council chooses to substantially modify a proposal, they must either conduct a public hearing or refer the proposal back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. ATTACNTS: Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments Overview Map Table outlining Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments Copy of Power Point Presentation 11707 E.Sprague+Suite 106•Spokane Valley,WA• 99206 •(5(19)921-1000 •Fax(509)921-1008 2006/2007 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS FILE NO. PARCEL NO. LOCATION COMP PLAN CHANGE 1 ZONING CHANGE APPLICANT CPA-01-07 45261.0407 Sullivan and 16th Ave LDR to NC R-2 to NC NW Renovators CPA-02-07 45151.9010 Broadway and McDonald PQP to MDR CF to MF-1 City of Spokane Valley 45151.9012 CPA-03-07 45284,2030 Pines and 32nd Ave NC to HEIR NC to MF-2 City of Spokane Valley 45264,2013 CPA-04-07 45103,0261 Pines and Mansfield Road HDR to 0 MF-2 to 0 City of Spokane Valley 451 03.0262 45103.0263 45102.5057 45102.9074 CPA-05-07 55083.6401. Barker and Mission LDR to NC R-4 to NC City of Spokane ValleL CPA-06-07 45154.1717 Sprague and McDonald LDR to CMU R-3 to CMU City of Spokane Valley CPA-07-07 45184.0116 Broadway and Argonne 0 to HDR GO to MF-2 City of Spokane Valley 45184.0101 CPA-03-07 45181.1224 Cataldo artd Ar'onne 0 to HDR GO to MF-2 Cit of S•okane Valle CPA-09-07 _ 45153.1715 _ Pines and Olive 0 to HDR 0 to MF-2 City of Spokane Valley CPA-10-07 - Barker/I-90 Interchange To RC To RC City of Spokane Valley CPA-11-07 35124.2504 Nora and Park POP to LI CF 10 Ll City of Spokane Valley 35124 2606 CPA-12-07 45183.0405 Broadway and Ella HDR to 0 MF-2 to 0 City of Spokane Valley_ CPA-13-07 45033.9024 Pinecroft and Pines POP to MU CF to MUC City of Spokane Valley _ 45033.9042 CPA-14-07 45161.0246 Mission near Union POP to 0 CF to GO City of Spokane Valley CPA-15-07 45223,9210 McDonald and 12th Ave POP to HDR CF to MF-2 City of Spokane Valley 1CPA-16-07 55182.0103 Long Road and Mission POP to LDR CF to R-3 City of Spokane Valley ,CPA-17-07 45214.2531 Pines and 10th Ave. LDR to CMU R-2 to CMU City of Spokane Valley Department ofCorumunity Deoc-Inpmrnt -- Pistoling Di+rsion 2007 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments September 27, 2007 srpte bc?7•.2rm Czt &k xklPor .+�.*°�` xe�c75C.' Department of Community Development ". 1 katk, Manning Dh s on Cumprehensive Plan Amendments ■ Comprehensive Plan arncndcd annually ■ November 1s1 20015 cut off for applications (extended 30-days) ▪ Planning Com nission conducts Public Hearing (I 0125/07) • PC recommendation to City Council (November 2007) ▪ Council may accept PC recommendation or conduct their own Public Hearing ■ Council makes final decision (by December) ■ Appeals to Growth Management Hearings Board ■ Zone Change with Comp Plan Amendment crt.ouvm-,ism r$ vrranYe;.a-.r.-6m r I Department of Community Dexlelapmcnt _ .`':. y4.. Planning Division _ __. Map Amendments 5 17 map amendments s 16 staff initiated 0 1 citizen request 5cpaemhar=?.2.0n7 Cam r,1*irli+•r Plan Map Arsiendnurfa 7UC ^� Department of Community Development " :.` -: r"- 1x1 g, num Division ,*,�, Vicinity Map m 6 ut, , hqr i ..I p 4w•[-No_ .le .l5. C . i. I , C'PA-1E-07 17 I s r ... Irl,. ar.i.'L IQ 1..1! I..II. 4154.!.. _..._ __— - 411':r!. *Jumbo'c7,3O 7 Canprentt rc Plan Mcy Aicltr4Rhtris 2067 2 ---7 , ,--"-\-- Depart ni eni uf Community Devekprnent Siiikane Planning Divisinn k,:"-- 2006 Aerial Map • • ' . • _ -- - •Re.-- -11,... •lh ire .. ..... 1 14,,h CPA.-01-07 I tou : —. .-.-`•-7,--,--LAk.714.-15 , , ...„',-.. 7,1,24,:: '- .s•-• .', 4. er.S--- .0;1,2.,i :....--,....A r , .._.„ . J.,Iitt",. . ' 4 ;:,..4.--....,„ . 0,• • .. , ...,•,,„. ..„..,,, . , - ._ ,,, , • 7 . . . P414, .• ' -Noil.---..-1 .. . ._ .._. .._ .. _ Sepia-Sam- Y.241,17.' 1'4%4.am-hut Plan}Alp Amw4rnrfi1s.VIOT . . ,..,. .2----r-e›,--. Departnieni at-Community Development .. . _____.,_ Planning Division _ ,....P....t.a.,........ Comprehensive Plan ..C-PA.UQ-O7 • ._._,.._ / . - L+...-Prmir, frpuLlar 1111141 --- --- 30 nib TIP,mi..ri, 1 . •: _ . ' ---—I • Scpc rOm....1.2;.4:17 C.Dnvre).01,...t Plan Ho Lolielld Th.t1115-2CFP 3 -, Department of Community Development ' _.—w t, Planning Division Vicinity Map %4L. I 1 til I -! S. .�Ini•i 2 �� RS • ..L. I ...1r,n 1L rl.I 51,hi C - Jlal - .+'IW-f1a41 A. �m..1. .L ■ S. , I .11-1 _ .1 - Soj/ uibr+':.NTT Comprdl,mamt Pl.e Mi imr.ta'_CI° wanee Department of Corntnonit3r Development - _-__— -4. -_- ......°11. __ 1Vl ° __ PEannin.. Division 2006 Aerial Map A ,rrmi a .1._I.1. _ 'I ' '- ' . —` 1 li . J 4 Iq I I _ _F _ — ++-..:-'-re.'. 1 a.1� r;"'`� 1 et g: - Segtimbw 37,27 eprnprderaivx Plan Map Rrnla-dmmna y7 4 Suii4,ane` Department of CommunityDevelopment - ,,;c stat Mooning Division _ . .. Comprehensive Plan cpA4,_ 7 I k i, k tlp.11.l ruin.4+...1 rfC.'-9E� _ f Wal. C4F1\rLSYfS I 117 5:p1 WIlwr:',.:0']i r preliesv we Fan Mel Pmrdmrrs.'.I1 Deportment ofCorn.muniti Develaprnemt ; -_ • ,, —�_."'_ •Planning Division 4ti Vicinity Map • -- - -- - — g. ... _, 1 IT _ 3- .i:,2.,_- - s.. -_ 3 -L 411 - .. - UII I. gl _ .. to—._ - -- r.l - __ — .._ — -a,. 111;•. el „.11410. 4: _ _ 2 - w 11 sipmitex:y,:.pa? Campccnsns.vc Plan MaptirtlendmPPi fl1i 5 S-ptl --- Drportment of Community Dr.elopment - . -— -_-.- ..,..- kW Planning Division 2006 Aerial Map r..;,,i,. ...-,-. .'-. --, ,,-- .,..„ _, __, ,-._ tv.7.--4,„,---- CIPt-IIM17 Are. , ...4,1r 1 , . I 1Y.11 - -.2.. ...LE:T..r ,41ff.t.p.,:bli Alli-aijii-IN JR Al •4: -r-• ,r•- i % pi r --.-. ..„, .., .. ... M .,.,_ .,...... 1.,_ N . fr....3" IMS..11,4_ _ a - aitii4 re...t. j F Itar *_ - 1 P -. 4.r. c•a"- " .... =.1 _ ,I.Z...- — ..- - . PIEL1 MP r Unmn dm cus 20i1 Department ar Community Development ' — griika no _..... 'ivaL Planninz MASI MI %..lm..., Comprehensive Plan ,..., .,. , =mom i CPA-03-07— --. • , _ -- i i , _ arosi.tbenTatv 1 —_— 0 ,.. / 1, • _ — rrc Mireilip l nrotri, te.,.tilo- I. - ,. t - - , i II 2 Severntv:t 'gig, Carr,v,i,,,,-.. T Plt.r,Map km r.irmmi 7[II7 6 DuuartmeDi•of Carrtmnnity Development ' - - ltul Planning Di%isiaaa Vicinitymap m writ p I I- I q - I CPA-04-07 ;.. rel . I } L7.w w.. ., . 1 - 7 I'-s gnu --..- --- ..._ _ Dpimi _._ - E. Sep tun=77.2pp7 Cenprtbaerir.t PI u,MAP 43aadimon Nen 5nnbe— Dipartm nt of Community Development .r 3e41;y _Planning Division 1.c_ 2006 Aerial Map r i_f i c _ TS! W'"`: • ,, _ .�V �� k i, . : r'. "1 r 4 V.!...,:::. ry -; 'r. \it r � } 4. 4.LTAi477'1. r fr. ' kla . r { I 1SM fr r. i • Lt., a --moi GR 4 -.t' 1-'-''°d ' -- -'r meq 'I' F ► { tit : f R' . v ati ti. e -4-.,.4- • ' r fir, 1 `i r L - �±ytf.`�I, t1 "rte!`' i _.. 1 r•.'-' rr9 Cq,tbni—_- - CampyumnarupPINE Map.dmendmenuIO..:T 7 an Department nfCom munih Development lalIv, Plan aivisioa _ Compre .en ive Plan o 1 I re CFA-01-87 a R: sk -r r.m.,s_ _.. Go€nprz`'enpw Phan Mal 4ntodm ro[.;:ini Department of Community Develapmee# .. ' 1,3!k. Plannin• Division _�,. , Vicinity Map 5l 1 4 i 4y J 7 q ., 0 J iL.�T 'f CP l 115-lff ;`,1', T h,T+ f y� - yap, - _- -.,L.......1. _� — :moi- "111,,I.' - _ — Sep_tm6er:7,251.:7 Cntnprelurye.a Plat-'h ap Arno do talc 7 a Department ofComm unita-Des-elapment .; _- l5 I. PLM ni eg Divisiao _, ::krti._. 2006 Aerial Map ''rIL 4 �P�O�II'e %ay s - L''-,,;,)'Yj fit- II I-U' Ytl: L. St;piatnber ti'.20417 Coups-Oho*vr P]ee Mlp Arlandm unt"JAW 4PolaOrpartment of Community Develop®eat dal Planuiaig Division ,,,, Comprehensive Plan -:co.l=`- -„ ref F --- - - - - — -- 5 i 9 n 4. }t' !' # t:,(0.7:116--.1r'r!; ) .Y... .....-. ' -.—s-.— .4.II IIi.].-! u .� — nkatI:arMIio-uni I.rulaliu,rrIII.I t.; an IDepartm ntof umsnueit Dryt:ln mezal _ "`� Valle, Pia:Ming D visfo, .: ilx...1 Vicinity Map ±Lç -L.. . b'Y...r .., ;..m..- I ._.::6`� r vw :d ,..Il. F — i LIY 4 w _— r _- _ SrAr:mba=a.:WI Compre:: a Pkio MO Araenlmeses MIN r ; Department of Community Development ' , l:ilk-1 i lunnin,. Division _ 2006 Aerial Map AL ,F. 1 -._ r Sdreelbeir:7,sip Car.r,+rel ern r. Pim IAep Arnendmcnlls_0P 10 Department of-Conn:Luna) DO clop rn nt ......01kul . - planning Dili ision ..... Comprehensive Plan , ....... Ir „.... — -1 ) _ _ / 1 ..„.-‘,-,,.-,- -,„--'‘,--,,,...,,,,,...,.' ,-s,..,:sN, .,-.,:,,,,,.,-,k•.-,.... -,--:-,-,:i,-:t 1 - --,..„....„„...„ ..... ..,_ ..,,-.:::,,,,,,. :..-- -.•,,,,,,,,,,,..,_ .,......,-- --. --_--. .k..."-...,- -.%,„,:., •--- ' •.,.-_.,„--.,.,--,...--::-...-_,--,---„,::_,......,,,,... ,.„...N-.-:,..,...._------ -,..._---- ,.„--..„.. , -,....„,„ ..-- _,._....„...... , ....„.., __. %N.,,............NN. ''..-.•.;,..4,4k4.N...,...".,.. .....N... .,....:,,N.N.'Nk......-,:,,.,,,;,.,'..4,,%. 4.'.N.N.k.” . 'N. ''. '' .. ,' ..''''4„,\,,,,.....:6N.,,, •..,''''...,,..`" N.,,‘,,,,, .'',..., '4,-N.'k .....N. ...,"%.:44 .- -Z"k'..:"...."-,._•.‘..,',..„ ‘".--.K..‘,.. ...N't...M41,.- Sepcumber:1.2C10 Coenrelmrsrvc Flu Mxp Mmr-nel,mm 2uri — — Department of Community Development _ --- -7- SiKdone Pllnnirip;Divislm -,•"--.. .m..._ Vicinity Map - muimlim r. - --1- - :ii •_,"' P, r I .. i r _ . --- - - , - 4 CPA-97-417 '7 d ...., - - - ,, .. . _ __ .. . -, — - , . - __. — .— - - - :::....-- . . — ,..' _ z• . _ — _ %,JI.-... . -- ", '"•4=-a:- -:- -'-- ,, .L_, -:LI' =.71 - _ - -------'--4-.. _ I . 4' ;,..---- Scpicritqw:I.%7047 Cornrrrientive Pam iddainms 2501 1 1 Repan went of Community Sparaneelopment + Xai ?'la�aning DiVi ion 2.__ 2006 Aerial Map Tr .. , . , ..____ . . . . rr 9 or i d17 PT ate} IF •.3* IA 1..i -"I ' .. t I • tIdy . Me l 1 ``: 4gtember_7.2Dd7 CornprAtlrswc P:aai bhp P_Inaidennu X'L1' DepartmenlafCGmrnunitr'DtVeki�rnent ._-. -_. dalFianna-itL i‘`isilln Comprehensive Plan ; ._„7„,-0,;-,-,-...:-..... ,- -_--*-„.5-Ja mi.::,..,...„.... cr���-aa _ ;" fir / . f� _ - r _—. iwn rki I} Rnidhni I Stpste tf:.i,24'7 etinprrb nJ.'t PIi m Map Amend Trar.s.1b07 12 M, Department ufConisnunity'Del clop mcn1 7 Sivil1 t _ planning Division ---- kini Map ,- , , .Mil . CPA-11F-417 - ii: immainti_ , . . :.. , , imminomi .,„ 1 .. N. . .. 111 4 j inn t �- Septeaber27.3077 C-0mps_tccsrvePlea Mhp.klicradmoms= 5poa c< - Department of Community Development -..T,7 -R- �at y Planning Divrsinn - `; , , 2006 Aerial Map r - ---a: . ti k- ', rittib,...... -,,,,..._,,, .C]A.n p_. i.i IT . Awl, .t - £ _- — .. fir:____. T _PI- I ° -. � > z- i ce- L ..1n ,*T..�..1 Skint nir:'2:r Camplehrisi.4 PI n.S'ap 4mand:nenLs2.'L7 13 prpartmert of Cammunity Develapmenl - - Siinikarke ... 1n' _ Planning Division h::;ta."_ Cam •rehensive Plan .l SeplrrAct 27 20O7 ..-. C. prehERSI+e p.eII Mat.Senend]IGnrS s;l{n. ry` Dep.nrtment of Community DredDpmeat ' ,. . _ ''- .......010a1 ti.. Flarmira Dhis on Vicinity Map _. ._ ti�!lM _ - -- .. -.. Parr. u:'u•l i palM - 6,— I ' _ - Lt �W !; CPA-09-07 n..s r _ _ = 1 Ir -lal 1. Tz s r R m i J NI uJ r — RI, u.n.i Il �4 .� PIM, Irr .... _� II fl'h __ .4,III FJ 4. + 1r Allot ,. 1"9 r. r --_ —K. 111. 1 f ,.II...--nl 1 Wit s = y1 r=2.11,11 } {—- j� --�- r W..r Sopiti7kr27,:997 wmprehe1ireMin MuAraa+dmems2047 14 =•,.. - De p ad men!of Corformnit) Envelopment .__.... —. Soda ne .s.V ....... ‘al • Planning pi,E5iSbn - 2006 Aerial Aerial Map -,„ _ *L. : .,, - '4 ... • _ - "PI' 1;ftEr r .# u - _ '0 dA. '. ..• 1 3 : 3 Nal.l' 1E1 . ,... . 10la Ilt -• k __k_- ir ..ir ir. . . . F 1 1 . . V 7.54itril • . , • t4 --- -, _ • r `r " _ - - -. ... , •"? 4-.4- • forr4rellcailwe PIO Libp Aritilry,=n ,. Department of Coturnunrly D eveiop rn ern • *Blum .,:... ...... ). 1.11rw . PR ' )i7«igion _______ Comprehensive Plan ,-.... , - , 1•14.1.4., , - !VIII ,..d•-_, _..„,..... vs.I.Mil! ,-. r~...,,r,•Fii I 7•t e .1 II-.-rf.e:-.1,,,;:.';',":•.5.. r.r.',....' -2-1,-_ ,r,-.;'•',.:"...,--.. Ard ...§.- ....-IEVAX:.5,...,f....r. "..e------,••_. -,P--;_.--F--.1 WI-:-.W...•W--j•'---''' ..-'7,M,,,- _,.., "51-.t.',-, 0.,b,„.4..---e*,-).-;.-•,'-'"---->>.Pr-'...---dr-::;.0-W.,-,115,-,.. . • "-,.-4-,. 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'.I tttit t...e - c. I .- J f- I.. =' - [ J_ tii"u... 5 -I it -.i.. 1 S', �' 1,. Till - I+ rirl 11 �CPA-11i-07 .. .. v. rl .�J'` ( r.,....„il.vla II 1 1_,,_!1,•• 516. 1 ?f Uli .. •r – r' ' – .e AY. f d_ Svivrib,tr'7.nom Camp?Ybemdp,e KA Mip Amendoan[5 300 .. Department of Community Development u... - ._ Flannin_ Diva' kin 2006 Aerial Map .env I � 1V4' �a 4 , .• :, _ 'y j_ -�" Jam+ F� . I� RIn r r:--flits . r ;' �' S i yS r : I, was r- r' t—rrl�' s O ,`P7 !dry �Y'4,I' .F ' pZ -e,, 0, 1 BICE ff�r _ `.�.' r}-ter` : �"�"�i .11-i- J = ZI .i.". ''.- •.Vrti 1.. N-4-r.,-,.111 I fY ." S [... l 4p,r Ft. r�' 74'I'r`k . :r.---1 .-2-ETA-L11-4' ." r ; zsSrs• "1h ',P.-: '�'oi. E°FA LII 6` . -tt,+,5*z` tar r,+ s _ tf �Ir i-"'.Y ,n •1 ...J.r._y R > _ 1111 %�{ l -510 i"'..,,,,r .{A". f / 4'A"" 'e.}JTI,, f'-SJ"Ifi'/ !-f.1 - F ,�' .a . f//`f ,5 17ir,r. '",.✓ 1, .rrs ari+. ,,....:...4'_.•. ,g ,!j it -J r,> £ ..;1'4-::....;,70:,...,,,,p; I ee 1 ? ;':',.{.7:2,-$P7/./ r I,tr r e r' 1� ,tis . X1`3[ 1c � " , 'qty Imo!gem L` I0.rr., ''`rrf, .. p. r- k�tf•"� V r a r r. '� s li� Yr •"tar■ 5+.' :1,_:' 4:., 1 ! :&.• ti,`t,l f'Z.3 --eti i r ,P1E'Lr7 1! ,'Vim : Speanb r_7-37157 r'.,:Ip"A42191Vt Mill Map Amendment;2007 16 Department or Corr mainity DeveIopmeet `Sockunc kaik 1"IanrtiKt-Division :._s_ Comprehensive Plan rr 1_ . 1 Y 4 dcclu Iwir,. lid '—i,nr - t Y' — " ....2",:s ' -.^..."''''''',,NS,N.,:''''''..:..''."."'S,.. .4..\"7..,- N-NW -2•,t-s:'-7-S.F7rA.'• CI, z r in G . - - . F 7 + - -S.v Y - Septtg51wrr11 - CnnprchennvePlan IAaa.4.mu13mxrts_2vo- S ,--r-�-%�-- Department of Community Drw�elepmeni "" 17! K ' Y Mooning divisian �._�.. Vicinity Map - \I gar,-- - :=_=— ra:, _ 4 -h " -.CPA-11-07,_ —f i ...i._® . .. - _. I I .-r L' _, a _—, ,V r. — n I IN _�- _ = ` $epiemhar 17,21)11.9 Canwrehavv4+e Plan M. Ammdinl r}3Bf]' 17 • Dopartmeol of Community Development Spcia.ary_ - _......twi.a11,-. Planniul Dh ision -7.......nr._ . 2006 Aerial Map r"r.dr--r;J--••_ - 1- e...- -.1-ir . . i 7:: I, - I. . 10K-- 1 le... t. ,. -— - --, . .„(E 'Si.- 3-11/ „- - 1 .- Ift! . r.disiti .--------'-'---.-w..-4 ,- r" 1— 1iralt31[ p-r,,I „. ... J. ... , -... , ......-..9.6 r_.---- _- -- -,-, ..7!„..±„ L—nzi " • ,- - RN Er t" , ''''', : •-40•-. .. 4; i?ift 1, I p 1..•,.-r,-..r, k .r.i ;I: 1 , ---1 " ., ..-_,I 1 I . .' '' -at. ",„!! ,-. • --..-. .. 2: nr : -r- _.. 1, ".. i'illigli -1r :-VAII-1 . '.. ... '1-arra,' '-• , (orcoprol-a, ,1....hr 0 , e0.1 t...Ir Ir,'r .-..— Departmeni Glf Commusity Dm'eloprnent -Stielo\r - ......w al., Plannin: Division _. Comprehensive Plan _ --‘......,..*,,N..-, ,,...:„........„:„...-:„.... F.„,,,....„.„, ,-...,-; ,...,. .,,... .., ..".•-. ....,,..,,,,.::,..„---,..„-F...,.. .-:...,_-......N....„‘„._ - ,,--v, CPA-11-07- ''''''' ,:: :::',, ' '''''''.:NNN.: ',..„ ..•.„_ ‘. -'' '-'''''''''' 'A .N........,.... ''''...........N............ ‘...1,-L7',.. 17,, :, „ e....•^6W - -...4,4:,..... .',.,,. ".•..,..s ,,,,j''-',,N..‘.-._.....1: / ....,....7"4,,, _ -17... ',....... .N.1,...„,..,........,,,,., ,,,, -- - ..."-.-''''''N-- .','",-. .";...`-‘. •1 .11 '',......%tk,.....t....... ',....,,,,.. I ',,,,,, ,..... will ."-,......... .....,N. 4 I .. — Soiric-nbc-2/,.-..X7 Carop'rehareivt PIA,%Up 4.ndilitra 217101 18 "`---_ Department of Community Development ' `'e"..---_-'''. --- -- - iel_. _ Flannin. Division Vicinity Map ` r e. • ,.- — .,,,y1.._J 1 sN:,1p. -. i. —_ ., .. 1 • SITjtekiltrtr 37,71727 ectrmeeseniveP:-En& urkmailmcai&211[17 - I' "' Department of Community Development : Planning Division 2006 Aerial Map a .. s .. AN v • >/ ren. --.. - • 1 _ - 41.. • .: Stpimberr_7,3DP7 Cwr-pad+rni.e plan Aiv 4mm:I=rats 3CU"., I 19 Pii e � De tart�len4 8FCailnmunity De elopmcnt - 1a13Planning Division Comprehensive Plan <9m< .....I.11J 41. - ''''''''....'''''.•''''e... ......,.•.,•''..''":...r, ,....e,.,,,,__,,,,p.''''',..'''.'.-.' A. Il_a� 11lJ 1 Semembc 21.i"r C.parpr ebensive Plea Map A.mrmimtras DK sj �-- Department of Comrounit. Development - -='7'...-- lal • Planninz DM hion ` . ' Vicinity Map .Y— Ips_" j 7 L. >. .Y .n a iJ .. 'r /F' A 4, '''''.3 fr mri Irl _. .._ .. _ AL'.h.V ll' - — • StpremSc:_.:7.7 Camprel-srziu-e PI o Mop hn,ndmems 71457/ 20 Department of Cemmunit} Development ; - _.....A-Viii k Martin. Divu ion .,.a_ 2006 Aerial Map t'-.. c. x, - M1 \ r 1 1 1 1 ti-;.1icrir._:._;1s' CamOretencrrr KIM Map.9aie1r3nnaYtF 36:7 Department of Community Deveiopmeet - _ 3Oki ti Comprehensive Plan a ,.---,-.---c, CP4.-13.071 fir• r{-' r41 /Jam 1--;.---- ' ! Y �� t F ! --r ]• - ._i - - N 7 P.I1I / (c..ieonnl I1.,i. ,111P w:4., Fa_-:7..21:7 Campre_Fim .a PI pr.LihI.Am eMr.i:s"0LI7 1 21 - department of Cnmmunit)- Deticelapment 61 • Plannin_Division Vicinity Map d lr�drra 1.-fia ici-- – 4lbltlp<`R� - �— C?_A-1U417 �� '' ___:- 1 -, -,..suf. . = / e i ci::ci _1.. 1.,..1 1 - — : .. - - _ 1 F— ,,:nwy-II—_: — — — I - - 'S,ai"---.. - " aha? = -- -- __ - —. St•,kw.bcr?7.,:toi7 ComprG,sn_uvt PI=Map Amanita= 7 sixiikanc '� Deparirneni.of Cammunit);Development '"" - _ La1tie, Piarinin• Dhisitn . v 2006 Aerial Map _ TO 4, 4 . ......: .,,..,.,,7,7.1........_._, __.-- 1 ._. . _ . .ii. - . .. . .„. i . _ _,: ,... 111 r ,h # - , 11 1 . _ =.i_ . L 4-A - 4pleniNtr'-7.21:47 ClRpeciin.nRi%t Pisa Msp AmmidavEms AC17 22 Department or Caronauniry Development Thinning Dis isiun ,...;1.1."1...... Comprehensive Plan -,C.''''"'''.'-.•.''r.''''..,..,,...,"....'''....„.„..,'-...... ....,....,.r,.,,....r"'.''-:'. ..e............ ..,,''''''..,.,.••°'......'....,,.e...,•:........... _.-•-<'''..•••—". .1,../ ...,,,.......... ...r.;..... C PA-1447 .-Tr,..•,''''' ,-------'",.•--,„.3-r.;•,"...:::'-',.,,,.. ,..';.7-. ,,-,-,-,.r..%,.....,...L.,.1.,--r'r--":-. r"•-''' ...e:t j:.—X. r-..•-•,.- t-ir.-,. ,..".;.-1;'-;:"'-f:,•"_r'_.;•'-,r. , ---.:"›-.-...-..5.01;s...--;'-"...,-;`...,••••'''';''-'-.._..••••• 1 I I F_ds."'l s'-r-, '-'-., - ,,>,-,... -. — ' r,..„.........- e—..-- 1 "N"I-'.'" -''''''',... .„. e•'''''.- ......" ... .";......... ... r . __-0,, _.....- .... ..e..- — 0.,_„...,, 1 .''''''''''"--.-r--- _ — -ki..wheli H : - ---.__ Swicra=27.:1017 Carortlins..e Ptri Mop Arrendrrwu;11:01 . .• ....• . --- Department of Community Development ' •. • -:_ .... -.. . ...00..IF la . ,- Planning Div-rsion ...:,..a.u...... Vicinity Map --/ __ 1 ,. li.• • ."..' : ,...j— ,... • 'I '• - 77 '- _ A , 1 . -- _ILL 1 .. . 7., _ . . .,, • . , ,. . , _ .7 _ • A _ ' — ..1',A--, " • 5 cp•Lernbr 27.1%7 Comprthcasi...a Plan Map Araand.--mnw 2•TV7 23 Department of Community Development 7 - ulkA _ , Manx:Aug Division 2006 Aerial Map . . • __-_ _ • )' 1_ . I f • — I - 1;.; •- . 1 . - • 1- \ . ' Se pitenbee CuceprzhamiweNiii Nap,uncinInnens'24in Department oil-Com m unity Derdopmeni ' Sii4kuPP Vat kv • Planning Division _ Comprehensive Plan C?A-I.5411 Q- I . = 1.41.1,1..,11110 I 1-.1.h, ,N a • • •--- DeFneonbar 22, Clomprohmirt Pin MET nx-n6rntrrt$ 24 c D partrnen1 or Comm Lrnilly Development - -- - ,‘,....: ?tanning Division I Vicinity Map - — 1CPA-16-07 — p.,,--- _ I I ,e — - .- 7 i . .. .. II-L— • 1 r g _j 10,1.4.1 E I. . ' b.• - 1 I- ir...iy• — .--——- '‘„,,__. — .— Sep=Inv 2- NO' Cnraprahtnive Elm!dap kintridel mu MO sp64,2mee'N--.. ' Department of Community Develor.rnent 'lirrligiNr. „,,,..0-ka Planning Division .. :`.,.t......,... 20D6 Aerial Map . _r. _.„.,...,...;fl,,.” ' ,'',-,.....,11,,,,,,,,;,,, , .,,,t.,••-,••••ri _ --ii-.,, .. ..., ,. ,.-_,...•1 -,-- , - •, - , ,, - ,. • --.7-:. '',,,;,.•e -...- , 414,e).. ,,,,..-y, __ . -- CPA-I.6-ri 1.......6.--...6.,- - - .1d....1,01 -,4'.-1 - -L...,- '2-54,;.-- p , I I/11mm All 5 . 1 / - -. .. . . 4 . - ti. • . . . . ,. - ... 1,- .•-• .,, . ...i... -. , — - - 4 ,• - .. , .•., -. ., l'Ar - ". '' ... Sppi.vnbv';'_/.ME 7 COEllp rrlensi,r,p Arremirgrar Z.20.7, 25 r Departmeai of CosarnlunsttiT BrveLoprnen# - Ptanning Divisiian - _Lay.__.. Comprehensive Plan CPA-117' I' Anrne. F.r airs i lyd ]anal.{wa: '41N i 3e;+lanbw '.=af:7 r.om.-1-6_r.:-r_Nam Mep hrnedlelrrm.2 IA 7 Departmrni of Comm unity Development - }'" ' 4 P]anniu iiinsio-ra ....:11.1m......._ Vicinity Map ri ----"q... CPA-17-47' — i— J nen I•a. .- - er. r all I ;i r i-i t __ i i— A. .R 1_.... ....l'� f Ali 1k SapMn'7,L'7,:.0E. Canprelatan.t Plu:Map Amendrrenec YpD7 26 DepartmritofCom rnLan it) Developmer Sorikkhr AF.ry Planning Di'.isicin _.._ 2006 Aerial Map CPA-17-07 $ . p ' { t.- 1 1 _,,�} _ r 'r� 5epte:etiea?71..LtG7 Cmaprelienvie Pio MK.Um,,emer¢¢s:1G7 Departmeat of Comrnnnitt'Development y .ti _-.. w_ =`_. t5]kg Planning DM n . __ Comprehensive Plan k wte — r .r 4 . _ .N.,------,,,, I , _,,. .._.._ _ _.... _ .......,...,, . .,,.. , .. ::,:.,....., .. 4x Pr.:r ' ItNir.r.. _..„„,_,. ...„.„:„ .N. _ _ .„,.. ,......,,,-,.....,,,. ,..„,....6_ -,,,,-6 ,-,,,,,, -- .,,,,,,T, ,...„...,...., , , -N SepLemh■r 27.MO Carrwaheesvt Plan Map hme:niraemc 3n." 27 Depsrtmeui of Camown ity Det.eiopmen' �.'-_y" i8C111C[CF Di '[SICII �__ . Text Amendments . Capital Facilities ▪ SRTC — Arterial street plan — Bike plaza aenseibex 17 R?7 Campreirraive PI3ra Map AO:Kea:AU.:.:407 28 SjO1ie ....00Vailey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99706 509.921.1040 + Fax: 509.921.100 i cityhallkspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mayor and City Councilors From: Gail Kogel, Chair-Spokane Valley Planning Commission Date: September 27, 2007 s Re: Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation: STV-1 3-O7 BACKGROUND The City received an application requesting the vacation of approximately 750 lineal feet of First Avenue and approximately 265 feet of Sipple Street from adjacent property owners, The date of the hearing was set by City Council on July 24, 2007 via Resolution No. 07-013, Notice of the .nearing was published on July 27, 2007 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on Juy 27, 2007, On August 23, 2007, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive testimony concerning the requested vacation. The Planning Commission continued the public hearing until September 13, 2007 to receive additional information from the City's Senior Traffic Engineer. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department and heard presentations from the applicant, planning staff, and Senior Traffio Engineer. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the First Avenue and Sipple Street as proposed by the Applicant based on the following Findings and subject to the Conditions contained herein: FINDINGS '1. The City Council set the August 23, 2007 public hearing date at their July 24, 2007 meeting through adoption of Resolution No, 07-013. Notice of the hearing was published on July 27, 2007 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on July 27, 2007. 2. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 23, 2007 to receive testimony concerning the vacation of approximately 750 feet in length of First Avenue and 265 feet of Sipple Street. The Planning Commission continued the public hearing until September 13. 2007 to receive additional information from the Senior Traffic Engineer. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department in detail, 3. The Planning Commission determined the streetlaliey would permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance, 1 of 3 4. The Planning Commission determined that allowing the street vacation would better serve the public considering the vacation would allow Appleway Chevrolet./Toyota AutoNation to redevelop their site creating a financial benefit. 5. The Planning Commission determined that the street was no longer required for public use or access based on testimony from the applicant's representative stating that it is used by the public but not required. 6. The Planning Commission stated that the narrowness of the street, the safety to the public, economic development, and pedestrian safety were all considerations used in determining the street vacations, 7. The Planning Commission concluded that the public was already using Vista Street and Sargent Street and believed the extension of Sipple Street would riot be more useful to the public. 8. The Planning Commission determined that conditions would not change in the future to provide a greater use or need for the subject rights of way. 9. The Planning Commission determined that the general public would be in favor of the street vacations. 1 O.No objections have beer received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to agencies. RECOMMENDATION The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council that the requested vacation of Sipple Street and the vacation of First Avenue be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The following easements will be retained for all necessary underground and/or overhead utilities. The specific location of easements is a requirement of the record of survey a, Sewer: There is a public sewer running in the right-of-way of First Avenue, The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. b. Water: East Spokane Water District No. 1 has a 1 Q" main line that runs down Sipple Street and First Avenue. There is an 8" line running half way down the strip. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. c. Telephone/Fiber Optics: Owest Carrmunications has several telephone lines adjacent to Sipple Street with services crossing the right-of-way. There are no fiber optics lines within the right-of- way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. d. Gas and Electricity: Avista Corporation has electricity and gas lines within right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. e_ Cable Television: Comcast Cable has infrastructure within the right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. 2. Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1; The City of Spokane Valley Fire Department has the following requirements for this street vacation; a. A 20-foot clear fire lane must be established in the street's place. b. The existing fire hydrants must be accessible from this fire lane. c. The fire lane must remain open after hours. No car may be parked either by patrons or for sale in fire lane. d. This fire lane must be clearly marked with "No Parking-Fire Lane' signs posted on both sides. 2 of 3 e. Lane surface must be painted indicating that this is a fire lane, 3. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes end bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. The record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor, The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a Mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation. 4. The surveyor shall locate at least twc monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County Standards for Street and Sewer Construction, 5, All necessary easements shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation from all utility companies is required to be submitted to the Community Development Director, or designee verifying all easements have been indicated, 6. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title, 7. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 8. A certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk in the office of the Spokane County auditor, 9. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Approved this 27th day of September, 2007 Gail Kogle, Chair 3 of 3