Agenda 10/25/2007 SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS -CITY HALL 11707 E.SPRAGUE AVEM E OCTOBER 25,2007 6:00 To 9:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE liL ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 23, 2007, Sept 27 2007, Oct_ 11, 2007 VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII, COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS—PUBLIC HEARING, COMPREHENSIVE FLAN AMENDMENTS OLD BUSINESS X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF GAIL KOGLE, CHAIR KATHY MCCLUNG, DIRECTOR ROBERT BLUM, 1110E-CHAIR GREG MCCORMICK, PLANNING MGR, AICD FRED BEAULAC SCOTT KUHTA, LONG RANGE PLANNER, AICP JOHN G. CARROLL MIKE BASINGER,ASSOCIATE PLANNER, AICD DAVID CROSBY CARY DRISKELL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY !AN ROBERTSON DEANNA GRIFFITH MARCIA SANDS WMN.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Review Meeting Date: October 25, 2007 item: Check all that apply: 0 wnsenk ❑ old business ❑ new business 114 public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2007 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments —Public Hearing PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: Planning Commission had a study session on September 27, 2007 BACKGROUND: The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan includes an annual amendment cycle that runs from November 2nd to November -16t of the following year. Applications received prior to November 1 st are considered by the Planning Commission in late winter/early spring of the following year, with a decision by City Council in late spring/early summer. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment schedule is not in accord with the timeline mentioned above due to the time demand involved in the adoption of the Uniform Development Code (UDC). We anticipate that the Planning Commission will review the following Comprehensive Plan Map amendments and make a recommendation to City Council by mid--November, All parts of the Comprehensive Plan can be amended during the annual cycle. The Community Development Department received 17 requests for site-specific Comprehensive Plan amendments for 2007. Sites that are approved for a Comprehensive Plan amendment will automatically receive a zoning designation that is consistent with the new land use designation. NOTICE: Notice for the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on October 5, 2007 and each site was posted with a "Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a description of the proposal, and a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) determination. Finally, individual notice of the proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each amendment. SEPA REVIEW: Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA — ROW 43.21C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan amendment. Under SEPA, amendments to the comprehensive plan are considered "nen-project actions" which are defined as actions involving decisions on policies, plans, or programs that contain standards controlling use or modification of the environment. Additional environmental review may be required for the actual development of the subject properties. 1 of 2 Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each comprehensive plan amendment request. Determinations of Non-significance (DNS) were issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendments on October 5, 2007. The DNS's were published in the city's officia[ newspaper on October 5, 2007 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSALS: Comprehensive pian amendment proposals are organized into individual reports consisting of application materials, staff reports, comprehensive plan maps, zoning maps, aerial maps, vicinity maps, transportation maps, and letters submitted to date to assist the Commission's review. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, AICP, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: CPA Applications Individual Staff Reports and related maps 2 oft CITY Planning Commission pone Sign In Sheet .00000Valley' rii,LIVED DATE: I ! SPOKANE VALLEY LPtf'r.I :.f 1 kirl- CCM!AMITY i)i-`. 'FLOPMF9T I I NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS WISH TO SUBJECT - E-MAIL SPEAK? (1/ 17 . ., -- �5 kl ( -1Q- L-ikJd-i , 5/ c a ■« pk.4, its z S . -4..,: C 6'1 -(17 0,161 I eti %s ct i.. .4_ ---‘4` 1,r'.1:3, -\. `Cr (-V Q . 1_C.r C- ' — 7 ,.,Sill tivon' c cc IV C J i r,;2 E_.. R L . L C 17 A do Dry 7 V/ 41 I '!r! G 1h19,e. R14- - P,— O7 -07 a ,'AM' , 1-r''Ls. 2-11? s . 0 e,yiCT -"'-D % - D ) 1/,>Po Ce.,--X c5;-;74f---'/V , r7tPS- E- alia.:,Q,C._ /Ai (A/Zi-2___,)SSI CfiA -zi /-67 V k\A ''''' 6v',0s .\. NNPaOic•N'gc6 ,L.:\5-Lki\ja q_ 61:1n.,.) Cti)4.) -01 -0'1 , /Vic-t 1S3/ Z- 40 ~ 0/ - 7r' }a e Si e n n e c_ b.r f.ie 4 it e y .vAi Iii:.) /6 7-- S/l, r rl�r-� Vi "04 le_ ) co,---c-ac .1-)4. --et J t �1 SCITY Planning Co chane Sign In Sheet I, y RECEIVED 4000 DATE: / 7. ;rT LTCF iT NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS WISH TO SUBJECT E-MAIL / SPEAK? t. _x.)10, Fol. , _.. Pio/30 Lf _ vz,L, r r i -.7 4,e,,. !° 1 : e/f"t f^ t..f+'I.-c., til. N k'e. r/! pi).,,,,,,,,,a. r'-'::r / L'u'A-gi i; Kst41-0 6-rkt {f, - 15206,206• l— r) l !fin c 61.l dfr ,, .ce'xJ && L-zo ]j, S. , : ,L42,4,2S No - 6l.e-lit e. +, .!'9.I4f V � C 1`',Qf G7�U.. . 3'f-. CL '- i_v (:). I r. f .0 )1.l. 17i 7v- (".y. 67;1-.r2- � [ VL1 j • 11 V Ai,A g IC T4to K iT5 5 5-/ C 44.- el ,,,,4_,,,,--6 '.4,---:-.,/e4-7-407 fI1f7 �° FFFeIf ( 3.-:.-;?,g i ( — L0 J) f 1!r?{ C_ f'9 c) :--C"---:7 `'r� j 11< # `1l V j3-79,, e 1rc 40.9) Ai o f ' 0' . orils,,,,,,,,,_,z, _„ -\,,,,, -- PlanrnngCommission SiiiikaneValleyr�si In sheet .0,00 DATE: I'°45--0-7 NAME (PLEASE Miff) ADDRESS WISH TO SUBJECT E-MAIL SPEAK? Dick, - _51?-iA' 7 /'k/ k' / : jr' . , Ci . 1! b e-- r 113).44 4, 11„(6,e_i-s,- /1?_50 2_, L hi,.., „,,,6,:, o -Ft pi ,,L- gpil lifatrtrw_ II 6,2-5- IF if et' 4 4/0 .r. 4 vi'-! 11)6.e-- (it C31, C71/1 41 a r.uh 41 -/1 : 6-k' /fil ` ° r. /.5-1-`) ia `g i4 L. ; Y ,A9061(:1 r 4 4/ y PlanningCornrnission Sign In Sheet .0,000Valley® - o7 DATE: CIDA!333E1 NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS WISH TO %113.,IIECT E-MAIL SEE K? /1/: ; S 7 0 15 ir/ /577,6 ` Zi ; p �T �F Planning Commission Sign In Sheet 4.000Valley® DATE: it) - -07 NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS WISH TO SUBJECT E-MAIL SPEAK? f jJ6/4'3-, f 02_ d A r I, . `c ,' 5',.4.0. � 5 5 C1TYO� PlanningCommission a Sign In Sheet 400.10Salle DATE: - - NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS WISH TO SUBJECT E-MAIL SPEAK? V/f-Y—jirmisciv ', a (ems 0f-9 (DhRierip,cie4d› cyc !, L 4 Lr clira CITY OF -_ PlanningCommission one i gn In Sheet .0,00Salle DATE: ; C - - r)7 NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS WISH TO SUBJECT E-MAIL SPEAK? f • /1(.• A � ON - 1;9- -".#--4127 `..J 2 k . ] f 71 °+ q/ir'wi„, C7- 4.r` 2 Oh Vec II1 * . if 4e i_(,s • -IIIFAIIIIIIII ' l'i--- j----- ; 1 PlanningCommission Sp""ciliane Sign In Sheet V .11 DATE: 0 - - -7 NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS WISH TO SUBJECT E-MAIL. SPEAK? - _} srCa / , / o ,a m 7 - 1i- 06( MW csyl. { 00 6t1&12 e7//(/ 11((4 h i` ! 1 '. VAe7 /71:471t4 s — 11./71-ig 5/4 FAVKAVO 7,55' C--4611/7••--7/"F RECEIVED Good Evening, OCT X107 SCpE VAY COMMUNITY DEVE PMENT My name is Lisa O'Kelly and 1 reside at 1521 S. Century Rd, Spokane Valley, WA. Which is located on the NW corner of 16t and Sullivan directly across from the parcel of land that we are here to discuss. Let me begin by saying that I have lived in my home since 1994 and I have been a witness to the growth in our neighborhood, and that is exactly what it is a neighborhood. A residential community of homes filled with families, churches, grade schools, junior high schools, and high schools a]I within walking distance of the area that you would re-zone commercial. Your proposal to change the designation from Low density residential to Neighborhood commercial is unacceptable and misleading. Your term "Neighborhood Commercial" is a term sugar coated to deceive people into thinking that what you are trying to build is good for our neighborhood community. We do not need another Espresso stand, Mini Mart, Colnvience store, C-store or any other alphabet store selling alcohol and gasoline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, when just blocks away there are at a /ninimzun, two Espresso stands, four Mini Mart/gas stations on Sullivan alone already serving that purpose, not to mention a major grocery store which in the last year has begun selling gasoline. How aboutthe increase of crime that is associated with the Mini-marts, C-stores? In all of my 13 plus years of living atmy home I can honestly say that I have never witnessed any police vehicle in my neighborhood with lights flashing and people sitting handcuffed in the back seat of police ears but I have lost count of how many times I witnessed that exact event at the various mini-apart and c-stores that dot Sullivan. What about the impact of underground tanks for the gasoline? How about the loitering? Another aspect that is just as horrifying to me is what you propose would allow anyone in the proposed re-zoning area, if they had a mind too, open a "auto body shop" out of their garage, a re-cycling plant in their back yard, or what Spokane needs one more of ...another unattractive strip mall. Re- zoning and calling it neighborhood residential gives a green light for just about any type of business to open with little or no say in what is opened. Would an adult store be next? I can not understand what your reasoning is to take an intersection such as l5t and Sullivan and make it an even more dangerous and potentially deadly intersection for the sake of another gas station, mini-mart, and or espresso stand. Don't underestimate us... voting citizens to sit quietly by while you, the city counsel approve a change which is not in our communities best interest. RECEIVED October 25, 2007 OCT 2 5 2007 Spokane Valley City Council ]E�RTMENT VALLEY Re: File#Cly -01 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Dear Sirs, I am a single mother, finishing raising the last of my five children at our home on S. Century Road. We have owned our home for nearly 12 years, and the proposed change of zoning directly across the street from our house is absolutely horrifying. It will create an extremely unsafe situation for the kids and families that live in our community. We purchased our home when the area all around our neighborhood was fields, with some homes with horses and other rural kinds of acreage, One of the reasons we moved to our neighborhood was the peace and quiet, yet reasonably near to schools and shopping. Over the years that situation has changed dramatically, with homes and schools surrounding us. We fought for and got a traffic signal at the corner of 16'h and Sullivan, as it was, and is even more so becoming a very dangerous intersection. The traffic on both Sullivan and on le Street has so greatly increased along with the growth of the area. Every morning as people going to work, the aids and parents from CVHS and both city buses and school buses crowd the streets trying to get to their destinations on time, the traffic flow clogs the intersection and accidents occur. If you allow a commercial enterprise, such as an Espresso stand proposed by the owner of the property,you will be creating a traffic nightmare that will not only endanger our neighborhoods, but will also endanger the people (including school kids) who walk that area daily. Our street will become the favored short cut to the coffee stand and our quality of lifewill be destroyed. Our property values will fall, and people who have lived in this neighborhood for many years will sell their homes and the neighborhood will deteriorate as is seen in other areas where this kind of situation occurs, I am disabled,and at home most of the time,and I can tell you that the traffic sounds already are intrusive and constant. Please don't add to that and destroy all that I have struggled so hard for so many years to build, and to leave to my kids. Please don't turn my neighborhood into a commercial zone and ruin our community. My home is all I have, and I can't just sell and move away, and I don't want to! We are not in need of any more commercial ventures intruding into established neighborhoods. Our homes range from $175,(}00-over $300,004 in this community. We have pride of ownership and don't want to lose that to commercial intrusion. Please help us and say no to destroying our neighborhood, Sincerely, Donna DuRee 1512 S. Century Road 1NN3WdO1N 20 LJN qMOO NAM 3FltIdS Petition of 03A13031t1 We, the undersigned citizens of the Spokane Valley announce our united opposition for the proposed change of zoning to allow any commercial development of the area located on the SW corner of 16th Street and E. Sullivan Road (FilePA-01� 07 Spokane Valley, Washington.on. 5ea We strongly oppose the placement of any mini-mart/gas station or ANY other commercial concern, related to the resultant and completely unwanted increase in traffic, noise, intrusive lighting, crime (loitering, pan-handling, vandalism, theft etc) and reduction in property values which would certainly occur. We located in our neighborhoods to avoid such intrusion and desire to continue without further commercial invasion. NAME: ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER e ' =, i 3-071"„ ier /cx wi9 -4 7 a d.-2S- .. L2,174- 3`-1+61 l_ ckI - r )3k, _ ..._ i 2fo l 414 ;4+ Cifte,r OL-w.36, . atiLtA;., S M S. SG - /e3 — L15,6 / - - 4,4f .IL 1675Y _57L, y , 9 -0 67 . L k►. � t RECEIVED OCT 2 5 2007 Petition We, the undersigned citizens of the Spokane Valley announce our united opposition for the proposed change of zoning to allow any commercial development of the area located on the SW corner of 16th Street and E. Sullivan Road (File # CPA-01- 07) Spokane Valley, Washington. We strongly oppose the placement of any mini-mart/gas station or ANY other commercial concern, related to the resultant and completely unwanted increase in traffic, noise, intrusive lighting, crime (loitering, pan-handling, vandalism, theft etc) and reduction in property values which would certainly occur. We located in our neighborhoods to avoid such intrusion and desire to continue without further commercial invasion. NAME: k ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER c - „ rti 'OJT' E, ' 360V a 4 i 99e3 2 tr- 4 C-±-2\ () C\ , 1 q 1 C lc-17'\ 1 ' - 5po v rA uvl L 'loci- 9 f• r,, RECEIVED OCT 2520W October 25th, 2007 ori RfiMENI OF To Whom it May Concern: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT This is in regards to the•concerning proposition of building commercially on the corner of 16th and Sullivan. When we purchased our home three years ago on the corner of 15th and Century, we were told that there wore no plans for any building across from us. We • bought our HOME for the simple reason that we can live in this home for the next 20-30 years and never have to move and so that i count run my home based business of an in home daycare successfully. Our property line is exactly 121ft. from the property in question, We did NOT receive any notification and anyone within 400ft of the proposed commercial zoning is to be notified of this change, We did not receive any certified notification as our neighbor who lives direcetly across from us did. The proposed commercial development would impact our community in a high fashion with the result of increased crime and vandalism, increased littering and loitering, and increased traffic. This would also personally impact my home business due to increased noise levels which in turn will wake the children, decrease our ability to go for walks to the local park, and put parents at risk due to high traffic volumn. Northwest Renovators is being reckless and irresponsible to think that we as a community would welcome with open arms anything but a single residential home on this lot. We were given the excuse that a residential home would put that family at risk by backing into traffic. However, looking at this with open eyes will clearly show that increasing traffic on this corner due to a coffee stand or mini mart would highly increase anyone's chance of being in an accident. We have many young school children that walk to the local high school and middle school's that would be directly affected and would increase their risk of just simply walking to and from school safely. There are several abandon buildings and lots up and down Sprague that are specifically zoned for commercial with one anticipation in mind, that is a commercial area. A coffee stand and or mini mart or any other commercial building simply does not belong in a residential community. We are already infested with enough coffee stands/mini marts/gas stations that start 8 blocks from this area. - - Bottom line, a commercial property has no place in a residential family based community. These are our homes, our investments, and our lifestyle and we simply do not wish for this proposed change.--- Sincerely, Justin and Sonja Bakonyi 1520 S Century Rd 589.891-9313 RECEIVED OCT 2 5 2007 Petition • COMMUNITY T AVELL PMEHT We, the undersigned citizens of the Spokane Valley announce our united opposition for the proposed change of zoning to allow any commercial development of the area located on the SW corner of 16th Street and E. Sullivan Road (File # CPA-01- 07) Spokane Valley, Washington. We strongly oppose the placement of any mini-mart/gas station or ANY other commercial concern, related to the resultant and completely unwanted increase in traffic, noise, intrusive lighting, crime (loitering, pan-handling, vandalism, theft etc) and reduction in property values which would certainly occur. We located in our neighborhoods to avoid such intrusion and desire to continue without further commercial invasion. NAME: ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER { 'I 7J , if 264 �'}' } i ('.. Si. e 9 '/ AU-11114--- "* �,„i. ►_ r�__- 990,-; - ? ' 15 fist/MEM f , f I c JL5 I � ,L ,��/ �-Anne �!.ti �..11_.. i/ fF(.. a gal)- 'r 72 ,;\ . E * \ 5 ob - ` `_2. RECEIVED OCT 25200] Petition DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT We, the undersigned citizens of the Spokane Valley announce our united opposition for the proposed change of zoning to allow any commercial development of the area located on the SW corner of 16th Street and E. Sullivan Road (File # CPA-01- 07) Spokane Valley, Washington, We strongly oppose the placement of any mini-mart/gas station or ANY other commercial concern, related to the resultant and completely unwanted increase in traffic, noise, intrusive lighting, crime (loitering, pan=handling, vandalism, theft etc) and reduction in property values which would certainly occur. We located in our neighborhoods to avoid such intrusion and desire to continue without further commercial invasion. NAME: ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER a • w 5 9Z 5063 ' I - ad • g1/-?2 ..' ' A i - 7 '' :� 1 1' t tI. _fix 5 / - # ,- eri E - dir vi-k„ • i I 1 _ 1 1 1 ; ' I 1J •__......._. , , , , L , . _57. li ...Z la.t ‘40 : 7 I I 4:::41A 1 : kl , if,"_ I L .? 14',-41/1/qA.f," , A 141e:" 60"AC"pi 4.4;i d ":"" 4191:0,1e,44-0,410./e4,174 .0O4roll!?:1._ _ L__. I " 1 1 _1°7 / 7 0 1 t , ..,Cied,t 0 fraii, V 4:/17 - 4(.4a- I? 7' 1 1 I . 1 1____' L /4'741 /49vIre 4,kr •:_i;;I f elAi ' ', ! 1 ____LL •------ ——--------- IWe!.,/4 i , d, 1 4 I I • eLe-pee 1,61 orj,iee:A I CA." ij.e.o_ ,.AF te;;d' c;i''' a4pee LH . _. _ _ Li Li ils, "fee I •1 .___ do /Le' d/ .01,.:71„. „..e er,47„›- i 1 t 1 L I_ . , 1 1 . , I : _._. ._, , , , I 1 I __. 'fi ,p1.1: . 6_,. /e . , !, • , 1 ,..__ A/e",„ , kt.14. FF41/.64 1,. '''...?7, — ---- [ I ' ' ' , • , • • . .,_,- :71- ,___ _ .."- C eqr it/0_ _ 1- [ " 6 a4 A-7 e a 4.- I- jee_:47 --.e .9/ ' /.1(.61. 414 !gild i&.11--- — 1 1 11-0 K V 1.cle't cZ / ee-.I'A'101 e )-c, ik / ..Z,' fie ' • ' I I ti ' I • , ' ' • . . . , .1..... , ' I , i -1 ....v. .., .1 ._L___I,J., _,.,.s3 __ vpa)7e-di 71-D ' r icv: --...:, ii-fyjeec,I 47,Ice, 7 leompfri el, .,P4.- i 1 i , — I 1 . I ' , ! • ,._ _ — $.___ . ; • i LI : . _ - 5-71 1 i eo--e-f-,---f-r-e- • , , _ • , 1 1 I___L_ _ . I I - - 1 , 1 1 -'r-- ' I 1 I • ___... ! I I I I ! ___.___________7 ____, , i ! III ' ! - . : . . _ --.-- -'-.---—-- - . --. -1----- . ._ , . . - '--,r.----r-4--- . RECEIVED ----,;— 1 F . ..J __ OCT i 8 2601 r r- : . , . I ______. , ,_ , SPOKArq vALLEY — . ..-- .' . , • : DEPARTMENT or " ' I ._ __._ 1 . .:__ ..'. _ . • • _!! COMMUNIT4 DEVELOPV.7,-..-_:_- __ _ _.___._ L__ . 1 I - I I . .._.._ • I , 1 1 .. .. , 1 I I . . i ' 1 WITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION ATTORNEYS&COUNSELORS L BF-IIT L YfF:04Y1D. rlL011.d,arse P4RT1 14FA7 OFFICE i I Q0 U.S,B AMSC BUMEIING COEUR U•ALEHS OFFCE ittrMru 1 1144•• 1515 SW FIFTH AVER E.SLATE 65U 422 WEST RTh ERSIDE AVENUE rtQ SPO4CEE 01 REVIEW I.la7[IO P THOMAl 4.44 L.r POEI AND.eagEO 157161 ti1n a J YFRIFU J ILPAJ I W,3LTTE 401 7144414.1113 eMORMP Tckfhtesc�(103)546,7391 SPOKANE,WAS PENOTON 99201-0300 OUtLIP EYA rrt,wou-0e e11114i nuAs661 4x'W74N Ns.(RS 34.7 614 , TcI p}.a. NEI h 7-I ( KAMM R.Vfa19",F' Te.leph®11a:(50 }d�4-S�6.5 Frr(S4)61.4-B4? JF.TF26W 4YIIPPMEW Fax:(369)49-2 72S ILEUM WLIINIRI IL.DS Fabled!.K.araR_N B RIV4T LwaI,1' 16'64WW1,W10M+• ' A. October ly 2007 MICHAEL EMTED7. ,414*I1t Rim III RECEIVED _FPNN!A r, Y- 1 11N LJANTe,JL_ GIAPI FL'fMCY MARV A 6l.N11v1"I S WARM. LAWLDO W ILI-leell Vredi.01,4 City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission 4;A FLU F9YW OCTYV r r'r D AY Y M FCILvI'nLT'1' OCT �J5 r 1MV'4hL I 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 J[elFi Y.hi.[ORYI�IE Rnap. LL LbpF•I plat!daI.n Spokane Valley, Washington 99206MEI IfedEl! POKANE G U MW A CP/MAW aNOiFV LIZ 14 LT1 P3^1•• COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OF SIIRb6ir a.F ALLT �I R16h4ti.Lh�: 1 : Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment CPA-l0-07 LTA/4a I<w Hr CM- LYhNTL 4MU L 3T11ZK's.6.15JOAN 1! U▪L1'LLILfl. W ry .1.I LI bIrF,'AT Lith AI villa" Dear Commissioners: MN L.Lett d TLIR I.:+F4ri} 111L1E1I&SlS. P[JJIII vyl RSI FMVO PROM 1711,1W Mir Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments regarding the City's proposal to MR WU 14 SIM.4011-. 6eN;.uilr®MAIE6 rezone approximately 100 acres of land from Corridor Mixed Use to Regional OF `A grCommercial, We represent Cornerstone Pentecostal Church ("Cornerstone"), which maw . e owns approximately five (5) acres of property that is adjacent to the western boundary of .^�..ft1,I�;Ya the proposed rezone and is presently zoned Low Density Residential. Cornerstone ]hlarxt.illul n(RoQOm "'"°.'1'°'C=. respectfully requests that its property be included in the proposed rezone area_. `A w4n.tJ.I CaJla.ni. +Alan 1nrY.d l.lY...YmY 7-14.41 aa11Md r!111"1016 *'•f44Fa+d IP Wre.NY The inclusion of Cornerstone's property is appropriate for the following reasons. First, the Cornerstone property is located in a"packet" between the proposed rezone and property that is designated Public/Quasi-Public and zoned Cozrimunity Facility. The existing Low Density Residential designation is incompatible with the contemplated commercial uses as well as the Community Facility zoning to the west of Cornerstone. Second,the existing Low Density Residential zone is inappropriate for property with frontage along Interstate-90, which is especially true considering the Cornerstone property's proximity to a freeway interchange (Parker). Third, the Cornerstone property will be developed as a church and will not be developed for single family residences; therefore, a change to the existing zoning designation is appropriate. As noted in the Staff Report, the intent of this rezone proposal is to provide for larger commercial uses in the area. The property adjacent to Cornerstone is designated as a Community Facilities District, which is a designation "intended to protect and preserve areas devoted to civic, cultural, educational and similar institutional facilities." SVCC 19,60.100. Under the Comprehensive Plan,the Public/Quasi-Public designation is designed to serve the needs of the community as related to public services. City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, p. 23, § 2.5.7. By extending the Regional Commercial designation to the east to include the Cornerstone property,the "pocket" of City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission October 24, 2007 Page 2 residential zoning will be eliminated and a designation that is consistent with both the proposed commercial zone and the Community Facilities District will be implemented. In summary, the present designation of the Cornerstone property as Low Density Residential is inappropriate given its proximity to Interstate 90 and the Barker Road interchange. In the future, Cornerstone intends to develop its property as a church. A church is consistent and compatible with the larger scale commercial development allowed in the Regional Commercial designation. By excluding this property from the rezone area, the Cornerstone property will be an "island" of low density residential between large scale commercial development and a quasi-public use, both of which allow demonstrably more intense uses than the Low Density Residential designation. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on proposed amendment. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact me. Sincerely Yours, WITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE, P.S. By: f4/L1(2'. r '{ r Riley Ajord ✓r SAB/ab CC: Pastor Rick Mayo, Cornerstone Pentecostal Church G'ICoCmcrrtnncChurch 157WhorlPlat Spokarc Vs try!Tumuli ondca::UtrtoPlrznnineorominion KIM6Tdo: Exhibit 1 : Comprehensive Plan Map 4,- - 1 riy,,,Iiirci unk i: -- IG1a&5 ` �• i H.T.... NSI ; H "rte Pal lel-Quasi- 1 b ie . 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IIIBMM 1 a4 + . - 1 S11r v+x:u -p.-- �.Yi. . �runiici[ua.,i- ,t»iurh 11erKity ,situ �T 1 1. • �." • ' ReslJcatial Rc t u Low Density l 1� Public +ter� • u,,ril„a �tCtiCla RYAIIN I ,�p ' *141 0 4i 1:Cd 1.• e• 4 ry I l{ie crskcie _ --I- l}iielQuai Ei : ' i- I Fr _ f, 'tip-R�y •�- -I- _■ � .� _ P�hlirlQu�sk U • 1 =�'1t�� . , Medium m T__ 1 Puhlic 1 .- III. R�esidentiiul , ■ C 1 1 I a 1. • ....}rid L ., . I l'uhIic Qu I i=2 d iis: P.ublilefourts�. t - k 4, .1?uhlie I —,--4 Ptiislie Ii I I 1 CPA-110-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plzen map Cat}' ofSpokane Valley designation from Corridor Mixed Use and _ _---- Community Development DepartmentCommunity Commercial to Regional Commercial; _ change zoning from CMU end C to RC. .T+� STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COKIMUNITY. TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .128.10;-Avenue SW i PO Bo;,!4Z525 = Ofj'rrrplo I:4'85044525 r (3640') 72.5-40 October 2, 2007 Mike Basinger, AICP Associate Planner City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue Suite 1O6 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 Dear Mr. Basinger: Thank you for sending the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED)the following materials as required under RCW 36.70A.106. Please keep this letter as documentation that you have met this procedural requirement. City of Spokane Valley- Proposed annual 2007 Comprehensive Plan amendment process, including a total of 17 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments, and text amendments focused on updating Capital Facilities, Arterial Street Plan, and the Bike and Pedestrian Plan. These materials were received on 1 010 2/2 00 7 and processed with the Material ID#12181. We have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies_ if this is a draft amendment, adopted amendments should be sent to CTED within ten days of adoption and to any other state agencies who commented on the draft. it ycul have any questions, please call me at 1360)725-3068. Sincerely, Tarimr..,7 L'or Cee Caputo Growth Management Planner Growth Management Services Enclosure October 25, 20D? City of Spokane Valley Re . CPA-1-O7 Att . Mike Basinger Opposition to rezoning to commercial/residential Please consider optimal residential living, ecological concerns and beauty of this area as your significant value when deciding on this rezoning. My deepest concern is that the current proposed rezoning opens the south valley above Nth avenue to development such as strip malls, convenience stores with gas service, taverns and espresso stands contributing to stalled traffic, idling cars , pollution and increased criminal activity • ,Just look at the congestion and problems at the Sprague and Sullivan corridor . Problems with traffic and shoppers getting across to different businesses or services whether on foot or in a car continue • This area includes the highest crime rate in vicinity . There is neither anything beautiful or attractive to enhance the street or its buildings . Thus it provides an example of what we do not want to promote- It is not toe late to take charge and promote a culture for optimal residential living and growth- The corner in question does not lend itself to a neighborhood with small businesses and foot traffic. Speeds of 35mph on both streets and no parking make it prohibitive to invite such a culture . Please no further strip malls that now typify this valley . That is not the life style that promotes the integrity of this valley . Continue to develop the city center and work on the areas going North from Sprague on Sullivan - What I would like to see on the corner of 16th and Sullivan is a green area with a fountain, a couple of benches for cyclists, as there is a bike path and walkers. Why would it not be possible for the City and Vera Power to partner and own that piece of property • Then dedicate it to valley citizens who live and travel in the area surrounding 16th and South Sullivan - It would serve as a reminder that we care for our hones , the roadways and want to keep the integrity ❑f the valley as friendly and beautiful - Sullivan Road is not going to decrease in use or as a major arterial . Its intersections will also continue to be an issue for use and safety- So please start to be creative without just business as the focus because those of us luring close by desire planning for optimal residential use . Dar rtne Compt,rm -- r, r1 . ~ s-g# E 7 IT '0:37 Page 1 of 1 Mike Basinger From: dariccetti comcast.nat Sent: Thursday, October25, 2007 12:16 PM To: Mike Basinger Subject: Sidewalk installations on this planning project on 12 th & McDonald? Mr. Mike Basinger,AICP My husband, Dale Riccetti and Myself Debra Riccetti; were wondering on this planning project notice that you have sent to us concerning the meeting tonight at 6:00pm, the meeting in which I cannot attend due to health issues and disabilities. We were wondering if in this planning of the project if there will be sidewalks installed on our side of the 12th and McDonald? We live at 13021 E. 12th ave,just north of the posted site. I left you a short phone message also in concern with this question. Please contact us by phone( 509-891-9777) and or e-mail + riccetti conicastnet Thank You for your time, sorry for the inconvenience. Sincerely, Debra& Dale Riccetti 10/2512007 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use Only) Community Development Department / Current Planning Division OTE Supporreb: i.)://,5/Ci, (L, RECEIVED BY: 11707 EaSt Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 FILE NO./NA [ E; f\�` - {;1 - o Spokane Valley, WA 99206 '7C-11 ; Teel: (509) 921-1000 ) 1 Fax: (509) 921-1008 PLANNING FEC: I 0 planningat ookanevalley.orq SEPA FEE: 3 50 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART 1 —APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment 0 Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: NORTHWEST RENOVATORS_,INC. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 8$5 CITY: LIBERTY LAKE STATE: WA ZIP; 99019 Email: nwr©comcast,nat PHONE: (HM)509-487-1508 (w')509-993-2739 (C ELL) APPLICANT: NORTHWEST RENOVATORS, INC MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 885 CITY: LIBERTY LAKE STATE:WA ZIP: 99019 Email: mleelccser.com, - PHONE: (m61)509-467-1508 _(wi) 509-993-2739 (cm) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: Same PROPERTY LOCATION{ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): 1604 S. SULLIVAN (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SULLIVAN AND 16741) - ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 45261.0407 PROPERTY SIZE: 11,6545QFT CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY Residential_.. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: UR 3.5 PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: B-1 BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): The property is surrounded by quasi-public land owned by Vera Water and Power. Vera intends to build a power sub station surrounding two sides of the property. The other two sides of the property are surrounded by the heavy traffic intersection of 16th Ave. and Sullivan Ave., creating a safety hazard at_tl 1 .tfa.iyLighted intlersection, SIGNATURE of PROPERTY OWNER>-`-- DATE: //:,-0 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: Page 3 of 27 Staff Report 2007 Corn pfehensive Plan Amendments CPA-01-07 Applicant: Northwest Renovators, Inc, Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial: corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential Suburban District (R-2) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: South side of 16th Avenue, west of its intersection with Sullivan; Parcel number 45261.0407 at 1604 S. Sullivan Rd (Exhibit 3 &4). Site Area: 0.27 acres Current Use: The site contains a vacant single-family house and garage. Adjacent Uses: Vacant land owned by Vera Irrigation District #15 to the west and south, church to the east and residential to the north. Public Facilities: The property is currently served by public water and sewer and is accessed from 16th Avenue, a Minor Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan. The property is also located along Sullivan Road, a Collector Street on the Street Plan (Exhibit 5), Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.2 of the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan designates Neighborhood Commercial as areas for small-scale neighborhoods serving retail and office uses. The neighborhood business area should not be larger than two acres and should not be located within arterial strip commercial developments. The proposed property is 0.27 acres and is located on a single unit parcel, not a strip commercial development This is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, Section 1 9.60.040 of the UCC states that the Neighborhood Commercial zoning is intended to provide a limited number of commercial goods and services to surrounding residential neighborhoods. Also, grocery or specialty food uses are limited to no more than 25,000 square feet of the net retail space. The total lot size is 11,791 square feet which falls under the maximum square footage allowed. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Neighborhood Commercial and change the zoning classification to Neighborhood Commercial. The property is more suited for commercial use due to its proximity to the high-traffic intersection and its location within the neighborhood. 10/11/2007 Page 1 of 7 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map i — N I 14th 14th 14th "' I s i 6 131h ° — CPA-01-07 5 a 16th 15th 16th 166 I k,owDensityR SpokAne V:RIlel. ;Residential Seven Iii Day Aden 44 L I Puhlie Qnrrsi- g' rune 11 - E L0 CPA-01-07 Request: Chrnge the Comprehensive Plan neap designation City of Spokane Valley ft* Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Community DevelopmentDepartmentCommercial change zoning from R-2 to NC. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map --J --1;—/-, /7770/Vr/e/ • 14th 141h C.1 , ,///f r /////1 F°11,11, t z. fJ //0/4' / x m 6 _ •'''°;;F//• 1.5th • 111 Rl d 1 R-3 CFA-01-07 o L&rtb 16th i ;6t11 16th I ....!..==.--_,,,,-. „...-.. .==..-- .. __-,: .:---1— r :____,..,_, . _„,,=+_,..÷..„...,___ . ,_,-. ._=.._____ - Spokane Vaf1r' F= g.e a Seventh �# 1` _ Da} Aden = rr .. '.L..:::, , -..:77z._._: :. : —ill a — u - Isr t +Cts-01-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Flan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Community Development Department 1Commercial change zoning from R-2 to NC. Exhibit 3. 2006 Aerial Map x e .1 ^ f[ 4 • 9 W p+� tea., i 41x I., 1 t r . Y T 0 r4'_J p . 4 FF.''.• tit :r ', cs _. a id t•- , . a . 1 ` - _..# K 4,441,e , i H. .I t 1 �I' v-3.. Y` ' .l. .. � `t , - a.. • ... a ti. J 4 t .-yM a .r 'r'd'YC, ,_x.47-.s /•- - 4 5 ..7. .-. Win- _ '.. ' irs M''°t.N'i�` a n �fJ !(lite CPA-01-07 ' ,Y.h: Gk r ,,,-.4.-.'. .. ~� w 4f41341:d _ Il'I;h:{1 v..} ` { ,, Y M • 1 Spnknnai e'Vlley ti 'Seventh ., . - ':fJ � 'Daydven yrs„} s . 1, '4 ! ''.iiiiii-giwookit 1 . ill , , i.3 5 . _ _ _ 1---- CPA-01-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Low Density Residential to l%!eighborhood. Community Dvvek pInent Department Commercial change zoning from R-2 to NC. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map 11lir 17,, a' lm■ Eitll or11°1mm .6igtv-s, tOlp- 1iiiiIiI:!! it --4., gni= Ad2noz ; wallikli ilini 14* Alk 101 ' 11 aillitiP, di. 1 - , mask g_Lath LE Ceniral PI Vird'.'W"' dill141.111 94111111P - 441P m 11111 a gl ■®■ ■■■,t. M111� , MM.. . a lIA1111 lIFR �_im 111!'!!!11 3 7i Nil.. miluusul.■ 1i11■■ I Eli li Paz ia' X1111=1no mi' - .11 .7401411/ 111111 =M•11.11111.111 0 weird . i■ k i,■H 11. Its r . b �� ��■ 141 s11■ 1• Ilio ElliE �, CPA-01-07I I. !H1IIII ' jjPA C i [ii ii rath-j_ !ism iriv„,„ 44 Mr, H i I — - a -1.1; �i 11■111■ �i I ' - m[VIIIIIIIiih l*Atit4tp %4 1 _ iIiU a � l III■ LI1L1FL 40-1■■■■■ JIH1! 1■ M:4-HMI;E RILIFI 10112ff& . 111 N 1 '� o 4Y0b0 di S 4I! 1114111 Ai ■ ■ !1111 �■ ir, 1 r - ■■■■i . ? m Wild 4 I* tt AriOhLiSI T. ..,m ■ � Hi _ . ,,iihri( .. Li. sik. ....6.,,,,, 410. , II 26i ■ m n CM M. t ■,■11 I. r � lDd C3 . M. a 07- is . mlakwe. -- 21 t 41, Orillinj NA ■■ti a ■■ dill 1111111111 •�1■1■ i 6 ip 11. 122,711.41,111 1044611- Fr- X11 a 'r ' f7401, air irii -1141 [_-- • , � ne, 11.;" I—, ath • I ib iFiuI 1 i1i1l it m sale III 6 . II billing I t' k 401Plialik ■■■ 1 Map 774)41P''1 CPA-01-O7 Request! Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood COMM Unity Development Department Commercial change zoning from R-2 to NC. - -I Exhibit 5: Transportation Map 1. Adams Elerne�1 # SIC S i,„ St litrik,.p, mg 4P-'illipiem ` Central Valley Senior High 9rh ti1 ,0rh ___L11i 1. a _ iI_■I millM L.L.,h_ 11th _ i I ffill.3 ffdlpg L , I ti„7. ]tli in H is 01% _i =_ 1 illibM L.__ 11 i= ,L i —1 EM 3 — .., iir fillor ir,, - 1 I L3411 —TEL i , J 1 ,IEM 'PA-X11-07 EWIP'irar, 1 F - lr r 1 1 4 1 4 k r4 1* ]5th I. :T. t' , r�d � � f J ] _r >Y • of U. ■■0.111 1I'17th J I Spore Volley'Sev nth Day k 1ve ; ■■. 1p1U19 u �1Al. itlY mu lir 1111gIIr. Ci. E 11 , •. MEE, givP 4 ii 7 6-444no 0. Fl4!?' ■I = 111 r 14th .10#41*. ,4 $1: 00 : -4, 6' 4•1 k 014b'4.4 Si** 4) L I -6 III 41'410 Apie itabi 2.�.s� a — Ill i -—T _t , iii Iii, � o 14 .1411. 161,,4 ',r II t E awi---N.7!r"AlZt.4,.,i re -1- Rail 1oa Zpo liii ■ te - - - Proposed Principal Arterial , 22.4d z�nd _h_7_M i - - - ProposedMinorArterial f'nI . APO lielki r---1 Proposed Collector E�� 1 —Pru' cipxl Arterial .�3f� - Minor Arterial J 1 &VW A - Collector f i mmiro iiir im e 4 1 . State or Federal5 05 CPA-01-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation. City of Spokane Valley from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Community Development Department Commercial change zoning from R-2 to NC. '°� a CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY okaril� (For Staff Use Only) . lie ComrUnity v I prmnep Current PlannDein Divrisionet aartmEnt DATE SUEMTrTL 3: RECEIVED Bv: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 FILE No,/NAM; CPA-03-07 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-100e Dlannlrlgabspokanevalley".orq PLANNING FEE: ' IPk. SEPAFEE: IIS I Pt COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment Q Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: 32 Pires Apartments, LLC MAILING ADDRESS: 37 Graham St, SE 200-B CITY: STATE: ZIP: Email: PHONE: (HES) (WK (CELL APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAcLIE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 9`9224 Email: PHONE: (14M) (w ) (CELL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS ANDIOR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): NW Corner of Pines and 32nd ASSESSOR PARCEL Na: 45284 2030 45254.2013 PROPERTY SIZE: 3.03 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: MF-2 (MULTI-FAMILY HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE AMENDMENTS ARE CONSIDERED OBVIOUS MAPPING ERROR& SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: ?,Z.LA] DATE: it/1WD Rev 10106 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-03-07 Applicant; City of Spokane Valley Request: Change Comprehensive Plan from Neighborhood Commercial to High Density Residential; corresponding zoning change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: Northwest corner of Pines and 32nd; Parcel No. 45284.2030 and 45284.2013 at 3010 S Pines Road (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: 3,83 acres total; 45284,2030 is 1.83 acres and 452842013 is 2.00 acres. Current Use: Parcel No, 45284.2030 and .2013 are used as an apartment complex. Adjacent Uses: Multi-family residential to the west and north, and single-family residential south. There is a gas station zoned Neighborhood Commercial adjacent to the east and Browns Park is to the east across Pines. University High School is to the southeast located on Pines and 32nd and is designated as Public/Quasi-Public. Public Facilities: The property is currently served with public water and sewer and is accessed from Pines Road, a Collector Street, and 32nd Avenue, a Minor Arterial as designated on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: The Comprehensive Plan designates the property as Neighborhood Commercial; this is considered a mapping error as the property has an existing apartment complex built in 1979. Furthermore, section 19.40.080 of the UDC states that multi-family residential - zones should be used as transitional zoning between higher intensity land uses such as commercial and office to medium and lower density single-family neighborhoods. High Density Residential areas should be located near services and high capacity transit facilities or transit routes. The property and its adjacent uses are consistent with this designation, Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential and change the zoning classification to MF-2. The current Comprehensive Plan and zoning is not consistent with current use of the property, This is a clear mapping error. ion moo Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1 : Comprehensive Plan Map fro r._ .,....i rem ik iiiii.iiiil ,,,,,..1 i 1. r=I wi ax i.= .., ,74m. 1*** ititsta Skvvieu Skuview Allitiltior 414111111111114111114111141111141111) GPA -03407 .1[.r .6,..,.4 wo.:7 ir 1 .kr AtI i*to 1 cram i E1.1il m 0,,', ., .. . . , _ . ,:.. :„.,.,...../.„,.:„ ,,:: : iT /me I,. ,: . , tii7i1 n5sh 111 �l7csa-ntia- :; . a,. . , , , , c ir ` rb�o;� 1191.. Wgra9S1 II -....- ,_...,..:K .' 32nd 3715d — : . nd ,......- 32.nd + I E Pu bli dQuas i- Public a •i Y r I . A NE in Publid uasi- 4th x/1 3 44 Publie •?3 CORM 2 F CPA-43-47 Request: Change the lunmprehen ive Plan map designation Citi of Spokane ally .from Neighborhood Commercial to High density Residential; +C�[nrnunity Development Department change zoning from NC to MF-2. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map Pitipir W. 1 . ., a1Lenora oPP.111r mora l CPA-03-07 or ier, fill:::k r01,77/1/9„.///) ,rO,,,,,,,, / F r Mt ... I 4 s 0,os,j/.00:0004,,,:/.00/ 1,./0 NC //or / , . _____ . Mel 32nd 32nd 32x41 a 1 33rd 41A. a 1 I )././r s5. u r R'. ik — l I L J 34S1w 3�ih 1 '''' „AMMO i k.1 14 1 I I 6 =I2 , PA-03-0i 7 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation [: City of Spokane Valley from Neighborhood Commercial to High Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from NC to:4'LF-2, Exhibit 2006 Aerial Map �r. y ea — ..—.� � f it R rr� t 4 y r -� 1 � i. 1 J. fF `i { ,ti - tib. y1_ ,` T � u la,='. CPA-03-07 ; ,� 1111 - / ._ ' ! '' 1 -�II , � ,-. _ kg -1;. II ,. 1111 } Y . r, x�.:111--,�r.�eyf... Cal TT3. -} - t r ...�. c - `'sem :. - — r1 - 1 f 1=' - `- .— . 1 ,i,.-....,_-_ W r�.ee Ills iyaa r }f _ - t• fir{ ____•,___•• L:.` ,r x q 9 _,. ., f S - ie' ?# fs r ', _•--vim y }j�,�II Ley ._ .. .. L _ �4 5 ` r` I tda -i I d A 4 �rr1 -I � � - ii7 - Y 3 ,+ r . _.. _ y-- { /J i. •d. III I ' �1 E _ F I1 , J -ti :� ./T1 ti r. i. Pim.: C' .6.___ .)1 ±i 1�•L_.�.;. R '' I 1 f.. — t - C'PA-03.07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Neighborhood Commercial to High density Residential, Community Development Department change zoning from NC to MF-2. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map 1111 limn1111■®1 imii f■,r ArmirmIlzociffo,6. . N■■■■If �.�■ MIMI■■■■■■■■■■ ■■1& __ av,t°dish l Middle p A , zinc■ u * ■■IIRI�11■ , •Q. - tis ., gli 4 e ■■ 7 �■ ■ 111■ IN �, fit., �� oa ■■ ■ 1■1�1�.d ■■■ (I 1 1 11 r1 1 = ■■N _23rd— Valle} l _ Ii rd _ . ........c . rd 1■■ 1 I •Cbrl�tiistt 6 Salulli Pans il/tiA.,,,N,I1,ikp ,� I I I Elementary.I 2dlh 4th 24 ■ I1,4111 11i■111■11■ I _ HiUJJJii!i 111111 Iji *NI ■ II $ ,1■1 Y.1 111111 x^ I1fihIi4ij : :t: --■=■z = -111■ �■I 111 r. } I ash 1■ i■ ir` ki , -S f Mi HUM -- wir ,,,,, ■■■ ■■■P'.� a. 1,�11111II Ii ,Ili ■. � mintrani ME Imo 11■■ ■■■l■■ = M i Ir nadir AMM111 #� nim mom M■■ I 0 I■ l■ . - ■■■PAIIIMIIII ■1 m!"111111 I■■� ■1■■■1'2 mi3 1 `' 1 nova 11144. ■1■Ir '11■1M 1A1 1i , III mn 0 �rh ry �' 1111H ■■iim z ■■■ ITN 11M111■ OE l ■■ •■ I i ■. 1 iii "mffi n !] i 1111 Iii]st • 1 - ■ 1.i. 111 ■ ' $ro n �■ G =■ i�! IN F, rim Park Luh '�1�11 II[I■■ � 11111�i '� �■ -�_ I Y 1111 ' I as. I MI11i11111■ k3 d _j ■ ■ nd I LL..LL1 1 1 1 I LJ . HIM -i'i: 1 lJ U 1 I33td W civic f Ilvirgill '3A i Immo IN. ! ■■ 111111111m m 1: h 1■Wl t t = Lb M 111111.111. 1■I i -- M■1■f '-`'-'011-11-4rimr,--## /S441 =*IS maw i Afoul 11111iliiii -4 = mi in-Ellilat CIi./\, t o �1Chester t, )♦ ■■ - IIWWM— tll• Elfimedr t4' �� ■1 #1111 al 1111111■1 I 3dth EN 3 in �� 11 , ill• 00 lam 4-00,4 1,1.11 RE it # alp o t '� rL1 *ik1 . Horizonlliow* 7, 4tiddle anmSfilir 1n ■■■ ■II `i ' tI h ' ` — I ....,huI111■, r .2 aiN...,...., oil1-0 s. 4i.,r.. ........ — _ I 0 _ __ 'A-43-47 Request, Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Neighborhood Commercial to High Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning front NC to MF-2. Exhibit 5: Transportation Map i���` r■i '� nn�;lig ii• � �____- -- ■ ■ valley Christian ; E b■�• ` South Pines E'ementary5ii ' 11/ UMW °44 ask 11111111111 11111111.E 111111 0 I w •■:••:k . Ak IV IIIII 11111111 1111111 _ MI6 oo■ s ■ .== =� II$IJtIIIHE1i'i. Eill '� ■■■■■1aii! ! 11�1f1■I�a■ ■■�■■i MiZ$4" 4111!! B !LPEiIP&iW s AP �r. ■ �t■1■■ 11■11■i .� a-, '�' 1 �* 4't .utulini:II ?. 41■■1 i milli En NM I-Miraik Wirittil , i_ w4WITIAbk:gir M Or 111W/ft* 3�ltlt :7, ■I *4t*1 h ii* wit, -r' 1111 ' ■I 1111.. Sm i - MISS im Idil � , EP i■1mml : milROMI 1111 Il■ni1 • 124111111111111111111 % M I MNI .5.. ›% 5r+.�wns Park ■ ■11111111■ 1 Id 111111 ■ 111[11 _ 1 -111 Erg .11111 31rd 11■11 _t Bm 1174',111 0114 immilm�� 1111 X11 maim: University Senior High4.411 4,...-44, An MI• IIIA 3. 011 ii _ -11111 , k , -- N 1, 1 ■ ■ O• itigkrivii ! ENIIII tha Or.94,4PV .#4,4rim Mg MIMI ca .!., 1Z-- 44,1y ## 41041111 mil" , — El` isli-4,*za* #4, lie/A � �� Chester Elementary 11111111 th illi- -.1. Rail RoadAiii.v5 "111 ,+ ,�1 1111 — — Proposed Priniga1 Arterial rillA I11.I - - - Proposed Mirror Arterial 1111 Er." A l'ik'4 iir M i� ■i 38th 111■■. — e Pr4pesed Cc11ectoritril ■■1■uu i 1?principal��rtcria] �!" rii_ ■ 111[10, ..,*,7* —�--DAP Arterial r . .II q' IN IT WItr - orizoo A� .,. ■ couector i11 411: i ' o r _ Stare or Federal 111 96411 I Minglinii M CP. -U ,07 Request. Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley I from Neighborhood Commercial to High Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from NC to MF-2. ---. .--, --- n' � CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use Only)1<ommunoity Development (Department � ll Current Planning Division DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED 6v: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 FILE No./NAML: CPA-04-0J Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 pIannin9[ svokaaeva1Leymaq PLANNING FEE: P ] I A.. SEPA FEE: rJ f fk COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment El Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: BA Pillar Recovable Trust, Benson/Savage, North Pines LLC., Eberle MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: Email: PHONE: (or) ('K) (CELL) APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99224 Email: PHONE: (HM) (wpc) (oEu) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS ANDIOR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): East side of Pines, north of Mansfield Road ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. 45105.0263. 45103.0262 45103.0261 45102,9074 46102.9057 PROPERTY SIZE: 4.19 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: OFFICE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: MF-2 (MULTI-FAMILY HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: OFFICE BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): AMENDMENTS ARE CONSIDERED OBVIOUS MAPPING ERRORS SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER. DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: '' ,�. . DATE: f ii0(0 Rev 1€1/06 1 Staff Repan# 2007 Comprehensive Pier!Alma Orients CPA-04-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from High Density Residential to Office; corresponding zoning change from Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) to Office (0) (Exhibits 1 & 2). Location: East side of Pines, North of Mansfield Road.; Parcel No. 45103.0263, 4511010262, 45103.0261, 45102.9074, and 45102.9057 (Exhibits 3 & 4). Site Area: Total is 4.19 acres; 451 03.0263 is .99 acres; 45103.0262 is 1.08 acres; 45103.0261 is 6375,00 square feet; 45102.9074 is 1,23 acres; and 45102.9057 is .74 acres. Current Use: Parcel No. 45103.0263 and.0261 are vacant. Parcel No. 45103.0262, 45102.9057 and 45102.9074 are office buildings. Adjacent Uses: The Pines corridor directly north of Interstate 90 is a high capacity arteria] with varied commercial and apartment complexes Public Facilities: The property is currently served with public water and sewer and is accessed from Pines Road, a Principal Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5), Comprehensive PianlZoning Analysis: Policies in the Land Use Chapter encourage a variety of functions for designated Office areas, including medical and dental facilities, education services, insurance, real estate, financial institutions, design firms, and legal services with limited retail and commercial uses. Additionally, section 19.60.030 of the UDC states that 0 (Office) designation is intended primarily for medium to high-rise office development with limited retail or commercial uses. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Office and change the zoning to Office. The current designations are considered obvious mapping errors. The property has established office buildings on the site. The proposed amendment will allow for future development of offices on the vacant portions of the parcels specified. 10/15/2007 Page 1 of I Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map F Rcsidkofia ar rI is,i i a Man ;, ftb ' ., j s to. . ictQuas- f l jEg p L'uhlie '�o en' r I $poet:: C, ;-";;;;;: ';'?>2,- / . i 2///,,/ S� f� � I / f iNN 1 `EIikiblir 41 r �� / Ulkil,- I� .. ` •a - aA '11 CPA-04-07 l 1 n i , CI G \ 1 „. //0 _ s l �J 1 u .Q1 `ti 1tI. s � � \ .- . - , -,1. ! '' f / ,.-.- a:'Inwtielil:-- IS', IIIISI4N,I14% i,;S: rmn.k�nlx Iit,hl IndLis r�I :. ripi _, Li- Li.,,NN+4, 40,4. .4,,..::„..,,...1:::':'..''. :. - 1 - \ . , \\,, . . ..s.,%... ,,. ,,.........._1.-%„.....:.....:i::..%,.....:s.,,,...%N._7 ..,......,...6.....„L...........'4'.,-'''V,: R.;ion•I I r CFA-04-07 i Request: Change the Comprehensive Pian map designation City of Spokane Va]1ey° from High Density Residential to Office; Community Development Department change the zoning from MF-2 to O. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map - ma- o C""I4 ail21' 1-7' A ,,r,"/"Zdiff 1 1-=.77. 1r4 2i:Z e IF"./7,/,# /7/7/////7/ r /," /A '(Fr./70 Ft/0 Z,I/A 40),(4,4 AM er rir/F7/7"9 Affe:effedePfr2 71,,,0,07,Zdell ///egArreldr.1),/, ±"r1 ! !! ,,,, -(2 ,i02„. rdo, oft A.///.Xi/7X 74 ea ...#',7X„ *,/,,,,AA vl f ,,,,,,c/ wtricreyeA /7 , fer,/rifor ,, I,4,.,44,irve, j- :7,„,;, 077,77,4efiv, Verdr./Yz m../7/%11A1," '''' dfflirirdr; elA1774/6ffen411.eirr./71 , ,di, 1. //,/ A ,„,.,d -° 1, Vd.Frieffir efele, 1 5-N1 , A, ' -7.:i;I ;.„,-,-- "yzer rriii vor 0 e 0/77,4, ,"A,...% r':-":",','-'4: ': '."--•. rzei re R "1'4 .----: ''''''!'' '' 'er A A / / 17,0000,0% '- ':''''''''''''''''''' ' rS4 TA lefr/A A" .;;q:i:1::t,',',':!.':::"':: wAlopti V ........_17741174//r 1;: -:::.::''''''................... ZZAAY _ Ari ______ ..__ I Montaame 1 - Lr liana Indiana CFA-04-47 Request: Chrngc the Comprehensive Plan map designation pity of Spokane Valley from High Density Residential to Office; Community Development Department change the zoning from MF-2 to 0. Exhibit 3: 9006 Aerial Map -1�atiT, ,17,11 J. �'. -e 1t6 r: ry .01 af Y�r� 4 I Rk r. t 4 n SCS-" lrfl Itl.I.e - Pt1a.1li 1f l � .. ^,etIl` f'° t._ R' I �,- 1. .....----1'-'1-‘, 'ki'' k � A 1 s - _ I - 3 - i, a 1 - ,� - M A "b-' wt's g IP '. x • N •of i l 1 r _ C• .. -_ ,.. 1 . :. . "' t. -"•-•_„. ;),(//: '7:', 12 Id r4t, biy . - CPA-04-07 C •<„ .,, -r IA.... .` 7 . - - 1 G1 J 4 1' . ,.. ;5i s !i• ' 'ai t , ." .,"-..."., '- - :IV rir‘" ; r E .,7-71 r _ ‘ . . ------ ,, i , _, . . .. . .k.,..__. , -_ '.:,, 1,, ---.:_, : , ,, _ . 11 1, , ,ir; „N- . .ie,.., .,-.A. '-. - r.- -4.- .7,_,-,i . ,..-i- ir,---", . AL1 F — wr -, r ' - ig ,fit'. { 04 -1 F r IC ■ + 1Lz � ..314E . 'N 4"t * ic.0, , i ,I los( 7 1- gij ., <S { ice' tri x11.y .i. � 1 r 11(.3'42' ..q..-4,..-41t. ,' ' . - --i &`r•1111l;c is , ` 1 - •'I 1 i° k.,r-, t#4`� ,v ' ` :" x 1' r .!, - .. 1}• j J.� i. a ... hail - 1'4`Ian,flel[lT L - x '' F ��j��'� fes' `'. -,-,- �3—" • � a' .,.. ap , .. �, of:kl. yi ' ' 1 • -tib a :.x7 , e i �r f 1 F r 4• iii: ,;. 17 i " 1 '. 3-�. .4i'. �� P i 11 '` - r 'C y• F I _� lik _ .. . , „ _ _....,___ _ CPA-D4-1i7 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from High Density Residential to Office; Community Development Department I change the zoning from hiF-2 to O. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map iimirtt,.0- 7------mw-F- 1 iiplirAini,o. ..._......,._ 1r ,.., 10, 1 ..„01,,,, ________._raws., iv_ .......0....... osi, 10.0006. [ -- -Lti-itiaiiiiistutiHt--40,. .01,110000,--------------1000------Tai_b_., ogfr.4 n ` �t4i, 31,w„......" ___ .._ ii i Treu _ Elementary — <rh 7-"AritTleli7: °. --M I Mpp1 . .1111111111111 1111111inir— E--------1. MilMili 11■11111IIMO ` 1111■� 111II■I1' I ,x,..4111 IIII N 5. 11-7-M•111111111111 1111111. II M. BBIil: IIII 111 1111111 1•■! ■II S-_ HIEN IliMillIMIIIII 1111111111 — :sun be ) 111111■ 11 : I. 11IM1.111 III:.kc ill Po rii MINI 111111111 11111111■IIluu111l1 m NIP '`i ' , m •■ ■ ■r CPA-04-07 1AIM 1011 n 9• r- 1 � 1i '`O 1 V ,,a _midilliK \I II �11■1� f ilil '=„,2 gin ;\40 J Efmin=I 0 ' i I rib SE Al • +e ,•rnern , rMEM lfensFicld �'•1 "MIiuDiki111 rr ans5cltl 1 I u Ill � � —� — i,.,..^ rodinnaINI Mont•oro" indiflna lira i — .� -Their' �a� Vdby 1 1111hi, 2 7,,.. .."---- I - —1 71'DIV l'au3i-ur -- i •c en�� Mi5 i}tr 11„� _ Missia Missign M--ion- - Illi" ! 1JHh! iIT.f.iIrJJJIJ •1im' ■■ axwcl =11• 111 .111 M ' 31111 If [l LL M 11 II•I. SII■: �■11,Ii.� ® in, li D 1111 ,JJ&in1LL .. 1 lmi im. il 1_ 111 �IIi maul; �m � . ,— - 111�.H ■ ImSedae 111 CPA-04-07 Request. Change the Comprehensive Ran map designation Cityof Spokane Valley from High Density Residential to Office; Community Development Department change the zoning from AfF-2 to D. Exhibit 5: Transportation Map 11111111 `" IIIAl( - _FtSllK4;4,,tiv , I 1IIIIIC ' f i MINI E ckcn 1 g f •kI = fit E u .Iacksna s •r I *Air Cults] 7 Pr CPA-04-07 -���- III {J 111-''''Y- 1 11 l i !� cisi ., P 1 R Min Lu' I' kiiiii ?died la1 \[��� M:il,cretid� 4, .. . nil .. . . mg am 1 I - --.5 , +I Il I ��IKt19iIR Mon-0114 • .. I- y I : . '''......... 1 [ I 1 I-90'W.23�OFF r Q i i-9o.was7-01, r _ter - i, �„�+1 fly` f i Legend }op. �° I +—F Rail Road - - proposed Principal Medal 1! AT, I _1 - - - Proposed Minor Arterial ll . 1 - �,. Proposed Collector 9isskaa —PrincipalArterial1!!!1! Minor Arterial El l I G ,■ [111 LEJIU col tooter 3 d - 1111.1 State or Federal I ❑0 _5i la hull III , Sinto =mix �! Milli CPA-M-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation ' City of Spokane Valley from High Density Residential to Office; Community Development Department change the zoning from MF-2 to 0. p CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY �.��n� (For Staff Use Only) Cvmrr�un :vrment prey Curr nt PlannlrlgityDeloprneint Division DeparrDATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED Dv: 11707 East 5praguo Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 FILE No./NAME: CPA-05-07 Tel; (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 planrofngaisookanevallev.org PLANNING FEE: } I SEPA FEE: A-41k. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: DENNIS&MELISSA CRAPO MAILING ADDRESS: 15321 E MISSION AVE CITY: VEP.ADALE STATE: WA ZIP: 99037 Email: PHONE: (HM) OArK) IC5LL) APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAILING ADDRESS: 11 707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: PHONE: (FIM) 6"0 (CELL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION(ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET); LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF BARKER ROAD AND THE NORTH SIDE OF MISSION AT 1612 N. BARKER ROAD ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 55083.6401 PROPERTY SIZE: 0.89 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: NEEGHBORH000 COMMERCIAL CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: R-4 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL URBAN DIBTRICTI PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACH FULL,EXPLANATION); THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT IS A MAPPING ERROR. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: il0l. cG> Rev 10/06 1 Staff Report 2007 Corn prehensLve Plan Amendments CPA-05-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential Urban District (R-4) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) exhibits 1 & 2). Location: Located on the north side of Mission at its intersection with Barker Road; Parcel number 55083.5401 at 1612 N. Barker Road (Exhibits 3 & 4). Site Area: 0.8 acres Current Use: The property is currently vacant. Adjacent Uses: The surrounding parcels to the north, east, and west are single- family residential. Property to the southwest across the intersection of Mission and Barker is commercial. The property to the south across Mission Ave, Is Central Valley Kindergarten Center, an educational center. Public Facilities: The property is currently served with public water and sewer and is accessed from Barker Road, a Proposed Principal Arterial on the Spckane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: The Land Use chapter 2.5.2 of the Comprehensive Plan states that Neighborhood Commercial Designation should be used for small-scale neighborhoods serving retail and office uses. Neighborhood business areas should not be larger than two acres in size, and should be located as business clusters rather than arterial strip commercial developments. Correspondingly, section 19.60.040 of the UDC assert that Neighborhood Commercial is intended to provide a limited number of commercial goods and services to surrounding residential neighborhoods, Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and corresponding zoning from R-4 to NC. The surrounding neighborhood will benefit from the small-scale neighborhood serving retail or office uses. The intersection of Mission and Barker also serves as a central arterial for neighborhood commerce. 10f11I2007 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map [ x m A Ilan Indiana "$Fd . 5 .ficfk + '-0 $amain 1 \111 a T9 C I Lnensity 2 Residential A r,,,,.,i, 1I � m } ! [ , hiy;ustapir CPA-05-07 I Aupkusta } G � m l'oblic/Qtk x I- Public SSnd gxy River y6 � ri -I t 1 f !f Mission Mission Mission I Mission .+' g^illiiai'iisiiil �a ct Comritr; 4ioil, -- r I 1 tg® SIetliurri1 Density Ro'5irleutiil Barker Community i Learning Center P 1 Mame u k tl cli .1I_ 4 CPA-05-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial; Community Development Departrnenl change zoning from R-4 to NC. Exhibit Zoning Map y ti. — - 4,.t xti 7Y� ]Its tl ; Is%dlatt5� w Allan Indiana '' • - fit „ —• B J :af QiF .,.., _ ,l-'--ZF.:1=-.i. - 7iT4T'14. ::*.. T'TZ.. r '''' Pt:7= -='= zn g x ..,,,-,_ :-.„.:.-.7: .:.,, ,=.. 7,± -...:: M ,,_, . _ . =" '- in , _ a~ ! 'r - Aum - _ — Augusto-- —Th,.-- a �-:� — 1 - CPA-05-07 CF A a --_ _ Mission J Basion Mission Mission NC RR rher Community Yearning Center i4axtivcll �ff-1 I N Pg 'a m CPA-05-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Low Density.Residential to Neighborhood Commercial; Community Development Department change zoning from R4 to NC. — Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map v. fir. — — I i iI- J f . _ .,1 Still. .te a '.IlJ 9 e,. , 4111111161110t" 1;•_ J t. . r r„ r ., g 1 /' ,ti y ,1��. - u •;"' gI.,' 'I -{[ d $ ; „ t .. . • CPA—O5—Q7 i� . — . . . / r--,,,,.. ... .. .. .., ,. .,..,1.M , , . ....._ __ , i. --) s '...-d"ry I , I 'gid ri a1 — , ..,—.Y— __ .:'...,.�...Pr—, - l , ' r -� } 4F1i et F. ti. 9 Jf l 7 111., . .41‘ji . F �111111 .' .a ,' ' 111: :::;,—,,,t,2/'t 4: Arele.:11 ."113 - _. - -...._ ---' :•• �- T n • 5' 4 ''.+ Ti l ts;a' 2 ,, ,r� r ass��tia, F ,.t���� 1 '..1, i4FlF* =- 7 i+ 1 1 . + a _ •• � • - III _ . ., y 1 vit I e n r L. e,y -f 1 „ _ y y .}_ / + Irl `. !. C ' -5 +fir`' ,I F it r- :'r 'i: It , L 11111111- ,--•:',...: ° . ' 1.01: . ' 3 4,I1 I • I CPA-05-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Comm ercmml; Community Development Department change zoning from R-4 to NC. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map im, 1-,11, 1 I MM.-WV 11,I II I 1 I 4%*:a rialmit WV tro.-,, 0 40 i „ s- os - ' ...,,,,,,, 1 c,......0;4 „....,t. ilii I . ont .IDa ii41" ri, ovilm ,„sitii ._ 7rill 17-..... r . to,0 e li, ' Knox 4 kk II i li- . . 5heamon II h . Rvtnta �� M. Michidli MENEM 11.111111-041K41116-14111111.1.. a ■■II iu■ ■i �t ■III1II Indiana I . [nd� n n G 111111111. 11 �SalducC. II!IIiI" IIUIPIPL 11 i M ' room ik4111:24riri: V4-' Ifiii—It iii. M &Fill ania • p utu,. dikki iiip : i ■M■. "■ 0111■1111111 4_Bar cer Co®munity M. 1 -= " ■■. I■■1 legruill Center pil:Mi =■ 14 —1uxa3cu't11—' ME� �TEN�,"l■ i 1 "MEILMIllifil --M-1- 4111..._ 11 AN =WIMP_ ■■■■Ir ■11 •p m (♦ m■■ shc. ■■■i _ IMO :n ir" ■■ ■■■■v . ..r ;Cane ® ° NEdueational Service E Desroltit.. L_:�esrriet ■ CC tt t4Ysr d�_ M n11:17) -- Cala da .1 Poo ---- ---- ____7 ...... 1p1111111111,1='' NI% Eraadw 11\ Niii - Br°3dwa -- iiumnisp,.±2,1 moniatk—i 111111P IIIIE ii 1 1 ■ isimi I.Eil•limmitiaftwoh L. ini...,_•• _..._ _ ______ _. CFA-05-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan n4ap designation City of Spokane Valley from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial; Community Development Department change zoning from R-d to NC. Exhibit 5: Transportation Map - Mansfield 6, iiik �'`� r v1 !Cilia, 1114W' 1101111J— I Shannon 1111111.1•4111111111_,41111r. _ _ , ��la i f Flat p_ivk.i :tc- l }riic�tit9li � 701 I111111110 ,I��__111 .1 �1/L+,1,,,1 III I IndianaIIIII� rr riv4,0-1k,,,, . „lie III III r f —II Baldg4�4 — I— iiiir �' lit 14. •P ,,,--ii_lito*,,,v.‘r ,t.III dm 1®, P7 _'Baldwin - '16, —VAillb:AdNI.'1‘ 110 nallivin 1. Nora --- ir �� I kmi imp CPA-05-07 m • = �! 4 1 iiia l Augusta : l� .8.1_,(1:-D iiiiiiii� I lma II� � .� afidL'SIM_Ei1V-. Rim � � °� = G G IMMili ME M MA I = .- MEP 1 r+lis ior: T i, k , illi . II 1: Barker Community Learning Center M ; Maxtiti7eL' L Kr 1 - ,__ I __, �. i MN I 21111111 III ,-- ��. NV ��1ii IN FP 1 jini .3 millip. r Legend .. 1 I Rait Road _ 1 - - - Prop edPrincitr1Arterial — nu .90 52g{y➢K 1 - - - Proposed Minor Medal — • Proposed Collector , Educational Service,Center° Principal Arterial —Minor Arteria' / , collector • • Caul l.. P9pb4r2”OFF I90 I State or Federal CPA-05-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valle+ from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood CoMLR ereis1; Community Development Department change zoning from R-4 to NC CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use Only) k��lfl��tl� IlCommunity Development Department "•� CurfentPlanning Di Isionl DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVEDBY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spckarie Valley, WA 99206 FILE No./NAME: CPA-06-07 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 p annin'.Ospvkanevalley.org PLANNING FEE. SEPA FEE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment Q Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: SNOWBIRD VALLEY. LLC MAILING ADDRESS: 5122 N FRUIT HILL RD CITY: SPOKANE STATE: WA ZIP: 99217 Email: PHONE: (HO (WK) (CELL) APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: PHONE: (HM) Ow) (CELL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS ANDIOR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): LOCATED NORTH OF SPRAGUE ON MCDONALD ROAD AT 102 N. McDONALD ROAD ASSESSOR PARCEL No.: 451541717 PROPERTY SIZE: .27 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low DENSITY RESCDENTIAL PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: CORRIDOR MIXED USE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: R-3(SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: CORRIDOR MIXED USE BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACH PULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT IS A MAPPING ERROR. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: _ DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE; dr LOS: Rev 10106 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-06-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use and corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Corridor Mixed Use District (CMU) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: East of McDonald Road, north of its intersection with Sprague; Parcel No, 45154.1717 at 102 N. McDonald Road (Exhibit 3 &4). Site Area: 0.27 acres. Current Use: The site is currently vacant. Adjacent Uses: Single-family residential to the north and east, commercial to the south and west. Public Facilities: The property is currently served public water and sewer and is accessed from McDonald Road, a Minor Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive PlanlZoning Analysis: The Comprehensive Plan designates the property as Low Density Residential. The request is to change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Corridor Mixed-Use to allow for business uses. Policies in Section 2.5.5 of the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan intends Corridor Mixed-Use to enhance travel options and encourage development of focally serving commercial uses, multi-family apartments, lodging and offices along major transportation corridors, such as Sprague Avenue_ Policies in Section 19.60.080 addressing the Corridor Mixed Use District of the UDC are consistent with the policies in the Comprehensive Plan stated above. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use and change zoning classification to CMU. The location of this site and its proximity to both residential and commercial areas will encourage the development of local businesses and the use of local residents living in the immediate surrounding neighborhood. It should be noted that this CPA was recommended by the Planning Commission during deliberations on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, however, the change was not reflected on the reap for City Council consideration. 1 4116/2007 Page 1 of I Exhibit 1 : Comprehensive Plan Map r -- — U Ni cn L :\ NLXOn i- 3h / 1 , n Lois Densat / ResRder�: /- Main _ Main Win main !I1 A g CFA-06-07 i f F[ivices�de: a - %%,..........,, I, ,%,..s,......,N,sitzl...Ns,hNsSM„,,,. .__ 11 c I. 1 NN'..,s-.sN i:',-k..-. ks,''N%N I k -N.,...„-.......,,N , ,,.......N.NN.N. ...... .‘,1,,k.., N,..: ,,,,„i,,N, ,,i, , „„,,1 ..1%.-'.N-%''' - :N t '''7 i.,„,,h,,N\\4,,,,„N N,N-N,4%- -N%..‘-%‘''....,,,,,,-,, --N%s - -'''',-,,-„-,--,._,,,,,,,„,,,,., -- ,,,,, -,,,,,,%-,z,,,,-,,, 'N ,,„ , , ' - ‘%6NW' '''' I‘. 41-1\%Wk\k'N "N,,,,''' 'A 1,: i''' % .,„,,,,,,, %,ik....„§A...„4„. .%N. .k.1\%%-] N„ ,,,, S _ss% INN,N.,, \,,,,,N, , ,, ,, r A....,... '...,. ..,......„„. ....„7,A...„,...\„ , --N-..- „..,,i...„.. ..__.,.,,.., N.-%%...,il%....*.A.,,,...s...„-...N...„..,.-.....N.--. ., ..,.,-N-NN, ,..,,,NNt l %NN,NN, 's\‘'N,1 NN ,,NN CPA-06-D7 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley Lowy Density Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use; C mmu n ity erclopment Deg �'tmelit change zoning from R-3 to CMt. } Exhibit 2: Zoning Map Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map . .....,_ , I . _,__ . t.Y.41A.:t..1 ,.4 . . h '.. I ' , A ;1 ;'.r 71 4 1 1.04. 1'11 Illi- _-.S.r + > e l - 7. • l ,n 14.� k - * J..,rte ..-' -- 1- ..-.."..-1 _2.l ,::,„, r .,, i.,,, .. r : i. 1 . ' 1 I 1 1 IRiticei, tle . ,. w i7 i L - - —— CPA-06-07 . yn .1] `": • t- t . I . 1 �,�] 1 RI il. . . II I .....r- '- .. . I , 1 ,, i ,,, 2. , ,Ill . . r , ' Y I ! yn CT In } _ I r/ ti ;;ate r 11111111 `w a._- 5 In 7 ..1 1 01Y1 ]s • CPA-06-07 I l qut St; Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use; Community Development 1:1epartmeat change zoning from R-3 to CMU. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map IN i ® 22"1-1.- -ii',. �� . - - L. ! — Ea � m , �� . .l'frill11 ■.■ ■II■IJ ■1111111 II■■�: =� �.J ,'.■ o U■ .,U III �A :... ■ ■�11■lull■■■■ ■■■■iii. tl ■■= :-111111..11■.: 111111111. j... ,, 11111,■1�� M ■■11..1.1 ■II■ 1■lI!I1111E 11■I1u1111 I■■■1.111■1■■ ■I■■■11 —IM 1■■I 11 111i111■111 i1■■11!.' 1■■■i ■•�I r • flood, ■�■■■I1ii 1111111■u1 1■■■1■1■1■■■■ 41Mili � L /ap PM Al - 81ke ■ F omit E :� • _ _� =� . 11111■1i 1 ODI Nora!_. 'roads,,,`• ENE Bmad.,a III _ -Bra . •■ —��■i' • YDd• !��� ipin 1 MEIN 14JI11■UI ~ 1■ 1 ■ ■11�� 1■■1111■! diddle ■■.�' i no 1 re r Sprin_Id, = ■' I sp -d l .I w11: = 11111■1■I iuk,_ i■Iiii■ 1■I■ •. � al , Alimi 11 rpm■i■■■ '�� : . ill li ME ,�1 11■■�■� Ai2■ ■ ■■1■■■1 � 11 IIII�11�■■■■■ Ile ,a ■■■ ■■ ■• I■■� � , ■ [PJjJ! 1 .'' IIr'7IiIilI 'iliI!; i: -11 11111'.11■ !' i-�J . .I II =� Ili 1■ 11111, _.. .. ,- - -_ , .� 1uR 4— —.._,� ■■1111■r1 ��m �., ' 111l119_11 . Er I . 1PINI_1.EN1IIIIIIu11iiJ .Eiiiii i■ ■■ ■ 4 hpartunl k . ,_ �4-E�1111L_L11.L�JjIflhI' 4jIi : 11 � 1al I e 1 11111 .111.1111 !I■II■I■ ■ 1 ■ ori Iii "' i!ll IIII 'TIMI!! IlTi iWI �� � j_ i ■■z• X11' ■ ■ ■ ■ M■�i1ll .. 1111 ■u 1111111 •■�U■11■Uu1■■■■■. u..u■■■■ 11�■ 11■1■ Eap ; .- 116!1111. 4/111111 mums on b■ ■ a ::: ::::�;:iii :!r.I I ��I■ Keystont IHItIJI II 11 1I glees; 11.111111111111 :■11■l� `l� � ■ t 111.117rh1111111 .11111■ 2 MitiM =L o # 11.11111111!i■!■■■■■SMI flh1 ira,1. --11111.1[ rh■1■■1■1!th■n 1■■■.■■u ;MI r U._ - nom 1 n■■ t 1111■ ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ g o-lime 1■r ■ E Wt111 _ s � ming,�■�■■■■ -■■qm ■■■ .- ■ 1111■ ,=■II■ • �■■ . - •1■■• ■1■■■ MUM _. 1_111■ 1I"H! 11, .1 =__ ■ • M■1■■■ MU Itoo,1■■ ..I 1111111E �- -•--1___ 1Wiminrrsin r1�.m.■■i .�a•��� ■=. --N CPA-06.07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valle} from Law Density Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use; Community Development Department change zoning from R-3 to CMU. Exhibit 5 : Transportation Map g! f. =.`■...._ ■ N_ NEN... imil r , mil= m 4 linos •• _ - _ Blake Elementary 5 IMM t a.., „,y M _■ IM 11 El ■■ ■ !r1I !iiI !■ ll_ o•iel- - s _ rilin• firkfr :11■:iI111 Ili ■■ R,SII■■ ■■M■■ �ril���m Alp M 1 111 11111 ■■I ■ `..iiiii • ■■1I NI ii■ ■11 1 ■■■sIill ,.1 :11mito 111!mi...plip IINIIIII 11 .1m •■I"IIIIi !IIi!! ell J! Lii_ 11i mI1JI1 �� ■ ■i■11■II I .�� �; ■ ■�■ ■IIII. V: 0 m ■■— ■SII 1 . ,�- m = •.• Bain 1 1 Iiili Ihmr I li in riii ii El lis iiiim ELE 1 111111 1 . i . . I EH—Dist !i_II . _ _ _ — I T II 3rd III I.. iufl1 •k IL" un ■ 1in „Legend as � III Ell H— l- Ran' Road II I ,� ■ ■• IIIflIT.T'iiiiiiINII ! t3p9CCPriCCip81 Art fit . Proer] itArterial _in 111111111111 III •111111 milt m, o 1 . Proposed Collector I .till I OM 111111 6Lig 111111 11111 .th 'i■ 11 Principal Arterial - 1■ Ke Irstone EI Im'entary I l 1 I I `� I4LunarArteri8i � � � 0 IR a4Or -- State or PederPeden]. e M� .1111111111111.1 unsisii a, I it 1l 1 . -■ ■■■I■■■■■■6N ■■■■■■ i ■ I 1CPA-p6-t Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley — from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use; Community Development Department change zoning from R-3 to CMU. sookaneCITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use Only) r 11..001° eY ComCurrentmuniPjanninty De 9 lop�nDivisionent Department DATESUBMITTED: RECEIVED PY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206FILENO./NAME: CPA-07-07 Tel: (5D9) 921-1000 Fax: (509 921-10CS planning ftsp•kanevallev.org PLANNING FEE: 't IPt SEPA FEE: 1 ift COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment 11 Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: STARLEN PROPERTIES LLC AND MORIN DEVELOPMENT MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: Email: PHONE: (HIvl) (lox)_ (CELL) APPLICANT; CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: _ PHONE: (HM) k+n'K) (CELL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: NIA PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): Southeast side of the intersection of Broadwa and Arsonne _ ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 45'184.01 16 AND 45184.0.101 PROPERTY SIZE: APPROX: 3,56 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: OFFICE PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: GARDEN OFFICE PROPOSEC ZONING CLASSIFICATION: MF-2 MLILTI-FAM[LY HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DIS-"RCT BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPERTY HAS SEVERAL APARTMENT UNITS AND IS NOT CONSISTANT WITH THE CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION, SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE; SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: 7?1�. r _ DATE; 11, I l ()C. Rev 10106 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-07-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential; change zoning classification from Garden Office (GO) to Multi- family High Density Residential District (MF-2) (Exhibit 1 & 2), Location: West of Argonne on the south side of Broadway Avenue; parcel no. 45184.0116 and 45164.0101 at 8910 E. Broadway Ave and 711 N. Argonne Road (Exhibit 3 & 4), Site Area: Total area is 3.56 acres; parcel no. 45184.0116 is 1.05 acres and parcel no. 45184.0101 is 2.51 acres. Current Use: The two properties are currently used as two apartment complexes: the southeast corner of parcel no. 45184.01 16 is vacant land. Adjacent Uses: The adjacent properties to the south and west are single-family housing: the properties to the north and east are office. Public Facilities: The properties are currently served with public water and sewer. The site is accessed from Broadway, a Minor Arterial, and Argonne, a Principal Arterial as designated on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive PlanlZoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5A of the Land Use Chapter in the Comprehensive Plan specify that the High Density Residential designation provides for existing multi-family residential development developed at a density in excess of twelve (12) units per acre. The two complexes were built as apartments in 1972 and 1973. Furthermore, this designation is appropriate for land which is located adjacent to the arterial street system served by public transportation, and is in close proximity to businesses and commercial centers. The properties are located along Argonne Road. a designated Office Corridor. Policies in Section 19.40.080 of the UCC state that MF-2 (High Density Multifamily Residential District) designation represents an opportunity to provide a range of housing types with densities not to exceed twenty two (22) units per acre. Also, multi-family residential zones should be used as transitional zoning between higher intensity land uses such as commercial and office to medium and lower density single family neighborhoods. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date, Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential and change the zoning classification to MF-2. 1 0115/20 E7 1 of 1 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map - - - - - -M M.';''''P V,---'-,..,,,, ---"'-',„,„#„.,..,, '--,, ,,..., -..._..,,,,,,,y 1 :[.,,,,,,.-„F,,;-•e-,-, --5 01-----.,--,,,-•-,, -,,,,,,,,, ` ,.,--,-'-„,..•,--.,,,,-".,,., ,,., `,,,_,,,, 'I ? _., r_,,‘05.' '"F° _I . .'°.-'-'-'F-'' ''-' -- .'#----''' '''-'-'--'." >'"''..*-..,-''''-'''''''.-----d-...,----"--." -'.....„," ,.F--'.--'''- °','F..„,,-,•y--•,,-,-,'''_,,,. , '', /1-,:•1, , F '--,„.-_„- --,,-,-,,,,,,„, „, ,,,,, ,,<, 4 ;00"'°''' /'-'-' 1.?"-- ---'" >00 ,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,_,,, ,, ,T).,,,.-, e' -- -A - , -->'-xF-,-----_,, l ' 9r030- - --,,F,--,0,-. .,--4-,---. 7-200-0E-__ _ _,, Øriii , gime f --.-._, - ---,-;4.,„. .,,.__ .__,,ft: $ve -., -_,,, -e„ -F- '-,•;,, -.4,, , '.,,,,, -,, ,,,,,5,, ,_, c,,,--; '.0 -. ,, -,, --- - -2,:. , ,,, ,, . '.-1'' -,,, '- 'e• 0I.. , --'A 0 ,,.,,....,..,_,:-.....,,., 0 r...,..... .,_„.,,,,,,,........._„,„.„..,.„....,..,•..„,,..,..,...,,,..__,..,..,v,...,.,.....Lim nt,21 l —'F...**..'e' '''.'''''''A ,,,.,,, , f<''.° '.,<.''e'°'.°''' ''''.'e°;.0.0".'.... --.•0"**'''''-"'-,,,,'°e'''° '***.„.••••" ".'- ''F'e 1 1 PublidQuasi- . � Public P:o:P#. '• - - -7- ' -, 0 Pfr". -, #-, : "' .P, .0 0 c'. '. -, ' •,O.Y'°0 0 4'4'; , ,,2'A"1 { , i1 a ' -4, .: ',ei4:?4. 0f •ii k I 1 1 1• M°°-,;.°-: ,.,4'. - -';.P<*°.. .. .e#,.°'..,,0,.,eF e.,-7";:ri' ,,,,,,, ":A MI t I '''"0, "f'',0 '..+;°'' '°'''..'''...''°°" .-•, ,r,A r g CPA-07-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley I de8i nah n from Office to High Density Residential; cow, 91;Oevelopmeaf Diepartment change zoning front GO to MF-2. Exhibit 2: zoning map Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map Sof - _ — .,� Ilj r' t I` d - ye Y 4' 71 i I r ' a - a yr ' i i' 0. ' a % s , , 4 a l} ; * d � _ P1 is _ - ��' * • 4,#1 t,;` �, } . -.E-,,, - 'PA-07`07 ` fir5o.rcieW t3' . i 7 �fx �.... _. --.i- rs ` - -I _ 'it 111 .. .,..4 p,..-- .- , i - ' , ,_ j : ---. ,,-1'r- , . 4.1..,ii 1 a fps I i lif 1 .1 . i ' . 'l 1 , \ 1. 1 ` � — 410111 ' illor , , rm, ..--.--,--fr, ,......, vi ... . , , .... .„.,,,,,......., ..i... . . , , -_, . . ___ .. , - ,. . ---- , Ili- . _ ____ i , „ _ 441,04,,, .._.—.. .IE ; hi IL I a .- n , M Y CPA-07-07 Request Change the Comprehensi 'e Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Office to High Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from GO to TIF-2. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map MIIIIMIII ter, ; ti lir - - - I-\.� .■■ ■!K :aa. rig, 1111■= 11111■ ■..� r 1 " 11 1 . 4 '111 0, Min 1111111 11■IuII121111111111111_ma ail 111 �M111111111C,1 r111� IH .I1 � � � G �,4 � �, idhiiIhiii. ■ I � IiX11 f� }+fii.. ,„,.!IU!III!HH Iime owl 1� monnom mom mom MIU o! iI1IIIiJ . sir,,,, �- �� — 5 ak, uaCs .: 1111 ■I ■ ■r mum 11 P mi 1411=MI ! MIN: mon — E. . - Amuh 11 i� .1...� M . : - TM _ Boon4 ■ s U. ■ . m1��11 _.�111_�I co. .ll Mil lim !�1I1.1111.r�_ ,+.a 11IiU11 :int�� 1■11� i• liiii U11N —IIn h llli1. 1 '—I CPA-07-0' 1NI! .III! MUi fl = �!1 iii JUL Arthur Li .'t-ar�� 11111 .1 ■ am,�: 11��� , ,■wTl]■ 1!' + r,�aI. imu':uumhII!rIM I!rIhTr�r : = , :111h1 111 : w ' ■ 111. II! � iii" ;r.adu"�an n1 .40111.1 I ■U 'u111 �■:!':.: -- 1111111 Mr 1111111E � IG I:!!iiflu..E 1 IIIII■I11■1 .N 11... ma m. — ,1i • �r St 3phe i .m11g Xii!pIiI1iJ1Ii !1IIr - ihmg , !I : -_ 1 1"m - el rill? a 40.,II s,.- West.V®lley MM 1 M + _111■1r I �t e g �'��� - 1111111!l LIII!1fl1 � 1L— ='.■11111 ! _SMI m1i — �■ ■ ■= ■■ '1111_ mom— =NEull on �� ■ erimais�I as• + ohm i .■ = =1min im zl 1., Fla NE ll!Ilrlm _ i Au ■�■i ..:,ET- ji - E --- rag •.- pi 1■� nro■IEN 5IMIEmi 5J_ut !II ! 11■ : ■ 14I!�!L • O .111stIg NIr — :. 1 N =_____.„.......------iger 3. ■.101 - - '''' ' Ilporil op NoNZ\---- to. 1 7 NI VI li Quo • ire—li—� I� CPA-074r Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map Gity of Spnlclane Vaiiev designation from(Mee to High Density Residential; Community Development Dep change xoniag from Gt}to 4 1-2, Exhibit 5: Transportation Map —� A elan -Al ' 1 n - _.,, L 1 olluni --- --- 7 ', — llILL:1— — I EL, mob M2 eti �� � � �i— r —E _ m f fel -, �, i lam, �� 3 to ( I . Om r — 1 m'11111111 11116- Er: - — — --' . T I ' = = • ! ; m. mi st,. II iim _ _ lin,_ sh7„IR: F-1 NI If MEI mill idiom . ,_ , _. 1 - • Jo__ _Ai iiL __ r, Ay- 1_ - Out ldl�_ lila.: - I —, .� 'IM :-- CPAJ07-07 r Arthur•B Ness Elementary) MI MI NI NI _ me • iiii I _ I. N r Mill !.. v,L..,-7 H — 211 ( , _ r L 1 III _ _ ■ ui --__11111 1•• =1.._ -1 _ limn \ill- _ , _ 1 1 1 .. U ,I.I 1I Ill■■,__ ri � I � �m ��k = UNBI — 1 _L: Ni• mit . ' I. ti milm MEI N ■ li f ait CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - (For Staff Use Only) -SAJL11 7 Community Development Department ^e) Current Planning Division DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED BY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valle, WA 99205 FILE NO./NAME: CPA-08-07 Tel: (509) 921.-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 pimniriOCaspokenevallev.arq PLANNING FEE: - J SEPA FEE: P I P COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment U Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: BB & A PIOPFRTIES I LLC MAILING ADDRESS: 1225 N ARGOIVNE RD STE A CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: P9212 Email: — PHONE: (HO_ (V410 (CE_L) APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 992iD6 Email: PHONE: (HM) MK) (CELL) - RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER' N}A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): 9015 L, Cataldo Ave. Located at the cross street of Cataide and Ar onne ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.. 451$1,1224 PROPERTYSIZE: - APPROXIMATELY.53 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: OFFICE PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: GARDEN OFFICE PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: MF-2 (MULTI-FAMILY HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPERTY HAS SEVERAL APARTMENT UNITS AND IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION. -- SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER' DATE: , SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: F}3L1+ 4 DATE. 1C Rev 10105 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Paso Amendments CPA-08-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential; change the zoning classification from Garden Office (GO) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: North side of Cataldo, west of its intersection with Argonne; Parcel no. 45181.1224 at 9015 E Catald°Ave (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area; 053 acres Current Use: The site is currently used as apartment buildings. Adjacent Uses: Properties to the north, south, and east are office buildings, and to the west is single-family housing. Public Facilities: The property is currently served by public water and sewer and is accessed from Argonne, a Principal Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.1 specify that the High Density Residential designation provides for existing multi-family residential development developed at a density in excess of twelve (12) units per acre. The apartment complex was built in 1959. Furthermore, this designation is appropriate for land which is Located adjacent to the arterial street system served by public transportation, and is in close proximity to businesses and commercial centers. The property is located along Argonne Road, a designated Office Corridor. Policies in Section 19.40.1080 of the UDC state that MF-2 (High Density Multifamily Residential District) designation represents an opportunity to provide a range of housing types with densities not to exceed twenty two (22) units per acre. Also, multi-family residential zones should be used as transitional zoning between higher intensity land uses such as commercial and office to medium and lower density single family neighborhoods. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential and change the zoning to MF-2. The current designations are rot consistent with the current use and this is considered a mapping error. toil 1/2007 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1 : Comprehensive Plan Map IN Mil_ ub i :asi--r -p,- 4 plihlc : 00..-..5 ..;.-- ,--4---- 0-..,.7..,.0A.-- .,-0---,..:-,.,,,- .,,, ...,,,,...-•e- ,',--:„.---,.. .----.- ..,---- -,i.1 ,,„ , ,:-r''' I”---,.,.•. - - ',, 'F-',, '„, '•,,,,,,- _,.,...,„,,---,_.......„,..,„....„.._.,o 1 Op _...„„...,..,___.___.,,,,_....„...,„ ,._.„-------- ,,_....„_.,,.,,,, .,.,,,„•,.,..,-.-...-. ...._.................,,...,,....... .........„ ...._.,.........,..,..",...,,,.....„,.....„ ,.........._........,.....#............_.....„..„ 1 PubrclQaasi- ;'-4 0 ,,,,,,„,,„,.,, _,,. ,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, F,,,,, , .,:,, , ,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,. , ....,....__..,__..._,,_,:-... Public • . Office ,_0--r#, ::„..... --,----..-4 ..„--A,0.0---,,. -- -4-----;---,-----------...----- -_,_,,,o, r - - 7 .0 Vi a 0'''.0 3•'"-.,,,•'''''-,,,1,...""'',.,. -"-p."..,,,,,,,..e.,„,0.,1, --",1 0.,,,...,,,#,,,,-.'" ...",„1...,4.-.'eF"''''',,,,..„-.'°F.,.,,,,.,,..'"F-,,,,,..„,H,,,."....„1"''',,,,,1",,,,,,r'F' Low elsity ,,, „ ''''', ,, e' -,,, , --'°''"0.PL_..,..-,,...,•-- 1/)-„-..--P 74...,.I,,,0_.„..,-,.,,...,,,,-- A,.,,.--,......-,,,,.... 1lrsid nt al ,,....o.,.. .....,... ..4...<;,.....--„,,,. .-,,-- -„-,<'0.0... -, ,....---------.,..----------„,,..,"------- 0...„:-. ..,„,,Ard,S, Cataldo . ..,_. ,•,',°'>,,,,,10.,,,,,, ,..,,,,,- ., '- 0!e;#'-°..°'°'-e<d4„.,,.•,,, •- -0.,., .e, is. ''' 0 ,.,,,, , ,,. 00,.,,. ,0 0,,,,•,,.0 ,,,, ,,,.., 0- -",,,•,.,,, , ,# .>'°-, ') Fi 0 7. "-.."F''°.'"°°.,,0'''.0 ,,0•.°' '''' PO - .•;''' . -°' '°';' 0 ge e , -', -,,,,-- 0 0 0.0.,--.--- --„,,,,,-.,., -..,,,, --',,,,,,,,,,,, -, ->;,.00g, So'. ., ,,. 0 o -,.---4-4. ' '"_,„,,,,>_:"' ,,,,F p' 0,,..........--:------___,,...--_-,-....'-°>_.,...... ,,,, ' P? ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, ,„_., , ,,,,,,, ,,_,0_,, F_,_ __ _,__ ,,, ,,, --o-..----.--°--,-.--''''-- r.....„________.„ ,,,,,,,,,.______________.. . 0_,,,„--;..,„ ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,A,, -_„„----,..,„_.,-,,,,,f,,,,,,,,-, „....._.--,........--.-....,,„,--.,,, d..---...---, ,,,-, _,,.-.--,,,, _,,,,e ,---- 4-,-,„,,,,,, . .,,,,-..,--,,.:,---,,,_-<:.-0:;.-0._,,,---------------- -- - 0-00 , ..,...„..,.. „ ..„,........__.„....„.,,__ _,......„,,,,.......„0 1 0,,..,..„„..,..,,0..#.,,,,,, ,...,..p..,..,..,,_..........,... CPA-la$-071 equst: hanee the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Office to High Density'Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from GO to 141E- . Exhibit 2: Zoning Map ° °;° I oo I _ • ` Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map 41 ' • -.., rTi-i--1 , _ _ • , , ,, ,,, , , , , ,, . ,,, 41 ! 1. , , ,,,,,, gig .. l,- ____, 4iHrH11 ' �r...ad. . .. Y _ - rit CPA-08-47 `L L . IIIy ` ' ''I } �1 c ... - F e„ K.,�`r-Y y- , r AL 1 ,moi h 1114.-t,lC"t `rn'I. ti_ .. .. x .a—,mss# r - r*:r+ 1 • �' a ' w .k.. .•. r Fib. ...lam. "r5' C t i i I f+ As i c . . z a _r, ,} •' .a • 1 i '%.... itdo `r 1 r?'1AIs7 , ;S w1 1 [' rt:ild1 '41'14.s. i ., _v rf .. a .l rrir v. it 1 M Sr Ni.' J 'y r Illt *_ or a fir. viii r, Kc F' Y K f 1 la 1_ ° • CPA-08-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Office to High Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from GO to MT-21 Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map 1; n _ fIl:���� ����� K. at mIN 111! Nu m ,E ■ la%IJI!- am tpi mi ..I d % :Clirlsdan yp.,y tiSi �■mum im- [. rte `� _' �:viichiel" � � . .., —mut= i1 � � ��, gin � �ti- ' " �_ ■■ rio `■■1 5pLe vidity ii nom t.0 111111111E ra E.g., ..... ■■ ■■ ��- ■ 5.,74 • ■ll �■ 1114k, I i It inn 11■ '.as iiia ars •�� �1■�_ 1.1 1■ 1111111 II■11■1 .IIIII11 num El zi 111 ll�i��1111■ a • ■ :. .. .L, 1...., - ■ im Una .. MIN ii11 ' € i�11■! �5:, _ .. ,. Il • il�1� ,Ss,a. X X� u:::u mmirli �Iry _ �_ Pill it i III . n1u= llMI _ ;II Ilm mi. III illli[Gm E- 47 III III . �. fo .Til ~■I ■II M slio= en ■ CPA-08-07 ■■ mat m= Kim.% �� .€ -� ■ ■ ■r I ■111 ■'NE rp-- . -IilIH !E ! t az E-10.1 il t- Li I !;1UI E I A . 1.A 11 i■■HiI :. 11 am Banc'1 �■ �i � flh1I'!'1IIIIIiII1iI!'■ 1� � J irni 1,! 1f ! — y 111-III! .. .. 1 l III•r:11■!k1II Ilii .tai.0 B NM Ei iL.., 1.."12MI III- ■P !IF fl1IIIP• LCrnea r}. t.�W = J111u11u..iii= 0 - ilii:1.- fill: i .. i.HII. �■II■ B .ad..va I road L-- IPUN_hIIIi : - $ 111'■�����':IIII 19m e 1!1 ihJJIIjfljMkI��■■�� I ■' 111111 -I �- mP � __r S!John II III'9III1IIII1 !IIU -m 111, ism _lam ,many, ��laan y x �. . .ilEM 1_2-r, - west Volley +iim = ,m 111111111141111P LIM. .11. Cd School— 1 I. Mg RIU- IMIIIIMMwoollh:2-/M—. al Mil I 1j11111q SIM -; MIME .EMI L'' ... 1.111.; -'11"'"-1 ri& ilWaill a 111111 1"1. ME MI I- m22 NM =MPJNIM M.M1 ZiliMM ME-IMM I ■r1 ■Ifirtio .. R_ Ign, monommown= , . = MOM .i-,, iii . ii ' .1= . EL 5. on .0 imim.-m-m- ,- � , �' �� ■Il■. ii Eli 11: 1 . 1.■I ,_ague ,• a SpSpm_ e h • _ oil: 1_,. . PIL-- -11w 11A-Iiiiity- __........: _ii.v....... . — liMimor al..—Xis:1m--11,11.— I L6 .._ ...,_... CPA-0S-07 -07 , Request: Change the Comprehensive Pion map designation Qty of Spokane Valley from Office to High Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from GO to MF-2, Exhibit 5: Transportation Map FM e. MU E INNI O 1, 'loll 11 .4111- 1i1 14. 11111114 NMI A - III :111.11111.1 111 _ , II. _-----'_- art =um AIM moml .11 is - arm- Ei iim 0.111 fissio7 IV =111=_ MIME -,4ii -11 . MIEN. —' 111 ■11 num. r=11 WIWI MAI ,,..7,„Lwr4 ria WE: UM INiii - I11 it IIUL1iJ! ! IIIII1_ -- 1 _ 00 iii I ! P' I"i. !.!'II lir I limp& iii 1 kg I Ila ,■N"11111 Bcimu I ,Il 1111% ■� I.c.P.A.-1-101 larlirEm sh. Booi�c' 1111 11II !F_ 11.. n. m■ . ■ r■1FA■ Demme, = IIIIM s, M= ,L■ 1 , =■1r ■ X11 . � ■ � � 11111 � �■ .. .. ■ ■ ■ .I u . 1� i!I'__ iIIiI!IIII � ■� Arthur s111111 � � aw ■ ll■ IIIMMII■■ wiiiIflhiiLUi! ! • no - Ili- ■ ■ I. _ IiiiIIIL ,.. 11■■. 1�1■■� Mil ■. ���, :_� all 1 I Legend1 ,,,,,r..s r�1 ■ St'3oh1n 'isrnrtey,Gym 1 a -1--4 Rai]Road I 1 ▪ Proposed Principal Arterial _I ' ■ WIN IIIIIIMEM �r - - - Proposed Manor Arterial _ 111 �� x ■ ill II - Proposed Collector '' Ell West Valley City Sebnal - —. -Principal Arteria] mm MO I �3 -Minor Arterial g _ II 1�I., II ■, 1111 M Colles i 11 _. ■■ I M 1 O State or FederalWirl II �— ■` ■ 1■E�■ - MilliThlIlifi .,. 1"16111 __ ____i . CFA-0$-07 Request: Change the Cautprehen ive Phu map diesigaatioa City of Spats Erne Valley from[ ffii a to High Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from GO to 1VIF-2. *Wane CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use Only) .000Valky Community Development Department Current Planning Division DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED BY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 105 Spokane Malley, WA 99206 FILE No./NATE: CPA-09-07 Tel: (509) 921-10U0 Fax: (509) 921-1008 planning(Mspokanevallev,orq PLANNING FEE: ttii J ik SEFA FEE: I itC COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment 0 Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: PINES AFFORDABLE HOUSING LLC ETAL MAILING ADDRESS: 191 Wilbur Road STE 103 CITY: THOUSAND OAKS STATE: CA ZIP: 91 360 Email: PHONE: (HM) (wK) (CELL) APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: PHONE: (HM) Mk) (CELL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: NIA PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): 512 N. Pines Road. Located at the Intersection of Pines Road and Olive. ASSESSOR PARCEL No.. 45153.1715 PROPERTY SIZE: 2.22 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: OFFICE _ PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: HiGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: OFFICE PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: MF-2 (MULTI-FAMILY HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPERTY HAS SEVERAL APARTMENT UNITE AND IS NOT CUNSISTANT WITH THE CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: '' �� DATE: I t I i ff Dl Rev 10100 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-09-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential; change zoning classification from Office (0) to Multi- family High Density Residential District (MF-2) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: East of Pines, north of its intersection with Olive; parcel no. 45153.1 715 at 512 N Pines Road (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: 2.22 acres Current Use: The site is currently used for multi-family housing. Adjacent Uses: The adjacent properties to the east are multi-family apartment complexes, the north and west are office and commercial, and the south is vacant land. Public Facilities: The property is currently served by public water and sewer and is accessed from Pines Road, a Principal Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive PIan$Zoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.1 of the Land Use Chapter in the Comprehensive Plan specify that the High Density Residential designation provides for existing multi-family residential development developed at a density in excess of twelve (12) units per acre. The complex was built in 1971. Furthermore, this designation is appropriate for land which is located adjacent to the arterial street system served by public transportation, and is in close proximity to businesses and commercial centers. Policies in Section 19.40.080 of the UDC state that MF-2 (High Density Multifamily Residential District) designation represents an opportunity to provide a range of housing types with densities not to exceed twenty two (22) units per acre. Also, multi-family residential zones should be used as transitional zoning between higher intensity land uses such as commercial and office to medium and lower density single family neighborhoods. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential and change the zoning classification to MF-2. This is clearly a mapping error. 10/11/2007 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map 7.9r- 'H '-.-',- .'-, -, , -F '' .,'F - -.,e--1- -- . ,...,... O. ,..e.'....1: ........g „._ .,..4' hubliciQuasi- North Public Pines .0 Middle 0 Public/[ raa i- Public Public Low Density Residential :0:0 ', '1. ,' %.' : OS f#4;,. CPAP-09-07 q , -E 1 j....F.'....„ __ ..'''.._..--•.--;" Fl� tt tlensit} -. .: e';;°-° '° '., ,. ''0 F,,.,, ,,,,,e, , ,,e,, '>; L----ijii i�e��dent�t ;,-,-„,-,,,,,----......„„_--_____...... 0., R _,F1 ,:-...---------------- ------------ --------------- - ; , ,,, F' ...„,, .t..,..----.:.-..„4.0.1 _. ,-. ,,---<,,,,,,, ,,, ,..„„---. 5 „,,,,.,,,,,,,,F, ' mir_12 Vd .„.....______„,„,„,„-----' _, ,, ,,,,, ,,,,„, ' 0 -'- ' ------- ,, ---' 'HA:° -------e-------"--1 If—c- . , ,...,...p.....„,,,,,,_,.._,, ,...... . ,. ,,..._.,,.., ,,,.....,.. .,,,.. ,..--...- .,,,,-......,..f...,,,,„.„..---,,,,..., - - F ill It sul luta it ----------e.''''.------''''e-e------------ V ik„,,i,„ , .. , ,.. • t a5i l n31 liilcsiucritial..,,, ': , r ...,„..--,..---p,,,,,----,,.....„......--..,,,,,, -.......„....,-----, 7 ---,.................................,.....,.,.-----,_...........,...s_,........_,..,„.„,..--,...„,..,,, .,. .'--,,,,,, --.--,„......„..,......,......._.„......, 0 g.,...,.,,,A P,,,,-..,-.„F---7..rp,,,.,.;,•.•-,,•'',,'''_--.-.,..0-'-4-.:-,.'.f 7,,.,.. 0 ....--,-----..''..5 - f.. .3 Ik .si„ 11W_„,00-e,.,..—.--..-,0-e-.0-'.'-.'-:.....',:.":.".."..-.'-".'.'....*.'.j.'f'-.'' .,''. If.,-,,_...,.e.....',„..—A— ....F.F0','-"•.•..'.."..1e..e-...0' E2csidvntiul f—.lr / .is Valle a MC d i U in :;'-.••'.'0 re.',.•.,,. ... .''-„.,,„..r"...-..............,re,....... '''"-..,... ,,,d'''''-.,.,...,,,,....,..,0Fe.........,.......,,...,...,.,,.e''''',., 0 1:*".."':r.0 e.",..„#.0.',„„......,,...e-.0......"0,...,"".,.,0..........Fi...,re''',„...d......".....,e''' Densitv t'es. #.0,,,F _,...,. ,00.0*"° '0*; idcatial ...," ...„...,........, ,..•• '.- _.,F°..."' , e#' ',0;,,0*'°4 -,"e°.,' '; ' ri,4•..?;‹ . A CPA-09-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Office to High Density Residential; ' Community Development Department change zoning from 0 to MF-2. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map 1 :,----,,--„...,,--___, ......,„---- ., --.------,,----.....,,---„......,,----_,,,_,,,,..,,.. ,,--_, :00//e/01 North vines 14'lictdlc "°4/.//0////..° CF . Tr":////////F-� I0 1 AlkiAo 04AFF ,,,,,,...oFi,...0.0 e.,,,g.,...,......0.,,.. 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Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map *71 i EE{{ - -FF I! - Ph. i y r - i 1 . f , ,:. , Y k , 1 11 . I .3 y y ,e P 1-'' ,.. 'C ''. -Q9-07 iz i; NII - i , r1 1 4 €— A r ..,.. . Pry - 'c { _ 1 . , „. 1 ,. [g.„1 f ih 11 ` Ftai k }1I (7;41:41: , 14 fali 1 • . t- ... 'raY I 1 A ,yam . , �.. � , ....r I, r r I :,..40. , . . ...: ., .. ,- _ • .4 ,.., , .,-g la : Z i r,„ CPA-09-D7 Roiliest: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Office to High Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from 0 to itf'-2. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map — - nub sziffp ' EMI . LI;w- ,..,- dr [-- _IL ++.icy I�!.iii mini 3 2 4.. ■ i ', ,1,. —MI sson imrissimmas.g1n,, + , 11111 111111 ......„.., I m.or Mi I I I 970 aE Minim ■■■■■ —11■L. � i ■ -= U , MI Iii! to 1�m i""'1 I U1i1!.!JIj mmi • Bone I ., 1 !MI rM1 Ii■11■ �1� Ea.n -MI ' MIMI= Mme. �m Il �1�1 11 11111111111 Dim in ■m �: == U nie I I _ d ' ■I■■1■1111 ■n m= l■ mi ' m ' ■■ I � ME !1111 _ ;ata C, II .. ■ d �� .11 atntd, M. "111111111111 ■I•■1.1111 1 - ° .,'. NI Rim If CPA-09-07 I I-'Y 1■ . 4 � .. � Bloke ■ 1• i - '. imi - Eletaenta Gethsemane a cam E :Lute,f x:11 1 JJ• _ `3 N ID,tiartL I3,nadw 1f� ■� ,ruedw - [!JJ!! IIIUIII1 � Pio1 ��f ■ 1�11111 1.• iN,� °' mra .. i■■�■I minim ii iiiUII� �■ � I ■► it ■ ! ••II■■ �■■r9■%i 11- ■U � i I , ■ rpm ■■■■I■ in � �° - 1 E■� 0t0 II■■IILI Wilma u �V . .VIII■II■1III - II� � I• F!PJIIJIIIIIIIIIIIG _'IL ..Fa �� 111■�� -1= 111 m■•■ 111■I u'ir.ii ' u !1IIIPWUIIIdII"•1� 1i1■ ■" ma,. � '� - -0.� i 1., 111111• - ��MI1111'a 1111 � INIEE EL- 11111 . lilh= n _m., mom M ';,l 'I II■! �F2! [ e ni ;jI11 '` inmi i- _octet ■1i ■h . . - 1�I1i■1 i 11!11■ . Based s, .'ase Sprc_u _i ague ra 1 ---Al Education H imia. llll ,!huIF ■ II� ■ i. 7 II■■ ■ MMitI- 11 I � � � f �rim., _ I � - ; = q 3rsf. I I - 11nil' Wlisrr�d■= _ liii • gum ■MMI, i 4 r r i_ •• 4th ■_ 4H� ■■..1 r, tj ri . 1MI15 EI'.'IIli!'IIIF ■' ��� l moill CII ■ ,:._ ■ ! ; .1- 6 ( l I11111■IIIl _LI 1 ■uI1� -• . I■ .II .5tt, r llll�■f•r m .ani . Keyst�uae aull�thlM _ 41 I_;I�I9 to II CPA-49-47 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Office to High Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from 0 to P► -2, Exhibit 5: Transportation Map ��!. 1iflhIIIIL• Ii s o iii r IM � EMIT■ ■ I 1IFI __■s :haatrJ ■U dim.. . . _ Ihi i: .o gym 1� 11. 11•11 ■1 ._ii■■ I_I 1 1 I1 - moon■■■ ■I 1 0 sim m 1 ■ I-lines ct ■■■■'■��■� Mr =111.117 MI 4' MNli 4tLi& = I u•....■.. 1 — i I 1–,.. _ ---7( DID:— IM mii . 1 H — -', Do= N II m . 1 . CPA-09-07 — IIIIUII!II North Pines Middle. ij ' -!i � n�Ttielcl: . IM •-',-:. It " ii•:11 ■ , 1! _] - _ iMNLI 011 MI r Mite 1!1111111i HEE I 1 im II � UIIiT'!!!t iIi iimulimm: i � — _ n ■: , . arii LV iII !I! 1 in-: :1 I ■ ! IN la!�I ■.■ ■■1u'I.U1■I■. I il Legend 111IIIIIIm I Ill I Mil MMI Il El I Sprague — — — Proix Eed Principal Arterial •pnor unI I■� II •, v,n�ip'"�"' '' Provo sedi tBCAiteTial — ILI I r �� Proposed Collector 1 I pi ��'I • L . Collector IMM li imr_ /1 Sun orFeduel A= Al ■ IIIII7 I t 15. CPA-09--0; Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley- designation from Office to High Density Residenfial; Community Development Department change zoning from 0 to MF-2. spo" anl� CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use Only) Community Development Department .050V alley Current Planning Division DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED BY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 FIFE No./NAME: CPA-11-0 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1000 aiannina 7a spokanevallev,orai PLANNING FEE: 1%3 . A. SERA FEE. f.1 f A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART 1 — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment 0 Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: Email: PHONE: &4M) ( K) - (CELL) APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY; SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: PHONE: (Ha) tum) (cal) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: NIA PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): Corridor from Greenacres Road west to the cit bounds • From 1-90 south to Alki Road includin' the area from the intersection of Allo_ The south boarder runs from the intersection of Alki and Greenacres to the intersection of Alki and Michiatan. The property continues from Michigan and APalewaV following Apcleway to the city boundary line. ASSESSOR PARCEL No.: NIA PROPERTY SIZE: N/A CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: CORRIDOR MIXED USE AND COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL PROPOSED] COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: CORRIDOR MIXED USE AND COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: q114.64t,j j DATE: U l+ f[r+ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: Rev 10106 '1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-10-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Corridor Mixed- Use to Regional Commercial; corresponding zone change to from Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) and Community Commercial (C) to Regional Commercial (RC) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: The corridor is part of the darker interchange and runs from east of Greenacres Road to Hodges Road and from south of 1-90 to Alki Road; the southern border of the corridor extends along Alki from Greenacres to Michigan; there is a small portion included in the corridor that extends the border farther south from Alki to Appleway along Michigan, and then east to Hodges Road, the city boundary line (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: Approx. 100 acres Current Use: There is a variety of current uses including single-family residential uses, storage facilities, various restaurants, a motor sports store, the Nut Factory, and Huber Trailer Sales. Adjacent Uses: The properties north across 1-90 aro industrial and commercial, west are single-family residential, and south are mixed use; east is the City of Spokane Valley boundary line. Public Facilities: The majority of the site is served with public water and sewer; the western portion from Barker to Greenacres is part of the 9-'near Sewer Plan_ The site is accessed from Federal highway 1-90 at Barker Road and along Appleway Blvd., both Principal Arterials on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive PlanlZoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.2 of the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan designate that Regional Commercial is designed for a wide range of uses and development types. This designation is most appropriate for°big box" retail areas that serve regional retail and commercial uses. Currently the designation is applied to the Valley Mall and Auto Row. The Barker corridor is conducive to this type of development and use. Furthermore, policies in Section 19.50.060 of the UDC also states that Regional Commercial designation allows for a large range of commercial and business uses and is subjected to Community Design Guidelines that address design quality, mixed-use, and the integration cf auto, pedestrian, and transit circulation. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Regional Commercial and change the zoning classification to Regional Commercial. The area will be better used for larger commercial uses. 10/15/2007 Page 1 of 7 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map II • IIIMIIIIIII. 1 IVr' - Irg -•'-t larliffl. %AIM 1 1 04-1 f MIMI. I A Public/0u= i-. ., .1=11111111..temo..r, 1 ,m =14 111•1= I IP u IA Q u Is i- liI lip Public . =EMMA 1 .11111.1E11104111.11° NE .4 ..,ern, 1 Public - . 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"Me/ IP, Ill Public/Qo Public mil 11 gE 11 ig,iji Den"s'its' R III_1 laillillELMIP1111. 7c bli e.9 Last:- 2n4 II.1 Publici.Quasl- '' umu.1 ,,_Entil , 1 i Wm.. ..1 'ublic ...1.1.11111.1...1111..M111. __....- _ - CPA-10-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Phu map City of Spokane Valley designation from Corridor Mixed Use and Community Commercial to Regional Commercial; Community Development Department __ change zoning from CMU and C to RC. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map R-3 mIiiit1mV11LJ 11! 2 III111■■ • I� 1 �- ■...I..1■ IN:i iiz IIE$ =°i 'Ht1111 ■ rIMINIIIIIIIIII . ! ■1111111 11 = e mi • IF I■ INIIIIIIIIIrt- gL.... mim rNi „...:: 4. �1 i Il IP �, .... ,,,,,,,-%., ,,,HI-S: -.. ■■ I rnt I� :m.E::. CPA-XU-D? ..,...NN m Mk ------.- .75, ,,,,,..H.‘„,„... - N.,....74N. v tor gdJ3 0.7 +lir ';d;al 4a ' I 90 # 77 �' • sw � eritoN,'•;Nr: hits*.{►ems.r 4414.14..F SI► VIT,4" '.,►'I '`4+;►"'0,47.■! -%,"* 4444"TO','''•N. 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SgCNAL...... ;4-4'''."4'136.:(64.-4 .1,-'"...-‘:-t..- ' •1 t---nAltiough-ml.iirralelllii ilViif.L41.31;,01.; ,§$1:1:2$4.§3-IN' %. midi —"..** lifilliiiiiiriliallniew11111111IM gamoir ord. mis, .t.,,m___ 1111* L'''' `' .� rail' 1111 ! ` , Sjwr1 0 _ „la . ...t AN'. SZMI 011 tofu , AI gm i � III dill. ` � CF t 2 ■P ■ • -■1111111.1-' MEI �.. . 1m■■■M■ IM 11 III.. ar pra uc ..,, EI. IE jilt �■ ■ �■ E ■ • ' R 3 ti, IFt R q ■ 4” = c Aim III ■■■ azg= ■ TF-,' Mei . CPA-10-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane galley design.ation from Corridor Mimed Use and 7omm nnnity Development Department Community Commercial to Regional Commercial; liuoge Tuning from C14f[1 and C to RC. Exhibit 3: 20067 •�eria1 Map 1 ..1771 q ,_ , , ,— , i '.--' . ---.. : - It-7-._V,..A-- 4---Ift 'ir---,7-- -- ' ' ...---1 . 13 ..1:1 ..,' 4. . ,,f --. .....i. 11, - ....)-- . , _ ... i oi..., ,......a ... --_, ..,..,,, .., - --,:i j—,. ----7 --'' '''.1 , fi— .: i,- u Bg�lcer c/>�mmuoxiyI � �'I � F -Tr E - C'r Learning - . " qy. ■ Eaini 'fit... ,J, .4 r ® II� r1 tt •_ • Q _ `7_- I-�- 1 .. r—1 , , .ae,f •1 .1 I ® f. til ,, [, � �— .. y- •'1 1'r1 °I`{Fr-41 L - ® _ e - , �'• in r I1,'111 Ii 44 .. 11 _I • , - - ^'i g is JI i. I 1, 1 �� Service ti )041 � ^-I h_.S-,«- .. E i .. .ISI��tn i,.rl k *i , - }}} �, Z -7: illy __, * •`' 1 f 7-r4 CPA-10-07 "'I'6 I mo, } I • � td Ali ,..,I a 1 u ter r y' •( ,.. l f /f. '✓ _ fl+ -JT t } l 'f"/ t, nl / '' "3 'µprI t — f }" }.9 f - ,1-.).:-/ I/' -`" y/ /,/,- j11/411:i � /./--:,;77, r -7- f � } < •Id : �� _,.: .v,{ i]'V' / f - ff f f/fi‘f7 11� ''- iZ FR `///:(C''''''.; /ly''�'' a ' rr, f , fffr/ f $rf7-7�y / i ✓ � #I/:/ I; �Jt{. /f. VI / ' A 7 t4/4 F _1 I1 ,,{ jt. rF.- /FJJ j L 4. . _ am 3 ,I, ' :if)* F Fr Lr.„, _1 ,,__,,,..,__, , 4, , . , , , L,, ., I . r f •..1 i:r --,. 1 1 r .4- I 1L. ._, °__ , 4 • #k 1 w. 4._L., I . � wf' 1--Y1,-,`,-, I` e :I 91 1�,1°r. l '. 1 11, x.11 I St '1:41A4431110:, Yom. A - - -. *•.-,J,-:L..I �'..I•,1_ I I _L, J- , 1' �1 t{ -:'be rry M tiu p'°', 4 -.5, •>. . I g-rii ill - r1.,Tli ,f, 110 li `.. - _ --� f 4Y. 190 J ,L Ell . 1 fir} .------]'. r Y , r1 1 i3 iS 0 �� , J-1 .e 1,�, 1 _ter - 77 I v.-.s, L+ 'N , q y•. _ _ F - _. r i 11 i .1 E :rti_. 11 �I 1 CPA-14-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Corridor Mixed Use and j Community DevelopIlElex<#Department Community Ceiumercial to Regional Commercial; change zoning from CM11 and C to RC. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map --- r . v - ter_ I� l"- iJr1 .4 Ed 1 ,;_.--,-----wikil 1 lir 414p, 11043 "-"1 ppm m,0 411111.1 1111,—..1. 417ffilimirv. ii7e ; IRS . "00„."\i„1/4 1111 MIIII + 4Lat# + 0 Jv- it t rr� 111111 - r 4.; is .111 : h. n 1M IA Vii, ILIr. k. flLtgh IIIi. I } _dit1111� =:4;.:i1 �irji 4� 11 MI= ,: �_s �:_: rrd':ra11 iil�n�;�3i:�:I NE.0 1 t� ,'�lf� du��, , o' �� SII ��1'ril, ;, ,i1j111! mi �n�rnr Y fit 71i �E0 i •us•ta t,c1 5 i a 44,2.,, .5a, . .-- -. ------is--- IN i1i 1kill issi1r,_ •■ is .. [� .. iy +� iai .1 . a- is 1 �irr Ir l�II��int -1 Mi Imp N, 11'y a. .'cll - r1a =aILMrqiliffi k; rr j ��� tih,,mia.-.. romumni- 1 mi."- liva4� � CPA-10-07 > ar,ct3tI.t i Emonc r . 1!a■ • _ 5srflec -�I a 4 1 INN � • r Ceotir IIII +�]es GL l, x '`tea-��■�� .:da ,e':n '���_(3 �11 ,g ) atald !yr ,,-- a iiig7ApEr. 8L77!'.7- Brea:Mill ti9 :11...1d-F 111111111WIAC::::e4,44100-711:L° •-r-_ ._ I am pop -k gum • E. t ■ :1111 u t J 4 h11��!Iv ■■�_milli 111 1WIr ■w■ u: v I- a HAI -I ill I . Ira; INg111111121. r■ Lay. +imps - m._ :s', �� N 1mi I ,opr � . , GTCenaCres Ile1o mitz ir RSd] A -IN ', r:::;! lu'FkVILeit� '�'.� ilr�rs " � �. IIIEI ■■! ,g II _prof' -- 5! 111111.rlI!. -- HZ ii" ping" iii [ iL1 ■ moii''m1111111■'00 '4 /1 ` 1. j11 ■ _�� �� �. m ..1l' Ir!` _'a1 h_ t,r :• milt. ■`� 4 gyp ::unnuf :r--IV'`f air ■■iii__ 1 th �r�1 I.-,...... t mnl Im_rrr� 4th , ' 4th III ■Mil. i • .4t' ■V' r"' J 1 1141711111■ Creeoacrrs ■I i ...r. �I� 1111 ' . � 1� 1�, .+ = Ilim ■ Elemcafli41,1•47=1 El' Mil r: ME WI ��'; 6th khIiLIIiILL4IfliII!!IL . ■rr■ rlr,w-.44 � y1 f 4ya. iia 11r•`; it 1 , :L Li&Olia. a PIP 12 A. CFA-1O-07 - Requ t; Change the Comprehensive Plan map I City of Spokane designation from Corridor Mixed Use and C Community Development Department Community Commercial to Regional Ca11a1ner ia1; change zoning from C347 and C toRC. 1 Exhibit 5: Transportation Map ii,pr-o- itpli ---- w ..L.," "1b imillmitn- __ pig : 1�1 rie;lr nn q, #�aCb, l lid•Zatilig dr rt-:.,...} tvt+n eI. 1■�I11111 110, rio �a yal ilI ma.mml:6mi -•• ,r,,,,� , rim R1aaeild ik I.: Rl.s. 111 1e�,,"ua.l w ■rs ■111N0 +s::Rai Rcic9e I cr 6 ■tri ■ ■ 'MA. a �� '=i' 1^."70' IIIIIIIITFx i11 n ■� ..� _ =HA 4,50111 m E: .,o 'a1 :r ll,diana �•�I11. " •i.: tt4 RinBald,i ■ n Baldwin iau <mu r 1i■°■1 1 ■If11� 4 .y*.n ��11_l T gi-111'! Ihm i i± - . ■ �In i a .; �,r am EriVeni "raiz3 ■ .1 ..' SIl��ll .iM�� ��_ „■ i-- ' tlial 1!:11 rllr.�• lj'■1�st111{-`Barker�Comrnunity Lin ring Center nm mtll%■ NE 11111 ■ 1 _��I ■1IL IiII 11■., ., ��,� NI =Ciii ��i SPA-1U-U7_ !Iu! JIiL1I . i:'dm ” 4 ....1.,_,,r _,�I �-�. i l Educational Service Center �rt -- --=----,.....-4L 'rot- i unit& ■ �1Min 13•0wI ti.ti' Elmir 1 Btnu'wop-_1 l�� , dsr+av� ;4 Y _ iJjj !flihhhh --1iIIIII' iuiiuui '* 1i ■il111_ ■1l■ r ��� ill F 'r. ' ' il _ :� I� I[ 7�� I�1�1111u � NI r = ¢ E a _ "�-_ - Mos 1111M------ -Voir--41 * _.. • Ile 1; 1 ■[[�ril.l. ti el *il. _ A pimp pun I:;1. 1 111 minim — �i hill ��_ ' ti Grees3Aer s'1Ilddte 't c ' Id mum 1M1 Ea. 1M '-'., -1T41%.cgiid' wAl i amino I? r'r .. . 11■1111 n I� rpt . � ��� �� Ilr•��i - ilaila in -sly ■ I !1Illhi ''=1 171 liminum- - - - ' • = IIIIII *6 Er., Il _. _111 ■ i��li ul>II�� 111 �,� nl1y: ..--- GreeaacresElemeatary ,s s-■-!—m Legend I �Ip y�11111111111nC simi 4th* . ���� L■ 1 11111 11 _� " ■I, ®�� gilf �� RSI R01 ��`, - M • .. _ _ �Illlrl_ � 11111 � _ mill Proposed Principal Arterial t�■11 1�11=.11a1 111111111 i_ .!, 7:'..:,.[*1,1:ter,.a Isms oimai PrOpc]sed hl1flO7 d4IteCYS1 t -� 11 7' +' - I'I1 aNMImm.III-e 14111+ Pr pcased Coll to ■ 1111■1■■ ■m nom i■I m■■D �t1I■ w4IIllAI� 111.t11#111 16 —Principal Arterial1410.0„.0-4 II y 1i ira' IA.131 th11'rr � Minor Artaesi a] 11In100.1 *'II! 11 Collector 1—'= State er Federal IAMB' `. ) 1 CPA-10-07 Request; Change the Comprehensive Plan map — I designation from CarridorMixed tine and City of Spokane Valley Cammuul Commercial to Regional Commercial; Community Development Department change 2n1ngiPram CIAU and C to BC, S ' Re CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use Only) ll V CommCurrentunity De Plannin v Io171vpmisionent Department DATE SURMITTE11: RECEIVED Dv: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 FILE No. IaE: QA-11-07 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (sag) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1006 planninoftspokaneve Ilev,orq PLANNING FEE: #�11✓k SEPA FEE: tom] !1C COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment © Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: SPOKANE SOCCER PROPERTIES LLC MAILING ADDRESS: 1511 NW IFINACO CENTER CITY: CAMAS STATE: WA ZIP: 98607 Email: PHONE: (Hr ) (m) (cE!_) APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: PHONE: (HM) (w,) (CELL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): Southwest side of the intersection at Nora and Park ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.; 35124.2504 AND 35124.2605 PROPERTY SIZE: APPROXI 2.12 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: PUDLIG/QLASI-PUBLIC PROPOSED COr4IPREHENSWF PLAN DESIGNATION: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: COMMUNITYFACIL[TY PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE SITE IS USED AS AN INDOOR SOCCER FACILITY-WHICH IS CONSIDERED AN ACCEPTABLE.USE UNDER THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DESIGNATION AND ZONING. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: ''nk. DATE: iI_ t} aim 7 Rev 10/06 1 Staff Report 2007 comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-11.07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Light Industrial; corresponding zonechange from Community Facility (CF) to Light Industria] (I-1) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: West of Park Avenue and on the south side of Nora; parcel numbers 35124.2504 and 351 24.2606 at 7320 E. Nora Ave (Exhibit 3 &4). Site Area: 2.12 acres total; 35124.2504 is 0.71 acres, and 35124.2606 is 1.41 acres. Current Use: The current use is a private indoor soccer park with a vacant lot to the east. Adjacent Uses: Multi-family residence to the north, Seth Woodard Elementary School to the south, and industrial to east and west. Public Facilities: The property is currently served with public water and sewer and is accessed from Nora Avenue. The property is also in proximity to Mission Street, a Collector Street as designated on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive Plaracning Analysis: This property is considered a non-conforming industrial use. The soccer facility was granted a conditional use permit in 1908. At this time, the 1-2 zone permitted a commercial recreational area through a conditional use permit, and permitted outright an exercise facility/gym athletic club. The 1-2 zone also permitted outright all uses permitted in the B-3 zone which included a broader range of commercial uses than is otherwise allowed in the 1-2 zone. Furthermore, at the time the application was submitted as complete on February 26, 2003, the County Zoning Code allowed a nonconforming use to be expanded or extended through the conditional use permit process. Policies in Section 2.5.6 in the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan designate Light Industrial as planned industrial areas with special emphasis and attention given to aesthetics, landscaping, and internal and community compatibility; uses may include high technology and low-impact industries. Furthermore, non-industrial uses should be limited and in the majority of cases be associated with permitted industrial uses. Policies in Section 19.70.010 regarding 1-1 zoning in the UDC are consistent with policies in the Comprehensive Plan and re-emphasize the requirement for aesthetics and landscaping within the industrial use. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Light Industrial and change the zoning classification to 1-1 for consistency. 10/15)2007 Page 1 of 1 E.xiibit 1 : Comprehensive Plan Mapi z,,,N.,,... ,,N,....,...,,.N..,... .,,,N.,,N,,, ,,.:N. .,....i.,..„,,,...„..,,,,,N.,..., , , ,, - c i ZZ,, ,7**:%,<NN' NN:N1%,,,, Nit Nt4;%.,.. ,,,,N,_,,s7-NN, ', . ;' a ,..,,,,,,,,, ...„,....„,,,,,,. N.,,N,,,,,,,, ,,,, , ,,,,,,,., „ ,,,,,,,,,,,. ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,.,,Ni,„,\N„,....„... , ,t4 ,.,.., NN:„..,i.:7,,,-..,,-,,N .N,,,,,N. ,,NN,,, ,,,,, , _..,..„,„,„,,,,,,,,,,,, N.,,N,,,,,,,,,,._ ,,,,,,,, ,,,,.. . N.N.,,,,,,,,,,,,. �, —Ind i3 Boa NN,,,,N., N.,,,,.....„.„, R 1111 ,r,,,,,N.s ,,*N ,N, ,,,% N ‘,,%NN‘ .,N4,N,, %4. ,,,.,,,,,,_„,N.,,_.s‘,,, 1 NNNNN1/4„, NN.......„„4„,... „,s'NN%' ,, ,,,„ -i,,N-\ NI 81WIn Ili %Ns,,,,,,..NN SN A,. `+ NN �''�11w�,,,,NN.N.N. ... „.,, ,,,, � . CPA-I1-1 %N- .N 4 N%,., -N'I t ‘, .%.,t,‘%-*N ,N N% ,‘ 0 LS a I Z NN%V* I I I I N.t*Nk‘I.N:'N,s,',. ''%% ., :',. -0,,V: Nera " pt,%Ns *:‘ WM "NN'N N N NN,NNse' . N°N 1 4.. 6.1 1 S L 7 F :ss\ Public/Quasi. Public SethMg .: �1�Vnodard millin r N,. .,.'% ,,'N'N N,,NN'''s','t. N ,. .....,,,,,,, m„... „551. h4isRt0o i: : lit Ides ld enci ! iiiimial immi ill ii 'L CPA-11407 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Public/Quasi-Public to Light Industrial; Community Development Department change zoning from CF 10 I4 `I Exhibit 2: Zoning Map 1 --Al E.E.Dg#7 ,,_,------ ,,,,,,....„.,.,,,,,,,, ,,,,,‘NN . ,h_ .,*-N.„s N,,_._'kNNN,, ,,,, .,.,,,,.i,,,.,.,7 '-' ;_47,Wi ' 'N Ns, ,,N,..N ,,,,k. ,-. ckNA ;_-- ' -'. . ,,,, Z.,N,N •N,N N,_,, .,,,,N..s N,,,N,,,.,N„N,, ,N%,.: , .. ,,., N. ,, ,,„N,N,‘,7 ,..,N...,.,,,,,%. . ,,,_,N ,,,,,,N,_„.„, ,q , ,,,„,„ 1 ,,,,,,,.N,,,, N.,,,,,,,,,,,, -,,, ..,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,i N,,, ,.,,s,,N,,,,,,,,,,,,, ','N s Ns s N,,,,,,.„.,,,,„,.,,,,, ,,,,._„ „,,,,,,„,, ,%,1,,-,,,,,,,„,,,,,,....,N N....N-..N..,.,„ -,i...%.,„-,....,,,,.. _ 1 „,,,,,,,, ,S., „„.. 4.,,,„4. ,,,,,s,N._%4Ns,,,,,,S% :PA-11-07 R-2 it;. ‘iNs. .,.:NNs_ N. i,s,% \4:1*1 ' 41.:, 'N ,, s,N. ,N. NN,% .'t '7 -4. 1‘* . ,k .&,k* ,„N ,%_,,, ,1,,. 0 j ,„,,%,N, k,.% .N,,N,N‘,,N, 1 ,1 _1 ep„ ,,,,N,-s,NN,„, . s,„,,,,,,N,,,,, � � rood m =- = Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map .n �' • Alt t _ �-, `'d fLYL�, [ /-Nati - •' -- _S Fes• ... 4 .,, I II, 7 - , _ 1 E 4 1 h-i�.. i�r '''1 - i'lamp '1.:1'111, a "! Gni r '. 1 � �a L 1, .. 1 17 �401 ; a r . ,` r --, CPA-11-07 1 - i.-- i J- - ', •fir —:,...7=-7-77-MME'• - -, -� _ L -�' -�.�-• ;, IiiiviD 1 , 'f rII a 7 t ! n� + • 1 4'1111 il C i .1 i,i, 1. y__ ri 61?,.7.•i4 7••• '-.1:1 ;L.; I.Li.',.--••••••:.1.'_1.. . 1 { I —" f` Sett s` . .r te- i r 5� I ' L r- - • 10 , - 14 4 p_.. 1-1t- - "`4) ,. 1 -\ .., - /1134 ! OA .1! 4.—,—..-,—,.....—•—-_ r. CPA-11-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Public/Quasi-Public to light)industrial; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to I-1. - --- --- •_ . - Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map ��q�pr�l[� h :"Esai'llTiliiia,,'"„rd, 1■11� `re _j!' iiiIIUI; >a,im ��ELWUN1F t :;� �� �MINIM11111NMI 1. hill: ■1111 _:::: •■11�Ip X11 ��11 �� ' IM =MI IM -in ■ amp III■ 11... Mil irmazino p Int II MI sf 156Wig_ r■ . 111111 KM MI 111 1� ■ 0 V� sv HE in ....1 _Fa ma f-pl -&—E mil 1_,J.,..1 ... .lir- . „,„„c. al i t1■.... �� n ■� ,d 1 ii• II --1 - - mi •gopm PPP-- dolma ,- zini r Mir CPA-11-07 I o "Im 1 r � � I �� 0 grANEIrniail' :JIG Ilip _.___---------- . will m ■1 Frenc i ilillitiallithilligliars. ■l■IVN Er 11' 1,fimill111161.11.511.11111P-11111 r -I sew l = 111111111,••11 .■fir Wobriard Mii,1 Wea MI IIIIIIIIIIV - ..1, ■ i ■■ a ■■■�■■ cm III M1111111. 1111 ���■1� � � �� . 1 .■■ ■ = MIN Emil E d MN II -It PrialAr AM sn„ a 1 P ! 7iiJIIF !', M 411 ._./ ■.� -.MEM IIID I .�$�,t�l L mct ■11- !111' ■EM - PI 7 I :.aielda Ir ill 121. IIIIW Centennial ..1 111111= I ill _ ,. *c + _ Middle imi._11 IM II,.. . awn {� ^� nF 12n B -re 171 I WIC el.I, I _4 MM.IMF don 111111- M M■r ■. �_ i. iii ■■■w L � id.1, ■mm■m�■■■■■■■ .411.1 r11■I N1 ■m■ ■ I �■ m■I , Erin- . pp" Olin miNM I n a_ i .. , ll� -1 Il � ,,,,----i _ - Ili��1II1111 i I .... -IIL OR En 1211114= I CPA-11-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Public/Quasi-Poblie to Light Industrial; Community Development Department ehange zoning from CY toll-1. -IE.__ - Exhibit 5: Transportation Map - - low ■a illilli i■.lll� n � St P�tsclial's M__ J�ksnn t � I I — t� 011111 _ q Ma M / E 1 nt c.lli - � M 1 w . isC 1 E ,,„ d ; a• 9 m• — In Ili 1 1-1 MI pp -- — .:5 ,c, Fp ....--- II "I E El EM Ir—,-, pm - e 3 Erj EDLL Wpm ',...r.:f_.-0.'""r -:L_I ■ ■ rat r— fx 4 r � wig — A 11hI t� a a ' ■ 'f twin I ,I. ■I ■11111. + 111.1 Ejaaldwin r 111 1pl ' !11"M,■ — f III_gi X111 ■•■1111 ,,1 _, g IIII III k,jus Seth mot lord _!� , 1111111 Ih i I hfisic.a, . �r■1 11111111111 ■■ 6 i. I. 1 i u 1 al3 MO in 11':� I r ` /I 1 J -` l r into A■ s't�ra ' MIMI1 '.'40/01111P T51149 ",I*. MI =I. Legend1 ab 40 'lir 1 n: ■in mi -1—* Pail and Ruane H II :,abt■o - - - Proposed Principal Arteria] t - - - - Proposed Minor Arterial ' ■ • - • �" - Proposed Collector - �' }� i Principal Arterial s - 1 I I -1I }vlv7orArEerial :stalda�� � ata Iab J.. o0�`s' pEl rG' Centennial Middle- - iii Z E State or Federal r „,.-1 III - — Rand P of _ `2 _ C 4.1 A4ollme � CPA-11-47 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City ai oil-Spokane Valley from Puhilc/Quasi-Public to Light Industrial; Community TPivelopruent flepartrnent change zoning from CF to I-1. *Wane CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Far Staff Use Only) U. TI �Cornmunity Qevelc�pment pe,aartme�nt C *filly Current Planning Division DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED BY: 1 707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106FILE No./Na sE: 1 _ Spokane Valley, WA 99205 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 � � planning( spokanevalley.orq PLANNING FEE: 14.1_, ry SEPA FEE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I —APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment 0 Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: LARRY R. & SHARON J. SEEI,+LANN MAILING ADDRESS: 7616 E. BROADWAY AVE. CITY: SPOKANE STATE: NA ZIP: 99212 Email: PHONE: (HM) Ow) (CELL) APPLICANT. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY _ MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP 99206 Email: PHONE: (r:rw1) [WO (CELL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS ANDdOR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST INTERSECTION OF BROADWAY AND ELLA._ ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 451E3.0405 PROPERTY SIZE: 0.27 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL _ PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: (OFFICE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: MULTI-FAMILY HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: OFFICE BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDIMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT IS CONSIDERED AM MAPPING ERROR.. THE CURRENT DESIGNATION AND ZONING IS NOT CONSISTANT WITH THE USE OF THE PROPERTY_ SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: }+Ylc. +�. L' DATE: t L 1 t /L'( . Rev 1 0;06 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-12-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Pian map designation from High Density Residential to Off ce; corresponding zone change from Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) to Office (0) (Exhibit 1 & 2), Location: South side of Broadway, west of Ella Road; parcel no. 45183.0405 at 7816 E. Broadway Avenue (Exhibit 3 &4). Site Area: 0.27 acres Current Use: Vacant multi-family residence Adjacent Uses: Office to the east and northeast; Centennial Elementary School to the north; and single-family residence to the south, Public Facilities; The property is currently served with public water and sewer and is accessed from Broadway, a Minor Arterial as designated on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis; Policies in Section 2.5.4 in the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan encourage Office designation for buffer or transition areas between higher intensity land uses and lower intensity land uses with limited retail end commercial uses. Office uses work well for these transition areas because they tend to generate less traffic and noise, operate shorter hours and are often smaller in scale than industrial or commercial areas. Furthermore, policies in Section 19.60.030 regarding Office zoning of the UDC are consistent with policies in the Comprehensive Plan and re-emphasize the designation primarily for medium to high-rise office development with limited retail or commercial uses. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Office and change the zoning to Office for consistency. 10/15/2007 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1 : Comprehensive Plan Map _ ii_ Cat®#do Centennial Pablicl{�uasi- 1Viiddle Public ' EtjhDen it • p •esadt is I : , 1 ,I :,,,... p,.. ..'''''''''':„...„0,e........0........ , ;:."1.1;1*--er-'".,,,,,..,„„..0-""'-.....e.,... ,,,.....0 ,.........F.,•••'„,...............000 ...,... ........9"."-,,,...'", Law ensit} --Residential .. ,,-A r /.Jl I/ Sroadwa WAIMI WIN lillUil. '51 ' ILPA-12-0 7 Ii FilmilliTkr. 11� "1411001110 -' 1°j- ' NOM 11 I l Misg ig Indus ria] CPA-12-07 Request: Change the land use designation from 1 City of Spokane Valley High Density Residential to Office;change zoning Cammunity Devte1npment Department from MF-2 to D. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map Ceotennint -r////////////// Middle CF ,,,,..,. .,,F.., .,,,,./).-4. /01,0, ,,,(............„.....," r.......„,,.,-,,,,,,,,„„,-......."....,,,,,,...........„,,..--,......,,,.,....,..,....,..-,.,...,..,.,,, ,,--,,,,,...„....„ ,,--....,,,...,,,,,d, r.-'''-,: ' .,.,,,,,, ImilmmEimmimori/oor r. .',. I or /0, ,.......... 4„,_•00# .. ____,___ , = =:': A ...,,,,,, —,,” t 1 LI 11-3 Aiki M 46110110111" CPA-12-pi Request Ch iiige the]arid use desiguati.0 lri)tin City of SpGkaoe Vaifey High Deasity Residential to Off Ce,change zoning J Community Development Depal_tment from 1 W-2 t O. F Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map -.1-< 4—s I--.j—f 7 s I = i A 4 I CPA-12-07 is i } i 4 - . .tea .. .k. .moi'. ` i - r _ f • r...y.- _..y..-•-•. Y ftr• �. i r Y x errr ireV • , {'+1 dyy ... { a. e. a A { • MI6.—. s t CPA-12-07 Request: Cbange the land ise designation from Qty of Spokane Valley High Density Residential to Office;change awning Community Development Department from MF-2 to O. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map .- Seth ■ T., ,,,.... ..si;o'dera- l 1111111■ i'IIiP!' 1 ion- 1 11111111: — i�■ 1l ■ Ems Lwow 111 ■■■■M Il. m 1 a.�■ y Br _ IN.i1ii mil an. rm•qmnpy _ 01� . .� -= 'Pli ,r Vil Imul -i3--"°""-- a ' iiii m m 1 ..4141.01 5 —M. 'IV J m - .p.. 1■■ EI shs� II.... ... . I. iu ' 11L F101 Eyr.. .,4i '' - IMe5NrntI 1• ■111 ■ ■ I ■� - t 1111■ ueSmat 1 11111= ■■•■ 'Lido Lat�ib4 CCotcAn181 _tatdo Middle I,.:, 1 ,:i ,_�`— , a4E1 Z J CPA-12-07 , ,, ,-'/ lll „,, . :rte .11 ---- 1 ,<- . Ti :..; 4E— 7 rAll I 1. B I E6.7I Au.'!iIii: mitt;I 'H $t. L r""" i II1I !:U 111 .E11■_ ..1111r.m1MM IN :1111 ''}''' Mill111 MHO mHelm =1I1.ltai _JI'.".iIII!IIIIIIIB _ - m = . . ej ■r _INI1IIEdI!1111111 ,,,,,... ...i 111111" Mil ! or\ i .,. . . , , ,.... . .■ Nur - ., ,,,,,AO 411414111 iitit1;: 111111[ !IIirn; ■IIS■E LEA u' I!LI■ 10 —1—LT11— 1siL 1 tEl! ml 1 nal 11111111M _2,11_11_1 ■ P4^ 2611 ' l- CPA-12-07 Request: Change the land use designation from City of Spokane Valley High Density Residential to Office;change zoning Community Development Department from MF-2 to 4. Exhibit 5: Transportation Map I Seth Woodard 1I im z illigh ,g 1 -1 0111111111111!11 ''1.■,I �.- Im init.1.,IUIirIiasias ■ �.�. I11Inj :� �NNII� �■ �■ ■■ c ■I� -111_ Ni ■ �i■I I d JII � �uII ,,I Ev Wig d -- :rum iiiii� i - � 1EN - ■ ax 1I ,M,. -- MI= 1.= ■ NI M Millmm =� =Ervin ■ompr w -- . mE �m •■ MUM C I a I_ a g- mo aw� ■ ■ in,lli r I. �e7 .E 1 To 0" iii ai Pr. --7 _ ri 17 • 1- • nu! III iiiiiMmemi • 40#4 ir' sn�) a � s3 _ fit• ssii NIl! 11W1 n� i i jLT: � !In!..1111 91112•1_071101•111.7 �� 1� hi .. r` Ai ■I c -1 �F„,*d”'�' IM ei �f z _ Centennia •dle = MM11 IM I� 1.111 V ;,,, imil 7t mi ,r, ill Ii ■� 11111_ Nh.;.u■ 1111 11 ■■■■�■ ■■■ � I ■iII MUNE i " = = Immo iI IIrr■11N11 iui .r iI ■ 111 imp Lai � �1l1u : I,i U M . . . ..Y �1 11� . rt I- II iiiii I1 ■� 1��� .- - ncipel Arterialr �- - narArterialIN 11111MIVA Proposed Collector ii i Principal Arterial IiJ1TTTiuiiLTThi11 Min' Arterial t'allcctar •I__Ii !!! " tR�I oStateor1deralMI firm I� CPA-12-07 Request: Change the lend use digtlution from City of Spokane alley High Density Residential to Office,change zoning Corn rrtnnity Development Department from MF-2 to 0. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY *Wane (For Staff Use Only) .000 ley CDmmunity+ - �mDement Current lalanDeningveloDivision part DATE SUBMrTTED: RECEIVED&r: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane `Valley, WA 99206 FILE No,#IvAME: CPA-13-07 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 - pidr niL1 C 15f341C rev_ Ileyr.org PLANNING FEE: . 5EPA FEE: 'h.1 I k COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: WASHINGTON WATER. POWER MAILING ADDRESS: 1411 E Mission Ave CITY: SPOKANE STATE: WA ZIP: 90202 Email: FNONE: (HM) (WK) (CELL} — APPLICANTI CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MArLING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST 8131GUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: PHONE: (Ffih1) ('KIK) (CEL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: NIA PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): East of Pines north of Pinecroft and south of Trent ASSESSOR PARCEL No.: 45033.9024 AND 45033.9042 PROPERTY SIZE: 5.42 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: PLIBLICiQJASI-PUBLIC PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: MIXED USE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: COMMUNITY FACILITY PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: M[XED USE CENTER DISTRICT BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPERTY IS CONSIDERED A MAPPING ERROR, SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT fakitji.! DATE' L, / I Ic f Rev 101076 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-13-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi- Public to Mixed Use; corresponding zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Mixed Use Center District (MUC) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: East of Pines, between Pinecroft and Trent; parcel no. 45033.9024 and 45033.9042 (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: 5.42 acres Current Use: The properties are vacant. Adjacent Uses: The surrounding properties are also vacant. Public Facilities: The properties are currently served by public water and sewer and are accessed from Pines Road, a Principal Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive PIanlZoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.5 in the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan specify that the Mixed Use designation allows for two or more different land uses within developments that can be either horizontally or vertically mixed. These areas support an integration of residential, commercial, office, and other uses in close proximity to services and high capacity transit facilities or transit routes. Pines Road is a high capacity transit route that fulfills this description. Also, the surrounding properties are designated as Mixed Use and changing this properties` designation to Mixed Use will make the area consistent. Additionally, policies in Section 19.60.070 of the UDC regarding Mixed Use Center zoning are consistent with Mixed Use policies in the Comprehensive Plan. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date, Staff Recommendation: Change Comprehensive Plan designation to Mixed Use and change the zoning to MUC for consistency. 10115/2007 Pagel of 1 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map ti Crrid*r' a atl Par a{ `i C-----------\\ \ qiar•-" 'N„ LL--,17,igi ..'":...6* l TLLi —moi \ � 114j •moi: T f..-- \ \\______\,_, ,, CPA-13-07 \ \ ir Altil Olt i 1, \ 11111111.11'D-'1011011r Itir, •trfercPubliciQuasi- r Public L or I7ci:i[a li si.thea[ial Pu3ilic'Quasi- Public Pgblie/Quasi IV Public F 44,ut�:ic Public/Quasi- Public Trent Elementary _ ea U. Q'4 M r iI;.•:ILI. - ,----- -- '-,Nlif'abm L: __. - .. y Public(Qua5i•1 c Public CPA-13.07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Mixed Use; Community Development Department change zoning from CP to MUJCe Exhibit 2.: Zoning Map i \14',in;'t'-�— - \ \ TT rr l I illie . rr, y .. ., .1 . . . . , _ _. , .... \ CPA-13-07 Allielry . O. . J.,, . 011011111111''illIll°1111'. 'AO%01111111 I Nit I I I i ,11 \ ',.ii r. Trent Elementary ._-- E -- rry CP • 1pokane { A-13-t1? Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Valley designation from Publie/Quasi-Pnblie to Mixed Llse; /1 Community Development Department change honing from CF to M1 C. Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map ..., /..-- .•,--- .," , .." \ .. ,Tjwijalia N...„.. I ,,r_arr-f.,_07-1Thri - .. - ...- ' .- _,- i'L A , A' Ae 0....... \ ''' ., ' . k, '.. k' . ' ', '4 __,...----- --------- `. ' "' • .. J ° 7 5, . ___,-- __,,-,1-,- ' . '; '.,1 [... X .;11-4-4. , .,_ r.' . , •; ..,. --. - - V.-. ..,- F" ' :„.„ ". : i' iii. k''''' iF ,-, , 1 .., • A " ' - - , , .., f--- ....\ _, t ,e. ..e. ntr..., vg,, ', • ,--- ' 4 . -,,,,,- -•..,,c,": r / , ..r,. ;:•--- „.., _ -.--- ,..,..:7.---57';;;--.'-'4'..-...:''',.."`"- / .„--.-•"-'-'-- _-------'-- :41. Into ,.., '.1„..---'''.-- , ...-. '''•- \ r -...: V." r• _- ----- - - .. ------- _--- ,... CPA-13-07 . --- , .,- _- -----—\--, _ —.-------- 7,-ArJ ,.. - -1.- ----- ,,--•'-'- ..--- J a , r4, _.-------. ------c- .„--- ..- \ - ..„----::: • _,..p. _----- k, ...- ....- I .._ , . .._ ._....,_ .._ ___,-,5,,, - .:, . .4 • _ _ 1 - I - 1 3 . 1— — ----—— ----—— CPA-13-07 Request: Change the Con prb [' ive Pin map City of Spokane Valley tl eSignation from Public/Quasi-Public to Mixed rse; Community Development Department 1 ehunge 4iu ping from.CF to MUC. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map -.. - =, Mileligg Eli 1 �a illlll' Atli ��■r rm 0 ■■iI:I1h■iuirnia ,,,--411'1"--kr i ' i ii: MI � I i MI yF. ha�IM i X1.1 Ricin I 110.1111■ t/112•JJECCIM lg .,,.. 7 . iii,...'i idi F. IN' or wi§ B 111 ulIl d mmi. , 1414 IIIISoik. .... . ! .T, . . ... II . t,„EL . .......... ., ,. ,..-. , - . , , ,... .........................„ liKrviik__„,,,„,,,..„/...'.iii, - { cpA-13-�17 ,, w17. h JJ 4 __ -4 ,00gre\-tato _______iii ok iik _ I oati iv, /., slip...., tai , ,„L. _„,10-14--1 yogi r ....„,,,,„00.' ---- i „.., ----iii, w,-----tosiliw,- -,,,s-,.. .... I • . __pi,” I ...0, i . _ ,,44-0,r00.•\_,---mt low .0wriilWahh._ ' 11 "* g IS 111* 0 I, 01 .W*°f I 0 Mil I. ' '' :111. IC .0•000110111 • Trent . ''''-...ilk Elementary—i I r •ail oar • Mirabcata ilialVt4iiiiiiAtiamili IIIIIIIIIIII :4�eR�� 1111111 � EI�I 1, X1111111 I11� . , , \\ xoIinou Fairview 111. .J`1111111■1 111111 - MEMOS. 111 1■1 111111 ..14111 ;` '11111111 ' , , 1111111111 — ®,111�1 < 11:,c cmc 11 I111i1■1 I1111i1111111111I1 Iii ,,, .i-�i1rVIAVIIIMili ,< ;7 d:; Mil aaftsod wiii:H11% .I I Illm IIIIM I MEM all. mi. CPA-13-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Mixed Use; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to MUC, 4, Exhibit 5: Transportation Map • ti i Rockwell0111 III r; Myrtle Point Conservation1I= MI 1.1 Plon1 s ferry =M I l� �- ■� 1I: ' , \ , ' 1. • In\ I� No III \ — 7 rioriiiiilililiiileir-iiii \'' '''.\\ \ -, ' 1 CPA-13-07 TW it \. Ap,.. 1 *121__Lik .-- iiiii.thA, lir OS011,u \ ,iv v fir iii 1111O*00„......yi Aii,,. Ito . t.„,,,T, 00,,,,o, ,,, -- / Aii. , os ..kr - ,,,y,.., \l_j____u ___..,...1100 oillpipp 1 ............------ , 1 ,.,,tdc.E! -- %%IN 1---. ii Mit*----- e 11 A ---g ° -40,0,11111.c ,t di Trent Elementary 011111r4, Odle in biriariiiiidi =Mi. _ vlira.eeu _ -- NEIN t-:edeiick 11111111 �[! IuliuII11L I 1 r■ II Proposed Principal Arterm. Legend I. I —1- 1 RBI Road ial "NEW - ` uPa`. - Proposed t iiuor Arterial ��, WI . Proposed Collector 2 Principal Arterial III.11111P ` a no' Minor Arterial Jill ' Collector ME 149/ 1 ..- State or Ferrera! 1._ `t -_ _ CPA-13-O7 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City ofSpol:sne Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Mixed Use; Community Ylevelopment Department change z ning from CF to 1V UC. G: :' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ,. �. � �]� i (For Staff Use Only) .0alio ' Cvrnrnunity Develupment Department Current Planning [division DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED BY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99205 FILE NO./NAME: CPA-14-07 Tel: (5C9) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 lannint�C sankanevalley.arqPLANNIN FEE: N I . SERA FEE: 0 I At. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: FF OFFICE LLC. MAILING ADDRESS: 12006 E. Sprague Avenue CITY: SPOKANE STATE: WA ZIP: 99200 Email: PHONE: (rim) (0K) (CD.L) - APPLICANT: CITY CF SPOKANE VALLEY MA]LING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKArIEVALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: PHONE: (HM) (WK) _ (CCLL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: ldl`A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): 12006 E. Mission Avenue located on the south side of the street between Pines and Union ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 45161 ,0246 PROPERTY SIZE: 0.45 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: OFFICE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: COMMUNITY FACILITIES PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: GARDEN OFFICE BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPOSAL IS CONSIDERED A MAPPING ERROR. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: i t f 0 , Rev 10)06 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-14-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi- Public to Office; corresponding zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Garden Office (GO) (Exhibit 1 & 2), Location; South side of Mission, west of its intersection with Pines; parcel No, 45161.0246 at 12006 E. Mission Avenue (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: 0.45 acres Current Use: The site is used as an office building. Adjacent Uses: The properties to the north, east, and west are offices and are zoned GO. To the south is single family housing zoned R-3. Public Facilities; The property is currently served by public water and sewer and is accessed from Mission Avenue, a Minor Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.4 in the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and section 19.60.020 specify that Office designation and Garden Office zoning act as buffers or transition areas between higher intensity land uses and lower intensity land uses, Analysis of this property, its use, and the surrounding uses clearly demonstrates compatibility with the designation Office, The proximity to the Regional Commercial district at the intersection of Mission and Pines and the low density residential neighborhood directly to the south make this property ideal for Office designation. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: The current Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning classification are not consistent with the use of the property. This is a mapping error. Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to PublictQuasi- Public to Office and corresponding zone change from CF to GO. 94'15/2007 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map 1 D nsity fr....." ,.":".;-p ''. I) nsity „,,'",,,Fe �, $egl 1 an,I- ' • 4.- ,,x0,,,O, i --_� 4..... 000.0,,,,;.,- �omrn rcaal ,-.-.-'...s. 1 _ Qf£ici• __ Ø 1d1i07 Mii ,....„,.... ...... .. ,.....„,„,........o.,,.,,,,,... ...:......i„,....,,,,.,d.., ,. - , . ; -. '#.<'/ .- -•”"'..."'"-..e"''."--"•'''.."-,-.'''':'''..'.-#C --.:-.-."_..0.-''''#..-..•--#.°.°''-' "".--.-..'--.----#----'-'-;"::°'-...."';') ' -'-- --'"1--. , WI(f e I'ublieJ�unsi- ��Public /�Of�icein 1 Low Depity l siders i i hens ,' de_ r CPA-14-07 Reclines Change theComprehensira:�lao map 1 City of Spokane Valley F___declines ion from PtbliciQnasidPubCke to Office; community Development Depga^tment ehan a nein from CF to GCI, Exhibit 2 Zoning Map / />//7/// -/1/'/r'd' A* - 1 F-, ,,, -:,,,,'-e'-0 Ve,,,,,_ ,,,,,#,F,,,,,_ ,,,, ,,, /ft/ -°::"°-'- ''; '' .I 1, -'-' ''e:---'-"'.7-' '', ---0:--..-'''.-F A ! ,„,.,,,,,,A.„........ ,,,,.. ....„...„,,,,,,..„,,,, im. -' --:--,--- -', _"-e-.,,,.,, ---.,, ----- ---.'-------..,,,,.e„,0.-----•-f ,,-------?-.7.-.....„,----0-.. ,, ,--,--:-,, 1 -,,,- _,„,,,i"5.01.7.------, 7;4_ 1 r"°''''"-' ''' '' ''' /1 -e --- ,-'1. -,,4 - V#°," A rpo,,,,, ,.°.' .. °''r,,,,..,••.., ,0 e 'o ,,,„e F.,,er' I - --r --,o 17 -A' CI 1.• rOoe . '°'< .111111111 I i 1 x.� J��//j Exhibit 3: 2,006 Aerial Map _ .. [ y `fir:, .. 1 �� _ e.. ate. =... ,,t,,,t, , :..04,.. -•' L, .. _. rb fro, . . 7 pr g4 CPA-14-07 `: yE rig . L n _ mar... w. r,—• �.-. •- r ;re ---- F. 't"'" ` t I 351 e. , p r. ..., ,_.. .. _ ___ I NO ' far i .,1 ih'T a. . _ P. ,,,_ . . , i' at r .. . -:., -, .-..- -, (IT IT 11111111 Jr? , _. , .. .T,,,, ,, 4 L71._ •. , 4,. .. . 1. A -- .� YY :'4f' WA'i" L - s _ 5 *--s `Tl�e.'•+° �Yr weir , i .16:0,::' . ,, . ,p, T y. ssi 1 • �.F t � 11 . _ IIIIyy -' .* "' .III f VI pit imam i ' y I. I iN�� . r_ :�s� ` t CPA-14-07 Request: Gauge the Comprehensive Phu snap City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Office; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to GO_ } Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map 111111 8 } _ --migunr1■ NMI ■k ilk '■M i. 1% .t117_ji 1.A ' I 1111111111WA\ -.11112 a 46— • i I 11.{sar]22 mi qi 1 1 / ilip, Esminall 61 1 I I _ m. – a., i E. ial 1 i ..."- ,uDu.me •.■ an eld 1 tif is r.id mi' di ........____ dallikalliliR1 1 MINII J iirT4 k bion .. e iiimehair I CPA-14-07 Ullilli 39,Q 4 r4tit. SiRfi44. tic`,ill I�,` �. � [Imam II1 111 11N11 C:entea m. ,l 1[I mam IOW - 1551OSL El 1 I 4"q. i ii, i i'JL' J11H11JIIGi?iIi .11111 t 1j111 lipm Il]i irin�ti ul4 �.1 'am..uciiI ,i nal W11l i11 <A■■ 111 £"II n .11. .■■!■■■IIID si„, i1 �0X111 inn ill 3 sant. I i ,„,,,i. • 1 How. p 1 — . , __ -11.r....b a ._._IM. Mu ening. VI •= on 0111111111 li ■■� I I I f I I I -Y �1 li SmEt 111 1•■ NI = : • M= Em E .111 ,diel( =ma. 11111111111 i in6.. • A ki 9 siii al N .`111 .[akin11! _�!i., tNIE . ! Cz : #1111111'` -t- .11 1f - r�=� .� iv r m 1dtiit�l� = . l •- �� wig , , G.ttbscillime . . kli ,..,., •id, ��11 . i: ttiNit Btv3ldwnY I� 11 1 Pines I .,il I.M-i Ps ■ ,Im-aml_i_ I Elementary lin • 11111I.1M� ll dle =.rErItul� . ;rc 1 N■fir!■■■■ + ' : x.111. ■■■■A■■n ki._ ■ �Ilvlll111 ,A ; 1� HMI. ■■■• t .J 1. I M III a ” -U�III ■■■ Il. NM ml �E Shur 1 ■� 11111111 v 11£: ; Is Em ltil■14 . ..a 111111111 ■■IIiiIijIIiii1 . . I d tlG IM ' Iu.i■1.m l 11111101111111•4 IIJI11IM EMI r 1iu11l11=■ii•■1• A CPA-14-117 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Office; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to GO. Exhibit 5: Transportation Map Fre,- ,# .11ilvilifflui 07,41_ 11, 0 lipprn,.,„ v I 1 . ii , -la 4 ___ i _ lvfans-fleIcLi ILI\..,......7.) liriL mg= m-ftu.........._ . ., ...)...1 1 11 . .11 • -t- „-r.,,...v..=.,__,__ _ ,... gammon}=NI C: L571:gO[T.Cy Niii M 11111 zQ wsra _ _ _ _ _ CSA-14-07 �_ 1 1 Valley Mission Park Neva �_ ,;urs ■■■ 2, ---m=ME .ill,, • IN I Mission :A:i1 Ill-I 1111l. t��i.u■■II..r •.in =NI.. ... I �srI. ■1.■ I■■II U■ IiI ■ Mel� ri im.,,,,i, - ..iimmonol ' 1� So'I e „. n 0 m --IN Er Pg ransom .= Emir 1 r m MIMI i I I tI g rim.'-' lir; ill1 _ ; ill g!Illiiiiitit , , , . Elm= '' ' 1 II M =MI ni En IIIIiiir iii in 1.•= 1_ I I t _> • Legend —I INU i =• m ® I^ D eL I MN II Ca n� I� � � - Proposed larincip9LArteri�l � � �I � II N 1 - — - Proptrscd1110fdt1P>! i 1i II MS M WI .. . Proposed CollectorEl Inv Epr II III Pr�ncipairial — Mil I � ifiLb .h II >lt* iiiimi II . �IIIi 11ta � North Pines Middle rj Ii- 1 a■r.■rM■m iw� ■■� mimes 1Mi •_■ CPA-14-07 Requesi: Chuuge the Comprehensive Plan map City of$pohnne Valley designation from Poh1ic&Quasi-Public to Office; Community Development Deportment change zoning Irmo CF to GO. S kane CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use Only) Community DeveIt pment Department Valley urren Planr►Ing Division DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED BY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 FILE No./NAME:lnwte• CP�4-15- 7 Spokane Valley, 'NA 99206 Tel; (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 olannin sookanevaliey.orq PLANNING FEE: 'WA SEP.A FEE: tJ I A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: I-COLMAN GARDENS RETIREMENT COMMUNIFIF. LLC MAILING ADDRESS: 12012 E. 1211 Avenue -- CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99216 _Emlail: PHONE: (k1A) (ILA) (CELL) APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY _ MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 _Email: PHONE: (?!al) ('NK) (CELL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): 12912 E. 12th Avenue located southwest of the intersection of McDonald and 12th ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 45223.9210 PROPERTY SIZE:_ 6.55 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: PUBLICIQUASI-PUBLIC PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: COMMUNITY FACILITY DISTRICT PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: MULTI-FAMILY HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE CURRENT DESIGNATION AND ZONING ARE NOT CONSISTANTWITH THE USE OF THE PROPERTY. SIGNATURE CF PROPERTY OWNER; DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPE[CANT: Ili�. 1 DATE: 11 r 1.1 0.(0. I Rev 10106 1 Staff Report 2007 Connprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-16-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi- Public to High Density Residential; corresponding zone change from Community Facility District (CP) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: South side of 121' Ave, west of its intersection with McDonald; parcel No. 45223,9210 at 12912 E. 12th Avenue (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: 6.55 acres Current Use: There is a retirement home on the site with over 90 units. Adjacent Uses: The property adjacent east is a church. Adjacent south is McDonald Elementary School. To the north and west there are single family homes. Public Facilities: The property is currently served by public water and sewer and is accessed from Mission Avenue, a Minor Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.1 in the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan specifies that High Density Residential designation provides for existing multi-family residential development developed at a density in excess of 12 units per acre. This site has been developed at approximately 13 units per acre. Additionally, policies in Section 19.40.060 of the UDC are consistent with this analysis. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: The current Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning classification are not consistent with the use of the property. This is a mapping error. Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Public/Quasi- Public to High Density Residential and corresponding zone change from CF to MF-2. /01/512007 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map -76 a 3 immimmummomii ti th nth mil I , s 4 CPA.-15-D7 A l2ih 12th 127h 12515 "c F I L ]3Lh on II c 13th LowDensity Reside, hat PubiicK)moi- 3'uhlit Publi&Quasi- Public e. 14th 4th 1s TaS u 1 PubliiiJQuasl- Public 15th FD McDonald e Elementary '':" Ammo, mi--1l.)liak lli `—' 15th Iii,.,.,- I. — 1 r _ . CPA-la 17 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to 1WJI; Community Development Department ehange zoning from CF to MF-2. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map Pill _, 4 1 — �— I 1 Ch 4 r • CPA-15-071 J - 12f]x 1 a C 1 } iI 1. , _ R-3 — L 13th 1 r IL E a e i I I [ I Loth t r L_ I I L. 5th 1 :i li cDc nald Elementary. 15th cc .211•moiL., ,,,,__AN , _ _ -, . -. Change 7 Request: Comprehensive flan ms CPA-1S-47 Q the CoP p City of Spokane Valley designatilon from Public/Quasi-Fubl u to HDR; Community Development Department e�ange xarnin tram Cly to M -2. Exhibit : 2006 Aerial Map :.,;..,,,.L ; - I- ',r •-:.--7....,...-_-__:.:1-----ti ,-„,,,„_::: ..I. IIIINN- - ._. . . , - . ...-7 .. . I , T.,,.,, e, ;i y,-Ii , I • 3. . 1010k - i+ ‘, t _ ..� j tip' • _y • _ • .yy G P 8 _. + r Al a y..`� ..,.. ..Ad's=_ ____ ..• - 71 e _ • - :-ec i a r 8 f; _ ?J. {, A, e f.,•I_ ,— rte / `. I� - "..� rr W e • ww `` =a LLL::: ,,. - ...) p a \ P r) a-1 p j _ E- j ,. ka, F e +_' I —;,.. , 6._ .---i - ,. : ,1 --,E, , ; ... :,,,:: . ''' ' IL, iir:, ._, + t t. ..,, . . yy: l .;,'r. , F. ! CPA-15-07 1 Request: Change the Comprehensive Flan map -1 City of Spokane Valley designation from puhlid nasi-Public to HDRt Community Development Department change zoning from CF to 50-2-. s - Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map E±iii tj ■f. - ■I I i =L ■!�!!1�■1 �_L �a X11_: �Ils�fr■ . —, .. m°' !m �■ 111 1 IIIJ*IWU N i !!?1■II37,1 11■1 N m '■■� ■■r, ilii:--17111:• it _ 1144, ■ i i■■ N r N. 1 JI'II1IIII11 " i n�■ •1 ■ , I11•1H &Hill f■■�■■■■.1■i■ 1■I ° ■111111IN1I1I■ liP!? iIIIiJIt IllI -e ♦ ■�■I■f s 6ch ■ii Ke}^stoue I111I ah Ili■ II1ill �.� i �� ' 111111111111111M1 =OM * 1f� m- m Me m Ir L, 111II1 x, 1111111 ii:::" . I. MI II• 'drillIuuIIuilifl! 11 iii. Iiuu EL ■ii■- ■■■•■. m ■■11L■l ■IIIuI■ ■1= roll:MN Ili sthili .1 I: 1■■■■■■ nth .■r•■� ..■� ■I■ ° - =imililinig ■- j■n ■■■■. .1 CPA-15-07 Iii■ Ei E null11111 m.II■1■IIII,]t, IIA r I■'■ ■ 11th ■ " ►.f■1■1 ■■Ii tel d■I■ ■a Lig■ 11111 , 10 ; X11 = ■= _n •■.Ii�•■� FAME ■■MIUU 1 ■- . ■■ - II : m I■L ■.R■ MO,.t L1 , 1 . I 21 II 2th nu:! 4MUNI iLtt, in 1 1. tr. 1 _ C 1 'IME' -.ii ■'■ m ■II■■■Ilr■IIi- ■li .1 op • 1. � 13f�'Y ■'o N - moms. _I■ • II1iT �Igg ■unim ■■ Ls i! 1 imr V6111 r■ 1' '5 Ill •I■'■ w�l�� = r i ■1■ ; 1 !�kDonaid I ■.� ! ■ t; k £tem,I I-ent�r� �� ■11■� ■ �■■■■ ILI r .uu11IIu.IUI MBL t ■ ■■I I ,j■iiiii■ Eli ■■1�1G11�1111 O■' lum m., 177 iin ma a: ri: ,JN ml Ho mi.i nth IIllII ° =-41.1 a IE ii . A�� .la u ;� �e � , El EM_ .#1.A Liiiii--. 0 q.14 i PIRA rel ' MI Em Ligini I 1 1 ■..... mm IIII1L \14 wild jyri 4._,Jpirpit ill . NM NI MN . • �I�IILA. pi, NEIN w/Aft �■■;.■uNr ,mam ink Eon ■mom t ■■ ■ ___IImmulls int taiteA alio di �gsibitiri. III ti ..4p % ‘ ir4144 Larisitibli 4414. -cr I, ism ■■■E11 =loam g : au iiiitao ' 41,, # itrintwOit• t- mummum 11 �::w"i:: Imo. i� 1 ■, 4 , 11 ■■■ .. m ' • s" pines j■ 4. :r:: i {:, q AIM lb ,11.11M6-11:1111 ■111 IIIW. 11111 w: i8 I1■■■■■!■ ■1111■■■■f1■11■1 �� lIIIILI Ai ■■■■■■* ■ 1f■■1t■im ■■11 ■■■1n w g ■■■ ■* Com■■■■■i■A■■■■■■f�■ i CPA-15-07 l egnest: Change the Comprehensive s na Plan map 1 City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to HER; Community Development department change zoning from CF to Ptr1 '-2, Exhibit 5: Transportation Map 1MI■ :in : ■� ■o - ----r-f--H,_ rills••1 ■ _• >tb = :M :■ _ MINIM . rill ■�■ rr� ■ rlm F a■ _,,1 1 .hl � mi lig Iwiwiliwii. Keysone Eletary uli 7--- ir OM u. 4,a. ni7. Nix i1!1Iti ■ IIJIIIiLJiia - ' 4 I L._ MINIM i i u ii ■■111 ■.ii•° minis , _ i+ - 1 :W ..i.ri.u.. .uuui _u1 r ■i■■■ ■■■■■ 0 , - _-- 1 �' ■ i■■ U , ■■.. ■s■■■■ ._ . _ — •� 1 ■ M■■■ ■■■■ 1111"--11 "111•11 . lig t �1 ,1.. t ■, CPA-I5-07 . , ,,,, . MI 11 tin 1 ' --\ Ill 11. I. t ■,■■i■iuuuiii -• .I ' num 7 13tt] ich ■■ g ■ t.11 ME■■ m _ '�'■■ �! = ■1■!■I■■■ ,tti MI IMMO= 111114 1 • . 5th • - ■■. ,■i iY .1.11 WI MEM milli wmgmunim ' urn-P-1 efoui i ■■■■l VS Mi flanald Elemepia* n■uuum.nommilti ■i■ . Soh 1; 1`M■■■■■ MEN (11111111 li iff -. 611.41 * ME IN riml ME rallgunim% ,- it,,, --i . Pt!! __Ij, ..., . IV h7rhsib_ 8 ' V mil a. : T0- .Eiv ft.FE -k-- Rail Road . Will i4/Nift'' lliirllrk aft I Nit- II IIM II I H ::princ II I ja, y l all ii ,4111ji + Non= --'` Proposed CollectorWpm. im ■E■ .�,rx �i. 1■I ------Principal Arterial ► 1krie� 4- ,mit -- lvtinarArterial 74 c*.44 sill Callectnr .p S* 1111.0 te � I�� 44 � � ilrid di t ‘ 1114 ft II --�— 5tatearFederal aim m emacs View 0i6rk/MVP CPA-15-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Puhlie&Quasi-Public to JIDR; I[ Community Development Department chaetae zoning from CF to 3IF-2. S an` CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use Only) 1- Community Development Department 4100. - Current Planning Division DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED aY. 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 FILE IVn.fN • CPA-16-07 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 F - - Tel: (509) 921-1000 _ Fax: (509) 921-1008 planningC spokarnevalley.orq PLANNING FEE: i+J A _ SEPAF,EE: 11 iA. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I —APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment 0 Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: ROGER WILLIAMS MAILING ADDRESS: 1409 N. LQ►l Road CITY: GREENACRES STATE: WA ZIP: 99016 Email: PHONE: (Hu) (wK) APPLICANT: CITY DF SPOKANE VALLEY MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SFFAGUE CITY: SPOKANEVALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email; PHONE: (Hr.) Om) T{c_LL'I - RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS ANDIOR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): 1409 N. Lone Road 'ust south of the intersection of Lone Rd and Maxwell. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.; 55182.0103 PROPERTY SIZE: 0.23 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC PROPOSED COIUIPREHENSNVE PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT _ PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN DISTRICT BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPOSAL IS CONSIDERED A MAPPING ERROR. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF,ARPLICANT: DATE Rev 10/06 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Pian Amendments CPA-16-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi- Public to Low Density Residential; corresponding zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Single-family Residential District (R-3) (Exhibit '1 & 2). Location: West of Long Road, south of its intersection with Maxwell; parcel no. 551E12,0103 at 1409 N. Long Road (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: 0.23 acres Current Use: There is a single family home on the site. Adjacent Uses: The surrounding properties to the north and west are vacant land. Adjacent properties to the south and east are single-family housing, Public Facilities: The property is currently served by public water and is accessed from Long Road (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: Policies in Section Z5.4 in the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan recommend that Low Density Residential designation should be determined for areas with minimum lot sizes of 7,000 to 10,000 square feet. This lot is 10,000 square feet and is already developed with a single family home. Additionally, Section 19.40.040 of the UDC specifies that the R-3 zoning is intended to preserve the character of existing development. Low Density Residential designation and R-3 zoning for this parcel are consist ant with the development standards and specifications defined in the Comprehensive Plan and the UDC. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: The current Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning classification are not consistent with the use of the property. This is an obvious mapping error. Staff recommends changing the Comprehensive Plan designation to Public/Quasi-Public to Low Density Residential and corresponding zone change from CF to R-3. "10116/2007 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit I : Comprehensive Plan Map C C Public/Quasi- PublidQuasi- Public Public CPA-16-07 Lou[Density Re dential Pui]iclQua ` ' Iic CPA-16-G7 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan mnp City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to LDR; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to RR3. Y _ �_- Exhibit 2: Zoning Map CPA-16-07 Maxwell EZ 3 CPA-16-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valleydesignstlon from Puhli l uasi-Public to LDR, Community Development Department change zoning from CF to R-3. Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map ,-r.,, , 4.fid.. , „ „ _.. _ If i r „,„, ,.... „ ,„,. . 4 • { .,t r L r 5h' - - -. • _. 4 - CPA-16-07 41, f . p r e x '.- ,mar ,.; 4k • + ""`! 520 a • -t tis kh N P i .s:1 F .�. ,'1 .^ r n .r M1 y r __ .i J r ++a. ww.. r • i .."9'--'4,5 y is 1 iyr _ •a .4,...L.'” r,, 'Y $ ,. '+ ' } •h, 1 A 4. ' i ' CPA-16-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to LDR; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to R-3, 110. Exhibit 4: Vicinity 1' ap ilk !Mansfield 111111111 T1 _ . i r '.7,' • ■ . ■■■ J L .nsfue sha . - RIv_ermaw` L 1 -- 'I IIIIIIIHtx., 'x II , toichk11i J m m� n[ill mIdle= In_ lnd a 1 ! ®„id vi lm b:: I1I__ mil 1 Pan+Y E mmilli .11 1.1 r. — ,b_ j 0 11r X1111 mug IIStb1111 id CPA-16-07 Zig-� TITIN!.. -1. - .0 iaa= u,u8. Mission — Mimeo ME ait 'M� II ��rkerommun9iy — > a>�leg ceQx r hdaacxvcl� � _—` milLmitir — i — �. �� _ 711 (♦`_ Sha . _.;_._: _ ----,,,,,, i Bad • _ ii Booz Baa I I Demt_ 1.___T- ..7,- o ILLIT 1 — Cr_laldaJr Cataido ? ... I .cd ,---e)-- ---1 Di-ii N 1 — E■PI■1 nnRfcl _ ii 11111111 �■ ■_ ; _ u .�1111■ •■ TiThi — [ Ii-- F 111111161•• F-i, , ,,,I. i - „ 1 E - + i _— .-1— live II '" .Wti r , I r ' M _ CPA-116-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-PulNo to L R; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to R-3. — w-- - . —A Exhibit 5: Transportation Map 14, I es,-� E .41N Knox li u1 II ■ Shatinaaa 1 -'''''.N........ 'iiGGl7�$y 111111111 a i 1v1iehielli UU ■ 1E. o ■ila�lio,; MILT.- ■ F: iIII"! I EMU 11, ill I LA111! 111 s l d win il I1I 1 1 111 - _ ug-ustQ ! • ■ U:1 E — A-16- ■ i a mi Em 1 r4 Emil! - Ivoll ■i r r 1 ,� vsll Maxi‘011 Ell ' M 1r ■ ■MaxweliI 1■u i■1II _ r ; .1111L71111111111 ■ I■1■1 I A la mi la E �M a ENO MQ ---Elloac 1-1 1111111P.P.OBWII NM =Bib. Nomirill 41 Ill .Dem! WO iii di ,15,Jr_no t !De= iIl - _ at�ldc■ F atalao t I°90-W2"3-L1N Imi Legend ! bail> oad "i T _ .1. 1,N..„441461h 6293 PF - - - Proposed PrincipaLArteriat 3 II = ■ 11 – – - Proposed hdinarArteria] Batt 1a 1 . - Proposed Collector .1111111 ■wiI Springf 1d! '1 -Principal Arterial ■MinorArtGrial IhrP1I1I1iI. iii • CollectorII 11 11■■i: State a ec�ral 1 1 11 ■1 ■UES■■.l= MN ■ a II■1■u'ruI CPA-16.07 kcquestz Ctiange tate Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley clesignatian from Publi&Qunsi- 'ublic to l[,DR; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to R-3. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use Only) Community Development Department 41;.11" "1.7a 11" Current Planning Division DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED 0Y: _ 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA g9206 FILE Nva. NAME: CPA-17-07 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1005 planning@SpOkanevailey,OrQ PLANNING FEE: _ NJ SEPA FEE: 4.]1 P•4. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) Map Amendment 0 Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: BARON HOLDING COMPANY LLC. MAILING ADDRESS: 924 S. PINES ROAD CITY: SPOKANE STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: - PHONE: (HM) (WK) (CELL) APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: PHONE: (HN1) m) (CELL)RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): 924 S. PINES ROAD, LOCATED BETWEEN '9' AND 1 ir- ASSESSOR PARCEL No.: 45214.2531 PROPERTY SIZE: 0.53 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND CORRIDOR MIXED USE PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: CORRIDOR MIXED USE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN DISTRICT AND CORRIDOR MIXED USE - - PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: CORRIDOR MIXED USE BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): A PORTION OF THE PARCEL IS DESIGNATED CMU AND A PORTION IS DESIGNATED LDR. ALL OF THE PARCEL SHOULD BE DESIGNATED CMU. THE PROPOSAL IS CONSIDERED MAPPING ERROR. T SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPUCANT: DATE: II /1 JOG Rev 10?06 1 Staff Report 2007 Camprehenslve Plan Amendments CPA-17.07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed Use; corresponding zone change from Single- family Residential Suburban District (R-2) to Corridor Mixed Use District (CMU) (Exhibit I & 2). Location: North side of 10th Avenue, west of Pines road; parcel number 45214.2531 at 924 S. Pines Road (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: 0.53 acres Current Use: There is an office building on the site. Adjacent Uses: Properties to the north and south are designated CMLI, to the east is HD1 , and to the west is LDR. Public Facilities: The property is currently served by public water and sewer and is accessed from Pines Road, a state or federal arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.5 in the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and section 19.00.080 of the UDC specify that Corridor Mixed-use is intended to enhance travel options, encourage development of locally serving commercial uses, multi-family apartments, lodging and offices along major transportation corridors. Additional, the Corridor Mixed- use designation recognizes the historical low-intensity, auto-dependent development pattern, and focuses on a pedestrian orientation with an emphasis on aesthetics and design Most of this parcel is already designated CMU and zoned CMU. The portion in question is in the northwest corner of the parcel. This proposal would make the zoning and the Comprehensive Plan Designation consistent for the entire parcel. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: The current Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning classification are not consistent with the use of the property. The entire parcel should be CMU in conformance with the use of the property and the surrounding properties, 10015/2007 Page 1 of 9 Exhibit 1 : Comprehensive Plan Map 1 N.„„,, -. NN.:N.,-%,,, , %N-, _N,'''N-.'' '.-, ,.,,._..NN._'%%,,,. ..,,,...,.., . .....,.-.-...„,...,,_--.-,.N‘,, .,....,....,,....,,,i i.„,...,....,s,,,.......'N,%• ,,,,,,., NNINN ' .7NN64.4 %--.SINN.s6.4*.%41' %*41%... Pn6Publ`i% rsi- %, NN4.1%....NNIN N*.N.N4NN..Nf'..N.N.H% NN [_ NN14%,..'NS.' .k*-N .....NVNN'ea' - ' NNT' *:b.:N"-4.N..%4N‘"` : - NiN4NsN.INNNthi,NNNN *44,,N , Ni,,,N, � 3fa�li�Dui'ni[i:it. [tic i�E, l;. 1 b, -. ..„N,cs1,,Nkk, , ', .'4s ,.-- NN, N %N%-'k_T,‘N., Restcl uncial N3N1 - -� - -: 1 1 N v..,._N%% , ' li][ks loch * ►. k'I' ''' 'N4NA.NNNNN%% -NNN NINNNN4N....„ ( :.1.:* -446'1 { 1, NImecrt.T4 -NN44 .N%44: ...'N.:%.°.....4Ni.N.,...'...6NNN,N a N,% ,- -N ,-..-.i.,,...iN i i c , ,„,w,..1 1 4 ,.%. ,' _N.,'NNN%\' ..4%6\'6 1 %N , I N '' ,.,.'.N\ si N N N NN,N , ,,,,,,NN,,.,,,,,,,,„N,,,,,,,N. .NN % ,., .N,;,%,,N i4 H ,,' , , , CPA-17-0/ Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan.map City of Spokane Valley Community Development Deparment i e ignnn:If'gtenrztohnrnng frmtioRei-f2rom CLM]1R to CMU ; Exhibit 2: Zoning Map ef i 8th — . .4%‘`%''NI -1 – - ' '' 'N' ' I' - W ` N%-, N : A I'. . k,,N s-\ .N-k*'%4- ,,'N_'%N', ,k_si 1 - s' b ' 'NNN *% ce - ...,,,..,..N.........N.. „ Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map 6 • •�LUS�P er-�4�1! r Fes, � 4� , t . 1 ._.,y t t ti • — I . —.) . 6 • Iii,,, * 3 •• „, ... , , , . flow_ , CPA-17—U7 i Si la .; .., . .1 ra. p I +. 'S - — f • • i say. `rV '"p +k: - .. ._ - • .. _ — • • . • d i J + a ,� � i } 4 • ,i. LL... _ sS " '. '� `# a • - •>•= _ —, j 1.1 I • r • a.P . • � r+.s` , • '� t;.. .. t.. t - s _ v...oA•waayY a_• .!at•loid ark. ,. s ,r try 'd R a< -' i h,. yk • d���]t1f. i . ., . • iII1T ! t. • S • 411 ... . _. , .-,...;,,,„.. al ' II '3 ' a '''''6::-.-4040411114631 .1�:'8N+ ' °: ar CFA-17-07 Request: Change the Comprehensi-ve Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation an northern portion from LIR to CMU; Community I]evelapmentDepartment change zoning from R-2 to CMU. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map _ eaaedg„1 ii Irmo p h[' Ill . n = • • II ■ nionli 1 • Et#ucatien _ st . 'ii 11� c MI 0 ■i I ■■� ■II k t 11� mud■ TL'IIIIH ■ . IN II i1IU. mr .'•' il%JIIIIHiIIII i1aLn1 21 r■diEM. ■11 1 �'• !II -lr: ■iii! = 1111 i .. .cEh M-.35.1a- :.- ""`ice -- - ■ .1 , M r■- i • ms . ■ ■i • i.i. I -Iln .111111 iiii ■■i� Eltavory r. -� !!I___ al . "mai 1111 • IIArJII!i! 111 j1 — •■iii1 #1Ni ir ■N■ I !■■1N■ 111■1 thrt- :■ i■ 11111 - : ■1 , ■■ ■■M■ a -pH' 1 Iiiti, mL.H P11__III II iI7, Il 1 :r■ U 1171 OprorI.Hitnium1 ,Eiltrinni-nr}y o . ■ r. mil �1■iIJrhi 1M i�i ■ 12 , [�■■■■ 1 I 11 .11 ig li l r■ �� LImI 1=• �: •.III - t•r= ::■. ■nil Pm- x . in IE; . o III mi'■�■ i ��o, a i. � hiclDaort]d E . u.■t ■1uu1■ ■■. ■ = E,11111111111 ■■rU ■ ' 6th '� H ■P111111111i- giro _! „. Ill . LiII 1■I,i m .. ■■ ■■■ ■ ire i e uin tM IM ■■ ■i1■■ ■ � . 4 ' # i t 111111 Sch 11 : -t 1411 itilejhr It4 ncompeilvii. Isom-,1)11.111....... ,gm s, ■iii■ CPA-17-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation on northern portion from UR to CMLI; Community Development Department change zoning from R-2 to CMIC_T. Exhibit 5: Transportation Map III�E_ ... 'IT_ I JI 1- a J — r li I— I I ,42 i 1 _ iiiiii irri .. _____..., 1 _ _ 14, a •iuii ii rd_ IN, 1 I 2-9 = mml _L J . 14 '1111 P 9i_i _1_,..a... 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