1982, 01-19 Pemrit: 81A-1572 InspectADDPESS n1SPB TICK RECORD DATE REMARKS j i -e',e/-1- f X / //C'�'� Z7 ga off e e Jd'-C AIT SPOKANE CoUNI -- BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH 811 JEFFERSON / SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 90260 / 1609/ 466-3616 APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES - PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES JOE AGORES6 I. SI (/BLOCK fiUeO1 Vl 2 -7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION - SEE ATTACHED NORDHA6FN ; Su[3 3.22'7 , NG PHONE -!I// PARCEL NUMFIERrs/BS5-/-n 3o y ,COI T C3L9 / NORPNA*ENS •MOD .i,312 '3,417/bG 71134 C TRACTOR .Swims . AD RES , F.. ZIP 99oz/Nor Actual 6.1 [..airi set [South e� East P.q IwF. PHONE SIal Parc).. Zone ClassIf lotion ZIP Type Const. OccuPansY V -N R-3 ereg Elves D oEl.o o. DESIGNER PHON aoo-2 nS4.FI 9�a ADORESS ZIP aln 9roo Floor UPP.r Floor. 1 Daraso A00 CHANCE OF DEE FROM. a TO Area of Docks FI6I4146 8a416.nt D9/oo Ear Ill TVK ❑NEW 0 ALT. 0 AWN. O RPL. ROVE. „ OP ClitELD. 0 PLASM. 0 MECH. 0 M.H. ❑POOL 0 OTHER a r1-t9r -sSJAj �i.lOAS - re Ric wA.CR l 9� I I E ECTrt ER >f",DAO 6 a. nn.I p No. Stoma No. nyom. [No. of DwannP. CERTIFICATE A•.. R. e. Z/otp R'0. X Enum. 01.1. Loullon 1094) FEESCOLLECTEO of EXEMPTION 0 snip Public O 0101. gl USE COD 1 hereby certify that I have lead and examined this application and have read the "NOTICE-nluvisions included on reverse side. and know the same to be true and correct. All plovls 111s of laws and ordln:ntcesgoverning this :.A,Lgp. of work will be complied with whether specified herein or lot. The slanting of a p11111 ! does not presume �'.60 goe authority to violate or cancel the provisions 01 any other slate of meal law regulating construction or the • OKIOrnMnee of construction. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REOUIR ED INSPECTIQNS DATE OP APPLICATION./ -/7-2/ —_. _ 511,NATUREt1FAPPt ICA ay 1444 -44 4f,PFitt 2.5024/.4 (N- U'i/ 7 2.4 ,t,-4447 S n91 8u113104 sr Ea- PlumbIng Plan Ch..a SEPA Mobil. Nerve Other ramrods.) TOTAL 710 02L18-81, 5 6479.