03-062.00 Code Publishing, Incoodepublishing.inc CONTRACT FOR SERVICES This Contract is entered into between the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY ," and CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as the "COMPANY." The Contract covers legal publishing services including but not limited to codification, printing, and computer text output of the SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE, hereinafter referred to as the "CODE." GENERAL The Company will publish an original codification as described in the following sections. The City will deliver to the Company the present Code text and ordinances in hard copy form and, if available, computer text files on disk. Text files can also be e-mailed to codepublishingOgwest. net. PUBLISHING The Company will publish a new Code to include codification of existing ordinances, subject organization, history notes, a subject matter index keyed to the sections of the Code, and ordinance tables. Code sections and the index will be edited and internal cross-references applied. The complete text will be proofread and checked for typographical errors, incorrect section references, and inconsistencies. The text will be printed in a two -column per page layout, Times 11 -point type font (or as specified by the City) with justified margins. The index, editor's notes, and other footnotes will be reprinted in Times 10 -point (or as specified by the City). PROOFCOPY The Company will provide a proof copy of the new Code together with editorial questions and comments for City review and approval. The City will review and annotate the proof copy with desired changes, then return the proof to the Company. PERIODIC SUPPLEMENTS The City will forward newly adopted, revised or amended ordinances periodically to the Company. Affected pages of the Code, the index, and tables will be edited and revised to reflect new provisions and/or modifications, with appropriate headnotes, catchlines, footnotes, and cross-references. The Company will provide updated supplement pages for the Code on a calendar schedule to be determined by the City. Printed supplement sets together with insertion/deletion instructions will be delivered to the City. Print supplement delivery will occur 4 to 6 weeks following receipt of the last ordinance included in the update. OPTIONAL COMPUTER CONVERSION PDF files will be created on CD-ROM. PDF files for the Internet are available with or without search capabilities. The Company may provide Folio Views 4.2 electronic publishing services to the City. The complete Code text and Folio Views 4.2 software can be integrated and delivered to the City ready for Windows' operating system environment. The Folio application and Code text may be loaded and will operate on a stand-alone basis or on network file servers. There are no licensing requirements. The Folio electronic edition can be updated concurrently with the printed supplement. CO3-62 l oodepublishing.inc PRINTING The Company will print and deliver fen (10) copies of the completed Code. Camera-ready copy and/or print image computer files are available upon request. Other services include custom binders and tab divider sets. The Company maintains a subscription service supplying print or electronic Code editions to libraries, private firms, and individuals. INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS The Company shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of or in any way resulting from the negligent acts or omisslans of Contractor, its officers, employees and agents in performing this agreement. The City shall protect, defend, Indemnify and hold harmless the Company,, its officers, employees and agents from any and all casts, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of or in any way resulting from the negligent acts or omisslons of the City, its officers, employees and agents in performing this agreement. INSURANCE The Company shall procure and maintain, for the duration of this agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Company, their agents, representatives, or employees, The Company shall maintain commercial general liability insurance with limits of no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. The Company shall furnish the City with an original certificate of insurance evidencing the required coverage along with a copy of ars endorsement naming the City as an additional insured, OPTIONAL LEGAL REVIEW Following codification, the Company may undertake a legal review. The review will encompass state and federal constitutional questions, case law conflicts, and court interpretations. Ordinances are scrutinized for vagueness, fair notice to citizens, free speech infringement, danger of selective enforcement, and equal protection in view of fundamental rights- The Code is reviewed for consistency and internal conflicts. The written report provides a thorough analysis and a basis for emending or revising ordinances as necessary. OPTIONAL INTERNET SERVICIES- HTML formatted electronic files will be created for Internet use. Internet access and annual maintenance of the Municipal Code will be provided by Municipal Research & Services Center in Seattle, WA. The Company will Inform MRSC when the Code is complete and ready for its Internet debut. MISCELLANEOUS Any ordinances submitted for codification after the City's receipt of the proof copy will be charged at the regt+lar supplement rate. I C de publishing.inc TERMINATION OF CONTRACT This Contract can be terminated by either party upon 60 days' written notice. The Company will be entitled to compensation to the extent of actual work performed; consistent with the Compensation provisions. Text which has been converted to computer format will be delivered to the City on computer disks in generic ASCII format. All reports, specifications, data and documents produced by the Company in the performance of this Contract, whether in draft or final form and whether in written, computer or other form, shall be the property of the City and shall be delivered promptly to the City upon termination of this Contract. COMPENSATION Payments to the Company from the City will be made according to the Services and Pricing schedule attached. A progress payment of 50 percent of the total is due upon delivery of the text proof. The balance will be billed upon delivery of the completed Code or within 90 days, whichever comes first. EFFECTIVE DATE This Contract is effective upon signature by both the City and the Company. Code Publishing Company Attest B ris ainbr hidge,, City r ler f Spokane Valley By: Dave Mercier, itity Manager �Appr form By:/2 City AftdffWy Dated this 23 day of 6 t.,- , 2003. l C de publishing.inc SERVICES AND PRICING The services proposed by Code Publishing may include, but are not limited to, the following: Publishing a New Municipal Code for the City of Spokane Valley, WA • Creating a new double -column, duplexed code, includes subject organization, text editing, layout, proofing, cross-referencing, and indexing, while maintaining the legislative history of the city. o First 150 pages................................................................ $3,750.00' o Additional pages..................................................................... $18.00 o Tables, graphics, maps, and charts additional .............. $15.00 per page o Print 10 sets.............................................................. $0.10 per page o Sample ordinances, recommendations and guidance ............. No Charge o Annual costs or storage fees ............................................... No Charge o Editorial review....................................................................Included dobe Acrobat f PDF Files in Adobe Acrobat format display pages exactly as they appear in the printed volume. Acrobat is especially useful with mixed text, tables, and graphics, such as that found in zoning or land use titles. These print image files are available to the city at No Charge. o Create electronic PDF files .................................... FREE with new code Binders and Tabbed Dividers o Generic post binders (10 each) .............................................. $400.00 o Custom laminated tab dividers (10 sets) ................................. $125.00 Future SuQQlernent Service • Code Publishing (CPC) will provide supplement service to Spokane Valley Municipal Code on a regular schedule determined by the municipality, or on demand. • Delivery for printed supplements is two to six weeks (depending on the number of pages revised). PDF electronic versions on disk accompany printed supplements and may be used for archival purposes. • Supplements include preface, statutory references, cross-references, disposition table, and index updates. An insertion guide is included with instructions for inserting new pages and removing obsolete ones. • Updates incorporate all new ordinances keeping the formatting and editorial style consistent with the current code. • Supplements are provided on durable, high quality 24/60 Ib. Hammermil Fore DP 8-1/2" x 11" paper. • Code Publishing provides subscription services to a variety of jurisdictions: counties, cities, state agencies, libraries, etc. CPC sends copies of codes directly to outside subscribers at no charge to the city. o Supplements. $18.00 per page o Tables, graphics, maps, and charts additional .............. $15.00 per page o Print 10 sets.............................................................. $0.10 per page o Supplement PDF files .................................................. $1.00 per page o Editorial review....................................................................Included o Shipping and Handling..........................................................Included ' Original codification not -to -exceed $5,000.00 4 August 2003 C de publishing.inc MWF Oational Services Available Uoon R -em est Optional Folio VIEWS for Intranet and Internet Code Publishing, Inc., pioneered the use of Folio VIEWS for cities and counties in 1992. This high performance, information retrieval software tool is designed to give staff instant access to the municipal code. The Folio VIEWS infobase can be customized with notes, bookmarks and highlighters. Our qualified staff compiles and creates the infobases in-house. o Annual Internet hosting fee ................................................... $350.00 o Create Folio VIEWS infobase ........................................ $1.95 per page o Supplement Folio VIEWS files ..................................... $1.95 per page (Minimum annual charge $200.00) Optional HTML, XML for Internet CPC can customize an electronic version of the city's municipal code in HTML format. The HTML files created by CPC are very user friendly. Rather than being restricted to viewing one section of the code at a time, you can scroll through an entire chapter or title. Please visit www.codepublishing.com(municodes.html for links to some of our municipal codes. o Annual Internet hosting fee ................................................... $350.00 o Create an HTML file set .............................................. $3.00 per page o Supplement HTML files .............................................. $3.00 per page (Minimum annual charge $200.00) Advance Sheet Access Plus (ASAP) • Preview a list of recently passed ordinances prior to codification. Advance sheets are available for both the printed and electronic versions of the code. The list identifies the code section or chapter, the subject matter and the amending ordinance(s). • The opening page of the code on the Internet will link to the list. The list allows users to link to the ordinance or the section amended. Within the code, the amended section or chapter is also identified and linked to the ordinance. • Electronic advance sheets are incorporated within one day of receipt of ordinances; printed sheets are mailed within two or three days. o Electronic Advance Sheets including links .................... $65.00 per hour o Printed Advance Sheets ............................................. $18.00 per page August 2003