1983, 03-09 Permit: 82A-7582 Inspect INSPDCrION RECORD ADDRESS DATE REMARKS - -S7,3 APPLICATION/PERMIT L. SPOKANE COUNTY—BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT oERANT ssuhosse NORTH SO JE[iERSON/SPOKANE,PgASHINGTON SOASO/115081,4644-36/6 APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES-PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES 0 2• •2 e 0 0 Le.,10.....,, LEGAL DESCRIPTION-SEE ATTACHED 75815 UST , PARCEL -7 iti.,3..- 022-5 7.2.c5 7 1-111rnf1-71h1r/7 DS-2782 OwNE• PHONE .F 647k fa,.•,./ .' ..A. % A' - I 2c... ,..,...,,,,,:...4.:L;•oc.:::., [CO >< fr/v...Z, 7;1' I Fin.- 0,... ,;,.: .......... COESiGNER 'eilione valuation '- AOORESS Zi• l000..I deo..P.ods GO,224 Arm f sto,... _ CHANGE Os VIE I,AOM 17 _ ts5.r6:::N Food&j;tszotes,,,N Unto.@dement No 4404 I)No.S toed Ne,Aolns Iwo.ei chaminas ‘`*•F 0 now 0 Ali, 12K,..4,014. 0 Rd- 0 MOE. ...0.., 01 0.0. 0 ALMS. 0 s4CCH. 0 OAK .00L CERTIFICATE RRA. ew&. e4 EXEMPTION i DESCal\leA r '"un'''". L''' '"''''' FEES COLLECTED ( ROC.:, GAS ELECTR4C HAVE• SEWER ozzool.,.....,.e„.....USE CODE Single $ f dodpy cersify that I have read and examined this police/ton and have read the"NOTICE"provisions included DI nrrerte side.and know the same to Ise Mee end correct.An provisions of laws and ordinances governing this .'.,,,-P_ 7_62 cc,of worts will he complied with whether specified herein or not.The granting of a permit dots not presorts• to ewe authority to violate or cancel the provisiora of sny other lute or local law regulating construction or the I'ID ol commotion.SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS :ofrOF iwooina DATE Os APpLICATION :: 7-gig-SIGNATURit" E OF APPLICANT 41 opr sr(GI.,ArmovALs SPECIAL CONCATQNS: HA•PE OATE 714r4111.04 reNt"4 D))(503...15.1----r‘i)01.1 5 rre, den Cheolc '1,1;..?"hf 34). 11,4 5r156,504 SEPA IL...RR. 0Aolado Hdoe . 'Al C.. OM..ISowify I on... TOTAL II