2012, 05-09 Permit App: BLD-2012-0598 Plumbing FixturesSpokane 4.000. later 11 /03 1 Sprague Ave, rune is -.s Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)688-0036 FAX: (509)688-0037 permitcenter(aspokanevallev.org Community Development Plumbing Permit Application SITE ADDRESS: / `7 1' 1'5- 1'i' LUV111 IN u1v115r,1c: ,v. W► ►s' . U `%4' PERMIT FEE: ii, q3.06 n Commercial Residential � b (4- . CAAkt Wd c cZ.I(Q ❑CASH ❑ CHECK 0 VISA 0 MC Card# SIGNATURE: EXPIRES: VIN: CURRENT FEES AVAILABLE AT: http://www.spokanevalley.orq/ under the quick links for Forms, Master Fee Schedule. http://www.spokanevalley.org/uploads/Community Development/Documents/Forms/Building/PlumbingpermitApplication040309. doc Building Owner Name: JL,\5-k.-\)0N.kusc. lZ- %'i Phone: scc..7 _ 3I S -g•3 sq Fax: Address: 14 / 15 Loot,.4.1i City 4c) State: t, J vd� Zip: cc. zi L Contractor Name: ee gei /), z ,0 C7 Phone: ‘3--0C% _ 95(r ` y ax: Address: U Pity L/ co City: rf(CC,JL t -t4-1-1 State: i,.0 el Zip: G)9C0c, License No: e,7 E�.),3 K p c( 4; I c City Business Lic: l l� Contact/Project Manager: Name: Y ikT1_ 3.6 Phone:,5-Di J� i - 9, 33 (P__ O if 73 # OF UNITS PLUMBING FIXTURE ON A TRAP TOILETS URINALS TUBS SHOWERS (per trap) SINKS Lav/Basins, Bar, Floor, Kitchen, Laundry, Utility, Janitor, Photo, X-ray, Food, Prep/Culinary Meat DISHWASHER CLOTHES WASHER GARBAGE DISPOSAL WATER SOFTNER FLOOR DRAIN Area, Case, Coil, Trench, Condensate ROOF DRAIN/OVERFLOW DRAINS FOUNTAIN, DRINKING WATER PIPING/DRAIN-IN WASTE Installation, Alterations, Repair, Reversals WATER USING DEVICE Ice and/or Coffee maker, hose bib, steamer proofer, carbonator, swamp cooler PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WATER HEATER If Gas, See Mechanical INDUSTRIAL WASTE PRETREATEMENT INCEPTORS Including traps, vents except kitchen type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps REPAIR OR ALTERATION Water piping, drainage or vent piping ATMOSPHERIC TYPE VACUUM BREAKER BACK FLOW PROTECTIVE DEVICE Other than atmospheric type vacuum breakers MEDICAL GAS INCEPTORS ❑CASH ❑ CHECK 0 VISA 0 MC Card# SIGNATURE: EXPIRES: VIN: CURRENT FEES AVAILABLE AT: http://www.spokanevalley.orq/ under the quick links for Forms, Master Fee Schedule. http://www.spokanevalley.org/uploads/Community Development/Documents/Forms/Building/PlumbingpermitApplication040309. doc