15-108.00 Clearwater Summit Group: Valley Mission Dog Park Ph 1 (5-108 CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Clearwater Summit Group THIS CONSTRUCTIONAGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State of Washington ("City") and Clearwater Summit Group, ("Contractor")jointly referred to as the"Parties". IN CONSIDERATION of the terms and conditions contained herein the Parties agree as follows: 1. Work to Be Performed. Contractor shall do all work and furnish all labor, supervision,tools,materials, supplies and equipment and other items necessary for the construction and completion of the Valley Mission Dog Park Phase 1 Project (the "Work") in accordance with documents described in Exhibit 1 and in accordance with this Agreement(which are by this reference incorporated herein and made part hereof(the "Contract Documents")), and shall perform any changes in the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The terms and provisions in this Agreement shall control over any inconsistent or incompatible terms in any other Contract Document. Contractor shall, for the amount set forth in paragraph 4, below, assume and be responsible for the cost and expense of all work required for constructing and completing the Work and related activities provided for in the Contract Documents to City's satisfaction,within the time limits prescribed in the Contract Documents. The City Manager,or designee,shall administer and be the primary contact for Contractor. Upon notice from City,Contractor shall promptly commence work,complete the same in a timely manner,and cure any failure in performance under this Agreement. Unless otherwise directed by City,all work shall be performed in conformance with the Contract Documents, and all City,State and federal standards,codes,ordinances,regulations and laws as now existing or as may be adopted or amended. 2. Time for Performance. Contractor shall commence the Work within 10 days of receipt of a notice to proceed and shall complete substantial completion by November 20, 2015 and project completion by December 31,2015. 3. Liquidated Damages. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THIS CONTRACT. Delays cause inconvenience to the residents of City and cost taxpayers undue sums of money, adding time needed for administration,engineering,inspection and supervision. It is impractical for City to calculate the actual cost of delays. Accordingly, Contractor agrees to pay liquidated damages for failure to achieve Substantial Completion(as defined in the Contract Documents)which shall be in the amount of$150.00 per day. These liquidated damages are not a penalty, but are fixed and agreed upon by and between Contractor and City because of the impracticability and difficulty of fixing and ascertaining the actual damages that City would sustain in the event that the Work is not completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Liquidated damages may be retained by City and deducted from payments otherwise due to the Contractor. 4. Compensation. In consideration of Contractor performing the Work, City agrees to pay Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents the sum of $70,500.00, plus Washington State Sales Tax of $6,133.50, for a total of$76,633.50, based on the bid submitted by Contractor, and as may be adjusted in accordance with the Contract Documents. 5.Payment. Contractor may elect to be paid in monthly installments,upon presentation of an application for Construction Agreement Page 1 of 6 payment in a form satisfactory to City. Applications for payment shall be sent to the City Finance Department at the below stated address. Pursuant to Chapter 60.28 RCW,five percent of the compensation due Contractor shall be retained by City. City reserves the right to withhold payment under this Agreement which is determined in the reasonable judgment of the City Manager or designee to be noncompliant with the Contract Documents,City standards, City Code, and federal or state standards. 6. Notice. Notice other than applications for payment shall be given in writing as follows: TO THE CITY: TO THE CONTRACTOR: Name: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Name: Clearwater Summit Group Phone: (509)921-1000 Phone: (509)482-2722 Address: 11707 East Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Address: P.O. Box 6470 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane,WA 99217 7.Applicable Laws and Standards. The Parties,in the performance of this Agreement,agree to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws,codes and regulations. 8. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters — Primary Covered Transactions. A.By executing this Agreement,the Consultant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief,that it and its principals: 1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; 2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission or fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local)transaction or contract under a public transaction;violation of federal or state antitrust statues or commission of embezzlement,theft,forgery,bribery,falsification or destruction of records,making false statements, or receiving stolen property; 3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph(A)(2)of this certification; and 4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions(federal, state, or local)terminated for cause or default. B. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this Agreement. 9.Prevailing Wages on Public Works. Contractor,any subcontractor,or other person doing work under this Agreement, shall comply with the requirements of RCW 39.12,and shall pay each employee an amount not less than the Prevailing Rate of Wage, as specified by the Industrial Statistician of the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries("L&I"). If employing labor in a class not shown,Contractor shall request a determination of the correct wage rate for the class and locality from the Industrial Statistician. Contractor shall provide a copy of any such determinations to City. Construction Agreement Page 2 of 6 Before commencing,during,and upon completion of the work,Contractor shall file all forms and pay all fees required by L&I and shall indemnify and hold City harmless from any claims related to its failure to comply with RCW 39.12. The following information is provided pursuant to RCW 39.12.030: A. State of Washington prevailing wage rates applicable to this public works project, published by L&I are located at the L&I website address: https://fortress.wa.gov/Ini/wagelookup/prvWagelookup.aspx B. This Project is located in Spokane County. C. The effective prevailing wage date is the same date as the bid due date as referenced in the original request for bids and as may be revised by addenda. A copy of the applicable prevailing wage rates is also available for viewing at the offices of City located at 11707 East Sprague,Suite 106,Spokane Valley,WA 99206. Upon request,City will mail a hard copy of the applicable prevailing wages for this project. 10.Relationship of the Parties. It is understood,agreed and declared that Contractor shall be an independent contractor,and not the agent or employee of City,that City is interested in only the results to be achieved,and that the right to control the particular manner,method and means in which the services are performed is solely within the discretion of Contractor. Any and all employees who provide services to City under this Agreement shall be deemed employees solely of Contractor. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all its employees under this Agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. 11.Ownership of Documents. All drawings,plans,specifications,and other related documents prepared by Contractor under this Agreement are and shall be the property of City, and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56 or other applicable public record laws. 12.Records. The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours all of Contractor's records with respect to all matters covered in this Agreement. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit,examine and make excerpts or transcripts from such records and to make audits of all contracts,invoices,materials,payrolls and record of matters covered by this contract for a period of three years from the date final payment is made hereunder. 13.Warranty. Unless provided otherwise in the Contract Documents,Contractor warrants that all Work and materials performed or installed under this Agreement are free from defect or failure for a period of one year following final acceptance by City,unless a supplier or manufacturer has a warranty for a greater period,which warranty shall be assigned or transferred to City. In the event a defect or failure occurs in work or materials, Contractor shall, within the warranty period, remedy the same at no cost or expense to City. This warranty provision shall not be construed to establish a period of limitation with respect to Contractor's other obligations under this Agreement. 14.Contractor to Be Licensed And Bonded. Contractor shall be duly licensed,registered and bonded by the State of Washington at all times this Agreement is in effect. 15. Insurance. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against Construction Agreement Page 3 of 6 claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Contractor, its agents,representatives, or employees. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1.Automobile liability insurance covering all owned,non-owned,hired,and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office(ISO)form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2.Commercial general liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises,operations,independent contractors,products- completed operations,stop gap liability,personal injury and advertising injury,and liability assumed under an insured contract. The commercial general liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the commercial general liability insurance for liability arising from explosion,collapse or underground property damage. City shall be named as an insured under Contractor's commercial general liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 01 and Additional Insured-Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. 3.Workers' compensation coverage as required by the industrial insurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1.Automobile liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000 per accident. 2.Commercial general liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than$1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. C. Other Insurance Provisions. The insurance policies are to contain,or be endorsed to contain,the following provisions for automobile liability,professional liability and commercial general liability insurance: 1. Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by City shall be excess of Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. Contractor shall fax or send electronically in .pdf format a copy of insurer's cancellation notice within two business days of receipt by Contractor. D.Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M.Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Evidence of Coverage. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this Agreement, Contractor shall furnish acceptable insurance certificates to City at the time Contractor returns the Construction Agreement Page 4 of 6 signed Agreement. The certificate shall specify all of the parties who are additional insureds,and will include applicable policy endorsements,and the deduction or retention level. Insuring companies or entities are subject to City acceptance. If requested, complete copies of insurance policies shall be provided to City. Contractor shall be financially responsible for all pertinent deductibles,self-insured retentions, and/or self-insurance. 16.Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Contractor shall,at its sole expense,defend, indemnify and hold harmless City and its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs,attorney's fees and costs of litigation,expenses,injuries,and damages of any nature whatsoever relating to or arising out of the wrongful or negligent acts,errors or omissions in the services provided by Contractor, Contractor's agents, subcontractors, subconsultants and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law, subject only to the limitations provided below. Contractor's duty to defend,indemnify and hold harmless City shall not apply to liability for damages arising out of such services caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of City or City's agents or employees. Contractor's duty to defend,indemnify and hold harmless City against liability for damages arising out of such services caused by the concurrent negligence of(a) City or City's agents or employees, and(b)Contractor, Contractor's agents, subcontractors, subconsultants and employees, shall apply only to the extent of the negligence of Contractor,Contractor's agents, subcontractors, subconsultants and employees. Contractor's duty to defend,indemnify and hold City harmless shall include,as to all claims,demands,losses and liability to which it applies,City's personnel-related costs,reasonable attorneys'fees,and the reasonable value of any services rendered by the office of the City Attorney,outside consultant costs,court costs,fees for collection, and all other claim-related expenses. Contractor specifically and expressly waives any immunity that may be granted it under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act,Title 51 RCW. These indemnification obligations shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or for any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefits acts. Provided, that Contractor's waiver of immunity by the provisions of this paragraph extends only to claims against Contractor by City,and does not include,or extend to,any claims by Contractor's employees directly against Contractor. Contractor hereby certifies that this indemnification provision was mutually negotiated. 17. Waiver. No officer,employee, agent or other individual acting on behalf of either party has the power, right or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this Agreement. No waiver in one instance shall be held to be waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this Agreement or by law, shall be taken and construed as cumulative, and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement or to require at any time performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor shall it affect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof. 18. Assignment and Delegation. Neither party shall assign, transfer, or delegate any or all of the responsibilities of this Agreement or the benefits received hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the other party. 19. Confidentiality. Contractor may,from time to time,receive information which is deemed by City to be confidential. Contractor shall not disclose such information without the prior express written consent of City or upon order of a Court of competent jurisdiction. Construction Agreement Page 5 of 6 20.Disputes. All disputes arising under or related to this Agreement that cannot be resolved through informal discussion and negotiations shall be resolved by litigation filed in the Superior Court for Spokane County, unless otherwise required by applicable federal or state law. 21. Subcontractor Responsibility. As required by RCW 39.06.020, Contractor shall verify responsibility criteria for each first tier subcontractor and its subcontractors of any tier that hires other subcontractors shall verify responsibility criteria for each of its subcontractors. Verification shall include that each subcontractor,at the time of subcontract execution,meets the responsibility criteria listed in RCW 39.04.350(1)and possesses an electrical contractor license,if required by chapter 19.28 RCW,or an elevator contractor license if required by chapter 70.87 RCW. This verification requirement must be included in every subcontract of every tier. 22.Jurisdiction and Venue. This Agreement is entered into in Spokane County,Washington. Venue shall be in Spokane County, State of Washington. 23. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire and complete agreement between the parties and supercedes any prior oral or written agreements. This Agreement may not be changed,modified or altered except in writing signed by the Parties. 24. Anti-kickback. No officer or employee of City, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this Agreement shall have or acquire any interest in this Agreement, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service or other thing of value from any person with an interest in this Agreement. 25.Business Registration. Prior to commencement of Work under this Agreement,Contractor shall register with the City as a business. 26. Severability. If any section,sentence,clause or phrase of this Agreement should be held to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction,such invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other section, sentence,clause or phrase of this Agreement. 27. Exhibits. Exhibits attached and incorporated into this Agreement are: 1. Scope of Work 2. Insurance Endorsements 4— The Parties have executed this Agreement this day of October,2015. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: Contr or: ink f OMNI/ ,41 f."-N A Mike Jackson, City ►-t nager Owner ATTEST:i APPROVED AS TO FORM: A, AL �� �,i, /ow,i, c P ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk I Office;4 City A ey Construction Agreement Page 6 of 6 EXHIBIT 1 O"\teftt , *Wane Valley BID RESPONSE DOCUMENTS VALLEY MISSION DOG PARK PHASE 1 PROJECT Prepared By: Bernardo Wills Architects PC 153 South Jefferson Street Spokane, WA 99201 509-838-4511 Dell Hatch, Landscape Architect B W A BERNARDO I WILLS ARCHITECTS PC 00410 Bid Response Documents Page 1 SECTION 00410 - BID RESPONSE DOCUMENTS BID PROPOSAL PROJECT TITLE: Valley Mission Dog Park Phase 1 Project NAME OF FIRM SUBMITTING BID: C_.(,.E- /f`R='32, SWt4A1 IT e r2oLtio Each bid shall constitute an offer to the City of Spokane Valley as outlined herein and no bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the bid closing except under the conditions explained in the Information to Bidders Section. RECEIPT OF ADDENDA: Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addendum No. Date Addendum No. Date Addendum No. Date REJECTION: The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, portions or parts thereof and to waive all minor irregularities in bidding. Special attention will be directed to the qualifications of the bidders when considering awarding a contract. TIME TO COMPLETE: The work related to the Valley Mission Dog Park Phase 1 project will be substantially completed by November 20, 2015, with the understanding that time is of the essence in the performance of this contract. The Notice to Proceed is generally issued within 15 days after award. BID IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONTRACTOR'S BOND ELECTION to withhold 50% retainage in lieu of furnishing a Contractor's Bond (Performance and Payment Bond). SUBCONTRACTORS LIST: See Special Conditions SUBMITTAL: The"Bid Response Documents"Section constitutes the Bid Proposal when completed and submitted. Please do not submit the entire Invitation to Bid manual. FREIGHT: Bid price(s) to include all freight costs to the job site. BASE BID - LUMP SUM: Valley Mission Dog Park Phase 1 Project As identified in the Construction Documents plans and details. BASE BID = $ --lL' I c�0 8.7% SALES TAX = $ ( 1 I TOTAL BASE BID = $ 6 ��. •�. (� 00410 Bid Response Documents Page 2 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID ITEM #1: Decomposed Granite Beyond Base Bid As identified in the Construction Documents plans and details. 1. Furnishing and installation decomposed granite within fenced dog park boundaries beyond limits shown as base bid. ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID ITEM #1 = $ z ( � DOD 8.7% SALES TAX = $ 7_ ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID ITEM #1= $ 22 -7 7 1 BID SUMMARY TOTAL BASE BID = $ / 12,3 A-0 TOTAL ADDITIVE BID ITEM #1 = $ GRAND TOTAL = $ 9 40 St) 00410 Bid Response Documents Page 3 REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS ANTI-KICKBACK No officer or employee of the City of Spokane Valley, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this submittal, shall have or acquire any interest in this submittal, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service, or other thing of value from or to any person involved in this submittal. REPRESENTATION: In submitting this bid we represent that the bid documents have been read and understood, that the site has been visited and or that we have familiarized ourselves with the local conditions under which the work is to be performed, that by signature of this proposal we acknowledge all requirements and that we have signed all certificates contained herein. REPRESENTATION: In submitting this bid we acknowledge the requirements and conditions applicable to bid deposits in the form of a cash bid deposit or surety bond bid deposit. I CERTIFY that no final determination of violation of RCW 50.12.070(1)(b), 50.16.070(1)(b), or 82.32.070(1)(b) has been made by the Washington State Departments of Employment Security, Labor And Industries or Revenue respectively dated within two years of the date of the opening of this bid. I understand further that no bid may be submitted, considered or contract awarded for a public work to any person or entity that has a determination of violation of the above referenced statutes within two years from the date that a violation is finally determined and the date of this bid opening. I CERTIFY that to the best of my knowledge the information contained in this proposal is accurate and complete and that I have the legal authority to commit this Firm to a contractual agreement. I realize the final funding for any service is based upon budget levels and the approval of the City of Spokane Valley. Name: l `1 / o /.2L /)J Person/ sub itting bi print) Signature: ,� —� Title: V - 17y ,evv i". Date: I D 7z/ Zoi 00410 Bid Response Documents Page 4 BIDDER'S ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION 1. PERSON/ENTITY a. Name as registered with the State Of Washington: r_;(..&- bUij i7a- L .M tf &1'Zolb b. Physical Address: ti 7-2-Y (= LAS-1-k c Lac:`/ AVG SPDD/CAIVL 1 (4./1/ 9i" I c. Mailing Address including zip code: (i0 ( o)( 04770 .s/OKflM'", //1.44 G9217- d. Remit To Address including zip code: " " ` ' e. Telephone number including area code: c0C1 -1 '2 - f. Fax number including area code: Soei - k 2.2,16 g. E-mail address for business correspondence: /SC/Mei-7142 Cc-t TLer/ f?-3WL°4)76/1005,6 h. Washington State Contractors License Number: CA /4VLSGOCOkn) i. Federal Tax Identification Number: , . REDACTED j. Washington State UBI Number: 60 I St.,91 k. State Industrial Account Identification Number: -112 f 3 zo'i / t2ic 2. INSURANCE COMPANY: a. Name of company: OTDS�Ct.vj4 (?'/ CA , b. Mailing Address including zip code: ,47 Aux- J c. Insurance Agent Name: 602-0. <Z ('c J d. Insurance Agent Telephone number including area code: 'QC1- ?Z2 -7_/37- e. Insurance Agent Fax number including area code: 509 1?2_- 14/C8 3. BONDING COMPANY: a. Surety Name: t.")I1 T 50G45 b. Surety Mailing Address including zip code: AD / f,7C -2-14 g c. Bonding Agent Name: 001.,E1: '1C CALL f1r7 d. Bonding Agent Mailing Address including zip code: 'a /x' '3)S-1.S' e. Bonding Agent Telephone number including area code: 509 -G722- Zg 2,7 f. Bonding Agent Fax number including area code: 5001 - 2-2 - f 0.5 This document contains confidential tax information and has been redacted pursuant to RCW 82.32.330. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. 00410 Bid Response Documents Page 5 BIDDER QUALIFICATION STATEMENT The following statements of experience, personnel, equipment, and general qualifications of the Bidder are submitted with the assurance that the owner can rely on its accuracy and truthfulness. If more space is required for your answers please attach a continuation sheet(s) to the corresponding bid response page referencing the item number. 1. The company has been in business continuously from (month and year) 'TAA 7 161g 3 2. Provide the following information on three similar public park projects of like scope and value the company has completed that was on an order of magnitude equal to or greater in scope and complexity to that required under the proposed contract. Project Name Owner Phone No. Location #1 /VL�Ih 'IDA P4 S 1(.1/1.r- #2: 1 CCUrF arIfzi` cost/ 51017MI4 / 0 e #3: 16)S i avert'/ pA1A( SAOI(4uS v4-ev1,=; Provide responses to the following items regarding each project listed above: A. Name of Designer. 1 -- C 1 1-N( O t= 5i'/&)cAm 2 - T Lc_ B. Construction contract value, both at the time of award and upon completion. etH 1 4 vi ( ' 32 - cfit) / la -- ! Li OD / L i 2 , 361 C� C. Identify if you were the general contractor or a subcontractor on the project. ( - G c-_A) 2 - 6&-ki D. The date each project was started and completed. 5 bqlT o CA/s- 2 s- 2 - 6 / z (' , //S- - / 114 lI t ! / 00410 Bid Response Documents p Page 6 4. List supervisory personnel currently employed by the Bidder and available for work on the project (Construction Manager, principal foreman, superintendents and engineers) is as follows: Years of Name Title Experience An-a4A- C.4-1)//g-)6 10/t1 • 1 6 &A-aeAA ' J ) o>2 rcYU 14,) '2 S- 5. Attach a resume with the qualifications, previous employers, and experience of the project manager who is proposed to be assigned to this project. If a resume is not included in the bid documents the bidder agrees to furnish a resume within 24 hours of notice by the City. BIDDER COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION PROJECT COMPLIANCE 00410 Bid Response Documents Page 7 Brent Schreiber Senior Project Manager Clearwater Summit Group, INC 4228 E Wellesley Ave Spokane WA 99217 Experience: 16 years experience installing and managing various site construction projects -Construction management - Estimating - Contract administration - Procurement negotiating - Design and layout - Maintaining quality control - Budgeting Degrees/ University of Washington Certifiactions 1996 to 200 Bachelors degree in Geography(GIS specialized) Contract certified PCIP certified CLT AGC Project Manager Development Program Employment: Plantscapes, Inc 1127 Poplar Place South, Seattle WA 98144 2005 to 2007 Landscape Construction Division Manager Landscape Innovations Woodinville WA 2000 to 2005 Design/sales/lead foreman In compliance with the request for quotation, bidder hereby proposes to perform all work for this project in strict accordance with the contract documents, within the time set forth therein, and at the prices bid. SPECIFICATION COMPLIANCE The bidder certifies below that his/her bid complies in all respects with the attached specification documents, including the minimum specifications. YES y NO it 00410 Bid Response Documents Page 8 SUBCONTRACTOR LIST Project : Valley Mission Dog Park Phase 1 Project Subcontract List (For Use When Engineer's Estimate Is One Million Dollars Or More). It is strongly recommended that the subcontractor list be enclosed with the bid documents. Please refer to "SUBCONTRACTORS" in the Information For Bidders Section for specific information regarding the listing requirements. Attach additional sheets if required. Use copies of these pages as masters for attachment. If a subcontractor list is not submitted with the bid, it must be delivered to the City of Spokane Valley, 2426 N. Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, Washington no later than 1:00 P.M. the same day of the published bid submittal date and time (one hour after the closing time of 12:00 P.M.) Type of work - HVAC. If this work is required and the bidder will be doing the work the bidder must list its name as the contractor below. HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTOR NAME (please print) Type of work— PLUMBING as described in chapter 18.106 RCW. If this work is required and the bidder will be doing the work the bidder must list its name as the contractor below. PLUMBING ON RACTOR NAME (please print) Type of work— ELECTRICAL as described in chapter 19.28 RCW. If this work is required and the bidder will be doing the work the bidder must list its name as the contractor below. /V ELECTRICA CONTRACTOR NAME (please print) 00410 Bid Response Documents Page 9 BID DEPOSIT FORM OF BID DEPOSIT - CHECK ONE: Please submit this sheet with the bid deposit. CASH. Attach the deposit behind this sheet. 2( SURETY BOND - Attach bid bond behind this sheet. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU USE THE ATTACHED FORM. 00410 Bid Response Documents Page 10 1 Spo`�kane 4000%Her BOND NO: CONTRACTOR'S BID DEPOSIT SURETY BOND to City of Spokane Valley,Washington Clearwater Summit Group Inc We,Clearwater as Principal, existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington and authorized to do business in the State of Washington, and Travelers Casualty and Surety f:mmnany of America , as Surety, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut , are held and firmly bound unto the City of Spokane Valley, a Washington municipality,as Obligee,in the penal sum of 5%of the total amount bid,not to exceed$ s ,for the payment of which we jointly and severally bind ourselves,and our legal representatives and successors. WHEREAS,the Principal has submitted a bid for Valley Mission Dog Park NOW THEREFORE,the condition of the obligation is such that if the Obligee shall accept the bid of Principal and make timely award to the Principal according to the terms of the bid documents;and the Principal shall, within ten days after notice of the award,exclusive of the day of notice,enter into the contract with the Obligee and furnish the contractor's bonds(performance and payment bonds)with Surety satisfactory to the Obligee in an amount equal to 100%of the amount of the bid proposed including additives,alternatives and Washington State sales tax, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise if the Principal fails to enter into the contract and fails to furnish the contractor's bonds within ten days of notice of award,exclusive of the day of notice,the amount of the bid deposit shall be forfeited to the Obligee,payable by the Surety;but in no event will the Surety's liability exceed the face amount of this bid bond. This bond may be executed in two original counterparts,and shall be signed by the parties'duly authorized officers.This bond will only be accepted if it is accompanied by a fully executed and original power of attorney for the officer executing on behalf of the surety. PRM 'ALONT • •R) SURETY 10/47,0/5 2,015 �� ,���tn 1°(c,i,ts Principal•ignature D to Surety Signature Date 1`i U1( �(mar Shellie Duncan Print ame Printed Name (� PYif5;(e Attorney iin Fact Title Title Name,address,and telephone of local office/agent of Surety Company is: Wheat&Associates Insurance,PO Box 3548,Spokane,WA 99220 509-922-2937 00410 Bid Response Documents Page 29 WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER POWER OF ATTORNEY TRAVELERS , Farmington Casualty Company St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company Attorney-In Fact No. Certificate No. 227160 005644599 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Farmington Casualty Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut,that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa,and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin(herein collectively called the"Companies"),and that the Companies do hereby make,constitute and appoint Dave N.Wheat,Tena Wheat,Stacy Breithaupt,Derek Collett,Zac Wheat,Pat McNamara,Shellie Duncan,Brendon Nepon,and Alia Bakke of the City of Spokane ,State of Washington ,their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above,to sign,execute,seal and acknowledge any and all bonds,recognizances,conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons,guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Companies have caused this instrument to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed,this 18th day of September 2013 Farmington Casualty Company St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company we GI.SUq _nyttT/ . 1'l i lly y NE 6 \*µ...NSG P�.r IN3Uq Jp�.TY AN, ,""„Y (J}jY 1l.. .gpnnnn(T OvSs' J y p q 'j .........9, 9 s� •p �\p ..•O $ YY 11 ,,w rrORPCR TTrn- m �f�OR 4'111 ,f m iW rpOaPORgTE;:jn� 9A / f�CQ 1FD 1 9 8 2 0Ca 9]� g - " sG •. +4:a�t c�; j q F[ •.._ .o_: NaRiFCRD� `S ` 1896 4y aD of � 19Jr1 .�`•,"��� �';SEALJoI �'i�$ERLi3 �, CONN. o 00M% u' �y �N i �� 1, 'y aceto df.......•�L'rl! dao:••.,. ;�aa° sy aar ♦' r tf v� memo S.:AM.. '..�">, 1 �N !MOP- , State of Connecticut By: / City of Hartford ss. Robert L.Raney, enior Vice President On this the 18th day of September 2013 before me personally appeared Robert L.Raney,who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Vice President of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,and that he,as such,being authorized so to do,executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. trk In Witness Whereof,I hereunto set my hand and official seal. C` W wv .ti""'""'— —` My Commission expires the 30th day of June,2016. * Ala mo * "Marie C.Tetreault,Notary Public CCP 58440-8-12 Printed in U.S.A. WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER ULLAK-4 UI'IL):SU A RS' CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE 10/08/DD/YYYY) 10/08/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Wheat&Associates Insurance NAME:PHONE P.O.Box 3548 A/C No,Ext): (A/C,No): Spokane,WA 99220-3548 E-MAIL Derek M Collett ADDRESS: INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:Ohio Security Ins Co 24082 INSURED Clearwater Summit Group Inc INSURER B:AM Best Rating-A XV Ruby Nee PO Box 6470 INSURER C Spokane,WA 99217 INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ILLICY EXP TR R I TYPE OF INSURANCE IADDL SR WVD POLICY NUMBER (MMI D//YYYY) (MSUBR POLICY EFF M/D/ /YYYY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY X X BKA5638630812/22/2014 12/22/2015 DAMAGE TO RENTED 1,000,000 PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 15,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMITAPPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 POLICY X PROCT LOC $ JE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 1,000,000 (Ea accident) $ A X ANY AUTO BKA56386308 12/22/2014 12/22/2015 BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS AUTOS X HIRED AUTOS X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS APER ACCIDENT) X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 4,000,000 A EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE BKA56386308 12/22/2014 12/22/2015 AGGREGATE $ 4,000,000 DED X RETENTION$ 0 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION WC STATU- y OTH- ANDD EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY A I ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y/N BKA56386308 12/22/2014 12/22/2015 E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N/A (Mandatory in NH) WA STOP GAP E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space is required) Project: Valley Mission Dog Park Phase I City of Spokane Valley is Additional Insured pertaining to the General Liability as per form CG9044. Coverage is primary & non-contributory and includes completed operations and waiver of subrogation. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION CITSP-3 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Cityof Spokane ValleyTHE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN P ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 11707 E Sprague Ave Ste 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Zae do46—' ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 10/6/2015 CLEARWATER SUMMIT GROUP INC Home Iniciocn Espanol C'ortac Search L&I SEACH__ a-Z Index l:ielp bfc Secure IA.I Safety Claims&Insurance Workplace Rights Trades&Licensing Washington State Department of Labor & industries CLEARWATER SUMMIT GROUP INC Owner or tradesperson PO BOX 6470 SPOKANE,WA 99217-0908 Principals 509-482-2722 SWEET,TIM P, PRESIDENT SPOKANE County ULLMAN,TY ROBERT,VICE PRESIDENT ULLMAN, LAURA LOUISE, SECRETARY SWEET, ELAINE,TREASURER Doing business as CLEARWATER SUMMIT GROUP INC WA UBI No. Business type 601 450 995 Corporation Governing persons ELAINE SWEET LAURA ULLMAN; TIMOTHY P SWEET; TY R ULLMAN; License Verify the contractor's active registration/license/certification(depending on trade)and any past violations. Construction Contractor Active. Meets current requirements. License specialties GENERAL License no. CLEARSG000KN Effective—expiration 05/15/2000—07/11/2016 Bond .............. TRAVELERS CAS&SURETY CO $12,000.00 Bond account no. 055S103627339BCM Received by L&I Effective date 05/28/2002 07/01/2002 Expiration date Until Canceled Insurance ............................... Ohio Security Ins Co $1,000,000.00 Policy no. BKA56386308 Received by L&I Effective date 12/04/2014 12/22/2014 Expiration date 12/22/2015 https://secure.lni.wa.gov/verify/Detail.aspx?UBI=601450995&LIC=CLEARSG000KN&SAW=False 1/3 10/6/2015 CLEARWATER SUMMIT GROUP INC Insurance history Savings ................. No savings accounts during the previous 6 year period. Lawsuits against the bond or savings No lawsuits against the bond or savings accounts during the previous 6 year period. L&I Tax debts NoL&....taxde.. No L&I tax debts are recorded for this contractor license during the previous 6 year period, but some debts may be recorded by other agencies. License Violations Infraction no. ESODA00253Satisfied .......................... Issue date RCW/WAC 06/25/2015 19.28.101 RCW Violation amount Violation city $250.00 SPOKANE Type of violation ELECTRICAL CITATION Description Covering or concealing installations prior to inspection. Infraction no. ESODA00252 Satisfied Issue date RCW/WAC 06/25/2015 19.28.041 RCW Violation amount Violation city $500.00 SPOKANE Type of violation ELECTRICAL CITATION Description Offering to perform,submitting a bid for, advertising,installing or maintaining cables, conductors or equipment that convey or utilize electrical current without having a valid electrical contractor license. ...................... ................. ........ Infraction no. Satisfied ESODA00254 SaSa................ Issue date RCW/WAC 06/25/2015 19.28.271 RCW Violation amount Violation city $250.00 SPOKANE Type of violation ELECTRICAL CITATION Description Employing an individual for the purposes of chapter 19.28 RCW who does not possess a valid certificate of competency or training certificate to do electrical work. Workers' comp Do you know if the business has employees?If so,verify the business is up-to-date on workers'comp premiums. This company has multiple workers'comp accounts. Active accounts ................................................. L&I Account ID Account is current. 472,384-01 ................................ Doing business as CLEARWATER SUMMIT GROUP INC h ://secure.lni.wa.gov/verify/Detail.aspx?UBI=601450995&LIC=CLEARSG000KN&SAW=False 2/3 10/6/2015 CLEARWATER SUMMIT GROUP INC Estimated workers reported Quarter 2 of Year 2015"51 to 75 Workers" L&I account representative TO/GARY HONC(360)902-4823-Email:HONC235@Ini.wa.gov Track this contractor 0 Workplace safety and health Check for any past safety and health violations found on jobsites this business was responsible for. Citation issue date 06/13/2014 Violations Inspection no. 317319408 Location 4228 E Wellesley Spokane,WA 99207-6780 ©Washington State Dept.of Labor&Industries.Use of this site is subject to the laws of the state of Washington. https://secure.lni.wa.gov/verify/Detail.aspx?UBI=601450995&LIC=CLEARSGOOOKN&SAW=False 3/3 Spokane �jValleya BOND NO: 106280219 CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE BOND to City of Spokane Valley,Washington The City of Spokane Valley, Washington, in Spokane County, has awarded to Clearwater Summit Group (Contractor), as Principal,a contract for the construction of the project designated as Valley Mission Dog Park Phase I Project,Project No. 15-108 in Spokane Valley, Washington, and said Principal is required under the terms of the Contract to furnish a performance bond in accordance with chapter 39.08 Revised Code of Washington(RCW). The Principal,and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America(Surety),a corporation,organized under the laws of Connecticut and licensed to do business in the State of Washington as surety and named in the current list of"Surety Companies Acceptable in Federal Bonds" as published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts,U.S. Treasury Dept., are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Spokane Valley, as Obligee, in the sum of $76,633.50 total Contract amount(including Washington State sales tax),subject to the provisions herein. This performance bond shall become null and void,if and when the Principal,its heirs,executors,administrators,successors, or assigns shall well and faithfully perform all of the Principal's obligations under the Contract and fulfill all the terms and conditions of all duly authorized modifications, additions, and changes to said Contract that may hereafter be made, at the time and in the manner therein specified; shall warranty the work as provided in the Contract and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Obligee from any defects in the workmanship and materials incorporated into the work for the period identified in the Contract;and if such performance obligations have not been fulfilled,this bond shall remain in full force and effect. The Surety for value received agrees that no change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract,the specifications accompanying the Contract, or to the work to be performed under the Contract shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond,and waives notice of any change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or the work performed. The Surety agrees that modifications and changes to the terms and conditions of the Contract that increase the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this bond and notice to Surety is not required for such increased obligation. This bond may be executed in two original counterparts, and shall be signed by the parties' duly authorized officers. This bond will only be accepted if it is accompanied by a fully executed and original power of attorney for the officer executing on behalf of the surety. CLE AT S ROUP INC / Travelers Casualty&Surety Comp.. of America °//�/ 1JC 0 • Principal 5gnature Date Surety Signature Date 1 rou/ Shellie Duncan Printed Naive Printed Name ?r?5etev f Attorney-in-Fact Title Title Name,address,and telephone of local office/agent of Surety Company is: Wheat&Associates Insurance,PO Box 3548,Spokane,WA 99220' 509-922-2937 Updated 1.14.2013 • • WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER Q POWER OF ATTORNEY J TRAVELERS Farmington Casualty Company St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company 1 Attorney-In Fact No. 227160 Certificate No. O 0 5 6 4 4 5 9 7 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Farmington Casualty Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut,that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa,and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin(herein collectively called the"Companies"),and that the Companies do hereby make,constitute and appoint Dave N.Wheat,Tena Wheat,Stacy Breithaupt,Derek Collett,Zac Wheat,Pat McNamara,Shellie Duncan,Brendon Nepon,and Alia Bakke of the City of Spokane ,State of Washington ,their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above,to sign,execute,seal and acknowledge any and all bonds,recognizances,conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their.business of.guaranteeing the fidelity of persons,guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or,proceedings allowed by law. t ,s-- w _ t"'''',':, a.� t tom. ' 18th IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Companies have caused this instrument to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed,this September 2013 /. day of p , • fE ""' ' {�`�z .e,`` f ,' r' Farmington Casualty Company .,J,` ., ' ,s St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty nsuane Company,moi' Travelers Casualty and Surety Company n Y Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company ��.ev St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company GASU,� epI•��� `.. 1'tl i�.y 0. I,N INf "+•IN$�"". tY AN Y �' ���• l `. <r .yam 0\�... v.?.9 JP �92 i eJP� CSG 2.0.60.s.1\ 60....1\ ,!.. 'Ilt'0 .9Y:1%1(1 J �' P fip0.PORA�f�y ?� pPORAT OPS; 9� o etcrnvoRAtEo m �r _ m /.`o........,f" V �n S- �4,h to l i! _._ 5 twstrrtsn0. I"P°.96 1 9 8 2c 0 1977 - z[ .. `0 HARTFORD, s Zy rct'�_ r > E 1951 - -. t7>~cr ASE ALlp"3 --.SEAL!, t ; oo" e u 96 '-y• ).H � T� 4� •` 44tf,„`ge '../Z...:4.!f o1... .e rd ash t • •f'+\ -* �Q •�.� mu�mn�m� a".„,�.✓' a•.........' t nN /'lY1 Attla' A.df State of Connecticut By: / il City of Hartford ss. Robert L.Raney, enior Vice President On this the 18th day of September 2013 before me personally appeared Robert L.Raney,who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Vice President of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,and that he,as such,being authorized so to do,executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. In Witness Whereof,I hereunto set my hand and official seal. / TAP\ �G w” C My Commission expires the 30th day of June,2016. C►POMP * Marie C.Tetreault,Notary Public s '441 CCP 58440-8-12 Printed in U.S.A. WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER i WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Farmington Casualty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,which resolutions are now in full force and effect,reading as follows: RESOLVED,that the Chairman,the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President,any Vice President,any Second Vice President,the Treasurer,any Assistant Treasurer,the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds,recognizances,contracts of indemnity,and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or conditional undertaking,and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her;and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Chairman,the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company,provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary;and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that any bond,recognizance,contract of indemnity,or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when(a)signed by the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President or any Vice President,any Second Vice President,the Treasurer,any Assistant Treasurer,the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary;or(b)duly executed(under seal,if required)by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that the signature of each of the following officers:President,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President,any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President,any Secretary,any Assistant Secretary,and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents,Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respect to any bond or understanding to which it is attached. I,Kevin E.Hughes,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary,of Farmington Casualty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul GuardianInsurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companien.fu s�.which:is ill force arid'effect and has not been revoked. :ry1 "w 1' y Ytir�. the ' e "S20 15 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed thseals or said Companies this day of , • ✓ Kevin E.Hughes,Assistant Sec tary G�qI.pSUgC�. ...� 4 4 O� ..!MSG9 Jp1 1N54gq gVP A&O. LjysFF"401, FY• Aft gitth.t "40N"*Aj•ft Q9. 'nm .�7 e�b' SNCCINRATB):: z ,,, f;mki611— nf,,a' < 1896ztqszs o 1977 a ��€ z; Na°'". . ,qq ° 19551 ;SEAL o �'ti$$AL;+d a CONN. �o £ y+ � s44�Ncea �� 6r Ada A!N To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney,call 1-800-421-3880 or contact us at www.travelersbond.com.Please refer to the Attorney-In-Fact number,the above-named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached. WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER Spokane .Valley® BOND NO: 106280219 CONTRACTOR'S PAYMENT BOND(NON-FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECT) to City of Spokane Valley,Washington The City of Spokane Valley, Washington, in Spokane County, has awarded to Clearwater Summit Group (Contractor), as Principal,a contract for the construction of the project designated as Valley Mission Dog Park Phase I Project,Project No. 15-108 in Spokane Valley,Washington, and said Principal is required under the terms of the Contract to furnish a payment bond in accordance with chapter 39.08 Revised Code of Washington(RCW). The Principal, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America (Surety), a corporation organized under the laws Connecticut and licensed to do business in the State of Washington as surety and named in the current list of"Surety Companies Acceptable in Federal Bonds"as published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts,U.S. Treasury Dept., are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Spokane Valley, as Obligee, in the sum of $76,633.50 total Contract amount(including Washington State sales tax),subject to the provisions herein. This payment bond shall become null and void, if and when the Principal,its heirs,executors, administrators,successors,or assigns shall pay all persons in accordance with chapters 39.08 and 39.12 RCW,including all workers,laborers,mechanics, subcontractors, and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply such contractor or subcontractor with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work; and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Obligee from all loss, cost or damage which Obligee may suffer by reason of the failure of Principal to make such required payments; and if such payment obligations have not been fulfilled,this bond shall remain in full force and effect. The Surety for value received agrees that no change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract,the specifications accompanying the Contract, or to the work to be performed under the Contract shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond,except as provided herein,and waives notice of any change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or the work performed. The Surety agrees that modifications and changes to the terms and conditions of the Contract that increase the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this bond and notice to Surety is not required for such increased obligation. This bond may be executed in two original counterparts, and shall be signed by the parties' duly authorized officers. This bond will only be accepted if it is accompanied by a fully executed and original power of attorney for the officer executing on behalf of the surety. CLE TEAS i IT el'OUP INC_ Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America rf`�\` j (a 145 $ 0 a/0%./ S Princi 11/1/4S. ature P ate Surety Signature •Date 71_ UI I014n Shellie Duncan - _n PrintIame �/ Printed Name i '' ftrei A 1 Attorney-in-Fact Title Title Name,address,and telephone of local office/agent of Surety Company is: Wheat&Associates Insurance,PO Box 3548,Spokane,WA 99220 509-922-2937 Updated 1.14.2013 WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER POWER OF ATTORNEY TRAVELERSJ Farmington Casualty Company St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company Attorney-In Fact No. 227160 Certificate No. 005644598 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Farmington Casualty Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa,and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin(herein collectively called the"Companies"),and that the Companies do hereby make,constitute and appoint Dave N.Wheat,Tena Wheat,Stacy Breithaupt,Derek Collett,Zac Wheat,Pat McNamara,Shellie Duncan,Brendon Nepon,and Alia Bakke of the City of Spokane ,State of Washington ,their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above,to sign,execute,seal and acknowledge any and all bonds,recognizances,conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their(business of,guaranteeing the fidelity of persons,guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or pe`ittedin any actions or.proceedings allowed by law. Y ' 18th IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Companies have caused this instrument,to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed,this • September 2013 �:`«" day of • �. ` - • • Farmington Casualty C_ompany' R..r ._� St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty InsurancefCompanyy vp° Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company Suow 1L40Y,e ``-• �'��'�r.y' ' Fl0.E 6 ' QO��N..INSG9 ;P+'MSUggry,s TV A/y�9` ��1"44.. OST I�.- O • W > > ':. vt,0% ATt;1, %MA4-1';>1 C. CJ , 6 ...^.n-uYtJU PI z` �t a m;o • �' 6 n � ,�9� �PORATED:. � � -. � I E o --_ F`n` a HAHTfORD, . 1896 • 1 0 � - � 4.aa (( ..• is E 1951 , .� g SE ALA"; }� CONN. n £ N 6 '• % ‘41:, .� •�G� tea''•......:;jDAf o!•.. :`dD r pe N. r State of Connecticut By: / City of Hartford ss. Robert L.Raney, enior Vice President On this the 18th day of September 2013 before me personally appeared Robert L.Raney,who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Vice President of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,and that he,as such,being authorized so to do,executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. ter\In Witness Whereof,I hereunto set my hand and official seal. "TAR G ud e . My Commission expires the 30th day of June,2016. *P°IBI`'^ Marie C.Tetreault,Notary Public 58440-8-12 Printed in U.S.A. WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER 1 WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Farmington Casualty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,which resolutions are now in full force and effect,reading as follows: RESOLVED,that the Chairman,the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President,any Vice President,any Second Vice President,the Treasurer,any Assistant Treasurer,the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds,recognizances,contracts of indemnity,and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or conditional undertaking,and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her;and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Chairman,the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company,provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary;and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that any bond,recognizance,contract of indemnity,or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when(a)signed by the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President or any Vice President,any Second Vice President,the Treasurer,any Assistant Treasurer,the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary;or(b)duly executed(under seal,if required)by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or.her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that the signature of each of the following officers:President,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President,any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President,any Secretary,any Assistant Secretary,and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents,Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respect to any bond or understanding to which it is attached. I,Kevin E.Hughes,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary,of Farmington Casualty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies'which,is infull force and'effect and has not been revoked. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this' -day of ne-.10 _' t.-- ,2015 . P. tee4••••• s Kevin E.Hughes,Assistant Sec Lary t; O AS(1/< wry ,FR RNEG .M.S1�>G9tm y�dJ',�lpy:0...R.1..NOSR...,•/. AN0 Nr0s( N6WEY R ° '.L , o . t 4�;tPOA C9y ` ek t "ti 198219� 4P4;17f m. Ne 1896_,�4 t 1951ti ° - SEsSBILOW ,647y ).# lf VGA1 To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney,call 1-800-421-3880 or contact us at www.travelersbond.com.Please refer to the Attorney-In-Fact number,the above-named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached. WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER