03-072 Emergency Mgmt Services AmendmentI .• _.. ~; Return to: naniela lri~lcsan Clerk of the 73oard a 116 West Broadway Spokane, Washington 99260 r~ ~' . ~ _ 2003 A11~NDIH;D INTF.1tLOCAL AGI~EMENT 1~ OR EMERGENCY 1'IANACE~4ENT SCRVICES THIS AI1~\'DED INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGRLLNIE.NT is made by and among the City of Spokane, a Washington State municipal corporation, having offices for the transaction of business at 808 \Vest Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, Washington 99201, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY," the City of Spokane Valley, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at the Redwood Plaza, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206; hereinafter referred to as "SPOKAN> VALT EY," City of Medical Lake, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices For the transaction of business at 124 S. Lefevre P.O. Box 130, 99019, hereinafter referred to as "MEDICAL LAKE," the Town of iNilhvood, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 9103 East Fredrick, 99206, hereinafter referred to "N[T1.,LWOOD," the Town of Fairfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Wa,SHington, having offices for the transaction of business at Town Hall, P.O. Box 334, 99012, hereinafter referred to as "FATFtFI11LD," the Town of .[,atah a municipal corporation of the State of 1ashington, having offices for the transaction of business at P.O. Box 130, 99018, hereinafter referred to as "LATAH," the City of Liberty Lake, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at City Hall, cJo P.O. Box 370, 99019, hereinafter referred to as "LIBERTY LAKE," [he Town of Rockford, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at Town Hall, 20 Wcst Emma, I'.O. Box 49; 99030, hereinafter referred to as "ROCKFORIa," the Town of Spanble, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington; having offices for the transaction of business at P.O. Box 147, 99031, hereinafter referred to as "SPANGLE," the Clty of Cheney, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington; having offices for the transaction of business at General Office, 609 Second, 99004, Hereinafter referred to as "Ci~NEY," the City of Airway Heights, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction oi' business at Cit:~~ Hall, 1208 South Lundstrom, P.O. Box 969, 99001, hereinafter referred to as "A_LRWAY HEIGHTS," the City of Dccr Park, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at City I-Iall, 316 Crawford, Dox F, 99006, hereinaFi:er referred to as "DEER PARK," the Town of Waverly, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having ofliees for the transaction of business at 2SS North Commercial, P.O. Box 37, 99039, hereinafer referred to as "WAVERLY," and Spokane County, a political subdivision of the State of \~Vashington, having offices for the transaction of business at 1 116 \Vest E3roadway ,Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99260, hereinafter referred to as the "COUN"TY," jointly hereinafter referred to as the "PARTIES." Emergency biFanagement Services Agreement Page 1 of IA ~v ~~a ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ,~ ~~~ C~~~ _ I /n V' ` . ,~~~ fC -__ __ __ .~ r WITN~SSF~TH: ~'T~>!:RCAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6), the Eoard of County Commissioners has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and WETGRCAS, pursuant to chapter 39.34 RCW, local governments may jointly exercise their powers, privileges and authorities through the execution of lnterlocal Cooperation Agreements in order to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling thorn to cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant to forms of governmental organi~.ation that will accord best with geographical, economic, population, or other factors influencing the needs and development of local community; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 38.52.070, two or more political subdivisions may join in the establishment and operation of a local organization for emergency management services; the City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, City of Medical Lake, Town of Millwood, Town of ):airfield, Town of Latah, City of Liberty Lake, Town of Rockford, Town of Spangle, City of Chene}~, City of Airway Heights, City of lacer Park, Town of Waverly, and Spokane County are authorized and directed to establish local organizations for emergency management services in accordance with the Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management flan and Program; and ~'~'HEItEAS, the City of Spokane and Spokane County entered into a joint Resolution on or about June 25, 1979, under Resolution AFo. 79-0873 establishing a joint Spokane City/County Department of Emergency Services and Resolution No. 96-0991, on or about October 22, 1996, which carried out the firnetions for both entities as called for pursuant to chapter 38.52 RCW, the City of Spokane Valley, City of Medical Lake, Town of Millwood, Town of Fairfield, Town of Latah, City of Liberty Lake, Town of Rockford, Town of Spangle, City of Chene}~, City of Airway Weights, City of Deer Park, and Town of Waverly, are desirous of becoming a party to this joint venture; and VYHI:RF,AS, it is the intent of the City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, City of Medical Lake, Town of iVlillwood, Town of Fairfield, Town of Fatah, City of Liberty Lake, Town of Rockford, Town of Spangle, City of Cheney, City of Airway Heights, City of Deer Park, Town of Waverly, and Spokane County to combine their efforts in maintaining the joint Department of Emergency Management ("DEPARI'Ml/N"I"') by entering into this lnterloeal Cooperation Al,~reemcnt. NOW, T>~IEREFOItE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, and as authorized under chapter 39.34 RC~V and chapter 38.2 1tC~V, the City of Spokane City Council, City of Spokane Valley City Council, City of Medical Lake City Council, Town of Millwood Town Council, Town of Fairfield Town Council, Town of Latah Town Council, City of Liberty Lake City Council, Town of Rockford Town Council; Town of Spangle Town Council, City of Cheney City Council, City of Airway Heights City Council, City of Deer Park City Council, Town of V4'averly Town Council and the Spokane County Board of County Commissioners hereby agree as follows: Emergency ~tnnagement Services Agreement Pace 2 of 14 ' o• SECTION NO. 1: SPOKANE CITY/COUNTY DEPAR7"M]NT OF EMERGENCY I~IANAGE1NEl~TT The Spokane Cit}'ICounty Deparhnent of Emergency Services, as created under the joint Resolution ?~To. 79-(1873, shall be hereby known as the "Spokane City/County Department of Emergency ~Ylanagement," hereinafter referred to as the "DEPA.RTMENT." SECTIO\` NO.2: COMMITMENT The PARTI)~S agree to be fully committed to the emergency Managemcnt.Program and provide the resources necessary for the DEPAR'CR~IE.\t'f to carry out the Emergency Management Mission. The PARTIES agree that they are each responsible for individual department emergency preparedness. The PARTIES agree to ensure that department heads participate in collaboration, dialog, planning, and exercises with the DEl'ARThtI.ETi IT to assure readiness in event of disaster or major emergency. This statement of commitment flows from the !'ARTIES down to the individual employees for the safety of life, property, and the environment of Spokane. SECTION N0.3: TI1I2A~I `l"he term of this Agreement shall commence as of the last date executed by the PAR1`IES hereto and shall continue until terminated as provided for hereinafter. SECTION NO. 4: PURPOSE It is the purpose of this Agreement to continue. the combined efforts of CITY and COUN''CY as originally developed in Joint Resolution No.79-0873, and Joint Resolution No. 96-0991 and to add SPOIVINE VAI.,LEY, MEDICAL LAKE, MILLI~VOOD, FAIlt.FIEL D, LATAM, LIBI/R`I`Y LAKE, ROCKFORD, SPANGLE, CHE\rEY, AIR1~'VAY HEIGHTS, DEER. PARK, and 1VAVERLY, to this Agreement in order to establish and operate, pursuant to RCVV 38.52.Q7~, a local organization for emergency management in accordance with the bl~ashing1:on State Comprehensive lmergency Plan and Program. 'this Ab~recment is to provide for the effect-ive and economical preparation for and coordination of emergency functions, other than functions for which military forces are primarily responsible. 'Co mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters, and to aid victims suffering from injury or damage, resulting from emergency disasters caused by all hazards, whether natural or man-made, and to provide the opportunity for coordination and support of search and rescue operations. SECTION NO. S: DUTIES AND RESPONSLI3ILITIES OF TH£ DTPARTMENT The L71/PARTMF\'T shall have its office at the Spokane Fire Training Center, 1618 N. Rebecca, Spokane, Washington 99217, until the PARTIES, by mutual agreement, decide upon a new location. The )7EI'ARTMENT, in addition to having those duties as enumerated in R.C~V 38.52.070, shall also have the following responsibilities: Emergency Management Services Agreement Psge 3 of 14 (1) Facilitate a coordinated planning process integrating Emergency Management plans to include; federal, state, local governments, individual city and county departments, neighborhood, individual citizens, schools and the private sector; (2) Conduct a comprehensive internal assessment and evaluation of emergency plans, equipment and personnel proficiency through a program of regular exercises; (3) Acquire and maintain Emergency Ntanagerment facilities and equipment; (4) Administer and facilitate programs that enable people, governments, communities and the private sector to minimize and recover from immediate and long term impacts of disasters; (5) Facilitate the identification, development, implementation and evaluation of mitigation strategies and activities to reduce vulnerability to the effects of disasters; (6) Provide timely and accurate Emergency Management information; (7) Participate with the 9-1-1 Operations Committee to assist the public in Spokane County to easily, rapidly, and accurately access emergency police, fire, and medical assistance during time of a disaster; (8) Effectively and efficiently train the DEPA_RTM)1N`f staff to coordinate emergency management resources, programs, functions and systems; (9) Propose coordinated legislation, ordinances, and local Isws to improve the safety of people, governmen>ss and the private sector; (10) Coordinate a cooperative effort of federal, state, and local governments, neighborhoods, schools, individual citizens, individual city and county departments and private sector to educate the public in emergency and disaster preparedness; (11) Coordinate facilities and resources to assist federal, state, and local governments to effectively and efficiently respond to emergencies and disasters; (12) Work in cooperation with federal, state, and local governments, and the private sector to realize, develop and maintain a network of survivable emergency telecommunications and warning systems; (13) Facilit:at:e a partnership of federal, state, and local governments and the private sector that provides "All Hazards" emergency management training for emergency coordination and management level personnel; (14) Facilitate and participate in various group meetings; such as; Search and Rescue Council., Spokane Iaisaster Committee, Local Emergency Planning Committee, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (A.R:E.S.)/Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (R.A.C.E.S.), Inland Empire Fire Chiefs Association, Inland Northwest Law Enforcement Leadership Group, Business & Industry Committee, Spokane County EMS Council, Spokane County 1-iospital Disaster Committee, City and County Department 1-{eads and other groups; Emergency >.4anagement Services Agreement Page 4 of 1 ~l ~~ -- L i ~ (15) Establish, train and mainG9in a volunteer cadre that can be mobilized in case of search and rescue missions, emergencies andlor disasters; (16) Prepare, monitor, administer and evaluate the DEPARTMENT'S annual budget; (17) Participate in and attend related Emergency Management conferences, seminars, training and education; and (18) Schedule, coordinate and conduct training in emergency management for educating government, private sector and individuals. SECTiO\T N0.6: PROPEI7'I'Y AI`s EQUT.PMEi\'T All existing equipment and supplies previously used by the Emergency Services Departments of both CITY and COUNTY shall be combined and consolidated for the continued maintenance and use by the DEPAK'I`ME\rT. All equipment so consolidated shall remain the equipment of the individual entity supplying the same to the consolidation. All equipment required by the DEPARTMENT, other than that obtained from consolidation, shall be held in the name of the DEPARTA~?~''T and shall be disposed of upon termination of the DE:t'AR'1"ME\~T as the PARTI.FS may mutually agree. SECTION N0.7: ENTERG>ENCY MANAGEI<'fE\'T ADVISORY COLiNCIl, (EMAC) An Emergency Management Advisory Council ("Erv1AC") is hereby created. EMAC'S function shall be to provide vision and make recommendations to t-he DEPARTMENT. EMAC shall be composed of the City of Spokane Administrator, City of Spokane Chief Financial Officer, Spokane County Chief Executive Officer, Spokane Valley City Manager or designee, a representative (City Administrator/City Manager) representing the cities/[owns with populations less than 10,000, a representative from the Inland )/mpire Fire Chiefs Association, and a representative from the Inland Northwest Law 1~nforcement Leadership Group. The Director and Deputy Director of the DEPARTMENT shall be ex-officio, non-voting members. A majority of EMAC members will constitute a qugrum. EMAC will assist, advise and collaborate with the Local Director and Deputy Director of the DEPARTMENT in the development of service levels, resulting budget, emergency plans and training. EMAC shall meet on a quarterly basis, unless deemed unnecessary by the Chair. The Local Director shall serve as chairman. SECTION 7~0. >3: ]+Ui\`llli~iG Commencing with the 2005 budget, EMAC agrees to establish an annual budget that provides for sharing of annual costs based on population, using the Office of Financial Managements numbers, as exampled in Attachments "A," and "F3," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. For 2003 and 2004, the PARTIES agree to fund DEPARTMENT by sharing annual casts based on population and summarized in Attachments "A" and "A." EMAC shall review the Emergency Management Services Agrcxmcnt Page 3 of I4 budget and population in future years and make recommendations on a yearly basis to the PARTIES regarding subsequent budgets. A non-general fiord account c~~ill be established in the name of the D1:PARTMEiV'1' in which these funds will be deposited for salary and benefits, maintenance and operation; facilities, and capital expenses. The PARTIES agree to deposit their share on a quarterly basis. The Spokane County Director of Administrative Services will submit an invoice to the PARTIES no later than the fifth of March, June, September, and December of each year. Invoices will be due and payable no layer than the fifth of April, July, October and January of each year. In the event that other jurisdictions determine to participate in this joint emergency management Agreement and are required to contribute financially, the amount of their contributions shall be based on their pro-rata share of population and will be added to the L7EPAI~TME\TT'S budget in order to reduce the amount of each PAR°fY'S contribution. SECTTON 3~'O.9: [rti`UIIMN.CFICATION The PARTIES agree that the DEPARTMENT, all of its employees, to include the Local Director and Deputy Director, shall be included under the COUNTY'S self-insured insurance coverage for general liability and worker compensation. The PA_RTT.T'S further agree that the COUNTY shall be responsible for any liability, loss, cost or expense claimed by third parties for property damage. and bodily injury, including death, caused by any ac[ or omission attributed to the DFPARTM-:ENT; its employees or agents in connection with the Agreement. Each Party shall be responsible. for its own wrongful and negligent acts or omissions, or those of its officers, agents; or employees to the fullest extent required by law, and shall indemnify, defend, and hold the other party harmless from any such liability. In the case of negligence of more than one Party, any damages allowed shall be levied in proportion to the percentage of negligence attributable to each Party and each Party shall have the right to seek contribution from the other Party in proportion to the percentage of negligence attributable to the other Party. SECTION NO. 10: SPOKAi\~ DISASTER CONIlVIITTEE There shall be a Spokane Disaster Committee. The Spokane Disaster Committee shall consist of representatives from law enforcement, fire service, hospitals, local government, emergency medical services, the military, the bEl''ART~IENT, as well as other individuals from the public and private sectors. The purpose of the Spokane Disaster Committee shall be to assist the DEPARTitifENT in mitigation, preparation, planning, response and recovery from disasters or major emergencies. The Committee shall meet on a monthly basis, unless deemed unnecessary by the Chair. The Committee shall elect its own chair; vice-chair, etc. "1'he Committee shall establish its own by-laws. SECTTON NO. t t: LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COA'IlVIl`t lEE There shall be a Spokane Local Emergency Planning Committee ("LEPC"). The LEPC shall be established and conform to the .Federal, State, and Local laws. The LEPC shall assist the DEPARTMEi~rT in its compliance to all pertinent laws pertaining to Hazardous ivlaterials. Emergency A4[~nsgement Ser.~ices Agreement Page h of 14 ~ •. . ` f SECT10\` NO. 1.2: T1~E LOCA1, DiT7.H:CTOR OE EMERGEr~'CY i~iA.NAGIC~'IENT The Spokane County Sheriff is hereby appointed as the Spokane Local Director of Emergency 1Vlanttgement. The Local Director shall be responsible for: (1) The overall Emergency Management program; (2) Serve as Chair of the EM.AC; and (3) Empowered to declare a disaster or state of emergency in consultation with aff' ected jurisdictional elected official(s). • $ECTIONT NO. 13: DEYtJTX AT.RTCTOR OF EiVIE12GE\'CY MANAG)CNLENT The Deputy Director of the Spokane. City/County Department of (~mergency Management shall be responsible to the Local Director. Subject to the direction of the Local Director, the Deputy Director is hereby empowered and directed: (1)'fo act on behalf ofthe Local Director in his absence in all Emergency Management functions and responsibilities; (2) °fo prepare a comprehensive emergency management plan conforming to the state comprehensive emergency management plan program and programs; (3) To coordinate the effort of the emergency management organization for the accomplishment of the purposes of this Agreement; (4) 'I"o coordinate and facilitate cooperation between divisions, services and staff of the joint emergency management services jurisdictions, and to resolve questions of authority and responsibility that may arise between them; (S) 'Co represent. the Spokane City/County Department of Emergency Management organization in all dealings with public or private agencies pertaining to emergency management and disasters; (6) To keep and maintain an inventory of all non-perishable and non-expendable goods, supplies and equipment of the DEPART1v1FNT or in its custody, including federal excess property on loan to the DEPARTMENT, with said inventory to specify the location of each item listed thereon: and (7) To equip, maintain, and train Emergency Operations Center ("EOC") personnel and to act as manager of said T'OC upon activation for disaster or exercise. SECTION NO. 14: 7TRM:INATION Each PAR'T'Y may terminate its participation.in the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement upon ninety-days (90) days written notice to the Director of the DEFARTIviENT prior to January 1st of any year. Emergency Management Services Aa cement Page 7 of 14 Federal or state owned properties shall be disbursed in accordance with appropriate federal or state guidelines. Items loaned to the TaEPARTiV111NT by a participating member shall upon request be returned to that member upon that member's +vit:hdrawal from this Agreement or upon this Agreeme.nt's cancellation. Upon the ~+~ithdrawa) by any party, that party shall be refunded any funds not encumbered. All properties o++~ned by the DEPARTMENT will remain with the I~EPARTMEN'f and shall not be subject to disbursement SECTION 1\°O. 15: SFVIRABILII'Y It is w~derstood and agreed by the PARTIES hereto that if any part, term or provision of this Agreement is held by the courts to be illegal, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, and the rights and obligations of the PARTI:I;S shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid. if it should appear that any provision hereof is in conllict with any statute of the State oi' 1Vashington, said provision that may conflict therewith shall be deemed modified to conform to such statutory provision. SFCTiON NO. 16: ENTIltE• AGRIICFVIEl1iT The PAR1'lES agree that this Agreement is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. This Agreement shall supersede all prior resolutions and agreements executed by the PARTIES hereto with regard to T'mergency Management, including, but not necessarily limited to Spokane County joint Resolution No. 79-0873 executes! June 25, 1979 and Spokane County joint Resolution No. 96-0991 unless incorporated and made reference to herein. SI/CTION NO. 17: M•l1TlJAL A_ID AGREGNLE,NTS I~iothing in this Agreement shall limit the authority, responsibility or duties of any party arising out of any mutual aid agreement or other A3reements with other governmental entities. [N «11T1\7SS WAFREO~'; the PARTIES have caused this Agreement to be executed on date and year opposite their respective signatttres. D ATEn: Attest: CITY OF SPOKAI\rE: City Clerk Approved as to forth: Ev: Assistant City Attorney Erne oency Management Services Agreement By: Its: (Title) Page 8 of 14 ' r- DATED: November 14, 2003 AtteWst: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form only: ' ~ ~ _ 'at}' P Driskell, e City Attorney DATED: Attest: City Clerk DATED: Attest: Town Clerk DATEll: Attest: Town Clerk DATED: Attest: Town Clerk Emergency Vl~inegement Sen~ices Agreement ,.~ crrv Or sl?O1cAIVE vALL>r:Y: By: Michael DeVleming Its: Vlavor (Title) CITY OF `'LFDIC AL LAKE: By: lts: (Title) TOWN OE NIILLWOOD: By: Its: (Title) TOVV\` OF ~'AI12x'IET..D: By: Tts: (Title) TOV1'N OX+' LA7"AA: By Its (Title) ('age. 9 of 14 DATED: Attest: CITY OF LLBI;RTY LA.KF: By: Its: (Title) TOWN OF ROCKFORD: By: Its: (1"itle) City Clerk Approved as to form only: Acting City Attorney DATrn: Attest: "Gown Clerk DATED: Attest: Town Clerk DATLU: Attest: TO~~'N OF SPA\GL>1: By: Its: (Title) CITY OF CIiENEY: 13v: Its: City Clerk (Title) DATEn: CTI'Y OF AIRWAY HEIGHTS: Attest: By: Its: Cin~ Clerk (Title) Emergency Management Services Agreement Page 10 cif 14 • J~ DATI±D: Attest: City Clerk DATF•D: Attest: Town Clerk DATED: ATTEST: VICKY M. DALTOI~i CLERK OF THE BOARD 13Y: Daniela Bricksnn, Deputy CITY OF DFIR PARK: By: lts: (Title) TOWN OF' ~'VAVER.LY: Bv: Its: (Title) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE, COUNTY, 1~1~ASHINGTON JOHN ROSKE,LLEY, Chair 1?HILLIP D. 1-IARRIS. Vice-Chair M. KATE ti1CCASLIN l;mergency I~tanngement Services Agrce:ment Page 11 of 14 . .4TTACHt~'1TNT «A„ SPOKANE CITY/COUNTY DEPATZ'I'MEs17T OF EMERGENCY NLANAGEA~NT 2003 RUDGIE;T Pursuant to Resolution No. 79-0873 a.nd Resolution Tio. 96-0991, which created the Spokane City/County Department of 1mergency Management (DAM), the City of Spokane and Spokane County contribute evenly to the budget. V1'ith the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley, this amended Abrcernent is necessary to readjust the percentages for contribution for the program. Below is the 2003 budget contribution based on population obtained from the Office of Financial Management. Spokane County 1)epart~ncnt of Emergency Management 2003 Operating Costs Operating Budget Indirect Costs Revenue Total Operating Cost Per Month Cost 336,576 + 24;364 360,940 - 34,065 326,875 27,240 Cit3~ of Spokan City of Spokan Unincorporated Valley Coun Population % with Small Cities Apportioned Equally to Spolulne and Coun 0.1913 0.4948 0.3139 Total Jan-03 13,619.79 13,61.9.79 27,239.58 Feb-03 13,619.79 13,619.79 27,239.58 Mar-03 13,619.79 13,619.79 27,239.58 A r-03 13,619.79 13,619.79 27,239.58 M.ay-03 l3 619.79 13,619.79 27,239.58 Jun-03 5,211.81 13,478.41 8,549.36 27,239.58 Jul-03 5,21 1.81 13,478.41 8 549.36 27,239.58 Au -03 5,211.81 13,478.41 8.549.36 27,239.58 Sc -03 ~ 5 211.81 13,478.41 8,549.36 27,239.58 Oct-03 5,211.81 13,478.41 8,549.36 27,239.58 T'ov-03 5 211.81 13,478.41 8,549.36 27,239.58 llec-03 5,211.81 13,478.41 8,549.36 27,239.58 Total by Entity 36,482.67 162,447.86 127,944.47 326,875.00 For the first ~ months of 2003 costs were spirt evenly between tree Lary or sporcane ana me ~ounry. For the last 7 months of 2003 costs were split based on population % shown above. Emergency ManAgement Services Agreement Pfigz i ~ of ~ 4 .' 2004 Distribution Population Analysis per City Po pulation pe Ci Spokane Va lley 82,005 0.1913 Spokane 197,400 0.4606 County 119,844 0.2796 Slllall CItICS 29,351 0.0655 Total Caun Po 428,600.00 1.00 2003 Distribution Population Analysis with Small Cities Apportioned Equally to City of Spokane and Unincorporated Population pe Ci '~ pokane ~~alley 82,005 0.1913 Spokane 212.076 0.4948 ounty 134,520 0.3139 Small Cities - - 'I'otal County Po 428,600 1.00 Emergency Management Services Agreement Page 13 of 14 ATTACI`IMENT "B" srr~KANE crrY/couNTY DEPAR7'iV1~NT QR EIVf»RGrNCY 1VLAi~TAGEiVfENT PRQFQSED 2004 BUDGET Under this amended Agreement, all cities/towns i.n Spokane County, the City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley and the unincorporated areas of Spokane County will contribute to the 2004 budget. Budget year 2004 has not been formally established. Below is a break down by City/TownlCounty based on the 2003 Budget. Contributions will be adjusted accordingly once the 2004 budget has been approved. DEM Total Operating Budget County ~~Jide Indirect Cost WA State SLA Budget Spokane County Total Population Entity Population Spokane. Valley 82,005 City of Spokane 197,400 Unincorporated 119,844 Milhwood 1,655 l:air6eld 586 Latch 194 Liberty Lake 4,640 Rockford 533 Sp~mole 275 Cheney 9,470 Airway I-[eights 4,590 Deer Park 3,055 Naverly 138 Medical L ake 4,215 $336,576 $24,364 $34,065 $326,875 428.600 Percent )E3udgel 0.191332 $62,541.73 0.460569 $]50,548.59 0.279617 $91,399.92 0.003861 $1,262.20 0.001367 $446.92 0.000453 $147.96 0.010826 $3,538.73 0.001244 $406.50 0.000642 $209.73 0.022095 $7,222.37 0.010709 $3,500.60 0.007128 $2,329.92 0.000322 $105.25 0.068481 $3,214.60 Emergeruy ~~4anagcmcnt Services Agreement Page 14 of 14