03-079.00 Tan Moore Architects: CenterPlace ProjectAMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley Public Works Department 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Agreement Amendment Number: 3 Agreement/ Project Number: P3983 Date: December 23, 2003 Department: Public Works Agreement Title: Architectural Services, Mirabeau Point CenterPlace Project Consultant: Tan Moore Architects, P.C., 416 W. Sprague Ave., Spokane, WA 99201 You are hereby directed to make the changes listed below in the subject agreement. Nature of the change: The agreement is modified as follows: Item 1: Award of services as described in ARTICLE 20. Scope of Work, Part 2, Bid Phase, Construction Administration Phase, Project Closeout Phase, Additional Services and Reimbursable Expenses. The Fee, which is included in the original agreement amount, shall be as described in ARTICLE 20.A. BASIS OF COMPENSATION, which is a lump sum fee not to exceed $139,669.00 plus Additional Services and Reimbursable Expenses not to exceed $77,755.00 Item 2: Develop a separate Early Sitework Package for stripping, topsoil screening, stockpiling, and hauling earthwork materials at the site. The project will include all phase of work as outlined in the agreement from schematic design through project closeout. The fee for item 2 shall be a lump sum of $8,036. .1. The changes result in the following adjustment of the agreement price and time: AGREEMENT AMOUNT Agreement price prior to this change order $641,119.65 Agreement price (increase) (decrease) resulting from this change order $8,.036.00 Agreement price including this change order shall not exceed $649,155.65 AGREEMENT TIME Estimated Agreement completion date prior to the change order December 31, 2004 Agreement time (increase/decrease) resulting from this change order 19 months Estimated Agreement completion date including this change order July 31, 2006 THE ABOVE CHANGE(S) ARE ACCEPTED THE ABOVE CHANGE(S) HAVE BEEN APPROVED Tan Moore Architects, P.C. Spokane Valley City Manager ! 2 4 at d: / lei David Mercier Dated: December 23, 2003 P3983, Amendment 3 Page 1 CD -'9 9 A, Centerplace Construction Budget 811712004 Budget Item Description Budget Approved Amnt Proposed Amnt CONSTRUCTION $ 7,600,000 Mooney & Pugh Contract S 7,590,062 CCD -01 (Relocate Topsoil) S 1,110 CO -1 (Mist. Items) S 14,741 CO -2 (Mist. Items) S 9,262 CO -3 (Dance Floor) S 20,334 CO -4 (Deletion 1 -hr Corridor) S (17,061) CO- (2nd Floor Educ. Wing) $ 261,000 CO- (Steel Price Increase) $ S 28,095 Subtotal S 7,615,175 $ 289,095 EXCAVATION $ 110,000 AM Landshapers Early Site Work $ 107,109 S (30,000) Subtotal $ 107,109 $ (30,000) FURNISHINGS $ 600,000 Kitchen Equipment $ 250,000 Architect Fee (Furniture Bid Pkg. see Tan Moore Amendment #7 below) Suppliedinstaller $ 300,000 Subtotal $ 550,000 FIBER PHONES, I.S. $ 200,000 5 200,000 ARCH. FEES $ 350,000 Tan Moore Architects $ 217,424 Amendment #3 (Early Site Work) $ 81036, Amendment #4 (Special Inspec.) S 25,0004 Amendment #5 (NREC Review) S _ "2,000 ' S (2,000) Amendment 96 (Dance Floor) $ 18,500 Amendment #6 (2nd Floor Educ. Wing) $ 9,000_1 Amendment 07 (Furnishings) S 30,500 Subtotal $ 269,960 S 28.500 WATERISEWER $ 65,000 Water Service and Fire Hook-ups $ 9,100 Sewer Connection $ 100 $ 13,195 Subtotal $ 9,200 $ 13,195 EVERGREEN $ 74,000 $ 74,000 CITY PERMITS $ 48,000 $ 45,494 OTHER PERMITSIFEES S 50,000 $ 3,460 BOND SALE COSTS S 200,000 $ 172,000 CONTINGENCY $ 735,598 Card Access System (Allied) $ 15,000 Security System $ 15,000 Auditorium AN Equipment $ 100,000 Subtotal $ 30,000 ENGINEERING REVIEW $ 23,000 $ 22,400 TOTAL S 10,032,598 $ 8,244,798 $ 1,154,790 Total Approved & Proposed Amnts $ 9,399,588 Budget minus Approved & Proposed Expenses $ 633,010