1977, 05-11 Permit: F1886 Plumbing FixturesPlumbing Inspection Division SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, ALTERATION AND I OR REPAIR No. F 1 886 Property Address-___..-.___ LCNG-FELL�I-+ ------ last 16122 ----------------------------------------------- Permit for -------------- P1ZT 1BTJiG_.INSTALLATI(1tS (Res. -X----_---) (Com.-- ---------) Owner - - HIGHVZEW_AC:iF�5+C. - Address ROUTE #2 Poet Fal.Ze, Idaho ------------------------------- Phone._?73r-1#2$1 Contractor ------- --_--GOLD -SEAL- t:"=HANICAL,-.iITC....__--..-Address-------- T•... 203- Forrest 992"i6 .. Phone ------ NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets ---------- --... Bath Tubs ............... Sinks.-..--.-.---- Slop Sinks __--------- .--- Wash Basins. .... Trays. ___. --- Urinals --- Separate Shower Baths.-. --_-------__ Rain Leaders ---_-_----_.__. Garbage Disposal Units.-_ ............... Floor Drains _------------ Fountains-__ __._. _ Bar Connections-__-__ _ -. Dental Cuspidor.. ----- __ . Automatic Washing Machines .......... .......... Mechanical Dishwasher- __.. ............ Refrigerators -------------- Sumps ----- ..----- Water Softeners ---------------- Hot Water Tanks.. -- SprinklerSystem------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------- - nmTi DISHWA.Sfi�R_171STALTA> NO-- MST --�- ------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------............................................................... Fee Paid $- 5*O--------------------------------- Date Issued. --.-.5/'x.1/77 5/1.1/77 .......... dd Inspection Called-------------------------------------------------------------- Inspected By & Date------ ............ ------- ---------------- ------------- (Test) Authorized by Building Official PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION `_.j ✓ BY SCS' — - i Inspector DEPUTY Inspector ------------ --------------------------- ------.... . (Final)