1978, 05-01 Permit: M6027 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL NUMBER M 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 M_99 Land Use Or Structure Permit Property Address.-©nellow. -�e►st 18304 - _------------ Group. - Grou I Type SNle Fami.1 Res. Permit for......... residence, garage attached PYP-------- ----------....... .......................... Owner--... Larry 111 11tnkt Bi1111 's 1t; P.O.Address.----Box 14410, Spokane, 9 214 926-6090 -Phone Architect------ --------------------------------------------- - ------ Address------. ------- Phone--- . - ------------ ----------------- ----- ---------- -- ---------------------- - -------------- Contractor---------------- -- C � /r A ess e Ptn: c�134t= 1►1 ��, oc l , pepl"ir.ski ►= Frr�� � a- - �iP bl-0- Ht -- L cat' n: P rcel Nu r -...... ----- ► ---- a Ni #r= at i property lines: Front yarn 55 .. fri ...d/I of- "rd"" / -'- " frog ""pfTn: which " ever isgr"tor------- Fl-inking---itre�eti--- 46" --- frim--t/fig -cif- rd-ON—&15-t---fray-c/Tri""irt�ich avar� �"-"--- �Ireater -- Side.-... rd...5--- ft�r-ea--h---stoirb---1-o. i n-ioi .-tfdii---for- rtveway"; wli n " eirag�i is... +�,----- hed and-..; a 1i : 5 war x rds are ragt�ir ,... +lire, if... gafjlW..by. Za.....6Yg;...an /61i T 3-- :- irr ular ----------------------------------------- Septic rarne Bldg. Zone - .Fire Zone-- r o 22T -------------------------------------------------- ------Sewage- -- Const. Stories.. _1 2"4 x' � it 1374 $45-9-950'0'00----- -Dimension ____________ __ Total . Ft.__ -._. - ._.-.-.-Valuation._____111-10 __.___.____-.._ ------ - -- - - - - ----- - l5u11- --- - - -- ---_.- - Cdtl+Ct'et! - - - - �- it a eC .a. Rms..___.____-Baths�RR_._._.-____._Basement-______---_.Foundation._:__- Chimney System________._-------------- ------ - e. +� Mood - ----- � -- ---- �� a Type of Roofing.___---_. ............................Ext Finish._._.. _ "Y" s _ Certificat Occ n -- too above - -EACt1 STAGE OF CO T �ibl .-MUST--HAVE IRSPECTI849' CALLEC R W-BY--CM-E. WST--CO fit -TO--A L--COUNTY--CODE REQUIREMENTS. -- FINAL --- IN----------- R LION-"NM--BE--CALLED--FORS_.UPON--C CALLED-MD--PRIO f -TO--OCCUPANCY Of- RESIDENCE"----Call------------ --456-36751,-prior---ta-10:00--ii:-. -for--ati---Inspections:-----R: :--Width 60` r+t; 1f...iio l -grid by --- Zn BTdg. and/or F1rsi CQ�les: Uoke-aetector(s)---requ re . fir 04W-1 ire""w�iit separN -------------------------------------------------------- ---xt" ilei --r+ �.-----------------..._...�... THIS PERMITis granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. -- In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said ygn at expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed, 1 en This permit will be good only for commencement of wori, within six months, and the entire completion thereof within--- from ithin...from this date; after which time this permit will be void. A th r'zed h Bu ldin Official UILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expires_Apri_1..10-ti _1.47 i._.- Fee Paid 0 •-------------- 0 1� u of y i g " INSPECTOR Date Issued -----'S/1/78 Building t, • M R3E1MUI1 JAITIetra311 "till' 18113 efflturri!CM0.1. 2291bbA -M FOUNL.Ni.liJN ber131115 ittgolia 193nobtatri lot tirmeq 2. ;STEq., ,.. --"-"----ii-ell eors4r 74a .o.4 .0?esibbA .Nit .10)1198 illent iniq mi.! .15nvv0 .ueibbA 3. F1'...AMING._ --71717 ......... . ....tosiirlolA zastIDA --v, I, ) esSa otstno3 .. . r hi, -:.-bm heal it-11)ii;t1-rog it r iacre „Lot tia-.velleet-4iiero ,fi$11- ridalts uvi191, ' 9 ,n'n'ijso ,A%. tri tli\3 Milt tirt bitart Snell eater xt*triti toqTiisn't *I - . L''''-`"", .--.'"...----77-7 .... 7-771" 10 wVs bi lo 4-1A3 901t *MI aieolt9 WitASISM .19,11101 . t /arre ' at okui4ei ii f 1(141011 Pitt lot 4-bts 900 no 1-01 erfota tbs. lol -ta lryox eb-ft elakt ,=-4---.0-i--,-...-t- It �'!0M 10 i britIMON 914 abisy inl 'tS .1sTri 00 Imo 1" „,k t : ":,,,' ..? 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