2004, 08-23 Permit App: BLD-04-07431 GarageSpgkail� .� e3' BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION WORKSHEET City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department Building Division 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: (509) 688-0036; Fax: (509) 688-0037 REQUIRED SITE INFORMATION • Street Address: 5-2 d L, m 4» r ffo jcavAtr led /4 If 2/ 2 - Assessor's Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s): n: cPe)_' 1c a_. Legal Descriptio PERMIT DESCRIPTION: K. Building Permit ❑ Change in Use ❑ Grading ❑ Manufactured Home ❑ Relocation ❑ Tenant Improvement ❑ Fire Safety ❑ Other OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION Owner: Duo (✓& 7 c(ti Phone: Fax: Address: • w A 4pZc z Ci StateA� Zip Code City Contractor: Am( /�,� ( �l�s. ❑ Architect: Phone: 716-29,0 / Fax: Phone: Address: c., prt*c&-.}p,,t Address: .Spa1Cc....c Lilac 'if207 City) State Zip ode Applicant: SA-itiLr &g Phone: cow -V Fax: Address: State Zip Code Fax: City State Zip Code WA State Contractor License #:M/'lVEU.Ut92k1/ Contact: /Ws - Feickr tr -290P %_ / PERMIT/BUILDING INFORMATION HEIGHT TO PEAK' 3, DIMENSIONS: n, # OF STORIES: x/ MAIN FLOOR TO SQ. FTG: 2"" FLOOR SQ. FTG: UNFIN BASEMENT SQ. FTG: FINISHED BASEMENT SQ FTG: GARAGE SQ. FTG: sey. DECK/COV. PATIO SQ. FTG: OCCUPANCY GROUP: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: # OF BEDROOMS: TOTAL HABITABLE SPACE: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: COST OF PROJECYS,D0 �%� 30% SLO O�ROPERTY: f'/�L(�r SEWER OR ON-SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM? 1 MANUFACTURED HOME Width; Manufacturer: Length: Year: Pit Set: RELOCATION Previous Address: Proposed Use: FIRE SAFETY Fire Sprinkler: # of Heads: Fire Alarm: Paint Booth: Tent: Fireworks Display: Blasting: Date/Time: Valuation: Above/Underground Storage Tank Size: WASHINGTON STATE NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE Plans Examiner: Address: Phone: Fax: City Inspector: Phone: Address: City State Zip .Fax: State Zip SPECIAL INSPECTIONS • • ❑ BOLTING 0 CONCRETE ❑ REINFORCEMENT • WELDING Firm Name: Phone:. ..... Fax: - nspector(s): DISCLAIMER The permitee verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature•that: ;1) Itthis permit is for construction of or on a dwelling, the dwelling is/will' be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley Permit inure Lathe property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done In full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development Code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) This City of Spokane Valley Permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. -. ` • Ownership of resulting development rights granted by any issued permit inure to the property owner. Print Name Signature Method of Payment: (Faxed permit applications will only be accepted with major bankcard) 0 Cash 0 Check ❑ Mastercard ❑ VISA 0 Other Bankcard #: , , ••Expires: NVIN#: Authorized Signature: ADDRESS 5' D r ZONE Lye, 3c ROAD WIDTI4 FRONT `i I FLANKINOp27 COMMENTS REVIEWED BY This sNe'Plan {S ung submitted tor the purpose 01 obtaining a building penult and is a hue and correct lines; representation s. the tiprnes. aru AH known property lines;dimenc�nns, curb lines. MnlUures� easements have- been inentified. Also are critical wetlands..areas. bodies of ware;. steep slopes or Signed Date: BUILDING /. I-) iii //JAl/_ SIZE / •2 IL i ,- -- FLOOR y/ p yI e ROOMS AND GRADE CONSTRUCTOR CONSTRUCTON %/Z Am, F - D • - STORIES / ROOMS 5' 2._ - FINISHED FLOORS F /K EXT. FEATURES FOUNDATION Per 1_/J_J0A/r. .LX/o-,q ROOFG Try FIREPLACE # 1o Y. 4'+I N STEMS / FLUESI SECOND FLOOR EX. CHIMNEY /✓!!O ROOMS 1 EXT. WALLS -%*SD S, -- / /-?/ CLASS INT. WALLS 8// .1.3,e.-7 FLOOR INT. TRIM .5o F7- SQ. FT. PLUMBING .' ri SAJ/,/ /Tr-/- , EXT. PLUMBING A/.- HEATING W10 CCD " EXTRAS 9/Z CLASS /1 I- $� R SQ. Fr. PER /up NOTES LIFE.-. S0 % COMP. /0a A.V. ' ...213b I 0 F -1eit) o, atat.,CK C-fot -Sy YR. BLT. 57-8S )I.S' - ./!o��_i[ � :; e% {- d -e fait (PC ) lease Indo yL-av 90 cc -c.c BUILDING R.' .11' acid CONST. FDN. /3/1/03 Jy (,// CT//,h/Vr -- F L 0 OR S FLOORS EXT. WALLS -- ROOF ROOF CONST. BASEMENT PLUMBING EXTRAS CLASS 5Q. FT. - PER .LIFE % COMP. YR. BLT. BLDG. CLASS SO. FT. PERM. LIFE % COMP. VR. BLT. A.V. STvkrG - .i • '992.- f}• ....Or T Land Values Year Value Mak /990 22oo 2.260 ISr58S , 3(o At Se CD a3000 9•l9 8S-. slLf)/f• HARRINGTONS-ADD TO hJTCHINSON LT 4 RLK 6- vo(cto 4 /SL/. q3— 2&O/re L'r3 Values E gs o YI t j/949 949 I if, ago 1 SSo %D 0 I $: -o s') Year f Value I FLD. MAN INS. DATE YEAR Cr FDL 3-/9-6 7 9Ss� /9/o9 .%/%4 �OSe� A 05C ae K -I e-22- O —,1-7Y 12-a-7/ //-/-P,— Y• aY• 9e Promo M/»,) Land Values Year I 5773 Value /700 /?69 / // O S.c 3J-0 5/D 41647 4, v r -a /9 743 /97.3 t/C v fL 1590 /.3/7/1 .r# e7GO� °grip /b -A,-oo �9-76 3500 /aroo 3 -}i -SL '2S45< /9Fa. I19g" 7o0o c -2-'7C 4"e ,y3 a .t n b Ass 7-, 7 4 �9 _ t