1978, 05-09 Permit: M6177 Residencedb SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT NUMBER ■■ 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 RESIDENTIAL M � � 5/4/78 j Land Use or Structure Permit M. 275Property Address ------ L9t10011ow-AY-enve►--last _-1.6332-..--._- Group--_------I--TYPe........... -.Zone--.-------Sin9l!--F4Vi.1y- Rea. Permit for....!ryhfld�i►G.�,_._Q�I#'!14fl�---atta-�i�ed--..- Aanie HQws� inc. P.4. �c 14410, Spokatr 928.6090 Owner-------------- ! Address ---- -- ---- ---- -- ------------- ----- Phone ------- - --------- " Architect---------------------------------------------------_------- -- ---- -----__Address-------------- --------- - ------ ----- Phone---- -- ------------- Prancia N.. Ma_dden------__-----------------------Address.-------------3a�e, 992x4----- --------- 5a - Contractor--- -- ------------ -.......................--------- - -- ------ Phone ...... ........................ Location: Parcel Number-----ptft# Qf.-Q-1-' 4 -s tl 4x-.--.l�Q--i-^�-,--i3l.cl! .k..1 �, Pep_11rxskV.s..F1-mt:- ....... 1_nian-_- bld9A--- Soto ks --- from. -411-property---l-tees......frQnt..yard--of---at-leas---$5 ..fro ---- 251 --- from_p/i.a ----- whh._$Yer.-1-s---greater..------F-lank.i-nq---atreeta-...45_---frow.cpnter----11ne---oUr..d.-r./w._or--1,�_'...irs�.-pain.----. !� �rhhlcb-.�e�r.-_#s.--Qreatar..--.. '-ai-ds--yard-.for-.-saeh.._z_tar-fir..-.-1Q'--- an_ore.-aide.-.four---drivway-,--- when---9ar?w 25`--rear--yar-d__raplr-ed,._or--more, if-required--by--2n ld#k.*--------- Bldg. Zone.----� .Fire Zone- -;l -- ---Size of Lot �- X14Q - - ------------------------ ---- e� Sewage- St� -:. � Const. }1"�-------- ------ Stories.------S/Bimensions----24'X38'_-16'X36'_21'X22.i'_------------------------------Total Sq. Ft ---- 1-950- ---..----.Valuation.$49-,950-.00--------- Rms.-_--- _6BathsjRR------- .i ---- ._Basement ----- fullFoundation--00ncr lt* _----Chimney..__._--.41replace-..-_ 2_. Htg. System......--�'I Type of Roofing __ - . Ext Finish .___.. osl --- -- ----------------- - ---Int. Wall Finish -_ter - ll---_----------------------Bdrms.-3--------- LL Certificate o .-..- see above �-plu�blll� and--hieat�it>�__plait#._ ark required.---EA►Cl4--.,STA ---- 0 �' N 1 AYE INS 'ECTItkSiS CALi.ED FOt�,---AS--AEQ4IIIU i - E. MUST- CONFORM.- - COUN" �C00C 1iC 01-9EM6t TS -0- FIIMAI.- I PEMON PAST -BE CALLS ! , .UP41i CQMPLET.ION--A(D --- ------ --- -- occupancy of residence. Call 4 -367x-, --pr -o r t� 1�sno x:a. X11 # ap+ tfarms *aJnd/6r-.f1-re..codas.. ---- :eke-detecto>r(s) --- required ------ A -1 -/hr--- rated- - fire --well--separa-tl8n-" 1-r -.ras4darl�ce ,nd. to e.-.4toaad- v-6111'----- ------------- -­--­---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PERMITis granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in .all respects to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. a4 This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof'within_-1--.yg &r - from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorized by Building Official PUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT May9, 1979 =!: Permit Expires ------- _ ........ 0.00 99%7 Building f SPECTOR Fee Paid $-- -- - ---- ------ Date Issued- -------- — ' : Cj M R38011UVI TO3IVITSIAci30 3003 OVIIC_ik. ---, 44 .1AITIV11/38 Iry m tosei-2 nc44,1iiW ,9nskti,Z 1 tzt.ill siliAllOi Win.Stititi.411,11 2.9ibbA siii9qoici - 3 "' ' tim.1914 svust)uitZ L. I- LW NUAI WII.:;,,,,,;_: ,-,..;",,:,..;,,,.. I -motor/ io .10 tr two ttritz ‘,-)no ??tfit.,A g .2441 4/toot ioNtia ..,,,,w, .-- - ..... , r 228bbA itelrlatt ..wiratiall ..... .itooti stStootrio 1.rivooll itosii-ift.a ,tptd 1. LATHING .._........._____ , 1 notoip..toole.t.......stortt.t ...ofit)Inoll ........... .et 7 r--7,74' no _'01 ,,,loilt..slass.."3.1. bloc obt a ...a ..istswill at lova. (laid.* FINAL ........;:...... .10 .4 .. (typo. let". !owl '31 .xof fa on boo botiosisob it 0* - ' .. 6w3z •ottxtryie toi to 97.iZ t 9nolS. eiil 1. 9-noi •b11 • Ole f il pZ Istol. '1.2-xiiS 1BEA'al .8tx,14 znoi2n5rnirk flilot.„), ci-iuINEy asiiey-e Silleatt03. noilsbnuo1 I flit , Int)me?,68, A,,11 110,1 VII bort (.12tni? .griitc.0 lo 1. FIREPLACES ''. ''' "..11111.224$1 Z tt166.611 abri3.14.10"7tdelly-4q4*" 1°sifict319‘'ealtti 12°14 I .... _ ... . , diG:11111190 • . 3A3 n 1 B.... .1 .1A1413rPtif 1. STEEL nobbig stworti 3. FRAMING ; . v .. . isdmul4 i9i)scl 4 •,?/E9.1bbA - - ,7-1-1-• --44-4.-440.4.-.........#0)1,-.0t- totI4 --4813t 43* 1-to3 mbtswit !to vostio3o. I. IlEATING'ttrottemi--1-1-owArtti---boS*1---1A-1--A-- --.1orstupott-__(*)30DoSob..siont .soboo_.olrt . %Woe 8. GARAGE_ SYSTEM_ 44 vA$1--boott_ -_.00rso..bola_osakobtairt.fteottittd, .. .._:. , : -------------- • Itsetz beurti zi !innoq stit tt)i,',w lot ss. br,SC,,,, nnAlh,1 nn' ton! on.;libnn3 atsiqxn wn, noqo bornbl-g .2i TIV.Win 2W 10 ,295t1Sflq bisz, to p,...a.i:olo, ,,,, ”. ,:“:xnn ts betiovel nd wsrn bns Woo) ..,,,.:1,-,? iv ,nn,o^Toci to wnosquao bno 929 )110113111,81193 96) zsoneniblo glee ritive Vornoq of .bovolonw u. w.nw,q to slullst 1.0, MISt . . .: '. ,q,.ib wIstiv4 znbiz biss wit snalb teuto owtnsts esti wngie In 1,91i3910 961 lOt timwwq Prit lo sonouan wril lo 991:flObltroo nt ,besvenol xholupsi azwinu iirrInq wrii t:. rto,,,licisw w .w.01.:, -, irlt boo ,arltnbm xie nirtfiw Mow 'to tnsm93rtemmoa, lot xlno boo g •ad Iiw1timisq airiT • , f;: ..•- ,T -•,111F1 k-111110 'prut-q.u8 rad b91i1OfitLIA .biov sd Itiw timlaq et& writ doirivi istls (steb aid, mcrOr _... rtti OPLicix3 iimie 311" °°*".,t bis9 99 qP