1978, 05-09 Permit: M6163 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 M 276 Land Use or Structure Permit Group I Type Zone Single Family Rs. RESIDENTIAL NUMBER M u LongfellowAve, E. 16318 Property Address 5/4/7 Fink Permit for Residence, double gar.attached Owner Genie Homea,__1n. .a Address P,O Box 14410, Spokane Phone 928-6090 Architect Address Phone CloVtractor Francis M. Madden Address Saite, 99214 Phone Ste! Location: Parcel Number ptn. of o1541-9004. Lot 13, Block 1, Peplinskl's FIrst Add. Min bldg. .set-backs.._frcmt__a1l properfir-_Lines._..__ Front..yard__of..atfrost_5a_-'....fr.-oQ.-c/in..of_.rd__-rjw...or_.25' fram..frant..p/1.n....wh1cbever.--is-gre&ter. Fleaking._streets_45'__ _from --cj'1.n.-.of...rd. ..r/w...or...1.5' .from... flanking_s.tr-eet .pf1n,- whichexer..ts-..greater_. Side--yard_.5' for .--each..stony-,--10' on- -one s_tie..far. drixewsy,---ii__-garage isdetached -and no--all.ey, 25' rear--yard_or--more---tf---required--by Bldg. Zone 1 Fire Zone._3 Size of Lot. -_93'X140' Sewage.._Septic Const frame Stories..-StE.Dimensions._ llsx36' 1-'X24-' 22'x24' Total Sq. Ft.____2373..______...Valuation_.._ 4$,500.00 Rms..6 Baths/RR I Basement -..in -...Foundation Calleret$_.Chimney br-- Fireplace _--_2__ Htg. System elec---f.a. Type of Roofing C Ext. Finish WOO!!Int. Wall Finish.._.dryWali Bdrms 2 Certificate of Occupancy Issued for sae.above --plumbing and beetinq permits are required. EACH --STAGE Remarks OF._C0NSTRLICTIOM_ 1ST--HAVE..INSPtCTIONS CALLEO__FOR„-_A5._RQO..- BX COOE...MUST-_CONEORM--TO ALL__CO(JNTY_CODE-.REQUIREMENTS._ FINAL--- INSPICTIONAUST.._8E -CALLED--FOR, JPOLCOMPLETIOK.-IND-.-PRID- TO__OCCUPANCY OF..RESIDENCE. C811_456,3676, prior -to. .1D,.00 a.a.---lor .e1-1-- inspections. '*7.i ._Bl-dg--anLI/or..-Eire--Co,des....Smoke detector.(s)...r-equired.....A--1-/hr---rel►ted--fire-ira3-i---separation._.re- +quire+d._between--residencee- and ---garage. ROAD- R/W FAD' THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane. regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed, This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within from this date; after which time this permit will be void. May 9, 1979 1 year Authoriz by Building Oil ial, UILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expires By ' r ffi' .r'""- 104.00 non 5/9/7* Building Fee Paid $ Date Issued {/'° INSPECTOR Jc JAIV:1(1141R led tuouhi,, .3 ..WV(4flsrtol 2. STEEL f 3.. FRA NG lq P?_/2? lo,pg,r .art4ri! snorig , .0 .*M$1(11 _ Soi is ,Refit 1 ..10.114prg 'al io w81. brit 'to .nita wet . al4.0119.111.. tritAitall tt rtsvalizttitfi" !-9.1.-.A1144-11:1111..,.10/.22._blakt .et*t2 malsolg.lt levariatibt taINA ./iii tinar't Id..borituptrt. .91130..3.__Intit Isort '/S_ Uan. bris .tvid3slab *t .spassag otawevt..0.) 't .....Jao.otIgaZ 9s6w92 *Oskt)(!t?1J to 9E. f nituri:\:* _ 900zu_vc.4.4147.-..notlsulgv... -rt11-71 . p2 IsloT ISX!S.S. ,t$.1X" .EtLB.m9f2 r Id . .venmiriO atte1301:4).. . 116W in l . boor . . ;tini; IOATZ H3A .bvettiqtri s a$_iiirisq Lentil/ad bits gritiimairq.- evosda. -- ' '-• 7' ' .OW1 .03.11AO.no1 3iii..31tAti Gr, 1.6 . • 71.1JA3 _30..111411110.1T332l1...Y031....LT1110131110211..3003...Y.THUO3 JJA ....,tataa f r_na .3314,3012,31K o YlitA411330. OT ..... ..bealtillwt..)llasab ..aho3..riti...!fa\bos. _0.11 ..nermg_..bna..sonsbtort rtittml..41 belt up to uo: 9,1! ,- baa i i r rlotriw 9841 bnsl 10 anibilud ed f fuit nowbnop zosiqxs 9i ooqu bstnog emit no is beSovsi ysm boa ,yfnUo3 frosfloqZ ni agnibliud to yonsqtmao bos sot', ,uoiMultono3 srlf )2 ..osansnibro Woo fliiw ylornoo of ,bsvoiqqs Is ogle bir. ocii ,:',.,no -t 1,,,,r b., ,.14.;:-.1f0 ,', ..,;) xt.1 be:lstib sisflw angia bilis mil .361.1fzum estnsig stif snit to noitosfs en, 101 tirosq wit to 901160001 611 to noilsisblanoo nl 1 .bowsnsl ylislusei abilnu firrnsq sill to n&rsilqxs nirltiw tosisdt noitslqmoo siitns adtboa ,aritnbm xis niritiw *ow to tnsmoonommoo lot vino. boo 3 sd Iliw tionso aidT \11Q, TVIRMTAA930 390a 0,i/110.1!IN lEiji110. flibliu8 v,d sitorittJA .biov 9d illw firrrisq eirit omit rioiriw lotto ;stab skit molt etti .9 ‘1114 ----......, . . ..., --ke . - ..?9iiqx3 1imis9 io-i.uc,?.v11 ,,,,, . entbrtue 3V\P\17, Vii 0040f .kw,u::?, ,,.it6C - ... .. . _ .....Z bisq 991 se