Agenda 06/22/2006 SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers -City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Avenue June 22, 2006 6:00 to 9:00 pm I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS New Business - Old Business - Continued Public Hearing Street Vacation STV-01-06 a portion of Old Indiana Annual Review— Rules of Procedure X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF Gail Kogle, Chair Marina Sukup, AICP Robert Blum, Vice-Chair Greg McCormick, AICP Fred Beaulac Scott Kuhta, AICP John G. Carroll Mike Basinger, AICP David Crosby Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Ian Robertson Deanna Griffith Marcia Sands www.spokanevalley.orq CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: May 25, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ®public hearing ❑ information [' admin.report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing. Right-of-Way Vacation Request STV-01-06 for a portion of Old Indiana Avenue to be vacated. PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: City Council adopted Resolution No. 06-006 on April 25, 2006 setting the date for a public hearing. *a ._,. te - --, - - _' ; • Park& Ride h ../_ , F� - -_ __ __ ...31,*-3-' '4' . P z I - ' ._., -- - Parcel No.45104.9020 _-;,: - 4gm _.._ __ I ,_ ___, i :, ----.7—. , : ---cri-7-7-71__ -; I t Parcel No.45104.9036 T" '. `-- r, I- I : ..�..- - Parcel No.45104.9034 vn! t- — Area to be vacated t� _ — _ _ = -- WSDOT Stormwater treatment area -- — Parcels abutting ROW to be vacated BACKGROUND: The applicant Brandon Reece, Wireless Connections, LLC; PO Box 22189, Milwaukie, Oregon 97269 requests the vacation of a portion of Old Indiana Avenue. This section of Old Indiana Avenue (south of Indiana Avenue and north of Interstate 90) is located between properties (Parcel Nos. 45104.9020, 45104.9034 & 45104.9036) owned by Wireless Communications, LLC. Washington State Department of Transportation has an access restricted, fenced stormwater treatment area directly east of the proposed street vacation which precludes any potential access or future street vacations to the east on Old Indiana Avenue. Please reference aerial photo from 2005 shown above. FINDINGS: The Planning Commission must make findings on the following as part of their recommendation to City Council: 1. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public; 2. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access; 3. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public; 4. Whether conditions may change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and 5. Objections to the proposed vacation made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public. OPTION: Recommend approval, approve with conditions, or recommend denial. RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to filing a record of survey which includes reservation of all utility easements, execution by the City of a Quit Claim deed to entitled property owners, and placement of monuments in accordance with the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Staff Report Exhibit 2: Findings and Recommendations of the CSV Planning Commission Exhibit 3: Street Vacation Application with Written Narrative Exhibit 4: Comments from Staff, Agencies and Utility Providers 01111\ Nxwane STAFF REPORT valley PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF OLD INDIANA AVENUE Prepared by: Karen Kendall,Assistant Planner, Department of Community Development Date: May 18, 2006 Findings: 1. Abutting Properties -The right-of-way proposed for vacation is located north of Interstate 90 and south of Indiana Avenue. There is no record of a street vacation for any portion of Old Indiana Avenue by Spokane County in this area. The area was old railroad right-of-way given to Spokane County. The portion of Old Indiana Avenue proposed to be vacated is bordered on the north and south by Wireless Connections, LLC who's requesting the proposed action. 2. Utilities- A twenty (20) foot easement will be reserved for Consolidated Irrigation District. Other easements may also be required for existing or future utilities including Washington State Department of Transportation, Spokane County Utilities Division,Avista, Comcast, and Qwest. The location of these easements is a requirement of the record of survey. 3. Access- Old Indiana Avenue's pavement stops approximately 370 feet southeast from the intersection of Indiana Avenue and Old Indiana Avenue. The three (3)existing parcels abutting the proposed right-of-way vacation area all have access onto Old Indiana Avenue. As a recommended condition the City's Public Works Department is requiring access be restricted to Indiana Avenue from Parcel Nos. 45104.9020, 45104.9034&45104.9036. 4. Zoning- Zoning abutting the north side of Old Indiana Avenue is Community Business(B-2) and property abutting to the south is zoned Light Industrial (I-2). The three parcels which abut the proposed street vacation are in the City's Comprehensive Plan Designation as Regional Commercial. 5. Transportation- Existing fenced stormwater treatment facility used by Washington State Department of Transportation precludes the possibility of extending access further east along Old Indiana Avenue to the east. The existing parcels abutting the proposed area as well as adjacent parcels have access onto Old Indiana Avenue. 6. Condition- The proposed portion of Old Indiana Avenue is improved with only asphalt. The size, access and condition of the property preclude use by the City. 7. Assignment of Vacated portions of right-of-way- Absent objections from abutting properties owners, right-of-way should be assigned to the petitioners, inasmuch as it appears that any portion of the right-of-way to which they would lay claim will be transferred to them through completion and a positive approval of the vacation. Abutting property owners have received notice of the proposed vacation. Conclusions: 1. The vacation of the street/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. The Public Works Department submitted comments which analyzed the need of Old Indiana Avenue for future use and responded by specifying the requested portion is no longer required for public use or public access subject to recommended conditions. 3. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and 4. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to staff and agencies. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION May 25,2006 Findings. 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 25, 2006 to receive testimony concerning the vacation of a portion of Old Indiana Avenue located north of Interstate 90 and south of Indiana Avenue. The date of the hearing was set by City Council on April 25,2006 by Spokane Valley Resolution No. 06-006. Notice of the hearing was published on May 5, 20006 in the Valley Herald,the official newspaper of the City,was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on May 5,2006. 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department in detail. 3. The vacation of the street/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 4. The Public Works Department submitted comments which analyzed the need of Old Indiana Avenue for future use and responded by specifying the requested portion is no longer required for public use or public access subject to recommended conditions. 5. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and 6. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to staff and agencies. Conclusions. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council the portion of Old Indiana Avenue located north of Interstate 90 and south of Indiana Avenue be vacated to the petitioners subject to: 1. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction,repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. The record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation. 2. The surveyor shall locate at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. 3. All necessary easements required by Consolidated Irrigation District, Washington State Department of Transportation, Spokane County Division of Utilities, Avista, Quest and Comcast shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation from all utility companies is required to be submitted to the Community Development Director,or designee verifying all easements have been indicated. 4. Access to Parcel Nos. 45104.9020,45104.9034 &45104.9036 shall only be from Old Indiana Avenue. No access is granted to the improved 5-lane Indiana Avenue for the above parcels. 5. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 6. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 7. A certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk in the office of the Spokane County auditor. 8. All conditions of city council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Approved this 25h day of May,2006 Gail Kogle, Chairman ATTEST Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Department of Community Development ' " Planning Division SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA June 22,2006 • I. CALL TO ORDER • COMMISSION BUSINESS • II. PLEDGE OF • New Business- ALLEGIANCE • Old Business-Continued • III. ROLL CALL Public Hearing Street Vacation • IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA STV-01-06 a portion of Old • V. APPROVAL OF Indiana MINUTES • Annual Review—Rules of • VI. PUBLIC COMMENTVII. Procedure COMMISSION • X.FOR THE GOOD OF REPORTS THE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Su(1:1<\—! Department of Community Development j�alk� Planning Division Continued Public Hearing STV-01-06 Project Description: The request is to vacate a portion of Old Indiana Avenue located between properties owned by Wireless Communications,LLC for the purpose of creating additional parking. 1 Spokane Department of Community Development - 1‘ 1 ......sVallo Planning Division 1 Vicinity Map ..:, I - ------------ e3"1-1rf u 1 _ Tot. Area to be alk. irl rej __, . .7-i vacated •ai 11111"----- I- --- - -----iti.: . _... • - .. • irig.. *ilk, - - - -- i.f ,m__ _ 1 -..,. 1114c7 ___.1- 01 Nit W. N. tUr s 1 TiallIBC IM----"iii •4ar -11111 11411/"willinuri 1 IIIIVITIMI-. ... Immoola ar-----ii dp,irii' a -•Finaillil. , ' .111ffigttta won. _,..trznim---m 11. ---1 -. mom .. • -_-2, 4.fflitorm..74 i rom 111 .7......ank riatTE% - ---iv AimEnr.mintimmo .,,*fflir—Tal 01 alBE --— IMMIIiilillilliia.alliliii 41.. i ii ; Spaika<\-- -•••°Va"%astoop,- Department of Community Development Planning Division --------- - — ----------- 2005 Aeria! Photo tt - 1 ' ---- - .. . — - la - -- Parcel No 45104 9020 .........' - ' -, --.-7:40-- --- . .. ‘ t a• .1. - s ' .. i - 1 — ---- --------5S....,;a4•5. .•-i,. '.. -,- re' Parcel No 45104 9036 Parcel No 45104 9034 ---- ---- •-•-• .----'—"... ^.---------- I Ill I I Are a t o b e v a ca t e d WSDOT Stormwater treatment area Parcels abutting ROW to be vacated 2 Ispiikn�N-- Department of Community Development jValletly w Planning Division Facing EAST showing intersection of Indiana and Old Indiana Avenue Day Wireless 1pprosimatc location Building of ROW vacation - i' pair �o ♦ ►nd"'"a Old Indiana Avenue iA f sivoi Department of Community Development Planning Division Facing WEST at east end of Old Indiana Avenue Day Wireless J Building r141; .. ' i n Q. • . I, Ira,;. '--mnr.0 w.0 .V .. A I I I m } 3 Sol:anc/\ Department of Community Development Planning Division Staff's Recommendation STV-01-06= Recommend CONDMONAL APPROVAL to the City Council 4