Agenda 10/12/2006 SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers -City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Oct. 12, 2006 6:00 to 9:00 pm I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS New Business — Public Hearing Proposed Urban Growth Areas Old Business X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF Gail Kogle, Chair Marina Sukup, AICP Robert Blum, Vice-Chair Greg McCormick, AICP Fred Beaulac Scott Kuhta, AICP John G. Carroll Mike Basinger, Assoc Planner David Crosby Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Ian Robertson Deanna Griffith Marcia Sands www.spokanevalley.orq CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: October 12, 2006 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Workshop to review potential Urban Growth Areas for the City of Spokane Valley. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Washington State Growth Management Act, RCW 36.70.A. PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION: None. BACKGROUND: Spokane County is conducting a 5-year update to their Comprehensive Plan, adopted November 15, 2001. The update includes a review of Urban Growth Area (UGA) boundaries, as required by the Countywide Planning Policies (CWPP) for Spokane County. The Growth Management Act (GMA) gives counties the authority to adopt population projections and establish UGAs, in consultation with cities. Important steps in the update process include; 1) Adopting a 20-year countywide population projection; 2) dividing the projected population between jurisdictions; and 3) adjusting UGAs to accommodate the population projection. The City of Spokane Valley adopted its first Comprehensive Plan on April 25, 2006. The Comprehensive Plan focuses on growth and development only within the current City limits. Spokane Valley is participating in the County's Comprehensive Plan update and will propose UGAs for Spokane Valley's future growth. Population Projection and Allocations Spokane County projects that the County will grow by approximately 197,000 people by the year 2026. That number has been allocated to all jurisdictions with Spokane Valley receiving about 33,000 people for planning purposes. Urban Growth Areas UGAs are defined by a boundary where new growth and development is encouraged. Development is limited outside UGAs, which is considered "rural" land. UGA's must be sized to accommodate the 20-year population projection and includes land inside cities and unincorporated land adjacent to cities. Land Quantity Analysis (LQA) To determine how much land is needed to accommodate the projected population growth, each jurisdiction is required to conduct a land capacity analysis using a regional methodology. The general steps are as follows: 1. Determine amount vacant land. 2. Determine amount of land that is partially used but could redeveloped. 3. Remove land affected by critical areas (wetlands, shorelines, etc.) 4. Remove public/quasi public land (schools, utilities, state, federal, etc.) 5. Deduct 20% that will be used for public purposes. 6. Deduct 30% for land that will not be available for development. This analytical exercise yields the number of developable acres within a specified area. The acreage is then converted into potential new dwelling units, as determined by residential densities allowed by the Comprehensive Plan. For example, 10 developable acres in the Low Density Residential category is multiplied by 4 units per acre, yielding 40 total potential new dwelling units. The total dwelling units is then multiplied by 2.5 (2.5 people per dwelling unit) in single family areas and 2 in multi-family areas to determine the population that could be accommodated. In our example, 40 dwelling units would accommodate 100 people. To determine Spokane Valley's capacity for growth, we first applied the LQA within our current City boundary. We then analyzed existing unincorporated Urban Growth Areas adjacent to the City, then to County Urban Reserve Areas. Spokane Valley's Land Quantity Analysis results are as follows: Potential UGAs Vacant and Partially Net Developable Potential New Dwelling Population Used Acres Acres Units Capacity City of Spokane Valley 3,149 1,564 9,303 20,632 Plantes Ferry 120 69 275 687 Northeast 42 24 96 239 Southeast 1,637 962 3,849 10,131 Ponderosa 5 3 12 30 Edgecliff 241 138 551 1,377 Total 5,194 2,761 14,086 33,096 The geographic areas referenced in the table are shown on the attached map titled "City of Spokane Valley Proposed Urban Growth Areas". This map is the initial presentation of potential Urban Growth Areas that the City may ultimately request to be designated for the Cities growth. As shown in the table above, the potential UGAs have the capacity to accommodate the population allocated to the City by Spokane County. It is important to note that Staff intends to use this map and associated data as a starting point to review and discuss areas that should be considered to be designated as Spokane Valley UGAs. Facilities and Services New growth places new demands on public facilities and services. The GMA requires that each jurisdiction quantify the impacts of new development on public facilities and services, identify future deficiencies, and determine costs for new infrastructure. Each jurisdiction must then show how the required capital improvements will be funded. The table below is an initial review of water and sewer services within the proposed UGAs. More detailed capital facilities information will be provided to the Commission at future meetings. Acres in Water Percentage Acres Percentage Potential UGAs Total Acres District in Water Sewered Sewered District Plantes Ferry 250 237 95% 0 0% Northeast 46 43 93% 6 12% Southeast 2781 2193 79% 1147 41% Ponderosa 47 47 100% 12 26%by 2009 Edgecliff 315 301 96% 27 9% Total 3439 2822 82% 1192 35% Service Providers (See attached maps identifying service provider's geographic relationship to proposed UGAs) Potential UGAs Water Districts School Districts Fire Districts Sewer Plantes Ferry Trentwood No. 3 East Valley Fire District 1 None Fire District 9 Northeast Consolidated No. 19 East Valley Fire District 1 Spokane County Southeast Consolidated No. 19 Central Valley Fire District 1 Spokane County Vera No. 15 Fire District 8 Model No. 18 Spokane County No.3 Ponderosa Spokane County No.3 Central Valley Fire District 8 Spokane County Edgecliff East Spokane No. 1 West Valley Fire District 1 Spokane County Spokane No. 81 Fire District 8 RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing at a future date and will then make a recommendation on UGAs to the City Council. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from James Manson, Spokane County Building and Planning Director 2. County map showing potential Urban Growth Areas 3. City of Spokane Valley map showing potential Spokane Valley UGAs CO . O 0 N CO O O M CYC C0 CO CO N- Z.," y N ti co O ci ti xi V co CO co co N I- C) O CD N N— CO C O Q OO r M CO N r CO (,) C O CC 7 CZ O a O C7) Cf) O CO C) N o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (A o 0 0 0 0 0 C*' 0 0 0 0 0 r.� M 4 tri CA r O Cn N d; CA O in r O CO co CA co I� C CO N O CO r C� O C17 M O O Cn N y O •d- N O O M n C) O) I— O 0) co LCO a) d r § N 3 c � .y a) >+ a) as m �° ... c C C c C a) CI) a w ' a° n a O O I- 0) co O N- In d' Cn — 0 0 h O Cf) N N r CA N tt M M N M I- C7) +-' co 4. CA CD r O 14-5N C` H Q ` CO CO N CO CO In C) C` M M CD O N '7 r N CA CIS U in C) r N- CO V' CD 44- O CO r r U a r N CO N N M N r ,-- a) a) o L C RI -a d cIS a. Ca a) 3 H ID c71) o d n d d r y L5 0 L — — as Z 44 > O O C3) in N- r CO In d. 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' 49th - ..� 1' 1 Cookery < Co r. -1 - .-.. - - e - _ Notice:1 froom amationnshou on ism eam 1 me tie' i,6 Roads I Proposed UGA `°"'P' Fen ^ __ L - - gulnil re, Ion Tbc Clry maks no t of ey rrel �� npr guaru�lc¢nbont the .or ew,en<:y or mis t ,, ' Bes A� Water Bodies d e dimlaims liiabili r r error:am ar,' City of Spokane Valley e- � , :n , �^ . ' City p y Current UGA ass,�ns expressly To confirm accuracy r Ci of Spokane Valle contact thcCit of Spokane Valley, d Co®,wvty Dcvclopmrnt Department,niviaon of P Sporkane �r�e- - oho, r, Planning,(509)921-1000. p jeY` Proposed Urban Growth Areas "� _ _ t Other Municipalities _ c . �,orr. tearsWh..Van,.Coarny>n r4r..em..r f7 \ 1 0 0.5 I 2 Miles I f f . r _ <,c&,t,. 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I4tn._ t t77 y_. .14th_. ... _, 140, ._ "76th I -'.� - _ '+t-\ ..,x 14th ..1 .. tstb ,_16th I -- -- -- � lh 1/3" lath c J , }7jh - - -- -- -- - - — - - 1/n 6th) th r 17th'= 1 • __. 9th 776--.,r---� _ _ - -- -- -- -- -- e,F r Spokane Counri 1st,: 18th YJ ?8tfi g • 17th 18th 1 3ifi• 18t_h q Wick = 1 - n k ' s -�, • -.:;- I t , 1911, - e.A s I 7y r '` 18th 17th I 1I,- ':c : isth ▪ -S•, .,ter : !9111 � ',- \• � '.- - - I'''' 7j- ••.e„L. os Ol -I _ vlst - lst /h.14th a sey.� s. I o�nd� 1st a\i s�� rad 2 c v rd •• 2 23rd._.:�_ -� 24th �4lhc.. • C7 3 = .4th }- 51- 6'City-of Spokane -5 0 { u; 2 '��, 8 }�0 ' - -r 9 �S.wYe I J' - 6tH 25th ``25th __ -6th - VCxfi leer). • •� _lith 1 " - Water Service : / ._1 ._i _-, L - -- .,tiro.; - e� ,�. 1 1 v ' 2� •r / ��. -. I 7tli �'+. ^ ,i ¢iS .27th!❑ `o 271U _ a i: -t' - a 1 I ad .... . J _-.. __ o h th_2Zth • 7th �\ _ L�„ti'� _ _ U ' o - 'I I J�-- 1 281 29th °rl 28th °2g SahRse ~ I 27th , t loth. __ .30� - - .39th ,.:291b .!ham I n Map Location i - -c x .-.C:- _._ V'1�....--`_ 332nd ;_ I - - - - 1 t q o -'ac _, SP ! _ _ - __ _ __ I___ • •fie s!1 �lateaDlstnct' ° '33,d 33a I ol+ane`Counh'r 1 E. /\ sl I a -<,..,--. . 0 3;1nModel Oren �.' _ 1 Vera Irrigation • I 32nd ._:. s 4th y 6th: } District#1_> (� U 49 an- 31 o Irn ahon•a sa #3-System#2 I tnl , ' ... H `Pone I 3-V I Di tr'ct#IS s not 37r3� F"� 3.5 -sleriin� 6 31 3� 7 t I2 h sm ' an, n 3� 3fk,,, 31 3- 9an"a ,� ark _ ° • I I Date: 10/04/06 Es9t11 41 a0_t)t - - i ❑ _ l ..cin __. 4- a 1 lir n'�•—.cam - u. _ \• >_ °I I �'a I I - ^? 0 I ,1 I 41s • - i1C ._ __I I -° I Onin`to ,Mdra_1 .-o_ :t.,: I -a' - , ,., l._I e A•tl1-. - �• l. lif .--.-- 42nd I- 43rd - - _... _.;- \. _..._ - ' ? `c �,--I--t 1J� U ro I O: � r• 44!111 YFho Elco L_ \\-; 44th I �� 2 43rd-- 1 - o�n ` ..moi I -o-'- ------- --- 1 1 - - ------ -- ----- - --- --_______133-_13I_ -- - -- - ---- -- - ---- - --- ------ r yc - e t ` - TS -rte i:'- ---- Z , - •,A -- • 1 .hum 46th .',. `-1 - � _46tH 4?ih o { t...„.1 .. } r i - 47th 46th 1 -i r, 1 g � I I T ' ❑1 ,..--/ I _48th 471� �' g.14 ! .. _.1 Jc .< n I-``• I I �&° ... , Corkery._. V\ G�l v _ _ ■ _ _ _ - 48th c0-• �d1ti7, -...-..: t l i { j COn4_ t 1= �.5 1 2 Miles .' I .1 t.. '; t i s - j i- p of .� \off w� { , ^n l I I I I I I i a 1-4 • O ott I = �g S ol.anrCounty 7Y��J rF ; :{_-_.. t C7 �� 01 n ' i I �` 06 '` 05 et t `. v U4 Water#3-SysDistrictt I a� ? 1 I v t_"' I- Notice: The information shown on this map is compiled•from various yV >K ���t etd` n I est >7m ;1_56th ._I=''S <24.43�Rti�``--- i ,ti -_is.D -2-444,,=-- I � 01 _ __Linke Q6 I �5 ;y sources and is subject to constant revision. The Citymakes no claims U _ rs0 ` 1 e% ' \ �!i;, Spokane Counh' % t 2S5 ! or guarantees about the accuracy or currency of this map and • � _ I - 1 N expressly disclaims liabilio,for errors and omissions in its contents. 61st I a a� i I c _ I} ' °I 1 I It\ To confirm accuracy contact the City of Spokane Valley,Community __� a l I P I it #3-S District 1 Water I ^ Of!) Development Department,Division ofPlanning (509)921-1000. 7.f: f: A` Custct, -----A/ _ _F _ _ ) ya' .' 1..f , U �, P P stem#2 U L� Sv {� o � I . �.. Oce n - - I _ V I - - I l� , ' - _ _ -_I _ _ _ - - -_ -- _ I - _Product of the City of Spokane Valley,Community Development Department I _ _ _ .._ .�.- ..� . fir- _ Pr ' . . \)., II r --- 7,_.116 �� �, ' School Districts : LS: „' . .k..t T%1' 1 ---"Z --\, Valley East Valley /�— �S j( I i/ i( ! -I Tre twood Middle l �enior Hiii 1 1 �. — - - _r I �/ �->- J� r� _I --^l/ I _ Wellesley,Elemental),..� _ -Wellesley Ave I 1 ��. < ! v i. Com,-, / Pasadena-Park �r z a S yview 1 �� 1 1 Element - - 1 ary v Elementary -1-r..: int A l / Trent Ave i 1�— = - '� o Legend wy — --. Bmp4e ". \ 1- -- Ii-w - t Ele ntary Mirabeau P _\I t R '`/ City Of Spokane Valley Boundary '---' • EuclidAvet West Valley - - _ _ ---._. :. aej Euclid Ave --� 3jjeRL!2er - - -ELEE1Orch p d lwdod-School � a M c�pvc - - - /�' - -_ - i. ... Ili, Water Bodies • / Pascnal's , C Al'. - a - d st -- % - -------- --- -> MontgomeryAv Or 'ii t r Iia nst Terri le `� P p Mansfield Ave y� --------- __ -J / /` ___ t1 e /Kdoz Ave- Q'hristian -----.._.-. .ve `� r' / �� — ur Schools (J T{e t Se Spokane ,q� _ IndianaAr - > _ ..i - -- -. w 1.-.. f • ` Woodard V I` -n AWe ". .._ ivtissio 'Ave `�` �`_) _ Mission Ave - City of.Spokane Valley:°°' Districts Missio - • q /• .L1n 1■ _ +a 1o' Learnum CentercationaeFIB cnary � Ii College _ i x Gethsemane Ble i -o o p. . -�E. -_ -? 1 uthera � _ an - - ¢ - _ ___ _�/ Broadway Ave" + �. Broadway Ave St-Joh y Eleni Pro,ress Elementary Y Central Valley No.356 y � Y I Broadway Ave _ Broadway Ave -�� o s West Valley 1-North Pines Middle p -- -Washington State - _g % Vianlnev,_B oailway-Elcmentan' .___..-�---- -a - ._ - .. Val)_..res Ave neer and Rainbow -- - -- - ---- --- an University Coop s City School St iohn l - Valleway Avi - eY y_ Pio Valleyway Aver p _ Spokane No.81 alleyway AveGreenacres ma-/ Vianrtev, b p}cxs9 - _ c x Middle, m P Sprague Ave /_��ue-< e< w Sprague AN, Sprague Ave Sprague Ave Sprague Ave ®' Prague Ave West Valley No.363 _Green - .--- ve -__ _--ar}' J BIN --�4MillFourth Ave I Onlradl al i�,� - Fourth Av - - Fourth Ave- A Icea Blvd - - Education- —St-Mary's -acres Third Ave Keystone Elementary - Elementary z .� r R Appt,way Appleway Blvd PP Y Ban -_ ^- - - .. _ entary -_-_ / Element. t - - r Adams -Shelley ,-- - Y-- _- `` } J ... I I �Elemcntary lake J e6 ' `"-' Eigh_th'Ave "-- ---'-- - 1 III -- Eighth Ave .- _--. J--.bh Eighth Ave / I a Eighth Ave li struetwn. Ave _ pP ty Ci _ E _ M • �' ,g Central Valle • 0 T 9 ortuntI \ th Sup rt Ctr - 1 moi_ C p University -- g--Elementar •g o - R Senior High �\ - 1 eS �__ P c 1 0 Center E� g I r • ' \ I \ \ McDonald A w Evcr reen 4-... 1 !- ..-.- 16th Ave �. I `da- .- 6th Ave-I?. 16th Ave < Salr cRd 16th Ave- ---16th Ave 9� pokaneValley J�`1��= x Eleni njaN Middle • g u� / �s • - dv 1 - - -\� I Elementar} .. Bowdle s��% Seventh_Day A ,er1 ri 1 \ -�- 4th Ave 25th A. 1 •- j - , _ o - v 24th Ave 24th Ave - _� �� i �--• --3/./1 \\\' , \\Vt/ Val ev_ South Pmesx ® Swmse Elementary'-- .�r 1 J '- ./// V - Christian plementant _. .- _Jr _ -1�� 1 i ( (- • _ University - ( MapLocation ___- o, - ... --32nd Av. : i. 1 --7 �, 32nd Ave \Eleni- -- i`-. 1 - _....; - -I- _-- «_...__ -_--__�� _._.. Senior Ht i Chester g Chase .� entary �-{ -' —{ y Middle LifE _ ®Ponderosa o _ - - ,,w; L ,�J� E lemertaro --- r' -1`_- �, 1 —� ( \/ \ �� Date: 10/04/06 5�� K 1 —L \ -, _ _ - -44th Ave _ °' �'� E _I '`-.r i- ( f Valley' ) ifr .45 \ 1 �- `-1 I ._. _...-r„- I _ Thorpe Rd ,1 r/---ti ., _ l-� � 1 .1--I '--- ,1 l i �� 1 �\ ( -1 - 1 -� G 0 0.5 1 2 Miles si I I I I I 1 1 1 I Moran prairie 1/7 �l -1----- - I __ I ` \1I Notice: The information shown on this map is compiled from various Elementary) I �� \ % , ~� J� -._ �) �._ sources and is subject to constant revision. The City makes no claims or guarantees about the accuracyor currencyo this mapand 1 "N, expressly disclaims liability,for errors and omissions in its contents. / 1'-� '�'� r - `� 1 -1 To confirm accuracy contact the City of Spokane Valley.Community \\ �� �-- J�� f '''�� \ \ l �''� Y Development Department.Division of Planning. (509)921-1000. I I I i c ---., r I _, (--\ \ Product of the City of Spokane Valley,Community Development Department N Oy \ow � - �r 04 • w'i o -Jo co ', Zrrapt/ Francis --j1sta - -Francis Francis -� ` l Jaeobst- Crestwood \. Dalke Clements y - �0 a��> ..., m c`C Tr -.. c a ^ Jose h h Joseph ,ia ' - c - ..� - .. Fire Districts abraska PP. Gun C j mbia - - -r ' '` r- 1 i S r Jo ' wan Mandalae u d o °\o_ -"- cr Fruit 1 - - - _ ._ Q 1'k,oD �.5- ancon m t 1 % ,�F .rmte F" sic {'' ` - �1` I Crmy� -- I I ,� z _-- -_. o v^ •' - -' -1 _ _ i- Q n' 7,Pi N -- Wabash_i Queen 2 l,o y 1 Y c 1 . c x a v.0 W_i I I Trent v �� 1 e es o lesle �5.QT rak1° `-" __ ` P- 1 > rr �- - _ - ` 1 '--' Va\\ay `-� �. �•- 2_-^N'dleslcy a .N dleslcy - ' • Herby _ xp 11'dleslcy 7nceton_ G` ',. ... -: `�'i letoy fleroy -He') v .._:Mand Longfdlne •U�-- a gf r} J _ ... D m er > h < ._l7.`i h ' __ . Wch Rich _ Rich ellow--- >" -. Ric Rich _. - .._ _ --- �� - _ / Mannytl o _ ` -- --- - - — -- - U ,'a $ �= - ------ - Ind' _ ann�o .. to Kiem. _Inm Legend ttstnaLL'ar " a542 �� City of Spokane Fire Service Area :ngge{x1R.��-'ar-. p._ �a.. ___ DaytOh ..4 EIn lust lalP kD y -r o -lion 1 S 0 ids— a STATION 41 o LtmQ' .ustrial rant t. ,:� FredenckS okane River - Mirabeau �a •- - ew-- Fairview p o[.w -- F r eric-\o__ --' :_Eredenck- Euc id _ Eud ..X a{{tmc. i -"- _ ''Fain•icu. Fredenc ..--- /ainiew _�Fainiew--- r _ >:_ Fire District 1 m Buckeye u -B�:eve xBuck e-o n �� Grace •`Grace o Grace. .a: / x� - anet r c - Buck c _..._. Grace (`trace, - __ Grac • ::-.74..)._ Few o ucl.cy e _ ckeye —S acey Buckeye TATIONrrbtaiCita >c ° r loninome _M to - ani n° w lac o''n - Fire District 8 ack on= j,-: '`�� Marietta c. v o_ `� -- o & ,� ' Gc o.- ,,13'n © : Shop and inina tF - om`� "#- _.._ n C _ r?\ -pat r a _ ter / Ktiox 21 isle,_. c/ Knox elm Shannon Mos ..._'� !�taashc, - -A1ot¢omery '\ vca_o Fire District 9 Carbsle y., Rn, Cad -- _ o' r G so-1 - __ A�1anUr - n.-7.----,, ,}y• c T Indy' 6`S :'�_ _ m .oma I'- Indiana S-T-ATI—ON.#8 1111111111 ndiana ___c. - Indiana Baldt,r. Indiana - ' `oat: ac \ 7! Fire Stations 'y+121OlentinCCp :� u - --N°--,,___„i'''' � �,90 •n o _ Ay�ow M�Ssion Nora _- _- _1 �� o - �. y ° )vo �_� - ---- {/ ana lid ./ 1ivcra ` - - --- -1 f . n _ _ iii _ e Nor4_ /� City of Spokane Valley Boundary ATION.#8 / �__ Mrs ion e _ < g i,./ - /.S nto -_° SrtJo M_na., _. :._Tlaswell " _o =` _4 M Smtnl _ _ Mission ' .ayy _ titmg into -\ -- i • • Sharp____. n' _�- s- pQy>on .J Shaip_. I > crone c Boone;Shag, \ - Boone sham Other Municipalities wa .one 3 ....- ' `. e.,.__. o �-Boone -- - Dcsmct- o _ - .._ _C76ronc • s4 ti no. -- e o-i J3 n o _. Desmet Demi.Cataldo m i ----- - -i•-;._,_•••P - `� �Dean .C,1441",e barn _y -. - iriik,- .,� \ -..-__ Bi \�._ Cataldo - _�/ - - - t.atalddo a' g _ _ - - _ I Potential UGA yam .i =t _ x _ aldo - Broadway HAW, c! Cataldo A s roadway _�I�r �.._ I- - - a�.rti1►T.!/L V 2• - _ -- Broadway -- oar ry Vista ki /6"' 41ki .Alki Alli Alki _,Iki_ - Ca 11iki Alki_ .. c4 - ` Ili, Water BOdIeS - - Alki r >�� -•-_ - .._.. _ - --Olived -- 41ki oy "I u ''e \allevaav - .. \'allcvyvav c� .._ _—___ • .-0hye/ ;. lleyway y - 'c Valle ava nn 2 - = two Valle•wa N sad - - 1.a�' - t c 'Coy — ?:Iain Valleyway - io o >. �- J Y Main - _.c ..-..... m - a o C° *C\;o?9 v,\\c.xa)- ' nt __ .. .... r Main__ i- Main .. - _ _ _U._- �' ata t.n I 5')' 3 lain .---- - - _ - - .Main - < if? D1ain °Main �o` -vt r T STATIOT`.#6 a n9n ton F TATION.#.i v _ _1st 1st o F.]g� iy. SIl1.,-- 1stS.rapue S st_... -- - MOM .�b 1st = Ana ` - — ..>�- .._..__ o r .� A rile vav - - - v �' 11n , . r @1' ii ,r 3rd - -VENOM ti - rd- rd_ - Cjyicalew th :In - i, = o._.7.___ — — 5th at o - a�. oth No _ �txd _ SIIe11CJ� 4th 5th -GIh ... 6h-- o / -.moi --�c.: z 3 5 6th c .j 4th (th ,' 6th lihSt _ sse .o_ 6tlt,",.__ 5th .-._ w "6th__ .._ _ 7th=-. . .Lake -u _ _ 7 h 8th" - __ _.. _._.._ _ _7th ,6th 7th 6th �4 __ 4d `W _, ^� 7th I Qth�----w `7th -_ ._._.1giF^ Rth6th-- 2th_d.. �9ai �� _ 91b Fth \- ' -_ _ _-_ ni `y' po"1i .. \2tbtjt-7oh h 10th\-th)Ith__. n.. __ = u,101h.._I Jh ---.� 9th loth9'h 11th - • '' .. 1 UI th • • v2-' 17th.. c. !'/Jib-- , - - - - °, 0th .._ 1 19th 9th J 10th -- _ _ _ �`9Ji Ith,.,.` -2 12 _4 th _..1.2d IIth -e> 12th I :'0 _-- . : o • 3th ? l;�h o 13th - iJ I�th bth o>-...__ -.s .. _ - - q �ltih. `14th •ka 14th 14th__i_ R L 0 14th - -7 14th= ?-4th ..._-- o aih 14th 3 �;"._ I'th •,\ _ 12th . 15th_, ',.` • 3 __..151h =.2- t7 7....)9 ;Stn N 14th_a S ';yi•e - STAT O 1.,-.15th, _16th- 15t1i - xis _- m u Nth 11 16t1 < 16th 15th Z' ISM t ,�� a :'._ - r , t I O lith C 17th - - 017t1 lith, - 17th, „-- _.St c, ; = U 78th 18th 17tH-.. E' _-.. ]7th I8tfi_ 18th.i.,' 18th 18,\p,„ Sa/res,0 1{7ek. > -lWth,�t7 nib jj'1lth 11 m thl7th ". s ..t, 1 .bar yr. _7 tit r _18th . -_ •-. •? o - SQlsih K - o-', o - .n 1 3th yam: �1 .,.ter` 19th: ---12W _._ 15 19U� ?0th'^ �o - i -a^'� 1st 0t5 _.__ ..0 20th Y,ttaq - Ilse_ .\ � \. __. • I 1 -c.` _1 - - ,ii I t t�' ?S.' - 2; ,T __ fico >. 1 O. - 51h_ c _nd c v,d -°�o^rid �i1151,4 ""-Tess I `, _ 7 -_23rd ° -rt+ 2_,,,,-.-.s.. nd .,cul.= o`' 1 21st.._ _ n�d - ...24 t� 1'rdihc _2nd_ �4 h - 23r � vO \ :- � �I it - - ' '•., rn 2 +xh •. St\y-"; t �. �� _ ,' / std 1 - �. - - -- 6th _ "6th lith- (th A �. WEE: o G> 1 c�r 'lean .� n _c 27th 9. t Jr ,y7th 2.7th y I •tnxr 1 3 h °--..____ rk__ __ 28th u :n_ 7f - 8th 2 hTu - _ -4. :4-' ..- - - ��< 27tth. `, o •it I h� t 27th- __- 25th :� y _-(5-291110th 30v°pia L.c 9th__ t o 27th a ,,. ',Its__ 1st ° mr <__,o i0 -i--, 1 29th Stet - Map Location -` __ 34r$3ard1rd 'i41h I tC-- .-__. -...^..1 - -I - - - 3�nd - - _.31st -..-- -� 4 .3 h `'T 36th_ sih I _U 33rdv_. 32nd v air' 9'�. u.--37th" 4GJ' i-tea -o7tti ® Q5h __..__._:..,--G o - .. `.� ,---,-;) 331i1(' i STATION#Li 4th o - J� i5th 36t �71h �6tti� h -- o.-- c7 _ • is P...<4'c i \ ,.-Bili �- ( e lb_ •. 37th __-_`-E' 39�h Q tn" _ gt)t6 Ont y0th /a,.lc -~ ---- ��`.`"�. 1 _ Jth `i - 0 -i-it--b-':.3.6P1 n u ' l0 3 � _--1 $terlmg .. z. ea• C�mmaro r Date:10/04/06 3 °oma --; ` 7 1:A 5 40th _x 40th c' 2.�' r L 3 41sy7 '°I _. > i 42nd _4.rd i rt4d a c s--__d$`T'ATION 4_ndl'4 .5 Ball__ sa @ _ L� 1 i. Glen __-___ ....__.._ 44th - T - 4 t3 ! `---44- ,�gl it 7� .L¢ _. s m4, 'bf a' u -lath r7 I c46th _.. - _ '-4S`th i '_ ' �•s --4btlr - - Re/ \ 44th a. Glenrose 12 F I 48th c 47tr'46th 47j I th tft, •-x 1. \.dale. rk c i • L- the 9_ - S o„g--•i a \ to Cork Corkery -- 8 nmc - stc S(lth 9vvo G,. I �Fenct x. Tnlh•Pinclic3 yy cc- --tla° - y -_Sa/t r?' 0 0.5 1 2Miles - 9 J y _..j - `y,. - ,rte E Fast s a + I I I C-'/tnnay �c:fc• _._ 0 4'• _” Gest At` U - o • e k o Notice: The information sholl+n on this mapis compiled from various 56th Rc d-c4, .' ...� Y y; Nark".,, o: P 571h G o '� -- y - n�,t t takeLi sources and is subject to constant revision. The City makes no claims t �F . - e, or guarantees about the accuracy or currency of this map and STATION#81 ai'3° 'alp:" °¢` - , ' \\ a 1 . 1 rrors and omissions in its contents. o expressly disclaims liability for e 4)7 61st Cil• o� I-13 % r - -4'', _ CityofSpokane Valley,Community - Cus Gras 3y - -'r' A To confirm accuracy contact the p C3 _, Cit Development Department,Division ofPlanning,(509)921-1000. o.. � 65th Hallett Product of the Cityof Spokane\alley,Community Development Department a �I3or „ _ a; 4 's y�f;2-. P h P P i. 4-1,r,?-3.,., -i „..,:,.._:,..,:,.. 'W _ _ -; . Six-Year Sewer Projects 1 - 9 , 1 ' 2008 1 1 _j2007 i , twom.,__ u11'cllesley.4ve— Qo8 1Vellesley Ave • - City of -- . Trc°t�Pvc 1 Spokane 2006 2007 Trcnt•.Ave c AM 2007 ‘P -c ‘1- Legend Spokane River Euclid•Ave •y,,,,,—''°'"t� i \� -�Euclidgr` Euclid-Ave City of Spokane Valley Boundary Town of Millwood �� R„«et,Pe • V' \� I 1 Potential UGA Buckeye•Ave >iP"c - Cl ,yvcnt -0 7 •Marietu"'•Pvc o 1- - 2006 —2 Municipal Areas -Montome •Avc f4N/ •(rcnvAcdmer, Mansfield-Ave Knox-Ave C 200 t 2007 India—r7AvC ludianagie = Water Bodies Trent-Ave ..„,,,k,==.90 SR'90eb SR90,ivb�� /� ❑ 010 ,/ SRI90' SR•40nv6. - Mission-Ave �_ q._vb - I Mission-.Ave Mission-Ave SR'yo% I / City Of Mission-Av 44Z II Mission•Avc , I I ,.� _ �� �4lissidn•Ave —Mission — -� 2(►(M cb = SR ye��=adana��Cfi-- ?010 Liberty City of Spokane Valley Sewers Sharp-A,•e - 5�9� r - C M''ssbq,Flt SReyo Lake Six Year Capital Improvement Plan _ •5 _ _ b a /00(i c ivb SR190 eb'�SR90,wb'SR-90!eb / b�¢ = C --rt.....1 --Broadway-.Ave-'” Br 1-6�- Broadway-Avc _ -Broadway-Ave- —Broadway-Ave R —BroadwayAvc 'Broadway-.Ave— 6 Year CIP(2OOS-2Ol O) oadway-Ave 4� i I 2008 c tq cb utan6 rC' s. S* 2005 -Valle wa Ave- Valle way-Ave Valle wa Ave-' 1 211(19 Sewered 7:: -S- Vallcyway-Ave, Y Y' '-J� Y Y Y- �o - o Pae L -'1- �wy`µ~}1 2010 Q Interceptors -Sprague-Ave Sprawe•Ave Sprague-Ave Sprague-Ave- Sprague-Ave— —SpragueSprawe-Ave Spra,ue•-_4ve 1 ( '— APPlewav�Blvd Collectors Thud Ave j ApPlc„a}'•Blvd �■ 00,ck'ay�lvd Fourth-Ave- —Fourth-Ave— Fourth-Ave- 2005—Shelley 2Q 9 C • 010 _ -- • - SR:906 Fourth•Ave—/�—Fourth-.Ave r 2 _ 1 X006 1 U Lake Eighth-Ave Eighth-Ave -1 —rEighth-Ave - --Eighth-Ave- �Ei ehth-Ave• -Ei`_hth Avc d 200 = r _.5, z� SvLl2009J 1LLL •bAve Avc rl6ihAve I \ •-. • 124th-Avc r , 1 3 1 32nd-Ave. 32nd-Ave - _ _, Map Location v\, _ 1 ° c r 1, . w P71? :, K 1 Date: 10/04/06 2008 ^ *omn :-..-,,r:j., FA: _ 1 •• r - 44th-Ave - -44th•Avc-J Ve y. dt .•_ _ 2009 1 0 0.5 1 2 Miles I 1 I I I I I I _ _ _ _ 1 Notice: The information shown on this map is compiled from various sources and is subject to constant revision. The City makes no claims A 1 or guarantees about the accuracy or currency of this map and 1- .-a.IA - expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in its contents. - To confirm accuracy contact the City of Spokane Valley,Community Development Department.Division ofPlanning(509)921-1000. Product of the City of Spokane Valley,Community Development Department , RETURN to 5-Year Update Page - - - IE County Proposal for Urban Service Analysis - May 23, 2006 t5 'a 2006 UGA&Comprehensive Plan Update : _ i a Urban Growth Areas 242-7.._- �__ . .\. � X743 .-- .. _. .__.. ! L744 Urban Reserve Areas LEGEND } _ w, ' r e». , F u _•' Considered for Unincorporated UGA Existing VGA Request to Include in UGA ' ;w r' ? and 2006 2026 Population Allocation Existing JPA E Request to Change .' Ii 7. - UGAs Designation I Five Mile UGA=1,19 Incorporated Area :s .- .. ? a _ Is tI _ x U =1 9 S i M D Request for No Change 1 t.. f Valley UGA=13,635D,6 1111 Potential Urban _ 7 Growth Area --Ma Request Received After - - -.- , West Plains UGA= 7 ' 139 Urban Reserve Comment Period itiL1 21 c . {_ 2 1 i y Urban Reserve I_, Area-wide Consideration 1: a " ;s >E 1 i _ n :: v '1 t 31.. Five Mile UR2=7,903 LDA Com/Ind S 1 / • North Menu UR3=4,465 C LDA Res 1� --- - - - --- �' __ ._ / a Springs UR4=5,896 r`. Valley 1. > 1' ..�� , - .-,.t. �0a�man Creek e 1 1 1 North Valley UR5=6,378 WORKING DRAFT I I South Valley6=9,820 Subject to Revision j% k`'m : - — ." rUR 9 �eF`` `f Other Area -wide •tiNegpei•' t= F Mead LDAR-2286 % — — ' r — 4 `' W_ West Plains Spur= 70 KaiserM 050 95 s 0 \tl vAt s "" f _ Population Potential=76269 C: t I %' 1 + w,.» ,2»„ -�I e : 1 May 23,2006 - / E 4 BOC Population Allocaton=66,073 "- 0%Allocated to UGA 39,644 a '�' � 40% located to Rural=26,429 2641 2b - ( r .� 2642 ""a ] f 6-13 �� 44 . i. RR -/ d -i It e +• - ?s... f _ F _ I .i f 1 .. .l 't i�F mb ,� • i m ,, .....-j,,.... ,-..--,,s71/41, s 1. 1 i j ..---... ....... b i. }[ '.t t' ]E w. '2-..7V+•"--' j t ,y.... - F".'.4 _._ i 3. r - 1 :I 1 -. E4 1 r 7 I ¢✓_, I r ...L. •,.. ,- - NCIll'A"' I, T•_, -it of Millwill10111A.•: _ i - • i ` ,�Spokan R tr Cs of Spokane - - -- i -- _. - - -- - Sp°ka• q - - o- m _, u - .. - .. :-4 - 53, . 1 1 1 / i f' _ I o .e e i ..... •, 1 IT ;_ , CI of S ole valley I 3m'r.,o- .°'. 214 ;' .. _- 25E2 a 25 3- i ___ 2_t44 i. 2545 2 - _ _ - • li lieu 1 I j 1 i ° �4"7aw"'S,n+a» �......r _ ~`E_' + 'v / _ _ _ .. .�- Li •.Lu4" ; f • I E — 'Li_-I ,Ainva}'Heishts . , ? , i :,.......-::: i nI r • E - i. . i .. r I, !�.._�t__••.•-•' 7 _ - F OFT ''..,...� 11 ® ��, t e ,'1'-',..{---b L. ] •-: 5. • 11d A.F.B.( f L; �u • F ], I 11£1111.MAT.01..14 '...,Ct. -- Ii.: : ' _ rt - 1 i�...� i - La.a.. _ L. 0• ]c J ,�' .. m 'a w a s �:, t 1 ,,,..r.l . _. , ••,....,-ris.,..,::: 1,..x....s,„ V:i•---..„ uAs ! :. x — I1Fi4, -.�i A �.. _ .ice.. 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'i•;.,, Urban Reserve Areas LEGEND • 1: 24 ---, I- . t c....,., i. 2 Considered for Unincorporated UGA ‘., ,.... ) • . . 24 '..11'. :-.. ,.. = ,.....Z.,,, IS - • -1 ExistingUGA E Request to Include in UGA i IL :tt' 2 •0 3 . and 2006-2026 Population Allocation Existingi .. L. JPA E Request to Change I . • , .„.. , - --, J c - UGAs Five Mile UGA=1,190 Designation ,. ,,,...., 1 ,. , ; 1. '....a ' L i Incorporated Area 20 -',.' 2, -', - - - 2, .-:' a 2, North Metro UGA=10,679 _- E. Request for No Change -... , ,- - . 0,.., Valley UGA=13,635 I. Potential Urban , , . - / 0:.t.,.. . Growth Area E Request Received After • - ,„ , 1 I • i//7: West Plains UGA=1,397 -_ „ Comment Period ...".0T -- ‘ /..- 1 ! Urban Reserve - .e '---.„ i ,-"-- ' Urban Reserve El Area-wide Consideration . x 35 1 .. • s- • 3, ...re's'2: Five Mile UR2=7,903 LDA Com/1nd a 0 - \\ \-. .., -. ... 1 .'------ ----. North Metro UM=4,465 i . Valley Springs UR4=5,896 LTJ LDA Res ' r f- 1: '1 North Valley UR.5=6,378 WORKING DRAFT / ,' !' 7 - '',/rn a n Creek South Valley UR6=9,820 • I .,,: I *ego-r.a. ..-•••'''?i:.'L ''7•. r . . fl, It is '" Subject to Revision 1 :•.;•: ,c.: I: c I Other Area-wide 2 „ I .---e- -- ----- 77 ,..0.,;-?• .. .,.;,•° $.1).' ' .,.... ..... - Mead LDAR=2,286 ! ----,.- - - .:2-_ .- ! • I e . I Kaiser Mead 3,050 ii I k --",</H't .' ,- ': •'-:-,-; '.'.--_--J- t' r ; ,__. e .1 West Plains Spur=9,570 /,2-. / . f. ' •-' 5, II3 ..... r 1)51 I _. , Population Potential=76,269 2 .-- — - 11--,---' P.M. _ i .....-. .0. May 23,2006 -- ......- --e-• \ BOC Population Allocaton 66,073 It A t„,..., , 3 - +,.. I , . 13 IS t 1 60%Allocated to UGA=39,644 1 .. , . / I •-• .,?-. 40%Allocated to Rural=26A29 2641 J.. - .d12:, , [711C/ 2543 .. <,., ' •• ,+-- , ,..:31.1.....i 2642 , 2144 - i I •i 'T-- -- i ; I 1• -••••••-•-• ; ••• ,-, 1 , \ii,.. z"--, il..7 P ..,-.4c, •- - , ; - ., 's• : 30 '-'s'• . 32 • 24 •S MI 5 5'.• ... ...:7%, -'.1... .rn•I / - --. 1 1 i i .... - —. , i \ . \, .. . ..,_. E. . e• ..< I • 1 •.= 1 ,.... a ,,. .10 I ,,, i ,,,,..r _ZS \ * ies.tai4Or le'''. ,7f, . , s'-' ,.... P-., p f. ) ..--• u •• ••- ,---,, l:•.:- ',.':; :• , 1_7.:.7 . ,- , ' t ir.:':.'':Y, 1:.:'.:.:..:••• ."...:.::::::! ",.. i ••:- ,,' 1 ,I,) i I 1 • i o CI 4 % ScriAas• i 1 i . 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