03-083.00 Affiliated Information Resources, Inc06/03/2003 11:10 5V7 _ 1008 CITYOFSPOKAtf-•— PAGE 04 Affiliated Information Resources, Inc. P.O. Box 14344 • Spokane, Washington 99214-0344 (509) 928-0229 • Fax (509) 928-7903 • (800) 290-7031 Customer Service (509) 928-0229 • (800) 729-7776 E-MAIL – air@airfactz.com # WEBSITE — www.airfadz.com Pre -Employment Screening SERVICEAg—RE EMENT This Agreement is made by and between-����!�cl &,z &-t,_ , VAU!t `1 , L,4./0 (`Client") and Affiliated Information R soF4 urces,inc, P.O. Box 14344, Spokane, WA 99214 ('AIR') to provide for tenant screening services (Exhibit A) and/or Employment Screening Services (Exhibit B), which may include consumer credit reports. The undersigned Client and Affiliated Information Resources, Inc. ("A.I.R.'), hereby make the following agreement: l . (Client Initials). Client is a ft%A Krcf J J— and has a need for ccsnsum r credit information In connection with the valuation of individuals for employment, promotion, reassignment or retention as an employee ("Consumer Report for Employment Purposes'). 2. Client shall request a Consumer Report for Employment Purposes pursuant to procedures prescribed by Affiliated Information Resources, Inc. from time to time only when it Is considering the Individual inquired upon for employment, promotion. reassignment or retention as an employee, and for no other purpose. 3. Client certifies that it will not request a Consumer Report for Employment Purposes unless: A. A clear and conspicuous disclosure is first made in writing to the consumer before the report is obtained, in a document that consists solely of the disclosure, that a consumer report may be obtained for employment purposes; B. The consumer has authorized in writing the procurement of the report; and C. Information from the Consumer Report for Employment Purposes will not be used in violation of any applicable federal or state equal employment opportunfty law or regulation. 5. Client further certifies that before taking adverse action in whole or in part based on the Consumer Report for Employment Purposes, it will provide the consumer. A. A copy of the Consumer Report for Employment Purposes; and B. A copy of the consumer's rights, in the format approved by the FTC, which notice shall be supplied to Client by Affiliated Information Resources. Inc.. 6. Client agrees that it shall use Consumer Report for Employment Purposes only for a one-time use, and to hold the report in strict confidence, and not to disclose it to any third parties not involved in the current employment decision. ._ 67 41.3 -06/03/2003 11:10 5erT,'1008 CITY01-51"QKAi PAGE 05 7. Aplent Initials). All payments shall be due on receipt of the invoice. Client is responsible for all monies due for services received, past due amounts shall accrue interest at the rate of 1.5°x6 per month, If collection efforts are required, venue will be Spokane County, Washington, and Client shall pay all costs of collection, including attorney's fees. 8. Affiliated information Resources, Inc. reserves the right to change the charges of any of its services from time to time, but no change In such charges shall become effective as to the Client earlier than thirty (30) days after written notice thereof shall have been given by Affiliated Information Resources, Inc. to the Client. 9. Affiliated Information Resources, Inc. shall use good faith in attempting to obtain information reported. and in no event shall Affiliated Information Resources. Inc. be liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss or injury to Client resulting from the obtaining or furnishing of such information; and further Client agrees to hold Affiliated Information Resources, Inc. harmless and indemnify it from any and all claims, losses and damages arising out of alleged liability or failure of the Client to keep and perform any of its obligations described herein. Miscellaneous A. This Agreement shall commence upon the last signature dale below and shall remain in force and effect until this Agreement is terminated pursuant by either party upon at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the other party. The foregoing not vathstanding, without limiting any other remedies to which may be entitled Including, but not limited to, injunctive relief, Affiliated Information Resources, Inc reserves the right, at Affiliated Information Resources, Inc sole option, to immediately suspend its performance. in whole or in part, under this Agreement, to Immediately terminate this Agreement, or both, it Affiliated Information Resources, Inc, in good faith, determines that: (1) Client, either directly or Indirectly, has materially breached any of its obligations under this Agreement; (2) the requirements of any law, regulation, or judicial action have not been met; or (3) as a result of changes in laws, regulations or regulatory or judicial action, the requirements of any law, regulation or judicial action wail not be met. B. Each of the parties to this Agreement are independent contractors and nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a joint venture, partnership, employer- employee, principal -agent nor mutual agency relationship between or among the parties hereto and no party shall, by virtue of this Agreement, have any right or power to create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf of any other party. No party, nor any employee of a party, shall be deemed to be an employee of the other party by virtue of this Agreement. C. Neither party shalt be liable to the other for fallure to perform or delay in performance under this Agreement if, and to the extent, such failure or delay is caused by conditions beyond its reasonable control and which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, the delayed party is unable to prevent or provide against. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, acts of God: strikes, boycotts or other concerted acts of workmen; laws, regulations or other orders of public authorities: military action, state of war or other national emergency; fire or flood. D. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington regardless of the laws that might otherwise govern under applicable Washington prindples of conflicts of lava. E. The recitals set forth above are an integral part of this Agreement and are hereby incorporated into this Agreement. `06/03/2003 11:10 50'.>"'`;1008 CITYOFSPOKAN ' PAGE 06 THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ALL ASSOCIATED PRICING AGREED UPON, CONSTITUTES THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AND SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS AGREEMENTS AND UNDERSTANDINGS, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT. THIS AGREEMENT MAY NOT BE ALTERED, AMENDED, OR MODIFIED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN INSTRUMENT SIGNED BY THE DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES OF BOTH PARTIES. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the paries. Intending to be legally bound, have caused this Agreement io be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the last date and year set forth below, The parties heretb agree that a facsimile transmission of this fully executed Agreement shall constitute an original and legally binding document. This agreement shall not be binding on either party until accepted by Affiliated Information Resources, Inc. Client Signatu Name; Title: }{ „LMAAS IQ•t 9 ✓mcg tfl� ✓, Date: Affiliated Information Resources, Inc Signature: , G nature: Name: , Title: — Date: Account Number Issued by AIR: 2 k S(—j On -Line Services: User Name and Password will be E-mailed to you. Please Provide E -Mail Address: -02–'a c� 06/03/2003 11:10 509Q?11008 CITYOFSPOKAN"" PAGE 02 I 1 f, �.I• Membership Application Company Name: k �qA Doing Busincss As: w Contact Name: DIA Title: N"(r_4 p 5 V.g 1K—�«t 1r7't fO'` r Lc C r-,, �f Company Main Phone fl: -mss - _ Answering Service: Yes_ No Physical Address: Strcc[ Billing Address (if different) State zip Sheet City State Zip Nature of Business: �iil�{LC(r�i�tc t 4Qtf'C,eWM_W{,?4" DatcEslablished: f( tl pQ� Intended Use ol'Praduct(s): PVA _ 0-.c� 't—" GVq y�4 w Year/Month Is the company. exempt from sales taxes? Ycs 1.No If "Yes", please provide the appropriate resale or exemption certificate(s). Is the company licensed or providkiU service as an attorney or do ctivdinvcstigativc gent; 7 YesNo Ye If"Yes", indicate Does the company intend to resell or release information from the consumer credit reportto a third party? Ycs No__,k _ Does the company provide credit repair or credit consulting services For a fce? Yes No—& _ Will the company, or does the company have an Internet Web Site address? Ycs No If "Yes" please list site address 1, yr,,/, ,y am H � 1� a�LV_ _ "" — Does the company have an E-mail address?' Yes --y No If"Ycs" please list E-mail address_� IJ Complete for Sole Proprietor or Partnership (circle which) Owner Name: Residence:__ `Street City State Zip Social Security #: Signature: Complete for Corporation OfficerNamc: (/•l 4 t���,",' IY-yK Title; 014-f Y..— ln,, Officer Name: l{y4lQ J�m! rC �!•y— Title: Officer Name: Fcd Tax ID# Title: ! certify that the Info atio provided on this application is true. 1 understand that by the signature above, Affiliated Information Resources may pulra "nbqW, report or owners of this company in connection with approval of this application. Signature; pate:_�/��d This document contains confidential tax information and has been redacted pursuant to RCW 82.32.330. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550.