04-034.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlace~I;~ er,--P Madsen Mitchell Evenson &Gonrad I>,tt: Architecture Interiors Construction Management CHANG~~ o:K~a~.~ 02.20-oi l~isrributipn [p: 9~~ /U~ ~~~~ OWA"FR City of Spokane Valley, 1~ O AftCl•IITLC'1' Madsen Agitchell Evenso~:~a~~~' 10Q4 & Conrad CONTRACTOR Mooney & Pugh Contractors `~'~ ~i,~ 1'RUJ1rC'I': Centerplace at Mirabeau Point Park INITIATION [7ATL: 07-12-2004 TO (Contractor): Jerry 1'otier Mooney ~ pugh Contractors General Contractors 5307 E. Cataldo Spokane, 1~VA 99212 PROJ ECT NO. 02.20 Clrangc Order IYo.: 1 CON'I"RAC'1" 17A"I'L-": 04-01-03 You are direcred to incorporate the following ch,utgcs into this Contrfrct: See atrcrchnrent jor complete listing of clr~rnges to the rvrtrk i+rclrrdecl ir: this C'lrnn~r (Jrrler. ~"oi valid until signed h}' bnrh the Owner and Architect Signature of dte Cnntraetor indicates his aN,feemcnt herewith, including any adjustments in the Contrnct Sum or Contrtict timr. Note: all c~s[s hclo»• inchttle sales tax. The Original Contract Sum was: 57,590,062.00 Vet change by previously authorized Change Orders: 51 110.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was: 57,591;172.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this change order in the amount of'. 514,741.00 The ne~i~ Contract Sum ineluding this Change Order will be: S7,605,913.00 The Contract `time will be unchanged. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged. 216 trorth Howard AIIIhOCIZed: Skywalk Level epolane,lT•~Shitt;t~~n City of kane Valley Mooney & Pugh Cot fractors 99201 13 ~ 13}. ,/ ~~ 109.624-6340 G faxi09.624-6162 Datc ~~~~ _ Uate ~+)Co f~'~f madrnirch.com ;\4adsen ;\4itchell Evenson cX. Comhd, PI,LC ~ ~ 161`". Flo~~~ard, Skywalk Lcvcl ;9132 Sul:ek Road List Sp~joka~n~c,/,1VA 99201 ItO. box 19? Fay ~~~,~,~ " Datc ~ Z ' ~4' Edu•a 11.1j+ashingto n 99005 109-236-2311 fax 09.23b-?451 madmitch.cnm ~~~-3y .: ~~ .~-- Madsen Mitchell Evenson cHA1vGE &Gonrad ORDER i,u~ Arc}~itecture 02.20-01 Interiors PROJECT: Centerplace at Alirabeau Point Park Construction Manaeement ll6 Nord Howard $'xywalk l.esel Spnkane,V~hshingicur 49?61 569-624-6500 (ax 599-624.6261 madmitch.cam ^ 49,1,32 Snbek Ramd Fast P.0. Fbx iS2 Edwall, ~Vashinrton 99CC3 Si79-?36.21( t (ax 509.236.1451 madrnirch.com Attachment II~'ITIA"('ION [7A"I'L': 07-12-2004 You are dirceted w incorporate the following changes into this Conn•act: Change Proposal Reque:5t (terns: I. C.O.R. 5 Fill septic tank and removeldispose of tank cover. Add 51,27.00 2. C.O.R. d electrical work changes per 1Z1~1025 (plenum rated cable). Add 52,497.OU 3. C.O.R. 7 4" waste pipe for fixture wet lab (installation complete). Add $4,576.00 4. C.O.R. 9 Elevator pit sump (work carnpleted). Add $920.00 S. C.O.R. 10 Excavate existing concrete slab and remove from site. Acid $1,267.00 6. C.O.R. 14 Change 4" conduit to (3) 2" conduits per RF1021. Add $1.625.00 7. C.O.R.. 15 Provide separate 2" conduit per RF1020. Add $2.569,00 Total for Change Order No. I (includes Wa. State sales tax) $14,741.00