Agenda 01/27/2005 SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers -City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Avenue 6:30 p.m.—9:30 p.m. ***January 27, 2005*** I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • January 13, 2004 VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS New Business: • Hazard Mitigation Plan • Street Vacation Ordinance Amendments • Matrix and Schedule of Permitted Uses • Uniform Development Code: Definitions X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF Fred Beaulac Marina Sukup, AICP Robert Blum Greg McCormick, AICP John G. Carroll,Vice-Chair Scott Kuhta, AICP David Crosby, Chair Sue Pearson William Gothmann Gail Kogle Ian Robertson www.spokanevalley.orq CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Commission Action Meeting Date: January 27, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ® information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Briefing:. Hazard Mitigation Plan. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: 44 CFR 201 PREVIOUS COUNCIL/COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: In 2000, the U.S. Congress passed legislation requiring the development of Hazard Mitigation Plan by each state and local government jurisdiction before November 1, 2004, as a condition of receiving disaster mitigation funding. The failure of cities/counties across the nation to plan for flood mitigation within existing emergency management plans provided impetus for the legislation The Spokane County Division of Emergency Management has developed a draft for submittal, following a template developed by the state. The legislation requires the development of a Hazard Inventory and Vulnerability Analysis (HIVA) to provide the basis for the Plan itself, as well as a proactive citizen participation element. Adoption of the Plan provides a commitment to hazard reduction and the basis for state technical assistance. Spokane Valley's status as a contract city will require the active participation of a number of agencies and service providers in the development of the Plan. The Plan will be coordinated with that of Spokane County. A preliminary HIVA has been developed. Staff anticipates completing a preliminary draft of the Plan for circulation to agencies and service providers by the end of February 2005. Assuming that agency/provider review can be completed not later than March 30, 2005, the draft will be updated and a public hearing scheduled before the Planning Commission during the month of April. The recommendation of the Planning Commission will be forwarded to City Council for approval of the Plan. OPTIONS: Not applicable. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Information only. No action required. . BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Power Point Presentation, Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis DRAFT Spokane Valley Hazard Mitigation Plan Purpose Brief Planning Commission on the requirements for a Hazard Mitigation Plan pursuant to 44 CFR 201.6 Background The Spokane Valley Hazard Mitigation Plan establishes a commitment to reduce risks from natural hazards Identifies resources for reducing hazards Provides the basis for State technical assistance and funding priorities All potential applicants for federal disaster assistance must have an approved hazard mitigation plan in accordance with 44 CFR 201.6 Requirements include Hazard Inventory&Vulnerability Analysis,Strategic Plan and citizen participation 1 Hazard Inventory &Vulnerability Analysis (HIVA) Risk assessment providing identifying and establishing priorities for proposed mitigation strategies Analysis of past events and an assessment of the probability of future events The effect of such an event on the community Inventory of structures and facilities at risk Dollar estimate of potential damage Description of land uses&development trends so mitigation options are considered in future land use decisions Mitigation Plan Strategies for reducing future losses Evaluating tools to reduce risks Growth Management Act Critical Area Ordinances Capital Improvement Plan Comprehensive range of specific mitigation actions and projects being considered Action Plan establishing priorities,implementation and administration Schedule for monitoring,evaluating,and updating the mitigation plan within a five-year cycle Process for incorporating hazard mitigation into other planning activities Requirements Citizen Participation in Plan development As a contract city,the active participation of potentially affected service providers is required Utilities Fire Districts School Districts County DEM Health District/SCAPCA 2 2002 City/County 2004 Spokane Combined Valley Event Discussion Topic Ranking.. Ranking 13.18 15.0 Wever 54rm Severe Weather V 12.76 15.0 Power Failure Severe Weather/Fire A, Urban 10.0 UrFie Fre W 9.81 8.0 Widfae Severe Weather/Fire iiee 10.46 8.0 Terrorism moo 00 Civil Disorder ++ 8.27 8.0 Transportation(air-rain Hay/let/Local Hazards Cae� 825 8.0 HAZ Fndkty HazMat/Local Hazards VCD 7.74 8.0 HAZ Transportation HazMaOLocal Hazards 7.67 6.0 Ciel Disorder TmrmlodCivil Disorder gei 5.26 6.0 RadoepicaYrraspat Hazllat/Local Hazard (p 7.54 5.0 Vdcano Seen* 'a 6.2D 5.0 Flood/Flash Flood Flood f.e 5.29 4.0 Dam Failure Rood (p 5.59 3.0 Tornado Severe Weather CD • 8.80 2.0 Earthquake Seismic sY 3.79 20 Landslide Seismic 5.25 20 Drought Regional Response 5.17 20 Radiological/Facility Regional Respc se 467 0.0 Subsidence 265 0.0 Hurricanearopical Stam 2.27 00 Avalanche 185 I 00 Tsunami Categories • Severe Weather • Fire • Terrorism/Civil Disorder • Seismic • Hazardous Material o Flood • Local Hazard Mitigation Measures Pre-disaster mitigation Post-event mitigation Next Steps • Complete draft HIVA February 1,2005 • Draft Plan February 28,2005 • Circulate to service providers February 28,2005 • Submit to Spokane County DEM March 30,2005 • Public Hearing before Planning Commission • Council adoption by Resolution 3 SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS (HIVA) Foreword The Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis (HIVA) assesses natural and technological (man-made) hazards within Spokane Valley. Analysis is the initial step in the emergency management process that leads to mitigation against, preparedness for, response to, and recovery from hazards. Hazards have the potential of becoming disaster or emergencies that can adversely affect the people, environment, economy, and property of the county. Hazard analysis helps emergency managers rate the risk, determine vulnerability, and predict the adverse impact of disasters and emergencies. Effective hazard analysis organizes resources and provides for a comprehensive emergency management plan to minimize the adverse impacts of disasters and emergencies. This Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis contains information from federal, state, and local government as well as information from public sources. Spokane Valley Community Development Department is responsible for the content of this document. Recommendations on how this document can be improved to better serve the needs of the community should be addressed to the City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) SPOKANE VALLEY HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS (HIVA) TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose 3 Background 3 Scope 3 Geography 4 Economy 4 Demographics 4 Hazard Identification & Vulnerability Analysis: Severe Weather 5 Flood 8 Seismic Hazard & Landslide 10 Fire 12 Hazardous Material Use, Manufacture, Storage &Transport 15 Terrorism & Civil Disorder 17 Local Hazard 19 Regional Response 21 Technological Hazards Chemical 21 Civil Disturbance 23 Dam Failure 25 Hazardous Material (HazMat) 27 Local Hazard 29 Pipeline 30 Radiological 31 Terrorism 33 Transportation 36 Urban Fire 38 Tables & Charts: • Business & Industry and Disaster Committee Analysis 7 Floods 11 Severe Local Storms 15 Wildland Fires 21 Dam Failures and Incidents 27 HAZMAT Responses 29 2 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) SPOKANE VALLEY HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT (HIVA) Purpose The Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis (HIVA) provides information on potential natural and technological (man-made) hazards, which can adversely impact the people, economy, environment, and property of Spokane Valley. It serves as a basis for Valley-level emergency management programs and is the foundation of effective emergency management. The HIVA identifies hazards for which mitigation; preparation, response, and recovery planning will minimize the adverse effects of disasters and emergencies. This HIVA is not a detailed study, but a general overview of hazards that can cause emergencies and disasters. Background Washington State experiences significant impacts from natural hazards including floods, storms, wildland fires, earthquakes, and even volcanoes. Beyond natural hazards, there are technological hazards, including nuclear power plant incidents, chemical weapon stockpiles, dam failures, and hazardous material spills. Spokane Valley is subject to a number of these hazards directly and indirectly as a well as secondary effects of disasters within the region. From 1956 to 1998, Washington State experienced 35 events that qualified for Presidential Major Disaster Declarations. These include 27 floods, the 1962 Columbus Day windstorm, the 1965 Puget Sound earthquake, the 1980 Mount Saint Helens eruption, the 1986 Spokane dam failure, the 1993 Inaugural Day windstorm, the 1994 El Nino disrupting salmon migration, the 1994 wildland fires in Chelan County, and the 1998 city of Kelso residential landslide. Spokane Valley also experienced several events that qualified for federal and state disaster declaration. Scope This Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis (HIVA) was developed to analyze local mitigation, response and recovery within the City of Spokane Valley in collaboration with Spokane County. State law requires all political subdivisions to be part of an emergency management organization and to have an emergency management plan. Washington Administrative Code 118-30 requires that the emergency management plans be based on a written analysis and listing of the hazards to which the political subdivision is vulnerable. This document meets this requirement for the City of Spokane Valley. The Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis (HIVA) contains only those hazards which directly affect persons or property within the City of Spokane Valley and therefore does not present hazards found in all areas of the state. Examples are volcanoes, avalanches, and tsunamis, which are limited to specific geographical locations outside Spokane County. On the other hand a political subdivision(s) of adjacent or distant counties may have hazards which may represent a secondary threat to Spokane Valley. Unique hazards, e.g., a major earthquake in the Seattle area, may exist in certain locales are considered in the development and maintenance of Spokane Valley's HIVA and incorporated when deemed appropriate. Other hazards in locales outside Spokane County, , are not appropriate for inclusion in this document. Spokane Valley's detailed hazard analyses may be contained in other adopted regional strategies, programs, and plans. The scope of this document is to identify the Valley's hazards 3 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) and then appraise and evaluate in simple terms of definition, history, identification and analysis, and conclusion. Geography Spokane Valley is located east of the City of Spokane in Spokane County. The City is located less than ten miles from the State of Idaho, 110 miles south of the Canadian border, and is 280 miles east of Seattle. Spokane enjoys a rather arid four-season climate with an average yearly precipitation of only 16.5 inches. The Cascade Mountain Range help protects Spokane from the damp coastal weather and the Rocky Mountains to the east to keep Spokane's winters relatively mild. SpokaneValley lies along the banks of the Spokane River at an elevation of about 2,000 feet above sea level. Residential areas have spread to the crests of plateaus on either side of the river, with elevations up to 2,500 feet. Spokane Climate (National Weather Service, Spokane Office) Annual average temp. 57.5°F Annual average low temp. 36.9°F Annual average high temp. 78.1°F Annual average precipitation 16.5 in. Annual average snowfall 49.0 in. Annual average wind speed 8.8 mi/hr Predominate wind direction S.W. The City of Spokane Valley is the second largest city in the Inland Northwest, an area covering eastern Washington, north Idaho, western Montana, British Columbia, and Alberta. Spokane Valley has an area of 38.5 square miles. Significant features of Spokane Valley include Interstate-90, the Spokane River, Union Pacific and Burlington Northern rail switching yards, and Felts Field. Economy The 9 largest companies in Spokane Valley are Spokane County produces a wide variety of raw and manufactured products: • Food and agriculture -wheat, fish, fruit, beer, wine, vegetables, hay, and animal fodder. • Forest-timber, lumber, building materials, pulp, paper, furniture, and musical instruments. • Manufactured -trucks, marine vessels, computers, food processing equipment, test and measuring equipment, mining equipment, medical equipment, sporting goods, gifts, and fine handicrafts. Spokane Valley is urban in nature, including industrial, commercial and residential areas. Industrial uses include food and raw materials processing. Demographics The 2004 Population Trends for Washington State," produced by the Forecasting Division of the Office of Financial Management, shows Spokane Valley's population as 84,095 of June, 2004. Spokane City Resources Washington State Emergency Management Division 4 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) Washington State Community, Trade and Economic Development Washington State Government Information and Services Washington State Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis April 2002, both the Spokane Business and Industry Committee and the City-County Disaster Committee compiled a list of hazards and rated them accordingly. In November 2004, Spokane Valley has ranked natural and man-made emergencies based on perceived frequency of occurrence and seriousness of effect. 2002City/County 2004 Spokane Event Discussion Topic Combined Ranking** Valley Ranking 13.18 15.0 Winter Storm Severe Weather 12.76 15.0 Power Failure Severe Weather/Fire 10.34 10.0 Urban Fire Fire 9.81 8.0 Wildfire Severe Weather/Fire 10.46 8.0 Terrorism Terrorism/Civil Disorder 8.27 8.0 Transportation(air-rail) HazMat/Local Hazards 8.25 8.0 HAZ Facility HazMat/Local Hazards 7.74 8.0 HAZ Transportation HazMat/Local Hazards 7.67 6.0 Civil Disorder Terrorism/Civil Disorder 5.26 6.0 Radiological/Transport HazMat/Local Hazard 7.54 5.0 Volcano Seismic 6.20 5.0 Flood/Flash Flood Flood 5.29 4.0 Dam Failure Flood 5.59 3.0 Tomado Severe Weather 8.80 2.0 Earthquake Seismic 3.79 2.0 Landslide Seismic 5.25 2.0 Drought Regional Response 5.17 2.0 Radiological/Facility Regional Response 4.67 0.0 Subsidence 2.65 0.0 Hurricane/Tropical Storm 2.27 0.0 Avalanche 1.85 0.0 Tsunami **Business&Industry/Disaster Committee 2002 Priority Ranking-Scale of 0=Low to 18=High The hazard analysis is presented in the order of severity ranking. SEVERE WEATHER Definition Weather systems manifested by strong winds accompanied by rain, snow or other precipitation, thunder and/or lightning, and occasionally tornadoes. Background During the 1996-97 winter storms, high snowfall and cold temperatures resulted in significant snow accumulations. The accumulations aggravated by rain, drifting snow, and ice in roof drains caused excessive weight and the collapse of structures. High winds and ice contributed to the repeated and extended power outages to over 100,000 power customers during December 1996-February 1997. 5 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) Tornadoes in Spokane County are infrequent and touchdowns are not consistent or specific to any particular area within the county. Severe Local Weather Date Storm Type Description April 5, 1972 Tornado Tornadoes touched down in Spokane and Stevens Counties. November 1981 Wind High winds in Western and Eastern Washington. December 1995 Rain,flood, and Storms starting in California generated winds of 100 miles per hour continued wind north causing three states, including Washington,to issue disaster proclamations. FEMA disaster number 1079 was issued for the incident. February 7 1996 Rain and flood The Washington State Emergency Operations Center(EOC)activated to handle severe floods covering [the]state. They were considered the most destructive and costly in state history and 19 counties were issued Presidential disaster declarations.Three people were killed. Total damages were estimated at$400 million,an estimated 691 homes destroyed and 4,564 damaged. The EOC remained activated through February 23. FEMA disaster number 1100 was issued for the incident. April 24, 1996 Rain,flood,and The EOC activated because the state was covered with flooding rivers and wind high wind warnings. Six counties including Spokane declared states of emergency.The EOC remained activated until April 25. November 19, Ice storm The EOC activated in response to storm conditions around the state. Over 1996 100,000 customers in the Spokane area were without power for nearly two weeks. December 4, Winter storm, ice, The governor proclaimed emergencies for Pend Oreille and all of Spokane 1996 wind,and gale County because of snow and power outages. The EOC remained activated warning until December 5. December 26 Winter storm, The EOC activated in response to storms fronts pushing across the state 1996 wind,gale causing structures to collapse under the heavy weight of snow, road warning,flood, closures, power outages, landslides,and 20 weather related deaths. landslide,and avalanche March 18 1997 Rain and flood The State EOC activated in response to widespread flooding throughout Washington State and remained activated until March 26. May 31 Tornado and A total of 4 tornadoes touched down in Spokane and Stevens Counties. 1997 thunderstorm Thunderstorms produced hail up to 3 inches in diameter, heavy rain,flash flooding,and 80 mile per hour winds. November 19 Winter storm The EOC activated for problems associated with forecast high winds. Winds 1998 of 80 miles per hour were recorded toppling trees and causing power outages to 15,000 customers. The EOC remained activated until November 23. Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis Severe local storms generally result in transportation problems and loss of power. Transportation accidents occur, motorists are stranded and schools, businesses, and industries close. The effects vary with the intensity of the storm, the level of preparation by local jurisdictions and residents, and the equipment and staff available to perform tasks to lessen the effects of severe local storms. • Windstorms with sustained winds of 50 miles per hour are powerful enough to cause significant damage and occur frequently. Affected areas are primarily located at the openings of long passes through the mountains, at the base of the mountains, and at the edges of large expanses of open water. High winds often result in falling limbs and trees 6 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) and other wind borne debris, affecting overhead power and communication systems, and resulting in obstruction of streets and damage to real and personal property. Storms accompanied by lightning strikes combined with hot, dry weather may spark fires. • Tornado funnel shaped clouds generally affect areas of 3/4 of a mile wide and 16 miles long. Tornadoes are produced by strong thunderstorms that produce damaging hail, heavy rain, and wind. • Blizzards and snowstorms accompanied by high wind and drifting snow occur occasionally throughout the state. • Ice storms occur when rain falls from a warm, moist, layer of atmosphere into a below freezing, drier layer near the ground. The rain freezes on contact with the cold ground and exposed surfaces causing damage to trees, utility wires, and structures. • Hailstorms occur when freezing water in thunderstorm clouds accumulates in layers around an icy core. Hail damages crops, structures, and transportation systems. • Dust storms occur east of the Cascades. Wind, following dry periods, blows dirt and light debris aloft. • Extreme temperatures, especially those extending for prolonged periods, have adverse impacts on persons, animals and many utilities. Conclusion Pre-disaster mitigation: • Emergency management plans should establish warning, evacuation, housing, and other emergency procedures. • The National Weather Service has an extensive weather monitoring system and warning information to the public via radio, television, Internet, Teletype, and telephone. Spokane Valley should supplement regional weather warning systems with public information on localized conditions and emergency preparedness protocols. • Identification of priorities of roads and streets to be cleared, • Effective mutual aid agreements • Procedures for requesting state and federal assistance if needed. • Power and communication utilities should prepare individual plans and prioritization of response to storm emergencies. • Identify emergency shelters and housing for storm victims. Post disaster mitigation: • Effective public information concerning steps to minimize exposure to ash • Effective logistical, evacuation and • Effective communication systems • Prompt damage assessment and inventory • Clean-up protocols Resources National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Seattle Weather Service • National Weather Service, Spokane Office 7 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) FLOOD Definition A flood is an inundation of dry land with water. Types of floods in Spokane Valley are primarily river, surface water, and flash. Background From 1956 to 1998 there have been 28 federal disaster declarations for major floods in Washington State. Since 1971 every Washington State County has received a federal disaster declaration for flooding. Spokane County has declared local and state/federal disasters for flooding 3 times since 1980. See Table One for list of Floods in Spokane County. Floods Date Occurrence March 1963 Flooding occurred in the counties of Columbia,Garfield,Grant,Whitman,and Spokane. February 1996 Heavy rains caused flooding in the counties of Adams,Asotin,Benton, Clark, Columbia,Cowlitz, Garfield,Grays Harbor, King, Kitsap, Kittitas,Klickitat, Lewis,Lincoln, Pierce,Skagit,Skamania, Snohomish,Spokane,Thurston,Wahkiakum,Walla Walla,Whitman,and Yakima and the Yakima Indian Reservation. Snowfall beginning January 26, 1996,followed by heavy rain in February, mild temperatures,and mountain snow melt caused severe flooding throughout the entire northwest. December 1996- Rain, ice,and snow caused flooding. Federal disaster number 1159 was assigned for counties January 1997 of Adams,Asotin,Benton, Chelan, Clallam,Clark,Columbia,Cowlitz, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant,Grays Harbor, Island,Jefferson, King, Kitsap,Kittitas,Klickitat, Lewis,Lincoln, Mason, Okanogan, Pacific, Pend Oreille, Pierce,San Juan,Skagit,Skamania, Snohomish, Spokane,Stevens,Thurston,Walla Walla,Whatcom,and Yakima. Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis Flooding is a natural feature of the climate, topography, and hydrology of Washington State, and of Spokane Valley. Flooding results from bodies of water overflowing their banks; structural failure of dams and levees; accumulation of runoff surface water; and erosion of a shoreline. Two planning concerns are sudden onset and flood elevation in relation to topography and structures. Other factors contributing to flood damage are water velocity, debris carried by water, duration of flood conditions, and ability of soil to absorb water. Flooding predominates in late winter and early spring due to melting snow, breakaway ice, and rainy weather. • Several rivers in Spokane County flood every two to five years, including the Spokane, Little Spokane, and Latah Creek. Flooding on rivers in Spokane County results from periods of heavy rainfall, mild temperatures, and from the spring runoff of mountain snow pack. • During the 1996-97 winter storms, areas not prone to river flooding experienced surface water flooding due to high groundwater tables or inadequate urban storm sewer drainage systems. During Ice Storm (1996), Spokane County residents not living in a floodplain had several inches of water in basements, as a result of groundwater seepage through basement walls. Floods contaminated domestic water supplies, fouled septic systems, and inundated electrical and heating systems. Fire-fighting access was restricted, leaving homes vulnerable to fire. 8 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) • A few small areas of Spokane Valley are prone to flash flooding. Thunderstorms, steep ravines, alluvial fans, dry or frozen ground, and light vegetation, which tends not to absorb moisture, cause the flooding. • Breach of the dam upstream of Spokane Valley in Idaho represents a high threat potential for flooding in Spokane Valley, particularly if dam failure were contemporaneous with spring snow melt and rainfall events. Flood plains, or areas at risk of flooding, represent an estimated percent of the Spokane Valley's total land area. These areas contain an estimated residential structures and businesses vulnerable to flood damage. Approximately % of residential properties and_% of businesses carry flood insurance, compared with an estimated 22% percent statewide. Spokane Valley participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and has developed local ordinances to regulate development in flood plain areas. The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) is concluding studies updating Federal Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) in 2004. New development and various infrastructure improvements will provide better information concerning flooding risks with Spokane Valley. Conclusion Pre-disaster mitigation: • Since FIRM maps reflect development conditions at the time the maps are drawn, outdated maps provide little help in accurately forecasting flood hazards. Updated maps, and validation of floodplain studies using topographical digital ortho-photographs will improve data available to floodplain administrators. • Floodplain administration is also assisted by local lending institutions which require flood insurance as a condition of making loans. • Construction within designated floodplains should meet the strict requirements of local ordinances and the NFIP. • Filling in floodplains should be limited to preserve flood storage capacity. • The public should be made aware of hazardous areas and given information on flood insurance, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. • Emergency management plans should establish warning, evacuation, housing, and other emergency procedures. • The National Weather Service has an extensive river and weather monitoring system and provides flood watch and warning information to the public via radio, television, Internet, Teletype, and telephone. Post disaster mitigation: • Effective public information • Effective logistical and evacuation plans • Effective communication systems • Prompt damage assessment and inventory • Clean-up protocols Resources United States Army Corps of Engineers Federal Emergency Management Agency 9 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) National Weather Service Washington State Emergency Management Division SEISMIC HAZARD & LANDSLIDE Definition Seismic hazards include earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. An earthquake is the shaking of the ground caused by an abrupt shift of rock along a fracture in the earth, called a fault. A volcano is a vent in the earth's crust through which molten rock, rock fragments, gases, and ashes are ejected from the earth's interior. A volcano creates a mountain when magma erupts from the earth's interior through a vent in the earth's crust and lava flows onto the earth's surface. Landslide is the sliding movement of masses of loosened rock and soil down a hillside or slope. Landslide causes depend on rock type, precipitation, seismic shaking, land development and zoning practices, soil composition, moisture, and slope steepness. Background Washington State and the Puget Sound basin area in particular, has a history of frequent earthquakes. More than 1,000 earthquakes occur in the state annually. Most earthquakes occur in Western Washington, but the Spokane area received a magnitude of 3.5+ in June of 2001 that continued with numerous other smaller quakes through fall of 2001. On May 18, 1980 at 8:32 in the morning, Mount St. Helens erupted killing 57 people. After a 5.1 magnitude earthquake the volcano's summit slid away in a huge landslide, the largest on earth's recorded history. The landslide depressurized the volcano's magma system, triggering a powerful explosion that ripped through the sliding debris. Rock, ash, volcanic gas, and steam were blasted upwards and outward to the north. The lateral blast produced a column of ash and gas that rose more than 15 miles into the atmosphere in 15 minutes. From a second eruption, magma erupted explosively from the newly created crater. Then avalanches of hot ash, pumice, and gas (pyroclastic flows) poured out of the crater and spread 5 miles to the north. Over the course of the day, prevailing winds blew 520 million tons of ash eastward across the United States and caused complete darkness in Spokane Valley. Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis The Spokane Valley does not have a history of earthquakes or landslide events. Increased development in rugged terrain increases the potential for landslide unless precautions are taken to ensure stability in areas with steep slopes and erodible soils. Spokane Valley has not active volcanoes but is located down wind of Mt Rainier, Mt St Helens, Mt Adams and Mt Hood, in Oregon. Areas downwind of a volcano eruption are vulnerable to reduced visibility, ash fall, and caustic gases. Spokane Valley risks include: • Tephra falls from explosive eruptions that blast fragments of rock into the air. Large fragments fall to the ground close to the volcano. Small fragments and ash can travel thousand of miles downwind. • Ash falls that are harsh, acidic, gritty, smelly, and causes lung damage to the young, old, or people suffering from respiratory problems. Heavy ash can clog breathing passages and cause death. When cloud sulfur dioxide combines with water it forms diluted sulfuric acid that causes burns to skin, eyes, mucous membranes, nose, and throat. Acid rains affect water supplies, strip and burn foliage, strip paint, corrode machinery, and dissolve fabric. 10 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) Heavy ash falls blots out light. Heavy demand for electric light and air conditioning cause a drain on power supplies. Ash clogs waterways and machinery. It causes electrical short circuits, drifts into roadways, railways, and runways. Very fine ash is harmful to electronic equipment. The weight of ash causes structural collapse, particularly when it becomes water saturated. Because it is carried by winds it continues as a hazard to machinery and transportation systems for months after the eruption. Conclusion Pre-disaster mitigation: • Identification of high risk areas where development should be restricted. • Enforceable ordinances and building codes addressing location, access, design, construction methods and materials, installation of fire warning devices. • Establish effective emergency protocols and communications systems. • Simulation drills to test warning systems and evacuation plans • Effective mutual aid agreements between emergency responders Post disaster mitigation: • Effective public information concerning steps to minimize exposure to ash • Effective logistical, evacuation and • Medical support for individuals at high-risk for pulmonary • Effective communication systems • Prompt damage assessment and inventory • Clean-up protocols Post disaster mitigation:WAC 365-190-080 states that geologically hazardous areas pose a threat to the health and safety of citizens when incompatible development is sited in areas of significant hazard. Some hazards can be mitigated by engineering, design, or construction so that risks are acceptable. When technology cannot reduce the risk to acceptable levels, building in hazardous areas should be avoided. Ordinances identifying geological hazards are now in place in Spokane Valley. Information regarding steep slope hazards is available from the Department of Community Development. Landslide losses are reduced 95-100 percent where the established ordinances are rigorously applied. Spokane Valley should establish emergency response protocols addressing ash fall, debris disposal, mudflow, and eruption hazards. Resources United States Department of Agriculture United States Forest Service National Weather Service United States Department of Justice United States Geological Survey, David A. Johnston Cascade Volcano Observatory Washington Department of Natural Resources, Geology and Earth Resources Division University of Washington, Geophysics Program 11 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) FIRE Urban Fires Definition Fire in urban areas may be the result of accident, negligence or deliberate human activity. Fire protection and emergency medical services (EMS) are provided by Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1 and Spokane County Fire District No. 8. Fire District 1 serves over 90% of the Valley, while District 8 serves a few small areas in the southern part of the City (see Fire Protection Map). Both districts serve the City with a full range of fire suppression and EMS services. Background The following table summarizes fire suppression activities of SV Fire Districts Nos. 1 and 8. Incident Summary-Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Fire Type Residential 30 27 30 41 37 Grass/Brush Wildliand 14 9 16 10 23 Vehicle/RV 15 17 19 25 23 Commercial/Institutional 17 20 15 17 15 Detached Structure 4 7 9 11 10 Vacant/abandoned building 4 2 2 2 Dumpster/trash * * 4 7 8 Heavy equipment 0 0 0 1 2 Meth lab 1 0 2 0 Other* 12 21 15 4 10 Fire Causes(Accidental) Juveniles 14 10 9 12 13 Heater/chimney 5 7 13 9 Mechanical 9 6 8 18 8 Electrical/fixture/electronic 9 7 11 12 13 Cooking 3 4 1 3 6 Fireworks 3 0 3 0 3 Smoking 2 1 3 4 1 Other 1 17 25 23 25 Fire Related Injuries 0 1 3 7 2 Fire RelatedDeaths 2 0 0 1 0 Property Losses $10,414,375 $1,328,480 $5,310,815 $4,042,630 $2,055,940 Arson 41 55 41 36 59 Arson cases cleared 11 15 13 9 16 Percent Arson Cases Cleared 26.8% 27.3% 31.7% 25.0% 27.1% City fire departments and fire protection districts are assigned a numerical fire protection rating by the Washington Surveying and Ratings Bureau based on the following criteria: average response time, water supply, communication network, schedule of fire inspections and fire station evaluations, personnel training and staffing of facilities. Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1 has a Fire Insurance Rating of 4 and District No. 8 has a Rating of 5, both indicating good fire protection. Response times are within acceptable range. 12 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) The Fire Protection Map shows the location of fire stations and service area boundaries for Districts 1 and 8 and surrounding fire protection districts. All fire agencies have mutual aid agreements to assist each other in major emergencies. Fire District No. 8 also has two stations located outside the City limits providing additional coverage. Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis Heat from properly operating electrical equipment includes electric stoves, electric heaters, and other electrical appliances. Cooking is a leading cause of residential fires and home heating is the second leading cause. Fires caused by home heating are usually caused by portable space heaters. In Spokane County, fires from wood or paper fueled equipment are also significant. The chimney is the third leading area of fire origin. Of the homes where fire deaths occurred, elderly(over 66) and children (less than 4) had the highest fatality rate. Hotels, businesses, and educational buildings hosting assemblies, such as coliseums, retail facilities, and shopping malls creating a risk of high casualties should a fire occur. To help these buildings be safe from fire, the international fire safety requirements have been adopted by Washington State. Arson is a violent crime against people. Arson, when combined with suspected arson, was the leading cause of fire deaths in Washington State in 1998. Arson and suspected arson killed one of every eight people who died in a structure fire during that year. Urban communities with newer industrial and business facilities are reasonably secure from potential conflagration. These buildings are generally constructed of fire resistive materials, protected with automatic sprinkler systems, and reasonably well separated. Although a major fire may occur in such facilities, it would most likely not spread into adjoining structures. Conclusions Pre-disaster mitigation: • Enforcement of adopted Fire Codes requiring sprinklers in certain industrial and business buildings. • Fire hydrants properly located and maintained. • Fire extinguishing and fire detection systems installed during construction • Fire stations are strategically located nearby. • Adequate water supply and pressure to meet fire suppression requirements. Post disaster mitigation: • Establishing a secure perimeter • Effective logistical, evacuation and medical support • Effective communication systems • Prompt damage assessment and inventory • Clean-up protocols Wildfires Definition Wildland fires are the uncontrolled destruction of forests, brush, field crops and grasslands caused by nature or humans. Background 13 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) The 2000 fire season in Washington State was the worst since the Chelan County fires in 1994. Wildland fires in Central Washington burned over 300,000 acres. The fire season runs from mid-May through October. Dry periods can extend the season. The possibility of a wildland fire depends on fuel availability, topography, the time of year, weather, and activities such as debris burning, land clearing, camping, and recreation. They are usually extinguished while less than one acre, but can spread to over 100,000 acres and may require thousands of firefighters several weeks to extinguish. Wildland Fires Date Name Area Acres Deaths August 20, 1910 Great Idaho Fire Over 150,000 acres burned in Spokane and Pend 3,000,000 85 Oreille Counties. 1987 Hangman Hills Spokane-24 residences lost 1,500 2 October 1991 Firestorm 1991 93 fires destroyed 114 homes and 40 buildings in 35,000 1 Ferry, Lincoln,Stevens, Pend Oreille,Spokane,and Whitman Counties. August 12, 1996 Bowie Road Spokane County 3,00D August 14, 1997 Newkirk/Redlake Spokane and Stevens Counties 1,750 Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis Wildland fires started by heat spark ember or flames caused the largest dollar loss, followed by debris burning and cigarettes. Loss per incident for debris fires is three times higher than any other fire cause. The effects of wildland fires vary with intensity, area, and time of year. Factors affecting the degree of risk include rainfall, type of vegetation, and proximity to firefighting agencies. Short- term loss is the complete destruction of valuable resources, such as timber, wildlife habitat, scenic vistas, and watersheds. Fire ravaged terrain is increasingly susceptible to increased erosion and flooding due destruction of vegetative cover, adversely affecting habitat, stands of timber, recreational use of forests and tourism. While crops and orchards rank tenth on the list of properties damaged, they represent the third highest dollar loss, the highest value, and the greatest potential loss. • Development in remote wildland areas increases the risk of fire and loss. • Risks may be reduced but not eliminated with appropriate attention to access, construction standards and materials, and maintenance of defensible space. • Adequate supplies of water and pressure for fire suppression may also reduce risk. Conclusion Pre-disaster mitigation should include: • Identification of high risk areas where development should be restricted. • Enforceable ordinances and building codes addressing location, access, design, construction methods and materials, installation of fire warning devices. • Establish effective emergency protocols and communications systems. • Simulation drills to test warning systems and evacuation plans • Effective mutual aid agreements between emergency responders • Educate property owners concerning: 14 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) ✓ Defensible space around homes ✓ Minimize fuel hazards adjacent to homes ✓ Ensure that home address is visible to first responders Post emergency mitigation should include: • Limiting access to non-emergency personnel ■ Effective logistical, evacuation and medical support • Effective communication systems • Prompt damage assessment and inventory Resources Washington State Patrol, Fire Protection Bureau Federal Emergency Management Agency, US Fire Administration Spokane Valley Fire Districts/Departments National Weather Service Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Resource Protection Division Washington State Emergency Management Division HAZARDOUS MATERIAL USE, MANUFACTURE, STORAGE AND TRANSPORT Definition Hazardous materials are materials, which, because of their chemical, physical, or biological nature, pose a potential risk to life, health, or property when released. A release may occur by spilling, leaking, emitting toxic vapors, or any other process that enables the material to escape its container, enter the environment, and create a potential hazard. The hazard can be explosive, flammable, combustible, corrosive, reactive, poisonous, toxic materials, biological agents, and radioactive. Background Spokane Valley contains acres (_%) of land classified for industrial purposes, including heavy industrial and mining operations. Adjacent to the corporate limits is Felts Field, a general aviation and cargo airport operated jointly by the City and County of Spokane. Railroad operations of both the Union Pacific/Santa Fe and Burlington Northern, including switching and transloading, are located within Spokane Valley. Automotive and truck traffic is grade separated at only_of the arterial road crossings. Interstate 90 and SR 290 (Trent Road) are major east/west transportation corridors for the movement of cargo through Spokane County. Spokane County is a regional health center The Spokane City Fire HAZMAT team reported 603 hazardous materials responses in 2001 in Spokane City/County. The continuing increase in responses to clandestine methamphetamine labs is of particular concern. Spokane County Sheriff, Spokane Police Department, Spokane Fire Department HAZMAT team and/or The Department of Ecology conducted 36 drug lab responses in 1999, 134 in 2000, 248 in 2001 and have reported 118 for the first six months of 2002. Need an update: Spills Report Summary. Spokane City Fire HAZMAT Responses Year 1999 2000 2001 Drug Lab Responses 0 48 117 15 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) Full Response 23 28 42 HAZMAT Investigation 253 284 345 Unknown Substance(Anthrax) 0 0 24 Other HAZMAT Responses 5 77 63 Drug Labs 19 41 72 Miscellaneous Substances 336 877 864 TOTAL 636 1355 1527 Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis Hazardous material incidents are intentional and/or unintentional releases of materials, that because of their chemical, physical, or biological nature, pose a potential risk to life, health, environment, or property. Use, storage and transport of hazardous materials may result in; • Soil contamination in the area of a leak or spill • Release into Spokane River as a result of vehicular accident or derailment. • Contamination of the Spokane sole source aquifer • Disruption of transportation systems occasioned by spill, leakage or toxic air emissions. • Toxic air emissions. • Fire, explosion or release of toxic, corrosive materials in structures or within public areas. Buried and exposed pipelines are vulnerable to breaks and punctures caused by earth movement and tampering. Fuel leaks cause hazardous materials spills, fires, and explosions. Williams Pipeline West(WPW) has pipelines through Spokane Valley. Monitor and compressor stations with telemetry provide the distributor with safety information. Local distributors include Avista Utilities. Areas and properties may be at risk from: • Explosion • Fire • Release of gasoline, chemicals, solvents or natural gas onto the ground. • Aquifer contamination • Toxic air emissions • Interruption of gasoline, natural gas and home heating oil to local distributors and consumers. Radioactive materials are classified by use: medical, industrial, and laboratory. Hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and research facilities routinely use radiation in the diagnosis and treatment of medical and dental patients. Industrial applications include various flow gauges, research and development facilities, and radiography to non-destructively test welds and castings for flaws. Military bases such as Fairchild Air Force Base receive, ship, and store nuclear materials which routinely pass through Spokane Valley. • Exposure to radio-active agents • Soil contamination • Aquifer contamination. Conclusion Pre-disaster mitigation: 16 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) • Local response protocols should be developed to ensure proper notification and response from local, state and federal authorities in the event of spills, leaks or other emissions. • An updated inventory of industrial, medical and other sources of hazardous and radioactive materials and waste should be maintained, with full Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information catalogued and readily available to local emergency response personnel. • Individual industries should be required to file and update safety and emergency response plans. • Containment and reporting for all industries manufacturing, using, storing or transporting critical materials within the Aquifer Sensitive Area Overlay Zone should be required. • Random checking for compliance with placarding of vehicles transporting hazardous materials pursuant to Department of Transportation regulations should be instituted. • Public safety personnel should establish protocols for security for radioactive, chemical or biological materials originating or destined for military facilities which could pose a hazard to the civilian population. • Industrial land uses should be buffered from residential and institutional uses which could pose a threat to individuals. • Designation of hazardous cargo routes to avoid populated commercial and residential populations. • Pipeline safety inspections should be filed with local emergency and updated as necessary. • Identification of high risk areas where development should be restricted. • Enforceable ordinances and building codes addressing location, access, design, construction methods and materials, installation of fire warning devices. • Establish effective emergency protocols and communications systems. • Simulation drills to test warning systems and evacuation plans • Effective mutual aid agreements between emergency responders Post emergency mitigation should include: • Limiting access to non-emergency personnel • Effective logistical, evacuation and medical support • Effective communication systems • Prompt damage assessment and inventory Resources United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington State Department of Ecology Washington State Department of Health Washington State Department of Transportation Washington State Patrol Washington State Emergency Management Division Fire Districts United States Department of Transportation, Office of Pipeline Safety Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, Energy Policy Unit 17 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) TERRORISM & CIVIL DISORDER Definition Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government or civilian population, in furtherance of political or social objectives. Civil disturbance is similar although usually more limited in effect, requiring the intervention of public safety personnel to prevent escalation to violence and to restore order. Background The Spokane area has been a past target for domestic terrorists. Spokane has been identified as one of the 110 cities nation wide as a likely to have a terrorist incident. There are five categories of terrorist incidents: biological, chemical, radiological, incendiary, and explosive. Biological agents pose a serious threat because of their accessible nature and the rapid manner in which they spread. These agents are disseminated by the use of aerosols, contaminated food or water supplies, direct skin contact, or injection. Several biological agents can be adapted for use as weapons by terrorists. These agents include anthrax (sometimes found in sheep and cattle), tularemia (rabbit fever), cholera, the plague (sometimes found in prairie dog colonies), and botulism (found in improperly canned food). A biological incident will most likely be first recognized in the hospital emergency room, medical examiners office, or within the public health community long after the terrorist attack. Chemical agents are compounds with unique chemical properties that can produce lethal or damaging effects in humans, animals, and plants. Chemical agents can exist as solids, liquids, or gases depending on temperature and pressure. Most chemical agents are liquid and can be introduced into an unprotected population relatively easily using aerosol generators, explosive devices, breaking containers, or other forms of covert dissemination. Dispersed as an aerosol, chemical agents have their greatest potential for inflicting mass casualties. Radiological or Nuclear threat is the use, threatened use, or threatened detonation of a nuclear bomb or device. At present, there is no known instance in which any non-governmental entity has been able to obtain or produce a nuclear weapon. The most likely scenario is the detonation of a large conventional explosive that incorporates nuclear material or detonation of an explosive in close proximity to nuclear materials in use, storage, or transit. Incendiary devices are either mechanical, electrical, or chemical devices used to intentionally initiate combustion and start fires. Their purpose is to set fire to other materials or structures. These devices may be used singularly or in combination. Explosive devices are the most common type of device. Commercially available materials and agents are often used to build these devices. Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis • Disaffected ethnic, separatists, and political refugees • Left wing radical organizations • Right wing racists, anti-authority survivalist groups • Extremist issue-oriented groups such as animal rights, environmental, religious, anti- abortionists Communities vulnerable to terrorist incidents oftent have high visibility targets. Targets are usually located near high capacity transportation arterials or facilities including: 18 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) • Government office buildings, court houses, schools, hospitals, and shopping centers • Dams, water supplies, power distribution systems • Military installations • Railheads, interstate highways, tunnels, airports, ferries, bridges, seaports, pipelines • Recreational facilities such as sports stadiums, theaters, parks, casinos, concert halls • Financial institutions and banks • Site of historical and symbolic significance • Scientific research facilities, academic institutions, museums • Telecommunications, newspapers, radio and television stations • Chemical, industrial, and petroleum plants; business offices; convention centers • Law, fire, emergency medical services, and responder facilities and operations centers • Special events, parades, religious services, festivals, celebrations • Planned parenthood facilities and abortion clinics Targets become more appealing when high profile personalities and dignitaries visit them in areas where large numbers of people congregate. Of growing concern is the targeting first responders with secondary devices and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) hoaxes. Conclusion Although it often may appear otherwise, terrorism is deliberate in purpose but indiscriminate in the selection of victims. Civil disorder may be distinguished from terrorism since incidents are generally unpremeditated, although the destruction of property and impact on victims is equally random. Pre-disaster mitigation: • Effective counter-intelligence gathering and early identification of extremist groups. • Local response protocols should be developed to ensure proper notification and response from local, state and federal authorities. • Identify and secure access to high risk targets and provide surveillance capabilities where possible. • Public safety personnel should establish protocols for handling and deactivating weapons used by terrorists. • Enforceable ordinances and building codes addressing location, access, design, construction methods and materials, installation of fire warning devices. • Establish effective emergency protocols and communications systems. • Simulation drills to emulate terrorist/civil disorder events • Establish evacuation plans under emergency scenarios. • Effective mutual aid agreements between emergency responders Post emergency mitigation should include: • Limiting access to non-emergency personnel • Effective logistical, evacuation and medical support for emergency personnel and civilian casualties. • Effective communication systems • Prompt damage assessment and inventory. • Clean-up protocols. Resources United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Attorney General 19 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) Washington State Emergency Management Division LOCAL HAZARD Definition Local hazards, while serious, usually affect only the local area and a more limited number of people and emergency service providers. Background Local hazards are specific to land uses and human activities, often exacerbated by severe weather, the presence of hazardous materials, fire, etc.. Transportation facilities are highly susceptible to human and mechanical failure. Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis Land uses which constitute local hazards include: • Grain elevator-dust exploding in confined areas • Industrial and mining, including use, storage of hazardous materials, blasting, etc. • Forestry and logging. • Heavy construction activities, including road-building and maintenance of underground utilities. • Firefighting runoff contaminates water and soil • Fireworks sales locations—explosions, fire • Transportation facilities including highways, airports and railroad facilities. • Truck terminals. • Oil refineries, chemical, and pharmaceutical manufacturing and storage locations • Water supply and distribution systems Conclusion Pre-disaster mitigation: • Local response protocols should be developed to ensure proper notification and response from local, state and federal authorities. • Identify high risk land uses and establish appropriate buffers, particularly for adjacent residential populations. • Transportation design and traffic management. • Designation of hazardous cargo routes. • Establish effective emergency protocols and communications systems. • Simulation drills to emulate accident scenarios. • Establish evacuation plans under emergency scenarios. • Effective mutual aid agreements between emergency responders Post emergency mitigation should include: • Limiting access to accident areas by non-emergency personnel • Effective logistical, evacuation and medical support for emergency personnel and civilian casualties. • Effective communication systems • Prompt damage assessment and inventory. • Clean-up protocols. 20 November 2004 Spokane Valley Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis(HIVA) Many hazards exist locally, which are unique to the local jurisdictions. Local emergency managers should be familiar with their hazards, identify them in their Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis, mitigate their impact, and prepare to respond and recover from incidents. Resources Spokane County Department of Emergency Management United States Department of Energy United States Department of Defense Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington State Department of Health Washington State Emergency Management Division Washington State Department of Transportation, Aeronautics Division Washington State Continuous Airport System Plan Inventory and Forecasts National Transportation Safety Board Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission REGIONAL RESPONSE A number of the threats identified within the Spokane Hazard Inventory and Vulnerability Analysis require a regional rather than local response. These include the UMCD chemical disposal program, releases from the Hanford nuclear plant, avalanche, hurricane, subsidence and tsunami. 21 November 2004 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: January 27, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ® information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report—An ordinance amending the provisions of the Right-of-Way Vacation Requirements. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council adoption of Ordinance No. 04-002 (Street Vacations) in January 2004. The ordinance was codified in Title 10 Article III of the Spokane Valley Code of Ordinances. BACKGROUND: The City has processed four street vacation requests since Ordinance 04-002 was adopted. As a result of questions which arose during these actions, several amendments should be considered: 1. City signatures on survey documents are unnecessary on documents prepared by a licensed Washington Surveyor; 2. Survey of properties outside the area of the actual vacation add additional cost to the survey without commensurate benefit to the petitioner; 3. Monuments provide control points for property owners, as well as establishing monuments in areas where monuments have been destroyed as a result of past street construction activities; 4. Providing the governing body with necessary findings by the hearing body who receive public testimony establishes the basis for legislative findings; 5. Requiring documentation of the transfer of title by means of a quit claim deed formalizes the transfer to abutting owners; and 6. The renumbering of this section provides a more cogent organization of regulations within the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code (Title 10 Spokane Valley Code of Ordinances). A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) was issued on January 20, 2005, and the proposed ordinance distributed to CTED and adjacent jurisdictions. The appeal period expires on February 18, 2005. No final action of the proposal will be scheduled prior to March 22, 2005. A public hearing before the Planning Commission is scheduled for February 10, 2005. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss in preparation for Public Hearing on February 10, 2005. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Street Vacation Ordinance Amendment CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON ORDNANCE NO. 05- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WASHINGTON,ESTABLISHING SECTION OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE AND AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 04-002 CODIFIED IN ARTICLE III RIGHT- OF-WAY VACATION OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY CODE OF ORDINANCES. WHEREAS,RCW 35A.47.020 provides statutory authority for cities to vacate public rights-of-way; WHEREAS, RCW 35.79 provides a general procedural framework for cities to vacate public rights-of- way;and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 04-002 codified in Title 10 Article III of the Spokane Valley Code of Ordinances establishes the procedures and requirements for the vacation of public rights-of-way;and WHEREAS,the City finds it necessary to amend its regulations from time to time to make their use more efficient. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 10.09.08 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code is hereby established to read as follows: "SECTION — Purpose and intent. The purpose of this chapter is to establish Section 10.09.04 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code relating to the procedures, notice requirements and fees for the vacation of public streets and alleys within the city in conformance with the authority granted to the city by Chapter 35.79 RCW and RCW 35A.47.020 and to conform to their provisions. In case of conflict between this chapter and those statutes,the provisions this Ordinance shall be controlling. "SECTION — Initiation of Vacation. The owners of an interest in any real property abutting upon any public street or alley who may desire to vacate the street or alley, or any part thereof, may petition the City Council. In the alternative, the City Council may itself initiate a vacation by resolution. The petition or resolution shall be filed with the City Clerk. SECTION—Petition for Vacation.The petition shall be in a form prescribed by the Community Development Director (hereinafter referred to as "the Director" or his or her designee)and shall be signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting the portion of the street or alley sought to be vacated. SECTION—Petition fees. Every petition for the vacation of any public street or alley or any part thereof, shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount established by resolution of the city to defray a portion of the administrative costs incurred in processing the petition and publishing,posting and mailing notices and the set amount shall be stated in the City of Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule.. Once paid,the fees shall not be refunded. SECTION—Submittal Requirements for Petitions. Page 1 of 6 Every petition shall be accompanied by: (1) an Assessor's Map from the Spokane County Assessor's Office showing with a solid red line the portion of the street or alley sought to be vacated, (2) a vicinity map showing the general area of the proposed vacation, (3) a copy of the record of survey, if available, for the subject street and alley proposed for vacation and abutting properties and streets and alleys within 100 feet on all sides of the proposed vacation; (4)written evidence of any and all easements or allowances or reservations, public or private, pertaining to the street or alley proposed for vacation;and(5)a written narrative describing the reasons for the proposed street vacation,the physical limits of the proposed street vacation and the public benefit of the proposed street vacation. SECTION — Setting of Hearing. Upon receipt of the petition, the fee and all required documents, the City Clerk shall forward the petition and required documents to the Director, who shall determine whether the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting the part of the street or alley to be vacated. If the petition has been signed by the requisite percentage of such owners, the Director shall bring the petition before the City Council within 30 days of receipt of the petition, and the City Council shall by resolution fix the time when the petition will be heard by the City Council, or a committee of the City Council, which time shall not be more than 60 days nor less than 20 days after the adoption of the resolution. Where the City Council initiates the vacation by resolution,that resolution shall fix the time when the proposed vacation will be heard by the City Council or a committee of the City Council. SECTION—Staff Report. The Director, in conjunction with the Public Works Department shall prepare a report concerning the proposed vacation. The Public Works Department shall be responsible for conducting a needs analysis of the street or alley proposed for vacation in consideration of existing and future transportation system needs and requirements. The report shall address the criteria to be considered by the City Council in determining whether to vacate the street or alley, and such other information as deemed appropriate by the Director including but not limited to drainage requirements, street closure requirements such as the removal and replacement of concrete, asphalt, and placement of barriers limiting vehicle movements. In preparing the report, the Director shall solicit comments from the Police Department, the Fire Department and may solicit comments from other governmental agencies and utility companies having jurisdiction or utilities within the boundaries of the City. The report shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and to the petitioner and his or her representative, not less than seven(7)calendar days before the hearing. SECTION—Notice of Hearing. Upon the passage of the resolution fixing the time for hearing the petition or proposal for vacation,the City Clerk,or the Director,acting under direction and supervision of the City Clerk, shall give not less than 20 days' notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing by(1)posting of a written notice in three(3)conspicuous places in the City; (2) publishing written notice once in the City's official newspaper, (2) posting a minimum twenty-four(24) inch by thirty-six(36)inch notice sign in a conspicuous place at each end of the street or alley sought to be vacated describing the proposed vacation and the date,time and location of the public heairng; and(3)mailing written notice to all petitioners at the addresses on the petition and all owners of property abutting the street or alley proposed to be vacated, as shown on the records of the Spokane County Assessor, not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days from the date of the public hearing. The Director shall send the same written notice to the representative of the petitioners at the address on the petition. Page 2 of 6 SECTION — Protest. If fifty (50) percent or more of the abutting property owners file written objections to a City Council-initiated vacation with the City Clerk,prior to the time of the hearing,the city shall be prohibited from proceeding with the vacation. SECTION — Planning Commission Review and Recommendation. The hearing on the petition or proposal shall be held before the Planning Commission upon the day fixed by resolution or at the time to which a hearing may be adjourned. In its consideratoin of the proposed vacation of the street or alley,the Planning Commission shall render a recommendation based on the following criteria: A. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public; B. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access; C. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public; D. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists;and E. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public. Following the hearing, the Director shall forward the Planning Commission's recommendation and the hearing minutes to the City Council at a regularly scheduled meeting. If a hearing is held before the Planning Commission, it shall not be necessary to hold a hearing before the City Council,provided that the City Council may at its discretion determine to hold a separate hearing on the proposal. SECTION — City Council Decision. Following the hearing and receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendation the City Council shall determine whether to vacate the street or alley. The determination shall consider, but not be limited to, the findings of the Planning Commission. If the City Council determines to grant the vacation, the action shall be made by ordinance with such conditions or limitations as the City Council deems necessary and proper to preserve any desired public use or benefit. The ordinance shall contain a provision retaining or requiring conveyance of easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.040,the City Council in approving a street vacation request shall specify that the vacated portion of the street or alley shall belong to the abutting property owners,one- half to each,unless factual circumstances otherwise dictate a different division and distribution of the street or alley to be vacated. The City Council reserves the right to require compensation as a condition of approval of ordinance action, provided that such compensation shall comply with the requirements of RCW 35.79.030,and further,that any required compensation shall be paid to the City prior to the City's participation in required title transfer actions. Any transfer of title pursuant to this section shall be by quit claim deed. Page 3 of 6 SECTION—Vacation of Waterfront Streets. A.The city shall not vacate a street or alley if any portion of the street or alley abuts a body of water unless: 1. The vacation is sought to enable the City to acquire the property for beach or water access purposes, or launching sites, park, public view, recreation, educational purposes,or other public uses; 2. The City Council, by resolution, declares that the street or alley is not presently being used as a street or alley and that the street or alley is not suitable for any of the following purposes: beach or water access, launching sites,park,public view,recreation,or education; or 3. The vacation is sought to enable the City to implement a plan, adopted by resolution or ordinance,that provides comparable or improved public access to the same shoreline area to which the street or alley sought to be vacated abuts, had the properties included in the plan not been vacated. B.Before adopting an ordinance vacating a street or alley under subsection(A)(2)of this section,the City Council shall: 1.Cause an inventory to be compiled of all rights-of-way within the city that abut the same body of water that is abutted by the street or alley sought to be vacated; 2. Cause a study to be conducted to determine if the street or alley to be vacated is unsuitable for use by the city for any of the following purposes: launching sites, beach or water access, park, public view recreation, or education; 3. Hold a public hearing on the proposed vacation in the manner required by Chapter 35.79 RCW and this chapter;and 4. Include in its written decision a finding that the street or alley sought to be vacated is not suitable for any other purposes listed under subsection (B)(2) of this section,and that the vacation is in the public's interest. C.Notice of the public hearing on the proposed vacation shall be provided in accordance with the notice provisions of Section of this Section, provided,that the City shall also post notice of the public hearing conspicuously on the street or alley sought to be vacated, which notice shall indicate that the area is a public access,that the street or alley is proposed to be vacated, and that anyone objecting to the proposed vacation should attend the public hearing or send a letter to the Director indicating the objection. SECTION —Application of Zoning District Designation. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting Page 4 of 6 ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. SECTION of ordinance. A certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof, shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. SECTION —Compliance to City Council Conditions. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. SECTION—Record of Survey Required. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description and specifying, if applicable, any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. Said record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor,and the proponent indicating acceptance of the vacated street or alley. SECTION — Monumentation. The surveyor shall locate a monument at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. SECTION—Costs of Title Transfer to be Borne by Proponent. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title." SECTION 4. — Repealer Article III Right-of-Way Vacation, Sections 10.05.220 through 10.05.380 relating to of the Spokane Valley Code of Ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 3.— Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance, or any regulation, rule or order adopted pursuant to the authority thereof be determined invalid or unconstitutional,it shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section,sentence,clause or phrase of this ordinance. SECTION 4 — Effective date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of ,2005. Diana Wilhite,Mayor Page 5 of 6 ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk Approved as to form: Cary P.Driskell,Deputy City Attorney Date of publication: Effective date: Page 6 of 6 Buisiness/Industrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 B-2 B-3 1.1 1-2 1-3 MZ Aboveground tank storage of liquefied C petroleum gas(LPG) P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) N P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) R AccessoryStructure(s) I Acetylene gas manufacturing N N P N I Acid manufacturing N N P N N N N N N C Adult Entertainment Establishment N P(1) P(1) N N N N N N N N N C Adult Retail Use Establishment N P(1) P(1) N N N N Agricultural crops,grazing N P N N N N N R Agricultural processing plant,warehouse N N N N N R Agricultural product stand I Aircraft manufacturing N N P N N N N N N R Airstrip for crop dusting/spraying N N N N N R Airstrip,personal N N N N N R Airstrip,private 1 Alcohol manufacturing including gasohol N N P N C Ambulance service CU P P P P P N 1 Ammonia/chlorine manufacturing N N P N 1 Animal clinic-veterinary-large animals N N N N Animal clinic/veterinary,large and small N N N N N C animals N _ P P N N N N C.U. P(1) 1 Animal clinic/veterinary,small animals P(1) P P P P N N I Animal Processing Facility N N P N Glue&Tallow Mfg P(1) N N N N R Animal raising and/or keeping P I Animal Shelter N P P N Animal Wildlife Rehabilitation or Scientific N N N N N C Research Facility N P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) N C Antique store N P P N C Apparel/tailor shop P P P N C Appliance sales/service N P P N Archery,rifle,pistol,gun range or club(indoor N N N N N C only) N P P N C Art gallery/studio P P P N I Asbestos manufacturing N N P N I Asphalt plant/manufacturing N N P P I Assembly-heavy N N P N I Assembly-light P P P N I Auction yard(excluding livestock) N P P N I Auction yard,Livestock N N P N Auto wrecking,recycling,junk and salvage I yards N CU P(1) N Buisiness/lndustrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 B-2 B-3 1.1 1-2 1-3 MZ Automobile and recreational vehicle repair& I maintenance N P P N I Automobile assembly plant N N P N I Automobile impound yard N P P N I Automobile painting establishment N P P N I Automobile/taxi rental N P P P P P N Automobile/truck painting,repair,body and C fender works N N P N P P N C Automobile/truck sales N N P N C Bakery,retail P P P N Bank,savings/loan and other financial I institutions P P P P P P N C Barber/beauty shop P P P P P N N I Battery rebuilding/manufacturing N P P N Bee-keeping,Commercial P N N N N N R Beekeeping,commercial P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) N N N Bee-keeping,hobby P-Acc(1) C Bicycle sales/service P P P N N N N N N C Billboard N N N N N N N I Biotechnology laboratory/manufacture P P P N I Blast furnace/coke oven N N P N Bleach,bleaching powder and dye I manufacturing N N P N I Boat building,repair and maintenance N P P N C Book/stationery store P P P N I Bottling plant P P P N C Bowling alley N P P N Bread and Bakery Products manufacturing, I including retail bakery P P P N Brewery,winery and/or distillery(including tasting rooms&related retail sales) P P P N I Brick,tile and terra cotta manufacturing N N P P I Broom manufacturing N P P N Building supply and hardware distribution and I sales N N P N P P N C Butcher shop/meat market P P P N Candy and confection making including sales P P P P P P N I Carbon manufacturing N N P N N N N N N C Caretaker's residence N N P-Acc.(1) N P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) P Carpenter Shop,excluding planing mills,saw I mills,etc.) N N P P P P N Buisiness/Industrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 B-2 B-3 I-1 1-2 1.3 MZ I Carpet and rug cleaning plants N P P N Carpet,canvas,and cordage manufacturing N P P N Carwash,automatic self service(more than 1 I bay) N P P P P P N C Car wash,Self-service-1 bay CU P P N Catalog and mail order houses including I showroom N P P N I Cellulose material manufacturing N N P N Cement,gypsum,lime,plaster of paris and How different than Brick, I terracotta manufacture N N P P tile terracotta mfg? N N N N N R Cemetery I Ceramic manufacturing N P P N C Ceramics Shop N P P N I Chain and cable manufacturing N P P N Charcoal manufacturing and pulverizing N N P N I Chemical manufacturing N N P N P P P P P R Church and parsonage P P P N CU N N N N N N N I Circus P(3) P P P P P N I Clothes cleaning&dyeing N P P N PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD R Clustered housing I Cold storage N P P N Colleges,(public and private,including C Community Colleges) N P P N P N N N N N N N I Commercial composting storage/processing N N CU N N CU CU Commercial laundry,linen supply,and dry I cleaning N P P N Commercial printing,reprographics, I bookbinding services P P P N I Communication service/sales&facilities P P P N Communications Equipment Manufacturing I (NEC) N P P N P(1) P(1) P P P C Community hall,club or lodge P P P N P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) R Community recreational facility Community residential facility(8 or less P P N N N R residents) Community residential facility,greater than 8 N N P P P R residents,no more than 25) N P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) I Community transit center P P P P P P N Community treatment facility(8 or less C.U. C.U. N N N R residents) Buisiness/Industrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 B-2 B-3 I-1 1-2 1-3 MZ Community treatment facility,greater than 8 N N C.U. C.U. C.U. R residents,no more than 20) I Computer manufacturing assembly and N P P N Computer programs or systems development P P P N Computer software systems analysis,design I and assembly N P P N Concrete product manufacturing/ready-mix concrete(excluding extraction/mining) Haw different than cement, 1 N P P _ P gypsum lime mfg? C.U.(1) C.U.(1) N N N R Conditional residential accessory unit Construction materials manufacturing . 1 (N.E.C.) N P P I Contractor's office and yard N N P N P P N I Convenience Store P P P N Cosmetic manufacturing and distribution I including perfumes and toiletries N P P N Creamery and dairy product manufacturing N P P N I Creosote manufacturing/Treatment N N P N N CU N N N Crisis Residential Center 8 or fewer residents Crisis Residential Center,more than 8 N N CU CU CU residents N N N C.U. C.U. C Day care center P P P N Day care center(in a church or a public or P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) R private school) Day care center in connection with an 1 industrial use P P P N N PUD PUD PUD PUD R Density bonus(under Chapter 14.704) C Department/variety store N P P N Dependent Relative manufactured(mobile) T T T T T R home I Die casting N N P N N P N Disinfectant and insecticide manufacturing N N P N Chemical mfg? I Distribution center for home delivery P P P N N P P P P R Dormitory 1 Drop hammer or forge N N P N Blast furnace? I Drug Store P P P P P N N Dry cleaners/laundromat(serving only one C outlet) P P P N I Dry Kiln N N P N Buisiness/Industrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 8-2 B-3 I-1 1-2 1-3 MZ N P P P P R Dwelling,Duplex C Dwelling unit P(1) P(1) P(1) N 2nd floor only Electrical component I manufacturing/assembly P P P N Electrical machinery,equipment&supplies I manufacture(NEC) N P P N Electronics systems development/operations, including testing and/or light assembly of electronics,communications and/or computer components,subsystems and systems I P P P N Electronics systems C development/testing/operations, N P P N I Electroplating of metal N N P N I Emergency Clinic N P P N P P N I Emery cloth and sandpaper manufacturing N P P N I Enameling manufacturing N N P N Entertainment/recreation facilities C (bingodance,skating hall NEC N P P N P N N Equipment sales,repair,and maintenance N P P N N N N N P(1) I Exercise facility/gym athletic club N P P P P P N I Explosive manufacturing N N P N I Explosive storage N P P P I Fabric and textile mills including knitting N P P N N P P P P R Family day care home Mini daycare? N N N N N R Farm machinery sales&repair I Feed and fuel yard N P P N ??? N N N N I Feed lot N N P N N N N N N R Feed mill I Feed/cereal mill N P P N Fertilizer manufacturing and manure I processing N N P N C Film/camera sales/service P P P N P P P P C Fire station p p P P P P N I Firewood sales/IoUprocessing N N CU N P P N N N N N N R Fish hatchery N N N N N R Floriculture flower growing I Florist Shop P P P P P N N Buisiness/Industrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 B-2 B-3 I-1 1-2 1-3 MZ Flour mill Food processing?Feed I N P P N /cereal mill C Food locker N P P N Cold Storage? Food product manufacturing/storage and I related sales(NEC) N P P N N P P P P R Fraternity,sorority Dormitory? I Freight forwarding including terminal N P P N C Funeral home N P P N I Furniture manufacturing and sales N P P N C Furniture sales/repair N P P N I Galvanizing/dip plating N N P N N P P P P R Gardening Garment manufacturing and related sales P P P N Gas illuminating or heating I manufacturing/storage N N P N N N N N N R Gasohol plant I Gelatin manufacturing N N P N C General personal service(N.E.C.) N P P N C General retail sales(N.E.C.) N P P N C Gift shop P P P N I Glass and glass product manufacturing N P P N Glue manufacturing Rendering plant process I N N P N tallow N P N N N R Golf course N N N P(1) I Golf driving range/training center N N CU P P P N Governmental offices/ I administrative/maintenance facilities P P P N N N N N N R Grain elevator Feed mill? I Graphite manufacturing N N P N N N N N N R Grazing N N N N N R Greenhouse-commercial C Grocery store P(1) P P N N CU N N N Halfway House(8 or fewer residents) N N CU CU CU Halfway House(more than 8 residents) C Hardware store P P P N Hazardous waste treatment and off-site N N N N N I storage N N N N N P(1) N Hazardous waste treatment and on-site N N N N N I storage P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) P-Acc.(1) C Hobby shop P P P N Buisiness/Industrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 B-2 B-3 I-1 1-2 1-3 MZ C Home improvement store(flooring,paint,etc) N P P N N C.U. N N N R Home industry P-Acc.(4) P-Acc.(4) P-Acc.(4) P-Acc.(4) P-Acc.(4) R Home profession P(1) N N N N R Horse boarding and training N N N N N R Horticulture vegetable growing N P P P P C Hospital P P P N C Hotel/motel N N P P P N N Household appliances manufacturing I (N.E.C.) N P P N N P P P P R Household pets I Ice plant N P P N N N N N N I Incinerator N P(1) P(1) N Tank storage-above or Inflammable liquid/gas storage N N P N below? Inherently Dangerous Mammal/Reptile N N N N N R Keeping I Ink manufacturing N N P N C Jewelry sales/repair P P P N • Jewelry,clock,musical instrument assembly, I sales/service P P P N I Jobber distribution plant P P P N N N N N N C Kennel N P(1) P(1) N P(1) P(1) N C.U. C.U. N N N R Kennel,private Laboratories incl.research testing,medical, I dental P P P N N N N N N I Landfill N N CU CU N P P P P C Library P P P N Lighting Equipment manufacturing(N.E.C.) N P P N Linoleum&oil cloth manufacturing/reduction N N P N C Liquor store N P P N C Locksmith P P P N I Log pole storage N N P N Lubrication grease manufacturing or oil I compounding N N P N Lumbermill,sawmill,shingle mill,plywood mill N N P P I Lumberyard N N P N P P N Building Supply? I Machine shop,large N N P N I Machine shop,small N P P N I Machine/machinery manufacturing N P P N Buisiness/Industrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 B-2 B-3 1-1 1-2 1-3 MZ P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) N R Dwelling,Manufactured(mobile)home N P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) R Manufactured(mobile)home park C Manufactured(mobile)home sales N N P N I Manufactured(mobile)home fabrication N P P N C Massage parlor P P P N I Match manufacturing N N P N I Meat packaging(excluding slaughtering) N P P N N Medical and laboratory instrument/appratus I manufacture N P P N N N N N P R Medical Office Medical services including minor emergency I clinic P P P N Medical,dental,and hospital equipment I supply/sales P P P N I Metal fabrication N P P N Metal manufacturing,reduction,reclamation& I refining N N P N I Metal reduction furnace . N N P N Smelter? P P P P P R Mini-day care center(in a dwelling) Distinguish family home N N N P P R Mini-day care center(not in a dwelling) I Mining N N P P Motor vehicle parts sales and service I including tires N P P N Motorcycle/ATV manufacture,repair and I maintenance N P P N N N P P P R Dwelling,Multifamily C Museum N P P N C Music store P P P N I Nitrating process N N P N Fertilizer? N N N N N R Nonmotorized trail system P P P P P R Nursery school N N N N N I Nursery/Greenhouse wholesale P P P N Nursery/greenhouse,related retail C sales/wholesale N P P N N N P P P R Nursing home,convalescent home I Office supply and computer sales P P P N N N N P P I Office,business P P P P P P N N N N P P I Office,professional P P P P P P N Medical office N N N N N R Orchard 1 Oxygen manufacturing N N P N Buisiness/Industrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 B-2 B-3 I-1 1-2 1-3 MZ Paint,lacquer,thinner,turpentine&varnish I manufacture N N P N I Paper product manufacturing(N.E.C.) N P P N I Paper/pulp mills N N P P - P P P P P R Park,public(including caretakers residence) P P P P P P N N P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) C Park-and-ride facility P P P P P P N C Pawnshop N P P N C Pet shop N P P N I Petroleum manufacturing or refining N N P N I Pharmaceutical manufacturing P P P N C Photographic studio P P P N P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) N N N R Pigeon,performing/show I Pipe manufacturing from clay or metals N N P N I Planing mill N N P P I Plaster/wallboard manufacturing N N P N Plastic injection molding,including tool&dye I making N P P N I Plastic manufacturing N N P N Plywood&veneer lamination(including I structural products) N P _ P N P P P P P C Post office P P P P P P N I Potash works or manufacturing N N P N Power plant(excluding public utility facilities) N N P N Prefabrication construction including sales P P P N Print,blueprinting,photostaling,xerographic C shop N P P P P P N N N N N N R Prison,jail,or institution P P P P P C Private repeater facility P P P P P P P I Professional,vocational&trade schools P P P N Trade,technical school I Public pay parking garage/lot N P P P P N N I Public utility gas works N N P N P P P P P C Public utility local distribution facility P P P P P P P P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) C Public utility transmission facility P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) I Punch press N P P N I Pyroxylin manufacturing N N P N Chemical Manufacture? Racetrack(horses,dogs,autos,go-carts C snowmobiles,etc) N N CU N N N N N N R Racetracks C Radio/TV sales/service N P P N Buisiness/Industrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 B-2 B-3 1-1 1-2 1-3 MZ Railroad yard,repair shop and roundhouse N N P N I Recreational area,commercial N CU CU N N N N N N R Recreational area,commercial C Recreational vehicle park N CU P(1) N Recreational vehicle sales-large(>twelve C feet) N N P N Recreational vehicle sales-small(<twelve C feet) N P P N C Recycle collection center N P P P P P N I Recycling plant N P P N I Rendering plant N N P N C Rental shop N P P N C Repair shop for power equipment N P P N P P N I Research facility p P P N C Resort N N P N I Restaurant P P P N C Restaurant,alcoholic N P P N C Restaurant,drive-in N P P P P P N C Restaurant,nonalcoholic P P P N Retail Sales,related and accessory to I allowed uses P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) N N N P P P R Dwelling,RetiremenUelderly apartment N N N N N R Riding stable I Rock crusher N N P P I Rolling mill N N P N Metal fabrication? I Roofing materials manufacturing N N P N I Rope manufacturing N P P N Rubber reclamation, I manufacturing/fabrication N N P N N P N C Sandblasting/cutting N N P-Acc.(1) N P-Acc(1) P N N N N N N R Sanitarium Sauerkraut,pickle and similar manufacturing N P P N Food processing? N N N N N R Sawmill and lumber mill - R Schools-public and private P P P P P R 1.kindergarten P P P P P R 2.elementary P P P P P R 3.middle P P P P P R 4.junior high N N N P P R 5.high N P P P P R 6.junior college N P P P P R 7.college or university Buisiness/Industrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 B-2 B-3 I-1 1-2 1-3 MZ 8.Expansion of existing structure on adjacent P P P P P R property C Secondhand store N P P N C Self-service storage facility N P P N N P N C Service station,automobile P(1) P P P P P N N N N N N I Sewage sludge land application N N N CU I Sign manufacturing/repair P P P N C Sign painting shop N P P N I Silane,polysilicon manufacturing N P P N Chemical manufacture? Dwelling,Single-family,expansion or C accessory structure P P P P P P N P P P P P R Dwelling,Single-family new - I Smelter and ore reduction N N P P Soap and cleaning compound manufacturing N N P N P-Acc. P-Acc. P-Acc. P-Acc. P-Acc. R Solar collector&associated sys N N N N N C Solid waste hauler N N P(1) N CU P(1) N N N N N N C Solid waste recycling/transfer site N N P(1) N P(1) P(1) P(1) N N N N N C Solid waste recycling/transfer site,private N N CU N P(1) P(1) P(1) Specialized training/learning schools or studios(dance,gymnastics,martial arts,etc.) CU P P P P N N Specialty agricultural production(including retail nursery,greenhouse,and food crops I grown under cover) P P P N I Starch product manufacturing N N P N I Stockyard N N P N Stoneware,earthenware manufacturing N P P N I Storage,general-indoors P P P N I Storage,general-outdoors P(1) P(1) P N I Sugar refinery N N P N I Tallow manufacturing N N P N n.1!e_rir g Tank storage of critical material(above/below I ground) P-Acc(1) P-Acc(1) P(1) N C Tank storage of critical material Aboveground N N N N C Tank storage of critical material below ground P-Acc. P-Acc. P-Acc. N I Tanning,curing of hides and skins N N P N Animal Processing? C Tavern N P P N C Taxidermy N P P N Buisiness/Industrial Matrix UR-1 UR-3.5 UR-7 UR-12 UR-22 B-1 B-2 B-3 I-1 1-2 1-3 MZ C Theater,indoor N P P N C Theater,outdoor N N P N I Tire Salvage Yard N CU CU N I Tire,recap and retread manufacturing N N P N I Tobacco products manufacturing N N P N N N N N N C Tower P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) C Tower,private P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) N I Trade/Technical school N P P P P N N N N N N N R Transient-agricultural labor residence Transitional community facility(8 or less C.U. C.U. N N N R residents) Transitional community facility(greater than 8 N N C.U. C.U. C.U. R residents,no more than 20 residents) Transportation services/sales inc.equipment I storage N P P N N N N N N R Tree farming Truck equipment sales,repair and I maintenance N P P N N N N N N R Truck gardening I Truck Stop N N P P P P N Truck,automobile,and equipment rental I facility N P P N C Upholstery shop N P P P P P N I Utility services and systems(NEC) P P P N Vegetable oil manufacturing(no fat I rendering) N P P N Veterinary supplies and services.including • I vet P P P N See animal N N N N N I Video Board N N N N N N N N N N N N R Vineyard I Warehousing N N P P P P N I Welding,sheet metal shops N P P N I Wholesaling(retail sales prohibited) P P P N N N N N N R Winery P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) C Wireless Communication Antenna Array P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc.(1) P-Acc(1) C.U. C.U. C.U. C.U. C.U. C Wireless Communication Support Tower P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) CU N N N N N C Zoological Park N P(1) P(1) Chapter 14.300 DEFINITIONS Section: 14.300.000 Procedures 14.300.100 Definitions 14.300.000 Procedures 1. For the purpose of this Code certain words and terms are herein defined. The word "shall"is always mandatory. The word "may"is permissive,subject to the judgement of the person administering the Code. 2. Words not defined herein shall be construed as defined in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary. 3. The present tense includes the future,and the future the present. 4. The singular number includes the plural,and the plural the singular. 14.300.100 Definitions Accessory: A building,area,part of a building,structure or use which is subordinate to,and the use of which is incidental to,that of the main building,structure or use on the same lot. Within residential zones the accessory structure or use shall be limited in area as set forth within the underlying zone classification,unless the building is used in conjunction with permitted farming or animal raising. Access Lane: An area of land allowing ingress and egress to and from a parcel of land which may or may not have minimum lot frontage on a public street, road,or right-of-way. Actively Farmed: Any farm from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products (e.g. fruit, ornamental plants, vegetables and/or Christmas trees) were produced and sold, or normally would have been sold during the year. (Res. 2-0244,dated March 5,2002) Administrative Exception: A minor deviation from standards specified in this Code,as set forth in Section 14.506.020. Adult Entertainment Establishment: An establishment defined pursuant to Chapter 7.80 of the Spokane County Code. (Res. 99-0762,dated September 7,1999) Adult Retail Use Establishment: A retail establishment which,for money or any other form of consideration, devotes a significant or substantial portion of stock in trade,to the sale,exchange,rental,loan,trade,transfer, or viewing of adult oriented merchandise. "Adult oriented merchandise" means any goods,products,commodities,or other ware,including but not limited to,videos,CD Roms,DVDs,magazines, books,pamphlets,posters,cards,periodicals or non-clothing novelties which depict,describe or simulate specified anatomical area or specified sexual activities. "Specified anatomical areas" means: 1) Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals,pubic region,buttock,or female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola;or Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state,even if completely and opaquely covered. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-1 of Spokane County "Specified Sexual Activities" means any of the following: 1) Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; 2) Acts of human masturbation,sexual intercourse,sodomy,oral copulation,or bestiality;or 3) Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region,buttocks,or female breasts, whether clothed or unclothed,of oneself of one person by another. Agricultural: Relating to the science or art of cultivating soil or producing crops to be used or consumed directly or indirectly by man or livestock, or raising of livestock. Agricultural Direct Marketing Activities: Those accessory activities associated with the retail sale of agricultural products produced on and off the premises. This includes the sale of nonagricultural products (e.g. crafts, antiques, kitchen goods, etc.), educational classes and tours, commercial farm rides on premises, and limited restaurant services,as defined. (Res.2-0244,dated March 5,2002) Agricultural Land: Defined in WAC 365-190-030(1)as now or hereafter amended. Agricultural Processing: The series of operations taken to change agricultural products into food products. Agricultural Zones: Those zones outright permitting various agricultural uses including the Exclusive Agricultural and General Agricultural zones. Airport: Any area of land or water which is designated and set aside for landing and taking off of aircraft and which is utilized,or which is certified on a plan to be utilized, in the interest of the public for such purposes. Airport Hazard: Any structure or tree or use of land which obstructs the airspace required for the flights of aircraft in landing or taking off at an airport or which is otherwise hazardous to such landing or taking off of aircraft,and any use of land which is hazardous to persons or property because of its proximity to an airport. Airstrip,Personal: A landing area for only one(1)aircraft for personal use by only the owner. Airstrip,Private: A landing area for more than one(1) aircraft. Alley: A public right-of-way which provides access only to the rear and/or side of properties abutting and having access to a public road. Altered/Alteration: Any change, addition or modification in construction or any change of occupancy from one use to another or from one division of a trade to another. Amendment: A change in the wording,context,or substance of this Code,or change in the zone boundaries upon the zoning map,which map is a part of this Code. Animal,Large: Animals,including,but not limited to,horses,donkeys,burros,llamas,bovines,goats,sheep, swine,bison,camels and other animals or livestock of similar size and type,except inherently dangerous mammals and inherently dangerous reptiles. Young of horses,mules, donkeys,burros,llamas,alpaca,bison, and camels under one(1)year in age,bovines,under ten (10) months in age,and sheep,goats and swine under three(3) months in age shall not be included when computing intensity of large animals. (Res.99-1061,dated November 30,1999) Animal,Small: Animals or fowl other than a household pet,large animal,inherently dangerous mammals or inherently dangerous reptiles,but not limited to,chickens,guinea hens,geese,ducks,turkeys,pigeons not otherwise defined,emu, ostriches (struthious),kangaroos,rabbits,mink,chinchilla,nutria,gnawing animals in general and other animals or fowl of similar size and type. Young small animals or fowl under three (3) Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-2 of Spokane County months of age shall not be included when computing intensity of small animals or fowl. Young or miniature large animals are not included in this definition and are considered large animals. (Res.99-1061,dated November 30, 1999) Animal,Wildlife Rehabilitation or Scientific Research Facility: A building,structure,pen or portion(s)thereof or an area of land where animals are housed,kept or maintained for the purpose of wildlife rehabilitation;or for the purpose of investigation,aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts or the collecting of information about a particular subject. (Res. 99-1061,dated November 30, 1999) Antique: Any item which,because of age,rarity or historical significance,has a monetary value greater than the original value,as determined at applicant's expense by an independent appraiser,or which has an age recognized by the United States government as entitling the article to an import duty less than that prescribed for contemporary merchandise. Antique Store: A shop selling,or offering for sale,antiques. Such a shop shall not be considered as a dealership handling used or second hand merchandise. Aquifer: That array of geologic formations supplying virtually all potable water to the Spokane metropolitan area. Its area,extent and characteristics are defined in the"Spokane Aquifer Water Quality Management Plan" and "Cause and Effect Report,"both reports of the'208'Water Quality Management Program. Aquifer Sensitive Area(ASA): The area from which water runoff directly recharges the Aquifer,including the surface over the Aquifer itself, and the hillside areas immediately adjacent to the aquifer as defined and adopted by Spokane County in the "Spokane County Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan,July, 1981" as amended. Arterials-Principal,Major and Minor: Street classification per the Spokane County Engineer's office. Arterials-Principal,Minor and Collector: Street or road classification per the Spokane County Engineer's Office adopted definitions and definitions of Chapter 14.710. Arterial/Road Map: The adopted official maps used in conjunction with Chapter 14.710 as official controls pursuant to RCW Chapter 36.70. Assembly-Light: The assemblage of metals and/or materials into products normally used in the home. Assembly-Heavy: The assemblage of materials and/or metals into products normally not used in the home. Auction Yard: An open area or an area entirely enclosed within a building where items are stored or displayed for not more than seven(7)consecutive days within any given thirty(30)-day period and where persons are permitted to attend sales and offer bids on such items. Auto Wrecking,Junk and Salvage Yards: Any area,lot,land,parcel,building,structure or part thereof where waste,discarded or salvaged materials are exchanged,handled,bought,sold,baled,packed,stripped,stored, dumped or disassembled,including but not limited to inoperable vehicles,machines or remnants thereof, and/or metals,paper,rags,tires and bottles. The following establishments shall not be considered an Auto Wrecking,Junk,and Salvage Yard when all activity,storage,odor and noise is confined wholly within an enclosed building: the private,noncommercial storage of inoperable vehicles and remnants thereof;pawn shops;secondhand stores;used furniture stores and public garages. Also,open sales lots for the sale of new and used motor vehicles and machinery which are in operable condition;motor vehicle towing services and auto and/or body repair establishments which do not store inoperable vehicles for more than ninety (90) days; Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-3 of Spokane County and accessory storage areas for recyclable items associated with permitted uses shall not be considered an Auto Wrecking,junk and Salvage Yard. Automobile Sales: An area,other than a street,used for the display and sale of more than two(2)new or used automobiles or trucks in any thirty(30)-day period and where no repair work is done except that necessary for completion of the sale. Automobile/Taxi Rental: An area,or building,used to park and repair automobiles to be rented to the general public and where no other automobile repair work is done;such area may include customer service and support space. Beehive: A structure designed to contain one colony of honey bees (apis mellifera)and registered with the Washington State Department of Agriculture per RCW Chapter 15.60 or as hereafter amended. Beekeeping,Commercial: An activity, generally operated for a profit,where more than twenty-five(25) beehives are kept on a lot. Beekeeping,Hobby: An activity,generally engaged in for personal use,where twenty-five(25)or fewer beehives are kept on a lot. Billboard: A structure for the purpose of leasing advertising space to promote an interest other than that of an individual,business,product or service available on the premises on which the billboard is located. (Res. 99- 1030, dated November 16,1999) Binding Site Plan: A document per standards of RCW 58.17 or local ordinance which allows divisions of land within the B-1,B-2,B-3,I-1,I-2 and I-3 zones,approved administratively by the Planning Director and signed by the Board,which legally obligates a person making a proposal to conditions,standards or requirements as specified by this Code or by a group with approval authority. Block: A group of lots,tracts or parcels within well-defined and fixed boundaries. Board: The Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County,State of Washington. Building: A structure with a single roof or connected with a roof built for the support,shelter,or enclosure of persons,animals,stored items,mechanical devices,or property of any kind,and permanently affixed to the ground. This shall include any vehicle affixed to the ground for any of the previously mentioned purposes. Building Coverage: The area of a lot occupied by a main building or structure and its accessory building(s)or structure(s),not including patios,driveways,open steps and buttresses,terraces,cornices,and ornamental features projecting from building(s)or structure(s)which are not otherwise supported by the ground. Building Height: This definition differs from the building height definition contained in the Uniform Building Code because it is based on the visual impact of building height rather than its structural strength and integrity. Building height shall be measured from the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof,except for skylights,chimneys,wireless masts and other provisions of Section 14.810.120 herein.The average finished grade shall be determined by first delineating the smallest rectangle which can enclose the building and then averaging the elevations taken at the midpoint of each side of the rectangle,provided that the measured elevations do not include berms or backfills extending less than ten feet(10')horizontally from the building. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-4 of Spokane County EPS FILE Measured hight at each of these points Highest Point of Roof Height 4111 milimE! I I� Highest Finished Grade J „��� �--Average Finished Grade Lowest Finished Grade Building Line: A line established as the minimum distance a building may be Iocated from any property line as determined by the standards of this Code or,if applicable,determined per Section 14.810.140. Bulletin Board: A sign which identifies an institution or organization on the premises on which it is located and which contains the name of the institution or organization,the names of individuals connected with it,and general announcements of events or activities or similar messages. (Res. 2-0188,dated February 19,2002) Camping Units: A structure,shelter or vehicle designed and intended for temporary occupancy by persons engaged in camping or use of a camping unit for recreation. Camping units include but are not limited to recreational vehicles, recreational park trailers,travel trailers and campers,camping cabins, tents,tepees,yurts and other similar shelters. Camping units such as camping cabins,yurts or other structures constructed on site,which are not subject to the Department of Labor and Industry certification,require a building permit from Spokane County. Camping units shall not exceed 400 square feet in floor area and not exceed a maximum height of fifteen(15)feet. (Res.1-0229,dated March 13,2001) Caretaker's Residence: A manufactured(mobile)home,or an existing building or structure used as a residence,that is owned by the owner of the property it resides upon and is occupied by a bona fide employee of the property owner. Category: A land use classification as defined and used within the Comprehensive Plan Text which applies policies to designated areas in Spokane County as displayed on the Future Land Use Plan map of the Comprehensive Plan. Cemetery: Land or facilities on such land legally used or planned for use for the preparation for burial and for the burial of the human dead or household pets including columbariums,crematories,mausoleums,and mortuaries when operated in conjunction with and within the boundary of such cemetery. Child day-care center: is a facility which regularly provides care for a group of children for periods less than twenty-four hours. (Res. 0-0884,dated October 10,2000) Church: An establishment,the principal purpose of which is religious worship and for which the main building or other structure contains the sanctuary or principal place of worship,and including accessory uses in the main building or in separate buildings or structures,including Sunday school rooms and religious education classrooms,assembly rooms,a common kitchen,a library room or reading room,recreation hall and quarters on site for nuns and clergy,but excluding facilities for training of religious orders. A single family dwelling(parsonage)is included in this definition with its use for the pastor or caretaker. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-5 of Spokane County • Circus: A commercial variety show of a temporary nature which includes animal acts for public entertainment. (Res.99-1061,dated November 30,1999) Clinic: A building or portion of a building containing offices for providing medical, dental,or psychiatric services for out-patients only. Club: An association of persons for some common purpose,but not including groups organized primarily to render a service which is customarily carried on as a business. Clustered Housing: A group of dwelling units,consisting of permitted uses in the underlying zone, designed in such a manner as to make efficient use of existing or planned facilities and whereby the amount of resultant common open space per dwelling unit is equal to or greater than the open space requirements for conventional development under the pertinent zone and zoning standards. Code: Zoning Code of the County of Spokane,Washington. Co-location: Locating wireless communication equipment from more than one provider on one structure at one site. (Res.2-0159, dated February 12,2002) College: A public or private institution offering instruction usually in a professional,vocational,or technical field beyond the 12th grade. Commercial Farm Rides: Farm rides (e.g. hay rides, pony rides,wagon rides, tractor pulled rides,etc)given in exchange for payment. (Res.2-0244,dated March 5,2002) Commercial Use: Any activity carried out for pecuniary gain or loss. Commercial Zones: Those zones outright permitting commercial uses including the Business Zones B-1,B-2, and B-3. Commission: The Spokane County Planning Commission or any subcommittee thereof empowered to carry out the duties set forth in RCW 36.70 and/or any function the Board of Spokane County Commissioners has delegated to the Planning Commission. Community: See"Neighborhood" definition. Community Hall: A building and related grounds used for social,civic,or recreational purposes and owned and operated by a nonprofit group serving the area in which it is located and open to the general public on equal basis. Community-Recreational Facility: Any public or private building,structure,or area which provides amusement,relaxation,or diversion from normal activities for persons within the area in which it is located and which is not operated for profit. Community Residential Facility:Any dwelling licensed,certified or authorized by state,federal or local authorities as a residence for children or adults with physical, developmental or mental disabilities, dependent children or elderly individuals in need of supervision,support and/or independent living training. Does not include: Halfway House,Crisis Residential Center or Secure Community Transition Facility. May include: specialized group home for the developmentally disabled,group care facility for children and boarding home. Community Swimming Pool: An outdoor or indoor pool owned jointly by two or more property owners, designed to be used by residents of a subdivision or community,and not operated for a profit. A community Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-6 of Spokane County swimming pool shall not include an individual's private pool,a semi-public pool,a public pool,or a pool operated for a profit. Community Transit Center: A bus transfer area or facility located at major points providing passenger access to routes and adjacent activities. Community Treatment Facility:Any dwelling or place licensed,certified or authorized by state,federal or local authorities as a residence and treatment facility for children or adults with mental disabilities,alcoholism or drug abuse problems needing a supervised living arrangement and rehabilitation services on a short-term or long-term basis. Does not include: detoxification centers,Halfway House,Crisis Residential Center or Secure Community Transition Facility. May include:alcohol and/or drug abuse treatment facilities and adult treatment facilities. Comprehensive Plan: The Generalized Comprehensive Plan Text and Future Land Use Plan Map of Spokane County,Washington,and additional elements as adopted or later amended by the Board pursuant to Chapter 36.70 RCW. Conditional Accessory Unit: One(1) additional unit as defined per standards in Chapter 14.816. Conditional Use: An activity listed among those in any given zone but permitted to locate only after a public hearing and the decision to grant a permit(conditional use permit)imposing such performance standards as will make the use compatible with other permitted uses in the same vicinity and zone and ensure against imposing excessive demands upon public utilities as determined by the Hearing Body. Contractor's Yard: An area and/or building used to store equipment,trucks and motor vehicles,construction supplies,building equipment and raw materials for an individual or for a contractor engaged in building or other construction businesses,including but not limited to plumbing,electrical,structural,finish,demolition, transportation,masonry,excavating or other construction work. Normal maintenance of equipment is allowed. The definition of a contractor's yard shall not apply to those instances where materials stored are to be used within one hundred eighty(180)days for the improvement of a residence or business on the property where it is to be constructed. Convalescent Home: A residential facility licensed by the State or County to provide special care and supervision to convalescents,invalids,and/or aged persons,but where no persons are kept who suffer from mental sickness or disease or physical disorder or ailment which is normally treated within sanitariums or hospitals. Special care in such a facility includes,but is not limited to,nursing,feeding,recreation,boarding and other personal services. Crisis Residential Center: A protective residential facility operated to provide secure or semi-secure temporary shelter for children under the age of eighteen years. (Res.1-0566,dated June 19,2001) Critical Material(Critical Materials List): A substance present in sufficient quantity that its accidental or intentional release would result in the impairment of one or more beneficial uses of aquifer water. Current beneficial uses of aquifer water include,but are not limited to,domestic and industrial water supply, agricultural irrigation,stock watering,and fish raising. For the purpose of administration of this Code,the Critical Materials List is established as part of this Code. The list includes the names of specific chemicals and classes of chemicals which,based on current criteria and standards,are known to affect the beneficial use of water. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-7 of Spokane County Critical Materials Activity List: A list of commercial and industrial activities known to use critical materials, coupled with the names and threshold levels of quantities of critical materials normally associated with the activity. The Critical Materials Activity List is established as a part of this Code. Critical Materials Handbook: A document prepared specifically to assist in the administration of this Code and containing examples of best management practices which may be employed to meet the performance criteria of this Code as associated with critical materials. Critical Materials Use Activity: An activity or land use which has been determined,according to the procedures of this Code,to use,transport or store a critical material. Dairy: Any premises where three(3)or more cows,three(3)or more goats,or any combination thereof are maintained and milked for a period exceeding sixty(60) days. Day(s): Shall mean calendar days unless otherwise specified and shall be computed pursuant to RCW 1.12.040. Deciduous: For purposes of this Code,deciduous shall include the following vegetative species. Ailanthus,Ash(Mountain),Birch(White),Catalpa,Elm(American),Locust(Black and Honey),Maple (Silver,Sugar,and Sycamore),Oak(Pin),Sweet Gum(Liquid Amber),Thundercloud Plum,Wing Nut. Density: The amount of land per dwelling unit excluding the area for roads,parks,churches and schools, common open space,public/private capital facilities,and dedicated public lands,and any other nonresidential use except tax-exempt open space. The exclusion identified above concerning the area for roads shall not apply to those lots five(5)acres in size or larger. Calculation of the five(5)-acre-or-larger lot size shall be done pursuant to RCW 58.17.040(2)as adopted or hereafter amended. Department: The Spokane County Planning Department. Department,Designated: The department or office in charge of the major Licensing or permitting duties shall be the designated Department,unless otherwise agreed to by the other involved departments or offices. In the event of uncertainty,the County Administrative Officer shall assign Designated Department status. Dependent Relative: One who is related by direct blood line,marriage,adoption,unmarried partner relationship or court-appointed guardianship;has been determined by a licensed physician to be physically or mentally incapable of caring for themselves and/or their property;and who is over the age of 18. The Planning Director shall exercise discretion to decide qualifying relationships. Director, (Planning): That person,or his/her designee,appointed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to RCW 36.70.160,directing the activities of the Planning Department. Dormitory: A building used as group living quarters for a student body or religious order as an accessory use for a college,university,boarding school,orphanage,convent,monastery,or other similar institutional use. Driveway: Any area,improvement or facility between the roadway of a public or private street and private property,which provides ingress/egress for vehicles from the roadway to a lot(s)or parcel(s). Dwelling: A building or portion thereof designed exclusively for residential purposes on a permanent basis as distinguished from a transient basis and which therefore does not include hotels,motels,dormitories, convalescent homes or accessory buildings or structures. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-8 of Spokane County Dwelling,Multi-Family: A building designed for occupancy by three(3)or more families living independently of each other within three(3) or more dwelling units. Dwelling,Multi-Family(Low IncomeJ: A multi-family dwelling designed and constructed to primarily serve persons of low income as defined by the U.S.Census Bureau. Dwelling,Single-Family: A building designed for long-term habitation exclusively by one family,having complete living facilities and constituting one dwelling unit. This term shall include manufactured homes and mobile homes. Dwelling,Two-Family(Duplex): A building designed exclusively for occupancy by two(2)families living independently of each other within two (2) dwelling units. Dwelling Unit: One(1)or more rooms in a dwelling,designed,occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters,with an individual entrance,cooking,sleeping and sanitary facilities provided within the dwelling unit for the exclusive use of one family maintaining a household. Electric Sign: A sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring,connections and/or fixtures are used as part of the sign proper. Electronically Changeable Message Sign: A computer programmable,microprocessor controlled electric display utilizing a means of illumination(light bulb,LED,fiber optics,etc)upon which alphanumeric characters,graphics,electronic animations,symbols and words can be displayed. Messages and symbols that have the capability of alternating,traveling and animating along with any other of a variety of change,appear and disappear methods are allowed.This definition does not include video boards. (Res.2-0188,dated February 19,2002) Enforcement Authority: The Spokane County Division of Planning and/or the Spokane County Division of Building and Code Enforcement. (Res.2-0596,dated June 18,2002) Explosive: Any substance that alone,or in combination or contiguity with another substance,may decompose suddenly and generate any destructive blow to surrounding objects. FAA: The Federal Aviation Administration. (Res.2-0159,dated February 12,2002) Family: An individual or two or more persons related by blood,marriage,or adoption,or a group of not more than five(5)persons,excluding dependents,who are not related by blood,marriage or adoption,living together as a single nonprofit housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit. Family day-care provider: is a child day-care provider who regularly cares for not more than twelve(12) children in the family living quarters of the provider's residence. (Res. 0-0884,dated October 10,2000) Farm Machinery Sales and Repair: A specialized retail facility located in a rural area which caters exclusively to the sale and repair of farm machinery including tractors,farm implements,combines,loaders,applicators, and their accessories. Such a facility shall not normally carry products related to the road construction, mining,or forest products industries. The facility shall not be established as a car or truck sales lot or carry items normally handled by a hardware store,lumber yard,home improvement center,or an automotive service station. Farmstead: One(1) or more residential and/or nonresidential structures located on a primary agricultural parcel,the residents or users of which devote their time almost exclusively to the production of food/or fiber or derive at least half(1/2) their income from agricultural pursuits. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-9 of Spokane County FCC: The Federal Communications Commission. (Res. 2-0159,dated February 12,2002) Feed Lot: A confined area or structure used for feeding,breeding or holding livestock for eventual sale or slaughter and in which animal waste accumulates faster than it can naturally dissipate without creating a potential for a health hazard, particularly with regard to surface and ground water;but not including barns, pens or other structures used in a dairy operation or structures on farms holding livestock primarily during winter periods. Feed Mill: A structure or building used to store or grind grain for animal or human consumption. Fence: A wall or a barrier composed of stone,brick or posts connected by lumber,rails, panels,or wire for the purpose of enclosing space marking boundaries,serving as an obstruction or barrier or separating parcels of land. Fire Lane: An access designed for emergency escape from an entrance to a parcel of land or its improvements. Flashing Sign: An electrical sign or portion thereof which changes light intensity in a brief,brilliant,or sudden and transient outburst of light causing a steady on and off,glittering,sparkling,or scintillating pattern. (Res. 2-0188,dated February 19,2002) Floor Area,Livable: The square footage amount of covered area used,or planned to be used,for living purposes,not including garages,carports,crawl spaces and other generally not lived in spaces. Floriculture: The cultivation of ornamental flowering plants. Food Locker: A commercial building designed to prevent spoilage of food and to store food for retail food stores or persons buying in large quantities. Forest Land: Defined in WAC 365-190-030(6),as now or hereafter amended. Fraternity: A men's organization formed chiefly for social purposes which may function as a place for living and eating,especially for college students. Freestanding Sign: A sign not attached to or forming part of a building. (Res. 2-0188,dated February 19,2002) •BE Er.7-7-7-11 714F= Garage,Public: A building or portion thereof,other than a private garage,used for the care,parking, repair, or storage of automobiles,boats,and/or recreational vehicles or where such vehicles are kept for remuneration or hire. Grade: The average elevation of the finished ground level at the center of all exterior walls of a building. In case of any wall which is parallel to and within five(5) feet of a lot line,elevation at the lot line adjacent to the center of the wall shall be considered the finished ground level. In the case of any sign,grade shall be measured or determined at the sign support structure(s). Greenhouse,Commercial: An establishment where flowers,shrubbery,vegetables,trees and other horticultural and floricultural products are grown both in the open and in an enclosed building for sale on a retail or wholesale basis. Halfway House: Any dwelling or place licensed,certified or authorized by state,federal or local authorities for inmates on release from more restrictive custodial confinement or initially placed in lieu of such more restrictive custodial confinement,wherein supervision,rehabilitation and counseling are provided to transition residents back into society,enabling them to live independently. (Res.1-0566,dated June 19,2001) Hard Surface: A hard surface shall consist of asphalt,Portland cement concrete,crushed rock,grass pavers or other technologies laid to the specifications set forth by the Spokane County Engineer and this Code. Hazardous Waste: All dangerous and extremely hazardous waste as defined in Section 70.105.010(15)RCW, except for moderate risk waste as set forth in Section 70.105.010(17)RCW. Hazardous Waste Storage: The holding of hazardous waste for a temporary period,as regulated by State Dangerous Waste Regulations,Chapter 173-303 WAC. Hazardous Waste Treatment: The physical,chemical or biological processing of hazardous waste for the purpose of rendering these wastes nondangerous or less dangerous,safer for transport,amenable for energy or material resource recovery,amenable for storage,or reduced in volume. Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facility,Off-Site: Treatment and storage facilities which treat and store hazardous wastes generated on properties other than those on which the off-site facilities may be located. This use is always the primary use of a property. Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facility,On-Site: Treatment and storage facilities which treat and store hazardous wastes generated on the same property. This activity is always an accessory use to a primary activity on the property. Hearing Body: The individual,committee,or agency designated by the Board to conduct public hearing and render decisions on amendments,special permits,conditional uses,appeals and other matters as set forth in this Code. High Intensity Illumination:Illumination exceeding 500 candela(cd) per square meter,measured at a distance of one meter,as measured with a Photo Research Spectra Spotmeter or equivalent device. (Res.2-0188,dated February 19,2002) High Occupancy Vehicle(HOV): A motorized vehicle carrying two (2)or more passengers. Home Industry: An occupation,profession,or craft,excluding an adult retail use establishment or adult entertainment establishment,in association with a primary residence,which is of such intensity or broad scope of operation that public hearing review,as a Conditional Use Permit,is necessary. Therefore,by character and Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-11 of Spokane County definition,a home industry is different than a home profession or general commercial, industrial and business uses. (Res. 99-0762,dated September 7,1999) Home Profession: A profession or craft,excluding an adult retail use establishment or adult entertainment establishment,carried on within a residence by the occupants,which activity is clearly incidental to the use of said residence as a dwelling and does not change the residential character of the dwelling or neighborhood, and is conducted in such a manner as to not give any outward appearance of a business in the ordinary meaning of the term. An activity which does not comply with the following criteria shall not be deemed a home profession. (Res.99-0762,dated September 7, 1999) 1. There shall be no exterior alterations to the dwelling which changes the residential appearance or character thereof. 2. The use,including all storage space,shall not occupy more than forty-nine (49) percent of the residence's livable floor area. No home profession shall occupy a detached accessory building. 3. All storage shall be enclosed within the residence. 4. Only members of the family who reside on the premises shall be engaged in the home profession. 5. One(1)sign identifying a home profession shall be limited in size to a maximum of four (4)square feet,be unlighted,and be placed flat against the residence. 6. There shall be no window display nor shall sample commodities be displayed outside the building,except that horticultural and floricultural products grown on the premises may be so displayed. 7. There shall be no stock stored nor commodity kept for sale on the premises which is not necessary to the profession or craft. 8. All material or mechanical equipment shall be used in a manner as to be in compliance with WAC 173-60 regarding noise. 9. Traffic generated which exceeds the following standards shall be prima facie evidence that the activity is a primary business and not a home profession. a. The parking of more than two (2)customer vehicles at any one(1) time. b. The use of loading docks or other mechanical loading devices. 10. Deliveries of materials or products at such intervals so as to create a nuisance to the neighborhood. 11. The hours of operation for a home profession shall be limited from seven (7) a.m. to ten (10) p.m. The applicant shall specify on the home profession permit the hours of operation. 12. A home profession permit shall be issued by the Department per fee established by the Board. Horse Boarding: A barn,stable,or other structure where owners or users of the property commercially bathe, train,house and/or feed more than three(3)horses or other riding animals any of which are not owned by the users or owners of the property for more than twenty-four(24)consecutive hours. Horticulture: The cultivation of a garden or orchard. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-12 of Spokane County Hospital: An institution licensed by the state agencies under provisions of law to offer facilities and temporary or emergency services in surgery,obstetrics,and general medical practice for human patients who are ill or injured. Hotel: A building in which there are six(6) or more guest rooms where lodging with or without meals is provided for compensation,and where no provision is made for cooking in any individual room or suite. Household Pet: Any animal or bird,other than inherently dangerous mammals/ reptiles,livestock,large or small animals and animals or birds considered to be predatory or wild,which normally lives in or is kept in a residence. (Res. 99-1061,dated November 30,1999) Incidental Sign: A small nonelectric information sign four(4)square feet or less in area which pertains to goods,products,services,or facilities which are available on the premises where the sign occurs and intended primarily for the convenience of the public while on the premises. Incinerator: A vessel,device,apparatus,or structure designed to burn solid waste under controlled,nuisance- free conditions,and at a relatively high temperature,for the purpose of reducing the combustible components to a nonputrescible residue capable of ready disposal. Individual Business: One business on one parcel,provided the parcel is not part of a multiple business complex;and also provided the parcel is not part of a group of multiple contiguous parcels under the same ownership. (Res.2-0188,dated February 19,2002) Industrial Zones: Those zones outright permitting various industrial and manufacturing uses including the I- 1,I-2,and I-3 zones. Inherently Dangerous Mammal: Inherently dangerous mammal means any live member of the canidae, felidae,or ursidae families,including hybrids thereof,which,due to their nature,may be considered dangerous to humans,and which includes(Res.99-1061,dated November 30,1999): 1. Canidae,including any member of the dog(canid)family not customarily domesticated by man,or any hybrids thereof,but not including domestic dogs(Canis lupus familiaris) or wolf hybrids which are a cross between a wolf and a domestic dog. 2. Felidae,including any member of the cat family not customarily domesticated by man, or any hybrids thereof,but not including domestic cats(Felis catus). 3. Ursidae,including any member of the bear family,or any hybrids thereof. Inherently Dangerous Reptile: Inherently dangerous reptile means any live member of the class reptilia which (Res.99-1061,dated November 30,1999): 1. Is venemous,including,but not necessarily limited to all members of the following families: Helodermidae;Viperidae;Crotalidae;Altractaspidae;Hydrophilidae;and Elapidae;or 2. Is a"rear fanged" snake of the family Colubridae that are known to be dangerous to humans,including but not necessarily limited to,all members of the following families: Dispholidus typus; Thebtornis kirtlandii;and Rhabdophis spp.;or 3. Is a member of the order Crocodilia(crocodiles,alligators and caiman). Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-13 of Spokane County Inherently Dangerous Mammal / Reptile Keeper: Any person who is licensed by the Spokane County Animal Control Authority to harbor and/or own one(1)or more inherently dangerous mammals/ reptiles. (Res.99- 1061, dated November 30,1999) Inoperable: When a machine or vehicle does not function as it was originally designed because an essential component(s)has stopped functioning properly,is missing or absent. Kennel: An establishment or place,other than an animal or veterinary hospital or clinic or animal shelter, where eleven(11) or more dogs and/or eleven(11)or more cats over six(6)months of age are housed, groomed,bred,boarded,trained or sold commercially or as pets. Kennel,Private: The domicile of a person or persons who own or breed five(5)or more dogs and/or cats but less than eleven (11)dogs and/or cats over six(6)months of age,primarily for personal recreational use,such as participation in recognized conformation shows,field or obedience trials,racing,scenting,pulling, specialized hunting or working trials,and water trials,search and rescue,tracking and for the purpose of improving the physical soundness,temperment,and conformation of a given breed to a standard. Landfill: A method of final disposal of solid waste by utilizing land in a manner that allows the disposal of solid waste without creating hazards to public health,significant impacts to the environment,or nuisances. Landscape Material Sales Lot: The sale of organic and inorganic materials,including but not limited to,soil and soil amendment;bark,sod,gravel,pea gravel,hardscape products,crushed rock,river rock and landscape boulders primarily used for landscaping and site preparation purposes. The exclusive sale of horticultural or floricultural stock that is permitted in a commercial greenhouse or nursery-wholesale shall not be considered "landscape materials." Library: An establishment for the sole purpose of loaning and circulating books or providing a reading room and reference service to the public whether conducted by a public or private agency or whether the service is with or without direct cost to the user. Limited Restaurant: A food service establishment which handles only commercially pre-cooked Pre-Heated Foods (PHFs) and/or espresso. (Res.2-0244,dated March 5,2002) Livestock: Animals,including but not limited to,horses,cattle,llamas,sheep,goats,swine,reindeer, donkeys and mules. Loading Berth: An off-street space,designated area or berth located on the same lot or site as the buildings or use served,which provides the temporary parking of a commercial vehicle while loading or unloading merchandise,materials,or passengers. Lot: A platted or unplatted parcel of land defined by the Spokane County Assessor as being segregated and/or separated from other parcels of land and being in compliance with State and local platting laws. Lot Area: The total horizontal space within the lot lines of a lot,excluding any street rights-of-way. Lot,Buildable: A division of land created in compliance with State and local platting laws of at least sufficient size and lot frontage to meet any minimum local or State Code requirements for use as a building site. Lot Depth: The horizontal length of a straight line drawn from the midpoint of the lot front line and at right angles to such line to its intersection with a line parallel to the lot front line and passing through the midpoint of the lot rear line. In the case of a lot having a curved front line,the lot front line for purposes of this section Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-14 of Spokane County shall be deemed to be a line tangent to the curve and parallel to a straight line connecting the points of intersection of the lot side lines with the curved lot front line. Lot Frontage(Frontage): The length of that portion of a lot abutting the public (private)street providing principal access to the lot. Lot Lines: 1. Lot Front Line-A line separating the lot from the street,or public right-of-way other than an alley if a street does not exist. In the case of a corner lot,the shortest continuous line separating the lot from the street or public right-of-way shall be the lot front line. In case of corner lots having equal lines abutting a street or public right-of-way,that property line which when extended creates the front property line for the greatest number of interior lots in the same block shall be considered as the lot front line of such corner lot. Where a lot does not abut a public right-of-way or street the lot front line shall be the lot line nearest to a street or public right-of-way. 2. Lot Rear Line-A lot line which is opposite and most distant from the lot front line. For the purposes of establishing the lot rear line the following shall apply: a. In the case of a lot with a rear boundary formed by a single line that is parallel to the lot front line, such rear boundary is the lot rear line. b. In the case of a lot,the rear boundary of which is formed by two (2)or more lines,the lot rear line shall be a line ten (10)feet in length within the lot and farthest removed from the lot front line and at right angles to the line comprising the depth of such a lot. c. In the case of a trapezoidal lot,the rear line of which is not parallel to the lot front line, the lot rear line shall be deemed to be a line at right angles to the line comprising the depth of such lot and drawn through a point bisecting the recorded lot rear line. d. In no case shall the application of the above be interpreted as permitting a main building to locate closer than five(5)feet to any property line unless such building portion is below grade with no visible portion above grade. 3. Lot Side Line-Any lot boundary line not a lot front line or a lot rear line. Lot of Record: An area of land designated as a residential lot on the plat or subdivision recorded or registered, pursuant to statute,with the Auditor for Spokane County. Lot Types: 1. Corner Lot-A lot situated at the intersection of two(2) or more streets,the street frontage of which lot form an angle not greater than one hundred and twenty-eight(128) degrees,and not less than forty-five (45) degrees. 2. Interior Lot-A lot other than a corner lot. Lot Width: The horizontal distance between the lot side lines measured at right angles to the line comprising the depth of the lot. Minimum lot width shall be the same for the entire depth of the parcel. Low Intensity Lighting: Lighting not exceeding the equivalent of eight hundred(800)milliamperes flourescent tubing space on nine-inch (9)centers,or of exposed neon not exceeding thirty (30) milliamperes. Main Building: The principal building or other structure on a lot or building site designed or used to accommodate the primary use to which the premises are devoted. Where a permitted use involves more than one building or structure designed or used for the primary purpose,each permitted building or other structure on a lot or building sign as defined by this Code shall be construed as comprising a main building. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-15 of Spokane County Manufactured Home: A dwelling unit forty(40)feet or more in length and at least eight(8)feet or more in width when erected on site,four hundred (400)or more square feet in floor area,constructed in accordance with Federal mobile home construction standards as evidenced by the attachment of an insignia and,upon relocation into or within Spokane County,a certification by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries that said manufactured home has passed their"Alteration Inspection" or its equivalent,designed for transportation after fabrication in one(1) or more sections on its own permanent chassis, designed to be used as a dwelling and arriving at the site where it is placed on a foundation,or tied down and skirted with towing tongue removed or completely disguised. Floor area will not include accessory structures or additions and shall be determined by measurement of the structure's exterior dimension after erection on site.Such a unit includes the connection to electric power,water supply and sewage disposal facilities. Manufactured (Mobile)Home: A manufactured home or a mobile home as defined herein. Manufactured (Mobile)Home Park: A site having as its principal use the rental of space for occupancy by two (2) or more manufactured (mobile)homes,and the accessory buildings,structures,and uses customarily incidental to such homes. Massage Parlor: A building or structure where persons obtain massage treatment and/or advice or where persons use facilities for nonsexual relaxation purposes. Medical Office: See"Clinic." Mineral resource lands: Defined in WAC 365-190-030(14)as now or hereafter amended. Mobile Home: A factory-built dwelling constructed prior to June 15,1976 to standards other than the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act,having a minimum size of eight(8)feet wide and thirty-two(32)feet long,being completely self-contained,designed for use as a dwelling for a single family, and otherwise acceptable under state and local codes which were in effect at the time of manufacture, introduction into Spokane County or relocation of the mobile home within Spokane County which acceptability is evidenced by certification by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries that said mobile home has passed their"Alteration Inspection" or its equivalent.Such a unit includes the connection to electric power,water supply and sewage disposal facilities. Monument Sign:A sign and supporting structure constructed as a solid structure or one that gives the appearance of a continuous,non-hollow,unbroken,mass. (Res.2-0188,dated February 19,2002) Eastwood Manor Motel: One or more attached or detached buildings providing separate sleeping or living quarters primarily to temporarily accommodate transient individuals or families traveling by motor vehicle,with attached garages or parking spaces conveniently located to each unit and may include kitchen facilities. Also commonly referred to as a tourist court,tourist home, motor lodge,motor inn,and similar designation. Multiple Building Complex: A group of structures,or a single structure,with dividing walls and separate entrances for each business,housing at least two(2)retail businesses,offices,commercial ventures or independent or separate parts of a business which share the same lot,access and/or parking facilities. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-16 of Spokane County Multiple Businesses: Multiple businesses include businesses that may be located in a single building or in multiple buildings on a single site as shown in illustrations A and B below. (Res.2-0188,dated February 19, 2002) parking cn Parking area _ y parking m A STREET B Neighborhood: A geographic area bounded by distinct physical boundaries, such major or minor arterials, geologic formations,broad open spaces and similar features,centered around common interests or facilities and distinguished from a"community"which could be composed of more than one(1) neighborhood as herein defined. Nonconforming: A lot,use,building,or structure,which was legal when commenced or built,but which does not conform to subsequently enacted or amended regulations. Nonprecision Instrument Runway: A runway having existing or planned "straight-in"instrument approach procedures,as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration,utilizing air navigation facilities with only horizontal guidance,and for which no precision instrument runways are planned or indicated on a document approved by the Department. Nursery: An area,structure,or building and all accessory areas,structures,or buildings which are used exclusively for the purpose of nurturing trees,shrubs,flowers,and/or other plants for the purpose of transplant and/or sale. Nursery School: A private agency,school,or institution engaged in educational work with preschool children and in which no child is enrolled on a regular basis for four(4)or more hours per day. Enrollment for four(4) or more hours per day shall classify the facility as a "Day Care Facility" or"Kindergarten." Nursing Home: A place licensed by the State Department of Social and Health Services as a"nursing home" or institution which operates or maintains facilities providing convalescence and/or chronic care for a period in excess of twenty-four(24)consecutive hours for three(3) or more patients who are not related to the operator by blood or marriage and who by reason of illness or infirmity are unable to properly care for themselves. On-Premises Sign: A sign which carries advertisements incidental to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located,including signs indicating the business transacted at,services rendered,goods sold or produced on the premises,name of the business and/or name of the person,firm or corporation occupying the premises. (Res.2-0188,dated February 19,2002) One Hundred (100)-Year Flood Plain: An area determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or by Spokane County to have a one-percent(1%)chance of flooding in any given year. Open Space: The area of a lot or building site that is free and clear of buildings and structures. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-17 of Spokane County Opponent of Record: A person who has provided verbal or written testimony in opposition to a proposal/project before or during the public testimony portion of a hearing,or filled out and submitted a Party of Record Notice indicating opposition prior to the close of the public hearing. Orchard: A planting of trees producing fruit and/or nuts for the purpose of sale. Ordinary High-Water Mark: That mark on all lakes,streams and surface waters which will be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual,and so long continued in all ordinary years,as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland in respect to vegetation;provided that in any area where such a mark cannot be found,the ordinary high water mark shall be the line of the mean high water. Owners: Any person, partnership,corporation,association,unincorporated organization,trust or any other legal commercial entity having sufficient proprietary interest to seek development of land. This includes a representative with written owner authorization. Overlay Zone: Requirements described in the Code text which exist in conjunction with another zone and which relate to the official zoning map. Developments within such an area must conform to the requirements of both zones and,in the event of inconsistencies,the most restrictive requirements shall control. Park-and-Ride Facility: A parking area or structure used for the specific purpose of storing motor vehicles in order that the occupants can transfer to a higher occupancy vehicle(HOV) (e.g.,buses,vans,carpool autos) to complete a trip. Park,Public: A site under the control of any Federal,state or local government agency,and designated or developed for recreational use by the public. Subject to the regulations of the controlling agency,recreational uses may include,but are not limited to,indoor facilities such as museums,swimming pools and skating rinks, and outdoor facilities such as athletic fields,playgrounds,fishing areas,and areas and trails for hikers, equestrians,bicyclists,or off-road recreational vehicle users. Parking Area,Satellite: A parking area more than three hundred(300)feet away from the establishment, building,structure,or use which it is designed to serve. Parking Facility: A parking area,building,or structure used for the specific purpose of parking or storage of motor vehicles for compensation and/or to accommodate the patrons of the establishment providing said parking facility;establishments providing such facilities include industrial,manufacturing,commercial, recreational,office,institutional and residential uses,but exclude single family dwellings. Parking Lot Travel Lane: Privately owned lanes for vehicles to travel through parking lots to parking stalls, loading areas,public roadways,and other adjacent public or private parking lots. Party of Record: A person who has provided verbal or written testimony in or regarding a public hearing on a land use action. Paved Surface: A paved surface shall consist of asphalt or Portland cement concrete laid to the specifications set forth by the Spokane County Engineer and this Code. Permitted Use: An activity or use so designated in any given zone,and which may occur without special action by the Board or Hearing Body,subject to provisions of the zone in which it is located. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-18 of Spokane County Person: A corporation,company,association,society,firm,partnership or joint stock company,as well as an individual,a state,and all political subdivisions of a state or any agency or instrumentality thereof. Person or Party Having Standing: Any party of record. Pigeon Loft: Any structure which is used for the housing or keeping of performing or show pigeons. Pigeon,Performing: Pigeons which are raised and used in the sport,hobby or competition of racing;which require being released for freedom of flight for purposes of training,maintaining physical conditioning or competitive performing;and which are identified by a leg band containing the name or initials of the owner or with an identification or registration number stamped on said band. Specifically included in this category are flying tipplers,rollers,tumblers and homing or racing pigeons. Pigeon,Show: Pigeons which are raised and used in the sport,hobby or competition of show;which do not require being released for freedom of flight for maintenance of physical conditioning or training;and which are identified by a leg band containing the name or initial of the owner,or with an identification or registration number stamped on said band. Planned Unit Development(P.U.D.): A land development project planned comprehensively as an entity through a design process prescribed by ordinance which permits some flexibility in the regulations of the underlying zone as defined in Chapter 14.704. Planning Agency: The Spokane County Planning Department organized and functioning as any other department of county government,together with its planning commission. Planning Commission: See"Commission." Portable Sign: Any sign which is not permanently affixed and is designed for or capable of being moved, except those signs explicitly designed for people to carry on their person. Precision Instrument Runway: An existing runway having an existing instrument approach procedure utilizing an Instrument Landing System (ILS),or Precision Approach Radar(PAR) as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration,or an existing or planned runway for which a precision instrument approach system is planned and so indicated on an approved document from the Planning Department. Primary Agricultural Parcel: An area of land devoted almost exclusively to agricultural pursuits. Primary Purpose;Primary Use;Principal Use: The predominant use to which the lot or property is or may be devoted and to which all other uses are accessory. Primary Surface: All that land which lies directly under an imaginary surface longitudinally centered on a runway and extending two hundred (200) feet beyond each end of all runways which have a specifically prepared surface or planned hard surface and coinciding with each end of other runways. The elevation of any point on the primary surface is the same as the elevation of the nearest point on the runway centerline. The width of the primary surface is: Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-19 of Spokane County 1. One thousand (1,000)feet for existing or planned precision instrument runways and nonprecision instrument runways having visibility minimums as low as three-fourths(3/4)of a statute mile; 2. Five hundred(500)feet for all other existing or planned nonprecision instrument runways or visual nonutility runways;and 3. Two hundred fifty(250) feet for all other existing or planned visual utility runways. Priority Sewer Service Area(PSSA): That area which is currently urbanized,or most probably will urbanize, and could feasibly be provided with interceptor sewers within 1987 to 1992 or earlier and as mapped in the adopted Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan as amended to date. Official mapping of the PSSA is maintained in the offices of the County Planning Department and County Utilities Department. Private Repeater Facility: A facility for the noncommercial reception and retransmission of radio signals. Professional Offices: An office maintained and used as a place of business by individuals in licensed professions and other generally recognized professions which utilize training or knowledge in the mental disciplines as distinguished from occupations primarily oriented to manual skills or the handling of commodities. Prohibited Use: A use not specifically enumerated as a permitted use,conditional use or nonconforming use. Prohibited uses include,but are not limited to,the enumerated "prohibited uses"within each zone of this Code. Public Transportation Benefit Area(PTBA): The geographic area within which the Spokane Transit Authority provides public transportation service,per the provisions of RCW 37.56. Public Transportation Plan: A document detailing the location and type of facilities provided for public transit/ride sharing purposes. Public Utility: A closely regulated public or private enterprise with an exclusive franchise for providing a public service paid for directly by the recipient of that service. Public Utility Local Distribution Facility: Any building,structure,or device which transfers directly to the public the service or supply provided by a public utility,including telephone,electric (less than sixty(60)feet in height),gas,cable television,water and sewer,and all other facilities,equipment and structures necessary for conducting a local distribution service by a government or public utility. Public Utility Transmission Facility: Any building,structure,or device which does not directly transfer to the public the service or supply provided by a public utility,including telephone,electric(greater than fifty-five thousand [55,000]volts or fifty-five[55]KV),gas,cable television,water and sewer,and all other facilities, equipment,and structures,including substations,switching stations,and reservoirs. Readerboard: A sign face consisting of tracts to hold readily changeable letters allowing frequent changes of copy. Record: The official file,exhibits,maps and slides including the tape recorded proceedings or transcription thereof. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-20 of Spokane County Recreational Area,Commercial: An indoor and/or outdoor area or structure(s)operated for profit and devoted to facilities and equipment for recreational purposes, including,but not limited to,swimming pools, tennis courts,racquet ball courts,dance and other similar uses whether the use of such area is limited to private membership or whether open to the public upon the payment of a fee. Recreational Vehicle(RV): A vehicular type portable structure without permanent foundation,not more than thirty-five(35) feet in length,primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational,camping,or travel use,with or without motor power,and occupied in any one place for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days. This includes,but is not limited to, travel trailers, truck campers,camping trailers and self-propelled motor homes. Recreational Vehicle Park/Campground: An area where facilities are provided for camping units as defined herein, utilized by the public for camping or use of a camping unit for recreation on a temporary basis and not designed for long term occupancy. The Recreational Vehicle Park/Campground may include recreational services,facilities and activities for utilization by the public that are typical and ordinary to the Recreational Vehicle Park/Campground industry. Recreational Vehicle Park/Campgrounds shall comply with all applicable State and County codes. (Res. 1-0229,dated March 13,2001) Residence: A building or structure,or portion thereof,which is designed for and used to provide a place of abode for human beings,but not including hotels or motel units,or places of abode having no kitchen within each unit. A residence must include one or more dwelling units. Residential Zones: Those zones outright permitting residential uses,including the RR-10,SRR-5,SRR-2,SR-1, SR-1/2,UR-3.5,UR-7,UR-12,UR-22,and RS zones. Retail Area: Indoor Space where products are displayed and the public is allowed to purchase items or participate in recreational activities. Indoor eating areas are included. Not included are office, production and storage areas not accessible to the public. (Res.2-0244, dated March 5,2002) Retaining Wall: Any wall not an integral part of a building,used to resist the lateral displacement of earth material. Retirement/Elderly Apartments: A multi-family dwelling designed for individuals and couples who are retired from active employment service,and who are not medically dependent upon other individuals. Retirement/Elderly Apartments (Low Income Subsidized): A retirement/elderly apartment developed and owned by a nonprofit sponsor who receives a direct funding loan from HUD-FHA or some other agency and where rents are subsidized by HUD-FHA or some other agency based upon low income status. Roadway: The paved or improved portion of a street/road,designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel including shoulders, auxiliary lanes,curbs,sidewalks,etc. Roof: A structural covering over any portion of a building or structure,including the projections beyond the walls or supports of the building or structure. Roof Sign:A sign supported by and erected on and/or above a roof,wall or parapet of a building or structure. (Res.2-0188,dated February 19,2002) Runway: Any existing or planned paved surface or turf-covered area of an airport which is specifically designed and used,or planned to be used,for the landing and/or taking off of aircraft. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-21 of Spokane County Sanitarium: A health station or retreat,or any place where resident patients are housed,which specializes in giving temporary or emergency clinical services of a medical or surgical nature including surgical and postsurgical treatment of persons with mental disorders,but excluding the psychiatric treatment of such mental and nervous disorders. Schools;Kindergarten,Elementary,Middle,Junior High and High: Public and private institutions of learning offering instruction from kindergarten to grade 12 required by the Education Code of the State of Washington. Seasonal Harvest Festivities: Those temporary and accessory activities associated with the sale of annual harvest crops. These accessory activities may include live music, temporary food service establishments, vendors other than the owners or operators of the farm; commercial farm rides on the premises and recreational activities (e.g. corn mazes, craft booths,etc.). These activities may occur for specified time periods or seasons as defined in Section 14.640.220(12)or Section 14.640.240(15). (Res.2-0244,dated March 5,2002) Secondhand: Any material or good that has been used and is not specifically addressed by one of the Zoning Matrices. Secure Community Transition Facility: A residential facility for persons civilly committed and conditionally released to a less restrictive alternative under Chapter RCW 71.09. A Secure Community Transition Facility has supervision and security,and either provides or ensures the provision of sex offender treatment services. Secure Community Transition Facilities include but are not limited to the facilities established pursuant to RCW 71.09.250 and any community-based facilities established under RCW 71.09 and operated by the secretary of the Washington Department of Social and Health Services or under contract with the secretary. (Res. ,dated ) Secure Residential Treatment Facility: Any dwelling or place licensed,certified or authorized by state,federal or local authorities to confine and treat sex offenders through a rehabilitation treatment program for those conditionally released from total confinement under a court ordered civil commitment. May include:secure community housing unit operated by the Department of Social and Health Services and secure community housing unit operated by a contractor on behalf of the Department of Social and Health Services. (Res.1-0566, dated June 19,2001) Self-Service Storage Facility: A facility including buildings and/or structures containing spaces of varying sizes leased or rented on an individual basis and used exclusively for the storage of excess property and outdoor storage of vehicles and boats. SEPA: The Washington State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 and administrative codes developed pursuant thereto or any amendments thereto. Service Station,Automobile: A retail establishment for the sale on the premises of motor vehicle fuel and other petroleum products and automobile accessories,and for the lubrication and minor repairs of automotive vehicles,but not including tire recapping,engine overhaul,or body and fender work. Sewage Sludge: The concentrated deposit,sediment,or mass resulting from the treatment of sewage, including materials pumped from cess pools,septic tanks,sewage holding tanks and drywells. Sign: Any visual communication device,structure or fixture which is visible from any right-of-way and is intended to aid the establishment in question in promoting the sale of products,goods,services,events or to identify a building using graphics,letters,figures,symbols,trademarks or written copies. Painted wall designs or patterns,which do not represent a product,service or registered trademark or which do not identify the user,shall not be considered signs. If a design or pattern is combined with a sign,only that part of the Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-22 of Spokane County design or pattern,which cannot be distinguished from the sign will be considered as part of the sign.This definition does not include billboards or video boards. (Res.2-0188,dated February 19,2002) Site Development Plan: A plan drawn to scale for one(1)or more lots,parcels or tracts on which is shown the existing and proposed conditions of the lot,tract or parcel. Such plan(s)shall be drawn per specifications identified in this Code or by administrative policy. Solar Collector: The south face of a structure higher than two (2)feet above the ground level at the south wall which has solar sky space and can use solar energy to reduce consumption of energy for space heating, lighting,water heating,and/or to generate electrical energy used by that structure. Solar Lot:A platted tract or parcel of land within a solar development which has solar sky space to the solar shell or solar structure as defined. Solar Shell:The three dimensional area shown on a site plan or subdivision map which designates each lot's future limits of building and growth of vegetation which is or can be over six (6)feet in height and by which shadow patterns shall be determined. The purpose of the shells to protect solar access of the lot to the north and to designate access area to be protected on the lot. Solar Sky Space: The space between the sun and the south face of a solar structure or solar shell which is unobstructed by topography,by any structure(s),or by vegetation not defined as Deciduous vegetation within this Code.The sky space is defined as the area between when: 1. The sun,at approximately 10 a.m.and 2 p.m. in January and November,is at an altitude of seventeen (17) degrees and is at a direction between thirty(30) degrees east or west of true south;and 2. The sun,at approximately 10 a.m.and 2 p.m. in April and August,is at an altitude of forty-five(45) degrees and is at a direction between forty-five(45) degrees east or west or true south. 48' NL II II It II II II II 11 11 I l 1 NOON _ 11 AM 0 01-- ���� P 0 AM 1 ; . S 50° w ":'_j: i''.`° ` > __i! 7/S74V 400 9T - 1-- Oper Ada >: : q .._300 Jh� qP 20° ecao - / TRUE 2 WR7 PM SOUTH - �p- A- GROUND 450 30' 15".< 1-'5" 300 450 LEVEL DIRECTION SOUTH Solar Structure: Any dwelling unit which is designated to maximize available solar energy for heating, cooling,or lighting needs and which is located on a solar lot as defined. Solid Waste: All putrescible and nonputrescible solid and semisolid material,including,but not limited to, garbage,refuse,bulky wastes,inert waste,agricultural solid waste,sewage sludge and demolition and construction wastes. Solid Waste Recycling/Transfer Site: A municipally owned and/or operated area with a structure or vehicle, the main purpose of which is to hold solid waste or recyclable materials,prior to transport to a central disposal- Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-23 of Spokane County or collection location. Recycling sites are allowed only in conjunction with solid waste transfer and disposal sites and shall limit recyclables only to ferrous metals,aluminum,glass,plastics,paper,and other reusable items. Solid waste recycling/transfer site is not a sanitary landfill,garbage and refuse dump,or recycling plant. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-24 of Spokane County Solid Waste Recycling/Transfer Site,Private: A structure or vehicle,the main purpose of which is to hold solid waste or recyclable materials prior to transport to a central disposal or collection location,and shall limit recyclables only to ferrous metals,aluminum,glass,plastics,paper,and other reusable items. Solid waste recycling/transfer site is not a sanitary landfill,garbage and refuse dump,or recycling plant. Sorority: A female fraternity. Specified Anatomical Areas: Human genitals,pubic region,buttock,and female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola,when such areas are less than completely and opaquely covered. This definition shall also include human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state,even if completely and opaquely covered. Specified Sexual Activities: Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal;acts of human masturbation,sexual intercourse or sodomy;fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals,pubic region, buttock or female breast. Story:That portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above,except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of a topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. If the finished floor level directly above a usable or unused under-floor space is more than six(6)feet above grade as defined herein for more than fifty percent (50%) of the total perimeter or is more than twelve(12)feet above grade as defined herein at any point,such usable or unused under-floor space shall be considered as a story. Stealth: Any Wireless Communication Antenna Array or Wireless Communication Support Tower,which is designed to blend into the surrounding environment. Examples of stealth may include architecturally screened roof-mounted antennas,building-mounted antennas painted to match the existing structure, antennas integrated into architectural elements,and wireless communication support towers designed to look like trees,clock towers,bell steeples,light poles or flag poles. (Res.2-0159,dated February 12,2002) Street,Public(Private): A public thoroughfare or private thoroughfare the legal description of which is recorded with the County Auditor either of which affords primary means of access to abutting property. A recorded private thoroughfare may be a recorded easement for ingress or egress or a platted street designed as a private thoroughfare for access of abutting property but for which the County assumes no responsibility or ownership and is available for use to the abutting property owners only. The private road easements and road maintenance agreements shall meet the requirements of the adopted public or private road standards for Spokane County,as amended. The private road easements and associated maintenance agreement shall be recorded with the County Auditor prior to final subdivision or segregation by Certificate of Exemption. Street,Flanking: One of the two streets abutting a corner lot which is not parallel with the lot front line. Street,Local Access: Street classification per the Spokane County Road Standards. Structure: Any object constructed or erected which requires location on or in the ground or is attached to something having a location on the ground(including towers,smokestacks,overhead transmission lines, captive balloons,etc.)but not including fences or walls used as fences less than six(6)feet in height. Excluded from this definition are accessory storage structures for the sole purpose of the owner or occupant less than one hundred twenty(120)square feet in area not specifically permitted or prohibited by this Title or written interpretation thereto. Also excluded are docks and piers,but which may still be governed by the County's Shoreline Program. (See also Wireless Communication Antenna Array and Wireless Communication Support Tower.) (Res.2-0159,dated February 12,2002) Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-25 of Spokane County Subdivision: Within this Code,includes both short subdivisions and long subdivisions defined within the Spokane County Short Plat Ordinance and the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance. Support Structure(s):Posts or columns and their anchors and bolts that structurally support the sign attached to it. (Res.2-0188,February 19,2002) Temporary Food Services Establishment: A food service establishment operating at a fixed location for not more than twenty-one (21) consecutive days in conjunction with a single event. Event is defined as a celebration, fair, festival, or other special event generally recognized by the community and advertised as such. Examples are the Interstate Fair, Pig Out in the Park, or harvest festivals which are recognized and advertised in the community. (Res.2-0244,dated March 5,2002) Temporary Use: A use approved for location on a lot by the Department for a period not to exceed six(6) months with the intent to discontinue such use after the time period expires. Three-Sided Sign:A sign with three faces. (Res.2-0188,dated February 19,2002) UU°� \�( v ��t -�TAUDI;�I6i Tire Salvage Yard_ Any area,lot,land,parcel,building,structure or part thereof where waste,discarded or salvaged tires are exchanged,handled,bought,sold,stored,chipped,shredded or dumped. Outdoor storage of up to eight hundred(800)tires and the storage of up to eighteen hundred (1800)tires inside an enclosed building or semitrailer,as an accessory use to a permitted business use,shall not be considered a Tire Salvage Yard. Title Notice: A document recorded with the County Auditor for the purpose of disclosure of important information,special conditions,restrictions,and/or circumstances that affect the property to a purchaser, lender and others. Tower: A structure not enclosed with exterior walls and which extends more than seventy-five(75)feet above grade or which exceeds the maximum building height for the zone in which it is located. Public utility structures used for the distribution or transmission of electricity are excluded from this definition,but structures used for production of energy are included (e.g. wind tower). Structures less than the above-stated height standard shall be considered accessory structures. Does not include:Wireless Communication Antenna Array or Wireless Communication Support Tower. (Res.2-0159,dated February 12,2002) Tower,Private: A structure less than seventy-five(75)feet in height above grade used for two-way(2) communication for hobby or emergency service purposes by private individuals. Does not include:Wireless Communication Antenna Array or Wireless Communication Support Tower. (Res.2-0159,dated February 12, 2002) True South: That direction one hundred eighty degrees(180)from the direction designated as "True North" on a United States Geological Survey(U.S.G.S.)map. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-26 of Spokane County Two-Sided Sign:A sign with two faces. (Res.2-0188,dated February 19,2002) ci Ultralight vehicles: A vehicle that; 1. Is used or intended to be used for maimed operation in the air by a single occupant. 2. Is used or intended to be used for recreation or sport purposes only; 3. Does not have any U.S.or foreign airworthiness certificate;and 4. If unpowered,weighs less than 155 pounds;or 5. If powered, a. Weighs less than 254 pounds empty weight,excluding floats and safety devices,which are intended for deployment in a potentially catastrophic situation; b. Has a fuel capacity not exceeding 5 U.S. gallons; c. Is not capable of more than 55 knots calibrated airspeed at full power in level flight;and d. Has a power-off stall speed which does not exceed 24 knots calibrated airspeed. (Federal Aviation Administration, Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations,part 103.1) Urban Impact Area: That area which is affected by urban-type growth,a major portion of which is the Priority Sewer Service Area,but is further delineated in Section 14,Urban Impact Area,of the Spokane County Generalized Comprehensive Plan. Use: The purpose for which land or building is arranged,designed,or intended,or for which either is or may be occupied or maintained. Utility Runway: A runway that is constructed for and intended to be used by propeller-driven aircraft of twelve thousand five hundred (12,500)pounds,maximum gross weight,and less. Variance: The means by which an adjustment may be made in the application of the specific regulations of this Code to a particular piece of property,which property,because of special circumstances applicable to it,is deprived of privileges commonly enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and similar zone classification and which adjustment remedies the difference in privileges: Provided,That a variance granted shall not authorize a use otherwise prohibited in the zone classification in which the property is located. Vehicle: An item,not a manufactured (mobile)home,which is designed to transport objects,merchandise, other articles,or persons from one point to another whether the item(vehicle)is operable or inoperable. Veterinary Hospital or Clinic,Small Animal: An establishment other than a kennel in which veterinary medical services,clipping,bathing,and similar services,are rendered to dogs,cats and other small animals and domestic pets. Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-27 of Spokane County Veterinary Hospital or Clinic,Large Animal: An establishment in which veterinary medical services and similar services are rendered to large,agriculturally-related animals,such as horses,cows,donkeys,sheep, pigs,and similar animals. Video Board: Video board or moving picture board/screen is a large format display showing active or moving or animated images over most or all of the display surface and which has advertising images that are discernible from a moving vehicle on a public right of way. (Res.99-1030,dated November 16,1999) Visual Runway: A runway intended solely for the operation of aircraft using visual approach procedures, with no"straight-in"instrument approach procedure as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration and no instrument designation indicated on an approved planning document. Wall Sign:A non-paper sign attached or erected parallel to and extending not more than fifteen(15)inches from the facade or face of any building to which it is attached and supported throughout its entire length,with the exposed face of the sign parallel to the plane of said wall or facade. Signs incorporated into mansard roofs, marquees or canopies shall be treated as a wall sign. (Res.2-0188,dated February 19,2002) t----() JASON'S_ PETE'S GOLF i GM/WI 1,1 I: 11 111-Ti -il 1 1. t-, s -...;f.. =3 Wireless Communication Antenna Array: A wireless communication antenna array is one or more rods, panels,discs or similar devices used for the transmission or reception of radio frequency (RF)signals,which may include omni-directional antenna(whip),directional antenna(panel)and parabolic antenna(dish). Wireless communication antenna array shall be considered an accessory use provided they are located upon an existing structure. Does not include Tower or Tower,private. (Res.2-0159,dated February 12,2002) Wireless Communication Support Tower: A wireless communication support tower is a structure designed specifically to support a wireless communication antenna array,and may include a guyed tower,self- supporting tower,a single pole structure(or monopole),lattice tower,and other similar structures. Does not include Tower or Tower,private. (Res.2-0159,dated February 12,2002) Yard: An open space other than a court,on a lot,unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided in this Code. Yards,Types and Measurements: 1. Front Yard-An area extending across the full width of a lot and lying between the lot front line and that portion of a proposed or existing building or structure on the lot closest to the lot front line,or between the lot front line and the required front yard depth in each classification when no building or structure exists or is proposed. The front yard is generally recognized by location of the main entrance to the building and/or orientation to the primary street. "Front yards"shall be measured by a line at right angles to the lot front line,or by the radial line or radial line extended in the case of a curved lot front line. Any lot extending between two(2) nonintersecting streets shall be deemed to have front yards on both streets regardless of building orientation. 2. Rear Yard-An area extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the lot rear line and that portion of a proposed or existing building or structure closest to the lot rear line,or between the lot Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-28 of Spokane County rear line and the required rear yard depth in each classification when no building or structure exists or is proposed. "Rear yards"shall be measured by a line at right angles to the lot rear line,or by the radial line or radial line extended in the case of a curved lot area line. 3. Side Yard-That area of a lot,unoccupied,which is neither a front yard,a rear yard or a flanking street yard. 4. Flanking Street Yard-That unoccupied area of a lot which is coterminous with a flanking street bounded by the front yard and rear yard and the flanking street yard depth. Youth Camp: The use of a site for indoor or outdoor activities for children,including sports,arts and crafts, entertainment,recreation,educational activities,swimming,fishing,horseback riding,and incidental food service. Zone: A portion of Spokane County designated on the official zoning map or official arterial/road map as one of the classifications listed in Chapters 14.604,14.702,14.704,14.706 and 14.710 and established for the purpose of promoting orderly and efficient development of land compatible with surrounding areas and the Comprehensive Plan Text including the Future Land Use Plan and the Arterial Road Plan. Zoological Park: Any facility other than a pet shop,circus,or kennel displaying,exhibiting or keeping(one or more)species of animals. Domestic pet shows or farm displays of domestic animals are excluded from this definition. (Res.99-1061,dated November 30,1999) Chapter 14.300 Zoning Code Printed: March 2002 Page 300-29 of Spokane County