Agenda 05/12/2005 SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers -City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Avenue 6:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m. ** *May 12, 2005** * I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES O April 28, 2005 VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS Old Business • Street Vacation — STV-03-05 Knox Ave. New Business Study session — Comp Plan — no public comments X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XL ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF Fred Beaulac k Marina Sukup, AICP - Robert Blum C < Greg McCormick, AICP John G. Carroll, Vice-Unair Scott Kuhta, AICP David Crosby, Chair Deanna Griffith William Gothmann Gail Kogle Ian Robertson www.spokanevalley.org Spokane Valley Planning Commission Draft Minutes Council Chambers —City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave April 28, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Planning Commissioner Kogle proceeded to call the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. In the absence of the Planning Commission Chair, It was moved by Commissioner Gothmann, second by Commissioner Blum to name Commissioner Kogle as Chair for this meeting. Passed by unanimous vote. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director; Gregory McCormick, Planning Manager; Tom Scholtens, Building Official and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Community Development II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac—Present Bill Gothmann— Present Bob Blum — Present Ian Robertson—Absent, Excused David Crosby—Absent, Excused John G. Carroll —Absent, Excused Gail Kogle— Present Commissioner Gothmann made a motion to excuse the three members who could not attend this meeting. Commissioner Blum seconded it, it passed unanimously. IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Beaulac moved that the April 28, 2005 agenda be approved as presented. Commissioner Blum seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Blum pointed out that in the minutes it said that he had spoken and ridden with the Code Enforcement Officer, when in fact he did talk to him but will ride with him some time in the future. Commissioner Beaulac pointed out that he did not make the statement that Commissioner Crosby wanted to be in attendance on any discussion involving the North Greenacres Neighborhood Comprehensive Plan. It was moved by Commissioner Blum seconded by Commissioner Gothmann that the minutes of the April 14, 2005 Planning Commission meeting be accepted as amended. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. April 28,2005 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 5 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Gothmann reported he attended the City Council meeting on Tuesday night the 26t`' of April, 2005. Commissioners Kogle, Beaulac and Blum had nothing to report. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director Sukup reported that she attended the City Council meeting Tuesday April 26, 2005. The Council had discussed the Sign Code. They are moving forward with a second reading on May 10, 2005. There needs to be more input as to DOT (Department of Transportation) regulations, and set up contractual arrangements for bus bench signs; there was no consensus in regard to the political signs and staff is instructed to gather more information in regard to the business signage on Appleway and whether to limit that only to Appleway. Ms. Sukup informed the commission that she would be on vacation from May 5th to May 19th She will not able to attend the joint meeting with the Council on the 5th of May or the Planning Commission Meeting on the 12th of May, 2005 IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: None B. New Business Commissioner Kogle then advised the audience that public hearings are going to be conducted, and the rules that apply to those hearings. Public Hearing: Street Vacation Request STV-01-05, vacation of a portion of 15th Ave. west of Chronicle Road (approximately 150 feet more or less) in the Woodland Terrace Subdivision. Director Sukup explained the vacation and the circumstances behind the request and then made the recommendation that the Commission approve this request. Commissioner Kogle opened the hearing for public comments. S. Brian Main, 708 W. 14th Ave., Spokane Mr. Main stated he was a partner in the development of this property if any of the Commissioners had any questions for him. Commissioner Gothmann stated he personally had been to the location and could see that it could not be a viable road in the future and he recommended that the Commission approve the vacation. There were no questions of Mr. Main. Commissioner Gothmann pointed out that on the draft of the findings and recommendations, the legal description of the property is incorrect. Director Sukup stated we would amend the document to reflect the correct description. April 14,2005 Planning Commission Page 2 of 5 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes Director Sukup also stated she had received a phone call from Katrina Mifilipenko, 4715 E. 15th Ave. Spokane Valley, 99212, giving her support of the street vacation. Commissioner Kogle seeing that there were no more comments closed the public hearing on this issue. A motion was made by Commissioner Gothmann that the street vacation of SVT- 01-05, 15th and Chronicle be recommended for approval to Council. Commissioner Blum seconded the motion; a vote was taken and passed unanimously. Public Hearing: Street Vacation STV 02-05, for an unimproved remainder of Knox Avenue conveyed as right-of-way deeds and recorded under auditor's File Numbers 7504170236 and 7504170237. Director Sukup stated that the main party involved had yet to make an application, but information from him indicated that he would take care of it soon, and Ms. Sukup recommended that since we had interested parties in the audience, we should take the public comments and then postpone any other action until the May 12th, 2005 meeting of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Kogle opened the microphone for public comments on this vacation request. Russell D. Spalding, 9719 E. North Rim Lane, Spokane Valley. Mr. Spalding stated he was the owner of Spalding Auto Parts located at 2200 N. University Rd. Mr. Spalding stated he was concerned about the vacation on a broader view. He asked that before we look at this request, we take a bigger look into traffic and congestion in the area between Argonne and Pines and Argonne to University. His business is in the area between Argonne and University. He has concerns that the amount of growth in that area, mostly commercial, and the increased traffic that it brings. One suggestion is being that Knox could help to relieve some of the traffic problems in the area between University and Woodruff. Opening Knox up could make it simpler for travelers to get into and out of this area. As it stands the only way to get to Argonne is by way of Montgomery. It becomes increasingly more difficult to get on to Montgomery. The only way to get between Argonne and Pines is on Montgomery. He suggested that we could possibly realign Knox so that it would meet Indiana. Commissioner Gothmann asked him to explain on the map what he was speaking about; Mr. Spalding stepped to the dais to point out those sections on the map in connection with his suggestion of traffic relief. Ken Scholz, 2119 N. Locust, Spokane Valley WA 99212. Mr. Scholz is one of the requestors of the street vacation. He stepped to the lectern in case any of the Commissioners had a question for him. Commissioner Gothmann made a motion that further discussion and recommendations be postponed until the May 12th, 2005 Planning Commission Meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Blum, unanimous vote. April 14,2005 Planning Commission Page 3 of 5 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes Public Hearing: Storage Tank Ordinance, Mr. Tom Scholtens, Building Official, stepped to the lectern. Mr. Scholtens stated that we are still working on obtaining information in this matter. He said that we have received feedback from some of the agencies and companies we had emailed the draft to, and we were still doing research on some of their questions. He recommended that we accept public input this evening and then postpone discussion to a future date in order to give time for the research to be completed. Commissioner Kogle then the opened the hearing for public input. Mr. Jim Lande, 1506 S. Pierce Rd., Spokane Valley, Mr. Lande stated he was representing Model Irrigation and he also does work with the ground water protection group and is supportive of this ordinance. He had questions in regard to smaller tanks and truck/trailer/semi truck and how that would be incorporated. Mr. Glen Terry, 11907 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley, Mr. Terry stated he works for the Irvin Water District#6. Mr. Terry supplied a copy of the statement he was making. Irvin Water's board of commissioners, manager and staff are very much in support of this code. He explained that his attorney is out of town but he would like the opportunity to submit his thoughts when he returns. He said they have a great concern in regard to the proposed hot melt asphalt which was permitted by Spokane County; that they believe this plan and the practices of the company put the drinking water of that Irvin Water Well #5 in grave possibilities of contamination; that the well head protection is vital for our sole source aquifer; and these ordinances would be an additional step that the new city has the administrative power to enforce. He asked how would the secondary containment ( be testable; and is the containment single or double ( Mr. Kim Barre, 2726 S. Cheryl Ct., Spokane Valley, Mr. Barre stated he works for ConoPhillips, and they are opposed to the ordinance as it is written. He stated a colleague has sent to Mr. Tom Scholtens and Deanna Griffith, as was requested, in email format a copy of their concerns with the ordinance and are awaiting answers back. Commissioner Kogle seeing there was no one else from the audience who wished to speak at this time, asked for a motion regarding this subject. Commissioner Beaulac made the motion to continue the public testimony until the May 26th, 2005 Planning Commission meeting, Seconded by Commissioner Blum, passed by unanimous vote. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Director Sukup reminded everyone of the following dates: May 12th and May 26th would be the dates we use as a study session for the comprehensive plan, along with other commission business. XI. ADJOURNMENT April 14,2005 Planning Commission Page 4 of 5 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant David Crosby, Chairman April 14,2005 Planning Commission Page 5 of 5 3tc CiT1'ors'` .. 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