04-035.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlaceY ~~ ~ads~n ~~lithi I ~i1~1 ~r~rd p1k ~ACC111CeCTU[e ~rtt~rlC}ry [allsCrucsion nna~cment ~#~ Ir~ Distribution to: ~~+ O[~f~.l~ City of Spokane alley ARC!•!]TF_CT Tadscn Mit~Fic13 fivenson & Conrad C~A!'1"ftAC:~rQI~ fvlaaney & Pa6h Contractors ~~-~~ PROJECT: Cerltsrplac~. aC iral~eau Point Park ~T~ofEC•r loo, o~.~o LITTATTOt~ I,JATE= 07~-12-2004 TO (Contractor)' ferry Potter Mooney Pugh ~orrtractors General Contractors 5307 T:.. Cataldo Spokane. VI'A 9912 Cttatygc Order iVo.. CI]~[~TRACT DATE= 0~-O1=Q3 You ttrc directed to i,rcnr~ni~ate tltic Fallowing ch~tngcs iE~io this (;nntract~ See a~CUCkrr~er~~ fo:~ c0+rr~lele !r"s~1~a~ o~"c{ra~{ges ro the ,+~or~r. irrclaaderl in ~1als C'l~urrge order" Nu[ t~a1 id until signed by bash the c)u~ner nud Arch itecl Signatulc of the Con[rac[ur indiC~les his 7gl~ccmenl hCre~vilh, inclutlin~ any a~jus[menis li5 the Con[rRCi hum nr C'un[r:u_L Eirne. iY~~lc, all costs belotiv include s~lcs f;~x. 1'he Origma! Contact Su[rt was: 7,>9f},462"00 "et chance by pre~rinusly aurhoriaed Cl~an~e O[ders: $1 x,85 ] ,00 The Contract urn prior to this Change Order ti~'as: 57,60,913,00 „~ T~tie Contract yarn will be increased by this [;hango order in the an~ount oF, 5~,262.6~'flo ~ '1'ha new contract hum including this Change prdcr will be: .~7.615,175y~ `Tttie Contract Tine Zvi!! be unchanged. ~ Tlye fate of Substantial Camplet.ion a-s ofthe date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged, ?IGNortliHu»wMl Authorised: Skpu'~Ik Lr~uel $pnk~~rc,1R~x;hin~ron tfy ~ dll ' 4 Motley ~gh Onira~tors 99?UI ~ g~, i09-fi2~-6S4@ J ~~ Uatc I '~~ Date fax 309.6?~•62~? madmitch.ro~,~ ,~iadscn ~4ilc:hell I~vensoiti 2~ Conrad, PLI.~ ~ 16 Rr" Howard, 51:yw,~lk Iveval g9332SoF,ckltuaclleast Sguktli}e, w.~1 9921 Edwall, ~~i,ih ii4L'i~115 99C4~ a04.236~2s']] fix iU9.156•?~il madmirch,com ~~~ Madsen Mitchell CHANGE Evenson &Gonrad URDER pllr, Attachment 02.20-01 Archil:ectw•e Interiors pROJEC'1": Centerplace at Minbeau Point Park INITIATIOwV DATE: 07-12-2004 Construction A4ana;ement You are directed to incorporate the following changes into this Contract: Chantie Proposal Request Items: I. COR-03 Circuit conductor and conduits for Chiller feeders. RFI018 2. COR-17 Additional EF-15 and connections. 3. COR-19 paectrical additions per RFPOS 4. COR-22 I..81 electrical itcrns 5. COR-23 Additional Irrigation work (NortJi Driveway Relocation) 6. COR-24 Chance cohunn size 7. COR-08 Elevator power distribution 8. COR-27 vlcchanical Piping per R1~1072 ?lb North Howarcl 56;yu•alk Let•cl $pgka>tc, lxh~hinRtcm t19?41 SGT-6?4-6500 (ax 509.624.6261 madmitch.com ^ 49)32 Sohek Rt~i Fasc P.U. i3ox 1S2 Edvali, Washin~tnn 94i~t'~ Sti4.Z36-?311 fay 509.21b•2451 madmitch.com Add $53.00 ndd $400.00 Add $4,094.00 Add S1,846.00 Add $561.00 Add $204.00 Add $275.00 Add ~ ~ ~/ $1347 W- co Total for Change Order ho. 2 (includes Wa. Mate sales tax) S9,262A L77