04-036.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlace!. " - a~--- Madsen Mitchell Evenson &Gonrad pllc CHANCE ORDER 02.20-01 Iaistribution to: OWNER City of Spokane Valley ARCHITECT Madsen Mitchell Evenson & Conrad CONTRACTOR Mooney g Pugh Contractors Architecture PROJECT: Centerplace at Mirabeau Point Park PROJECT X10. 02.20 lntcriars Construction IN[T[ATIOi`1 DATE: OS-25-2004 Change order rVo.: 3 Management TO (Contractor): Jerry Potter CON'['RACT DATE: 04-0 l -03 Mooney & Pugh Contractors General Contractors 5307 E. Cataldo Spokane, 1WA 99212 1'ou are directed to inctxporate the following changes into this Contract.- See atlachment for complete !islA,g ojchanges !o the work included in this Change Order. Not valid until signed by both the Owner and Architect Sienature of the Contractor indicates his agrccmcni herewith, including any ndjustmcnts in the Contract Sum or Contract time. tote: all costs below include sales tnx. The 01'tgnlal COntraCt Sttltt waS: 57;590,062.00 Net chance by previously authorized Change Orders: $IS,A51.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was: $7,615,913.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this change order in the amount of: 520,334.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be: $7,636,2x7.00 The Contract Time will be unchanged. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Ghange Order therefore is unchanged. 216 t`'orth Hon•ntd Authorized: Sl:gwalk bevel Spi~kznv,~Ttashington City of Spokane ~~alley Mooney & Pugh Can ~ctors 992it1 Icy ~-~° v t3y i119-bZ4•b~ ,~,/ / Date K/ Z+!i ~ d ~' Date ! ZS rat Sax i09-62i-6262 n-ndmirch.corn Madsen Mitchell Evenson fi Conr~cl, 1'L,LC; ~ 6 N. 1•lOtvard, $kywalk l.,svel $9332 5ohek iload East Spokane, WA 99201 P.O. Box 182 Ay 17ate ~ •~~' [dwall, Washington 99t10S St19.23b-23t t (ax ia9.236-24i! m:tcltoitch.cotn ~~y=3~ r ~ - tts#•-- Madsen Mitchell Evenson &Gonrad pllc Architecture Interiors Construction 41an~tgerr-ent CHANGE ORDER 02.20-01 Attachment PROJECT: Centerplace at Mirabeau Point Park INITI61TT01\t DATE: 08-25-2004 You are directed to incorporate the following changes into this Contract Chan-ee Proposal Request Items: 1. COR-04 Dance Floor Structural changes. Add 2. COR-13 Dance Flaor Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical changes. Add $ 11, 158.00 $9, 06.00 Total for C1lange Order No. 2 (includes ~'1'a. State sales tax) $20,334.35 216 hsorth Howard Sl:gwalk bevel Sriltane,l~~sh istgton 99201 509.624.6S00 fax 59.624.6162 ma+imitch.com ^ 49332 Solxk Romel Ease P.O. Flox IS2 Edwall, Washington 94{R'>L+ 109.236.2,111 Eax 109.236.2451 madmitch.cum