2007, 03-08 Permit App: 07000724 Demoition ResidenceProject Number: 07000724 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 03/08/2007 Page 1 of 2 Project Information: Permit Use: DEMOLITION OF HOUSE Setbacks: Front Site Information: Plat Key: Left: Right: Rear: Contact: LARSON'S DEMOLITION Address: PO BOX 4535 C - S - Z: SPOKANE, WA 99202 Phone: (509) 535-7944 Group Name: Project Name: DEMOLITION OF HOUSE Name: CORBIN ADD TO GREENACRES Parcel Number: 55183.0816 SiteAddress: 17124 E MAIN AVE Location:: CSV Block: Lot: District: East Owner: Name: VALLEY QUALITY HOMES OF SP Address: 1830 S 1ST ST YAKIMA, WA 98903-2226 Zoning: B-3 Regional Business Water District: 134 CONSOLIDATED ID #19 Area: 19,840 Sq Ft Width: 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 0 Nbr of Dwellings: 0 Review Information: Hold: O Depth: 0 Right Of Way (ft): 0 Review Building Plan Review Septic Sys Review Released By: Originally Released: 03/08/2007 By: mturbak Released By: PER LANCE HALSEY - SRHD - VIA FAX - 2/20/2007 - MT Sewer Review Originally Released: 03/08/2007 By: mturbak Released By: PER ROGER RIVERS - COUNTY UTILITIES - VIA FAX - 2/13/2007 - MT Originally Released: 03/08/2007 By: mturbak Permits: Operator: MT Printed By: MT Print Date: 03/08/2007 Project Number: 07000724 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 03/08/2007 Page 2 of 2 Demolition Permit Contractor: LARSON'S DEMOLITION INC Firm: LARSON'S DEMOLITION INC Address: PO BOX 4535 Phone: (509) 535-7944 SPOKANE WA 99220 Item Description DEMOLITION - RESIDENTIAL Notes: Payment Summary: Permit Type Demolition Permit Units Unit Desc 1 NUMBER OF Permit Total Fees: demarog Fee Amount Invoice Amount $44.00 $44.00 Fee Amount $44.00 Amount Paid $0.00 $44.00 Amount Owing $44.00 $44.00 $44.00 $0.00 $44.00 Disclaimer: Submittal of this application certifies the owner (or person(s) authorized by the owner) has both examined and finds the information contained within to be true and correct, and agrees that all provisions of laws and/or regulations governing this type of work will be complied with. Subsequent issuance of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of the code or of any other state or local laws or ordinances. Signature: Operator: MT Printed By: MT Print Date: 03/08/2007 Spokane . VaHey Community Development Permit Center 11707 E Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 MAR 0 : 2007 (509)688-0036 FAX: (509)688-0037 www.spokanevalle_y.org Demolition Notice of Intent Permit Application # 07-0033 X PERMIT NUMBER: 6 - —% 7 PERMIT FEE: Commercial Residential SITE ADDRESS: 17124 E. Main ASSESSORS PARCEL NO: Building Owner: Name: Valley Q1.11 ity Hares Name: Lammas Darnliticn, Inc. Address: 17123 E. Smacw Address: p_o. Ftx 4535 City: Serie Valley State: WA Zip: 99016 Phone: 509 927-7472 Fax: 509 927-7559 Contact Person Name: carol Laran Phone: 509 995-1910 Contractor: Name: Lammas Darnliticn, Inc. Address: p_o. Ftx 4535 City: sxicare State: l„/p, Zip: 99220 Phone: 509 535-7944 Fax: 509 535-8087 Contractor Lic No: Exp Date: City Business Lic. No: 699556997 Describe the scope of work in detail* * * *NOTICE OF INTENT REQUIRED**** Cenral iticn T -hi Cost of project: $ 5000.00 The permitee verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that dwelling, the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permiss transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valle Permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or lo( additional information may be required to be submitted, and subsequen• processed. Ownership of resulting development rights granted by any issued permit Signature C.4.4._.44 Method of Payment: 11 Cash Bankcard #: Authorized Signature: ❑ Check ❑ Mastercard REVISED B/23/2005 Expires: 5-5-0'3. Mu 11 (Zq -C. MAkii Date ❑ VISA 3/08/2007 VIN#: 23' to; Z 5 03 -0B -O7 12:52 AgencyUse Only tnnrtdnett t~1 FROM-SCAPCA ouaarIO O P•••••• Alit POLLUTION SPOKANE CONTROL AUTHOR/TY 1 OR/TY1 MAR ZC07 I lot w_ Collo. Saito X143, Spolknee, WA MOI Poe (.09) 477-4727. Fact (509) 417-6Z2* ; NOTIFICATION AMENDMENT layfc Received CATEGORY IS �1dJ1FCT'I�O'[ilE NEW NO�yCATtON tNY *M AMENDMENT ANYY THAT AMENDMENT CHANCES Eg PROJECT E O JE Cr TY OR ,OR O* IS ASSOCIATED WWII A HIGHER CATEGORY WITH THE MOST RECENTLY :6RIOD. FOR ANEEEQ>WL 0 TH DI E BETWEEN THE FEL ASSOCIATED oit :AaMn TE FCS, A 1A AND THE FEE ASSOCIATE Wits THE INCREASED IF IT IS FILED mazer CATEGORY ATT � Y .tliM[r *5 SUBMITTED. IN NO CASE SHALL AN AMENDMENT :R ACC6r'rn OR APPROVED T 61IwL4 R6 ONDAA NEW NOTICE OF IPITENT MUST SE FtLSD• CpMpI,YTION DATE ON R ',ORA.1NSTtE!, I� BESTOS PROJECT ❑ l 1C MOLITION Cay 01v Lt/ PLEASE ENTER CURRENT NOTIFICATION INFORMATION BELOW: AGENCY CASE * (upper ri_ht-hand cotter of Notice of Ungar: JOB SITE ADDRESS (taw to. NOt Section C): PROJECT CATEGORY * (tater to NOI Section G):_ /11� PLEASE ENTER MANDATORY AMEND t1l) (purst>►aiic to SCAPCA Regulation I, Atnett: DC, Section 9.04.8) ^ f es ; (refer oo NOI Seuie° A) P1 x� Px r GES BELQW: in the Type (ct type t toa> / pTg6doa. No Asbestos Removal Q�Bt penial' . Project Type (citt:te one): R � -Asbestos ""�:. and/or • is tLc job size moe� Pr 0 the typo of arartag that vein be removed (vela,iI1 » Sacha E) ��dale � the bee or chooges the sel"rac" sotttestion Periodte..� NOI Section --""Additional N� onal / New Marcrial TYPV rI � r csuaudizr � Additional / Now Material Type: __ _ : Quantity^_Additional / New Material Type: b. New ots1 Footage for Project: Nob' ,. )ate e Change In dee ewSun Datc:• Change. itt ttteCasasbestos projee`= sstr«npletioti Lao= er Change in tate aebesous projcci New Work Scb,4tttc_..Days: M Refer to SCAPCA Ragulsoon L Article 1 K ti)02 aiJpn Oshut 0/7m to (rero NOI Sodion E * F) //1r at date (tofu w NOI Section E) to NOI Station SsSu; w I DO HERSSY IX, Section 9.04.82 for Optima) Anteodinoss- G INFORMATION cormunitP IN THIS A!Pt.ICATION AND SUr1'LEMENTAL DAT IS, 70 ThE sag! OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ACE -IMAM AND COMPLETE. MATt! CONTRACTOR: TELEPHONE: ( 0Ar ia_ c p 5/Z2M RECEIVE 3-2-� 4`.,ll 6 F/t-501O26�01'8 TO-SCAPCA PACE 01 03 -08 -OT 12:51 FROM-SCAPCA SPOKANE COUNTY MR POLLUTION r. 014 CONTROL AUTHORITY WEST 1101 COLLEGE AVE, SuiTE 403 -• SPOKANE. WASHINGTON 99201 • (509) 477-4727 + FAX t5O91 4776828 • www.scapcfl.ory 50947769TO 1-V3o r-vu,u r -quo February 8, 2006 Asbestos MSC Environmental inc. Coordinator. 2205 N. Woodruff Road; Suits 3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Asbestos TBD -if required must submit amendment and revised Contractor Alternate Work Method (AWM) Property Owners. Valley Quality Homcs Mr. Jim Golly 17123 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99016 Demolition Larson's Demolition Contractor. P.0 Box 4535 Spokane, WA 99220 RE: Order of Approval — Alternative Work Method for structure located at 17124 East Sprague Avenue Greenacre,, Washington. The Alternative Work Method submitted by Larson's Demolition has been approved contingent upon all of the following conditions: • All local, state, and federal regulations are adhered to; • "Alternative Work Method", dated February 28, 2006 and submitted March 3, 2006 is followed, with the following additional provisions and/or clarifications: ■ SECTION 3.2.2 ON-SITE ASBESTOS COORD1NATO :ees that SECTION 4slhall cease if airborne fiber concentrations exceed 0.05 fibers per cubic ENGINEERING CONTROLS: stares air monitoring results exceeding 0.1 fibers per centimeter shall trigger stoppage of the demolition. I spoke with Russ Nucmiller of MCS Environmental, on 3/7/07 clarify this issue. The AWM submitted has an action level of .05 fibers per cubic centimeters. lithe action level is reached work will cease while engineering controls are evaluated. lithe permissible exposure limit (PEL) is detected or breached then all demolition activities wili cease. SCAPCA will require a revision to the AWM in the case that the PEL is exceeded and an abatement contractor is required to complete demolition. For cause, the Control Officer under Regulation I, Article PC, Section 9.07 B. may revoke this Order of Approval. Any proposed deviation from this Order shall require revision or revocation of this Order. The revision or revocation shall occur prior to the deviation. This Order does not relieve the proponent of the obligation ro comply with all other applicable federal, state, and local regulations and requirements. The provisions of this authorization are severable, and if any provision of this Order or rite application of any provision of this Order to any circumstance, is hold invalid, die application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this Order shall nor be affected thereby This Order may be appealed as described below: Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington (R.CW) 43.21B.310, you have the right ro appeal this Order by filing a notice of appeal with both the Pollution Control Hearings Board (PCHB) and the Spokane County Air Pottution Control Authority (SCAPCA) on or before the 30th day of receipt of SCAPCA's order, permit, license, Notice and Order of Assessment of Civil Penalty, or Notice of Disposition. Any appeal must be made in writing and contain the following: S:Wsbestos-Related‘Altemate WPsy17124 E. Main020807.doc Page 1 of 2 03-08-07 12:51 FROM-SCAPCA DUN41(Ingo 1-11J4 r-va,.... . con ent the eel: • The appellant's name and address (mailing and legal, if different) and, if applicable, the name and address of your representative; • A daytime phone number; t or license appealed; • The date and number of the Order, Perini • Ar�,nny of the Order ode isl e a and if the Order or decision followed an application, a copy of the application; • A brief statement why you are appealing; error alleged to have been committed by • A clear, separate, and concise statement of every SCAPCA; which the requester relies to sustain his or her • A clear and concise statement of the facts uponq statement of error, • The relief you seek; and eel is inns. • A statement signed by you or your representative, attesting that the content of the app Required procedures are detailed in state law (Chapter 4321E RCW and Chapter 70.94 RCW) and the PCHB's owner regulations (Chapter 371.08 Washington Administrative Code) which may be found in many public libraries, county and municipal law hibrtaica or on die intornct at www.access.wa.gov/governmentiawlaws.asp. Since others publish these documents, copies are not available from SCAPCA. If you are filing an appeal, mail it to: SCAPCA And 1101 West College Ave. #403 Spokane, WA 99201 PCHB Environmental Hearings Office P.O. Box 40903 4224 6s' Ave. S.E., Bldg. N2, Rowe Six Lacey, WA 98504-0903 Should you have any issue or would like to discuss revisions to the provisions of this Approval, please don't hesirate to call Deirdre Fitzgerald at 509.477-4727 extension 108. Sincerely, SPOKANE COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL. AUTHORITY (SCAPCA) William 0 Dameworth Director of SCAPCA Enc.: Notice of Intent Amendment Al cc: Dameworth Correspondence File Fitzgerald Correspondence File S:rASbestos-ReletedlAltemate WP5\17124 E. Main020807.doc Page 2 of 2 Mar Ub ui uu:ioa .7 Ycvc a.ao• CLARK'S SEPTIC SERVICE PQ Box 551 Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 (509) 467-7776 Fax: (509) 796-2187 SOW TO 'cx, r teitn.O\i 1'fio QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION j w 4 Lo 1- dV) 9P4IPREDI TO 1712'4 PAa;A‘ SiesIane; Ucx.tkey Eu mit s '14 (AI '-iG coif 0,-v4 t7 rn VIA*-- c.,x 0 6(e, UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE r 2Q