Agenda 07/14/2005 AGENDA S okane SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION Valley REGULAR MEETING _ JULY 14, 2005 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE i ROLL CALL ' APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 16 public hearing, June 22 public hearing and June 23 meeting and public hearing • PUBLIC COMMENT — for members of the Public to speak to the Commission regarding matters NOT on the current agenda. COMMISSION REPORTS - i ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT -- COMMISSION BUSINESS Old Business — Storage Tank Ordinance, continued, update, Tom Scholtens New Business — Public Hearing — City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Draft FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF Fred Beaulac Marina Sukup, AICP Robert Blum Greg McCormick, AICP John G. Carroll, Vice-Chair Scott Kuhta, AICP David Crosby, Chair Mike Basinger, Assoc. William Gothmann Deanna Griffith Gail Kogle Ian Robertson www.spokanevalley.orq Spokane Valley Planning Commission Draft Minutes Council Chamb s City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave June16, 2005 I. CALL TOO ER Chairma rosby called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm Pla Ing staff in attendance: Marina Sukup, Director of Community De elopment, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, Scott Kuhta, Sr. Planner, ��/ Mike Basinger, Assoc. Planner, and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant /, \ /Community Development Other Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager, Nina Regor, Asst. City Manager, Tom /// Scholtens, Building Official, Gay James, Administrative Assistant, Councilman Mike DeVleming, Councilman Gary Schimmels. ,ce,.? , X II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE YYr.I Av The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. `u III. ROLL CALL t)\\\ Fred Beaulac— Present Bill Gothmann — Present . Bob Blum — Present Gail Kogle—Present John G. Carroll —Absent, excused Ian Robertson — Present David Crosby— Present • IV. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Commissioner Robertson moved that the June 16, 2005 agenda be approved. Commissioner Beaulac seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. OVERVIEW OF THE PUBLIC HEARING DRAFT OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Mr. Greg McCormick and Mr. Scott Kuhta gave an overview of the comprehensive plan elements. COMMISSION BUSINESS Chairman Crosby opened the public hearing at 6:33 pm. Commissioner Crosby then called the first person to step forward to the microphone and give their name and address for the record and share with the Commissioners their thoughts on the comprehensive plan. June 16,2005 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 3 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes Mr. David Gump, 1314 N. Evergreen: Mr. Gump stated that the felt that the reclassification of North Evergreen Road, Sprague Ave. to Mission Ave, from residential to Office makes sense to him. Eldonna Gossett, Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce: Ms. Gossett stated she is the President of the Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Gossett submitted the comments of the Chamber into public record. She then shared that the Chamber focused on the Economic Development chapter of the comprehensive plan. The Chamber's suggestions are submitted to help enhance the proposed plan and assist the Commission in moving our city forward. *The Chamber of Commerce has submitted their written recommendations as part of the public record. James Pollard, 17216 E. Baldwin Ave.: Mr. Pollard stated that he did not feel that he had been given enough time to evaluate the plan and requests that the tentative date for a hearing on July 14th be made a firm date. Mr. Pollard also submitted his comments in writing for the public record. He encourages the Commission to make an emphasis in regards to neighborhoods in the body of the plan. He believes there should be strong language to establish planning only on direct input from the citizens in the area that is being discussed. Commissioner Gothmann asked for clarification that if the North Greenacres Group had already submitted documentation to the Commission in regards to the plan, would that information be taken into account? Director Sukup stated that even though they had previously submitted documentation in order for it to be included as part of the public record it had to be received at a public hearing. Sue Bracken, 18508 E. Riverway Ave.: Ms. Bracken stated she was interested in the parks portion of the plan. Ms. Bracken said that she has a fear that her area of the city could be come more like an inner city problem. She said there are not many parks in her neighborhood and there is still a bit of open land. She would hate the city to miss the opportunity to be able to purchase land to create more parks. Kerry Orcutt, 1304 N. Evergreen Rd.: Mr. Orcutt stated that he was in favor of the land use along Evergreen and that the commission has his support 100%. Dick Harmon, 17601 E. Mission Ave.: Mr. Harmon started with a congratulations for all the hard work that has been done up to this point. Mr. Harmon also said that he would like to see the meeting on July 14th, 2005, be made a firm date. This is a fast pace and in order for the plan to pass the test there is currently not enough input. No provisions for neighborhoods, insists that it must be made a part of the plan. Commissioner Robertson asked the staff if the City is required to adopt a plan within a certain time frame. Mr. McCormick confirmed that the City had 3 years June 16,2005 Planning Commission Page 2 of 3 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes from the date of incorporation in order to deliver an approved plan to be in compliance with the GMA. JennieWillardson, 12722 E. 23rd Ave.: Ms. Willardson told the Commissioners that she believes that the Comprehensive Plan needs to have a special chapter for neighborhoods. She also shared that she supports extending the comment time. The Commission took a 15 minute break. David Roberts, Spokane Housing Ventures: Mr. Roberts stated he was with Spokane Housing Ventures, a low income program housing program, and have 3 projects here in the City. The Village, Woodruff agd The Pines. He was interested in mitigation measures, density and(IDR's , Mr. Roberts is seeking information and he was promised that someone would get back to him on answers to his questions. , _ Tom Faulkner, 1218 S. Pioneer Ct.: Mr. Faulkner said he would like to see the 0 J. 14th of July meeting date made a firm to allow people to have a chance to review N the document. Commissioner Crosby then asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak. Seeing that no one stepped forward, he closed the public hearing at 7:33 pm. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER None Xl. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant David Crosby, Chairman June 16,2005 Planning Commission Page 3 of 3 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Draft Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave June 22, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm Planning staff in attendance: Marina Sukup, Director of Community Development, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, Scott Kuhta, Sr. Planner, Mike Basinger, Assoc. Planner, and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Community Development Other Staff: Carolyn George, Administrative Assistant, Councilman Gary Schimmels II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac— Present Bill Gothmann — Present Bob Blum — Present Gail Kogle—Present John G. Carroll — Present Ian Robertson —Absent, excused David Crosby— Present IV. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Commissioner Gothmann moved that the June 22, 2005 agenda be approved. Commissioner Kogle seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. OVERVIEW OF THE PUBLIC HEARING DRAFT OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Mr. Greg McCormick gave an overview of the comprehensive plan elements. COMMISSION BUSINESS Chairman Crosby opened the public hearing at 6:30 pm. Gail Sherrodd, 17315 E. Montgomery: Ms. Sherrod supports the use of impact fees. She supports the SR-1 zoning prior to 2001. Developers are a special interest and need to take responsibility for the off-setting the costs resulting from development. Impact fees are a funding vehicle to make the necessary improvements. Written comments submitted June 22,2005 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 3 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes Mary Pollard, 17216 E. Baldwin; Submitted revised North Greenacres Comprehensive Plan Recommendations. She is pleased that the Planning Commission confirmed the "tentative" date of July 14th for a public hearing. She requested a chapter dedicated to neighborhood planning, recommending a limit to zoning changes. She noted the need for policies which would allow for a smooth transition from rural to urban land uses. Written comments submitted. Nancy Miller, 18124 E. Mission; Supported the comments presented by the North Greenacres Community. She expressed concern that the Transportation Chapter focuses only on auto mobility. More emphasis should be placed on pedestrian, bike and transit needs: safety should not be compromised. She was also concerned about the over-reliance on automotive travel and overall neighborhood health. What is the ultimate number of lanes planned for Mission east of Flora? Written comments submitted. Margaret Ferrell, 17203 E. Boone; expressed the desire to maintain a rural lifestyle and to continue uses which regulation has made non-conforming. Written comments submitted. David Orahood, 10620 E. Cimmaron Dr. requested that rural areas not be surrounded with high density homes. While UR-3.5 is acceptable density, UR-7 is not. Although the rezoning to higher density was an act of County government, the City shoucontinue the practice. Impact fees should be paid •y •ev- ••- due to the Impact of development. Ed Weilep, 7216 E. 10th. The area north of 8th east of Park Road would make a great park. Bicycle lanes are nothing more than a parking strip and a waste of \„ money if the City is not going to enforce the no parking requirement. \ Cindy Algeo, Spokane Low Income Housing Consortium: representing the Low Income Housing Coalition believes the number of vouchers used in the (� Valley is understated. She notes that the amount of housing listed in plan is v /high, and that meeting the need will require funding and development. She ;` requested that the City establish a firm number of affordable housing units as their goal. Written comments submitted. 6)) `�Y'(`J Matt Ewers, business owner, Inland Empire Distribution Systems, VP; observed that Sprague Avenue is ugly and in need of redevelopment. The loss of the private parks of the past has created a need for public parks and open space. He expressed support for the city center concept and creating smaller blocks on Sprague Avenue. Commissioner Crosby then asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak. Seeing that no one stepped forward, he closed the public hearing at 7:09 pm. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Gothmann thanked everyone in attendance. Xl. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. June 22,2005 Planning Commission Page 2 of 3 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant David Crosby, Chairman June 22,2005 Planning Commission Page 3 of 3 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Draft Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave June 23, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Carroll Called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Director of Community Development, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, Scott Kuhta, Sr. Planner, Mike Basinger, Associate Planner and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac— Present Bill Gothmann — Present Bob Blum — Present Gail Kogle —Present John G. Carroll — Present Ian Robertson —Absent, excused David Crosby— Present APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Beaulac moved that the June 23, 2005 agenda be approved as written. Commissioner Gothmann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Gothmann seconded by Commissioner Blum that the minutes of the June 9, 2005, Planning Commission meeting be accepted as written. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT Daniel LaVigne, 2603 N. Gary Laurie Ct.; Mr. LaVigne objected to the change of conditions on the 11 acres Mirabeau Ranch plat which was originally approved with 47 single family lots but which has been amended for 47 single-family lots and 23 duplexes. He does not oppose development but feels that the traffic is already overwhelming. Traffic signals are incapable of handling traffic, too many children are playing in the streets, and crime is increasing. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS April 28,2005 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 3 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes Commissioner Crosby reported that he was interviewed today by the Spokesman Review and the Valley Voice in regards to an article on the Comp Plan. Hopes it will help get the word out to the public. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: None B. New Business Public Hearing for the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Crosby opened the Hearing at 6:25 pm Mr. Scott Kuhta gave a brief over view of the Comprehensive Plan. Brian Woods, 2009 N. Long Rd. Mr. Woods objected to provisions relating to widening roads. The rationale relating to access by emergency vehicles would appear incorrect since emergency vehicles, construction equipment and semi-trucks with trailers are using the streets now. The widening is causing environmental damage and the aesthetic impact would be extremely negative. Written comments submitted. Matt Jankowski, KFC owner; expressed concern that the extension of the couplet to Sullivan as a one way? Has lost 50% of his traffic due to the change to a one way on the existing road. The decision will make a difference in his decision to invest. Diane Johnson, 17112 E. Baldwin; Supports transitional policies to protect both existing uses and neighborhood urban uses, including protecting animal and agricultural uses, and protecting citizens and their existing ways of life as well as allowing for growth. Written comments submitted. James Pollard, 17216 E. Riverway: Property taxes fail to pay for the costs of growth. Impact fees are the only feasible way to finance a new infrastructure and to bridge costs between new municipal infrastructure needs and available funds. Written comments submitted. John Patrouch, 18015 E. Riverway: Written comments submitted. Mary Pollard, 17216 E. Baldwin; Expressed concern about the level of citizen participation. She is disturbed by construction noise and believes this should be included as a goal. Documents that are complicated should be broken down so they are easier to understand. The City should guarantee that it will take responsibility for something when they approve things and down the road it fails. Supports "dark skies" to limit light pollution. June 23,2005 Planning Commission Page 2 of 3 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes Jennie Willardson, 12722 E. 23rd. Ave.; Supports encouraging the level of service for parks above the 1.94 acre per thousand population minimum. Developers should be required to plant trees. A city golf course would provide open space and create a source of revenue. More green areas are needed. Too much retail has been allowed. Written comment submitted. Laurel Ladd, 17709 E. Indiana; Believes that once a zoning decision is made, further zoning actions should be denied. Present zoning codes should be defined differently. Written comments submitted. Grant Person, resident; Mr. Grant submitted requests for changing the land use map on five different parcels. Written comments submitted. Commissioner Crosby closed pubic hearing at 6:25 pm X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER The Commission discussed other ways of expanding public notice. Xl. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:18 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant David Crosby, Chairman June 23,2005 Planning Commission Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: 14 July 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑old business new business x public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Storage Tank Provisions GOVERNING LEGISLATION: • 2003 International Fire Code, Chapter 34 • Chapters 173-181 and 173-180A-D WAC a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency administers the Oil Pollution Prevention regulation, 40 CFR Part 112. PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: Continue Public Hearing until 14 July 2005 BACKGROUND: It has come to our attention that being situated above our sole source aquifer presents unique obligations for protection of the drinking water for our community. Upon incorporation, Spokane Valley City Council decided to adopt our own City Building Code, and did not include any responses for the increased concern that locating storage facilities for critical materials might present for our citizens. A SEPA Checklist was finished and a Determination of Non Significance was issued on 30 March, 2005. The appeal period for that SEPA determination will expire on 22 April 2005. On 31 March 2005 the proposed regulations were forwarded to CTED with a request for an expedited review. The Planning Commission held the first Public Hearing concerning this matter on 14 April 2005. That Hearing was continued twice until 14 July 2005. City Staff has received public comment concerning the proposed ordinance and agrees that deficiencies with that proposed ordinance should be addressed by rewriting the ordinance and beginning this process anew. OPTIONS: Continue the Public Hearing to a date certain, or close the Public Hearing without further comment and not take any further action on the proposed ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move to close this Public Hearing and to not take any action on the proposed Storage Tank Ordinance." STAFF CONTACT: Spokane Valley Building Official Scholtens