Agenda 07/28/2005 AGENDA Spokane SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION ValleREGULAR MEETING Y JULY 28, 2005 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 14, 2005 minutes PUBLIC COMMENT—for members of the Public to speak to the Commission regarding matters NOT on the current agenda. COMMISSION REPORTS ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT COMMISSION BUSINESS New Business — Old Business— Planning Commission Comprehensive Plan deliberations FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER- ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF Fred Beaulac Marina Sukup, AICP Robert Blum Greg McCormick,AICP John G. Carroll,Vice-Chair Scott Kuhta, AICP David Crosby, Chair Mike Basinger,Assoc. William Gothmann Deanna Griffith Gail Kogle Ian Robertson www.spokanevallev.orq Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers —City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave July 14, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Director of Community Development, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, Scott Kuhta, Sr. Planner, Mike Basinger, Associate Planner, Carolbelle Branch Public Information Officer and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac— Present Bill Gothmann— Present Bob Blum — Present Gail Kogle—Present John G. Carroll — Present Ian Robertson— Present David Crosby— Present APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Gothmann moved that the July 14, 2005 agenda be approved as written. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Gothmann stated that he had a couple of corrections to the agendas under consideration. June 16 minutes change location to Spokane Nazarene church. Also on page 3, David Roberts' testimony, what are TDR's? Transfer Development Rights and it will be spelled out in the minutes. Changes for the June 22 minutes, should state held at the Community Center. Page 2 David Orahood's testimony line 4 should state "the City should not continue the practice". No changes for the minutes of June 23, 2005 It was moved by Commissioner Robertson to accept all minutes submitted as amended, seconded by Commissioner Blum. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT Daniel LaVigne, 2603 N. Gary Laurie Ct.; Valley Elks club is on Marrietta. Need to post sign to inform truck drivers that there is not outlet and they can not turn July 14,2005 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 6 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes around. Drivers are constantly driving over yards, getting stuck, destroying property. Mr. LaVigne wants something done about the traffic around his area, now. He fells it can not wait until the plan is done, must be corrected now. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Gothmann reported he attended the City Council meeting on July 12, 2005. The street vacations for Knox and Shannon Ave. both were approved. The appeal of a decision by the Hearing Examiner for the Belleville PUD that does not have direct access to an arterial or collector road, were denied. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director Sukup reported that Mark Hinshaw, an expert in urban planning would be here for a discussion on July 19, 2005 to discuss Urban Planning and Rethinking Regulations for the 21st Century. We have invited the Planning Commission, City Council as well as the surrounding jurisdictions to attend this informative lecture. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: Public Hearing continued from May 26, 2005, on the proposed Storage Tank Ordinance. Director Sukup provided a brief background; based on input received from several sources it has been determined that additional alternatives should be considered. Staff recommends that the public hearing be closed and that no action be taken. Mr. Glen Terry, Irvin Water District, stated he had submitted comments during the public hearing previously and asked to be contacted and involved in the development of the storage tank ordinance as it moves forward. Commissioner Gothmann made a motion to close the public hearing and take no action on the proposed ordinance. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion which passed unanimously. B. New Business Public Hearing for the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Crosby re-opened the Hearing at 6:25 pm Mr. Scott Kuhta gave a brief over view of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Kuhta also submitted seven written recommendations for revisions to the proposed Land Use Map. Steve Hormel, 516 S. Barker Rd. Mr. Hormel stated he believes that low density should be changed to no more than 4 houses per acre. UR-3.5 should remain low density and UR-7 should be reclassified as medium density. June 23,2005 Planning Commission Page 2 of 6 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes Chuck Haffner, 4710 S. Woodruff Mr. Hefner, speaking on behalf of the Ponderosa and Rotchford neighborhoods, said that he appreciated all that the Commission has done to help his neighborhood. He stated that, he and his neighbors support the comprehensive plan draft as written. Please consider making the UR-1 Estate Residential Zoning permanent. Andrew Warlock, CLC Associates, 12730 E. Mirabeau Parkway, addressing the Commission on behalf of Dr. Eric Ellingsen, requested that the property that Dr. Ellingsen owns and has built on and the adjacent property be designated as office in the comprehensive plan. Written comments submitted. Dr. Eric Ellingsen, 1215 N. McDonald Rd. Requested that his property be classified as Office. He has the support of neighbors. Written comments submitted. Gary Johnson, 12917 E. Sharp submitted written comment to support the request for office zoning on the parcels requested by Dr. Ellingsen. John Boyd, 4024 S. Forest Meadow Dr. Commercial/business activity in residential neighborhoods needs to be regulated. Supports protection of the river and aquifer. Encourages more emphasis be placed on bicycle transportation. Written comments submitted. Dwight Hume, D J Hume Co., Land Use Consulting Services, 9101 N. Mt. View Lane Mr. Hume represents 3 clients with projects or land in the Spokane Valley. o Harlan Douglass, former Albertsons at Pines and Sprague objects to the change from Regional Commercial to Community Commercial. • Joe Ward who owns property at NE corner of Pines and 3'd, along with property at the corner of 8th and Pines, SE corner, wants an appropriate commercial designation along SR-27. • Union Pacific Railroad property north of Sprague, east of Havana, requests the property be designated Regional Commercial rather than both Regional and Mixed Use. Written comments submitted for all parcels. Glenn Terry, Irvin Water District, resident. Irvin Water District supports the comprehensive plan and appreciates the avenues of communication. Irvin has comments in regard to chapter 2, page 2, public utilities, page 12 2.3.2, 6th paragraph, development of wellhead protection program, which should be coordinated with local providers. Chapter 4 2.4.9, drinking water section, to insure plans are consistent with the comprehensive Plan. Water district plans must be updated every 6 years. He also noted that the District had appealed the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) for a plant expansion of Arrow Asphalt Plant and has requested that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) be required. Written comments submitted. The Commission took a 5 minute break, and reconvened at 7:30 June 23,2005 Planning Commission Page 3 of 6 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes John Konen, Storhauq Engineering, consultant, representing the Goldens and Wesches who own property in 1204 S. Vercler, requests that the Low Density Residential designation be changed to Office. The area around the hospital should permit expansion of medical office and support uses. Kim Golden, 1204 N. Vercler Rd. Part owner of property, would like to have a larger office area around hospital. Written comments submitted. Jan Wesche, 1204 N. Vercler Rd. Part owner of property at this address. Submitted written comment to request the office area around hospital be increased to allow for growth. Written comments submitted F.J. Dullanty, Jr., Represents Appleway Automotive Group Large dealership in the proposed City Center. Requests that the City Center designation be shrunk to a more manageable size. Would like area that is between current lines and requested new lines be reclassified to a City Center Reserve area. The City Center would restrict too heavily the dealership would be considered non-conforming from the beginning. Would like to be involved in the deliberations regarding the plan if possible. Margaret Mortiz, 3420 S. Ridgeview Dr. Already submitted written comment. Her concerns address evacuation plans, flood plain plan around her area. Plan will allow higher densities and which may not be appropriate in all areas, especially where park land has not been reserved. Infrastructure should be in place before development occurs. The area identified as "City Center" may be too large. A broadband. Wi- Fi City Center is possible. Land Use Policy 65 should include requirements to increase accountability including more independent . audits and more due diligence. Linda Gerken, 11804 E. Buckeye thanked the Commission for changing the classification to Low Density Residential in her area. She also requested a moratorium on any further modification to View Ranch Estates until Comprehensive Plan can be developed and approved. Space in this area is currently zoned UR-22 and should be returned to UR-3.5. Too much traffic in area now. Written comments submitted. Helen Sargent, 11810 E. Buckeye requested that the area known as View Ranch Estates be changed from current zoning of UR-22 to UR-7. She noted the need for a stop light at Grace and Pines or Buckeye and Pines. Many accidents already in this area and development is increasing traffic. Written comments submitted. Suzette McGoldrick-Edelblute, 2505 S. Timberlane Speaking for herself and her husband Bill Edelblute. They support maximizing open spaces, natural environment, parks, walking paths. Believes there is a lack of parks in the plan. Does not support extending the Sprague/ Appleway couplet. Mary Pollard, 17216 E. Baldwin Disturbed that developer can keep things hidden from citizens until it is too late to object to the total plan. June 23,2005 Planning Commission Page 4 of 6 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes Developer around her home has built a 7 foot dirt mound and the view is blocked. City should consider all aspects of a plan and listen to neighbors input. People are adversely affected by decisions of developers. Written comments and pictures submitted. Howard Galberth, 10905 E. 11th Opposed to the liberal approval of rezones from UR-3.5 to UR-7. Developers not complying with contract obligations. New developments need fencing. Planning Commission needs to increase oversight on the developers and making developments follow through on the items that were supposed to occur before homes were occupied. Rob Gragg, Manager Spokane Industrial Park Mr. Gragg takes issue with Land Use Policy 2.5.6 which specifies that commercial and retail zones belong around industrial. Workers in the Industrial Park the need for these services. These are benefits not a detriment as suggested in the plan. People are choosing to move elsewhere due to due to some plan land uses. Changing what a person can do with his land can be considered a taking? Spokane Industrial Park is the largest industrial park in the region, with abundant land. The State of Washington is too difficult to do business with: businesses locate or relocate to Idaho where it is easier to do business. Written comments were submitted by Kerry Orcutt, David Gump, John Elias, Janice Austin and Jill Enzler, Commissioner Crosby seeing there was no one else wishing to speak closed pubic hearing at 8:24 pm X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Crosby asked for recommendations from staff, for deliberations. Commissioner Blum moved that the official comment period for the Planning Commission would end at close of business on Monday July 18, 2005. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Beaulac. Motion passed with 6 in favor and Commissioner Carroll opposed. Schedule for deliberations is set for Wed. and Thurs. beginning July 20, 2005 for the next four weeks. Commissioner Carroll expressed a concern that all commissioners might not be able to attend every night. Meetings are recorded and commissioners can come and listen to them to catch up. The Plan will be updated with underline and strike-through until approved for recommendation to City Council. The Commission will initiate their deliberations with the consideration of the Introduction, Utilities, and Natural Environment, reserving the Parks element until later in the schedule to enable the Commission to consider the draft Parks master Plan. The Commission requested footnote dates for draft versions. It was agreed that deliberations would end no earlier than Aug 11, 2005. XL ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. June 23,2005 Planning Commission Page 5 of 6 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant David Crosby, Chairman June 23,2005 Planning Commission Page 6 of 6