04-039.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlace. - r rr®~ Madsen Mitchell Evenson &Gonrad ~tk Architecture Interigrs Construction Management Ci-(.~GEt Distribution to: o~ER 0\\t~3ER City of Spokane Valley ARChIITLC'1' Madsen Mitchell fyvenson & Conrad COI~rTRACTOR rVlooney c~ Pugh Contractors 02.2o-oi PROJECT: Centerplace at Mirabrau Point Park PROJECT NO. 02.20 INITIATION DATE: 09-20-2004 Change Order Flo.: S TO (Contractor): Jerry Potter CONTRACT" L7A'I'I;: 04-01-03 Mooney & Pugh Contractors General Contractors 5307 tr, Cataldo Spokane; i,1t A 99212 You arc; directed to incarporate fire follotiving chmges into this Contrtu;C See attachment for caurplete listing of changes to Jhe work rrrcluded rrr this Charge Qrder. Not valid until signed by both the Owner turd Architect Signature of the Contractor indicates his agreement herewiUt, including any adjustrnea[s in the Contrtrct tium or (:ontmct time. i\otc: all costs below include sales tax. The Original Contract Surn was: S7,590,Ob2.U0 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders: $28,386.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was: S7,b 18,448.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this change order in the amount of: 51,836.00 The. new Contract Sum including this Change Order will he: $7,63~1,284.UU The Contract Time will he unchanged. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged. 2t6 R°~trth Hon~ard Authorized: Skyu~alk Lerrl Spo6anc,\1;~shirUtcn City of Spokatae Valley Mooney & Pugh Contractors S 99201 B} _ ~~ B}' ~ SO"3.624~6300~/ fax 509.62$•6262 Date ~ ~~-~ ~ V 7 Dale / madmitch.com Madsen Mitchell 1%venson K Conrad; 1't~LC ~ 2 N. Hawnrcl, Skywnik bevel 49j32 Sobel• Road Eau S pokanc, \0'A 99201 P.O. cox tS2 B}, Datc ~ ZO~D~ Edwall,lUashingcon 99005 109.236.2311 fax 509-236-2451 /~ madmitch..com (~" T J~ ~} ~- Madsen Mitchell Evenson CHANGE &Gonrad o:~:uEx ~,ta; Architecture In[erlUrS Construcr,inn A4anagement t 6 ~~jrth Hon~ard $kyn•al'~ Level ~I:i~kane, I~+ash ingri,m 992D1 iU9.629.6800 (ax 5~-6?4-62b3 madmitrh.com ^ 99)12 SoEck Road Edit I'.0. Rox 182 Edcrall, Washington 99003 i09.236•?311 (ax 509-236.2931 madrnitc!lt,com 02.20-01. Attachment PROJECT: Centerplace at A9irabeau Point Park INI`CIAT1O1\° BATE: 09-20-200Q You are directed to incorporate the follo~a~ing changes intU this Conta•acr. Chan<=e Prca~osal Request Items: L COR-I I Relocation of r`forth driveway 2. COR-I 8 Boiler change and installation Add $8383.00 Add X6585.00 3. COR-20 Dempster Drain revision Add $568.00 "[btal for Change Order No. 5 (includes N'a. State sales tax) 015,836.00)