04-040.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlacey ~ ~ ~. _ „u.- ~`~ A :'s I ~~ '{ ~~ ,/~I fc.~' .• Mitchell Everson &Gonrad t,tk CHANGE ORDE12 02.20-01 i Distribution to: O~~'NER City o1' Spokane Malley ARCHI'I'L-"CT Madsen Mitchell Everson R. Conrad CONTRACTOR Mooney R Pugh Contractors Architecture Interiors PROTECT: Ccnterplace at Mirabeau Point Park PROJECT NO. 02.20 Construction TNITIA"LION DATE: 09-29-20(kt Change drder No.: 6 t`4anagement '1"O (Contractor): Jerry Potter. CONTRACT DATE: 04-O1-03 Mooney & Pugh Contractors General Contractors 53071~. Cataldo Spokane, «'A 99212 You are directed to inc.orpor~te the following changes into this Contract: See crUnchmerrt for complete listing ofchurrge.r to the work included rn this Change Order. \lot valid until siyled b}~ both the Owner end Architect Signature of the Contra,~tor indicates his agreemeatt ttetewith, includinn mty adJU5tn1C61ti Irl Uui Contract SUnI QY Contrat:t 11 n1C. i\'ote: all costs below include sales tax. The Original Contract Sum was: $7,590,062.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders: $44;222.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was: $7,634,21;4.OU The Contract Surn will be increased by this change order in the amount of: 5315,ISS.UO The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be: $7,949,439.00 `Che Contract "Time will be extended by 75 calendar days. Sce attached letter from Contractor regarding completion of building areas prior to substantial completion. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is chanted to August 9; dl6 Nonh hlgwatd 2005. Skyw~,lk Level Spokane,Vfrashi~con AUthOil"LCd: 99201 City of Spokane Valley Mooney & Pugh C tractors 509-624.6500 i fax 5119.624.6182 aY ~ ~« gy madmitch.com Dat,~~eT I,../t Datc_ ~i' ^ ;\4adsen 1`4itchell Iverson R Conrad, PLLC: 49331SoLrkRoadEasl 216I~. Hloward, S}.-y+valk Level Spokme, OVA 99201 P.O. cox lSl ~ F.dwall, Wa;hingtnn )3}~ - Dt~le ~ 990 5{~I.236.1311 fax 50'9.236.2451 nrululirch.cami ~-y~ ~-- Madsen Mitchell Evenson C~TANG~ &Conrad oxr~E•R Nii~ Architecture Interiors Construction ;41ana~ement 02.20-U1. ,._. Attachment PROJECT: Centerplace at ivlirabeau Point Park IA'I`I'IATION L7ATE: 69-29-2004 You are directed to incorporate the fallo~ti~ing changes into this Contract: C'hanee Proposal Repuest items; COR-21 Second f lour Education Wing Completion Add $315:155.00 Total for Change Order \b. 6 (includes Wa. State sales tax) ($3 15;155.00) 216 ~octh 1~Inward Skpwalk Level Sput-anc,l~~a~hityton 99201 509-G24.6S00 fax 549-6'4.6262 madmiteh.eam ^ 49331 ~obek Road F•~a P.O. Box 15l Edsaall, l~iashington 94006 509.236.2311 fax 549-236-?451 medroitch.c~m O~NF .~'; ' < MOONEY AND PUGH CONTRACTORS, INC. P.O. BOX 11737 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99211-1737 • (509) 535-8874 • FAX (509) 535-7251 www.mooneyandpugh.com iOu G~ September 24, 2004 Madsen, Mitchell, Evenson & Conrad 216 N. Howard St. Spokane, WA 99201 Attention: Doug Mitchell RE: Centerplace at Mirabeau Point Park Project No: 04-001 Job #04-17 Dear Doug: Please reference our proposal for the 2"d Floor completion, RFP 8, as revised on September 22, 2004. The proposal amount is $315,155.00 and includes a revised project completion date of August 9, 2005. As discussed, it is our understanding that we will need to complete the west wing classrooms by July 15, 2005, allowing the college access to complete their work necessary for the start of school. Building occupancy would remain on track for August 9, 2005. We are in agreement for that scenario. We also discussed the possible use of the elevator prior to the project completion. If we can agree to allow the elevator warranty to start with the college's use of the elevator and the City will have the required phone connection installed by then, then we see no problem completing the elevator for their use. In the event chat our proposal for the 2"d Floor completion is approved as proposed, our claims for additional time due to the topsoil delays and a couple of recent weather delays will be withdrawn. We previously requested that our proposal be accepted by September 24, 2004 in order to maintain the progress of the work and pricing included in the proposal. We are willing to extend our proposal to September 30`h, after which we may need to review our proposal for current conditions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, Moo~~nd Pugh Con tors.lnc. Manager JP/en 0417-A043