04-041.00 Cameron Contracting: 24th & Bowdish SidewalksChange Order #1 Spa'~~ane Date 8-5-U4 Page 1 of 1 Pages Valley CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPART'MEN`t' TO: Cameron Contracting, loc. 11201 W. 21st Airway I-Ieights, WA 99001 ENDORSED BY: Alto: Lars Nelson ~_ CONTRAC`I"OR RF: 24TH & I30WDISH SW PROJECT' I~A`I'E: ~ ~ ~ .............................................. DFSCR]CPT10N O1H" WORK ..................................................... You are ordered to perforni the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this change order: This change order includes labor, equipment and material to grade and compact 2" of 5/8"minus gravel in the planting strip along Bowdish Avenue between 22"d Avcnuc and 24`h Avenue. Payment will be as follows: Place 292 square yards at a square yard price ~f $9.50 for a total cost of $2774.00. JUS'I'1F ICATION: For the prevention ~f weed growth and as a cheaper alternative to a sprinkler system and sod the contractor was directed to fill the planting drip along Bowdish Avenue with weed block and compacted gravel. ~. ~`--~-~ All work materials and meavurements to be in acoordance with the provisions of the standard specifications and special provisions for the type of constntction Original Contract Amount X78,088.10 Curren[ Contract Amount $78,088.10 WURKINU DAYS SPECII'IL'•D IN gC)N't'RAC"1' 2Q Estimated Net Change Order $2 774.00 =APPROVED hx~n;NSION OP TLMG o Estimated Contract Tot<11 $80.862.10 TOTAL AUTIIORIZL'D'I'IMH UH C'ONTRACT' ~Q Aner Change APP is R COMM. ^ DED APPROVP:D IJY: A lam. ROJFCT GINL'' •It CITY MAN ,R ~/~._.~ DA'T'E: ~l ~-0~ 0 `P' P1JBI.,iC WO EC'I'OR ~ C'U ~~//