Agenda 05/13/2004 Pt 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: May 13, 2004 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business El new business 10 public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING — Street Vacation Request(STV)-02-04 PREVIOUS COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council adoption of Ordinance No. 04- 001 (Street Vacations) in January 2004. BACKGROUND: RCW 35.79 (Street Vacations) specifies statutory procedures for the processing of street vacation requests by local jurisdictions. On January 20, 2004, the Spokane Valley City Council passed Ordinance 04-002 containing the City's street vacation policies and procedures. This ordinance specifies that the Planning Commission shall hold the required public hearing and shall forward a recommendation to the City Council on the street vacation request for its consideration. The Ordinance took effect on January 30, 2004. The applicants for STV-02-04 are: 1) South Terrace Spokane, LLC, oto Brian Main, 12810 East Nora Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99216; 2) Rocky Top, LLC, c!o Mike Schuler, 5613 East Fourth Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99212; 3) Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi, 4614 East 13th Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99202; and 4) Lindsey Construction, Inc., clo Greg Stirn, P.O. Box 30792, Spokane, Washington 99223. STV-02-04 requests the following approximate public right-of-way dimensions located within the Woodland Terrace Plat be vacated: Name of Width Length Square Footage of Proposed Street/Alley I(feet) (feet) Vacation Custer Street 60 100 6,400 square feet Lloyd Street 60 100 Ei,000 square feet 1?ffi Avenue 30 1,526 45,750 square feet 13�' Avenue 60 330 19,$00 square feet Block 2 Public Alley 12 300 3,600 square feet Block 3 Public Alley 12 300 3,600 square feet Block Public Alley 12 300 3,600 square feet Staff from the Community Development Department Current Planning Division and Public Works Department Development Engineering Division will be in attendance to present the staff report and recommendation and address any questions or issues the Commission has regarding the proposal. RECOMMENDATION: Make a motion to recommend to the Spokane Valley City Council conditional approval of STV-02-04 pursuant to the recommended conditions of approval in the May 6, 2004 Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission. STAFF CONTACT: Kevin Snyder, AICP, Current Planning Manager ATTACHMENTS: May 6, 2004 Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for STV-02-04 1\111e DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ¢�•� CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE 400ValleY PLANNING COMMISSION FILE No. STV-02-04 STAFF REPORT DATE: May 6, 2004 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: May 13, 2004, beginning at 6:30 p.m.., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, WA 99206, PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: STV-02.04: Street Vacation application from South Terrace Spokane LLC, Rocky Top, LLC, Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi, and Lindsey Construction, Inc. acting as joint applicants that requests the City vacate the following public rights-of-ways in the Woodland Terrace Plat 1) the public alley extending through Blocks 2, 3 and 4; 2) a portion of 13th Avenue west of Chronicle Road; 3) portions of Lloyd and Custer Streets west of Chronicle Road; and 4) a portion of 121h Avenue between Lloyd Road and Chronicle Road. PROPOSAL LOCATION: The streets proposed for vacation are located between Havana Road on the west, Carnahan Road on the east, 12°x' Avenue on the north and 16th Avenue on the south in the Woodland Terrace Plat located in the southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. PROPERTY OWNERS I APPLICANTS: PROPONENT#1: South Terrace Spokane, LLC, cfo Brian Main ADDRESS: 12810 East Nora Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99216 PROPONENT#2: Rocky Top, LLC, c!o Mike Schuler ADDRESS: 6513 East Fourth Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99212 PROPONENT#3: Andrew and Jeanne M> Del Pozzi ADDRESS: 4614 East 13", Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99202 PROPONENT#4: Lindsey Construction, Inc,, c!o Greg Stim ADDRESS; P.D. Box 30792, Spokane, Washington 99223 APPLICANTS" REPRESENTATIVE: John Konen, Development Consultant, Storhaug Engineering, 1322 North Monroe, Spokane, Washington 99201. APPROVAL CRITERIA: Section 10 and 11 of Ordinance No. 04-002 (Street Vacations); Ordinance No. 48 (City of Spokane Valley Interim Environmental Ordinance); Chapter 14.016 (Urban Residential-3.5 Zone) of the Spokane Valley Interim Zoning Code. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department Current Planning Division and the Public Works Department Development Engineering Division after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria recommends that the Planning Commission RECOMMEND CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF STV-O1-04 to the Spokane Valley City Council. Staff Report and Re=nurendelion to Ire Planning Commission for STV-Q2-04 may 6,2004 of 12 STAFF PLANNER: Kevin Snyder, ,AICD, Current Planning Manager ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Vicinity Map Exhibit 2; Interim Comprehensive Plan Map Exhibit 3: Interim Zoning Map Exhibit 4: Aerial Map Exhibit 5: Application Submittal Exhibit 6; Notice of Public hearing Materials Exhibit 7: Agency Comments I. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS A. COMPLIANCE WITH THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT(SEPA): Finding(s): Applicable SEPA Regulation (s) Citation SEPA Categorically Review Exempt from Required SEPA Review Interim Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance X (Ordinance No, 48, effective March 31, 2003) Section 11.10.180 of the Spokane Valley Interim Environmental Ordinance adopts by reference Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 197-11-800 which identifies actions that are categorically exempt from a SEPA threshold determination by the City of Spokane Valley. WAG 197-11-800.2.h identifies that the vacation of streets or roads is a categorically exempt action. Conclusion(s): Staff conclude that the proposal is exempt from review under the City's adopted SEPA regulations pursuant to WAC-197-11-800.2.h. B. COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE NO.04-001 (STREET VACATIONS) Findings: 1. SECTION 2—I NITIATION OF VACATION: Section 2 specifies of the Ordinance specifies that a street vacation application may be initiated by the owner of an interest in any real property abutting upon any street or alley through petitoin to the City Council. The applicants for STV-02-04 are; 1) South Terrace Spokane, LLC, cfo Brian Main, 12810 East Nora Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99216; 2) Rocky Top, LLC, clo Mike Schuler, 5813 East Fourth Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99212; 3) Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi, 4614 East 13'x' Avenue, Spokane Valley. Washington 99202; and 4) Lindsey Construction, Inc., cfo Greg Stirn, P.D. Box 30792, Spokane, Washington 99223. The following table identifies the parcels of land abutting the proposed streets to be vacated: Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission far$TV-02-04 May 6, 2004 2 of 12 Portion of Abutting Abutting Abutting Address Abutting Property Street or Parcel No. BBlock#iLot# Owners Alley Proposed for Vacation Lloyd 35233.0506 5/1 Not Applichale Rocky Top. LLC2 .Lloyd/ 35233.0402 4f6 Not Applicable Rocky Top, LLC Custer/ 35233.0401 4/1,2,3,4,5 Not Applicable Rocky Top, LLC Corsterl 35233,0302 3/3,4,5,6 Not Applicable Rocky Top, LLC 12th Avenue 35243.9184 Not Not Applicable Rocky Top, LLC I Applicable 12`h Avenue 35243.9176 Not Not Applicable Rocky Top, LLC Applicable 12th Avenue 35243.9189 Not Not Applicable Rocky Top, LLC Applicable 12th Avenue 35243.91 90 Not Not Applicable Holy Temple Church Applicable 12th Avenue 35243,0401 4/1.2,3,4,5 __ Applicable Rocky Top, LLC 12th Avenue 35243.0402 _ 4/6 Not Applicable Rocky Top, LLC 121h Avenue 35243.0302 3/4.5.6 Not Applicable Rocky Top LLC 121h Avenue 35243.0311 Block 3 4717 S. 12th Ave. Rocky Top, LLC 12th Avenue 35243.0203 Block 2 Not Applicable [ Rocky Top, LLC Block 4 Alley 35243.0401 Block 4 Not Applicable Lindsey Construction, Inc. _ Block 4 Alley! 35243.0404 Block 4 Not Applicable Lindsey Construction, Inc. Block 4 Alley 35243.0405 Block 4 Not Applicable Lindsey Construction, Inc. Block 4 Alley 35243.0406 Block 4 Not Applicable Lindsey Construction, Inc. Black 4 Alley 35243.0407 Block 4X1615 E_ l3t►, Ave Andrew & Joanne M. Del Pozzi Black 4 Alley 35243.0408 Block 4 Not Applicable Lindsey Construction, Inc, Block 4 Alley 35243.0409 Block 4 Not Applicable__ Lindsey Construction, Inc. Black 3 Alley_ 35243.0302 3/4,5,6 Not fia Applicable Lindsey Construction, lnc. Block 3 Alley 35243.0304 3/7 4701 E. 13th Ave. Lindsey Construction, Inc, Black 3 Alley 35243.0305 3/8 4705 E 13 'Ave. Alexsander & Zoya Sushinskiy1 Block 3 Alley 35243.0306 319 4709 E. 13th Ave, Scott L. & Trisha Cunningham" Block 3 Alley 35243,0307 3/Portions of 4713 E. 1311'Ave. Rocky Top, LLC 10 & 11 Block 3 Alley 35243.0308 3/Portions of 4719 E 13t'Ave. Rocky Top, LLC 10 & 11 1 South Terrace Spokane, LLC is referenced as an owner of certain real property within Block 3 and Block 4 of Woodland Terrace in separate documents not affiliated with the property owner information from the Spokane County Assessor's Office that are contained in Exhibit 5. 2 Rocky Top, LLC is the successor in interest of ownership from Source Capital Corporation for those parcels referenced in the Spokane County Assessor's Office Property Account Summary pursuant to the Statutory Warranty Deed recorded with the Spokane County Auditor's Office on June 24, 1998. 3 Pursuant to the recorded Waiver of Claim and Conveyance of Vacated Alleyway, the owner of Parcel No. 35342.0305 has waived their right to protest the vacation of the public alley abutting this parcel. ' Pursuant to the recorded Waiver of Claim and Conveyance of Vacated Alleyway, the owner of Parcel No. 35342.0306 has waived their right to protest the vacation of the public alley abutting this parcel. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for STV-02-04 May 6,2004 3of12 Portion of Abutting Abutting Abutting Address Abutting Property Street or Parcel No, Plock#1Lot# Owner Alley Proposed for Vacation Block 3 Alley 35243.0312 3/South V2 of 4715 E. 12th Ave. Rocky Top, LLC Lots 1 & 2 & All of Lot 3 Block 2 Alley 35243.0203 Block 2 Not Applicable Rocky Top, LLC Block 2 Alley 35243.0204 Block 2 Not Applicable Rocky Top, LLC • 13th Avenue 35243.0309 3/Portion of 4723 E. 13th Ave, Rocky Top, LLC 12 13th Avenue 35243.0308 3/Portions of 4719 E. 13th Ave. Rocky Top, LLC 10 & 11 13th Avenue 35243.0204 Block 2 Not Applicable Rocky Top. LLC 13th Avenue 35243.1307 Block 13/Lots Not Applicable Rocky Top, LLC 1-6 & Lot 10 .13th Avenue 35243.1213 Block 4724 E. 131`Ave. Rocky Top, LLC 12/Portion of Lot 1 STV-02-04 requests the following approximate public right-of-way dimensions be vacated: Name of Width Length Square Footage of Proposed I Street/Alla feet feet Vacation Custer Street 60 100 0.000 square feet Lloyd Street 60 100 j 6,000 square feet I2tr Avenue 30 1,525 45,750 square feet 13th Avenue 60 330 10,800 square feet Block 2 Public Alley _ 12 300 3,600 square feet Block 3 Public Alley 12 300 3,600 square feet Black 4 Public Alley 12 300 3,600 square feet 2. SECTION 3—PETITION FOR VACATION: Section 3 specifies that a petition for street vacation shall be made on a form prescribed by the Community Development Director or designee and shall be signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting the portion of the street or alley sought to be vacated. The City of Spokane Valley City Council passed Ordinance No. 04-001 on January 20, 2004. This Ordinance became effective on January 30, 2004. The applicants' representative submited multiple street vacation applications signed by the applicants for STV-02-04 on March 11, 2004, April 2, 2004 and April 14, 2004. A completed and notarized application was submitted for South Terrace Spokane, LLC on March 11, 2004; however, partially complete applications were submitted for the remaining applicants. Completed and notarized applications were submitted on April 2, 2004 for Rocky Top, LLC and Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi. A completed and notarized application was submitted for Lindsey Construction, Inc. on April 14, 2004. Based on the property ownership information issued on April 13, 2004 by the Spokane County Assessor's Office presented in the table addressing compliance to Section 2, and the submitted addendum documents, the Current Planning Division has determined that more than two-thirds of the property owners abutting the portions of the streets and alleys proposed for vacation. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for ST',+-02-04 May 0,2004 4 of 12 3. SECTION 4—PETITION FEES: Section 4 specifies that petitions for street vacations shall be accompanied by a fee in ars amount established by resolution of the City to defray a portion of the adminstrative costs incurred in processing the petition and publishing, posting and mailing notices. The City of Spokane Valley City Council passed Resolution No. 04-001 on January 20, 2004 that became effective on January 21, 2004. This Resolution comprised the City of Spokane Valley's 2004 Master Fee Schedule and established a street vacation application fee of $1,300.00. The applicants' representative submitted an application fee of $1,300.00 to the Current Planning Division on March 11, 2004. 4. SECTION 5—SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PETITIONS: Section 5 specifies that street vacation applications shall consist of: 1) an Assessor's Map from the Spokane County Assessor's Office showing with a solid red line the portion of the street ar alley sought to be vacated; 2). a vicinity map showing the general area of the proposed vacation; 3) a copy of the record cf survey, if available, for the subject street and alley proposed for vacation and abutting properties and streets and alleys within 100 feet on all sides of the proposed vacation; 4) written evidence of any and all easements or allowances or reservations, public or private, pertaining to the street or alley proposed for vacation; and 5) a written narrative describing the reasons for the proposed street vacation, the physical limits cf the proposed street vacation and the public benefit of the proposed street vacation. The applicants' representative submitted the required submittal items at time of initial application to the Current Planning Division on March 11, 2004. However, the Current Planning Divisoin notes for the record that the applicants' representative subrnited multiple street vacation applications signed by the applicants for STV-02-04 on March 11, 2004, April 2, 2004 and April 14, 2004. A completed and notarized application was submitted for South Terrace Spokane, LLC on March 11, 2004; however, partially complete applications were submitted for the remaining applicants. Completed and notarized applications were submitted on April 2, 2004 for Rocky Top, LLC and Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi. A completed and notarized application was submitted for Lindsey Construction, Inc. on April 14, 2004. 5. SECTION 6—SETTING OF HEARING: Section 6 specifies that upon determination of a complete application the City Council shall set by resolution the time when the petition will be heard by the City Council or a committee of the City Council. Section 6 specifies that the required public hearing shall not be conducted more than sixty (60) day nor less than twenty (20) calendar days after the adoption of the aforementioned resolution. Section 10 of Ordinance No. 04-001 specifies that the City's Planning Commission shall conduct the required public hearing on the street vacation petition and shall forward a recommendation on the petition to the City Council. On April 13, 2004, the Spokane Valley City Council passed Resolution No, U4-009 that establised the public hearing date for the Planning Commission's consideration of STV-02-04 for May 13, 2004. The Planning Commission's public hearing on the street vacation is scheduled to occur thirty (30) calendar days after the City Council's passage of Resolution No. 04-009. 6. SECTION 7—STAFF REPORT: Section 6 requires that a staff report be prepared by the City's Community Development Department and Public Works Department. This Section specifies that the staff report shall address future transportation system needs and requirements relative to the requested street vacation and shall also address the criteria contained in Section 11 of Ordinance No. 04-001. The Section also specifies that the Community Development Department shall solicit comments from the City's Police and Fire Departments and other governmental agencies and utility companies. The staff report and recommendation to the Planning Commission contains analysis by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department regarding the proposed street vacation request's compliance with applicable sections of Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for STV-02-04 May 6,2004 S 0112 Ordinance No. 04-001. The Current Planning Division distributed on April 7, 2004 the street vacation application to Spokane Valley Building Division; Spokane Valley Police Department Spokane Valley Public Works Department - Engineering Division; Spokane Valley Public Works - Capital Projects, Spokane Valley Public Works Operations and Maintenance; City of Spokane Utilities; Spokane Regional Health District; Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority; Spokane County Water District No, 3; Spokane County Fire District#1; Spokane School District#81, Spokane Transit Authority; Avista, Qwest, and Comcast, Dawn Dompier, Permit Specialist, Spokane Valley Builidng Division submitted an electronic mail message on April 13, 2004 that identified that the Division had no comment on the street vacation proposal. Donald Copley, ESH II, Spokane Regional Health District, submitted a written comment letter on April 13, 2004 indicating that the Health District had no comment on the requested street vacations. Priscilla Sprague, Real Estate Assistant, Avista Utilities, submitted a written comment letter dated April 14, 2004 that indicated that Avista had no facilities within the proposed street vacation areas. Kevin Miller, Deputy Fire Marshal, Spokane County Fire District No. 1 submitted a written comment letter on April 16, 2004 that stated the District had no objections to the proposed street vacations. SECTION 8—NOTICE OF HEARING: Section 8 specifies that upon the passage of the resolution fixing the time for hearing the petition or proposal for vacation, the City Clerk or the Community Development Director shall give not less than twenty (20) calendar days notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing by: 1) posting of a written notice in three (3) conspicuous places in the City; 2) publishing written notice once in the City's official newspaper, 3) posting a minimum twenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch notice sign in a conspicuous place at each end of the street or alley sought to be vacated describing the proposed vacation and the date, time and location of the public heairng; and 4) mailing written notice to all petitioners at the addresses on the petition and all owners of property abutting the street or alley proposed to be vacated, as shown on the records of the Spokane County Assessor, not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days from the date of the public hearing. This Section further specifies that the Director shall send the same written notice to the representative of the petitioners at the address on the petition. Michael Turbak, Planning intern, Community Development Department, posted a total of three (3) Notice of Public Hearing signs comprise of one on the east end of 13'h Avenue at the center of the hammerhead, one at the west end of 13Th Avenue at the northwest corner of the intersection of Lloyd Street and 131" Avenue and one at the northeast corner of the intersection of the Block 3 public alley and Custer Street as evidenced in the April 20, 2004 notarized Affidavit of Posting. On April 20, 2004, Kevin Snyder, AICP, Current Planning Manager posted written notice of the public hearing for STV-02-04 on the Public Notice Board in the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center, on the Community Information Board in the City of Spokane Valley City Hall Front Reception Area and on the Community Information Board of the Valley Library as evidenced by the notarized April 20, 2004 Affidavit of Posting. The City Clerk published an initial Notice of Public Hearing was published in the April 16, 2004 edition of the Spokane Valley-News Herald. Subsequent to its publication, the Current Planning Division discussed erroneous references in this Notice. The City Clerk published an amended Notice of Public Hearing in the April 23, 2004 edition of the Spokane Valley-News Herald. The initial and amended Notices were both published a minimum of twenty (20) calendar days in advance of the scheduled May 13, 2004 Planning Commission public hearing, As evidenced by the April 20, 2004 notarize Affidavit of Mailing, Gay James, City Receptionist, deposited on April 20, 2004 at the Opportunity Branch of the United States Post Office, written notices to the applicants for the street vacation and all owners of property abutting the street or alley proposed to be vacated. The Current Planning Division procured current property ownership information for this noticing from the records of the Spokane County Assessor as of April 13, 2004. This proprety ownership information will be thirty (30) days old as of the scheduled May 13, 2004 Planning Commission hearing, which is sixty (60) days less than the allowed validity period of ninety (90) calendar days between the issuance of this information and the date of the public hearing. In addition, regular notice of public hearing pursuant to the adopted procedures for the Planning Commission was published in the April 30, 2004 edition of the Spokane Valley-News Herald. Staff Report and Recommond tion to tha Planning Commission far STV-(72-04 May 5,2004 6 of 12 7. SECTION 9—PROTEST: Section 9 specifies that if fifty(50) percent or mere of the abutting property owners file written objections to a City Council-initiated vacation with the City Clerk prior to the time of hearing, the City shat be prohibited from proceeding with the vacation, STV-01-O4 is a non-City initiated street vacation application, The applicants for STV-02-04 are: 1) South Terrace Spokane, LLC, do Brian Main, 12810 East Nora Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99216; 2) Rocky Top, LLC, cio Mike Schuler, 5813 East Fourth Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99212; 3) Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi, 4614 East 13th Avenue, Spokane Valley. Washington 99202; and 4) Lindsey Construction, Inc., clo Greg Stirn, P.O. Box 30792, Spokane, Washington 99223, 8. SECTION 10—PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION: This Section specifies that the Planning Commission shall conduct the required public hearing on the street vacation request and shall render a recommendation to the City Council based on the criteria specified in Section i i.A-E of Ordinance No. 04-001. The following is staffs analysis of the proposal's compliance to Section 11.A-E: A. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street cr alley will better serve the public. The requested street and alley vacations are proposed in the Woodland Terrace Plat that was originally platted in 190T. The portion ofTwelfth Avenue, portions of Lloyd and Custer Roads. the public alleys in Block 2, 3 and 4 and the portion of Thirteenth Avenue have not been substantially improved since the original 1907 plat. The City of Spokane Valley Pubilc Works Department has not idntified any of the streets or alleys proposed for vacation for inclusion on the City's Six-Year Capital Facilities Flan. The subject properties are located in the Urban Residential-3.5 zoning designation that was adopted an implementing zoning designation of the City's Low Density Residential Comprehensive Plan designation at the time of the City's incorportaion on March 31, 2003. The UR-3.5 zoning designation has a minimum lot area requirement of 10,000 square feet and a minimum street frontage requirement of eighty (80) feet. The lots abutting the street and alleys proposed for vacation are considered non- conforming lots based on their substantard lot sizes and street frontages. The Division finds that the vacation of the streets and alleys will increase the overall lot sizes of these lots through the addition of portions of the vacated right-of-way to these lots. The Current Planning Division notes that if the vacations of Twelfth Avenue, Thriteen Avenue, Lloyd Street and Custer Street are ultimately approved, boundary line adjustments to re-orient some of the lots may be required in order to comply with their platted street frontages. The Current Planning Division finds that the applicants' representative's March 11, 2004 written narrative specifies that applicant are proposing to reconfigure lots along Twelfth Avenue to access onto Lloyd and Custer Streets_ The Division finds that a condtion of approval should be recommended to the Planning Commision requiring that all lots affected by the vacations demonstrate compliance to their platted street frontages at a minimum prior to the issuance of any future building permits on these lots. The Spokane Valley Public Works Department — Development Engineering Division recently reviewed and approved engineering plans for Thirteenth Avenue and issued approved engineering plans on October 16, 2003 for the improvement of this roadway beteen Lloyd Street and Custer Street. The Division also approved engineering plans for the extensions of Lloyd and Custer Streets north of their intersections with Thirteenth Avenue on April 7, 2004. . The Division has not issued any engineerig approvals for the remaining streets and alleys proposed for vacation. The City of Spokane Valley Arterial Road Plan (August 20, 2003) designates Twelfth Avenue, Thirteeth Avenue, Lloyd Street and Custer Street as a Local Access Road, Chapter 5 (Transportation) of the Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan describes a Local Access Road as roads that provide access to adjacent property and generally do not support through traffic, that are looted in urban areas and rural areas, and whose Staff Report arid Recomnieridatian to the Planning Commission for STV-02-D4 May 5,2004 1of12 alignment and traffic control measures encourage a low, safe speed. The Spokane Valley Interim Standards for Road and Sewer Construction (2001) specify the design criteria for a Local Access Road. In summary, a Local Access Road shall be comprised of thirty-four (34) feet of public road right-of-way with a ten (10) foot to thirteen (13) foot wide border easement on either side, thirty (30) feet of asphalt, a two (2) wide curb and gutter, a seven (7) foot to ten (10) foot wide planter strip and a five (5) foot wide concrete sidewalk. The Spokane Valley Public Works Department — Development Services Division has analyzed the current and future transportation need of the portion of Thirteenth Avenue proposed for street vacation. The Division finds that this portion of the Thirteenth Avenue public right-of-way is currently unimproved and is located in area that is characterized by steep slopes and that has a portion of the eastern section of the right-of-way located within a designated 1 00-year floodplain. The Division further finds that this area is needed for utilization as a temporary drainage system to be privately operated by a Homeowners Association to accommodate stormwater runoff from the development west of this section. The Division has determined that because of these physical constraints and the need to use this area for stormwater facility purposes development of this public right-of-way section in conformance with the City's currently adopted Local Access Road standards could not be achieved, The Spokane Valley Public Works Department — Development Engineering Division has analyzed the current and future transportation need of the portion of Twelfth Avenue proposed for street vacation. The Division finds that this portion of the Twelfth Avenue public right-of-way is currently unimproved and is located in area that is characterized by steep slopes and that has a portion of the eastern section of the right-of-way located within a designated 100-year floodplain. Further the properties immediately north of the Twelfth Avenue right-of-way is currently operated as a deep grade gravel mine thereby limiting the ability to expand this right-of-way at any time in the future to comply with current public roadway design standards The Division has determined that because of these physical constraints development of this public right-of-way section in conformance with the City's currently adopted Local Access Road standards could net be achieved. The Spokane Valley Public Works Department — Development Services Division has analyzed the current and future transportation need of the portions of Lloyd and Custer Streets proposed for street vacation. The Division finds that the applicants are requesting only a portion of these public rights-of- ways are being requested for vacation, and that substantial public access will occur via the remaining portions of these rights-of-ways, The Division further finds that the current gravel mining operation to the immediate north of the northern terminuses of these public streets significantly limits the ability for these roadways to be extended north any time in the future, B. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access. The Spokane Valley Public Works Department — Development Engineering Division has conducted a future transportation system needs and requirements analysis relative to the requested vacations of the aforementioned streets and alleys in the Woodland Terrack Plat. in summary, the Development Services Divis❑in finds that there is an existing transportation system operating within the plat that provides internal access and that there is external acdess to and from the Plat from the surrounding public street system. The Division finds that the proposed public alley system extending through Blocks 2, 3, and 4 will not have an immediate or future transportation system impact. Specifically, the Division finds that this system is not necessary for future public road right-of-way or future utility or ingresslegresss access as both access and the provision of utilities to the abutting and surround parcels of land can be provided without the presence of these public alleys. Further, the Division finds that the eastern portion of the alley located in Block 2 is located within a portion of the Woodland Terrace Plat that is characterized by steep slopes that make development and use of this portion of the alley system functionally unusable. The Division finds that a substantial portion of Thirteenth Avenue is located within an environmentally sensitive area within the plat comprising of steep slopes and a designated 100-year floodplain and that design and construction of public roadways within this environmentally sensitive area may riot be practicable. The Division finds that the current public right-of-way width is currently thirty Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for STV-1U2-04 May 6,2004 Sof 12 (30) feet that is inadequate for the design requirements of a Local Access Road. The Division finds that the location of Twelfth Avenue immediately abutting the northern plat boundary line and the presence of an existing gravel mining operation that has no current or planned street connection opportunities are limiting factors in the future development of these roadways for public purposes. The Division finds that only the northern portions of Lloyd and Custer Streets abutting Twelfth Avenue are being proposed for vacation. The Division finds that the applicants' representative in a March 11, 2004 written narrative specifies that the purpose of these vacations is to facilitate the future reorientation of lots currently fronting on Twelfth Avenue. The Current Planning Division finds that there is not adequate evidence in the'record that there will not be a need for future public and private utility accesses in the portions of Twelfth Avenue, Thirteenth Avenue, and Lloyd and Custer Streets to provide potential future services to abutting residential lots. The Division finds that a recommendation to the Planning Commission is warranted requiring that if the vacations are approved by the City Council that the required record of survey shall specify easements for the construction, repair and maintenance of existing and/or future public and/or private utilities and services. These easements shall be applied over the vacated rights-of-way of Twelfth Avenue, Thirteenth Avenue, and Lloyd and Custer StreetThese esaements shall be applied over the vacated rights-of-way of Twelfth Avenue, Thirteenth Avenue, and Lloyd and Custer Streets C. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public. The Current Planning Division finds that the Woodland Terrace Plat originall platted in 1907 proposed a street grid pattern. The Division's camparision of a copy of the orignal plat against the current Spokane County Assessor's Office quarter section map finds that this grid pattern has been modified through changes in lot configurations and street access. The Division finds that primary east to west access through the Plat is provided via Fourteenth Avenue between Havana Road andCarnahan Road. The Division finds that the surrounding land use patterns are characterized by the previous platting of land and the development of this land for residential purposes, except for the existing gravel mining operation to the immediate north. The Division finds that pursuant to Community Panel No. 5301074 0300 C of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (Federal Emergency Management Agency, September 30, 1992), the eastern portion of the Plat is located within an unnumbered Zone A of a designated 100-year floodplain The Division finds that pursuant to the Geologically Hazard Areas Map for the Critical Areas Ordinance — Chapter 11.20 (February 24, 2003) the current Plat is encumbered by the presence of erodible soils along a general north-south axis through the eastern portion of the Plat. The Division finds that the applicants' representative March 11, 2004 written narrative specifies slopes in excess of twelve (12) percent in the eastern portion of the Plat. The Division finds that pursuant to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Stream Types Map for the Critical Areas Ordinance — Chapter 11.20 (February 24, 2003), the Plat is encumbered by the presence of a Type 5 DNR stream along a general north-south axis through the eastern portion of the Plat. The Division finds that pursuant to theWetlands Inventory Map for the Critical Areas Ordinance — Chapter 11-20 (February 24, 2003), the Plat is encumbered by the presence of a Wetland Inventory stream along a general north-south axis through the eastern portion of the Plat. D. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to pmvide a greater use or need than presently exists. The Current Planning Division finds that the Woodland Terrace Plat was orignally platted in 190T. The Current Planning Divisoin conducted multiple site visits to the the subject plat area and identified that residential construciton within the plat is characterized by recent new construction. The eastern portions of Twelfth Avenue, Thirteenth Avenue and the public alley in Block 2 are physically defined by steep slopes and are also located within a designated 1004yearfloodplain. The properties immediately north of Twelfth Avenue are being used for a long-term gravel main operation. The Spokane Valley Public Works Department — Developmen Services Division finds that all of these streets and alleys are not currently able to access Carnahan Road on the extreme eastern edge of the Plat because of the Staff Report endRecommendation to the PIannIng Commission for SW-02-04 May 6,2004 90112 presence of existing environmental constraints limiting their extensions east. Carnahan Road is a north- south roadway that provides access into and out of portions of the Plat as well as to the surrounding area. E. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exc!usrve of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the genera! ip orb lic. As of the date of this staff report and recommendation to the Planning Commission the Current Planning Division has not received any written objections to the proposed street vcation from owners of private property abutting the streets and alleys proposed for vacation. Further, no members of the genera! public submit arty written objections to the proposed street vacation at time of this staff report and recommendation. The Current Planning Division distributed on April 7, 2004 the street vacation application to The Current Planning Division distributed on April 7, 2004 the street vacation application to Spokane Valley Building Division; Spokane Valley Police Department Spokane Valley Public Works Department - Engineering Division; Spokane Valley Public Works - Capital Projects, Spokane Valley Public Works _ Operations and Maintenance; City of Spokane Utilities; Spokane Regional Health District; Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority; Spokane County Water District No. 3; Spokane County Fire District#1; Spokane School District #81, Spokane Transit Authority; Avista, Qwest, and Comcast. Dawn Dampier, Permit Specialist, Spokane Valley Ruilidng Division submitted an electronic mail message on April 13, 2004 that identified that the Division had no comment on the street vacation proposal. Donald Copley, ESH II, Spokane Regional Health District, submitted a written comment letter on April 13, 2004 indicating that the Health District had no comment on the requested street vacations. Priscilla Sprague, Real Estate Assistant, Avista Utilities, submitted a written comment letter dated April 14, 2004 that indicated that Avista had no facilities within the proposed street vacation areas. Kevin Miller, Deputy Fire Marshal, Spokane County Fire District No, 1 submitted a written comment letter on April 16, 2004 that stated the District had no objections to the proposed street vacations. Conclusion(s): The Current Planning Division concludes that STV-02-04 complies with the procedural requirements of Section 2-8 of Ordinance Na. 04-001 as evidenced by the preceding findings of fact specific to these Sections. The Current Planning Division concludes that Section 9 of Ordinance No. 04-001 is not relevant to SW- 02-04 because the application was initiated by the abutting property owners and not by the City of Spokane Valley. The Current Planning Division concludes that STV-02-04 complies with Section 11.A of Ordinance No. 04-001 because the public interest is served by approving the requested street vacation. The Division concludes that the streets and alleys proposed for vacation are currently unimproved, have existed in a substantially unimproved state since 1907 and are not identified an the City's Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan for publicly funded improvements. Further, the Division concludes that existing lots abutting the streets and alleys to be vacated will be brought closer in conformance to the minimum lot area requirement of the UR-3.5 zoning designation, The Current Planning Division concludes that based on the transportation needs and analysis conducted by the Public Works Department — Development Services Division there are existing physical environmental constraints within the eastern portion of the Plat containing portions of Twelfth Avenue, Thirteenth Avenue and the public alley in Block 2 that will be difficult to build on in conformance with adopted City engineering standards. Specifically, the Development Engineering Division concludes that because of the steep slopes and floodplains affecting the portion of Thirteenth Avenue coupled with the need to develop a private stomewater facility to accommodate stormwater runoff generated west of the proposed street vacation conformity to the City's currently adopted Local Access Road standards cannot not be achieved. Further, the Division concludes Staff Report and Reoommendatien to the Piannfn4 Commission far STV-02-04 May 8,2004 10 0112 that similar physical constraints affect Twelfth Avenue as well as the presence of the existing gravel mining operation to the immediate north of the Plat limiting northern right-of-way and improvement expansion. The Division also concludes that the existing gravel mining operation limits the ability to extend Custer Street and Lloyd Street to the north thereby supporting a vacation of a portion of these rights-of-way to facilitate a reconfiguration of the lots currently fronting on. Twelfth Avenue. The Current Planning Division concludes that STV-02-04 complies with Section 11.B of Ordinance No. 04-001 because the streets and alleys proposed for vacation are no longer directly or indirectly required for public access or use. The Division concludes that these streets and alleys were not previously approved subsequent to platting in 1907-and' therefore have not provided substantive public use and access for the Woodland Terrace Plat or the surrounding public street system. Further, the Division concludes that the presence of existing on-site environmental constraints affecting the future improvement of portions of these streets and alleys together with the limitations imposed by the existing land use to the immediate north result in the classification of these streets and alleys are marginal and limited service public road facilities. The Current Planning Division concludes that STV-02-04 complies with Section 11.0 of Ordinance No. 04-001 because there is not the ability to develop a new and/or different public way that would be more useful to the public as an alternative to the current public way system affiliated with the streets and alleys proposed for vacation. This conclusion is based on the nature of the surrounding land use patterns and the presence of multiple designated environmentally sensitive areas within the eastern portion of the Woodard Terrace Plat increasing the difficulty in introducing new or re-aligned roadways without substantive environmental impact. The Current Planning Division concludes that STV-02-04 complies with Section 11.D of Ordinance No. 04-001 because existing conditions affecting the streets and alleys prooposed are not anticipated to change at any time in the near future such that future roadway construction in these environmentally sensitive areas could easily be conducted or would be appropriate given this identified sensitivity. The Current Planning Division concludes that STV-02-04 complies with Section 11.E of Ordinance No. 04-001 because there have been no written objections to the requested street submitted to the City of Spokane Valley in response to the required public noticing by abutting property owners, governmental agencies or general members of the public. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Spokane Valley Community Development Department Current planning Division and the Spokane Valley Public Works Department Engineering Division after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria recommend that the Planning Commission RECOMMEND CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of STV-02-04 to the Spokane Valley City Council subject to compliance with the conditions of approval specified herein: 1. Pursuant to Section 11 (City Council Decision) of Ordinance No. 04-001 if the City Council determines to grant the vacation, the action shall be made by ordinance with such conditions or limitations as the City Council deems necessary and proper to preserve any desired public use or benefit. 2. Pursuant to ROW 35.79.040, the City Council in approving a street vacation request shall specify that the vacated portion of the street or alley shall belong to the abutting property owners, ore-half to each, unless factual circumstances otherwise dictate a different division and distribution of the street or alley to be vacated. 3. Pursuant to Section 13 (Application of Zoning District Designation) of Ordinance No. 04-001 the zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the portion of Fifteenth Avenue to Staff Report and Room mendation to the Planning Commission for STV-02-04 May 6..2004 110112 be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. The applicable zoning district designation for STV-01-O4 shall be Urban Residential-3,5 (UR-3.5). 4. Pursuant to Section 14 (Recording of Ordinance) of Ordinance No. 04-001 a certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof, shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 5. Pursuant to Section 15 (Compliance to City Council Conditions) of Ordinance No. 04-001 all conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. 6, Pursuant to Section 15 (Record of Survey Required) of Ordinance No. 04-C01following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Community Development Director. Said record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor, shall contain signature lines for the City of Spokane Valley Community Development Director, City of Spokane Valley Public Works Director or designee, and the proponent indicating acceptance of the vacated street or alley. Said record of survey shall also specifying location, dimensions and area of all parcels of land abutting and within one hundred (100)feet on all sides of the vacated street or alley. 7. The required record of survey shall specify easements for the construction, repair and maintenance of existing and/or future public and/or private utilities and services, These esaements shall be applied over the vacated rights-of-way of Twelfth Avenue, Thirteenth Avenue, and Lloyd and Custer Streets, 8. Pursuant to Section 17 (Costs of Title Transfer to be Borne by Proponent) of Ordinance Nip. 04-001, all direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City shall not assume any financial responsibility for anydirect or indirect costs for the transfer of title. p:\community development\current planninglstreet vacations'Isty-02-44sty-O2-O4staff report.doc Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for STV-02-04 May 6,2004 12 of 12 EXHIBIT 1 ficin' •: TV-02-04 PrellYISVPPPPOPF1 1° .� 11 al 41 Rill riql?10 Arelttej ' 011 II 11111111 lb def Firder, r4 TN 1 0 ! Islip ejw:1 vefrA, .9 04094,00,041.li lie ieplaweizi , 01)7'.-4"10-414**-94,5447,0*w.iiriareAprogifftlfier,i4 eivIerT.ef.„4"...vlowle V4-0,041-0.mrsterrnleep,elmor':,4-1004110A, - --44` --.,:tfe,,tpAirw;e_mtst4Pfrokkesror 4w*"."--vt.7 m'etiffrOpfie. 400, 1, 44,,,A.-,,-.4k, / Offeireplir o414 ityferilt- 44..e*M•r„trasda 1m 1 z.. --Alluriort 4000L7 My, # r � R .44#6" 4,1140+ f.6444,460 a kTp p,. . , . . , ,. - ,., ,...... .40,1*,4,Nr4Q4,WA:pc._ vepr 3 fly 111111M4 _ =r__ piiii A 11111111WOria III I 11111 Ai il 1111111;i11 1 :111111M4PreAll."'IM 1111111 IIIUUIII1I1 iflhIIii 1 4 hIHhllIllil IH1TIIVV4AIIUII2V4 UI.flhIhIIIlI5:• 1 111111 11111 .166 II llhIhIIlHIIIllIIIII HhiHhin mmintioloniih oh 1•..;._ . .,,,,,,,,,,,,00,0":"/"A t !I1h1I1111II .,„ _ III IIIIIIIUIIIiII:,'/-..wi,. /504*/9",Is".4.ca,/:,,,,/,440;. ScaTe:1 trod,-400h iouridtai 0 ty Magi EXHIBIT 2 Comprehensive Land Use Plan: STV-02-04 i . 1E7; IS _ __ ._. i Mr—' i' ' __ II ITN .. r 5 MLR I1 ME F 4igt;r5sspx,:: I �- 1 . IluIlilull I � it .t.. ..LDr ' / i e 1..li ''] IIHh1I + iuunuuuiiiAi ' R, •r A011 11, # I ‘s‘Alliliniill11.11111 III . 1 '• lifil I 7.27://, ,i9:7/ ..,, ,,,,,;075770,;;Ap/170Apo '_.s 7/./70.', / / .7.7. / 7,,,ze.„-,, „, ,, ,,,.../0„ ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,„/„.w.).,, xA,, 4$ "1,,,1.1,4///,'W /7‘/.. "0":// ,147.,/, -,4":;-;407/7/47,0,1 6.1,,,,,V v #.7,<re ,1/„, e . 7-,97,,, , /, -/.:".. 77/07,00ffo-',-„, "/".,,,,,,,/,,, ,/,* /,, ,4-,,,,,,„_4 -,,,,,;; e.,/,,,,,,9,7?, // le „ ,,-V X)//`,,,q ,./4” ,,,f'.,e,/,'-r,...rf: vr;,,,, ,7,7./2' 0:7,/,,**/// 'le „ ,,,,4:„. .//".” ,,,, i:/•,9,- / p - ,„ / , f.„7/,”/ (7,— .,,,,,- ..,, /../it //- , ."..,,,,7 , :.,,..>.,,,4 . ,-::: ,. , ,, . .„,/,/,4,:c„if 4,-,,,//0" 4,-,-„,,,,,, ■ oe 1. &,ffy -fy/ , „/ .,,-/-27 ,..,/, : . f, 1 1 Scale:1irwth-400 ft0rcundad) OYt51g4 C,nFII,preht-n; Land IL:ce,Pian ■ Subject Property wittrn one or marcs Neiphharhdnd MG!,GFs "_'"1.SuUecL Froperty within PThA. Subject Property wI Iiin AEA- 'I t ' Bubjeut Property within PSSA. tF ■i`r Subject Properly outside NPL A&.rtFer. EXHIBIT 3 Interim Zoning: STV-02-04 .- NMI pi MI 1 UR 3.523 4' VI 11. 111 1 w - 7- = = - = , I UR-31E38 4 = =11 5 "! 11111111111 I -_ ..:: ... r - a . _ � UR. 721111X11 : • .. • _ 4 �f. 79C ._ _ _ - ; . - - R315B5C - : - _ 4 ` / d _ 1111111 II I Willi .1 °ISE"' I= 1, � - ./ t-2P 191190 11111111/ .11. 1 , . -.. I1lIIIIIIIIIII1IIUII11 P111111 I. , ; 111111 1111 1011 R . 5,e 1 !!I � , � nAilN� 1 11111 . . _ _ _ _ . •I11IIIN w:A6 ,� . . . . _ - 111111111111 R. � Or- ,,.. k 1 I J ' - . - ./-,, ,-,v 7/7,74W 4 1,"p L [ IHuIIuu1III• - II r 1 Py"',rff///(1,#A,zf .'7,,,y07,/,?e, /,/,,,,i,"7/7, 0,,, ,/i,s.,,,.,_ . 7‘1";10/1-4V/ .4'',/, 1/ Fel'A' / f„/,/''3y/' . / ' /' ' .#. .rte //// / "4//72/77" 4fie,":",,, ,,,/,,,,, /.7/4*',,,,77/"A /:44'1 '''. / /„",,Y,/`//,,,/ ;,,,,;"'-eV://;44:., 7, # ,,,,,,,, :re ,,,:" .4-- / / , X,''.7" /,‘ yp. -5, W.,":FO'',A.,--*/ liirtipj"7//:;;/#70, -/2" 4 '... 95.., "7„,, / a fyi,"7",..,., /4"..„1. -",/„/ e :74,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,„. ,./„,,,...„ -.4/4.-/7,,,,,,,`;_,/'-:',./ 9,/,:"./, //,,_,,,W-/.(0AC*1"111/V,„-.,./:- .7,, / ,,,,,,,,/-,.. ,..*:,/,,,4:77-77.,e/ ..,,,) z7741/-zelfze, .,/, } AZ Scale I inch-/ S400 ft Oourick0 .03 T5/L34 Inrirn Zdlkg EXHIBIT 4 Aerial View 2003: TV 2 O�4�` �J 4 ,4 • •,,,, ,,.... . .. ,......,• , iiiit ._ ......,.. ,..., . ,. 5;,. ik f 'P - I �`" S S S�+,1' 4 1 wv. +1 � vi 'It -"'"�. +.- yam- .k'R I,. 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IA Af ter Recording Return To RECEIVED SENNETP, ASHENERENER & DAVIDSON, P.S. 140 South Arthur, Suite 600, Spokane. 'WA 9V02 APR 2 6 NM SPOKANE VALLEY OEPABTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ST.71,7CITORT WARRANTY DEED •• f S- 7 The Grantor, SOURCE CAPITAL CORFORATIQN, for and in onsideratio n of 'Teri Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, conveys and warrants to ROCB3 TOP L.L.C., a Washington Limited Liability Company, the following described real estate, situate in the County of Spokane, State of Flashingtartsh SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ABR IATEO LEGAL; A PORTION OF BLOCKS 1-7, 9-14, 'r1OODLAND , TERRACE AND A PORTION OP THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, 'IOWNSHO 25, RANGE 43. PARCEL NOS. 35233.0101, 0201, 0301, 0302, 0303, 4411 0402, 0403, 0545, 0506, 0604, 005, 0607, 0603. 0609, 0709, 0'T10, 1002, 100,3„ 1004, 1005. 1006, 1015, 1141, 1201, 1202, 1204, 1301, 1401, 9176, 9177, 917x{ 44O a TO; COVENANTS.EASEMENTS,RESTRICriaras AND RESERVATIONS OF RECORD. Listed this 9th day or lune, 1445, 0 SO 1•CE •PIT CORP+' ION 14 +yw1w�'/.. ] - es Kirschbaum W.y db_ STATE OF Washington ) ss. COUNTY OF Spokane ) On this Lay perfi41i i . ` re me JAMES KIRSCHBAIJM,sa me knot i to be the President of C' SOURCE CAP!TjARNi 1 ,• rporsion dist mewed the foregoing instru€ttent,and ac}nawiedged a► the said insttti mese li ' sl t 7 act and deal of said corperatie n.for the uses.and purposes therein , nenrioned,and+ `t0th'#ats4 evt4eisloristed to eaeeute the said instrument. ao Given wr e!t lob Anti aga vicatqc4 lois " a}of Ina, 1998.. 60. fyfdig-TS -Z., Cfii • Notary Pyibltc in nd for the State of Washington,residing at Spektine, ru My onm issinrt expires;tfrr- I'll' II. lei 1i111I I II�IIIII IIIIII�II[I4236371AMR ASS? IRR8Sfl4i]ON, TITLE INS CO VD $1000 *kite Co, NA EVEBIT-A . PARCEL 1; Lots 1 thru 16 in +dock 1, Lots 1 thou 12 in Block 2, Lots 1 thru 12 in Block 3, Lots 1 thru 12 in Block 4, Lots 1 thru 12 in Block 5, Lots 1 thru 12 in Block 6; Lots 1 thru 6 in Block 10; Lots 1 thru 12 in Block 11, Lots 1 thru 12 in Block 12 Lots 1 thou 12 in Block 13, Lots 1-thru 16 in Block 14; TOGETHER WITH those portions of Blocks 7, 9, vacated alleyway in Block 7, vacated Morrill Street and Dearborn Street, vacated 12th Avenue North of and adjacent to Block 7 as it would. attach by operation of law, vacated 13th Avenue lying between Blocks 6 and 9 as, it would attach by operation of law; EXCEPT those portions lying West, Southwest, South and Southeast of the following described line; BEGINNING at a point on the North line of said plat the lies 202.16 feet East of the intersection of the West line of Lot 6 Block 7 extended and said North line; thence South 11°05'16' East, 231.74 feet; thence South 24°03'14" East, 69.31 feet; thence South 53056'55u East, 29.96 feet; thence South 6e014'34" East; 57.23 feet; thence South 7O021'58" East, 123.15 feet; thence South 75049'45u East, 79.74 feet; thence South 68044'29" East, 55.09 feet; thence North 82°39'49" East,. 43 .70 feet; thence North 434.53'19" East, 81.51 feet to the East line of vacated Dearborn Street and the terminus of thin line description; ALSO TOGETHER WITH vacated 12th Avenue lying Forth of and adjacent to Blocks 5 and 6 as would attach by operation of law; ALSO TOGETEIET ;PITH vacated Morrill Street lying between Blocks 6 and 7 as would attach by operation of law; ALSO TOGETHER WITH vacated Dearborn Street lying between Blocks 5 and 6 as would attach by operation of law; ALSO TOGETHER. WITH vacated alley ways lying within Blocks 5, 6 and 10 as would attach by operation of law; ALSO TOGETHER WITH vacated 13th Avenue lying between Blocks 5 and 10 as would attach by operation of law; ALSO TOGETHER WITH vacated Lloyd Street lying between Lot 1, Block 10 and Lot 6, Block 11 as would attach by operation of law; ALSO TOGETHER WITH vacated Lloyd Street that lies West of and adjacent to Lot 7 Black 11 as would attach by operation of law; II11 I 42363 if i Et ti a 741 ci:5P MOM TUU le CO le #10.10 tone Ca, . All in WOODLAND TERRACE ADDITICN as per plat thereof recorded in volume wen of Plats, Page 16; Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. PARCEL 2: That part of the Southwest quarter of Section 23, Tcwnnhip 25 North, Range 43 East, N.M., more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the Eaet halt of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 23; thence South along the West line of the East half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter to the East and West center line of said Southwest quarter; thence.East along said East and West center line to the West lime of the East 30 acres to the Northeast quarter of said Southwest quarter; thence North along the West line of said East 3C acres to the North line of the said Southwest quarter; thence West along said North line to the place of beginning; EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion lying in the Northwest quarter of said Southwest quarter; AND EXCEPTING the North 380 feet thereof; AND EXCEPT Roads; Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. PARCEL 3 The Northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 Eaet, W.M. ; EXCEPT the East 174.65 feet of the North 380 feet thereof; AND EXCEPT Roads; AND ExcEPT that portion of the Northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 25 Worth, Range 43 East, W.M. described as follows: BEGINNINGG on the North line of the Plat of WOODLAND TERRACE, as recorded in Volume "I° of Plats, Page 16, and on the East right of way line of Havana Street; thence North 000'65'45" West, along an extension of said East right of way line, 89.49 feet; thence South 69.°34'56" East, 108.t2 'feet; thence South 46°14'50" East, 130.40 feet to the North line of said Plat of WOODLAND TERRACE; thence North 89¢34155" West, along said North line, 202.16 feet to the point of beginning. Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. U4I1U/ZUO1 "1U11 9,LU FAA H r',1519 'rransnation rilitfe 000210:14 - f Trere a X833 T T1E 5 0 Spokane Co,l ql Return to: • Linnwood Ii Setnp{n,n Attorney at;law RECEIVED 1201 North Ash,Suite 200 Spokane WA 99201 APR 1 0 20B4 A sor's Navel No's: 34233.9505.0506 . SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WAIVER OF CLAl34LTO AND CONVEYANCE OF VACATED ALLEYWAY AY R'I'1ES: GRANTOR.SOUTH TERRACE SPOKANE,LLC,a Wltahingtan Limited L tabilitiy Coatpaury;ROCKY TOP,LLC,a Washington Limited Liability Company;Lindsey Construction,!tie_,a Washargton Corporation: ANTEF.S: SMITH'TERRACE SPO]ci NR,LLC,a Washington Limited liability Company. ROCKY TOP.LLC,a Washington Limited Liaba t),Camparrsy,Lindy Co truci toe,a Washiugtoo Corporation; OWNl p O>E 14EAL. .11141 rY; SOUTH TERRACE SPOKANE,LW, a Washington-l.imitrxi Liability Company;ROCKY TCP, LLC,a Wrastiington Limited Liability Company;Lindsey Cagabuction.inc._a Washingtcrst Corporation.awn one ix morn of the fallowing: Lots 4.5.6,7,8 and 9 of 131e k 3 Woodland Tia-race Addition as perplat uteroof recorded in Volume"L"DMus,Page 16, Records of Spokane County,Wallington si na'tc in tlta City of Spokane Valk".Warshington.rind: Lots t,2,4,$,l 1,and 12 of Stock A Wocilsnd Tetra ae Additiac as per plat thereof recorded in Volume"1"of Plats. Page 16,R4corcls of Spnlcaae County,Wastringtm situate in the City of-Spokane 1aJ.ay,3Nastlirigton. roil AND Il+1 CONSIDERATION of the mutual> is to be do-iced therefrom,the undersigned as Miner of the fallowing cktd real pile~;: ro Lacs ,8 and 91314)ck3 Woodland Terram Addition its per pit{hereof recorded in Vol f plats,Page 16, O Records of Spokane{;runty,Washington s,itvaic in Ilia City'of Spokane Valley,Washington and Lots 1,8,9,11. and 17 Block 4 Woodland Terrace Addition as per plat this ro f reeorded in Voiurttc"C'of Plats,Page 16,Records of Spokane County.Washirigtoto situate in the City of Spokane Valley,Washington G] HEREBY RELINQUISH AND WAIVE the tight to acquire ownership of my portion.of the alleyway in said Blocks 3 and 4 TO TUE OWNERS,their heirs and assigns,cf Ln N 4.5,and 6 Bloch 3.Woodland Terrace Addition,a p rplet thcreofrcamded in Volume"r'of Nab,Page 16.Spokane County,Washington Minato in the City ofthe Spokane Valley and Lots I,Z4.5.and 6*Mock WcexIlagd Terrace Addition as poi plat thereof recorded in Volume'!" of Plats.Page 16,Records orSpokenCounty,Washington sucrate in the City ofSpokaae Valley*Washingtai as • aurreutLy plaited or as may hem-in/1Er be rc mi uufrgured,lying North ofd''mum ioreky odjo ertt to L c alleyway lying Norah attic above described prowty. C lv WALYER OF CLAIM TO AND CONVEYANCE OF'VACATED ALLEYWAY Pagc 1 oft a to rel ui/LUf 2UU4 U; ZU FAA M ', ` lb19 '1'ransnatiol1 l UU /U 1111 XE2 of 113r11 t2664 Ei frWA ] 72-07.14.. 7Ru! row. F 1 SAokrrle De•1 1� naked; Murch ,2{]ta4_ -- S QUTH TERRACE MO".0; -----1.1,r. BY: valiAm W.'Iv[A TV,I+danager STATE OIC WASH NGTOt4 ) tea County of Spoken; On this clay gerson871}appeared before me WILLIAM W.MAIN,IV,lvianagor ofSOLr Il IE.P.kgs.CE SPOKANE, td.C,a Washington Limited Liability Company,to the known robe the individual dtscriibed in and who is autheri7ed to&Eta as the Manager to South Terrace LLC,and who executed the within and foregoing itmruraizom ackroowi mrd that he signed the saMe ES his free veltratary acs axed dezd,for[henna find pt1pases therein mentioned Ol VE N under my hard and offirliat seal thisj5 day of March.2004. a 4 .50 NOTARY PUBLIC is A ;tato of Washington; Residing sr Spokane 40G Corranis cur exp res: .G 4.6 � Y _ 19, ROOKY TOP,LLC,a Waalriri vn Limited Liability Company NrflICE SF/MEP, y Lionsveed D.Sampson,as Attorney irk Fact fear Mike Shktle Manager of Rocky Top,LLC. STATE OF WASH1NCTON ]ss County OfSpoi me C.7r3T'r,Yda day of March_2004,before me persona]ly ap UWOOD.�NNOOD D,SAMPSON,in roe TIM own v to he the individual whoeXforegoing rnitrartOn $9 Attorney inlam"oet for�SHULERr MANAGER OFROCKV 1TOP, ILLC,a Washington L ilnitr+i I.iatril ity Company.and acknowledged that he signed the sant as his fie raid voluntuy act tad dead,as Attorney In Pant for said principal for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and month seated that the-Power of Attorney a rrlh nrizing the ekeasi ion of this instrment has tint been revoked aDd Lila said� r living and isnot insane Cc r `� tiSSI t?�y Cp'�r Noiaryr Public in and for the State of Washington; tkOTAFW Residing at Spokane; .... CotruatGssi n expires: ( T_ 1 JosIk.nr�63t -• -L• WAIVER OF CLAIM TO AND - CONVEYANCE OF VACATED ALLEYWAY Pagc 2 of �` U 1 LVf frW)4 TUE 9:211 U [AA b i9 .�.` 1L�1.�7 '1S ansnC1 1 11 Title •y vowN4 1I/I!IIIiiliuIltulljIII)IjuuiiItL!I!:LIp8357:27966422,1! age's 3 of 3 1111,101,111#10$11,1119 Sgakarst�CdriUpi. LINDSEY `xUCrTON, EW: GREG STIPA laresldmt • STATE OF WASIIING7O J ) t Coors Chl this day pi peTscralliy appqrt4d bei`nre me GREG STIRN,Fr dean;orLIf.V EY CONSTRUCTION, INC. a Washington Cotpuration is me known to belie individual dimribed ire and wbo is.authorized to sign es the Pteridtmt to Luae-,y Canarrudice.Irac.,am who CXCCUtIA the with god forcgoki$it triLinea[,imdadalaveloised that Presk:matt the SIAM as his fr'.c Teo[unitary eat tmd d far the.uses.ztd parposea the in mentioipd. GIVEN tinder any handt�seal i is IS day�fMarch,2004, ,. f, c5 •NOTARY PUBLIC ill r n lir the ARY Stalk aa1 Wa h.ingtc n: p k%CO R+ idingat Spokane 61 Cawilivsion eypites; }se,OF 1 rP.5 0% • WATVER OF CLAIM TO AND CONVEYANCE OF VACATED AUX E WAY Page 3 oft RECEIVED DEAR KEVIN SNYDER, t„ , -1:1.14 RE: WOODLAND TERRACE!ALLEY VACATION ADDRESS & OWNERS NAMES SPOKANE VALLEY [EPA FiTMEN7 OF COMMi1Nrjy❑EVE!OPME (- ADDRESS OWNER STATUS itaig E 13TH LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION " UNDER CONSTRUCTION - PENDING SALE 4611 E 13TH LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION - PENDING SALE ' 4$l3 E 13TH LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION - PENDING SALE 4515 E 13TH DEL POZZI'S SOLD - CLOSED 4617 E 13TH ROCKY TOP LLC UNDER CONSTRUCTION -- PENDING SALE 4619 E 13TH LrN SEY CONSTRUCTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION - PENDING SALE 4101 E 13TH LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION - PENDING SALE 4705 E 13TH SUSHINSKI'S SOLD- CLOSED 4709 E 13TH CUNNINGHAM'S SOLD a CLOSED A713 E 13TH ROCKY TOP LLC LOT AVAILABLE 4719E 13TH ROCKY TOP LLC SPEC HOME TO BE BUILT 4723E 13TH ROCKY TOP LLC LOT DEPOSIT 4715 E 13TH ROCKY TOP LLC LOT AVAILABLE 4717 E 13TH ROCKY TOP LLC LOT DEPOSIT • PLEASE NOTE: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION IS IN THE PROCESS OF PURCHASING LOTS FROM ROCKY TOP LLC. 4105/2004(ACCORDING TO TRANSNATION TITLE COMPANY) MBREMIII ill IME-1/2 I C ,Ol :7,rs,,„CT-- 61/%j t\f Or--"S Ir?.--1111.-- E___—..-___ • • 12TH AVENUE (-04C64S1Nu"m) III 111111 11 /WpODL/ ND 7 1E0' • 1 II f Ntimm-IE '� «1x ■I 11 ■ l iii +11 15c–. A 1 ' UDUTY Gc R� ~—ACCESS EASEMENT .1 I1b■.'r4 i . 1111-11$1t1 II L L1([r '.,+ Y t _q 'r '° E 47Y6 ete tI11[, iii —Li'3 L 1 Z .1,--r ' y ■ i��l,�ly�l�l Dity WIN aJ_�1 "-'ALLEY_ �. ■• t i■ 51F' C{ .,�• el `I ` 53' I ?7' 20' �a' = 7"-ii5an* Ellis■ / s`lmuxv v v EAS�+ENT 1e• IEil � LI I M1C�SS BENT *�ki E. 4781 E. 4765 E 4709 E. 4713 1 F. 4517 E. 4694 E. 1611 E- /413 E. 4&1� E 4517 E. 461D 49 5, 4723 OM1. �' S4` s'0 SD 50' �' Sp° 5A 44 ....,;;,-.111P-' 96' 0– 0 I h Y°, arimesria.naGeiftwaraaGmairana —w •1, ate , 0 2 i „s F :. c py Ix a r s.°i-- r9. '4.' *h i IX ,,y .-x--..z,..,-1 sn• -- +..'P_,1-r. .4 s._ s f .+• _ �' • ,, ,,"� _ 41-„t-°P,Re --.r .4 b'', ; • idMI■zr■D 0 fN,! -TO CILOS L-7:: ' ' .- r 1/4`,. . — ,-. — .....— _ _ __ . _ a 5 grirr • 2TH AVENUE (LINCCRSTRUCrwa) MI �� WOODLAND TERRACE 16C' - fri E_ 4717 a a L - 91 MIJ M.. 43' Unk1 & m11:`1�� ■ 4T AG SS€PSEM€1111 �1;13'!: ..-I ErYLti1�rrlr — �° I 4745 m grit iii ALLEY EVIL 1.141 SCI - 3. p' S] 77' tri' 6U IEt !' S1k1 (i7 [—ACCESS 14 OW le [19 I Rf7GE55 EA EFIENi rfruro , , , r.r. �,� /ate - - (L I C — 1VI f 1{ E. 4517 J E. 1409 Q, 4611 I E- 4613 E. 4615 C. 4617 E. +549 E. ;76i E. 47a5 E. 4709 G 4713 I E 4719 E. 472 r s7 0 tit 'r�,. iZE. " 6 r ' S4' .' .. r 34` 50- 7 54' 44- r., ;t 4 '+.-a t 86' I-- 0 f T ' :--i---,{ ; 7,.4 �, rtl': h.I..l".: .;•':'‘., ,,,,1.7. F �{P ti ,s g E i n' — 1 .e i t : . 4c ' -13, }-• •.'`"i �rs54,,,,'�• ' �' 'J;rs`'P'5.:. T. -.x .' .tI'v� x• � 4'2".6 r s ti l Ip ''4 I CC W 2. „.„_, ,: ..,s.�. EK' F t r s'' h 4 .x ,. r ,. `�' 7C"24 -''a 4.. €yYr,k +rly a a. y u ',',, .. .. •4 +. _ir.'�. _ ,.� , -..' ' sv e:_} t.e� F; ..°I �''`'ee: ���' � '�-�°C _CS .e �' Z0' IV 52. 32,..,. ,.5-~ 5+ lrs��e n l-rii 4- +44+4 rx � _ c i Li - • E° z ° J � 56 J 4 < E, 4$14 E, +d09- C. .eros E. 461Q , E 4&12 E. 4544 5. 1307 r in C] 1 4-,k, � '0 5. 1303 E. 4770 E. 4714 E. 4718 €: 47v.- - dto 1 � r ,I _ el In ! .N-, .'7p, X40' S.e'P�r cb`w — •^a I J Y ' 1017111Hili4 S. 1305 , f . n 5. 4347 in to T. r 1 r LL. 1 59' 52' 52` 32" 52' - f h 1401 1# S7' 79' 7E' c q ."/�} Fy ' GRAPHIC SCALE 4 R i ro I 42 0 { �+ ��y.�5 =�11111111111111111111i� -1 1 f Inch — 6O It —_ __ CALL BEFORE 'IOU OIG 450-§000 o 5 Apr 14 04 01 : 57pStorwhaug Engineering E5C]Sl 2�#2R1t701 - p. 2 Community Dev l 77nLt Depaitn'erlt l=ar Staff Use Cxrtry} ,r� Current Planning Division nam SLoWn-Teu: r / D`SiMalle --"1 , R.ECErVED RY:__ 21707 East Sprague Avenue, SufEe 1D5 Spokane ValLey, WA 99laf, nix No./Maxx: — —,-7 — ifte Tei: [509) 921 J ol? .. _iielie—pc)--vzo-,..)) Fax: (509) 921-1008 nningfassookangvaltev.ercr Fee PAxr : ___4-‘ fir'. ell) RECEIVED MAR I t2 SPOKANE VALLEY STREET VACATION APPLICATION U£PAFITrvIENT OF cO?+IMIINIT'yC} Vfj �C PART I -APPLICATIDM NFORMATIC]NJ PRai EGT INFORMATION: NAN%OFl uer_tcSTREET PRDP0SEDFORVAcATION: A1...ey� ex adding Ihrought B1ocxs 2, 3 . 4 Sermon/TowlrsHla/RANGE OF PUDLIC STREET PeOPOsEU AOR VAcperioN: 23 2 aNi-3 Wl 1 __ errac e AREA(Sc JAKE'IFZET)of PtiRLJC STREET TO EE VACATED.: Appvc�x 10, $oo Sq _ft , - - - - DJMENSION$OF POLIO STIlEgT70IJt:VACATED: 12' WIDE X C0 r Pac.p ST9TAbDss(TAX PARCEL No OF Aurni ADDRESS irTAX PARCEL No OF ABLI'MNG PROPERTeti; See Ataaclied ` STELETADOREss/TAX PARCEL NO OFADJJ NG PROPE/tr 012; I et ."A1rF - *� ZONING DESIGNATION OP ABUTTING PROPERTY#'S: 1JR"3 .5 ZONING RESIC+,NATION OF ARLrrfINQ PROPERTY#2 U PREVIOUS LAND USE ACTION,iFAPJPLIC. LE(STATE PROJECT FILE NC. &NN1E: Nor APP LIOANTIOWNER INFORMATION': Please make: -Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required applicantfow ner information speci5ect below if there are more than ttWo(2)applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Appiicants Must be the same as property owners specifiet an the current Spokane County Assessor's Office parcel reeords. AeUrriI,I PRk]PERTYOwitERIkJD ¶ l,I.P.- South+4PPLtCAi*1T 1'+IAME : PEpvitteat 'erra0 eT MALiNGAaoRESS: 12510 E. Nora Avenue, Suite E. sraTE: grtanZIP: J9 - P++DNE: (lit]MEMOI ). 922-3000 "(F,ax) 922-6935 (ceuua) . q4,4.Game *PLEASE NOTE: Per ROW 35.70,040 (Titie to Vacated Street or Alley}the property within a public street or alley vacated by the City Council shall balortg to the abutting property owners, orie-half to each Therefore, if there Is rnore than one property owner abutting the outlier sheet Or alley p..-op os ed for vaeation. each property owner shall • be required to sign the street vacation application. Versir is D2/Q..1 1 Apr 14 04 01 : 57p Starhaug Engineering 15097 42-1001 p. �) .. . . . . } J1T. Plt Rrr OWNER Nig,2: MP LDZG ADCIIEs � CITY: sA ,, or I 1. STATE: - _Y ZIP: PNrY�r4E: li■ E�WQRNC ~ 4 4i' Rlax OW! NOTE: ALL SUIIMITTAL REQt1IREMEII�TSSPECIFIED IN VIE STREET VACATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST SHALL SE SUBMl i'ED BEFORF THE STREET VACATION APPLICATIO N WILL BE PROCESSED. PART II - LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE Please note: -Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required legal ownersignature specified below if there are more than two (2) property owners Subrnitt ng for the Street Vacation. Aaurnr.io PRapERTY cwij R No,1' i` 57, .. r rrn/44- , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THEPROVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OE THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: I( c)of. - r 71r e PHONE' .?,' - ' ter' - - /9 , 7IF: --+ -, [City) - (State) 6) (Signature) Mato N OTA RY STATE OF WASHIIGTONFc+r Part ll shove) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before_ me this I I day of , 2b1 NOTARY SEAL11 ��yti,L ffl T rnf�ff� ' _# 0 ti.` •.,.. r ., NOTARY IGNATURE '�{'..,,,,,1/4ti; Notary Public in and for the State of Washington tir *Ss . .j:''al 1 e,rkpkoo, 1... E, Residing at I 'f :`'?'a°a My appC iiitrent expires: T q V,rsica 1: o d 2 Apr 14 04 01 : b?p Storhaug Engineering (509 ) 242-1001 Ia. 4 _ABVrT`F`r PR PgFen .N+o,2 1, 1!/ 5' !.'$ %� '1 . i_. (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESP NSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY ANC) TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION , OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: PHONE: ---127, g_02 Cty) & f Stale) (•igna' rs) NOTARY (For Part]l above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) as: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me This day of } ,120 NOTARY SEAL - t fiya I i gip- -.>. • /.1, NOTARY Si NATL1Rfi rT� l fp, , 'rrr Notary Pub:ic in air14 f the - of Washington Residing at '41-1F/41 4 r{A My appointment expires:,/ - f -04 Ve ,k 1'02144 3 TITLE COMPANY CERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP RECORDS I do hereby that the following list of names and address, consisting of the attached pages has been prepared from the Spokane County Assessor's of Treasurer's most current computer records, is to the best of , knowledge correct, and is current within thirty (30) days of to.a YHA. APR 8 2 2004 SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF SignedAMP t: r { CDMMUNFTV OEVELDPMFNT by: 1 For: ,a. + _ [ # Rl Date. 1/; y Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0203 Re,Port1 Data As of 2127/2004 ,$]ie Addres 0 UNKNOWN ADDRESS TCA 0140 Parcel Stata Active Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION Taxpayer MOS SHULER INC_ do Cromer 9016 E II1ll1ANA AVE#200 Taxpayer 5853 E 4TH AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE.WA 95212-2464 Addres8 SPOKAN ,WA 99212- Market Values 2004 Acreage (Land 5,540 Exempt 0 Lanc Sq Feet 8,885Value I r ipvm1b Personal 0 Property Class Code 91 Residential land-Undlvkle Tete!Value Property Exemption Year Active Exemptions V Lege Description WOODLAND TERRACE: LOTS 1 THRU s ELK 2 Page i of .1 Report Date Thursday,April 01,2004 } Fact Sheet for Property Dumber 35233.0204 Report' Data As of 2/27/2004 Site,Addres 0 UNKNOWN ADDRESS TCA 0140 Parcel Statu Act.ve Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION I Taxpayer MOS SFIULER LNC. cjo Owner 9016 E INDIANA AVE#204 Taxpayer 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 90212-2464 Address SPOKANE, WA 99212- !via rket 9212-Market Values 2404 Acreage Lard 5,540 Exempt 4 Land Si Feet 38,8185 Value Impvrnts Personal U Property Class Code 01 Re5Iden:tial land-Undivide Total Value Property Exemption Year Active Exemptiris Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE: LOTS T THRU 12 ELK 2 J Page 1 of 1 Report date Thursd y.April 0/,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0302 Rep¢rf1 Data As of 2127/2004 iimmom Site Andres 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN TCA 0140 Parcel Slatu ,active Ow ler SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION Taxpayer MDS SHULER JPJC. CJfl Owner 901E E INDIANA AVE#200 Taxpayer 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212- Mailset Values 2004 Acreage Land 2,900 Exempt 0 Land Sq Feet 19,575 Value Impvmis 0 Personal 0 Property Class Code 91 Residential land-Undivide Total Value 2,900 Property . r Exemption Year Active Exemptions ImMIIIIII , All Legal Description , UUOODLAND TEFF L4-5-6 B3 Sales History (prior to 1999), Qualified/ Vacant! Sale Date Sale Price Sale Iri trurr ent Unqualified Improved Transfer Verification 06/08J190E3 $980,000,00 WARRANTY DEED Ur.quallhed Vacant MULTIPLE LAN PORTION SALE 03t11/1993 $2,000.06 WARRANTY DEED Urqualified Vacant MULTIPLE LAN VERIFIED 10129f19E34 $187,450,04 CONVERTED FROM SCM UnqualiNed Vacant MULTIPLE CO VERIFIED 04/17/1931 n.430,aE36,00 OiLIITCLAIM DEED unqualified Vacant MULTIPLE CO UNKNOWN j Page 1 of 1 Report©ate Thursday,April 01,2004 I 1 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0304 Reports Data As of 2127/2004 Site Address 47{]1 E 13TH AVE TCA 4140 Parcel Status ActNe Owner LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION, [NC Taxpayer LINIDSEY CONNSTRUCTION,INC rfa Owner P 0 BCI 30792 I Taxpayer P O BOX 300792 Address SPOKANE,WA 89223 address SPC]KANE,WA 99223 Market Values 2004 ' Acreage Land CBE} Exempt 0 Value Land Sq Feil 5, 00 Impvmts Personal 0 property Class Code 91 Residential land-UndMde Tata]Value Properly Exemption Year Active Exemptions Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE. LOT 7 BLIS 3 Sales Sale Date Sale Price Sala instrument Exclse Number 12103)2003 533,950.00 Statutory Warranty 0 200323290 Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday,April Di,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 36233,0305 Repart1 Data As of 2/2712004 Site Address 4745 E 13TH AVE TGA D140 Parcel Status Active Owner LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION, INC Taxpayer LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION, INC c/o Owier P 0 BOX 3(}792 Taxpayer P 0 D0X 0792 Address SPOKANE,WA 99223 Address SPOKANE,WA 99223 lularl<et Valles 2004 ,Acreage Land 850 Exempt t3 Value Land Sq Feet 6,540 lmpVrrmis Personal OF Property Class Code 91 Resideritiaa land-LI'ndiaide Total Value Property Exemption Year Active Exernptiarrs Legal Description !WOODLAND TERRACE- LOT 8 e,K 3 Sales Sale Date Sale Price Sale Instrument Excise Number 1111012003 $98,850.00 Statutory Warranty D 200321543 Page 1 of 1 deport Date Thursday,April 0't,2004 Fact Shoot for Property Number 35233.0306 Repart1 Data As of 2/2712004 liamill& x. Site Address 4709 E 13TH AVE TCA 0140 Parcel Status Active Owner LIN❑SEY CONSTRUCTION,iNC . Taxpaye- LINrDSEY CDFISTRLCTION, INC cld Owner P C BOX 30782 Taxpayer P 0 BOX 30792 Address SPOKANE,WA 99223 Address SPOKANE,WA 9922.3 Markel Values 2004 Acreage Land B80 Exempt 0 Land Sq Feet 6,500 Value l rnpvrnis Pcrsoral 0 Property Class Code 91 Residential land-Undivlde Total Value Property Exemption Year Active Exempticrrs Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 9 PLK 3 Sales Sale Date Sale Price Sale Instrument Excise Number 1211212003 $33,850.00 Statutory Warranty 0 200323291 Page 1 of 1 Report Cute Thursday,April 01, 2004 1 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0307 Raport1 Data As of 2127/2004 Site Address 4713 E 13TH AVE TCA 0140 Parcel Status Active Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION Taxpayer MOS SHULER INC. rio Owner 9015 E INDIANA AVE 4240 Taxpayer 5813 E 4TH AVE STE<202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212- 1 Market Values 2004 Acreage Land 900 Exempt 0 Land Sq Peet 8,700 Value Irrnpvnl t5 Personas 0 Property Class Code 91 Residential land-Undtvkle + Total Vatue Property Exemption Year Active Exemptions Legal Description 1 WOODLAND TERRACE, PTN OF LOTS 10&1 t SLK 3 DAF: BEG SW OCR OF LOT 10,TH ALO S LN OF SD LOT 10 S ' 89'28'5T'E 44.12 FT TO PT OF CUR OF 50 FT RAD NON-TANG CUR Wl RAO DRG OF S 52°16'45" E, TH NELY ALG SO CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 9°50'50'9.59 FT,TH N 1°2727"E:123,34 FT TO N LN OF LOT 11,IN ALG N LN OF LOTS 10& 11 N 89.29'57"W 53.1 i'FT TO NW COR OF LOT 10,TH ALG W LN OF SD LOT 10 S 9°44'O8"E 12E.72 FT TO POD Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday,April G1 2004 1 ? Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0308 Report1 Data As of 2/27/2004 Site Address 4719 E 13TH AVE TCA 0140 Parcel Status Act VG Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION Taxpayer MOS SHULER INC, etc Owner 9015 E INDIANA AVE#200 Taxpayer 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 ,address SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 Address SFOKANE,WA 99212- 1 Market Values 2004 Acreage Land 1,090 Exempt 0 Value Land Sq Feet $,100 imperils Personal 0 Property Glass Code 91 Residential[and-Undivide Total Value Property Exernption Year Active Exemptions 1 Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE, PTN OF LOTS 11 & 12 ELK 3 DAF COMMENCING AT NW OCR OF LOT 10 DLK 3,TIA ALG N LN OF LOTS 10&11 S 69'29'57'E 53.19 FT TO TRUE FOE,TN CONTINUING ALG N LN OF LOTS 11 &12 5 69.29'57" E 76.91 FT,TIi S 8`47'4(1"W 119.23 FT TO FT OF CUR OF 50 El RAD NON TANG CUR WP RAD ERG OF S 33'53'56' IN,Tki VILY ALG SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 7639'52"66.90 FT.111 N 1'27'27"E 123.34 FT TO TRUE POB Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday,AprE.01,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233,0309 Reparti Data As of 2127/2004 SfIe Addres 4723 E 13TH AVE TCA 0140 Parcel Siatu Active Owner er SOURCE CAf'CTAL CORPORATION Taxpayer MDS SHULER INC. rro Owner 9016E INDIANA AVE#200 Taxpayer 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212- Market Values 2004 Acreage Land 1,620 Exemp: 0 Value Land Sq Feat 11,750 Imcvmis Personal 0 Property Class Code 91 Residential land-Undlvide Total Value Property Exemption Year Active Exemptions 1 I Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE, PTN OF LOT 12 BLK 3&VAG WILLAMETTE ST OAF: COMMENCING AT NW COR OF LOT 10 BLK 3,TH ALO N LNI OF LOTS 10, 11,&12 BLK 3 S 89'2,957"E 130.10 FT TO TRUE PDE3,TH CONTINUING ALG N LN OF LOT 12 S 89'2957" E 19,60 FT TO W ROW i.N OF VAC WILLAMETTE ST SPOKANE CO RES#1-0052,TH N ALG W LN OF SD VAC ROW N 0°04'25"W 6.00 FT,TH$69°29'57"E 00.00 FT TO E LN OF SD VAC ROW,TH AUG SD E LN S 0`0478'E 135.78 FT TO S LN OF BLK 2,TH ALG$LN OF BLK 2 EXTO W a S LN OF BLK 3 N 89°20'57"W 135.69 FT TO PT OF CUR OF 50 FT RAE)NON-TANG CUR WI RD RRC OF S 53"39'51"W,TH NINLY ALG S4 CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 19°44'55" 17.23 FT,TH N 8`47"40"E 119.23 Fr TO TRUE POB 1 Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday,April 01',2004 • '1 ) Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0310 Repartf Data As of 2127/2004 Site Address 0 UNKNOWN ADDRESS TCA 0140 Parcel Status Active Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION Taxpayer MDS SHULER INC, Owner 9016 E INDIANA AVE#20C Taxpayer 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212- Market Values 2004 Acreage Land 130 Exempt 0 ValueLand 5q Feet 975- Impvrnts Personal 0 Property Class Code 91 Resldnrztial land-Undsvlde 1 Tolal Value Property I Exemption Year Actrv' a Exemptions Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE:LOTS 10, 11,& 12 EXC PTN OF LOTS 10&11 BLK 3 DAF: EEG SW COR OF LOT 10,TH ALG S IN OF SD LOT 10 S B9.26'57"E 44.12 FT TO PT CF CUR OF 50 FT RAD NON-TANG CUR W/RAD BRG OF S 52°3645"E.TH NELY ALG SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF F50'50"6.59 FT,TH N 1`2727'E 123.34 FT TO N LN OF LOT 11,TI-{ALG N LN OF LOTS 10&11 N 09'29'57"W 53.19 FT TD NW COR OF LOT 1D,TH ALG WIN OF SD LOT 10 5 U'04906"E 129.72 FT TO ROB&OC FTN OF LOTS 11 &12 BLK 3 OAF: COMMENCING AT NW COR OF LOT 10 BLK 3,TH ALC N LN OF LOTS 10&11 S 099°29'57"E 53.19 FT TO TRU: ne,TH CONTINUING ALG N LN OF LOTS 11 &12 5 89'29'57"E 75.91 FT,111$8'47'00"W 119.23 FTTO PT OF CUR OF 50 FT RAD NON-TANG CUR W!RAD BRG OF S 33°53'56"W,Tli WLY ALG SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 76'39'52"66.90 FT,TH N 1'27'27"E 123.34 FT TO TRUE PCB&EXC FTN OF LOT 12 BLK 3&VAC WILLAMETTE ST OAF: COMMENDING AT NW OF LOT 10 BLK 3,TH ALG N LN CF LOTS 10, 11,6412 BLK 3 S s9°29'57"E 130.10 FT TO TRUE POB.TH CONTINUING ALG N L1 OF LOT 12 S139•29'57"E 1530 FT TO W ROW LN OF VAD WILLAMETTE ST SPOKANE CO RES#1-0652.TH N ALG W LN OF SD VAC ROW N 0'04'25'Wf 6.00 FT,TH 5 89°29'57"E 60.00 FT TO E LN OF SD VAC ROW,TH ALG SD E LN S 0'04'25"E 135.73 FT TO S LN DF SU(2,TH ALG S LN OF BLK 2 EXTD W &S LN OF BLK3 N 69'28'57"'W 65.59 FT TO PT CE CUR OF 50 FT RAD NON-TANG CUR W RD BRG OF S 53'35'51'W,TH NWLY ALG SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 19°44'55"17.23 FT,TH N 5"47'00'E 119.23 FT TO TRUE POB Page 1 8f 1 Report Date Th irsday,April 01,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0311 Reportl Data As of 2/27/2004 Site Addres 4717 S 12TH ALAE TCA 414.0 Parcel State, Active Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION Taxpayer MOS SHULER INC. do Owner 9015 E 1NdlANA AVE 4200 Taxpayer 5813 E 4TH AVE ETE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212-24$4 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212- Market 9212-Ma 1 et Values 2004 Acreage Land 1,340 Exempt 0 Land Sq Feat 10,400 Value Impvrrts Personal 0 Property Class Code 91 Residential lance,Undivide Toll Value Property Exemption Year Active Exemptions Legal Description • WOODLAND TERRACE: N 1/2 OF LOTS 1 &2 BLK 3 TOG Wi FTN VAC W I LLAME t l L ST LYG I l OF S LN OF N 112 !OF SD LOT 1BLK3EXT ETOVVLNpFBLK2&LYG SOFIBJLNICFBLK3EXT ETOWLNOF13LK2 �1 Page 1 of i Report Date Thursday.April 01.2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0312 Rapurt1 Data As of 2/27/2004 Site Addres 4715 E 12TH AVE TCA 6140 Parol Slalu Active Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION Taxpayer MOS SHULER NC cJo Owner 9015 E INDIANA AVE 4204 r aapayer 5&13 E 4TH AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212- MarketValues 21104 Acreage Lard 2,14D Exerut C Land Sq Feet 16,906 Vaue Imprimis Personal 0 Prrperty Class Cade 91 Residential land-Urtdivide Total Value Property Exemption Year Active Exemptions - Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE: S 1/2 OF LOTS 1 &2 &ALL CF LOT 3 BLK 3 TOS Wi PTIV VAC WILLAMETTE ST LYG S OF N LNOFS1P2 OF LOT BLK 3EXT ETO W LN OFSIA 2&NOFCTR LNOFALLEY 1r4 BLK3EXT ETOW LN OF BLK 2 Page 1 of 1 Report late Thursday.April 01,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 352311213 Reports Data As of 2127/2004 Site Addres 4724 E 13TH AVE TCA 0140 Parcel Stela Active Owner ROCKY TOP LLC Taxpayer ROCKY TOP LLC —7 do Owner 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 102 Taxl7ayer 5313 E<4TH AVE STE 102 Address SPOKANE, WA 99212 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212 Market Values 2004 Acreage Land 2,074 Exempt 0 "value Laski Sq Feet 11,399Irnpvmts Personal 0 Property Class Code 91 Residential Land-I)ndir44de Total Value Properly Exemption Year Active Exemptions Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE: FM OF LOT 1 BLH 12 DAF:COMMENCING AT SW COR OF LOT 3 PLK 12,TH ALG S LN or LOTS 3,2, & 1 S 89'28'57" F 131.93 FT TO TRUE Po9.TH N 13'57'4$"W 117.33 HT TO PT ON 50,00 FT NON TANG CUR CONCAVE TO NW W!RAD BRG OF N 23°34.33'W,TH NELY ALG SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 29602'i2'25.34 FT TO N LN OF LOT 1 BLI412,TH ALG SU N LN 5 89'26'57'E 25.21 FT TO NE COR OF SD LOT 1,TH ALG E LN OF SD LOT 1 $0'4475'E 12.2E FT TO SE COR OF SD LOT 1,TH ALG$LN OF SD LOT` N $9'28'57"'N TOl 17,19 FT TO TRUE LOT 6 BLK 13&LYG N�MDF S LN OF T 1 E��lCL12 E ?Cr E 70 6W COR OF pT� LOT BLK 12 EXT [i BLKi 3 '= NWOCR Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday,April 01,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0401 Reports Data As of 2/27/2004 Site Addres 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN TCA 0140 Parcel Slatu Active Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION Talc yer MDS SHULER INC, elo Owner 9016 E INDIANA AVE#200 Taxpayer 5813 E4TH AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 09212-2464 Address SPOKANE,WA 09212- Market Values 2004 Acreage Land 4,880 Exempt Land Sc Feet 32,500Value Impvmts 0 Personal Property Class Code 91 Residential land-Undivide Total Value 4,880 Property Exemption Year Active Exemptions Legal Description WOODLAND TER L1TO5 B4 Sales History (prior to 1999) • Qualified? Vacant? Sale Date Sale Price Sale Instrument Unqualified Improved Transfer Verification 06,00$/1999 6260,000.00 WARRANTY DEED Urqualr sed Vacant MULTIPLE LAN PORTION SALE 03011/1E93 $2,000.00 WARRANTY DEED Unqualified Vacant MULTIPLE LAN VERIFIED 10$29/1934 5187.450.00 CONVERTED FROM SCM Unqualified Vacant MULTIPLE CO VERIFIED 0411711981 91,430,836.00 QUITCLAIM DEED Unoualified Vacant MULTIPLE CO UNKNOWN Pagel of I Report pate Thursday,April 01,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233,0402 Rrporll Data As of 2/2712004 Ste Addres 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN TCA 0140 Parcel 5tatu Act,w'c Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION —I Taxpayer MDS SHULER INC. r1a l Owner 9016 E INDIANA AVE#200 Taxpayer 5813 F 4TH AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212.2464 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212- — Marker Values 2004 Acreage Land 1,000 Exempt Land Sri Feet 0,500Value Impvmis 0 Personal 5 Property Class Code 91 Residential land-Unclivide Tolal Value 1,000 Property Exemption Year Active Exemptions MIIIIIIM. AW Legal Description WOOJLANDTER L6 B4 Sales History (prior to 1999) Qualified! Vacant/ Safe Data Sale Price Sale Instrument Unqualified Improved Transfer Verification 0010911998 $330,00i}.00 WARRANTY DEED Unqualified Vacant MULTIPLE LAN PORTION SALE Imo—I/1983 $2,000.00 WARRANTY DEED Unquali5ed Vacant MULTIPLE LAN VERIFIED i 1012911994 4187,450.U{7 CONVERTED FROM SCM Unqualified Vacant MULTIPLE CO VERIFIED 0411711981 91,430,888.00 QUITCLAIM DEED Unqualified Vacant MULTIPLE CO UNKNOWN page i of t Report Date Thursday,April 01,2004 ) Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0404 Reportl Data As of 2/27/2004 Site Address 0 UNKNOWN!ADDRESS TCA 0140 Parcel Status Active Owner LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION, INC Taxpayer LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION, INC ode Owner P 0 SOX 30792 Taxpayer P 0 BOX 30792 Address SPOKANE,WA 09223 Address SPOKANE, WA 99223 i _ Market Values 2094 Acreage Land 900 Exempt 0 ValueLand Sq Feet 6,475 Impvrr7ts Personal 0 Property Class Code 01 Residential land W Undivide Total Value Property f__, f Exemption Year _ Active Exemptions Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 7 BLK 4 Sales Sate Date Sale Price Sale lrrstrument Excise Number 02/10/2004 :67,g0.0.00 Statutory Warranty D 240402106 Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday,April 91,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0405 Report1 Data As of 2/27/2004 Site Address fl UNKNOWhIADDRESS TCA 0140 Parcel Status Active Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION Taxpayer MDS SHU.ER INC. do Owner 9016 E INDIANA AVE#2130 Taxpayer 5&13 E 4TH AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212-2494 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212- Market Values 2004 Acreage Land 960 Exempt 0 Vanue Land Sq Feet 8,475 Irnpvmts Personal Property Class Code 91 Residential land-Undivide Total Value Property Exemption Year Active Exemptions Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 3 ELK 4 Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday,April 01. 2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0406 Repvrtl Data As of 2/27/2004 ir. site Address .4613 E 13TH AVE TCA 0140 Parcel Status Active Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION Taxpayer MOS SHULER INC. thi I Owner 9016 E INDIANA AVE p200 Taxpayer 6$13 E 4111 AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 ;Address SPOKANE,WA 99212- Market Values 2004 Acreage Land 970 Exempt 0 Value Land Si Beet 8,475 Impvrrms Pers oral 0 Property Class Ccde 91 Residential land-Undivirte Total Value Property Exemption Year Active Exempticn;y _ 1 Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 9 ELK 4 I Page 1 of 1 Report Date ThArsday,April 91,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0407 F epor..1 Data As of 212712004 si Site Address 4615 E 13TH AVE TCA 0140 Parcel Status Active Owner DEL POZZL,ANDREW&JOANNE M Taxpayer LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION,INC c/o Owner 4615 E 13TH AVE Taxpayar P 0 BOX 30792 Address SPOKANE,WA 9-9202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99223 Market Vatues 2004 Acreage Land 970 Exempt Ve',ue Land Sq Feet 6,470 Irnpvm;s Pei-sane 0 Property Class Code 91 Residential land-UndIvide Tetal Value Plupery ExemptiDn Year Active Exemptions Legal Description wooD AND TERRACE: LOT 10 BLK 4 Sales Sala Date Sate Price Sale Instrument Excise Number 1111012003 598,850,00 Statutory Warranty D 200321643 02117/2004 ;133,548,00 Statutory Warranty D 200402876 Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday.April 01,2004 r } Fact Sheet for Property Number 352310408 Report, Data As of 2/27/2004 Site Address 4617 E 13TH AVE TCA 0140 Parcel Status Active Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION —1 Taxpayer MDS SHULER INC. rio Owner 9016 E INDIANA AVE#230 Taxpayer 5613 E 4TH AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212.2464 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212- Merkel Values 2004 Acreage - Land 974 Ex®rlpt 0 Land Sq Feet 5,475 Value Impvmt$ Personal 0 Property Class Code 91 Residential lend-Und vsde Total Value Property Exemption Year Antive Exemptions Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 11 BLK 4 Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday,April 4e,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0409 R port1 Data As of 2/27/2004 Site Address 4610 E 13TH AVE TGA 0140 Faroe'Status Active Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION Taxpay®r MOS SH'JLER INC cio Owner 9016E IND]ANAAVE X00 Taxpayer 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 Address SPOKANE, WA 99212- Market Values 2004 Acreage Land 970 Exempt 0 ValueLand Sq Feet 6,475 Irnpv:nts Personal 0 Property Class Code 91 Residential lend-Undbdide Total Value Property i [xemptikn Year Active Elam ptions Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE' LOT 12 ELK 4 Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday.April 01,2004 1 ) Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.0506 Repar#1 Data As of 212712004 iii Site Address 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN TCA 0140 Parcel Status Active Owner SOURCE CAPITAL GC)IPORATION Taxpayer SPOKANE ROCK PRODUCTS INC olio Owner 1825 N HUTCHINPSON RD Taxpayer PO BOX 2200 Andress SPOKANE.WA 99212-2414 Address AIRWAY HEIGHTS.WA 00001 Market Values 2004 Acreage 3.8 Land 24,720 Exempt 0 Value Land Sq Feet Irnpvmts C 0 Personal Property Class Cede 91 Residential land-U1d'vide Tetel Value 24,720 Property Exemption Year Active Exemptions milmmlii Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE LTS 1 THIN!6,BLK 0 TOGETHER WITH N OFT VAC ALLEY AND E 347 OF VAC MORRILL RD AD]TO AND 5113 VAC 12TH AVE N OF ELKS 5&6 FROM CiL VAC MORRILL ST TO W LN OF LLOYD ST TOGETHER WITH VAC DEARBORN ST BETWEEN LT 1 BLK S&LT 6 ELK 5 TO CIL VAC ALLEY AND LT$1 THRU 6 W K 5 AND LTS 8 THRU 12 BLK 5 ALG WITH VAC ALLEY EXC$EFT VAC ALLEY N OF LT 7 TOGETHER WITH VAC 13TH AVE BETWEEN BLK 5&BLK 101=XC N 30FT S CF LT 7 SLK 5 Sales History (prior to 1999) uaLltiQd! Vacant/ Sale Date Safe Price Sale Instrument Unqualified Imprrsved Transfer Verification 0311111993 $2,000.00 WARRANTY DEED unquallaed Vaunt MULTIPLE LAN VERIFIED Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday.April 01, 2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.1217 Report' Data As of 2127/2004 Site Address 0 UNKNOWN ADDRESS TOA 0140 Parcel Status Acth+e Owner ROCKY TOP LLC I Taxpayer ROCKY TOP LLC d0 Owner 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 102 Taxpayer 5613 E 4TH AVE STE 102 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212 Address SPOKANE,WA 99212 MarketValues 2044 Acreage Land 80 Exempt 0 Land Sq Feet 1,115 Value Irnpvrnts Personal Property Mass Code 91 Residential land-Undik de Total Value Property • Exemption Year Active Exerrptiar55 Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE: LOTS 1,2,&3 SIX 12;EXC PTN OF LOT 1 ELK 12 CAF COMMENCING AT SW OCR OF LOT 3 BLK 12,TK ALG S LN OF LOTS 3,2, & 1 S 39'28'57"E 131.93 FT TO TRUE FOB,TH N 13'57'46"' t 117.33 FT TO PT ON 50.00 FT NON-TANG CUR CONCAVE TO NNW/RAD BRC OF N 23'34,33"W,TH NELY ALG 5D CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 29'0212"25.34 FT TO N LN OF LOT 1 SLK 12,TH ALG SD N LN$89"25`57'E 26.21 FT TO NE COR OF SD LOT 1,THALGELNOFSDLOT 1 S 13.04'25"E129.26FTTOSECDR OFSOLOT 1,THALG SLNOF SD LOT 1 N 89'28'57"W 17.19 PT TO TRUE POE;&EXC PTN OF LOTS 1 &2 BK 12 DAF:COMMENCING NW COR LOT 3 BK 12, TH ALG N LN OF SD LOT 3 S 59'23'57'1=43.50 Fr TO PT ON CUR OF 50,00 FT RAD NON-TANG CUR CONCAVE TD NE WI PAD SRG OF N 83'38'51"E,TH SELY ALG SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 11'01'23'L62 FT TO TRUE FOB, TH CONTINUING SLY ALG SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 66'12'01"57.T7 FT,TH S 13'57'45"E 117.33 FT TO S LN OF LOT 1 BLK 12,TH ALG SDS LN OF LOT 1 &OF LOT 2 BLK 12 N 89'28'57"W 79.00 FT,TH N V23'14"W 122.23 FT TO TRUE POB;&EXC PTN OF LOTS Z&3 BLK 12 OAF;SEC t+nN CDR OF LOT 3 SLK 12,TH ALG N LN OF SO LOT 3 $89'26'57"E 43.50 FT TO FT OF CUR OF 50.00 FT FAD NON-TANG CUR CONCAVE TO NE W/SAD BRG OF N 65'36'31"E,TH SELY ALG SO CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 11'01'23"9.62 FT,TH$1'20'14" E 122.23 FT TO S LN OF LOT 2 BLK 12,TH ALG S LN OF LOTS 2 &3 ELK 12 N 89'23'57^W 52.93 FT TO SW COR OF SO LOT 3,TH ALG W LN ,OF SD LOT 3 N 0'04'03"W 129.26 FT TO POD Pagel of 1 FportDate Thursday,April 01,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.1307 Reprrt1 Data As of 2/27/2004 Site Addres D UNKNOWN ADDRESS TCA 4140 Parti Statu Active Owner ROCKY TOP LLC Taxpayer ROCKY TOP 1±0 c!o Owner 5x13 E 4T1i AVE STE 102 Taxpayer 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 102 Address SPOKANE,WA 212 Address SPOKANE,WA 99213 Market Values 2004 Acreage Land 18.360 Exempt Land Sq Feet 45,500 Value rnp worts Personal 0 Property Class Code 91 Residential land-Undivide Total Value Property IFrernntidrf Year AAkii're Exemptions 11 Legal Description WOODLAND TERRACE: LOTS 1 THRU B 5 LOT 10 BLK 13 Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday,AprII DI1,2004 Fact Sheet for Property Number 35233.91 89 Repartl Data As of 2/2712004 Site Address 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN S TGA 0140 Parcel Status Active Owner ROCKY TOP LLC Taxpayer ROCKY TOP LLC c/o Owner PO BOX 1207 TeKpa;+er PO BOX 1207 Address DAVENPORT,WA 99122-1207 Address DAVENPORT,WA 99122-12D7 Market Values 2004 Acreage 8,013 Land 58,660 Exempt Land Sq FeetValue Impvrrts 0 Personal C Property Glass Code 98 Vacant Land Total Value 58,0130 Property Exemption Yanr Active Exernptfons J Legal Description 23-25-43 E1 OF SW1f4 OF NE 1,4 OF SW1I4 LW 12TH AVE TOGETHER 1N1TH PTN OF NE1/4 OF 3E1 G4 OAF;BEG ON NLY RAN LN OF 12TH AVE COMMON WITH WU( W Lh1 OF CART AHAN ST,TH WLY ALG NLY LN OF 12TH AVE 272,49FT TO TRUE FOB,TH N21 DEG 11 MIN 3SSDS E 571.35FT,TH WLY 142.97FT,TH SLY TO NLY PJW OF 12TH AVE,TH ELY ALG NLY iJJW TO TRUE POB ales Sale Date Sale Price Sale instrument Excise Number 0519112600 $50,000 00 Warranty Deed 200007612A 05117/2000 $3s,000.00 Warranty Deed 200007644A 04122/2003 $0.00 Quit Claim Deed 200306151 Page 1 of 1 Report Date Thursday,April 01, 2004 ) ) • . . . • • .. .,. - • - I . 8 n ,r,..I'..'1.-,-,_,.. 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IP lir 14' T �6fs ..F 1 1311 1 . - [ - i .311197: g[ `' �- 1 , r< -Y7 .L .ri }ylEEi 1 1 3. 7Y7 73 17 i I 1 �a'Fd' :5 '3 129'';1 C 2 1 :S. ;i pF3 `: �7 1 y Ilr'i ..l CP ..1 #1:{ p ii'! •J:}s , 17 I 73 d 1311 1.. I �Y,. I .I 4YL0., ,�, i 1 ro I s..._. r s_ _ n ., _ .- �" - r ,1311Y 73111. I - -air 4I '311'1 .1 — 1^' I,"N 1'U 7."' - - - :_. :i_-r- I--- e - 11' ...11 ..tla + iiSe: .. _ a�II I ;I r {Ir 7.10E1e•. aMi • ill •1717 I dB I 111 - !7 } 1 p, In I 'Il: I, 1, CC I 1 ly• I RI. ;II * 7 `"'•! a'e IT 1 III Ii 'I7I I 1 �,Hi i IK I RF: 1 FF 1I- Iii W d ',YiI: i.. ° 5 • ...Fir, ,� _ L# ,7009 y ,•E2".. llaVIM3]II .71E0. 1F7 • ,g a„ ,3341II NO' 1174 kL" 5671 ° I +LI STATE �. 3 57 7371 f >. 7r71 +'�isny i1 5 r .$ �# '�. ! >'1 a:111�0 1aa .1 $ 12iu 7aAis1 j I a a T 1 1 C�lJ1J1 + t� r �. _ t I Dug 74,1 av11 .. er�.t }�.lt 1�xlsn F' III c:::J;2 Ma }731^'7 U•} + 1 'N �3p 4 1 1 • IY. P " pI 'Jill 1411 ,17 771 � F . Ilds .7711;7 l � . .11 alk. Assr.Pucci ti=3523(+number Riven on map) _ — p duclicl laic N�vembrd 26 2{]03 qpilm SPOKANE COUNTY ASSESSOR GEOGRAPHIC I NFORMATI .ON SYSTEMS • Ler a»M:7m:ada11�1 � T•�-{1+�, �j'-1r[��FF ,�o�cre:.. rsLe fl rre iikundery /1:' i Ya r e • �7bslafa�..tlm.snowa..OnluUmapufaaapiC[d26 iz_Ei rtaw.A71o1u7wsfe!•u$hPe1�a�-a-.oAedtllnrwSu{aiLess r 81ack37 7 ,4Ie Ise Ifsllrlc7.U1e.suar®laded 1>F.t { 4 1FAaHe,.uFdery+ Outside Pat ed iT a �4tlf7neamPAYYi161Tb,Obiaiaedlrnmibe t C. .` Ippropei,Ic,t,Cai3, '•. +I�/ �I Quautcr&dim Lirro GPS SECTION y try 1+iT f1 ACM' „ i Cendaminnnn,Antadlerlj i ~31131.T.71 -++VI`'1 L5J1+11i V1•.• SCALE 1 414 ITM[rY .,,,,,.A.pprea.ortabc Disl.ances ,a 60Rexasii nittuctsI PRODUCED FOR ASSESSOR OFFICE PURPOSES ONLY - we ioo 0 100 200 _• IYl8r. 1i. LIMIORIVB i l r SrUKPolt 'A,t1=Y PI'u. .0 -- -r. 271 eax r L&. i I.+r watt, r�at.s.a e opubhatte Community DL Iment Department v 5t�f Use Only) Curren# Planning Division DATE$IlBl�T'rB ►p 0 Rk ax. geOK 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Sure 106 Spokane Valley,WA R92_06 Fxl. lupe I�Ar�SE: - : Tei (50D) 921-1000 ) p 509) 921-102y. _ 4-4 "eco- B ir�qasAalCetlevalBe4rr�- F��Puy: RECEIVED `' Inn: fig MARE 1 a S?'DKiNEVALLEYTREET�a N APPLICATION DEFbARNENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMruILI Crir Ci vE • h � - PART I—APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION; Noie OF PUuu Sii r PROPusiro FOR VACAT1ol : Alley extendi tl nought B1a Oke 2, , 4 SEc r Dlt I TowtoBSHIt'I RANGE OF PUBLIC STREW PFtO?CSSo FOR V cATIcl4:23 25N/14331M Woodland Terraae AREA(SQUARE FET)or Puet1C SMI. T Ta ISE VACATED! dprox 10, 800 sq. 't;t DIMENSIONS OF PUBLIC STREET To BE VACATED:- . 4V1#iE K 9001 Deer SiRrETADDRESS/TAX PARCEL NC OF ARMING PROPERTY 01 See A." tBCh d - STREET AOORESE/TPAROEL Noor ARO-T1NC PROBSER.T 1 2: E. 1615 -- 1,340.1^. fifvenuP,• tParc el # 35233 .0407 ZONING t)CSIGNATION ABUTTING PRORCRTI'#1: 11:i-3`5 _ -- ZONING DESIGNATION OFA TING PeoPERTY#$: L -3•5 UT PREVIOUS LAND USE AcTIUN, I PLIcAULL( TA- 'PRQJLCT FIi,.E No.&NAME None - - APPLICANTIOWNER INFORMATION*: - Piease note: -Submit on a separate sheet a paper the raijuire d appiicenLlowner informatiOn spedffied below-if-there are more than two(2)applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Applicants must be the same as property owners specified on the current Spokane County Assessor's Office parcel records. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER No.1: �r►t APPLICANT NAME: South ppmkame Terrace L MAILING ADOI3ESS: 12810 E. Nora Avenue, Suite E, CBTY: S ok ne Ya�.� ey STATE: Washington zw: 99216 PHONE:(HDME IWORK)� 922-3000} (FARC - _GI=LL) - '1 Hn t *PL5ASE NOTE: Per RCW 35.79.040(Ille to Vacated Street or key)the property Vr lthin a public sfre or alley vecated by the City Council shalt baling'CD the sbUttirig property owners, one-half to each, Therefore, if there is more than one property owner abutting the public street or alley proposed for vacation, each property owner shall - be required to sign the street veixttion application. Version 1a 02/04 1 NVr- n, P.)1./'I LI: IU,'1rI L,LIT uroiPt: YRI-ttY W. i14 i. 1! 1U ) r y` As1TTIHG PROPERTY OWNER NO.2 APPLIcANTNAmt• Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi. MAJLING AtDI Ess! H. 46 .5 - 13th Avenue C rr: Spokane Vai .Oy STATE; Wauhingtor, ZIP: PHONE:(HOME/WORK)- (FAX) (CEL.L) NOTE: ALL SU131IX rTAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN THE STREET VACATION L.A SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST SHALL. SE SUBMrrrED BEFORE THE STREET'VACATION PPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED. PART iI . LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE Please notte:.Submit on a separate Sheet of paper the required legal owner signature specified below If there are MOM than Iwo(2 property owners Submitting for the Street Vacation. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWN5R No_1: I, _ 5.-. "�_r _-.-- ill . (Print narne) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT- THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTI ER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSE FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRJTTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF, ADDRESS: .711' /J £k2 PHONE: 'r " :fig tv/I - ZIP: _ ' ` (CM (State) -AIL 4f ve0-4 o (Signature) (Date) NOTARY (For Pad 1I ubovc) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before rneTis 'I k day of ___, 20 NOTARY Y SEAL its ira �' ..,tish,, NOTARY IGNATURE .-_ I511°_,Ad-RikW ,& A41 0 Notary Public in and for the State ofWashington � r 4 Residing at WV 1- IA '- -/,,";. '"4 My appointment expires: I I ' 10 _� Version I:Gd1SWrflul��w 2 �. IFir.. ]U. itit4 Ii: NMI L! J T 31' hArit Y14LLt1 NU. 114 i'. 41 I U Z , ' r i AB r r 2 PROPERTY OWNER NO.f I, 4 / G , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE REST OF MY KNOWLEDGE I FURTHER SWEAR OR. AFFIRM 11-IAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERVISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON FIISIHER BEHALF. ADDRESS: SI 3 /}[Jjf ,4f J)+ PHr�ONE: ��/VV���yyyiiiJ67�a}` f ? e')2 7 ( (State) (,_ '' A lift-Al Le,r nI (Signature) (Cate) NOTARY (For Part II above) STATE OP , I N ) ss: COUNTY OF- ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before rrre this day of (21124-4--`? , 20 6 11 NOTARY SEAL AO ai 4L, s. Sr p a NOTARY SIGNATURE - ':', NI0tary Public In and for the State of r t g. rPtiF' Residing at ` (-4-aYcir ee 4“.3---- FUST IG .{0 My appoiritmerrt expires: i i'i't01( 'p Version L:02/04 3 MAI{. jU• /WA I lhm L1 I T bruNn1ML Y�ILtt, Ian. 11y�r. Cr} I,1 L*. 4 ,+. SPOIK. 'yar Staff rase Only) Spume Community De' rnent Department f yCurrent Planning 0ivisl[►n bare Suat�irrraa: 03,#i,4 R v D$Y: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 ( r7T EN /Nast: � Tel: (509) 921-1000 Orr400" D.► Fax: (SO9) 921-1003 m - prar�ni sagsy_t rtdra Fru Pia RECEIVED RECEIVED MAR STREET VACATION APPLICATION APR CI 2 2034 sl} ANEvaLLEY ❑EPAf1 TIDE NT OF lyvwnauMs r 1.0e4VPa etvi_ DEPARTMENT OF , COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PART I—APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT'INFORMATION: PortiOns of Lloyd & Custer. Structs, NAME Or PUBLIC STREET PROPOSED Fon VACATION:1 Avenue we Bt o chronicXe 00 errace SECTION f TOWNSHIP f RANGE OF Pl ELIC STREET PROPOSED KR vA.CATIOW1,2.3. _541 AREA(SQUARE FEET)OFPUBLIC STREET TOBEVACATED: 4.11/1.0X• 38 250 sq, ft, Di141£NSICN9 OF N uaLIC STREET TO DE VACATED;_ WIDE X W 8 ' _,DEEP STREET ADDRESS/Tm PARcetNooFADtrim NG PROPERTY#; See A 'taeraed STREET ADDRESS/TAX PARCEL No OF ABUi7r1`NG PROPERrY#2: See AtIttehed Zomsts.DEStaNATLON of ABUTTING PROPERTY Al: 73R-3-3,5 ZortirNG O sioNATION OF ASu- nNG PROPEL w 2: T? PREVIOUS I-AkM USE ACTION],Ir APPLL:ABLE(STATE PROJECT FELE Na.&NAME; APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION*; Please note: - Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required applicant/owner information specified below if there ere more than two(2)applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Applicants nnu:st be the same as property Owners specified on the Current Spokane County Assessor's Office parcel records. Aeurrmu PKOPr: IVB,4' 4 aS LTA APPLICANT NAME � "n ----- -— lil[AIL GADDRESE: 12$301 E. Nora. Avenue, Suite E arm Spokane Valley STATE: Wal h .ngtran QIP; 99216 PRONE: (HaeaElwoR4 922-3000 _(FA's 922-8985 — (CELL) - Ple4r aha *PLEASE NOTE: Per RCW 35.79.040 fl ide to Vacated street nr Allay)the property within a public street or alley vacated by the City Council shall belong to the abutting property owners,orale-half to each. Therefore, if there is more than one property owner abutting the public street or alley proposed for vacation, each property Owner shall Oa required to sign the street vacation application. ViQn.1:02104 1 - MAH, j1*. 11.4'4 : ( 1PN LI Ir SI10.ANt VALLO rwu. !d`+ r. yf Ili -`ti ` AatmIt�G'PROPERTYOWNER NW.2; — APPLVCANTNAME; Rocky Top LLD- Milks Shi.1er M.4JLJNG 1c eaEss: 5813 E, h I v errue r Suite 202 — - GLre: _§yo3carie Valley _ STATE; V a ?'.i rl 'Loi ip• 99212 - PIi41slE. ( ME/WORK) MAX) (CELL) Pie rpt winn NOTE: ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN THE STREET VACATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST SHALL BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE STREET YACATrON APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED. PART 1t - LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE 'lease note; Submit on a separate sleet of paper the requi d legal owner signature specified below if there are more than two (2) property owners suberati ig for the Street Varatiun, NWT-TING PAOPER'r*r OWNERNO, 1; (, { i pi 14t--1 .l (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE.. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT 1 AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION. OR, LF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: PHONE: _ _ P- ZIP; � (City) (State) I r �[• atu e� (Data) NOTARY For Pert 11 above) STATECFWASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY'OF SPOKANE } SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Ii day of W.( , 204 1�lUT. ii L .� �� twagftiF 411,1-1 NOT SIGNATURE . �` i� Notary Public in and for the State of Washington 'rAfri .-�� Residing at, 3_ — f ? ? _ ‘;1111-7-kos 'ft+r O d t+'� My appointment expires. in Q +rrrirllPLIM - Versioa 1: 02/04 2 ' MAR. j) 2U1.14 6. 1 IAI l.i iY wi Vr../or 'n LLLT rtz , • Asurrtr� P O'ERr Ow ER Mo.2 1, I. a irtLz { (print name) SWEAR DR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER. ATTAGFIED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON H1S/HE'R BEHALF. ADDRESS: d ,--e-1 "L PHONE, 6bItf 3' 7 _ Oaf ZIP; 674 1 too I (Signa#uat) ij (Date) NOTARY (Far Part Ii above) STATE OF } ss: COUNTY OF {G t Rrt } SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of . 2O NOTARY SEAL ;Lea ` OTARY SIGNATURE I.J. , Notary Publio in and for the State of _ • Residing at r t\r ► ,Ny ti) `t e-t `f 4e-e4,-0-- • e4,-Q - My appointment ex fifes: t rt vezcsion 1:02/04 3 MAR 30. 2+UU li ; IONA l I Y ,w`Uu ru VP,LLtY I L y • v.- 3PC '14.' ffi6L.LC Y or Stiff Use Only) rornrnurt�ty Dc,, f. Tient Department f lCurrent RIDininq T ivisign DAT8 SJOMLTTEE?: lf: Ci __FtrCEruEb ay: 11707 East Sprague avenue, Suite 1.O 1/—0 - 0-14 reetfr Spokane Whey, WA 99206 FILE Nos./151A e: , Tel: (509) 921 4106 Fax: (509) 921-1O'JIs - nnin�sl�alranevall�y FEE PASDE - C�IVEC RECEIVED FiFF r AP?, w 2 21134 t'IAR STREET VACATION APPLICATION POVC4hi VALLEY PoKisme VALLEY "P " y TIT of ¢rMAINITY oEvELORt.9^Nr ,:r•U I y,s Y.ELO;Jmt:l PART I—APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION: NAME OF PUBLIC STREET PROPBEED FOR VACATION: 1.3th Avenue west cf Chronicle R- ad SE TION I TOWNSHIP f RANGE OF PoEILEC STREET PRoPSSEIJ FOR VActcrioN; 23/2 .%L3E 11134 ArtE=A($QUAftlrFEET) OFPUBLIC STR!'ErTE]BE:VACATED: AVii*`bt. 22750 sq. # 171MNEIONS OF PusUC SrREEcT TO SE<VAGATEb: 60 ' W3DE X 375' DEEP STREET Aatiass I TAX PARCEL NC OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#1: . :. 4__ -.. P, c c 2 024 rc STREET ADoREsn i TAX PARCEL NC OF ABUTTINGPROPERTY#2: �' 2 y dal A E:TIu E3, Pero e7 35233,0309; R. 4724 - 13th Avenue, Parcel # 35233.1213 ZONING OESiONATIOJ OF ABUTTING P'ROPE RTr##1;� -3 5UR3 ZONING i]ES1GRATION OF ABUTTING PROPERTY ; - ; PRI=MOUS LAtio Us.ACTION,IF APPLICABLE(STATE PROJECT FILE No.&NNA^e: pee - AE'PLICANTIOWNER INlrORMATION41 Please nate: Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required applicantbowner information specified below if there arra more than two (2) applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Applicants tuts#be the same as property owners specified on the current Spokane County AMsessoes Office parcel records_ ABUTT1fiiG PROP ERTY OWNER No.1: r -- APPLICANT r AEuIE: South Zpairreoe TerraceTiC L - MAILINGADDRESS: 12810 F. Nara &venue , Suite E. Cm: Spokane Valley _ STATE: Washing-1;c n ; 99216 pr�pNE: (HOMEIwoRK)_ 922=30 '0 _(FAx) 922-8955 (CELL) Pwir.e C:mic *PLEASE NOTE: Per (BCW 35.79.04CI (Title to Vacated Street or Alley)the property within a public stmt or alley vauated by the City Cauncilf shall been to the abutting property owner%, cine-half to each, Therefore, it there is more than one property owner ePutting the public street or alley proposed for vacation, each property owner shall be required to sign the stmt vention application. '+`ersioo 1;0104 - MAR. 9{1. 2 ')4 8: 11W CETY 3PC) ANE VALLEY r#(]. H4r F. (if PJ • ABUTTING PROPERTY 3wILER N .2: APPLICANT 17A E: a`.3 #1 MA L1?iO ADDRESS: Crrr: STATE; - - rr1H. PHDNE:(HOM IWORI<) (FAX) _ (C51,L0 NOTE: ALL SUBMI rAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN THE STREET VACATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST SHALL BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE STREET VACATION APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED. PART II - LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE Please note: -Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required legal owner signature specified below if there are more than two(2) properly owners submitting for the Street Vacation. ABU-MING PFtDPERTY OWNER No. 1: I, . .sit A wAd ► , (Print name), SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT ! AM THE OWNER CW RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: fr X JCS Aid 144 , PHONE: laZZ' i `�- ()mike" ZIP: (City) (State) igna re) (Date) NOTARY (For Part II above) STATE OFWASH fNOTOC ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this c. day of . IVC rtgayiraFAL •iiM-y NOTARY SIGNATURE gi Notary Public in and for the Stale of Washington -Aver Residing at: •� Myappointment expir s: 10 "iirr rrri1 a T° si 1:02104 2 MAR.. H. 2004 C. I1AM CITY MUIR VALLEY NU. i i V. II Hi - 3 , SIMINGPRoPERT(OWNERNo.2' II A4 r/ i2 f i , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AKD TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR DR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED 'LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTI-IDRIZING MY ACTIONS ON H1SIHER BEHALF. ADDRESS: a/' f. PHO NE. _ 61)`7 1. ee +, f ` — ZIP: cry 2 F (C , r (State) - , 64,4„,.-.. i ,),,v5,1(Signature) V ( ate)t ND 'ARY (For Part I!above) STATE ... -i2.4)„ii9 _. , ) ss: COUNTY OF IC , ,-r) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORNt before m tips day of"" V4Le .20 NOTARY SEALi (e 1.{..tt" ' l_, .t.. �.A►J. s kti*TAM'S IGNATURE ', ' Notary Public In and far the State oft NGTA i'Y Residing at; 2-` C\ ti A{+ - \, - My appointment expires: i .►g/aL Version 1:02104 3 +i� CITY OF SPOKANE LIMY (rDC Staff Use Daly) po ne ` COmmunity Development Department �efFf Current Planning Dlvlsion DATE 5uEM rTeP: Rr cE>:vr=a r: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 FILE Mo./NAME: Tel (509) 92]-]QU0 Fax: (509) 921-1x08 FLEVEite saokanevallev,orn FEE ?AID: App., 0 9 NO SPOKA F VALLEY IDEPA17T49IVT OF comm iveynEVELOPMEN i f 1 VACATION IAPPLICATION PART t - APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION: NAME OF PUBLIC STREET PROPOSED FOR VACATION; Alley extending thruught Blocks 2 , 3 , 4 e S ECTIO)I TOWNSHIP,'RANGE OF PUBLIC STREET PROPOSED FOR VACATION: 2 qq/ ] .3ETJIN Woodland E.' Y'i3 L" AREA(SQUARE FEET) OF PUBLIC STREET TO SE VACATED: .Approx I D, 800 eq . f t D IMENSIONS OF PUBLIC STREETTo BE VACATED: 12' WIDE X 9{ 0 ' DEEP STREET ADDRESS I TAX PARCEL No OF ABUTTING PROPERTY IIT: See Attached STREET ADDRESS I TAX PARCEL NO OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#2: 4615 - 13th venue, `Parcel # 3523J .0407 ZONING DEsiGNATIow of AeurrINO PROPERTY#1: Ulf-3 . ZONING QESIGhjATioN OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#2: PREVIOUS LAND USE ACrio.1, IF APPLICABLE(STATE PROJECT FILE N .&NAME: None APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION*: Please note: -Submit arca separate sheet of paper the required applicant/owner information specified below if there are more than two (2) applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Applicants must be the same as property owners specified on.the current Spokane County Assessor's Office parcel records, • ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER NC. 1: -1,4SR APPLICANT NAME: South 711%**-4uae Terrace ade MP.AJNCADDRESS: 12810 E. Nora Avenue , Suite E. CITY: Spokane Valley _STATE: tMashington zLP: 99216 PHONE: (HOME1WOR:{)_ 922-3000 (FAX) 922-8985 (CELL) Pilaw.Circle -PLEASE NOTE: Per ROW 35.79,040 (Title LcVacated Street or Alley) the property within a public street or alley vacated by the City Council s-hell belong to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. Therefore, if there is more than ore property owner abutting the publi:street or alley proposed for vacation, each property owner shall be required to sign the street vacation application. . Version 1: 02/04 1 ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER NO.2; APPLICANT NAME: Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi MAILING Aar]RESS: E . 4615 - 13th Avenue cuy: Spokane TalleySTATE: WaEitington ZIP: PHONE: (HO1Y1EINJORK) _(FAX) (CELL) PIa3se Cirde NOTE: ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS SPECCFIED IN THE STREET VACATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST SI-[ALL BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE STREET VACATION APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED. PART 11 - LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE Please note: - Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required legal owner signature specified below if there are more than two (2) property owners submittirig for the Streit Vacation. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER NO, is (prirl# name) SWEAR CR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 1 FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH 1S WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNFR AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: 70 ih441744-- PHONE: Li.A044 ZIP: (City (State) V (Signa:ure) (Date) NOTARY (For Pal. ll above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY CF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ti dpy ofrA ZO NOTARY SEAL �"R. "� ,v, ETIC,y ., NOTARY IGNATURE • 6 • + :%tsi Notary Put? r in and �.j � � l'c for the State of 1,+Vasf�lirrlgkl�r► • - OM, � Residing at; AX6 ,-`' My appointment expires: ) I Vt;rSiOI 1: d }7llir `"' 2 ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER No 2: ( a - 111" , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE R SPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF ' KNOWLEDGE, . I FURTHER SWEAR DR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER CF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREVVITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: q1101C E- 13#`v PHONE: 53 ! - O1:1_ (City) (State) ` ;gl atu«) ( ate) OTARY (For Part II above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) � 7 i SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of fr'r-` , 20 Q -1 NO ARY SEAL ,01,%61V h h'I k rif fr/rrvi. \ONc � fi•. NOTARY SIGNATURE .• rt �•• Notary Public n and for the State of Washington '• NT+ r '•± Reding at; *- ,,.] — rr .. �I My appointment expires, o/( - , O titi `r%lr+ri Vers:an 1:02/04 3 • Return to: Linnwood D. Sampson Attorney at Law 12011 North Ash,Suite 200 Spokane WA 99201 -Assessor's Parcel No's: 34233.44414 34213, 0407 • WAIVER OF CLAIM TO ANIS CONVEYANCE OF VACATED ALLEYWAY PARTIES: • GRANTORS:ANDREW DEL POZZI and.JOANNE M.DEL POZZI,husband and wife: GRANTEES: SOUTH TERRACE SPOKANE,LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company. OWNERSHIP OF REAL PROEFRTY: ANDREW DEL pOI and JOANNE M.DEL POI,husband and wife,are ouners of Lot 10',Block 4,Woodland Terrace Addition as per plat thereof recorded in Volume"1"of Plats,Page 16,Records of Spokane County,Washington situate in the City of Spokane Valley,Washington, SOUTH TERRACE SPOKANE,LLC, a.Vu ashington Limited Liability Company is the owner of Lot 3 ,Block 4,Woodland Terrace Addition as per pat thereof recorded in Volume"I"of Plats,Page 16,Records of Spokane County,Washington situate in the City of Spokane Valley,Washington. . • _FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the benefits to be derived therefrom,the undersi e,ued hereby relit-.(013h and waive the right to'acquire ownership of any portion of the alleyway in'said Block 4,Woodland Terrace Addition as per plat thereof recorded in Volume"7 of Plats,Page 16,Records of Spokane County,Washington situate in the City of Spokane Valley,Washington,which right to o niersllip would arise from the vacation of said alleyway by the City of Spokane•Valley, Spokane County, Washington; and hereby conveys such right to ownership and ownership which may hereinafter be acquired as follows: • .TO TI-CE OWNERS,their heirs aid assigns,of Lot 3,Block 4,Woodland Terrace Addition,as per plat thereofrecorded'in Volume°`I";Page I.6,Records of Spokane County,Washington situate in the City of •Spokane Valley,Washington. - • WAIVER OF CLAIM TO AND CONVEYANCE OF VACATED ALLEYWAY Page 1 of 2 . Dated: March 11,2004 --is 0 ft 974114. - A1�I3R� `d L POZZI T „ANNE M. DEL POW I 1 i STATE OF WASHINGTON) . ) ss County of Spokane ) - On this day personally appeared before me ANDREW DEL POZZI and TOAN M. DEL POZZI, ..,;.,..i husban$ and wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and Toi foregoing instrument, and-acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. ';r.:Oil NiState . • �. is inandforthe ' `�k��,0111-M1 ,i fWcto dffl{ tat of Washingtonli'"� . ..4 f,� Residing at Spokane 4-- ..-:. ,sicor is, L lqi a.o(5_S-- 1 % Poe LIG i g rf`rr, ti ,,,oPWAS:i ."%SAE WAVER OF CLMM To CONVEYANCE OF VACATED ALLEYWAY Page 2 of 2 rma m ,,, CITY OF SPOKitt 'VALLEY Far Staff Use Only) pO�rle Community Deve'n,.,irnent Department 1:40000Vallev Current Planning DivisFon DATE SUBMITTED: 03410 LI RECEIVED BY; gie 11747 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 u No. E: -577/4 -64it Spokane Valley, WA 89246 Fr Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 92t-1JO8 PlanrilnclieDSPikanevallev.Drq FEE PAID: ` _RECEIVED MAR 1 1 20114 SPOKANE VALLEY STREET VACATION APPLICATION DEPARTMENT OF CO 9c N:TY DEVELOPMENT PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION: NAME OF PUBLIC STREET PROPOSED FOR VACAT1 ON: Alley extending tbrought Blocks 2, 3, 4 e SECTION!TOWNSHIP I RANGE OF PUBLIC STREET PROPOSED FOR VAGAVON: 23725�v/L EW I Woodland �� � AREA(SQUARE FEET) OF PUBLIC STREET TO BE VACATED: Appro x 10,800 sq. f t. firm OF PUBLIC STREET TO BE VACATED: 12' WIDE X 900 " DEEP STREET ADDRESS}TAX PARCEL Na DF AeurTING PRDPERTY#1: See Attached STREET ADDRESS/TAX PARCEL No OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#2: E. } - h AV eflUe, '.F a�'C el 35233 .0407 ZONING DESIGNATION OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#1: '3 °5 _ ZONING DESIGNATION OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#Z: UR-3 PREVIOUS LAND USE ACTION,IF APPLICABLE(STATE PROJECT FILE NO. &NAME: None APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION*: Please note: -Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required applicant/owner information specified below if there are more than two (2) applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Applicants must be the same as property owners specified on the current Spokane County Assessor's Office parcel records. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER No,'l: 4u-kref AR-- APPLICANT NAME: South Sgairatiaa Terrace 120 • MAILING 12510 E. Nora Avenue, Suite E. - CITY: Spokane Valley STATE; Washington ZIp: 99216 PHONE: (HOMEFWORlf)_ 922-3000 (FAx.) 922-8985 (CELL) Please Gras *PLEASE NOTE: Per RCW 35.79.040 (Title to Vacated Street or Alley)the property within a public street or alley vacated by the City Council shall belong to the abutting property owners,one-half to each. Therefore, if there is more than one property owner abutting the public street or alley proposed for vacation, each property owner shall be required to sign the street vacation application. Version 1:02/04 1 T ` ) ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER No.2: APPLICANT NAME: Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pezzi MAILING AaaRESS: E E. 41.615 - 13th Avenue CITY: pokane Val ejr STATE: Washington ZIP: PHONE; (HMI (FAX) (CELL) Pleas0 Card® NOTE: ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN THE STREET VACATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST SHALL BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE STREET VACATION APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED. PART II - LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE Please nate: -Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required legal owner signature specified below if there are more than two (2) property owners submitting for the Street Vacation, AeuTT'NG PROPERTY OWNER No, 1: I, , "Elf-- 60 /1/A {Alit , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HISIHER BEHALF. ADDRESS 17, F1 5, PHONE: LA", , ZIP: ` (City) (State) 71 097 1-44' i9natul e) (Date) NOTARY (For Part It above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this I day of nekaP,,t4 , 2O NOTARY SEALI 4,1'‘`�� P.e , NOTARY IGNATURE `r•�• z y.F3rAth Notary Public in and for e State of Washington \AN 1313i Residing at: -,, , ••:?�! 2..•''•' ,1 1. My appointment expires: I 1 r D '� +}4,i iii t o 1 coro_ � Ililit�liti Version L C 2 • ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER No. 2: I, , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT l AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH (S WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: PHONE: ZIP: (City) (State) (Signature) - (Date) NOTARY (For Part II above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of , 20 NOTARY SEAL NOTARY SIGNATURE Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing et: My appointment expires: Version 1: 02/04 3 CITY OF SPOl VALLEY '1For Staff Use Only) pv• � Community Dever_Anent Department 01Val1e Current Planning Division DATE SUBMITTED: 03/0 /d/ RecEIvED ET: 1 70 fast Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 FLLE No./NAME; .SWC.r ( ,SS '16�'+— Spokane Halley,L iLVA 99205 r ... Tel: (509) 921- 0IS' II —'tI'a''- Fax: (5D9) 92a.-104 ❑larsnino soc kanevaliev org FEE PAW: , ELVED MAR 1 1 2004 STREET VACATION APPLICATION SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PART I APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION: NAME OF PUBLIC STREET PROPOSED FOR VACATION; 13th venue? west of Chronicle Road 23/25N ."1.3EWM SECTJON f TOWNSHIP f RANGE OF PUBLIC STREET PROPOSED FOR VACATION: AREA,(SQUARE FEET) OF PUBLIC STREET TO SE VACATED: ApPr°ox■ 2 ,750 sq . ft . DIMENSIONS OF PUBLIC STREET TO BE VACATED: 6131 WIDE X 375 ' DEEP STREET ADDRESS I TAX PARCEL No OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#1: No Address Parcel # "35233 .024 I Po Address , Parcel # 352'3.3 . 130? ESTREET ADDRESS(TAX PARCEL ISO OF ABUTTING PROPERTY 2: �-7 3.-13th Avenue 'arc el 35233 .0309 ; E. 4724 - 13th Avenue, Parcel # 35233 . 1213 ZONING DESIGNATION OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#1: 1Tft-3 .5 ZONING DESIGNATION OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#2. - PREVIOUS LAND UsE ACTION,iF APPLIcABLE(STATE PROJECT FILE NO.&NAME: None . APPLICANTJOWNER INFORMATION*: Please note: - Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required applicant/owner information specified below if there are more than two (2) applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Applicants must be the same as property owners specified on the current Spokane County Assessor's Office parcel records. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER No.1: 4(gk - APPLICANT NAME: South _spekrane T errac e ,LC MAILING AnDRES : 12810 E. Nora Avenue , Suite E. CITY: Spokane Valley STATE: ilia Shingtnn zip: 99216 PHONE: (HOMEJWORK)_ 9 - 30�3C� (FAx} B (CELL)_ Please Ore* *PLEASE NOTE; Per RCW 35.79.040 (Title to Vacated Street or Alley)the property within a public street or alley vacated by the City Council shall belong to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. Therefore, if there is more than one property owner abutting the public street or alley proposed for vacation, each property_owner shah be required to sign the street vacation application. Version 1:02/04 1 ABUTrING PROPERTY OWNER Na.2: APPLICANT NAME: Same as #1 MALING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHCr1F:: (NOME/WORK) _(FAX) (CELL) Raate Cade NOTE: ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN THE STREET VACATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST SHALL BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE STREET VACATION APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED. PART II - LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE Prase note: • Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required legal owner signature specified below if there are more than two (2) property owners submitting for the Street Vacation. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER No.1: I, /R4.�1 _. , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST or MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF_ ADDRESS; 1?, '1f ' r PHONE: to ar.i C [,1„I' ZIP: (City) 11/ (Male) ,ignature) (Date) NOTARY (For Part II above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss; COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of 61 rJALi'1 , 2C0 NOTy;' EAL OPS T � l / "}- + - NOTARY SIGNATURE "'. life = Notary Public in and far the State of Washington y ; e. Residing at. I VAb 5V {f�°�k'"!M '`*1 My appointment expires: J I I vI miini+l V:. ion I:004 2 } ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER Nu.2: I, , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: PHONE: ZIP: (City) (State) (Signature) (Rate) NOTARY (For Part II above) STATE OFWASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before ma this day of , 20_ NOTARY SEAL NOTARY SIGNATURE Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at: My appointment expires: • Version 1: 02104 3 crreur . CITY OF SPOKA -AI/ALLEYFor staff Use Only) e Community Cleve rnent Department :400. ~ e Current Planning DivisionQatiE SuBr ITT o: 49,77/1/0 REcEI u BY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 A tan Valley, 9206 FILE No.f NAME: —O - Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 planning©sgokarLevalley.orq FEE. PAID: I -CTO RECEIVED STREET VACATION APPLICATION SPOKANE VALLEY DEPAIPTMEhai'or 1101 PART I — APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION: Portions of Lloyd & Custer Streets, NAME OF PUBLIC STREET PROPOSED FOR VACATION; 12th Avenue west of ronnn t e _ - cion an. , SECTION J TOWNSHIP 1 RANGE OF PUi3LlC STREET PROPOSED FOR VACATIOK ;223 25N/ 3-F.744 AREA(SQUARE FEET OF PUBLIC STREET TO BE VACATED: A,PProx• 38 ,250 sq. ft. � DIMENSION.OF PUBLIC STREET TO BE VACATED: ' wipe X j9 ' DEEP STREET ADDRESS I TAX PARCEL No OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#1: See A.tta.c ale d STREET ADDRESS/TAX PARCEL NO or ABUTTING PROPERTY#2: See tacked - ZONING DESIGNATION OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#1: UR-3.5 ZONIN3 DESIfsNATION OF ABUTTING PROPERTY#2: R— PREVIOUS LAND USE ACTION, IF APPLICABLE(STATE PiiDJECT FILE NO. &NA7w1E: APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION": Please note: - Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required appticant/owner information specified below if there are more than two (2) applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Applicants must be the same as property owners specified an the current Spokane County Assessor's Office parcel records. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERN0.1: �2 APPLICANT NAME: MA#LING AooRESS: 12810 E . Nora Avenue, Suite E CITY: Spokane Valley STATE.: Washington Zip: 99216 PHONE:(IIOMEIWORK)_ 922-5000 _(FAx) 922-8985 (CELL) F nsp CrcJe *PLEASE NOTE: Per ROW 35.79.040 (Title to Vacated Street or Alley) the property within a public street or alley vacated by the City Council shall belong to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. Therefore, if there is more than one property owner abutting the public street or alley proposed for vacation, each property owner shall be required to sign the street vacation application. Version 1: 02/04 1 r 5. 1 -ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER No.2: APPLICANT NAfwI : Rooky Top LLD Mike Shuler MAILING ADDRESS: 5813 L. 4th Avenue, Suite 202 CITY: Spokane Valley STATE: Washing-6r" zip: 99212 PHONE: (HOME!WORK) _(FAX) (CELL) Please C rde - NOTE: ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN THE STREET VACATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST SHALL BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE STREET VACATION APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED. PART II - LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE Please note: -Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required legal owner signature specified below if there are more than two (2) property owners submitting for the Street Vacation. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER No, 1: I, 4-.E.‘"—Z' a { ccArfrehf , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: ( 7 46?://6 1 ) .. 1+ _ PHONE: 9 ft-A Al _ __ - ZIP: 5 'c (City) (State) /(r,Wel--.1--id V ( ature (Date) NOTARY (For Part IL above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this I day of WIALtgli , 20,4' NOTPAAWAL LRE?' f4,4, 2‹:14:AAP--1/1-U-1 #'a . kL4Zt.,i,k •. .4.x,4 NOTA SIGNATURE Notary Public in and for the State of Washington .41.110to 1-45 . ► Residing at o: 1IVE- .;' • •± \tel• rr'4 , f01i04' My appointment expires: ! 61 0 Version 1:02/04 2 ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER Nc.2: I, , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT r AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTI MED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: PHONE: ZIP: (City) (State) (Signature) (Date) NOTARY (For Fart II above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of 20 NOTARY SEAL NOTARY SIGNATURE Notes), Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at: My appointment expires: Version 1: O2.O4 3 TT sE .ORAAU ENGINEERING RECEIVED .1LEflg' d g.pr1 .Prcject Management i - - -: �._.. BAR I SPORANC VALLEY DEPAR1 MENT O€ March 11, 2005 COMMUNITY OEVELaPMEN1 Mr. Kevin Snyder Current Planner City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Vacation of portions of 12th Avenue, 13th Avenue, Lloyd Street, Custer Street, and alley within Blocks 2, 3 and 4, Woodland Terrace. Dear Kevin; Enclosed are completed application forms for the vacation of certain streets and alleys within the plat of Woodland Terrace located west of Carnahan Road and south of 12th Avenue. The vacations are requested to allow reconfiguration of existing platted street and lot layouts to conform to more current practices in conjunction with the development of the area. Although the streets and alleys were platted in 1907, there is no evidence that these unimproved streets and alleys have been used for the installation of utilities or are otherwise encumbered by easements. If required by the City of Spokane Valley, the applicants will provide a title report of the areas to be vacated. The streets and alleyways as requested for vacation can not be physically constructed at the east end (between vacated Willamette and Chronicle Street) of the request area because of slopes exceeding 12%. Twelfth Avenue along the north edge of Woodland Terrace was dedicated as a half right-of-way and is only 30 feet in width, Most of the property to the north of 12th Avenue is operated as a mining operation on a long term lease arrangement and it is not likely that residential development of this mining area will occur north of 12th Avenue in the immediate future. Twelfth Avenue is not required to provide access to the mining operation.. The developer and,owner desires to proceed with the development of the remainder of the Woodland Terrace lots to the degree 1322 North Monroe • Spokane,Washington 99201 � – 1-1 Phone (609) 242-1000 * Fax (509) 242-1001 ! 1 . i i w�..i s possible using existing procedures and regulations and is requesting the vacation of tZth Avenue so that lots can be reconfigured to access Lloyd and Custer Streets. Since there will be no need to extend this portion of the road system to the north, those portions of Lloyd and Custer Streets north of proposed cul-de- sac improvements are requested for vacation to accommodate engineering plans for these streets submitted to the City of Spokane valley_ Likewise, the alley is not needed if the lots are re-oriented to these cul-de-sac streets. In negotiations with the City Engineer, these streets are proposed for vacation to accommodate reasonable re-orientation of lots and streets to serve the area and to eliminate rights-of-way that are not needed or are occupied by drainage facilities to be managed by a homeowner's association. Area allocations for each vacation segment are provided in this submittal. Please note that additional dedications will be provided to the City of Spokane Valley to complete the right-of-way needs for the cul-de-sac turnarounds. Survey and other exhibits have been provided for your review indicating the approved lot pattern. As development proceeds, additional survey information will be available so that a record of survey can be filed of the completed actions. If you have any questions, please call me at 242-1000. Sind . y, ffi/iCr--(2-e,___ /ohn D. Konen Development Consultant _ _. ..._,_...______ • 38 Community Pages qwestdex.com online yellow pages . . . . .. - ... . _,. '. ..-.-:-7'.. .;' •'''''' :" ... • _ :' 1:F".:41,10*14441:41141Y1010141:ieft'e 'F-:''' ' '•-•', -''' :' ..'.-,..:1- -,1.-fa r'-' %.; -a '124 elMiiiir .'; . . :.' Spokane'A Area d Street Ma •7 0..-.:...: -H:- .....• . .. _ . : .m.A.:-,I 1. 2!..igii. ..;::. -.' -:'--.•• ... _,..:, .. _ . • . . • . . .. . . . .. ... .. .• ._ . ._. ... . .......„..: . • .._ --.;7 ' . ; :..': ..r --; ....•, L.'7:-. . , .. -:-.. .,' ..-...•.; T --.::.:....... : ::.',',.:-••.:.• .-...' ' . • - FOC'AL (1ALL v••::.: •, r- ....---•..-:. ..- - • .• • .. angli ....,.•-- #.,-(7- Kr1.R_T_Sff7.- 2-..;L'.. 11IWNIIII7rilarEIFT1'..ii ••.4E/N-1-55911.1-•..--1$:. 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Receipt for Planning Division Fees By: 4 Applicant/Business h_k'• Permit# Project Name ` Site Address Please receipt the following: Check Number r,4, .4 Cash CC Payer's Name • Address I 3 3 ` ity y •- i- _ Zip ;(1"Lf v M �i iJ 1J�//{{}}{{'' y} }-•at �+4, }�/.'}� y� .s i -•� .`:' t ` J{��}.{• g Cti_� k 7t 1' f]fV hR/t4Ky�, 1 4 E FG Wr d ,L 4 „e � i !4:"414: ^11 1 � -?'a]'t ,.sY�--a� _55'7' _:S _ii�h"�..,,..��"�s.�a: ':uci�,.- N":ui:?•' ..5��?YFa... a7L',.rig7• ,r ,.Srk ... Entertainment License Home Profession — 001.058.058395.10.01 Street Vacation Permits l i 30.0 Conditional Use Permit 001.058.058,345.83.27 Temporary Sign Permit Fee _Temporary Use Permit Fee avtia{;^ x a�� wj-sem +,+ a 'fit x c� r w .y R. YLl1`' t`{ .` `.���'•' ,. ' , ' r�`'•' r PP-7 JJam.. tr' ut i;, `".'N3.-N.Y_, abtEi.:�45.'A � * - Rezones _ 001.058.058,345.83.03 Prelim. Short Subdivision 001.058.058345.83.04 Short Subdivision 001.058.058345.83.05 Preliminary Subdivision 001.058,058345.83.06 Final Subdivision 001,058.058.345.83.07 Shoreline Dev.Permit Prelim, Binding Site Plan Zero Lot Line 001.058.058,345.83.14 Plat Modifications Change of Conditions 001.058,058345.83.16 Admin. Decision Appeal _ 041.058.058345.83.17 Zoning Map Amendments 001.058.058345.83.18 Administrative Variance Variance SLPA Review Planned Unit Development Sign Review _ 0010058.058.345.83.2.4 Code Text Amendment 001.058.058345.83.25 Administrative Exception Site Plan Review 001,0580158.345.89.03 Appeal of 11.E. Decision 001.058.058345.83.27 Boundary Line Adjustment Comp, Plan Amendment 001.058.058345.89•105 Sales of Maps,01 Photocopies TOTAL FEES / COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Sprnuolane CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION .00aHe STREET VACATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST iEIG l v l . SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST MAR I 20(14 SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT Of _ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FORM Submit completed application on the attached form with all required information specified and all signature blocks completed. CUR.RE.NT APPLICATION FEE ASSESSOR'S SECTION MAPS 1:200 scale map of: 1/2; section i township range Submit one (1) copy of the above Spokane County Assessor maps), identifying with a solid red line the portion of the street or alley sought to be vacated Vicinity map showing the genera! area of the proposed vacation. [cld Copy of the record of survey, if available, for the subject street and alley proposed for vacation and abutting properties and streets and alleys within 100 feet on all sides of the proposed vacation. Written evidence of any and all easements or allowances or reservations, public or private, pertaining to the street or alley proposed for vacations 0 Written narrative describing the reasons for the proposed street vacation, the physical limits of the proposed street vacation and the public benefit of the proposed street vacation. Ir E EI ED March 9, 2004 rth 1 i l 2O Storhaug Engineering, Inc. SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF r1r ;;C?aodr1;Mir!u rJEVFLOPMENT f LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Proposed Vacations Parcels} of land situate in the Woodland Terrace Addition per Book of Plats "I" Page 16, located in portions of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 E=ast, Willamette Meridian, City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington and more particularly described as follows: That portion of 12th Avenue east of a line commencing from the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5 of said plat extended north on the bearing of the west right-of- way line of Lloyd Street to the north line cf the plat, thence 1078.02 feet easterly to a line being the west right-of-way line of Chronicle Rd extended north to the north line of the plat and containing 0/4 acres more or less. Together with the alley within Block 4, Block 3 and Block 2 of said plat and containing square feet more or less. Together with that portion of 13th Avenue between Blocks 2 & 13 of said plat and containing 17,964 square feet more or less, Together with that portion of Willamette Road and 13 Avenue between Blocks 3 & 12 of said plat described as follows: Commencing from the southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 2 of said plat and the True Point of Beginning, thence N 89°28'57' W 85.59 feet along the north line of 13° Avenue right-of-way to the intersection of a non-tangent curve to the right with a delta angle of 73'44'23'' from which the radius point bears S 5318'51'W 50.00 feet with a chord bearing of S 00°31'03" W 60.00 feet, thence along the arc of said curve 64.35 feet to the intersection of the south line of said 13th Avenue right-of-way, thence S 89°28'57" E 86.21 feet along the said south right-of-way to the northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 13 of said plat, thence N 00°04'25" W 60.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0:11 acres more or less, Together with that portion of Lloyd Street between Blocks 4 & 5 of said plat and described as follows: Commencing from the northeast corner of Block 5 and the True Point of Beginning, thence S 00°43'17" E 57.28 feet along the west right-of-way of Lloyd Street to the intersection of a non-tangent curve to the right with a delta angle of 73°44'25" from which the radius point bears S 36°55'297 E 50.00 feet with a chord bearing of N 39656'43" E 60.00 feet, thence along the arc of said curve 64.35 feet to the intersection of the east kine of said Ltoyd Avenue right-of-way, thence N 00°03'17" W 56.72 feet along said right-of-way to the northwest corner of Block 4 of said plat..thence N 89'30'58" W 60.00 feet along the south right-of- way line of 12th Avenue to the Point of Beginning and containing 3011 square feet more or less_ { f Together with that portion of Custer Road between Blocks 4 & 3 of said plat and described as follows: Commencing from the northeast corner of Block 4 and the True Point of Beginning, thence S 00°03°51" F 57.29 feet along the west right-of-way of Custer Road to the intersection of a non-tangent curve to the right with a delta angle of 73°45'06" from which the radius point bears S 36°56'01" E 50.00 feet with a chard bearing of N 59°56'32" E 60.01 feet, thence along the arc of said curve 64.36 feet to the intersection of the east line of said Custer Road right-of-way, thence N 00''03'51' VV 56.72 feet along said right-of-way to the northwest gamer of Block 3 of said plat, thence N 89°30'5€3" W 60.01 feet along the south right-of- way ight-o -way line of 12th Avenue to the Point of Beginning and containing 3011 square feet more or less. ,, ) \ i RECEIVED . . i, , 1... r IV #7-46 . ." ----NI 0 ...._... '44' 90 lis L; e... t..... ., . . ,..„ J ) ' 1 '1,, '..q. 1,,,.., , '4,,,,,,,. ged _ 2 ' - „I 1. I., 1,..0 ,_, -__.„. _-:-4 . 1 : . MAP‘ . I 21,1 . t:- I, rmo.7r 43.f.eft - . Mai ay.t er.y...I r SPOKAIur,'VALLEY . .. . .____ . ' '1 D E RAP 7- FNT OF v....I-.4..- . , . . - 4.. COMMUNITY 1..4=VELOPMENT • . ,. . , ._. '.- - litilall grill Ffr''' Me. -P$11111 ,...ippg lionta MI6' $.1 1- m711111% IFMM r. I 4 P 111111 1110111 — . . lain 111111 INN Mill _ .._. . _ . - 21111 171,11'1" 1110,01.111- gni l'....511 . . • . - ' Palln_J----- 1 , , INN ri. i.L. 11011 W- MIN t_ . 1 illifiall , a i"1 '1, o • . '' -1'.. 1 ' ' . ' ..:" 1 tall APIIII 1113111 0111111 '11111941111,1 1 '1q f - iNitlia Ihrill-Piiiill 11: .01111,-1111how ‘...... .„. _ _1_ .. -,i, ,, ,: E' ,a, . • .fi I , , Iimitil 1110/111 ,.1.-.._,-1111 ,111,11: ' rain' -,i .1- V6111 NY al ...4.1411! legill MAN ..17-i .- 1. :011.. Pliaill,_'11111111111:-Fxl. -' ... . _Lr. -_' -zai; - '' ' L ---- - - '',....,•,- ---- .,. . .. 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' a e.,,ey.7,-a EA:or...v.,7 ...47.....j.., ,6'611W a-r-:-..m .....^..,. m61-7. la, -4 I X.....--.4- itt .....t...4 r•t .14 ..r'-.7.--,.,..4...-•,....et.e...—:4-4,:k. ...../-4... ..).....7-5?"-, y-.3;.-..),,.. - r . 1 ta....e.,.........e -,..",....,_r ,-....6.),. ..e .... -,e..,....t - a...1..e.d.-.e...'......1,....-4.... ‹.........., -,er.4 ...r............1-4.-4--,- -1, . . .a.Zif*1•=1.dn-ane•a,,:,"? ,.ri.... ;,'/..../4 _.. I • ...--„J--.. I , - - i , ..,-, . . . . . • , 4 . . .._______ ,...L.... .....4.1f.ra6 04".....4 Oka./ . . , . 4.. ,... . ...... . EXHIBIT 6 SUPERIOR COURT OF IATASITIINIGTON FOR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ) No. City of Spokane Valley (street vacation applications) ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING STV-(]1-04t STV-02-04 -NOTICE- ) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of Spokane ) x41t A t..HUFFMAN ,being first duly sworn on math deposes and says that he is ttheMANA4lt+I(J EDITOR"of The Spokane Valley News Herald,a weekly newspaper.That said newspaper Is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of thepubklra.tion hereinafter referred to,published in the English lam page continually as a weekly newspaper inSpokaneCoun ty,Washington,andit isnow and during all of said time was prim ted in an office maintained at the aforesaid piece ofpublication ofsadd.newspaper,which said newspaper had been approved as a Legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the5tateof;Maga/Irwin andfar i leCowiiy.That the foaowing sa true copy ofapublic11otice nit was• hliShedin regular issue#fxymmendngon the 30th,clay of April. 2004„ and ending the 30th de of A.111 2004 . ..tis' =-sive and that such newspaper way regularly distributed to its suibers during all of said period: City of Spokane Valley .....V.Adieile Nolte al Pune Hearing ` 11teSraaka!t 5fa0ey3,motnq receive elce pubic ' C• .,. 1171 i . SWORN before me wntcns,rtaputifchestinglvreeefwePude . ■ teselnary a!ihe Spokane Valley City Council 30th [ p �}{y� Cnerrbera 117177 EnnI Spraaue AMMO, t is 30th ! • o A frit 2004. spokane Vatey W.592d5 at 5:94 p on 1Tauraday,May 18,2004 la consider mown, L monument tnnceming Hid following street Strate ofC Washington U.a.ce19n aP911;81 Irrd, County of Spokane ST`.r-G1.6.1: Siren Vacation request to waste tn$ballon ar 1E eIwee Parcelmenus, o 1 cert ify that l know or ha vie satisfactory evidence that 6kFellrlg pahn9 sires!,kalwaerr Faecal No. 352,13,1041 ani Parcel No.252l3.1014 ice Michael I-lufinnan is the person who appeared before IPA Fliapnsa of returning this portion of Lha mei to artwsts ownership. me, and said person actoinwIedged. that he signed STV-42-o4 Street Vecatiaa applbcativn this instrument and acknowledged it lobe his free Pram South Terrace Spokane.LLC,Reeky ��►4e41s !herA.rr and voluntary act for the uses and purposes men- Top,I1C Artlruw and Joanne Ai, Dal Pod's, ti4 e e .s, and Unduly C'nffirueon Inc.feline as tolnl r. SnOh' ` #r boned in the in urrtent• applicants that requests.the Gilt'waeahe tip z Q;�yl5 4.;.•'4.JK y Idiavuny eubllf rights-al-wain In she ` m.Q sS rs r. weaalgna Terrace Plat 1a the puttnn diet' _ :es fi4C1TAf y m - artensiew tktrwph Slacks 2,a and 4:21 a par- ? rr; PIJBLJ . j — ,,, wan at 1aln,arenws NNW of Cgaronicle Read: :"5:57;:\: i Sti otene Rae Wentz 3l purlons u-L1ayd and Custer Streets Vh191 i ° re�7f . t` u Chr rune Roar:and cj a pardon 01 I2th. . f ..4Title: NotaryPublic Avenue b Iweon LIaye Rood and tyuanide ''ft Q.WAS'e. N e Rued. yfffiltlltoy► Myappointmentexpires: 5-16-0 There nil l he ceponeniLy lar pub!c cam.- MAN ai rim fnaaarrg. tri'U®awe nt!her you Ara uaabla CO said,Gammen l9 roily 11e wtermieti Iy i IIwt. itllil pirProur v lin inti.Wednesday CdOten May 12th., Id 1M1a,t76p Arlrl'9ir11 6f U`a iltntunllp DavwIOpma,i,Curren)Planning Divisiin,IX + 'y e mailed Da plaoNngaprN+anavellek.ritg, 11'1 l Please call aar-o045 fur more ieiormalian. L,'I SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPOKANE COLTNTI In the Matter of AMENDED NOTICE OF PUBLIC No. HEARING Application: STV-(}2-014 Del Pozzi } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLI5HING -NOTICE- ] STATE OF WASI-i]NG ON )5s. County of Spokane } I i1CHAW,-FFMAN.being first44ysworn oat oath deposes and says that ht is the MANAGING PDriCR of ThcSpolwne Valley Neva Herald,a weekly ne W9papir,That said newspaper is 3 logat newspaper and it is now and rises boar For more than six months prior to the daheaf the pba=ton he.reinalter referred to,plibilslLed la the Email sh language canLineally as a weekly newspaper in Spolaarre County,Washington,and ilk r.ow arlddtul:3 all of Bald tinnewos printed in art aka the aloregal d place ofpesblicatienofsakina1R*9paper,which said snewspe.p had teen agpravadasalegal newspaper byorderoftile Sumoor Ccure of the Mate of Washington in and for Spokane Caul ty,That the fa owirvg is a true wpytk(a publten4tice as It waspublistlad In regular isuescommando g trio 23rd day of April. 29214, and ending the 1.1rd shw of A,ae1, P4all clan .Inclusive,and, at such nempaper war regulaliy dialttbuted to its subscribers during all of said parlod: NaElain Mats of:4AM Haringrh1e.I WmIlen Clef if Spokane Ala' L oc-.r'+ntn ..� / ;, Pleoea,4a�7hla-'k4tedAble Muornp E and .rain to before me ▪ 440'+•111!Oulttahetl n LFa Awa 16 DM t.111 L �7 � ! �1 n�Y 1d1 en 01 Tin eaaspepor. A:IL:a.rla pAla P• Ll.rIS CJIu clay e .Luu`3, Jan.Cy.& I>rlr94laar NC%P a-I,ta,Vnhe �i Mau....mm 1i amara In 1Ikea mem. Theca 5t3 le of Washington P'+an Par■MOP la ri lItl Nd a rocmd arence err Moto llesina a hairy w tdan% County of Spokane %Wog Eula add TI.ni.Nar 17.240.1 bedanua 01630 pan Erwin Loin=:#oFrne Mahn Cloy 1certif7 tha tiknoworha ve satisfactory evidence that CCL nail Chianhnn,11907 E Ra.a%Ani. Michael i-iu FFanan is the person who ail edbefore Solar 101,Saak4na 4®1011.WA 90116®, c 1111 Alia, S ultz• 111 err,tons ken,.aeelwru nh loth# ,. r me,Afld said person a knQwled ed t he Si Lai%Oh SPP u 'm.S71r-a2.Gk�.+�Veratmn `4+ . �. a this ins krument and a&sicwledgeed it to be his free IyPRtatiaa din%Sauer Tiffin$Ipalibla, 14'rr`•d' rid voluntary act for the uses and purposes 1;I1— LLC.Revd.;Tqx LIC.AV".1114 Joao*M. s { �`St PZ Oa Anal and Lrlwai o i Irdrrlrr,,t Ott- ~ri d b pnrf, `tai gorned in the inStrurnpnt. ;114 Y 1.141 iapll#Lnle 11111 no-lungs the Gay Lan ▪ Mansard nsdTara Ala drnc"in 'c In ?a od nalAmu*aaca Ala 11 I A 28a 1p% �deq Amu*&ods R.SarM#ltLpar {j Pater ,•' Mona nail 3i poll an al Land mil CereCiaH Maa st omal non 1 Yr Flanen• �� r iii`ASYi III t q`�t�A k1er e 1 a We'1t z Adanua bliwer U Pyr Rand and Cralclp Till: c1tx.^y Public My apppinttrl nt expires 546-07 Pimp anai LecMlon: The alemb a mann" Ica waapign ora I%C9lea rrNaa l Hr.4UPa Rand on rhe a,nl,1arrahin And an Ito j 0.011.12th AalrIe ea Oa roc%and lain A..anua m inc amnia lea'Ngoq Wy Tonal Pial 1Y t aI4a In 1ha IC-rh'nail guano.01 SuelLon 77,to'aruhla 2I Moab,Ranaa.is 5mL 4111rlJlleae Mer lien.& .4-Coudry. aelinorn. HLrk,q Ecar: 'ma Prrnnq Wna+lilua .1 0110.9091111.1 err&I4 fu . AL .111.dna.d Ai Pyr laving,,111■Mitring Oaaraapanaill Paroad I raaanaeallaladn 00 IRO S'halIRtI11141 Maud.m 141 CI IV Cnuxl11,ns Cons dank. Apr..Crkerla,Saclran 14 and P1 d 9Alnaxf h'a.-Pa¢ai t5x4a VIC1Sti'1 Envlra er 1241 Maher.Pam=w WAC- 107-1100.8.11 AG117-90a.'eh lrle 4etollon tt jaupti ar Panda 14 fayl4Qer4a1 animal hwn a Itrghtld diIr n 4ulla a gr.a rar.unall trapaq 81d61MM rawa*n„•aa.Comer Inq pa i4oi aria Nina e ra m n or%racy Ali 91411 plaid 144 IAr4PdFYl111r1 RIM.:A "Ai rerYdri Lind.dtaramenlmlon nu 11Ni P roomy Cantnlrelan fill ha uraaahb fur Irapacdon 4W!1 C}OeIma n OM deer b en Pming rfu ony min as Vali repor Md Ma sa i.%a±®Y am.and In p we hb,rday. FPlday.em audile holltcaa.'a11ha CI 4 al $po111ne 1lahey CIIf Nall. 11747 5161 54,x41.4 Ikea.9,aa 156,&owra Val%P WI p 4709,YiY M rI ahatr0d d roa11n45l•1051 Mt say oplea a1 1411 Ali ytra aldn•10 nr..• Nlrhlhr eon-i,r R1.Mtge be aub,d L1:a4 IV the Gly d 5.a1Drla Storer Omrmwnllr Docalcp• rnmi Ph1aIRAdr,Ii cAnni r f11N4a4 F7lydlan, tab Kli14 9nyoar,ARNP,anima Pluming M144adr•117117 E.S4ra5Yo Am.Sola LCB. 5pc mann Vailay K"A 9at<•6p.Ana%P Indra% 4-a ala nearirn•rumen,Ii Ina w4-14in ran er•ima Intl 011:4.4181184101444444_Far min 41ICrm4148.FPaaab MI MINIM 41 af-eil Rir)da'OI ennui, C7.10011194.09141111. rd9'rharn. ' ,Mir i4_ OF ISPOYffi �e vsl>kn,r Develapnxot ) DATE TO BE POS. APFc d W Vii ( Comrrwnity 1 .i � bepatt L'litrcJ1 Plo P1.I xtlHg Easte Avenue.Suite LC& Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Tc]--{509]9214400 Pax:I5091 92 L-1006 lyeaMgA mhUrYallrv.are AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FILE NO.: Ste" 62 _OL( STATE OF WASHINGTON ss: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ) da0 "• rhtiz ,being first duly sworn, deposes and says: At all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of eighteen years. 4 On the day of -` , 20011 personally posted a sit(s) as required in the City of Spokane Valley SubdivisioriiZoning land use regulations at the following location(s) in city of Spokane Valley: E k haemAki-k95EA b 3i1 W, 1. 01 + 1 0 (11 ..5 Mitt/ 13-rh L1 iii/rt-r'' --1--- Signature of Applicant or Agent --(// zy 7/0 y; Date Signed and sworn to before me this O day of , 20091, q tr 0.0 14 i1„ ## PC/Dipt4A-661 ' �, Pry{ NOTARY PUBLIC fl AND FOR TI-TM STATE OF WASHINGTON 1 tp p , Residing at: 6polai-eu.,_ /L,Rai— LL,1141-- 1~lt� `. . IIN 0,v,i1 My appointment expires: /d0/1--)7 /0) (Applicant Fill Out and Sign Before a Notary and Return to Current Planning) 1 Vkin a: X02 04 immaill Pre11101;401S11191141 rpropred4UI WEI —.' - r:'•4' i i 1111111111 11.22 RAFFALluighAA.30 _A rimilirie- • :r:f lr�r r r r w awwr. cw i�.ss�r�a.��r +�r.._ ,+rJMar.rtslFa `/fAF+ t�YC• ,�7�' J�h,/l+ A ,,...,,,,i,„0,,-A,,iv,.0 rii 5 op;e m i um immiriperdirre Al ipierAor ,-,4,..r.-9-,i0-2,frdepre*":-.46,410:45 •imp s-will plot ,4,1 y7,10,4„4„),„Amor,,,,,,,30: 7).451,-4, ILI. 1114 wee„p-iii.,6 garadiar dr• .1444,,,r1014*"Zr NKA fre 1,4.41444 #;+ { +' ' 0'04 ..VAIINII WV ��r#a... ,ter wrs - ,rr A . 1 of 41,-.69.4,0, :4000VOIP010-W14: .." ., --- - - -, - -,--.i. lee.",rei. -",4-,>4.4.4201-4,-"-- "PV-9,-,40010-Att4e 41*e"--- 0, -f440.44-2....e..,m-...4.-q Afriva ....,..,,._ ,-, ""4:04,4Vgit,••r4r01 ig-,-0-40;47 - ..*:ateszt-4,4 .44 , i, Fr- er•#ice-Ple+ . 1 {Y�rFill 1 '''' MIMI ' •tR�:��f4d�� hS 7.1ra,',!�V?.kw^;::::, "'�f�#1a�i'�1 MIIIIIP.IIJmIiwF f�, _} 111111111 9l1i � �` - iinimw, . . plykr--;.-.v.704. K. liii IIIIlIiIlihltIIIUhlWljIIIl 4/4101 iifluiiuiiiitui1nllratriiiiüu kifY,4,4 IIIII1I11UiJIl!!1IUuI1II1I ,W 1111 - Br111 Y' 11111III ► 1111111111 1111 11 1111111111 _ 1 11iWINLfl !rnU• IIuIuhIP I I .. ,„.„.,.„,,,/„, /,/,),/,,, a-'•- . li 5?.,,7„:770weir,,,,,z7/7„704.70),,,wr/dnyo.....,„.„2-/ ., 01,,...-///7*:%W",„ ,, d .-51,7, ,4,(49:,,c,,,,-'0 //e, V„Fr/iv," /e A.41/0/,././47.5, ze,//".7:77yettp,:::;-..4.770,7,2/zA, Egri, .477779,41,//7)• , OF)r.fr,V.,<197,7,Vyy/iv,/:,/,,,illef.,doe 0.::",;4,-*M yer y .4:4;.7277.,A,7:; / /,06 /7/7//17,5", / 1, /A7 Fe"--/-16) //,.."/„ .rr, , .. .0,/,,,,,,,,7 / /,,,,./ „ / .„0;.,/,.: .,„ /„.„,,,,,,,p., 74 7,,,,,, /,,,,,„„7,4„,„,„,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, 04w „,./09;;;;" -.4.,..7,.//4/ 7„,./...,y.„.//,,,,, ,„, „4/.. / ..„„„ „:,,o, . ,exi... /..,,,,,/ „....„- v,„ 1..,rwo,<,,4„-.,,,,,,„" pf,/./,.-/ / :.,,:e;.,li,., ,,, ::,,o,y, y/,,A °O/:V/Fir'441///j/ F:///7/*/ r*077e410;tf, Sale:1 -400 ft&oundre on-Vs. 'May gimp CITY OP PDXi. spr,a v" . ane Current mt Pluming p� �,rrcat Flarusirag '-d 1170T Last Sprague Arta F, 106 Spakane Va]Ley,WA 99205 Cel; 000 Fait MIN)921-205 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FILE NO.: 2--0 _ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) as: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ) trJ 1 , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: At all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of eighteen years. On the C U day of rele-(L. , 2O(tt I personally posted a sign(s) as required in the City of Spokane Valley Subdivision/Zoning laud use regulations at the following location(s) in City of Spokane Valley: p � dik 1— - _A► + _ 4a= rIte _ f._..1L a. • El i X11 a BOA gel V hectStiL6044-0-xt etiskA ( P o + t s r 1 .rok.6 i s Signature Applicant or ent • /65)0,41 X1 . ' Date Signed and sworn to before me this Sf day of f a 06 1401'Af Y tr ' z NOT Y PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 0 PUB 41C tit lei it1 Residing at: �� 1 r�. Q ' My appointment expires: D "7 (Applicant Fill Out and Sign Before a Notary and Return to Current Planning) 0".9\oft� Date of Mailing t-LL- 7-'0 o� ikane CITY OF OPDX.FL E VA L] {]4lailtn C7 .001010 Valley Cnn=Runly neyclppnc t,. ::Law g of the r fared notice should oca: r before or on the + t PI annual above referenced date. Failure to mail by this date may result 21747Las[Sprague99206 ,suiae1CB In extending the public period.) $Iikajc waUcy.WA 9$2(16 la Tel:(5491 921.1044 Fax [.x59)921-Drava plaskrainiOvokaneval1ev,org FILE NO: — ' --0 'q AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING–ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION STATE OF WASIENGTON ) ) ss. City of Spokane Valley ) {P IT NAATE) _ ,being first duly sworn on oath., depose(s)and says): I am a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of eighteen years. On the day o>F61/D riic + 'peraonaIly deposited in the United States mail at eR - � - ., (POST OFFICE BRANCH NAME), with sufficient postage prepaid, and correct copy of the NOTICE OF APPLICATION, a copy of which is attached hereto and.incorporated herein by reference, to the recorded reperty owners and/or taxpayers,as shown o the Spokane County Treasurer's records as of the }_-- day of 17), ( 20( who have been found to own property abutting the subject property or directly across a streetlroad from the subject property. The notices were addressed to those individuals and sent to those addresses indicated on the attached list, incorporated herein by reference. In the eventan address was not available in the official records,I used the current local telephone directory to attempt to locate a valid address. ,41OP 411M. di 811 irk gnat . _...-. •art Date: ge 7 h Signed and sworn to before me this o day of0I%• Y. ,20 O `PiPeD)J\ `=" , , NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE TE O F WASHINGTON $5NALL R,�1( .......?-04:.5s1,ow eto� t4iResiding at c VS k c Q J • c p t4 ti ptARY 01 0po u0z My appointment expires: CD al l u �v cs OF wA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT i7TCURRENT PLANNING poine p , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - STREET VACATION FILE REFERENCE NO.: STV-02-04 You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held on the Street Vacation Request further described below. Therewill be a public comment opportunity during the scheduled public hearing. Written comments may be submitted up to the day of the scheduled hearing to the attention of the staff person listed below. The project file may be examined between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays) in the Permit Center of the City of Spokane Valley City Hall, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washington. Please direct all questions to the staff person fisted below. HEARING DATE AND TIME: May 13, 2004 beginning at 6:30 p.m. HEARING LOCATION: Spokane Valley City Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, WA 99246. Facilities are physically accessible for individuals with disabilities. HEARING BODY: Planning Commission. At the close of the public hearing, the Planning Commission will forward a recommendation on the Street Vacation request to the City Council for its consideration, DECISION-MAKING AUTHORITY: Spokane Valley City Council GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Ordinance No. 04-002 FILE Na 1 PROPOSAL: STV-02-44: Street Vacation application from South Terrace Spokane, LLC, Rocky Top, LLC, Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi, and Lindsey Construction, Inc. acting as joint applicants that requests the City vacate the following public rights-of-ways in the Woodland Terrace Plat 1) the public alley extending through Blocks 2, 3 and 4; 2) a portion of 13t1' Avenue west of Chronicle Road; 3) portions of Lloyd and Custer Streets west of Chronicle Road; and 4) a portion of 12th Avenue between Lloyd Road and Chronicle Road. PROPONENT#1: South Terrace Spokane, LLC, c/o Brian Main ADDRESS: 12810 East Nora Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington.99216 PROPONENT#2: Rocky Top, LLC, cfo Mike Schuler ADDRESS: 5813 East Fourth Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99212 PROPONENT#3: Andrew and Joanne M. Del PeZZi ADDRESS: 4614 East 13th Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99202 PROPONENT#4: Lindsey Construction, Inc., c!a Greg Stirn ADDRESS: P.G. Box 30792, Spokane, Washington 99223 1 APPLICATION DATE: March 11, 2004 GENERAL LOCATION: The streets proposed for vacation are !coated between Havana Road on the west, Carnahan Road on the east, 12°h Avenue on the north and 16th Avenue on the south in the Woodland Terrace Plat located in the southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. SURROUNDING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATIONS: Low Density Residential (LDR) SURROUNDING EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATIONS: Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3,5); Urban Residential-7* (UR-71 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Pursuant to WAC-197-800.2.h, the vacation of streets or roads is categorically exempt from a threshold determination or Environmental Impact Statement requirements under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act STAFF REPORT AND INFORMATION REVIEW: A staff report and recommendation to the Planning Commission will be available for inspection seven (7) calendar days prior to the hearing. You may review the staff report and file between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, excluding holidays, at the City of Spokane Valley City Hall, 11707 East Sprague Ave., Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99205. You will be charged a reasonable cost for any copies of the file you wish to make. Written comments may be submitted to the City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department, Current Planning Division, to the attention of the staff contact listed below. For more information, please contact the staff person listed below via mail, electronic mail or facsimile. STAFF CONTACT: Kevin H. Snyder, AICP, Current Planning Manager 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 PH: (509) 688-0045 FX: (509) 'g21-1008. E-MAIL: ksnyderlspokanevalley.org DATE Issum 1 f�f; SIGNATURE: K 14,..i..,+ 411 2 Win' M . i : STV-02-04 ePArrgaggilirellredrallity �• 010 0 " 10 :g J,,, � •,*,,,,,,), . . 111111m-1 ..„... 4.,.:„...._„................. ...._....., -a r.. r . ....,„,,, ......„...„ .. .. .........„,,,, .„.„:„„.., . . oppirroge AO VI •"f !llyFrr . } NE - 001 Aeddidill` • f �Nit s; � rj. 4,dri4,11,WS900010Ardreor"-.66 ' 4 :x 1,===.„,„, /..".1 ,,„,„ :„.„.4;.,...,..,0,4„...4„.....,:i. .- Ilnu1iiiiILi1IiiiIdIiIitViWr7miiimil imin hammterizt �. uIuuI1IIIIIIII1IIuIuIjIIIIIIuI1 dillAiAir 1111111111 111111 iiiiF!4J 1'11111111111111 111111 111 1 'NH11111111111111111 111111111111111111,11111 AT 0IlL . lyrior,,,,p,77-,-„,„7/. ,,,,f(7770,..., / „, ,, _44),../ „/„../i„„. ,, ,:;„, //v./0 1!!!! II!iU' 11011 _{_ : riU1!!1IHhI!I1I1!I "7.9/7;-", 0/,,,pr:///,,,e7/.7. 7,/,,, „x„,/, ,,,,z44,4//vActx,4,„ ./,),,iy, ti, /././ „///740//:///,0"/00,-4,,,,vv-,,e,00? iefrrm,/,,,,,,,7, „"),-;,-,77:7///,/,04 0/ 01.? 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If://1/107//,,,,///,'//e,,,,.//.77/1M/./f41;,///1/01'00AWAff 0 5//4",/,;71;41,//,,,//, /,//1,0,W4r.:" '2:41.t:',Ce,./ arzA;;,,r1 S/ So41e:1 Inch-MO$ OVIVO4 'Acidly Map SPOKANE COUNT) Property Account Summary Account No.: 35233,1307 Alternate Property Number: Acocunt Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 0 UNKNOWN ADDRESS SPOKANE,WA Legal: - WOODLAND TC*{ACE: LOTS 1 Tt1RtJ 6&LOT 10 ELK 13 Parties: Role Name&Address Owner ROCKY TOP LLC 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 102 SPOKANE,WA 99212 Taxpayer ROCKY TOP LLC 51113 E 4TH AVE STE 102 SPOKANE.WA 89212 Property Values: • Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular $15,360 $15.364 Markel Total $1B,360 $10.360 Assessed Value $13,360 $18,360 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Code 91 Residential land-Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 4550U Field Rnink Number 442A PART1 OP Exemptions: (End of Report Run:4(14/2004 12:45:46 PM ASCQ037(ascend34] Page 1 SPOKANE COi1NT'r Property Account Summary Account No.: 35233.1213 Alternate Property N umber: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 4724 E 13TH AVE SFOh NF,WA 59212 Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE: PTN OF LOT 1 BLK 12 DAF;COMMENCING AT SW COR OF LOT 3 E#LK 12,TH ALG S LN OF LOTS 3,2,&1 S 89`28'57" E 131.93 FT TO TRUE POB,TH N 13'57-48"W 117,33 FT TO PT ON 50.00 FT NON-TANG CUR CONCAVE TO NW Vtifr RAD ERG CF N 23°34,33"W,TH NELY PLG SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 2960212"2614 FT TO N LN OF LOT 1 BLK 12,TH ALG SD N LN S$9628'57'E 26.21 FT TO NE COR OF SD LOT 1,TH ALG E LN OF SD LOT 1 S 0'0425"E 128,26 FT TO SE COR OF SD LOT 1,TH ALG S LN OF SID LOT 1 N 89'°'28'57' W 17.19 FT TO TRUE FOB;TOG f PTN VAC WILLAMETTE ST LYG S OF N LN OF LOT 1 BLK 12 EXT E TO NW COR LOT 6BLK 13&LYG NOFSLNOFLOT 1 BLK 12EXT ETOSWCDR OFLOT 6BLK13 Parties: Role Name&Address Owner ROCKY TOP LLC 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 102 SPOKANE,WA 99212 Taxpayer ROCKY TOP LLC 5813 F 4TH AVE STE 102 SPOKANE,WA 99212 Property Values: Value Name 2006 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular $2,070 $2,070 Market Total $2,070 52,070 Assessed Value $2,070 $2,070 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value _ 2006 Use Code 91 Residential laved-Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 11889 Field Rook Number 442A PART1 OP Exemptions: (End o f,Report) Run_411412004 12:46:40 PM ASC0037 ras:ersd301 Page 1 `) SPOKANE COUNTY Property Ale: muni Summary AllIlligi nil Account No.: 35233.1214 Alternate Property Number: Account Type; Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 4718 E 113TH AVE SPOKANE,WA 99212 Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE PTN OF LOTS 1 &2 BK 1?BAF;COMMENCING NW CCR LOT 3 BK 12,TH ALD N LN OF SD LOT 3 S 89°243'57'C 43,50 FT TO PT ON CUR OF 50 an FT RAD NON-TANG CUR CONCAVE TO NE Wf RAD ERG OF N 53°38'51'E.TH SELY ALO SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 11°01'23"9,52 FT TO TRUE POB,TH CONTINUING ELY ALO SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 6612'01"57:77 FT,11-I S 13°5746' 117.33 FT TO S LN OF LOT 1 BLK 12, TH,SLG SD S LN OF LOT 1 &OF LOT 2 BLK 17 N 99°28'57'W 79AD FI-,TH N 1'2914"W'122.23 FT TO TRUE POFD Parties: Role Name&Address Owner HAHNERT,GARY&DIANE E PO BOX 13178 SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 90213-3178 Talloayer LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION, INC: P 0 BOX 30792 SPOKANE,WA 99223 Property Values: Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxably Value Regular $514 $510 Market Total $510 $510 Assessed Value $510 $510 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2045 Use Code 91 Resldentlal land-Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 7423 Field Book Number 442A PART1 OP Exempti ons: (and of i epart) Run:4f14/200412;47:15 PM ASCC037(ascend301 Page 1 9 SPOKANE COUNTS • ti& ';--r., ; Property Account Summary Jiln'„Aec unt No.: 36233.1217 Allerrtate Property Number: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 0 UNKNOWN ADDRESS SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE-LOTS 1,2,&3 BLK 12;-FiC.PSN OF LOT 1 BLK 12 OAF COMMENCING AT SW COR OF LOT 3 BLK 12,TH ALG S LN OF LOTS 3,2,&1 S 8g`28'57”E 131.53 FT TO TRUE POD,TH N 13`57'46"W 117.33 FT TO PT ON 50.00 FT NON-TANG'CUR CONCAVE TO NW W!RAO BRG OF N 23°34.33"W,TH NELY ALG SD CUR THRU GIL ANGLE OF 29%012'25.34 FT TO N LN OF LOT 1 BLK 12,TH ALG SON LN S 89'28"57'E 2621 FT TO NE COR OF SO LOT 1,TH ALG E LN OF SD LOT 1 S 0'0425'E 129.24 FT TO SE COR OF SD LOT 1,TN AUG S LN OF SD LOT 1 N 89`28'57"W 17.19 FT TO TRUE POB: &EXC PTN..OF LOTS 1 &2 Slt 12 DAF;COMMENCING NW COR LOT 3 BK 12.TH ALO N LN OF SD LOT 3 S 89'28"57 E 4350 FT TO PT ON CUR OF 54.00 FT RAO NON-TANG CUR CONCAVE TONE WI EGAD ERG OF N 53'36'51'E,TN SELY ALG SD OUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 11`0123" 9.62 FT TO TRUE POB,TH CONTINUING ELY ALG SD CUR THRU GTL ANGLE OF 68'12'41"57.77 FT,TH S 13°57°46"E 117.23 FT TOS LN OF LOT 1 9Li(12, TH ALG SO S IN CF LOT 1 &OF LOT 2 BLK 12 N 89°28'57"W 79.00 FT.TH N 1'29'14"W 122.23 FT TO TRUE POB:&EXC PTN OF LOTS 2&3 ELK 12 DAF;BEG NW COR OF LOTS BLK 12, TH ALG N 1.N OF SD LOT 3 S 99'28'57'E 43,50 FT TO PT OF CUR OF 50.00 FT RAD NON•TANG CUR CONCAVE TO NE WI RAO ERG OF N 53'3831"E,TH SELY ALG SO CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 11'01'23'9.52 FT,TN S 1"2914' E 122.23 FT TO S LN OF LOT 2 ELK 12,TH ALG S Lik►OF LOTS 2&3 T3LK 12 N 89`28'57"W 52.93 FT TO SW COR OF SO LOT S,TH ALG W LN OF SD LOT 3 N O'D4''DB"W 129.26 FT TO FOB I. Parties: Ft ole Name&Address Owner ROCK'Y TOP LL C .6612 E 4TH AVE STE 102 SPOKANE,WA 99212 Taxpayer ROOKY TOP LLC 5313 E 4TH AVE STE 102 SPOKANE,WA 99212 Properly Values: Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular 390 $80 Market Total 90'7 S90 Assessed Value $50 58(7 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Code 97 Residential land-Undivided Unit or Measure Square Feet Size 1115 Field Book Number 442A PART1 OP Exemptions: (Enol of Report) Run:4/14/2004 12:47:39 FM A500037[ascend3D] Page 1 SPOKANE COUNT) i5 Property A taunt Summary HIS Account No.: 35233.9176 Alternate Property Number: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 0 ADDRESS UNKNO1AON SPOKANE,WA Legal: , . 23.2543 PIN OF NW1,4 OF SWIM AND W114 OF NE114 OFSW1P4DAF-BEG AT SE COR W1/4 OF NE1f4 OF SW1!4 TH N 0 DEC 02MIN MOS W 615FT TH N 69DEG 34MIN 56SOS W 328,82FT THS 01DEG 02MIN 69SDS E 415F-TN MEG 3dMIN 56SDSW 77 WITH S000EG 0i2MIN 09SDS E 200FT TO S LN N112 OF SW1/4 TH.S 39DEG 34MIN 56SDS E 406.70FT Ta POB Parties: Role Name a Address Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORP 1825 N HUTCHINSON RD SPOKANE,WA 99212-2444 Taxpayer SPOKANE ROCK PRODUCTS INC PO!3CX 2240 AIRWAY HEIGHTS,WA 99001 Property Values; Value Name 2005 2054 2003 Taxable Vague Regular 522,504 $22,500 522,500 - Marke:Total $22,010 522,500 $22,600 Assessed Value S22.6D0 $22,6010 522,500 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Code 98 Vacant Land Unit of Measure Acres} Size 5.00 Unimproved Acres 5 Fire Acres 5.00 he d Book Nurnber 00114 ROE Exemptions: (End of Report) Run.411312004 12:11:58 PM ASC4037[ascends0l Page 1 SPOKANE COUNTAIM r Property Account Summary r ift`g Account No.: 35233,9199 Alternate Property New her: Account Type: Real Property TGA: 0140 Sinus Address: 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN S [JNKNOWN,WP. Legal: 23-25-43 E112'OF SW1/4 OF NE114 OF SW1/4 EXC 12TH AVE TOGETHER WITH PTN OF NE1t4 OF SE1I4'DAF: BEG ON NLY RAN LN OF 12TH AVE COMMON I+ rrH W LY RAN LN OF CARNAHAN ST,TH W LY ALG NLY RNV LN OF 12TH AVE 272.49FT TO TRUE POB,TH N 21 DEG 11 MIN 38SDS E 571.85!=r,TH WLY 142.97FT,TH SLY TO NLY RA's OF 12TH AVE.TH ELY ALG NLY RN/TO TRUE FOB Parties: Role Nagle&Address Owner ROCKY TOP LLC PO SOX 1207 £ VENPORT,WA 99122-1207 Taxpayer ROCKY TOP LLC PO BOX 1207 DAVENPORT,WA 99122-12C7 Property Values: Value Name 20(15 2094 2003 Taxable Value Rego ar $58,860 $58,850 .8.860 Market Totel $58,600 $58,680 $58.860 Assessed Value $58,860 $58,950 $58,300 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2035 Use Cade 98 Vacant Land Unit of Measure Acre(e) S fze 8.03 Field Book Number 114 ROE Exemptions: (End of Report?) Run:403/2004 12:11:29 PM ASC0037[ascend301 Page 1 SPOKANE COUNT; ,,.1 Property Account Summary Account NQ.: 35233.9130 Alternate Property Number: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: O ADDRESS UNKNOWN S UNKNOWN,WA Legal: 23-25-43 PTV OF NE1/4 OF SE114 DAF: BEG ON NLY RMV LN OF 12TH AVE COMMON WITH WLY RAV LNI OF CARNAIHAN ST&TRUE FOB,TH WLY ALG N LN OF 12Th AVE 272.49FT,TH 1V21DES 1MIN 3$SIJS E 571.85FT, TH ELY 188,15FT,TH NLY 13.2.3EFT TO SLY RM!OF 10T1-4 AVE,TH ELY ALG LN OF 10TH AVE TO WLY RAW LN OF C IRNAHAN ST,TH£LY ALG WLY KW TO TRUE POB Parties: Role Name&Address Owner HOLY TEMPLE CHURCH 312E3RD AVE SPOKANE,WA 99202-1413 Taxpayer HOLY TEMPLE CHURCH 312 E 3RD AVE SPOKANE,WA 99202-1413 Property Values, Value Name 2005 2004 2403 • Taxable Value Regular $48,020 548,020 $4a,020 Marke:Total $48,020 $413,020 $48.020 Assessed Value $48,020 S4E3,020 $48,020 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 21X5 Use Cade 77 -Unknown From Conversion Unit of Measure _ Acre(5) Sipe 5.52 Field Flunk Number 114 RGE Exemptions: (Er!d or Report) Runt 4/13)2004 12;07:59 PM ASC0037]asc:end30] Page SPOKANE COUNT• r Property Account Summary lA�f Account No.: 35233.9184 Alternate Property Munaber: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 00 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPOKANE,WA Legal: 23-26-43 NW1/4 OF SW114 AND W114 OF NE114 OF SW1/4 EXC N3BDFT OF W1/4 OF NEI/4 OF SIAf114 AND EXC E170.E5FT OF N380FT OF NIA/1/4 OF SW1/4 AND EXC PTN OAF: BEGAT SE OCR W-114 OF N E 1/4 OF SWI i4 TH N 00DEG02MINO9SEC W 615FT TH N 139DEG34MIN563EC W 328 82FT TH S 00DEGO2MiND9SEC E 415F r TH N89DEG34MIN50SECW77.68FT71-[S000E002MINDOSEC E non—To S LN O N1/2 OF 1114 TH S 89DEG34MlN55SEC 1=ALG SD$ LN 406.70FTTO PO$AND EXC PTN DAFT BEG AT MW CDR OF SW1/4 TH S Q0DEGO5M1N45SEC E 992.14FTTH S 99DEG36MIN43SEC E 26DFT TH N 71 DEGOOMIN47SEC E 639.42FT TH N 00DEGO5MIN45SEC W 450FT TH N 89DE036MlN43SEC W 325FT TH N 0ODEGO5MIN45SEC W 330FT TO N LN OF SW1/4 TH N 35DEG36MIN43SEC W 570FTTO FOB AND EXC&TH AVE AND EXC HAVANA RD AND EXC PTN DAF: BEG AT SW DOR OF NW114 OF SW114 SD SEC 23 TH N ODUEO05MIN45SEC'W ALG W Lt4 5R SEC 23 281.97FT TH S 85DEG34MIN4OSEC E 50.66FT Tii S 22DEGOIMIN12SEC E 155.21FT'fl-t S 50DEGD2MIN04SEO E 47.61FTTH S 52DEGOSMIN45SEC E29.21- T TH S 45DEc314M[N5OSEC E 190.40FT TO N LN WOODLAND TERRACE PLAT&S LN OF NW1 r4 OF SW1/4 TH N 89DEG34MIN56SEC W ALG SO S LN TO P03 Parties: Role Name&Address Owner ROCKY TOP LLC 229 SKAGIT IACCNNER,WA 99257 Taxpayer SPOKANE ROCK PRODUCTS INC PO BOX 2200 AIRWAY HEIGHTS,WA 90001 Property Values: Value Name 2004 2004 2003 Tan6le Value Regular 5104,450 $104,450 5104.450 Market Total $104,450 5104,450 $104,450 Assessed Value $1014,450 $104,450 $104,450 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Code 98 Vacant Land Unit of Measure Acres) Size 23.21 Fire Acres 23.21 Exemptions: (End or Report) Run;4!13/200412;12:33 PM ASCDD37[ascend30] Pape 1 SPOKANE COUNPI Property AcCount Sur* m y Account No.: 35233.0203 Alternate Property Number: Account Type: Real Pr©perty TCA. 0140 Sltus Address: 0 UNKNOWN ADDRESS SPOKANE,WA Legit: WOODLAND TERRACE: LOTS I THRU 5 BLK Parties: Role Name 8 Address Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION 9016 E INDIANA AVE 0200 SPOKANE,WA 99212-2454 Taxpa.yer MDS SAUCER INC_ 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE,WA 99212- Property Values: Value Dame 2005 2004 2003 Taxable.Value Regular 55,540 55,540 Market Total 55,540 55,540 Assessed Value $ .540 $5.540 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic V3Irie 2005 Use Code 91 Residential land-Undlv[ded Unit or Measure Sgu are Feet Size 38885 Field Hook Number 442A PART1 OP Exemptions: (End of Report`) Run:4/1312004 12;20.32 PM ASC0037[ascend30] Page 1 SPOKANE CDUNfl Air4114. Property Account Summary Account Ne.: 35233.0204 Alternate Property Number. Account Type: Real Property XGA: 0140 Situs Address: 0 UNKNOWN ADDRESS SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE: LOTS 7 THRU 12 ELK 2 Parties: Role Name 4 Address Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATnN 9015 E INDIANA AVE 0270 SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 Taxpayer MOS SHULER INC. 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE,WA 99212. Property Values: Value Name 2005 2004 2003 TaxableVelue Regular $-540 $5, 40 Market Total 55,540 55,540 Assessed Value 55.5-40 85,54D Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Cale 91 Residential land-Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 39885 Field Book Nurntaer 442A PART1 OP Exemptions: (End a!Rei t) Run:4i1312004 12'20 58 PM AEC-0037 fascend30] Page t SPOKANE COUNT 7 Property Account Summary Account No.: 35233.0441 Alternate Property Number: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TER L1TO5 B4 Parties: Role Name&Address Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION 9016 E INDIANA AVE#240 SPOKANE.WA 99212-2464 Taxpayer MDS SHLILER INC. 5613 E 4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE.WA 9E1212- Property Values: 9212-PropertyValues: Value Name 2005 2404 2003 Taxable Value Regular 84,880 54,884 $4,850 Market Total $4,88+0 $4,880 54,880 Assessed Value $4,880 $4.880 54,880 Propariy Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2D05 Use Cade 91 Residential land-Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 32500.00 Fire Acres 0,75 Field Book Number 00442 4P Exemptions: (End cf Report) Run:4/131200412:23:03 PM ASC0037(ascend30l Page I SPOKANE CO CJWTf Property Account Summary Ai* Account No.: 35233.0402 Alternate Property Number: Account Type: Real Property TCA; 0140 $rtus Address; 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TER L5 04 Parties: Role Name&Address Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION 9010 E INDIANA AVE#200 SPOKANE,WA 9971.2-2454 Taxpayer MDS SHULER INC, 5813 E4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE,WA 99212- Property Values: Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular 51,000 $1,004 $1,000 Market Total 51,000 $1,000 $1,0OO Assessed Value $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Code 91 Residential Iand-Undivided Unit❑f Measure Square Feet size 6500,00 Fire Acres 6.15 Fie'd Bank Number 00442 OP Exemptions: (End of Report) Run:4(13/2004 12;23 33 PM ASC0037 Iaseend30] Page 1 9 SPOKANE COUNT) ;I Property Account Summary Account No,: 35233.0434 Alternate Property Number: Account Type: Real Property TOA: 0140 Situs Address: 0 UNKNOWN ADDRESS SPOKANE, WA l egd1: WOODLAND TERRACE. LOT 7 BLK 4 Parties: Role Name&Address Owner LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION,INC P0BOX 30792 SPOKANE,WA 99223 Taxpayer LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION, INC P C7 BOX 30792 SPOKANE,WA 99223 Property Values: WI tie Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular $960 Market Total $960 $950 Assessed Value $9S0 $960 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2405 Use Code 1 Residential land-Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 6475 Fid book Number 447A PARTS OP Exemptions: (End ref Report) Run:4f13/2004 12:23:57 PM ASC0037[ascend 301 Page 1 SPOKANE COUNT ID ISG Pro purtyAccaunt Summary 1 Accotent No.: 35233.0405 Alternato Properly Numtrer: AcenuntType: Rae Prrrperty TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 0 UNKNOWN ADDRESS SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOOD LAI D TERRACE: LOT 8 BLK 4 Parties. Role Name&Address Oh:ier LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION,INC P0UCL30712 SPOKANE,.WA 39223 Taxpayer LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION, INC P 0 BOX 30792 • SPOKANE,WA 99223 Property Values: Value Name 2005 2404 2003 Taxable Value RsgtOar $950 5960 Markel Total $960 $960 Assessed value $960 $960 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Code 91 Residential land-Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 5475 Field Book Number 442A PART1 OP Exem pt ions: (End or Report) Run,4/1312004 12:24:20 PM ASC0037 lasaend3b] page 1 SPOKANE COUNT? ', Property Account Summary Lai Account No.: 35233,0405 Alternutu Property Number; Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 4613 E 13TH AVE SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 9 ELK 4 Parties; Role Name&Address Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION 9010 E INDIANA AVE#200 SPOKANE.WA 99212-2464 Taxpayer MDS SHULER INC, 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE,WA 99212- Property Values: Value Name 2005 2004 2005 Taxable Value Regular $970 $970 Market Total $970 $970 Assessed Value 5970 1970 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Vallee 2045 Use Cade 91 Residential land-Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 6475 field Book Number 442A PART1 OP Exemptions: (End of Report) Run:411312004 12:24:46 PM ASC0037[asrend30] Page I SPOKANE COUNT? Property Account Summary Ain!kik Account No.: 35233,0407 Alternate Property Number: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 5ttus Address: 4615 E 13TH AVE SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 10 3LK 4 Parties: Role Name&Address Clymer DEL POZZI.ANDREW&JOANNE M 4615 E 13TH AV SPOKANE,WA 99202 Taxpayer DEL POZZI,ANDREW&JOANNE M 15E13THAVE SPOKANE.WA 99202 Property Values: Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular $97'b $970 Market Total $974 $970 Assessed Value $970 $970 Property Characteristics: Tex Year Characteristic Yalu 2005 Use Code 91 Residential land Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 5475 Field Book Number 442A PART1 OP Exemptions: (End or Report) Run:411312004 12:25:03 PM ASC0437[ascend04l Page 1 ) 1. ) 1 3 r SPOKANE COUNT), . ..i o Property Account Summary lJ Account No.: 35233.0408 Alterriatu Property Number: Aecbint Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 4617 E 13TH AVE SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 11 BLK 4 Parties: Rote Name&Address Owner SOURCE CAPITA'.CORPORATION 9016 E INDIANA AVE#200 SPOKANE,WA 99212-2454 Taxpayer MDS SHULER LNC. 5613 E 4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE,WA 99212- Property Values. Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular 33970 5970 Market Total S970 $970 Assessed Value 5970 5970 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2(?35 Use Code 91 Residential larld-Urndivided Unit of Measure Sure Feet Size 6475 Field Book Number 442A PART1 OP Exemptions: (Er,d of Report) Run-4/13/2004 12;25:25 PM ASCD037[a5cend30] Page 1 19 SPOKANE COUNTY Property Arzount Sumrrary Account No: 35233.0409 Alternate Property lumber: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address. 4519 E 13TH AVE SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 12 MK 4 Parties: Role Name&Address Owner LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION,INC P 0 BOX 30792 SPOKANE,WA 99223 Taxpayar LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION, INC P 0 BOX 30792 SPOKANE,WA 99223 Property Values: Value Name 2005 2C04 2003 Taxable Value Regular $970 $970 Market Total $970 $970 Assessed Value $970 $974 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Code 91 Residential land-Undivided Unit or Measure Sqc are Feet Sae 5475 Field Bonk Number 442A PART' OP Exemptions: (r=rrd or Report) Run:4/13/2004 12:25:47 PM ASC00137[asCend30) Page I SPOKANE COUNTY Property Account Summary &MIL Account too_: 35233.0302 Alternate Property N umber: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPOKANE.WA Legal: WOODLAND TER L4-5-6 t33 Parties: Role Name&Address Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION 9015 E INDIANA AVE 4200 SPOKANE,WA 99212-24E4 Taxpayer MOS Si-tULER INC. 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE,WA 99212- Property 9212-Prope y Values: Value Marne 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular 52,900 $2,900 52.900 Market Total 52,900 $2,900 $2,900 Assessed Value 52,900 $2,91x4 $2,900 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Cade 91 Residential land Undivided Unit Of Measure Square Feet Size 119575.00 Fire Acres 0A5 Fleid Book Number 00442 OP Exemptions: (and.j ort) €dun: 4/112004 12,32:38 PM ASC-003?(ascend 80] Page 1 SPC}C44N€ COUNTS' Y ' Property Account Summary Account No.: 35233.0304 Altaroate Property Number: Account Type- Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 4701 E 13T11 AVE SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 7 13LK 3 Parties: Role Name&Address Owner LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION, INC P 0 BOX 30792 SPOKANE,WA 99223 Taxpayer LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION, INC P 0 BOX 30792 SPOKANE,WA 99223 Property Values: Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular 11980 58134 Market Total 9880 3980 Assessed Value 5880 $890 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2006 Use Cade 91 Residential land-Undivided Una of 161easure Square Feet Size 6500 Field Bok Nurnt?er 442A PART1 OP Exemptions: (Ertid or Report) Run 4113/2004 12:33:02 PM ASCCO37[ascend30) Page 1 SPOKANE COUNT-r Pro;nerty Account Summary Account No.: 35233.0305 Alternate Property Num her. Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 4705 E13TH AVE SPOKANE.WA Lagar: WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 8$LK 3 Parties! Role Name&Address Owner SUSHINSKIY,ALEKSANDER&ZOYA 4705 E 13TH AVE • SPOKANE,WA 99212 Taxpayer SUSHINSKIY,ALEKSANDER&ZOYA 470E 13TH AVE SPOKANE,WA 95212 Property Values: Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular $880 1880 Market Total 8889 $880 Assessed Value $880 $880 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic VaItto 2005 Use Cede Di Residential land-Undivsded UnIt of Measure Square Feet Size 6500 Hell Bcak Number 4424 PART1 OP Exemptions: (End of Report Run:4/13/2004 12.53°26 PM ASC0437(ascend30) Page 1 SPOKANE COUNT r .111116. Property Account Summary 5 Account No.: 35233.0339 Alternate Property Number: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 4709 E 13TH AVE SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE: LOT 9 RLK 3 Parties: Role Name&Address Owner CUNNINGHAM, SCO—IT I_&TRISHA 4709 E 13TH AVE SPOKANE,WA 59212 Taxpayer CUNNINGHAM,SCOTT L&TRISHA 4709 E 13TH AVE SPOKANE.WA 99212 Property Values: Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxab a Va ue Regular 550 $880 Market Total $880 $850 Assessed Value $880 $887 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use DoCe 91 Residential land-Undivided Unit a1 Measure S•qLare Feet Size ti 500 Field Bock Number 442A PART1 OF Exemptions: (End o(Report) Run:4/13/2004 92:33:48 PM ASC0037 [ascend34) Page 1 SPOKANE COUNT x • l ,,_ Property Account Sum rnary 111 Account No.: 35233.O307 Alternate Property Number: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 situs Address: 4713 E 13TH AVE SPOKANE,WA Legal. WOODLAND TERRACE. PTN OF LOTS 10& 11 FSLIC 3 OAF: BEG SW COR OF LOT 10.TH ALG S UN OF SD LOT 10 S 89'28'57"E 44.12 FT TO PT OF CUR OF 50 FT RAD NON-TANG CUR WJ RAD ERG OF S 52"36'45'E.TH NELY ALG SD CUR THRU on ANGLP OF 9°50'50"LSD FT,Tli N 1'27'27"E 123,34 FT TO N LN OF LOT 1 i,TH ALG N LN OF LOTS 10&i1 N W29'67"W 63.19 FT TO NW COR OF LOT 10,TH ALG W LN OF SC LOT 10 S 0°04"08"E 129.72 FT TO POE Perties: Role Name&Address Owrrer SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION 901E EINDIANA AVE#209 SPOKANE,WA N212-2464 Taxpayer MOS SHULER INC_ 5513 E 4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE,WA 99212- Property Values: Value Name 20D5 21104 21503 Taxable Value Regular son) X90(7 Market Total $900 5940 Assessed Value 59013 $90D Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Code 91 Residential land-Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 6700 Field Buck Number 442A PART1. or Exemptions: (tend of Report) Run:4/13/2004 12:34'10 PM ASC0037 fascend34] Page 1 SPOKANE CQUNTr Property Account Summary Account No.: 35233.0300 Alternate Property Number: AceorurttType: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 4719 E 13TH AVE SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE, FTN OF LOTS 11&12 BD(3 CAF' COMMENCING AT NW Cain OF LOT 10 BLK 3.TH ALG N LN OF LOTS 10&'1 $59`29'57"E 53./9 FT TO TRUE PCB,TH CONTINUING ALG N LN OF LOTS 11 &12 S 89'29'57'E 76.91 FT,TH S$°47'QO'W 119.23 FT TO PT OF CUR OF 50 FT RAD NON-TANG CUR W/RAD BRG OF S 33'53'56"W,T"i W LY ALG SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 76'39'52"65.90 FT,Thi N 1'27'27'E 123.34 FT TO TRUE FOB Parties: Role Name&Address Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION 9018 E INDIANA AVE#200 SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 Taxpayer MDS sHaeR INC. 5.613 E 4Th AVE STE 202 SPOKANE,WA 90212- Property Values: Value Name 20115 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular $1,000 51,090 Merkel Total $1,050 $1,090 Assessed Valu $1,090 31,094 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Code 91 Residential land-Undivided Un1t of Measure Square Feet Size 0100 Field Book Nombnr 442A PART1 OP Exemptions: (End or Report) Run:4f1312004 12:34;35 PM AS DX [ascend30] Page 1 SPOKANE COUNTY L. Property Account Summary lig: Account No.: 35233.0309 Alternate Property Number; Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 4723 E 13TH AVE SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE, PTN OF LOT 12 ELK 3&VAC WILLAMETTE ST DAF: COMMENCING AT NW COR OF LOT 10 ELK 3,TH ALG N LN OF LOTS 10, 11, &12 BLK 3 S 89°29'57"E 130.14 FT TO TRUE P08,TH CONTINUING ALG N LN CF LOT 12 5 896z9'5T'E 19.60 FT TOW ROW LN or VAC WILLAMETTE ST SPOKANE CO RES 4 1-0652,TH N ALG W LN OF SO VAC ROW N 0•04'25'W 5.00 PT,TH S 69`29°57"E 50.00 FT TOE LN OF SD VAC ROW,TH ALG SD E LN$004`25'E 135.78 FT TO S LN OF ELK 2,TH ALO S LN OF BLK 2 EXTO W&S LN OF SLK3 N 89'28"07"W 5559 FT TO PT OF CUR OF 50 FT RAD NON TANG CUR W/RD ERG OF S 5363651"W,TH NWLY ALG SO CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 19"44'55"1723 FT,TH N B°47"00'E 919.23 FT TO TRUE PCB Parties: Role Name&Address Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION 9016 E INDIANA AVE QUO SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 Taxpayer MDS SHULER INC. 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE,WA 99212- Property Values: Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular $1,520 $1,920 Market Total $1,620 $1,52L Assessed Value $1,620 $1,620 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Code 91 Residential land- Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 11750 Field Book Number 442A PART1 OP Exemptions [EridofReport) Run:41f13f2004 12;34:59 PM ASC0037[ascend30j Page 1 22 SPOKANE COUNT). property Account Summary intia Account No.: 35233,03t0 Alternate Property Number: AuntType: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 0 UNKNOWN ADDRESS SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLANDTERr2AOE LOTS 10, 11, &12 FICC PTN OF LOTS 10&11 BLK3 OAF: SEG SW COR OF LOT 10,TH ALG S LN OF SD LOT 10 S 9°28'57"E 44.12 FT TO PT OF CUR OF 50 FT RAD NON-TANG CUR Wi RAD BRG OF S 52°3645'E.TH NELY ALG SD CUR THRID CTL ANGLE OF 9'50'50"5.59 FT,TH N 1°2727"E 123.34 FT TO N LN OF LOT 11,Tai ALG N LN OF LOTS 10&11 N 89°29'57"W 53.19 Fr TO NW COR OF LOT 10,TH ALO W LN OF SD LOT 10 S 0°04'05"E 129.72 FT TO POB EXC PIN OF LOTS 11 &12 BLK 3 OAF: COMMENCING AT NW COR OF LOT 10 BLK 3,TH ALG N LN OF LOTS 10& 11 S 89'20'57"'E 53.19 FT TO TRUE POB,TH CONTINUING ALG N LN OF LOTS 11 &12 S 89°29'5T'E 75.91 FT,TH S 8'47W W 119.23 FT TO PT OF CUR OF 50 FT RAD NON- TANG CUR WI RAD BRG OF S 3753'56"W TH WLY ALG SD CUR THRU CTL ANGLE OF 75'39'52"66.90 FT,TH N 1'27'27'E 123.34 FT TO TRUE POR&EXC PTN OF LOT 12 BLK 3&VAC WILLAMETTE ST DAF: COMMENCING AT NW CCR OF LOT 10 BLK 3,TH ALG N LN OF LOTS 10, 11,&12 BLK 3$35'20'57"E 130.10 FT TO TRUE POB, TH CONTINUING ALG N LN OF LOT 12 S B9'2g'57`E 19.50 FT TOW ROW LN OF VAC WILLAMETTE ST SPOKANE CO RES#1-0652,TK N ALG W LN OF SO VAC ROW N 0"04'25"W 5.00 FT,TH S 85°29'57"E 60.00 FT TO E IN OF SD VAC ROW.TH ALG SDE LN S 0'04'25"E 135.78 FT TO S LN OF BLK 2,TH AL3 S LN OF BLK 2 EXTO Vel& LN OF BLIC3 N 89'2f3'S7"W 85.59 FT TO PT OF CUR OF 50 FT RAD NON-TANG CUR WI RD BRC OF S 53°38251" W,TH NAY ALG SD CUR TH RU CIL ANGLE OF 19°44'55"17.23 FT,TH N$"47'00"E 119.23 FT TO TRUE FOB Parties: Role Name&Address Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION 9018E INDIANA AVE#239 SPOKANE,WA 99212-2454 Taxpayer MOS SHULER INC. 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE,WA 99212- Property Values: Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular $130 $130 Market Total $130 $130 Assessed Value $130 $130 Property CharacteriStiC$: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2095 Use Code 91 Residential land-Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 675 Field Bonk Number 442A PART1 OP Exempllons: (End of Reporr) Run:4/1312004 12;37:00 FMi AS00037[ascend3O] Page 1 } 23 SPOKANECOUNT"). Property Account Summary Account No,: 35233.0311 Alternate Property Number: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 4717 S 12TH AVE SPOKANE,WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE: l 1,2 OF LOTS 1 &2 ELK 3 TOG WI PTN VAC WILLAMETTE ST LYG N OF S LN CF N 112 OF SDLOT1 BLK 3EXT ETOWLI OF ELK 2&LYG S OF N LN CF BLK 3 EXTETOWLNOFBLK2 Parties: Role Dame K Address Owner SOURCE CAPITAL CORPORATION 9015 E INDIANA AVE#200 SPOKANE,WA 98212-2464 Taxpayer MOS SHULER INC. 5813 E 4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE.WA S9212- Property Val 9212-PropertyVal ues: Value Name 2005 2004 2003 Taxable Value Regular sS1,340 $1,340 Market Total $1,340 $1,340 Assessed Value $1,340 $1,340 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2x35 Use Code 91 Residential land-Undivided Unit of Measure Square Feet Size 1 0400 Field Book Number 44ZA PART1 OP Exemptions: (End of Roo 24) Run:411312004 12:38:38 PM ASC0037 ascend3o] Page 1 2-(1 Alai; SPOKANE OUNf Property Account Summary Account No.: 362310312 Alternate Prolaerty Number: Account Type: Real Property TCA: 0140 Situs Address: 4715E 12TH AVE SPOKANE.WA Legal: WOODLAND TERRACE: S 1/2 OF LOTS 1 P 2 &ALL CF LOT 3 BLK 3 TOG 1N!PTN VAC WILLAMETTE ST LNG S OFN LN OF S 1e2OFLOT 1 ELK3 EXT E TO W LN OF BLK 2&NOF CTR LN OFALLEY N 13LK 3EXT E TO Vi LH OF ELK 2 Parties: Rola Name&Address Owner SDU€ E CAPITAL CORPORATION 0016 E INDIANA AVE#200 SPOKANE,WA 99212-2464 Taxpayer MOS SHULER INC. 5613 E 4TH AVE STE 202 SPOKANE.WA 99212- Property Values: Value Name 2005 2004. 2003 Taxable Value Regular $2.140 $2.140 Market Total $2.140 $2,140 Assessed Value $2,140 $2,140 Property Characteristics: Tax Year Characteristic Value 2005 Use Cede 91 Residential land-Undivided U iL of Measure Square Feet Size 16900 Field Slink Number 442A PART1 CP Exemptions: (End of Rap art) Run:4/13/2004 12:3D:01 PM ASC0037[as4erd301 Page 1 SUPERIOR COURT OF'NASpCTON FOR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of Nona OF PUBLIC HEiC } No. STREET VACATION City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF PTCI TSH [NG STV-02-04/Andrew&Joanne Del I"ozzi ) -NOTICE- ) STATE OF WASH[NG TON ) )Ss. County of Spokane ) MICEimii..f1W7: ii ,being Fall duly swern on math deposin mad says[bathe la tlrc h x ec eortok,al The Spokane VolleyNews!-bred,aweeklynewapaaper.TklntnaidnewspmperLSaEcga]ncwaper and[thaw wand has.teenier mare than six mon thr Floc to the date of the puttleaUun heminaf ter reterred to,published in the En.Lsl+language ralhdhinually m a weekly rlewspag2rinSpokane Caentx,Washington,aatdUtarow and duringRrit a tdlimlewasprinteaInallldf Witt MAW uldneda!the aro NMI d *nee of publicalionaf said niwspaptr,whlehaeld newapaper Lied tech approved as a ie gat newspaper by order of the Sug+crloa Cowl of theShlteofWreplasgtocttoand For SpataneCooaty.ThatthefellbwingLaanue copyists pubi3enotice ooIt, publIshed las regular ianurff enalra ndngen the IEeh y ai At d 2 KA„ end ending the T61 4 .•r F}7 1 &dusk. Eutd that swell !newspaper was eegrilarly distributed to Eb eubealberr dualaigall of amid perk& de Hopp el i Vormics 101144.14 -Streit 1uedQ1 City of 9pob111. ir f . Haemo Date ma nn Nasi 12.7635 CRIf ED a `SWORNbefore before me 'mn oa 111 Peer s�iris th Ley ctlr • this 16th�f April,2004. Cglrsyc I)t.rilaM7, is E 8m4µ■Av0. 5v1la 101,BOUaip YiIlmr.41M MM. Fadden.ar onyllindir mxulrtas mo.lndhid. State of Washington ,els..W+rJnndl-16e CCU nty of Spokane 0 pp:Ic.an:$1' 244:(1+.41 Yeennhn `I t" nac!laa'ael marl ee c1'T.n4va Spekon., IZC,P.sdryr rep.li,C,Meme sod&ann.M. 1 car t fy the t I knm vrorhaire sa tisfartoryet idenrethat fel 1'a,>m,and[Ultleed Ce4tlthlid es 116.aal- Ihp ml idol epplamrµc me Twilled.V.Ckr Michael Huffman is the n whoa ed before email Ina sd Term p riah>• '!'a1°r I.1 rner and said person ac�ledged That he signed the Wo.ddul Tl.na pW 1 t tIw ttA�.Ray go.lsa,Qaewnl a,a dada:nt mai+ this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free Fan'▪ rt24h 44,1148 st Ovum*ane liadd end Molar Etude IOW .0 ••RA ra�f�ir and voluntary act for the uses and purposes met- al Mnaraie Rank and U a mike.ed 7911 �r.'4$;4�aN` `h tinned in he instrurne F1S- JSu+.r4 9arrrorrl Mild linen IMG CaYnl'k1m 4.- .1h Prnpa.ml l,=LLdon:The.tr.au dreamed E I ritrumr '[u voneilon are lamnel bidet.a HLYana PUEILIC j v Fl9id 617 ars. ai Canelo Rend 9n de. Y �.l p oast,5211 Somme a or.rho nerd!aria Tdth y. ,4;Jolene R n#z Aaummon as Ind Mil In Vie 1160901 Cu TONDOS OR leer r FI■r leaned In ae.mau%mail quarter 01Emocii +49 e tl '� .,+ Title: MOt3r'r]}lt��_1C Eau,el-!lienar Morklorn Work,n;9,tnerinhyp id N84ckru Conn* frit!rI71lllt51;�k4 My appointment expires: 54547 IVdl51r109 1, N.mrdim Bade.The.mimed d#,i hai2 l.n MIS�rdyerd rho ire-mimed yd�lk hewing. A:.▪etma �Jy hO P.4144 c{?omlr'mmtaolel!Weird aarrm71n+rpn thd.n o S n.71F.Perin V+r.Wim rac sml IA.ti.Clay ions!ladra eg9rldol tee1. Li rmplelil Erten*,•arose 19 ens 11 in, 6nirlwltn.G4Gel ISlramt tyarllano1- E.Nrr,n mental Rendre:Idar.ermi 1a WC- 151742411.h.Cit nwtan d p°aaa cr le dinraidea@r mewl Iron a 2. hid 0&.r- ▪ ,re En,'ItrwoanL1i hapsi dimmed! nedirealaaly utdar fn nlcrh'ou al 4n shied En erten nrrwt cert eel, dma11 Amort end Idler wider Peskier n S laty rppore ane retia,risen dell2R Id cha Naad'i 6ramlgr',A is avatahla Inc ids Pim (do tartan{7)coin er 6.}l 114;n hm.- 1,1 Y[may new-.Ulla steel Nod and Me Imrlea.n tl:61)a.m.meed ems a.m.ND1aLR5" Fader,miming.ldlmey..is the City oa Spalgina 4ellgy Cin,75.n I1,1 t7d1d DIAL Spreara Ai,..SY.lah 160,0rxiotal Valley. M y$aaa.You Mine claroe8 a nommen'rnrr re:any,.inn I the IIIb ran Milt IS monis Wilton oar monk may be■unit%II.a is c+e UP/a*tam ANY ppegweily Gn..la e mall Dedardniet Lon*F.rrina esv.len. coeKm*SfIrime.AI^Q,Cercer,l tlanrilp tireeel,117t0.E.Fonda Aro,..51.114.1120. Spdnl.ru erall WA Mice.Rama Ipldammle .,il ide rdvaram r.fr$nt In dna nameaecarr neat.na an no bas di'1t,.em.0111.EAF mai wprmort,pas>we call l t. a ue>rm.a Imormirderd.pekaea,,flrrJdp. CiMine nendrdpa FS1y CU", Wore Vale/ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,'WASHINGTON ON RESOLUTION NO. 044109 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON,SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE AND TIME FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO CONSIDER STREET VACATION REQUEST STV-02414 PURSUANT NST TO RCW 35.79.010. CJI-IEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has received a Street Vacation application (City Reference No. STV-02-04) from South Terrace Spokane, LLC,Rocky Top,LLC, Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi, and Lindsey Construction, Inc. acting as joint applicants that requests the City vacate the following public rights-of-ways in the Woodland Terrace Plat 1) the public alley extending through Blocks 2, 3 and 4; 2} a portion of 13d` Avenue west of Chronicle Road; 3) portions of Lloyd and Custer Streets west of Chronicle Road; and 4) a portion of 12th Avenue between Lloyd Road and Chronicle Road; and, WHEREAS, RCW 35.79.1]117 specifies that the legislative authority shall establish by resolution the time when a Street Vacation application shall be considered by the legislative authority or a committee thereof; and, WHEREAS, the City Council approved Ordinance No. 04.042 establishing regulations and procedures for the processing of vacations of public streets (hereafter referred to as "Street Vacation"); and, WHEREAS, Section 10 of Ordinance No. (14-402 specifics that the Planning Commission shall conduct the public hearing required pursuant to RCW 35.79.010, and shall develop and forward a recommendation for a requested Street Vacation to the City Council; and, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County,Washington, as follows: Section 1. Establishment of Public Hearin Date and Time for STV-02-04. The required public hearing before the Planning Commission for Street Vacation Request STV-02-04 shall be conducted on May 13, 2004 beginning at 6.30 p.m, in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall of the City of Spokane Valley, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full farce and effect on April 13, 2004. Adopted this 13th day of April 2004, CITY OF VALLEY Michael DeVleming, yor -`Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Ali- oved Gla r • er Cary P. riskell,Dep 'City Attorney Resolution Na_04-DO9:Establishment of Pudic Hearing Late and Time far STV-02-44 Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT 7 04/12/04 MON 09:J4 FAX 309 892 4125 SP0FANE VALLEY FIRE DEPT 1J015 ``"s Ater SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT CV- '6;c Spokane County Fire District 1 1D319 EAST SPRAGUE AVE. + SPOKANE.WA 94246.3676 • coin 418-170D FAX(904}8924125 WA WIC Gr®N6r Chia( April 160 2004 Kevin Snyder, Planning Manager City of Spokane Valley 111707 E, Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 9920 RE: Street Vacation STV-02-04 Dear Mr. Snyder: The Spokane Valley Fire Department has no objection to this street vacation. Sincerely, 674/4? Kevin Miller Deputy hire Marshal KM/sz r4risI• Whin A'7vESTA' 1411 Eastkirsicn POBnr3727 Spoken e,Wastington 9922413727 Telephono Tull Free 8oa7 .im Fa nitrate W495.g734 RECEIVED APR 142ffli April 14,2004 SPOKANE VOLLEY CCJMMUr TyDEVELOPMENT Kevin I, Snyder, ATCP City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE; STV-02-04 Dear Kevin. Thank you for allowing us to respond to STV02-04, Avista has no facilities within the proposed vacation area on of 12 Avenue and 13th Avenue. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at(509)495-8536. Siuctrely, Priscilla Sprague Real Estate Assistant cc: Claude Kaler, Avista 4954441 sn orlilimn u!MI=Coro. SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INTEROFFICE MEMO DATE. April /3,2004 TO: Kevin Snyder, AIC? Current Planning Manager, City of Spokane Valley Dept. of Community Development FROM: Donald Copley, EHS II-EHD, SRFILD SUBJECT: Request for Street Vacation STU-02-04 (South Terrace Spokane LLC) The Spokane Regional Health District has no continent on this Request for Street Vacation. a, tt.'-r,2-o4 S rcrraom Sp,LLcnh Kevin Snyder From: Dawn Dampier Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 20D4 2:12 PM To: Kevin Snyder Subject; STV C2-04 Building Division has no comments. Dawn bompier Permit Specialist Building Division 11707 East Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 688-0036 Direct) (509) 688-0037 (Fax) 11:05 a,m. —11;35 4. STP-02-04'Request for street° vacation:of portions StaffPlanra r. a_m of 12t° Avenue. a public alley 'hit+.peen 12'4 Avenue Kevin Snyder, AL/CP and 13`° Avenue and a port on of 13th Avenue Current Planrring.Manager originally plotted it the' xroodlane Terrane plat. 509.688,0045(pi?) 509.921.1006(ix) ksnyderspakarnevarley.orq Requested Attendees: John Hohman, P.EJSandra Raskell, P.E./Don Ramsey, Spokane Valley Engineering Division; Steve Worry, P.E., Spokane Valley Capital Projects; Robert MacDonald, Spokane Valley Operations and Maintenance; City of Spokane Utilities; Steve Holderby, Spokane Regional Health DistTiot; Ron Edgar, Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority; Kevin Miller, Spokane County Fire District #1; Tom Scholtens/Dawn Dompier, Spokane Valley Building Division; Mark Anderson, Spokane School District#81; Greg Snyder, City of Spokane Valley Polioe Department; Gordon Howell, Spokane Transit Authority; Claude Kaler, Avista; Don Hartzog, °west; Rich Barnes! Bryan Richardson, Comcast; Robert Braun, SEFNCO Corrrnunioations (Consultant to Comc:ast) 11:35 a.rn.— 11:45 5. Wra llp a-rn, t i1 City of Spokane Valley "'gelid° PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE City of Spokane Valley City Hall, �, Veradale Conference Room ne 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite lac 000Valley Spokane Valley, WA 99206 April 14, 2004 - 10:00 A_M..- 11;45 A.M. • Please submit your agency's written comments via mail, fax, e-mail or in person to the designated staff planner for each project your agency is reviewing by APRIL 14, 2004- ♦ Please find attached submitted application material for your review and comment. AGENDA 10;00 a.m.- +. IntroductionslCtuestionsiComrnenfs 10:05 am, 110:05 a.m. - 10:35 2. SUB-a5-04: Request for preliminary plat approval Siaff Planner: a.m.. for the subdivision of 11.6 acres in the Urban Mrcki Harno s. Pesident°al-7 (UR-7*) zoning designation into fifty- Associate P1annor five (55) residential lots. 509.666.004e(pn) 509,-921.1008(fx) • rnharnorsr spQ$anevatley_or9 Requested Attendees; John Hohman, P.EiSandra Raskell, P.E.IDon Ramsey, Spokane Valley Engineering Division; Jim Red, Spokane County Division of Utilities; Steve Holderby, Spokane Regional Health District; Ron Edgar, Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority; Robert Ashoraft, Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19; Kevin Miller, Spokane County Fire District #1; Tom Scholten&Dawn Dampier, Spokane Valley Building Division; Dave Jackman, Central Valley Schcoi District # 356; Greg Snyder, City of Spokane Valley Police Department; Gordon Howell, Spokane Transit Authority; Claude Karel-, Avista: Don HarIzvg, Qwest; Rich 5arnesf Bryan Richardson, Comcast; Robert Braun, SEF NCO Communications (Consultant to Compost) 1 10:35 w,m• - 1105 3. STV-01-044: Request for street Tvacation of'e portion Staff Mannar' a ni oaf. the 15th Avenue p.ibli:c right-of-way abuttino Kavir7 Snyder, Aifp Parcel Nos. 35243.1041 and .'32.43 '1014 The Cjrreni Planning Manager :portion o= 151" Ave:iue requested `rw vacation 509 688.0045(ph) measures 6d feet wide by 192.5 long fora total area 509.927 7008(f.+r) of 11,55{1 square feet. ksrryder spokaneveeyvo.ry Requested Attendees: John Hellman, P.E.JSand-a Rask.ell, P.EJDon Ramsey, Spokane Valley Engineering Division; Steve Worley, P.E., Spokane Valley Capital Projects; Reber MacDonald, Spokane Valley Operations and Maintenance; Jim Red, Spokane County Division of Utilities: Stove Holderby, Spokane Regional Health District; Ron Edgar, Spokane County Air Pollution Control-Authority;- Ty Wick, Spokane County Water District No. 3; Kevin Miller, Spokane County Fire District #1; Tom ScholtensiDawn Dampier, Spokane Valley wilding Division; Mark Anderson, Spokane School District 1$81; Greg Snyder, City of Spokane Valley Police Department, Gordon Howell, Spokane Transit Authority, Claude Keler, Avista; Don Hartzog, Qwest; Rich Barnes! Bryan Richardson, Comcast; Robert Braun, SEFNCC3 Communications(Consultant to Comcast) ewiarr PLANNING COMMISSION Spoka� PUBLIC HEARING \itliey STREET VACATION REQUEST : STV-02 -04 May 13, 2004 STV-02-04 - SUMMARY: Street Vacation request by South Terrace Spokane, LLC, Rocky Top, LLC, Andrew and Joanne M. Del Pozzi, and Lindsey Construction, Inc. acting as joint applicants. • Request is to vacate the following public rights-of- ways in the Woodland Terrace Plat 1 ) the public alley extending through Blocks 2, 3 and 4; 2) a portion of 13th Avenue west of Chronicle Road ; 3) portions of Lloyd and Custer Streets west of Chronicle Road ; and 4) a portion of 12th Avenue between Lloyd Road and Chronicle Road. Street Vacation requests are reviewed pursuant to the procedures and criteria specified in Ordinance No. 04-002. 700411M03- MP%0 PA ral---''-W 7 I _i_i !P ,i1P" '11W0g1: "' 011.7Aff# '''''A.., . 4,0,4 ...• .. ..),*--4-.a - =-1' _.,.4 --,--:,-r--,3'‹ - ... illeill =I=ME op.r.- Ir< -1'':ir-_ - ., .11.1101110"Wair'e -. --..,,,,S :_di Awitee„...itiviil r Mil"ifill 'Idle - ' .04101W0P1.1. 2.415.4. ;,%.,--- ISM r-_ ea;01•11111 _. ,e _.,,,,,-;&''Spte.f....,,e,0 r_iirtil-----1-4,-.074#1:40soreor- 1 4,00 -0-;,, B a'7 � _ • tom - - 111 KM w - -- _- y . -MIME UUIT� !P ' ; iE - . .._. y ilk- uuui•uuiui . Il Noir _ _ I E ■ lin 11111111111 . 1 11 111111 _ 18111 , .-- 'RE ' IIIIIIIIIMINIII111111 iuiNIIII ' iiikka mom r>.,-..e.;-''-'''', ', . ., '... -..r,..,,,,,..., -;>.r.._....,,,.,'---'- ..0,-''.1'.-'5...,1.-.:„,.e e-/-?,,.,.,_,,,,-;_..,_..,__...„r.,„..,•-,„„..74-/-2.,-•••••-;#:,, ,•--r, -',...,.......>,..:e...*•' ..r....,:: ::f.P':'''''''. .A 5,-,,...." ,..•- _....,,,...e i.d.,„..-';,_,,:r`-.'-- f . �. ,.,..,_<:•••'' '''':.er-''''''''-'-'',-' ,-v.•''-''''','' -- ,, :-r'` °.''','' '''''' ''''. -- .- -e""'-':'-,''''.;;'''''''-:,r••`-...."."--.'"'/-,,il Z AI'r4' .:',.>:',•al'''-';';''''''', ...,....,,,,..,;.,..,2.,.„..:..,.:.,,:.,,i.,..,„,.,...,...„,''„,, _.,..,,.::,;,:,,,,,,, '*P:.:,_oF.5: 1,,,,,'''."..,)'>1., ,,,,,,, F. VICINITY _.„..PIIAP j� _ u-. i 22.,ga c. Mi 1 1 i 4, ig i-1-17,7-37-4.Z.16119 1 IU5.23 •1-M8-34- 1 6.4:-'1 tiit1_35 7 N___. 744-f• UR K — . .I.%---- I - 7' -5\ 1 — , _, UR-3.5 6, At 1 I --- .. 1-- I — — _ , _ — I . • — . • - -- - - UF1-3...A Z38 4 -4.- L 411.•;...1. 520.11H•491 _ _- - -_,-- ---- _. I _ - - - - 7.i., — 1 Ulgt-Z!-5 1 79G• .- 1 ---_ -__ .• _..- °_ __ - _ ., . 79,C - - ' • - - - - : - _ • - • = - _ _.-1-- --__ il, _ _., -_. —1.- ---- LI Pi-3.,15,228 -111 r --i • - _ • __ _ _ _ ..., _ _ - __ - Itti-ti.-AK bak- -- - - - . •-= -: _- . - I • - - i 1 - -- - • - • - - _ . _ - - - - • -.. • . _. - . ,- 7 _i • _ _ i ,..-- - i •., - — . R15 95C - . . • ' - - - - - " = --Z-. - :: 1 - ._•-- -- - - -- - - I _ . _ - • - _ - - - - = - — - - -• , - , _ I --'-.- . 4. ____ 541 1 U14-3-714.Aar-Mr-1 1 _ UR-3,5 0.-4 5 _ _- _ _ _ i 1. —7,---,..-1- - i . •"'9'-'7'-'-'T i _ II 1 • . , • , ff- _ I liof 4,cl-:"' ''..."._,••• ".Z;;I.A el.7.1.: LO F11-3_5 41.4 50 1 —!--- ' -- 1 , 1 1 I "1-1 . ii77- _*IL 44 sie3 I f—Llfitet---1 . 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'S `. - - f.`'Vr ,,_ 4 r ' .� r5` alr� -"I—_.ilMig'2—...'''',...-- East Along 12th Avenue from Current intersection with Lloyd Avenue .4 . 4 I-- . 1 A ' ''•.', • id' t' . 1•••4. ' •• ' Fi•• ',-;;;-, 1 i7 . .. - ... • . • 1 :- . ..: . Ar:riel. -• ..... ..p„,-, • ' 41. -' ' r - - ;14',,'-,. - '' . .'''. '-`1';,;:-,, , ,. •, .,, -, , 1 .' ...),..4,' -..=.‘-..--- 11 l. ,`-i' '' .1.-- --..:,.., •--•• / -...".t4, -- _ rd.,x1, - nik 4 I-F--4-f.-,L .1-.'"- .' --'-- ;-.7, - -, ' : , :;',,.- ------ A'• -1. ,,,_`,°, ,,, .... . ,,.. ... • ,:••. '.-''''; -"'"'*"-TIAL_,_._,------.-;-------'';'-'-''";'1,;.-: 4.,,,,,4 4• - - ' . -'-' -,`"N:7"-..i. - -.•;.„,., --,.7 „;- ..4----.-7--- ' ----.....- •:---' ..-- - 2-'-4•,......7-*"'"'-ir-',•447.4..'"'" '''' •. .:,. ..:_..----" 7... - .F ir.,A -1-' -- - --'.....;• — " '''-; - :ik, ... ..7 '4...--:-... "." 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' 4 �l� ,?,,,,_. . r��• Rte- ',.yam+.. ,. a • r, kl, — - a e.. . : _. .. ..• y . • - �� tea"' - - �Ada�k7...._..,...... _ :, _t.. +..u - .,_ ... - S t --yd}µ - - _v '' , • .... es ) r . , pu 71 _. a •--wi: ' :-m _ ra. ice' a 4 t � - . . r.7 6� a... •. .: : ..r _ • _ " �,a _'ma ' —.—: _ r -- .- �` ..,-'.1'y a+ x • t:._. � fd 4 tis . . � k• SFr A L:.!-• a P rtion of Lloyd Street Proposed for Street Vacation 4 ..mayy ti • ■ pyo • .. .T �'� - •' f in ■ * 1 ; r I- y *yI. / 1' i • r �r !. 11.12. ' ,.__. ..,.... .. py[�Ir 6 rim; ____ _.- v ,:. ...._ __..__„....... , '4 , s. VII triA/ 'a r -yam w,- . _ _ " --lw • L `x° _i{ l_ 1r r - '-i. . A .L.... Voo_. _ -- c ;,do- _.,,74 r . "` �4 Z - �_ - s�-e rte.. '.` i `<`�.- - xr►•^' F�-ei�"a!7aF..4'Tii�rlr " +-,e-.+y - ,.,b.- �,6iw 3.es'a`��-"T�`9.: }4 • i ..`• . .t ' .t fti,..*_ -. '. fiw " • y _ ,. a - . _ R _ . S - '4-.-" .A4- g: '� pj r . . -�,,. .� _ � _ ' - �.#'.; Portion of Custer Street Proposed for Street Vacation 4IP S _I -.. -10."-l :►. .. - . .fir• ,r • .ter+ ' ig, , '' -" ,; r wwd _ - "- a ,._ a• ..,;,„_,.':!-`',.7:-' , i may. t. I ..:.'1-t-."..."1',"."•!‘-q-';--7--3.-:."1•.-;•7--,,C3-•;- t1- 4 'fix, S `a. ''-'-',-,',?..=1,11• .y .1_ - _ y ssa }- a '"yat { , id • i}- 't .,'.1,4-'4,:•-;_° rH - -,;., ....... , ......,,,N __ _ _ 741 • I ,F'• w- 4 'yA 73 k^ _ -,r-eG!` f _.,ie.e*r. L • :z�r..1-,-".1.1--e•- s r: -`..4-. '�[ 'r + .Y ,p rk . 7.tr-sem i d _ 4' 'r wS 4t.... �-. 01 • Ve6.:: r 3 3;- -'{ {�i 4.-,',',.,--:-,,,,, _ •.r ` - cr , ti •-,."--•-•a•-•1 W.'.� re k r 'Y '" ✓3-- +_r+'TM i; ,. '' • '~ k - ren - '� 3 '' e - * It 1301 Avenue East to Current Cul-De-Sac Terminus C „Ili v 0..soti. __. dik - r_ . . -�` ,, ' k �yFuture Temporary ! ' _ -lam ' e -.r • East from CurrentTerminusof 13th Avenue Approx. 30% Slope Approx. 20-30% Slope gay -! - •r ,,i r' , S. , .t.,eil • 411' i. fi - -. _ I. West from Carnahan Road d to 13th Avenue 12th Avenue Public R-O-W Proposed for Street .- Vacation 3 PyA -—. k•1 1!• •„ +� 1 ,r P "- L t1•..� • ■'iuv 4 i "1F' A x: ,{yam. ` I .T, f r .. X11. ',7:'P-i,: 7} d. .,.4, ."' r. :f. - 1• ref -A� + _ i. r • lh -. _ 'i - •• it • • nn ilirowNel __._. • ' .. i . fi F " 1 � -,5 - ..=tom„ - - --- - ---- ----- - 8th • h Avenue Entrance to Spokane Rock Products (North of Street Vacation Proposal) STAFF FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Complies with Procedural Requirements & Criteria of Ordinance No. 04-002 Staff Recommendation = Recommend Conditional Approval to City Council per recommended conditions in 05-06-04 Staff Report Recommendation StiokaneValle y Spokane Valley - 2025 A 20 Year Plan for Spokane Valley Community Development Department May 13th, 2004 Purpose • Review the standards applicable to the Housing element of the Comprehensive Plan • Identify issues • Receive public input on housing issues within the community Housing • GMA requires a Housing Chapter • GMA Statewide Planning Goal #4: • Encourage the availability of affordable housing to all economic segments of the population of this state , promote a variety of residential densities and housing types and encourage the preservation of existing housing stock. ( RCW 36.70A.020) Requirements • An inventory and analysis of existing and projected housing needs. • A statement of goals and policies for housing preservation , improvement, and development. • Identification of sufficient land area for the number of needed housing units. • A strategy and policy for meeting the housing needs of all economic segments of the community. • Encouragement for innovative land use management techniques • The Steering Committee of Elected Officials will be considering updates to the County-wide Planning Policies in June • The following slides include changes proposed by a committee of Planning Directors within the County • The proposed changes focus on eliminating the irrelevant, the impossible and the redundant • The link between transportation and housing is recognized as increasingly important Proposed '1 . Each jurisdiction's comprehensive plan shall specify the strategies for attaining its affordable housing objectives. These strategies should include a diverse mix of housing types and prices, including low-income housing . 2. Each jurisdiction's comprehensive plan shall include policies and strategies to promote accessibility to service/activity centers, and jobs. 3. Each jurisdiction's development policies, regulations and standards should provide for the opportunity to create affordable housing in its community; such policies may include regulatory tools, such as inclusionary zoning , performance/impact zoning , mixed-use development and incentives for increasing density to promote greater choice and affordable housing . Proposed 4. Each jurisdiction shall ensure that standards in existing or future development regulations facilitate rehabilitation, restoration and relocation of existing structures or new construction of affordable housing . 5. In conjunction with other policy topics, coordinate . housing , transportation , and economic development strategies to ensure that sufficient land and densities for affordable housing are provided in locations readily accessible to employment centers. 6. Each jurisdiction's comprehensive plan and development regulations shall recognize and incorporate the mandates of federal and state fair housing laws, particularly as they relate to siting and development of housing for special-needs populations. Criteria INDIVIDUAL NEIGHBORHOOD • Household Composition • Neighborhood Character • Ownership vs. rental • Access to Services • Tenure • Access to transportation / • Family Income Pedestrian Oriented Development • Special Needs Populations • Lifestyle Choice • Elderly • Disabled • Homeless • Single Adults a Drug/Alcohol Addictions • Mental Illness • Felony Convictions • Families • Drug I Alcohol Addictions I Manufacture • Single parent households • Domestic Violence • Well — paying jobs/ Affordable housing Preliminary Estirnates* • Persons/household (average) • Owner-occupied 2.66 • Renter 2.46 • Married couple 52.8% • Married couple wlchildren< 18 years 28.8% • Householder living alone 26.0% • Female Head of Household 11 .0% • With children < l8year 7.3% • Head of Household > 65 years 9.1 % • Households with persons > 65 years 21 .1 % * Demographic & Economic Analysis of Spokane Valley inventory Housing Tenure Rental 32% Ow ner- ccupied 68% 7.5% . 26 .5% c multi-family ■ single-family ❑ mobile homes 66 .0 % Preliminary Estimates* % SF, % 1990 - % .before Duplex % 10+ DU 2000 1940 City 67.4% 15.5% 19.6% 6.3% Washington 65.4% 14.4% 21 .7% 12.5% Yardley 70.3% ' 10.0% 5.3% 19.7% Millwood Area 65.7% 19.2% 15.0% 16.1 % Dishman-Mica 72.8% 13.1% 14.0% 6.3% Opportunity 68.3% 19.0% 13.6% 3.6% Veradale 73.4% 14.0% 26.6% 4.5% Greenacres 68.8% 0.0% 26.7% 10.7% Trentwood 70.3% 4.6% 17.8% 6.5% * Demographic & Economic Analysis of Spokane Valley 2000 H.U.D. Income Levels by Household Size #Persons per Household 1 2 2.5* 3 4 Extremely Low Income (30% of median) $10,744 $13,103 $13,939 $14,775 $16,401 Affordable HSG Payment*** $224 $273 $290 $308. $342 Affordable Rent $269 $328 $34B $369 $410 Affordable House Prices**' $32,232 $39,308 $41,817' $44,326 $49,202 Very Low Income (50% of Median) $19,050 $21,838 $23,232 $24,625 $27,334 Affordable HSG Payment*** $397 $455 $484 $513 $569 Affordable Rent $476 $546 $581 $616 $683 Affordable House Prices**** $57,149 $65,513 $69,695 $73,876 $82,003 Low Income (80% of median)** $28,956 $33,193- $35,312 $37,431 $41,548 Affordable HSG Payment*** $603 $692 $736 $780 $866 Affordable Rent $724 $830 $883 $936 $1,039 Affordable House Prices**** $86,867 $99,580 $105,936 $112,292 $124,644 Median Income (100% of median) $38,100 $43,675 $46,463 $49,251 $54,668 Affordable HSG Payment*** $794 $910 $968 $1,026 $1,139 Affordable Rent $952 $1,092 $1,162 $1,231 $1,367 Affordable House Prices**** $114,299 $131,026 $139,389 $147,752 $164,005 Upper Income (120%) $45,720 $52,410 $55,756 $59,101 $65,602 Affordable HSG Payment"*" $952 $1,092 $1,162 $1,231 $1,367 Affordable Rent $1,143 $1,310 $1,394 $1,478 $1,640 Affordable House Prices**** $137,159 $157,231 $167,267 $177,303 $196,806 Housing Needs • 1 , 980 Spokane Valley households currently receiving housing assistance or are living in subsidized housing • 400 units paid for through Section 8 rental vouchers • 1 ,208 SHA developed rental units funded in whole or part by Washington State Housing Trust Fund dollars, Housing bonds, and Low-income tax Credits, 27% affordable to those 60% of median income or below • 329 SHA subsidized rental units • 24 SHA public housing rental units • 19 SNAP domestic violence transitional housing units ISSUES • Unique Spokane Valley characteristics • Elusive data specific to Spokane Valley • Local vs. regional solutions — if local should it be Regulatory? • Incentives? • Direct provision? • Normal neighborhood recycling • One size does not fit all — special cases • Impact on economic development strategies • Conflict between Neighborhood Character and housing need and how to deal with both • "Accessory Residential" — i.e. "granny flats" • Minimum lot size and dimensional standards • Buffering adjacent uses • CDBG alternatives Priorities & Implementation Strategies • Order of Priorities • Implementation strategies in many cases should depend on direction from the community on the issues outlined CHAPTER FIVE - HOUSING 5.0 introduction Home ownership and affordable housing have long been recognized as a foundation of social stability. During the decade of the SO's, the Spokane area's economy experienced a downturn due to high interest rates and a recession in the resource-based industries, especially mining and forestry. The result was a depressed housing market that created some of the most affordable housing in the country. The early 90's were a period of high employment growth in the Spokane region, which caused housing shortages. Home values and rents increased at annual rates 0115 percent and greater. Housing affordability suddenly became a serious problem. Since the mid-to late 90's, housing prices in the Spokane area have moderated and affordability has increased to the point that the housing supply in Spokane County is among the most affordable in the state. This chapter was prepared in conjunction with the Land Use chapter of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan. Together they provide a holistic view of how housing stock may be expanded and improved to meet the City's housing needs over the next 20 years. The emphasis of this chapter is on preserving the high quality of existing residential neighborhoods while improving housing opportunities for low-income families and persons with special housing needs.These housing needs were identified in Spokane County's 2003-2004 Consolidated Plan and by the Spokane Housing Authority. The Growth Management Act (GMA) requires that housing issues be addressed in both the Land Use and blousing chapters. To gain a full picture of how new housing will be provided in Spokane Valley, both chapters should be read.As a general rule, the Land Use chapter describes what densities will be permitted in the various neighborhoods of the City and makes recommendations for how new residential neighborhoods should be designed so that they are a positive addition to the community.The Housing chapter focuses on the demand for new housing,the availability of a range of housing types and styles, and on the housing needs of low and moderate income families, special needs populations, and the homeless. 5.1 Planning Context 5.1.1 Washington State Growth Management Act Washington's state wide planning goal number four requires cities to, "...encourage the availability of affordable housing to all economic segments of the population and to promote a variety of residential densities and housing types," It also encourages "preservation of existing housing stock."The GMA discourages conversion of undeveloped land, '...into sprawling, low-density developments." (RCW 36.70A.020, 1990 Supp.) The GMA requires that the Housing chapter include' An inventory and analysis of existing and projected housing needs. Updated 5/6/2004 • A statement of goals and policies for housing preservation, improvement, and development. • Identification of sufficient land area for the number of needed housing units, including government assisted housing, housing for low income families, mobile/manufactured housing, multiple family housing, and special needs housing. This defines the amount of land that the City must designate for housing in the Land Use chapter. • A strategy and policy for meeting the housing needs of all economic segments of the community. • Encouragement for innovative land use management techniques to enhance affordable housing opportunities, including density bonuses, cluster housing, planned unit developments, and transfer of development rights. 5.1.2 County Wide Planning Policies The County Wide Planning Policies (CWPP's) required by GMA (ROW 36.70A 210) and adopted in 1994 with subsequent amendments in 1966 and 1997, provide a regional framework to achieve the goals of the GMA. The CV/PP's are a refinement of policy direction contained in the GMA and a result of a collaborative process between Spokane County and the cities and towns within the County (prior to the incorporation of Spokane Valley in 2603). The CWPP's provide a policy framework for both the County and its respective cities. Adherence to these policies ensures that plans within the county are consistent with one another. These policies address such issues as the designation of urban growth areas, land use, affordable housing, provisions of urban services fur future development, transportation and contiguous and orderly development. The following are specific CWPP's that relate to the housing element. H.1 Coordinate housing policies and programs with other jurisdictions, agencies and neighborhoods. H.1.1 Encourage regional coordination among jurisdictions, agencies, neighborhoods and housing providers to ensure housing is available for all economic segments of the community. H.1.2 Support new and innovative financing programs to provide affordable housing and increase home ownership levels. H.1.3 Provide opportunities for early and continuous participation of citizens and neighborhood groups in land use and community development planning processes, H.1.4 Establish subarea planning programs that balance the concerns of neighborhoods with the need for providing affordable housing. Updated 5/192604 2 H.1.5 Encourage the creation and continued operation and effectiveness of neighborhood associations through neighborhood and subarea planning programs. H.1,6 Promote partnerships between public and private nonprofit organizations to increase housing and home ownership opportunities. HI.? Ensure, through the use of interlocal agreements, that residential development regulations and standards are consistent for all jurisdictions within Urban Growth Areas. 5.1.3 Implications for the Housing Chapter In summary, based upon the foregoing laws and policies, Spokane Valley's Housing chapter should include an inventory of existing housing stock; identify housing needs, and set minimum housing targets for each economic segment of the population; provide for sufficient, appropriately zoned land to meet these needs; and identify appropriate goals, policies, and strategies for achieving these housing targets. Tools for achieving these goals may include amendments to the zoning chapter of the Spokane Valley Development Code to encourage a more diversified housing stock, promote imaginative design, and encourage development of affordable housing. Strategies may also include provisions for inter-jurisdictional efforts to provide and finance affordable housing. The primary objective should be to create residential neighborhoods which are of high quality, provide social and community support and meet the needs of all segments of society. 5.2 Housing Inventory 5.2.1 Affordable Housing inventory A 1993 legislative amendment requires that all cities and public agencies develop an inventory of public properties no longer needed for use and which may be available for affordable housing.The inventory is to identify individual property locations, size, and current zoning category. Public agencies include all school districts and the state departments of Natural Resources, Transportation, Social and Health Services. Corrections, and General Administration. The inventory is provided to the Washington Office of Community Development(CACI)and is to be updated annually by November 1. The inventory is available from OCD upon written request(ROW 35.21.687). 5.2.2 Accessory Dwelling Units The City is required by the state Housing Act of 1993 to include provisions for accessory housing. To allow local flexibility, the provisions are subject to such regulations, conditions, and limitations as determined by the City Council (RCW A.63.230). Updated 5/6/2004 3 5.3 Housing Needs Assessment Existing Conditions Introduction Incomes and home prices are fairly even throughout Spokane County. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that in 2000, the median single family house price in Spokane County was$113,200, compared to $97,000 in the City of Spokane, $97,700 in Millwood; and $116,800 in Cheney. The Spokane-Kootenai County Real Estate Report reports that the median listing price for Spokane Valley homes in the spring of 2003 was $105,900. This publication also reports that in the spring of 2003, the median rent for a two-bedroom/one- bath apartment was $547 in Spokane Valley, $528 in South Spokane, $497 in North Spokane, and $503 in Central Spokane. This demonstrates that Spokane Valley has fess affordable housing available than the rest of the county. Population The 2000 Census shows that compared to Spokane County as a whole, Spokane Valley had a smaller percentage of children under 17 years old (26 percent compared to 30 percent in the County). On the other hand, 14 percent of the Spokane Valley population was 65 or older in 2000, compared to 12 percent in Spokane County. However, itis expected that the number of elderly will increase In Spokane Valley due to the natural aging of the population, seniors tending to relocate to Spokane Valley in search of affordable housing, and the number of senior housing units being built in Spokane Valley. Senior citizens require such services as home delivered meals, respite care services, recreation services, in-home care, congregate and nursing care facilities, and transportation. Figure V-1 (page 5)describes the 2000 distribution of Spokane Valley's population_ Figure V-1 Spokane Valley Age Distribution by Population 2000 25,000 20,000 15.000 10,000 5 000 Ii- Under 18 18-24 25-44 45-64 65+ years Source:2000 Census Updated 5/6/2004 4 Household Income Understanding the distribution of Spokane Valley's household income is also critical in planning for future housing needs. The Department of Housing and Urban Development defines income groups as follows: Extremely Low Income: 30% of area median income Very Low Income: 31-50% of area median income Low Income: 51-80%of area median income Median Income: 100% of area median income Upper Income: 120% of area median income Spokane County's 2000 median income for all households was $37,308, compared to Spokane Valley's median household income of$38,893, More specifically, the 2000 H.U.D. Income Levels by Household Size for various income groups are shown by household size in Table V-1. Table V-1 2000 H.U.D.Income Levels b household Size 44Persons per Household 1 2 2.5* { 3 4 Extremely Low Income (30% of median) $10,744 $13,103 $13,939 $14,776 $16,401 Affordable HSG Payment*" $224 $273 $290 5300 $342 Affordable Rent $269 $328 $348 $369 $410 Affordable House Prices*"*` _ $32,232 $39,308 M1,817 $44,326 $49,202 Very Low Income(50% of Miedian) $19,050 $21,838 S23,232 $24,625 $27,334 Affordable HSG Payment' $397 $455 $484 $513 $569 ° Affordable Rent $476 $546 $581 $616 $683 Affordable House Prices' $57149 $65,513 $69,695 $73,876 $82,003 Low Income(80%of median)" $30,480 $34,940 $35,312 $39,401 $43,735 Affordable HSG Payment"** $635 $728 $736 $821 $911 Affordable Rent $762 $874 $883 $985 $1,093 Affordable House Prices`*•*"_ $91,439 $104,821 $105.936 $118,202 $131,204 Median incorne(100% of median) $38,100 $43,675 $46,463 $49,251 $54,668 Affordable HSG Payment*** $794 $910 $968 $1,026 $1,139 Affordable Rent $952 $1,092 $1162 $1,231 $1,367 Affordable House Prices"" $114,299 $131,026 $139,389 $147,752 $164,005 Upper Income(120%) $45,720 $52,410 $55,756 $59,101 $65,602 Affordable HSG Payment" $952 $1,092 $1,162 $1,231 $1,367 Affordable Rent $1,143 $1,310 $1,394 $1,478 $1,640 Affordable House Prices"" $137 159 $157,231 $167,267 $177,303 ' $196,806 Source:2000 Census figures for Spokane County median family Income and percentage calculation per Federal Way's affardable housing chart p.V-6 of Chapter Five of Fede-al Way's Corapreheri L' Plan. 'Since the average Spokane County Household Is about 2 46 persons this'column approximates the median for all households in the county. '"6eoause of the way HUD calculates this income level, ii is ecruatty 76%of the median income rather than 8b%although it is celled 7.80. *'*Ars affordable housing payment Is 25%of monthly income.Affordable rent is 30%of monthly income, ""'The affordable borne price is calculated at three limes the annual income, Updated 51612004 5 While Spokane Valley households are generally more affluent than elsewhere in Spokane County, about 2,665 households in the City of Spokane Valley are currently receiving housing assistance from the Spokane Housing Authority, or living in subsidized private housing. Housing Inventory For the most part, the housing stock in Spokane Valley is in good condition.The City has some concentration of substandard housing typically found in older urban areas. Houses in poor condition do exist in certain areas around the City and in small pockets. As depicted in Figure V- 2(pager) presently, 06% percent of Spokane Valley's housing stock is constructed as single - family homes. The remaining supply is composed of 26.5 percent multiple-family units and 7.5 percent mobile homes. 7.5% 26.5% Iiii0 multi-family ■single-family ©mobile homes 66.0'% - - - Figure V-2 The Spokane Housing Authority reports that several programs exist to assist individuals with housing costs to help them with maintenance of existing housing in the Spokane Region. The most common subsidies include reduced cost units for rent, vouchers or certificates to assist with tenant-Located housing, grants to help with down payments, reduced interest rate loans, and cash supplements for utilities or home maintenance. Another resource is public housing. The Spokane Housing Authority owns 24 units of public housing in Spokane Valley. In addition, Section 8 certificates provide subsidy of the rental cost of privately owned housing. In January 2004, 329(21 percent of total administered by the Spokane Housing Authority) Section 8 certificates and/or vouchers were being used in Spokane Valley. There ere presently twenty-three organizations that offer emergency shelter and I or transitional housing in the Spokane Region. The 2003-2004 Spokane County Consolidated Plan states that there are approximately 622 emergency shelter beds and 699 transitional housing beds in Spokane County, most of which are located in the City of Spokane. None of these organizations, by themselves, or as a group, have the capacity to adequately meet the demand for service. Even with close cooperation and coordination, they have had difficulty meeting the growing demand for services and providing case management fear clients. Updated 5/6/2004 6 Another important way to provide affordable housing is to prevent the existing affordable housing stock from being redeveloped or deteriorating to the point that it is no longer useable. Although the City can generate maps of property with high redevelopment potential, there is no data that specifically describes how much property is actually redeveloped and how many affordable housing units are actually host. To address these situations, the CiVPPs promote development of strategies to preserve existing low income housing. Future Housing Needs According to the Spokane Housing Authority, Spokane Valley has an unmet need of 3,420 housing units that are affordable to those families at or below 50% of Median income. In order to meet this backlog and meet new demand by 2020, Spokane Valley would need to create 350 affordable housing units per year. Housing is considered affordable when a family is spending not more than 30 percent of its monthly income if renting, and 25 percent if purchasing.or three times their annual income if purchasing a home. For a three-person very low-income family in Spokane Valley (see Table V- 1), it means that the monthly rent excluding utilities must be less than $350, or if they are buying a home; it must cost less than $40,000 at 2003 prices, The Spokane County Consolidated Plan states that in the fall of 1999, the median rent for a two-bedroom/one-bath apartment in Spokane County was$487 and the median selling price for single-family dwellings was $108,000. To build homes that are available for$40,000 would require significant public subsidies. #Requests for help by Spokane Valley residents for homeless shelters, transitional housing, and special needs housing exceed supply. #The Spokane County 2003-2004 Consolidated Plan estirnates that en additional 74 emergency shelter beds would be needed to meet the current demand. #The 2003-2004 Spokane County Consolidated Plan reports that "In 1998, 242 women and 223 children received emergency shelter or domestic violence shelter services[in Spokane County].These numbers have ranged from 201 women and 166 children in 1999, to 270 women and 241 children since 1997. However, the average length of shelter stay has appeared to decrease, as more batterers are being arrested and jailed, Since 1990, the number of individuals arrested for domestic violence has increased from 2,352 annually to 3,506 in 1997 (an increase of 49N)." This trend creates new housing issues, however. When domestic batterers are released from jail, they are often not allowed to return home due to court ordered restraining orders and have nowhere to go. ##There is a need for mare supported living units (apartments and shared single -family homes) for the mentally ill and persons living with HIV/AIDS. # In the spring of 2004, Central Valley School District reported that there were 179 homeless children in the District. In West Valley and East Valley school districts there were an additional 100 homeless children. The homeless liaison representing these three districts estimated that by June of 2004,there would be approximately 60O children in these three districts reported to have been homeless at same point during the school year. Updated 5/6!2004 7 #Spokane Valley plans to work with Spokane County and neighboring cities to implement effective housing goals and policies to meet future housing needs. A comprehensive strategy ensures that safe and suitable housing is available to residents of all income levels and special needs, as required by GMA. Housing Capacity In general terms, the primary component of the City's housing strategy is to promote infill while protecting the character and quality of its existing single-family residential neighborhoods. New detached units will be constructed on vacant lots in existing neighborhoods but they will be compatible with the existing homes. Planned Unit Developments and other special development techniques may he added to the SVDC to encourage compatible development on difficult sites and near environmentally sensitive areas, However, in-till development will riot be permitted at the expense of the quality of life in existing neighborhoods. A secondary component of the housing strategy is to encourage higher density residential uses in the Sprague /Appleway corridor. Row houses, townhouses, condominiums, and mid-rise residential are appropriate in this area subject to the availability of utilities and other infrastructure, access to public transportation, jobs, shopping, entertainment, and social and human services_ This plan anticipates that during the next 20 years, the City Center and the Sprague /Appleway corridor will redevelop and accommodate the majority of the new housing units, particularly multiple-family housing units, added to the City's inventory. The area will gradually become a denser, mixed use, pedestrian friendly, high amenity, high quality, vital part of Spokane Valley. The third part of the strategy is to ensure that there is sufficient land available for other dousing needs such as government assisted housing, manufactured housing, group homes, and foster care facilities. The Land Ilse chapter and SVDC provide support for this type of housing. Together, the Land Use and Housing chapters and the associated development regulations provide sufficient capacity to accommodate projected housing growth for all economic segments of the population. It is important that the City implement a housing program that will assist private developers and private non-profit organizations in meeting the identified housing needs. Such action is not only required by OMA, but it is also prudent public policy and will ensure a safe and supportive housing environment far future generations. 5.4 KEY HOUSING ISSUES Preserving Neighborhood Character The SVCP recognizes that neighborhoods are special places and are valuable and important to the quality of life for all citizens, New development in established neighborhoods must be sensitively designed and constructed. New development within existing single-family neighborhoods should be limited to small scale, well-designed infill, and accessory housing. Likewise, new multiple-family or mixed use development located along arterials running through or adjacent to existing residential neighborhoods should be designed to minimize adverse impacts and with sufficient buffers, Updated 5/6/2004 8 Development Review There are several actions the City may take to make housing more affordable. Time is money to a housing developer. Thus, whatever the City can do to reduce permit processing time will make housing more affordable. HB 1724 required municipalities to limit the amount of time spent on processing applications so that more land use decisions are administrative decisions, thereby avoiding time consuming public hearings. Second, the City has in place a pre-application process that allows the developer to meet with City representatives at an early stage in the review process to ensure that the applicant understands City development regulations, Such early meetings allow the City and housing developer to agree on the best method to achieve a code compliant and mutually beneficial site plan prior to having spent significant sums on costly design and engineering work, A significant portion of the cost of building housing is the cost of providing the necessary infrastructure. If the City is interested in providing housing that is affordable to very low income citizens, it could, to the extent economically practicable, provide the necessary infrastructure, or possibly subsidize the cost of providing public facilities such as streets, parks, utilities, transit facilities, public amenities, and social services. CBBC funds and other grants are available for this purpose and should be used where appropriate Citizen Participation Moderate scale housing development that is consistent with City policy and regulations should be reviewed and approved through a prescribed, efficient, and consistent administrative process,which minimizes review time and the subsequent increases in project costs. The developer should have a clear understanding of the process, the types of issues that are open to discussion, and the time frame for completion of the review process. Housing Design and Innovation The challenge in this plan and subsequent code revision work is to be flexible when presented with creative and high quality design proposals. Of course, this flexibility must be balanced with the need to provide a degree of certainty to the developer and to give clear guidance to policy makers, staff, and public.The following paragraphs describe several regulatory mechanisms which the City could include in its zoning code that would encourage superior design, a greater variety of housing types, and reduce costs, lncentfves for Good Practices, Many jurisdictions include incentivesin their zoning code that encourage developers to build projects in a way that produces some identified public benefits. The public benefits might include creative designs that are sensitive to community and neighborhood values, dedication of land or right-of-way for public use, and construction of urban amenities, community facilities, and other public spaces, Updated 516/2004 9 inclusionary Zoning In certain zones, development might be required to meet certain City goals, such as providing affordable housing, as set out in the SVDC. It is becoming more commonplace for jurisdictions to require major developers to provide a portion of low income housing in developments over a certain scale. Planned Unit Development A Planned Unit Development (PUD) ordinance allows developers flexibility to achieve design, layout, or density that is suited to a specific site.As an example, a PUD allows clustering of housing density in more developable portions of a site while protecting important open space and environmentally sensitive areas. A PUD ordinance gives the City and the development community flexibility to provide a variety of housing types and costs in new residential areas or smaller, older, mixed-use neighborhoods. The City of Spokane Valley's current zoning code allows for PUD development. Transfer of Development Rights This technique allows a developer to transfer permitted density from one site to another. it is a useful technique for protecting parts of sites that are environmentally sensitive without loss of land value, It also allows for more dense forms of housing development, thereby reducing housing costs. Diversifying Housing Choice The majority of the housing available in Spokane Valley today is fairly homogenous. Housing primarily consists of single-family detached units, built in the early "70's, laid out in isolated subdivisions disconnected from the urban fabric, There are some mobile home parks and several duplexes located in the City. The rest of the housing stock tends to be two and three story apartment buildings. This provides only a narrow range ofchoices and does not fully reflect the range of housing options that could be built. It creates a situation where an increasing number of families find it difficult to obtain suitable housing in the community. It affects empty nesters and couples who have raised their fa rallies who, for life-style reasons, no longer need or want a large single—family house and the associated maintenance, Young adults, students,young married couples, and low income workers would like to live in the community where they grew up or currently work, but cannot find a house that fits their housing needs or cannot afford the available housing. New housing should be more diverse, contributing to community character and relating better to the neighborhood environment. It should reassure residents that they will be able to afford to live close to their jobs, friends, and families. It will also help preserve and maintain neighborhoods that include a healthy mix of ages and incomes. Updated 5/6/2004 1g Housing Affordability and Special Needs Housing On a countywide basis, Spokane Valley is en affordable community. The population of Spokane Valley tends to be younger than other communities. creating a strong demand for moderately priced housing. There were approximately 1,425 low-income households in 2000 in Spokane Valley in need of housing assistance. The increasing number of low income households can be attributed in part to a growing number of senior citizens who are likely to need both housing assistance and related services, The GMA requires that municipal jurisdictions adopt strategies for providing a "fair share" of identified regional housing needs, The need for homeless shelters,transitional housing, and special needs housing exceeds the available supply. The GMA requires provisions for special needs housing. Special needs housing, also called "supportive housing," brings together housing and support services for community residents who need special services in order to live independently or with minimum assistance. This includes services in housing operated by public and private agencies. There is currently no data specifying the number of beds that would meet current or future demand_ According to the 2000 census, the proportion of elderly at 14 percent is approximately the same as neighboring Spokane County cities. Average life expectancy continues to climb, and we should expect an increasing percentage of Spokane Valley's population will be 65 and over in the next 10 to 20 years. As discussed earlier in this chapter under Population, there are three reasons the number of elderly can be expected to increase: 1) natural aging of the population; 2)they are relocating to find affordable housing; and 3)a number of senior housing units have been recently constructed. Because women tend to live longer than men, this population will be predominantly female. Statistically, elderly females have lower incomes than their male counterparts due to lack of or reduced pensions and other retirement provisions. Elderly people are often reluctant to give up the comfort and security provided by their own homes. With this in mind, federal and state policy has shifted from one of providing institutionalized care for seniors to a more home based or"aging in place" policy. Many seniors, and most of those over 75, need some level of in-home services. As elderly people become more frail, their supportive service needs increase. They may be better served in congregate care facilities, or eventually, long-term care facilities. Spokane Valley should begin planning for a continuum of care that minimizes family stress and public costs. In-home services should be available Citywide, while congregate care facilities and long--term care facilities should be located near to GOMMcommunity services and shopping areas, and away from busy traffic corridors. According to the 2003-2004 Spokane County Consolidated Plan, 71 families and 189 single adults affected by one or more disabilities were homeless during this time period. Safe and affordable housing, a key element in a long-term therapy program for these people, is not available for a majority of the low-income mentally ill in Spokane County or Spokane Valley. There are no domestic shelters located in Spokane Valley. However, the city is currently served by programs located in the City of Spokane for victims of domestic violence. The YWCA provides 40 shelter beds, as well as crisis intervention and support services.There is clearly a large unmet need for emergency housing in Spokane Valley for victims of domestic abuse. Spokane County jurisdictions receive Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS rental assistance funding from FUD. According to the Washington State HIV I AiDS Surveillance Updated 5/6/2004 11 Report, there were an estimated 447 persons living with AIDS in Spokane County in the fall of 2003, while there were 129 persons infected with HIV. There are many reasons that people and families end up homeless, In 2003, data from the Spokane County Consolidated Plan revealed that the most common reason for homelessness was domestic violence, followed by mental health problems and alcohol I drug abuse. According to established service providers, suburban homelessness is also increasing. It is difficult to estimate the numbers of homeless children there actually are in Spokane Valley, but Central Valley School District's homeless liaison reports that in the three Valley school districts. Central Valley, West Valley, and East Valley, in the spring of 2004, there were 279 homeless children. The liaison also estimated that by June of 2004, those numbers would rise to approximately 600 children who had been homeless at sonic time during the school year. The liaison's office reports that many homeless children come from homes where parents are unable to find living wage jobs or housing that is affordable at current wages. Some of the parents sell, manufacture or use illegal drugs, and there is a high rate of domestic violence among those families. Homelessness and domestic instability may cause deep emotional scars that impact a child's ability to focus his or her full attention on education.There is also a need far transitional housing for homeless individuals and families. State and federal rules restrict the length of stay in emergency shelters to 60 days. So, after many families have exhausted their time in an emergency shelter, they need access to longer-term transitional housing, where they can live for one or two years, obtain necessary support services, and stabilize their lives. Data is scarce so it is very difficult to estimate the number of beds that are needed to house the special needs population, However, there is unmet need in this service area. The City is committed to fostering programs and supporting service providers to assist in meeting this need subject to economic limitations, City revenues, and the need to balance housing against ail other public needs. Policy Coordination and Regional Participation The GMA and good planning practice require that each chapter of the SVCP be coordinated and consistent with goals and policies set forth in the other chapters, This is especially true of the Housing chapter, particularly as it relates to the Land Use and Transportation chapters. The GMA also requires that City policies for affordable housing be consistent with CWF'Ps. This type of housing is most appropriate in urban centers that contain jobs and good public transit access. Consistent with these requirements, the City's Land Use chapter proposes multiple- family housing and mixed-use development in the City Center, the Regional Business zone along the Sprague!Appleway corridor, and to a limited extent in the neighborhood retail centers. All of these locations are or will be well served by public transit. The City has also determined that housing, and in particular multiple-family housing, will be designed so that it provides a quality place to live and is an asset to the community. In addition, the City is committed to fair housing access to all persons without discrimination. This Housing chapter must also be coordinated and consistent with the County's and the City's funding programs for housing, This is particularly true for programs such as the CDBG, Home, and other countywide funding initiatives, Updatcd 5/6!2004 12 The City also recognizes that most of the housing issues found in Spokane Valley are common to the County, the City of Spokane, and the other suburban jurisdictions. In order to insure quality in the City's provision of housing services, and to help eliminate duplications of effort, the City should continue to coordinate with the Spokane County Consortium and other Spokane County cities when designing and implementing housing and housing related services. 5.5 HOUSING CHAPTER GOALS AND POLICIES The following section provides goals and policies for providing. preserving, and improving housing conditions in Spokane Valley. These goals and policies provide a framework from which to develop implementing strategies and work programs for the community. The purpose of these goals and policies is to provide housing opportunities to all segments of the population. Consistent with GCM, these goals and policies should promote a variety of densities and housing types, and encourage preservation of the City's existing housing stock. Overall Goal Preserve and protect Spokane Valley's existing high quality residential neighborhoods and promote a variety of opportunities to meet the housing needs of all residents of the community and region, Preserving Neighborhood Character Priority HPI Preserve and protect the quality of existing residential neighborhoods and require new development to be of a scale and design that is compatible with existing neighborhood character. Implementation Strategies H I57 High-density housing projects, with the exception of senior housing, will not be permitted in existing single-family residential neighborhoods. H IS2 Design guidelines should be adopted potentially in subarea plans that will specify in detail neighborhood character and require that new housing be consistent with these design guidelines. H1S3 Amend development regulations to accommodate a diverse range of housing forms that are compatible with neighborhood character and create an effective transition between the City Center, business areas, and residential neighborhoods, HIS4 Continue to allow accessory housing units within single -family neighborhoods that protect residential character, ensure proper access, maintain specific design standards, and comply with all applicable laws, H I55 Maintain a strong code enforcement program to protect residential areas from illegal land use activities. HISS Conduct periodic surveys of housing conditions and create programs, including housing rehabilitation,to ensure that older neighborhoods are not allowed to deteriorate, subject to availability of funding for such surveys and programs_ Updated 516/2004 13 HIS7 If allowed by applicable law, development inside and outside the City should be required to provide their fair share of onsite and offsite improvements. Community Involvement and Development Review Priority HP2 Involve the community in the development of new housing to a degree that is consistent with the scale of impact on the surrounding neighborhoods. implementation Strategies HISS Encourage public input into development of planning and regulatory documents through a formal public process characterized by broad, thorough. and timely public notice of pending action_ H139 Consider the economic impact of all development regulations on the cast of housing. HIS1O Maximize efficiency in the City's development review process and ensure that unnecessary time delays and expenses are eliminated. Provide streamlined permitting processes for development that is consistent with the SVCP and IWCC, and that has no adverse impacts. HIS11 Encourage community input, where appropriate, into the development permit process by providing thorough and timely information to the public, HIS12 Assist developers with housing proposals at the earliest possible opportunity, including pre-application meetings to produce projects that can be reviewed quickly and maximize their ability to receive permits. Diversifying Housing Choice and Design Priority HP3 Develop a Comprehensive Plan and zoning code that provide flexibility to produce innovative housing solutions, do not burden the cost of housing development and maintenance, and diversify the range of housing types available in the City. Implementation Strategies HI513 The SVDC and Land Use chapter of the SVCP will be coordinated to allow housing in and adjacent to the City Center and other areas providing proximity to low wage employment, safe and convenient access to transportation and human services, and-adequate infrastructure to support housing development. HIS14 Amend development regulations to encourage superior design and greater diversity of housing types and costs through such techniques as incentives, inclusionary zoning, planned unit developments, clustering, density bonuses, and transfer of development rights. HIS16 Consider zero lot line standards within planned unit developments to create higher density single -family neighborhoods with large open space areas. HIS16 Consider reducing minimum lot sizes to allow construction cif smeller, detached single- family houses on smaller lots. HIS17 Continue to permit mixed-use residential/commercial development in designated commercial areas throughout the City. Include developer incentives and design standards. Updated 51612004 14 HIS18 Establish administrative procedures to permit innovative housing designs, provided they are of high standard and consistent with the SVCP. H1S19 Continue to provide incentives, such as density bonuses, for providing a portion of affordable housing in new developments. HIS20 Periodically review and updatedevelopment regulations to incorporate opportunities for new housing types. Housing Affordability Priority HP4 Develop a range of affordable housing opportunities for low-income groups consistent with the CWPPs and the needs of the community. Implementation Strategies 1-1521 Promote fair housing access to all persons without discrimination. 1-11522 Require a portion of new housing on sites of significant size to be affordable to low- income households, Ensure that affordable housing is not concentrated in particular neighborhoods by setting a percentage limit to the number of affordable housing units that can be included in new housing developments. H1S23 Ensure that any new affordable housing remains affordable. H1524 Allow and encourage use of manufactured housing in residential zones, provided it conforms to all applicable federal, state, and local requirements and is compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. HIS2S In order to maintain existing affordable housing, the City should continue to allow manufactured home parks in existing locations. However, new manufactured home parks will not be permitted, nor will expansion of existing parks be allowed. HIS26 Encourage new residential development to achieve maximum allowable density based on gross area. HIS27 Explore federal, state, and local resources to assist in financing affordable housing, Encourage expansion of home ownership options through such means as first time home buyer programs, housing cooperatives, lease-purchase ownership, and other housing models. H1S28 Consider delaying, deferring, or exempting affordable housing from development fees, concurrency requirements, payment of impact fees, offsite mitigation, and other development expenses that do not compromise environmental protection or public health, safety, and welfare concerns, or constitute a nuisance. 1-11529 Support tax law amendments that provide relief to affordable and special needs housing. H1530 Identify low-income and very low-income housing resources that may be lost due to redevelopment or deteriorating housing conditions. Develop strategies that seek to preserve this existing housing, and that seek to provide relocation assistance to households that are displaced as a result of such activities. HIS31 Annually monitor residential development to determine the total number of new and redeveloped units receiving permits and units constructed, housing types, developed densities, and remaining capacity for residential growth for all income levels and needs. 1-11532 Integrate and coordinate construction of public infrastructure with private development to minimize housing costs wherever possible or practicable. Updated 5/6/2004 15 Special Needs Housing Priority HP5 Develop a range of housing opportunities that meet the requirements of people with special housing needs, including the elderly, mentally IN, victims of domestic abuse, and persons with debilitative conditions or injuries. Implementation Strategies HIS33 Remove existing regulatory barriers to siting special needs housing to avoid concentration and to ensure uniform distribution throughout all residential and mixed-use zones. subject to performance standards that protect residential amenities, ensure proper access, and maintain design standards. HIS34 Assist local service organizations and self help groups to obtain funding and support. HIS35 i=nsure that access to special needs housing is provided without discrirnination. Priority HP6 Develop emergency shelter and transitional housing facilities for the homeless. Implementation Strategies HIS36 Foster and support services that are not concentrated in particular neighborhoods by setting a percentage limit to the number of affordable housing units that can be included in new housing developments. HIS37 Coordinate City actions related to homelessness with local agencies and shelter providers. HIS38 Continue to permit emergency and transitional homeless facilities within the City. HI5393 Emergency shelters and transitional housing should be regulated to avoid concentration of facilities, mitigate impact on surrounding uses, ensure that such housing is properly managed, and avoid significant impacts on existing residential neighborhoods. Regional Participation Priority HP8 Coordinate and integrate the City`s program with other area housing and service providers. Implementation Strategies HIS40 Policies and regulations related to affordable housing should be consistent with CWPPs and multi-county policies. HIS41 Establish effective links with Spokane County and other area cities to assess need and create housing opportunities for low income and special needs households, and develop a housing program that addresses issues common throughout the entire region. Updated 5/6/2004 16 H1242 Subject to availability of funds, participate in the production and periodic update of a housing needs assessment for the City and region to ensure that policy is based upon a rational evaluation of housing needs and priorities. 1-1IS4 Ensure equitable and rational distribution of affordable housing throughout the region that is compatible with land use, transportation, and employment locations. Updated 5/6/2004 17 Spokane Valley — 2025 A 20-year Plan for the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Questionnaire—Results from March 25, 2004 fleeting 1. Do you live in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes ::i No 2. Do you own a business in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes 14 No 3. Do you work in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes 17 No :10 4. What is your home zip code? 99206 = 40; 99216 = 6; 99037 = 3;99016 = 2; 99019 = 2; 99037 = 1;99211 = 1; 99209 = 1 S. In general terms, do you think Spokane Valley is headed In the right direction? Yes-_37 No-5 ??-3 6. If you answered No in Question 5, what changes would you suggest? Please be as specific as possible. Place a stop on dense housing development until a common sense overview determines that we're not damaging the Valley. Control growth in residential areas. Keep neighborhood density as is. Dant zone for the sake of zoning, consider all factors. Leave the Appleway and Sprague roads as they are. Have better plan far budgeting. I feel we are treated as an appendage of the City of Spokane. Seems as though we are more of a pass-through for Spokane to Liberty Lake. Change one-way system to two-way. 7. Would you say police services are: A. Excellent B. Very good 19 C. Good 20 D. Fair 3,or E. Poor 0 8, Would you say fire protection services are; A. Excellent 1.1 B. Very good 19 C. Good 18 D. Fair 1,or E. Poor Cl 9, Would you say library services are: A. Excellent r B. Very,good 18 C. Good 19 D. Fair 7,or E. Poor 0 10. Would you say street maintenance is: A. Excellent 9 B. Very good 6' C. Good 21 D. Fair 22,orE. Poor 3 11. Would you be willing to pay additional taxes in order to have improved services in.Spokane Valley? YES 17 NO 25 If yes,which services? Parks(1), Roads(3), Police (1), Fire Protection (2),Street Repair(2),Street Repair if funds can be dedicated (1), not known at this time! (1), if needed and riot squandered (1). 12. Have you had any interaction with the City of Spokane Valley permit center? YES 7 NO 48 1 13. How would you rate your level of satisfaction with the services you received from the City's permit center? Would you Say you were... A. Very satisfied 3 B. Somewhat satisfied 3 C. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 7 D. Somewhat unsatisfied 1 E. Very unsatisfied 19. How important to the future of Spokane Valley is having an area of the City that is recoonized as the "downt=own"? Would you say-,.. A. Very important 23 B. Somewhat important 20 C. Neither important nor unimportant 7 D. Somewhat unimportant 5 E. Very unimportant 3 15. If you feel a developing a"downtown"is important, which of the following areas of Spokane Valley would be the most ideal location for a downtown? A. University City area ED B. Mirabeau Point area 3 C. Pines and Sprague 6 D. Evergreen and Sprague 0 E. Other, (please list)not sure t 16. Would you support Spokane Valley officials strategically investing public money to promote the creation of a downtown that would have a mix of restaurants, re13i1, and public buildings like dty hall? Would 'rnou say you A. Strongly support 13 B. Somewhat support 2i:.° C. Neither support nor oppose D. Somewhat oppose 5 E. Strongly oppose 6 * Need officials to push for economic development to enhance U-City. 17. In your opinion, does Spokane Valley have an identity or something that makes it unique? YES 24 (see comments below) NO 27 Optimism and Potential. People like it and will improve. Quality of Life and Safety. Urban. Gateway to Washington, Our Heritage. Culture. Spokane Valley. Natural area along river, The River(2). Small town with large town features. Rural river. Just being a city in 2004. Fiore like being in Country not in City. Valley Mall and Mirabeau Point area. The closeness of the neighbors in their neighborhoods. Friendliness, things like Valleyfest. Freedom to grow. 2 18. How important to the future of Spokane Valley is having a"community identity? Would you say,.. A. Very important 2 B. Somewhat important 26 C. Neither important nor unimportant D. Somewhat unimportant 2 E. Very unimportant r t9. Would development of a"community identity"best be accomplished through physical changes, such as the development of a city center or the building of gateways at the major points of entry into the city, or Brough social changes,such as more community events like Valleyfest? A, Physical Changes 9 B. Social Changes 1.3 C. Physical and social changes equally important 27 D. Free Changes 1 20. Do you agree or disagree that the Sprague/Appleway couplet has been a useful improvement to the overall roadway system in Spokane valley? Would you say you... A. Strongly agree 35 B. Somewhat agree 10 C. Neither agree nor disagree a D. Somewhat disagree 2 E. Strongly disagree 7 21. How supportive would you be of the Appleway section of the couplet Ding extended east past University Road? Would you say you... A, Strongly support 35 B. Somewhat support 12 C. Neither support nor oppose 4 D. Somewhat oppose 1 E. Strongly oppose c 22. How supportive would you be of the couplet being extended east to Evergreen Road?. This would result in Sprague changing to a one way east of University. Would you Say you... A. Strongly support g B_ Somewhat support 9* C. Neither support nor oppose 5 ID. Somewhat oppose 2 E. Strongly oppose .1 *But modify Sprague to two-way. 23. The Spokane Transit Authority is currently studying the viability of building a light rail system from downtown Spokane to University Oty in Spokane Valley. Recognizing that taxpayers in the Spokane region would likely pay some portion of the cast of the system, how supportive would you be of the development of light rail in the region? Would you say you... A. Strongly support 10** 8. Somewhat support 9 C. Neither support nor oppose 1. D. Somewhat oppose 11* E. Strongly oppose 1O*°` *Not at this time. Population density not there. Need more study. **After Sprague is ruined by the couplet, how would we use it? ***Based on controlled costs to construct and tight review of operating costs.. Needs to serve Liberty Lake perhaps via Mirabeau Pt. Park&Ride. Wants public input regarding routes,etc. 3 24. Now think about the general character of the development along the major streets of Spokane Valley, such as Sprague Avenue, Pines Road, and Sullivan Road. What is your level of satisfaction with the typical pattern of development along the major streets? Would you say you are_.... A. Very satisfied s B. Somewhat satisfied 19 C. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 7 D. Somewhat dissatisfied 12* E. Very dissatisfied 3 *Recent Sprague Avenue improvements are well received. *The landscaping at some of the businesses along Sprague are placed in such locations as to block vision when exiting onto Sprague. 25. Do you consider adding street trees and landscaping to major streets in Spokane Valley a high, medium, or low priority for dty officials. A. HIGH PRIORITY 9 B. MEDIUM PRIORITY 24 C. LOW PRIORITY 17 D. VERY LOW PRIORITY 1 *This has been tried before and torn out. No money to maintain. Trees and grass, but empty buildings! 26. Do you consider making the major streets friendly for pedestrians arid bicyclists by adding things like sidewalks, benches, and bike paths a high, medium,or low priority for city officials. A. HIGH PRIORITY 17 B. MEDIUM PRIORITY 26 C. LOW PRIORITY 8 The businesses are far apart so most folks drive from one to another! 27. Do you consider stronger controls on signs and billboards in Spokane Valley a high, medium,or low priority for city officials. A. HIGH PRIORITY 20 B. MEDIUM PRIORITY 16 C. LOW PRIORITY 15 What really messes the skyline is wires! 28. Do you live in an area that was recently part of the Spokane Valley Sewer Project? YES 18 NO 30 29. if yes,once the project was completed in your area how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the reconstructed streets? Were you ... A. Very satisfied 16 B. Somewhat satisfied 2 C. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5 0. Somewhat unsatisfied 1 E. Very unsatisfied D 30. How supportive would you be of the development of small scale commercial centers closer to residential neighborhoods in Spokane Valley? Would you say you would.., A. Strongly support 5 B. Somewhat support 15 C. Neither support nor oppose 9 D. Somewhat oppose 9 E. Strongly oppose 13 31. Do you agree or disagree that Spokane Valley is a safe place to live. Would you say you---. A. Strongly agree 18 B. Somewhat agree 31* C. Neither agree nor disagree 2 D. Somewhat disagree 1 E. Strongly disagree 0 *There are pockets of unsafe areas. 4 32, Do you agree or disagree that your neighborhood is a safe place to live. Would you say you.... A. Strongly agree 2 B. Somewhat agree 21 C. Neither agree nor disagree D. Somewhat disagree 1 E. Strongly disagree C 33. Generally speaking, how would you rate the quality of parks in Spokane Valley? Would you say they are..... A, Excellent 3 B. Very good 24 C. Good 19 ID. Fair AGF or E. Poor 0 34, Is there a park in or close to your neighborhood? YES 21 NO 32 31 Recognizing that taxpayers in Spokane Valley would likely pay some portion of the cost, do you consider building more parks in the area a high, medium,or lou priority For city officials? A. HIGH PRIORITY 2 B. MEDIUM PRIORITY 23 C. LOW PRIORITY 22 3C. Generally speaking, how would you rate the quality of recreational facilities such as swimming pools, community centers, senior centers, and exercise opportunities in Spokane Valley? Would you say recreational facilities are.... A. Excellent 0 B. Very good 18 C. Good 23 D. Fair 12,or E. Poor 0 37, Are there recreational facilities in or dose to your neighborhood? YES 16 NO 35:: *Except for the elementary schools. 38. Recognizing that taxpayers in Spokane Valley would likely pay some portion of the cost, do you consider building more recreational Facilities in the area a high, medium, or low priority for city officials? A. HIGH PRIORITY 3 B. MEDIUM PRIORITY 27 C. LOW PRIORITY 22 0171 R COMMENTS: * A park with a community pool is strongly needed in the Ponderosa. The#1 reason I voted for incorporation was to leave Appleway a one-way and return Sprague to a two-way! Creating a downtown center is important—so we have a STRONG SENSE OF COMMUNITY. * Very concerned about High Density Zoning in neighborhoods that were built and have grown in moderate to low density. Do not allow High Density where SR-1. * I think the code enforcement on junkie neighbors needs to be enforced. I had a complaint with the City before Spokane Valley was incorporated. My neighbor is worse than before. He's been that way for 30 years and nobody does anything about it. The City of Spokane Valley should concentrate on these issues. Junk yards have a big impact on community identity and integrity! I live at N. 1607 Bowdish and Jackson. My junk yard neighbor lives two houses north of me. Please check it out. I have already sent in a complaint to the new Spokane Valley City. * Be progressive! * More lights—street lights on Appleway. * Keep up the good work! I am concerned about the current zoning in the Ponderosa, We need to have the single family one acre zoning back. That is why most of us moved here. * Until our growth and planning future is complete— many of these questions are not appropriate. We need to see a comprehensive plan prior to answering the enclosed sheets. * Please stop thinking of our City as an appendage to the City of Spokane. We are not a high speed pass-through. We are plenty large enough to have our own identity. 5 * X believe that for an"Emerging City"to be economically and socially viable that the quantity of commercially zoned property needs to be limited and focused! Housing needs to be varied and located near commercial hubs to promote"full service" neighborhoods. Thank you. * The couplet and extension VERY important to long term growth and business. Makes access to the Spokane Valley much easier. * Put Sprague back to a two-way street,so University can once again be acture with businesses. What you do with Appieway doesn't matter to me. But t have talked to people who have businesses east of University, and they aren't for a one-way street for Sprague to Sullivan. • Don't see Community Development services on list to be covered —agency support, housing redevelopment, food bank and community center for poverty problems. More than 2O% of our citizens live below poverty level. • Making lettered "Exits"off of Appleway so that businesses on Sprague could advertise which exit to take to get to their location. • Considering the recent information that says the City of Spokane Valley will not be as fiscally sound as it was proposed, Y think that"developing a viable downtown area"is a frill. We should spend our money on infrastructures first,then public services(i.e.fire, police, libraries, etc.) and finally, if after those are in place, we can spend our"excess monies"on beautification and developing a downtown area. * Why haven't they finished the 16th and Evergreen intersection on west corner? Refinish Appleway from Flora Road to Barker Road. * The future of Spokane Valley should have a central location to establish the identity. * Don't wind up like Spokane. Listen to the people and use common sense!!! Zoning is a big issue now! * Street and road signs— especially over the intersection street signs—are very important and more are needed. The end of Appleway and University is still a major accident waiting for someone to plow head on into the abutments because there are not any"caution ahead"lights nor any reflective marker signs. * When considering community(neighborhood) centers, please remember the elderly and physically handicapped. Thank you for your participation. 6 Spokane Valley — 2025 A 20-year Plan far the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Questionnaire- Results of April 21, 2004 Community Meeting 1, Do you live in the Oty of Spokane Valley? Yes 28 No 2 Do you own a business in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes 5 No 25 3, Do you work in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes 10 No 24 4. What is your home zip code? 99206 = 7; 99216 = 3; 99037 = 2; 99212 = 16; 99223 = 1; 99202 = 1 5. In general terms, do you think Spokane Valley is headed in the right direction? Yes-22 No-3* 7-2 DEPENDS— 1** 6. If you answerexi No in Queslaon 5,what changes would you suggest? Please be as specific as possible. *Better communication between officials and community. *Appears that law enforcement services have declined. *I voted against incorporation— I haven't been convinced yet that we need another layer of government. *Planning seems to benefit City of Spokane. **Remove traffic light at Sprague&Gillis. **Extend Appleway as soon as possible—leave Appleway&Sprague one-ways. **Purchase 5'each side of Broadway, create center turn lane. Would you say police services are; A. Excellent 1 B, Very good 8 C. Good 16 D. Fair 3, or E. Poor 0 *I haven't used the services, but I think the Police Chief was a good choice. 8. Would you say fire protection services are: A. Excellent 4 B. Very good 9 C. Good 13 D. Fair 0,or E. Poor 0 9. Would you say library services are: A. Excellent 3 B. Very good 9 C. Good 12 D. Fair 5,or E. Poor 0 10. Would you say street maintenance is: A. Excellent 0 B. Very good 6 C. Good 12 D. Fair 4, or E. Poor 4 11. Would you be willing to pay additional taxes in order to have improved services in Spokane Valley? YES 8 NO 11 If yes,whidh services? Roads and Road Maintenance (6), Recreation (1), Open Space Purchase(1), Police Services (6), MAYBE 1 ? 2 Transportation (2). I 12. Have you had any interaction with the City of Spokane Valley permit center? YES 2 NO 27 13. How would you rate your level of satisfaction with the services you received from the uty's permit center? Would you say you were. . A. Very satisfied 0 B. Somewhat satisfied a C. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 1 D. Somewhat unsatisfied 0 E. Very unsatisfied 0 111. How important to the future of Spokane Valley is having an area of the City that is recognized as the "downtown"? Would you say..._ A. Very important 9 B. Somewhat important 12 C. Neither important nor unimportant 6 D. Somewhat unimportant 1 E Very unimportant 2 15. If you feel a developing a"downtown" is important, which of the following areas of Spokane Valley would he the most ideal location far a downtown? A. University City area 20 B. Mirabeau Point area 1 C. Pines and Sprague 3 []. Evergreen and Sprague 0 E. Other,(please list) 0 16. Would you support Spokane Valley officials strategically investing public money to promote the creation of a downtown that urould have a mix of restaurants, retail, and public buildings like city hall? Would you say you... A. Strongly support 13 B. Somewhat support 9* C. Neither support nor oppose 5 0. Somewhat oppose 1. E. strongly oppose 2 *If we can afford it. 17. In your opinion, does Spokane Valley have an identity or something that makes it unique? YES 15 (see comments below) NO 11. *More space. *Walking Zone—no vehicles in area. *Landsca ping. `Nice to family togetherness. *The river and hills on both sides. *You have room to do your own thing. Big lots) *Long-term residents seem to identify. *Car lots. *Chance to develop a city from scratch. *We have a chance todevelop two great one-way streets to move traffic. *Lots of closed businesses on Trent&Sprague. *We're not in Spokane. *"The Valley"is a big small town with an agrictrltural background. *The Centennial Trail. 2 18, How important to the future of Spokane Valley is having a"community identity? Would you say... A. Very important 19 B. Somewhat important S C. Neither important nor unimportant 2 D. Somewhat unimportant 2* E. Very unimportant 0 *Any identify that the community does not already have tivould have to be invented and would lack legitimacy. 19. Would development of a "community Identity" best be accomplished through physical changes, such as the development of a city center or the building of gateways at the major points of entry into the city, or through social changes,such as more community events like Valleyfest? A, Physical Changes 6 B. Social Changes 3 C. Physical and social changes equally important 20 20. Do you agree or disagree that the Sprague/Appieway couplet has been a useful improvement to the overall roadway system in Spokane valley? Would you say you... A. Strongly agree 15 B. Somewhat agree 4 C. Neither agree nor disagree 5 D. Somewhat disagree 2 E. Strongly disagree 4 21, How supportive would you be of the Appleway section of the couplet being extended east past University Road? Would you soy you... A. Strongly support 15 B. Somewhat support 5 C. Neither support nor oppose 4 Dt Somewhat oppose 2 E. Strongly oppose 3 21 l-low supportive would you be of the couplet being extended east to Evergreen Road?. This would result in Sprague changing to a one way east of University. Would you say you... A. Strongly support 13 B. Somewhat support 5 C. Neither support nor oppose 2 D. Somewhat oppose 5 E. Strongly oppose 4 23. The Spokane Transit Authority is currently studying the viability of building a light rail system from downtown Spokane to University City in Spokane Valley. Recognizing that taxpayers in the Spokane region would likely pay some portion of the cast of the system, how supportive would you be of the development of light rail in the region? Would you say you ,. A. Strongly support 4 B. Somewhat support 10 C. Neither support nor oppose 2 D. Somewhat oppose 5 E. Strongly oppose S* *I support the bus system. Do ONE and do it good. Gathering from present Governor, he cannot make a decision. 3 24. Nov think about the general character a the development along the major streets of Spokane Valley, such as Sprague Avenue, Pines Road, and Sullivan Road. What is your level of satisfaction with the typical pattern of development along the major streets? Would you say you are.... A. Very satisfied 6 B. Somewhat satisfied 9 C. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3 D. Somewhat dissatisfied 6 E. Very dissatisfied 1 25. Do you consider adding street trees and landscaping to major streets in Spokane Valley a high, medium,or low priority for city officials. A. HIGH PRIORITY 4 B. MEDIUM PRIORITY j5*` C. LOW PRIORITY 10* *Low priority due to budget issues. Otherwise a would be medium. "Hovwrever,this new City has more than its share of BLIND corners_ 26. Do you consider making the major streets friendly for pedestrians and bicyclists by adding things like sidewalks, benches, and bike paths a high, medium, or low priority for city officials, A. HIGH PRIORITY 11 B. MEDIUM PRIORITY 15 C. LOW PRIORITY G 27. Do you consider stronger controls on signs and billboards in Spokane Valley a high, medium, or low priority for city officials. A. HIGH PRIORITY 7 8. MEDIUM PRIORITY 14 C. LOW PRIORITY 7 28, Do you live in an area that was recently part of the Spokane Valley Sewer Project? YES 1S NO 35 29. If yes,once the project was completed in your area hew satisfied or dissatisfied were you with tree reconstructed streets? Were you ... A. Very satisfied 12 B. Somewhat satisfied 3 C Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 1* 0, Somewhat unsatisfied 0 E. Very unsatisfied 1 The streets are fine, but they dug them all up at once in my neighborhood. 3D. How supportive would you be of the development of small scale commercial centers closer to residential neighborhoods in Spokane Valley? Would you say you would --- A. Strongly support 4 l3. Somewhat support 10 C. Neither support nor oppose 8 D. Somewhat oppose 5 E Strongly oppose 2 31. Do you agree or disagree that Spokane Valley is a safe place to live. Would you say you.... A. Strongly agree 11 B. Somewhat agree 15 C. Neither agree nor disagree I D. Somewhat disagree 2 E. Strongly disagree 0 4 32. Do you agree or disagree that your neighborhood is a safe place to live. Would you say you.... A_ Strongly agree 13 B. Somewhat agree 10* C. Neither agree nor disagree 2 D. Somewhat disagree 4 E. Strongly disagree 0 *Speeders like to take off Argonne down Willow to Valleyway, turn back to Mullen and go back to 1-90!! 33. Generally speaking, how would you rate the quality of parks in Spokane Valley Would you say they are.... A. Excellent C B. Very good g C. Good 11 D. Fair 4,or E. Poor 3 34. Is there a park in or dose to your neighborhood? YES 19 NO 8* *Elementary and private schools do rather well providing off-hours playgrounds. 35. Recognizing that taxpayers in Spokane Valley would likely pay some portion of the cost, do you consider building more parrs in the area a high, medium, or low priority for city officials? A. HIGH PRIORITY 7 B. MEDIUM PRIORITY 166'" C. LOW PRIORITY 6 *Finish or fix existing ones first. 36. Generally speaking, how would you rate the quality of recreational facilities such as swimming pools, community centers, senior centers, and exercise opportunities in Spokane Valley? Would you say recreational facilities.are.... A. Excellent 1 B. Very good 2 C. Good 14 D. Fair 8,or E. Poor 2 37. Are there recreational facilities in or one to your neighborhood? YES 9 NO 15 38. Recognizing that taxpayers in Spokane Valley would likely pay some portion of the cost, do you consider building more recreational facilities in the area a high, medium,or low priority for city officials? A. HIGH PRIORITY 6 B. MEDIUM PRIORITY 13 C. LOW PRIORITY 2* *Why do the liberal Governors continually want to get into something they are not qualified to handle? OTHER COMMENTS: *A community's economic health is often a product of its attitude and attractiveness to business. Does it provide mixed-use areas of commercial and residential activity so the entrepreneur can live and work in the same location? Does it encourage people to get out of their vehicles and browse along streets inhabited by locally-owned shops—or is it lined with parking meters sending one to the mall with its chain stores? Provide off-street parking for older commercial areas along arterials. Allow older mobile home parks a zoning variation so they can accept RVs as month-to-month tenants. Is there a readily apparent contact point for individuals seeking a business license, or wanting to develop real estate? Bureaucratic nightmares send people to other communities. Residential zoning--can it move in stages seeking to preserve the good characteristics of the neighborhoods absorbed into this new city while replacing the undesirable—is there an appeal process? One man's eyesore is another's work of art. Bruce McMillen (509) 879-2013. *Police services are spread too thinly. *Edgecliff area needs a community center, please help in any way you can. 5 *Don't let our city become like Spokane *Keep our wetlands and Dishman-Mica wildlife area. *Please keep Spokane Valley City like a hometown city, *No more car lotsmtl *More single-family houses, not the community kind where all the houses are the same and look like condos. *The Miraheau Senior Center needs a wood dance floor. The comparatively small savings for using vinyl will make for a much less satisfactory facility. *Find and do"Must Do"items ASAP, then do others. Build a City that people are pleased to live in, Make Spokane Valley a destination. *Liberty Lake's park(Pavillion Park?) is a good example of something that could be a centerpiece of the community. Concerts and movies could draw people to nearby businesses. It is large enough to he really useful and shareable. *I would like to see natural areas protected and linked through trails, both within and adjacent to the City. *The library district is doing a great job—please don't go the route of Liberty Lake and try to start a new system. We should be basing the costs of library usage per taxpayer, not just on those who use the library. We don't base our support of schools,or fire districts, on whether you use that service or not. Good libraries benefit the entire population regardless if someone chooses to use them *Community Centers can be great, but I don't think that 8th and Park is a good site for one. *Do not allow development adjacent to the Dishman Hills—it is encroaching along Appleway,and zoning needs to be tightened up to prevent this. A Community Center is not compatible with the natural area. *A senior center/community center toward the west end of the City(Edgecliff) would be great. Mira beau is too far away for our neighborhood seniors. *Important that we set a standard for landscaping requirements with development. *The community feel seems to be broken by a five-lane, one-way street through the center. *How about a freeway overhead sign,either end of the City, that reads(overhead) "Next 7 exits, City of Spokane Valley"—or a Gateway (great ideal)v--it wouldn't cost much. Thank you far your participation. 6