Agenda 09/23/2004 Pt 1 t` 19 SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers -City Hall 11701 E. Sprague Avenue 6:310 p.m.—9:30 p.m. k September 23, 2004 * - :- CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • August 26, 2004 VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS Old Business: • Tabled Public Hearing—Street Vacation Request No. STV-03-04 New Business: • Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. CPA-01-04 • Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. CPA-02-04 ▪ Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. CPA-03-04 • Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. CPA-04-04 • Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. CPA-05-04 • Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. CPA-06-04 • Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. CPA-07-04 • Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. CPA-08-04 ▪ Public Hearing: Greenacres Area-wide Rezone Application No. REZ-11-04 X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Xl. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF Fred Beaulac Marina Sukup,AICP Robert Blum Greg McCormick, AICP John G. Carroll Scott Kuhta, AICP David Crosby Debi Alley William Gothmann, Chair Gail Kogle Ian Robertson, Vice-Chair ,,v ww.spokanevalley.orq CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: September 24, 2004 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check ail that apply: ❑ consent ori old business D new business [] public hearing ID information ❑ admin. report RI pending legislator AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Street Vacation Amended Request STV-03-04 fora remainder of David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Appleway, west of Thierman Road PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council adoption of Ordinance Na 04-001 (Street Vacations) in January 2004. On July 27th, 2004 by Resolution 04-023 City Council set August 25th, 2004 as the date for a public hearing on the proposal. Planning Commission held a public hearing on the vacation on August 26, 2004. BACKGROUND: Chris Linc Properties L.L.C., 2320 North Atlantic Street, Spokane WA 99205 the owner of abutting Parcel No. 35242.0102 amended the request for the vacation of a remainder of David Road, originally acquired by Spokane County for the Appleway Extension. The amended request does not include the portion of David Street extending 20 feet south of the Sprague Avenue right-of-way which remains within the jurisdiction of WSDOT. Spokane Utilities will require a 25-foot easement for a 54 inch wastewater interceptor current located or the adjacent property to the east. The sewer interceptor extends to the centerline of David Street and then proceeds in a southerly direction. Spokane Water District No. 3 will require a 20-foot easement to allow for the repair, maintenance and replacement of an existing water line. The design of any swales and drywells will need to be located not less than ten feet from the water line, whihe maintaining five feet of cover over the line itself. In addition Avista will require a ten foot easement five foot from the centerline of existing power lines along the east boundary of the property and a ten foot easementalong the west side of David Street located five feet from the centerline of a two inch natural gas line extending between Sprague Avenue and Appleway. The gas line will require a minimum of 30 inches of cover and prohibition of asphalt paving andior the traffic of heavy equipment exceeding 30,000 pounds /axle over the easement. Any future vacation of that portion of David Street currently within the jurisdiction of WSDOT will require reservation of a seven foot easement adjacent to the right-cif-way of Sprague Avenue for Avista. -1I ....� ,, ..1.6579 i 1 e.,- 6E6 SOT wYMirtlirlSAi,l4 ! ZlRy1 i}""L$i54 14Y4p' :444114.W ±I...I I - _+ r. ,:: _�•- 11S N 1' 5 I. . r .1 iii sagL ! La59o- - - -^ 21 ,.. { Ct . I .: :u„ I M-- 'may �. _�-- �.r—�'-r�—e— 1 C ' '"-'— VI '4Y6 e� I71'in-- ? — I I r yy i a - S I I ALL —I I { I re,.Am.>e _ O 3 1.,,-1 AL - 'I x i - 33f1.CC - • — Z-- --.' 77 .x 0 6 ppir I. ii 4 1 -. 1 44 .14. ri r L , ; i Ss. 3G V1[R CASEur- POI r ,4.1:., '�9 T.D. * Y AM-5SW!OCCUL.114 r L6't b+6 -N L _' .1 gaECCOi:a 0.1."1./.2:}33 W .;w /3 - , 4 ## V b Pli Y A 4 q," ''''' .4t2.54. ' A .#. •Y n .' f r. 4. 1 r a r f xQ r y O Ci t!r ! , UIQ.. , C +,y 3 IA ti �?� -4'dJ r 6 5 11?1 -24_4=4-110 las or 4 Ga _�.__ _ - 1C 5t AVEAYE MER FARM C('NT RUK RECOMMENDATION: Legal counsel has advised that the amended request will require a public hearing. The hearing requires fourteen day notice and is scheduled for October 14, 2004. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director City of Spokane Valley Request for Planning Commission Review DATE: September 17, 2004 TYPE: ❑ Consent ❑ Old. Business ❑ New Business Public Hearing ❑ Legislation ❑ Information ❑ Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Area-wide Rezone request, North Greenacres area. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interim Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan and development regulations PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley Interim Zoning Code, Section 14.402.100, provides a process for property owners to initiate an area wide rezoning action via petition. The code requires that at least 51% of the property owners within the boundary of the proposed zone change sign the petition for rezone in order to initiate the rezoning process_ On July 1, 2004 the City received a petition from the North Greenacres neighborhood requesting a rezone from the existing Urban Residential 7' (UR-7)to Urban Residential 3.5 (UR-3.5). City staff verified the signatures on the petition utilizing the most current tax payer records of the Spokane County Auditor's office. The area under consideration for this rezoning action is bounded on the south by Mission Avenue, Barker Road on the east and the Spokane River to the north and west. The area is approximately 457 acres and is comprised of 264 separate parcels of land. ATTACHMENTS: Staff report and attachments including vicinity, zoning and comprehensive plan maps. STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Manager r«,u( STAFF REPORT po SUBJECT: AREA WIDE REZONE-01-04 Walley Community Development Department PLANNING DIVISION Hearing Date: September 23, 2004 Staff: Greg McCormick, AICP — Planning Division Manager Scott Kuhta, AICP —Senior Planner L Background Section 14.402.100 of the Interim Spokane Valley Zoning Code provides a process for property owners to initiate an area-wide rezoning action by petition. The code requires that at least 51 percent of property owners within the boundary of the proposed zone change sign the petition to initiate the rezone process. On July 1, 2004, a representative from the Greenacres neighborhood submitted a petition with signatures of more than 51 percent of property owners requesting a zone change from Urban Residential-7* (UR-7*) to Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5). The Community Development Department placed a notice of public hearing in the Spokane Valley News Herald on September 3, 2004, notifying the public that a public hearing on the proposed area wide rezone would be conducted by the Planning Commission on September 23, 2004. As required by Section 14.402.100 of the city's interim code, public notice boards were posted in conformance with requirements of the appropriate code sections. Moreover, city staff sent written notice to all property owners within the proposed rune area and property owners within 400 feet of the boundaries of the rezone area, based on the most current tax payer records of the Spokane County Assessor's office. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) an environmental checklist was required for the proposed rezoning action. Under SEPA rezones are considered "non- project actions", which are defined as actions involving decisions on policies, plans, or programs that contain standards controlling use of modification of the environment. Staff reviewed the environmental checklist submitted for the proposed rezone and a threshold determination was made on the requested rezone. The City issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) on August 24, 2004. The DNS was published in the City's official newspaper consistent with City of Spokane Valley requirements. REZA7-D4—GreenaeresAreawideRezone loge I oFI IL Previous Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Actions The subject site is generally bounded by Mission Avenue on the south, Barker Road on the east, and the Spokane River on the north and west. The subject site is approximately 457 acres and approximately 264 separate parcels of land. As previously stated, the existing zoning in the area is UR-7*. The UR-7* zoning district allows 6 single family dwelling units per acre. The UR-7* district also allows duplexes and multifamily structures as long as the overall density does not exceed 6 units per acre. This area was involved in an area wide rezoning action in 1994 by Spokane County. The County received a comprehensive plan amendment request (CPA-79-94) and rezone request (1 -17- ) from the North Greenacres neighborhood requesting the following: • Amend the comprehensive plan map west of Flora Road, north of Mission from "Industrial"to"Urban"; • Amend the zoning map from I-2, Industrial west of Flora Road and from UR-3.5 east of Flora Road to SR-1. Based on this request the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) directed county planning staff to conduct a study of the subject area. The Spokane County Planning Department developed a "Lead Agency Report" (June 16, 1994) referred to as the "North Greenacres" Study. The report stated that the County was mandated to establish an "interim" urban growth area (IUGA) by October of 1996. This action would determine if the subject area was "Urban" or "Rural" under the County's comprehensive plan required by the Growth Management Act (GMA). As indicated above, the IUGA was established prior to the County starting work on the GMA comprehensive plan. The North Greenacres study states: "The Planning Departments major concern, regarding the 'Worth Greenaeres" Neighborhood, Is the unknown results of the 20 year Urban Growth Area (GA) boundary and which fQture Land Use Category would be assigned to the "North Greenacres"portion of the Valley' The report further states (page 20) that County's intention was to consider the comprehensive plan amendment and rezone as an "interim" measure until the IUGA and ultimately the GMA Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the County. Spokane County adopted an IUGA that designated the subject area as 'Urban". Additionally the County adopted its GMA Plan in January 2061 that designated the subject property as "Low Density Residential" on the comprehensive plan map. iSEZ-17-D4—CieciaeresAreaw[de Rezone Page 2 et'4 III. Analysis of Proposed Rezone The City of Spokane Valley adopted the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan (including map) and development regulations as interim measures upon incorporation. As the attached Comprehensive Plan Map indicates the subject area is designated Low Density Residential (LDR). Several goals and policies are included the City's interim comprehensive plan related to residential areas of the City, particularly the Residential Land Use Section of the Urban Land Use Chapter. Specific goals and policies that support the requested rezone include: Goal UL.7 — Guide efficient development patterns by locating residential development in areas where facilities and services can be provided in a cost- effective and timely fashion. Policy UL.7.3 — New urban development must be located within the Urban Growth Area (UGA) boundary. Goal UL.8 — Create urban areas with a variety of housing types and prices, including manufactured home parks, multifamily development, townhouses and single-family development. Goal UL.9a — Create a variety of residential densities within the Urban Growth Area with an emphasis on compact nixed-use development in designated centers and corridors. The City of Spokane Valley adopted interim development regulations under Ordinance 53-03, which adopted the Spokane County Zoning Code as amended, as the interim zoning code for the City. The interim zoning code includes the County's Phase I Development Regulations. Section II of the Phase I Development Regulations include a table designed to stipulate comprehensive plan categories and zoning designations that are consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan map designations. As previously stated the subject area is designated LDR on the City's interim comprehensive plan map. The table referenced in the previous paragraph indicates that implementing zoning designations for the LDR map designation are UR-3.5 and UR-7*. The proposed rezone to UR-3.5 is consistent with the subject table. Staff would like to state that the rezoning of this area to UR-3.5 will not preclude individual property owners in the subject area from requesting rezones of individual properties to UR-7* Site specific rezone requests are processed through the City's hearing examiner on a case-by-rase basis. REE.17-44—Gretnacres Arcawidc itaione nage 3 of 4 IV. Findings and Recommendation Planning Division staff makes the following findings related to the proposed rezone: 1. The rezone petition is sufficient in that signatures of over 51% of the property owners in the affected area have signed the petition; 2. An environmental review of the proposed rezone was completed and a threshold determination issued by the City consistent with state requirements; 3. The proposed rezone is consistent with appropriate goals and policies of the City's Interim Comprehensive Plan; and 4. The proposed rezone is consistent with the City's Interim Zoning Code's comprehensive plan category/implementing zoning table included in Section II of the Phase I Development Regulations adopted by the City of Spokane Valley in Ordinance 53:O3. Planning Division staff recommends the requested area-wide rezone be approved. Attachments REZ-37-04—GreeraGres Are4widt Rczarie Fagg 4 ofd o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNny,DEVELOPMENT" j 40,ValleY AREAWIDE REZONE APPLICATION APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Pollard MAILING ADDRESS: 17216 East Baldwin CITY: Spokane Valley STATE: WA ZIP: 99224 PHONE (home): 926-8899 PHONE (office): 926-8899 CELL: 990-3103 EMAIL ADDRESS: marypnicehouse.net NUMBER OF PARCELS WITHIN SUBJECT AREA; 264 GENERAL BOUNDARY OF PROPOSAL: North and West boundary is Spokane River; South boundary is Mission Avenue; east boundary is Barker Road. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING LAND USES WITHIN SUBJECT AREA: Farming, storage of large machinery, greenhouses, commercial raising of flowers, equipment repair shop, single family residential homes, classic car paint shop, small orchards, gardening, barns and shops for storage of personal and small business use (such as an upholstery shop.) SIZE OF SUBJECT AREA (acres or square feet): EXISTING ZONE CLASSIFICATION(S): Urban Residential 7* (UR-7*) PROPOSED ZONING: Urban Residential 3.5 (UR-3.5) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CATEGORY: Low Density Residential LIST PREVIOUS LAND USE ACTIONS, IF ANY, INVOLVING THIS PROPERTY: In 1994 there was an area-wide study conducted by Spokane County following the GMA process that resulted in an area-wide zoning of SR1. In January, 2002, when the county adopted their Comprehensive Plan, they zoned our area UR.7*. Our existing land use and insufficient level of services and improvements (such as roads), created a hardship for this neighborhood to safely function at this density. The zoning designation also changes the ability to continue animal keeping, except under the grandfather provision. There is a majority interest in retaining this right. This is the impetus for application for an area wide rezone of UR3.5. We are seeking to protect our area from high development. This is the only zoning available under the existing zoning ordinances. We would prefer larger lot sizes of 1 acre minimums but are seeking to protect ourselves with this zoning of UR3.5 while the City of Spokane Valley writes our awn Comprehensive Plan and adopts a broader variety of zoning designations to accommodate a richer variety of lifestyles, more closely resembling the community that makes Spokane Valley an attractive place to live. WHAT ARE THE CHANGED CONDITIOAS OF THE AREA WHICH YOU FEEL MAKE THIS PROPOSAL WARRANTED? This area has not changed, but areas nearby have dramatically increased In population as developments have encroached around us. This has caused increased traffic on all roads. Mission recently had a sewer line brought by a developer but the rest of the area is still not part of the 6 year sewer plan. This hascreated an inequitable situation. Those with money are purchasing public services at the expense of capacity that the general public on the plan should have been receiving. Also, others desiring sewer, cannot develop their properties and may be delayed even longer as capacity of our waste water treatment facility reaches capacity 'oficially in 2009." One citizen should not receive special treatment over another for public services,. Present road conditions on the secondary roads such as Baldwin, Indiana, Montgomery, Riverway, Long and Greenacres Road, are narrow and not well maintained. In winter, we are not plowed on snow days. It usually stops at Mission, and days later we may have our streets plowed. This will create more hazardous road conditions with the hundreds of new cars that are expected to travel daily down these roads. Neighbors have already commented they have had near misses with head on collisions when they have moved over on the road to accommodate a bicyclist. Any reduction in homes will lessen the traffic and hopefully avert more serious problems but I believe the roads are not up to the standards needed for any significant increase in traffic. Concurrency is demanded by GMA, UR 3.5 is the only zoning available to try to mitigate the road problem that is being created. During summer months, slow moving vehicles such as tractors and harvesting equipment utilize Flora and some of the other roads. WHAT FACTORS SUPPORT THE ZONE RECLASSIFICATION? CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: To quote the Short Course on Planning, 'the perception or reality that existing roads cannot handle present traffic and that they would be overtaxed by significant new levels of use - would be a barrier to increasing densities In existing urban or suburban areas. The Comprehensive Plan demands that capital facilities funding is provided for in the present. The courts have ruled that you cannot hold an area's land indefinitely. There must be a clear need for those lands for housing and without that It Is a taking of property that must be compensated. It is too early to know where the people want to put our growth and what we want to preserve. The County Comprehensive Plan 7nNTN,' CENCI BCCI Tr'6TTniU &DDI ie' h1 Parvo 7 rdr 7. • requires a 4 house average per acre of new housing. The zoning would conform to this goal while North Greenacres waits out this Interim period. - The land use element of the plan and the finance piece of the capital facilities element must be coordinated and consistent. COMPLIANCE WITH PURPOSE AND INTENT OF ZONING: Zoning is to prevent urban sprawl and must have capital facilities in place. Good planning would not initiate large developments in an area without sewer services for the entire area. We need to have good management of what already exists before we attempt to increase the population and traffic of an area, Schools are full and there is a need for more schools. While there may not be enough room for new students, by law schools cannot turn any student away and so we must not just follow the letter of the law but the intent and purpose of insuring there is money and capacity in the present school system. Otherwise, students that move into an area are bused outside of their neighborhood and cannot begin making friends and their educational experience Is interrupted by school moves beyond their physical move to an area. Poor development standards may cause the larger community to bear the expense of retrofitting the development to meet urban standards. WHAT IMPACT WILL THE PROPOSED ZONE RECLASSIFICATION HAVE ON THE SURROUNDING AREA? It will be consistent with zoning adjacent to the South Boundary on Mission WHAT MEASURES DO YOU PROPOSED TO MITIGATE YOUR PROPOSALS IMPACT ON SURROUNDING LAND USE? Animal keeping should not be a variance since 71% of the area support this use. We would like to see something created to permit this use, to be submitted with the community comprehensive plan amendments if needed. Likely, this is a bureaucratic decision that can be made at this time. The present zoning is injurious to the historical and present land uses and deprives us of rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in this vicinity such as Otis Orchards and South Greenacres area. This is a takings that can be rectified. In addition the following measures should be enacted to mitigate the interim zoning that was enacted to assist the proposed zoning. in order to preserve the scenic view, 1 V2 story houses should also have a 10 foot setback so there is not a visible wall created since that is the setback required of 2 story homes. Since It _s more than one story, it should be treated as a 2 story not a single story structure. 7CiNTNIC. RFC'.AccTFrrarr.m ADM rrerrnr,r [Meia °�of Setbacks should be a minimum of 10 to 12 feet if there is animal keeping on adjacent to the proposed building project. This is to protect both neighboring property owners from harm to one another, Fencing should be required of any PUD or housing development along the entire perimeter of the development to protect the neighboring properties. The benefits to the local area to continue agricultural use is of public interest. Residential development adjacent to these lands should be advised that these uses shall not be considered a nuisance if conducted and maintained according to beset farming and animal management practices. Informing new or potential purchasers of the daily activities and potential "inconveniences" (i.e. dust, odors,. machinery operation, sounds, etc.) would be helpful in maintaining a harmonious neighborhood, while such notices do not have any real force of law. If one is determined to live in an area that has these land uses they should be prepared to accept inconveniences or discomfort as a normal and necessary aspect of living in an area with a rural character. Definitions. Agricultural Operations means, but is riot limited to, the cultivation and tillage of the sail, production, irrigation, frost protection, cultivation, growing, harvesting and processing of any agricultural commodity, including viticulture, horticulture, timber or apiculture, the raising of livestock and poultry, any agricultural practice or process, private or commercial, performed as incident to or in conjunction with such operations, including recycling of agricultural waste, preparation for ,market, delivery to storage or to carriers for transportation to market. A Grievance Committee could be established to assist in the resolution of any disputes that might arise regarding agricultural operations and the right to farm or use your property. Electric fence should be encouraged and provided for in our zoning ordinances to prevent damage to neighboring property and fences - since it discourages leaning on the fence and does not pose any harm beyond a shock to any child or adult touching the fence. (Any planner wishing to touch an electric fence as a trial is welcome to try.) Penalties for unlawful interference, theft, trespassing, or vandalism to owners in agricultural pursuits should be crested since a large majority of the area are grandfathered with these uses and should be protected, PART II (For Staff Use Only) DATE SUBMITTED; RECEIVED BY: , FILE NUMBER: _-- - 7cdurNt; par!AWeTKrra-rriar.i Au tsl t A rrrJJ Dann 4 nF C Aerial Map Ballot' - Abe `� _Euclid m Eu --'-t . . ' _.. ..ems+-.._ �: r 1. l3 a 4 � ! } `w _ 1 �. s - , - r 40 '•". - - - '"- - ' ' 'Budkay a ' testi"t_ ' '-- , ' '4. -.' . r/ ' ' \. - '.'1'. '' -ill ' -J4,,j3IT,.__5'n — > . - o- '.-0 glisi L ;' II i :P % bC3 ' or. r,tl! . i `` ' tea. 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CA/For Proposal ❑ For Proposal ❑ Opposed to Proposal Opposed to Proposal ❑ Neutral 0 Neutral Wish to Speak: ❑ Yes ❑f No Wish to Speak:] Yes ❑ No CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Planning Commission - Public Hearing Planning Commission - Public Hearing September 23, 2004 September 23, 2004 Name (Please Print): Name (Please Print): 1\-'/I, , ., _°..-"4. - _,' +fes Address: - i._._ e r,[.Ci - - -- - Address: Agenda Item: Agenda Item: ` _ - ' - ` ` ', I JFor Proposal EI For Proposal ❑ Opposed tv Proposal ❑ Opposed to Proposal 0 Neutral ❑ Neutral „--. Wish to Speak: ❑ Yes 0 No Seo. 23, 20, 4 4: 2aFMi No. 0009 N. 2 RECEVED ,41, t SEP 13 2004 1 117 East 35'h Avenue Spokane, Washington 99203 City of Spokane VaHey (509) 838-9066 Fax: (509) 838-9051 September23, 2004 Planning Commission City of Spokane Valley 11707 5,. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Greenacres Area-Wide Rezone Lots N Laud, L.L.C.Properties Dear Commissioners: I represent Lots N Land, L.L.C.,which OWLS property within the area proposed.to he rezoned from UR 7* to 3.5; specifically, parcel numbers 55073.0715, 55073.1235 and 55074.0303. Lots N Land requests that the Planning Commission not rezone these parcels as part of the rezone. My client recently received preliminary plat approval for parcel number 55073.0715, and parcels 55073.1235 and 55074.0303 are the subject of preliminary plat applications, and are vested to be reviewed under the zoning in effect today. Therefore,any rezone ofthe property as part of the area- 'wide rezone would have no practical effect. However,my client would like the zoning to remain UR-7 in order to be consistent with the pending applications anticipated approval of the same. Thank you for your consideration of this request. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. f Very,ltrul�yr yours, / I f (23., • cc: Ken Tupper September 19 2004 Dear Mr. Kuhta, We would ask that Spokane Valley Planning Commission deny File No. ArewideRt�A�" Submitted by Applicant, Mary Pollard, representing property owners signing petition, requesting a zone change from UR-7 to UR.3.5 . We've had 3 developments recently approved for UR-7 in this particular area and believe the remaking 49% of the property owners would be discriminated against if this re-zone request is approved. The 51 % of the property owners who are requesting the zone change from 15R-7 to 3.5 der not need a zone change to keep their individual properties at 3.5. Spokane Valley City, which incorporated in 2003, would decrease their revenue if this re-zoning request is allowed to be changed from UR-7 . Keeping the zoning at UR-7 will increase the city's tax base in the coming years We would rather see the tax base raised by single family homes instead of increasing our taxes, cutting services and eliminating programs. By keeping the UR-7 zoning, the tax base increase will also kelp with the improvements for schools and the road system in this 457 acre area. We would ask if you do grant this re-zone request, we would ask that it only be granted for 1 year and no longer. We would also request that the boundary stop at Flora Road making Flora the west boundary. Sincerely, Hous .-0 el yne House 17486 E Montgomery Ave_ Greenacres, Wash 99016 509-928-5807 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Planning Commission w Public Comment Planningission -er 231P2004 ublic Comment September 23, 2004 ame (Please Print): k /ow Name (Please Print): 7 /:20 (11 ddress: c Address' Ai fel C a -- , , ubject 'S,_ 6Pr e !Abject: a , , __Car Z 0 .001 /62-/r1-"(--- < Wish to Speak. 0 Yes Nt. No Wish to Speak: Yes 0 No CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Planning Commission - Public Comment September 23, 2004 Name (Please Print): I .0 a Address: TO er �s r Subject: '`' - At ; 01-, i2 1r` { Wish to Speak: E Yes No CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Planning Commission — Public Hearing September 23, 2004 Name Please Print): Y7 C/411 Address: / /01) , Agenda Item! f7 - y- ---12 -for Proposal ❑, Opposed to Proposal E] Neutral Wish to Speak: ❑ Yes `-- Na CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Planning Commission - Public Hearing September 23, 2004 v Name (Please Print): Address: ,: (-32_ - _r P,-C-i Agenda item: a t - l - , For Proposal El Opposed to Proposal Neutral Wish to Sneak! Vac I—II+ Scott kuhta 7 From: John Bowditch [trlpletzr yehoo.corn] Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 4:47 PM To: Scott Ku hta Subject: File NC_Areawide Rezone-01-04 Mr Kuhta, I live in this proposed rezone area. I own two lots approx. 4 acres in size. I have lived in this area since 1992. I believe it is in the best intrent of our neighborhood to see this rezone gain approval from the Spokane Valley Planning Commission. This area consist of many hones with large lots or acerage, peole maintain livestock on their properties and commercial agraculture still exsist here. Many of the residents of this area have been here for many years and remain because of our rural style env_ornment_ This area is on the edge of the growth TTanayemen_ boundaries and rezoning to UR 3.5 would be more =potable with properties outside the boundaries, and would also act as a buffer between the higher density areas to the south and east. I also believe that the road system in this area is not capable of handling traffic from a UR--7 deoignation. Also, the Spokane River which is the northern boundary of this area is already facing ecological problems, to restrict building in this area to UR 3.5, would be a victory to help save our precious river from further degradation. I support a UR 3.5 designation for this neighborhood. The necessary signatures of property owners within this area were collected. Their collective voice is telling you what we want in our neighbor. It is vital for city officals to listen to what the citizens ask for. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this issue John S4wditch 17725 R. Montgomery Ave. Spokane Valley, WA. Do you Yahoo!? Declare ?ourself - Register online to vote today! httra:f/vote.yahoo.com 1 i'14: 4210,6 N-Z-17 '/-3:Ze4eFftd-: 17 t +•cd- /ed "e41" de,14Ae-- a-4ffe V tefLe, 6761-r,e2) a-c-,L44,i , e-t-° "A 0-, "Ift2"44j- ! A 't- a{' J_ eiremi",ei.,taer_.,Le-1 y • lr Y r -6;(4 airai-eV r . v /65freof-e4A)2 eec*,- a.re ,/ >A11-r-e y ok,„i Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approximately l 1 years ago, Spokane County rezoned our neighborhood to SR 3.5 east of Flora Rd. and to Industrial west of Flora Rd.( even though there is no industry in our neighborhood). The neighborhood fought to change the zoning to something more in keeping with the area and lifestyle. We were rezoned to SR 1. In or around 2001 without our knowledge and with no notice Spokane County changed our zoning to SR 7 (the County said that they mailed notices,however not one person in our neighborhood says that they received them). SR 7 is not appropriate for our semi-rural area The lots vary from ' acre to approximately 20 acres. There are some small farms and many people keep large and small farm animals. The roads are too narrow for the number of cars that high-density housing would bring. Most of us moved to this area looking for a semi-rural lifestyle. We know that in time it will change,however we are being forced to accept high-density housing when there many other areas where this housing would more appropriate. - Areas closer to the freeway and to arterials. Areas closer to shopping. - Existing areas already zoned for high-density housing. We think that rezoning our area to SR 3.5 would be a good compromise. The area south of Mission Ave. is zoned SR 3.5 yet is closer to the freeway. Pat and Bob Loweree E. 16908 Indiana Ave, Phone #926-2551 .. .. L--...--:::-.:.,..„: ,Ll F d.E F haw S , SEP 2 3 21304 GARY ft LAuRiE HOPKINS 13D6 North Long Roan City O f Spoken V iiey Oreenacres, WA 99016 11, i(iiiSeptember 22, 2.004 i Mr. Scott Kuhta City of Spokane Valtey, WA Dear Mr. Kuhta: On behalf of the undersigned, this Letter is to show support for the proposed rezoning of 457 acres from LIR7 to UR3.5 in the area bordered approximately by Mission Ave. to the south and the Spokane River to the north, and by FLora Road to the west anrd barker Road to the east, as petitioned by Mary Pollard. Residents whose signatures appear below Live in or around the neighborhood. We support the proposed rezoning to ensure that our neighborhoods remain as rural as possible, and that fewer homes will be built in the area. We are concerned not only about the additional traffic and congestion that further development in the area is bringing, but also in the extreme changes in the look and feel of our idyllic neighborhoods. Thank you for taking our support into consideration, Sincerely, Signature Print Name Address al s r _ _ 1 i 1 j — #.' - 0 ^} } I)r it _ f ' irT I 1 yCJ e ,f ag Al * 8- of r l-- C J Illk , l 4 Ct_t • 91�rll (LL :� ' rC ' 1 L� N. Lc1 . rt4 . morm�� . � . _1 mai) _ I 0 '. G 1 0r GARY Et LAURIE 1HOPKLNS 1306 North Long Road Greenacres, WA 49016 Signatur= " Print 1'1'me P f Address • d IP O PrZ4.71,9107(<' PC-.1.11061\ - • V LOC\ f -�. i City of Spokane Valley Request for Planning Commission Review DATE: September 23, 2004 TYPE: ❑ Consent ❑ Old Business New Business Public Hearing ❑ Legislation ❑ Information ❑ Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Public Hearing GOVERNING LEGISLATION Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan provides for an annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. The deadline for submitting Comprehensive Paan amendment requests was July 1, 2004. The City received eight requests summarized as follows: File No. CPA-01-04 Location: South side of Dishman-Mica Road, west of its intersection with Bowdish Road. Request: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential to Community Commercial; corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-3.5 and 8-3 to B-2, Community Commercial, on approximately 4.23 acres of land. File No. CPA-02-04 Location: North side of Broadway Avenue, east of Ella Road. Request: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential: corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-3.5 to UR-22 on approximately 1.4 acres of land. File No. CPA-03-04 Location: South side of Springfield Avenue, west of Sullivan Road, one block north of Vallcyeray. Request: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Medium Density to High Density Residential; corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-7 and B-2 to LIR-22 an approximately 1.45 acres of land. File No. CPA-04-04 Location: South side of Broadway Avenue, about 4000 feet east of Sullivan Road. Request: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential; corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-3.5 to UR-22 on approximately 4.85 acres of land. File No. CPA-05-04 Location° North side of Valleyway Avenue, about 150 feet east of Sullivan Road. Request: Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from Low Density Residential to Regional Commercial; corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-22 to B-1 or approximately 1.75 acres of land. File No. CPA06--04 Location: East side of Adams Road, about 400 feet south of Mission Avenue, Request: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential; corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-3.5 to UR-22 on approximately a acres of land. File No. CPA-07-04 Lotion: The proposal will remove Mansfield Avenue, between Houk Street and Mirabeau Parkway, from the Spokane Valley Arterial Road Plan. Request Amend the Spokane Valley Arterial Road Plan by removing Mansfield Avenue between Houk Street and Mirabeau Parkway- File No. CPA-08-04 Location: North of Rutter Road, west of Dora Avenue, on the southeastern boundary of Felts Field Airport,the only Airport property Iodated within the City of Spokane Valley. Request: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential to Light Industrial; corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-3.5 to 1-2 on approximately 10 acres of land. ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report, application materials,vicinity,zoning and comprehensive plan maps far each request. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, AICP, Planner STAFF REPORT I " * SUBJECT: 2004 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS Community Development Department isios•V Va 1 y PLANNING DIVISION To: Spokane Valley Planning Commission Hearing Date: September 23, 2004 Staff: Greg McCormick, AICP — Planning Division Manager Scott Kuhta, AICP— Senior Planner Marina Sukup, AICP—Community Development Director I. BACKGROUND The Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan includes an annual amendment cycle that runs from July 2" to July f 51 of the following year. Applications received prior to July 1st are considered by the Planning Commission in August and September, with a recommendation forwarded to the City Council in late September or early October. A decision by the City Council is to be made no later than December of each year. All parts of the Comprehensive Plan can be amended during the annual cycle. The Community Development Department received 7 requests for site-specific Comprehensive Plan amendments and one request for an Arterial Road Plan amendment for 2004. Sites that are approved for a Comprehensive Plan amendment will automatically receive a zoning designation that is consistent with the new land use designation. Attachments to this report include application materials, SEPA documentation, land use, zoning and aerial maps to assist the Commission's review, II, NOTICE Notice for the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on September 3, 2004 and each site was posted with a "Notice of Land Use Application" sign, which included a map and description of the proposal and a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) determination. Finally, individual notice of the proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each amendment. III. SEPA REVIEW Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA— RCW 43.21 C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan amendment. Under SEPA, amendments to the comprehensive plan are considered "non-project actions" which Staff Report 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments are defined as actions involving decisions on policies, plans, or programs that contain standards controlling use or modification of the environment Additional environmental review may be required for the actual development of the subject properties. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each comprehensive plan amendment request. Determinations of Nonsignificance (DNS) were issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendments on August 25, 2004. The DNS's were published in the city's official newspaper on September 3, 2004 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. IV. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSALS CPA-01-04 Applicant: Warren and Sylvia Riddle Request: Change the land use designation from Low-Density Residential to Community Commercial; change zoning from B-3 and UR 3.5 to B-2. Location: South side of Dishman-Mica Road, west of Bowdish Road; Parcel No. 45333,9024 and 9155. Site Area: 423 acres Current Use: The site is largely vacant, but does include a single-family residence and a commercial office. Adjacent Uses: Railroad to the south, commercial to the north and east, vacant residential to the west. Public Facilities: The property is currently served with public water and sewer and is accessed from a Dishman-Mica Road, a Principal Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Road Plan. Comprehensive Planizoning Analysis: The Bowdish/Dishman Mica Road intersection has developed as a commercial center over the years. This is reflected on the Interim Spokane Valley Land Use Map by the Community Commercial land use designation for property at the intersection. The proposal would extend the Community Commercial designation northwest along Dishman-Mica Road. The Applicant requests that the property be designated Community Commercial, consistent with property to the north and east. A portion of the subject property was zoned B-3 in 1993; the remainder of the property' is zoned UR 3.5. The small parcel directly east of the subject property, at the southwest September 15, 2003 Page 2 of 10 Staff Report 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments corner of BowdishlDishman Mica Road, was zoned B-1 in 1997. Property directly across Dishman-Mica Road to the north is zoned B-3. The Applicant requests that the entire property be zoned B-2, including the portion currently zoned B-3. The B-2 designation is the appropriate implementing zone for the Community Commercial Comprehensive Plan designation, Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation; Change property to Community Commercial and zone entire property B-2. The property is not suited for residential use due to railroad adjacent to southern parcel boundary and the busy arterial intersection. GPA-02-04 Applicant: Robert G. Curry Request: Change land use designation from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential; change zoning from UR-3.5 to UR-22. Location: North side of Broadway Avenue, east of Ella Road; Parcel No. 45812.9035. Site Area: 1.4 acres Current Use: The property has one, single-family dwelling located on it, Adjacent Uses: A construction company office is located on the parcel directly west on Broadway Avenue; single story apartments are located west and north of the property; a single-family dwelling is located to east; Centennial Middle School is located across Ella Road to the west. Public Facilities: The subject property is located within Spokane County Water District# 3. The area was severed by Spokane County in 1996; access is via Broadway Avenue, which is designated as a Principal Arterial. Comprehensive PlanlZoning Analysis: The current land use designation for the subject and surrounding property is Low Density Residential. This designation is not consistent with the existing office and multi-family apartment uses surrounding the subject parcel. The subject property is zoned UR 3.5; properly surrounding the site is zoned UR-22, which is consistent with current office and mult%family uses. The single--family dwelling located east of the subject is zoned UR-3,5. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. September 15, 2003 Page n of 10 Staff Report 2004 Comprehensive Man Amendments Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential for the subject property and the properly surrounding the subject that is currently zoned UR-22. Staff also recommends changing the zone of the subject parcel to UR-22. CPA-03-04 Applicant: Pring Corporation (represented by Dwight Hume) Request: Change the land use designation from Medium Density Residential to i-ligh Density Residential; change zone from UR-7 and R-2 to UR-22. The Applicant indicates that the site would be an ideal location for a medical office facility and that the current Comprehensive Plan designation would not allow for medical offices, Location: South side of Springfield Avenue, west of Sullivan Road, one block north of Valleyway; parcels No. 45144,0245, Site Area: 1 A5 acres Current Use: Vacant Adjacent Uses: Property to the east, fronting Sullivan Road, is commercial retail; single- family residences are located to the north across Springfield Road; a Vera Water and Power pump house is located to the west; Progress Elementary is located approximately 200 feet further west. Public Facilities: Water is available from Vera Water and Power; public sewer is available. Springfield Road is an unpaved local access street. Future development on the subject parcel would require Springfield to be paved. Comprehensive PlanlZoning Analysis: The interim Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property Medium Density Residential, which is intended as a buffer between the commercial uses along Sullivan and single-family residential neighborhoods to the east. Property to the east, fronting Sullivan, is designated Regional Commercial and is zoned B-- 2; property directly north, south and west is designated Medium Density residential on the Interim Comprehensive Plan map. Property to the south is zoned UR-22 while property to the west and north is vaned UR-7_ The site has good to Sullivan Road and Commercial services, The requested Comprehensive Plan designation would allow for office and multi-family development under the implementing UR-22 zone. These uses would be compatible with current uses surrounding the property. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. September 15, 2003 Page 4 of 10 Staff Report 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends changing the Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential and implementing with the UR-22 zone. CPA-04-04 Applicant: Paul H. Gillespie, Jr. Request: Change property from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential; change zone to UR-22. Location: South side of Broadway Avenue, about 4000 feet east of Sullivan Road; Parcel No. 45134.0206. Site Area: 4.85 acres Current Use: The property has one, single-family residence located on it. Adjacent Uses: The property is surrounding by largely vacant, single-family residential land on the south side of Broadway; property on the north side of Broadway includes single-family and duplex units. Public Facilities: Public water is provided by Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19. Sewer is not currently available at the property. Future development of the site would either require public sewer or interim septic systems until public sewer is available. Access is via Broadway Avenue. Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: The Interim Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates the subject parcel and surrounding property Low Density Residential. Policies in the Land Use Chapter encourage High Density Residential areas to be designated near commercial areas with good access to Major Arterials. The site is located within close proximity to the Sullivan Road commercial district. However, Broadway Avenue is a narrow, two-lane road designated as a Minor Arterial. The Comprehensive Plan also requires the development of regulations that establish design standards for multifamily developments_ The intent of this policy is to better integrate multifamily developments adjacent to single-family neighborhoods. The design standards would specify building heights and design features to give a residential scale and identity to multifamily developments. Spokane Valley has not adopted design standards that would address compatibility between multi-family developments and single-family neighborhoods. Further, Spokane Valley is currently in the process of developing a new Comprehensive Plan. Caution should be used in making Land Use decisions that may be contrary to the direction of the community planning process. September 15, 2003 Page 5 of 10 Staff Report 2004 Compreherisive Plan Amendments The property is currently zoned UR 3,5 which is consistent with surrounding uses and current Comprehensive Plan designation. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends no change to the current Comprehensive Plan designation. The area is surrounded by large, undeveloped parcels of land with limited infrastructure available to support higher densities. The area should be reviewed during the City's Comprehensive Plan process with community input into the design of the Land Use Plan. CPA-05-04 Applicant: Vernon Eden and David Wheldon Request: Change property from Low Density Residential to Regional Commercial; change zone from UR-22 to B-1 Location: North side of!alleyway Avenue, about 150 feet of Sullivan Road; Parcel No's 45133.0524 and 0540. Site Area: 1.75 acres Current Use: Each parcel is occupied with a single-family dwelling. Adjacent Uses: Residential to the east, vacant to the north, a Vera utility station to the west, commercial strip mall across Valleyway to the south. Public Facilities: The property has public sewer available; water is provided by Vera Water and Power; sewer is provided by Spokane County. Access to the site is from Valleyway Avenue, a two lane road designated as an Urban Collector, Previous Land Use/Zoning Actions: The subject property received a zone change to UR-22 in 2000. Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: The subject site is located adjacent to property designated Regional Commercial to the west, along Sullivan Road, and south, across Valleyway. The Interim Comprehensive Plan states that Regional Commercial areas are intended to draw customers from the City and outlying areas and accessible from roadways of major arterial classification or higher. At the time of application, the Interim Spokane Valley Zoning Code required B-3 and B-2 properties to have direct access to either a Minor or Major arterial. Valleyway is designated as a Collector on the Arterial Road Plan map. Planning Staff advised the applicant to request B-1 zoning, which could be approved with access to a Collector. September 15,2003 Page 6 of 10 Staff Report 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments However, the Zoning Code was amended recently and the requirement for B-3 and B-2 zones to have access to a Minor or Major arterial was deleted. Therefore, the Planning Commission may consider zoning the parcel B-2. The requested Regional Commercial designation and proposed B-2 zoning is consistent with property directly across Valleyway to the south and along Sullivan to the west. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Planning Staff recommends changing the property to Regional Commercial and applying the B-2 zone. Staff further recommends no further commercial zoning east of the subject property along Valleyway. C PA-06-04 Applicant: Crosby Family Land, L.LC Request: Change property from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential; change zoning from UR 3.5 to UR-22. The application states the intent to develop the property into an adult living/assisted living facility. Location: l=ast side of Adams Road, approximately 400 feet south of Mission Avenue; Parcel No. 45141.9003. Site Area: 8 acres Current.Use: The property is vacant. Adjacent Uses: The site is surrounded by single-family residential development. Public Facilities: Vera Water and Power provides water service; public sewer available. The site is accessed by Adams Road which is a Local Access street on the Interim Spokane Valley Arterial Road Plan, Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: The area surrounding the subject parcel is exclusively single-family residential. The nearest high density development is north, across Mission Road. The Interim Comprehensive Plan encourages multi-family residential development to be located near commercial areas and on sites with good access to major arterials. The nearest commercial services are along Sullivan Road, approximately one-half mile to the east. Adams Road is a narrow, two-lane collector without sidewalks or shoulders for pedestrians. The Comprehensive Plan also requires the development of regulations that establish design standards for multifamily developments. The intent of this policy is to better integrate multifamily developments adjacent to single-family neighborhoods. The design September 15, 2003 Page 7 of 10 Staff Report 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments standards would specify building heights and design features to give a residential scale and identity to multifamily developments. Spokane Valley has not adopted design standards that would address compatibility between multi-family developments and single-family neighborhoods. Further, Spokane Valley is currently in the process of developing a new Comprehensive Plan. Caution should be used in making Land Use decisions that may be contrary to the direction of the community planning process_ Public Comment: Staff received a letter dated September 14, 2004, signed by area residents opposing the proposed Comprehensive Plan change. Staff also received an email from Peggy and Richard Cannon opposing the change (letter and email attached). Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends no change to the current Comprehensive plan designation. The application states the intent to construct an adult livinglassisted living facility. However, it is not possible to condition approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to limit development to the stated intent. The UR-22 zone would potentially allow 172 dwelling units to be developed on the 8-acre site, which would negatively impact the single-family neighborhood. The site could accommodate approximately 32 single- family residences under the UR 3.5 zone. The area should be reviewed during the City's Comprehensive Plan process with community input into the design of the Land Use Plan for this neighborhood. CPA-07-04 Applicant; Todd R. Whipple, P.E. Request: Amend the Interim Spokane Valley Arterial Road Plan by removing Mansfield Avenue between Houk Street and Mirabeau Parkway. The application indicates that other options will be available that won't require Mansfield Avenue to be constructed per the Arterial Road Pian. The Applicant proposes to replace Mansfield with Houk Street extended south to Indiana, which would require a new railroad crossing (see application documents for full details). The Applicant further suggests that the Bridging the Valley project would remove this segment of railroad some time between 2009 and 2012_ According to a letter by Christopher R. Ashenbrener, Corporate Counsel for A & A Construction (see application materials) Mansfield Avenue was ''casually proposed" to be extended easterly as a traffic fix for problems along the Pines Road corridor during development project discussions. The intent was to provide for eastlwest traffic flow without impacting the Pines/Indiana intersection. Extending Mansfield west to Pines would require the purchase and demolition of a 6-plex apartment building. Mr. Ashenbrener further states in his letter that the extension of Mansfield would be extremely burdensome because it would bisect a residential community planned for the area between Mirabeau Parkway and Houk Street. September 15, 2003 Page 8 of 10 stiff Report 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Site Area: The undeveloped portion of Mansfield Avenue measures approximately 2000 feet. Current Land Use: The western end of the Mansfield alignment consists of multi-family residential development; the eastern end consists of office, commercial and recreational uses. Property in the middle is currently vacant, with a multi-family residential development in process of approval. Comprehensive Plan Analysis: The Arterial Road Plan Map is a part of the Transportation Element of the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan. The map identifies current and future roads that are required to support the future land uses envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan. Mansfield Avenue was added to the Arterial Road Plan in the late 1990's as an important eastlwest link from Pines Road to Mirabeau Parkway. The future road will provide for better traffic circulation in this area and is an important link to the Pines/Mansfield/Montgomery Road realignment project (Pines Road Corridor Project). The Pines/Mansfield Mitigation Project is scheduled for construction in 2005. Part of that project would improve Mansfield Road west of Pines, moving east bound traffic crossing Pines to the north. This will alleviate congestion at the current Montggornery/Pines intersection. Constructing Mansfield east of Pines Road will then allow connection through Mirabeau Parkway. It should be noted that Mansfield Avenue is currently being extend both east and west of Mirabeau Parkway for new developments, consistent with the Arterial Road Plan. The Bridging the Valley project will remove the rail line paralleling Indiana Avenue; however, the right-of-way will not be vacated, The entire project is expected to be completed by 2015, if funding is secured. The most applicable goals of the Comprehensive Plan are: Goal T_7 Provide efficient and cost effective movement of *ea,•le moods and fre s ht to maintain industrial commercial and manufacturin' caeabili The future Mansfield Road is an important link in the City's transportation system that will provide better circulation between the light industrial areas west of Pines and residential areas north of Pines to the Valley Mall office parks east of Pines. Goal T.Ba Establish and maintain level of services standards for roads. Level of service is currently failing at the Pines/MontgomeryfMansfieldllndiana intersections. The proposed Pines Road Corridor project will maintain adequate levels of service in this area. Construction of Mansfield Road east of Pines will remove more cars from the Pines/Indiana intersection, which will help to maintain level of service standards. September 15, 2003 Page 9 of 10 Staff Report 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Community Development and Public Works Staff recommends denial of the proposed Arterial (toad Plan change (see letter from Sandra Raskell, P.E., Spokane Valley Development Review Engineer). Extension of Mansfield Avenue would provide traffic relief from Indian Avenue and connectivity of the City street system. CPA-08-04 Applicant; City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the land use designation from Low-Density Residential to Light Industrial; change zoning from UR-3.5 to 1-2. Location: North of Rutter Road, west of Dora Avenue, on the southeastern boundary of Felts Field, the only portion of Airport property located within the City of Spokane Valley. Site Area: 10 acres Current Use: The site is developed with airplane hangars and storage facilities. Adjacent Uses: Single family residential to the east. Public Facilities: The site has public sewer and water available and is accessed from Rutter Road. Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: The current Low Density Residential designation is not consistent with the use of the airport property. The City of Spokane Valley signed an interlocal agreement with the City of Spokane and Spokane County that which states that development of airport property must be consistent with the Felts Field Airport Master Plan. The agreement further states that the Master Plan supercedes the City's zoning of the property. Staff Recommendation: Change property to Light Industrial and zone 1-2, consistent with current uses. V. ATTACHMENTS Attached to this Staff Report are application materials, zone maps, comprehensive plan maps, aerial maps and letters submitted to date. September 15,2003 Page 10 of 10 CPA -01 -04 FILE NO. CPti`6 -0 001119 SjG1iie City of Spokane Valley Application fori;i0001MOT RECEIVED Comprehensive Plan Amendment PART I APR 2 3 2111 SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT or APPLICANT -- COMMUNITY RFVELORr nlr NAME: > L__ , PHONE: 5 g --6,p,/7 ADDRESS: f / ., .4 t 12- ," 1 EMAIL: eu -doge(- Ira.lfei-,N- •ad i,,_ CITY/STATE/ZIP: .. 1 `' FAX: eirf,p e-gegS? PROPERTY OWNER 1 (IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT) NAME: e_ - _ PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL: CITY/STATE/ZIP: Eisx: PROPERTY OWNER=MORE THAN TWO PROPERW OWNERS,ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET) I—,, -- { PHONE: I ADDRESS: 1 dEMAIL,: CITY/STATE/ZIP: I FAX: AGENT/CONSULTANT/ATTORNEY NAME: ' PHONE: I ADDRESS: --- a 4. . EMAIL. I CITY/STATE/ZIP FAX: LAND USE MAP CHANGE FROPOSAL: 1 CURRENT DESIGNATIOFI _ PROPOSED DESIGNATION fLAND USE MAP +oW -Alii- '- LL A. a 1. 61-6,21,110tC4 4 ZONING MAP 'B r S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL(ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY '. CURRENT POLICY . i PROPOSED N POLICY OFFICE USE ONLY: L City Initiateditizen Initiated Concurrency Review equired o Yes IP I Gate Received: „ _Lt Received By: 4 ,` If _; 1 iMi2.03 Page 1 of 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Planning Commission - Public Hearing September 23. 2004 • Name (Please Print), Ly 1 R.# 4 Address: Agenda Item: P 0.. D_ For Proposal Q Opposed to Proposal Neutral Wish to Speak: D Yes ❑ No PART I LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I, it) c& 4' kcecke , (print name) SWEAR DR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOW RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF, ADDRESS: _/. i E 1C.; ( a i1 -.00C.Zet kW PHONE: 9& c / 7 par 4 ZIP: °9 G je (City) (State) i-.42,,,::? o (Signature) (Da NOTARY STATE OFWASHINGTON ) ss: STATE COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN! to before me this ay of � , 201j NOTARY SEAL Y-_- g "t� NOTARY SIGNATURE ' "i� Notary Public in and for the State of Washington cam 140 ARY 09 i j ; Residing at: �,L ' Li%- t �•LA n" � . � 2 1li ' _____,*PuaLte 0, I — My appointment expires:_i_042402_ %a WAS ' - I i14!2CO3 Page 2 of 5 PART 111 S TE DATA PROJECT/PROPOSAL SITE AREA(ACRES OR SQ. FT.) ADJACENT ARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED (ACRES CR SQ,FT.) 1 - EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY: SCHOOL DISTRICT' ,e41,10:4.1 £ i/ej FIRE'DisTRicT: _ A-L'. 4 WATER DISTRICT: a,, A., dap S 3 NEIGHBORHOOD IOOD AssocIATION: PUBLIC CR PRIVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY `- n c r TTk11 WIDTH OF PROPERTY'FRONTING PUBLICJPRIVATE ROAD: -I- ,_ ACCESS TO EXISTING OR PLANNED ARTERIAL?{Y/N) - Ye-s NAME OF ARTERIAL ROADS: I. 4 A `J , 4.A 3 - . 49 0 /5 PREVIOUS ZONING/LAND USE DFCiS1ON DIST PREVIOUS PLANNING ACTIONS INVOLVING THIS PROPERTY': Ae4e ICA / CHANGED CONDITIONS __ WHAT ARE THE CHANGES CONDITIONS V"HICHWARRANTS THIS PROPOSED CHANGE? a 1L.. 4 ,i"' 6,1 g i7+Uf.�l[� C nom`J 'd 5 e1'te .S ` rrc tl t 1714 r e. 6/0- c -ri I CJ�+ sta}cf lay. `- d•kit ,s 5avado w 4. r .;2re a A,4 A boii:t 'A, of 7)(e ert &ON'Oa 41./t- c5, -Z6 11/442DD3 Page 3 of 5 PROPOSAL PRcVIDE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: 4„*.e -24e)- .1fra-ded ,be lido,ped 60-,44.E Ate4so („5-) ADJACENT LAND USES DESCRIBE EXISTING LAND 135ESWITH ill THE VICINITY OF PRoPOSA'L Lit)2-5 Seoc s + L . `1 to r — cl reitArco ier,Aceti e€. 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'. \--„,,,,,.,..t,„,..„,„_„,.„, 0 Zoning Category UR-7 1 UR-12I 4/04,41, E- •_ , , drier URS B-1 113'3 MI E7,1RR10 \1/4. . 1-1 M -2 1-3 ' •.- 1 '-Th--- 7--1--7-1-1--:F-1- E6'---1 N Comprehensive Plan Amendment f CPA-01-04lleY August 2004 V CPA -02 -04 f . 6 I .P - 0a.- o AV 45. di FILE N . -� ` Sliolane City of Spokane Valley Application for .0.017alley Comprehensive Plan Amendment RECEIVED PART I iii z1MM APPLICANT IIAME: _ PHONE:(Drat`'/ 0L: r NT OF k ADDRESS: Fp.0 .. .. to `3 f _ EMAIL: +�> i�3 -�v �ri.nN ' CITYdSTATEIZIP: E0,_14 t j(-4. , ` .$ )0 at. --_- PROPERTY OWNER I (IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT) — ---LI' AME= _scePHONE: i_ DDRESS: - ---..01 _L.&A/ EMAIL: CITY/STATE/ZIP: '! FAX: PROPERTY OWNER 2 ( F MORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS,ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET) ENAMEL PHONE: .J ADDRESS: or J EMAIL: CITY/STATE/ZIP: FA;7C: AGENT/CONSULTANT/ATTORNEY NAME: PH ONE: ADDRESS: r EMAIL: CITY/STATE/ZIP J FAX: I LAND USE MAP CHANGE PROPOSAL: - CURRENT DESIGNATION PROPOSED DESIGNATION LAND USE MAP !-OWE=Dem v.41/ Ji eS,6.04St)14L 141:51., De pis v ? tVoid ZONING MAP �,, _ - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL (ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY)! —1 CURRENT POLICYX.-- i PROPOSED POLICY ;r\c--- I OFFICE USE ONLY: El City initiated itizen Initiated Concurrency Ravi squired: El Yes Date Received: Received By: p. 1.-+C' 11/4/2003 Page 1 of 6 PTI LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE AllifiliSignatur leg. o er or representative as authorized by legal owner) I, , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE A. IPVE RESPONSES A/' M DE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE REST OF MY KNOWLE❑GE. i FURTHER SWEAR OR. AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS PO Box 7 0-1 ) PHONE:72g , if, ELA - , QIP: # 0 ' . id City) (State) %1 fvas (Signature re (*:te) NOTARY STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss_ COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of , 2O 19 1 NOTARY SEAL =oShiALt NOTARY SIGNATURE { (eV sti0r4 ,;` }i4 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington 1 0 140 4. p 'r Residing at: Va p PtdE3L1 { t!tr My appointment expires: ! ' f 11 o — x r' 111412002 Pace 2 of 5 • PART ill SITE DATA PROJECT/PROPOSAL SITE AREA OCRES OR SD. FT.) J, 2 ] -- ADJACENTARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED (ACRES CR SQ.FT.) CI EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY: 'C E SCHOOL DISTRICT: ` fsT FIRE DISTRICT: WATER DISTRICT: 3 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: AONE � _ m OR PRIVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY: - VWIDTH OF PROPERTY FRONTING PUBLIC/PRIVATE ROAD: ' ACCESS TO EXISTING OR PLANNED ARTERIAL? 'E NAME OF ARTERIAL ROADS: . Ala ' . O PREVIOUS ZONINGILAND USE DFCI'SION . L1ST PREVIOUS k LANNiNG ACTIONS 1NVO..VING THIS PROPERTY: • -- • CHANGED CONDITIONS IWHAT ARE THE CHANGES CONDITIONS WHICH WARRANTS THIS PROPOSED CHANGE? 14p1 coy c,FJ is t eqv ,Altar?f/ 14,45 f 5!C.14.7 of Rorvely 1114/2D03 Page 3 of 5 PROPOSAL PROVIDE GENERAL DESCRIPT1oN OF PROPOSAL; _-_— 74; #AvE Nij EJ-, isw 11-1‘9 ADJACENT LAND USES_ 1 DESCRIBE EXISTING,LAND USES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF PROPOSAL: Apt TAid s?TH, A ,CTrc k/S F 7` , ciLiCC LiiLPMC-5 To tvt5t, s r1,0-L1; Fri-r-irLy ,QoSrDew L r E-P- • 11/4/2003 Page 4 cf 5 F l F - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY _ DESCRIBE How PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN-CITE SPECIFIC GOALS/POLICIES' 72 Nam-) AphgtPle 7-5 Wits L IJO JAJr RipAN fmrniT5 Aintil OP FR6F 6.Jt=S 7- 'VD filo 1# T51J00*/4- PILI P# c t-, 141-50 rcE 561 LC dip)0-- 17TiD, A iqo joy' kr ,JI 1�a1 t[r 1 Pu BUG FACILITIES ---- DESCRIBE AVA1ASILITY OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, INCLUDING, ROADS, WATER, SEWER, PARKS,AND PUBLIC TRANSIT: et a ''MS ,1365-P sru£3 etn" .4 Tido z.40 Is ' iskis is )- L Gt) tJLL` o c Ctiv u 0 PLIty Y\z O r l+„J5S r Ls ' TM Al) &c k. A'OM J o P eT 11/41,'2003 Page 5 of 5 r Aerial Map • ' . -I.. . ..4 i ' ' ...la' ` "--- --:' Vt.' -,..- ft-J i:•OT`..„ .,':. 1 . , • . .. - •O''a .Nit 1 % ;-to ..A7., .,,'-L., . ..._ ,.m, , •-ii -_ .,,,,• k .. :_-_,,.;--f4_r." - 6M.•. 1. ,t IT d lir • '? • • ... r'rr . .r% t'. . . .. Dom, 5 -• L • --r-i. . L ,,.*I'a ' 0, . l• , rir --1 , -. .41)11,"..--%cc,t ,_ ..r. Ibit.,. _il,t' To-r4' . .y 75 _ tai'.• ' •v: r. ' Ir i:;'''. _ 0 W — 1 .'-' •I a ... 1 ,..... 7.-- *"1 °""-7" "'-• "'IL 1 n v., - I .., Fen I., .140 It ' Leatal ' -!! , t -I ., . _ . . , 7 •77 . ..—• LI ''' 0. . ".--'7' „'- .,' -1 .... . I „...,. . , 1 S e ,,, ,sa. - , - ' ' ..,,-._ '. ., n,...--1 ,_ -7- , ii. '14 • I - _ .4 7-Ii • I 0 . , . •,-- , ... • , ,,, .z , . .. - -ilkir•-•.---.„...—.4 .1.— • -, _ • . .. . • , . •-,. ....., .... .,. ..., r _ ,--- 'V.,". .°71., ..• - - - . - v• . ••.. .. . '"Vii00011 "' _. - :. • Ertdd .- s•-•-:.•,_ -5, wili10 i - • 'I . ---,.4! Pl. -; _ _ -. 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N , + Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-02-04 SJalle...."\...._ .000Vallev , August, 2004 • Comprehensive Plan Map _ , 1 _ L-1--- r kft b y� f ,-/ Oesmet __:_____1.–___H___ I I 1 Site 01111112. , ti instResidential7NE _________________: MI -/,14 ohm i r plimum _ ___,, a . 1 Low Den ity Rosid rttia1 Comp Plan Category Low DensIty Residential I ^ — y !_ 7 Medium Cernity Residential High Density Resldential jISM Mixed Us® I iI v Community Center Urban ActivilyCentier ^il NM JNeighborhood Commercial I , Community Commercial - Regional Commercial Light Industrial i IN° ---_ Heavy Industrial `—H k__?MOM I Mrlei2l Land 1 N Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-02-04 'tin + dossi*Val ley g Auust,20Q4 IZoning Map 'L\\..\\\:\ k\\. \\.1—_ L___,___--r 1 1 ii---'„,L i ' ,_.: ' 41/4Nstv psmel i l , ..„, al 1, 1 1 11111111 1--- 1 fill' 111111111111111111 111Fr S1 I ' /41. , pee 40,iii 1111111/0 ill Mil t. e reot/41E 1..41 VJJ4. .. J4/AH . . ..;._,.......-1 mi il _ r 11111111110114 117 IN.V.:':'-2.'::.-1.;'.:11 „a-�i zoning category L .-,:::_:-.,. 1111 .iii ......--v r1 .1 UR-3.5 _uIIi. " :I 1 UR-12 - 1 IZ' UR-22 ''''''..' ., MUM 1111 . ,':, 1,2,6] XN\%\k,N, 1111 111111111.1 III MI M II': X\NI .: .1:,. : r L -7 I i i . ' . 1 i , , 1 , N Comprehensive Plan Amendment • + GPA-02414 p+ ne"'" August, 2004 t CPA -03 -04 6P Pt —04 Ql: QWeeme or ' . Land Use Consulting Services 9101 N. Mt View Lane Spokane,WA 99218 509-467-0l (0) 509-435-3105 (C) 509-467-0229 (F) 6-23--04 Spokane Valley Planning Department 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane, 'alley, WA 99206 Attn: Scott Kuhta Long Range Planner Ref: Proposed Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Zone Change Dear Scott: Enclosed are the completed forms you provided for a comprehensive plan amendment and zone change. I am filing this application on behalf cfmy client Pring Corporation, who owns property just west of Sullivan Rd. on Springfield Avenue one block north of Valley Way. The site is currently designated Medium Density Residential but only zoned UR-7. It adjoins their retail development within a Regional Commercial category along Sullivan and would be an ideal location for a medical office facility. As you know, this requires a UR-22 zone, therefore we are filing this request tc amend the map from MDR to I-1DR to provide UR-22 zoning for medical office use. X think you will find that the location and surrounding land uses lend the site to medical. use better than apartments. Unfortunately, we still live with the mixed beg of zoning inherited from the County regulations. Ultimately, if this approved, we would prefer straight"office"zoning if and when such is available. Please keep me informed of your progress toward a public hearing with the Planning Commission. est Rc,, ds g t J.0 urn Land Use consulting Services Enclosure: Cornp Plan Application, SEPA Checklist and Fees Copy: Pring Corporation CIO John Peterson CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PlanningCommission - Public Hearing September 23, 2004 Name (Please Print): LAAJ , !4_` k- CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Address: /2 a - 1 '' Planning Commission Public Hearing .:1. September 23, 2004 Agenda Item: i ,�. ITI4er Proposal lame (Please Print): 7 Opposed to Proposal ddress: 0 Neutral agenda Item: Wish to Speak: ❑`.Yes ❑ No b For Proposal E Opposed to Proposal Neutral CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Planning Commission - Public Hearing Wish to Speak: ❑ Yes 0 No September 23, 2004 Name (Please Print): 6.--Kik-t541 Address: / Agenda Item: 1 O _ co'-11 F' For Proposal Opposed to Proposal Neutral FILE No.CPA--o -01 1-1{I• IT1011/1\111Art, pokane r City of Spokane Valley Application for 4001/Talley Comprehensive Plan Amendment PART APPLICANT Name: Pring Corporation CAD John PetersonFoNE: 924-6423 Address: 8412 E. p_prs Avenue EmAiL: City/State/Zip: Spokane, WA 99212 FAx: PROPERTY OWNER .1 (IF DIFFERENT FRom APPLICANT) NAME: Same PHONE ADDRESS: EMAL: CITY/STATE/ZIP: FAX: PROPERTY OWNER 2 OF mORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS,ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET! NAME: NAPHONE ADDRESS: EMAIL: ____________ • __•• •• • •• • _ _ I CITY/STATE/ZIP: FAX: AGENT/CONSULTANT/ATTORNEY i Name: Dwight 1 i-jumeP!.-.19.nq: 435-3108 I Address: O1 Mt. View L'ane 'citiume@spoicane- . landuse.com CitylStatetZip Spokane, WA 99218 Fax: 457-0229 LAND USE MAP CHANGE PROPOSAL: CURRENT DESIGNATION 7 PROPOSED DESIGNATION LAND USE MAP • MDR KDR 1 ZONING MAP UR-7 • UR-22 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL (ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NEcEssARyr. CURRENT POLICY Not App[icable PROPOSED Not Applicable POLICY 6423;004 Page of 5 �,I OFFICE USE ONLY: C City Initiated itiizen Initiated i Concurrency Review Required: 0 Yes c Date Received: tc, --21,1 -15" Received By: PART II LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I, Kirk M. Owsley , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. _ Pry. - Carporation, a Washington corporation is I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT .V'"1 -THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZiNO MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: 8412 E. Sprague Ave. PHONE (54g) 921-8880 Spokane, WA ZIP: 99121 F it (State) ON- By 172r 1. June 24, 2004 ,Kirk I. Owsley (Sign- -) - r (Date) treasurer NOTARY STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 5S: COUNTY OF SPOINE } SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 24th day of June 20 04 NOT EAL 41. 1 Oro, re pOTARY SIGN•,TURF Or{ R , ' Notary Public in ar.d for the Stale of Washington 3 ce Pante .6E31Residing at: Spokane 4. • ,a Pa.� v v0 My appointment expires: July 7. 2045 IMMAtk 6123/20C4 Page 2 of 5 FART III SITE DATA PROJECT/PROPOSAL SITE AREA(ACRES OR SO. FT.) 1 2..23 acres.(97,139 ADJACENT ARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED (ACRES CR SR,FT.) .B7 acres —_—_ EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY: vacant SCHOOL DISTRICT' CVS #35 } FIRE DISTRICT: I FD#1 WATER DISTRICT: _ __. . Vera Water and Power NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: Unknown PUDUO OR PPJVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY: Sprin_gfeld Avenue lyvioTH OF PROPERTY FRONTING PUBLIC/PRIVATE ROAD a_ yroximately 215 f,, ___-- ACCESS TOEXISTING OR PLANNED ARTERIAL? MN) No NAME OF ARTERIAL ROADS: _�_ __ - -Sullivan 1Rd. T—� 70,rCL( old , f aq 5- PREVIOUS -.__� PREVIOUS ZONINGILAND USE DECISION L1ST PREVIOUS PLANNING ACTIONS INVOLVING THIS PROPERTY: The City has not acted upon this p;ocerty throuch previous actions, CHANGED CONDITIONS WHAT ARE THE CHANGES CONDITIONS WHICH WARRANTS TI-115 PROPOSED CHANGE? The conversion to commercial along the adjacent easterly boundary at Sullivan Rd. The conversion to 1JR-22 office uses and zoning adjacent to the south along Valley Way. The installation of full services to the subject property. The requirement for GMA Planning, The combination of high density residential end medical office uses within the UR-22 zone and the lack of specific office land use designations and zones. 6123f2C04 Page 3 of 5 PROPOSAL PROVIDE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL PROPOSED LAND USE CHANGE FROM MDR TO HDR TO PROVIDE THE ABILITY TO HAVE MEDICAL OFFICE USAGE, WHEREAS THE UR-12 ZONE OF THE MDR CATEGORY DOES NOT ALLOW MEDICAL OFFICE USES. ADJACENT LAND USES DESDRI13E EXISTING LAND USES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF PROPOSAL: NORTH:5 SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS EXIST ALONG.SPRINGFIELD; • WEST: VERA WATER AND POWER HAS A PUMP HOUSE FACILITY AND A CITY PARK IS ADJACENT THAT. EAST: RETAIL AND OFFICE USES SOUTH:VACANT AND OFFICE USES;DUPLEX UNITS TO TFIE SW, 6/2 /2004 Page 4 of 5 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY DESCRIBE How PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENTWITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN-CITE.SPECIFIC GOALS/POLICIES: THE CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IS VOID C ANY"OFFICE" USE POLICIESINC THE USE IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE I"IOR CATEGORY, IT IS BEST TO ADDRESS THE USE BY THAT CATEGORY. PERHAPS THE MOST APLLICABLE GOAL FROM THE EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT IS U L2.16 WHICH STATES THAT WE SHOULD ENCDURGAGE THE LOCATION OF MEDIUM AND HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CATEGORIES NEAR COMMERCIAL AREAS AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES AND ON SITES WITH GOOD ACCESS TO MAJOR ARTERIALS. COMMENT THIS GOAL DESCIBES THE SUBJECT SITE COMPLETELY. IT 15 NEAR PUBLIC OPEN SPACE AND ADJACENT COMMERCIAL AREAS AND CAN HAVE GOOD ACCESS TO SULLIVAN RD.A MAJOR ARTERIAL,VIA SPRINGFIELD AVENUE ONCE IMPROVED WITH PAVING, CURBING AND SIDEWALKS TO MATCH EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS AT SULLIVAN, SINCE THE UR-22 ZONE SERVES BOTH HOUSING AND MEDICAL OFFICE IT IS PRESUMED THAT THIS GOAL AND POLICY APPLIES. PUBLIC FACILITIES DESCRIBE AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, INCLUDING, ROADS,WATER,SEWER, PARKS,AND PUBLIC TRANSIT: ALL SERVICES ARE AVAIALABLE TO THE SITE, HOWEVER SPRINGFIELD IS GRAVEL AND NEEDS TO BE PAVED, CURBED AND SIDEWALKED PER ADJACENT IMPROVEMENTS ADJACENT OUT TO SULLIVAN. 6;23r2004 Page 5 o=5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 -45144.0221 THE SOUTH HALF of TRACT 4.9. OF VERA, IN VOLUME "O'CF PLATS. PAGE 30' EXCEPT THE WEST 200 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE EAST 231 FEET THEREOF; AN❑ ALSO EXCEPT SPRINGFIELD ROAD DEEDED TO SPOKANE COUNTY RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 19, 1970 UNDER RECORDING NO. 52082SC; AND ALSO EXCEPT THE SOUTH 130 FEET OF THE EAST HALF THEREOF; TOGETHER WITH THE WEST Th FEET OF THE SOUTH 130 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF SAID TRACT 49; SITUATE IN THE CJTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, COUNTY OF SPOKANE, STATE OF WASHINGTON. _...____ 7 Aerial Map `_ 1, Jr.. r 416u '. .44:.__. iii-r.fe 1 - �r1 F4t�-'1,Y,''-G�4 .7 ,71010 'F t e F i - Z - ,fel �P ' _ a q q IP +F_ .. 9II AP' _r 4}y3 -yyi a - • _� - q i 1111 Mallon ' ') ■ q__ t # ¢ ' -, ,- , 1 yrsV I y w = F P - . @ J\ , 'es, • ,.. 2. —._..__.. -1 '1 -� :@.,-;•.3.,F �f• • I -I ' !a ... .. - i+ 1 clew . Site -� 1` "�' i 391 is' ---- ..A .,- — r - iti .a' IV 3'1 ,. ,- ter C •7.1 A .1 .- -' Ili 1. @ q Per-e. ; - ,} 7 . 1._ ' ',"lilk 1 - Z. 'k114n af.j-1 1. 414,A- ! . WO 4 IPAlir ill.A/ 7,1 .i . { � r N Comprehensive Plan Amendment LIl [t �L PA-03-04 ' 'el 4' 1 August, 20D4 Comprehensive Plan Map iiii.." up —_ nil. IIIIIL 411% .1111 " altar 11.4111Poil 4140.,I ___; mail 111400. ill,7 il. WAWA 111 ] lairo ixoll ad hamis 1 H L UIits � _ .. ;- . � M ,___._,,,,„ ., I , 0 I ,,, - 1, 1 iiiilli A. - Camp Flan Category M Low Density Residential IIII 0 - I Medium.Density Residential 1P Huh Density Residential di 1 , I .Mixed Use1 Corn reunity Center 1r Urban Activity Center Neighborhood Commercial _ TT CcmmurrltyCormmer+cial _ Ili Regional Commercial Light!Mashie! Heavy ladustria11 l Mineral Land r f1 r Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-03-04 ��. August,2004 alley Zoning Map 1 .:i i-:::1,11.,, atitio-wWNAMil I I _... ...i, : itiatiali is . - ::-. .' Efirifif7" 11 .i:,:' -.--... iiiKer .:. ., Imi -%i ' '' ''''' '.:. - WO/ III 1 i+ 1 nlirksigit4114.1111001111-rr � f Iiiiii IhillIMIN4 PP Ear. i 1 1 Site 1111110.40 ----1 M "fir Fla I______.71ARY",.:;,` f,::':'''''! ', V or#1IH.:,::*::,,:,.tekroM finning Category .`. 1 : (JR-3.5_ =LIR-r " room riciip1 =UR-7 1111 le , .; ti _ un.,2 1 Pr nim a A A .04,....4„ r _-= IE:--s2 I 1.11 4p'70JI --- 7V I E' : I I F vere77, 7/7//ild ''• 7 _ ---1-1 .1, / er / 1:e A N Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-03-04P --- + August,2004 � lle CPA -04 -04 i, q , ' ) , 1 FILE Na.�j �'� .. . , _ Spat* .., � � lIiCatIOn fOr riii,Volity , _._City of Spokane Valley pp Comprehensive Plan Amendment PART I APPLICANT - NAME: -J H H. [r'/ r'e -- r PHONE: 3'67 7- .3v�� f. ADDRESS: E 77 P Ie i /fv .4 EMAILPGlfl_ sp- e24.vPL, Ce-72 CLTY/STATEIF41e,„ LeJ# 11 F .x: PROPERTY OWNER 1 (IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT) NAME: E the_e -a-F Pa o f H. 6rr -axe PHONE: ADDR� ,s' -- _ EMAIL: -- CITY/STATE/ZIP: FAX: , PROPERTY OWNER 2 (IF MORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS,ATT,4C4I SEPARATE SHEET [ NAME: --- — PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL: — CITY!STATE/2 l P FAX: AGENTICONSULTANTIATTOFNEY - NAME: _ PHONE: A[} : EMAIL: CITY/STATE/ZIP .�.. FAX: LAND USE MAP CHANGE PROPOSAL: F CURRENT DESIGNATION L PROPOSED DESIGNATION LAND USE MAP L0,-) D.en5,r 'x €AZ- I Ii;,' , De..7.5.-v'tg Reser Wedr4iii ZONING MAP Uir 3..5 a u&2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL(ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY): r CURT ENT POLICY r PROPo5EI /4 POLICY OFFICE USE NLY: EECity initiated11 itizerl initiated Ct n�currency Review Required: Yes Ai Da#e Received: " ` _ Received By: A_�_. ,� *. r ___i 1114/2003 Page I of 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Planning Commission - Public Hearing September 23, 2004 Name (Please Print): [1' Address; C !} Agenda Rem: C — For Proposal E Opposed to Proposal H Neutral Wish to Speak: Er Yes 0 No } II PART II LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) F AF/e j-• , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THENE ONF RECOROT RD F THE AREA TOWNER, PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: f C2 e.gr, PHONE: Y- i' .?._3 '. 6 , - ZIP: .0 - (City) (State) } .- _ (Signature (Date) NOTARY STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE . ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me t s day ofri 20 ' 1ss A. .,�, 'l'i, siortY r ° t CT4l y m. iLL_ NOTARY SIG 1TURE e;u PUBLIC f5 Notary Public in and for the State , ashington f• i:\_- -.9 P01'01...-e_r: Residing at: Lp k My appointment expire: I , -( ),07 Page 2 of 5 11 f4�2�43 , - i .a. UPERICI LIFT OF WASHINGTON ,, ,_ COUNTY OF SPOKANE OCT 2 9 1999 E TATE,[3F THOMAS Fi,FALLQLJ:T z3POKANE COUNTY CLER c PAUL H. GILLESPIE, CASE NO. 994-01305-2 DECEASED LETTERS TESTAMENTARY I. BASIS 1.1 The last will of the decedent(s), late of Spokane County, Washington was exhibited, proven and recorded in this court on: OCTOBER 29, 1999. 2.2 In that will: PAUL H. GILLESPIE, JR. is named personal representative. 1.3 The personal representative has qualified. 11. AUTHORIZATION THIS CERTIFIES. PAUL H. GILLESPIE, JR. is authorized by this court to execute the will of the above decedent according to law. THOMAS R. FALLQUIST SPOKANE COUNTY CLERK Dated: OCTOBER 29, 1999 By Vivian Nachtwey, {Seal} Deputy Clerk Ill. CERTIFICATE OF COPY State of Washington ) County of Spokane ) As clerk of the superior court of this county, I certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the Letters Testamentary in the above-named case which was ford/rand centered_of record on: 1012911999. I further certifythat these letters are now in full fore nd effect. / THO 4 R. FALLQUIST SPO -N,ICO IJ NTY CL', Dated: OCTOBER 29, 1999 ByA. .--0-- r_ {Seal} r- Deput ' e LITTERS TESTAMENTARY RCW 11,28.D1O.090 Probate]. PART III SITE DATA PROJECT/PROPOSAL SITE AREA(ACRES OR SQ.FT.) -s ADJACENT ARE CWNEC OFR CONIROLLCD(ACRES OR SOFT) o ow+z EXISTING USE rF PROPERTY: SCHOOL DISTRICT: 6;9 I e FIRE DISTRICT: - - ... WATER DISTRICT; /gee trr foto) r _ NEIGHUORH000 ASSOCIATION: Irl A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY: La WIDTH OF PROPERTY FRONTING FUBL!CIPRIVATE RCIAC- 1 --1: 7-71 3 4 e e ACCESS TO EXISTING OR PLANNED ARTERIAL?(YIN) NAME OF=ARTERIAL ROADS: 'p _ri, A✓sitar CtJ4 d L, 3 I , 60 PREVIOUS ZONING/LAND USE DECISION LIST PREVIOUS PLANNING ACTIONS INVOLVING THIS PROPERTY: ft°o Te. CHANGED CONDITIONS WHAT ARE THE CHANGES CONDITIONS WHICH WARRANTS THIS PROPOSED CHANGE? ,Cry 't ,/ 4 1r OCCUyrr 'Lr l f We .yY407ti 1a�°J l'�'?y [J� 1 Je La JO p fi cix.rkg i `s c..+,L*r c r- °mei t.4/4/7" rf a ,-�..� - Ire, . ,j'_ � s La) d8. � r c 117 Zvi/ , ZA- ,/ J fret 4 c ire" •0, ° e v e & 6-6 -) ±jam 11/4/2003 Page 3 of 5 PROPOSAL PROVIDE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL; e z c es- 1".a ,447 Ple / 1, We,vis t" 'r /8 C-! //e,-;..7 /j ?Z- o e'C/ !{c )f—c: e-c /t / sem • ADJACENT LAND USES DESCRIBE EXISTING LAND USES WIThIN THE VICINITY OF PROPOSAL: rceit71/ s1 j//. f.?" 4, 4 p,-./5/-e-A. i ,r e rer rrL77 6eerr /, c e c/ y 74-14-4. r- .Z.e "7 cx e4 y /79 16' a reef sv�v 5 e O s f s " Avt - a_re jr11/4/2003 Page 4 of 5 t COMPREHENSIVE PLANt CONSISTENCY .b —_.z ESCRIBE How PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN—CITE SPECIFIC GOALS/POLICIES` / r Cd.�r� � ' 7l'+ Cry [ j7 47-C . '7, 4 - f ,r e 1 .e/ &e f'r Tied, e d.ni arc r of 8,-_J-' �. r .5-.16-,ct44 ,r vcc e s c� ry1a�J, r aPr Irl /r -The .p."--ver- 7 /3' }ac?Zea r7:7 raAt 12),-0/roar Ail hV, ,570 Via//e i/. L .. / 7 #71-, the si homes re Sa 71-/r,y'LLIr f b'r LT/n.)4'; r c a ' rtee ' ,-,--e t.s- X s '� Zf i"e.1"' e Lr / • peon . 1r "."7/2.27,.re Q f Li"al, ' •""9441. 6. p0T' z_Aglt� ry ltJst a lir it "'icy r'," 1pp671,5-/ a-"7,� C' rr s . d; 0 F 7`77 //T 2 J7L tY i f C' J fG4o 1�j t. 7 e Sc r7Y ev707 ., s be 1 eg'Srr - PUBLIC FACILITESDESCRIBE AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, INCLUDING, ROADS,WAT=R, SEWER, PARKS,AND PUBLIC TRANSIT' rr 'Zer% { . rr ,; dcr r - 7eoFn , re rc r �r 8 fS - --Y-z c e Ji-Z e/',? /c2/ ): ,,./ is /, C7 p ,r IC24Cl. , " cher t S Sc t u rc ° e 1/4,1/-e + i J,ar 6E. 1;17 4-x-Izerke e Y+ d + s r'c r c`i-Co vr, pie fr-eA • • 11/4/2003 Page 5 Cif 5 1 Aerial Map ,`air^ Y af`N �,* - 4'[ • Stn .- • •-! T I 116 - • H C • pli; ._.. Fes°• 1 I & n e • - - Y ! atafd1? 1 _ ... _ �� 's _ • Site '* 4 f I.. I r "Lr • peoaslwai t _ rt ' a!• g.'• ' Ir 1, .-. g• ... " ' ! ' • II ' .F !in l • .-. ••,_ • • • J s I' l. 5 1 1 , '.. i.,- _ 1 �' .� I f. I • 4- • f . j ,fie rT .r a+1 °' - f•.1 ' q +�Ia C ."•1T tF-_ = ar,4.." . .. i t - it • r.....,•&4a `"•-L - --�.. „ ,_� 1 'Zai - t z rix r r ari,+5.+r`«i:•°�`� r .n ,t;4Igo a*, r -31r r. I • MO ti '' :r ' -L--.- -- y P I-�.. :,q dei° •'7W.t, ._ -•. — .3'•1 -� r' . L 4 ` .i L r- 1 i{ M1�F 1---•,11,- nr l 1 I i` ko. • . . ro_ ^ 1 i �y - @`` _ . i.e...5;_,,li.,-.. '-'"-:D . . I,*- N Comprehensive Plan Amendment ' CPA-04-04 - ++ -- August,2004 Mdley _ I Comprehensive Plan Map , _ / , L_d --1 raiii..111.1 .11....__ _000.-N igiopip- thl imi si ..... 1 woilir. Wallillilk ' 1i •'.. 'weir' I i111 ;'rL l90 I00 Site ,,di.. IP imiv hi la hall III 111111 1111:AIIIIIMILZIIP Zli ro -6 —gm - ma != d.e., iii-- .0 ill la fie ann.! nos Pa, 1 ,T. in s l :ami ■um Comp Plan Category ilul ' 1 Low Density Residential Millla MINe Wid IMMINI 111111 I MIN HighDeni�tyRdenlil II:i1,iti • 1- � j Community Center MOM I ■ NM Urban Activity Center 1..„ EEEEE' 11! IllMI 1 rot MMIMI _ IIIp,��u®MIIIIIIPPI Light Industtri 7 11 Heavy Industrial � �r� go Mineral Land I1 ,,,_--0104 y`-40 , , N Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-04-04 I(F IF � eels ey August,2004 +� I Zoning Map \ 1 - PO UN ‘.?4.\\‘‘,\\\\\I%<x.,tk,\\ss..\s\W NI, ., 1----3 WWI L t1/4',. .„ , ,:,%.,kw ii.N.N, ,:.,-,Ns ‘'N‘x\k‘r1iki i liki\sliksssiikvs**. z\w‘ 4,0„,N., %..%1444„ „NI. ..4,010.41/4\x‘vis1/4,:t.i1/4 .N.,1/4,,,...wik ji., itk,\4•4:6141m,‘,---\\\ NIC -4,:r-Xs,* I L ......... A\1/41,44.SMINN a ii ill "., ,, ktik,„-b\N‘ l * i - + 1/4 N-40:\. 1. ciwo -\\- N, I lislif _. __ _ ___ II, ill ii'suIIItir"\TP' Categorytig At nil p III 1111 III m ii ..,001ii rag umw Ifismilm m _. c al id 1 Lita. In Zoning 11111IIRI1IIIIIF '1U I ; UR-3.5 in 1 uR 2 `i.UR r wand 'rteis . vim uR-22 n prill____I ME rep r, RCM di Fee, 1' '1 B-3 II IMMO "lit4 i 11 II 11 Ei i 11111 l .rrayue p 010. gi =[wiz 111Y001 1\ \71'• :I - 04i N Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA--04-0 b . ? August,2004 \ ll