Agenda 10/14/2004 SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION AOENDA Council Chambers-City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Avenue 6:30 p.m.—9:30 p.m. • ' *October 14,2004" " I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V, APPROVAL OF MINUTES • September 23, 2004 VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS Old Business: • Continued Public Hearing: Greenacres Area wide Rezone Application No. REZ-17-04. Public Testimony closed. • Continued Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. CIA-07-04. Public Testimony open. New Business: • Public Hearing: Street Vacation Request No. STV-03.04 • Public Hearing: Ordinance Amending Regulations Relating to Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER HCl. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF Fred Beaulac Marina Sukup,ACCP Robert RIum Greg McCormick,AICD John G.Carroll Scott Kuhta, AICF David Crosby Debi Alley William Gothmann. Chair Gail Kogle Ian Robertson, Vice-Chair planning+' spokaraevalle_riLq City of Spokane Valley Request for Planning Commission Review DATE: October 14, 2004 TYPE: 0 Consent © Otd Business ] New Business !y1 Public Hearing El Legislation DI information ❑ Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Area-wide Rezone request, North Greenacres area. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan and development regulations PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley Interim Zoning Code, Section 14.402.100, provides a process for property owners to initiate an area wide rezoning action via petition. The code requires that at least 51% of the property owners within the boundary of the proposed zone change sign the petition for rezone in order to initiate the rezoning process. On July 1, 2004 the City received a petition from the North Greenacres neighborhood requesting a rezone from the existing Urban Residential 7* (UR-7) to Urban Residential 3.5 (UR-3.5). City staff verified the signatures on the petition utilizing the most current tax payer records of the Spokane County Auditor's office. The area under consideration for this rezoning action is bounded on the south by Mission Avenue, Barker Road on the east and the Spokane River to the north and west. The area is approximately 457 acres and is comprised of 264 separate parcels of land_ The Planning Commission considered the area-wide rezone request at a public hearing on September 23, 2004. The Commission received testimony from a number of residents of the area in question; including property owners who requested that their property be removed from the area-wide request. The Commission voted to continue the public hearing and requested that Planning staff provide the Commission with a map indicating projects vested under existing zoning in the subject area as well as properties requested to be excluded from the rezoning action. ATTACHMENTS: Map indicating projects vested under existing UR-7* zoning and individual parcel requests. STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Manager City of Spokane Valley Request for Planning Commission Review DATE: October 14, 2004 TYPE: ❑ Consent E Old Business ❑ New Business 1E Public Hearing ❑ Legislation El Information LI Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments-Continued Public Hearing GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley interim Comprehensive Plan provides for an annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. The deadline for submitting Comprehensive Plan amendment requests was July 1, 2004. On September 23, 2004, the Commission considered eight Comprehensive Paan Amendment requests. The Commission continued the hearing on File No. CPA-07-04 to allow time to consider all information submitted by the proponent and to allow time for City Staff to respond to public hearing testimony. The request is summarized as: File No. CPA-07-04 Location: The proposal will remove Mansfield Avenue, between Houk Street and Mirabeau Parkway, from the Spokane Valley Arterior Road Plan, Request: Amend the Spokane Valley Arterial Road Plan by removing Mansfield Avenue between Houk Street and Mirabeau Parkway. Spokane Valley Staff is still preparing written comments. which will be forwarded prior to the hearing. ATTACHMENTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, AICP, Planner CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: October 14, 2004 Item: Check all that apply: a consent 10. old business LI new business ill public hearing ❑ irvforrnat cn 0 adrnin. report 13 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE; Public Hearing. Street Vacation Amended Request STV-03-04 for a remainder of the Appleway right-of-way acquisition and a portion of David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Appleway, west of Thierrnan Road. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council adoption of Ordinance No. 04-001 (Street Vacations) in January 2004. On July 2r, 2004 by Resolution 04-023 City Council set August 2611', 2004 as the date for a public hearing on the proposal. Planning Commission held a public hearing on the vacation on August 26, 2004 BACKGROUND: Chris Linc Properties I .L.C., 2320 North Atlantic Street, Spokane WA 99205 the owner of abutting Parcel No. 35242.0102 amended the request for the vacation of a remainder of David Road, originally acquired by Spokane County for the Appleway Extension The amended request does not include the portion of David Street extending 20 feet south of the Sprague Avenue right-of-way which remains within the jurisdiction of WSDOT. Spokane Utilities will require a 25-foot easement for a 54 inch wastewater interceptor current located on the adjacent property to the east. The sewer interceptor extends to the centerline of David Street and then proceeds in a southerly direction_ Spokane Water District No. 3 will require a 20-foot easement to allow for the repair, maintenance and replacement of an existing water line_ Drywalls will need to be located not less than ten feet from the water line, while maintaining five feet of cover over the line itself. In addition Avista will require a ten foot easement five foot from the centerline of existing power lines along the east boundary of the property and a ten foot easement along the west side of David Street located five feet from the centerline of a two inch natural gas line extending between Sprague Avenue and Appleway. The gas line will require a minimum of 30 inches of cover and prohibition of asphalt paving and/or the traffic of heavy equipment exceeding 30,000 pounds/axle over the easement_ I I�_I - - 1 of -} Any future vacation 4 that 1# .6G11 OUST 5ea5 6a7 Ea illin;�n'5,4 ��iarR" portionDavid Street rt _ � yi�ys4 l'LAh514‘'R!4 SM1a411 rs'kY,h1M\•�• currently within the _-- -- �1 = c-- jurisdiction of WSDOT will I LL, - l F r require reservation of a .. 1 i .#I'� 'i i ie Y , 1 - E638-1 i . ., ,; e 1 x seven foot easement - ;, 171 1 ';t' adjacent to the right-of-way L. I 1 r ^ to", of Sprague Avenue for Q 1 , A'° .t I '.__i_ ti*,I, — Avista.i 1 ___ __ 1 1 .__. .I4 I � I .^ -..„i_._, I F ' 6 1LI�f1'1F' 4 I Ca Q"� J _ �, 6B1fJ F 20 tk 1 I 0 I 11 ileiriCL 1 —1 1 I.a s.rci I AlliraliWir". -'1 N•; 241 M.G. ' • - - .. • o Xs .4 ., ,i W$DOT Jurisdiction I +r # * L u1 fl-11..2°.44° • r r � 43. _ _ _ �.� !J. : n SW 5E CASfwf•7 PGR �. ift N}`. ASS( y001.14fe1.' 4&59648 i; .is, r_ _ _ Nt a `o • 1 O �, rm _ , Q 4� 71 r .� N 2 M y ui + � rti . : i..a eis ''', _„4. 4:1_•. al a t �� ► 4 N acs '`or,J I CQ E 0 .3'4' x npyn�.� 7"211-612..°J0 ...iii...-,= - ilij 5f7°8 '4@ f Qi' ,�._. �" 0 in 1004. _ MILLER F'MK W7 ur$ RECOMMENDATION! Approval, subject to meeting the requirements for reservation of easements by public and private utilities, and conditions associated therewith. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICD, Community Development Director CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Planning Commission — Public Hearing October 14, 2004 Name (Please Print): „ Address: - arc- 72". Agenda Item: SJV-O304 STREET VACATI° *For Proposal El Opposed to Proposal [11 Neutral • • • - - p Wish to 5peak E. Yes 1 No CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF A REMAINDER PARCEL OF THE APPLEWAY RIGHT F-WAY ACQUISITION AND A PORTION OF DAVID ROAD LOCATED BETWEEN SPRAGUE AVENUE AND APPLEWAY BOULEVARD,WEST OF THIDRMAN AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council through Resolution 04-022 initiated the vacation a remainder parcel of the Apple way Boulevard right-of-way acquisition (Portion of Assessor Parcel No. 352410201) and a portion of David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Appleway Boulevard, west of Thierman Road_ by providing that a hearing on the proposal to vacate the above street would be held before the Planning Commission on the 26th day of August, 2004, for the purpose of considering whether the vacation is in the public interest; WHEREAS; the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) retains that portion of David Road located south of the Sprague Avenue right-of-way pursuant to deeds recorded on January 11,2000 (Recording Nos.4446885 through 4446897); and W1{EREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 26, 2004 on the proposed vacation, and subsequently held a public hearing on October 14, 2004 to consider an amended request excluding that portion of David Road currently owned by WSDOT; and WHEREAS, following a hearing before the Planning Commission, it has been found and determined that the vacation of the above referenced street complies with City Ordinance C4- 002, Section 1 l(SITIvIC Chapter 10.05)and includes one or more of the following findings: (1) The change of use or vacation will serve the public interest; (2) The Street or Alley is no longer required for public use or access; or (3) An alternative public way or private access would be more useful to the public and adjoining land owners; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission findings and/or minutes have been filed with the City Clerk as part of the public record supporting the vacation; WHEREAS, fifty percent of the property owners abutting the property to be vacated did not file a written objection to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk; WHEREAS, through ordinance the City shall provide that the vacated property be transferred to the abutting property owners, one-half to each, unless circumstances require a different division of property, that the zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street shall attach to the vacated property; that a record of survey shall be submitted to C.1Doaumeut$anti$etiings1dailey,SPOICAN,EYALLEYSLocal 5ctiing,Temporary tritemel nies\OLK991Sinc1 Vacation Starbucks Ordinance.dm the Director of Community Development and that all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated street be paid by the proponent or recipient of the transferred property; WHEREAS, the City Council pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.79 and City Ordinance No. 04-002 (SVMC Chapter 10.05) desires to vacate the above street as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valleys Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1, Findings of Fact, The City Council makes the following findings of fact: (1) the City Department of Public Works has reviewed the right-of-way to be vacated and determined that the property adjacent to the vacated property is otherwise served by public or private access; (2) a public hearing on the proposed vacation has been held in accordance with State Law and City Ordinance before the Planning Commission with the record of such hearing and proceedings lodged with the City Clerk; (3) a written protest has not been filed with the City Clerk by at least fifty percent of the abutting property owners; and (4) vacation of the street or alley serves the public interest. Section 2. Property to he Vacated. Based upon the above findings and in accordance with this ordinance, the City Council does hereby vacate the street or alley described on the attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein by reference. Section 3, Zoning. The Zoning designation for the vacated property shall be the designation attached to the adjoining properties as set forth within the respective property or lot lines. The Director of Community Development is authorized to make this notation on the official zoning map of the City. Section 4. Conditions of Vacation. The following conditions shall be fully satisfied prior to the transfer of title by the City. 1. A. record of survey shall be submitted to the City in accordance with City Ordinance 04-002, Section 16(SVMC Chapter 10.05). 2. Fees and Costs associated with the transfer of title to the vacated property shall be paid by the recipient (or grantee) of such property. The fees and costs include all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated street. 3_ A reservation in the form of an easement providing for private and public utility services subject to such conditions shall he made in the vacated area. Section 5. Closing. Following satisfaction of the above conditions, the City Clerk shall record a certified copy of this Ordinance in the office of the County Auditor and the City Manager is authorized to execute all necessary documents, including a Quit Claim Deed, in order to complete the transfer of the property identified herein. CftDncumcnLs and Settinge datluy,SPOKAh6EVAl LEY\Locx1 Settingf\Temparary+lntem i File OLK99LStrcct'Vacation Slartucks Crdinancc.doc Section 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence,clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of 2004. Mayor, Michael DeVlemin g ATTEST: City Clerk, Chris Bainbridge Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: C:'Daeumenis and 5ettingsAulley.SPCKANEVALLEYkLocat Sellingg\Temperary 1slt rnet Filc OL1{MIreet Vacation 5sartmeks Ordimance.dDC Exhibit"A" allillragri,-, 0 0 . ..--E 3,21D I a IISSIP 1 .,., ,, ,,,, 1330-W .. e.1 Harri. r � � iK s yrs. E , ._ m 4 I j ,�� �`,.3,�, ^� � 3u scrr� t:kiEr+Cr+- PEN i I r * !,, ASSESS:WE Qa{V1"EF+Y alMe•'S �# o�. REE.CP:EN C]f+ J7:13.5. iPil ."Yeti II y R «_ a-l' �g �j yL 2 4 g + ry 2 I ' T i .17Ngo i nig • 4 V J tsV L}} oal N c3' iE v a.-,o•I A ca. N 1 ''.. o-r'is i Wilk A l N Je n2Je jC'Q 9 0 Ai O lit K'aE YMLL[R rAIkk cogroL ,' Property Description A remainder parcel of the Apple way Boulevard right-of-way acquisition (Portion of Assessor Parcel No. 35242.11201) and a portion of David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Appleway Boulevard, west of Thierman Road. C:Owunicrits and Sellingstdaituy,SPOKANEVALL,4YSLocal 5c tiingsiTcmpJraty Inlersiel file OLK991SIrect Vacation SU-bucks Ordinanco.doc Siöi \mm #Valley .000 Public Hearing Amended STREET VACATION STV- 03-04 Chris Linc Properties L.L.C., 2320 North Atlantic Street, Spokane WA 99205 , October 14, 2004 Background • Appleway right-of-way acquisition and a portion of David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Appleway, west of Thierman Road. • Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 26, 2004 and tabled the decision pending additional information 41 '1-.05 i . _,- r•--.,, AK 6665 abut ' " -#tt'-11vi1:1n '1 / -x1( •I i ..t� Win, T {T�%,'1*.'N ' *,"' `+ 4. _ s v _ • "{ ' _ id`_r -- - -- --..F�.�. ` �},. '�`�' -- - {may _ -- 14$L,a-` -I -.,_-0 ;. a—a•1 • ,4 xs4r4r- P t, 141100110 2 , 113 5-, �`, 0 7 - IU 4 . Y"ey ‘1,11 f , _ q■r� a14 , YI. . G� ,w 6 I ft, Hca d " . � t 1, �•rkw, - U- e_ I - -- r " 1 Background • Spokane County acquired Blocks 5 and 6 of the Miller Park Addition for the Appieway extension • The Sprague Avenue right-of-way and the portion of David Street 20 feet south of the Sprague Avenue right-of-way were conveyed to WSDOT for the same project. • Spokane County installed a 54" wastewater interceptor though Block 5. The interceptor is actually located six feet north of the south easement line • Spokane County subsequently sold the remainder of Block 5 to applicant Original Request AmendedAlir1," . a~E �,��, • { Request er 4 (330.c Water L..n FacilitiesF. . K E AI .. N. 11'2- 262.65' „a' . F. /04 .6.,. ),4 -I-, 2.ir n .... , ..., ,, ., .. --,..t....,,t x is r i+ dwp am, v. —i 4 k °+ ,3p ,. * --r��� 30' SEWER EA IJE!1T P[F n In r } ` = I 45KE6 R` [AiiCU 'f AR:r$4 CF. i Remainder ► ` �a z ` ,,,, . 4-1 ?... I z- in 10 :-.------ ---.-----'---, ''.'--u = P3. ,'6, uhl—4= 1 lik; q;"M tip', E''s1:4:- .2' i • ... s 54 ' Interceptor Gas Line . < • +P ' '` 114 J tis . i I ta Ni in 4 "+ 1. * J � c rl I * L Jl�i 1M n • � d �y 1 k --- s hl _.1 u.L * l~ '46- I • °ter • �' Electric Distribution `` ' I cc. • Applicant proposes to acquire the s� . property for the purposeof 4°;�Z1 constructing required 208 swales �- i s t AVE MILLER P ARK CZ TkRU .. Background • Easements required for utilities • Conditions applicable to underground gas, water and wastewater facilities • City may vacate that portion of David Street right-of-way where it has jurisdiction • Property outside the right-of-way must be declared surplus and held for sale following an appraisal RECOMMENDATION • Approvalof the vacation of that portion of David Street within the City's jurisdiction , subject to the requirements of the ordinance for survey and utility easements with conditions required by the utility Provide notice to the Council of the proposal to declare the remainder of the Appleway right-of-way acquisition as surplus property _11.004401111111V .4f err L111 414_ Y _ _ x fY+ " St''ôke jUalley Public Hearing Planned Unit Development Requirements Community Development Department October 14, 2004 BACKGROUND • Authorized pursuant to RCW 36 . 70 , Spokane Valley Ordinance 03-53 Spokane Valley adopted Interim Development Regulations pursuant to Ordinance 03-053 • On April 6 and June 1 , 2004, Council was briefed on development issues, including problems associated with PUD developments • Spokane County revised regulations relating to FUDs on July 13, 2004 as part of Phase II Development Regulations • Present regulations ineffective in implementing the intent and purpose of the regulation County Updates Minimum Lot Size City Current County Amended 800 square feet 1 ,600 square feet Road Standards 20 feet one-way, 22 feet two way 3-6 lots 20 feet 7-20 lots 24 feet 21 + lots 28 feet Open Space 200 square feet 10% of area Bonus Density Open Space City Current County Amended 0.3/acre if 10% with slope of 0 .3/acre if 50% with slope of 10% or less 10% or less 0.5 if two or more specific improvements, including 0. 3/acre if I landscaped hard surface trails, improved open areas, tennis courts, playfields swimming or pool or play areas wading pools or play areas with structures/equipment 10,000 in size. Environmental City Current e County Amended 0 . 1 /acre if "significant" 0. 31acre if access to lake public access to lake river river 0. 1 if to trails o . 1 /acre if to trails 0 . 1 if to scenic view o. 1 /acre if to scenic view 1 .0/acre if 40% of existing healthy trees > 10 caliper preserved , where trees number more than 1 olacre Internal Circulation/Parking City Current County Amended 0. 1 /acre if off-street parking 50 deleted feet or less from the entrance 0. 1 /acre if non-residential 0. /acre if non-residential parking parking small (10-20 small (10-20 spaces/group) and spaces/group) and landscaped landscaped 0.1 Macre with bike/pedways 0. /acre with bike/pedways separate from road separate from road 1 .0/acre for interconnected 1 .0/acre for interconnected roadways w/o cul-de-sacs roadways w/o cul-de-sacs 0.5/acre for un-gated development allowing public access 0. /acre if %/% parking is covered 0.5/acre if 1/A parking is covered 0. /acre if all parking is covered 1 .0/acre if all parking is covered Public Service & Facility Availability City Current County Amended 0.15/acre if public transit within 'f4-mile 0' /acre if public transit within d-mile s 0.15/acre if off-site convenience 0.2/acre if off-site convenience shopping within 1/4-mile shopping within 1/4-mile 0.1/acre if water and sewer lines are within or adjacent and service deleted district will not be "stressed" 0.15/acre if primary access is via deleted arterial road 0.1/acre with a crime prevention plan incorporating locks, lighting, doors, deleted windows and alarms 0.1/acre if within school "preferred deleted growth" area 0.15/acre if transit amenities included 0.5/acre if transit amenities e.g shelters schedule information, include shelters, benches & bus passes park 'n ride spaces Other City Current a County Amended 0. /acre with a "design development team" deleted . 1 /acre with housing mix and 10% single family deleted detached . Housing . /acre with mix of at least 3 different housing types 1 .0/acre with 20% units set aside for household at less than 80% median income Additional P • Specifying the requirements for financial guarantees for private street maintenance. • Requiring sidewalks on both sides of the street. • Maintaining existing provisions for lighting , but requiring provisions that street lighting is owned and maintained by the property owners association . • Requiring that any private street will not impede the current or future development of a thoroughfare and shall have direct access to a designated collector or arterial . • Update submittal requirements Recommendation • Approval CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: October 14, 2004 Iters: Check all that apply: 9 consent 0 old business eit new business l + public hearing 9 information 0 admin. report 9 pending Legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing Proposed amendments to Ordinance Na_ 03-053 of the Spokane Valley Interim Development Regulations relating to Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) and amending Section 4.15.1 Residential Standards of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCVV 36.70. Spokane Valley Ordinance 03-53 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council was briefed on interim development regulations requiting review on April 6, 2004 and on those regulations relating to Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) on September 7, 2004, BACKGROUND: The City Council adopted the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Ordinance No. 03-52, subsequently adopting the Zoning Code of Spokane County as interim development regulations for the new city (Ordinance 03-53). Chapter 14.704 of these regulations establishes the requirements for Planned Unit Development (PUDs) which are designed to provide flexibility in site design and incentives. Spokane County has acknowledged problems with the provisions of the Chapter and has amended their regulations effective July 13, 2004, as part of the Phase I1 Development Regulations_ The provisions adopted by Spokane Valley (Phase I) have not been effective in accomplishing the stated purposes. Substantive provisions amended by the County which should be considered include Purpose and Intent, Application and Process, Submittal Requirements, requiring that improvements in phased PUDs be complete with individual phases, increasing minimum lot size to 1,600 square feet, and open space. County also deleted roadway standards less stringent than the standards adopted for private roads. Additional changes are summarized in comparison to Spokane Valley's adopted provisions including: • Bonus Density calculations_ • Requiring private streets to meet adopted County Road Standards. (See attached) • Providing that required landscape areas and drainage facilities are not included in the required open space requirements, and that the open space be usable. Additional provisions which should be considered: • Specifying the requirements for financial guarantees for private street maintenance. • Requiring sidewalks on both sides of the street. • Maintaining existing provisions for lighting, but requiring provisions that street lighting is owned and maintained by the property owners association. • Requiring that any private street will not impede the current or future development of a thoroughfare and shall have direct access to a designated collector or arterial. Technical provisions relating to submittal requirementsshould also be updated. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued on. August 19, 2004 with comments due not later than September 14, 2004 and a draft proposal was submitted to CTED and other agencies for their review on August 24, 2004. Administrative Report Planned Unit Developments Page 2 of 3 Lot Standards - City Current County Amended — anti square feet , 1.600 square feet Road Standards 20 feet one-way,22'feel two way 3-6 lots 20 feet 7-20 kits 24 feet _ 21+lots 28 feet O en S ace 200 s a feet 10%of development Bonus Density -- OperI5 ace lIL3facre 1110%with slope of 10%or less I03lacre if 50%with slope of 10%or less 0.5 if two or more specific imp ove rents,including hard 0.3facre if i landscaped open areas.tennis courts,pod or surface trails,improved pleyllelds swimming or wading may areas pools or play areas with structures/equipment 10,000 in size, Environmental 0.151aers if"significant"public ams to lake river 0.3/acre if access to lake river 0.1 if to trails 0.1/acre if to hails 0.1 if to scenic view 0.1lacre if to scenic view 1.0/acre if 40%of existing healthy trees 10 caliper preserved.where trees number more than 10/acre Internal Circulation/Parking 0.1!acre if street parking 50 feet or less from the deleted entrance 0.15/acre if non-residential parking small(10-20 0_2/acre Iron-residential parking small{10-20 spaceslgraup)and landscaped spaces/group)and landscaped 0.15faere with br'Iceipedways separate From mad 0.5tacre with bike/pedweys separate from road 1.Ofar re for interconnected roadways Mc MI-de-sacs 1-0lacre for interconnected roadways win cul-de-sacs - _ 0.5/acre for un-gated development allowing public access 0.2facre if' parking is covered 0.5facre if'A parking is covered 0.3facre if all parking is covered 1 Ofacre if all parking is covered Public Service&Facility Availability 0.15/acre if public transit within}Grmile 0.3/acre if public transit within%-mile 0,15/acre if off-site convenience shopping within Vs-mile 0-2/acre if offsite convenience shopping wilhir 4-mile 0.1/a are if water and sewer lines are within or adjacent deleted and service district will not be'stressed' 51.151acre if primary access is via arterial road deleted 0.112 cre with a crime prevention plan incorporating locks, deleted lighting,doors,windows and alarms 0,11acre if within school"preferred growth"area deleted _ 0.151acre if transit amenities included e.g shelters 0.5/acre if transit amenities included ie.shelters,benches schedule information,bus passes and park'n ride spaces Other City CurrentCounty Amended 0.21a ore with a"design development team" deletes 0.15/aere with housing mix and 10%single family deleted detached_ Housing 0.5/acre with mix et at least 3 different housing types 1.0/acre with 20%units set aside for household at less than 80%median income Administrative Report Planned Unit Developments Page 3 of 3 OPTIONS: Adopt some or all of the revisions adopted by Spokane Countyconsider additional provisions, or take no action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Adoption BIJOGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE No. 03-53 TO AMEND CAHPTER 14.704.00 OF THE INTERIM DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS RELATING TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PLDs) AND AMENDING SECTION 4.15.1 RESIDENTIAL DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE; REPEALING PROVISIONS IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND ESTABLISHING EFFECTIVE DATE. V1/401-IEREAS, The Interim Comprehensive Plan adopted by the City of Spokane Valley pursuant to Ordinance 03.-53, specifies dimensional standards for residential and non-residential development; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan Goal ED.5a is to '"[p]rovide consistent. fair and timely regulations that are flexible, responsive and effective'and WHEREAS, interim Comprehensive Plan Goal UL.3 is to .."[e]ncourage exemplary developments by providing for flexibility and innovative design through planned unit commercial/industrial and residential developments"; and WHFREAS, Interim Comprehensive Plan Policy UL3,1 through UL.3.3 encourage flexible regulations and incentives; and WHEREAS, there exist geographic areas within the City of Spokane Valley which would benefit from more flexibility in order to preserve and protect sensitive environmental resources; and WHEREAS, the development of Mixed-Use arid Urban Activity Centers identified in the Intent, Comprehensive Plan require flexibility for successful design and implementation; and WHEREAS, the proposed development regulations must be submitted to the Washington Department of Community Trade and Economic Development pursuant to WAC 365-195-620; and NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Chapter 14.704 of the City of Spokane Valley's Interim Zoning regulations is hereby amended to read as follows: "Chapter 14.704 Planned Unit Development Overlay Zone 14.704.100 Purpose and Intent The purpose of the Planned Unit Development Zone is to establish a process to foster creative, efficient, and comprehensive design of site development.The overlay zone is to be used in conjunction with other zoning classification except tho Exclucive - a ' _ _• _ - = the Mining (MZ) zones. . These regulations provide flexibility in site design and offer incentives in order to: 1. Encourage innovative design and the creation of permanent open space, 2,Preserve and enhance special site features_ 3. Encoura•e the conservation of natural features wildlife habitat and critical areas. 4. Facilitate the devefopment of mixed-use praiects. 5. Encourage the development of street, pedestrian and bicycle paths that contribute to a sstem of ful c nrvected routes. 6. 4eFecilitate the economical and adequate provision of public services. 7. Provide for diverse and convenient recreational opportunities. 8. 5-Provide a variety of environments for living, working, and recreation. 14.704.110 Applications and Process 1. Planned unit developments shall be initiated by the owner of all property involved, rf under one ownership, or by joint application of all owners having title to all the properly in the area proposed for planned unit development. 2. The planned unit development process entails a preliminary and final phase.A _. 2 . . - - - :22 as follows: a. The +relimina chase examines the alarmed unit develo•ment •lan for compliance with the requirements of the zone. The preliminary planned unit develpprnent is considered through a public hearing before the blearing Examiner, Once approved by the Hearing Examiner, the planned unit development is a binding plan that defines the concept of the development and uses to be allowed. The planned unit development approval is valid for a 5-year eriod which ma be extended submittin a time extension re nest to the Department. Any extension of time must be requested by the applicant, in writing, before expiration of the original approval, stating specific reasons for such a request. b. The final planned unit development plan may be approved administratively. provided all standards uirements and conditions of relimina a ravel have heen met. 14,704,120 Preliminary Planned Unit Developments The preliminary planned unit development shall have a site development plan. including, but not limited to, the following: 1. The exact boundaries and legal description of the property to be developed. 2. The name of the proposed planned unit development. 3 Date, north arrow, and scale of thedrawinco 4. Names, addresses,and telephone numbers of the ownerfs}, applicant/s), engineer. and surveyor, 5. The general location of all proposed improvements that are to be constructed on the land, including, but not limited to, all residential and nonresidential structures, building heights, recreational facilities, walls, fences, refuse areas, streets, walks and public transit facilities. 6. Setbacks to the properly line, roadways, and the planned unit development perimeter. 7_ Location of pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems. 8. —Common open spaces showing size and functions upon completion. _ • •, " = - -- -_ - -t.•tF, +of private noncommon open space in square feet; 9. A description of the method of ownershipand res ansibili for maintenance of all common pppn space. 10. &The location and dimension of off-street parking facilities, public and private, including transit Facilities for nonresidential uses. 11. -Location and size of all public and semipublic sites if applicable (Le., schools, churches, parks, plazas, etc.). 12. A tabulation of densities within each project area, phase or sector,.} y 10. A cchomatis-ice: . .. •• $ , . - - - -antflqatClilte be-t se4,-a.- - - _ _ . Pt a . : - _ _- _ .1-planted 13.1-1--lf applicable, a subdivision map showing land divisions. The preliminary and final subdivision map shall comply with the county subdivision ordinance and state subdivision regulations. 14. A proposed phasing and/or timing schedule. 15. :-Topographical map of existing terrain at a minimum 10-foot contour level, including 100-year flood plains identified under the National Flood Insurance program. 16. Natural features to be retained. such as natural slopes, stands of trees, etc 17. All critical areas identified in the Comprehensive Plan. 14.704.130 Final Planned unit Developments 1 Prior to expiration of the preliminary planned 4J nit development, approval of a final planned unit development plan is required. Approval of the final planned unit development shall be administrative, A final planned unit development differs from the preliminary planned unit development in the amount of detailed information providedin addition to all of the information required for a preliminary planned unit development the final .Fanned unit develo'merit 'Ian shall include the foilowin• !terns, a. Approved road plans. b Approved drainage system plans_ c. Typical building footprints. d, A tabulation of the percentage of total building coverage in the development. e_ A schematic land ca ping mien indicetin• the type and the size of plant material to be used, and the method for providing permanent maintenance to all alanted areas and open spaces. 2. Any planned unit development not finalized before the expiration of the preliminary planned unit development approval shall become void, unless a time extension is granted. Construction shall not commence until a planned unit development has been given final approval. 14.704.140 Phased Planned Unit Developments 1.A planned unit development may be developed in phases, subject to an approved phasing schedule. Al!construction and improvements not completed within three (3) five (5) years of approval of the phased final planned unit development are su bject to compliance with updated City Standards through a time extension action. Any planned unit development where construction has not commenced before expiration of the final planned unit development approval shall become void. 2. Each hese of the ro osed develo meat must contain the re uiredparkings aces common open space, landscape. and utility areas necessary for creating and sustaining a desirable and stable environment for that +hose of the deveiournent_ 14.704.150 Modifications 1. The Hearing Examiner may require modifications to the application for a planned unit development to ensure that the spirit and intent of this chapter is accomplished_ 2_ A substantial modification to the approved preliminary or final planned unit development plan shall only be approved through a change of condition application process. All modifications which are not minor, shall be considered substantial. 3, A minor modification to the preliminary or final planned unit development plan may be approved administratively. Minor modifications shall be consistent with the following requirements. a. The modification shall he limited to minor shifting of the location of buildings, proposed streets, utility easements, or corrin'ion open space. b. The modification shall not: i. Enlarge the boundaries of the approved planned unit development plan. ii. Change the approved uses. iii. Change the general location or amount of land devoted to a specific land use. iv_ Increase the residential densities. 14.704.210 Permitted Uses Hereatie = ' - - a.; •: "ailing, s - - -. - - - .- , :s#a e us.eci except for these-uses specifically permitted as f 1. All uses pe, ` in ; ,, ;erly�,_ e Uses for the planned unit development overlay zone shall include sinet1e-famil r�rnul- family and other uses as may be,perrnitted in the underlying zone(s). Accessory uses and structures ordinaril associated with a .errriitted use shall be allowed. d 4 7-0 220 A ccescory Uce All-ac�esssery-ures--buildings,and--- -_ - - . =.•- _ . . Y■. r ` i t -ase&are allowed. 11.701.230 1 rohih --Us s a .3'v .' .reall -- - ■' -_e _ • ;'. .. cel 4b it li V_in but-net lirrrited to the followinr.- 14.704.300 l eyelopment Standards Prior to the issuance of a building permit, evidence of compliance with provisions of this chapter, when applicable, shall be provided to the Division. 14.x 04.310 Density 1 The total units permitted in aplanned unit development shall be determined as follows. a. In any planned unit development, the number of dwelling units per acre of land shall not exceed that which is permitted by the underlying zone(s), except as approved for density bonus by the Hearing Examiner subject to the following procedures. However, this does not preclude an applicant From transferring density from one portion of the development to another portion of the development, so long as the total project does not exceed the maximum density, of all zoning classifications included within the project boundary_ Residential density shall be determined by the following formula: Net Maximum number of Density Development x units per acre 4_ Bonus = Total Units Factor allowed in underlying Earned Permitted zone b, The net development factor is the acreage of the planned unit development area minus the area set aside for, or existing in, any of the following: i_ Schools. ii. Commercial andlor industrial uses iii. Single-family residential platted areas, if determining net development factor for the multifamily portion of a mixed single-family. multifamily development. iv. Natural water bodies, including lakes, streams, swamps, marshes, and bogs which are not incorporated in the common open space plan of the planned unit development. v. 75%of areas having slopes that exceed 40%. vi. Public or private streets. 2. Bonus Density: The following units per acre may be cumulatively earned as additional density to the maximum base unit density of the underlying zone. a. Common Open Space_ i. 0.3 unit-per-acre bonus if at least 4.0°14x50% of the dry, common open space has a slope of 10% or less, 0-3-0.5 unit-per-acre bonus if significant recreation areas are developed and equipped with such-at least 2 of the following features,;-te t-fie-Wifni to: }yard surface biking, hiking or walking trails 1a-R-d-scape onnectinq the entire idevelopment; improved playfields, sport;Formic courts; swimming or wading pool children's play areas that incorporate play structuresfequipnnent and are at least 10,000 square feet in size_ b. Environmental Concern. I. 045-0.3 unit-per-acre bonus if aigniffar eneral public access is provided to lake or river; to trails, 0.1 unit-per-acre bonus; to scenic viewpoint, 0.1 unit-per- acre bonus ii. 1.0 unit-►er-acre bonus if 40% er more of the existiris health trees over 10 inches in diameter, are retained on the site.Tree diameter shall he measured at 6 feet above the ground. This bonus shall only apply in forested areas where the density of the above-described trees is ettual or greater than 10 trees per acre. The health of the trees shall be certified by a licensed arborist. c. internal Circulation and Parking. 1_One-tenth ( 1 t per-ac-re-be• * - - i.i " .1. tee _• -r: rra ic1 d th if rens cart w .. .. + Y - t$ �svi�T�Pro7�`V-4�'�o't;n--vrnrvanrr►cxlk agler-cevor from structure to porking,-the pang may be, u p-to-ona-nundred fifty (150)feet away-a stili-feceive the bonus; I. 0-15 0.2 unit-per-acre bonus if nonresidential parking areas are kept small (113 to 20 spaces in a group) and interspersed with landscaping, or provided within or under main buildings. ��. (5.'1 1 snit par_acre r s-i#- isian is made for oninfernal-bike-and pcdestr--iae-€y. - • - .-5. :55 -," _ _ adjacent to roadways. iii. 1.0 unit-per-acre bonus for an interconnected roadway system without cul-de- sacs. iv. 0.5 unit-per-acre bonus fur an un-gated development allowing through access to the public. ur+ rine if-all-the-r.equired-par-k4eg-is-eeyeted, d. Public Service and Facility Availability_ I. 1;1;15 0.3 unit-per-acre bonus if public transit is available within 'h-mile walking distance of the majority of dwelling units and offices. The walking route shall be hard-surfaced and accessible, and mar require off site sidewalk/r athway° ur►it-per-acre bonus if off-site convenience shopping facilities are functionally accessible within reasonable walking distance(approximately %- mile). The welkin+ route snail be hard-surfaced and accessible and ma re uire off-site sidewalklpathway. iii. 045-0.5 unit-per-acre bonus if integ ed-special facilities aad-a-preg a-4e van/cpmool for public transit are incorporated into the design and approved by the STA (e.g,, sheltered, lighted waitinglloading facilities, including benches - e t -_ _ • . _ •; .nd park-and-ride spaces). - . .. - _ _ ! -- iv .0.2raere :iv,.0.2racre for school bus loading shelters approved by the school district. a. Othor. mixofhous4nghype - -_- -. -- #', - - , _ - . ! " -- w t icigle fam l., ree-idences _ examples-olgeasing-types- 14,7-04T340-Pki-n-i-muni-L-434--Area Every lot 64ili - _ _ _ __ (800) squame foot, 'Lin 1.3 e_+lie .,denying sone/ ti r.l cnll„ sets minimum lot areas for k.#o ntasl purpose inn a P r_, 11 A 7Oi 4+I5 Min slum Frentaje Cu 11 1..+ .et;li•Aed Fnr rflcirl ia e _- - - +- -- i em..eir.l+tof+lnirhi.r ill.fit = •-•••- - _ • :- ono public or privotc stroct, or pedestrian access_ agloce the underlyin-g-zone(s)-s# 4f-icaliy-sets minimum fro e in a P.U.D. 41 Ji 7O& ' 25 Minimi m f4 --e . --- . _ - - ^- .. • rl hr-. mi-nin,e er+n retbark the - •- --_s _ _ project boundariern- ter r e-ac approved-on_thc D.- 2tz i - . : • - 1-1.744.330 Maximum Building-r—evefage A : xi numofcixtyper.-- ;±°- _ •- _ - - . -_ - - - . . 11 ,701.335 Mam-murn B.,,,ld.ng Height a. - - - ri• - 1 � . • - _- .ii._a tiff v���,w a r V - - u e. - . _- _ .- _ - :hts as well as build` i 14704,330 Parking,Signage, and Landscaping Standards Parking, signage and landscaping standards shall be as provided in chapter 14.802, Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards; chapter 14.804, Signage Standards; and chapter 14.806, Landscaping and Screening Standards 14.704.340 Storage Standards Ail storage in the planned unit development zone shall be within a closed building, except for the storage of retail products that are for sale or rent, which may be stored outdoors during business hours only and-aet-Outdoor storage of retail products shall not be within any required front or side yard nor in any public street or road right-of-way. 14.704.350 Refuse Storage All outdoor trash, garbage and refuse storage areas shall be screened on all sides from public view and, at a minimum, be enclosed with a 51/z foot_high concrete block, masonry wall, or sight-obscuring fence with a sight-obscuring gate for access. Single family and duplex residences shall be exempted from this provision, 14.704.360 Mechanical Equipment All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be d behind ate+--- - -- -- •, - - _ s ora-view- screened from adjacent roadways and pro aerties. so as not to be visible b 'ersons standin+ at the property line. 14.704.375 Utilities All utilities shall be underground 14.704.380 Str et Desegn Fte ibility Additional Requirements planned unit development prefe - -- - - Fat ze a ;. :.. a z: e :-- r r . -- . .. . _ • t r pr - - . . _ .2. i• -- _ - _ _ •_ _5 r-I • _ _ •_ na1ly convenient to nlannnd - _ _ - ..... - _ -. ° - - - U6 eRe half t eti n no-i o'e • +_ _ - - _ • . • . :z 1500)feet long.gee- a. All streets shall meet or exceed the current design and construction standards for public streets adopted by the City of Spokane Valley, as they r a be amended from time to time. O. No •ro.osed street shall im.ede the current or future develo.ment of any arterial or collector. All PUDs shall have direct access to a deli+rated collector or arterial. d. Energy efficient street lights owned arid 'maintained by the property owner's association shall be located at the entrance of the development, at each intersection and at intervals of 300 feet within the development, nets or other l _mesas, assurancc e. Subdivisions with private streets must have a property owner association and meet the following requirements: i, Operations and Maintenance Manual:The developer shall provide the Home Owners Association with an Qperations and Maintenance Manual. prepared by the develozaers engineer, for the street and storm water systems. This manual shall include a discussion of the design life of the various components, recommended repair and maintenance schedules. calculated annual costs for repair and maintenance schedules and calculated re•lacement costs for each component of the s stems. The manual willspecifythe recommended individual monthly property owner financial assessment to accomplish the identified maintenance and replacement tasks. ii. Reserve Fund:the property owner association documents must establish a Reserve Fund for the maintenance of private streets and Other imoroyemer}ts such as common greenbelts. S ur°°rty station structures and eeuiprnent. and other significant property owner association infrastructure This.Reserve Fund shall not be co-mingled with any other property owner association fund. The balance of the fund shall be equal to the total ree cement cost of the private streets, and other improvements divided by the average life expectancy of those improvements times thy; age of the improvements. iii. Annual Audit_ The property owner association shall have an annual reviewerformed b a certified ublic averi in the amount [n the Reserve Fund. The replacement cost will be updated each year to current costs. A corm of this review shall be provided to the City of S ot€ane Valley. iv. Membership Rett irernents; Every owner of a lot within the private street development must be a member of the proDeth owner association. v. Required Disclosures: The property owner association documents shall address, but shall not be limited to,the following four parvo raohs: (a) The property owner association documents must indicate that the streets within the develo meet are private,owned and maintained by the property owner associationand that the City of Spokane Valley has no obligation to maintain or reconstruct the private streets. (b) .fi heproperty owner association may not be dissolved without the prior written consent of the City of Spokane Valley. Nor rrtay they stop collection of fees without this consent, (0) . e recommend waitin for re uestbefore establishin a private street conversion process? vi. Assessment for Repairs Assignment of property owner association lien rights: The propertl pwner association declaration shall_ ro Ovide that should the property owner association fail to carry out its duties as specified in these regulations,the City or its lawful agents shall have the right and ability, after due notice to the property owner association, to perform the responsibilities of the property owner association if the property owner association fails to do so in con fiance with an of the rovisians of these re u lations or of any applicable city codes, regulations or agreements with theCity and to assess the property owner association or the lot owners for all costs incurred b the Ci in rfarmin+_ said reswonsibilities if the r ro.- owner association fails to do so, and the City shall further have any and all liens and lien ri. hts ranted to the ro a owner association to enforce the assessments required by the declaration: and/or to avail itselff ari abet enforcement actions available to the Ci pursuant to state or city codes and regulations. No portion of the property owner association documents pertainin[t to.the maintenance of the I rivate streets me be amended without the written consent of the City of Spokane Valley. Services blot Provided:The ra owner association documents shalt note that certain City of Spokane Valley services shall not be provided on private streets. Among the services which will not be prcvided include: rautirie police patrols. enforcement of traffic and parking ordinances,and preparation of accident reports. maintenance, repair and replacement of pavement, curbs, sidewalks, pathways, storm drai na•e traffic si•ns and other street infrastructure items snow and ice control. street sweeping and engineering services associated with street operation and maintenance. Depending on the characteristics of the aro.osed development other services ma not be provided. vii. Access Required: The property owner association documents shall contain a provision that requires access to emergency vehicles utili personnel,the U.S. Postal Service, and governmental employees in completion of their official duties. f.-e_AIt areas which are to be occupied or traveled over by motor vehicles shall be paved. 2. Drainage. • . - _ :: .' _: = • . . .= _ :- Drainage improvements shall be desiuned, constructed and maintained in accordance with the current Spokane Valley Storm Water Management Standards as the ma be amended from time to time_ 3, Pedestrian Circulation Facilities. Within planned unit development projects, pedestrian circulation facilities serving each unit shall be provided on both sides of the street or privateroad and shall be: a. =- • _ - - - _ _ 5.!..• - 0-lard-surfaced with asphalt or concrete. Ashalt wallrwa shall be ort allowed when ill sicall separated by a minimum of 7' from the vehicle roadway. Alternative hard surface rnaterial may be used when approved by the Public Works Department. Sidewalks separated by less than 3'from the roadway shall have a vertical curb_ seearatin• sidewalk from roadwa . Walkw- s shall meetaccessidil` standards. b. Functionally and safely convenient to each dwelling unit served; c. Functionally and safely convenient to schools and to industrial, commercial, recreational and utility areas within or adjacent to the project, and functieaalty d, Sufficiently wide (minimum of six [6] feet for commercial areas and five [5].feet for residential areas)to accommodate potential use, e. Located and designed in accordance with approval from the City of Spokane ValleyCau-ety-E-ag-i-seed . 14.704.385 Required Open Space 1. Required Open Space: A minimum of 10%of the total area of the planned unit development shall be reserved designated and maintained as common open space: Required landscape areas and storm water facilities shall not be used in the calculation of open space. 2. T eS of n S ce: Land dedicated for o n s ace should be usable for either greenbelts that serve as a buffer between land uses, using existirru vegetation and new plant materials, active or passive recreational activities,or for protecting environmental) -sensitive areas or critical areas. Ina' •ro.riate open dace includes the desiin of areas that do not meet the intern and pu .ase of this chaster such as of -n space areas that are not accessible to residents of the develment, or do not function for active/passive recreation or do not conserve wildlife habitat or other natural features, 3_ Maintenance and Ownership of Common Open Space: The applicant shall choose 1 or any combination of the taliowin9 methods of administering common open space: a. Dedication of common open space to the County Citi,which is subject to formal County City acceptance: of b. Establishment of an association or nonprofit corporation of all property owners or corporations within the project area to ensure ownership of and responsibility for perpetual maintenance of all common open space. -_ - - _, - - - --Nty fv . _ • . . • . T 4. Transfer of Ownershi•. Where dedication to the lublio or a +ro.e owners association is proposed required im•ravements shall be com•leted Frior to an transfer of ownership. Where im•rovements are not corn sleted in accordance with these requirements, building permits and/or approval of permitted structures. may be withheld u•on notification to the Buildin• Official b the Communi Develo•ment Oiled, Qendina corn letion of said_improvements. 5. Phasing;All common spaces, as well as public and recreational facilities, shall be specifically included in the phasing schedule and be constructed and fully improved by the applicant at an equivalent or greater rate than the construction of structures. .• • _ , • ; •-.4 L .' _ - _ - • y ..Balt Ase provided per . utility.impceve h_.thioD�nn• e _ - ._ _ - - . • : " . -7 '• _ 2. 7. ..7 Section Z Section 4:15.1 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code is hereby amended to add the dimensional standards for residential PUDs as shown on Attachment "A" made a part hereof for all purposes.. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid Or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of,, 2004, Mayor, Michael DeVleming ATTEST: City Clerk, Chris Bainbridge Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication. Effective Date: Section 4,15.1 Residential Zone Dimensional Standards - UR--3,f';i b' ' UR 7 run - IJR 12(3x" UR 22 c31:11 _ - 1�estdentlat Single Single mum Single Multi- Single Mulil- PUDOiF Pam' Du.lex Feral t u.lex farnil Famil Drr*lex Fermi! Fe mil 0u•1ex land LotAre welling Unit 10 000 20 00D 6 000 11 000 15.040 4 200 5,000 6,004 1,6001 3 200 8 000 i 1,600 Lot Frame•0 84 30 B5 94 100 50 50 60 20 40 00 i 30 Loi De l}0 a❑ 1[10 5.0 8a 100 54 Front Yard Setback r51 i54'� 154'" 16931 15 15") 154�r 15"1 EMMEN l5 > 15t5� Garage Setback E2204s 21?' 2I? 20nr 20") was 20��i 25rar r 42r 2C?4 2& zR1r5j Rear Yard setback to-Ilskai 20 20 20 20 15 26 2D 15 Ott 20 1S 15 Side Yard Setback ihN9rer 5 5 5MEM 5 5 5 5 b .. 5 _ I. Side Yard Setback Rankin. Street 15 15 15�r 164 16 1Fli 15`31 15[21' 15�r 16x5 10 Open Space -�-� 10%gross area Dens' OLWAcre . 4,35 4,35 7 7 7 12 22 22 22 Zone+Bonus E Loll Covera,e 50.D 50.0% 55.0% 55.0% 55.0% 60.0% 60.0% 60.0% 65.0% 66.0% 65 0% 60.0% 7 E BOON Height(In TA• feet 35 35 35 35 35 40 40 40 50 54 50 - Zone • Building Height{In stories 21t 2% 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 a+F °GtQar view"Triangle regal red ixF Measured from property line-outside border easerrteni,if any Zero setbacks along rear andior one side are allowed prnvided that a 5'-6"constriction and maintenance easement{s}is recorded with the Spokane ter County Auditor prior 1c issuance of a building permit.Mirimum rear yard setbacks on zero lot line configuration shall nal be less than fifty(53)feet.pr the sum of the rear yards required by the underlying zone.whichever is greater. 141 Minimum side yard setbacks between dwelling units and adjacent lots eta!!not be less than 10 feet on the side opposite the zero In a zero lit line configuration !Li Institutional and Office uses have the same setback as resldentiel uses in zanus where permitted_ Attached garages loading from the side may have the same safaris*as a principal structure, ' Permitted accessnry structures shall rnalnfain a fisc foot R5"-G"?-side and rear mid settZar ATTACHMENT "A" CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE No. 03-53 TO ESTABLISH SECTION 4.08.19 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE RELATING TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUDs), AMENDING SECTION 4.15.1 RESIDENTIAL DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE; REPEALING CHAPTER 14.784.00 OF THE INTERIM DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND ESTABLISHING EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The Interim Comprehensive Plan adopted by the City of Spokane Valley pursuant to Ordinance O3-53, specifies dimensional standards for residential and non-residential development; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan Goal ED.5a is to "[p]rovide consistent, fair and timely regulations that are flexible, responsive and effective and WHEREAS, Interim Comprehensive Plan Goal UL.3 is to ..' e]ncourage exemplary developments by providing for flexibility and innovative design through planned unit commercial/industrial and residential developments'; and WHEREAS, Interim Comprehensive Plan Policy UL_3.1 through LJL.3.3 encourage flexible regulations and incentives; and WHEREAS, there exist geographic areas within the City of Spokane Valley which would benefit from more flexibility in order to preserve and protect sensitive environmental resources; end WHEREAS, the development of Mixed-Use and Urban Activity Centers identified in the Interim Comprehensive Flan require flexibility for successful design and implementation; and WHEREAS, the proposed development regulations must be submitted to the Washington Department of Community Trade and Economic Developrnent pursuant to WAC 395-195-62O; and NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 4.08.19 of the City of Spokane Valley's Interim Zoning regulations is hereby amended to read as follows: •`Section 4.08.19 Planned Unit Development Overlay Zone Section Purpose and Intent The purpose of the Planned Unit Development Zone is to establish a process to foster creative, efficient, and comprehensive design of site development. The overlayzone is to be used in conjunction with other zoning classification except the Excte al-Age:ultural (GA) and the Mining (MZ) zones. . These regulations provide flexibility in site design and offer incentives in order to: 2. Ensure pre:er ntion-sa lc open cpacc; 1. Encourage innovative design and the creation of permanent open space. 2. ;-Preserve andenhance special site features_ 3, Encouraoe the conservation of natural features, wildlife habitat, and critical areas. 4. Facilitate the develoi meat of mixed-use .ro'ects. 5. Encourage the development of street, pedestrian and bicycle paths that contribute to a system of fully connected routes. 6. 4•-Facilitate the economical and adequate provision of public services. 7. Provide for diverse and convenient recreational opportunities. 8. Provide a variety of environments for living, working, and recreation. Section Applications and Process 1. Planned unit developments shall be initiated by the owners) of all property involved, if under one ownership, or by joint application of all owners having title to ail the property in the area proposed for planned unit development. 2. The planned unit development process entails a preliminary and final phase,-A -aitie4eveleaeneet plan approved at o public hearing by - - - _2t i . he canto: - shall be binding. The prel+•• .-, _. ,: a • : =- -- cr the final PIJD inflcxibid approval is valid for a three year period, which may be e - - - •e z e: , as follows: a, The preliminary phase examines the planned unit development plan for compliance with the re•uirements of the zone. The preliminary planned unit development is considered through a public hearing before the hearing Examiner. Once approved Iasi the Hearing Examiner, the planned unit development is a binding plan that defines the concept of the development and uses to be allowed. The planned unit development approval is valid for a 5-year period, which may be extended by submitting a time extension request to the Department. Any extension of time must be requested by the applicant, in writing, before expiration of the original approval, stating specific reasons for such a request. b. The final planned unit development plan may be approved administratively, to determine if all standards, requirements, and conditions of preliminary approval have been met. Section Preliminary Planned Unit Developments The preliminary planned unit development shall have a site development plan, including, but riot limited to, the following: 1. The exact boundaries and legal description of the property to be developed_ 2. The name of the proposed planned unit development. 3. Date north arrow and scale of the drawing.. 4. Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the owner(s), applicant(s), engineer, and surveyor. 5. 2-The oeneral location of all proposed improvements that are to be constructed on the land, including, but not limited to, all residential and nonresidential structures, building heights, recreational facilities, walls, fences, refuse areas, streets, walks and public transit facilities. 6 Setbacks to the property line, roadways, and the planned unit development perimeter, 7. Location of pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems, 8. :--Common open spaces showing size and functions upon completion. private non common open apace in egwe o4eete 9.A description of the method of ownership and responsibility for maintenance of all common open space and private streets. 10. 5The location and dimension of off-street parking facilities, public and private, including transit facilities for nonresidential uses. 11. e Location and size of all public and semipublic sites if applicable (i.e., schools, churches, parks, plazas, etc.). 12. &A tabulation of densities within each project area, phase or sector. ■ r _ be uccd, and tho method for providing permanent meintonanco to all planted arcus, and open epacocl 13.. If applicable, a subdivision map showing land divisions. The preliminary and final subdivision map shall comply with the county subdivision ordinance and state subdivision regulations. 14. 12. A proposed phasing andibr timing schedule. 15. Topographical map of existing terrain ata minimum -two foot contour level, including 100-year flood plains identified under the National Flood Insurance program. 16. 14--Natural features to be retained, such as natural slopes, stands of trees, etc. 17. All critical areas as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. Section Final Planned Unit Developments 1. Prior to expiration of the preliminary planned unit development, approval of a final planned unit development plan is required. Approval of the final planned unit development shall be administrative, A final planned unit development differs from the preliminary planned unit development in the amount of detailed information provided. In addition to all of the information required for a preliminary planned unit development, the finallplanned unit development plan shall include the following items. a. Approved road plans. b. Approved drainage system plans. c. Typical building footprints, d. A tabulation of the percentage of total building coverage in the development, e. A schematic landscaping plan indicating the type and the size of plant material to be used and the method forprovidingpermanent maintenance to all planted areas and open spaces. 2_ Any planned unit development not finalized before the expiration of the preliminary planned unit development approval shall become void, unless a time extension is granted by the Director of Community Development. Ccnetruction shall not commence until a planned unit development has been given final approval, Section Phased Planned Unit Developments 1_A planned unit development may be developed in phases, subject to an approved phasing schedule. All construction and improvements not completed within these(3) five (5) years of approval of the phased final planned unit development are subject to compliance with updated City Standards through a time extension action. Any planned unit development where construction has not commenced before expiration of the final planned unit development approval shall become void. 2. Each phase of the proposed development must contain the required parking spaces, common open space, ingress, egress and transportation circulation landscape. and utility areas necessary to sustain that °hese as an independent development, in the event that the remaining property is not developed.. Section Modifications 1. The Hearing Examiner may require modifications to the application for a planned unit development to ensure that the purpose spirit and intent of this chapter is accomplished, 2, A substantial modification to the approved preliminary or final planned unit development plan shall only be approved through a change of condition application process. All modifications which are not minor, shall be considered substantial. 3. A minor modification to the preliminary or final planned unit development plan may be approved administratively. Minor modifications shall be consistent with the following requirements: a. The modification shall be limited to minor shifting of the location of buildings, proposed streets, utility easements, or common open space. b. The modification shall not: i. Enlarge the boundaries of the approved planned unit development plan. ii. Change the approved uses. iii. Change the general location or amount of land devoted to a specific land use. iv_ Increase the residential densities. Section 4.08.19,07 Permitted Uses Hereafter in the P.U.D. overlay zone no building, ctrueturc or improvement& or portion choll any lot or premises be used except for thocc uses specifically permitted as followc. 1. All uccs permitted in the underlying zone. Uses for the planned unit development overlay zone shall include single-family, multi- family and other uses as may bepermitted in the underlyinc zone(s). Accessory uses and structures ordinarily associated with a permitted use shall be allowed. All acct&sept' 6.scs, inge str-rdeturoe ordinarily appurtenant to any of the porrnittcd uses are allowed. I4 70,l 23 n P ehib4lad-Uses Yoes not specifically authorized in Section 14.704.210 are prohibited, including but not limited to the following 1. Mining Section 4.08.19,08 Devetapment Standards Prior to the issuance of a building permit, evidence of compliance with provisions of this chapter, when applicable, shall be provided to the Division. Section 4.08.1 9.09 Density I The total units permitted in a planned unit development shall be determined as follows. a. In any planned unit development, the number of dwelling units per acre of land shall not exceed that which is permitted by the underlying zone(s), except as approved for density bonus by the Hearing Examiner subject to the following procedures. However, this does not preclude an applicant from transferring density from one portion of the development to another portion of the development, so long as the total proiect does not exceed the maximum density of all zoning classifications included within the project boundary. Residential density shall be determined by the following formula: Maximum number of Net units per acre Density Total Units Development xallowed in urrderEyEr,g + Bonus - Permitted Factor zone Earned b. The net development factor is the acreage of the planned unit development area minus the area set aside for, or existing in, any of the following: i. Schools. ii. Commercial and/or industrial uses. iii. Single-family residential platted areas, if determining net development factor for the multifamily portion of a mixed single-family, multifamily development. iv. Natural water bodies, including lakes, streams, swamps, marshes, and bogs which are not incorporated in the common open space plan of the planned unit development. v. 75% of areas having slopes that exceed 40%. vi. public or private streets. 2. Bonus Density: The following units per acre may be cumulatively earned as additional density to the maximum base unit density of the underlying zone. a. Common Open Space. I. 0.3 unit-per-acre bonus if at least 10% 50% of the dry, common open space has a slope of 10% or less, ii. 0.3 0.5 unit-per-acre bonus if significant recreation areas are developed and equipped with such at least 2 of the following features: , but not limited to,: hard surface biking, hiking or walking trails lanclreaped open-areas, etc:connectinp the entire development; improved alavfields, sport tannic courts; swimming or wading pool: or children's play areas that incoroorate Plav structuresieauipment and are at least 10.000 seaare feet in size. b. Environmental Concern. i. 9e1-6-0I, unit-per-acre bonus if significant general public access is provided to lake or river; to trails, 0.1 unit-per-acre bonus; to scenic viewpoint, 0.1 unit-per- acre bonus. ii. 1.0 unit-per-acre bonus if 40% or more of the existing, disease-free treesover 10 inches in diameter. are retained on the site. Tree diameter shall be measured at 6 feet above the ground. This bonus shall only apply in forested areas where the density of the above-described trees is equal orgreater than 10 trees per acre, The health of the trees shall be certified by a licensed arborist. c. Internal Circulation and Parking. undor cover from ctructurc to parkinsg thc-paricieg- }-Pc-yip-to-onc-hundr d fifty 150}feet away and etill rcoc4v^ h een,rej i. 0.15 0.2 unit-per-acre bonus if nonresidential parking areas are kept small (10 to 20 spaces in a group) and interspersed with landscaping, or provided within or under main buildings. Ii. '. 2- - 2 .2 _ - - ti ped t n stcRa physically ocparated-from ,and not adjacent to roadways. iii. 1.0 unit-per-acre bonus for an interconnected roadway system without cul-de- sacs. iv. 0.5 unit-per-acre bonus for an un-gated development allowinn through access to the public. unit per acre bonus if all the required parking is covered, d. Public Service and Facility Availability. unit-per-acre bonus if public transit is available within 14-mile walking distance of the majority of dwelling units and offices. The walking route shall be hard-surfaced and accessible, and may require off-site sidewalk/pathway. ii.+ 6_2 unit-per-acre bonus rf off-site convenience shopping facilities are functionally accessible within reasonable walking distance (approximately 14- mile). The_walkinq route shall be hard-surfaced and accessible, and may require off-site sidewalklpathway. site at the time of application, and the sewer district and water district indicate that their systems will not be strcc,cd by the added development; iv. Fifteen one hundredths (.1E) unit per acre bonus if the primary means of access to t e-pFoject i via an arterial; v. One tenth-4,14-unit pec-- - '. _= • == • - - - = es--a TM- windows-, and alarms, approved by the Spokane Gebmty Sherlfr,3 Department, ed -that +Cn plan is not in confliet with et r dao laws and ordinapees; .and school district which that district has identified as a preferred enrollment growth •ct's five (5)-year planning objectives. iii. 045 0.5 unit-per-acre bonus if it especial facilities and a program to encourage and facilitate use of public transit and other ride sharing (e.g., van/carpooling)for public transit are incorporated into the design and approved by the STA(e.g., sheltered, lighted waiting/loading facilities, including benches posted and distributed schedulelroute information; and park-and-ride spaces ). carpool matching program; subscription bus corvice; bud pascod incorporated in monthly maintenance charges). This effort must exceed that required under •. '__ _i e. ►,.. ..„ n- s e e ,.- .. . - ■ . .••. .. .• .-. _ ;m * with the Spokane Transit Authority. iv..0.2/acre for school bus loading shelters approved by the school district. o.Other- i. Two tonthc (.2)unit per acre bonus if the applicant uses a design/development and builder, through the design and construction pha - - - a a'-. ; - ii. Fifteen one hundredths (15)unit p^. .,sr., Ise—huR ' +h 4ev, lopment feature a •1 - .e • x, - s - _ • � - ti i - � - it. -.. - �r - ` . 14.014.310M EnrmuriotAroa Evcr!e fot-utilized for recidcntaai p _ _ - -- - - - -rea of eight hundred 3- uar e , - . - residential purpose in a P.U.D. 44;704.315 Mini. um Frontage with thirty (30)feet minimum fr a'g - --- - 5 -• - = -cdentrion, acre& mer- yin zone(s) specifically sets minimum frontage for residential purpose in a R.U.I . wide-Flying zen c sba41-a a - - - - - - -_ r_ _ - . - _ - - - =- - approved on [ho P.U.D. cite development plan. Each dciveieprncnt will be reviewed to ensure adequate provision of light and air-fer air:-t; r-es- 111.7011.330 Maximum Building Coverage 14.704.335 Maximum ilia Building height maximums of the - "eilyie1,eA`. bonding te-alirw grew flexibility with the development. Consideration shall be given to adjacent land uses and bui - .a bending relations#'p witI the development. Section Parking, signage, and Landscaping Standards Parking, signage and landscaping standards shall be as provided in chapter 14.8Q2, Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards; chapter 14.304, Signage Standards; and chapter 14.808, Landscaping and Screening Standards. Section Storage Standards Ali storage in the planned unit development zone shall be within a closed building, except for the storage of retail products that are for sale or rent, which may be stored outdoors during business hours only and not Outdoor storage of retail products shall not be within any required front or side yard nor in any public street or road right-of-way. Section Refuse Storage All outdoor trash, garbage and refuse storage areas shall be screened en all sides from public view and, at a minimum, be enclosed with a 51A-foot-high concrete block, masonry wall, or sight-obscuring fence with a sight- obscuring gate for access. Simile family and duplex residences are exempted from this provision. Section Mechanical Equipment All rooftop mechanical equipment shall beP,e artm- ;, - , -:..e - FeR; ed screened from adjacent roadways and properties, so as not to be visible by persons standing at the property line. Section Utilities All utilities shall be underground. Section E #De tgn Flexibility-Additional Requirements reduced to twenty(20)feet for one way traffic or twenty two (22)foot f©r two way traffic; .. a . . - _ _. - y convenient to INORFIed stall per unit for guet parking; than thirty (SO) units and be no mare than fifteen hundred (1500) foot long One a. All streets shall meet or exceed the current design and construction standards for public streets adopted by the City of Spokane Valley, as they may be amended from time to time. c. On ;Arcot parking shah be prohibitcd-ueloee l c is i nt specifically accommodates bays, extra width, etc_) Privately-ewAera-ars; _ y" e _ -" 'gns shall be required where a County Engineer's current road standards: and c. No proposed street shall impede the current or future development of any arterial or collector identified on the Arterial Road Plan. All PLDs shall have _ direct access to a designated collector or arterial. d. Energy efficient street lights shall be located at the entrance of the development and at each intersection . the lights shall be owned and maintained by the property owner's association. a. There shop be provided, through covenants or other legal means, assurance of permanent maintenance of private streets and parking areas. e. Subdivisions with private streets must have a property owner association and meet the following requirements: i. Reserve Fund: the property owner association documents must establish a Reserve Fund far the maintenance of private streets and other improvements such as common greenbelts, security station structures and equipment1and other significant property owner association infrastructure. This Reserve Fund shall not be co-mingled with any other property owner association fund. The balance of the fund shall be equal to the total replacement cost of the private streets and other improvements divided by the average life expectancy of those improvements times the age of the improvements. ii, Membership Requirements: Every owner of a lot within the private street development must be a member of the property owner association. iii. Required Disclosures: The property owner association documents shall include the foll'cwinq: "The property owner association documents must indicate that the streets within the development are private, owned and maintained by the property owner association, and that the City of Spokane Val/ev has no obligation to maintain or reconstruct the private streets." iv. Services Nct Provided: The property owner association documents shall note that certain City of Spokane Valley services shall not be provided on private streets. Among the services which will not be provided include: routine police patrols, enforcement of traffic and parkingordinences, and preparation of accident reports. maintenance. repair and replacement of pavement, curbs, sidewalks, pathways, storm drainage, traffic signs and other street infrastructure items, snow and ice control. street sweeping and enaineerinc services associated with street operation and maintenance. Depending on the characteristics of the proposed development other services may not be provided. v. Access Required: The property owner association documents shall contain a provision that requires access to emeraencv vehicles utility personnel, the U,S. Postal Service, and governmental employees in connection with their official duties. f e.All areas which are to be occupied or traveled over by motor vehicles shall be paved. 2. Drainage. ; - _ . . . - _ .m. ;; . r Drainage C vide e- Drainage improvements shall tae designed. constructed and maintained in accordance with the current Spokane Valley Storm Water Management Standards, as they may be amended from time to time. 3. Pedestrian Circulation Facilities, Within planned unit development projects, pedestrian circulation facilities serving each unit shall be provided on both sides of the street or private road and shall be: a. Paved with asphalt concrete or Portland comont concroto;Hard-surfaced with asphalt or concrete. Asphalt walkways shall be only allowed when physically separated by a minimum of 7' from the vehicle roadway. Alternative hard surface material may be used when approved by the Public Works Department. Sidewalks separated by less than 3'from the roadway shall have a vertical curb separating sidewalk from roadway. Walkways shall meet accessibility standards. b Functionally and safely convenient to each dwelling unit served; c. Functionally and safely convenient to schools and to industrial. commercial, recreational and utility areas within or adjacent to the project,, oei;e-ne4yi oeavcsie-at to ager eodcatrien eirculation cystom outolde the P.U.D.; d. Sufficiently wide (minimum of six [6] feet for commercial areas and five 151 feet for residential areas) to accommodate potential use; e. Located and designed in accordance with approval from the City of Spokane Valley County-E nee ,d €_ Lighter for ceourity and cafety. Section Required Open Space 1. Required Open Space: A minimum of 10% of the total area of the planned unit development shall be reserved designated and maintained as common open space. Required landscape areas and storm water facilities shall not be used in the calculation of open space. 2. Types of Open Space: Land dedicated foropen space should be usable for either rreenbelts that serve as a buffer between land_uses._usinc eadsting vegetation and new plant materials, active or passive recreational activities, or for protecting environmentally-sensitive areas or critical areas. Inappropriate open space includes the desi•n of areas that do not meet the intent ancLourpose of this chapter, such as open space areas that are not accessible to residents of the development or do not function for activelpassive recreation or do snot conserve wildlife habitat or other natural features. 3. Maintenance and Ownership of Common Open Space: The applicant shall choose 1 or any combination of the following methods of administering common open space. a Dedication of common open space to the County City, which is subject to formal County City acceptance; or b. Establishment of an association or nonprofit corporation of all properly owners or corporations within the project area to ensure ownership of and responsibility for perpetual maintenance of all common open space. shall continue to conform to its intended used ae seed- rthe Site 4. Transfer of Ownership_ Where dedication to the public or a property owners association is proposed required improvements shall be completed prior to any transfer of ownership. Where improvements are not completed in accordance with these requirements, building permits andfor approval of permitted structures, may be withheld 14 co notification to the Building Offcial tavth_e Camrnun hr©evelopnient Director, pending completion of said improvements. 5. Phasing: All common spaces, as well as public and recreational facilities, shall be specifically included in the phasing schedule and be constructed and fully improved by The applicant at an equivalent or greater rate than the construction of structures. a. _ residential unit. 14.701-.390 Oeslgn Criteria The oforcrnontk mod Dovo _ _ _ - _ - ___ - -- _ design criteria objeotivec in oil P.U,U.'c. 1, Open cpacco, pedoctrion and vehicular circulation facilities, parking facilities, and utility improvements dlepmcnt and hall be aaclly accessible from all dwelling units. 11,704,305 i kio-T nsit A11-4eveiapr er -lesatecf-within the Public Transportation Benefit Area requiring-twenty (20)or mord parking spaces shall providc bus loading and shelter facilities if so required ! - •_ I _ - - _ e- _ - Re Tran it h ut orit,. R.ofer to ceet 4 &92''00 fo requirements for a Public Transportation Plan. Section 2. Section 4.151 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code is hereby amended to add the dimensional standards for residential PUDs as shown on Attachment"A°" made a part hereof for all purposes. _ection 3. Chapter 14,704 Planned Unit Development Overlay Zone of the Interim Zoning Code is hereby repealed, Section 4, Severability, If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance, Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this, day of , 2004. Mayor, Michael DeVle m i ng ATTEST: City Clerk, Chris Bainbridge Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: Section 4.15.1 Residential Zone Dimensional Standards U3 -3.S13x" UR 7 i3x'r Uig 120x" UR 221'M') _ R sidenGal Single Single Multi. Single Multi- Single Multi P�U�s��x�s Farr II Du ilex Famil Du.[ex tarn it Famil flu.rex forr li Farr if Du 'lex Tamil Lot ■ Unit _ 10.000 24.000 6.000 11.000 15,000 4,2X 5,000 6000 1,600 r r 6,000 1,606 Lot Fran .a 80 80 •r r rr 50 F i : r 30 Lot Cepth is 0 30 Fr 80 60 .r 50 Front Yard Setback • i41 15(2) 16151 ,E cto Garage Setback 2012) 1 r r r r r 20/ 2015) Rear Yard Selbaek 44 45) + 20 20 15 20 20 15 2D 20 15 15 Side Yard Setback amen 5 5 5 5 5 la 5 Side Yard Setback (flanking Street f51 15{�7 15'30 15W2) 15121 15"z1 10 Open 5 dace 10%area ass ae Densit IDU/Aore22 s E Lot .e 50.0% 50.0% b0 0% 65,0% 65.0% 65.0% 60.0% .t Building Height(in 0 feet 35 35 35 35 35 40 r 40 50 50 50 Zone ▪ Building Height(ln t'i 'Clear view"Triangle required txI Measured from properly line outside border easement,If any Zero setbacks along rear andlor one side are allowed provided that a 5'-0"construction and maintenance easement(s)is recorded with the Spokane t5i County Auditor prior to issuance of a build-ng permit.Minimum rear yard setbacks on zero lot line taontiguratr`nn shall not he less than fifty(50)feet ar the sum of the rear yards required by the underlying zone.whichever is greater. t41 Minimum sloe yard setbacks between dwelling units and adjacent lots shall not be fess than 10 teat on the side opposite the zero in a zero lot line cxmfiguration roi Institutional and Office uses have the sante setback as residential uses In zones where permitted, Attached garages loading from the side may have the same selbaok as a principal structure. til Permitted accessory sinrctures shall maintain a five foot d5"-lY 1 side and rear yard setharir ATTACHMENT "A" - ill W. land Action Applications and Plats Approved and Recorded Since .$$ /Phase 1 Crossover in Proposed Greenacres UR7* to UR-3.5 Areawide Rezone iljelM.111-All . ,7..1 Portions of 07-25-45&12-25-44 in the City of Spokane Valley por � � � �� ���� imolai ��' I;; 1 f Map Legend ` - _ __� � Proposed Rezone --- Railroad Centenial Trail tih�� 141111. f ., i Area Bounds no that want Accepted Applications After �� Approved Plats After - •�� VIIIIMMII tre jry Section Line to retain UR-7'zoning Phase I Implementation Phase I Implementation f \ 4,, Map Scale:llncA..�1�n..n�t�A.�..;m.nuf ls.Jlinln jjj �• -N- 1 1 is ' 1,' / ' t 1. t f 1 r /_.. ......., I \ \f r 1 / fIlk, _AWR0 t 1111 I Aillill I * ,,, ii.i, ».. « ** :. to, .: HI! ..........,*****--- co0,001,0r,,, ii di.............--- NE i .: _ , ........ .. . \ , %„,„ : .., 1 ..... _ .. .......----- iiii • ,,,••"' ihjIt1atIr/13/041 3/01011rii f / li ... s r' I: j t`f -- is f ili ■ 4111 r liii Pr:liminary Plat,\pproved 07/21/04 -I = j Dl Subdivision MI SUB-OS-`):3 1■ 55 1 nts F 11.6 Acres ■ Preliminary Play\pprnved 1r/14199 k i Ilora 1706- 3 uullhI!ii Ill III f:; I — NE3f loL`a — III i , .: .... 9 Acres A. i — 111 pplicat on Accepted 17/01/I' _■ .■ D1 A : IV SU crept 4 1 15 Lots °"-- >vJn1111,1,141i i 3.1 Acres L .11 IIII III III si i Preli !?IatApprove( 10/22,'03 I I t, f SHP-12-03 / 7Lots 3 IIII. if .2 Acres • 111.11 Pre iminary Plat Approved 12/0:/03 J Flora Springs PUD MI ill '• IF, __ ...ss. on -^-+•• •••iM11661U11••• •.• ;Mi . . . - . .. • - ii/ 'II. — — »• / . II , II 1 EWEN 1III , . .1/ Lill 111.111.111 . i -.,AS■