04-047.00 Washington State Department of Revenue~~~~ poi AGREE•ML"NT FpR SFIARIN~: REVENUL•" IiVI~ORNIATION gET~VE.EN ~VAS!•i:INCTnN STATE DEF'ARTiV11:NT QF RGVEN'U~. ANU 'I'1•iL CITY pF SPOhANL VAI.a,,F,.Y ~1'HERirAS, the Washington State Department of Revenue and the Cit}~ of Spokane Valle}~ agree. that the sharing of information is authorized by RC1'J 82.32.330 and is in the best interest of the. citizens of the State oP 11'ashington. WHEREAS, the Department of Revenue. is authorized by Chapter 52.32 RC~,1r to share such information ~+~ith the officers and employees of the City of Spokane Valle}~ charged with local tax enforcement, for offieia! purposes, with the understanding that any shared information is subject to dre confidentiality provisions of RCW 32:32.330. Tl-{FREFOIiE, the >aepartment of Revenue and [he City of Spokane Valley ("the parties") herby agree as follows: 1. For the purposes of this Agreement `return" shall mean a tax or infor~uation return 4r claim for refund required by, or provided for or permitted under, the laws of this state or of the City of Spokane Valley, which is filed ++~ith the [~epar~tment 4f Revenue or the City of Spokane Valley by, on behalf of, 4r with respect to a person: trod any amendment or supplement thereto, including supporting schedules; ateae.hments, or lists that are supplernerttal to, or part af; the return so filed. 2. For the purposes of this Agreement Max information" shall mean (i) a r<-txpayer's identity; (ii) the nature, source; or' amount 4f the taxpayer's income, payments; receipts; deductions, exemptions, credits, assets, liabilities. act worth; tax liability deficiencies, overassessments, or tax payments, +vhether taken from the taxpayer's bc+oks and records or any other source, (iii) ++~hether the t+•t.xpayer's return ++~as, is being, or will be examined or subject to other im~estigation or processing; (iv) a ptrt of a written determination that is not designated as a precedent and disclosed pursuant to 82..12.410, a' a background file document relating to a written determination, and (v) other data received b1', recorded by, prepared by, furnished to, or collected by thr. Department of Revenue or the City of Spokane Valley with respect t4 the dcterrnination of the existencz, or possible existence, of liability, or the amount thereof, of a person under the laws of'this sure for a tax; penalty, interest, Eine, forfeiran•e, or ot}rcr imposition or offense: Provicl~cl, that data; material, or docwnents that d4 not disclose inf4rrnation related to a specific or identifiable taxpayer do not c.4nstihite tax information under this section. Except as provided by RCW 52.32.410, nothing in this Agreement shalt require any person possessing data, material; or documents made confidential and privileged by this section to delete information from such data, material, or documents so as to permit its disclosure. 3. For the purposes of this Agreement, "tas information agent" shall mean the oi~ficers and employees of the City 4f Spokane Valley charged +vith local tax enfarcetnent, or others as provided by amendment of this Agreement, ++fio arc. e.~clusively authorized to request, obtain, and review rehrrns and tax infonnatian. 6rpanmcnt of Kevenue - Spok:~ne \+alley Agrcement Pabe I Af 3 ~~ y-y~ 4. por the purposes of this Agreement, "taxpayer identity" shall mean the taxpayer's name, address, telephone ttumbrr, re`istra[ion number, or an}= combination thereof; or any other infot'tnation disclosing the iderttit}= of the taxpayer. ~. The parties will share returns and tax information with one another, and the agents, employees, officers, or auy other person t-r persons associated ++'ith either part}~ acquiring I:no+vledge of such information will be subject to fire cutire provisions of RCW 82.3?.330 and shall act in accordance with dte conditions of dtis ASreetnent. 6. Returns and tax int`rn•mation may be shared in written ('ornt, telephonically, or electronically. In every case each party shall take all reasonable means necessary to restrict access to returns and tax information obtained pursuant to this Agreement in the manner proscribed by this Agreement to those persons designated to receive such infornation by this Agreement and any modification hereto. 7. .4ny and all returns and tax information obtained by the City of Spokane Valle}= pursuant to this Agreement shall be used for the exclusive purpose of finance; tax, and business IICORSe 3d1n1nlSCratlUn. An_y o[hel' such use that is not exempt under the provisions of RC~1r 52.32.330(3) is su-ictl}=prohibited, including, but not limited to any such use for put~~oses of criminal la+v e.nl"orcentent. 5. The tax information agents of the City of Spokane Valle}= are authorized to request, abtain, and review returns and tax information pursuant to this Agrcernent and subject to RCGV;i.3~-33U. ~ g~.3a.33o. ~ 9. Tltis Agreement is not limited to a particular period of time, arty particular taxpayer or other individual or entity, or particular tax returns, docwnr.nts, records or other information relating to any particular taxpayer, individual, entity, years or periods. `Phis Agreement will be considered to be in effect until revoked by one party or the other. lp, \to modifications to this t\greetncnt may be made +vithout the mutual agt•eetnent of the parties sr.t fnt~th in writim~. Signed this 1~ day of 200. -f- Signed this(Of~-'day of~,~~00~4. r 1tv'illiant \~. Rice, Director, ueparunent of Revenue State of"1~Vashington Appr ed as to l~ornt Asst. Attorney General f~_ .avid tvlercier, City t~9anager ~~- Ciry of Spokane Valley rov as to Form City Attorney Depanrnent of Revenue -Spokane Val ley Agreement P~~~ 2 of 3 City of Spokane Valley List of Authorized Positions Administrative Services and ~~ finance L7irector - Kea1 Thomj~son accounting r\~anager -Daniel Cenis Accoiuitantfl3udgct Analyst - Courincy l~~toc~re IT Specialist - Gregory BinDaman laeputy City Clerk -Susan Pearson Dpartnient of Rcvenu~ - S~okanc Vt~llcy Agreement Page 3 of 3 ~ - ~~6 STATe Cp 4 J _ ~~, ~z' ~ 6~' ~~ t550 ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE November 4, 2004 Ms. Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk City of Spokane Valley Suite 1.06 11707 E Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley WA 99205 Re: Sharing Agreement with the Department of Revenue Dear Mr. Pearson: I am pleased to send you the enclosed signed sharing agreement between the City of Spokane Valley and the Department of Revenue. 1~Vith this agreement. in place, we are now permitted to share conf dential tax information with you and receive such infonuation from you. T would, however; like to stress upon you that the confidential information the Department of Revenue shares with you must be used for official purposes only and may not be shared with anyone, except another division or deparMient of the oily directly involved in tax administration. The information is provided for use specifically for tax purposes such as registration, administration, or compliance with tax laws. Please safeguard this information in such a manner as to make certain that someone who is not authorized or does not have a need to know cannot gam access. I have enclosed a current list of Department of Revenue employees who arc authorized to receive and give confidential ilformation. It will; most likely, be easiest to contact me at the address on this letter for information about taxpayers. Also, ifyou have any questions about disclosure of the records you receive fiom the Depa~fivent of Revenue, please call me at (360) 705-5641. or my associate Linda M~llcr-Baldwin at (360) 705-6649. Thank you for your cooperation. I look forward to a beneficial sharing of tax information. Sincerely, . ~~~ Made on Barton, Public :Records Designee Taxpayer Services Division Enclosures Taxpayer Services PO Box 4747$ • Qlympia, Washington 98504-7478 • Phone (360) 705-6717 • Fax (360) 705-6G55 S"PATE OF ~VASI.IINGTON DEPAR"['MENT' OF REV11dUF PERSONS AU°1'HORIZED TO REQUEST, RECEIVE AND RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL 1NFO.RMATiON PURSUANT TO EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION AGREEMENTS WTTH OTHER STATES, AND WASHINGTON JURISDICTIONS November 3, 2004 NA119E POS [TION PHO\'E ~:xecutive Rice, ~'Villam N. Director (3G0) 586-34d2 Osgood, Ralph Acting Deputy Director (360) 586-1889 lleiler, Bob Senior Assistwt Director-Tax Policy (360) 753-4196 Hendrickson, Karin luternal Audit Manager (360) 586-9870 Interprctalions and Technical Advice Bianchi, Jan Acting interpretations and Technical Advice Manager (360) 570-6147 F3rewcr, Gil Tax Policy Specialist (360) 570-6133 Carlson, Gayle Excise Tax Examinee (on rotation) (3G0) 570-6126 Cot~man, Chris Tax Policy Specialist (on rotation) (360) 570-6150 Gordon, Joanne Fiscal Note Manager (shared with L&P) (360) 570-b 121 Lsu, Allan Tax Policy Specialist (temporary employee) (360) 570-6134 Lynn, Alan Acting Seniot Policy Cotuvscl (360) 570.b 125 Moses, Pat Tax Policy Specialist (shared with TAA) (360) 570-6116 Partlow, Ivfargaret Project Counsel (360) 570.6123 Qually, Kim Tax Policy Specialist (sharcxi «~th LfiP) (360) 570-6113 Schreiner, Nathan Tax Policy Specialist (360) 570-6136 Winterstein, Jim Project Counsel (360) 570-6117 Taxpayer Services South, Vikki Assistant Director, Taxpayer Services (360) 70S-d600 Aarton, Madelon Public .Records Designee, Olympia (360) 705-6641 Cni~ Mark Program Manager, Olympia (360) 705-b602 Davis, Gary Manager, Taxpayer Information & Education, Olympia (360) 702-6640 Miller-Baldwin, Linda .Public Records Designee Back up, in Training. (360) 705-6649 Legislation b: Policy Brubaker, Russ Assistant Director, Legislation & Policy (360) 570-(1131 Gordon, JoAnne Fiscal Note,~lsnager, Olympia (360) 570-6121 Mullin, Robert M. Legislative Counsel, OlyTnpia (360) 570-4112 Potegal, Greg Tax Policy Specialist 3, Olympia (360) 570-6132 Sexton, Julie 1:cononuc Development Liaison, Olympia (360) 570-6130 Shirk, Drew Acting Legislation Manager, Olympia (360) 570-6128 11 /03/04 page 1 Audit Sntith,'I'remaine Assistant Director, Audit (360) 725-75]8 Flaherty, Brad Program Manager, Audit (360) 725-7519 Bishop, Karolyn Field Audit Manager, Out-of--State (219) 836-5964 IIrown, Diana Audit Standards and Pracedwes, Olympia (360) 725-7314 Charette, Mark •Field Audit Manager, Out-of--State ofWashington (360) 725-7539 Dango Fred Field Audit Manager, Vancouver (360) 260-6171 Elliott, Scott Field Audit Managet, Spokane (509) 482-3838 Damson, Scott Regional Audit Manager, Olympia (360) 725-7521 Gillespie, Patrick Audit Standards and Procedures, Olympia (360) 72.5-7579 Gi Bland, Jane Field Audit A4anager, Vancouver (360) 260-6190 1-Ialvorsen, Kim Field Audit Manager, Everett (425) 356-2934 Hansen, Dave Field Audit Manager, Seattle (206) 956-3103 I•Iough, Tom Field Audit Manager, Kent (253) 437-3463 1•Iurley, Sandra Special Projects Manager, Olympia (360) 725-7538 Johnson, Dean Field Audit Manager, Olympia (360) 725-7551 ICipelidis, Evan Field Audit Manager, Tacoma (253) 593-5140 Kopczynski, Tony Field Audit Manager, Bothell (425) 489-1731 Kotecki, Debbie Revenue Auditor, Out-of--State of Washington (972) 359-1005 Kntrndiack, >3ryan field Audit i\4anagcr,l3el].ingltam (360) 738-6150 Leadbettcr, Diane Field Audit Manager, Seattle (206) 956-3 ] O1 Maple, Sandra Audit Standards and Procedures, Olympia (360) 725-7582 Malone, llennis Audit Standards and Procedures Manager, Olympia (360) 725-7584 McKnigh, Rhonda Field Audit Manager, Out-of--State of Washington (626) 793-9368 Morgan, Ted Field Audit Manager, Kent (253) 437-3469 Munro, Jim Field Audit i\4anager, Tacoma (253) 593-~ 130 Musser, Danielle Special Projects Manager, Olympia (36U) 725-7523 Nabakoza, Margaret Audit Standards and Procedures (360) 725-7580 Nieman, Stan Field Audit aVlanager, Bothell (425) 489-1727 Olive, Kathy ~R.egional Audit Manager, Olympia (360) 725-7522 Ryser, John Field Audit Manager, Out-of--State of Washington (407) 359-6600 Scots, Cherryl Regional Audit;\4attager, Olympia (360) 725-7520 Sheldon, Robert Field Audit Manager, Spokane (50.9) 482-3810 Suksdotf Rick Field Audit Manager, Vancouver (360) 260-6368 Tagart, Kathie Field Audit ;Manager, Olympia (360) 407-5001 Wieland, Tom Field Audit Manager, Out-ofState of Washington (360) 725-7548 Wiest, Dave rield Audit Man:~gcr, Yakima (509) 575-2793 Special I'rograms/117iscellaneous Tas Cushman, Leslie Assistant Director (360) 570-3201 Brooks, Sally Revenue Auditor (360) 570.5528 )roans, Cindy MTS, Estate Tax (rotation) (360) 570-5524 Johnson, Rands Operations Manager, Forest Tax (360) 570-3205 1Cirpes, Mel Misc. Tax Manager (360) 570-3240 Longrie, Marl: Forest Tax Operations Manager (360) 570-3223 McMinn, Doyle Revenue Agent (360) 570-5533 Rccves, Latuence "['ax Policy Specialist (360) 570-3206 11/03/04 ~ page 2 ~• Smith, Linda MTS -Cigarette Tax (360) 570-3250 Tate,Pat UCP Field Team Manager (360) 570-3252 Thronson, Stuart llivision Program Manager (360) 570-3230 Vl~ells, Judy MTS - EstatelEscheats (360) 570-3245 Wilson, Pate UCP Customer Service Manager (360) 570-3256 Compliance Grandhoffer, Atichael Assistant Director, Compliance (360) 725-7300 Albrecht, Joe'1 Revenue Agent, Vancouver (360) 260-6174 Beauchamp, Lisa Revenue Agent, Bothell (425) 489-1714 Bechdel, Terrie Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Vancouver (360) 260-6192 Beuhl, Jerry Revenue Agent, Spokane (509) 482-3814 Blizard, James Revenue Agent, Bellingham (360) 676-2026 Brock, Colett District Compliance Manager, Bothell (425) 489-1704 Brown, Diana Procedures Manager ('I'cmporary) (360) 725-7314 Bugge, John Revenue Ageni; Bankruptcy, Seatdc (206 956-3006 Burts, Jim Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Wenatchee (509) 663-9742 Cox, Jan District Complia~ie~: Manager, OpS/CCU, Tumwater (360) 725-7330 Cristion, Ivy District Compliance Manager, Port Angeles (360) 457-2707 Currier, Chuck 'Revenue Agent, Everett (425) 356-2935 Cyr, Fd Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, ~'akima (509) 575-2608 Crapiewski, F,vclyn Revenue Agent,l~unwater (360) 725-7327 Davis, Tom Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Vancouver (360) 260-6186 D'Hondt, Richard Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Everett (425) 356-2930 Dui?F; Wayne Revenue Agent, Kent (253) 437-3457 Diuinger, I„ori Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Bothell (425) 489-1712 Erickson, Karen Revenue Agent, Tumwater (360) 725-7339 Faulkner, Ralph District Compliance Manager, Vancouver (360) 260-6181 Fernandez, Joanne Revenue Agent, Yakima •(509) 575-2787 Fitzpatrick, Kim District Compliance Manager, Tacoma (253) 593-2322 Flaherty, Sue Revenue Agent, Tumwater (360) 725-7340 Francisco, Noel ~ Revenue Agent, Vancouver (360) 260-6160 Fr}~ant, Linda 'l'ax Discovery Revenue Agent, Seattle (20~ 956-3010 Garrison, Brenda Procedures Manager, Tumwater (360) 725-7309 Garrison., Mark District Compliance Manager, Lacey (360) 407-5008 Garrison, Ross District Compliance Manager, Federal Way (253) 661-5017 Coraalez, Leo Revenue Agent, Yakima (509) 575-2786 Greenough, Jolu1 Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Kennewick (509) 585-1503 Hacker, Kristine Revenue Agent, Everett (425) 356-2917 Hall, Karen District Compliance Manager, Everett (425) 356-2919 Halston, Judy Revenue Agent, Vancouver (360) 260-6364 Han, MunHee Revenue Agent, Seattle (20~ 956-3015 Harris, Stan Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Tumwater (360) 725-7321 Harvey, Arthur District Compliance Manager, Seattle (206) 956-3016 Heh~ls, i\4i.kc Revenue Agent, Seattle (206) 95tr3017 Hooker, Gary Revenue Agent, Evcrctt (425) 356-2923 Houghton, Doug Revenue Agent, Bankruptcy, Seattle (206) 956-3018 Hoyt, Tina Revenue Agent, `I"umwater (360) 725-7343 Humphreys, Randy Revenue Agent, Lacey (360) 407-5009 Jarboe, Lindajo Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Bothell (425) 489-1713 11/03/04 pale 3 ~• •- ,•-- Johnson, Davc Revenue Agent, Lacey (360) 407-5010 Johnsen, Kari Revenue Agent, hederil Way (253) 661-5019 Johnson, Vicki Revenue Agent, Federal Way (253) 661-5019 Keehn, Deborah Revenue Agent, Tacoma (253) 593-2088 Kelley, Diane Revenue Ageui, Ttmmvater ~ (360) 725-7326 King, Doug Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Tacoma (253) 597-4442 Knowles, Lynda Revenue Agent, Vancouver (360) 260-6175 Konschuh, Patrice Revenue Agent, Lacey (360) 407-5013 !:rick, Robin District Campliance Manager, Bankruptcy, Seattle (206) 956-3425 Lat~~san, Jack 'Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Spokane (509) 482-3617 Lee, David Revenue Agent, Seattle (206) 956-3422 Lee, Mary Revenue Agent, Bellingham (360) 738-6182 l,,e«~s, Mark Rclrion 3 Compliance: A4anager, Tumwater (360) 725-7304 Leffall, Arvel Revenue Agent,l3othc1l (425) 489-1707 L inds[rom, Lori Revenue Agent,l'tunwater (360) 725-7335 l.ithgow, Mil:c Revenue Agent, Seattle (206) 95fi-3423 Little, MiF:e Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, ]Cunt (2S3) 437-3454 Littlefield, Randy District Complianee Manager, Ttmwater (360) 725-7319 Lorencini, Monica Revenue Agent, Lacey (360) 407-5012 Macdonald, Susan Revenue Agent, Tacoma (2S3) 593-2661 i\g:ush, Steve Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Tacoma (253) 593-2503 Margin, Claudine Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Spokane (509) 482-3820 Meyer, Tammy Revenue Agent, Lacey (360) 407-5014 Miller, Randy Rcvcnue Agent, Vancouver (360) 260-6191 Mills, T3eth Revenue Agent, Tumwater (360) 725-7333 Moldstad, Nelson Revenue Agent, Everett (425) 356-2922 Monahan, Celeste Revenue Agent, Tumwater (360) 725-7334 A4oran, Brian Tax Discovery Manager, Spakanc (509) 482-3808 Mullin, Leslie R.evem~e Agent, Tacoma (253) 593-2775 Nash, Tina District Compliance Manager, Yakima (509) 575-2785 Neibergs, Laura Tax Discovery Manager, Kent (253) 437-3455 O'Reilly, Bill Revenue Agent, Spokane (509) 482-3836 Osterhout, Para .Revenue Agent,lCcnnewick (509) 585-1506 Overson, Eric Region 2 Cornplianec Manager, Tummvater (360) 725-7305 Parsons, Ltbby Procedures Manager, Tumwater (360) 725=7306 Patajo, May Revenue Agent, Federal Way ' (253) 661-5016 Patti, Frank Revenue Agent, Kent (253) 437-3456 Peila, Steve District Compliance Manager, Bellingham (360) 676-2116 picketing, Brian Revenue Agent, Everett (425) 356-2918 Prindel, Nt7:ia Tax Discovery .Revenue Agent, Seattle (206) 956-3009 Probst, Jeffrey Revenue Agent, Bellingham ~ (360) 676-21 t5 Ptnrington, Jennine Region 4 Compliance Z4anager, Tumwater (360) 725-7302 Redmon, Dennis Tax Discovery Manager, Lacey (360) 407-5018 Reel, Dallss Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Vancouver (360) 260-6244 Rickman, Todd Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, `Tumwater (360) 725-7320 Robe!, A4ichacl Revenue Agent, Bothell (425) 489-1703 Roberts, Steve District Compliance; Manager, Spokane (509) 482-3826 Rabinson, Steve District Compliance Manager, Kennewick (509) 585-1505 Roland, Sue Revenue Agent, Bankruptcy, Seattle (206) 956-3427 Bass, I\'icole Compliance Program Manager (206) 725-7301 R.ydel, Jackie Region 1 Compliance Manager; `Tumv~ater (360) 725-7303 11/03/04 page 4 t. Sltields,'I'sbatha Rcvcnue Agent, Everett (428) 356-2946 Siden, Joyce Tax Discovery Revenue Agent, Bellingham (360) 676-2095 Song, Mi Revenue Agent, Bankruptcy, Seattle (206) 956-3431 Stoltz, JoAnne Revenue Agent, Tacoma (253) 593-2465 Butterfield, DeeAnne Revenue Agent, Bellingham (360) 738-6123 °I`homas, Lesa Revenue Agent, Part Angeles (360) 459-270'9 "I'rm, Minh District Compliance Manager, Seattle (206) 95fi-3008 Ulrich, Curt District Compliance Manager, Wenatchee (509) 663-0442 Veenstra, Joyce Procedures Manager, Tumwater (360) 725-7307 Willoughby, Larry Revenue Agent, Lacey (360) 407-5011 Wisdom, Cynthia °I"ax Discovery Central Unit Manager, Bothell (428) 489-1702 Witzel, Gary Rcvcnue Agent, Banl~trptcy, Seattle (206) 956-3436 Yaeger, Sharon Revenue Agent, Spokane (509) 482-3822 Youtsey, ,Michael Tax 1iscovery Revenue Agent, Kcnnecvick (809) 5$5-1507 Properly Tax 114axey, Peri Assistant Director, Property Tag (360) 570-5860 Boyce, Chuck Utility Valuation Supervisor (360) 570-5878 Boyer, Grant Utility Valuation Specialist (360) 570-5878 Cook, Neal Personal Property Specialist (360) 870-5881 Fletcher, Jay Utility Valuation Specialist (360) 570-5876 1-Iayes,lla Utility Valuation Specialist (360) 570-5879 Mosier, Jim Utility Valuation Specialist (360) 870-5875 Saavedra, David Program Coordinator, Property 7"ax, Olympia (360) 570-5861 Walton, Danny Utility Valuation Appraiser (360) 570-5896 Yergeau, Steve Utility Valuation Manager (360) 570-5877 1:•urpayer Account eldministration Taylor, Janetta Acting; Assistant Director, TAA (360) 902-7001 Simpson, Suzi Document Management Administrator, Olympia (360) 902-7123 Rice, Rob Program Coordinator, Olympia (360) 902-7076 Smith-Pratt, Sonya Program Coordinator, Olympia (360) 902-7070 Thomas, Jim Acting Program Manager (360) 902-7075 Young, Debbie Program Coordinator, Olympia (360) 902-7045 Appeals Barrett, ATary, Assistant Director (360) 570-6140 Danyo, Jackie Policy and Operations Manager (360) 570-61 S8 David De Luca Active Policy and Operations Manager, Olympia (360) 956-3052 Ron Rosenbloom Acting Policy and Operations Manager, Olympia (360) 570.6148 Mahan, Jeffrey Appeals Review Manager, Olytnpia/Seattlc (360) 570-6148/(206) 95G-3053 Research Welsh,ll~lary Assistant Director, Research (360) 570-6076 Angel, Byron 1'ar Policy Specialist, Olympia (360) 570-6071 13rown, Lome Research Project Manager, Olympia (360) 570-6081 Chaney, llianne lnforn~ation Technology Specialist, Olympia (360) 570-6089 11/03/04 page 5 Crosby, Kevin Office Tr:-incc, Olympia (360) 570-frfl88 Davis, Kim Tax Policy Specialist, Olympia (360) 570-60$7 Cauunann, Don ~ Operations Research Manager, Olympia (360) 670-6073 Hoke, Julie Informatian Technology Specialist, Olympia (360) 670-6079 Huynh, Van Tax Policy Specialist, Olympia (360) 570-6195 Johnson, Skeets Tax Policy Specialist, Olympia (360) 670-6075 Kifer, Sharon Tnforma6on Technology Specialist, Olympia (360) 670-fr077 Knudson, Margaret Tax Policy Specialist, Olympia (360) 570-6082 Maddox, Scott Research Analyst, Olympia (360) 570-6084 lvliclke, Diane Admi~ustrative Assistant, Olympia (360) 670-6072 ~lyaribo-Roberts, Fanny Tax Policy Specialist, Olympia (360) 670-6086 Philen, Ray ~`I'ax Policy Specialist, Olympia (360) 670-6075 Sanford, Julianne Research Analyst, Olympia (360) 670-6070 Smith, Steve Tax Policy Specialist, Olympia (360) 670-6080 Taylor, Don .Revenue Analysis Manager, Olympia (360) 570-6083 Tibbetts, Diana Tax Policy Specialist, Olytrtpia (360) 570-6085 11/03/04 page 6 a..