2003, 03-06 Permit App: 03001335 ResidenceProject Number: 03001335 Inv' 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 3/6/2003 Page 1 of 3 Project Information: Permit Use' RESIDENCE W/GARAGE - GAS Setbacks: Front 28 Left: 5+ Right. 5 Rear 21. .Site Infornnttion: Plat Key: Name: Parcel Number: 45143.3601 ContactVIKING CONSTRUCTION INC Address 2605 W HAYDEN AVE C - S - Z: HAYDEN, ID 83835 Phone. (208) 762-9106 Group Name: Project Name: District F Block 1 Lot: 1 SiteAddress: 14408 E MAIN AVE SPOKANE, WA USA 99216 Location:: SPO Zoning UR -22 Urban Residential -22 Water District: 010 VERA Area: 5,032 Sq Ft Owner: Name' VIKING CONSTRUCTION INC Address. 2605 W HAYDEN HAYDEN LAKE, ID 83835 Hold: ❑ Width: 50 Depth- 100 Right Of Way (ft): 55 Nbr of Bldgs 1 Nbr of Dwellings: 1 Review Information: Review Site Plan Review Plan Review Approach / Drainage Released By: Sewer Review Permits: Operator JAS Printed By JAS Print Date: 3/6/21103 12-6.3 Project Number. 03001335 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 3/6/21103 Contractor: VIKING CONSTRUCTION Address: 2605 W HAYDEN AVE Phone: (208) 762-9106 HAYDEN, ID 83835 Building Permit ar Page 2 of 3 Firm: VIKING CONSTRUCTION Const Category: New Nbr Of Dwellings: Bldg W x D: s Req Parking: Building Characteristics Group: Occupant Load: Building Sq Ft: Handicap Parking: Description Grp Type GARAGE U-1 VN RESIDENCE R-3 VN Item Description RESIDENTIAL VALUATION STATE SURCHARGE RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE Notes Contractor: FITTING MECHANICAL Address: 10223 HAPPY TRAIL RATHDRUM, ID 83858 Item Description GAS WATER HEATER GAS APPLIANCE<=100,0008TU GAS PIPING VENTILATING FANS CLOTHES DRYER HOOD -TYPE II Type: Building Height: Sprinklers Critical Materials: ❑ Stories: This Application: Total Project: Su Ft Valuation SU Ft Valuation 360 $4,320.00 360 $4,320.00 1,175 577.550.00 1.175 $77,550.00 Totals: 1,535 $81,870.00 1,535 $81,870.00 Units Unit Desc Fee Amount t $780.00 1 $4.50 1 $171.60 Y OR BLANK Y OR BLANK Y OR BLANK Permit Total Fees: $956.10 Mechanical Permit Firm: FITTING MECHANICAL Phone: (208) 687-6949 Units Unit Desc 1 NUMBER OF I NUMBER OF 2 # OF UNITS 3 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF Operator: JAS Printcd By: JAS Fee Amount $10.00 $12.00 $2.00 $30.00 $1000 $10.00 Permit Total Fees: 574.00 Print Date: 3/6/2003 P 03 11-42 - lny: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Project Information: Permit Use: RESIDENCE/ATTACHED GARAGE - FORCED Contact VIKING CONSTRUCTION INC AIR GAS Address 2605 W HAYDEN AVE Date 3/5/2003 Page 1 of 3 Setbacks: Front 28 Left 5 Right / Scar: 21 Site Information: Plat Kev: Parcel Nu C - S - Z: HAYDEN, ID 83835 Phone: (2118) 762-9106 Group Name: Project Name: District. F 45143:36f15- '31 qe b' r.1 r k: 1 Lot: / Site • . ire,.: 14314 E MAIN AVE Owner: Namc: VIKING CONSTRUCTION SPOKANE, WA USA 00A110 Address: 2 HAYDEN AVE qHAYDEN, ID 83835 Area 5,1131 Sq Ft Width SUS Depth. 1011 Right Of Way (fp' 55 Bldgs:Nbr of i Loc Zoning U Water District SPO Urha n esidential-22 t-\13 Review Information: \ . Hold: [i Review Site Plan Review Plan Review Released By: Approach DLCO f� /?i_e_4_'?-// 74 W Sewer Review/ 1�-le-W L-�j/ LSU Rcicescd'Pn y'".,i. tueu_?/: Permits ��� C; sInge . S& Print Date. 3/5/211113 ✓ Operator. RMB Printed By RMB Project Number 03001342 lnv 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 3/5/2003 Contractor: VIKING CONSTRUCTION Address. 2605 W HAYDEN AVE HAYDEN, ID 83835 Const Category: New Nbr Of Dtcclltn b:s: Bldg W x D: \ x Req Parking: Description BASEMENT U GARAGE RESIDENCE Gr R-3 U-1 R-3 VN Building Permit 0r 3 Firm: VIKING CONSTRUCTION Phone: (208) 762-9106 Building Characteristics Group: Occupant Load: Building Sq Ft: Handicap Parking: Type Notes VN Item Description RESIDENTIAL VALUATION STATE SURCHARGE RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE Totals: Type: Building Height- Sprinklers eightSprinklers Critical Materials This Application. Sq Et Val "ation 917 $1179.10 364 $4.368.00 999 $65.94.00 tortes: Total Project: Sq Ft Valuation 917 $11,279.10 364 $4.368.00 999 $65.934.00 2,28 )' $81,581.10 2,280 581,58110 Units Un. Dcsc Contractor: FITTING MECHANICA 10223 HAPPY TRAIL / RATHDRUM, ID 83858 Address: Item Description GAS WATER HEATER GAS APPLIANCE<=100,000BTU GAS PIPING VENTILATING FANS CLOTHES DRYER OR BLANK Y OR BLANK Y OR BLANK Pe trait Total Fees: MechunicaI Permit Units 3 5 Operator: RMB Printed By RMB Fee Amount $780.00 $4.50 $171.60 $956.10 Firm: FITTING MECHANICAL Phone: (208) 687-6949 Ulm Desc NUMBER OF NUMBER OF # OF UNITS NUMBER OF NUMBER OF Permit Total Fees: Print Date. Fee Amount $10.00 $12.00 $3.00 $50 00 $11.00 . 585.0 3/5/2003 ilk Project Nnntber. 0300/335 Inv 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date 3/6/2003 Page 3 of 3 Contracto Address: Plumbing Permit FRED'S PLUMBING Firm: FRED'S PLUMBING 146 AQUA CIR 3 Phone: (509) 772-2846 COEUR D ALENE, ID 83815 Item Description TOILETS/BIDETS SINKS SHOWERS TUBS DISH WASHERS GARBAGE DISPOSAL CLOTHES WASHER WATER USING DEVICES Notes: Purulent .SannatT: Permit Type Building Permit Mechanical Permit Plumbing Permit Units Unit Desc 2 NUMBER OF 3 NUMBER OF 2 NUMBER OF 2 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF I NUMBER OF 2 NUMBER OF Fee Amount $956.10 $74.00 $84.00 Permit Total Fees: Invoice Amount $956 10 $74 00 $84 00 51,114 10 51.114.10 Fee Amount 51200 $18.00 $12.00 $12.00 56.00 56.00 56.00 $12.00 Amount Paid $0.00 50.00 $0.00 584.00 Amount Owing 5956.10 $ 74.00 $84.00 50.00 $1.114.10 Disclaimer: Submittal of this application certifies the owner (or person(%) authorized by the owner) has both examined and finds the information contained within to he true and correct, and agrees that all provisions of laws and/or regulations governing this type of work will be complied with. Subsequent issuance of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of the code or of any other state or local laws or ordinances. Signature: Operator JAS Printed By: JAS Print Date: 3/6/21)03 '/ '', /2002 09:1S Fla 509 477 4703 9P0KANE' GQ BLDG. 003 Aug SroK&. Cou cy PROJECT APPLICATION WORK SHEET SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION -OF -BUILDING & CODE FNFORCcMr NT 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99260 ' • 509-477-5675 SPECIFIC srrt INFORMATION $acct: iddre5: I4t QV �^ 1,Pie. Assczsor s Tax Parcel Ntanbcr(a): 1 .4 51 u a - 3(00 ,i .Legai Descz pilon: Lott ?LOLL 1 ealLe n 1 -Aa Project Description: tgI Building Pe.-r_rir ❑ Relocation O Change in Li Sc O Silt ❑ Grzchng 0 Manuhaurcd Hornc P_nrut O Tenant (New/Change 0 Other OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION 0 Sud Mr• ail, ./»r/d b: ronmatd n» -n* l/,d oral � cnn:,c -�lto3 -GIDLO ❑A„wr ��:nn .tet �1,,,. j US1, (�l, , 1�51t:+T �C'i�?`-IIG�'-�Sli� t ntibeg Addre<, iA _ice. Al--. t2D5 UJ •• ,Ln kit Gr State. Zip (:y'. Srn c. imp Far r++mc a idm.. C.ry, Smrt Zip Poon. 10 rtrehinn;Lngm.vr MJii,nn ,Jdnb ttA so.. Commmur I:cvuc u11k1Ne. t5%b Cnntat+umc: Plum Fat RECElvE0 FEB 2 2we3 PROJECT INFORMATION Huklin h.+ to ni r 11 .),f1j Uim.neio` •_ IvrJ InUna6lo Titer 270 floor N. rt. o«�i C.p ICnn r aLD c;a It. .y r :.JID� _ Col of pro,ec[ 1 - ! , (\r. -SCO 111r -r1 sr/Pref. ltrtne ,4a ere.) Building Information r o(vvucc INnin nonny f. It'I� I Linlati.bod L=ea r+q. fr- cv VA rithrt1 bnc:'m_n tt- h . .. k1:1 Dttt..'q. h. 1 Cl 99.00 CRETE ATIO %/ //// EL MAIN LEY 4/ 102.50" CHER 101.00 RAN 100.00 Ei 101.00? TOP OF ,L FOUNDATION 101:50--- C> oQ /GARAGE 7,97 L ELEVATION 6101.00// i cvt 101.00 101.00 100"25 MAIN A VE99Eo CROWN OF STREET loo"oo 100.25 SEWER