1987, 05-15 Permit: 87001365 Mechanical FixturesSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I haveexamined this permit and state that the information contained in stand submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct. In addition, 1 have read and understan OTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will b omplie with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions offany st to or l0 1 law regulating construction or the performance of construction. dam/ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT APPLICATIQN �/5 9 DATE �V / PROJECT NUMBER= 87001365 DATE= 05/15/87 PAGE= 01 **** t..x..xxx # .x.x.x.xxxx******** PERMIT INFORMATION x****%********x************x SITE STREET= 14506 E. MAIN AVE: PARCI: L4= 14543-9210 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 PERMIT LJSE= GAS HEATING FOR DUPLEXES PLAT.= CONVRT PLAT NAME= CONVERTED CNTY DATA. BLOCK= LOT= ZONE= TFR DI: S'T4= F AREA= 00000000 F/A= F WIDTH= 235 DEPTH= 150 R/W== .". OF BLDGS= 1 0 DWE:L..L.I.NGS= 20 • OWNER= GRINALDS, HENRY F PHONE STREET= 14506 E MAIN AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 CONTACT NAME= OWNER PHONE NUMBER= BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= LEFT= RIGHT= REAR x..x..x..x.x.x..x x" u..x. x x x tr.x..x. x x x x x.x. x..x..x.x.x.. MECHANICAL PERMIT x x..>E.x. *.x..x.x..x..x..x..x..x. CONTRACTOR= OWNER PHONE= ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT PROCESSING FEE GAS HTG EQUIP<.100,000>BTLI GAS PIPING Y 15.00 18.00 2 1.00 x•xxx#xx******—x..x.x.x—.-..x..xtt**x***** PAYMENT SUMMARY **i ********..x.************ -e*** PAYMENT DATE RECEIPT4 PAYMENT AMOUNT • 05/15/87 1755 34.00 TOTAL DUE= .00 TOTAL PAID- 34.00 PERMIT TYPE FEE: AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING MECHANICAL PRMT 34.00 34.00 .00 ' 34.00 34.00 .00 PROCESSED. BY: FORRY, JEFF ****************************THANK YOU •x..x.x.x..x..x * * x x.tt. ar.x..x..tt..x..t,..x..tt..tt..x..x..tt. *.tt. *.tt..x..tt..It..*.x..x. INSP—ID eat) /h3 -S6 % /0 glre 4 DATE »/c ���2 5S -S( BLDG PLBM x 0 1 343.A33C 303.4___30.1g 74 &t West—i esf W W mo ox 0 a W 0 RELOC 1 z 0 N MISC i I PROJECT FINAL