1982, 07-15 Permit: 82A-1035 InspectINSPECTION RECORD ADDRESS DATE 7- - /2-4) - ca, Z4) JOB 8608 Mansfield LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION 2 '7'7:1. Harris A E.18608 Mansfield APPLICATION/PERMIT SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT N0ETN 1111 JEFFERSON / SPOKANE. WASHINGTON 99200 / 15091 •53.3575 APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES — PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES eti LEGAL. SCRIPTIORi — SEE ATTACHED PARCEL NUMBER/S 924—`1529 ZIP 99206NorIn Actual Set Baal5Inm..t I,R 1,500 a. CONTRACTOR 4. cy.t AW. 507 Indiana Avenue PNONE 328-6651 SN. B. P.... Reno CNIMIH.nPn 99205 00.. ONO kI0 DESIGNER 5. ADDRESS CNANGE OF USE FROM PHONE V.l..twn I BwM ns Area M SR. Ft. ZIP 7. won„ O Boo. O MEOH. O M.N. 9 DESCRIBE WORK Soft Water ❑ RK. El'''. O 01NER O POOL Main Floc. 1 Ups.. FtooN eo• Rosa I SIO.... Arm of D«.. I fMIP,., Bamm.nt I Dnl,n. Bas.n..nl N.. aeon I No. stool.. NR. Ream IN.. et o_eione. CERTIFICATE of EXEMPTION 9. VALUATION sokrack oAs ELECTRIC WATER sEwER of000,yoo USE CODE IlTieTTIES n. O ANA. O 1 e.e)y certify that I have read and examined this application and have read the "NOTICE" provisions included On reverse side. and know the s3. u o be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinance governing this 7009 0? work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not prewme o give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state Gf local law regulating construction or the Performance of constmcuon. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS DATE OF APPLICATION 2/10/82 SIGNATURE OF APPUOAN SPECIAL APPROVALS SPECIAL CONDITIONS: NAME DATE FEES COLLECTED sryl Building Plumbing 5.00 Plan Cheek SEPA Mobil. Hem. Othor (Sootily) TOTAL S 1 WHEN MACHINE VALIDATED IN THIS SPACE.