1991, 05-06 Permit App: 91002331 MH4 0 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W: 1303"ROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in a and submitted by me or my agent to compile said perm it/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and'ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and anysubsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local taws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 91002331 APPLICATION DATE= 05/06/91 ****** THIS IS NOT -A PERMIT ****** PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR COMMENCING WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT PAGE= 0i SITE STREET= ADDRESS= PERMIT USE= PLATO= BLOCK= AREA= 4 OF B!..DGS= OWNER= STREET= ADDRESS= 830 N MAMER RD PARCEL_O== 1554i -180i SPOKANE WA 99216 DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME / 002755 PLAT NAME:::: .5 "2- `� 73 LOT= i 'ZONE= !.!R-3.5 DIST= F 00000000 F/A= F WIDTH= 1000 DEPTH= 1540 R/W= 40 2 4 DWELLINGS= i WATER DIST = SLAWTER, I L & MARIE 10616 E UPRIVER DR SPOKANE WA 99206 CONTACT NAME= I L. SLAWTER BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 35 LEFT= 20 PHONE= 509 928 7854 PHONE NUMBER= 509 928 7854 RIGHT= 14 REAR= 91 *****%************************ REVIEW INFORMATION *****u•*****************H•*•* DEPARTMENT BUILDING ENGINEER HEA!_.THD 1ST PLANNING REVIEW COMMENTS PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED NEW COUNTY ROAD APPROACH APPROVAL. COMMENTS L47 APPON/53 9l -5.$14Z/- A.P6 NEW OAT5// 7 WATER UNPLATTED/SEGRE • =•FEIY -Sof9 11 CLQ f '/hie,20 **•****•************************ MOBILE HOME PERMIT ************ CONTRACTOR= OWNER PHONE= YR/MAKE= 1991 MODEL= MARLETTE SERIAL_rr= WIDTH= 26 LENGTH= 66 HEIGHT= 10 ITEM DESCRIPTION INSPECTION FEE^^! STATE SURCHARGE COUNTY SURCHARGE PERMIT TYPE MOBILE HOME PMT FEE AMOUNT 120.50 120350 PROCESSED BY: JULIE SHATTO PRINTED BY: JUI...IE. SHATTO *******••**•**•M•*******.*..*..H.********** THANK YOU*.*.***..*****•*************•*%t****..*.:*.*.*. QUANTITY FEE. AMOUNT Y Y AMOUNT PAID .00 .00 V00.00 4.50 16.00 AMOUNT OWING 120,50 120.50 NOTICE It is the responsibility of the permittee, not Spokane County, to see to it that the use described on the front of this permit complies with applicable codes and requirements and that required inspections are requested. Failure to request required inspections and obtain the necessary approvals prior to progressing beyond the point where inspections are required may necessitate removal of certain parts of the construction at the owner's/permittee's expense At a minimum, the following inspections ARE REQUIRED by County Code. 1. FOOTING — when forms and reinforcement are in place and prior to placement of concrete. NOTE: This inspection includes review of the structure's setbacks from property lines. Minimum setbacks are established by County zoning regulations. Typically, side and rear yard setbacks are measured from property lines, while setbacks for yards abutting streets are measured from the property line or the center line of the roadway right-of-way, whichever provides the greater setback from the center line of the roadway right-of-way. Curb lines and fence lines are not necessarily indicative of property lines. In some residential areas, the County can own as much as 20 feet of right-of-way between your property and the actual improved street/curb. The responsibility to comply with applicable setback provisions lies solely with the permittee — neither Spokane County nor its authorized representatives assume any responsibility for the verification or location of your property lines Please verify their location prior to locating your structure. Failure to properly locate the structure may require its relocation at the owner's/permittee's expense. 2. FOUNDATION — when forms and reinforcement are in place and prior to placement of concrete. (Blocking fora manufactured home is required to be inspected prior to the installation of skirting.) 3. FRAMING — after all framing, bracing and blocking is in place, and prior to concealing. 4. INSULATION — prior to the installation of drywall. 5. PLUMBING — after rough -in, before covering, and final. 6. MECHANICAL — rough -in of piping, before covering, metal chimneys before concealment, and final. 7. FINAL — when complete and prior to occupancy and/or use. Please provide 24 hours notice. NOTE: In addition to inspection of the structure, this inspection includes review of site improvements (typically depicted on the approved site plan) required by ordinance oras a condition of approval of this permit. Items such as the installation of fire hydrants, fire department access, on-site drainage ("208 swales"), road improvements, parking, and landscaping are common requirements of a permit/site plan which must be completed prior to final approval of a building or assurance of a Certificate of Occupancy. In addition to the above any plumbing or mechanical systems or materials which would be concealed by framing, drywall, concrete, etc., must be inspected prior to cover. Check with the department for "special inspections" in conjunction with commercial projects. CALL 456-3675 FOR INSPECTIONS. TO INSURE PROMPT SERVICE, PLEASE GIVE 24 HOUR NOTICE. YOUR INSPECTOR IS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES, PARTS OF YOUR PROJECT MAY REQUIRE INSPECTIONS FROM OTHER AGENCIES: • road cuts for utilities or drives, State or County Engineer's Office 456-3600 • on-site waste disposal system, Environmental Health District 456-6040 • construction in a flood plain, County Engineer's Office 456-3600 • electrical wiring, State Department of Labor and Industries 456-2792 • sewer connection, County or City Utilities Department 456-3604 EXPIRATION Unless otherwise noted, this permit will be considered null and void by limitation of the work authorized by the permit is not commenced or is stopped for a period of 180 days, unless a written request for an extension of the permit is received and approved by the Building Official prior to expiration. At a minimum an inspection should be requested at least once every 180 days to assure the validity of the permit. A permit may be renewed within one year of the date of expiration for one-half the original fee, subject to certain limitations — please call us if you have any questions. MISTAKES? If you think we've made an error in processing this permit or in conducting inspections pertaining to it, or find erroneous information in the permit, please bring it to our attention immediately by filing a written request for correction within 10 working days of discovery. All such requests should be directed to the Department of Buildings at the address found on the face of this permit. RETURN RECORDED DOCUMENT TO: JOHN P. GLEESING ATTORNEY AT LAW 12929 E. SPRAGUE AVENUE, SUITE 106 SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216 dtWASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING Manufactured Home Application For full instructions on completing this form, see Manufactured Home Application Instructions, form TD -420-730. PLEASE CHECK ONE 1Title Elimination Transfer in Location ❑ Removal from Real Property 1 Manufactured Home TPO/Plate number 801S938 Year 1991 Make MARLE Length/Width (feet) 66 x 28 Vehicle identification number (VIN) H005370AB 2 Land Manufactured home will be VI Affixed ❑ Removed Real property Tax parcel no.45151.1801 Legal description on page 2 Lot Block Plat name or Section/Township/Range TRACT A OF SHORT PLAT NO. 87-493 Quarter/Quarter section 3 Grantor(s) Registered/Legal Owner(s) - Additional names on page County number No. registered owners No. legal owners Grantee name Of applicable) Name of registered owner MARIE M. SLAWTER ESTATE WA Driver license or UBI number Name of additional registered owner WA Driver license or UBI number Address (Address. City, State, ZIP code) 830 N. MAMER ROAD, SPOKANE, WA 99216 Name of legal owner WA Driver license or UBI number Name of additional legal owner WA Driver license or UBI number Address (Address, City State, ZIP code) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that lam/we are the registered owner(s) of this manufactured home and the foregoing i ation is true and correct. X "-it44...). % s1',� Sig of registered owner and title, if applicable , `D - x ...C.!'�Gtl i - f �/ C3 �e-1 Signature of additional registered ownertitle, if applicable Notarization/Certification State of td /1.2417L , County of ---- J ` �+�- I / JOHN P. GLEESING i Signed or attested before me ont , Z `Z (Se �. -L/��_[�� 1 or siattt� of Washington by I ]l.f'd& Sian E aS'/4Je by `/ T /f. 'I 4- (,C c° J PriaLregisters ower ame Pri, re• ste.k-d ow - nam- Notary — •— Public ] ✓. •(i..., f 6�C'�`y / �r r . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 08-01.2013 Notary printed or stamped naive No a signature and Title Dealer/county office number or notary expiration D-420.729 (R/6/11)W Page 1 of 3 Continued on next page Manufactured homeTPO/Plate number (from Section 1) 8015938 4 Title Company Certification PRINT or TYPE Name 00Verson si ning Jtnril 4eri4 Title co/Tpany//iiname/9, / fln/5n4 , fecsie&1../ 1:-/-4 ILL Position -% a �i // 61-tSce7' (Area code) Telephone number Sa%- 9v(7t„ LAAAA I certify that the legal description of the land and ownership is t e and co ect cording %b the real property records. X% /' / 7 3l/3�� Signature ate 5 Building Permit Office Certification lathecertify that ,rs, the manufactured home has been affixed to the real property as described. ❑ .a building permit has been issued for this purpose and the attachment will be inspected upon completion. PRINT or TYPE N me of person signing / 46 Lo. e-- % &r'c'Jt' e" 1 Building permit office -oSV Building permit number &lJ -`i 100 Z35 i Posiiof n(Area PP On I' - 5p•ec_;ci,�I's l,i —' code) Telephone number cc? r7zo LYO X di .4f 3--let-/Z i re Date aSignature of Legal Owner(s) Signature Notarization/ (Seal of legal owner indicates Certification consent for Elimination of Title or Removal from real property. X e� 7j1• t'.7 Signa ypof legal owner�and � title, if applicable X d U—LcL t { — 7J1a Vic e -e% r[ i i Signature of additional legal owner and title, if applicable State of �x /L .utCounty off// Signed or attested before r� ` by t/ ane,SICEuG e/14,— /(dC me on /7 t// ti. Z4111' /.. JOHN P. GLEESING xstaateofWashington Notary — •— Public MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 08-01-2010 G,E—tsfdeby Li I / • IC 6 Print legal ow r n "� Pri a±• r /— 1 7 t eme64_ A, lair Notary printed or stamped name N,E y signature and Title Dealer/county office number or notary expiration 7 Land Description Legal description of land TRACT "A" OF SHORT PLAT NO. 87-493, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF SHORT PLATS, PAGE 14;, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, COUNTY OF SPOKANE, STATE OF WASHINGTON (Commonly known as: 830 North Mamer Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Parcel ID#: 45151.1801 Continued on next page TD -420-729 (P16111)W Page 2 of 3 Manufactured homeTPO/Plate number (from Section 1) 8015938 8 Dealer Report of Sale — Selling dealer complete this section PRINT or TYPE Dealer name WA dealer number Date of sale Purchase price Tax jurisdiction/Tax rate ❑ Sales Tax Exempt — Sale to a Certified Tribal member on the reservation (attach notarized statement of delivery). I certify that this information is correct. The manufactured home is clear of encumbrances except as shown. Any required sales tax has been collected. X Dealer authorized signature 9 County Auditor/Agent Licensing Office Approval (not for use by subagents) PRINT or TYPE Name County office/VFS operator number I certify that the above application appears to be completed correctly, and the applicant has sufficient documentation to proceed with the recording of this form. X Signature Date 10 Title Fees Filing tee Application Mobile home fee Elimination fee Use tax Subagent fees Total fees 8 tax 0.00 Anyone who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact is guilty of a felony, and upon conviction may be punished by a fine, imprisonment, or both. RCW 46.12.750 We are committed to providing equal access to our services. TO -420-729 (W6/11)W Page 3 of 3 If you need accommodation, please call (360) 902-3600 or TTY (360) 664-0116.