Agenda 08/14/2003 SPOKANE VALLEY- PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Avenue 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. * August 14, 2003 * * * I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL CV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • July 23, 20a3 Draft VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT XL COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS- 1. Public Hearing Junk Vehicle Ordinance S, NEW BUSINESS- 1. Study Session -Adult Oriented Business Regulations 2, Comprehensive Plan/Land Use Presentation X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI, ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF Fred Beaulac Marina Sukup,AICP Robert Blum Greg McCormick,AICP John G. Carroll Scott Kuhta, ACOP David Crosby Debi Alley VVtlliam Gothmann, Chair Gail Kogle Ian Robertson, Vice-Chair www,spokanevalley,orq v1- PUBLIC SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMIS ON MEETING DATE /( D 3 SUBJECT aei.teArePLLL .i : iA41 -rr,. ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING MUST SIGN IN WITH YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. THERE MAY BE A TIME LIMIT FOR YOUR COMMENTS. A COPY OF ANY WRITTEN COMMENTS RELATING TO THE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY CLERK NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE PLEASE PRINT 0.A.J,4_ / 1k, S n Cazi-° � 1 /5;2- . ] i--) '_ e c1 ( 111 # rctvfk{ 16It E r,23--- /2 � a . z9 ' - q)7,5 PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE SUBJECT ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING MUST SIGN IN WITH YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS FOR me RECORD. THERE MAY BE A TIME LIMIT FOR YOUR COMMENTS. A COPY OF ANY WRITTEN COMMENTS RELATING TO THE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY CLERK NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE PLEASE PRINT X2-7 7379 i � , 4 II j E.11th Ave. r iii.... 4ar 14J1{ I �' 4., AS ilMI E.12th Ave- c _.ji, wim _ , il*itt1411:"Afilio = Ii 1 1=MMT Ailib._ �4t An { i(QØ'4I lk 1 77 d A FA 1 lb, E.1 h Ave. _ —1 - _ — 1mm oni To; The City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission Date: Thursday, August 14, 2403 The signatures below represent residents in Rotchford Acre Tracts. We are a neighborhood of over 100 one-acre tracts between Sullivan Road, 16th Ave and 111th Ave, and Shamrock St. We recently discovered that our neighborhood had been rezoned from SR-1 to CR-7, Residential with 7 units per acre. We were told that we could build 3.5 units per acre and that we were no longer zoned for large animals. Rotchford Acre Tracts is an established neighborhood, over 25 years old., with a character of its own. When we bought into this neighborhood we bought with a promise from Government that our one-acre zoning and the ordinances that protected our lifestyle and the character of this neighborhood would remain intact. Many of us were involved in the Growth Management Hearings and were once again assured that the quality of life we enjoyed would be protected. We did not ask for change. Let us tell you a little about our neighborhood. Historically, almost from the beginning, we have had Neighborhood. Parades, (some exceeding 100 entrants), Neighborhood potlucks, Block Watches, we even had a Golf Tournament through the neighborhood one year and another year a Neighborhood Horse Show. We support National Night Out with Block Watch Parties and have come together several times to work with Developers and Spokane County on issues of concern to us. On a personal level, we come together to support a neighbor in need, and we mourn together at the loss of one of our own. Our neighborhood has enjoyed having large animals. We were designed with pathways for riding horses and many horse barns adorn the neighborhood. Watching a new foal mature in one of our pastures is one of the many pleasures our one acre tracts provide us. Some of our homes have turned their acre into park like settings, with ponds and pathways, mini parks and tel or playgrounds for children. Other neighbors have brought interestinto our neighborhood with their era beds, others followed u tlandnnow1k e Highland cow. One neighbor put in raised ard neighbors share in the harvests. People walk this neighborhood because of its peaceful character. As many as 30 CV High School Joggers at a time or the entire CV Band use our neighborhood because of the low traffic volumes, as do many stroller toting moms. We have families that are 2114 generation raising their children in the homes they grew up in. This is a neighborhood of long-term homeowners. It is not uncommon to find homeowners who have been here 23 and 24 years_ Because we are not a transient neighborhood we find camaraderie many people envy. As development around us continues to encroach on their habitat, the wildlife has found refuge in our neighborhood. This afternoon 2 deer were drinking front the neighbor's pond and last fall several deer made their home in one of our pastures. We have raccoons, cottontails, quail, chipmunks, squirrels, pheasant, a variety of birds, a pair of Red Tail Hawk and even a neighborhood moose. If our neighborhood is segmented or fragmented by zoning changes it will degrade the quality of life in our neighborhood. Disrupting the neighborhood also raises the crime level. Studies for Safe Neighborhoods have shown that a neighborhood that knows itself will have less crime, and when confronted with a problem will come together to resolve any threat or perceived threat to it's quality of life. We are surrounded by $200000 and $300000 homes. We feel that as one-acre tracts in this environment, with our wildlife, lifestyle, amenities, our real estate and 1 acre tracts are a rarity that will continue to gain value. The homes for sale in our neighborhood with barns and pasture will surely net a lower price without the ability to utilize the barn and pasture. To disrupt our neighborhood with additional homes, additional traffic, and a degraded sense of community will negatively impact the resale value of our homes and will definitely impact our quality of life. The Countywide Planning Policies for Spokane County, which we understand the City of Spokane Valley has adopted, states "Protection of Neighborhood Character}} "Spokane County has well-established neighborhoods, each with its unique identity and character. For most citizens, neighborhood character is one of the primary ingredients in their perceived quality of life. Although growth in the region is inevitable, it is the intent of these policies to maintain neighborhood character and prevent neighborhoods from becoming segmented, fragmented or degraded by that growth." We respectfully request that the City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission create a Zone for Urban Residential One Acre Tracts. We further request that our neighborhood be rezoned Urban Residential One Acre Tracts_ Thank you for your consideration of our concerns. Please see attached petition: Rotehford Acres Tracts Petition to request rezoning. We the undersigned homeowners of Ratchford Acres Tracts, hereby request that our 1-acre tracts currently zoned UR-7, (originally zoned and platted as SR-1)be rezoned as Urban Residential 1 acre tracts(UR-1) Name Address 0eA e 4:...4,..1 . i.5 6 1 Ve_.s_ d L_€.- -�..t Fes_ AlIR`' r 155 re t e V,..r-.., i.., L. : 4-- 1?-7' _4w_i '. 'I" I 1 �I 4 / M1 vI r 4' I u V,i J�L9 4 IML` l • r �{ vi- 3 -drLID_ air ./ At - - 9 . 4.i' . } j A AWE" . , airt Ja. tz------16rAj--5- 7 t ,), / ,_.44.,_ , i5..aLa_-.. ...- /' . 4,-?isa.,...,._,.__ 910 37 r . . Zf.:4-d''''."-•'"1:.V1P' ' 01,- ..0'...- k '.....21 i • 1 ' 0 7 1 4‘1"57 'Ira' - 7 11 0 ,- ,A..._.?„, 71.9 AT-4-4.440A ? i9.-,,,, 7 a fv i /f w ,e4 1gee�� � 57 .. IcjnY .f' _ I J f V e9652 7' -.00. I _Ls • ° m.,,,MEMINIMW sl --v3 411FAINIA - ' _ 4,-- ftr, immiling-, .-f., i - - 54 ° 7 i o _ - ' ,e,, p:, 1 . "9 r c 3 .57 Ratchford Acres Tracts Petition to request rezoning. We the undersigned homeowners of Ratchford Acres Tracts, hereby request that our 1-acre tracts currently zoned LTR-7, (originally zoned acid platted as SR-i) be rezoned as Urban Residential 1 acre tracts -1) Name Address rdchi LAJ f, 1 7o 1 • 4 L r LDPr- SOP 7 cf--e2 ` Av. '+r .1' A- 99 qs.37— Rotchford Acres Tracts Petition to request rezoning_ We the undersigned homeowners of Rotchford Acres Tracts, hereby request that our 1-acre tracts currently zoned UR-7, (originally zoned and platted as SR-1)be rezoned as Urban Residential 1 acre tracts (UR-l) ame Address ' ,,et.tuilifv\, 1. \ - L ikv " n cc L00,9,1 °Itiq --7 Is-a? - /i er . (A/Ea/a, e.._... ..,-,:-_ _/....,„ _,,,, ...101_49 Ji.d..,/ - . .." ', -1/41c211/0_,A' "7"_,_ Ler a--di-Z./K."; PeeV7� fY�'f Fr,. . f .1-4-/n - ,-_/ tie,- /{k s Co ' >?i/7 . i iiierir /11) 1/4, 9 4 I_ ii :•4'' , 1 e 4, II 'eigl-7 0, 14,tif_:.., -,, ,-i _ 1517O 11 ge)' —(at4-ig 1 "f /ft? a. ,ra. e eugq., . ' eg7 p / G r,. 4 'a 7i 1 0 60 ., : .( J1( , - �- r - (� � Rotchford Acres Tracts Petition to request rezoning. We the undersigned homeowners of Ratchford Acres Tracts, hereby request that our 1-acre tracts currently zoned UR-7, (originally zoned and platted as SR-1) be rezoned as Urban Residential 1 acre tracts -1) Name Address . (0.1 le 448 n I i i`, - c 'tiwvti [ l Are - 1 " 3 . ■ �. i ■■ ■ � it A • .f■ si � - � s.. . .�� I A Al i .v\ �: -_ . - S. .Sb . "r1 -/ .. ■ . tAi f M p 1 S iq4L a/ eL 4E r ae� r 1 1 i Ic? 5. -770sg ..a J - e P4 u A < e '• ► 1 , G -` rte' saw e" ', L�' '. Rotchfbrd Acres Tracts Petition to request rezoning. We the undersigned homeowners of Ratchford Acres Tracts, hereby request that our I- acre tracts currently zoned UR-7, (originally zoned and platted as SR-1)he rezoned as Urban Residential 1 acre tracts(UR-1) Name Address .4 ..'fir rAt s7sdIP r Rotehfbrd Acres Tracts Petition to request rezoning. We the undersigned homeowners ofRotchford Acres.Tracts, hereby request that our 1- acre tracts currently zoned L. -7, (originally zoned and platted as SR-1) be rezoned as Urban Residential 1 acre tracts (UR-1) Name Address =` : c h? c-- /5-7 ;.;? E i '--'' f L/ IcLdaI 5'7'037 f , r t,'., r •f_.-i 7.,_/, . , ., .1 Z1174 ii14' Veri:: qg . L& -qq er,37 r 0/ S l« ji ,ma , f .Av - g6137 -ZIa 3 RC, rf2J' ii A ■4 7 37 i : 5 D 5- d rA rc,`. : 07. rc(4 927 _ _ 0 . { x .''' f 7. 2/ ,` era/f-i=O /Z..... + .•63r4,-) -- ' 3e. )1"-r-X.",-, 7 /1 11 C PC k4 (-Le,, ,,5' fi`P rri i"-i - • Pro 77 Zlifr fo' r -I.at_.I J �. P . Ni I 1. M1•Orer Y 1r ,._ Sv. 1. 4�+ A �` . 6, ti_ ,a 1 ' Qre . t,1,{ p Qac) ! 1307 - iM ?7 P..7/0 if , f k (31. - a--ick-(�:ci t �t q v d. �.(, Irl rb)7 ,, , Aro ., L. • • , ,,„ .1 90 7 ] AP ,,61*-. F r`! .r )-.A.)2,42,,-/ i -fiyL i cS r {. .-$ -L` L+Lf..__� JT6f-• F V i ,0 f L / - i 12-15 :• ►rivvl N I I , 1'7x.37 i f (,ll -- 121 3 S1 r _6PG , ` O3? r_t E . 14J A • . A .. 'iJ al o 7 •-# r (PIP , i ! f h .} G e fy]`-�'7fmsG 1+ to -J f 'e )7 _( 11 i 4 / L� t ' -, C�' /. f, ) e +hY12. //z /' n Z 111 i' 7P Rotchford Acres Tracts Petition to request rezoning. We the undersigned homeowners of Ratchford Acres Tracts, hereby request that our 1- acre tracts currently zoned UR-7, (originally zoned and platted as SR-1) be rezoned as Urban Residential 1 acre tracts(UR-1) Marne Address 114Lf. CA Ie, - 1 1e I ?- R 1 Q o 0 fArat7,1 3°-4942, ' elf 2 r., s. ,t w "' A dam_._ PL2• f . 9'q-c•-3 a . � _ l I1 #. /( 'He" 047 oe u✓f, -- ( e•7l -4 t ,,,te_texpez_ed3,7 Ir 4a37 r4 irc eTh (K970t1Y6 //eq4.4 f erAT51.4/ f"1: 1-$7 ( P rA - c9 ' /a r /S1- r7,0,3 `rte, /(1l Say, Agrr - f r ' J/ rr F tr ! C cc 1°' 0492/2,0 r+74. 5 1 Rotchford Acres Tracts Petition to request rezoning. We the undersigned homeowners of Rotchford Acres Tracts, hereby req esst that our 1-acre tracts currently zoned UR-7, (originally zoned and platted as R- zoned as Urban Residential 1 acre tracts(LTR-1) Name Address cc,‘,..-,L:Ifi- c,(A32-e-,— 140$ r #. 7.`"m. is ell 1[4 . r Ilk J ' ° 12. i S. GA,t, ii ifivialriff KIM ' a • r / e lc 411.1.rV4 10 �f r ,ii iwahr I -1,1( J' ---- :r►-•e:#r c'E- riff-4 illiiirib • r C "f e2 1. S . L ' ,-.4l I c 7e vJ ll 4 It,. iiiirAirf rag 41 ... I .4 Z.dig*ti 1 i i el per6.. A r. 96172 rL 12. ,3 ._;. c KK... 1i r. r--A i-a 04r' . 1 - I 6 lam /C/, be 1404-6/144 , A 4i L s rel 6 tan At.# R. ,,,- A /407-- 5 L. t 4.., 144.411. ti da,091/ 97o'1 7 a. 1 . Rotchford Acres Tracts Petition to request rezoning. We the undersigned homeowners of Rotchford Acres Tracts, hereby request that our 1-acre tracts currently zoned UR-7, (originally zoned and platted as SR-1)be rezoned as Urban Residential 1 acre tracts(UR-1) Name Address ff/� sr4 � t__ 41 0l if1, ( ,c\ryu)2,)7,k-- f 11 rt . was. JA e 4I.• Ri f'i_a.. .f -- / 00" .49 ' -.,,i [7' w 41, / A "WO ___Li-Z-"r S 5 ttr 'dr -111 ((t f I #W Le e I 1t l " c . 0 'tea CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: August 14, 2003 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent D old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing X information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Interim Comprehensive Plan/Land Use Presentation GOVERNING LEGISLATION; RCW 36.70A-Growth Management Act PREVIOUS COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council was briefed on August 5, 2003 BACKGROUND: The City Council adopted the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan as the City's Interim Comprehensive Plan prior to incorporation. The City will be developing a new Plan consistent with the guiding provisions of the Growth Management Act and the Countywide Planning Policies. The Community Development Department will present a review of individual elements of the Comprehensive Plan over the next several meetings to familiarize the Council with both the Comprehensive Plan and the development process. This presentation covers the Land Use element and includes the requirements of the Growth Management Act, the adopted Countywide Planning Policies, an overview of relevant elements of the Interim Plan, requirements far inter jurisdictional coordination, and a brief overview of the process for developing land use regulations. RECOMMENDATION: None STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT A Planning Vision for Spokane Valley by Bill Gothmann Revised: August 14, 2003 The City of Spokane Valley builds upon a rich history of those who sought the freedom and opportunity offered by this beautiful area. Names such as Liberty Lake and Opportunity testify to these pioneering goals. As we develop plans for the future, we will stand upon the shoulders of many individuals and people who have made us great. Innovators such.as Daniel C. and Austin Corbin, opened Spokane Valley to agriculture by construing the "Corbin Ditch," supplying water from Liberty Lake. Peter Morrison, by draining Saltese Flats, opened that area to additional ranching. Similarly, Antione Plante demonstrated his entrepreneurial spirit by operated a ferry across the Spokane River. We will build upon these innovators by being a city that encourages business development through our planning, zoning,regulating,permitting,and city services. In the last century, areas such as Greenacres, Ponderosa, and Chester grew as families moved from the "city" to the "valley." Here,they enjoyed the freedoms of larger living areas and less restrictions,permitting them to grow their gardens and raise their families. We will build upon their efforts by encouraging a full range of housing opportunities, and encouraging new, innovative community development, while maintaining the least restrictive environment required for our citizens to prosper and enjoy life. Native Americans, pioneers, and present residents all recognized the importance of strong families. Thus,our planning acknowledges that strong social, educational, religious,and governmental institutions contribute to a nurturing, supportive environment for our children,the elderly,singles,and families. hrlulitmodal transportation has always been a part of the Spokane Valley. John Mullan's trail, established in 1562 between Ft. Benton, Montana and Walla Walla, Washington, runs through our area. Felts Field was both a stop for Charles Lindberg on one of his flights, and the site of one of the first aircraft Weather Observation Squadrons (now the Air National Guard's 141st Air Refueling Wing). Antione Plante's ferry permitted travel on both sides of the River. We will continue to build on the efforts of these pioneers by developing transportation that is safe, convenient, and fast,for the residents of our community, for the businesses that are so essential to our success,and for travelers who pass through our City. Page 1 of 2 Tribes such as the Spokanes and the Coeiir d'Alenes have, for hundreds of years, preserved the natural resources of this beautiful area. We acknowledge our debt to these great people by learning from them, and by caring for the land, flora, and fauna they have entrusted to us. Names such as Father Pierre Jean DeSmet, Chief Andrew Seltice, Chief Spokan Garry, and Addison T. Dishrnan bear witness to the diversity of people in the Spokane Valley. Our City will build upon this rich,healthy legacy. Additionally,we seek to preserve those buildings, sites,artifacts, and traditions as we,collectively,develop our plans for the 21st. century. Finally,the people of this community have always been its strength. Thus;our City planning acknowledges that our citizens will always be our first priority. We will develop plans that deliver services: A. Effectively --that is, they do what they are designed to do. B. Efficiently--that is, at a minimum cost of resources,including meeting the goals of growth management. C. Courteously--that is, showing utmost respect for each individual citizens' resources and time. As we continue the tradition of the great people who preceded us,we expect to build a City that will be an example to all for generations to conic. Page 2 of 2 City of Spokane Valley Request for Planning Commission Review DATE: August 14, 2003 TYPE: ❑ Consent ❑ Old Business ❑ New Business X Public Hearing ❑ Legislation ❑ Information E Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Junk Vehicle Ordinance Public Hearing GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Revised Code of Washington PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: Junk VehicleiCode Enforcement Briefing BACKGROUND: The Spokane Valley City Council conducted a public hearing on a proposed Junk Car Ordinance on May 27, 2003. After receiving public testimony, the Council voted to table the item and directed Planning Staff to discuss the issues raised during the hearing with interested individuals. Planning and Code Enforcement Staff organized a Citizens Committee to review the issues and make an advisory recommendation. The Committee included four car enthusiasts, one SCOPE volunteer and a Spokane Valley Planning Commissioner. The group met once, on June 12, 2003, to discuss issues relating to junk cars. The Committee's recommendations were presented in a memo (attached)to the City Council on June 13, 2003. The City Council directed the Planning Commission to review the proposed ordinance and provide an advisory recommendation. On July 23, 2003, Spokane Valley Planning Staff conducted a study session for the Planning Commission on the proposed Junk Vehicle Ordinance. Issue Summary The intent of the proposed ordinance is to clean up junk vehicles that are so prevalent throughout Spokane Valley, The main issues addressed in the ordinance are: 1. Definition of a junk vehicle. 2. Number of junk vehicles allowed on private property. 3. Abatement of junk vehicles, Definitions The ordinance defines junk vehicles, with language taken directly from R,Ceer 46.55.010, except for the"apparently inoperable" provision. A vehicle must meet three of four criteria before it is determined to be"junk". The ordinance also defines"vehicle", which is any device capable of being moved on a public highway. Storage The proposed ordinance states that no more tan 2 junk vehicles, including parts cars, can be stored in the UR-3.5 and UR-7 zones. The vehicles must be completely screened behind a fence or landscaping. An unlimited number of jtlnk vehicles are allowed in completely enclosed buildings. Outdoor storage of junk vehicles is not permitted in the UR-12 and UR-22 zones. Vehicle Repair Cars under repair are not considered junk vehicles. However, it must be shown that a good faith effort is being made to repair the vehicle. Further, the repairs must be completed in 60 days; an additional 60 day period may be granted by the Community Development Director. The proposed regulation does not restrict the location en the property where individuals can work on a car_ Abatement The draft Ordinance (Attachment 1-Draft 5) noticed in the paper has been revised to include new procedures to abate junk vehicles (Attachment 2-Draft 6). The abatement procedure in the revised ordinance requires a judicial order for the City to enter private property and remove the junk vehicle, The process to obtain a judicial order will take approximately 30-90 days. This change is intended to limit the Crty's liability for damages in the circumstance of a property owner challenging the City's unwarranted entry onto private property. Zoning Code Amendment Storage of junk vehicles is currently regulated by the Interim Zoning Code under Storage Standards of the four residential zones. The proposal is to amend Chapters 14.616, 14.616, 14.620 and 14.522 to delete standards for storing inoperable vehicles and adding a sentences referring to the new Junk Car Ordinance, Citizens Committee Recommendations The Citizens Committee recommends the following: Definitions: No change to proposed riefrnitions. Storaoe: The Committee recommends allowing up to 3 cars on private property in the UR .5 and UR.-7 zones. This will allow for 2 parts cars, which are often needed when repairing and/or restoring cars, according to the Committee. The Committee agreed that the vehicles must be fully screened behind a fence or landscaping- Vehicle Repairs: The Committee supported an additional 60 day time period for good faith car repairs_ Abatement The Committee agreed that, as long as the City is abating true junk vehicles, and not collector or hobby cars, they support the abatement provisions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission make a positive recommendation to the City Council based en the proposed attached ordinances, public testimony and information provided to the Commission to date. ATTACHEIIfIENTS: 1. Proposed ".dunk Vehicle Ordinance Draft 5" 2. Revised "Junk Vehicle Ordinance—Draft 6" 3. Proposed 'Zoning Code Amendments' 4_ Memo to City Council STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta,AICP, Long Range Planner Cary Driskoll, Deputy City Attorney PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE 0. /65 SUBJECT CA-TZ. a rz.lz,ilj pc Lki C ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING MUST SIGN IN WITH YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. THERE MAY BE A TIME LIMIT FOR YOUR COMMENTS. A COPY OF ANY WRITTEN COMMENTS RELATING TO THE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY CLERK NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE PLEASE PRINT r .° 'r � '� , ' , ". d ir �. — ', .i - I It ' ki, i t ow ,-.--$.-7 I i w�d � ',l -P r te' y3c 0:2/Oci24-) i 2-1 ''ti, 4=st d- `_' r . , ,...„_ , 0.,..4-, .0-4 p $ /3 i' L ' ) ,_ ) . ' er.,--. i r .--' i bi—/ A 9. .-4- -3y60 Fd, A( il- .R L ()y:A. ) '. ) ,(../)i. inv., L--1,, r , ( ) J d r. op C--c-- c.\--90- 1----; e-Jr) fY1 i \e'-%r I di)7-3 E ‘1!”- '-'-"C-1-- 92 2- 2-75 . \ ' ) r "o -Oc ' j 0 Lbco fio tza( (Fob z ikc 9 -_0 Page 1 of 1 Debi Alley From: Lleyidslamp@aol.com Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 8:11 PM To: Planning Commission Subject: Public Hearing -August 14, 2003 This is a response to the notice in the newspaper regarding the hearing on W14)03, regarding a proposed ordinance to regulate the storage of junk vehicles on private property. We are residents of the new city and are very much in favor of the city passing an ordinance to regulate the storage of Junk vehicles on personal property. There are too marry of these junkers now and something needs to be done to get rid of them. People are going to resist, especially the ones who have old cars that they are working on and fixing up. These types of vehicles ncod to begaraged or out of sight to the neighborhood and a time limit put on fixing them up or getting rid of them. The new city is taking an interest in cleaning up our neighborhoods and property and getting rid of junk cars is a step forward in doing this. Lloyd and Marianne Thomas 12920 E. 26th Ave. Spokane Valley 811112003 Procedural • Washington Cities Insurance Authority advises this approach to limit liability Lien Filed Field �Verification4 ofll plaint! ! Notice of Violation ' Voluntary Compliance Nuisance Abated and Hearing No Citation by City 15 Days Appeal ViolationAppellant Wins Failure to Respond Case Over Summary Judgment 190 Days Hearing ExaminerFinding of Violation Superior Court $$Fine$$ Abatement Order Proposed administrative draft—C DriskeIl August 6,2003 Draft 6 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, REGULATING THE STORAGE OF JUNK VEHICLES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. WHEREAS, there currently exists within the City a large number of private properties where junk vehicles are being permanently stored in violation of existing Zoning Code provisions; WHEREAS, the storage of unlicensed and inoperable motor vehicles on private properly creates a public nuisance and interferes with the reasonable use and enjoyment of property; WAS, the storage of junk vehicles on private property poses a threat to the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the City and the City desires to address this problem; WHERE, enforcement of public nuisances is within the police powers of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington; and WHEREAS, the City finds and declares that it is in the best interest of the residents and inhabitants of the City to remove junk vehicles as public nuisances, and provide for their abatement through due process. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1 — Purpose and intent. The City recognizes the benefit and enjoyment individuals receive from the repair and rehabilitation of old or inoperable vehicles. It is, however, the purpose and intent of this ordinance to provide for the removal of junk vehicles from private property that create an attractive nuisance and negative aesthetic impact upon property and the community, SECTION 2 —Definitions. A. "City"means the City of Spokane Valley, Washington. B. "Code Enforcement Officer" means a regular or specially commissioned officer so designated by the Director of Community Development for the City. /Jcpd work filwslordinanr sijursk iciesijunk vehicleordinance-proposed dein draft 6, 5-6-D - 1 - Proposed administrative draft—C.Driskill August 6,2003 Draft 6 C. `Director"means the City Manager or designee, who is anticipated to be Director of Community Development for the City. D. `Hearing Examiner" means the hearing examiner for the City. E. "Impound" for the purposes of this ordinance means to take and hold a vehicle in legal custody. F. "Inoperable" means incapable of being operated legally on a public highway, including but not limited to, not having a valid, current registration plate or current certificate of registration. G "Junk vehicle" means a vehicle substantially meeting at least three of the following criteria: 1. Is three years old or older; 2. Is extensively damaged, such damage including but not limited to any of the following: a broken window or windshield, missing wheels, tires, motor, or transmission; 3. Is apparently inoperable; 4. Has an approximate fair market value equal only to the approximate value of the scrap in it H. "Person(s)responsible for a violation" means: 1. The land owner where the jnnk vehicle is located as shown on the last equalized assessment roll; and 2. The last registered owner of the vehicle, unless the owner in the transfer of ownership of the vehicle has complied with RCW 46.12.101; and 3. The legal owner of the vehicle. I. "Vehicle" for the purposes of this ordinance includes every device capable of being moved upon a public highway and in, upon, or by which any persons or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway, including bicycles. The terra does not include devices other than bicycles moved by human or animal power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks, as set forth in RCW 46.04.670. SECTION 3 — Abatement and removal of junk vehicles from private property. Except as provided in Section 4, all junk vehicles placed, stored or permitted to be located on private property within the City limits ar public nuisances to be abated as provided in this ordinance. \"4.431 kiSijIrt ciopd work ri]esiordinon cesounk vehicles/junk Yehicie ordinance-proposed adriiu draft 6,8-6-03 - 2- Proposed administrative draft—C.Driskell August 6,2003 Draft 6 SECTION 4—Exceptions. This ordinance does not apply to: A. A vehiele or part thereof that is completely enclosed within a building in a Iawful manner where it is not visible from the street or other public or private property; B. A vehicle or part thereof that is stored or parked in a lawful manner on private property in connection with the business of a licensed dismantler or licensed vehicle dealer, and is fenced according to the provisions of RCW 46,50,l30; C. A junk vehicle does not include a vehicle which is in the process of being repaired, as evidenced by the good faith efforts of the vehicle owner. This exception shall include having up to one "parts" vehicle, from which parts are being salvaged concurrent with the repair process for the vehicle being excepted from compliance in this subsection. Good faith efforts of repair can include producing invoices showing work or parts purchased for repair or renovation within thirty days prior to issuance of the notice of violation, or a declaration under penalty of perjury that the vehicle is in the process of being repaired and has been worked on within thirty days prior to issuance of the notice of violation_ This exception allows up to sixty (60) days for good faith repair. Upon good cause shown,the Director shall have the discretion to grant one additional sixty (60) day exception period to dais ordinance. Under no circumstance shall any good faith efforts of repair extend for more than 120 days, after which time this exception shall no longer apply. This exception shall apply to one vehicle and one parts vehicle per parcel of land per calendar year. D. There shall be allowed as exceptions to this ordinance up to two (2)junk vehicles in UR 3.5 and UR 7 zones, so long as they are completely sight-screened by maintained Type I or li landscaping, a maintained landscaped berm, or fencing. Types I and II landscaping are described in Spokane Valley Zoning Code Section 14.806.060. Junk vehicles allowed by this exception are restricted to only the TSR 3.5 and UR 7 zones, SECTION 5— Violation notice. A. A Code Enforcement Officer is authorized to issue and serve a notice of violation upon reasonable belief that a violation of one or more provisions of this ordinance has occurred. B. The notice of violation shall be issued to the person(s) responsible for a violation of this ordinance_ The last legal and registered owner need not be notified if the vehicle is in such condition that identification numbers are not available to determine ownership. C. The notice of violation may be served by means of personal service, or by mailing a copy of the notice of violation to a person(s) responsible for a code violation to his or her last known mailing address as determined by the Code Enforcement Officer by certified mail, with a five-day return receipt requested. Proof of service shall be made by ercpd work fi]tstordimaucesjunk\'ehicles u k'vehic]e ordinance-proposed admin draff 6, -5-03 - 3 - Proposed administrative draft r C.Driskell August 6,2003 Draft 6 a written declaration under penalty of perjury by the person affecting the service, declaring the time, date,place of service,and the manner by which service was made. D. The notice of violation shall contain substantially the following information: 1_ The name and address of the person to whom the notice of violation is issued; 2. The location of the subject property by address or other description sufficient to identify the subject property; A description of the vehicle and its location, and the reasons the City deems it to be a public nuisance in violation of this ordinance; 4. A description of the corrective action necessary to eliminate the violation; 5. That the corrective action must be performed within fifteen(15) days from the date of service of the notice of violation; 6. That a hearing will be held by the Hearing Examiner, including the date and time of the hearing, pursuant to Section 6 of this Ordinance; 7. A statement that if the person(s) responsible for a violation fails to complete the corrective action, the City or its designee shall initiate judicial abatement proceedings to remove, impound and dispose of the vehicle, and will assess all costs of arirninist tion, court-related costs and removal against the person(s) responsible for a violation after a hearing by the Hearing Examiner in which the Hearing Examiner determines that there has been a violation of this Ordinance; 8. A statement that the land owner upon which the vehicle is located may appear in person at the hearing, or provide a written statement to the Hearing Examiner, denying responsibility for the presence of the vehicle on the land, with his or her reasons for the denial; 9. A statement that a person responsible for a violation who voluntarily complies with or allows abatement within fifteen days of receiving a notice of violation shall not be assessed a civil monetary penalty; and 10. If the Hearing Examiner determines the appellant is a person responsible for a violation, a $250 civil monetary penalty will be assessed. SECTION 6--Bearing on notice of violation. A. A person receiving a notice of violation shall have ween (15) days from the date of service of the notice of violation to voluntarily abate the junk vehicle(s) to avoid depd work fiteslord anccsfjrmk vebkks i nk vehicie ordinance-prop ed admin.draft 1E, 5-5-03 -4- Proposed administrative draft—C.D:isket] August 6,2003 Draft 6 imposition of a civil monetary penalty pursuant to Section 8 of this Ordinance. A hearing shall be automatically scheduled, to be held after expiration of fifteen(15) days service of the notice of violation. The notice of violation shall state the time, location and date of the hearing on the issue of imposition of a civil monetary penalty. S_ The person(s) responsible for a violation may appear in person at a hearing or by submitting a written statement for consideration. If the land owner dentes responsibility for the vehicle being on his or her land, and has provided sufficient written evidence in support of the denial, the Hearing Examiner is authorized to determine, based upon available evidence, whether the land owner is responsible for, or acquiesced to, the presence of the vehicle. If the land owner has not acquiesced in the vehicle's presence, the Hearing Examiner's order shall state such. In that instance, the land owner shall sign a written permission form at the time of hearing allowing the City to immediately remove the junk vehicle from his or her real property. If the land owner fails to sign the permission form, he or she will be determined to be acquiescing in the vehicle's presence on the real property. C. If the Hearing Examiner determines that a land owner is not responsible for a vehicle being on his or her property, the City shall not assess costs of administration (including civil monetary penalties) or nuisance abatement against the real property where the vehicle is located. D. The Hearing Examiner may uphold, modify or revoke the notice of violation as appropriate. The Hearing Examiner shall provide written findings of fact and order within five business days of the conclusion of the hearing. The Hearing Examiner's order shall constitute a final action. E. If the Hearing Examiner upholds the notice of violation, the Hearing Examiner shall impose a civil monetary penalty of$250_ F. A copy of the Hearing Examiner's order shall be served upon the person(s) to whom it is directed, either personally or by mailing a copy of the order by certified mail, with a five-day return receipt requested, to such person at his or her last known address as determined by the code compliance officer. Proof of service shall be made by a written declaration under penalty of perjury by the person effecting service, stating the time,date, location and manner by which service was made. SECTION 7 —Abatement— costs—liens. A. Emergency Abatement: Whenever a condition, the continued existence of which constitutes an immediate threat to the public health, safety or welfare or to the environment, is found to exist, the City may summarily and without prior notice abate the condition. Notice of such abatement, including the reason for it, shall be given to the person responsible for the violation as soon as reasonably possible after the abatement. c(cpd work fiicsfcxrdinanc unk vehici:sijimk vehicle,ordinance-proposed admin draft 6, 8-6-Q3 -5 - Proposed administrative deaxfc—C.Driskell August 6,2003 Draft 6 B. Judicial Abatement: The City may seek a judicial abatement order from Spokane County Superior Court, as deemed necessary, to abate a condition which continues to be a violation of this Ordinance where other methods of remedial action have failed to produce compliance. C. The costs, including incidental expenses, of abating the violation shall be billed to the person responsible for the violation and shall become due and payable to the City within ten(10) calendar days. The term incidental expenses includes but is not limited to personnel costs, both direct and indirect and including attorneys fees; costs incurred in documenting the violation; hauling, storage and disposal expenses; and actual expenses and costs of the City in preparing notices, specifications and contracts, and in accomplishing andlor contracting and inspecting the work; and the costs of any required printing and mailing. All such costs and expenses shall constitute a lien against the affected property and may be subject to collection following a court judgment. Such a lien shall be substantially in accordance with the provision regarding mechanic's liens in RCW 60.04, and said lien shall be foreclosed in the same manner as such,yens. f [45 r D The Tien shall be subordinate-to all pre ugly existing special assessment liens imposed on the same property and hall be sup 'or to all other liens, except for state and county taxes, with which it shall-1 e, -a ;a The City of Spokane Valley may cause a claim for lien to be filed for record within ninety (90) days from the later of the date that the monetary penalty is due or the date the work is completed or the nuisance abated. The claim of lien shall contain sufficient information regarding the notice of violation,a description of the property to be charged with the lien, the owner of record, and the total of the lien.. Any such claim of lien may be amended from time to time to reflect changed conditions. Any such lien shall bind the affected properly for the period as provided for by state law. E. The vehicle shall be disposed of to a licensed motor vehicle wrecker or hulk hauler with notice to the Washington State Patrol and the State Department of Licensing that the vehicle has been wrecked. Any vehicle or part thereof impounded pursuant to this ordinance shall be processed in accordance with the laws of tbe State of Washington. F. Any registered disposer under contract with the City for the impounding of vehicles shall comply with any administrative regulations relative to the handling and disposing of vehicles as may be promulgated by local authority or the Director. G. Costs of removal will not be assessed against the legal owner of the vehicle if that if the owner in the transfer of ownership of the vehicle has complied with RCW 46.12.101. SECTION 8 -- Civil Monetary Penalties — Voluntary Compliance. If the Hearing Examiner determines that the person receiving the notice of violation is a person responsible for a violation, that person shall be assessed a civil monetary penalty in the amount of$250.00. Ucpd work files/ordinances/junk vehicles/junk vehicle ordinance-proposed admrtin draft 6,8-6-03 - 6 - Proposed adniinistrative draft—C.Driskell August 6,2003 Draft 6 SECTION 9 — Junk vehicle abatement program — authorized, The Director is authorized to develop a comprehensive junk vehicle abatement program. It is intended that this program will developed through community evolvement. The purpose of the Sunk Vehicle Abatement Program is to develop a program that is cost effective for the City, encourages voluntary compliance, and implements the goals of this Ordinance. SECTION 10—Junk vehicle abatement fund —authorized. All monies collected from the assessment of civil penalties and for abatement costs and work shall be allocated to support expenditures fox abatement, and shall be accounted for through either creation of an account for such abatement costs, or other appropriate accounting mechanism. Any monies collected under this ordinance that exceed an amount projected to cover anticipated abatement requirements within a six month time period shall be placed in the general fund. SECTION 11 — Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or .phrase of this ordinance, or any regulation, rule or order adopted pursuant to the authority thereof be determined invalid or unconstitutional, it shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. SECTION 12 Effective date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of September,2003. Mayor, Michael DeVlerning ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of publication: Effective date: cf pd work filesiordinancesjunk vehictestjunk vehicle ordinance-proposed admin draft 6,8-6-03 - 7 - DRAFT DRAFT Chapter 14.616 URBAN RESIDENTIAL-3.5 11JR-3.5)ZONE 14.616.355 Storage Standards All storage(including storage of recyclable materials) shall be wholly within a building or shall be screened from view from the surrounding properties and shall'be accessory to the permitted use on the site. There shall be no storage in any required front yard or flanking street yard. Storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles is regulated by Spokane Valley C}rdinance No. ■- _ -• . _.. . - _ _ =_; rad leer ro teritl • boomed vehicles Cr Chapter 14.618 URBAN RESIDENTIAL-7(UR-7) ZONE 141618.355 Storage Standards All storage,except as provided below,shall be wholly within a building and shall be accessory to the permitted use on the site. Where proposed,recreational vehicle parking areas shall be paved and screened from view of adjoining properties. All multiple-family developments shall designate recreational vehicle parking areas. On lots where the primary use is a duplex or multi-family dwelling user the private,noncoercial storage of inoperable or not-currently-licensed vehicles or remnants thereof shall be allowed within a permitted,completely enclosed building,including doors. Storage of inoperable and r unlicensed vehicles is regulated by Spokane Valley Ordinance No. w _ _ • -fling,the private,noncommercial storage of up to 11.808.060. the-primary use i_. a dup . - _ .,. ,. _ _ -_ - _ - _ _ Draft Zoning Code Text Revision July 23,2443 DRAFT DRAFT (September 1,1,1)4 Chapter 14.620 URBAN RESIDENTIAL-12(ITR-12)ZONE 14.620.355 Storage Standards Mi storage shall be wholly within a building and shall be accessory to the permitted use on the site. Where proposed,recreational vehicle parking areas shall be paved and screened from view of adjoining properties. All multiple-family developments shall designate recreational vehicle parking areas. Storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles is regulated by Spokane Valley Ordinance No. thereof shall be allowed w tt -a peru fitted,completely etch F.. , . , -=:--; -= Chapter 14.62.2 URBAN RESIDENITAI-22(UR-22)ZONE 14.62255 Storage Standards All storage shall be wholly within a building and shall be acces scary to the permitted use on the site. Where proposed,recreational vehicle parking areas shall be paved and screened from view of adjoining properties. All multiple-family developments shall designate recreational vehicle parking areas_ Storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles is regulated by Spokane Valley Ordinance No. The private,nonceektuiereial storage of inoperable or not n rr€ntly-li , - - -.., -- - - - - - - - -- - . - k � . chiding doors. Draft Zoning Code Text Revision July 23, 2003 MEMO TO CITY COUNCIL FOR JUNE 17 STUDY SESSION June 13, 2003 From Cary P. Driskell,Deputy City Attorney ISSUE—Junk/inoperable vehicle ordinance. Several members of the staff(Chris Berg, myself, Greg McCormick, Kim Lyonaise and Scott Kuhta), Bill Gathma m of the Planning Commission, a SCOPE volunteer, and four car enthusiasts met June 22 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.to discuss the junk vehicle ordinance. The purpose of the meeting was to address issues raised in opposition to the original draft junk vehicle ordinance presented to the Council three weeks ago. This meeting was part of a broader attempt to increase public participation for a revised proposal. The meeting was very cordial, and staff all felt like we came to some general consensus on the pertinent issues. Greg did a pared down version of the power point presentation that was provided to Council last month to show the problem. We then explained to them that the intent of the draft ordinance was to target true junk vehicles. We then walked through state law, the existing County regulations, and the draft ordinance that was tabled. Following that, the group discussed various options, including definitional changes, exceptions, fines, and appeal rights. Scott prepared a table of different policy approaches under three classifications of ordinances. Those are included with this memo. To summarize our discussions, there was consensus that up to three vehicles should be allowed in back yards so long as they are completely screened year round by either sight- obscuring fence or landscaping. There was consensus that the definitions did not need to be changed if up to three vehicles (or parts thereof) were allowed. Further, once they understood the issue of allowing up to 60 days for good faith effort of repair anywhere on the property, they were fine with that, so long as there is additional language that the Community Development Director has authority to grant one 60 day extension on a showing of good cause. Staff would like to know if there are any of the specific policy alternatives that the Council would like the Planning Commission to give deference to. We have also attached a projected timeline for adoption of a revised junk vehicle ordinance. C,,, rtNx,,,frAwCaryriskell Deputy City Attorney Inoperable Vehicle Code Comparison Chart Current Zonin' Code Pro.osed Code Alternative Inoperable Vehicle Junk Vehicle Committee ok with Vehicle does not function as * 3+ years old proposed code Definitions originally designed because. • Extensively Damaged definition, Classic car essential components non • Apparently Inoperable definition not workin. missing, or absent. • Value = oni scra in it necessar ' R-3.5 Zone • One vehicle if being Three vehicles if Allows storage of 2 inoperable, ' repaired - no longer totally screened or not currently licensed than 60 days. Can be Unlimited if enclosed vehicles, if completely located anywhere on in building. Number of Mowed screened property. • One vehicle if being Inoperable Vehicles Unlimited in enclosed building repaired anywhere on Stored on Private R-7 Zone • Unlimited if totally property - no longer Property anie as Uig-3.5 enclosed than 60 days. R-12 Director can extend 'forage only in enclosed building no more than 60 R-22 additional days. arse as UR-12 Criminal - jail and/or fine Vehicle removed (misdemeanor); or . (abatement) either by ?? Enforcement Civil violation subject to fines - , owner or by City, $75 - $500 + 50 per day violation exists Can be fined $250 Appeal 14 days after receiving notice of 15 days after receiving 15 days after receiving violation abatement notice abatement notice Inoperable Vehicle Code Tentative Adoption Process Citizens Advisory Committee June 12. 2003 City Council Study Session June 17, 2003 r Planning Commission Study Session July 9, 2003 Planning Commission Public Hearing July 23, 2003 Planning Commission Recommendation to City Council August 20, 2003 City Council Study Session or Public Hearing , September 2. 2003 City Council Code Adoption September 9, 2003 6/13/2003 DRAFT DRAFT Chapter 14.616 URBAN RESIDENTIAL-3.5 (UR-3.5) ZONE Storage Standards Ail storage (including storage of recyclable materials)shall be wholly within a building or shall be screened from view from the surrounding properties and shall be accessory to the permitted use on the site. There shall be no storage irk any required front yard or flanking street yard. Storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles is regulated by Spokane Valley Ordinance No. • _... . . _ . a - . . . v.. _ .. adoption,plus one year(September 1, 1993). Chapter 14.618 URBAN RESIDENTIAL-7(UR-7)ZONE 14.618.355 Storage Standards All storage,except as provided below,shall be wholly within a building and shall be accessory to the permitted use on the site. Where proposed,recreational vehicle parking areas shall be paved and screened from view of adjoining properties. All multiple-family developments shall designate recreational vehicle parking areas. On lots where the primary rise is a duplex or multi-family dwelling use,the private,noncommercial storage of inoperable or not-currently-licensed vehicles or remnants thereof shall be allowed within a permitted,completely enclosed building,including doors. Storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles is regulated by Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 11$06.060. Fer . _ : . - . - . _ _ .F.. t, f„a 7 .,r, Draft Zoning Code Text Revision July 23,2003 DRAFT DRAFT (September-449924 Chapter 14.620 URBAN RESIDENTIAL-12 (LTR-12)ZONE 14.620355 Storage Standards All storage shall be wholly within a building and shall be accessory' to the permitted use on the site_ Where proposed,recreational vehicle parking areas shall be paved andscreened from view of adjoining properties. All multiple-family developments shall designate recreational vehicle parking areas. Storage of inoperable and/or uniiceosed vehicles is regulated by Spokane Valley Ordinance No. Chapter 14.622 URBAN RESIDENTIAL-22 (UR-22)ZONE 14.622355 Storage Standards All storage shall be wholly within a building and shall be accessory to the permitted use on the site. Where proposed,recreational vehicle parking areas shall be paved and screened from view of adjoining properties. All multiple-family developments shall designate recreational vehicle parking areas. Storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles is regulated by S lCene Valley Ordinance No. Draft Zoning Code Text Revision July 23,2003 1.. .• .- I ''''' " , •.— , , - . -S. ' .. - .- . _-:" ,- •-• '11 ',''' ' .,-"''''''9r,._. • - 'Th• ----- .-. _ ,' •At ' Irt .. .t, - ..._ , -- - _ _ _ ,,.. _-,.._.. ...... . , , , ..::: - - ___,. •--- -i 1111111111.101111.&. . '„,v,. . ....4 0 I•?iiiii i . Jil . .., - L2*".:,-'.-. 1 9- .., 'Ll'' aft- 7:;1541+11(; '.; • ..-.' ...:: r) .,...... [.-- . . ... . L. : . ,,..,.:;_.. „:;.,...2 ., , t. .. ,..,., , i- ,h1 , .. •4 t . 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